/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / RtfToXamlLexer.cs / 1 / RtfToXamlLexer.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: RtfToXamlLexer.cs // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: Rtf lexer. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.IO; // Stream namespace System.Windows.Documents { ////// RtfToXamlLexer. /// internal class RtfToXamlLexer { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors ////// RtfToXamlLexer /// internal RtfToXamlLexer(byte[] rtfBytes) { _rtfBytes = rtfBytes; _currentCodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage; _currentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(_currentCodePage); } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods ////// /// /// /// ///internal RtfToXamlError Next(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; _rtfLastIndex = _rtfIndex; token.Empty(); if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenEOF; return rtfToXamlError; } int rtfStartIndex = _rtfIndex; byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; switch (tokenChar) { // GroupStart case (byte)'{': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart; break; // GroupEnd case (byte)'}': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd; break; // Control Word case (byte)'\r': case (byte)'\n': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenNewline; break; case (byte)0: token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar; break; case (byte)'\\': // Input ends with control sequence if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } // Normal control character else { if (IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) { int controlStartIndex = _rtfIndex; // Set _rtfIndex to get actual control SetRtfIndex(token, controlStartIndex); // Also provide actual control text - useful for unknown controls token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex - 1, _rtfIndex - rtfStartIndex); } // Hex character else if (CurByte == (byte)'\'') { _rtfIndex--; return NextText(token); } // Explicit destination else if (CurByte == '*') { _rtfIndex++; token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenDestination; } // Quoted control character (be generous) - should be limited to "'-*;\_{|}~" else { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenTextSymbol; token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, _rtfIndex, 1); _rtfIndex++; } } break; // Text or Picture data default: _rtfIndex--; if (formatState != null && formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenPictureData; break; } else { return NextText(token); } } return rtfToXamlError; } internal RtfToXamlError AdvanceForUnicode(long nSkip) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; // Advancing for text is a little tricky RtfToken token = new RtfToken(); while (nSkip > 0 && rtfToXamlError == RtfToXamlError.None) { rtfToXamlError = Next(token, /*formatState:*/null); if (rtfToXamlError != RtfToXamlError.None) break; switch (token.Type) { default: case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart: case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd: case RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid: case RtfTokenType.TokenEOF: case RtfTokenType.TokenDestination: Backup(); nSkip = 0; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenControl: if (token.RtfControlWordInfo != null && token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BIN) { AdvanceForBinary((int)token.Parameter); } nSkip--; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenNewline: // Newlines don't count for skipping purposes break; case RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar: // Null chars don't count for skipping purposes break; case RtfTokenType.TokenText: // We need to skip *bytes*, considering hex-encoded control words as a single byte. // Since Next() returned TokenText, we know that we can safely assume that the next // sequence of bytes is either simple text or hex-encoded bytes. int nEndTextIndex = _rtfIndex; Backup(); while (nSkip > 0 && _rtfIndex < nEndTextIndex) { if (CurByte == '\\') { _rtfIndex += 4; } else { _rtfIndex++; } nSkip--; } break; } } return rtfToXamlError; } internal void AdvanceForBinary(int skip) { if (_rtfIndex + skip < _rtfBytes.Length) { _rtfIndex += skip; } else { _rtfIndex = _rtfBytes.Length - 1; } } // Advance for the image data internal void AdvanceForImageData() { byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; // Find the end position of image data while (tokenChar != (byte)'}') { tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; } // Move back to the group end char('}') to