DataGrid.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / DataGrid.cs / 1 / DataGrid.cs

    //     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
        using System.Text;
        using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
        using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
        using System.Runtime.Remoting;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Security; 
        using System.Security.Permissions;
        using System; 
        using System.Collections; 
        using System.Windows.Forms;
        using System.Windows.Forms.Design; 
        using System.ComponentModel.Design;
        using System.Drawing;

        using Microsoft.Win32; 
        using System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel;
        using System.Diagnostics; 
        using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
        using System.Globalization;
        ///    Displays ADO.NET data in a scrollable
        ///       grid. 
        Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataGridDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), 
        ComplexBindingProperties("DataSource", "DataMember"),
        public class DataGrid : Control, ISupportInitialize, IDataGridEditingService {
    #if DEBUG 
            internal TraceSwitch DataGridAcc = new TraceSwitch("DataGridAcc", "Trace Windows Forms DataGrid Accessibility"); 
            internal TraceSwitch DataGridAcc = null; 

            private const int               GRIDSTATE_allowSorting                  = 0x00000001;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_columnHeadersVisible          = 0x00000002; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_rowHeadersVisible             = 0x00000004;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_trackColResize                = 0x00000008; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize                = 0x00000010; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isLedgerStyle                 = 0x00000020;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isFlatMode                    = 0x00000040; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_listHasErrors                 = 0x00000080;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_dragging                      = 0x00000100;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew                  = 0x00000200;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow                   = 0x00000400; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_canFocus                      = 0x00000800;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_readOnlyMode                  = 0x00001000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_allowNavigation               = 0x00002000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isNavigating                  = 0x00004000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isEditing                     = 0x00008000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging           = 0x00010000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isScrolling                   = 0x00020000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_overCaption                   = 0x00040000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused              = 0x00080000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow                   = 0x00100000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager              = 0x00200000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged               = 0x00400000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_exceptionInPaint              = 0x00800000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended               = 0x01000000; 

            // PERF: take all the bools and put them into a state variable
            private System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32 gridState;                  // see GRIDSTATE_ consts above
            // for column widths
            private const int NumRowsForAutoResize = 10; 
            private const int       errorRowBitmapWidth         = 15;
            private const  DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle    defaultParentRowsLabelStyle  = DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.Both;

            private const BorderStyle defaultBorderStyle    = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            private const bool defaultCaptionVisible = true;
            private const bool defaultParentRowsVisible = true; 

            private DataGridTableStyle defaultTableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle(true); 

            // private bool allowSorting = true;

            private SolidBrush alternatingBackBrush = DefaultAlternatingBackBrush; 

            // private bool columnHeadersVisible = true; 
            private SolidBrush gridLineBrush = DefaultGridLineBrush;
            private const DataGridLineStyle defaultGridLineStyle = DataGridLineStyle.Solid;
            private DataGridLineStyle gridLineStyle = defaultGridLineStyle;

            private SolidBrush headerBackBrush = DefaultHeaderBackBrush; 

            private Font headerFont = null; // this is ambient property to Font value 
            private SolidBrush headerForeBrush = DefaultHeaderForeBrush;
            private Pen headerForePen = DefaultHeaderForePen; 

            private SolidBrush linkBrush = DefaultLinkBrush;

            private const int defaultPreferredColumnWidth = 75; 
            private int preferredColumnWidth = defaultPreferredColumnWidth;
            private static int defaultFontHeight = Control.DefaultFont.Height; 
            private int prefferedRowHeight = defaultFontHeight + 3;
            // private bool rowHeadersVisible = true;
            private const int defaultRowHeaderWidth = 35;
            private int rowHeaderWidth = defaultRowHeaderWidth;
            private int minRowHeaderWidth; 

            private SolidBrush selectionBackBrush = DefaultSelectionBackBrush; 
            private SolidBrush selectionForeBrush = DefaultSelectionForeBrush; 

            // parent rows 
            private DataGridParentRows    parentRows = null;
            // Set_ListManager uses the originalState to determine
            // if the grid should disconnect from all the MetaDataChangedEvents 
            // keep "originalState != null" when navigating back and forth in the grid
            // and use Add/RemoveMetaDataChanged methods. 
            private DataGridState         originalState = null; 

            // ui state 
            // Don't use dataGridRows, use the accessor!!!
            private DataGridRow[]        dataGridRows     = new DataGridRow[0];
            private int                  dataGridRowsLength = 0; 

            // for toolTip 
            private int toolTipId = 0; 
            private DataGridToolTip toolTipProvider = null;
            private  DataGridAddNewRow    addNewRow        = null;
            private LayoutData            layout           = new LayoutData();
            private  NativeMethods.RECT[]               cachedScrollableRegion = null;
            // header namespace goo
            // these are actually get/set by ColumnBehavior
            internal bool           allowColumnResize  = true; 

            internal bool allowRowResize = true;

            internal DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle parentRowsLabels     = defaultParentRowsLabelStyle; 

            // information for col/row resizing 
            // private bool       trackColResize         = false; 
            private int        trackColAnchor         = 0;
            private int        trackColumn         = 0; 
            // private bool       trackRowResize         = false;
            private int        trackRowAnchor         = 0;
            private int        trackRow            = 0;
            private PropertyDescriptor         trackColumnHeader   = null; 
            private MouseEventArgs lastSplitBar        = null;
            // private bool isLedgerStyle = true; 
            // private bool isFlatMode    = false;
            private Font              linkFont             = null; 

            private SolidBrush        backBrush            = DefaultBackBrush;
            private SolidBrush        foreBrush            = DefaultForeBrush;
            private SolidBrush        backgroundBrush      = DefaultBackgroundBrush; 

            // font cacheing info 
            private int               fontHeight           = -1; 
            private int               linkFontHeight       = -1;
            private int               captionFontHeight    = -1; 
            private int               headerFontHeight     = -1;

            // the preffered height of the row.
            // if the list has items with errors
           // private bool listHasErrors = false; 

            // caption 
            private DataGridCaption caption;

            // Border
            private BorderStyle borderStyle;
            // data binding 
            private object dataSource = null; 
            private string dataMember = "";
            private CurrencyManager listManager = null;

            // currently focused control 
            // we want to unparent it either when rebinding the grid or when the grid is disposed
            Control toBeDisposedEditingControl = null; 
            // persistent data state
            internal GridTableStylesCollection dataGridTables = null;
            // SET myGridTable in SetDataGridTable ONLY
            internal DataGridTableStyle myGridTable = null;
            internal bool checkHierarchy = true; 
            internal bool inInit = false;
            // Selection 
            internal int  currentRow = 0;
            internal int  currentCol = 0; 
            private  int  numSelectedRows = 0;
            private  int lastRowSelected = -1;

            // dragging: 
            // private bool dragging = false;
            // addNewRow 
            // private bool inAddNewRow = false;
            // delete Row 
            // private bool inDeleteRow = false;

            // when we leave, we call CommitEdit
            // if we leave, then do not focus the dataGrid. 
            // so we can't focus the grid at the following moments:
            // 1. while processing the OnLayout event 
            // 2. while processing the OnLeave event 
            // private bool canFocus = true;
            // for CurrentCell
    #if DEBUG
            private bool inDataSource_PositionChanged = false;
    #endif // DEBUG 

            // Policy 
            // private bool   readOnlyMode = false; 
            private Policy policy = new Policy();
            // private bool allowNavigation = true; 

            // editing
            // private bool isNavigating = false;
            // private bool isEditing = false; 
            // private bool editControlChanging = false;
            private DataGridColumnStyle  editColumn = null; 
            private DataGridRow     editRow = null; 

            // scrolling 
            private ScrollBar horizScrollBar  = new HScrollBar();
            private ScrollBar vertScrollBar   = new VScrollBar();
            // the sum of the widths of the columns preceding the firstVisibleColumn
            private int       horizontalOffset = 0; 

            // the number of pixels of the firstVisibleColumn which are not visible 
            private int       negOffset = 0;

            private int       wheelDelta = 0; 
            // private bool      isScrolling = false;
            // Visibility 
            internal int firstVisibleRow       = 0; 
            internal int firstVisibleCol       = 0;
            private  int numVisibleRows        = 0;
            // the number of columns which are visible
            private  int numVisibleCols        = 0; 
            private  int numTotallyVisibleRows = 0;
            // lastTotallyVisibleCol == -1 means that the data grid does not show any column in its entirety 
            private  int lastTotallyVisibleCol = 0; 

            // mouse move hot-tracking 
            private int oldRow = -1;
            // private bool overCaption = true;
            // child relationships focused
            // private bool childLinkFocused = false; 

            // private static readonly object EVENT_COLUMNHEADERCLICK = new object(); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED = new object();
            // private static readonly object EVENT_COLUMNRESIZE = new object();
            // private static readonly object EVENT_LINKCLICKED = new object();
            private static readonly object EVENT_NODECLICKED = new object(); 
            // private static readonly object EVENT_ROWRESIZE = new object();
            private static readonly object EVENT_SCROLL = new object(); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK = new object(); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK = new object();

            // event handlers
            private ItemChangedEventHandler itemChangedHandler; 
            private EventHandler positionChangedHandler;
            private EventHandler currentChangedHandler; 
            private EventHandler metaDataChangedHandler; 

            // we have to know when the collection of dataGridTableStyles changes 
            private CollectionChangeEventHandler dataGridTableStylesCollectionChanged;

            private EventHandler backButtonHandler;
            private EventHandler downButtonHandler; 

            private NavigateEventHandler onNavigate; 
            private EventHandler onRowHeaderClick;
            // forDebug
            // private int forDebug = 0;
            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Initializes a new instance of the 
            /// class.
            public DataGrid() : base() { 
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, false); 
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, false); 
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserMouse, true);
                this.gridState = new System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32(0x00042827); 

                dataGridTables = new GridTableStylesCollection(this);
                layout = CreateInitialLayoutState();
                parentRows = new DataGridParentRows(this); 

                horizScrollBar.Top = ClientRectangle.Height - horizScrollBar.Height; 
                horizScrollBar.Left = 0; 
                horizScrollBar.Visible = false;
                horizScrollBar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(GridHScrolled); 

                vertScrollBar.Top = 0;
                vertScrollBar.Left = ClientRectangle.Width - vertScrollBar.Width; 
                vertScrollBar.Visible = false;
                vertScrollBar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(GridVScrolled); 

                BackColor = DefaultBackBrush.Color; 
                ForeColor = DefaultForeBrush.Color;
                borderStyle = defaultBorderStyle;

                // create the event handlers 
                currentChangedHandler  = new EventHandler(DataSource_RowChanged); 
                positionChangedHandler = new EventHandler(DataSource_PositionChanged); 
                itemChangedHandler     = new ItemChangedEventHandler(DataSource_ItemChanged);
                metaDataChangedHandler = new EventHandler(DataSource_MetaDataChanged); 
                dataGridTableStylesCollectionChanged = new CollectionChangeEventHandler(TableStylesCollectionChanged);
                this.dataGridTables.CollectionChanged += dataGridTableStylesCollectionChanged;

                SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, true); 

                backButtonHandler        = new EventHandler(OnBackButtonClicked); 
                downButtonHandler        = new EventHandler(OnShowParentDetailsButtonClicked); 

                caption = new DataGridCaption(this); 
                caption.BackwardClicked += backButtonHandler;
                caption.DownClicked += downButtonHandler;

                Size = new Size(130, 80);
            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            // =        Properties
            // =------------------------------------------------------------------
            ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid can be resorted by clicking on 
            ///       a column header.
            public bool AllowSorting { 
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowSorting];
                set {
                    if (AllowSorting != value) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowSorting] = value;
                        if (!value && this.listManager != null) { 
                            IList list = this.listManager.List;
                            if (list is IBindingList) 
                                ((IBindingList) list).RemoveSort(); 

            public Color AlternatingBackColor { 
                get {
                    return alternatingBackBrush.Color;
                set { 
                    if (value.IsEmpty) {
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentAlternatingBackColorNotAllowed));
                    if (!alternatingBackBrush.Color.Equals(value)) {
                        alternatingBackBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetAlternatingBackColor() { 
                if (ShouldSerializeAlternatingBackColor()) {
                    AlternatingBackColor = DefaultAlternatingBackBrush.Color; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeAlternatingBackColor() 
                return !AlternatingBackBrush.Equals(DefaultAlternatingBackBrush);

            internal Brush AlternatingBackBrush {
                get {
                    return alternatingBackBrush; 
            // overrode those properties just to move the BackColor and the ForeColor
            // from the Appearance group onto the Color Group 
            ///    Gets or sets the background color of the grid.
            public override Color BackColor { 
                // overrode those properties just to move the BackColor and the ForeColor
                // from the Appearance group onto the Color Group
                get {
                    return base.BackColor; 
                set { 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentBackColorNotAllowed));
                    base.BackColor = value; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public override void ResetBackColor() {
                if (!this.BackColor.Equals(DefaultBackBrush.Color)) { 
                    this.BackColor = DefaultBackBrush.Color;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public override Color ForeColor { 
                get {
                    return base.ForeColor; 
                set {
                    base.ForeColor = value; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public override void ResetForeColor() { 
                if (!this.ForeColor.Equals(DefaultForeBrush.Color)) {
                    this.ForeColor = DefaultForeBrush.Color; 

            ///       Gets a value 
            ///       indicating whether the  property should be 
            ///       persisted.
            internal SolidBrush BackBrush {
                get {
                    return backBrush; 
            internal SolidBrush ForeBrush {
                get { 
                    return foreBrush;
            ///       Gets or
            ///       sets the border style. 
            public BorderStyle BorderStyle { 
                get {
                    return borderStyle;
                set { 
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2.
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)BorderStyle.None, (int)BorderStyle.Fixed3D)){ 
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(BorderStyle)); 
                    if (borderStyle != value) { 
                        borderStyle = value;

            private static readonly object EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED = new object(); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnBorderStyleChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler BorderStyleChanged { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED, value);
            private int BorderWidth { 
                get {
                    if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) { 
                        return SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width;
                    else if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.FixedSingle) {
                        return 2; 
                    else { 
                        return 0; 

            protected override Size DefaultSize { 
                get {
                    return new Size(130, 80); 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultSelectionBackBrush {
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ActiveCaption;
            private static SolidBrush DefaultSelectionForeBrush { 
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ActiveCaptionText;
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultBackBrush {
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Window; 
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultForeBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.WindowText; 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultBackgroundBrush {
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.AppWorkspace;
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultParentRowsForeBrush {
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.WindowText;
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultParentRowsBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Control; 
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultAlternatingBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Window;
            private static SolidBrush DefaultGridLineBrush {
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Control; 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultHeaderBackBrush {
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Control;
            private static SolidBrush DefaultHeaderForeBrush { 
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ControlText;
            private static Pen DefaultHeaderForePen {
                get {
                     return new Pen(SystemColors.ControlText); 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultLinkBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.HotTrack; 

           private bool ListHasErrors {
                get { 
                   return gridState[GRIDSTATE_listHasErrors]; 
                set { 
                    if (ListHasErrors != value)
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_listHasErrors] = value;
                        if (!layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        if (value) { 
                           if (myGridTable.IsDefault)
                               this.RowHeaderWidth += errorRowBitmapWidth; 
                               this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth += errorRowBitmapWidth;
                       else { 
                           if (myGridTable.IsDefault)
                               this.RowHeaderWidth -= errorRowBitmapWidth; 
                               this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth -= errorRowBitmapWidth;
            private bool Bound {
                get { 
                    return !(listManager == null || myGridTable == null); 

            internal DataGridCaption Caption {
                get {
                    return caption; 

            ///       Gets or sets the background color of the caption area.
            public Color CaptionBackColor {
                get {
                    return Caption.BackColor;
                set {
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentCaptionBackColorNotAllowed)); 
                    Caption.BackColor = value;

            private void ResetCaptionBackColor() {
            ///       Gets a value
            ///       indicating whether the  property should be
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeCaptionBackColor() 
                return Caption.ShouldSerializeBackColor();

            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets the foreground color 
            ///       of the caption area. 
            public Color CaptionForeColor {
                get { 
                    return Caption.ForeColor; 
                set { 
                    Caption.ForeColor = value;
            private void ResetCaptionForeColor() {

            ///       Gets a value
            ///       indicating whether the  property should be 
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeCaptionForeColor()
                return Caption.ShouldSerializeForeColor();

            ///       Gets or sets the font of the grid's caption. 
            public Font CaptionFont { 
                get {
                    return Caption.Font; 
                set {
                    Caption.Font = value;
            ///       Gets a value indicating whether the 
            ///       caption's font is persisted.
            private bool ShouldSerializeCaptionFont() { 
                return Caption.ShouldSerializeFont();
            private void ResetCaptionFont() {

            ///       Gets or sets the text of the grid's caption. 
            public string CaptionText { 
                get { 
                    return Caption.Text;
                set {
                    Caption.Text = value;

            ///       Gets or sets a value that indicates 
            ///       whether the grid's caption is visible.
            public bool CaptionVisible { 
                get {
                    return layout.CaptionVisible;
                set { 
                    if (layout.CaptionVisible != value) {
                        layout.CaptionVisible = value; 
            private static readonly object EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED = new object();
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnCaptionVisibleChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler CaptionVisibleChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED, value);
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED, value);

            ///       Gets or sets which cell has the focus. Not available at design time. 
            public DataGridCell CurrentCell {
                get { 
                    return new DataGridCell(currentRow, currentCol); 
                set { 
                    // if the OnLayout event was not set in the grid, then we can't
                    // reliably set the currentCell on the grid.
                    if (layout.dirty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridSettingCurrentCellNotGood)); 
                    if (value.RowNumber == currentRow && value.ColumnNumber == currentCol)
                    // should we throw an exception, maybe?
                    if (DataGridRowsLength == 0 || this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles == null || this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) 

                    int currentRowSaved = currentRow; 
                    int currentColSaved = currentCol;
                    bool wasEditing = gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]; 
                    bool cellChanged = false; 

                    // if the position in the listManager changed under the DataGrid, 
                    // then do not edit after setting the current cell
                    bool doNotEdit = false;

                    int newCol = value.ColumnNumber; 
                    int newRow = value.RowNumber;
                    String errorMessage = null; 

                    try { 
                        int columnCount = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;
                        if (newCol < 0)
                            newCol = 0;
                        if (newCol >= columnCount) 
                            newCol = columnCount - 1;
                        int localGridRowsLength = DataGridRowsLength; 
                        DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                        if (newRow < 0) {
                            newRow = 0;
                        if (newRow >= localGridRowsLength) { 
                            newRow = localGridRowsLength - 1;
                        // Current Column changing
                        if (currentCol != newCol) {
                            cellChanged = true;
                            int currentListManagerPosition = this.ListManager.Position;
                            int currentListManagerCount = this.ListManager.List.Count; 

                            if (this.ListManager.Position != currentListManagerPosition ||
                                currentListManagerCount != this.ListManager.List.Count) { 
                                // EndEdit changed the list.
                                // Reset the data grid rows and the current row inside the datagrid.
                                // And then exit the method.
                                if (this.ListManager.List.Count > 0) {
                                    this.currentRow = this.ListManager.Position; 
                                } else {
                                    this.currentRow = -1; 


                            currentCol = newCol; 
                        // Current Row changing
                        if (currentRow != newRow) {
                            cellChanged = true; 
                            int currentListManagerPosition = this.ListManager.Position;
                            int currentListManagerCount = this.ListManager.List.Count; 
                            if (this.ListManager.Position != currentListManagerPosition ||
                                currentListManagerCount != this.ListManager.List.Count) {
                                // EndEdit changed the list.
                                // Reset the data grid rows and the current row inside the datagrid. 
                                // And then exit the method.
                                if (this.ListManager.List.Count > 0) { 
                                    this.currentRow = this.ListManager.Position;
                                } else {
                                    this.currentRow = -1;
                            if (currentRow < localGridRowsLength)
                            currentRow = newRow;
                            if (currentRowSaved < localGridRowsLength)
                            if (currentRowSaved != listManager.Position) { 
                                // not in [....]
    #if DEBUG 
                                Debug.Assert(inDataSource_PositionChanged, "currentRow and listManager.Position can be out of [....] only when the listManager changes its position under the DataGrid or when navigating back");
                                Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == currentRow || listManager.Position == -1, "DataSource_PositionChanged changes the position in the grid to the position in the listManager");
    #endif //DEBUG
                                doNotEdit = true; 
                                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing])
                            } else if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
    #if DEBUG
                                int currentRowCount = this.DataGridRowsLength; 
    #endif // debug
                                // cancelCurrentEdit will change the position in the list
                                // to the last element in the list. and the grid will get an on position changed
                                // event, and will set the current cell to the last element in the dataSource. 
                                // so unhook the PositionChanged event from the listManager;
                                this.ListManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler; 
                                this.ListManager.Position = this.currentRow;
                                this.ListManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 
    #if DEBUG

                                Debug.Assert(currentRowSaved > currentRow, "we can only go up when we are inAddNewRow");
                                Debug.Assert(currentRowCount == this.DataGridRowsLength, "the number of rows in the dataGrid should not change"); 
                                Debug.Assert(currentRowCount == this.ListManager.Count + 1, "the listManager should have one less record");
    #endif // debug 
                                localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength - 1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, DataGridRowsLength-1); 
                                SetDataGridRows(localGridRows, DataGridRowsLength);
                                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false; 
                            } else {
                                // some special care must be given when setting the
                                // position in the listManager. 
                                // if EndCurrentEdit() deleted the current row
                                //  ( because of some filtering problem, say ) 
                                // then we cannot go over the last row 
                                if (localGridRowsLength != DataGridRowsLength) 
                                    Debug.Assert(localGridRowsLength == DataGridRowsLength + 1, "this is the only change that could have happened");
                                    currentRow = (currentRow == localGridRowsLength - 1) ? DataGridRowsLength - 1 : currentRow;

                                if (currentRow == dataGridRowsLength - 1 && policy.AllowAdd) { 
                                    // it may be case ( see previous comment ) 
                                    // that listManager.EndCurrentEdit changed the number of rows
                                    // in the grid. in this case, we should not be using the old 
                                    // localGridRows in our assertion, cause they are outdated now
                                    Debug.Assert(this.DataGridRows[currentRow] is DataGridAddNewRow, "the last row is the DataGridAddNewRow");
                                    Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == currentRow || listManager.Position == -1, "the listManager should be positioned at the last row");
                                } else { 
                                    ListManager.Position = currentRow;

                    catch (Exception e) { 
                        errorMessage = e.Message; 
                    if (errorMessage != null) {
                        DialogResult result = RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null,
                            SR.GetString(SR.DataGridPushedIncorrectValueIntoColumn, errorMessage),
                            SR.GetString(SR.DataGridErrorMessageBoxCaption), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, 
                            MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                        if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { 
                            currentRow = currentRowSaved;
                            currentCol = currentColSaved; 
                            Debug.Assert(currentRow == ListManager.Position || listManager.Position == -1, "the position in the list manager (" + ListManager.Position + ") is out of [....] with the currentRow (" + currentRow + ")" + " and the exception is '" + errorMessage + "'");
                            // this will make sure the newRow will not paint the
                            // row selector.
                            // also, make sure that we get the row selector on the currentrow, too
                            if (wasEditing) 
                        } else { 
                            // if the user committed a row that used to be addNewRow and the backEnd rejects it,
                            // and then it tries to navigate down then we should stay in the addNewRow
                            // in this particular scenario, CancelCurrentEdit will cause the last row to be deleted,
                            // and this will ultimately call InvalidateRow w/ a row number larger than the number of rows 
                            // so set the currentRow here:
                            if (currentRow == this.DataGridRowsLength - 1 && currentRowSaved == this.DataGridRowsLength - 2 && DataGridRows[currentRow] is DataGridAddNewRow) 
                                newRow = currentRowSaved; 
                            currentRow = newRow;
                            Debug.Assert(result == DialogResult.No, "we only put cancel and ok on the error message box"); 
                            this.listManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler;
                            this.listManager.Position = newRow;
                            this.listManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 
                            currentRow = newRow;
                            currentCol = newCol; 
                            if (wasEditing) 

                    if (cellChanged) {
                        EnsureVisible(currentRow, currentCol); 
                        // if the user changed the current cell using the UI, edit the new cell 
                        // but if the user changed the current cell by changing the position in the
                        // listManager, then do not continue the edit 
                        if (!doNotEdit)
    #if DEBUG 
                            Debug.Assert(!inDataSource_PositionChanged, "if the user changed the current cell using the UI, then do not edit");
    #endif // debug 

                        AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.Focus, CurrentCellAccIndex);
                        AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.Selection, CurrentCellAccIndex);

                    Debug.Assert(currentRow == ListManager.Position || listManager.Position == -1, "the position in the list manager is out of [....] with the currentRow"); 
            internal int CurrentCellAccIndex {
                get {
                    int currentCellAccIndex = 0;
                    currentCellAccIndex ++;                                                 // ParentRowsAccessibleObject 
                    currentCellAccIndex += this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;         // ColumnHeaderAccessibleObject
                    currentCellAccIndex += this.DataGridRows.Length;                        // DataGridRowAccessibleObject 
                    if (this.horizScrollBar.Visible)                                        // Horizontal Scroll Bar Accessible Object 
                        currentCellAccIndex ++;
                    if (this.vertScrollBar.Visible)                                         // Vertical Scroll Bar Accessible Object 
                        currentCellAccIndex ++;
                    currentCellAccIndex += (this.currentRow * this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) + this.currentCol;
                    return currentCellAccIndex;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnCurrentCellChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler CurrentCellChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED, value);
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED, value);

            private int CurrentColumn {
                get { 
                    return CurrentCell.ColumnNumber;
                set { 
                    this.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(currentRow, value);

            private int CurrentRow {
                get { 
                    return CurrentCell.RowNumber;
                set { 
                    CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(value, currentCol);

            public Color SelectionBackColor {
                get { 
                    return selectionBackBrush.Color;
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "SelectionBackColor"));
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentSelectionBackColorNotAllowed)); 
                    if (!value.Equals(selectionBackBrush.Color)) {
                        selectionBackBrush = new SolidBrush(value); 

            internal SolidBrush SelectionBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return this.selectionBackBrush; 

            internal SolidBrush SelectionForeBrush { 
                get {
                    return this.selectionForeBrush; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected bool ShouldSerializeSelectionBackColor()
                return !DefaultSelectionBackBrush.Equals(selectionBackBrush); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetSelectionBackColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeSelectionBackColor()) 
                    SelectionBackColor = DefaultSelectionBackBrush.Color; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public Color SelectionForeColor { 
                get {
                    return selectionForeBrush.Color;
                set { 
                    if (value.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "SelectionForeColor")); 
                    if (!value.Equals(selectionForeBrush.Color)) { 
                        selectionForeBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeSelectionForeColor()
                return !SelectionForeBrush.Equals(DefaultSelectionForeBrush);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetSelectionForeColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeSelectionForeColor())
                    SelectionForeColor = DefaultSelectionForeBrush.Color;

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            internal override bool ShouldSerializeForeColor() 
                return !DefaultForeBrush.Color.Equals(this.ForeColor);
            /// Indicates whether the  property should be 
            ///    persisted. 
            internal override bool ShouldSerializeBackColor() 
                return !DefaultBackBrush.Color.Equals(this.BackColor);
            // Don't use dataGridRows, use the accessor!!!
            internal DataGridRow[] DataGridRows { 
                get { 
                    if (dataGridRows == null)
                    return dataGridRows;
            // ToolTipping
            internal DataGridToolTip ToolTipProvider { 
                get { 
                    return toolTipProvider;

            internal int ToolTipId {
                get { 
                    return toolTipId;
                set { 
                    toolTipId = value;

            private void ResetToolTip()
                // remove all the tool tips which are stored
                for (int i = 0; i < ToolTipId; i ++) { 
                    ToolTipProvider.RemoveToolTip(new IntPtr(i)); 
                // add toolTips for the backButton and
                // details button on the caption.
                if (!this.parentRows.IsEmpty()) {
                    bool alignRight = this.isRightToLeft(); 
                    int detailsButtonWidth = this.Caption.GetDetailsButtonWidth();
                    Rectangle backButton = this.Caption.GetBackButtonRect(this.layout.Caption, alignRight, detailsButtonWidth); 
                    Rectangle detailsButton = this.Caption.GetDetailsButtonRect(this.layout.Caption, alignRight); 

                    // mirror the buttons wrt RTL property 
                    backButton.X = MirrorRectangle(backButton, layout.Inside, isRightToLeft());
                    detailsButton.X = MirrorRectangle(detailsButton, layout.Inside, isRightToLeft());

                    ToolTipProvider.AddToolTip(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridCaptionBackButtonToolTip), new IntPtr(0), backButton); 
                    ToolTipProvider.AddToolTip(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridCaptionDetailsButtonToolTip), new IntPtr(1), detailsButton);
                    ToolTipId = 2; 
                } else { 
                    ToolTipId = 0;

            ///      Given a cursor, this will Create the right DataGridRows 
            private void CreateDataGridRows() {
                CurrencyManager listManager = ListManager; 
                DataGridTableStyle dgt = this.myGridTable;

                if (listManager == null) { 
                    SetDataGridRows(new DataGridRow[0], 0);

                int nDataGridRows = listManager.Count; 
                if (policy.AllowAdd)

                DataGridRow[] rows = new DataGridRow[nDataGridRows]; 
                for (int r = 0; r < listManager.Count; r++) {
                    rows[r] = new DataGridRelationshipRow(this, dgt,r); 

                if (policy.AllowAdd) { 
                    this.addNewRow = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, dgt, nDataGridRows - 1);
                    rows[nDataGridRows - 1] = addNewRow;
                else { 
                    addNewRow = null;
                // SetDataGridRows(rows, rows.Length); 
                SetDataGridRows(rows, nDataGridRows);

            private void RecreateDataGridRows() {
                int nDataGridRows = 0;
                CurrencyManager listManager = ListManager; 

                if (listManager != null) { 
                    nDataGridRows = listManager.Count; 
                    if (policy.AllowAdd) {
                SetDataGridRows(null, nDataGridRows);

            ///      Sets the array of DataGridRow objects used for 
            ///      all row-related logic in the DataGrid.
            internal void SetDataGridRows(DataGridRow[] newRows, int newRowsLength) {
                dataGridRows = newRows;
                dataGridRowsLength = newRowsLength;
                // update the vertical scroll bar
                vertScrollBar.Maximum = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - 1); 
                if (firstVisibleRow > newRowsLength) { 
                    vertScrollBar.Value = 0;
                    firstVisibleRow = 0; 

    #if DEBUG 
                // sanity check: all the rows should have the same
                // dataGridTable 
                if (newRows != null && newRowsLength > 0) { 
                    DataGridTableStyle dgTable = newRows[0].DataGridTableStyle;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newRowsLength; i ++) { 
                        Debug.Assert(dgTable == newRows[i].DataGridTableStyle, "how can two rows have different tableStyles?");

    #endif // DEBUG
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: There are now " + DataGridRowsLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " rows."); 

            internal int DataGridRowsLength { 
                get {
                    return dataGridRowsLength;

            ///    Gets or sets the data source that the grid is displaying data for.
            public object DataSource {
                get { 
                    return dataSource;

                set { 
                    if (value != null && !(value is IList || value is IListSource))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.BadDataSourceForComplexBinding)); 
                    if (dataSource != null && dataSource.Equals(value)) 

                    // when the designer resets the dataSource to null, set the dataMember to null, too
                    if ((value == null || value == Convert.DBNull) && this.DataMember != null && this.DataMember.Length != 0 ) { 
                        this.dataSource = null;
                        this.DataMember = ""; 
                    // if we are setting the dataSource and the dataMember is not a part
                    // of the properties in the dataSource, then set the dataMember to ""
                    if (value != null) 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource being set to " + ((value == null) ? "null" : value.ToString())); 

                    // when we change the dataSource, we need to clear the parent rows. 
                    // the same goes for all the caption UI: reset it when the datasource changes.
                    Set_ListManager(value, this.DataMember, false); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED = new object();
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnDataSourceChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler DataSourceChanged { 
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED, value);

            ///       Gets or sets the specific table in a DataSource for the control. 
             Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataMemberListEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)), 
            public string DataMember { 
                get {
                    return dataMember;
                set { 
                    if (dataMember != null && dataMember.Equals(value))
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource being set to " + ((value == null) ? "null" : value.ToString())); 
                    // when we change the dataMember, we need to clear the parent rows.
                    // the same goes for all the caption UI: reset it when the datamember changes. 
                    Set_ListManager(this.DataSource, value, false);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void SetDataBinding(object dataSource, string dataMember) {
                originalState = null; 
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
                Set_ListManager(dataSource, dataMember, false);

             Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced), 
            internal protected CurrencyManager ListManager { 
                get {
                    //try to return something useful: 
                    if (listManager == null && this.BindingContext != null && this.DataSource != null)
                        return (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[this.DataSource, this.DataMember];
                        return listManager; 
                set { 
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridSetListManager)); 

            internal void Set_ListManager(object newDataSource, string newDataMember, bool force) {
                Set_ListManager(newDataSource, newDataMember, force, true);        // true for forcing column creation

            // prerequisite: the dataMember and the dataSource should be set to the new values 
            // will do the following: 
            // call EndEdit on the current listManager, will unWire the listManager events, will set the listManager to the new
            // reality, will wire the new listManager, will update the policy, will set the dataGridTable, will reset the ui state.
            internal void Set_ListManager(object newDataSource, string newDataMember, bool force, bool forceColumnCreation) 
                bool dataSourceChanged = this.DataSource != newDataSource; 
                bool dataMemberChanged = this.DataMember != newDataMember; 

                // if nothing happened, then why do any work? 
                if (!force && !dataSourceChanged && !dataMemberChanged && gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager])

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager] = true; 
                if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null) {
                    this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = null;
                bool beginUpdateInternal = true;
                try {
                    // will endEdit on the current listManager

                    // unwire the events: 
                    if (this.listManager != null) 
                    CurrencyManager oldListManager = listManager;
                    bool listManagerChanged = false;
                    // set up the new listManager
                    // CAUTION: we need to set up the listManager in the grid before setting the dataSource/dataMember props 
                    // in the grid. the reason is that if the BindingContext was not yet requested, and it is created in the BindingContext prop
                    // then the grid will call Set_ListManager again, and eventually that means that the dataGrid::listManager will 
                    // be hooked up twice to all the events (PositionChanged, ItemChanged, CurrentChanged) 
                    if (newDataSource != null && this.BindingContext != null && !(newDataSource == Convert.DBNull))
                        this.listManager = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[newDataSource, newDataMember]; 
                        listManager = null;

                    // update the dataSource and the dateMember 
                    this.dataSource = newDataSource;
                    this.dataMember = newDataMember == null ? "" : newDataMember; 
                    listManagerChanged = (listManager != oldListManager);
                    // wire the events
                    if (listManager != null) {
                        // update the policy 
                        policy.UpdatePolicy(this.listManager, this.ReadOnly);
                    if (!Initializing)
                        if (listManager == null)
                            if (this.ContainsFocus && this.ParentInternal == null) {
                                Debug.Assert(this.toBeDisposedEditingControl == null, "we should have removed the toBeDisposedEditingControl already"); 
                                // if we unparent the active control then the form won't close
                                for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++) { 
                                    if (this.Controls[i].Focused) { 
                                        this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = this.Controls[i];

                                if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl == this.horizScrollBar || this.toBeDisposedEditingControl == this.vertScrollBar) { 
                                    this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = null;
                                #if DEBUG
                                else { 
                                    Debug.Assert(this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null, "if the grid contains the focus, then the active control should be in the children of data grid control");
                                    Debug.Assert(this.editColumn != null, "if we have an editing control should be a control in the data grid column");
                                    if (this.editColumn is DataGridTextBoxColumn) {
                                        Debug.Assert(((DataGridTextBoxColumn) this.editColumn).TextBox == this.toBeDisposedEditingControl, "if we have an editing control should be a control in the data grid column"); 
                                #endif // debug; 


                            SetDataGridRows(null, 0);
                            SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, forceColumnCreation); 

                            if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null) { 

                    // PERF: if the listManager did not change, then do not:
                    //      1. create new rows 
                    //      2. create new columns
                    //      3. compute the errors in the list 
                    // when the metaDataChanges, we need to recreate
                    // the rows and the columns 
                    if (listManagerChanged || gridState[GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged]) {
                        if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal();
                        if (listManager != null)
                            // get rid of the old gridColumns 
                            // we need to clear the old column collection even when navigating to
                            // a list that has a table style associated w/ it. Why? because the 
                            // old column collection will be used by the parent rows to paint

                            DataGridTableStyle newGridTable = this.dataGridTables[listManager.GetListName()]; 
                            if (newGridTable == null) {
                                SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, forceColumnCreation); 
                            } else { 
                                SetDataGridTable(newGridTable, forceColumnCreation);

                            // set the currentRow in ssync w/ the position in the listManager
                            currentRow = listManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : listManager.Position;

                        // when we create the rows we need to use the current dataGridTable 
                        if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 
                        beginUpdateInternal = false;

                        if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                            this.RowHeaderWidth = Math.Max(this.minRowHeaderWidth, this.RowHeaderWidth);
                            this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth = Math.Max(this.minRowHeaderWidth, this.RowHeaderWidth); 

                       ListHasErrors = DataGridSourceHasErrors(); 

                        // build the list of columns and relationships
                        // wipe out the now invalid states

                        //layout.CaptionVisible = dataCursor == null ? false : true;

                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager] = false;
                    // start painting again 
                    if (beginUpdateInternal && this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 

