ResourceProperty.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Server / System / Data / Services / Providers / ResourceProperty.cs / 1 / ResourceProperty.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//      Provides a type to describe properties on resources.
// @owner  [....]

namespace System.Data.Services.Providers
    using System; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Reflection; 
    /// Use this class to describe a property on a resource.
    [DebuggerDisplay("{kind}: {name}")] 
    internal class ResourceProperty
        #region Private fields.
        /// A MethodInfo representing the get accessor for this property.
        private readonly MethodInfo getMethod; 
        /// Returns a PropertyInfo representing this property.
        private readonly PropertyInfo propertyInfo; 

        /// Returns a MethodInfo representing the set accessor for this property.
        private readonly MethodInfo setMethod;
        /// MIME type for the property, if it's a primitive value.
        private readonly string mimeType; 
        /// The name of this property.
        private readonly string name; 

        /// The resource container a resource property refers to, if applicable.
        private readonly ResourceContainer resourceContainer;
        /// The kind of resource Type that this property refers to.
        /// For e.g. for collection properties, this would return the resource type, 
        /// and not the collection type that this property refers to. 
        private readonly ResourceType resourcePropertyType;

        /// Property names of mapped keys in child (target) container.
        private string[] containmentChildKeys; 

        /// Property names of mapped keys in parent container. 
        private string[] containmentParentKeys; 

        /// Container of target (child) entities. 
        private ResourceContainer containmentTarget;

        /// The kind of property this is in relation to the resource.
        private ResourcePropertyKind kind; 
        #endregion Private fields.

        /// Initializes a new ResourceProperty instance for an open property. 
        /// Property name for the property. 
        /// Property kind. 
        /// The type of the resource that this property refers to
        internal ResourceProperty(string name, ResourcePropertyKind kind, ResourceType propertyResourceType) 
            Debug.Assert(name != null, "name cannot be null");
            Debug.Assert(propertyResourceType != null, "propertyResourceType != null"); 

            this.kind = kind; 
   = name; 
            this.resourcePropertyType = propertyResourceType;


        /// Initializes a new ResourceProperty instance based on the specified parameters.
        /// Property info for the property. 
        /// Property kind.
        /// MIME type for the property, if it's a primitive value; null if none specified. 
        /// The type of the resource that this property refers to
        /// The resource container a resource property refers to, if applicable.
        internal ResourceProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, ResourcePropertyKind kind, string mimeType, ResourceType propertyResourceType, ResourceContainer resourceContainer)
            Debug.Assert(propertyInfo != null, "propertyInfo cannot be null"); 
            Debug.Assert(propertyResourceType != null, "propertyResourceType != null"); 
                kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyInfo.PropertyType) != null || propertyInfo.PropertyType == propertyResourceType.Type, 
                "Except reference and collection properties, the property type and resource property type must be identical");
                resourceContainer == null || kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference || kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference,
                "Only references can include a resource container."); 
                resourceContainer != null || (kind != ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference && kind != ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference), 
                "References must include their target resource container."); 

            if (mimeType != null && !WebUtil.IsValidMimeType(mimeType)) 
                // 500 - Internal Server Error
                string message = Strings.ResourceProperty_MimeTypeNotValid(
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message); 
            this.kind = kind;
            this.getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
   = propertyInfo.Name;
            this.mimeType = mimeType; 
            this.resourcePropertyType = propertyResourceType;
            this.setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(); 
            this.propertyInfo = propertyInfo; 
            this.resourceContainer = resourceContainer;


        /// Property names of mapped keys in child (target) container. 
        internal string[] ContainmentChildKeys
            get { return this.containmentChildKeys; }

        /// Property names of mapped keys in parent container.
        internal string[] ContainmentParentKeys
            get { return this.containmentParentKeys; } 

        /// Container of target (child) entities. 
        internal ResourceContainer ContainmentTarget
            get { return this.containmentTarget; } 
        /// Whether this property is the canonical containment path for its target container. 
        /// This property is only meaningful in the context of reflection services, as containment is defined 
        /// on a per-set basis and properties are defined on a per-type basis.
        internal bool ContainmentTargetCanonical
                return this.containmentTarget != null && this.containmentTarget.ContainmentCanonicalProperty == this; 


        /// Gets a MethodInfo representing the get accessor for this property. 
        internal MethodInfo GetMethod
            get { return this.getMethod; } 
        /// The kind of property this is in relation to the resource.
        internal ResourcePropertyKind Kind
            get { return this.kind; }
            set { this.kind = value; } 
        /// Returns a PropertyInfo representing this property.
        internal PropertyInfo PropertyInfo
            get { return this.propertyInfo; }
        /// Returns the  this property refers to, if applicable.
        /// In MEST (multiple entity sets per type) scenarios, the specific
        /// resource container may vary depending on the container (entity set)
        /// of type that has holds this property.
        /// In this case, the value of this property will be a representative
        /// container for security purposes, meaning that all associated 
        /// containers will have identical rights. 
        internal ResourceContainer ResourceContainer 
            get { return this.resourceContainer; }

