ColumnMapCopier.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Query / InternalTrees / ColumnMapCopier.cs / 1 / ColumnMapCopier.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
using System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler; 
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 

namespace System.Data.Query.InternalTrees 
    /// The ColumnMapCopier clones an entire ColumnMap hierarchy; this is different
    /// than the ColumnMapTranslator, which only copies things that need to be copied. 
    /// Note that this is a stateless visitor; it uses the visitor's argument for its 
    /// state management. 
    /// The Visitor's argument is a VarMap; anytime a Var is found in the ColumnMap 
    /// hierarchy, it is replaced with the replacement from the VarMap.
    /// Note also that previous implementations of this class attempted to avoid re-
    /// processing ColumnMaps by caching the results for each input and returning it. 
    /// I wasn't convinced that we were buying much with all that caching, since the
    /// only ColumnMaps that should be repeated in the hierarchy are simple ones; there 
    /// is about as much object creation either way.  The only reason I see that we 
    /// want to cache these is if we really cared to have only one VarRefColumnMap
    /// instance for a given Var and be able to use reference equality instead of 
    /// comparing the Vars themselves.  I don't believe we're making that guarantee
    /// anywhere else, so I've removed that for now because I don't want the added
    /// complexity that the caching adds.  If performance analysis indicates there is
    /// a problem, we can considier addding the cache back in. 
    internal class ColumnMapCopier : ColumnMapVisitorWithResults 

        #region Constructors 

        /// Singleton instance for the "public" methods to use;
        static private ColumnMapCopier Instance = new ColumnMapCopier();
        /// Constructor; no one should use this.
        private ColumnMapCopier()
        #region "Public" surface area 

        /// Return a copy of the column map, replacing all vars with the replacements
        /// found in the replacementVarMap
        internal static ColumnMap Copy(ColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            return columnMap.Accept(Instance, replacementVarMap); 

        #region Visitor Helpers
        /// Returns the var to use in the copy, either the original or the
        /// replacement.  Note that we will follow the chain of replacements, in 
        /// case the replacement was also replaced.
        private static Var GetReplacementVar(Var originalVar, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            // SQLBUDT #478509: Follow the chain of mapped vars, don't
            //                  just stop at the first one 
            Var replacementVar = originalVar;

            while (replacementVarMap.TryGetValue(replacementVar, out originalVar))
                if (originalVar == replacementVar)
                replacementVar = originalVar; 
            return replacementVar;
        #region Visitor Methods 

        #region List handling 

        /// Copies the List of ColumnMaps or SimpleColumnMaps
        internal TListType[] VisitList(TListType[] tList, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            where TListType : ColumnMap
            TListType[] newTList = new TListType[tList.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < tList.Length; ++i) { 
                newTList[i] = (TListType)tList[i].Accept(this, replacementVarMap);
            return newTList; 

        #region EntityIdentity handling
        /// Copies the DiscriminatedEntityIdentity 
        protected override EntityIdentity VisitEntityIdentity(DiscriminatedEntityIdentity entityIdentity, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            SimpleColumnMap newEntitySetCol = (SimpleColumnMap)entityIdentity.EntitySetColumnMap.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(entityIdentity.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            return new DiscriminatedEntityIdentity(newEntitySetCol, entityIdentity.EntitySetMap, newKeys); 

        /// Copies the SimpleEntityIdentity
        protected override EntityIdentity VisitEntityIdentity(SimpleEntityIdentity entityIdentity, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(entityIdentity.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            return new SimpleEntityIdentity(entityIdentity.EntitySet, newKeys); 

        #region SortKey handling
        /// Copy the SortKeyInfo
        private SortKeyInfo VisitSortKey(SortKeyInfo sortKeyInfo, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap newSortKeyColumnMap = (SimpleColumnMap)sortKeyInfo.SortKeyColumn.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            SortKeyInfo newSortKeyInfo = new SortKeyInfo(newSortKeyColumnMap, sortKeyInfo.AscendingSort, sortKeyInfo.Collation); 
            return newSortKeyInfo;