            ///    Gets or sets index of the selected row. 
            // will set the position in the ListManager 
            public int CurrentRowIndex { 
                get {
                    if (originalState == null) 
                        return this.listManager == null ? - 1 : this.listManager.Position; 
                    else {
                        if (this.BindingContext == null) 
                            return -1;
                        CurrencyManager originalListManager = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[originalState.DataSource, originalState.DataMember];
                        return originalListManager.Position;
                set { 
                    if (this.listManager == null) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridSetSelectIndex));
                    if (originalState == null) {
                        this.listManager.Position = value;
                        currentRow = value;
                    // if we have a this.ListManager, then this.BindingManager cannot be null 
                    CurrencyManager originalListManager = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[originalState.DataSource, originalState.DataMember]; 
                    originalListManager.Position = value;

                    // this is for parent rows
                    originalState.LinkingRow = originalState.DataGridRows[value]; 

                    // Invalidate everything 

            ///    Gets the collection of tables for the grid.
            public GridTableStylesCollection TableStyles { 
                get {
                    return dataGridTables; 
            internal new int FontHeight {
                get {
                    return fontHeight;
            internal AccessibleObject ParentRowsAccessibleObject { 
                get {
                    return parentRows.AccessibleObject; 

            internal Rectangle ParentRowsBounds { 
                get {
                    return layout.ParentRows; 
             ///    Gets or sets the color of the grid lines.
            public Color GridLineColor { 
                get {
                    return gridLineBrush.Color;
                set { 
                    if (gridLineBrush.Color != value) {
                        if (value.IsEmpty) 
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "GridLineColor")); 
                        gridLineBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeGridLineColor()
                return !GridLineBrush.Equals(DefaultGridLineBrush);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetGridLineColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeGridLineColor()) {
                    GridLineColor = DefaultGridLineBrush.Color;
            internal SolidBrush GridLineBrush { 
                get {
                    return gridLineBrush; 

             ///       Gets or sets the line style of the grid. 
            public DataGridLineStyle GridLineStyle { 
                get { 
                    return gridLineStyle;
                set {
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x1.
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DataGridLineStyle.None, (int)DataGridLineStyle.Solid))
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(DataGridLineStyle));
                    if (gridLineStyle != value) { 
                        gridLineStyle = value;

            internal int GridLineWidth { 
                get { 
                    Debug.Assert(this.GridLineStyle == DataGridLineStyle.Solid || this.GridLineStyle == DataGridLineStyle.None, "are there any other styles?");
                    return GridLineStyle == DataGridLineStyle.Solid ? 1 : 0; 

             ///       Gets or 
             ///       sets the
             ///       way parent row labels are displayed. 
            public DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle ParentRowsLabelStyle {
                get { 
                    return parentRowsLabels;

                set { 
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.None, (int)DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.Both)) 
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle));

                    if (parentRowsLabels != value)
                        parentRowsLabels = value; 

            private static readonly object EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnParentRowsLabelStyleChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler ParentRowsLabelStyleChanged { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED, value);
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED, value);

            internal bool Initializing { 
                get {
                    return inInit;

            ///       Gets the index of the first visible column in a grid. 
            public int FirstVisibleColumn { 
                get {
                    return firstVisibleCol; 

            ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid displays in flat mode. 
            public bool FlatMode { 
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_isFlatMode];
                set {
                    if (value != FlatMode) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_isFlatMode] = value;
            private static readonly object EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnFlatModeChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler FlatModeChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED, value); 
            ///       Gets or
            ///       sets the background color of all row and column headers.
            public Color HeaderBackColor {
                get {
                    return headerBackBrush.Color;
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "HeaderBackColor")); 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentHeaderBackColorNotAllowed)); 
                    if (!value.Equals(headerBackBrush.Color)) {
                        headerBackBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 
                        if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) 

            internal SolidBrush HeaderBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return headerBackBrush; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeHeaderBackColor()
                return !HeaderBackBrush.Equals(DefaultHeaderBackBrush); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetHeaderBackColor() {
                if(ShouldSerializeHeaderBackColor()) { 
                    HeaderBackColor = DefaultHeaderBackBrush.Color; 
            internal SolidBrush BackgroundBrush {
                get {
                    return backgroundBrush;
 	     private void ResetBackgroundColor() { 
		 	if (backgroundBrush != null && BackgroundBrush != DefaultBackgroundBrush) {
				backgroundBrush = null;
		 	backgroundBrush = DefaultBackgroundBrush;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeBackgroundColor()
                return !BackgroundBrush.Equals(DefaultBackgroundBrush);

            // using this property, the user can set the backGround color 
            ///    Gets or sets the background color of the grid.
            public Color BackgroundColor { 
                get {
                    return backgroundBrush.Color; 
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "BackgroundColor")); 
                    if (!value.Equals(backgroundBrush.Color)) {
   		   	   if (backgroundBrush != null && BackgroundBrush != DefaultBackgroundBrush) { 
				backgroundBrush = null; 
                        backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            private static readonly object EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnBackgroundColorChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler BackgroundColorChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED, value); 
            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be persisted.
            public Font HeaderFont { 
                get {
                    return(headerFont == null ? this.Font : headerFont);
                set { 
                    if (value == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("HeaderFont"); 
                    if (!value.Equals(headerFont)) { 
                        headerFont = value;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected bool ShouldSerializeHeaderFont() {
                return(headerFont != null);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetHeaderFont() {
                if (headerFont != null) {
                    headerFont = null;
            ///       Resets the  property to its default value. 
            ///       Gets or sets the foreground color of the grid's headers. 
            public Color HeaderForeColor { 
                get {
                    return headerForePen.Color; 
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "HeaderForeColor")); 
                    if (!value.Equals(headerForePen.Color)) {
                        headerForePen = new Pen(value); 
                        headerForeBrush = new SolidBrush(value); 

                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 
                        if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeHeaderForeColor() 
                return !HeaderForePen.Equals(DefaultHeaderForePen); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetHeaderForeColor() { 
                if(ShouldSerializeHeaderForeColor()) {
                    HeaderForeColor = DefaultHeaderForeBrush.Color; 
            internal SolidBrush HeaderForeBrush {
                get {
                    return this.headerForeBrush;
            internal Pen HeaderForePen { 
                get {
                    return headerForePen; 
            private void ResetHorizontalOffset() {
                horizontalOffset = 0; 
                negOffset = 0;
                firstVisibleCol = 0; 
                numVisibleCols = 0; 
                lastTotallyVisibleCol = -1;

            internal int HorizontalOffset {
                get {
                    return horizontalOffset; 
                set { 
                    //if (CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose) Debug.WriteLine("DataGridScrolling: Set_HorizontalOffset, value = " + value.ToString()); 
                    if (value < 0)
                        value = 0; 

                    //  if the dataGrid is not bound ( listManager == null || gridTable == null)
                    //  then use ResetHorizontalOffset(); 
                    int totalWidth = GetColumnWidthSum(); 
                    int widthNotVisible = totalWidth - layout.Data.Width;
                    if (value > widthNotVisible && widthNotVisible > 0) 
                        value = widthNotVisible;

                    if (value == horizontalOffset)

                    int change = horizontalOffset - value; 
                    horizScrollBar.Value = value; 
                    Rectangle scroll = layout.Data;
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) 
                        scroll = Rectangle.Union(scroll, layout.ColumnHeaders);
                    horizontalOffset = value;

                    this.firstVisibleCol = ComputeFirstVisibleColumn(); 
                    // update the lastTotallyVisibleCol
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling])
                        // if the user did not click on the grid yet, then do not put the edit
                        // control when scrolling
                        if (currentCol >= firstVisibleCol && currentCol < firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1 && (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] || gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating]))
                        // isScrolling is set to TRUE when the user scrolls.
                        // once we move the edit box, we finished processing the scroll event, so set isScrolling to FALSE 
                        // to set isScrolling to TRUE, we need another scroll event.
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;

                    NativeMethods.RECT[] rects = CreateScrollableRegion(scroll); 
                    ScrollRectangles(rects, change);

            private void ScrollRectangles(NativeMethods.RECT[] rects, int change) { 
                if (rects != null) { 
                    NativeMethods.RECT scroll;
                    if (isRightToLeft()) change = -change; 
                    for (int r = 0; r < rects.Length; r++) {
                        scroll = rects[r];
                        SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(new HandleRef(this, Handle),
                                            ref scroll, 
                                            ref scroll); 

            protected ScrollBar HorizScrollBar { 
                get {
                    return horizScrollBar;

            ///       Retrieves a value indicating whether odd and even
            ///       rows are painted using a different background color. 
            // CUT by 53973 - Cleanup eventually to be static.
            internal bool LedgerStyle { 
                get {
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_isLedgerStyle]; 
                set { 
                    if (isLedgerStyle != value) {
                        isLedgerStyle = value;

            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be persisted.
            public Color LinkColor {
                get {
                    return linkBrush.Color;
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "LinkColor")); 
                    if (!linkBrush.Color.Equals(value)) {
                        linkBrush = new SolidBrush(value); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            internal virtual bool ShouldSerializeLinkColor() 
                return !LinkBrush.Equals(DefaultLinkBrush);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void ResetLinkColor() { 
                if (ShouldSerializeLinkColor())
                    LinkColor = DefaultLinkBrush.Color;
            internal Brush LinkBrush {
                get { 
                    return linkBrush; 

            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets the color a link changes to when 
            ///       the mouse pointer moves over it. 
            public Color LinkHoverColor {
                get { 
                    return this.LinkColor;
                set {
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeLinkHoverColor()
                return false; 
                // return !LinkHoverBrush.Equals(defaultLinkHoverBrush);
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetLinkHoverColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeLinkHoverColor())
                    LinkHoverColor = defaultLinkHoverBrush.Color;*/ 

            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be
            ///       persisted.
            internal Font LinkFont { 
                get {
                    return linkFont; 

            internal int LinkFontHeight { 
                get {
                    return linkFontHeight; 
            ///    Gets or sets a value
            ///       that specifies which links are shown and in what context. 
            public bool AllowNavigation {
                get {
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowNavigation]; 
                set { 
                    if (AllowNavigation != value) { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowNavigation] = value;
                        // let the Caption know about this: 
                        this.Caption.BackButtonActive = !parentRows.IsEmpty() && (value);
                        this.Caption.BackButtonVisible = this.Caption.BackButtonActive;
            private static readonly object EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnNavigationModeChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler AllowNavigationChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED, value); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
                Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) 
            public override Cursor Cursor { 
                // get the cursor out of the propertyGrid. 
                get {
                    return base.Cursor; 

                set {
                    base.Cursor = value; 
            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
            new public event EventHandler CursorChanged {
                add {
                    base.CursorChanged += value; 
                remove { 
                    base.CursorChanged -= value; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
                Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) 
            public override Image BackgroundImage { 
                // get the BackgroundImage out of the propertyGrid.
                get {
                    return base.BackgroundImage;

                set { 
                    base.BackgroundImage = value; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
                Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) 
            public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { 
                // get the BackgroundImage out of the propertyGrid.
                get {
                    return base.BackgroundImageLayout;

                set { 
                    base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; 

            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
            new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged { 
                add {
                    base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; 
                remove {
                    base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value;
            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
            new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged {
                add {
                    base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value;
                remove {
                    base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value; 
            ///       Gets or sets the background color of parent rows. 
            public Color ParentRowsBackColor {
                get {
                    return parentRows.BackColor; 
                set { 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentParentRowsBackColorNotAllowed));
                    this.parentRows.BackColor = value; 

            internal SolidBrush ParentRowsBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return parentRows.BackBrush; 
            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be 
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeParentRowsBackColor()
                return !ParentRowsBackBrush.Equals(DefaultParentRowsBackBrush);

            private void ResetParentRowsBackColor() { 
                if (ShouldSerializeParentRowsBackColor())
                    parentRows.BackBrush = DefaultParentRowsBackBrush; 

            ///       Gets or sets the foreground color of parent rows.
            public Color ParentRowsForeColor {
                get {
                    return parentRows.ForeColor;
                set {
                    this.parentRows.ForeColor = value; 
            internal SolidBrush ParentRowsForeBrush {
                get {
                    return parentRows.ForeBrush;
            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeParentRowsForeColor()
                return !ParentRowsForeBrush.Equals(DefaultParentRowsForeBrush); 
            private void ResetParentRowsForeColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeParentRowsForeColor())
                    parentRows.ForeBrush = DefaultParentRowsForeBrush;

            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets the default width of the grid columns in
            ///       pixels.
            public int PreferredColumnWidth {
                get { 
                    return preferredColumnWidth;
                set { 
                    if (value < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridColumnWidth), "PreferredColumnWidth"); 
                    if (preferredColumnWidth != value) {
                        preferredColumnWidth = value;
            ///       Gets or sets the preferred row height for the  control.
            public int PreferredRowHeight {
                get { 
                    return prefferedRowHeight;
                set {
                    if (value < 0) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridRowRowHeight));
                    prefferedRowHeight = value; 
	     private void ResetPreferredRowHeight() {
		 	prefferedRowHeight  = defaultFontHeight + 3;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected bool ShouldSerializePreferredRowHeight() 
                return prefferedRowHeight != defaultFontHeight + 3;
            ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid 
            ///       is in read-only mode.
            public bool ReadOnly { 
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_readOnlyMode];
                set {
                    if (ReadOnly != value) {
                        bool recreateRows = false;
                        if (value) { 
                            // AllowAdd happens to have the same boolean value as whether we need to recreate rows.
                            recreateRows = policy.AllowAdd; 
                            policy.AllowRemove = false;
                            policy.AllowEdit = false; 
                            policy.AllowAdd  = false;
                        else {
                            recreateRows |= policy.UpdatePolicy(this.listManager, value); 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_readOnlyMode] = value; 
                        DataGridRow[] dataGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                        if (recreateRows) {

                            // keep the selected rows
                            DataGridRow[] currentDataGridRows = this.DataGridRows;
                            int rowCount = Math.Min(currentDataGridRows.Length, dataGridRows.Length); 
                            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
                                if (dataGridRows[i].Selected) 
                                    currentDataGridRows[i].Selected = true; 

                        // the addnew row needs to be updated.
            private static readonly object EVENT_READONLYCHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnReadOnlyChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler ReadOnlyChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_READONLYCHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_READONLYCHANGED, value); 
            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets a value indicating if the grid's column headers are visible.
            public bool ColumnHeadersVisible {
                get {
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_columnHeadersVisible]; 
                set { 
                    if (ColumnHeadersVisible != value) { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_columnHeadersVisible] = value;
                        layout.ColumnHeadersVisible = value; 
            ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent rows of a table are
            ///       visible.
            public bool ParentRowsVisible {
                get {
                    return layout.ParentRowsVisible;
                set {
                    if (layout.ParentRowsVisible != value) { 

                        // update the caption: parentDownVisible == false corresponds to DownButtonDown == true; 


            private static readonly object EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED = new object(); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnParentRowsVisibleChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler ParentRowsVisibleChanged { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED, value);
            internal bool ParentRowsIsEmpty() { 
                return parentRows.IsEmpty();

            ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data grid's row headers are
            ///       visible. 
            public bool RowHeadersVisible {
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_rowHeadersVisible]; 
                set { 
                    if (RowHeadersVisible != value) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_rowHeadersVisible] = value;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public int RowHeaderWidth { 
                get {
                    return rowHeaderWidth;
                set { 
                    value = Math.Max(this.minRowHeaderWidth, value);
                    if (rowHeaderWidth != value) 
                        rowHeaderWidth = value;
                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 

            ///       Gets or sets the width of headers.
             Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never),
            public override string Text {
                get { 
                    return base.Text;
                set { 
                    base.Text = value;

            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
            new public event EventHandler TextChanged { 
                add { 
                    base.TextChanged += value;
                remove {
                    base.TextChanged -= value;

            ///       Gets the vertical scroll bar of the control. 
             Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced), 
            protected ScrollBar VertScrollBar { 
                get {
                    return vertScrollBar; 

            ///       Gets the number of visible columns. 
            public int VisibleColumnCount {
                get { 
                    return Math.Min(numVisibleCols, this.myGridTable == null ? 0 : this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count); 

            ///       Gets the number of rows visible.
            public int VisibleRowCount {
                get { 
                    return numVisibleRows;

            ///    Gets or sets the value of the cell at
            ///       the specified the row and column. 
            public object this[int rowIndex, int columnIndex] { 
                get { 
                    if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= DataGridRowsLength) 
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowIndex");
                    if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("columnIndex");
                    CurrencyManager listManager = this.listManager; 
                    DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[columnIndex];
                    return column.GetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, rowIndex); 
                set {
                    if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= DataGridRowsLength)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowIndex");
                    if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("columnIndex"); 
                    CurrencyManager listManager = this.listManager;
                    if (listManager.Position != rowIndex) 
                        listManager.Position = rowIndex; 
                    DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[columnIndex];
                    column.SetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, rowIndex, value); 

                    // invalidate the bounds of the cell only if the cell is visible
                    if (columnIndex >= firstVisibleCol && columnIndex <= firstVisibleCol+ numVisibleCols - 1 &&
                        rowIndex >= firstVisibleRow && rowIndex <= firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows) { 
                        Rectangle bounds = GetCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex);

            /// Gets or sets the value of a specified . 
            public object this[DataGridCell cell] { 
                get { 
                    return this[cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber];
                set {
                    this[cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber] = value;

            private void WireTableStylePropChanged(DataGridTableStyle gridTable) { 
                gridTable.GridLineColorChanged += new EventHandler(GridLineColorChanged); 
                gridTable.GridLineStyleChanged += new EventHandler(GridLineStyleChanged);
                gridTable.HeaderBackColorChanged += new EventHandler(HeaderBackColorChanged); 
                gridTable.HeaderFontChanged += new EventHandler(HeaderFontChanged);
                gridTable.HeaderForeColorChanged += new EventHandler(HeaderForeColorChanged);
                gridTable.LinkColorChanged += new EventHandler(LinkColorChanged);
                gridTable.LinkHoverColorChanged += new EventHandler(LinkHoverColorChanged); 
                gridTable.PreferredColumnWidthChanged += new EventHandler(PreferredColumnWidthChanged);
                gridTable.RowHeadersVisibleChanged += new EventHandler(RowHeadersVisibleChanged); 
                gridTable.ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged += new EventHandler(ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged); 
                gridTable.RowHeaderWidthChanged += new EventHandler(RowHeaderWidthChanged);
                gridTable.AllowSortingChanged += new EventHandler(AllowSortingChanged); 

            private void UnWireTableStylePropChanged(DataGridTableStyle gridTable) {
                gridTable.GridLineColorChanged -= new EventHandler(GridLineColorChanged); 
                gridTable.GridLineStyleChanged -= new EventHandler(GridLineStyleChanged);
                gridTable.HeaderBackColorChanged -= new EventHandler(HeaderBackColorChanged); 
                gridTable.HeaderFontChanged -= new EventHandler(HeaderFontChanged); 
                gridTable.HeaderForeColorChanged -= new EventHandler(HeaderForeColorChanged);
                gridTable.LinkColorChanged -= new EventHandler(LinkColorChanged); 
                gridTable.LinkHoverColorChanged -= new EventHandler(LinkHoverColorChanged);
                gridTable.PreferredColumnWidthChanged -= new EventHandler(PreferredColumnWidthChanged);
                gridTable.RowHeadersVisibleChanged -= new EventHandler(RowHeadersVisibleChanged);
                gridTable.ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged -= new EventHandler(ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged); 
                gridTable.RowHeaderWidthChanged -= new EventHandler(RowHeaderWidthChanged);
                gridTable.AllowSortingChanged -= new EventHandler(AllowSortingChanged); 

            ///      DataSource events are handled
            private void WireDataSource() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: WireDataSource"); 
                Debug.Assert(listManager!= null, "Can't wire up to a null DataSource");
                listManager.CurrentChanged += currentChangedHandler; 
                listManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 
                listManager.ItemChanged += itemChangedHandler;
                listManager.MetaDataChanged += metaDataChangedHandler; 

            private void UnWireDataSource() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: UnWireDataSource"); 
                Debug.Assert(listManager != null, "Can't un wire from a null DataSource");
                listManager.CurrentChanged -= currentChangedHandler; 
                listManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler; 
                listManager.ItemChanged -= itemChangedHandler;
                listManager.MetaDataChanged -= metaDataChangedHandler; 

            // This is called after a row has been added.  And I think whenever
            // a row gets deleted, etc. 
            // We recreate our datagrid rows at this point.
            private void DataSource_Changed(object sender, EventArgs ea) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_Changed"); 

                // the grid will receive the dataSource_Changed event when 
                // allowAdd changes on the dataView.
                policy.UpdatePolicy(this.ListManager, this.ReadOnly);
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew]) {
                    // we are adding a new row 
                    // keep the old rows, w/ their height, expanded/collapsed information
                    Debug.Assert(policy.AllowAdd, "how can we add a new row if the policy does not allow this?"); 
                    Debug.Assert(DataGridRowsLength == DataGridRows.Length, "how can this fail?");
                    DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                    int currentRowCount = DataGridRowsLength;
                    // put the added row:
                    gridRows[currentRowCount - 1] = new DataGridRelationshipRow(this, this.myGridTable, currentRowCount - 1);
                    SetDataGridRows(gridRows, currentRowCount); 
                } else if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow]) { 
                    // when the backEnd adds a row and we are still inAddNewRow
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                } else if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow]) {
                    currentRow = Math.Min(currentRow, this.listManager.Count);
                bool oldListHasErrors = ListHasErrors;
                ListHasErrors = DataGridSourceHasErrors(); 
                // if we changed the ListHasErrors, then the grid is already invalidated
                if (oldListHasErrors == ListHasErrors)

            private void GridLineColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            private void GridLineStyleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            private void HeaderBackColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) 
            private void HeaderFontChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            private void HeaderForeColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
            private void LinkColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            private void LinkHoverColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            private void PreferredColumnWidthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                // reset the dataGridRows
                SetDataGridRows(null, this.DataGridRowsLength); 
                // layout the horizontal scroll bar
                // invalidate everything 
            private void RowHeadersVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                layout.RowHeadersVisible = this.myGridTable == null ? false : this.myGridTable.RowHeadersVisible;
            private void ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                layout.ColumnHeadersVisible = this.myGridTable == null ? false : this.myGridTable.ColumnHeadersVisible; 
            private void RowHeaderWidthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
            private void AllowSortingChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                if (!this.myGridTable.AllowSorting && this.listManager != null) {
                    IList list = this.listManager.List;
                    if (list is IBindingList)
                        ((IBindingList) list).RemoveSort(); 
            private void DataSource_RowChanged(object sender, EventArgs ea) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_RowChanged"); 
                // it may be the case that our cache was not updated
                // to the latest changes in the list : CurrentChanged is fired before
                // ListChanged.
                // So invalidate the row if there is something to invalidate 
                DataGridRow[] rows = this.DataGridRows;
                if (currentRow < this.DataGridRowsLength) { 

            ///       Fired by the DataSource when row position moves. 
            private void DataSource_PositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs ea) { 
    #if DEBUG
                inDataSource_PositionChanged = true; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_PositionChanged to " + listManager.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                // the grid will get the PositionChanged event
                // before the OnItemChanged event when a row will be deleted in the backEnd; 
                // we still want to keep the old rows when the user deletes the rows using the grid
                // and we do not want to do the same work twice when the user adds a row via the grid 
                if (this.DataGridRowsLength > this.listManager.Count + (policy.AllowAdd?1:0) && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow]) { 
                    Debug.Assert(!gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew], "how can the list decrease when we are adding a row?");
                if (this.ListManager.Position != currentRow) {
                    CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(listManager.Position, currentCol);
    #if DEBUG 
                inDataSource_PositionChanged = false; 

            internal void DataSource_MetaDataChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

           private bool DataGridSourceHasErrors() 
                if (this.listManager == null)
                   return false; 
                for (int i = 0; i < this.listManager.Count; i++)
                    object errObj = this.listManager[i];
                    if (errObj is IDataErrorInfo) 
                        string errString = ((IDataErrorInfo)errObj).Error; 
                        if (errString != null && errString.Length != 0) 
                            return true;
                return false;
            private void TableStylesCollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs ccea) {
                // if the users changed the collection of tableStyles 
                if (sender != this.dataGridTables) 
                if (this.listManager == null) 

                if (ccea.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Add) {
                    DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = (DataGridTableStyle) ccea.Element; 
                    if (this.listManager.GetListName().Equals(tableStyle.MappingName)) {
                        Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable.IsDefault, "if the table is not default, then it had a name. how can one add another table to the collection w/ the same name and not throw an exception"); 
                        SetDataGridTable(tableStyle, true);                // true for forcing column creation 
                        SetDataGridRows(null, 0);
                } else if (ccea.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Remove) {
                    DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = (DataGridTableStyle) ccea.Element;
                    if (this.myGridTable.MappingName.Equals(tableStyle.MappingName)) {
                        Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable.IsDefault, "if the table is not default, then it had a name. how can one add another table to the collection w/ the same name and not throw an exception"); 
                        SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, true);    // true for forcing column creation 
                        SetDataGridRows(null, 0); 
                } else { 
                    Debug.Assert(ccea.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, "what else is possible?");
                    // we have to search to see if the collection of table styles contains one
                    // w/ the same name as the list in the dataGrid
                    DataGridTableStyle newGridTable = this.dataGridTables[listManager.GetListName()];
                    if (newGridTable == null) { 
                        if (!this.myGridTable.IsDefault) { 
                            // get rid of the old gridColumns
                            SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, true);    // true for forcing column creation
                            SetDataGridRows(null, 0);
                    } else { 
                        SetDataGridTable(newGridTable, true);              // true for forcing column creation
                        SetDataGridRows(null, 0); 

            private void DataSource_ItemChanged(object sender, ItemChangedEventArgs ea) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_ItemChanged at index " + ea.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                // if ea.Index == -1, then we invalidate all rows.
                if (ea.Index == -1) 
                    DataSource_Changed(sender, EventArgs.Empty);
                    // if there are rows which are invisible, it is more efficient to invalidata layout.Data
                    if (numVisibleRows <= dataGridRowsLength)
                        Debug.Assert(firstVisibleRow == 0, "if all rows are visible, then how come that first row is not visible?"); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < numVisibleRows; i++) 
                            InvalidateRow(firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows);
                   // let's see how we are doing w/ the errors
                    object errObj = this.listManager[ea.Index]; 
                    bool oldListHasErrors = ListHasErrors; 
                    if (errObj is IDataErrorInfo)
                        if (((IDataErrorInfo)errObj).Error.Length != 0)
                            ListHasErrors = true;
                        else if (ListHasErrors)
                            // maybe there was an error that now is fixed
                            ListHasErrors = DataGridSourceHasErrors(); 
                    // Invalidate the row only if we did not change the ListHasErrors
                    if (oldListHasErrors == ListHasErrors)
                    // we need to update the edit box:
                    // we update the text in the edit box only when the currentRow 
                    // equals the ea.Index 
                    if (editColumn != null && ea.Index == currentRow)
                        editColumn.UpdateUI(this.ListManager, ea.Index, null); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnBorderStyleChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnCaptionVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnCurrentCellChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 
            ///       Raises the  event. 
            ///    An  that contains the event data.
            ///       Raising an event invokes the event-handling method through a delegate. For an
            ///       overview, see . 
            /// When overriding  in an 
            ///    derived class, be sure to call the base class's  method. 
            protected void OnColumnHeaderClick(EventArgs e) { 
                RaiseEvent(EVENT_COLUMNHEADERCLICK, e);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnFlatModeChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnBackgroundColorChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) { 
                     eh(this, e);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnAllowNavigationChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) { 
                     eh(this, e); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnParentRowsVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnParentRowsLabelStyleChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnReadOnlyChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_READONLYCHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 
            ///       Raises the 
            ///       event.
            protected void OnNavigate(NavigateEventArgs e) { 
                if (onNavigate != null) 
                    onNavigate(this, e);

            ///       Raises the  event. 
            protected void OnColumnResize(EventArgs e) { 
                RaiseEvent(EVENT_COLUMNRESIZE, e);

            internal void OnLinkClick(EventArgs e) { 
                RaiseEvent(EVENT_LINKCLICKED, e);

            internal void OnNodeClick(EventArgs e) { 
                // if we expanded/collapsed the RelationshipRow
                // then we need to layout the vertical scroll bar

                // also, we need to let the hosted edit control that its 
                // boundaries possibly changed. do this with a call to Edit()
                // do this only if the firstVisibleColumn is the editColumn 
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                if (firstVisibleCol > -1 && firstVisibleCol < columns.Count && columns[firstVisibleCol] == editColumn)

                // Raise the event for the event listeners 
                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_NODECLICKED]; 
                if (handler != null) {
                    handler(this, e); 

            /// Raises the  event. 
            protected void OnRowHeaderClick(EventArgs e) {
                if (onRowHeaderClick != null) 
                    onRowHeaderClick(this, e);

            ///       Raises the  event. 
            protected void OnScroll(EventArgs e) {
                // reset the toolTip information
                if (ToolTipProvider != null)

                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_SCROLL]; 
                if (handler != null) { 
                    handler(this, e);

            ///       Listens 
            ///       for the horizontal scrollbar's scroll 
            ///       event.
            protected virtual void GridHScrolled(object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) {
                if (!Enabled)
                if (DataSource == null) {
                    Debug.Fail("Horizontal Scrollbar should be disabled without a DataSource."); 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = true;

    #if DEBUG
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: in GridHScrolled: the scroll event type:");
                switch (se.Type) 
                case ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "small increment"); 
                case ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "small decrement");
                case ScrollEventType.LargeIncrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Large decrement"); 
                case ScrollEventType.LargeDecrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "small decrement"); 
                case ScrollEventType.ThumbPosition:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Thumb Position");
                case ScrollEventType.ThumbTrack:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Thumb Track"); 
                case ScrollEventType.First:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "First"); 
                case ScrollEventType.Last:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Last");
                case ScrollEventType.EndScroll:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "EndScroll"); 
    #endif // DEBUG

                if (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement ||
                    se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement) 
                    int dCols = (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement)? 1:-1; 
                    if (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement && this.negOffset == 0) { 
                        GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                        // if the column before the first visible column has width == 0 then skip it 
                        for (int i = this.firstVisibleCol - 1; i >= 0 && cols[i].Width == 0; i --) {
                            dCols --;

                    if (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement && this.negOffset == 0) { 
                        GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                        for (int i = this.firstVisibleCol; i > -1 && i < cols.Count && cols[i].Width == 0; i ++) {
                            dCols ++; 

                    se.NewValue = HorizontalOffset;
                else if (se.Type != ScrollEventType.EndScroll) 
                    HorizontalOffset = se.NewValue; 

                this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;

            ///       Listens 
            ///       for the vertical scrollbar's scroll event.
            protected virtual void GridVScrolled(object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) { 
                if (!Enabled)
                if (DataSource == null) { 
                    Debug.Fail("Vertical Scrollbar should be disabled without a DataSource.");

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = true;
                try {
                    se.NewValue = Math.Min(se.NewValue, DataGridRowsLength - numTotallyVisibleRows); 
                    int dRows = se.NewValue - firstVisibleRow; 
                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;
            private void HandleEndCurrentEdit() {
                int currentRowSaved = currentRow; 
                int currentColSaved = currentCol; 

                String errorMessage = null; 

                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    errorMessage = e.Message; 

                if (errorMessage != null) { 
                    DialogResult result = RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null, SR.GetString(SR.DataGridPushedIncorrectValueIntoColumn,
                            errorMessage), SR.GetString(SR.DataGridErrorMessageBoxCaption), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                            MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes) {
                        currentRow = currentRowSaved; 
                        currentCol = currentColSaved; 
                        Debug.Assert(currentRow == ListManager.Position || listManager.Position == -1, "the position in the list manager (" + ListManager.Position + ") is out of [....] with the currentRow (" + currentRow + ")" + " and the exception is '" + errorMessage + "'");
                        // also, make sure that we get the row selector on the currentrow, too 
                    } else {
                        // if the user committed a row that used to be addNewRow and the backEnd rejects it, 
                        // and then it tries to navigate down then we should stay in the addNewRow
                        // in this particular scenario, CancelCurrentEdit will cause the last row to be deleted, 
                        // and this will ultimately call InvalidateRow w/ a row number larger than the number of rows 
                        // so set the currentRow here:
                        Debug.Assert(result == DialogResult.No, "we only put cancel and ok on the error message box"); 
                        this.listManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler;
                        this.listManager.Position = currentRow;
                        this.listManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 

            ///       Listens
            ///       for the caption's back button clicked event. 
            protected void OnBackButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK];
                if (handler != null) handler(this,e);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected override void OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                backBrush = new SolidBrush(BackColor);

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected override void OnBindingContextChanged(EventArgs e) {
                if (this.DataSource != null && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager])
                    try { 
                        Set_ListManager(this.DataSource, this.DataMember, true, false);     // we do not want to create columns
                                                                                            // if the columns are already created 
                                                                                            // the grid should not rely on OnBindingContextChanged 
                                                                                            // to create columns.
                    } catch { 
                        // at runtime we will rethrow the exception
                        if (this.Site == null || !this.Site.DesignMode)
                        RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null, SR.GetString(SR.DataGridExceptionInPaint), null,
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0); 
                        if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal();

                        Set_ListManager(null, String.Empty, true);
                        if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnDataSourceChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) { 
                     eh(this, e); 

            ///       Listens for
            ///       the caption's down button clicked event. 
            protected void OnShowParentDetailsButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                // we need to fire the ParentRowsVisibleChanged event
                // and the ParentRowsVisible property just calls SetParentRowsVisibility and
                // then fires the event.
                this.ParentRowsVisible = !caption.ToggleDownButtonDirection(); 

                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK]; 
                if (handler != null) handler(this,e); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected override void OnForeColorChanged(EventArgs e) {
                foreBrush = new SolidBrush(ForeColor); 


            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                // let the caption know about the event changed
                // get all the rows in the parentRows stack, and modify their height 
                if (originalState != null) {
                    Debug.Assert(!parentRows.IsEmpty(), "if the originalState is not null, then parentRows contains at least one row"); 
                    Stack parentStack = new Stack(); 
                    // this is a huge performance hit:
                    // everytime we get/put something from/to 
                    // the parentRows, the buttons in the dataGridCaption
                    // are invalidated
                    while (!parentRows.IsEmpty()) {
                        DataGridState dgs = parentRows.PopTop(); 
                        int rowCount = dgs.DataGridRowsLength;
                        for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { 
                            // performance hit: this will cause to invalidate a bunch of
                            // stuff 

                            dgs.DataGridRows[i].Height = dgs.DataGridRows[i].MinimumRowHeight(dgs.GridColumnStyles);
                    while(parentStack.Count != 0) { 


            ///       Raises the  
            ///       event.
            protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs ebe) { 
                // null body
            ///       Raises the  event which
            ///       repositions controls
            ///       and updates scroll bars. 
            protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs levent) { 
                // if we get a OnLayout event while the editControl changes, then just
                // ignore it 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging]) return;

                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: OnLayout"); 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended]) return; 

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = false; 
                try {
                    if (IsHandleCreated) {
                        if (layout.ParentRowsVisible)

                        // reset the toolTip information 
                        if (ToolTipProvider != null) 
                } finally {
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = true; 

            ///       Raises the 
            ///       event. 
            protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) { 
                // toolTipping
                toolTipProvider = new DataGridToolTip(this);
                toolTipId = 0; 


            ///       Raises the 
            ///       event. 
            protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) 

                // toolTipping
                toolTipProvider = null; 
                toolTipId = 0;
            /// Raises the 
            /// event.
            protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e) { 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging]) {
                    if (Bound) 
            /// Raises the  
            /// event.
            protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) {

            private void OnLeave_Grid() { 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = false; 
                try {
                    if (this.listManager != null && !this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging]) {
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) {
                            // if the user did not type anything
                            // in the addNewRow, then cancel the currentedit 
                            // set the addNewRow back 
                            DataGridRow[] localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                            localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength - 1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, DataGridRowsLength-1);
                            SetDataGridRows(localGridRows, DataGridRowsLength); 
                        } else {
                            // this.listManager.EndCurrentEdit();
                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = true; 
                    // inAddNewRow should be set to false if the control was
                    // not changing 
                    if (!this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging])
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;

            ///       Raises the  
            ///       event.
            protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs ke) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: OnKeyDown ");
            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs kpe) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: OnKeyPress " + TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString(kpe.KeyChar)); 
                GridColumnStylesCollection coll = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                if (coll != null && currentCol > 0 && currentCol < coll.Count) {
                    if (!coll[currentCol].ReadOnly)
                        if (kpe.KeyChar > 32) {
                            Edit(new string(new char [] { (char) kpe.KeyChar})); 

            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging] = false;
                if (listManager == null) 

                HitTestInfo location    = HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
                Keys   nModifier     = ModifierKeys; 
                bool      isControlDown = (nModifier & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control && (nModifier & Keys.Alt) == 0;
                bool      isShiftDown   = (nModifier & Keys.Shift)  == Keys.Shift; 
                // Only left clicks for now
                if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) 

                // Check column resize
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ColumnResize) { 
                    if (e.Clicks > 1) {
                        ColResizeBegin(e, location.col); 

                // Check row resize 
                if (location.type == HitTestType.RowResize)
                    if (e.Clicks > 1) 
                        RowResizeBegin(e, location.row); 