        /// The kind of type this property has in relation to the data service. 
        internal ResourceTypeKind TypeKind 
                if (this.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.Primitive))
                    return ResourceTypeKind.Primitive; 
                else if (this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference || 
                         this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference) 
                    return ResourceTypeKind.EntityType; 
                    Debug.Assert(this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType, "this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType"); 
                    return ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType;
        /// MIME type for the property, if it's a primitive value; null if none specified.
        internal string MimeType
            get { return this.mimeType; }
        /// The property name.
        internal string Name 
            get { return; }

        /// The type of the property. 
        internal Type Type 
                if (this.PropertyInfo != null)
                    return this.PropertyInfo.PropertyType; 
                    if (this.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference)
                        return typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(this.resourcePropertyType.Type);
                        return this.resourcePropertyType.Type;

        /// The clr type that is property refers to [For collection,
        /// this will return the element of the collection, and not the 
        /// collection].
        internal Type ResourceClrType 
            get { return this.resourcePropertyType.Type; }

        /// The resource type that is property refers to [For collection,
        /// this will return the element of the collection, and not the 
        /// collection]. 
        internal ResourceType ResourceType 
            get { return this.resourcePropertyType; }

        /// Returns the value of the property. 
        /// The object whose property value will be returned. 
        /// The property value for the  parameter.
        internal object GetValue(object instance) 
            Debug.Assert(instance != null, "instance != null");
                return this.getMethod.Invoke(instance, null);
            catch (TargetInvocationException exception) 
        /// Sets the value of the property.
        /// The object whose property needs to be set. 
        /// new value for the property. 
        internal void SetValue(object instance, object propertyValue)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null, "instance != null");
                if (this.setMethod == null) 
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BadRequest_PropertyValueCannotBeSet(this.Name)); 

                this.setMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { propertyValue }); 
            catch (TargetInvocationException exception)
            catch (ArgumentException exception) 
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BadRequest_ErrorInSettingPropertyValue(this.Name), exception); 

        /// return true if this property is of the given kind
        /// flag which needs to be checked on the current property kind 
        /// true if the current property is of the given kind
        internal bool IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind checkKind) 
            return ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(this.kind, checkKind);
        /// Sets all properties for the target in a containment relationship.
        /// Property names of mapped keys in child (target) container.
        /// Property names of mapped keys in parent container.
        /// Container of target (child) entities.
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "containmentChildKeys", Justification = "1:1 mapping")] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "containmentParentKeys", Justification = "1:1 mapping")]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "containmentTarget", Justification = "1:1 mapping")] 
        internal void SetupContainmentTarget( 
            string[] containmentChildKeys,
            string[] containmentParentKeys, 
            ResourceContainer containmentTarget)
            Debug.Assert(containmentChildKeys != null, "containmentChildKeys != null");
            Debug.Assert(containmentParentKeys != null, "containmentParentKeys != null"); 
            Debug.Assert(containmentTarget != null, "containmentTarget != null");
                this.containmentChildKeys == null, 
                "this.containmentChildKeys == null -- otherwise the navigation property has more than one target");
                "this.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference) -- otherwise this cannot be a containment source.");

            this.containmentChildKeys = containmentChildKeys; 
            this.containmentParentKeys = containmentParentKeys;
            this.containmentTarget = containmentTarget; 


        /// return true if the given property kind is of the given kind
        /// kind of the property
        /// flag which needs to be checked on property kind 
        /// true if the kind flag is set on the given property kind 
        private static bool IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind kind)
            return ((propertyKind & kind) == kind);

        /// Validates that the given property kind is valid
        /// property kind is valid 
        private static void DebugIsValidPropertyKind(ResourcePropertyKind propertyKind) 
            if (ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference))
                    propertyKind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference || propertyKind == (ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference | ResourcePropertyKind.OpenProperty),
                    "reference property can't have any flags set"); 
            else if (ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference))
                    propertyKind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference || propertyKind == (ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference | ResourcePropertyKind.OpenProperty),
                    "setreference property can't have any flags set");
            else if (ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType))
                Debug.Assert(propertyKind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType, "complex property can't have any flags set"); 
                Debug.Assert(ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.Primitive), "property must be primitive");
                Debug.Assert(propertyKind != ResourcePropertyKind.Key, "property can't be alone set to key");
                ResourcePropertyKind all = ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType | 
                    ResourcePropertyKind.Key |
                    ResourcePropertyKind.Primitive | 
                    ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference | 
                    ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference |

                Debug.Assert((propertyKind | all) == all, "no higher bits must be set on the propertyKind");

