Annotation.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Annotations / Annotation.cs / 1 / Annotation.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//     Annotation class is the top-level Object Model class for the 
//     annotation framework.  It represents a single annotation with
//     all of its anchoring and content data. 
//     Spec: http://team/sites/ag/Specifications/Simplifying%20Store%20Cache%20Model.doc
// History: 
//  10/04/2002: rruiz:    Added header comment to ObjectModel.cs
//  07/03/2003: magedz:   Renamed Link, LinkSequence to LocatorPart and Locator 
//                        respectively. 
//  05/31/2003: LGolding: Ported to WCP tree.
//  07/15/2003: rruiz:    Rewrote implementations to extend abstract classes 
//                        instead of implement interfaces; got rid of obsolete
//                        classes; put each class in separate file.
//  12/03/2003: ssimova:  Changed Contexts to Anchors
//   6/30/2004: rruiz:    Made the class concrete, changed the APIs to be more 
//                        typesafe, made the class XML serializable.

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Windows.Annotations.Storage;
using System.Windows.Data; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Annotations;
using MS.Utility; 

namespace System.Windows.Annotations 
    ///     Actions that can be taken on subparts of an
    ///     Annotation - authors, anchors, and cargos. 
    public enum AnnotationAction 
        ///     The subpart was added to the Annotation. 
        ///     The subpart was removed from the Annotation. 
        ///     The subpart already is part of the Annotation and was modified.

    ///     Annotation class is the top-level Object Model class for the
    ///     annotation framework.  It represents a single annotation with 
    ///     all of its anchoring and content data. 
    [XmlRoot(Namespace = AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace, ElementName = AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation)] 
    public sealed class Annotation : IXmlSerializable
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        ///     Creates an instance of Annotation for use by XML serialization.
        ///     This constructor should not be used directly.  It does not 
        ///     initialize the instance.
        public Annotation() 
            // Should only be used from XML serialization.  This instance will 
            // not be a valid Annotation if used outside of serialization.

            _id = Guid.Empty;
            _created = DateTime.MinValue; 
            _modified = DateTime.MinValue;
        ///     Creates an instance of Annotation with the specified type name.
        /// fully qualified type name of the new Annotation 
        /// annotationType is null
        /// annotationType's Name or Namespace is null or empty string 
        public Annotation(XmlQualifiedName annotationType) 
            if (annotationType == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("annotationType");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Name)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Name");//todo better message 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Namespace))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Namespace");//todo better message

            _id = Guid.NewGuid(); 
            _typeName = annotationType;
            // For an new instance of Annotation, _created should be == with _modified 
            _created = DateTime.Now;
            _modified = _created; 

        ///     Creates an instance of Annotation with the values provided.  This 
        ///     constructor is for use by stores using their own serialization method. 
        ///     It provides a way to create an annotation with all the necessary
        ///     read-only data. 
        /// the fully qualified type name of the new Annotation
        /// the id of the new Annotation
        /// the time the annotation was first created 
        /// the time the annotation was last modified
        /// annotationType is null 
        /// lastModificationTime is earlier than creationTime 
        /// annotationType's Name or Namespace is null or empty string
        /// id is equal to Guid.Empty 
        public Annotation(XmlQualifiedName annotationType, Guid id, DateTime creationTime, DateTime lastModificationTime)
            if (annotationType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("annotationType");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Name)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Name");//todo better message 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Namespace))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Namespace");//todo better message 
            if (id.Equals(Guid.Empty)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidGuid), "id"); 
            if (lastModificationTime.CompareTo(creationTime) < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ModificationEarlierThanCreation), "lastModificationTime"); 
            _id = id; 
            _typeName = annotationType; 

            _created = creationTime; 
            _modified = lastModificationTime;


        #endregion Constructors 
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
        #region IXmlSerializable Implementation 

        ///     Returns null.  The annotations schema is available at
        public XmlSchema GetSchema() 
            return null; 

        ///     Serializes this Annotation to XML with the passed in XmlWriter.
        /// the writer to serialize the Annotation to
        /// writer is null 
        public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
            if (writer == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); 

            //fire trace event
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.SERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.StartEvent); 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(writer.LookupPrefix(AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace))) 
                writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix, AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.CoreSchemaPrefix, null, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(writer.LookupPrefix(AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.BaseSchemaNamespace)))
                writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix, AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.BaseSchemaPrefix, null, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.BaseSchemaNamespace);

            if (_typeName == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotSerializeInvalidInstance));

            // XmlConvert.ToString is [Obsolete]
            #pragma warning disable 0618
            writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.Id, XmlConvert.ToString(_id));
            writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.CreationTime, XmlConvert.ToString(_created)); 
            writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.LastModificationTime, XmlConvert.ToString(_modified)); 