                // Check column headers 
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ColumnHeader) {
                    trackColumnHeader = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[location.col].PropertyDescriptor;

                if (location.type == HitTestType.Caption) { 
                    Rectangle captionRect = layout.Caption; 
                    caption.MouseDown(e.X - captionRect.X, e.Y - captionRect.Y);

                if (layout.Data.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || layout.RowHeaders.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) {
                    // Check with the row underneath the mouse 
                    int row = GetRowFromY(e.Y);
                    if (row > -1) { 
                        Point p = NormalizeToRow(e.X, e.Y, row); 
                        DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                        if (localGridRows[row].OnMouseDown(p.X, p.Y, 
                                                           isRightToLeft())) {
                            // possibly this was the last row, so then the link may not
                            // be visible. make it visible, by making the row visible. 
                            // how can we be sure that the user did not click 
                            // on a relationship and navigated to the child rows?
                            // check if the row is expanded: if the row is expanded, then the user clicked 
                            // on the node. when we navigate to child rows the rows are recreated
                            // and are initially collapsed
                            localGridRows = this.DataGridRows;
                            if (row < DataGridRowsLength && (localGridRows[row] is DataGridRelationshipRow) && ((DataGridRelationshipRow)localGridRows[row]).Expanded) 
                                EnsureVisible(row, 0);
                            // show the edit box 

                // Check row headers 
                if (location.type == HitTestType.RowHeader) {
                    if (!(DataGridRows[location.row] is DataGridAddNewRow)) {
                        int savedCurrentRow = this.currentRow;
                        CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(location.row, currentCol);
                        if (location.row != savedCurrentRow && 
                            this.currentRow != location.row &&
                            this.currentRow == savedCurrentRow) { 
                            // The data grid was not able to move away from its previous current row. 
                            // Be defensive and don't select the row.

                    if (isControlDown) { 
                        if (IsSelected(location.row))
                    else {
                        if (lastRowSelected == -1 || !isShiftDown)
                            int lowerRow = Math.Min(lastRowSelected, location.row); 
                            int upperRow = Math.Max(lastRowSelected, location.row);

                            // we need to reset the old SelectedRows.
                            // ResetSelection() will also reset lastRowSelected, so we 
                            // need to save it
                            int saveLastRowSelected = lastRowSelected; 
                            lastRowSelected = saveLastRowSelected;
                            DataGridRow[] rows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = lowerRow; i <= upperRow; i++)
                                rows[i].Selected = true; 
                                numSelectedRows ++;
                            // hide the edit box:

                    lastRowSelected = location.row; 
                    // OnRowHeaderClick(EventArgs.Empty); 

                // Check parentRows
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ParentRows) 
                    parentRows.OnMouseDown(e.X, e.Y, isRightToLeft()); 
                // Check cell clicks
                if (location.type == HitTestType.Cell) {
                    if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[location.col].MouseDown(location.row, e.X, e.Y)) 
                    DataGridCell target = new DataGridCell(location.row, location.col); 
                    if (policy.AllowEdit && CurrentCell.Equals(target)) { 
                        // what if only a part of the current cell is visible?
                        EnsureVisible(currentRow, currentCol);
                    else { 
                        CurrentCell = target;

            /// Creates the  
            /// event. 
            protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { 
                if (oldRow != -1) {
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                    localGridRows[oldRow].OnMouseLeft(layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft()); 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption]) { 
                // when the mouse leaves the grid control, reset the cursor to arrow 
                Cursor = null;

            internal void TextBoxOnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { 
            /// Raises the 
            /// event.
            protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                if (listManager == null) 

                HitTestInfo location = HitTest(e.X, e.Y); 

                bool alignToRight = isRightToLeft();

                // We need to give UI feedback when the user is resizing a column 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize]) {

                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize]) 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize] || location.type == HitTestType.ColumnResize)
                    Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; 
                else if ( gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize] || location.type == HitTestType.RowResize)
                    Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS;
                    Cursor = null;

                if ((layout.Data.Contains(e.X, e.Y)
                    || (layout.RowHeadersVisible && layout.RowHeaders.Contains(e.X, e.Y)))) {
                    // && (isNavigating || isEditing)) { 
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                    // If we are over a row, let it know about the mouse move. 
                    int rowOver = GetRowFromY(e.Y); 
                    // set the dragging bit:
                    if (lastRowSelected != -1 && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging]) { 
                        int topRow = GetRowTop(lastRowSelected);
                        int bottomRow = topRow + localGridRows[lastRowSelected].Height;
                        int dragHeight = SystemInformation.DragSize.Height;
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging] = ((e.Y - topRow < dragHeight && topRow - e.Y < dragHeight) || (e.Y - bottomRow < dragHeight && bottomRow - e.Y < dragHeight)); 
                    if (rowOver > -1) { 
                        Point p = NormalizeToRow(e.X, e.Y, rowOver); 
                        if (!localGridRows[rowOver].OnMouseMove(p.X, p.Y, layout.RowHeaders, alignToRight) && gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging]) {
                            // if the row did not use this, see if selection can use it 
                            MouseButtons mouse = MouseButtons;
                            if (lastRowSelected != -1 && (mouse & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left
                                && !(((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Alt) == 0)){
                                // ResetSelection() will reset the lastRowSelected too 
                                int saveLastRowSelected = lastRowSelected; 
                                lastRowSelected = saveLastRowSelected;
                                int lowerRow = Math.Min(lastRowSelected, rowOver);
                                int upperRow = Math.Max(lastRowSelected, rowOver);

                                DataGridRow[] rows = DataGridRows; 
                                for (int i = lowerRow; i <= upperRow; i++)
                                    rows[i].Selected = true; 
                                    numSelectedRows ++;
                    if (oldRow != rowOver && oldRow != -1) {
                        localGridRows[oldRow].OnMouseLeft(layout.RowHeaders, alignToRight); 
                    oldRow = rowOver;

                // check parentRows
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ParentRows) 
                    if (parentRows != null) 
                        parentRows.OnMouseMove(e.X, e.Y);

                if (location.type == HitTestType.Caption) {
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption] = true; 
                    Rectangle captionRect = layout.Caption;
                    caption.MouseOver(e.X - captionRect.X, e.Y - captionRect.Y); 
                else { 
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption]) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption] = false;
            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) {
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging] = false;
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null) 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize]) {

                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize])
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize] = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize] = false; 

                HitTestInfo ci = HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
                if ((ci.type & HitTestType.Caption) == HitTestType.Caption) {
                    caption.MouseUp(e.X, e.Y); 
                // Check column headers 
                if (ci.type == HitTestType.ColumnHeader) {
                    PropertyDescriptor prop = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[ci.col].PropertyDescriptor; 
                    if (prop == trackColumnHeader) {

                trackColumnHeader = null; 

            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                if (e is HandledMouseEventArgs) { 
                    if (((HandledMouseEventArgs) e).Handled) {
                        // The application event handler handled the scrolling - don't do anything more. 
                    ((HandledMouseEventArgs) e).Handled = true;

                bool wheelingDown = true; 
                if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0) 
                    wheelingDown = false;
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null)
                ScrollBar sb = wheelingDown ? vertScrollBar : horizScrollBar;
                if (!sb.Visible) 
                // so we scroll. we have to know this, cause otherwise we will call EndEdit 
                // and that would be wrong.
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = true; 
                wheelDelta += e.Delta;
                float movePerc = (float)wheelDelta / (float)NativeMethods.WHEEL_DELTA;
                int move = (int)((float)SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines * movePerc);
                if (move != 0) { 
                    wheelDelta = 0;
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: OnMouseWheel move="+move.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                    if (wheelingDown) { 
                        int newRow = firstVisibleRow - move;
                        newRow = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(newRow, DataGridRowsLength - numTotallyVisibleRows)); 
                        ScrollDown(newRow - firstVisibleRow);
                    else {
                        int newValue = horizScrollBar.Value + (move < 0 ? 1 : -1) * horizScrollBar.LargeChange; 
                        HorizontalOffset = newValue;

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false; 

            /// Raises the 
            /// event. 
            protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) {
                try { 

                    if (this.layout.dirty)

                    Graphics g = pe.Graphics; 
                    Region clipRegion = g.Clip;
                    if (layout.CaptionVisible) 
                        caption.Paint(g, layout.Caption, isRightToLeft());

                    if (layout.ParentRowsVisible) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridParents.TraceVerbose, "DataGridParents: Painting ParentRows " + layout.ParentRows.ToString()); 
                        g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.AppWorkspace, layout.ParentRows);
                        parentRows.Paint(g, layout.ParentRows, isRightToLeft()); 

                    Rectangle gridRect = layout.Data; 
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        gridRect = Rectangle.Union(gridRect, layout.RowHeaders);
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        gridRect = Rectangle.Union(gridRect, layout.ColumnHeaders); 

                    PaintGrid(g, gridRect); 
                    g.Clip = clipRegion;
                    PaintBorder(g, layout.ClientRectangle);

                    g.FillRectangle(DefaultHeaderBackBrush, layout.ResizeBoxRect);
                    base.OnPaint(pe); // raise paint event
                catch { 
                    // at runtime we will rethrow the exception
                    if (this.Site == null || !this.Site.DesignMode) 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_exceptionInPaint] = true;
                    try {
                        RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null, SR.GetString(SR.DataGridExceptionInPaint), null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                            MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                        if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal(); 


                        Set_ListManager(null, String.Empty, true);
                    } finally {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_exceptionInPaint] = false; 
                        if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal();
            // Since Win32 only invalidates the area that gets uncovered,
            // we have to manually invalidate the old border area
            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: OnResize");
                if (layout.CaptionVisible)
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible)

                int borderWidth = BorderWidth; 
                Rectangle right; 
                Rectangle bottom;
                Rectangle oldClientRectangle = layout.ClientRectangle; 

                right = new Rectangle(oldClientRectangle.X + oldClientRectangle.Width - borderWidth,
                bottom = new Rectangle(oldClientRectangle.X, 
                                       oldClientRectangle.Y + oldClientRectangle.Height - borderWidth, 

                Rectangle newClientRectangle = this.ClientRectangle;
                if (newClientRectangle.Width != oldClientRectangle.Width) {
                    right = new Rectangle(newClientRectangle.X + newClientRectangle.Width - borderWidth,
                if (newClientRectangle.Height != oldClientRectangle.Height) {
                    bottom = new Rectangle(newClientRectangle.X, 
                                           newClientRectangle.Y + newClientRectangle.Height - borderWidth,

                //also, invalidate the ResizeBoxRect
                if (!this.layout.ResizeBoxRect.IsEmpty)

                layout.ClientRectangle = newClientRectangle; 
                int oldFirstVisibleRow = firstVisibleRow;
                if (isRightToLeft() || oldFirstVisibleRow != firstVisibleRow)
            internal void OnRowHeightChanged(DataGridRow row) {
                int cy = GetRowTop(row.RowNumber); 
                if (cy > 0) {
                    Rectangle refresh = new Rectangle(); 
                    refresh.Y = cy;
                    refresh.X = layout.Inside.X;
                    refresh.Width = layout.Inside.Width;
                    refresh.Height = layout.Inside.Bottom - cy; 

            internal void ParentRowsDataChanged() { 
                Debug.Assert(originalState != null, "how can we get a list changed event from another listmanager/list while not navigating");

                // do the reset work that is done in SetDataBindings, set_DataSource, set_DataMember;
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
                object dSource = originalState.DataSource; 
                string dMember = originalState.DataMember;
                // we don't need to set the GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged bit, cause 
                // the listManager from the originalState should be different from the current listManager
                // set the originalState to null so that Set_ListManager knows that
                // it has to unhook the MetaDataChanged events 
                originalState = null;
                Set_ListManager(dSource, dMember, true); 

            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            // =        Methods
            // =------------------------------------------------------------------
            private void AbortEdit() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: \t! AbortEdit"); 
                Debug.Assert(gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing], "Can't abort an edit that is not happening!"); 

                // the same rules from editColumn.OnEdit 
                // while changing the editControl's visibility, do not
                // PerformLayout on the entire DataGrid
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true;
                // reset the editControl flag: 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = false;
                editRow = null;
                editColumn = null;

            ///    Occurs when the user navigates to a new table.
            [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.DataGridNavigateEventDescr)]
            public event NavigateEventHandler Navigate {
                add {
                    onNavigate += value; 
                remove { 
                    onNavigate -= value; 

            ///    Occurs when a row header is clicked. 
            protected event EventHandler RowHeaderClick { 
                add { 
                    onRowHeaderClick += value;
                remove {
                    onRowHeaderClick -= value;

            ///       Adds an event handler for the 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.OnNodeClick'
            ///       event. 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.DataGridNodeClickEventDescr)]
            internal event EventHandler NodeClick { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_NODECLICKED, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_NODECLICKED, value); 

            ///       Occurs when the user scrolls the  control. 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.DataGridScrollEventDescr)]
            public event EventHandler Scroll {
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SCROLL, value); 
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SCROLL, value); 

            public override ISite Site {
                get { 
                    return base.Site;
                set { 
                    ISite temp = this.Site;
                    base.Site = value; 
                    if (value != temp && !Disposing) {
                        // we should site the tables and the columns
                        // only when our site changes
            internal void AddNewRow() {
                // EndEdit(); 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew] = true; 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = true; 
                try {
                } catch {
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew] = false;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew] = false;

            ///    Attempts to 
            ///       put the grid into a state where editing is
            ///       allowed. 
            public bool BeginEdit(DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int rowNumber) {
                if (this.DataSource == null || this.myGridTable == null) 
                    return false;

                // We deny edit requests if we are already editing a cell.
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) 
                    return false;
                else { 
                    int col = -1; 
                    if ((col = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.IndexOf(gridColumn)) < 0)
                        return false; 
                    CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(rowNumber, col);
                    return true; 
            ///    Specifies the beginning of the initialization code.
            public void BeginInit() {
                if (inInit) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridBeginInit));
                inInit = true; 

            private Rectangle CalcRowResizeFeedbackRect(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data;
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(inside.X, e.Y, inside.Width, 3);
                r.Y = Math.Min(inside.Bottom - 3, r.Y);
                r.Y = Math.Max(r.Y , 0); 
                return r;
            private Rectangle CalcColResizeFeedbackRect(MouseEventArgs e) {
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data; 
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(e.X, inside.Y, 3, inside.Height);
                r.X = Math.Min(inside.Right - 3, r.X);
                r.X = Math.Max(r.X , 0);
                return r; 
            private void CancelCursorUpdate() { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: Requesting CancelEdit()");
                if (listManager != null) { 

            private void CheckHierarchyState() { 
                if (checkHierarchy && this.listManager != null && this.myGridTable != null) { 
                    if (myGridTable == null)
                        // there was nothing to check 

                    for (int j = 0; j < myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; j++) {
                        DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[j]; 
                    checkHierarchy = false; 

            ///      The DataGrid caches an array of rectangular areas
            ///      which represent the area which scrolls left to right. 
            ///      This method is invoked whenever the DataGrid's
            ///      scrollable regions change in such a way as to require 
            ///      a re-recalculation. 
            private void ClearRegionCache() { 
                cachedScrollableRegion = null;

            ///      Determines the best fit size for the given column.
            private void ColAutoResize(int col) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ColAutoResize");
                CurrencyManager listManager = this.listManager;
                if (listManager == null)
                int size;
                Graphics g = CreateGraphicsInternal(); 
                try { 
                    DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col];
                    string columnName = column.HeaderText; 

                    Font headerFont;
                    if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                        headerFont = this.HeaderFont; 
                        headerFont = this.myGridTable.HeaderFont; 
                    size = (int) g.MeasureString(columnName, headerFont).Width + layout.ColumnHeaders.Height + 1; // This is not a bug, the sort triangle's width is equal to it's height. 
                    int rowCount = listManager.Count;
                    for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) { 
                        object value = column.GetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, row);
                        int width = column.GetPreferredSize(g, value).Width;
                        if (width > size)
                            size = width; 
                    if (column.Width != size) { 
                        column.width = size;

                        bool lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = true;
                        if (this.lastTotallyVisibleCol != -1) { 
                            for (int i = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol + 1; i < this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; i ++) {
                                if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                                    lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = false; 
                        } else {
                            lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = false;

                        // if the column shrank and the last totally visible column was the last column 
                        // then we need to recompute the horizontalOffset, firstVisibleCol, negOffset. 
                        // lastTotallyVisibleCol remains the last column
                        if (lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol && 
                            (this.negOffset != 0 || this.horizontalOffset != 0)) {

                            // update the column width
                            column.width = size; 

                            int cx = 0; 
                            int colCount = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                            int visibleWidth = layout.Data.Width;
                            GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 

                            // assume everything fits
                            this.negOffset = 0;
                            this.horizontalOffset = 0; 
                            this.firstVisibleCol= 0;
                            for (int i = colCount - 1; i >= 0; i --) { 
                                if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor == null) {

                                cx += cols[i].Width;
                                if (cx > visibleWidth) { 
                                    if (this.negOffset == 0) {
                                        this.firstVisibleCol = i; 
                                        this.negOffset = cx - visibleWidth; 
                                        this.horizontalOffset = this.negOffset;
                                        this.numVisibleCols ++; 
                                    } else {
                                        this.horizontalOffset += cols[i].Width;
                                } else { 
                                    this.numVisibleCols ++;

                            // refresh the horizontal scrollbar 

                            // we need to invalidate the layout.Data and layout.ColumnHeaders
                            Invalidate(Rectangle.Union(layout.Data, layout.ColumnHeaders)); 
                        } else {
                            // need to refresh the scroll bar 

                            Rectangle rightArea = layout.Data; 
                            if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                                rightArea = Rectangle.Union(rightArea, layout.ColumnHeaders);

                            int left = GetColBeg(col); 

                            if (!isRightToLeft()) { 
                                rightArea.Width -= left - rightArea.X; 
                                rightArea.X = left;
                            } else { 
                                rightArea.Width = rightArea.Width - left;

                finally {

                if (this.horizScrollBar.Visible) {
                    this.horizScrollBar.Value = HorizontalOffset; 
                // OnColumnResize(EventArgs.Empty); 

            ///       Collapses child relations, if any exist for all rows, or for a
            ///       specified row. 
            public void Collapse(int row) { 
                SetRowExpansionState(row, false);

            private void ColResizeBegin(MouseEventArgs e, int col) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ColResizeBegin");
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Column resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null."); 

                int x = e.X; 
                Rectangle clip = Rectangle.Union(layout.ColumnHeaders, layout.Data);
                if (isRightToLeft()) 
                    clip.Width = GetColBeg(col) - layout.Data.X - 2;
                    int leftEdge = GetColBeg(col); 
                    clip.X  = leftEdge + 3; 
                    clip.Width = layout.Data.X + layout.Data.Width - leftEdge - 2;

                CaptureInternal = true;
                Cursor.ClipInternal = RectangleToScreen(clip);
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize] = true; 
                trackColAnchor = x;
                trackColumn = col; 
                lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void ColResizeMove(MouseEventArgs e) {
                if (lastSplitBar != null) { 
                    lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void ColResizeEnd(MouseEventArgs e) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ColResizeEnd");
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Column resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null."); 

                this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended] = true; 
                try { 
                    if (lastSplitBar != null) {
                        lastSplitBar = null;

                    bool rightToLeft = isRightToLeft(); 

                    int x = rightToLeft ? Math.Max(e.X, layout.Data.X) : Math.Min(e.X, layout.Data.Right + 1); 
                    int delta = x - GetColEnd(trackColumn); 
                    if (rightToLeft) delta = -delta;
                    if (trackColAnchor != x && delta != 0) {
                        DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[trackColumn];
                        int proposed = column.Width + delta;
                        proposed = Math.Max(proposed, 3); 
                        column.Width = proposed;
                        // refresh scrolling data: horizontalOffset, negOffset, firstVisibleCol, numVisibleCols, lastTotallyVisibleCol 
                        bool lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = true;
                        for (int i = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol + 1; i < this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; i ++) {
                            if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                                lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = false; 

                        if (lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol && 
                            (this.negOffset != 0 || this.horizontalOffset != 0)) {

                            int cx = 0;
                            int colCount = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                            int visibleWidth = this.layout.Data.Width;
                            GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                            // assume everything fits
                            this.negOffset = 0; 
                            this.horizontalOffset = 0;
                            this.firstVisibleCol = 0;

                            for (int i = colCount - 1; i > -1; i --) { 
                                if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor == null) {

                                cx += cols[i].Width; 

                                if (cx > visibleWidth) {
                                    if (this.negOffset == 0) {
                                        this.negOffset = cx - visibleWidth; 
                                        this.firstVisibleCol = i;
                                        this.horizontalOffset = negOffset; 
                                        this.numVisibleCols ++; 
                                    } else {
                                        this.horizontalOffset += cols[i].Width; 
                                } else {
                                    this.numVisibleCols ++;
                            // and invalidate pretty much everything 
                            Invalidate(Rectangle.Union(this.layout.Data, this.layout.ColumnHeaders));
                        } else { 

                            Rectangle rightArea = Rectangle.Union(layout.ColumnHeaders, layout.Data);
                            int left = GetColBeg(trackColumn);
                            rightArea.Width -= rightToLeft ? rightArea.Right - left : left - rightArea.X; 
                            rightArea.X = rightToLeft ? layout.Data.X : left;
                finally {
                    Cursor.ClipInternal = Rectangle.Empty;
                    CaptureInternal = false;
                    this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended] = false; 

                if (this.horizScrollBar.Visible) { 
                    this.horizScrollBar.Value = HorizontalOffset;
                // OnColumnResize(EventArgs.Empty);

            private void MetaDataChanged() { 
                // when we reset the Binding in the grid, we need to clear the parent rows. 
                // the same goes for all the caption UI: reset it when the datasource changes.
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged] = true;
                try { 
                    if (originalState != null) { 
                        // set the originalState to null so that Set_ListManager knows that
                        // it has to unhook the MetaDataChanged events 
                        Set_ListManager(originalState.DataSource, originalState.DataMember, true);
                        originalState = null;
                    } else {
                        Set_ListManager(this.DataSource, this.DataMember, true); 
                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged] = false; 

            // =------------------------------------------------------------------
            // =        Functions to resize rows 
            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            // will autoResize "row" 
            private void RowAutoResize(int row)
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: RowAutoResize");

                CurrencyManager listManager = this.ListManager; 
                if (listManager == null)
                Graphics g = CreateGraphicsInternal();
                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                    DataGridRow resizeRow = DataGridRows[row];
                    int rowCount = listManager.Count; 
                    int resizeHeight = 0;
                    // compute the height that we should resize to: 
                    int columnsCount = columns.Count;
                    for (int col = 0; col < columnsCount; col++) { 
                        object value = columns[col].GetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, row);
                        resizeHeight = Math.Max(resizeHeight, columns[col].GetPreferredHeight(g, value));
                    if (resizeRow.Height != resizeHeight)
                        resizeRow.Height = resizeHeight; 

                        // needed to refresh scrollbar properties 

                        Rectangle rightArea = layout.Data;
                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 
                            rightArea = Rectangle.Union(rightArea, layout.RowHeaders);
                        int top = GetRowTop(row); 
                        rightArea.Height -= rightArea.Y - top; 
                        rightArea.Y = top;
                // OnRowResize(EventArgs.Empty);

            private void RowResizeBegin(MouseEventArgs e, int row)
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: RowResizeBegin"); 
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Row resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null.");
                int y = e.Y;
                Rectangle clip = Rectangle.Union(layout.RowHeaders, layout.Data);
                int topEdge = GetRowTop(row); 
                clip.Y  = topEdge + 3;
                clip.Height = layout.Data.Y + layout.Data.Height - topEdge - 2; 
                CaptureInternal = true;
                Cursor.ClipInternal = RectangleToScreen(clip); 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize] = true;
                trackRowAnchor = y;
                trackRow = row;
                lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void RowResizeMove(MouseEventArgs e) 
                if (lastSplitBar != null) {
                    lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void RowResizeEnd(MouseEventArgs e) 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: RowResizeEnd");
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Row resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null.");
                try {
                    if (lastSplitBar != null) { 
                        lastSplitBar = null;

                    int y = Math.Min(e.Y, layout.Data.Y + layout.Data.Height + 1);
                    int delta = y - GetRowBottom(trackRow);
                    if (trackRowAnchor != y && delta != 0) { 
                        DataGridRow row = DataGridRows[trackRow];
                        int proposed = row.Height + delta; 
                        proposed = Math.Max(proposed, 3); 
                        row.Height = proposed;

                        // needed to refresh scrollbar properties
                        Rectangle rightArea = Rectangle.Union(layout.RowHeaders, layout.Data);
                        int top = GetRowTop(trackRow); 
                        rightArea.Height -= rightArea.Y - top; 
                        rightArea.Y = top;
                finally {
                    Cursor.ClipInternal = Rectangle.Empty; 
                    CaptureInternal = false;
                // OnRowResize(EventArgs.Empty); 
            ///      Fires the ColumnHeaderClicked event and handles column
            ///      sorting.
            private void ColumnHeaderClicked(PropertyDescriptor prop) {
                if (!CommitEdit()) 

                // OnColumnHeaderClick(EventArgs.Empty); 
                bool allowSorting;
                if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                    allowSorting = this.AllowSorting;
                    allowSorting = myGridTable.AllowSorting;
                if (!allowSorting) 
                // if (CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.OutputVerbose) Debug.WriteLine("DataGridCursor: We are about to sort column " + col.ToString());
                ListSortDirection direction = this.ListManager.GetSortDirection();
                PropertyDescriptor sortColumn = this.ListManager.GetSortProperty();
                if (sortColumn != null && sortColumn.Equals(prop)) 
                    direction = (direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending) ? ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending;
                    // defaultSortDirection : ascending 
                    direction = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
                if (listManager.Count == 0)

                this.ListManager.SetSort(prop, direction); 
            ///      Attempts to commit editing if a cell is being edited.
            ///      Return true if successfully commited editing.
            ///      Return false if editing can not be completed and the gird must 
            ///      remain in our current Edit state.
            private bool CommitEdit() { 

                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: \t  CommitEdit " + (editRow == null ? "" : editRow.RowNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); 

                // we want to commit the editing if
                // 1. the user was editing or navigating around the data grid and 
                // 2. this is not the result of moving focus inside the data grid and
                // 3. if the user was scrolling 
                if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] || (gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling])) 
                    return true;
                // the same rules from editColumn.OnEdit
                // flag that we are editing the Edit control, so if we get a OnLayout on the
                // datagrid side of things while the edit control changes its visibility and bounds
                // the datagrid does not perform a layout 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true;
                if (editColumn.ReadOnly || gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    bool focusTheGrid = false;
                    if (this.ContainsFocus) { 
                        focusTheGrid = true;

                    if (focusTheGrid && gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus]) 
                    // set the focus back to the grid
                    if (focusTheGrid && gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && CanFocus && !Focused) 

                    // reset the editControl flag
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false; 
                    return true;
                bool retVal = editColumn.Commit(ListManager, currentRow);
                // reset the editControl flag
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;

                if (retVal) 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = false;
                return retVal; 
            ///      Figure out how many rows we need to scroll down
            ///      to move targetRow into visibility.
            private int ComputeDeltaRows(int targetRow) {
                //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ComputeDeltaRows, firstVisibleRow = " 
                //                  + firstVisibleRow.ToString() + ", " 
                //                  + "targetRow = " + targetRow.ToString());
                if (firstVisibleRow == targetRow)
                    return 0;

                int dRows = 0; 
                int firstVisibleRowLogicalTop = -1;
                int targetRowLogicalTop = -1; 
                int nRows = DataGridRowsLength; 
                int cy = 0;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 

                for (int row = 0; row < nRows; ++row) {
                    if (row == firstVisibleRow)
                        firstVisibleRowLogicalTop = cy; 
                    if (row == targetRow)
                        targetRowLogicalTop = cy; 
                    if (targetRowLogicalTop != -1 && firstVisibleRowLogicalTop != -1) 
                    cy += localGridRows[row].Height; 

                int targetRowLogicalBottom = targetRowLogicalTop + localGridRows[targetRow].Height;
                int dataLogicalBottom = layout.Data.Height + firstVisibleRowLogicalTop; 
                if (targetRowLogicalBottom > dataLogicalBottom) {
                    // we need to move down. 
                    int downDelta = targetRowLogicalBottom - dataLogicalBottom; 
                    firstVisibleRowLogicalTop += downDelta;
                else if (firstVisibleRowLogicalTop < targetRowLogicalTop) {
                    // we don't need to move
                    return 0;
                else {
                    // we need to move up. 
                    int upDelta = firstVisibleRowLogicalTop - targetRowLogicalTop; 
                    firstVisibleRowLogicalTop -= upDelta;
                int newFirstRow = ComputeFirstVisibleRow(firstVisibleRowLogicalTop);
                dRows = (newFirstRow - firstVisibleRow);
                //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ComputeDeltaRows returning " + dRows.ToString());
                return dRows; 
            ///      Given the a logical vertical offset, figure out
            ///      which row number should be the first fully visible 
            ///      row on or after the offset.
            private int ComputeFirstVisibleRow(int firstVisibleRowLogicalTop) {
                int first; 
                int nRows = DataGridRowsLength;
                int cy = 0; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                for (first = 0; first < nRows; ++first) {
                    if (cy >= firstVisibleRowLogicalTop) 
                    cy += localGridRows[first].Height;
                return first; 
            ///      Constructs an updated Layout object.
            private void ComputeLayout() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ComputeLayout");

                bool alignLeft = ! isRightToLeft(); 
                Rectangle oldResizeRect = this.layout.ResizeBoxRect;
                // hide the EditBox 

                // NOTE : Since Rectangles are structs, then assignment is a
                //      : copy. Therefore, after saying "Rectangle inside = newLayout.Inside", 
                //      : we must always assign back to newLayout.Inside.
                // Important since all of the visibility flags will move
                // to the new layout here. 
                LayoutData newLayout = new LayoutData(layout);

                // Inside
                newLayout.Inside = ClientRectangle; 
                Rectangle inside = newLayout.Inside;
                int borderWidth = BorderWidth; 
                inside.Inflate(-borderWidth, -borderWidth); 

                Rectangle insideLeft = inside; 

                // Caption
                if (layout.CaptionVisible) {
                    int captionHeight = captionFontHeight + 6; 
                    Rectangle cap     =   newLayout.Caption;
                    cap               =   insideLeft; 
                    cap.Height        =   captionHeight; 
                    insideLeft.Y      +=  captionHeight;
                    insideLeft.Height -=  captionHeight; 

                    newLayout.Caption = cap;
                else { 
                    newLayout.Caption = Rectangle.Empty;
                // Parent Rows
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible) { 
                    Rectangle parents      = newLayout.ParentRows;
                    int       parentHeight = parentRows.Height;
                    parents           =  insideLeft;
                    parents.Height    =  parentHeight; 
                    insideLeft.Y      += parentHeight;
                    insideLeft.Height -= parentHeight; 
                    newLayout.ParentRows = parents;
                else {
                    newLayout.ParentRows = Rectangle.Empty;
                // Headers
                int columnHeaderHeight = headerFontHeight + 6; 
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) {
                    Rectangle colHeaders = newLayout.ColumnHeaders; 
                    colHeaders        =  insideLeft;
                    colHeaders.Height =  columnHeaderHeight;
                    insideLeft.Y      += columnHeaderHeight;
                    insideLeft.Height -= columnHeaderHeight; 

                    newLayout.ColumnHeaders = colHeaders; 
                else {
                    newLayout.ColumnHeaders = Rectangle.Empty; 

                bool newRowHeadersVisible = this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.RowHeadersVisible : this.myGridTable.RowHeadersVisible;
                int newRowHeaderWidth = this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.RowHeaderWidth : this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth; 
                newLayout.RowHeadersVisible = newRowHeadersVisible;
                if (this.myGridTable != null && newRowHeadersVisible) { 
                    Rectangle rowHeaders = newLayout.RowHeaders; 
                    if (alignLeft)
                        rowHeaders = insideLeft;
                        rowHeaders.Width = newRowHeaderWidth;
                        insideLeft.X += newRowHeaderWidth;
                        insideLeft.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth; 
                        rowHeaders = insideLeft;
                        rowHeaders.Width = newRowHeaderWidth; 
                        rowHeaders.X = insideLeft.Right - newRowHeaderWidth;
                        insideLeft.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth;
                    newLayout.RowHeaders = rowHeaders; 

                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) { 
                        Rectangle topLeft    = newLayout.TopLeftHeader; 
                        Rectangle colHeaders = newLayout.ColumnHeaders;
                        if (alignLeft) 
                            topLeft   =  colHeaders;
                            topLeft.Width    =  newRowHeaderWidth;
                            colHeaders.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth; 
                            colHeaders.X     += newRowHeaderWidth;
                            topLeft   =  colHeaders; 
                            topLeft.Width    =  newRowHeaderWidth;
                            topLeft.X        =  colHeaders.Right - newRowHeaderWidth;
                            colHeaders.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth;

                        newLayout.TopLeftHeader = topLeft; 
                        newLayout.ColumnHeaders = colHeaders; 
                    else { 
                        newLayout.TopLeftHeader = Rectangle.Empty;
                else { 
                    newLayout.RowHeaders = Rectangle.Empty;
                    newLayout.TopLeftHeader = Rectangle.Empty; 

                // The Data region 
                newLayout.Data = insideLeft;
                newLayout.Inside = inside;

                this.layout = newLayout; 

                // if the user shrank the grid client area, then OnResize invalidated the old
                // resize area. however, we need to invalidate the left upper corner in the new ResizeArea 
                // note that we can't take the Invalidate call from the OnResize method, because if the
                // user enlarges the form then the old area will not be invalidated.
                if (!oldResizeRect.Equals(this.layout.ResizeBoxRect) && !this.layout.ResizeBoxRect.IsEmpty) 
                this.layout.dirty = false; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: " + layout.ToString());

            ///      Computes the number of pixels to scroll to scroll from one
            ///      row to another. 
            private int ComputeRowDelta(int from, int to) { 
                int first = from; 
                int last = to;
                int sign = -1; 
                if (first > last) {
                    first = to;
                    last = from;
                    sign = 1; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                int delta = 0; 
                for (int row = first; row < last; ++row) {
                    delta += localGridRows[row].Height; 
                return sign * delta;
            internal int MinimumRowHeaderWidth() {
                return minRowHeaderWidth; 

            internal void ComputeMinimumRowHeaderWidth() { 
                minRowHeaderWidth = errorRowBitmapWidth; // the size of the pencil, star and row selector images are the same as the image for the error bitmap
               if (this.ListHasErrors)
                   minRowHeaderWidth += errorRowBitmapWidth;
                if (this.myGridTable != null && this.myGridTable.RelationsList.Count != 0) 
                    minRowHeaderWidth += 15; // the size of the plus/minus glyph and spacing around it
            ///      Updates the internal variables with the number of columns visible
            ///      inside the Grid's client rectangle.
            private void ComputeVisibleColumns() { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ComputeVisibleColumns");
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int nGridCols = columns.Count;
                int cx = - negOffset;
                int visibleColumns = 0;
                int visibleWidth = layout.Data.Width; 
                int curCol = firstVisibleCol;
                // the same problem with negative numbers: 
                // if the width passed in is negative, then return 0
                // added the check for the columns.Count == 0 ( [....], November 14, 2000)
                if (visibleWidth < 0 || columns.Count == 0)
                    numVisibleCols = firstVisibleCol = 0;
                    lastTotallyVisibleCol = -1; 
                while (cx < visibleWidth && curCol < nGridCols)
                    // if (columns.Visible && columns.PropertyDescriptor != null)
                    if (columns[curCol].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                        cx += columns[curCol].Width;
                    visibleColumns ++; 
                numVisibleCols = visibleColumns;

                // if we inflate the data area
                // then we paint columns to the left of firstVisibleColumn 
                if (cx < visibleWidth)
                    for (int i = firstVisibleCol -1; i > 0; i--) 
                        if (cx + columns[i].Width > visibleWidth) 
                        // if (columns.Visible && columns.PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            cx += columns[i].Width; 
                        visibleColumns ++;
                        firstVisibleCol --; 

                    if (numVisibleCols != visibleColumns) 
                        Debug.Assert(numVisibleCols < visibleColumns, "the number of visible columns can only grow");
                        // is there space for more columns than were visible?
                        // if so, then we need to repaint Data and ColumnHeaders 
                        // update the number of visible columns to the new reality
                        numVisibleCols = visibleColumns; 

                lastTotallyVisibleCol = firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1; 
                if (cx > visibleWidth) {
                    if (numVisibleCols <= 1 || (numVisibleCols == 2 && this.negOffset != 0)) { 
                        // no column is entirely visible 
                        lastTotallyVisibleCol = -1;
                    } else { 

            ///      Determines which column is the first visible given 
            ///      the object's horizontalOffset.
            private int ComputeFirstVisibleColumn() {
                int first = 0;
                if (this.horizontalOffset == 0) {
                    negOffset = 0; 
                    return 0;
                // we will check to see if myGridTables.GridColumns.Count != 0
                // because when we reset the dataGridTable, we don't have any columns, and we still 
                // call HorizontalOffset = 0, and that will call ComputeFirstVisibleColumn with an empty collection of columns.
                if (myGridTable != null && myGridTable.GridColumnStyles != null && myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count != 0) {
                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                    int cx = 0; 
                    int nGridCols = columns.Count;
                    if (columns[0].Width == -1) { 
                        // the columns are not initialized yet
    #if DEBUG
                        for (int i = 0; i < nGridCols; i++) {
                            Debug.Assert(columns[i].Width == -1, "the columns' widths should not be initialized");
    #endif // DEBUG
                        negOffset = 0; 
                        return 0; 
                    for (first = 0; first < nGridCols; first++) {
                        // if (columns[first].Visible && columns[first].PropertyDescriptor != null);
                        if (columns[first].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            cx += columns[first].Width; 
                        if (cx > horizontalOffset)
                    // first may actually be the number of columns
                    // in that case all the columns fit in the layout data 
                    if (first == nGridCols) {
                        Debug.Assert(cx <= horizontalOffset, "look at the for loop before: we only exit that loop early if the cx is over the horizontal offset");
                        negOffset = 0;
                        return 0; 
                    negOffset = columns[first].Width - (cx - horizontalOffset); 
                    //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ComputeFirstVisibleColumn, ret = " + first.ToString() + ", negOffset = " + negOffset.ToString()); 
                return first; 