        /// Copies a List(SortKeyInfo)
        private SortKeyInfo[] VisitSortKey(SortKeyInfo[] sortKeyInfoList, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            SortKeyInfo[] newList = new SortKeyInfo[sortKeyInfoList.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < sortKeyInfoList.Length; ++i)
                newList[i] = VisitSortKey(sortKeyInfoList[i], replacementVarMap); 
            return newList; 


        /// ComplexTypeColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            SimpleColumnMap newNullability = columnMap.NullSentinel;
            if (null != newNullability)
                newNullability = (SimpleColumnMap)newNullability.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            ColumnMap[] fieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap); 
            return new ComplexTypeColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, fieldList, newNullability); 
        /// DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            ColumnMap newElementColumnMap = columnMap.Element.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            SimpleColumnMap newDiscriminator = (SimpleColumnMap)columnMap.Discriminator.Accept(this, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(columnMap.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newForeignKeys = VisitList(columnMap.ForeignKeys, replacementVarMap);
            SortKeyInfo[] newSortKeys = VisitSortKey(columnMap.SortKeys, replacementVarMap); 
            return new DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newElementColumnMap, newKeys, newForeignKeys, newSortKeys, newDiscriminator, columnMap.DiscriminatorValue);
        /// EntityColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(EntityColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            EntityIdentity newEntityIdentity = VisitEntityIdentity(columnMap.EntityIdentity, replacementVarMap); 
            ColumnMap[] fieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap);
            return new EntityColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, fieldList, newEntityIdentity); 

        /// SimplePolymorphicColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap newDiscriminator = (SimpleColumnMap)columnMap.TypeDiscriminator.Accept(this, replacementVarMap);

            Dictionary newTypeChoices = new Dictionary(columnMap.TypeChoices.Comparer); 
            foreach (KeyValuePair kv in columnMap.TypeChoices)
                TypedColumnMap newMap = (TypedColumnMap)kv.Value.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
                newTypeChoices[kv.Key] = newMap;
            ColumnMap[] newBaseFieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap);
            return new SimplePolymorphicColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newBaseFieldList, newDiscriminator, newTypeChoices);
        /// MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            // At this time, we shouldn't ever see this type here; it's for SPROCS which don't use
            // the plan compiler.
            System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler.PlanCompiler.Assert(false, "unexpected MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap in ColumnMapCopier");
            return null; 
        /// RecordColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(RecordColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap newNullability = columnMap.NullSentinel; 
            if (null != newNullability) 
                newNullability = (SimpleColumnMap)newNullability.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            ColumnMap[] fieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap);
            return new RecordColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, fieldList, newNullability);

        /// RefColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(RefColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            EntityIdentity newEntityIdentity = VisitEntityIdentity(columnMap.EntityIdentity, replacementVarMap);
            return new RefColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newEntityIdentity); 

        /// ScalarColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(ScalarColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            return new ScalarColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, columnMap.CommandId, columnMap.ColumnPos);

        /// SimpleCollectionColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(SimpleCollectionColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            ColumnMap newElementColumnMap = columnMap.Element.Accept(this, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(columnMap.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newForeignKeys = VisitList(columnMap.ForeignKeys, replacementVarMap);
            SortKeyInfo[] newSortKeys = VisitSortKey(columnMap.SortKeys, replacementVarMap); 
            return new SimpleCollectionColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newElementColumnMap, newKeys, newForeignKeys, newSortKeys);
        /// VarRefColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(VarRefColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            Var replacementVar = GetReplacementVar(columnMap.Var, replacementVarMap); 
            return new VarRefColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, replacementVar);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
using System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler; 
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 