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//      Provides a type to describe properties on resources.
// @owner  [....]

namespace System.Data.Services.Providers
    using System; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Reflection; 
    /// Use this class to describe a property on a resource.
    [DebuggerDisplay("{kind}: {name}")] 
    internal class ResourceProperty
        #region Private fields.
        /// A MethodInfo representing the get accessor for this property.
        private readonly MethodInfo getMethod; 
        /// Returns a PropertyInfo representing this property.
        private readonly PropertyInfo propertyInfo; 

        /// Returns a MethodInfo representing the set accessor for this property.
        private readonly MethodInfo setMethod;
        /// MIME type for the property, if it's a primitive value.
        private readonly string mimeType; 
        /// The name of this property.
        private readonly string name; 

        /// The resource container a resource property refers to, if applicable.
        private readonly ResourceContainer resourceContainer;
        /// The kind of resource Type that this property refers to.
        /// For e.g. for collection properties, this would return the resource type, 
        /// and not the collection type that this property refers to. 
        private readonly ResourceType resourcePropertyType;

        /// Property names of mapped keys in child (target) container.
        private string[] containmentChildKeys; 

        /// Property names of mapped keys in parent container. 
        private string[] containmentParentKeys; 

        /// Container of target (child) entities. 
        private ResourceContainer containmentTarget;

        /// The kind of property this is in relation to the resource.
        private ResourcePropertyKind kind; 
        #endregion Private fields.

        /// Initializes a new ResourceProperty instance for an open property. 
        /// Property name for the property. 
        /// Property kind. 
        /// The type of the resource that this property refers to
        internal ResourceProperty(string name, ResourcePropertyKind kind, ResourceType propertyResourceType) 
            Debug.Assert(name != null, "name cannot be null");
            Debug.Assert(propertyResourceType != null, "propertyResourceType != null"); 

            this.kind = kind; 
   = name; 
            this.resourcePropertyType = propertyResourceType;


        /// Initializes a new ResourceProperty instance based on the specified parameters.
        /// Property info for the property. 
        /// Property kind.
        /// MIME type for the property, if it's a primitive value; null if none specified. 
        /// The type of the resource that this property refers to
        /// The resource container a resource property refers to, if applicable.
        internal ResourceProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, ResourcePropertyKind kind, string mimeType, ResourceType propertyResourceType, ResourceContainer resourceContainer)
            Debug.Assert(propertyInfo != null, "propertyInfo cannot be null"); 
            Debug.Assert(propertyResourceType != null, "propertyResourceType != null"); 
                kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyInfo.PropertyType) != null || propertyInfo.PropertyType == propertyResourceType.Type, 
                "Except reference and collection properties, the property type and resource property type must be identical");
                resourceContainer == null || kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference || kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference,
                "Only references can include a resource container."); 
                resourceContainer != null || (kind != ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference && kind != ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference), 
                "References must include their target resource container."); 

            if (mimeType != null && !WebUtil.IsValidMimeType(mimeType)) 
                // 500 - Internal Server Error
                string message = Strings.ResourceProperty_MimeTypeNotValid(
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message); 
            this.kind = kind;
            this.getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
   = propertyInfo.Name;
            this.mimeType = mimeType; 
            this.resourcePropertyType = propertyResourceType;
            this.setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(); 
            this.propertyInfo = propertyInfo; 
            this.resourceContainer = resourceContainer;


        /// Property names of mapped keys in child (target) container. 
        internal string[] ContainmentChildKeys
            get { return this.containmentChildKeys; }

        /// Property names of mapped keys in parent container.
        internal string[] ContainmentParentKeys
            get { return this.containmentParentKeys; } 

        /// Container of target (child) entities. 
        internal ResourceContainer ContainmentTarget
            get { return this.containmentTarget; } 
        /// Whether this property is the canonical containment path for its target container. 
        /// This property is only meaningful in the context of reflection services, as containment is defined 
        /// on a per-set basis and properties are defined on a per-type basis.
        internal bool ContainmentTargetCanonical
                return this.containmentTarget != null && this.containmentTarget.ContainmentCanonicalProperty == this; 


        /// Gets a MethodInfo representing the get accessor for this property. 
        internal MethodInfo GetMethod
            get { return this.getMethod; } 
        /// The kind of property this is in relation to the resource.
        internal ResourcePropertyKind Kind
            get { return this.kind; }
            set { this.kind = value; } 
        /// Returns a PropertyInfo representing this property.
        internal PropertyInfo PropertyInfo
            get { return this.propertyInfo; }
        /// Returns the  this property refers to, if applicable.
        /// In MEST (multiple entity sets per type) scenarios, the specific
        /// resource container may vary depending on the container (entity set)
        /// of type that has holds this property.
        /// In this case, the value of this property will be a representative
        /// container for security purposes, meaning that all associated 
        /// containers will have identical rights. 
        internal ResourceContainer ResourceContainer 
            get { return this.resourceContainer; }