            ///      Updates the internal variables with the number of rows visible 
            ///      in a given DataGrid Layout.
            private void ComputeVisibleRows() { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ComputeVisibleRows");

                Rectangle data = layout.Data;
                int visibleHeight = data.Height;
                int cy = 0; 
                int visibleRows = 0;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                int numRows = DataGridRowsLength; 

                // when minimizing the dataGrid window, we will get negative values for the 
                // layout.Data.Width and layout.Data.Height ( is this a bug or not? if layout.Data.Height == 0 in that case,
                // the old code would have worked )
                // if this is the case, then set numVisibleRows = numTotallyVisibleRows = 0; 
                if (visibleHeight < 0) 
                    numVisibleRows = numTotallyVisibleRows = 0;

                for (int i = firstVisibleRow; i < numRows; ++i) {
                    if (cy > visibleHeight) 
                    cy += localGridRows[i].Height; 
                if (cy < visibleHeight) {
                    for (int i = firstVisibleRow-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        int height = localGridRows[i].Height;
                        if (cy + height > visibleHeight) 
                        cy += height; 

                numVisibleRows = numTotallyVisibleRows = visibleRows;
                if (cy > visibleHeight) 
                Debug.Assert(numVisibleRows >= 0, "the number of visible rows can't be negative"); 
                Debug.Assert(numTotallyVisibleRows >= 0, "the number of totally visible rows can't be negative");

            ///     Constructs the new instance of the accessibility object for this control. Subclasses
            ///     should not call base.CreateAccessibilityObject. 
            protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance() {
                return new DataGridAccessibleObject(this); 

            ///      Creates a DataGridState representing the child table retrieved 
            ///      from the passed DataRelation. 
            private DataGridState CreateChildState(string relationName, DataGridRow source) { 
                DataGridState dgs = new DataGridState();

                string newDataMember;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DataMember)) 
                    newDataMember = relationName; 
                    newDataMember = this.DataMember + "." + relationName;

                CurrencyManager childLM = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[this.DataSource, newDataMember]; 

                dgs.DataSource = this.DataSource; 
                dgs.DataMember = newDataMember; 
                dgs.ListManager = childLM;
                dgs.DataGridRows = null;
                dgs.DataGridRowsLength = childLM.Count + (policy.AllowAdd ? 1 : 0);

                return dgs; 
            ///      Constructs a Layout object containing the state 
            ///      for a newly constructed DataGrid.
            private LayoutData CreateInitialLayoutState() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: CreateInitialLayoutState"); 
                LayoutData newLayout = new LayoutData();
                newLayout.Inside               = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.TopLeftHeader        = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.ColumnHeaders        = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.RowHeaders           = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.Data                 = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.Caption              = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.ParentRows           = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.ResizeBoxRect        = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.ColumnHeadersVisible = true;
                newLayout.RowHeadersVisible    = true; 
                newLayout.CaptionVisible       = defaultCaptionVisible; 
                newLayout.ParentRowsVisible    = defaultParentRowsVisible;
                newLayout.ClientRectangle           = ClientRectangle; 
                return newLayout;

            ///      The DataGrid caches an array of rectangular areas
            ///      which represent the area which scrolls left to right. 
            ///      This method is invoked whenever the DataGrid needs 
            ///      this scrollable region.
            private NativeMethods.RECT[] CreateScrollableRegion(Rectangle scroll) {
                if (cachedScrollableRegion != null) {
                    return cachedScrollableRegion;

                bool alignToRight = isRightToLeft(); 
                using(Region region = new Region(scroll)) {
                    int nRows = numVisibleRows; 
                    int cy = layout.Data.Y;
                    int cx = layout.Data.X;
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                    for (int r = firstVisibleRow; r < nRows; r++) { 
                        int rowHeight = localGridRows[r].Height;
                        Rectangle rowExclude = localGridRows[r].GetNonScrollableArea(); 
                        rowExclude.X += cx; 
                        rowExclude.X = MirrorRectangle(rowExclude, layout.Data, alignToRight);
                        if (!rowExclude.IsEmpty) { 
                             region.Exclude(new Rectangle(rowExclude.X,
                                                          rowExclude.Y + cy,
                        cy += rowHeight; 

                    using (Graphics graphics = CreateGraphicsInternal()) { 
                        IntPtr handle = region.GetHrgn(graphics);
                        if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            cachedScrollableRegion = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetRectsFromRegion(handle);
                            // SECREVIEW : This assert is safe since we created the native region.
                            try {
                            } finally {
                return cachedScrollableRegion;

            ///    Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used 
            ///    by the .
            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
                if (disposing) {
                    if (vertScrollBar != null) 
                    if (horizScrollBar != null)
                    if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null) {
                        this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = null; 
                    GridTableStylesCollection tables = this.TableStyles;
                    if (tables != null) {
    #if DEBUG
                        Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable == null || this.myGridTable.IsDefault || tables.Contains(this.myGridTable), "how come that the currentTable is not in the list of tables?"); 
    #endif // DEBUG
                        for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) 

            ///      Draws an XOR region to give UI feedback for Column Resizing.
            ///      This looks just like the Splitter control's UI when resizing. 
            private void DrawColSplitBar(MouseEventArgs e)
                Rectangle r = CalcColResizeFeedbackRect(e);
            ///      Draws an XOR region to give UI feedback for Row Resizing. 
            ///      This looks just like the Splitter control's UI when resizing. 
            private void DrawRowSplitBar(MouseEventArgs e) 
                Rectangle r = CalcRowResizeFeedbackRect(e);

            ///      Draws an XOR region to give UI feedback for Column/Row Resizing. 
            ///      This looks just like the Splitter control's UI when resizing.
            private void DrawSplitBar(Rectangle r)
                IntPtr parentHandle = Handle;
                IntPtr dc = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetDCEx(new HandleRef(this, parentHandle), NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, NativeMethods.DCX_CACHE | NativeMethods.DCX_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE); 
                IntPtr halftone = ControlPaint.CreateHalftoneHBRUSH();
                IntPtr saveBrush = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(this, dc), new HandleRef(null, halftone)); 
                SafeNativeMethods.PatBlt(new HandleRef(this, dc), r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, NativeMethods.PATINVERT); 
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(this, dc), new HandleRef(null, saveBrush));
                SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, halftone)); 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseDC(new HandleRef(this, parentHandle), new HandleRef(this, dc));

            ///      Begin in-place editing of a cell.  Any editing is commited
            ///      before the new edit takes place. 
            ///      This will always edit the currentCell
            ///      If you want to edit another cell than the current one, just reset CurrentCell 
            private void Edit() {

            private void Edit(string displayText) { 

                // we want to be able to edit a cell which is not visible, as in the case with editing and scrolling 
                // at the same time. So do not call Ensure Visible
                // EnsureVisible(currentRow, currentCol);
                bool cellIsVisible = true;
                // whoever needs to call ResetSelection should not rely on 
                // Edit() to call it;
                // ResetSelection();

                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: Edit, currentRow = " + currentRow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                                                                               ", currentCol = " + currentCol.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + (displayText != null ? ", displayText= " + displayText : "")); 
                /* allow navigation even if the policy does not allow editing
                if (!policy.AllowEdit) 

                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 

                // what do you want to edit when there are no rows? 
                if (DataGridRowsLength == 0) 
                editRow = localGridRows[currentRow];

                // if the list has no columns, then what good is an edit? 
                if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0)
                // what if the currentCol does not have a propDesc?
                editColumn = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[currentCol]; 
                if(editColumn.PropertyDescriptor == null)

                Rectangle cellBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                if (currentRow < firstVisibleRow || currentRow > firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows || 
                    currentCol < firstVisibleCol || currentCol > firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1 || 
                    (currentCol == firstVisibleCol && negOffset != 0))
                    cellIsVisible = false;
                    cellBounds = GetCellBounds(currentRow, currentCol);
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = true;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = false; 

                // once we call editColumn.Edit on a DataGridTextBoxColumn
                // the edit control will become visible, and its bounds will get set.
                // both actions cause Edit.Parent.OnLayout 
                // so we flag this change, cause we don't want to PerformLayout on the entire DataGrid
                // everytime the edit column gets edited 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true; 

                                  myGridTable.ReadOnly || this.ReadOnly || !policy.AllowEdit,
                // reset the editControlChanging to false 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;

            ///    Requests an end to an edit operation taking place on the 
            ///    control. 
            public bool EndEdit(DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int rowNumber, bool shouldAbort) {
                bool ret = false; 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) {
                    if (gridColumn != editColumn) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: EndEdit requested on a column we are not editing.");
                    if (rowNumber != editRow.RowNumber) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: EndEdit requested on a row we are not editing."); 
                    if (shouldAbort) {
                        ret = true;
                        ret = CommitEdit(); 

                return ret; 
            ///      Ends any editing in progress by attempting to commit and then
            ///      aborting if not possible.
            private void EndEdit() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: EndEdit"); 
                if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating])

                if (!CommitEdit()) {
            // PERF: we attempt to create a ListManager for the DataSource/DateMember combination 
            // we do this in order to check for a valid DataMember
            // if the check succeeds, then it means that we actully put the listManager in the BindingContext's 
            // list of BindingManagers. this is fine, cause if the check succeds, then Set_ListManager
            // will be called, and this will get the listManager from the bindingManagerBase hashTable kept in the BindingContext
            // this will work if the dataMember does not contain any dots ('.') 
            // if the dataMember contains dots, then it will be more complicated: maybe part of the binding path
            // is valid w/ the new dataSource 
            // but we can leave w/ this, cause in the designer the dataMember will be only a column name. and the DataSource/DataMember 
            // properties are for use w/ the designer.
            private void EnforceValidDataMember(object value) {
                Debug.Assert(value != null, "we should not have a null dataSource when we want to check for a valid dataMember");
                if (this.DataMember == null || this.DataMember.Length == 0)
                if (this.BindingContext == null)
                try {
                    BindingManagerBase bm = this.BindingContext[value, this.dataMember]; 
                catch {
                    this.dataMember = "";
            // will be used by the columns to tell the grid that 
            // editing is taken place (ie, the grid is no longer in the
            // editOrNavigateMode) 
            // also, tell the current row to lose child focus
            internal protected virtual void ColumnStartedEditing(Rectangle bounds) {
                Debug.Assert( currentRow >= firstVisibleRow && currentRow <= firstVisibleRow +  numVisibleRows, "how can one edit a row which is invisible?"); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 

                if (bounds.IsEmpty && this.editColumn is DataGridTextBoxColumn && this.currentRow != -1 && this.currentCol != -1) { 
                    // set the bounds on the control
                    // this will only work w/ our DataGridTexBox control
                    DataGridTextBoxColumn col = this.editColumn as DataGridTextBoxColumn;
                    Rectangle editBounds = this.GetCellBounds(this.currentRow, this.currentCol); 

                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true; 
                    try { 
                        col.TextBox.Bounds = editBounds;
                    } finally { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) {
                    int currentRowCount = this.DataGridRowsLength; 
                    DataGridRow[] newDataGridRows = new DataGridRow[currentRowCount + 1]; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < currentRowCount; i++) {
                        newDataGridRows[i] = localGridRows[i]; 

                    // put the AddNewRow 
                    newDataGridRows[currentRowCount] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, currentRowCount);
                    SetDataGridRows(newDataGridRows, currentRowCount + 1); 
                    // put this after the call to edit so that 
                    // CommitEdit knows that the inAddNewRow is true;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = true;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false; 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = true;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false; 

                // tell the current row to lose the childFocuse
                localGridRows[currentRow].LoseChildFocus(layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft()); 
            internal protected virtual void ColumnStartedEditing(Control editingControl) {

            ///       Displays child relations, if any exist, for all rows or a 
            ///       specific row. 
            public void Expand(int row) {
                SetRowExpansionState(row, true);
            ///       Creates a  using the specified .
            // protected and virtual because the SimpleDropdownDataGrid will override this
            protected virtual DataGridColumnStyle CreateGridColumn(PropertyDescriptor prop, bool isDefault) {
                return myGridTable == null ? null : myGridTable.CreateGridColumn(prop, isDefault); 
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual DataGridColumnStyle CreateGridColumn(PropertyDescriptor prop)
                return myGridTable == null ? null : myGridTable.CreateGridColumn(prop); 
            private ListManager ListManagerForChildColumn(ListManager childListManager, PropertyDescriptor prop)
                DataKey key; 
                RelationsCollection relCollection = dataColumn.Table.ParentRelations;
                // this will give us the list of properties of the child
                PropertyDescriptorCollection propCollection = childListManager.GetItemProperties(); 

                int relCount = propCollection.Count;
                for (int i=0;i 
            ///    Specifies the end of the initialization code. 
            public void EndInit() {
                inInit = false;
                if (myGridTable == null && this.ListManager != null) { 
                    SetDataGridTable(this.TableStyles[this.ListManager.GetListName()], true);      // true for forcing column creation
                if (myGridTable != null) 
                    myGridTable.DataGrid = this;

            ///      Given a x coordinate, returns the column it is over.
            private int GetColFromX(int x) {
                if (myGridTable == null) 
                    return -1; 

                Rectangle inside = layout.Data; 
                Debug.Assert(x >= inside.X && x < inside.Right, "x must be inside the horizontal bounds of layout.Data");

                x = MirrorPoint(x, inside, isRightToLeft());
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int columnCount = columns.Count; 
                int cx = inside.X - negOffset;
                int col = firstVisibleCol; 
                while (cx < inside.Width  + inside.X && col < columnCount) {
                    // if (columns[col].Visible && columns[col].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                    if (columns[col].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        cx += columns[col].Width; 
                    if (cx > x)
                        return col; 
                return -1; 

            ///      Returns the coordinate of the left edge of the given column 
            ///      Bi-Di: if the grid has the RightToLeft property set to RightToLeft.Yes, this will
            ///      return what appears as the right edge of the column 
            internal int GetColBeg(int col) {
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "GetColBeg can't be called when myGridTable == null."); 

                int offset = layout.Data.X - negOffset;
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int lastCol = Math.Min(col, columns.Count);
                for (int i = firstVisibleCol; i < lastCol; ++i) { 
                    // if (columns[i].Visible && columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                    if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        offset += columns[i].Width; 
                return MirrorPoint(offset, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
            ///      Returns the coordinate of the right edge of the given column 
            ///      Bi-Di: if the grid has the RightToLeft property set to RightToLeft.Yes, this will 
            ///      return what appears as the left edge of the column
            internal int GetColEnd(int col) {
                // return MirrorPoint(GetColBeg(col) + myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col].Width, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
                int colBeg = GetColBeg(col);
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col].PropertyDescriptor != null, "why would we need the coordinate of a column that is not visible?"); 
                int width = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col].Width;
                return isRightToLeft() ? colBeg - width : colBeg + width; 

            private int GetColumnWidthSum() { 
                int sum = 0;
                if (myGridTable != null && myGridTable.GridColumnStyles != null) {
                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                    int columnsCount = columns.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) 
                        // if (columns[i].Visible && columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                        if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            sum += columns[i].Width; 
                return sum;
            ///      Not all rows in the DataGrid are expandable, 
            ///      this computes which ones are and returns an array 
            ///      of references to them.
            private DataGridRelationshipRow[] GetExpandableRows() {
                int nExpandableRows = DataGridRowsLength;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (policy.AllowAdd) 
                    nExpandableRows = Math.Max(nExpandableRows-1,0);
                DataGridRelationshipRow[] expandableRows = new DataGridRelationshipRow[nExpandableRows]; 
                for (int i = 0; i < nExpandableRows; i++) 
                    expandableRows[i] = (DataGridRelationshipRow)localGridRows[i];
                return expandableRows; 

            ///      Returns the row number underneath the given y coordinate. 
            private int GetRowFromY(int y) { 
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data;
                Debug.Assert(y >= inside.Y && y < inside.Bottom, "y must be inside the vertical bounds of the data"); 

                int cy = inside.Y;
                int row = firstVisibleRow;
                int rowCount = DataGridRowsLength; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                int bottom = inside.Bottom; 
                while (cy < bottom && row < rowCount) { 
                    cy += localGridRows[row].Height;
                    if (cy > y) { 
                        return row;
                return -1;
            internal Rectangle GetRowHeaderRect() {
                return layout.RowHeaders; 

            internal Rectangle GetColumnHeadersRect() {
                return layout.ColumnHeaders; 
            ///      Determines where on the control's ClientRectangle a given row is
            ///      painting to. 
            private Rectangle GetRowRect(int rowNumber) {
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data;
                int cy = inside.Y; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                for (int row = firstVisibleRow; row <= rowNumber; ++row) { 
                    if (cy > inside.Bottom) { 
                    if (row == rowNumber) {
                        Rectangle rowRect = new Rectangle(inside.X,
                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) { 
                            rowRect.Width += layout.RowHeaders.Width; 
                            rowRect.X     -= isRightToLeft() ? 0 : layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                        return rowRect;
                    cy += localGridRows[row].Height;
                return Rectangle.Empty;
            ///      Returns the coordinate of the top edge of the given row 
            private int GetRowTop(int row) {
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                int offset = layout.Data.Y; 
                int lastRow = Math.Min(row, DataGridRowsLength);
                for (int i = firstVisibleRow; i < lastRow; ++i) { 
                    offset += localGridRows[i].Height; 
                for (int i=firstVisibleRow; i > lastRow; i--) { 
                    offset -= localGridRows[i].Height;
                return offset;

            ///      Returns the coordinate of the bottom edge of the given row 
            private int GetRowBottom(int row) { 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;

                return GetRowTop(row) + localGridRows[row].Height;

            ///      This method is called on methods that need the grid 
            ///      to be bound to a DataTable to work.
            private void EnsureBound() {
                if (!Bound) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridUnbound));
            private void EnsureVisible(int row, int col) { 
                if (row < firstVisibleRow
                    || row >= firstVisibleRow + numTotallyVisibleRows) { 
                    int dRows = ComputeDeltaRows(row);
                if (this.firstVisibleCol == 0 && this.numVisibleCols == 0 && this.lastTotallyVisibleCol == -1) {
                    // no columns are displayed whatsoever 
                    // some sanity checks 
                    Debug.Assert(this.negOffset == 0, " no columns are displayed so the negative offset should be 0");

                int previousFirstVisibleCol = this.firstVisibleCol;
                int previousNegOffset = this.negOffset; 
                int previousLastTotallyVisibleCol = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol;
                while (col < firstVisibleCol 
                    || col == firstVisibleCol && negOffset != 0
                    || lastTotallyVisibleCol == -1 && col > firstVisibleCol 
                    || lastTotallyVisibleCol > -1 && col > lastTotallyVisibleCol) {

                    if (previousFirstVisibleCol == this.firstVisibleCol &&
                        previousNegOffset == this.negOffset && 
                        previousLastTotallyVisibleCol == this.lastTotallyVisibleCol) { 
                        // nothing changed since the last iteration
                        // don't get into an infinite loop 
                    previousFirstVisibleCol = firstVisibleCol;
                    previousNegOffset = this.negOffset; 
                    previousLastTotallyVisibleCol = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol;
                    // continue to scroll to the right until the scrollTo column is the totally last visible column or it is the first visible column 

            /// Gets a  
            /// that specifies the four corners of the selected cell.
            public Rectangle GetCurrentCellBounds() { 
                DataGridCell current = this.CurrentCell;
                return GetCellBounds(current.RowNumber, current.ColumnNumber); 

            /// Gets the  of the cell specified by row and column number.
            public Rectangle GetCellBounds(int row, int col) { 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                Rectangle cellBounds = localGridRows[row].GetCellBounds(col); 
                cellBounds.Y += GetRowTop(row);
                cellBounds.X += layout.Data.X - negOffset;
                cellBounds.X = MirrorRectangle(cellBounds, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
                return cellBounds; 
            /// Gets the  of the cell specified by . 
            public Rectangle GetCellBounds(DataGridCell dgc) {
                return GetCellBounds(dgc.RowNumber, dgc.ColumnNumber);


            internal Rectangle GetRowBounds(DataGridRow row) { 
                Rectangle rowBounds = new Rectangle();
                rowBounds.Y = GetRowTop(row.RowNumber);
                rowBounds.X = layout.Data.X;
                rowBounds.Height = row.Height; 
                rowBounds.Width = layout.Data.Width;
                return rowBounds; 

            ///    Gets information, such as row and column number of a
            ///       clicked point on
            ///       the grid, 
            ///       using the x
            ///       and y coordinate passed to the method. 
            public HitTestInfo HitTest(int x, int y) {
                int topOfData = layout.Data.Y; 
                HitTestInfo ci = new HitTestInfo();

                if (layout.CaptionVisible && layout.Caption.Contains(x,y)) {
                    ci.type = HitTestType.Caption; 
                    return ci;
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible && layout.ParentRows.Contains(x,y)) { 
                    ci.type = HitTestType.ParentRows;
                    return ci; 

                if (!layout.Inside.Contains(x,y))
                    return ci; 

                if (layout.TopLeftHeader.Contains(x,y)) 
                    return ci; 

                // check for column resize 
                if (layout.ColumnHeaders.Contains(x,y)) {
                    ci.type = HitTestType.ColumnHeader;
                    ci.col = GetColFromX(x);
                    if (ci.col < 0) 
                        return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;
                    int right = GetColBeg(ci.col + 1); 
                    bool rightToLeft = isRightToLeft(); 
                    if ((rightToLeft && x - right < 8) || (!rightToLeft && right - x < 8)) {
                        ci.type = HitTestType.ColumnResize; 
                    return(allowColumnResize ? ci : HitTestInfo.Nowhere);
                //check for RowResize:
                if (layout.RowHeaders.Contains(x,y)) { 
                    ci.type = HitTestType.RowHeader; 
                    ci.row = GetRowFromY(y);
                    if (ci.row < 0) 
                        return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;

                    // find out if the click was a RowResize click
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                    int bottomBorder = GetRowTop(ci.row) + localGridRows[ci.row].Height;
                    if (bottomBorder - y - BorderWidth < 2 && !(localGridRows[ci.row] is DataGridAddNewRow)) { 
                        ci.type = HitTestType.RowResize; 
                    return (allowRowResize ? ci : HitTestInfo.Nowhere);

                if (layout.Data.Contains(x,y)) { 
                    ci.type = HitTestType.Cell;
                    ci.col = GetColFromX(x); 
                    ci.row = GetRowFromY(y); 
                    if (ci.col < 0 || ci.row < 0) return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;
                    return ci; 
                return ci;
            ///    Gets information, such as row and column number of a 
            ///       clicked point on the grid, about the
            ///       grid using a specific 
            ///    .
            public HitTestInfo HitTest(Point position) {
                return HitTest(position.X, position.Y); 
            ///      Initializes the values for column widths in the table. 
            private void InitializeColumnWidths() {
                if (myGridTable == null)

                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                int numCols = columns.Count; 

                // Resize the columns to a approximation of a best fit. 
                // We find the best fit width of NumRowsForAutoResize rows
                // and use it for each column.
                int preferredColumnWidth = this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.PreferredColumnWidth : this.myGridTable.PreferredColumnWidth;
                // if we set the PreferredColumnWidth to something else than AutoColumnSize 
                // then use that value
                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) { 
                    // if the column width is not -1, then this column was initialized already
                    if (columns[col].width != -1) continue; 

                    columns[col].width = preferredColumnWidth;

            ///      Invalidates the scrollable area of the DataGrid. 
            internal void InvalidateInside() { 

            ///      Invalidates the caption area of the DataGrid.
            internal void InvalidateCaption() { 
                if (layout.CaptionVisible)

            ///      Invalidates a rectangle normalized to the caption's 
            ///      visual bounds.
            internal void InvalidateCaptionRect(Rectangle r) { 
                if (layout.CaptionVisible) {

            ///      Invalidates the display region of a given DataGridColumn.
            internal void InvalidateColumn(int column) { 
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridColumns = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                if (column < 0 || gridColumns == null || gridColumns.Count <= column) 

                Debug.Assert(gridColumns[column].PropertyDescriptor != null, "how can we invalidate a column that is invisible?");
                // bail if the column is not visible. 
                if (column < firstVisibleCol || column > firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1)
                Rectangle columnArea = new Rectangle();
                columnArea.Height = layout.Data.Height; 
                columnArea.Width = gridColumns[column].Width;
                columnArea.Y = layout.Data.Y;

                int x = layout.Data.X - negOffset; 
                int gridColumnsCount = gridColumns.Count;
                for (int i = firstVisibleCol; i < gridColumnsCount; ++i) { 
                    if (i == column) 
                    x += gridColumns[i].Width; 
                columnArea.X = x;
                columnArea.X = MirrorRectangle(columnArea, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
            ///      Invalidates the parent rows area of the DataGrid
            internal void InvalidateParentRows() {
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible)

            ///      Invalidates a rectangle normalized to the parent 
            ///      rows area's visual bounds.
            internal void InvalidateParentRowsRect(Rectangle r) {
                Rectangle parentRowsRect = layout.ParentRows;
                if (!parentRowsRect.IsEmpty) { 
                    //Invalidate(new Rectangle(parentRowsRect.X + r.X, parentRowsRect.Y + r.Y,
                                             // r.Width, r.Height)); 
            ///      Invalidate the painting region for the row specified.
            internal void InvalidateRow(int rowNumber) { 
                Rectangle rowRect = GetRowRect(rowNumber);
                if (!rowRect.IsEmpty) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridPainting.TraceVerbose, "DataGridPainting: Invalidating row " + rowNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

            private void InvalidateRowHeader(int rowNumber) {
                if (rowNumber >= firstVisibleRow && rowNumber < firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows) { 
                    if (!layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                    Rectangle invalid = new Rectangle();
                    invalid.Y = GetRowTop(rowNumber); 
                    invalid.X = layout.RowHeaders.X;
                    invalid.Width = layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                    invalid.Height = this.DataGridRows[rowNumber].Height;
            // NOTE:
            // because of Rtl, we assume that the only place that calls InvalidateRowRect is 
            // the DataGridRelationshipRow
            internal void InvalidateRowRect(int rowNumber, Rectangle r) {
                Rectangle rowRect = GetRowRect(rowNumber);
                if (!rowRect.IsEmpty) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridPainting.TraceVerbose, "DataGridPainting: Invalidating a rect in row " + rowNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    Rectangle inner = new Rectangle(rowRect.X + r.X, rowRect.Y + r.Y, r.Width, r.Height); 
                    if (vertScrollBar.Visible && isRightToLeft()) 
                        inner.X -= vertScrollBar.Width;

            ///    Gets a value that indicates whether a specified row's node is expanded or collapsed. 
            public bool IsExpanded(int rowNumber) {
                if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > DataGridRowsLength) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowNumber");
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;


                DataGridRow row = localGridRows[rowNumber]; 
                if (row is DataGridRelationshipRow) {
                    DataGridRelationshipRow relRow = (DataGridRelationshipRow)row; 
                    return relRow.Expanded;
                    return false; 
            ///       Gets a value indicating whether a
            ///       specified row is selected.
            public bool IsSelected(int row) {
                // SECREVIEW: the method does not check the bounds. We can't fix this and throw an exception because this would be a breaking change 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                return localGridRows[row].Selected;

            internal static bool IsTransparentColor(Color color) {
                return color.A < 255;

            ///      Determines if Scrollbars should be visible, 
            ///      updates their bounds and the bounds of all
            ///      other regions in the DataGrid's Layout. 
            private void LayoutScrollBars() {
                // if we set the dataSource to null, then take away the scrollbars.
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null) { 
                    horizScrollBar.Visible = false;
                    vertScrollBar.Visible = false; 
                // Scrollbars are a tricky issue.
                // We need to see if we can cram our columns and rows
                // in without scrollbars and if they don't fit, we make
                // scrollbars visible and then fixup our regions for the 
                // data and headers.
                bool needHorizScrollbar = false; 
                bool needVertScrollbar = false; 
                bool recountRows = false;
                bool alignToRight = isRightToLeft(); 

                int nGridCols = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;

                // if we call LayoutScrollBars before CreateDataGridRows 
                // then the columns will have their default width ( 100 )
                // CreateDataGridRows will possibly change the columns' width 
                // and anyway, ComputeVisibleRows will call the DataGridRows accessor
                DataGridRow[] gridRows = this.DataGridRows;

                // at this stage, the data grid columns may have their width set to -1 ( ie, their width is uninitialized )
                // make sure that the totalWidth is at least 0 
                int totalWidth = Math.Max(0, GetColumnWidthSum());
                if (totalWidth > layout.Data.Width && !needHorizScrollbar) { 
                    int horizHeight = horizScrollBar.Height;
                    layout.Data.Height -= horizHeight; 
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        layout.RowHeaders.Height -= horizHeight;
                    needHorizScrollbar = true;

                int oldFirstVisibleRow = firstVisibleRow; 
                if (numTotallyVisibleRows != DataGridRowsLength && !needVertScrollbar) { 
                    int vertWidth = vertScrollBar.Width;
                    layout.Data.Width -= vertWidth;
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        if (alignToRight)
                            layout.ColumnHeaders.X += vertWidth; 
                        layout.ColumnHeaders.Width -= vertWidth;
                    needVertScrollbar = true;

                this.firstVisibleCol = ComputeFirstVisibleColumn(); 
                // we compute the number of visible columns only after we set up the vertical scroll bar.
                if (needVertScrollbar && totalWidth > layout.Data.Width && !needHorizScrollbar) {
                    firstVisibleRow = oldFirstVisibleRow; 
                    int horizHeight = horizScrollBar.Height;
                    layout.Data.Height -= horizHeight;
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        layout.RowHeaders.Height -= horizHeight; 
                    needHorizScrollbar = true;
                    recountRows = true; 

                if (recountRows) { 
                    if (numTotallyVisibleRows != DataGridRowsLength && !needVertScrollbar) {
                        int vertWidth = vertScrollBar.Width;
                        layout.Data.Width -= vertWidth; 
                        if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                            if (alignToRight) 
                                layout.ColumnHeaders.X += vertWidth;
                            layout.ColumnHeaders.Width -= vertWidth;
                        needVertScrollbar = true;
                layout.ResizeBoxRect = new Rectangle(); 
                if (needVertScrollbar && needHorizScrollbar) {
                    Rectangle data = layout.Data; 
                    layout.ResizeBoxRect = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? data.X : data.Right,
                if (needHorizScrollbar && nGridCols > 0) {
                    //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: foo"); 

                    int widthNotVisible = totalWidth - layout.Data.Width;

                    horizScrollBar.Minimum      = 0; 
                    horizScrollBar.Maximum      = totalWidth;
                    horizScrollBar.SmallChange  = 1; 
                    horizScrollBar.LargeChange  = Math.Max(totalWidth - widthNotVisible, 0); 
                    horizScrollBar.Enabled      = this.Enabled;
                    horizScrollBar.RightToLeft  = RightToLeft; 
                    horizScrollBar.Bounds       = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? layout.Inside.X + layout.ResizeBoxRect.Width : layout.Inside.X,
                                                                layout.Inside.Width - layout.ResizeBoxRect.Width,
                    horizScrollBar.Visible      = true;
                else { 
                    HorizontalOffset = 0;
                    horizScrollBar.Visible = false; 

                if (needVertScrollbar) {
                    int vertScrollBarTop = layout.Data.Y; 
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        vertScrollBarTop = layout.ColumnHeaders.Y; 
                    // if numTotallyVisibleRows == 0 ( the height of the row is bigger than the height of 
                    // the grid ) then scroll in increments of 1.
                    vertScrollBar.LargeChange = numTotallyVisibleRows != 0 ? numTotallyVisibleRows : 1; 
                    vertScrollBar.Bounds = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? layout.Data.X : layout.Data.Right,
                                                         layout.Data.Height + layout.ColumnHeaders.Height); 
                    vertScrollBar.Enabled = this.Enabled;
                    vertScrollBar.Visible = true; 
                    if (alignToRight) 
                        layout.Data.X += vertScrollBar.Width;
                else {
                    vertScrollBar.Visible = false;

            ///    Navigates back to the table previously displayed in the grid.
            public void NavigateBack() {
                if (!CommitEdit() || parentRows.IsEmpty())
                // when navigating back, if the grid is inAddNewRow state, cancel the currentEdit. 
                // we do not need to recreate the rows cause we are navigating back.
                // the grid will catch any exception that happens. 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                    try { 
                    } catch {
                } else { 

                DataGridState newState = parentRows.PopTop(); 


                newState.PullState(this, false);                // we do not want to create columns when navigating back 

                // we need to have originalState != null when we process 
                // Set_ListManager in the NavigateBack/NavigateTo methods. 
                // otherwise the DataSource_MetaDataChanged event will not get registered
                // properly 
                if (parentRows.GetTopParent() == null)
                    originalState = null;

                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                // what if the user changed the ReadOnly property
                // on the grid while the user was navigating to the child rows? 
                // what if the policy does not allow for allowAdd?
                if ((this.ReadOnly || !policy.AllowAdd) == (localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength -1] is DataGridAddNewRow)) {
                    int newDataGridRowsLength = (ReadOnly || !policy.AllowAdd) ? DataGridRowsLength - 1 : DataGridRowsLength + 1;
                    DataGridRow[] newDataGridRows = new DataGridRow[newDataGridRowsLength];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(newDataGridRowsLength, DataGridRowsLength); i++) { 
                        newDataGridRows[i] = DataGridRows[i];
                    if(!this.ReadOnly && policy.AllowAdd) 
                        newDataGridRows[newDataGridRowsLength - 1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, newDataGridRowsLength-1);
                    SetDataGridRows(newDataGridRows, newDataGridRowsLength); 

                // when we navigate back from a child table,
                // it may be the case that in between the user added a tableStyle that is different 
                // from the one that is currently in the grid
                // in that case, we need to reset the dataGridTableStyle in the rows 
                localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                if (localGridRows != null && localGridRows.Length != 0) {
                    DataGridTableStyle dgTable = localGridRows[0].DataGridTableStyle; 
                    if (dgTable != this.myGridTable) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < localGridRows.Length; i ++)
                            localGridRows[i].DataGridTableStyle = this.myGridTable;
                // if we have the default table, when we navigate back 
                // we also have the default gridColumns, w/ width = -1
                // we need to set the width on the new gridColumns 
                if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0 && this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[0].Width == -1) {
    #if DEBUG
                    GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++) {
                        Debug.Assert(cols[i].Width == -1, "Sanity check"); 
                    Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable.IsDefault, "when we navigate to the parent rows and the columns have widths -1 we are using the default table");
    #endif // DEBUG 

                // reset the currentRow to the old position in the listmanager: 
                currentRow = this.ListManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : this.ListManager.Position;
                // if the AllowNavigation changed while the user was navigating the 
                // child tables, so that the new navigation mode does not allow childNavigation anymore
                // then reset the rows 
                if (!AllowNavigation) {
                caption.BackButtonActive = (parentRows.GetTopParent() != null) && AllowNavigation;
                caption.BackButtonVisible = caption.BackButtonActive; 
                caption.DownButtonActive = (parentRows.GetTopParent() != null); 

                // reposition the scroll bar
                if (vertScrollBar.Visible)
                    vertScrollBar.Value = firstVisibleRow; 
                if (horizScrollBar.Visible)
                    horizScrollBar.Value = HorizontalOffset + negOffset; 
                OnNavigate(new NavigateEventArgs(false));

            ///       Navigates to the table specified by row and relation
            ///       name. 
            public void NavigateTo(int rowNumber, String relationName) { 
                // do not navigate if AllowNavigation is set to false
                if (!AllowNavigation)
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1)) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowNumber"); 
                DataGridRow source = localGridRows[rowNumber];

                NavigateTo(relationName, source, false);

            internal void NavigateTo(string relationName, DataGridRow source, bool fromRow) { 
                // do not navigate if AllowNavigation is set to false 
                if (!AllowNavigation)
                // Commit the edit if possible
                if (!CommitEdit())
                DataGridState childState;
                try { 
                    childState = CreateChildState(relationName, source); 
                catch { 
                    // if we get an error when creating the RelatedCurrencyManager
                    // then navigateBack and ignore the exception.
                // call EndCurrentEdit before navigating.
                // if we get an exception, we do not navigate. 
                try {
                catch {

                // Preserve our current state 
                // we need to do this after the EndCurrentEdit, otherwise the
                // DataGridState will get the listChanged event from the EndCurrentEdit
                DataGridState dgs = new DataGridState(this);
                dgs.LinkingRow = source; 

                // we need to update the Position in the ListManager 
                // ( the RelatedListManager uses only the position in the parentManager 
                //   to create the childRows
                // before the code was calling CurrentCell = this and such
                // we should only call EndCurrentEdit ( which the code was doing anyway )
                // and then set the position in the listManager to the new row.
                if (source.RowNumber != CurrentRow)
                    this.listManager.Position = source.RowNumber; 
                // We save our state if the parent rows stack is empty.
                if (parentRows.GetTopParent() == null) { 
                    originalState = dgs;


                OnNavigate(new NavigateEventArgs(true));
                if (fromRow) { 
                    // OnLinkClick(EventArgs.Empty);
            private void NavigateTo(DataGridState childState) {
                // we are navigating... better stop editing. 