            #pragma warning restore 0618 

            writer.WriteQualifiedName(_typeName.Name, _typeName.Namespace);

            if (_authors != null && _authors.Count > 0) 
                writer.WriteStartElement(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace);
                foreach (string author in _authors) 
                    if (author != null)
                        writer.WriteElementString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.BaseSchemaPrefix, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.StringAuthor, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.BaseSchemaNamespace, author); 
            if (_anchors != null && _anchors.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteStartElement(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace);
                foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in _anchors) 
                    if (anchor != null) 
                        ResourceSerializer.Serialize(writer, anchor);
            if (_cargos != null && _cargos.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteStartElement(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace); 
                foreach (AnnotationResource cargo in _cargos)
                    if (cargo != null)
                        ResourceSerializer.Serialize(writer, cargo);

            //fire trace event 
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.SERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.EndEvent);

        ///     Deserializes an Annotation from the XmlReader passed in. 
        /// reader to deserialize from
        /// reader is null 
        public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            //fire trace event
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.DESERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.StartEvent); 

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) 
                reader.Read(); // Read the remainder of the "Annotation" start tag
                while (!(XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType && AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation == reader.LocalName))
                    if (AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection == reader.LocalName)
                        CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(reader, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection);
                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) 
                            reader.Read();    // Reads the "Anchors" start tag 
                            while (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType))
                                AnnotationResource anchor = (AnnotationResource)ResourceSerializer.Deserialize(reader);
                        reader.Read();    // Reads the "Anchors" end tag (or whole tag if it was empty) 
                    else if (AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection == reader.LocalName) 
                        CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(reader, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection);

                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) 
                            reader.Read();    // Reads the "Cargos" start tag 
                            while (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType)) 
                                AnnotationResource cargo = (AnnotationResource)ResourceSerializer.Deserialize(reader); 
                        reader.Read();    // Reads the "Cargos" end tag (or whole tag if it was empty) 
                    else if (AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection == reader.LocalName) 
                        CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(reader, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection);
                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                            reader.Read();    // Reads the "Authors" start tag
                            while (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType)) 
                                if (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.StringAuthor == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.Element == reader.NodeType)) 
                                    throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidXmlContent, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));

                                XmlNode node = doc.ReadNode(reader);  // Reads the entire "StringAuthor" tag
                                if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                        reader.Read();    // Reads the "Authors" end tag (or whole tag if it was empty) 
                        // The annotation must contain some invalid content which is not part of the schema. 
                        throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidXmlContent, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));
            reader.Read(); // Read the end of the "Annotation" tag (or the whole tag if its empty)

            //fire trace event
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.DESERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.EndEvent); 

        #endregion IXmlSerializable Implementation
        #endregion Public Methods

        //  Public Operators

        //  Public Events

        #region Public Events 
        ///     Event fired when an author is added, removed or modified in anyway. 
        public event AnnotationAuthorChangedEventHandler AuthorChanged;

        ///     Event fired when an anchor is added, removed or modified in anyway.
        ///     This includes modifications to an anchor's sub-parts such as 
        ///     changing a value on a ContentLocatorPart which is contained by a ContentLocatorBase 
        ///     which is contained by an anchor which is contained by this
        ///     Annotation. 
        public event AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler AnchorChanged;

        ///     Event fired when an cargo is added, removed or modified in anyway.
        ///     This includes modifications to a cargo's sub-parts such as 
        ///     changing an attribute on an XmlNode contained by a content which 
        ///     is contained by a cargo which is contained by this Annotation.
        public event AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler CargoChanged;

        #endregion Public Events
        //  Public Properties 

        #region Public Properties

        ///     An Annotation is given a unique Guid when it is first instantiated.
        /// the unique id of this Annotation; this property will return 
        /// Guid.Empty if the Annotation was instantied with the default constructor -
        /// which should not be used directly 
        public Guid Id
            get { return _id; }

        ///     The type of this Annotation. 
        /// the type of this Annotation; this property will only return 
        /// null if the Annotation was instantiated with the default constructor - which
        /// should not be used directly
        public XmlQualifiedName AnnotationType
            get { return _typeName; }
        ///     The time of creation for this Annotation.  This is set when 
        ///     the Annotation is first instantiated.
        /// the creation time of this Annotation; this property will return
        /// DateTime.MinValue if the Annotation was instantiated with the default constructor - 
        /// which should not be used directly
        public DateTime CreationTime 
            get { return _created; }