handle the group end token _rtfIndex--; } // Write the rtf image binary data to the image stream which is the image part of // the container on WpfPayLoad internal void WriteImageData(Stream imageStream, bool isBinary) { byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; byte tokenNextChar; // Write the rtf image data(binary or hex) to the image stream of WpfPayLoad while (tokenChar != (byte)'{' && tokenChar != (byte)'}' && tokenChar != (byte)'\\') { if (isBinary) { // Write the image binary data directly imageStream.WriteByte(tokenChar); } else { tokenNextChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex + 1]; // Write the image data after convert rtf image hex data to binary data if (IsHex(tokenChar) && IsHex(tokenNextChar)) { byte firstHex = HexToByte(tokenChar); byte secondHex = HexToByte(tokenNextChar); imageStream.WriteByte((byte)(firstHex << 4 | secondHex)); _rtfIndex++; } } _rtfIndex++; tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal int CodePage { set { if (_currentCodePage != value) { _currentCodePage = value; _currentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(_currentCodePage); } } } internal Encoding CurrentEncoding { get { return _currentEncoding; } } internal byte CurByte { get { return _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods /// /// Called to process sequence of text and \'hh encoded bytes. /// /// ///private RtfToXamlError NextText(RtfToken token) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; _rtfLastIndex = _rtfIndex; token.Empty(); token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenText; int s = _rtfIndex; int e = s; bool bSawHex = false; while (e < _rtfBytes.Length) { if (IsControl(_rtfBytes[e])) { if (_rtfBytes[e] == (byte)'\\' && e + 3 < _rtfBytes.Length && _rtfBytes[e + 1] == '\'' && IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 2]) && IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 3])) { e += 4; bSawHex = true; } else { break; } } else if (_rtfBytes[e] == '\r' || _rtfBytes[e] == '\n' || _rtfBytes[e] == 0) { break; } else { e++; } } if (s == e) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { _rtfIndex = e; if (bSawHex) { int i = 0; int n = e - s; byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; while (s < e) { if (_rtfBytes[s] == '\\') { bytes[i++] = (byte)((byte)(HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 2]) << 4) + HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 3])); s += 4; } else { bytes[i++] = _rtfBytes[s++]; } } token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(bytes, 0, i); } else { token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, s, e - s); } } return rtfToXamlError; } private RtfToXamlError Backup() { if (_rtfLastIndex == 0) { // This is a programming error. Debug.Assert(false); return RtfToXamlError.InvalidFormat; } _rtfIndex = _rtfLastIndex; _rtfLastIndex = 0; return RtfToXamlError.None; } private void SetRtfIndex(RtfToken token, int controlStartIndex) { while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) { _rtfIndex++; } int controlLength = _rtfIndex - controlStartIndex; string controlName = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex, controlLength); // If control sequence > MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH characters, invalid input. if (controlLength > MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenControl; token.RtfControlWordInfo = RtfControlWordLookup(controlName); if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length) { if (CurByte == ' ') { _rtfIndex++; } else if (IsParameterStart(CurByte)) { bool isNegative = false; if (CurByte == '-') { isNegative = true; _rtfIndex++; } long parameter = 0; int paramStartIndex = _rtfIndex; while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsParameterFollow(CurByte)) { parameter = (parameter * 10) + (CurByte - '0'); _rtfIndex++; } int paramLength = _rtfIndex - paramStartIndex; // Following space is not part of text input if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && CurByte == ' ') { _rtfIndex++; } if (isNegative) { parameter = -parameter; } // If parameter is too long, invalid input. if (paramLength > MAX_PARAM_LENGTH) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { token.Parameter = parameter; } } } } } private bool IsControl(byte controlChar) { return ((controlChar) == (byte)'\\' || (controlChar) == (byte)'{' || (controlChar) == (byte)'}'); } private bool IsControlCharValid(byte controlChar) { return (((controlChar) >= (byte)'a' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'z') || ((controlChar) >= (byte)'A' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'Z')); } private