                // also, we are no longer in editOrNavigate mode either 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false;

                // reset hot tracking

                // Retrieve the child state 
                childState.PullState(this, true);               // true for creating columns when we navigate to child rows 

                if (this.listManager.Position != this.currentRow) { 
                    this.currentRow = listManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : listManager.Position;

                if (parentRows.GetTopParent() != null) { 
                    caption.BackButtonActive = AllowNavigation;
                    caption.BackButtonVisible = caption.BackButtonActive; 
                    caption.DownButtonActive = true; 
                HorizontalOffset = 0;

            ///      Given a coordinate in the control this method returns
            ///      the equivalent point for a row. 
            private Point NormalizeToRow(int x, int y, int row) {
                Debug.Assert(row >= firstVisibleRow && row < firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows,
                             "Row " + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "is not visible! firstVisibleRow = " + 
                             firstVisibleRow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", numVisibleRows = " +
                Point origin = new Point(0, layout.Data.Y); 

                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                for (int r = firstVisibleRow; r < row; ++r) {
                    origin.Y += localGridRows[r].Height;
                // when hittesting for the PlusMinus, the code in the DataGridRelationshipRow 
                // will use real X coordinate ( the one from layout.RowHeaders ) to paint the glyph
                return new Point(x, y - origin.Y); 
            internal void OnColumnCollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) {
                DataGridTableStyle table = (DataGridTableStyle)sender;
                if (table.Equals(this.myGridTable)) {
                    // if we changed the column collection, then we need to set the property 
                    // descriptors in the column collection.
                    // unless the user set the propertyDescriptor in the columnCollection 
                    if (!this.myGridTable.IsDefault) {
                        // if the element in the collectionChangeEventArgs is not null 
                        // and the action is refresh, then it means that the user
                        // set the propDesc. we do not want to override this.
                        if (e.Action != CollectionChangeAction.Refresh || e.Element == null)
                            PairTableStylesAndGridColumns(this.listManager, this.myGridTable, false); 

            ///      Paints column headers.
            private void PaintColumnHeaders(Graphics g) {
                bool alignToLeft = isRightToLeft(); 
                Rectangle boundingRect = layout.ColumnHeaders;
                if (!alignToLeft) 
                    boundingRect.X -= negOffset;
                boundingRect.Width += negOffset;

                int columnHeaderWidth = PaintColumnHeaderText(g, boundingRect); 

                if (alignToLeft) 
                    boundingRect.X = boundingRect.Right - columnHeaderWidth; 

                boundingRect.Width = columnHeaderWidth; 
                if (!FlatMode) {
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, boundingRect, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
                    boundingRect.Inflate(-1, -1);
                    // g.SetPen(OldSystemPens.Control); 
                    // g.OldBrush = (OldSystemBrushes.Hollow);
                    boundingRect.Width --; 
                    g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.Control, boundingRect);

            private int PaintColumnHeaderText(Graphics g, Rectangle boundingRect) {
                int cx = 0; 
                Rectangle textBounds = boundingRect;
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridColumns = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                bool alignRight = isRightToLeft(); 

                int nGridCols = gridColumns.Count;
                // for sorting
                PropertyDescriptor sortProperty = null;
                sortProperty = this.ListManager.GetSortProperty(); 

                // Now paint the column header text! 
                for (int col = firstVisibleCol; col < nGridCols; ++col) { 
                    if (gridColumns[col].PropertyDescriptor == null)

                    if (cx > boundingRect.Width)
                    bool columnSorted = sortProperty != null && sortProperty.Equals(gridColumns[col].PropertyDescriptor);
                    TriangleDirection whichWay = TriangleDirection.Up; 
                    if (columnSorted) 
                        ListSortDirection direction = this.ListManager.GetSortDirection(); 
                        if (direction == ListSortDirection.Descending)
                            whichWay = TriangleDirection.Down;
                    if (alignRight)
                        textBounds.Width = gridColumns[col].Width - 
                                           (columnSorted ? textBounds.Height : 0);
                        textBounds.X = boundingRect.Right - cx - textBounds.Width; 
                        textBounds.X = boundingRect.X + cx; 
                        textBounds.Width = gridColumns[col].Width -
                                           (columnSorted ? textBounds.Height : 0); 

                    // at the moment we paint some pixels twice. 
                    // we should not call FilLRectangle, once the real GDI+ is there, we will have no need to do that

                    // if the user set the HeaderBackBrush property on the
                    // dataGrid, then use that property 
                    Brush headerBrush;
                    if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                        headerBrush = HeaderBackBrush; 
                        headerBrush = this.myGridTable.HeaderBackBrush; 

                    g.FillRectangle(headerBrush, textBounds);
                    // granted, the code would be a lot cleaner if we were using a "new Rectangle"
                    // but like this will be faster 
                    if (alignRight)
                        textBounds.X -= 2; textBounds.Y += 2; 
                        textBounds.X += 2; textBounds.Y += 2;
                    StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
                    // the columnHeaderText alignment should be the same as 
                    // the alignment in the column
                    HorizontalAlignment colAlignment = gridColumns[col].Alignment;
                    format.Alignment = colAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right ?   StringAlignment.Far :
                                       colAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center ?  StringAlignment.Center :

                    // part 1, section 1: the column headers should not wrap 
                    format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; 

                    if (alignRight) { 
                        format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;
                        format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                                 this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.HeaderFont : this.myGridTable.HeaderFont,
                                 this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.HeaderForeBrush : this.myGridTable.HeaderForeBrush, 

                    if (alignRight)
                        textBounds.X += 2; textBounds.Y -= 2; 
                        textBounds.X -= 2; textBounds.Y -= 2;

                    if (columnSorted) {
                        Rectangle triBounds = new Rectangle(alignRight ? textBounds.X  - textBounds.Height : textBounds.Right,
                        g.FillRectangle(headerBrush, triBounds);
                        int deflateValue = Math.Max(0,(textBounds.Height - 5) / 2);
                        triBounds.Inflate(-deflateValue, -deflateValue);
                        Pen pen1 = new Pen(this.BackgroundBrush);
                        Pen pen2 = new Pen(this.myGridTable.BackBrush); 
                        Triangle.Paint(g, triBounds, whichWay, headerBrush, pen1, pen2, pen1, true); 
                    int paintedWidth = textBounds.Width + (columnSorted ? textBounds.Height : 0);

                    if (!FlatMode) { 
                        if (alignRight && columnSorted)
                            textBounds.X -= textBounds.Height; 
                        textBounds.Width = paintedWidth; 

                        ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, textBounds, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner); 
                    cx += paintedWidth;
                // paint the possible exposed portion to the right ( or left, as the case may be)
                if (cx < boundingRect.Width) { 
                    textBounds = boundingRect; 

                    if (!alignRight) 
                        textBounds.X += cx;

                    textBounds.Width -= cx;
                    g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, textBounds); 
                return cx; 

            ///      Paints a border around the bouding rectangle given
            private void PaintBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) 
                if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None) 
                if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) {
                    Border3DStyle style = Border3DStyle.Sunken; 
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, bounds, style );
                else if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.FixedSingle) {
                    Brush br; 

                    if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                        br = this.HeaderForeBrush; 
                        br = this.myGridTable.HeaderForeBrush; 
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width + 2, 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Y, 2, bounds.Height + 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 2, bounds.Width + 2, 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 2, bounds.Height + 2); 
                else { 
                    Pen pen = SystemPens.WindowFrame; 
                    bounds.Width --;
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, bounds);
            ///      Paints the grid in the bounding rectangle given. 
            ///      This includes the column headers and each visible row. 
            private void PaintGrid(Graphics g, Rectangle gridBounds) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridPainting.TraceVerbose, "DataGridPainting: PaintGrid on " + gridBounds.ToString());

                Rectangle rc = gridBounds;
                if (this.listManager != null) {
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) { 
                        Region r = g.Clip; 
                        g.Clip = r;
                        int columnHeaderHeight = layout.ColumnHeaders.Height;
                        rc.Y += columnHeaderHeight; 
                        rc.Height -= columnHeaderHeight;
                    if (layout.TopLeftHeader.Width > 0) {
                        if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                            g.FillRectangle(this.HeaderBackBrush, layout.TopLeftHeader);
                            g.FillRectangle(this.myGridTable.HeaderBackBrush, layout.TopLeftHeader);
                        if (!FlatMode) {
                            ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, layout.TopLeftHeader, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner); 
                    PaintRows(g, ref rc) ;

                // paint the possible exposed portion below 
                if (rc.Height > 0) {
                    g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, rc); 
            private void DeleteDataGridRows(int deletedRows) {
                if (deletedRows == 0)
                int currentRowCount = DataGridRowsLength;
                int newDataGridRowsLength = currentRowCount - deletedRows + (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] ? 1:0); 
                DataGridRow[] newDataGridRows = new DataGridRow[newDataGridRowsLength]; 
                DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                // the number of selected entries so far in the array
                int selectedEntries = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < currentRowCount; i++) { 
                    if (gridRows[i].Selected) {
                        selectedEntries ++; 
                    } else { 
                        newDataGridRows[i - selectedEntries] = gridRows[i];
                        newDataGridRows[i - selectedEntries].number = i - selectedEntries; 

                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    newDataGridRows[currentRowCount - selectedEntries] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, currentRowCount - selectedEntries);
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false; 

                Debug.Assert(selectedEntries == deletedRows, "all the rows that would have been deleted should have been selected: selectedGridEntries " + selectedEntries.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " deletedRows " + deletedRows.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

                SetDataGridRows(newDataGridRows, newDataGridRowsLength);
            ///      Paints the visible rows on the grid. 
            private void PaintRows(Graphics g, ref Rectangle boundingRect) {
                int cy = 0; 
                bool alignRight = isRightToLeft();
                Rectangle rowBounds = boundingRect;
                Rectangle dataBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                bool paintRowHeaders = layout.RowHeadersVisible; 
                Rectangle headerBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                int numRows = DataGridRowsLength;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                int numCols = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count - firstVisibleCol;

                for (int row = firstVisibleRow; row < numRows; row++) {
                    if (cy > boundingRect.Height) 
                    rowBounds = boundingRect; 
                    rowBounds.Height = localGridRows[row].Height;
                    rowBounds.Y = boundingRect.Y + cy; 

                    // will add some errors
    #if false
                    if (forDebug == 0 || forDebug == 1) 
                        object dRowView = listManager[row]; 
                        DataRow dRow= ((DataRowView) dRowView).Row; 
                        // dRow.RowError = "Error " + forDebug.ToString();
                        dRow.SetColumnError(forDebug, "another error " + forDebug.ToString()); 

                        if (localGridRows[row].DataRow != null)
                            localGridRows[row].DataRow.RowError = "error " + forDebug.ToString();
                            localGridRows[row].DataRow.SetColumnError(forDebug, "another error " + forDebug.ToString()); 
                        forDebug ++; 
    #endif // false
                    if (paintRowHeaders) {
                        headerBounds = rowBounds; 
                        headerBounds.Width  = layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                        if (alignRight) 
                            headerBounds.X = rowBounds.Right - headerBounds.Width; 

                        if (g.IsVisible(headerBounds)) {
                            localGridRows[row].PaintHeader(g, headerBounds, alignRight, gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]); 
                        if (!alignRight)
                            rowBounds.X += headerBounds.Width; 
                        rowBounds.Width -= headerBounds.Width;
                    if (g.IsVisible(rowBounds)) {
                        dataBounds = rowBounds; 
                        if (!alignRight)
                            dataBounds.X -= negOffset; 
                        dataBounds.Width += negOffset; 

                        localGridRows[row].Paint(g, dataBounds, rowBounds, firstVisibleCol, numCols, alignRight); 
                    cy += rowBounds.Height;
                boundingRect.Y += cy; 
                boundingRect.Height -= cy;

            ///       Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a key should be processed
            ///       further. 
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
            protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: ProcessDialogKey " + TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString(keyData)); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (listManager  != null && DataGridRowsLength > 0 && localGridRows[currentRow].OnKeyPress(keyData)) {
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: Current Row ate the keystroke");
                    return true; 
                switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { 
                    case Keys.Tab:
                    case Keys.Up: 
                    case Keys.Down:
                    case Keys.Left:
                    case Keys.Right:
                    case Keys.Next: 
                    case Keys.Prior:
                    case Keys.Enter: 
                    case Keys.Escape: 
                    case Keys.Oemplus:
                    case Keys.Add: 
                    case Keys.OemMinus:
                    case Keys.Subtract:
                    case Keys.Space:
                    case Keys.Delete: 
                    case Keys.A:
                        KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs(keyData); 
                        if (ProcessGridKey(ke)) 
                            return true;

                    case Keys.C:
                        if ((keyData & Keys.Control) != 0 && (keyData & Keys.Alt) == 0)
                            // the user pressed Ctrl-C
                            if (!Bound) 

                            // need to distinguish between selecting a set of rows, and 
                            // selecting just one column.
                            if (numSelectedRows == 0)
                                // copy the data from one column only 
                                if (currentRow < ListManager.Count)
                                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                                    DataGridColumnStyle column = columns[currentCol];
                                    string text = column.GetDisplayText(column.GetColumnValueAtRow(ListManager, currentRow)); 

                                    // copy the data to the clipboard
                                    return true; 
                                // the user selected a set of rows to copy the data from

                                int numRowsOutputted = 0;           // the number of rows written to "text"
                                string text = ""; 

                                for (int i = 0; i < DataGridRowsLength; ++i) 
                                    if (localGridRows[i].Selected)
                                        GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                                        int numCols = columns.Count;
                                        for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                                            DataGridColumnStyle column = columns[j];
                                            text += column.GetDisplayText(column.GetColumnValueAtRow(ListManager, i)); 
                                            // do not put the delimiter at the end of the last column
                                            if ( j < numCols - 1) 
                                                text += GetOutputTextDelimiter();

                                        // put the hard enter "\r\n" only if this is not the last selected row 
                                        if (numRowsOutputted < numSelectedRows - 1) 
                                            text += "\r\n"; 

                                        numRowsOutputted ++;
                                // copy the data to the clipboard 
                                return true; 

                return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); 

            private void DeleteRows(DataGridRow[] localGridRows) { 
                int rowsDeleted = 0;

                int currentRowsCount = this.listManager == null ? 0 : this.listManager.Count;
                if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal();
                try { 
                    if (this.ListManager != null) { 
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.DataGridRowsLength; i++) {
                            if (localGridRows[i].Selected) { 
                                if (localGridRows[i] is DataGridAddNewRow) {
                                    Debug.Assert(i == DataGridRowsLength - 1, "the location of addNewRow is " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " and there are " + DataGridRowsLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " rows ");
                                    localGridRows[i].Selected = false;
                                else {
                                    this.ListManager.RemoveAt(i - rowsDeleted); 
                                    rowsDeleted ++; 
                catch { 
                    // if we got an exception from the back end
                    // when deleting the rows then we should reset 
                    // our rows and re-throw the exception 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow] = false;
                    if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal();
                // keep the copy of the old rows in place
                // it may be the case that deleting one row could cause multiple rows to be deleted in the same list 
                if (this.listManager != null && currentRowsCount == this.listManager.Count + rowsDeleted) {
                } else {
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow] = false;
                if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 
                if (this.listManager != null && currentRowsCount != this.listManager.Count + rowsDeleted) {

            // convention:
            // if we return -1 it means that the user was going left and there were no visible columns to the left of the current one 
            // if we return cols.Count + 1 it means that the user was going right and there were no visible columns to the right of the currrent 
            private int MoveLeftRight(GridColumnStylesCollection cols, int startCol, bool goRight) {
                int i; 
                if (goRight) {
                    for (i = startCol + 1; i < cols.Count; i++) {
                        // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                            return i;
                    return i; 
                } else {
                    for (i = startCol - 1; i>=0; i--) { 
                        // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            return i;
                    return i;

            ///       Processes keys for grid navigation.
                SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")] 
            // SECREVIEW: This seems safe, but could anything dangerous occur here?
            protected bool ProcessGridKey(KeyEventArgs ke) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: ProcessGridKey "+ TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString(ke.KeyCode));
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null) 
                    return false;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                KeyEventArgs biDiKe = ke;
                // check for Bi-Di 
                if (isRightToLeft())
                    switch(ke.KeyCode) { 
                        case Keys.Left:
                            biDiKe = new KeyEventArgs((Keys.Right | ke.Modifiers)); 
                        case Keys.Right:
                            biDiKe = new KeyEventArgs((Keys.Left | ke.Modifiers)); 
                GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                int firstColumnMarkedVisible = 0;
                int lastColumnMarkedVisible = cols.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++) {
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                        firstColumnMarkedVisible = i;
                for (int i = cols.Count - 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                        lastColumnMarkedVisible = i;

                switch (biDiKe.KeyCode) { 
                    case Keys.Tab: 
                        return ProcessTabKey(biDiKe.KeyData);
                    case Keys.Up: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true;

                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) 
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;

                                int savedCurrentRow = currentRow;
                                CurrentRow = 0; 

                                for (int i = 0; i <= savedCurrentRow; i ++)
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true; 
                                numSelectedRows = savedCurrentRow + 1;
                                // hide the edit box
                                return true;
                            // do not make the parentRowsVisible = false; 
                            // ParentRowsVisible = false;
                            CurrentRow = 0;
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true;
                        else if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows; 
                            // keep a continous selected region
                            if (gridRows[currentRow].Selected) { 
                                if (currentRow >= 1) {
                                    if (gridRows[currentRow - 1].Selected) {
                                        if (currentRow >= DataGridRowsLength - 1 || !gridRows[currentRow+1].Selected) {
                                            numSelectedRows --; 
                                            gridRows[currentRow].Selected = false;
                                    } else { 
                                        numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow -1].Selected ? 0:1;
                                        gridRows[currentRow - 1].Selected = true; 
                                    CurrentRow --;
                            } else { 
                                numSelectedRows ++;
                                gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                                if (currentRow >= 1) { 
                                    numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow-1].Selected ? 0:1;
                                    gridRows[currentRow-1].Selected = true; 
                                    CurrentRow --;
                            // hide the edit box:
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true; 
                        else if (biDiKe.Alt)
                            // will need to collapse all child table links 
                            // -1 is for all rows, and false is for collapsing the rows
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, false); 
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                            return true;
                        CurrentRow = CurrentRow - 1;
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                    case Keys.Down: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true; 

                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt)
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                int savedCurrentRow = currentRow; 
                                CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1));
                                DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows; 


                                for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i <= currentRow; i++) 
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                numSelectedRows = currentRow - savedCurrentRow + 1; 
                                // hide the edit box
                                return true;
                            // do not make the parentRowsVisible = true; 
                            // ParentRowsVisible = true;
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2 : 1)); 
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true; 
                        else if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows; 

                            // keep a continous selected region 
                            if (gridRows[currentRow].Selected) { 

                                // -1 because we index from 0 
                                if (currentRow < DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 1:0) - 1) {
                                    if (gridRows[currentRow + 1].Selected) {
                                        if (currentRow == 0 || !gridRows[currentRow - 1].Selected) {
                                            numSelectedRows --; 
                                            gridRows[currentRow].Selected = false;
                                    } else { 
                                        numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow + 1].Selected ? 0:1;
                                        gridRows[currentRow + 1].Selected = true; 

                                    CurrentRow ++;
                            } else {
                                numSelectedRows ++; 
                                gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                                // -1 because we index from 0, and -1 so this is not the last row
                                // so it adds to -2 
                                if (currentRow < DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 1:0) - 1) {
                                    CurrentRow ++;
                                    numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow].Selected ? 0:1;
                                    gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                            // hide the edit box:
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true;
                        else if (biDiKe.Alt)
                            // will need to expande all child table links 
                            // -1 is for all rows, and true is for expanding the rows
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, true); 
                            return true;
                        CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1;
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                    case Keys.OemMinus:
                    case Keys.Subtract: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt)
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, false); 
                            return true;
                        return false; 
                    case Keys.Oemplus:
                    case Keys.Add: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (biDiKe.Control)
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, true); 
                            // hide the edit box
                            return true;
                        return false;
                    case Keys.Space:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) { 
                            return true;
                        if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                            numSelectedRows = 1;
                            return true; 
                        return false; 
                    case Keys.Next:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true; 
                        if (biDiKe.Shift) 
                            int savedCurrentRow = currentRow; 
                            CurrentRow = Math.Min(DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1), currentRow + numTotallyVisibleRows);

                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i <= currentRow; i++) 
                                if (!gridRows[i].Selected) 
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                    numSelectedRows ++; 
                            // hide edit box
                        } else if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) { 
                            // map ctrl-pageDown to show the parentRows 
                            ParentRowsVisible = true;
                            CurrentRow = Math.Min(DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1), 
                                                  CurrentRow + numTotallyVisibleRows);
                    case Keys.Prior:
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) { 
                            return true;

                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            int savedCurrentRow = currentRow; 
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, CurrentRow - numTotallyVisibleRows);
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i >= currentRow; i--)
                                if ( !gridRows[i].Selected) 
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true; 
                                    numSelectedRows ++; 

                            // hide the edit box
                        } else if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) {
                            // map ctrl-pageUp to hide the parentRows 
                            ParentRowsVisible = false; 
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0,
                                                  CurrentRow - numTotallyVisibleRows); 
                    case Keys.Left: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Modifiers) == Keys.Alt)
                            if (Caption.BackButtonVisible)
                            return true;
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)
                            // we should navigate to the first visible column
                            CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible;

                        if (currentCol == firstColumnMarkedVisible && currentRow != 0) 
                            CurrentRow = CurrentRow - 1;
                            int newCol = MoveLeftRight(this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles, this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count, false); 
                            Debug.Assert(newCol != -1, "there should be at least a visible column, right?");
                            CurrentColumn = newCol;
                        else { 
                            int newCol = MoveLeftRight(this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles, currentCol, false);
                            if (newCol == -1) { 
                                if (currentRow == 0) 
                                    return true;
                                else { 
                                    // go to the previous row:
                                    CurrentRow = CurrentRow - 1;
                                    CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible;
                            } else {
                                CurrentColumn = newCol; 
                    case Keys.Right:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) 
                            // we should navigate to the last column that is marked as Visible 
                            CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible; 

                        if (currentCol == lastColumnMarkedVisible && currentRow != DataGridRowsLength - 1)
                            CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1; 
                            // navigate to the first visible column
                            CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible; 
                        else {
                            int newCol = MoveLeftRight(this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles, this.currentCol, true); 
                            if (newCol == cols.Count + 1) {
                                // navigate to the first visible column
                                // and the next row
                                CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible;
                                CurrentRow ++; 
                                CurrentColumn = newCol; 
                    case Keys.F2:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
    #if DEBUG
                    case Keys.F12: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                    case Keys.Home:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) { 
                            return true;

                        CurrentColumn = 0;
                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) { 
                            int currentRowSaved = currentRow;
                            CurrentRow = 0; 
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                // Ctrl-Shift-Home will select all the rows up to the first one
                                DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                                for (int i = 0; i <= currentRowSaved; i++)
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                    numSelectedRows ++; 
                                // hide the edit box:
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true;
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                    case Keys.Delete: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (policy.AllowRemove && numSelectedRows > 0) { 
                            #if DEBUG
                            // when the list is empty, then the position
                            // in the listManager is -1, and the currentPosition in the grid is 0
                            if (ListManager != null && ListManager.Count > 0) { 
                                Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == this.currentRow,
                                                "Current row out of [....] with DataSource", 
                                                "The DataSource's Position property should be mirrored by the CurrentCell.RowNumber of the DataGrid."); 
                            #endif // DEBUG 

                            gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow] = true;
                            // set the currentRow to the position in the list 
                            this.currentRow = this.listManager.Count == 0 ? 0 : this.listManager.Position;
                            numSelectedRows = 0; 
                        } else { 
                            // if we did not use the the Delete key, let the dataGridTextBox use it
                            return false; 
                    case Keys.End:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true; 

                        // go the the last visible column
                        CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible;

                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) { 
                            int savedCurrentRow = currentRow;
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1)); 
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                // Ctrl-Shift-Home will select all the rows up to the first one
                                DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                                for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i <= currentRow; i++)
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                numSelectedRows = currentRow - savedCurrentRow + 1; 
                                // hide the edit box
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true; 
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                    case Keys.Enter:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 

                        // yield the return key if there is no editing
                        if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) 
                            return false;
                        // Ctrl-Enter will call EndCurrentEdit 
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Control) != 0 && !biDiKe.Alt)
                            Edit();                 // put the edit box on the screen
                            // Do not commit the edit, cause reseting the 
                            // current cell will do that
                            // CommitEdit();

                            CurrentRow = currentRow + 1;

                    case Keys.A: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) 
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = 0; i < DataGridRowsLength; i++)
                                if (gridRows[i] is DataGridRelationshipRow) gridRows[i].Selected = true; 

                            numSelectedRows = DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 1 : 0); 
                            // hide the edit box 
                            return true;
                        return false;
                    case Keys.Escape: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) 
                            // rollback 

                            // we have to invalidate the row header ( make it display the row selector instead of the pencil )
                            if (layout.RowHeadersVisible && this.currentRow > -1) { 
                                Rectangle rowHdrRect = GetRowRect(this.currentRow);
                                rowHdrRect.Width = layout.RowHeaders.Width; 
                            // now put the edit column back on the screen
                        else { 
                            // add this protected virtual method for the XML designer team
                            return false;
                return true;

            ///    Previews a keyboard message and returns a value indicating if the key was
            ///       consumed. 
                SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)
            protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message m) {
                if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN) { 
                    KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs((Keys)(unchecked((int)(long)m.WParam)) | ModifierKeys); 
                    switch (ke.KeyCode) {
                        case Keys.Up: 
                        case Keys.Down:
                        case Keys.Prior:
                        case Keys.Next:
                        case Keys.Right: 
                        case Keys.Left:
                        case Keys.Tab: 
                        case Keys.Escape: 
                        case Keys.Enter:
                        case Keys.OemMinus: 
                        case Keys.Subtract:
                        case Keys.Oemplus:
                        case Keys.Add:
                        case Keys.Space: 
                        case Keys.Home:
                        case Keys.End: 
                        case Keys.F2: 
                        case Keys.Delete:
                        case Keys.A: 
                            return ProcessGridKey(ke);
                // Ctrl-Tab will be sent as a tab paired w/ a control on the KeyUp message
                } else if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_KEYUP) {
                    KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs((Keys)(unchecked((int)(long)m.WParam)) | ModifierKeys); 
                    if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.Tab) 
                        return ProcessGridKey(ke);

                return base.ProcessKeyPreview(ref m);
            ///       Gets a value indicating whether the Tab key should be processed.
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
            protected bool ProcessTabKey(Keys keyData) {
                if (this.listManager == null || myGridTable == null) 
                    return false;
                bool wasEditing = false; 
                int columnCount = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                bool biDi = isRightToLeft();

                // Try to commit changes to cell if we were editing
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) {
                    wasEditing = true; 
                    if (!CommitEdit()) {
                        //MessageBox.Show("Could not commit changes!  Press Escape to abort edit"); 
                        Edit();         // if we can't commit the value put the edit box so that the user sees where the focus is 
                        return true;

                if ((keyData & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)
                    // when the user hits ctrl-alt-tab just ignore it.
                    if ((keyData & Keys.Alt) == Keys.Alt) 
                        return true; 

                    // navigate to the next control in the form 
                    Keys ke = keyData & ~(Keys.Control);

                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true; 
                    try {
                    } finally { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;

                    bool ret = false;
                    // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response
                    //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK. 
                    try { 
                        ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(ke);
                    finally {
                    return ret; 
                // see if the child relationships can use this TAB key 
                DataGridRow[] localRows = DataGridRows;
                GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 

                int lastColumnMarkedVisible = 0;
                int firstColumnMarkedVisible = cols.Count-1;
                // bug 70492: if we do not have any rows, then tab should move focus to the next control 
                if (localRows.Length == 0) { 

                    bool ret = false; 

                    // SECREVIEW : ProcessDialogKey can generate a call to ContainerControl.SetActiveControl which demands ModifyFocus permission,
                    //             we need to assert it here; the assert is safe, setting the active control does not expose any sec vulnerability
                    //             indirectly. 
                    try { 
                        ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);
                    finally {
                    return ret;
                for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i ++) {
                    // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                        firstColumnMarkedVisible = i;
                for (int i = cols.Count - 1; i >= 0; i --) { 
                    // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                        lastColumnMarkedVisible = i; 
                if (CurrentColumn == lastColumnMarkedVisible)
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] || (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] && (keyData & Keys.Shift) != Keys.Shift)) { 
                        if (localRows[CurrentRow].ProcessTabKey(keyData, layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft()))
                            if (cols.Count > 0)
                            gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = true;
                            // let the grid regain focus 
                            // introduced because of that BeginInvoke thing in the OnLeave method....
                            if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && CanFocus && !Focused) 
                            return true;

                    // actually, it turns out that we should leave the
                    // control if we are in the last row 
                    if ((this.currentRow == this.DataGridRowsLength -1) && ((keyData & Keys.Shift) == 0)) {
                        bool ret = false;
                        // SECREVIEW : ProcessDialogKey can generate a call to ContainerControl.SetActiveControl which demands ModifyFocus permission,
                        //             we need to assert it here; the assert is safe, setting the active control does not expose any sec vulnerability
                        //             indirectly.
                        try { 
                            ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); 
                        finally { 

                        return ret; 

                if (CurrentColumn == firstColumnMarkedVisible) 
                    // if the childLink is focused, then navigate within the relations
                    // in the row, otherwise expand the relations list for the row above
                    if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused]) { 
                        if (CurrentRow != 0 && (keyData & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)
                            if (localRows[CurrentRow - 1].ProcessTabKey(keyData, layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft())) 
                                CurrentRow --; 
                                if (cols.Count > 0)
                                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = true;
                                // let the grid regain focus 
                                // introduced because of that BeginInvoke thing in the OnLeave method....
                                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && CanFocus && !Focused) 
                                return true;
                    } else {
                        if (localRows[CurrentRow].ProcessTabKey(keyData, layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft())) {
                            return true; 
                        } else {
                            // we were on the firstColumn, previously the link was focused 
                            // we have to navigate to the last column 
                            gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                            CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible; 
                            return true;
                    // if we are on the first cell ( not on the addNewRow )
                    // then shift - tab should move to the next control on the form 
                    if (this.currentRow == 0 && ((keyData & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) { 
                        bool ret = false; 

                        // SECREVIEW : ProcessDialogKey can generate a call to ContainerControl.SetActiveControl which demands ModifyFocus permission,
                        //             we need to assert it here; the assert is safe, setting the active control does not expose any sec vulnerability
                        //             indirectly. 
                        try { 
                            ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);
                        finally {
                        return ret;

                // move 
                if ((keyData & Keys.Shift) != Keys.Shift) {
                    // forward
                    if (CurrentColumn == lastColumnMarkedVisible) {
                        if (CurrentRow != DataGridRowsLength - 1) 
                            CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible;
                        CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1; 
                    else {
                        int nextCol = MoveLeftRight(cols, currentCol, true);        // true for going right; 
                        Debug.Assert(nextCol < cols.Count, "we already checked that we are not at the lastColumnMarkedVisible");
                        CurrentColumn = nextCol;
                else {
                    // backward 
                    if (CurrentColumn == firstColumnMarkedVisible) { 
                        if (CurrentRow != 0)
                            CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible;
                        if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused])             // bug 86803
                            CurrentRow --; 
                    } else if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] && CurrentColumn == lastColumnMarkedVisible) {
                        // part deux: when we hilite the childLink and then press shift-tab, we 
                        // don't want to navigate at the second to last column 
                    } else {
                        int prevCol = MoveLeftRight(cols, currentCol, false);       // false for going left
                        Debug.Assert(prevCol != -1, "we already checked that we are not at the first columnMarked visible");
                        CurrentColumn = prevCol; 
                // if we got here, then invalidate childLinkFocused
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;

                // Begin another edit if we were editing before
                if (wasEditing) { 
                return true;

            virtual protected void CancelEditing() {
                // yield the escape key if there is no editing
                // make the last row a DataGridAddNewRow 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 

                    localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength-1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, DataGridRowsLength -1);
                    SetDataGridRows(localGridRows, DataGridRowsLength);
            internal void RecalculateFonts() { 
                try {
                    linkFont = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Underline); 
                catch {
                fontHeight = Font.Height; 
                linkFontHeight = LinkFont.Height;
                captionFontHeight = CaptionFont.Height; 
                if (this.myGridTable == null || this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                    headerFontHeight = this.HeaderFont.Height; 
                    headerFontHeight = myGridTable.HeaderFont.Height;
            // the BackButtonClicked event:
            ///    Occurs when the BackButton is clicked. 
            public event EventHandler BackButtonClick { 
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK, value);

            // the DownButtonClick event 
            ///    Occurs when the Down button is clicked.
            public event EventHandler ShowParentDetailsButtonClick { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK, value);
            private void ResetMouseState() { 
                oldRow = -1;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption] = true; 

            ///      Turns off selection for all rows that are selected.
            protected void ResetSelection() { 
                if (numSelectedRows > 0) {
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < DataGridRowsLength; ++i)
                        if (localGridRows[i].Selected)
                            localGridRows[i].Selected = false;
                numSelectedRows = 0;
                lastRowSelected = -1; 

            private void ResetParentRows() { 
                originalState = null;
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
            ///      Re-initializes all UI related state.
            private void ResetUIState() {
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                Invalidate();               // we want to invalidate after we set up the scrollbars 
                // invalidate the horizontalscrollbar and the vertical scrollbar
                if (horizScrollBar.Visible)
                if (vertScrollBar.Visible)
            ///      Scrolls the datagrid down an arbritrary number of rows.
            private void ScrollDown(int rows) {
                //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ScrollDown, rows = " + rows.ToString());
                if (rows != 0) {

                    // we should put "dataGridRowsLength -1" 
                    int newFirstRow = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(firstVisibleRow + rows, this.DataGridRowsLength -1)); 
                    int oldFirstRow = firstVisibleRow;
                    firstVisibleRow = newFirstRow; 
                    vertScrollBar.Value = newFirstRow;
                    bool wasEditing = this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing];
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling]) {
                        // isScrolling is set to TRUE when the user scrolls. 
                        // once we move the edit box, we finished processing the scroll event, so set isScrolling to FALSE
                        // to set isScrolling to TRUE, we need another scroll event. 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;
                    } else {

                    int deltaY = ComputeRowDelta(oldFirstRow, newFirstRow); 
                    Rectangle rowsRect = layout.Data; 
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        rowsRect = Rectangle.Union(rowsRect, layout.RowHeaders); 
                    NativeMethods.RECT scrollArea = NativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(rowsRect.X, rowsRect.Y, rowsRect.Width, rowsRect.Height);
                    SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(new HandleRef(this, Handle), 0, deltaY, ref scrollArea, ref scrollArea);
                    if (wasEditing) {
                        // invalidate the rowHeader for the 

            ///      Scrolls the datagrid right an arbritrary number of columns. 
            private void ScrollRight(int columns) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ScrollRight, columns = " + columns.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                int newCol = firstVisibleCol + columns;
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridColumns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int newColOffset = 0;
                int nGridCols = gridColumns.Count;
                int nVisibleCols = 0; 

                // if we try to scroll past the last totally visible column, 
                // then the toolTips will dissapear 
                if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                    nVisibleCols = nGridCols; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < nGridCols; i++)
                        if (gridColumns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            nVisibleCols ++; 

                if (this.lastTotallyVisibleCol == nVisibleCols - 1 && columns > 0 || 
                    this.firstVisibleCol == 0 && columns < 0 && negOffset == 0) 
                newCol = Math.Min(newCol, nGridCols - 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < newCol; i++)
                    // if (gridColumns[i].Visible && gridColumns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                    if (gridColumns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        newColOffset += gridColumns[i].Width; 
                HorizontalOffset = newColOffset;

            ///      Scrolls a given column into visibility.
            private void ScrollToColumn(int targetCol) {
                // do not flush the columns to the left 
                // so, scroll only as many columns as is necessary. 
                int dCols = targetCol - firstVisibleCol;

                if (targetCol > lastTotallyVisibleCol && lastTotallyVisibleCol != -1)
                    dCols = targetCol - lastTotallyVisibleCol; 

                // if only part of the currentCol is visible 
                // then we should still scroll 
                if (dCols != 0 || negOffset != 0)

            ///      Selects a given row
            public void Select(int row) { 
                // SECREVIEW: the method does not check the bounds. We can't fix this and throw an exception because this would be a breaking change
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridSelection.TraceVerbose, "Selecting row " + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (!localGridRows[row].Selected) {
                    localGridRows[row].Selected = true;
                // when selecting a row, hide the edit box 

            // this function will pair the listManager w/ a table from the TableStylesCollection.
            // and for each column in the TableStylesCollection will pair them w/ a propertyDescriptor 
            // from the listManager
            // prerequisite: the current table is either the default table, or has the same name as the 
            // list in the listManager.
            private void PairTableStylesAndGridColumns(CurrencyManager lm, DataGridTableStyle gridTable, bool forceColumnCreation) {
                PropertyDescriptorCollection props = lm.GetItemProperties();
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridCols = gridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                // ]it is possible to have a dataTable w/ an empty string for a name.
                if (!gridTable.IsDefault && String.Compare(lm.GetListName(), gridTable.MappingName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { 
                    // we will force column creation only at runtime 
                    if (gridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0 && !DesignMode) {
                        // we have to create some default columns for each of the propertyDescriptors 
                        if (forceColumnCreation)
                    } else { 
                        // it may the case that the user will have two lists w/ the same name. 
                        // When switching binding between those different lists, we need to invalidate
                        // the propertyDescriptors from the current gridColumns 
                        for (int i = 0; i < gridCols.Count; i ++)
                            gridCols[i].PropertyDescriptor = null;
                        // pair the propertyDescriptor from each column to the actual property descriptor
                        // from the listManager 
                        for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i ++) {
                            DataGridColumnStyle col = gridCols.MapColumnStyleToPropertyName(props[i].Name); 
                            if (col != null) {
                                col.PropertyDescriptor = props[i];
                        // TableStyle::SetGridColumnStylesCollection will also set the
                        // relations list in the tableStyle. 
                } else { 
                    // we should put an assert, that this is the default Table Style
    #if DEBUG
                    Debug.Assert(gridTable.IsDefault, "if we don't have a match, then the dataGRid should have the default table");
    #endif // DEBUG 
                    if (gridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0 && gridTable.GridColumnStyles[0].Width == -1) { 
    #if DEBUG 
                        GridColumnStylesCollection cols = gridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                        for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++) { 
                            Debug.Assert(cols[i].Width == -1, "if one column's width is not initialized, the same should be happening for the rest of the columns");
    #endif // DEBUG