        ///     The time of the Annotation was last modified.  This is set after any
        ///     change to Annotation before any notifications are fired. 
        /// the last modification time of this Annotation; this property will 
        /// return DateTime.MinValue if the Annotation was instantiated with the default 
        /// constructor - which should not be used directly
        public DateTime LastModificationTime 
            get { return _modified; }
        ///     The collection of zero or more authors for this Annotation. 
        /// collection of authors for this Annotation; never returns null
        public Collection Authors 
                return _authors; 
        ///     The collection of zero or more Resources that represent the anchors 
        ///     of this Annotation.  These could be references to content,
        ///     actually include the content itself, or both (as in the case of
        ///     a snippet being the anchor of a comment).
        /// collection of Resources; never returns null
        public Collection Anchors 
                return _anchors;
        ///     The collection of zero or more Resources that represent the cargos 
        ///     of this Annotation.  These could be references to content, 
        ///     actually include the content itself, or both (as in the case of
        ///     a snippet from a web-page being the cargo). 
        /// collection of Resources; never returns null
        public Collection Cargos
                return _cargos; 

        #endregion Public Properties

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods

        /// Returns true if the reader is positioned on an attribute that 
        /// is a namespace attribute - for instance xmlns="xx", xmlns:bac="http:bac",
        /// or xml:lang="en-us". 
        internal static bool IsNamespaceDeclaration(XmlReader reader)
            Invariant.Assert(reader != null);

            // The reader is on a namespace declaration if:
            //   - the current node is an attribute AND either 
            //     - the attribute has no prefix and local name is 'xmlns'
            //     - the attribute's prefix is 'xmlns' or 'xml' 
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) 
                if (reader.Prefix.Length == 0) 
                    if (reader.LocalName == AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix)
                        return true;
                    if (reader.Prefix == AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix || 
                        reader.Prefix == AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlPrefix)
                        return true; 

            return false; 
        /// Checks all attributes for the current node.  If any attribute isn't a
        /// namespace attribute an exception is thrown. 
        internal static void CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(XmlReader reader, string elementName)
            Invariant.Assert(reader != null, "No reader supplied."); 
            Invariant.Assert(elementName != null, "No element name supplied.");
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) 
                // If the attribute is a namespace declaration we should ignore it 
                if (Annotation.IsNamespaceDeclaration(reader))

                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedAttribute, reader.LocalName, elementName)); 

            // We need to move the reader back to the original element the 
            // attributes are on for the next reader operation.  Has no effect
            // if no attributes were looked at

        #endregion Internal Methods 
        //  Private Properties
        #region Private Properties
        ///     Returns serializer for Resource objects.  Lazily creates
        ///     the serializer for cases where its not needed. 
        private static Serializer ResourceSerializer
                if (_ResourceSerializer == null) 
                    _ResourceSerializer = new Serializer(typeof(AnnotationResource));
                return _ResourceSerializer;
        #endregion Private Properties
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods 

        private void ReadAttributes(XmlReader reader) 
            Invariant.Assert(reader != null, "No reader passed in.");
            // Read all the attributes
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                string value = reader.Value; 

                // Skip null and empty values - they will be treated the 
                // same as if they weren't specified at all 
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

                switch (reader.LocalName)
                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.Id: 
                        _id = XmlConvert.ToGuid(value);
                    // XmlConvert.ToDateTime is [Obsolete]
                    #pragma warning disable 0618 

                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.CreationTime:
                        _created = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(value);

                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.LastModificationTime: 
                        _modified = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(value); 
                    #pragma warning restore 0618

                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName:
                        string[] typeName = value.Split(_Colon); 
                        if (typeName.Length == 1)
                            typeName[0] = typeName[0].Trim(); 
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName[0]))
                                // Just a string of whitespace (empty string doesn't get processed)
                                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidAttributeValue, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName));
                            _typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(typeName[0]); 
                        else if (typeName.Length == 2) 
                            typeName[0] = typeName[0].Trim();
                            typeName[1] = typeName[1].Trim(); 
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName[0]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName[1]))
                                // One colon, prefix or suffix is empty string or whitespace
                                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidAttributeValue, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName)); 
                            _typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(typeName[1], reader.LookupNamespace(typeName[0])); 
                            // More than one colon
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidAttributeValue, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName));

                        if (!Annotation.IsNamespaceDeclaration(reader)) 
                           throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedAttribute, reader.LocalName, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));

            // Test to see if any required attribute was missing 
            if (_id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.Id, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation)); 
            if (_created.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.CreationTime, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));
            if (_modified.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.LastModificationTime, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation)); 
            if (_typeName == null)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));

            // Move back to the parent "Annotation" element 
        private void OnCargoChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            FireResourceEvent((AnnotationResource)sender, AnnotationAction.Modified, CargoChanged);

        private void OnCargosChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) 
            AnnotationAction action = AnnotationAction.Added; 
            IList changedItems = null; 

            switch (e.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    action = AnnotationAction.Added;
                    changedItems = e.NewItems; 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    action = AnnotationAction.Removed;
                    changedItems = e.OldItems; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    // For Replace we need to fire removes and adds.  As in other 
                    // event firing code - if a listener for one event throws the
                    // rest of the events won't be fired. 
                    foreach (AnnotationResource cargo in e.OldItems) 
                        FireResourceEvent(cargo, AnnotationAction.Removed, CargoChanged); 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems;
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort

                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, e.Action));
            if (changedItems != null)
                foreach (AnnotationResource cargo in changedItems)
                    FireResourceEvent(cargo, action, CargoChanged);
        private void OnAnchorChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            FireResourceEvent((AnnotationResource)sender, AnnotationAction.Modified, AnchorChanged);

        private void OnAnchorsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) 
            AnnotationAction action = AnnotationAction.Added; 
            IList changedItems = null; 

            switch (e.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    action = AnnotationAction.Added;
                    changedItems = e.NewItems; 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    action = AnnotationAction.Removed;
                    changedItems = e.OldItems; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    // For Replace we need to fire removes and adds.  As in other 
                    // event firing code - if a listener for one event throws the
                    // rest of the events won't be fired. 
                    foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in e.OldItems) 
                        FireResourceEvent(anchor, AnnotationAction.Removed, AnchorChanged); 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems;
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort

                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, e.Action));
            if (changedItems != null)
                foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in changedItems)
                    FireResourceEvent(anchor, action, AnchorChanged);
        private void OnAuthorsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            AnnotationAction action = AnnotationAction.Added;
            IList changedItems = null;

            switch (e.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                    action = AnnotationAction.Added; 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems;

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    action = AnnotationAction.Removed;
                    changedItems = e.OldItems; 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace: 
                    // For Replace we need to fire removes and adds.  As in other
                    // event firing code - if a listener for one event throws the 
                    // rest of the events won't be fired.
                    foreach (string author in e.OldItems)
                        FireAuthorEvent(author, AnnotationAction.Removed); 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, e.Action)); 

            if (changedItems != null)
                foreach (Object author in changedItems)
                    FireAuthorEvent(author, action); 

        ///     Fires an AuthorChanged event for the given author and action. 
        /// the author to notify about 
        /// the action that took place for that author 
        private void FireAuthorEvent(Object author, AnnotationAction action)
            // 'author' can be null because null authors are allowed in the collection
            Invariant.Assert(action >= AnnotationAction.Added && action <= AnnotationAction.Modified, "Unknown AnnotationAction");

            // Always update the modification time before firing change events 
            _modified = DateTime.Now;
            if (AuthorChanged != null) 
                AuthorChanged(this, new AnnotationAuthorChangedEventArgs(this, action, author)); 

        ///     Fires a ResourceChanged event for the given resource and action.
        /// the resource to notify about 
        /// the action that took place for that resource
        /// the handlers to notify 
        private void FireResourceEvent(AnnotationResource resource, AnnotationAction action, AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler handlers)
            // resource can be null - we allow that because it could be added or removed from the annotation.
            Invariant.Assert(action >= AnnotationAction.Added && action <= AnnotationAction.Modified, "Unknown AnnotationAction"); 

            // Always update the modification time before firing change events 
            _modified = DateTime.Now; 

            if (handlers != null) 
                handlers(this, new AnnotationResourceChangedEventArgs(this, action, resource));

        private void Init() 
            _cargos = new AnnotationResourceCollection(); 
            _cargos.ItemChanged += OnCargoChanged;
            _cargos.CollectionChanged += OnCargosChanged;
            _anchors = new AnnotationResourceCollection();
            _anchors.ItemChanged += OnAnchorChanged; 
            _anchors.CollectionChanged += OnAnchorsChanged;
            _authors = new ObservableCollection(); 
            _authors.CollectionChanged += OnAuthorsChanged; 
        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        /// This annotation's unique indentifier
        private Guid _id;
        /// Type name of this annotation
        private XmlQualifiedName _typeName;

        /// Time of creation of this annotation (set by the store) 
        private DateTime _created; 
        /// Time of last update to this annotatin (set by the store) 
        private DateTime _modified;

        /// The authors for this annotation - zero or more authors
        private ObservableCollection _authors; 

        /// The cargo for this annotation - nothing or a single resource
        private AnnotationResourceCollection _cargos;
        /// The contexts for this annotation - zero or more resources 
        private AnnotationResourceCollection _anchors;
        /// Serializer for resources - used to serialize and deserialize annotations
        private static Serializer _ResourceSerializer; 

        /// Colon used to split the parts of a qualified name attribute value 
        private static readonly char[] _Colon = new char[] { ':' }; 

        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//     Annotation class is the top-level Object Model class for the 
//     annotation framework.  It represents a single annotation with
//     all of its anchoring and content data. 
//     Spec: http://team/sites/ag/Specifications/Simplifying%20Store%20Cache%20Model.doc
// History: 
//  10/04/2002: rruiz:    Added header comment to ObjectModel.cs
//  07/03/2003: magedz:   Renamed Link, LinkSequence to LocatorPart and Locator 
//                        respectively. 
//  05/31/2003: LGolding: Ported to WCP tree.
//  07/15/2003: rruiz:    Rewrote implementations to extend abstract classes 
//                        instead of implement interfaces; got rid of obsolete
//                        classes; put each class in separate file.
//  12/03/2003: ssimova:  Changed Contexts to Anchors
//   6/30/2004: rruiz:    Made the class concrete, changed the APIs to be more 
//                        typesafe, made the class XML serializable.