        /// The kind of type this property has in relation to the data service. 
        internal ResourceTypeKind TypeKind 
                if (this.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.Primitive))
                    return ResourceTypeKind.Primitive; 
                else if (this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference || 
                         this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference) 
                    return ResourceTypeKind.EntityType; 
                    Debug.Assert(this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType, "this.kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType"); 
                    return ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType;
        /// MIME type for the property, if it's a primitive value; null if none specified.
        internal string MimeType
            get { return this.mimeType; }
        /// The property name.
        internal string Name 
            get { return; }

        /// The type of the property. 
        internal Type Type 
                if (this.PropertyInfo != null)
                    return this.PropertyInfo.PropertyType; 
                    if (this.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference)
                        return typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(this.resourcePropertyType.Type);
                        return this.resourcePropertyType.Type;

        /// The clr type that is property refers to [For collection,
        /// this will return the element of the collection, and not the 
        /// collection].
        internal Type ResourceClrType 
            get { return this.resourcePropertyType.Type; }

        /// The resource type that is property refers to [For collection,
        /// this will return the element of the collection, and not the 
        /// collection]. 
        internal ResourceType ResourceType 
            get { return this.resourcePropertyType; }

        /// Returns the value of the property. 
        /// The object whose property value will be returned. 
        /// The property value for the  parameter.
        internal object GetValue(object instance) 
            Debug.Assert(instance != null, "instance != null");
                return this.getMethod.Invoke(instance, null);
            catch (TargetInvocationException exception) 
        /// Sets the value of the property.
        /// The object whose property needs to be set. 
        /// new value for the property. 
        internal void SetValue(object instance, object propertyValue)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null, "instance != null");
                if (this.setMethod == null) 
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BadRequest_PropertyValueCannotBeSet(this.Name)); 

                this.setMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { propertyValue }); 
            catch (TargetInvocationException exception)
            catch (ArgumentException exception) 
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BadRequest_ErrorInSettingPropertyValue(this.Name), exception); 

        /// return true if this property is of the given kind
        /// flag which needs to be checked on the current property kind 
        /// true if the current property is of the given kind
        internal bool IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind checkKind) 
            return ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(this.kind, checkKind);
        /// Sets all properties for the target in a containment relationship.
        /// Property names of mapped keys in child (target) container.
        /// Property names of mapped keys in parent container.
        /// Container of target (child) entities.
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "containmentChildKeys", Justification = "1:1 mapping")] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "containmentParentKeys", Justification = "1:1 mapping")]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "containmentTarget", Justification = "1:1 mapping")] 
        internal void SetupContainmentTarget( 
            string[] containmentChildKeys,
            string[] containmentParentKeys, 
            ResourceContainer containmentTarget)
            Debug.Assert(containmentChildKeys != null, "containmentChildKeys != null");
            Debug.Assert(containmentParentKeys != null, "containmentParentKeys != null"); 
            Debug.Assert(containmentTarget != null, "containmentTarget != null");
                this.containmentChildKeys == null, 
                "this.containmentChildKeys == null -- otherwise the navigation property has more than one target");
                "this.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference) -- otherwise this cannot be a containment source.");

            this.containmentChildKeys = containmentChildKeys; 
            this.containmentParentKeys = containmentParentKeys;
            this.containmentTarget = containmentTarget; 


        /// return true if the given property kind is of the given kind
        /// kind of the property
        /// flag which needs to be checked on property kind 
        /// true if the kind flag is set on the given property kind 
        private static bool IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind kind)
            return ((propertyKind & kind) == kind);

        /// Validates that the given property kind is valid
        /// property kind is valid 
        private static void DebugIsValidPropertyKind(ResourcePropertyKind propertyKind) 
            if (ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference))
                    propertyKind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference || propertyKind == (ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference | ResourcePropertyKind.OpenProperty),
                    "reference property can't have any flags set"); 
            else if (ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference))
                    propertyKind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference || propertyKind == (ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference | ResourcePropertyKind.OpenProperty),
                    "setreference property can't have any flags set");
            else if (ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType))
                Debug.Assert(propertyKind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType, "complex property can't have any flags set"); 
                Debug.Assert(ResourceProperty.IsOfKind(propertyKind, ResourcePropertyKind.Primitive), "property must be primitive");
                Debug.Assert(propertyKind != ResourcePropertyKind.Key, "property can't be alone set to key");
                ResourcePropertyKind all = ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType | 
                    ResourcePropertyKind.Key |
                    ResourcePropertyKind.Primitive | 
                    ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference | 
                    ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference |

                Debug.Assert((propertyKind | all) == all, "no higher bits must be set on the propertyKind");

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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