namespace System.Data.Query.InternalTrees 
    /// The ColumnMapCopier clones an entire ColumnMap hierarchy; this is different
    /// than the ColumnMapTranslator, which only copies things that need to be copied. 
    /// Note that this is a stateless visitor; it uses the visitor's argument for its 
    /// state management. 
    /// The Visitor's argument is a VarMap; anytime a Var is found in the ColumnMap 
    /// hierarchy, it is replaced with the replacement from the VarMap.
    /// Note also that previous implementations of this class attempted to avoid re-
    /// processing ColumnMaps by caching the results for each input and returning it. 
    /// I wasn't convinced that we were buying much with all that caching, since the
    /// only ColumnMaps that should be repeated in the hierarchy are simple ones; there 
    /// is about as much object creation either way.  The only reason I see that we 
    /// want to cache these is if we really cared to have only one VarRefColumnMap
    /// instance for a given Var and be able to use reference equality instead of 
    /// comparing the Vars themselves.  I don't believe we're making that guarantee
    /// anywhere else, so I've removed that for now because I don't want the added
    /// complexity that the caching adds.  If performance analysis indicates there is
    /// a problem, we can considier addding the cache back in. 
    internal class ColumnMapCopier : ColumnMapVisitorWithResults 

        #region Constructors 

        /// Singleton instance for the "public" methods to use;
        static private ColumnMapCopier Instance = new ColumnMapCopier();
        /// Constructor; no one should use this.
        private ColumnMapCopier()
        #region "Public" surface area 

        /// Return a copy of the column map, replacing all vars with the replacements
        /// found in the replacementVarMap
        internal static ColumnMap Copy(ColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            return columnMap.Accept(Instance, replacementVarMap); 

        #region Visitor Helpers
        /// Returns the var to use in the copy, either the original or the
        /// replacement.  Note that we will follow the chain of replacements, in 
        /// case the replacement was also replaced.
        private static Var GetReplacementVar(Var originalVar, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            // SQLBUDT #478509: Follow the chain of mapped vars, don't
            //                  just stop at the first one 
            Var replacementVar = originalVar;

            while (replacementVarMap.TryGetValue(replacementVar, out originalVar))
                if (originalVar == replacementVar)
                replacementVar = originalVar; 
            return replacementVar;
        #region Visitor Methods 

        #region List handling 

        /// Copies the List of ColumnMaps or SimpleColumnMaps
        internal TListType[] VisitList(TListType[] tList, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            where TListType : ColumnMap
            TListType[] newTList = new TListType[tList.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < tList.Length; ++i) { 
                newTList[i] = (TListType)tList[i].Accept(this, replacementVarMap);
            return newTList; 

        #region EntityIdentity handling
        /// Copies the DiscriminatedEntityIdentity 
        protected override EntityIdentity VisitEntityIdentity(DiscriminatedEntityIdentity entityIdentity, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            SimpleColumnMap newEntitySetCol = (SimpleColumnMap)entityIdentity.EntitySetColumnMap.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(entityIdentity.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            return new DiscriminatedEntityIdentity(newEntitySetCol, entityIdentity.EntitySetMap, newKeys); 

        /// Copies the SimpleEntityIdentity
        protected override EntityIdentity VisitEntityIdentity(SimpleEntityIdentity entityIdentity, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(entityIdentity.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            return new SimpleEntityIdentity(entityIdentity.EntitySet, newKeys); 

        #region SortKey handling
        /// Copy the SortKeyInfo
        private SortKeyInfo VisitSortKey(SortKeyInfo sortKeyInfo, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap newSortKeyColumnMap = (SimpleColumnMap)sortKeyInfo.SortKeyColumn.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            SortKeyInfo newSortKeyInfo = new SortKeyInfo(newSortKeyColumnMap, sortKeyInfo.AscendingSort, sortKeyInfo.Collation); 
            return newSortKeyInfo;