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Windows.Annotations.Storage;
using System.Windows.Data; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Annotations;
using MS.Utility; 

namespace System.Windows.Annotations 
    ///     Actions that can be taken on subparts of an
    ///     Annotation - authors, anchors, and cargos. 
    public enum AnnotationAction 
        ///     The subpart was added to the Annotation. 
        ///     The subpart was removed from the Annotation. 
        ///     The subpart already is part of the Annotation and was modified.

    ///     Annotation class is the top-level Object Model class for the
    ///     annotation framework.  It represents a single annotation with 
    ///     all of its anchoring and content data. 
    [XmlRoot(Namespace = AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace, ElementName = AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation)] 
    public sealed class Annotation : IXmlSerializable
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        ///     Creates an instance of Annotation for use by XML serialization.
        ///     This constructor should not be used directly.  It does not 
        ///     initialize the instance.
        public Annotation() 
            // Should only be used from XML serialization.  This instance will 
            // not be a valid Annotation if used outside of serialization.

            _id = Guid.Empty;
            _created = DateTime.MinValue; 
            _modified = DateTime.MinValue;
        ///     Creates an instance of Annotation with the specified type name.
        /// fully qualified type name of the new Annotation 
        /// annotationType is null
        /// annotationType's Name or Namespace is null or empty string 
        public Annotation(XmlQualifiedName annotationType) 
            if (annotationType == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("annotationType");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Name)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Name");//todo better message 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Namespace))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Namespace");//todo better message

            _id = Guid.NewGuid(); 
            _typeName = annotationType;
            // For an new instance of Annotation, _created should be == with _modified 
            _created = DateTime.Now;
            _modified = _created; 

        ///     Creates an instance of Annotation with the values provided.  This 
        ///     constructor is for use by stores using their own serialization method. 
        ///     It provides a way to create an annotation with all the necessary
        ///     read-only data. 
        /// the fully qualified type name of the new Annotation
        /// the id of the new Annotation
        /// the time the annotation was first created 
        /// the time the annotation was last modified
        /// annotationType is null 
        /// lastModificationTime is earlier than creationTime 
        /// annotationType's Name or Namespace is null or empty string
        /// id is equal to Guid.Empty 
        public Annotation(XmlQualifiedName annotationType, Guid id, DateTime creationTime, DateTime lastModificationTime)
            if (annotationType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("annotationType");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Name)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Name");//todo better message 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(annotationType.Namespace))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeNameMustBeSpecified), "annotationType.Namespace");//todo better message 
            if (id.Equals(Guid.Empty)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidGuid), "id"); 
            if (lastModificationTime.CompareTo(creationTime) < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ModificationEarlierThanCreation), "lastModificationTime"); 
            _id = id; 
            _typeName = annotationType; 

            _created = creationTime; 
            _modified = lastModificationTime;


        #endregion Constructors 
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
        #region IXmlSerializable Implementation 

        ///     Returns null.  The annotations schema is available at
        public XmlSchema GetSchema() 
            return null; 

        ///     Serializes this Annotation to XML with the passed in XmlWriter.
        /// the writer to serialize the Annotation to
        /// writer is null 
        public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
            if (writer == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); 

            //fire trace event
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.SERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.StartEvent); 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(writer.LookupPrefix(AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace))) 
                writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix, AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.CoreSchemaPrefix, null, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(writer.LookupPrefix(AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.BaseSchemaNamespace)))
                writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix, AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.BaseSchemaPrefix, null, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.BaseSchemaNamespace);

            if (_typeName == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotSerializeInvalidInstance));

            // XmlConvert.ToString is [Obsolete]
            #pragma warning disable 0618
            writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.Id, XmlConvert.ToString(_id));
            writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.CreationTime, XmlConvert.ToString(_created)); 
            writer.WriteAttributeString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.LastModificationTime, XmlConvert.ToString(_modified)); 