            ///      Sets the current GridTable for the DataGrid.
            ///      This GridTable is the table which is currently
            ///      being displayed on the grid.
            internal void SetDataGridTable(DataGridTableStyle newTable, bool forceColumnCreation)
                // we have to listen to the dataGridTable for the propertyChangedEvent 
                if(this.myGridTable != null) {
                    // unwire the propertyChanged event 

                    if (myGridTable.IsDefault) {
                        // reset the propertyDescriptors on the default table. 
                        // reset the relationship list from the default table 

                myGridTable = newTable;
                this.layout.RowHeadersVisible = newTable.IsDefault ? this.RowHeadersVisible : newTable.RowHeadersVisible; 

                // we need to force the grid into the dataGridTableStyle 
                // this way the controls in the columns will be parented
                // consider this scenario: when the user finished InitializeComponent, it added
                // a bunch of tables. all of those tables will have the DataGrid property set to this
                // grid. however, in InitializeComponent the tables will not have parented the 
                // edit controls w/ the grid.
                // the code in DataGridTextBoxColumn already checks to see if the edits are parented 
                // before parenting them.
                if (newTable != null)
                    newTable.DataGrid = this;

                // pair the tableStyles and GridColumns 
                if (this.listManager != null) 
                    PairTableStylesAndGridColumns(this.listManager, this.myGridTable, forceColumnCreation); 

                // reset the relations UI on the newTable 
                if (newTable != null)

                // set the isNavigating to false 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false;
                horizScrollBar.Value = 0; 
                firstVisibleRow = 0;
                currentCol = 0; 
                // if we add a tableStyle that mapps to the
                // current listName, then we should set the currentRow to the
                // position in the listManager
                if (this.listManager == null) 
                    currentRow = 0;
                    currentRow = this.listManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : listManager.Position; 
                negOffset = 0; 

                // check the hierarchy
                checkHierarchy = true; 
            ///      Scrolls the data area down to make room for the parent rows
            ///      and lays out the different regions of the DataGrid. 
            internal void SetParentRowsVisibility(bool visible) {
                Rectangle parentRowsRect = layout.ParentRows;
                Rectangle underParentRows = layout.Data; 

                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) { 
                    underParentRows.X -= isRightToLeft() ? 0 : layout.RowHeaders.Width; 
                    underParentRows.Width += layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) {
                    underParentRows.Y -= layout.ColumnHeaders.Height;
                    underParentRows.Height += layout.ColumnHeaders.Height;

                // hide the Edit Box 

                if (visible) { 
                    RECT scrollArea = RECT.FromXYWH(underParentRows.X, underParentRows.Y, underParentRows.Width, underParentRows.Height);

                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridParents.TraceVerbose, "DataGridParents: Making parent rows visible."); 
                    SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(this.Handle, 0, parentRowsRect.Height,
                                         ref scrollArea, ref scrollArea); 

                    layout.ParentRowsVisible = true; 



                else { 
                    // Rectangle scrollArea = Rectangle.Union(layout.ParentRows, underParentRows);
                    // RECT scrollRECT = RECT.FromXYWH(scrollArea.X, scrollArea.Y, scrollArea.Width, scrollArea.Height); 

                    NativeMethods.RECT scrollRECT = NativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(underParentRows.X, underParentRows.Y - layout.ParentRows.Height, underParentRows.Width, underParentRows.Height + layout.ParentRows.Height);

                    SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(new HandleRef(this, Handle), 0, -parentRowsRect.Height, ref scrollRECT, ref scrollRECT); 

                    // If the vertical scrollbar was visible before and not after 
                    // the ScrollWindow call, then we will not get invalidated 
                    // completely.  We need to translate the visual bounds of
                    // the scrollbar's old location up and invalidate. 
                    if (vertScrollBar.Visible) {
                        Rectangle fixupRect = vertScrollBar.Bounds;
                        fixupRect.Y -= parentRowsRect.Height; 
                        fixupRect.Height += parentRowsRect.Height;

                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridParents.TraceVerbose, "DataGridParents: Making parent rows invisible."); 
                    layout.ParentRowsVisible = false;

            ///      Sets whether a row is expanded or not. 
            private void SetRowExpansionState(int row, bool expanded) { 
                if (row < -1 || row > DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1)) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("row");
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (row == -1) { 
                    DataGridRelationshipRow[] expandableRows = GetExpandableRows(); 
                    bool repositionEditControl = false;
                    for (int r = 0; r < expandableRows.Length; ++r) {
                        if (expandableRows[r].Expanded != expanded)
                            expandableRows[r].Expanded = expanded; 
                            repositionEditControl = true;
                    if (repositionEditControl)
                        // we need to reposition the edit control
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] || gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing])
                else if (localGridRows[row] is DataGridRelationshipRow) { 
                    DataGridRelationshipRow expandableRow = (DataGridRelationshipRow)localGridRows[row];
                    if (expandableRow.Expanded != expanded)
                        // we need to reposition the edit control 
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] || gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing])

                        expandableRow.Expanded = expanded;
            private void ObjectSiteChange(IContainer container, IComponent component, bool site) { 
                if (site) {
                    if (component.Site == null) { 
                else { 
                    if (component.Site != null && component.Site.Container == container) {

            public void SubObjectsSiteChange(bool site) { 
                DataGrid dgrid = this;
                if (dgrid.DesignMode && dgrid.Site != null) { 
                    IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)dgrid.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); 
                    if (host != null) {
                        DesignerTransaction trans = host.CreateTransaction(); 
                        try {
                            IContainer container = dgrid.Site.Container;

                            DataGridTableStyle[] tables = new DataGridTableStyle[dgrid.TableStyles.Count]; 
                            dgrid.TableStyles.CopyTo(tables, 0);
                            for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++) { 
                                DataGridTableStyle table = tables[i];
                                ObjectSiteChange(container, table, site); 

                                DataGridColumnStyle[] columns = new DataGridColumnStyle[table.GridColumnStyles.Count];
                                table.GridColumnStyles.CopyTo(columns, 0);
                                for (int j = 0; j < columns.Length; j++) {
                                    DataGridColumnStyle column = columns[j]; 
                                    ObjectSiteChange(container, column, site); 
                        finally {

            ///      Unselects a given row
            public void UnSelect(int row) { 
                // SECREVIEW: the method does not check the bounds. We can't fix this and throw an exception because this would be a breaking change
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridSelection.TraceVerbose, "DataGridSelection: Unselecting row " + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                if (localGridRows[row].Selected) {
                    localGridRows[row].Selected = false; 
            ///      Asks the cursor to update. 
            private void UpdateListManager() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: Requesting EndEdit()"); 
                try {
                    if (this.listManager != null) {
                catch { 

            ///    Will return the string that will be used as a delimiter between columns
            ///    when copying rows contents to the Clipboard. 
            ///    At the moment, return "\t" 
            protected virtual string GetOutputTextDelimiter() { 
                return "\t";

            ///     The accessible object class for a DataGrid. The child accessible objects
            ///     are accessible objects corresponding to the propertygrid entries. 
            internal class DataGridAccessibleObject : ControlAccessibleObject { 
                ///     Construct a PropertyGridViewAccessibleObject
                public DataGridAccessibleObject(DataGrid owner) : base(owner) { 
                internal DataGrid DataGrid { 
                    get {
                        return (DataGrid)Owner; 

                private int ColumnCount { 
                    get {
                        return ((DataGrid)Owner).myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                private int RowCount {
                    get {
                        return ((DataGrid)Owner).dataGridRows.Length;
            public override string Name { 
                get {
                    // Special case: If an explicit name has been set in the AccessibleName property, use that. 
                    // Note: Any non-null value in AccessibleName overrides the default accessible name logic,
                    // even an empty string (this is the only way to *force* the accessible name to be blank).
                    string name = Owner.AccessibleName;
                    if (name != null) { 
                        return name;
                    // Otherwise just return the default label string, minus any mnemonics
                    return "DataGrid"; 

                set {
                    // If anyone tries to set the accessible name, just cache the value in the control's 
                    // AccessibleName property. This value will then end up overriding the normal accessible
                    // name logic, until such time as AccessibleName is set back to null. 
                    Owner.AccessibleName = value; 

                public override AccessibleRole Role {
                    get {
                        AccessibleRole role = Owner.AccessibleRole; 
                        if (role != AccessibleRole.Default) {
                            return role; 
                        return AccessibleRole.Table;
                public override AccessibleObject GetChild(int index) {
                    DataGrid dataGrid = (DataGrid)Owner;
                    int cols = ColumnCount;
                    int rows = RowCount; 
                    if (dataGrid.dataGridRows == null) {

                    if (index < 1) {
                        return dataGrid.ParentRowsAccessibleObject; 
                    else { 
                        index -= 1; 
                        if (index < cols) {
                            return dataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[index].HeaderAccessibleObject; 
                        else {
                            index -= cols;
                            if (index < rows) {
                                Debug.Assert(dataGrid.dataGridRows[index].RowNumber == index, "Row number is wrong!"); 
                                return dataGrid.dataGridRows[index].AccessibleObject; 
                            else { 
                                index -= rows;

                                if (dataGrid.horizScrollBar.Visible) {
                                    if (index == 0) { 
                                        return dataGrid.horizScrollBar.AccessibilityObject;
                                    index --; 
                                if (dataGrid.vertScrollBar.Visible) {
                                    if (index == 0) {
                                        return dataGrid.vertScrollBar.AccessibilityObject;
                                    index --;
                                int colCount = dataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;
                                int rowCount = dataGrid.dataGridRows.Length; 
                                int currentRow = index / colCount;
                                int currentCol = index % colCount;

                                if (currentRow < dataGrid.dataGridRows.Length && currentCol < dataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) { 
                                    return dataGrid.dataGridRows[currentRow].AccessibleObject.GetChild(currentCol);

                    return null;
                public override int GetChildCount() {
                    int n = 1 + ColumnCount + ((DataGrid)Owner).DataGridRowsLength; 
                    if (DataGrid.horizScrollBar.Visible) { 
                    if (DataGrid.vertScrollBar.Visible) {
                    n += this.DataGrid.DataGridRows.Length * this.DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                    return n;
                public override AccessibleObject GetFocused() {
                    if (DataGrid.Focused) { 
                        return GetSelected();

                    return null; 
                public override AccessibleObject GetSelected() { 
                    if (this.DataGrid.DataGridRows.Length == 0 || this.DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) {
                        return null; 

                    DataGridCell cell = DataGrid.CurrentCell;
                    return GetChild(1 + ColumnCount + cell.RowNumber).GetChild(cell.ColumnNumber); 
                public override AccessibleObject HitTest(int x, int y) { 
                    Point client = DataGrid.PointToClient(new Point(x, y));
                    HitTestInfo hti = DataGrid.HitTest(client.X, client.Y); 

                    switch (hti.Type) {
                        case HitTestType.RowHeader:
                            return GetChild(1 + ColumnCount + hti.Row); 
                        case HitTestType.Cell:
                            return GetChild(1 + ColumnCount + hti.Row).GetChild(hti.Column); 
                        case HitTestType.ColumnHeader: 
                            return GetChild(1 + hti.Column);
                        case HitTestType.ParentRows: 
                            return DataGrid.ParentRowsAccessibleObject;
                        case HitTestType.None:
                        case HitTestType.ColumnResize:
                        case HitTestType.RowResize: 
                        case HitTestType.Caption:

                    return null; 

                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
                public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir) { 
                    // We're only handling FirstChild and LastChild here
                    if (GetChildCount() > 0) { 
                        switch(navdir) { 
                            case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild:
                                return GetChild(0); 
                            case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild:
                                return GetChild(GetChildCount() - 1);

                    return null;    // Perform default behavior 

            //      This simple data structure holds all of the layout information 
            //      for the DataGrid.
            internal class LayoutData { 
                internal bool dirty = true;
                // region inside the Control's borders. 
                public Rectangle Inside = Rectangle.Empty;

                public Rectangle RowHeaders = Rectangle.Empty;
                public Rectangle TopLeftHeader = Rectangle.Empty;
                public Rectangle ColumnHeaders = Rectangle.Empty; 
                public Rectangle Data = Rectangle.Empty; 

                public Rectangle Caption = Rectangle.Empty; 
                public Rectangle ParentRows = Rectangle.Empty;

                public Rectangle ResizeBoxRect = Rectangle.Empty;
                public bool ColumnHeadersVisible;
                public bool RowHeadersVisible; 
                public bool CaptionVisible; 
                public bool ParentRowsVisible;
                // used for resizing.
                public Rectangle ClientRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;

                public LayoutData() { 
                public LayoutData(LayoutData src) { 

                private void GrabLayout(LayoutData src) {
                    this.Inside               = src.Inside;
                    this.TopLeftHeader        = src.TopLeftHeader; 
                    this.ColumnHeaders        = src.ColumnHeaders;
                    this.RowHeaders           = src.RowHeaders; 
                    this.Data                 = src.Data; 
                    this.Caption              = src.Caption;
                    this.ParentRows           = src.ParentRows; 
                    this.ResizeBoxRect        = src.ResizeBoxRect;
                    this.ColumnHeadersVisible = src.ColumnHeadersVisible;
                    this.RowHeadersVisible    = src.RowHeadersVisible;
                    this.CaptionVisible       = src.CaptionVisible; 
                    this.ParentRowsVisible    = src.ParentRowsVisible;
                    this.ClientRectangle      = src.ClientRectangle; 

                public override string ToString() { 
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
                    sb.Append(" { \n");
                    sb.Append("Inside = "); 
                    sb.Append("TopLeftHeader = "); 
                    sb.Append("ColumnHeaders = ");
                    sb.Append("RowHeaders = "); 
                    sb.Append("Data = "); 
                    sb.Append("Caption = ");
                    sb.Append("ParentRows = "); 
                    sb.Append("ResizeBoxRect = "); 
                    sb.Append("ColumnHeadersVisible = ");
                    sb.Append("RowHeadersVisible = "); 
                    sb.Append("CaptionVisible = "); 
                    sb.Append("ParentRowsVisible = ");
                    sb.Append("ClientRectangle = "); 
                    sb.Append(" } "); 
                    return sb.ToString(); 

            ///    Contains information 
            ///       about the part of the  control the user
            ///       has clicked. This class cannot be inherited. 
            public sealed class HitTestInfo {
                internal HitTestType type = HitTestType.None; 

                internal int row;
                internal int col;
                /// Allows the  object to inform you the 
                ///    extent of the grid.
                    SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2104:DoNotDeclareReadOnlyMutableReferenceTypes")   // DataGrid.HitTestInfo type is
                                                                                                                // actually immutable.
                public static readonly HitTestInfo Nowhere = new HitTestInfo();
                internal HitTestInfo() { 
                    type = (HitTestType)0;
                    row = col = -1; 

                internal HitTestInfo(HitTestType type) {
                    this.type = type; 
                    row = col = -1;
                ///    Gets the number of the clicked column.
                public int Column {
                    get { 
                        return col;

                ///    Gets the
                ///       number of the clicked row.
                public int Row {
                    get { 
                        return row; 

                /// Gets the part of the  control, other than the row or column, that was 
                ///    clicked.
                public HitTestType Type { 
                    get {
                        return type; 

                ///    Indicates whether two objects are identical. 
                public override bool Equals(object value) {
                    if (value is HitTestInfo) { 
                        HitTestInfo ci =(HitTestInfo) value;
                        return(type == ci.type &&
                               row  == ci.row &&
                               col  == ci.col); 
                    return false; 

                /// Gets the hash code for the  instance.
                public override int GetHashCode() { 
                    return(int)type +(row << 8) +(col << 16);
                ///    Gets the type, row number, and column number.
                public override string ToString() {
                    return "{ " + ((type).ToString()) + "," + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + col.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "}"; 
            /// Specifies the part of the  control the user has clicked.
            public enum HitTestType { 
                None         = 0x00000000, 
                Cell         = 0x00000001, 

                ColumnHeader = 0x00000002,
                RowHeader    = 0x00000004, 
                ColumnResize = 0x00000008, 

                RowResize    = 0x00000010,
                Caption      = 0x00000020, 
                ParentRows   = 0x00000040 

            ///      Holds policy information for what the grid can and cannot do. 
            private class Policy { 
                private bool allowAdd = true;
                private bool allowEdit = true; 
                private bool allowRemove = true;

                public Policy() {

                public bool AllowAdd { 
                    get { 
                        return allowAdd;
                    set {
                        if (allowAdd != value) {
                            allowAdd = value;
                public bool AllowEdit {
                    get { 
                        return allowEdit;
                    set {
                        if (allowEdit != value) { 
                            allowEdit = value;
                public bool AllowRemove {
                    get {
                        return allowRemove;
                    set {
                        if (allowRemove != value) { 
                            allowRemove = value; 

                // returns true if the UI needs to be updated (here because addnew has changed)
                public bool UpdatePolicy(CurrencyManager listManager, bool gridReadOnly) 
                    bool change = false; 
                    // only IBindingList can have an AddNewRow 
                    IBindingList bl = listManager == null ? null : listManager.List as IBindingList;
                    if (listManager == null) { 
                        if (!allowAdd)
                            change = true;
                        allowAdd = allowEdit = allowRemove = true;
                    else {
                        if (AllowAdd != listManager.AllowAdd && !gridReadOnly) 
                            change = true; 
                        AllowAdd= listManager.AllowAdd && !gridReadOnly && bl != null && bl.SupportsChangeNotification;
                        AllowEdit= listManager.AllowEdit && !gridReadOnly; 
                        AllowRemove = listManager.AllowRemove && !gridReadOnly && bl != null && bl.SupportsChangeNotification;     // bug 86061
                    return change;
            //  Given the x coordinate  and the Width of rectangle R1 inside rectangle rect,
            //  this function returns the x coordinate of the rectangle that 
            //  corresponds to the Bi-Di transformation
            private int MirrorRectangle(Rectangle R1, Rectangle rect, bool rightToLeft)
                if (rightToLeft)
                    return rect.Right + rect.X - R1.Right; 
                    return R1.X;

            //  Given the x coordinate of a point inside rectangle rect,
            //  this function returns the x coordinate of the point that 
            //  corresponds to the Bi-Di transformation
            private int MirrorPoint(int x, Rectangle rect, bool rightToLeft) 
                if (rightToLeft) 
                    return rect.Right + rect.X - x;
                    return x;

            // This function will return true if the RightToLeft property of the dataGrid is 
            // set to YES 
            private bool isRightToLeft()
                return ( RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    //     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
        using System.Text;
        using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
        using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
        using System.Runtime.Remoting;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Security; 
        using System.Security.Permissions;
        using System; 
        using System.Collections; 
        using System.Windows.Forms;
        using System.Windows.Forms.Design; 
        using System.ComponentModel.Design;
        using System.Drawing;

        using Microsoft.Win32; 
        using System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel;
        using System.Diagnostics; 
        using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
        using System.Globalization;
        ///    Displays ADO.NET data in a scrollable
        ///       grid. 
        Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataGridDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), 
        ComplexBindingProperties("DataSource", "DataMember"),
        public class DataGrid : Control, ISupportInitialize, IDataGridEditingService {
    #if DEBUG 
            internal TraceSwitch DataGridAcc = new TraceSwitch("DataGridAcc", "Trace Windows Forms DataGrid Accessibility"); 
            internal TraceSwitch DataGridAcc = null; 

            private const int               GRIDSTATE_allowSorting                  = 0x00000001;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_columnHeadersVisible          = 0x00000002; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_rowHeadersVisible             = 0x00000004;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_trackColResize                = 0x00000008; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize                = 0x00000010; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isLedgerStyle                 = 0x00000020;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isFlatMode                    = 0x00000040; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_listHasErrors                 = 0x00000080;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_dragging                      = 0x00000100;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew                  = 0x00000200;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow                   = 0x00000400; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_canFocus                      = 0x00000800;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_readOnlyMode                  = 0x00001000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_allowNavigation               = 0x00002000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isNavigating                  = 0x00004000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isEditing                     = 0x00008000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging           = 0x00010000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_isScrolling                   = 0x00020000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_overCaption                   = 0x00040000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused              = 0x00080000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow                   = 0x00100000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager              = 0x00200000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged               = 0x00400000; 
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_exceptionInPaint              = 0x00800000;
            private const int               GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended               = 0x01000000; 

            // PERF: take all the bools and put them into a state variable
            private System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32 gridState;                  // see GRIDSTATE_ consts above
            // for column widths
            private const int NumRowsForAutoResize = 10; 
            private const int       errorRowBitmapWidth         = 15;
            private const  DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle    defaultParentRowsLabelStyle  = DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.Both;

            private const BorderStyle defaultBorderStyle    = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            private const bool defaultCaptionVisible = true;
            private const bool defaultParentRowsVisible = true; 

            private DataGridTableStyle defaultTableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle(true); 

            // private bool allowSorting = true;

            private SolidBrush alternatingBackBrush = DefaultAlternatingBackBrush; 

            // private bool columnHeadersVisible = true; 
            private SolidBrush gridLineBrush = DefaultGridLineBrush;
            private const DataGridLineStyle defaultGridLineStyle = DataGridLineStyle.Solid;
            private DataGridLineStyle gridLineStyle = defaultGridLineStyle;

            private SolidBrush headerBackBrush = DefaultHeaderBackBrush; 

            private Font headerFont = null; // this is ambient property to Font value 
            private SolidBrush headerForeBrush = DefaultHeaderForeBrush;
            private Pen headerForePen = DefaultHeaderForePen; 

            private SolidBrush linkBrush = DefaultLinkBrush;

            private const int defaultPreferredColumnWidth = 75; 
            private int preferredColumnWidth = defaultPreferredColumnWidth;
            private static int defaultFontHeight = Control.DefaultFont.Height; 
            private int prefferedRowHeight = defaultFontHeight + 3;
            // private bool rowHeadersVisible = true;
            private const int defaultRowHeaderWidth = 35;
            private int rowHeaderWidth = defaultRowHeaderWidth;
            private int minRowHeaderWidth; 

            private SolidBrush selectionBackBrush = DefaultSelectionBackBrush; 
            private SolidBrush selectionForeBrush = DefaultSelectionForeBrush; 

            // parent rows 
            private DataGridParentRows    parentRows = null;
            // Set_ListManager uses the originalState to determine
            // if the grid should disconnect from all the MetaDataChangedEvents 
            // keep "originalState != null" when navigating back and forth in the grid
            // and use Add/RemoveMetaDataChanged methods. 
            private DataGridState         originalState = null; 

            // ui state 
            // Don't use dataGridRows, use the accessor!!!
            private DataGridRow[]        dataGridRows     = new DataGridRow[0];
            private int                  dataGridRowsLength = 0; 

            // for toolTip 
            private int toolTipId = 0; 
            private DataGridToolTip toolTipProvider = null;
            private  DataGridAddNewRow    addNewRow        = null;
            private LayoutData            layout           = new LayoutData();
            private  NativeMethods.RECT[]               cachedScrollableRegion = null;
            // header namespace goo
            // these are actually get/set by ColumnBehavior
            internal bool           allowColumnResize  = true; 

            internal bool allowRowResize = true;

            internal DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle parentRowsLabels     = defaultParentRowsLabelStyle; 

            // information for col/row resizing 
            // private bool       trackColResize         = false; 
            private int        trackColAnchor         = 0;
            private int        trackColumn         = 0; 
            // private bool       trackRowResize         = false;
            private int        trackRowAnchor         = 0;
            private int        trackRow            = 0;
            private PropertyDescriptor         trackColumnHeader   = null; 
            private MouseEventArgs lastSplitBar        = null;
            // private bool isLedgerStyle = true; 
            // private bool isFlatMode    = false;
            private Font              linkFont             = null; 

            private SolidBrush        backBrush            = DefaultBackBrush;
            private SolidBrush        foreBrush            = DefaultForeBrush;
            private SolidBrush        backgroundBrush      = DefaultBackgroundBrush; 

            // font cacheing info 
            private int               fontHeight           = -1; 
            private int               linkFontHeight       = -1;
            private int               captionFontHeight    = -1; 
            private int               headerFontHeight     = -1;

            // the preffered height of the row.
            // if the list has items with errors
           // private bool listHasErrors = false; 

            // caption 
            private DataGridCaption caption;

            // Border
            private BorderStyle borderStyle;
            // data binding 
            private object dataSource = null; 
            private string dataMember = "";
            private CurrencyManager listManager = null;

            // currently focused control 
            // we want to unparent it either when rebinding the grid or when the grid is disposed
            Control toBeDisposedEditingControl = null; 
            // persistent data state
            internal GridTableStylesCollection dataGridTables = null;
            // SET myGridTable in SetDataGridTable ONLY
            internal DataGridTableStyle myGridTable = null;
            internal bool checkHierarchy = true; 
            internal bool inInit = false;
            // Selection 
            internal int  currentRow = 0;
            internal int  currentCol = 0; 
            private  int  numSelectedRows = 0;
            private  int lastRowSelected = -1;

            // dragging: 
            // private bool dragging = false;
            // addNewRow 
            // private bool inAddNewRow = false;
            // delete Row 
            // private bool inDeleteRow = false;

            // when we leave, we call CommitEdit
            // if we leave, then do not focus the dataGrid. 
            // so we can't focus the grid at the following moments:
            // 1. while processing the OnLayout event 
            // 2. while processing the OnLeave event 
            // private bool canFocus = true;
            // for CurrentCell
    #if DEBUG
            private bool inDataSource_PositionChanged = false;
    #endif // DEBUG 

            // Policy 
            // private bool   readOnlyMode = false; 
            private Policy policy = new Policy();
            // private bool allowNavigation = true; 

            // editing
            // private bool isNavigating = false;
            // private bool isEditing = false; 
            // private bool editControlChanging = false;
            private DataGridColumnStyle  editColumn = null; 
            private DataGridRow     editRow = null; 

            // scrolling 
            private ScrollBar horizScrollBar  = new HScrollBar();
            private ScrollBar vertScrollBar   = new VScrollBar();
            // the sum of the widths of the columns preceding the firstVisibleColumn
            private int       horizontalOffset = 0; 

            // the number of pixels of the firstVisibleColumn which are not visible 
            private int       negOffset = 0;

            private int       wheelDelta = 0; 
            // private bool      isScrolling = false;
            // Visibility 
            internal int firstVisibleRow       = 0; 
            internal int firstVisibleCol       = 0;
            private  int numVisibleRows        = 0;
            // the number of columns which are visible
            private  int numVisibleCols        = 0; 
            private  int numTotallyVisibleRows = 0;
            // lastTotallyVisibleCol == -1 means that the data grid does not show any column in its entirety 
            private  int lastTotallyVisibleCol = 0; 

            // mouse move hot-tracking 
            private int oldRow = -1;
            // private bool overCaption = true;
            // child relationships focused
            // private bool childLinkFocused = false; 

            // private static readonly object EVENT_COLUMNHEADERCLICK = new object(); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED = new object();
            // private static readonly object EVENT_COLUMNRESIZE = new object();
            // private static readonly object EVENT_LINKCLICKED = new object();
            private static readonly object EVENT_NODECLICKED = new object(); 
            // private static readonly object EVENT_ROWRESIZE = new object();
            private static readonly object EVENT_SCROLL = new object(); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK = new object(); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK = new object();

            // event handlers
            private ItemChangedEventHandler itemChangedHandler; 
            private EventHandler positionChangedHandler;
            private EventHandler currentChangedHandler; 
            private EventHandler metaDataChangedHandler; 

            // we have to know when the collection of dataGridTableStyles changes 
            private CollectionChangeEventHandler dataGridTableStylesCollectionChanged;

            private EventHandler backButtonHandler;
            private EventHandler downButtonHandler; 

            private NavigateEventHandler onNavigate; 
            private EventHandler onRowHeaderClick;
            // forDebug
            // private int forDebug = 0;
            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Initializes a new instance of the 
            /// class.
            public DataGrid() : base() { 
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, false); 
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, false); 
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserMouse, true);
                this.gridState = new System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32(0x00042827); 

                dataGridTables = new GridTableStylesCollection(this);
                layout = CreateInitialLayoutState();
                parentRows = new DataGridParentRows(this); 

                horizScrollBar.Top = ClientRectangle.Height - horizScrollBar.Height; 
                horizScrollBar.Left = 0; 
                horizScrollBar.Visible = false;
                horizScrollBar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(GridHScrolled); 

                vertScrollBar.Top = 0;
                vertScrollBar.Left = ClientRectangle.Width - vertScrollBar.Width; 
                vertScrollBar.Visible = false;
                vertScrollBar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(GridVScrolled); 

                BackColor = DefaultBackBrush.Color; 
                ForeColor = DefaultForeBrush.Color;
                borderStyle = defaultBorderStyle;

                // create the event handlers 
                currentChangedHandler  = new EventHandler(DataSource_RowChanged); 
                positionChangedHandler = new EventHandler(DataSource_PositionChanged); 
                itemChangedHandler     = new ItemChangedEventHandler(DataSource_ItemChanged);
                metaDataChangedHandler = new EventHandler(DataSource_MetaDataChanged); 
                dataGridTableStylesCollectionChanged = new CollectionChangeEventHandler(TableStylesCollectionChanged);
                this.dataGridTables.CollectionChanged += dataGridTableStylesCollectionChanged;

                SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, true); 

                backButtonHandler        = new EventHandler(OnBackButtonClicked); 
                downButtonHandler        = new EventHandler(OnShowParentDetailsButtonClicked); 

                caption = new DataGridCaption(this); 
                caption.BackwardClicked += backButtonHandler;
                caption.DownClicked += downButtonHandler;

                Size = new Size(130, 80);
            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            // =        Properties
            // =------------------------------------------------------------------
            ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid can be resorted by clicking on 
            ///       a column header.
            public bool AllowSorting { 
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowSorting];
                set {
                    if (AllowSorting != value) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowSorting] = value;
                        if (!value && this.listManager != null) { 
                            IList list = this.listManager.List;
                            if (list is IBindingList) 
                                ((IBindingList) list).RemoveSort(); 

            public Color AlternatingBackColor { 
                get {
                    return alternatingBackBrush.Color;
                set { 
                    if (value.IsEmpty) {
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentAlternatingBackColorNotAllowed));
                    if (!alternatingBackBrush.Color.Equals(value)) {
                        alternatingBackBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetAlternatingBackColor() { 
                if (ShouldSerializeAlternatingBackColor()) {
                    AlternatingBackColor = DefaultAlternatingBackBrush.Color; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeAlternatingBackColor() 
                return !AlternatingBackBrush.Equals(DefaultAlternatingBackBrush);

            internal Brush AlternatingBackBrush {
                get {
                    return alternatingBackBrush; 
            // overrode those properties just to move the BackColor and the ForeColor
            // from the Appearance group onto the Color Group 
            ///    Gets or sets the background color of the grid.
            public override Color BackColor { 
                // overrode those properties just to move the BackColor and the ForeColor
                // from the Appearance group onto the Color Group
                get {
                    return base.BackColor; 
                set { 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentBackColorNotAllowed));
                    base.BackColor = value; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public override void ResetBackColor() {
                if (!this.BackColor.Equals(DefaultBackBrush.Color)) { 
                    this.BackColor = DefaultBackBrush.Color;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public override Color ForeColor { 
                get {
                    return base.ForeColor; 
                set {
                    base.ForeColor = value; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public override void ResetForeColor() { 
                if (!this.ForeColor.Equals(DefaultForeBrush.Color)) {
                    this.ForeColor = DefaultForeBrush.Color; 

            ///       Gets a value 
            ///       indicating whether the  property should be 
            ///       persisted.
            internal SolidBrush BackBrush {
                get {
                    return backBrush; 
            internal SolidBrush ForeBrush {
                get { 
                    return foreBrush;
            ///       Gets or
            ///       sets the border style. 
            public BorderStyle BorderStyle { 
                get {
                    return borderStyle;
                set { 
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2.
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)BorderStyle.None, (int)BorderStyle.Fixed3D)){ 
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(BorderStyle)); 
                    if (borderStyle != value) { 
                        borderStyle = value;

            private static readonly object EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED = new object(); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnBorderStyleChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler BorderStyleChanged { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED, value);
            private int BorderWidth { 
                get {
                    if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) { 
                        return SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width;
                    else if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.FixedSingle) {
                        return 2; 
                    else { 
                        return 0; 

            protected override Size DefaultSize { 
                get {
                    return new Size(130, 80); 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultSelectionBackBrush {
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ActiveCaption;
            private static SolidBrush DefaultSelectionForeBrush { 
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ActiveCaptionText;
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultBackBrush {
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Window; 
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultForeBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.WindowText; 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultBackgroundBrush {
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.AppWorkspace;
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultParentRowsForeBrush {
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.WindowText;
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultParentRowsBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Control; 
            internal static SolidBrush DefaultAlternatingBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Window;
            private static SolidBrush DefaultGridLineBrush {
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Control; 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultHeaderBackBrush {
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.Control;
            private static SolidBrush DefaultHeaderForeBrush { 
                get { 
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ControlText;
            private static Pen DefaultHeaderForePen {
                get {
                     return new Pen(SystemColors.ControlText); 
            private static SolidBrush DefaultLinkBrush { 
                get {
                    return (SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.HotTrack; 

           private bool ListHasErrors {
                get { 
                   return gridState[GRIDSTATE_listHasErrors]; 
                set { 
                    if (ListHasErrors != value)
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_listHasErrors] = value;
                        if (!layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        if (value) { 
                           if (myGridTable.IsDefault)
                               this.RowHeaderWidth += errorRowBitmapWidth; 
                               this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth += errorRowBitmapWidth;
                       else { 
                           if (myGridTable.IsDefault)
                               this.RowHeaderWidth -= errorRowBitmapWidth; 
                               this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth -= errorRowBitmapWidth;
            private bool Bound {
                get { 
                    return !(listManager == null || myGridTable == null); 

            internal DataGridCaption Caption {
                get {
                    return caption; 

            ///       Gets or sets the background color of the caption area.
            public Color CaptionBackColor {
                get {
                    return Caption.BackColor;
                set {
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentCaptionBackColorNotAllowed)); 
                    Caption.BackColor = value;

            private void ResetCaptionBackColor() {
            ///       Gets a value
            ///       indicating whether the  property should be
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeCaptionBackColor() 
                return Caption.ShouldSerializeBackColor();

            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets the foreground color 
            ///       of the caption area. 
            public Color CaptionForeColor {
                get { 
                    return Caption.ForeColor; 
                set { 
                    Caption.ForeColor = value;
            private void ResetCaptionForeColor() {

            ///       Gets a value
            ///       indicating whether the  property should be 
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeCaptionForeColor()
                return Caption.ShouldSerializeForeColor();

            ///       Gets or sets the font of the grid's caption. 
            public Font CaptionFont { 
                get {
                    return Caption.Font; 
                set {
                    Caption.Font = value;
            ///       Gets a value indicating whether the 
            ///       caption's font is persisted.
            private bool ShouldSerializeCaptionFont() { 
                return Caption.ShouldSerializeFont();
            private void ResetCaptionFont() {

            ///       Gets or sets the text of the grid's caption. 
            public string CaptionText { 
                get { 
                    return Caption.Text;
                set {
                    Caption.Text = value;

            ///       Gets or sets a value that indicates 
            ///       whether the grid's caption is visible.
            public bool CaptionVisible { 
                get {
                    return layout.CaptionVisible;
                set { 
                    if (layout.CaptionVisible != value) {
                        layout.CaptionVisible = value; 
            private static readonly object EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED = new object();
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnCaptionVisibleChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler CaptionVisibleChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED, value);
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED, value);

            ///       Gets or sets which cell has the focus. Not available at design time. 
            public DataGridCell CurrentCell {
                get { 
                    return new DataGridCell(currentRow, currentCol); 
                set { 
                    // if the OnLayout event was not set in the grid, then we can't
                    // reliably set the currentCell on the grid.
                    if (layout.dirty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridSettingCurrentCellNotGood)); 
                    if (value.RowNumber == currentRow && value.ColumnNumber == currentCol)
                    // should we throw an exception, maybe?
                    if (DataGridRowsLength == 0 || this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles == null || this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) 

                    int currentRowSaved = currentRow; 
                    int currentColSaved = currentCol;
                    bool wasEditing = gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]; 
                    bool cellChanged = false; 

                    // if the position in the listManager changed under the DataGrid, 
                    // then do not edit after setting the current cell
                    bool doNotEdit = false;

                    int newCol = value.ColumnNumber; 
                    int newRow = value.RowNumber;
                    String errorMessage = null; 

                    try { 
                        int columnCount = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;
                        if (newCol < 0)
                            newCol = 0;
                        if (newCol >= columnCount) 
                            newCol = columnCount - 1;
                        int localGridRowsLength = DataGridRowsLength; 
                        DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                        if (newRow < 0) {
                            newRow = 0;
                        if (newRow >= localGridRowsLength) { 
                            newRow = localGridRowsLength - 1;
                        // Current Column changing
                        if (currentCol != newCol) {
                            cellChanged = true;
                            int currentListManagerPosition = this.ListManager.Position;
                            int currentListManagerCount = this.ListManager.List.Count; 

                            if (this.ListManager.Position != currentListManagerPosition ||
                                currentListManagerCount != this.ListManager.List.Count) { 
                                // EndEdit changed the list.
                                // Reset the data grid rows and the current row inside the datagrid.
                                // And then exit the method.
                                if (this.ListManager.List.Count > 0) {
                                    this.currentRow = this.ListManager.Position; 
                                } else {
                                    this.currentRow = -1; 