        /// Copies a List(SortKeyInfo)
        private SortKeyInfo[] VisitSortKey(SortKeyInfo[] sortKeyInfoList, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            SortKeyInfo[] newList = new SortKeyInfo[sortKeyInfoList.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < sortKeyInfoList.Length; ++i)
                newList[i] = VisitSortKey(sortKeyInfoList[i], replacementVarMap); 
            return newList; 


        /// ComplexTypeColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            SimpleColumnMap newNullability = columnMap.NullSentinel;
            if (null != newNullability)
                newNullability = (SimpleColumnMap)newNullability.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            ColumnMap[] fieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap); 
            return new ComplexTypeColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, fieldList, newNullability); 
        /// DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            ColumnMap newElementColumnMap = columnMap.Element.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            SimpleColumnMap newDiscriminator = (SimpleColumnMap)columnMap.Discriminator.Accept(this, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(columnMap.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newForeignKeys = VisitList(columnMap.ForeignKeys, replacementVarMap);
            SortKeyInfo[] newSortKeys = VisitSortKey(columnMap.SortKeys, replacementVarMap); 
            return new DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newElementColumnMap, newKeys, newForeignKeys, newSortKeys, newDiscriminator, columnMap.DiscriminatorValue);
        /// EntityColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(EntityColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            EntityIdentity newEntityIdentity = VisitEntityIdentity(columnMap.EntityIdentity, replacementVarMap); 
            ColumnMap[] fieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap);
            return new EntityColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, fieldList, newEntityIdentity); 

        /// SimplePolymorphicColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap newDiscriminator = (SimpleColumnMap)columnMap.TypeDiscriminator.Accept(this, replacementVarMap);

            Dictionary newTypeChoices = new Dictionary(columnMap.TypeChoices.Comparer); 
            foreach (KeyValuePair kv in columnMap.TypeChoices)
                TypedColumnMap newMap = (TypedColumnMap)kv.Value.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
                newTypeChoices[kv.Key] = newMap;
            ColumnMap[] newBaseFieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap);
            return new SimplePolymorphicColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newBaseFieldList, newDiscriminator, newTypeChoices);
        /// MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            // At this time, we shouldn't ever see this type here; it's for SPROCS which don't use
            // the plan compiler.
            System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler.PlanCompiler.Assert(false, "unexpected MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap in ColumnMapCopier");
            return null; 
        /// RecordColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(RecordColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            SimpleColumnMap newNullability = columnMap.NullSentinel; 
            if (null != newNullability) 
                newNullability = (SimpleColumnMap)newNullability.Accept(this, replacementVarMap); 
            ColumnMap[] fieldList = VisitList(columnMap.Properties, replacementVarMap);
            return new RecordColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, fieldList, newNullability);

        /// RefColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(RefColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            EntityIdentity newEntityIdentity = VisitEntityIdentity(columnMap.EntityIdentity, replacementVarMap);
            return new RefColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newEntityIdentity); 

        /// ScalarColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(ScalarColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap) 
            return new ScalarColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, columnMap.CommandId, columnMap.ColumnPos);

        /// SimpleCollectionColumnMap
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(SimpleCollectionColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            ColumnMap newElementColumnMap = columnMap.Element.Accept(this, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newKeys = VisitList(columnMap.Keys, replacementVarMap);
            SimpleColumnMap[] newForeignKeys = VisitList(columnMap.ForeignKeys, replacementVarMap);
            SortKeyInfo[] newSortKeys = VisitSortKey(columnMap.SortKeys, replacementVarMap); 
            return new SimpleCollectionColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, newElementColumnMap, newKeys, newForeignKeys, newSortKeys);
        /// VarRefColumnMap 
        internal override ColumnMap Visit(VarRefColumnMap columnMap, VarMap replacementVarMap)
            Var replacementVar = GetReplacementVar(columnMap.Var, replacementVarMap); 
            return new VarRefColumnMap(columnMap.Type, columnMap.Name, replacementVar);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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