            #pragma warning restore 0618 

            writer.WriteQualifiedName(_typeName.Name, _typeName.Namespace);

            if (_authors != null && _authors.Count > 0) 
                writer.WriteStartElement(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace);
                foreach (string author in _authors) 
                    if (author != null)
                        writer.WriteElementString(AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.BaseSchemaPrefix, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.StringAuthor, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.BaseSchemaNamespace, author); 
            if (_anchors != null && _anchors.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteStartElement(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace);
                foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in _anchors) 
                    if (anchor != null) 
                        ResourceSerializer.Serialize(writer, anchor);
            if (_cargos != null && _cargos.Count > 0)
                writer.WriteStartElement(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection, AnnotationXmlConstants.Namespaces.CoreSchemaNamespace); 
                foreach (AnnotationResource cargo in _cargos)
                    if (cargo != null)
                        ResourceSerializer.Serialize(writer, cargo);

            //fire trace event 
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.SERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.EndEvent);

        ///     Deserializes an Annotation from the XmlReader passed in. 
        /// reader to deserialize from
        /// reader is null 
        public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            //fire trace event
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.DESERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.StartEvent); 

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) 
                reader.Read(); // Read the remainder of the "Annotation" start tag
                while (!(XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType && AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation == reader.LocalName))
                    if (AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection == reader.LocalName)
                        CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(reader, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection);
                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) 
                            reader.Read();    // Reads the "Anchors" start tag 
                            while (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AnchorCollection == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType))
                                AnnotationResource anchor = (AnnotationResource)ResourceSerializer.Deserialize(reader);
                        reader.Read();    // Reads the "Anchors" end tag (or whole tag if it was empty) 
                    else if (AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection == reader.LocalName) 
                        CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(reader, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection);

                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) 
                            reader.Read();    // Reads the "Cargos" start tag 
                            while (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.CargoCollection == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType)) 
                                AnnotationResource cargo = (AnnotationResource)ResourceSerializer.Deserialize(reader); 
                        reader.Read();    // Reads the "Cargos" end tag (or whole tag if it was empty) 
                    else if (AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection == reader.LocalName) 
                        CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(reader, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection);
                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                            reader.Read();    // Reads the "Authors" start tag
                            while (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.AuthorCollection == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.EndElement == reader.NodeType)) 
                                if (!(AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.StringAuthor == reader.LocalName && XmlNodeType.Element == reader.NodeType)) 
                                    throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidXmlContent, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));

                                XmlNode node = doc.ReadNode(reader);  // Reads the entire "StringAuthor" tag
                                if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                        reader.Read();    // Reads the "Authors" end tag (or whole tag if it was empty) 
                        // The annotation must contain some invalid content which is not part of the schema. 
                        throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidXmlContent, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));
            reader.Read(); // Read the end of the "Annotation" tag (or the whole tag if its empty)

            //fire trace event
            EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.DESERIALIZEANNOTATIONGUID, EventType.EndEvent); 

        #endregion IXmlSerializable Implementation
        #endregion Public Methods

        //  Public Operators

        //  Public Events

        #region Public Events 
        ///     Event fired when an author is added, removed or modified in anyway. 
        public event AnnotationAuthorChangedEventHandler AuthorChanged;

        ///     Event fired when an anchor is added, removed or modified in anyway.
        ///     This includes modifications to an anchor's sub-parts such as 
        ///     changing a value on a ContentLocatorPart which is contained by a ContentLocatorBase 
        ///     which is contained by an anchor which is contained by this
        ///     Annotation. 
        public event AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler AnchorChanged;

        ///     Event fired when an cargo is added, removed or modified in anyway.
        ///     This includes modifications to a cargo's sub-parts such as 
        ///     changing an attribute on an XmlNode contained by a content which 
        ///     is contained by a cargo which is contained by this Annotation.
        public event AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler CargoChanged;

        #endregion Public Events
        //  Public Properties 

        #region Public Properties

        ///     An Annotation is given a unique Guid when it is first instantiated.
        /// the unique id of this Annotation; this property will return 
        /// Guid.Empty if the Annotation was instantied with the default constructor -
        /// which should not be used directly 
        public Guid Id
            get { return _id; }

        ///     The type of this Annotation. 
        /// the type of this Annotation; this property will only return 
        /// null if the Annotation was instantiated with the default constructor - which
        /// should not be used directly
        public XmlQualifiedName AnnotationType
            get { return _typeName; }
        ///     The time of creation for this Annotation.  This is set when 
        ///     the Annotation is first instantiated.
        /// the creation time of this Annotation; this property will return
        /// DateTime.MinValue if the Annotation was instantiated with the default constructor - 
        /// which should not be used directly
        public DateTime CreationTime 
            get { return _created; }