                            currentCol = newCol; 
                        // Current Row changing
                        if (currentRow != newRow) {
                            cellChanged = true; 
                            int currentListManagerPosition = this.ListManager.Position;
                            int currentListManagerCount = this.ListManager.List.Count; 
                            if (this.ListManager.Position != currentListManagerPosition ||
                                currentListManagerCount != this.ListManager.List.Count) {
                                // EndEdit changed the list.
                                // Reset the data grid rows and the current row inside the datagrid. 
                                // And then exit the method.
                                if (this.ListManager.List.Count > 0) { 
                                    this.currentRow = this.ListManager.Position;
                                } else {
                                    this.currentRow = -1;
                            if (currentRow < localGridRowsLength)
                            currentRow = newRow;
                            if (currentRowSaved < localGridRowsLength)
                            if (currentRowSaved != listManager.Position) { 
                                // not in [....]
    #if DEBUG 
                                Debug.Assert(inDataSource_PositionChanged, "currentRow and listManager.Position can be out of [....] only when the listManager changes its position under the DataGrid or when navigating back");
                                Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == currentRow || listManager.Position == -1, "DataSource_PositionChanged changes the position in the grid to the position in the listManager");
    #endif //DEBUG
                                doNotEdit = true; 
                                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing])
                            } else if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
    #if DEBUG
                                int currentRowCount = this.DataGridRowsLength; 
    #endif // debug
                                // cancelCurrentEdit will change the position in the list
                                // to the last element in the list. and the grid will get an on position changed
                                // event, and will set the current cell to the last element in the dataSource. 
                                // so unhook the PositionChanged event from the listManager;
                                this.ListManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler; 
                                this.ListManager.Position = this.currentRow;
                                this.ListManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 
    #if DEBUG

                                Debug.Assert(currentRowSaved > currentRow, "we can only go up when we are inAddNewRow");
                                Debug.Assert(currentRowCount == this.DataGridRowsLength, "the number of rows in the dataGrid should not change"); 
                                Debug.Assert(currentRowCount == this.ListManager.Count + 1, "the listManager should have one less record");
    #endif // debug 
                                localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength - 1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, DataGridRowsLength-1); 
                                SetDataGridRows(localGridRows, DataGridRowsLength);
                                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false; 
                            } else {
                                // some special care must be given when setting the
                                // position in the listManager. 
                                // if EndCurrentEdit() deleted the current row
                                //  ( because of some filtering problem, say ) 
                                // then we cannot go over the last row 
                                if (localGridRowsLength != DataGridRowsLength) 
                                    Debug.Assert(localGridRowsLength == DataGridRowsLength + 1, "this is the only change that could have happened");
                                    currentRow = (currentRow == localGridRowsLength - 1) ? DataGridRowsLength - 1 : currentRow;

                                if (currentRow == dataGridRowsLength - 1 && policy.AllowAdd) { 
                                    // it may be case ( see previous comment ) 
                                    // that listManager.EndCurrentEdit changed the number of rows
                                    // in the grid. in this case, we should not be using the old 
                                    // localGridRows in our assertion, cause they are outdated now
                                    Debug.Assert(this.DataGridRows[currentRow] is DataGridAddNewRow, "the last row is the DataGridAddNewRow");
                                    Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == currentRow || listManager.Position == -1, "the listManager should be positioned at the last row");
                                } else { 
                                    ListManager.Position = currentRow;

                    catch (Exception e) { 
                        errorMessage = e.Message; 
                    if (errorMessage != null) {
                        DialogResult result = RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null,
                            SR.GetString(SR.DataGridPushedIncorrectValueIntoColumn, errorMessage),
                            SR.GetString(SR.DataGridErrorMessageBoxCaption), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, 
                            MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                        if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { 
                            currentRow = currentRowSaved;
                            currentCol = currentColSaved; 
                            Debug.Assert(currentRow == ListManager.Position || listManager.Position == -1, "the position in the list manager (" + ListManager.Position + ") is out of [....] with the currentRow (" + currentRow + ")" + " and the exception is '" + errorMessage + "'");
                            // this will make sure the newRow will not paint the
                            // row selector.
                            // also, make sure that we get the row selector on the currentrow, too
                            if (wasEditing) 
                        } else { 
                            // if the user committed a row that used to be addNewRow and the backEnd rejects it,
                            // and then it tries to navigate down then we should stay in the addNewRow
                            // in this particular scenario, CancelCurrentEdit will cause the last row to be deleted,
                            // and this will ultimately call InvalidateRow w/ a row number larger than the number of rows 
                            // so set the currentRow here:
                            if (currentRow == this.DataGridRowsLength - 1 && currentRowSaved == this.DataGridRowsLength - 2 && DataGridRows[currentRow] is DataGridAddNewRow) 
                                newRow = currentRowSaved; 
                            currentRow = newRow;
                            Debug.Assert(result == DialogResult.No, "we only put cancel and ok on the error message box"); 
                            this.listManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler;
                            this.listManager.Position = newRow;
                            this.listManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 
                            currentRow = newRow;
                            currentCol = newCol; 
                            if (wasEditing) 

                    if (cellChanged) {
                        EnsureVisible(currentRow, currentCol); 
                        // if the user changed the current cell using the UI, edit the new cell 
                        // but if the user changed the current cell by changing the position in the
                        // listManager, then do not continue the edit 
                        if (!doNotEdit)
    #if DEBUG 
                            Debug.Assert(!inDataSource_PositionChanged, "if the user changed the current cell using the UI, then do not edit");
    #endif // debug 

                        AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.Focus, CurrentCellAccIndex);
                        AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.Selection, CurrentCellAccIndex);

                    Debug.Assert(currentRow == ListManager.Position || listManager.Position == -1, "the position in the list manager is out of [....] with the currentRow"); 
            internal int CurrentCellAccIndex {
                get {
                    int currentCellAccIndex = 0;
                    currentCellAccIndex ++;                                                 // ParentRowsAccessibleObject 
                    currentCellAccIndex += this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;         // ColumnHeaderAccessibleObject
                    currentCellAccIndex += this.DataGridRows.Length;                        // DataGridRowAccessibleObject 
                    if (this.horizScrollBar.Visible)                                        // Horizontal Scroll Bar Accessible Object 
                        currentCellAccIndex ++;
                    if (this.vertScrollBar.Visible)                                         // Vertical Scroll Bar Accessible Object 
                        currentCellAccIndex ++;
                    currentCellAccIndex += (this.currentRow * this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) + this.currentCol;
                    return currentCellAccIndex;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnCurrentCellChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler CurrentCellChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED, value);
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED, value);

            private int CurrentColumn {
                get { 
                    return CurrentCell.ColumnNumber;
                set { 
                    this.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(currentRow, value);

            private int CurrentRow {
                get { 
                    return CurrentCell.RowNumber;
                set { 
                    CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(value, currentCol);

            public Color SelectionBackColor {
                get { 
                    return selectionBackBrush.Color;
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "SelectionBackColor"));
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentSelectionBackColorNotAllowed)); 
                    if (!value.Equals(selectionBackBrush.Color)) {
                        selectionBackBrush = new SolidBrush(value); 

            internal SolidBrush SelectionBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return this.selectionBackBrush; 

            internal SolidBrush SelectionForeBrush { 
                get {
                    return this.selectionForeBrush; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected bool ShouldSerializeSelectionBackColor()
                return !DefaultSelectionBackBrush.Equals(selectionBackBrush); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetSelectionBackColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeSelectionBackColor()) 
                    SelectionBackColor = DefaultSelectionBackBrush.Color; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public Color SelectionForeColor { 
                get {
                    return selectionForeBrush.Color;
                set { 
                    if (value.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "SelectionForeColor")); 
                    if (!value.Equals(selectionForeBrush.Color)) { 
                        selectionForeBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeSelectionForeColor()
                return !SelectionForeBrush.Equals(DefaultSelectionForeBrush);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetSelectionForeColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeSelectionForeColor())
                    SelectionForeColor = DefaultSelectionForeBrush.Color;

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            internal override bool ShouldSerializeForeColor() 
                return !DefaultForeBrush.Color.Equals(this.ForeColor);
            /// Indicates whether the  property should be 
            ///    persisted. 
            internal override bool ShouldSerializeBackColor() 
                return !DefaultBackBrush.Color.Equals(this.BackColor);
            // Don't use dataGridRows, use the accessor!!!
            internal DataGridRow[] DataGridRows { 
                get { 
                    if (dataGridRows == null)
                    return dataGridRows;
            // ToolTipping
            internal DataGridToolTip ToolTipProvider { 
                get { 
                    return toolTipProvider;

            internal int ToolTipId {
                get { 
                    return toolTipId;
                set { 
                    toolTipId = value;

            private void ResetToolTip()
                // remove all the tool tips which are stored
                for (int i = 0; i < ToolTipId; i ++) { 
                    ToolTipProvider.RemoveToolTip(new IntPtr(i)); 
                // add toolTips for the backButton and
                // details button on the caption.
                if (!this.parentRows.IsEmpty()) {
                    bool alignRight = this.isRightToLeft(); 
                    int detailsButtonWidth = this.Caption.GetDetailsButtonWidth();
                    Rectangle backButton = this.Caption.GetBackButtonRect(this.layout.Caption, alignRight, detailsButtonWidth); 
                    Rectangle detailsButton = this.Caption.GetDetailsButtonRect(this.layout.Caption, alignRight); 

                    // mirror the buttons wrt RTL property 
                    backButton.X = MirrorRectangle(backButton, layout.Inside, isRightToLeft());
                    detailsButton.X = MirrorRectangle(detailsButton, layout.Inside, isRightToLeft());

                    ToolTipProvider.AddToolTip(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridCaptionBackButtonToolTip), new IntPtr(0), backButton); 
                    ToolTipProvider.AddToolTip(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridCaptionDetailsButtonToolTip), new IntPtr(1), detailsButton);
                    ToolTipId = 2; 
                } else { 
                    ToolTipId = 0;

            ///      Given a cursor, this will Create the right DataGridRows 
            private void CreateDataGridRows() {
                CurrencyManager listManager = ListManager; 
                DataGridTableStyle dgt = this.myGridTable;

                if (listManager == null) { 
                    SetDataGridRows(new DataGridRow[0], 0);

                int nDataGridRows = listManager.Count; 
                if (policy.AllowAdd)

                DataGridRow[] rows = new DataGridRow[nDataGridRows]; 
                for (int r = 0; r < listManager.Count; r++) {
                    rows[r] = new DataGridRelationshipRow(this, dgt,r); 

                if (policy.AllowAdd) { 
                    this.addNewRow = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, dgt, nDataGridRows - 1);
                    rows[nDataGridRows - 1] = addNewRow;
                else { 
                    addNewRow = null;
                // SetDataGridRows(rows, rows.Length); 
                SetDataGridRows(rows, nDataGridRows);

            private void RecreateDataGridRows() {
                int nDataGridRows = 0;
                CurrencyManager listManager = ListManager; 

                if (listManager != null) { 
                    nDataGridRows = listManager.Count; 
                    if (policy.AllowAdd) {
                SetDataGridRows(null, nDataGridRows);

            ///      Sets the array of DataGridRow objects used for 
            ///      all row-related logic in the DataGrid.
            internal void SetDataGridRows(DataGridRow[] newRows, int newRowsLength) {
                dataGridRows = newRows;
                dataGridRowsLength = newRowsLength;
                // update the vertical scroll bar
                vertScrollBar.Maximum = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - 1); 
                if (firstVisibleRow > newRowsLength) { 
                    vertScrollBar.Value = 0;
                    firstVisibleRow = 0; 

    #if DEBUG 
                // sanity check: all the rows should have the same
                // dataGridTable 
                if (newRows != null && newRowsLength > 0) { 
                    DataGridTableStyle dgTable = newRows[0].DataGridTableStyle;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newRowsLength; i ++) { 
                        Debug.Assert(dgTable == newRows[i].DataGridTableStyle, "how can two rows have different tableStyles?");

    #endif // DEBUG
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: There are now " + DataGridRowsLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " rows."); 

            internal int DataGridRowsLength { 
                get {
                    return dataGridRowsLength;

            ///    Gets or sets the data source that the grid is displaying data for.
            public object DataSource {
                get { 
                    return dataSource;

                set { 
                    if (value != null && !(value is IList || value is IListSource))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.BadDataSourceForComplexBinding)); 
                    if (dataSource != null && dataSource.Equals(value)) 

                    // when the designer resets the dataSource to null, set the dataMember to null, too
                    if ((value == null || value == Convert.DBNull) && this.DataMember != null && this.DataMember.Length != 0 ) { 
                        this.dataSource = null;
                        this.DataMember = ""; 
                    // if we are setting the dataSource and the dataMember is not a part
                    // of the properties in the dataSource, then set the dataMember to ""
                    if (value != null) 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource being set to " + ((value == null) ? "null" : value.ToString())); 

                    // when we change the dataSource, we need to clear the parent rows. 
                    // the same goes for all the caption UI: reset it when the datasource changes.
                    Set_ListManager(value, this.DataMember, false); 
            private static readonly object EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED = new object();
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnDataSourceChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler DataSourceChanged { 
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED, value);

            ///       Gets or sets the specific table in a DataSource for the control. 
             Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataMemberListEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)), 
            public string DataMember { 
                get {
                    return dataMember;
                set { 
                    if (dataMember != null && dataMember.Equals(value))
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource being set to " + ((value == null) ? "null" : value.ToString())); 
                    // when we change the dataMember, we need to clear the parent rows.
                    // the same goes for all the caption UI: reset it when the datamember changes. 
                    Set_ListManager(this.DataSource, value, false);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void SetDataBinding(object dataSource, string dataMember) {
                originalState = null; 
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
                Set_ListManager(dataSource, dataMember, false);

             Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced), 
            internal protected CurrencyManager ListManager { 
                get {
                    //try to return something useful: 
                    if (listManager == null && this.BindingContext != null && this.DataSource != null)
                        return (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[this.DataSource, this.DataMember];
                        return listManager; 
                set { 
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridSetListManager)); 

            internal void Set_ListManager(object newDataSource, string newDataMember, bool force) {
                Set_ListManager(newDataSource, newDataMember, force, true);        // true for forcing column creation

            // prerequisite: the dataMember and the dataSource should be set to the new values 
            // will do the following: 
            // call EndEdit on the current listManager, will unWire the listManager events, will set the listManager to the new
            // reality, will wire the new listManager, will update the policy, will set the dataGridTable, will reset the ui state.
            internal void Set_ListManager(object newDataSource, string newDataMember, bool force, bool forceColumnCreation) 
                bool dataSourceChanged = this.DataSource != newDataSource; 
                bool dataMemberChanged = this.DataMember != newDataMember; 

                // if nothing happened, then why do any work? 
                if (!force && !dataSourceChanged && !dataMemberChanged && gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager])

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager] = true; 
                if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null) {
                    this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = null;
                bool beginUpdateInternal = true;
                try {
                    // will endEdit on the current listManager

                    // unwire the events: 
                    if (this.listManager != null) 
                    CurrencyManager oldListManager = listManager;
                    bool listManagerChanged = false;
                    // set up the new listManager
                    // CAUTION: we need to set up the listManager in the grid before setting the dataSource/dataMember props 
                    // in the grid. the reason is that if the BindingContext was not yet requested, and it is created in the BindingContext prop
                    // then the grid will call Set_ListManager again, and eventually that means that the dataGrid::listManager will 
                    // be hooked up twice to all the events (PositionChanged, ItemChanged, CurrentChanged) 
                    if (newDataSource != null && this.BindingContext != null && !(newDataSource == Convert.DBNull))
                        this.listManager = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[newDataSource, newDataMember]; 
                        listManager = null;

                    // update the dataSource and the dateMember 
                    this.dataSource = newDataSource;
                    this.dataMember = newDataMember == null ? "" : newDataMember; 
                    listManagerChanged = (listManager != oldListManager);
                    // wire the events
                    if (listManager != null) {
                        // update the policy 
                        policy.UpdatePolicy(this.listManager, this.ReadOnly);
                    if (!Initializing)
                        if (listManager == null)
                            if (this.ContainsFocus && this.ParentInternal == null) {
                                Debug.Assert(this.toBeDisposedEditingControl == null, "we should have removed the toBeDisposedEditingControl already"); 
                                // if we unparent the active control then the form won't close
                                for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++) { 
                                    if (this.Controls[i].Focused) { 
                                        this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = this.Controls[i];

                                if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl == this.horizScrollBar || this.toBeDisposedEditingControl == this.vertScrollBar) { 
                                    this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = null;
                                #if DEBUG
                                else { 
                                    Debug.Assert(this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null, "if the grid contains the focus, then the active control should be in the children of data grid control");
                                    Debug.Assert(this.editColumn != null, "if we have an editing control should be a control in the data grid column");
                                    if (this.editColumn is DataGridTextBoxColumn) {
                                        Debug.Assert(((DataGridTextBoxColumn) this.editColumn).TextBox == this.toBeDisposedEditingControl, "if we have an editing control should be a control in the data grid column"); 
                                #endif // debug; 


                            SetDataGridRows(null, 0);
                            SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, forceColumnCreation); 

                            if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null) { 

                    // PERF: if the listManager did not change, then do not:
                    //      1. create new rows 
                    //      2. create new columns
                    //      3. compute the errors in the list 
                    // when the metaDataChanges, we need to recreate
                    // the rows and the columns 
                    if (listManagerChanged || gridState[GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged]) {
                        if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal();
                        if (listManager != null)
                            // get rid of the old gridColumns 
                            // we need to clear the old column collection even when navigating to
                            // a list that has a table style associated w/ it. Why? because the 
                            // old column collection will be used by the parent rows to paint

                            DataGridTableStyle newGridTable = this.dataGridTables[listManager.GetListName()]; 
                            if (newGridTable == null) {
                                SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, forceColumnCreation); 
                            } else { 
                                SetDataGridTable(newGridTable, forceColumnCreation);

                            // set the currentRow in ssync w/ the position in the listManager
                            currentRow = listManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : listManager.Position;

                        // when we create the rows we need to use the current dataGridTable 
                        if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 
                        beginUpdateInternal = false;

                        if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                            this.RowHeaderWidth = Math.Max(this.minRowHeaderWidth, this.RowHeaderWidth);
                            this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth = Math.Max(this.minRowHeaderWidth, this.RowHeaderWidth); 

                       ListHasErrors = DataGridSourceHasErrors(); 

                        // build the list of columns and relationships
                        // wipe out the now invalid states

                        //layout.CaptionVisible = dataCursor == null ? false : true;

                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager] = false;
                    // start painting again 
                    if (beginUpdateInternal && this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 

            ///    Gets or sets index of the selected row. 
            // will set the position in the ListManager 
            public int CurrentRowIndex { 
                get {
                    if (originalState == null) 
                        return this.listManager == null ? - 1 : this.listManager.Position; 
                    else {
                        if (this.BindingContext == null) 
                            return -1;
                        CurrencyManager originalListManager = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[originalState.DataSource, originalState.DataMember];
                        return originalListManager.Position;
                set { 
                    if (this.listManager == null) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridSetSelectIndex));
                    if (originalState == null) {
                        this.listManager.Position = value;
                        currentRow = value;
                    // if we have a this.ListManager, then this.BindingManager cannot be null 
                    CurrencyManager originalListManager = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[originalState.DataSource, originalState.DataMember]; 
                    originalListManager.Position = value;

                    // this is for parent rows
                    originalState.LinkingRow = originalState.DataGridRows[value]; 

                    // Invalidate everything 

            ///    Gets the collection of tables for the grid.
            public GridTableStylesCollection TableStyles { 
                get {
                    return dataGridTables; 
            internal new int FontHeight {
                get {
                    return fontHeight;
            internal AccessibleObject ParentRowsAccessibleObject { 
                get {
                    return parentRows.AccessibleObject; 

            internal Rectangle ParentRowsBounds { 
                get {
                    return layout.ParentRows; 
             ///    Gets or sets the color of the grid lines.
            public Color GridLineColor { 
                get {
                    return gridLineBrush.Color;
                set { 
                    if (gridLineBrush.Color != value) {
                        if (value.IsEmpty) 
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "GridLineColor")); 
                        gridLineBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeGridLineColor()
                return !GridLineBrush.Equals(DefaultGridLineBrush);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetGridLineColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeGridLineColor()) {
                    GridLineColor = DefaultGridLineBrush.Color;
            internal SolidBrush GridLineBrush { 
                get {
                    return gridLineBrush; 

             ///       Gets or sets the line style of the grid. 
            public DataGridLineStyle GridLineStyle { 
                get { 
                    return gridLineStyle;
                set {
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x1.
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DataGridLineStyle.None, (int)DataGridLineStyle.Solid))
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(DataGridLineStyle));
                    if (gridLineStyle != value) { 
                        gridLineStyle = value;

            internal int GridLineWidth { 
                get { 
                    Debug.Assert(this.GridLineStyle == DataGridLineStyle.Solid || this.GridLineStyle == DataGridLineStyle.None, "are there any other styles?");
                    return GridLineStyle == DataGridLineStyle.Solid ? 1 : 0; 

             ///       Gets or 
             ///       sets the
             ///       way parent row labels are displayed. 
            public DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle ParentRowsLabelStyle {
                get { 
                    return parentRowsLabels;

                set { 
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.None, (int)DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.Both)) 
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle));

                    if (parentRowsLabels != value)
                        parentRowsLabels = value; 

            private static readonly object EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnParentRowsLabelStyleChangedDescr)]
            public event EventHandler ParentRowsLabelStyleChanged { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED, value);
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED, value);

            internal bool Initializing { 
                get {
                    return inInit;

            ///       Gets the index of the first visible column in a grid. 
            public int FirstVisibleColumn { 
                get {
                    return firstVisibleCol; 

            ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid displays in flat mode. 
            public bool FlatMode { 
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_isFlatMode];
                set {
                    if (value != FlatMode) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_isFlatMode] = value;
            private static readonly object EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnFlatModeChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler FlatModeChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED, value); 
            ///       Gets or
            ///       sets the background color of all row and column headers.
            public Color HeaderBackColor {
                get {
                    return headerBackBrush.Color;
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "HeaderBackColor")); 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentHeaderBackColorNotAllowed)); 
                    if (!value.Equals(headerBackBrush.Color)) {
                        headerBackBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 
                        if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) 

            internal SolidBrush HeaderBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return headerBackBrush; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeHeaderBackColor()
                return !HeaderBackBrush.Equals(DefaultHeaderBackBrush); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetHeaderBackColor() {
                if(ShouldSerializeHeaderBackColor()) { 
                    HeaderBackColor = DefaultHeaderBackBrush.Color; 
            internal SolidBrush BackgroundBrush {
                get {
                    return backgroundBrush;
 	     private void ResetBackgroundColor() { 
		 	if (backgroundBrush != null && BackgroundBrush != DefaultBackgroundBrush) {
				backgroundBrush = null;
		 	backgroundBrush = DefaultBackgroundBrush;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeBackgroundColor()
                return !BackgroundBrush.Equals(DefaultBackgroundBrush);

            // using this property, the user can set the backGround color 
            ///    Gets or sets the background color of the grid.
            public Color BackgroundColor { 
                get {
                    return backgroundBrush.Color; 
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "BackgroundColor")); 
                    if (!value.Equals(backgroundBrush.Color)) {
   		   	   if (backgroundBrush != null && BackgroundBrush != DefaultBackgroundBrush) { 
				backgroundBrush = null; 
                        backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(value);

            private static readonly object EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnBackgroundColorChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler BackgroundColorChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED, value); 
            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be persisted.
            public Font HeaderFont { 
                get {
                    return(headerFont == null ? this.Font : headerFont);
                set { 
                    if (value == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("HeaderFont"); 
                    if (!value.Equals(headerFont)) { 
                        headerFont = value;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected bool ShouldSerializeHeaderFont() {
                return(headerFont != null);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetHeaderFont() {
                if (headerFont != null) {
                    headerFont = null;
            ///       Resets the  property to its default value. 
            ///       Gets or sets the foreground color of the grid's headers. 
            public Color HeaderForeColor { 
                get {
                    return headerForePen.Color; 
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "HeaderForeColor")); 
                    if (!value.Equals(headerForePen.Color)) {
                        headerForePen = new Pen(value); 
                        headerForeBrush = new SolidBrush(value); 

                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 
                        if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeHeaderForeColor() 
                return !HeaderForePen.Equals(DefaultHeaderForePen); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetHeaderForeColor() { 
                if(ShouldSerializeHeaderForeColor()) {
                    HeaderForeColor = DefaultHeaderForeBrush.Color; 
            internal SolidBrush HeaderForeBrush {
                get {
                    return this.headerForeBrush;
            internal Pen HeaderForePen { 
                get {
                    return headerForePen; 
            private void ResetHorizontalOffset() {
                horizontalOffset = 0; 
                negOffset = 0;
                firstVisibleCol = 0; 
                numVisibleCols = 0; 
                lastTotallyVisibleCol = -1;

            internal int HorizontalOffset {
                get {
                    return horizontalOffset; 
                set { 
                    //if (CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose) Debug.WriteLine("DataGridScrolling: Set_HorizontalOffset, value = " + value.ToString()); 
                    if (value < 0)
                        value = 0; 

                    //  if the dataGrid is not bound ( listManager == null || gridTable == null)
                    //  then use ResetHorizontalOffset(); 
                    int totalWidth = GetColumnWidthSum(); 
                    int widthNotVisible = totalWidth - layout.Data.Width;
                    if (value > widthNotVisible && widthNotVisible > 0) 
                        value = widthNotVisible;

                    if (value == horizontalOffset)

                    int change = horizontalOffset - value; 
                    horizScrollBar.Value = value; 
                    Rectangle scroll = layout.Data;
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) 
                        scroll = Rectangle.Union(scroll, layout.ColumnHeaders);
                    horizontalOffset = value;

                    this.firstVisibleCol = ComputeFirstVisibleColumn(); 
                    // update the lastTotallyVisibleCol
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling])
                        // if the user did not click on the grid yet, then do not put the edit
                        // control when scrolling
                        if (currentCol >= firstVisibleCol && currentCol < firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1 && (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] || gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating]))
                        // isScrolling is set to TRUE when the user scrolls.
                        // once we move the edit box, we finished processing the scroll event, so set isScrolling to FALSE 
                        // to set isScrolling to TRUE, we need another scroll event.
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;

                    NativeMethods.RECT[] rects = CreateScrollableRegion(scroll); 
                    ScrollRectangles(rects, change);

            private void ScrollRectangles(NativeMethods.RECT[] rects, int change) { 
                if (rects != null) { 
                    NativeMethods.RECT scroll;
                    if (isRightToLeft()) change = -change; 
                    for (int r = 0; r < rects.Length; r++) {
                        scroll = rects[r];
                        SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(new HandleRef(this, Handle),
                                            ref scroll, 
                                            ref scroll); 

            protected ScrollBar HorizScrollBar { 
                get {
                    return horizScrollBar;

            ///       Retrieves a value indicating whether odd and even
            ///       rows are painted using a different background color. 
            // CUT by 53973 - Cleanup eventually to be static.
            internal bool LedgerStyle { 
                get {
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_isLedgerStyle]; 
                set { 
                    if (isLedgerStyle != value) {
                        isLedgerStyle = value;

            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be persisted.
            public Color LinkColor {
                get {
                    return linkBrush.Color;
                set {
                    if (value.IsEmpty) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridEmptyColor, "LinkColor")); 
                    if (!linkBrush.Color.Equals(value)) {
                        linkBrush = new SolidBrush(value); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            internal virtual bool ShouldSerializeLinkColor() 
                return !LinkBrush.Equals(DefaultLinkBrush);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void ResetLinkColor() { 
                if (ShouldSerializeLinkColor())
                    LinkColor = DefaultLinkBrush.Color;
            internal Brush LinkBrush {
                get { 
                    return linkBrush; 

            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets the color a link changes to when 
            ///       the mouse pointer moves over it. 
            public Color LinkHoverColor {
                get { 
                    return this.LinkColor;
                set {
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeLinkHoverColor()
                return false; 
                // return !LinkHoverBrush.Equals(defaultLinkHoverBrush);
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void ResetLinkHoverColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeLinkHoverColor())
                    LinkHoverColor = defaultLinkHoverBrush.Color;*/ 

            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be
            ///       persisted.
            internal Font LinkFont { 
                get {
                    return linkFont; 

            internal int LinkFontHeight { 
                get {
                    return linkFontHeight; 
            ///    Gets or sets a value
            ///       that specifies which links are shown and in what context. 
            public bool AllowNavigation {
                get {
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowNavigation]; 
                set { 
                    if (AllowNavigation != value) { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_allowNavigation] = value;
                        // let the Caption know about this: 
                        this.Caption.BackButtonActive = !parentRows.IsEmpty() && (value);
                        this.Caption.BackButtonVisible = this.Caption.BackButtonActive;
            private static readonly object EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnNavigationModeChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler AllowNavigationChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED, value); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
                Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) 
            public override Cursor Cursor { 
                // get the cursor out of the propertyGrid. 
                get {
                    return base.Cursor; 

                set {
                    base.Cursor = value; 
            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
            new public event EventHandler CursorChanged {
                add {
                    base.CursorChanged += value; 
                remove { 
                    base.CursorChanged -= value; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
                Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) 
            public override Image BackgroundImage { 
                // get the BackgroundImage out of the propertyGrid.
                get {
                    return base.BackgroundImage;

                set { 
                    base.BackgroundImage = value; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
                Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never) 
            public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { 
                // get the BackgroundImage out of the propertyGrid.
                get {
                    return base.BackgroundImageLayout;

                set { 
                    base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; 

            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
            new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged { 
                add {
                    base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; 
                remove {
                    base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value;
            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
            new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged {
                add {
                    base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value;
                remove {
                    base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value; 
            ///       Gets or sets the background color of parent rows. 
            public Color ParentRowsBackColor {
                get {
                    return parentRows.BackColor; 
                set { 
                    if (IsTransparentColor(value)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridTransparentParentRowsBackColorNotAllowed));
                    this.parentRows.BackColor = value; 

            internal SolidBrush ParentRowsBackBrush { 
                get {
                    return parentRows.BackBrush; 
            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be 
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeParentRowsBackColor()
                return !ParentRowsBackBrush.Equals(DefaultParentRowsBackBrush);

            private void ResetParentRowsBackColor() { 
                if (ShouldSerializeParentRowsBackColor())
                    parentRows.BackBrush = DefaultParentRowsBackBrush; 

            ///       Gets or sets the foreground color of parent rows.
            public Color ParentRowsForeColor {
                get {
                    return parentRows.ForeColor;
                set {
                    this.parentRows.ForeColor = value; 
            internal SolidBrush ParentRowsForeBrush {
                get {
                    return parentRows.ForeBrush;
            ///       Indicates whether the  property should be
            ///       persisted.
            protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeParentRowsForeColor()
                return !ParentRowsForeBrush.Equals(DefaultParentRowsForeBrush); 
            private void ResetParentRowsForeColor() {
                if (ShouldSerializeParentRowsForeColor())
                    parentRows.ForeBrush = DefaultParentRowsForeBrush;

            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets the default width of the grid columns in
            ///       pixels.
            public int PreferredColumnWidth {
                get { 
                    return preferredColumnWidth;
                set { 
                    if (value < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridColumnWidth), "PreferredColumnWidth"); 
                    if (preferredColumnWidth != value) {
                        preferredColumnWidth = value;
            ///       Gets or sets the preferred row height for the  control.
            public int PreferredRowHeight {
                get { 
                    return prefferedRowHeight;
                set {
                    if (value < 0) 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridRowRowHeight));
                    prefferedRowHeight = value; 
	     private void ResetPreferredRowHeight() {
		 	prefferedRowHeight  = defaultFontHeight + 3;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected bool ShouldSerializePreferredRowHeight() 
                return prefferedRowHeight != defaultFontHeight + 3;
            ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid 
            ///       is in read-only mode.
            public bool ReadOnly { 
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_readOnlyMode];
                set {
                    if (ReadOnly != value) {
                        bool recreateRows = false;
                        if (value) { 
                            // AllowAdd happens to have the same boolean value as whether we need to recreate rows.
                            recreateRows = policy.AllowAdd; 
                            policy.AllowRemove = false;
                            policy.AllowEdit = false; 
                            policy.AllowAdd  = false;
                        else {
                            recreateRows |= policy.UpdatePolicy(this.listManager, value); 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_readOnlyMode] = value; 
                        DataGridRow[] dataGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                        if (recreateRows) {

                            // keep the selected rows
                            DataGridRow[] currentDataGridRows = this.DataGridRows;
                            int rowCount = Math.Min(currentDataGridRows.Length, dataGridRows.Length); 
                            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
                                if (dataGridRows[i].Selected) 
                                    currentDataGridRows[i].Selected = true; 

                        // the addnew row needs to be updated.
            private static readonly object EVENT_READONLYCHANGED = new object();

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnReadOnlyChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler ReadOnlyChanged {
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_READONLYCHANGED, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_READONLYCHANGED, value); 
            ///       Gets
            ///       or sets a value indicating if the grid's column headers are visible.
            public bool ColumnHeadersVisible {
                get {
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_columnHeadersVisible]; 
                set { 
                    if (ColumnHeadersVisible != value) { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_columnHeadersVisible] = value;
                        layout.ColumnHeadersVisible = value; 
            ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent rows of a table are
            ///       visible.
            public bool ParentRowsVisible {
                get {
                    return layout.ParentRowsVisible;
                set {
                    if (layout.ParentRowsVisible != value) { 

                        // update the caption: parentDownVisible == false corresponds to DownButtonDown == true; 


            private static readonly object EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED = new object(); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.DataGridOnParentRowsVisibleChangedDescr)] 
            public event EventHandler ParentRowsVisibleChanged { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED, value);
            internal bool ParentRowsIsEmpty() { 
                return parentRows.IsEmpty();

            ///       Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data grid's row headers are
            ///       visible. 
            public bool RowHeadersVisible {
                get { 
                    return gridState[GRIDSTATE_rowHeadersVisible]; 
                set { 
                    if (RowHeadersVisible != value) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_rowHeadersVisible] = value;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public int RowHeaderWidth { 
                get {
                    return rowHeaderWidth;
                set { 
                    value = Math.Max(this.minRowHeaderWidth, value);
                    if (rowHeaderWidth != value) 
                        rowHeaderWidth = value;
                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 

            ///       Gets or sets the width of headers.
             Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never),
            public override string Text {
                get { 
                    return base.Text;
                set { 
                    base.Text = value;

            [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
            new public event EventHandler TextChanged { 
                add { 
                    base.TextChanged += value;
                remove {
                    base.TextChanged -= value;

            ///       Gets the vertical scroll bar of the control. 
             Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced), 
            protected ScrollBar VertScrollBar { 
                get {
                    return vertScrollBar; 

            ///       Gets the number of visible columns. 
            public int VisibleColumnCount {
                get { 
                    return Math.Min(numVisibleCols, this.myGridTable == null ? 0 : this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count); 

            ///       Gets the number of rows visible.
            public int VisibleRowCount {
                get { 
                    return numVisibleRows;

            ///    Gets or sets the value of the cell at
            ///       the specified the row and column. 
            public object this[int rowIndex, int columnIndex] { 
                get { 
                    if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= DataGridRowsLength) 
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowIndex");
                    if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("columnIndex");
                    CurrencyManager listManager = this.listManager; 
                    DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[columnIndex];
                    return column.GetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, rowIndex); 
                set {
                    if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= DataGridRowsLength)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowIndex");
                    if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("columnIndex"); 
                    CurrencyManager listManager = this.listManager;
                    if (listManager.Position != rowIndex) 
                        listManager.Position = rowIndex; 
                    DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[columnIndex];
                    column.SetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, rowIndex, value); 

                    // invalidate the bounds of the cell only if the cell is visible
                    if (columnIndex >= firstVisibleCol && columnIndex <= firstVisibleCol+ numVisibleCols - 1 &&
                        rowIndex >= firstVisibleRow && rowIndex <= firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows) { 
                        Rectangle bounds = GetCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex);

            /// Gets or sets the value of a specified . 
            public object this[DataGridCell cell] { 
                get { 
                    return this[cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber];
                set {
                    this[cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber] = value;

            private void WireTableStylePropChanged(DataGridTableStyle gridTable) { 
                gridTable.GridLineColorChanged += new EventHandler(GridLineColorChanged); 
                gridTable.GridLineStyleChanged += new EventHandler(GridLineStyleChanged);
                gridTable.HeaderBackColorChanged += new EventHandler(HeaderBackColorChanged); 
                gridTable.HeaderFontChanged += new EventHandler(HeaderFontChanged);
                gridTable.HeaderForeColorChanged += new EventHandler(HeaderForeColorChanged);
                gridTable.LinkColorChanged += new EventHandler(LinkColorChanged);
                gridTable.LinkHoverColorChanged += new EventHandler(LinkHoverColorChanged); 
                gridTable.PreferredColumnWidthChanged += new EventHandler(PreferredColumnWidthChanged);
                gridTable.RowHeadersVisibleChanged += new EventHandler(RowHeadersVisibleChanged); 
                gridTable.ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged += new EventHandler(ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged); 
                gridTable.RowHeaderWidthChanged += new EventHandler(RowHeaderWidthChanged);
                gridTable.AllowSortingChanged += new EventHandler(AllowSortingChanged); 

            private void UnWireTableStylePropChanged(DataGridTableStyle gridTable) {
                gridTable.GridLineColorChanged -= new EventHandler(GridLineColorChanged); 
                gridTable.GridLineStyleChanged -= new EventHandler(GridLineStyleChanged);
                gridTable.HeaderBackColorChanged -= new EventHandler(HeaderBackColorChanged); 
                gridTable.HeaderFontChanged -= new EventHandler(HeaderFontChanged); 
                gridTable.HeaderForeColorChanged -= new EventHandler(HeaderForeColorChanged);
                gridTable.LinkColorChanged -= new EventHandler(LinkColorChanged); 
                gridTable.LinkHoverColorChanged -= new EventHandler(LinkHoverColorChanged);
                gridTable.PreferredColumnWidthChanged -= new EventHandler(PreferredColumnWidthChanged);
                gridTable.RowHeadersVisibleChanged -= new EventHandler(RowHeadersVisibleChanged);
                gridTable.ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged -= new EventHandler(ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged); 
                gridTable.RowHeaderWidthChanged -= new EventHandler(RowHeaderWidthChanged);
                gridTable.AllowSortingChanged -= new EventHandler(AllowSortingChanged); 