bool IsParameterStart(byte controlChar) { return ((controlChar) == (byte)'-' || ((controlChar) >= (byte)'0' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'9')); } private bool IsParameterFollow(byte controlChar) { return (((controlChar) >= (byte)'0' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'9')); } private bool IsHex(byte controlChar) { return ((controlChar >= (byte)'0' && controlChar <= (byte)'9') || (controlChar >= (byte)'a' && controlChar <= (byte)'f') || (controlChar >= (byte)'A' && controlChar <= (byte)'F')); } private byte HexToByte(byte hexByte) { if (hexByte >= (byte)'0' && hexByte <= (byte)'9') { return (byte)(hexByte - ((byte)'0')); } else if (hexByte >= (byte)'a' && hexByte <= (byte)'f') { return (byte)(10 + hexByte - ((byte)'a')); } else if (hexByte >= (byte)'A' && hexByte <= (byte)'F') { return (byte)(10 + hexByte - ((byte)'A')); } else { return 0; } } private static RtfControlWordInfo RtfControlWordLookup(string controlName) { // Initialize hashtable if (_rtfControlTable == null) { RtfControlWordInfo[] controlWordInfoTable = RtfControls.ControlTable; _rtfControlTable = new Hashtable(controlWordInfoTable.Length); for (int i = 0; i < controlWordInfoTable.Length; i++) { _rtfControlTable.Add(controlWordInfoTable[i].ControlName, controlWordInfoTable[i]); } } RtfControlWordInfo cwi = (RtfControlWordInfo)_rtfControlTable[controlName]; if (cwi == null) { // OK, then canonicalize it controlName = controlName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); cwi = (RtfControlWordInfo)_rtfControlTable[controlName]; } return cwi; } #endregion Private Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private byte[] _rtfBytes; private int _rtfIndex; private int _rtfLastIndex; private int _currentCodePage; private Encoding _currentEncoding; private static Hashtable _rtfControlTable = null; #endregion Private Fields //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Const // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Const private const int MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH = 32; private const int MAX_PARAM_LENGTH = 10; // 10 decimal digits in 32 bits #endregion Private Const } // RtfToXamlLexer } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: RtfToXamlLexer.cs // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: Rtf lexer. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.IO; // Stream namespace System.Windows.Documents { /// /// RtfToXamlLexer. /// internal class RtfToXamlLexer { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors ////// RtfToXamlLexer /// internal RtfToXamlLexer(byte[] rtfBytes) { _rtfBytes = rtfBytes; _currentCodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage; _currentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(_currentCodePage); } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Internal Methods ////// /// /// /// ///internal RtfToXamlError Next(RtfToken token, FormatState formatState) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; _rtfLastIndex = _rtfIndex; token.Empty(); if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenEOF; return rtfToXamlError; } int rtfStartIndex = _rtfIndex; byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; switch (tokenChar) { // GroupStart case (byte)'{': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart; break; // GroupEnd case (byte)'}': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd; break; // Control Word case (byte)'\r': case (byte)'\n': token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenNewline; break; case (byte)0: token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar; break; case (byte)'\\': // Input ends with control sequence if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } // Normal control character else { if (IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) { int controlStartIndex = _rtfIndex; // Set _rtfIndex to get actual control SetRtfIndex(token, controlStartIndex); // Also provide actual control text - useful for unknown controls token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex - 1, _rtfIndex - rtfStartIndex); } // Hex character else if (CurByte == (byte)'\'') { _rtfIndex--; return NextText(token); } // Explicit destination else if (CurByte == '*') { _rtfIndex++; token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenDestination; } // Quoted control character (be generous) - should be limited to "'-*;\_{|}~" else { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenTextSymbol; token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, _rtfIndex, 1); _rtfIndex++; } } break; // Text or Picture data default: _rtfIndex--; if (formatState != null && formatState.RtfDestination == RtfDestination.DestPicture) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenPictureData; break; } else { return NextText(token); } } return rtfToXamlError; } internal RtfToXamlError AdvanceForUnicode(long nSkip) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; // Advancing for text is a little tricky RtfToken token = new RtfToken(); while (nSkip > 0 && rtfToXamlError == RtfToXamlError.None) { rtfToXamlError = Next(token, /*formatState:*/null); if (rtfToXamlError != RtfToXamlError.None) break; switch (token.Type) { default: case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupStart: case RtfTokenType.TokenGroupEnd: case RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid: case RtfTokenType.TokenEOF: case RtfTokenType.TokenDestination: Backup(); nSkip = 0; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenControl: if (token.RtfControlWordInfo != null && token.RtfControlWordInfo.Control == RtfControlWord.Ctrl_BIN) { AdvanceForBinary((int)token.Parameter); } nSkip--; break; case RtfTokenType.TokenNewline: // Newlines don't count for skipping purposes break; case RtfTokenType.TokenNullChar: // Null chars don't count for skipping purposes break; case RtfTokenType.TokenText: // We need to skip *bytes*, considering hex-encoded control words as a single byte. // Since Next() returned TokenText, we know that we can safely assume that the next // sequence of bytes is either simple text or hex-encoded bytes. int nEndTextIndex = _rtfIndex; Backup(); while (nSkip > 0 && _rtfIndex < nEndTextIndex) { if (CurByte == '\\') { _rtfIndex += 4; } else { _rtfIndex++; } nSkip--; } break; } } return rtfToXamlError; } internal void AdvanceForBinary(int skip) { if (_rtfIndex + skip < _rtfBytes.Length) { _rtfIndex += skip; } else { _rtfIndex = _rtfBytes.Length - 1; } } // Advance for the image data internal void AdvanceForImageData() { byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; // Find the end position of image data while (tokenChar != (byte)'}') { tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; } // Move back to the group end char('}') to handle the group end token _rtfIndex--; } // Write the rtf image binary data to the image stream which is the image part of // the container on WpfPayLoad internal void WriteImageData(Stream imageStream, bool isBinary) { byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; byte tokenNextChar; // Write the rtf image data(binary or hex) to the image stream of WpfPayLoad while (tokenChar != (byte)'{' && tokenChar != (byte)'}' && tokenChar != (byte)'\\') { if (isBinary) { // Write the image binary data directly imageStream.WriteByte(tokenChar); } else { tokenNextChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex + 1]; // Write the image data after convert rtf image hex data to binary data if (IsHex(tokenChar) && IsHex(tokenNextChar)) { byte firstHex = HexToByte(tokenChar); byte secondHex = HexToByte(tokenNextChar); imageStream.WriteByte((byte)(firstHex << 4 | secondHex)); _rtfIndex++; } } _rtfIndex++; tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; } } #endregion Internal Properties //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Properties // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Properties internal int CodePage { set { if (_currentCodePage != value) { _currentCodePage = value; _currentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(_currentCodePage); } } } internal Encoding CurrentEncoding { get { return _currentEncoding; } } internal byte CurByte { get { return _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; } } #endregion Internal Properties //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods /// /// Called to process sequence of text and \'hh encoded bytes. /// /// ///private RtfToXamlError NextText(RtfToken token) { RtfToXamlError rtfToXamlError = RtfToXamlError.None; _rtfLastIndex = _rtfIndex; token.Empty(); token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenText; int s = _rtfIndex; int e = s; bool bSawHex = false; while (e < _rtfBytes.Length) { if (IsControl(_rtfBytes[e])) { if (_rtfBytes[e] == (byte)'\\' && e + 3 < _rtfBytes.Length && _rtfBytes[e + 1] == '\'' && IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 2]) && IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 3])) { e += 4; bSawHex = true; } else { break; } } else if (_rtfBytes[e] == '\r' || _rtfBytes[e] == '\n' || _rtfBytes[e] == 0) { break; } else { e++; } } if (s == e) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { _rtfIndex = e; if (bSawHex) { int i = 0; int n = e - s; byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; while (s < e) { if (_rtfBytes[s] == '\\') { bytes[i++] = (byte)((byte)(HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 2]) << 4) + HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 3])); s += 4; } else { bytes[i++] = _rtfBytes[s++]; } } token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(bytes, 0, i); } else { token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, s, e - s); } } return rtfToXamlError; } private RtfToXamlError Backup() { if (_rtfLastIndex == 0) { // This is a programming error. Debug.Assert(false); return RtfToXamlError.InvalidFormat; } _rtfIndex = _rtfLastIndex; _rtfLastIndex = 0; return RtfToXamlError.None; } private void SetRtfIndex(RtfToken token, int controlStartIndex) { while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) { _rtfIndex++; } int controlLength = _rtfIndex - controlStartIndex; string controlName = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex, controlLength); // If control sequence > MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH characters, invalid input. if (controlLength > MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenControl; token.RtfControlWordInfo = RtfControlWordLookup(controlName); if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length) { if (CurByte == ' ') { _rtfIndex++; } else if (IsParameterStart(CurByte)) { bool isNegative = false; if (CurByte == '-') { isNegative = true; _rtfIndex++; } long parameter = 0; int paramStartIndex = _rtfIndex; while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsParameterFollow(CurByte)) { parameter = (parameter * 10) + (CurByte - '0'); _rtfIndex++; } int paramLength = _rtfIndex - paramStartIndex; // Following space is not part of text input if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && CurByte == ' ') { _rtfIndex++; } if (isNegative) { parameter = -parameter; } // If parameter is too long, invalid input. if (paramLength > MAX_PARAM_LENGTH) { token.Type = RtfTokenType.TokenInvalid; } else { token.Parameter = parameter; } } } } } private bool IsControl(byte controlChar) { return ((controlChar) == (byte)'\\' || (controlChar) == (byte)'{' || (controlChar) == (byte)'}'); } private bool IsControlCharValid(byte controlChar) { return (((controlChar) >= (byte)'a' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'z') || ((controlChar) >= (byte)'A' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'Z')); } private bool IsParameterStart(byte controlChar) { return ((controlChar) == (byte)'-' || ((controlChar) >= (byte)'0' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'9')); } private bool IsParameterFollow(byte controlChar) { return (((controlChar) >= (byte)'0' && (controlChar) <= (byte)'9')); } private bool IsHex(byte controlChar) { return ((controlChar >= (byte)'0' && controlChar <= (byte)'9') || (controlChar >= (byte)'a' && controlChar <= (byte)'f') || (controlChar >= (byte)'A' && controlChar <= (byte)'F')); } private byte HexToByte(byte hexByte) { if (hexByte >= (byte)'0' && hexByte <= (byte)'9') { return (byte)(hexByte - ((byte)'0')); } else if (hexByte >= (byte)'a' && hexByte <= (byte)'f') { return (byte)(10 + hexByte - ((byte)'a')); } else if (hexByte >= (byte)'A' && hexByte <= (byte)'F') { return (byte)(10 + hexByte - ((byte)'A')); } else { return 0; } } private static RtfControlWordInfo RtfControlWordLookup(string controlName) { // Initialize hashtable if (_rtfControlTable == null) { RtfControlWordInfo[] controlWordInfoTable = RtfControls.ControlTable; _rtfControlTable = new Hashtable(controlWordInfoTable.Length); for (int i = 0; i < controlWordInfoTable.Length; i++) { _rtfControlTable.Add(controlWordInfoTable[i].ControlName, controlWordInfoTable[i]); } } RtfControlWordInfo cwi = (RtfControlWordInfo)_rtfControlTable[controlName]; if (cwi == null) { // OK, then canonicalize it controlName = controlName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); cwi = (RtfControlWordInfo)_rtfControlTable[controlName]; } return cwi; } #endregion Private Methods //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private byte[] _rtfBytes; private int _rtfIndex; private int _rtfLastIndex; private int _currentCodePage; private Encoding _currentEncoding; private static Hashtable _rtfControlTable = null; #endregion Private Fields //----------------------------------------------------- // // Private Const // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Const private const int MAX_CONTROL_LENGTH = 32; private const int MAX_PARAM_LENGTH = 10; // 10 decimal digits in 32 bits #endregion Private Const } // RtfToXamlLexer } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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