        ///     The time of the Annotation was last modified.  This is set after any
        ///     change to Annotation before any notifications are fired. 
        /// the last modification time of this Annotation; this property will 
        /// return DateTime.MinValue if the Annotation was instantiated with the default 
        /// constructor - which should not be used directly
        public DateTime LastModificationTime 
            get { return _modified; }
        ///     The collection of zero or more authors for this Annotation. 
        /// collection of authors for this Annotation; never returns null
        public Collection Authors 
                return _authors; 
        ///     The collection of zero or more Resources that represent the anchors 
        ///     of this Annotation.  These could be references to content,
        ///     actually include the content itself, or both (as in the case of
        ///     a snippet being the anchor of a comment).
        /// collection of Resources; never returns null
        public Collection Anchors 
                return _anchors;
        ///     The collection of zero or more Resources that represent the cargos 
        ///     of this Annotation.  These could be references to content, 
        ///     actually include the content itself, or both (as in the case of
        ///     a snippet from a web-page being the cargo). 
        /// collection of Resources; never returns null
        public Collection Cargos
                return _cargos; 

        #endregion Public Properties

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods

        /// Returns true if the reader is positioned on an attribute that 
        /// is a namespace attribute - for instance xmlns="xx", xmlns:bac="http:bac",
        /// or xml:lang="en-us". 
        internal static bool IsNamespaceDeclaration(XmlReader reader)
            Invariant.Assert(reader != null);

            // The reader is on a namespace declaration if:
            //   - the current node is an attribute AND either 
            //     - the attribute has no prefix and local name is 'xmlns'
            //     - the attribute's prefix is 'xmlns' or 'xml' 
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) 
                if (reader.Prefix.Length == 0) 
                    if (reader.LocalName == AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix)
                        return true;
                    if (reader.Prefix == AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlnsPrefix || 
                        reader.Prefix == AnnotationXmlConstants.Prefixes.XmlPrefix)
                        return true; 

            return false; 
        /// Checks all attributes for the current node.  If any attribute isn't a
        /// namespace attribute an exception is thrown. 
        internal static void CheckForNonNamespaceAttribute(XmlReader reader, string elementName)
            Invariant.Assert(reader != null, "No reader supplied."); 
            Invariant.Assert(elementName != null, "No element name supplied.");
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) 
                // If the attribute is a namespace declaration we should ignore it 
                if (Annotation.IsNamespaceDeclaration(reader))

                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedAttribute, reader.LocalName, elementName)); 

            // We need to move the reader back to the original element the 
            // attributes are on for the next reader operation.  Has no effect
            // if no attributes were looked at

        #endregion Internal Methods 
        //  Private Properties
        #region Private Properties
        ///     Returns serializer for Resource objects.  Lazily creates
        ///     the serializer for cases where its not needed. 
        private static Serializer ResourceSerializer
                if (_ResourceSerializer == null) 
                    _ResourceSerializer = new Serializer(typeof(AnnotationResource));
                return _ResourceSerializer;
        #endregion Private Properties
        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods 

        private void ReadAttributes(XmlReader reader) 
            Invariant.Assert(reader != null, "No reader passed in.");
            // Read all the attributes
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                string value = reader.Value; 

                // Skip null and empty values - they will be treated the 
                // same as if they weren't specified at all 
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

                switch (reader.LocalName)
                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.Id: 
                        _id = XmlConvert.ToGuid(value);
                    // XmlConvert.ToDateTime is [Obsolete]
                    #pragma warning disable 0618 

                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.CreationTime:
                        _created = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(value);

                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.LastModificationTime: 
                        _modified = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(value); 
                    #pragma warning restore 0618

                    case AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName:
                        string[] typeName = value.Split(_Colon); 
                        if (typeName.Length == 1)
                            typeName[0] = typeName[0].Trim(); 
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName[0]))
                                // Just a string of whitespace (empty string doesn't get processed)
                                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidAttributeValue, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName));
                            _typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(typeName[0]); 
                        else if (typeName.Length == 2) 
                            typeName[0] = typeName[0].Trim();
                            typeName[1] = typeName[1].Trim(); 
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName[0]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName[1]))
                                // One colon, prefix or suffix is empty string or whitespace
                                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidAttributeValue, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName)); 
                            _typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(typeName[1], reader.LookupNamespace(typeName[0])); 
                            // More than one colon
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidAttributeValue, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName));

                        if (!Annotation.IsNamespaceDeclaration(reader)) 
                           throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedAttribute, reader.LocalName, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));

            // Test to see if any required attribute was missing 
            if (_id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.Id, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation)); 
            if (_created.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.CreationTime, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));
            if (_modified.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.LastModificationTime, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation)); 
            if (_typeName == null)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredAttributeMissing, AnnotationXmlConstants.Attributes.TypeName, AnnotationXmlConstants.Elements.Annotation));

            // Move back to the parent "Annotation" element 
        private void OnCargoChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            FireResourceEvent((AnnotationResource)sender, AnnotationAction.Modified, CargoChanged);

        private void OnCargosChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) 
            AnnotationAction action = AnnotationAction.Added; 
            IList changedItems = null; 

            switch (e.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    action = AnnotationAction.Added;
                    changedItems = e.NewItems; 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    action = AnnotationAction.Removed;
                    changedItems = e.OldItems; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    // For Replace we need to fire removes and adds.  As in other 
                    // event firing code - if a listener for one event throws the
                    // rest of the events won't be fired. 
                    foreach (AnnotationResource cargo in e.OldItems) 
                        FireResourceEvent(cargo, AnnotationAction.Removed, CargoChanged); 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems;
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort

                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, e.Action));
            if (changedItems != null)
                foreach (AnnotationResource cargo in changedItems)
                    FireResourceEvent(cargo, action, CargoChanged);
        private void OnAnchorChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            FireResourceEvent((AnnotationResource)sender, AnnotationAction.Modified, AnchorChanged);

        private void OnAnchorsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) 
            AnnotationAction action = AnnotationAction.Added; 
            IList changedItems = null; 

            switch (e.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                    action = AnnotationAction.Added;
                    changedItems = e.NewItems; 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    action = AnnotationAction.Removed;
                    changedItems = e.OldItems; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    // For Replace we need to fire removes and adds.  As in other 
                    // event firing code - if a listener for one event throws the
                    // rest of the events won't be fired. 
                    foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in e.OldItems) 
                        FireResourceEvent(anchor, AnnotationAction.Removed, AnchorChanged); 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems;
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort

                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, e.Action));
            if (changedItems != null)
                foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in changedItems)
                    FireResourceEvent(anchor, action, AnchorChanged);
        private void OnAuthorsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            AnnotationAction action = AnnotationAction.Added;
            IList changedItems = null;

            switch (e.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                    action = AnnotationAction.Added; 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems;

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    action = AnnotationAction.Removed;
                    changedItems = e.OldItems; 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace: 
                    // For Replace we need to fire removes and adds.  As in other
                    // event firing code - if a listener for one event throws the 
                    // rest of the events won't be fired.
                    foreach (string author in e.OldItems)
                        FireAuthorEvent(author, AnnotationAction.Removed); 
                    changedItems = e.NewItems; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    // ignore - this only happens on sort
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, e.Action)); 

            if (changedItems != null)
                foreach (Object author in changedItems)
                    FireAuthorEvent(author, action); 

        ///     Fires an AuthorChanged event for the given author and action. 
        /// the author to notify about 
        /// the action that took place for that author 
        private void FireAuthorEvent(Object author, AnnotationAction action)
            // 'author' can be null because null authors are allowed in the collection
            Invariant.Assert(action >= AnnotationAction.Added && action <= AnnotationAction.Modified, "Unknown AnnotationAction");

            // Always update the modification time before firing change events 
            _modified = DateTime.Now;
            if (AuthorChanged != null) 
                AuthorChanged(this, new AnnotationAuthorChangedEventArgs(this, action, author)); 

        ///     Fires a ResourceChanged event for the given resource and action.
        /// the resource to notify about 
        /// the action that took place for that resource
        /// the handlers to notify 
        private void FireResourceEvent(AnnotationResource resource, AnnotationAction action, AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler handlers)
            // resource can be null - we allow that because it could be added or removed from the annotation.
            Invariant.Assert(action >= AnnotationAction.Added && action <= AnnotationAction.Modified, "Unknown AnnotationAction"); 

            // Always update the modification time before firing change events 
            _modified = DateTime.Now; 

            if (handlers != null) 
                handlers(this, new AnnotationResourceChangedEventArgs(this, action, resource));

        private void Init() 
            _cargos = new AnnotationResourceCollection(); 
            _cargos.ItemChanged += OnCargoChanged;
            _cargos.CollectionChanged += OnCargosChanged;
            _anchors = new AnnotationResourceCollection();
            _anchors.ItemChanged += OnAnchorChanged; 
            _anchors.CollectionChanged += OnAnchorsChanged;
            _authors = new ObservableCollection(); 
            _authors.CollectionChanged += OnAuthorsChanged; 
        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        /// This annotation's unique indentifier
        private Guid _id;
        /// Type name of this annotation
        private XmlQualifiedName _typeName;

        /// Time of creation of this annotation (set by the store) 
        private DateTime _created; 
        /// Time of last update to this annotatin (set by the store) 
        private DateTime _modified;

        /// The authors for this annotation - zero or more authors
        private ObservableCollection _authors; 

        /// The cargo for this annotation - nothing or a single resource
        private AnnotationResourceCollection _cargos;
        /// The contexts for this annotation - zero or more resources 
        private AnnotationResourceCollection _anchors;
        /// Serializer for resources - used to serialize and deserialize annotations
        private static Serializer _ResourceSerializer; 

        /// Colon used to split the parts of a qualified name attribute value 
        private static readonly char[] _Colon = new char[] { ':' }; 

        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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