            ///      DataSource events are handled
            private void WireDataSource() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: WireDataSource"); 
                Debug.Assert(listManager!= null, "Can't wire up to a null DataSource");
                listManager.CurrentChanged += currentChangedHandler; 
                listManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 
                listManager.ItemChanged += itemChangedHandler;
                listManager.MetaDataChanged += metaDataChangedHandler; 

            private void UnWireDataSource() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: UnWireDataSource"); 
                Debug.Assert(listManager != null, "Can't un wire from a null DataSource");
                listManager.CurrentChanged -= currentChangedHandler; 
                listManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler; 
                listManager.ItemChanged -= itemChangedHandler;
                listManager.MetaDataChanged -= metaDataChangedHandler; 

            // This is called after a row has been added.  And I think whenever
            // a row gets deleted, etc. 
            // We recreate our datagrid rows at this point.
            private void DataSource_Changed(object sender, EventArgs ea) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_Changed"); 

                // the grid will receive the dataSource_Changed event when 
                // allowAdd changes on the dataView.
                policy.UpdatePolicy(this.ListManager, this.ReadOnly);
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew]) {
                    // we are adding a new row 
                    // keep the old rows, w/ their height, expanded/collapsed information
                    Debug.Assert(policy.AllowAdd, "how can we add a new row if the policy does not allow this?"); 
                    Debug.Assert(DataGridRowsLength == DataGridRows.Length, "how can this fail?");
                    DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                    int currentRowCount = DataGridRowsLength;
                    // put the added row:
                    gridRows[currentRowCount - 1] = new DataGridRelationshipRow(this, this.myGridTable, currentRowCount - 1);
                    SetDataGridRows(gridRows, currentRowCount); 
                } else if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow]) { 
                    // when the backEnd adds a row and we are still inAddNewRow
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                } else if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow]) {
                    currentRow = Math.Min(currentRow, this.listManager.Count);
                bool oldListHasErrors = ListHasErrors;
                ListHasErrors = DataGridSourceHasErrors(); 
                // if we changed the ListHasErrors, then the grid is already invalidated
                if (oldListHasErrors == ListHasErrors)

            private void GridLineColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            private void GridLineStyleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            private void HeaderBackColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) 
            private void HeaderFontChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            private void HeaderForeColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
            private void LinkColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            private void LinkHoverColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            private void PreferredColumnWidthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                // reset the dataGridRows
                SetDataGridRows(null, this.DataGridRowsLength); 
                // layout the horizontal scroll bar
                // invalidate everything 
            private void RowHeadersVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                layout.RowHeadersVisible = this.myGridTable == null ? false : this.myGridTable.RowHeadersVisible;
            private void ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                layout.ColumnHeadersVisible = this.myGridTable == null ? false : this.myGridTable.ColumnHeadersVisible; 
            private void RowHeaderWidthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
            private void AllowSortingChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                if (!this.myGridTable.AllowSorting && this.listManager != null) {
                    IList list = this.listManager.List;
                    if (list is IBindingList)
                        ((IBindingList) list).RemoveSort(); 
            private void DataSource_RowChanged(object sender, EventArgs ea) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_RowChanged"); 
                // it may be the case that our cache was not updated
                // to the latest changes in the list : CurrentChanged is fired before
                // ListChanged.
                // So invalidate the row if there is something to invalidate 
                DataGridRow[] rows = this.DataGridRows;
                if (currentRow < this.DataGridRowsLength) { 

            ///       Fired by the DataSource when row position moves. 
            private void DataSource_PositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs ea) { 
    #if DEBUG
                inDataSource_PositionChanged = true; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_PositionChanged to " + listManager.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                // the grid will get the PositionChanged event
                // before the OnItemChanged event when a row will be deleted in the backEnd; 
                // we still want to keep the old rows when the user deletes the rows using the grid
                // and we do not want to do the same work twice when the user adds a row via the grid 
                if (this.DataGridRowsLength > this.listManager.Count + (policy.AllowAdd?1:0) && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow]) { 
                    Debug.Assert(!gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew], "how can the list decrease when we are adding a row?");
                if (this.ListManager.Position != currentRow) {
                    CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(listManager.Position, currentCol);
    #if DEBUG 
                inDataSource_PositionChanged = false; 

            internal void DataSource_MetaDataChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

           private bool DataGridSourceHasErrors() 
                if (this.listManager == null)
                   return false; 
                for (int i = 0; i < this.listManager.Count; i++)
                    object errObj = this.listManager[i];
                    if (errObj is IDataErrorInfo) 
                        string errString = ((IDataErrorInfo)errObj).Error; 
                        if (errString != null && errString.Length != 0) 
                            return true;
                return false;
            private void TableStylesCollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs ccea) {
                // if the users changed the collection of tableStyles 
                if (sender != this.dataGridTables) 
                if (this.listManager == null) 

                if (ccea.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Add) {
                    DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = (DataGridTableStyle) ccea.Element; 
                    if (this.listManager.GetListName().Equals(tableStyle.MappingName)) {
                        Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable.IsDefault, "if the table is not default, then it had a name. how can one add another table to the collection w/ the same name and not throw an exception"); 
                        SetDataGridTable(tableStyle, true);                // true for forcing column creation 
                        SetDataGridRows(null, 0);
                } else if (ccea.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Remove) {
                    DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = (DataGridTableStyle) ccea.Element;
                    if (this.myGridTable.MappingName.Equals(tableStyle.MappingName)) {
                        Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable.IsDefault, "if the table is not default, then it had a name. how can one add another table to the collection w/ the same name and not throw an exception"); 
                        SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, true);    // true for forcing column creation 
                        SetDataGridRows(null, 0); 
                } else { 
                    Debug.Assert(ccea.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, "what else is possible?");
                    // we have to search to see if the collection of table styles contains one
                    // w/ the same name as the list in the dataGrid
                    DataGridTableStyle newGridTable = this.dataGridTables[listManager.GetListName()];
                    if (newGridTable == null) { 
                        if (!this.myGridTable.IsDefault) { 
                            // get rid of the old gridColumns
                            SetDataGridTable(this.defaultTableStyle, true);    // true for forcing column creation
                            SetDataGridRows(null, 0);
                    } else { 
                        SetDataGridTable(newGridTable, true);              // true for forcing column creation
                        SetDataGridRows(null, 0); 

            private void DataSource_ItemChanged(object sender, ItemChangedEventArgs ea) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: DataSource_ItemChanged at index " + ea.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                // if ea.Index == -1, then we invalidate all rows.
                if (ea.Index == -1) 
                    DataSource_Changed(sender, EventArgs.Empty);
                    // if there are rows which are invisible, it is more efficient to invalidata layout.Data
                    if (numVisibleRows <= dataGridRowsLength)
                        Debug.Assert(firstVisibleRow == 0, "if all rows are visible, then how come that first row is not visible?"); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < numVisibleRows; i++) 
                            InvalidateRow(firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows);
                   // let's see how we are doing w/ the errors
                    object errObj = this.listManager[ea.Index]; 
                    bool oldListHasErrors = ListHasErrors; 
                    if (errObj is IDataErrorInfo)
                        if (((IDataErrorInfo)errObj).Error.Length != 0)
                            ListHasErrors = true;
                        else if (ListHasErrors)
                            // maybe there was an error that now is fixed
                            ListHasErrors = DataGridSourceHasErrors(); 
                    // Invalidate the row only if we did not change the ListHasErrors
                    if (oldListHasErrors == ListHasErrors)
                    // we need to update the edit box:
                    // we update the text in the edit box only when the currentRow 
                    // equals the ea.Index 
                    if (editColumn != null && ea.Index == currentRow)
                        editColumn.UpdateUI(this.ListManager, ea.Index, null); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnBorderStyleChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_BORDERSTYLECHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnCaptionVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_CAPTIONVISIBLECHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnCurrentCellChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_CURRENTCELLCHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 
            ///       Raises the  event. 
            ///    An  that contains the event data.
            ///       Raising an event invokes the event-handling method through a delegate. For an
            ///       overview, see . 
            /// When overriding  in an 
            ///    derived class, be sure to call the base class's  method. 
            protected void OnColumnHeaderClick(EventArgs e) { 
                RaiseEvent(EVENT_COLUMNHEADERCLICK, e);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnFlatModeChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_FLATMODECHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnBackgroundColorChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_BACKGROUNDCOLORCHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) { 
                     eh(this, e);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnAllowNavigationChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_ALLOWNAVIGATIONCHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) { 
                     eh(this, e); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnParentRowsVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_PARENTROWSVISIBLECHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual void OnParentRowsLabelStyleChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_PARENTROWSLABELSTYLECHANGED] as EventHandler; 
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e);

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnReadOnlyChanged(EventArgs e) {
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_READONLYCHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) {
                     eh(this, e); 
            ///       Raises the 
            ///       event.
            protected void OnNavigate(NavigateEventArgs e) { 
                if (onNavigate != null) 
                    onNavigate(this, e);

            ///       Raises the  event. 
            protected void OnColumnResize(EventArgs e) { 
                RaiseEvent(EVENT_COLUMNRESIZE, e);

            internal void OnLinkClick(EventArgs e) { 
                RaiseEvent(EVENT_LINKCLICKED, e);

            internal void OnNodeClick(EventArgs e) { 
                // if we expanded/collapsed the RelationshipRow
                // then we need to layout the vertical scroll bar

                // also, we need to let the hosted edit control that its 
                // boundaries possibly changed. do this with a call to Edit()
                // do this only if the firstVisibleColumn is the editColumn 
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                if (firstVisibleCol > -1 && firstVisibleCol < columns.Count && columns[firstVisibleCol] == editColumn)

                // Raise the event for the event listeners 
                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_NODECLICKED]; 
                if (handler != null) {
                    handler(this, e); 

            /// Raises the  event. 
            protected void OnRowHeaderClick(EventArgs e) {
                if (onRowHeaderClick != null) 
                    onRowHeaderClick(this, e);

            ///       Raises the  event. 
            protected void OnScroll(EventArgs e) {
                // reset the toolTip information
                if (ToolTipProvider != null)

                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_SCROLL]; 
                if (handler != null) { 
                    handler(this, e);

            ///       Listens 
            ///       for the horizontal scrollbar's scroll 
            ///       event.
            protected virtual void GridHScrolled(object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) {
                if (!Enabled)
                if (DataSource == null) {
                    Debug.Fail("Horizontal Scrollbar should be disabled without a DataSource."); 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = true;

    #if DEBUG
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: in GridHScrolled: the scroll event type:");
                switch (se.Type) 
                case ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "small increment"); 
                case ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "small decrement");
                case ScrollEventType.LargeIncrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Large decrement"); 
                case ScrollEventType.LargeDecrement:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "small decrement"); 
                case ScrollEventType.ThumbPosition:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Thumb Position");
                case ScrollEventType.ThumbTrack:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Thumb Track"); 
                case ScrollEventType.First:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "First"); 
                case ScrollEventType.Last:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "Last");
                case ScrollEventType.EndScroll:
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "EndScroll"); 
    #endif // DEBUG

                if (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement ||
                    se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement) 
                    int dCols = (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement)? 1:-1; 
                    if (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement && this.negOffset == 0) { 
                        GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                        // if the column before the first visible column has width == 0 then skip it 
                        for (int i = this.firstVisibleCol - 1; i >= 0 && cols[i].Width == 0; i --) {
                            dCols --;

                    if (se.Type == ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement && this.negOffset == 0) { 
                        GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                        for (int i = this.firstVisibleCol; i > -1 && i < cols.Count && cols[i].Width == 0; i ++) {
                            dCols ++; 

                    se.NewValue = HorizontalOffset;
                else if (se.Type != ScrollEventType.EndScroll) 
                    HorizontalOffset = se.NewValue; 

                this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;

            ///       Listens 
            ///       for the vertical scrollbar's scroll event.
            protected virtual void GridVScrolled(object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) { 
                if (!Enabled)
                if (DataSource == null) { 
                    Debug.Fail("Vertical Scrollbar should be disabled without a DataSource.");

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = true;
                try {
                    se.NewValue = Math.Min(se.NewValue, DataGridRowsLength - numTotallyVisibleRows); 
                    int dRows = se.NewValue - firstVisibleRow; 
                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;
            private void HandleEndCurrentEdit() {
                int currentRowSaved = currentRow; 
                int currentColSaved = currentCol; 

                String errorMessage = null; 

                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    errorMessage = e.Message; 

                if (errorMessage != null) { 
                    DialogResult result = RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null, SR.GetString(SR.DataGridPushedIncorrectValueIntoColumn,
                            errorMessage), SR.GetString(SR.DataGridErrorMessageBoxCaption), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                            MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes) {
                        currentRow = currentRowSaved; 
                        currentCol = currentColSaved; 
                        Debug.Assert(currentRow == ListManager.Position || listManager.Position == -1, "the position in the list manager (" + ListManager.Position + ") is out of [....] with the currentRow (" + currentRow + ")" + " and the exception is '" + errorMessage + "'");
                        // also, make sure that we get the row selector on the currentrow, too 
                    } else {
                        // if the user committed a row that used to be addNewRow and the backEnd rejects it, 
                        // and then it tries to navigate down then we should stay in the addNewRow
                        // in this particular scenario, CancelCurrentEdit will cause the last row to be deleted, 
                        // and this will ultimately call InvalidateRow w/ a row number larger than the number of rows 
                        // so set the currentRow here:
                        Debug.Assert(result == DialogResult.No, "we only put cancel and ok on the error message box"); 
                        this.listManager.PositionChanged -= positionChangedHandler;
                        this.listManager.Position = currentRow;
                        this.listManager.PositionChanged += positionChangedHandler; 

            ///       Listens
            ///       for the caption's back button clicked event. 
            protected void OnBackButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK];
                if (handler != null) handler(this,e);
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected override void OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                backBrush = new SolidBrush(BackColor);

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected override void OnBindingContextChanged(EventArgs e) {
                if (this.DataSource != null && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_inSetListManager])
                    try { 
                        Set_ListManager(this.DataSource, this.DataMember, true, false);     // we do not want to create columns
                                                                                            // if the columns are already created 
                                                                                            // the grid should not rely on OnBindingContextChanged 
                                                                                            // to create columns.
                    } catch { 
                        // at runtime we will rethrow the exception
                        if (this.Site == null || !this.Site.DesignMode)
                        RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null, SR.GetString(SR.DataGridExceptionInPaint), null,
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0); 
                        if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal();

                        Set_ListManager(null, String.Empty, true);
                        if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected virtual void OnDataSourceChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_DATASOURCECHANGED] as EventHandler;
                if (eh != null) { 
                     eh(this, e); 

            ///       Listens for
            ///       the caption's down button clicked event. 
            protected void OnShowParentDetailsButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                // we need to fire the ParentRowsVisibleChanged event
                // and the ParentRowsVisible property just calls SetParentRowsVisibility and
                // then fires the event.
                this.ParentRowsVisible = !caption.ToggleDownButtonDirection(); 

                EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK]; 
                if (handler != null) handler(this,e); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected override void OnForeColorChanged(EventArgs e) {
                foreBrush = new SolidBrush(ForeColor); 


            ///    [To be supplied.]
            protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { 
                // let the caption know about the event changed
                // get all the rows in the parentRows stack, and modify their height 
                if (originalState != null) {
                    Debug.Assert(!parentRows.IsEmpty(), "if the originalState is not null, then parentRows contains at least one row"); 
                    Stack parentStack = new Stack(); 
                    // this is a huge performance hit:
                    // everytime we get/put something from/to 
                    // the parentRows, the buttons in the dataGridCaption
                    // are invalidated
                    while (!parentRows.IsEmpty()) {
                        DataGridState dgs = parentRows.PopTop(); 
                        int rowCount = dgs.DataGridRowsLength;
                        for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { 
                            // performance hit: this will cause to invalidate a bunch of
                            // stuff 

                            dgs.DataGridRows[i].Height = dgs.DataGridRows[i].MinimumRowHeight(dgs.GridColumnStyles);
                    while(parentStack.Count != 0) { 


            ///       Raises the  
            ///       event.
            protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs ebe) { 
                // null body
            ///       Raises the  event which
            ///       repositions controls
            ///       and updates scroll bars. 
            protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs levent) { 
                // if we get a OnLayout event while the editControl changes, then just
                // ignore it 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging]) return;

                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: OnLayout"); 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended]) return; 

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = false; 
                try {
                    if (IsHandleCreated) {
                        if (layout.ParentRowsVisible)

                        // reset the toolTip information 
                        if (ToolTipProvider != null) 
                } finally {
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = true; 

            ///       Raises the 
            ///       event. 
            protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) { 
                // toolTipping
                toolTipProvider = new DataGridToolTip(this);
                toolTipId = 0; 


            ///       Raises the 
            ///       event. 
            protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) 

                // toolTipping
                toolTipProvider = null; 
                toolTipId = 0;
            /// Raises the 
            /// event.
            protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e) { 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging]) {
                    if (Bound) 
            /// Raises the  
            /// event.
            protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) {

            private void OnLeave_Grid() { 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = false; 
                try {
                    if (this.listManager != null && !this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging]) {
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) {
                            // if the user did not type anything
                            // in the addNewRow, then cancel the currentedit 
                            // set the addNewRow back 
                            DataGridRow[] localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                            localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength - 1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, DataGridRowsLength-1);
                            SetDataGridRows(localGridRows, DataGridRowsLength); 
                        } else {
                            // this.listManager.EndCurrentEdit();
                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] = true; 
                    // inAddNewRow should be set to false if the control was
                    // not changing 
                    if (!this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging])
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;

            ///       Raises the  
            ///       event.
            protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs ke) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: OnKeyDown ");
            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs kpe) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: OnKeyPress " + TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString(kpe.KeyChar)); 
                GridColumnStylesCollection coll = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                if (coll != null && currentCol > 0 && currentCol < coll.Count) {
                    if (!coll[currentCol].ReadOnly)
                        if (kpe.KeyChar > 32) {
                            Edit(new string(new char [] { (char) kpe.KeyChar})); 

            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging] = false;
                if (listManager == null) 

                HitTestInfo location    = HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
                Keys   nModifier     = ModifierKeys; 
                bool      isControlDown = (nModifier & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control && (nModifier & Keys.Alt) == 0;
                bool      isShiftDown   = (nModifier & Keys.Shift)  == Keys.Shift; 
                // Only left clicks for now
                if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) 

                // Check column resize
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ColumnResize) { 
                    if (e.Clicks > 1) {
                        ColResizeBegin(e, location.col); 

                // Check row resize 
                if (location.type == HitTestType.RowResize)
                    if (e.Clicks > 1) 
                        RowResizeBegin(e, location.row); 

                // Check column headers 
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ColumnHeader) {
                    trackColumnHeader = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[location.col].PropertyDescriptor;

                if (location.type == HitTestType.Caption) { 
                    Rectangle captionRect = layout.Caption; 
                    caption.MouseDown(e.X - captionRect.X, e.Y - captionRect.Y);

                if (layout.Data.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || layout.RowHeaders.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) {
                    // Check with the row underneath the mouse 
                    int row = GetRowFromY(e.Y);
                    if (row > -1) { 
                        Point p = NormalizeToRow(e.X, e.Y, row); 
                        DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                        if (localGridRows[row].OnMouseDown(p.X, p.Y, 
                                                           isRightToLeft())) {
                            // possibly this was the last row, so then the link may not
                            // be visible. make it visible, by making the row visible. 
                            // how can we be sure that the user did not click 
                            // on a relationship and navigated to the child rows?
                            // check if the row is expanded: if the row is expanded, then the user clicked 
                            // on the node. when we navigate to child rows the rows are recreated
                            // and are initially collapsed
                            localGridRows = this.DataGridRows;
                            if (row < DataGridRowsLength && (localGridRows[row] is DataGridRelationshipRow) && ((DataGridRelationshipRow)localGridRows[row]).Expanded) 
                                EnsureVisible(row, 0);
                            // show the edit box 

                // Check row headers 
                if (location.type == HitTestType.RowHeader) {
                    if (!(DataGridRows[location.row] is DataGridAddNewRow)) {
                        int savedCurrentRow = this.currentRow;
                        CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(location.row, currentCol);
                        if (location.row != savedCurrentRow && 
                            this.currentRow != location.row &&
                            this.currentRow == savedCurrentRow) { 
                            // The data grid was not able to move away from its previous current row. 
                            // Be defensive and don't select the row.

                    if (isControlDown) { 
                        if (IsSelected(location.row))
                    else {
                        if (lastRowSelected == -1 || !isShiftDown)
                            int lowerRow = Math.Min(lastRowSelected, location.row); 
                            int upperRow = Math.Max(lastRowSelected, location.row);

                            // we need to reset the old SelectedRows.
                            // ResetSelection() will also reset lastRowSelected, so we 
                            // need to save it
                            int saveLastRowSelected = lastRowSelected; 
                            lastRowSelected = saveLastRowSelected;
                            DataGridRow[] rows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = lowerRow; i <= upperRow; i++)
                                rows[i].Selected = true; 
                                numSelectedRows ++;
                            // hide the edit box:

                    lastRowSelected = location.row; 
                    // OnRowHeaderClick(EventArgs.Empty); 

                // Check parentRows
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ParentRows) 
                    parentRows.OnMouseDown(e.X, e.Y, isRightToLeft()); 
                // Check cell clicks
                if (location.type == HitTestType.Cell) {
                    if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[location.col].MouseDown(location.row, e.X, e.Y)) 
                    DataGridCell target = new DataGridCell(location.row, location.col); 
                    if (policy.AllowEdit && CurrentCell.Equals(target)) { 
                        // what if only a part of the current cell is visible?
                        EnsureVisible(currentRow, currentCol);
                    else { 
                        CurrentCell = target;

            /// Creates the  
            /// event. 
            protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { 
                if (oldRow != -1) {
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                    localGridRows[oldRow].OnMouseLeft(layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft()); 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption]) { 
                // when the mouse leaves the grid control, reset the cursor to arrow 
                Cursor = null;

            internal void TextBoxOnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { 
            /// Raises the 
            /// event.
            protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                if (listManager == null) 

                HitTestInfo location = HitTest(e.X, e.Y); 

                bool alignToRight = isRightToLeft();

                // We need to give UI feedback when the user is resizing a column 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize]) {

                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize]) 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize] || location.type == HitTestType.ColumnResize)
                    Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; 
                else if ( gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize] || location.type == HitTestType.RowResize)
                    Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS;
                    Cursor = null;

                if ((layout.Data.Contains(e.X, e.Y)
                    || (layout.RowHeadersVisible && layout.RowHeaders.Contains(e.X, e.Y)))) {
                    // && (isNavigating || isEditing)) { 
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                    // If we are over a row, let it know about the mouse move. 
                    int rowOver = GetRowFromY(e.Y); 
                    // set the dragging bit:
                    if (lastRowSelected != -1 && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging]) { 
                        int topRow = GetRowTop(lastRowSelected);
                        int bottomRow = topRow + localGridRows[lastRowSelected].Height;
                        int dragHeight = SystemInformation.DragSize.Height;
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging] = ((e.Y - topRow < dragHeight && topRow - e.Y < dragHeight) || (e.Y - bottomRow < dragHeight && bottomRow - e.Y < dragHeight)); 
                    if (rowOver > -1) { 
                        Point p = NormalizeToRow(e.X, e.Y, rowOver); 
                        if (!localGridRows[rowOver].OnMouseMove(p.X, p.Y, layout.RowHeaders, alignToRight) && gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging]) {
                            // if the row did not use this, see if selection can use it 
                            MouseButtons mouse = MouseButtons;
                            if (lastRowSelected != -1 && (mouse & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left
                                && !(((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Alt) == 0)){
                                // ResetSelection() will reset the lastRowSelected too 
                                int saveLastRowSelected = lastRowSelected; 
                                lastRowSelected = saveLastRowSelected;
                                int lowerRow = Math.Min(lastRowSelected, rowOver);
                                int upperRow = Math.Max(lastRowSelected, rowOver);

                                DataGridRow[] rows = DataGridRows; 
                                for (int i = lowerRow; i <= upperRow; i++)
                                    rows[i].Selected = true; 
                                    numSelectedRows ++;
                    if (oldRow != rowOver && oldRow != -1) {
                        localGridRows[oldRow].OnMouseLeft(layout.RowHeaders, alignToRight); 
                    oldRow = rowOver;

                // check parentRows
                if (location.type == HitTestType.ParentRows) 
                    if (parentRows != null) 
                        parentRows.OnMouseMove(e.X, e.Y);

                if (location.type == HitTestType.Caption) {
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption] = true; 
                    Rectangle captionRect = layout.Caption;
                    caption.MouseOver(e.X - captionRect.X, e.Y - captionRect.Y); 
                else { 
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption]) {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption] = false;
            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) {
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_dragging] = false;
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null) 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize]) {

                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize])
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize] = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize] = false; 

                HitTestInfo ci = HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
                if ((ci.type & HitTestType.Caption) == HitTestType.Caption) {
                    caption.MouseUp(e.X, e.Y); 
                // Check column headers 
                if (ci.type == HitTestType.ColumnHeader) {
                    PropertyDescriptor prop = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[ci.col].PropertyDescriptor; 
                    if (prop == trackColumnHeader) {

                trackColumnHeader = null; 

            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                if (e is HandledMouseEventArgs) { 
                    if (((HandledMouseEventArgs) e).Handled) {
                        // The application event handler handled the scrolling - don't do anything more. 
                    ((HandledMouseEventArgs) e).Handled = true;

                bool wheelingDown = true; 
                if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0) 
                    wheelingDown = false;
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null)
                ScrollBar sb = wheelingDown ? vertScrollBar : horizScrollBar;
                if (!sb.Visible) 
                // so we scroll. we have to know this, cause otherwise we will call EndEdit 
                // and that would be wrong.
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = true; 
                wheelDelta += e.Delta;
                float movePerc = (float)wheelDelta / (float)NativeMethods.WHEEL_DELTA;
                int move = (int)((float)SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines * movePerc);
                if (move != 0) { 
                    wheelDelta = 0;
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: OnMouseWheel move="+move.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                    if (wheelingDown) { 
                        int newRow = firstVisibleRow - move;
                        newRow = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(newRow, DataGridRowsLength - numTotallyVisibleRows)); 
                        ScrollDown(newRow - firstVisibleRow);
                    else {
                        int newValue = horizScrollBar.Value + (move < 0 ? 1 : -1) * horizScrollBar.LargeChange; 
                        HorizontalOffset = newValue;

                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false; 

            /// Raises the 
            /// event. 
            protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) {
                try { 

                    if (this.layout.dirty)

                    Graphics g = pe.Graphics; 
                    Region clipRegion = g.Clip;
                    if (layout.CaptionVisible) 
                        caption.Paint(g, layout.Caption, isRightToLeft());

                    if (layout.ParentRowsVisible) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridParents.TraceVerbose, "DataGridParents: Painting ParentRows " + layout.ParentRows.ToString()); 
                        g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.AppWorkspace, layout.ParentRows);
                        parentRows.Paint(g, layout.ParentRows, isRightToLeft()); 

                    Rectangle gridRect = layout.Data; 
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        gridRect = Rectangle.Union(gridRect, layout.RowHeaders);
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        gridRect = Rectangle.Union(gridRect, layout.ColumnHeaders); 

                    PaintGrid(g, gridRect); 
                    g.Clip = clipRegion;
                    PaintBorder(g, layout.ClientRectangle);

                    g.FillRectangle(DefaultHeaderBackBrush, layout.ResizeBoxRect);
                    base.OnPaint(pe); // raise paint event
                catch { 
                    // at runtime we will rethrow the exception
                    if (this.Site == null || !this.Site.DesignMode) 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_exceptionInPaint] = true;
                    try {
                        RTLAwareMessageBox.Show(null, SR.GetString(SR.DataGridExceptionInPaint), null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                            MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                        if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal(); 


                        Set_ListManager(null, String.Empty, true);
                    } finally {
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_exceptionInPaint] = false; 
                        if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal();
            // Since Win32 only invalidates the area that gets uncovered,
            // we have to manually invalidate the old border area
            /// Raises the  event.
            protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: OnResize");
                if (layout.CaptionVisible)
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible)

                int borderWidth = BorderWidth; 
                Rectangle right; 
                Rectangle bottom;
                Rectangle oldClientRectangle = layout.ClientRectangle; 

                right = new Rectangle(oldClientRectangle.X + oldClientRectangle.Width - borderWidth,
                bottom = new Rectangle(oldClientRectangle.X, 
                                       oldClientRectangle.Y + oldClientRectangle.Height - borderWidth, 

                Rectangle newClientRectangle = this.ClientRectangle;
                if (newClientRectangle.Width != oldClientRectangle.Width) {
                    right = new Rectangle(newClientRectangle.X + newClientRectangle.Width - borderWidth,
                if (newClientRectangle.Height != oldClientRectangle.Height) {
                    bottom = new Rectangle(newClientRectangle.X, 
                                           newClientRectangle.Y + newClientRectangle.Height - borderWidth,

                //also, invalidate the ResizeBoxRect
                if (!this.layout.ResizeBoxRect.IsEmpty)

                layout.ClientRectangle = newClientRectangle; 
                int oldFirstVisibleRow = firstVisibleRow;
                if (isRightToLeft() || oldFirstVisibleRow != firstVisibleRow)
            internal void OnRowHeightChanged(DataGridRow row) {
                int cy = GetRowTop(row.RowNumber); 
                if (cy > 0) {
                    Rectangle refresh = new Rectangle(); 
                    refresh.Y = cy;
                    refresh.X = layout.Inside.X;
                    refresh.Width = layout.Inside.Width;
                    refresh.Height = layout.Inside.Bottom - cy; 

            internal void ParentRowsDataChanged() { 
                Debug.Assert(originalState != null, "how can we get a list changed event from another listmanager/list while not navigating");

                // do the reset work that is done in SetDataBindings, set_DataSource, set_DataMember;
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
                object dSource = originalState.DataSource; 
                string dMember = originalState.DataMember;
                // we don't need to set the GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged bit, cause 
                // the listManager from the originalState should be different from the current listManager
                // set the originalState to null so that Set_ListManager knows that
                // it has to unhook the MetaDataChanged events 
                originalState = null;
                Set_ListManager(dSource, dMember, true); 

            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            // =        Methods
            // =------------------------------------------------------------------
            private void AbortEdit() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: \t! AbortEdit"); 
                Debug.Assert(gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing], "Can't abort an edit that is not happening!"); 

                // the same rules from editColumn.OnEdit 
                // while changing the editControl's visibility, do not
                // PerformLayout on the entire DataGrid
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true;
                // reset the editControl flag: 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = false;
                editRow = null;
                editColumn = null;

            ///    Occurs when the user navigates to a new table.
            [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.DataGridNavigateEventDescr)]
            public event NavigateEventHandler Navigate {
                add {
                    onNavigate += value; 
                remove { 
                    onNavigate -= value; 

            ///    Occurs when a row header is clicked. 
            protected event EventHandler RowHeaderClick { 
                add { 
                    onRowHeaderClick += value;
                remove {
                    onRowHeaderClick -= value;

            ///       Adds an event handler for the 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.OnNodeClick'
            ///       event. 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.DataGridNodeClickEventDescr)]
            internal event EventHandler NodeClick { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_NODECLICKED, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_NODECLICKED, value); 

            ///       Occurs when the user scrolls the  control. 
            [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.DataGridScrollEventDescr)]
            public event EventHandler Scroll {
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SCROLL, value); 
                remove { 
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SCROLL, value); 

            public override ISite Site {
                get { 
                    return base.Site;
                set { 
                    ISite temp = this.Site;
                    base.Site = value; 
                    if (value != temp && !Disposing) {
                        // we should site the tables and the columns
                        // only when our site changes
            internal void AddNewRow() {
                // EndEdit(); 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew] = true; 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = true; 
                try {
                } catch {
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew] = false;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inListAddNew] = false;

            ///    Attempts to 
            ///       put the grid into a state where editing is
            ///       allowed. 
            public bool BeginEdit(DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int rowNumber) {
                if (this.DataSource == null || this.myGridTable == null) 
                    return false;

                // We deny edit requests if we are already editing a cell.
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) 
                    return false;
                else { 
                    int col = -1; 
                    if ((col = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.IndexOf(gridColumn)) < 0)
                        return false; 
                    CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(rowNumber, col);
                    return true; 
            ///    Specifies the beginning of the initialization code.
            public void BeginInit() {
                if (inInit) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridBeginInit));
                inInit = true; 

            private Rectangle CalcRowResizeFeedbackRect(MouseEventArgs e) { 
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data;
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(inside.X, e.Y, inside.Width, 3);
                r.Y = Math.Min(inside.Bottom - 3, r.Y);
                r.Y = Math.Max(r.Y , 0); 
                return r;
            private Rectangle CalcColResizeFeedbackRect(MouseEventArgs e) {
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data; 
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(e.X, inside.Y, 3, inside.Height);
                r.X = Math.Min(inside.Right - 3, r.X);
                r.X = Math.Max(r.X , 0);
                return r; 
            private void CancelCursorUpdate() { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: Requesting CancelEdit()");
                if (listManager != null) { 

            private void CheckHierarchyState() { 
                if (checkHierarchy && this.listManager != null && this.myGridTable != null) { 
                    if (myGridTable == null)
                        // there was nothing to check 

                    for (int j = 0; j < myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; j++) {
                        DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[j]; 
                    checkHierarchy = false; 

            ///      The DataGrid caches an array of rectangular areas
            ///      which represent the area which scrolls left to right. 
            ///      This method is invoked whenever the DataGrid's
            ///      scrollable regions change in such a way as to require 
            ///      a re-recalculation. 
            private void ClearRegionCache() { 
                cachedScrollableRegion = null;

            ///      Determines the best fit size for the given column.
            private void ColAutoResize(int col) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ColAutoResize");
                CurrencyManager listManager = this.listManager;
                if (listManager == null)
                int size;
                Graphics g = CreateGraphicsInternal(); 
                try { 
                    DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col];
                    string columnName = column.HeaderText; 

                    Font headerFont;
                    if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                        headerFont = this.HeaderFont; 
                        headerFont = this.myGridTable.HeaderFont; 
                    size = (int) g.MeasureString(columnName, headerFont).Width + layout.ColumnHeaders.Height + 1; // This is not a bug, the sort triangle's width is equal to it's height. 
                    int rowCount = listManager.Count;
                    for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) { 
                        object value = column.GetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, row);
                        int width = column.GetPreferredSize(g, value).Width;
                        if (width > size)
                            size = width; 
                    if (column.Width != size) { 
                        column.width = size;

                        bool lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = true;
                        if (this.lastTotallyVisibleCol != -1) { 
                            for (int i = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol + 1; i < this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; i ++) {
                                if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                                    lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = false; 
                        } else {
                            lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = false;

                        // if the column shrank and the last totally visible column was the last column 
                        // then we need to recompute the horizontalOffset, firstVisibleCol, negOffset. 
                        // lastTotallyVisibleCol remains the last column
                        if (lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol && 
                            (this.negOffset != 0 || this.horizontalOffset != 0)) {

                            // update the column width
                            column.width = size; 

                            int cx = 0; 
                            int colCount = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                            int visibleWidth = layout.Data.Width;
                            GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 

                            // assume everything fits
                            this.negOffset = 0;
                            this.horizontalOffset = 0; 
                            this.firstVisibleCol= 0;
                            for (int i = colCount - 1; i >= 0; i --) { 
                                if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor == null) {

                                cx += cols[i].Width;
                                if (cx > visibleWidth) { 
                                    if (this.negOffset == 0) {
                                        this.firstVisibleCol = i; 
                                        this.negOffset = cx - visibleWidth; 
                                        this.horizontalOffset = this.negOffset;
                                        this.numVisibleCols ++; 
                                    } else {
                                        this.horizontalOffset += cols[i].Width;
                                } else { 
                                    this.numVisibleCols ++;

                            // refresh the horizontal scrollbar 

                            // we need to invalidate the layout.Data and layout.ColumnHeaders
                            Invalidate(Rectangle.Union(layout.Data, layout.ColumnHeaders)); 
                        } else {
                            // need to refresh the scroll bar 

                            Rectangle rightArea = layout.Data; 
                            if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                                rightArea = Rectangle.Union(rightArea, layout.ColumnHeaders);

                            int left = GetColBeg(col); 

                            if (!isRightToLeft()) { 
                                rightArea.Width -= left - rightArea.X; 
                                rightArea.X = left;
                            } else { 
                                rightArea.Width = rightArea.Width - left;

                finally {

                if (this.horizScrollBar.Visible) {
                    this.horizScrollBar.Value = HorizontalOffset; 
                // OnColumnResize(EventArgs.Empty); 

            ///       Collapses child relations, if any exist for all rows, or for a
            ///       specified row. 
            public void Collapse(int row) { 
                SetRowExpansionState(row, false);

            private void ColResizeBegin(MouseEventArgs e, int col) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ColResizeBegin");
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Column resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null."); 

                int x = e.X; 
                Rectangle clip = Rectangle.Union(layout.ColumnHeaders, layout.Data);
                if (isRightToLeft()) 
                    clip.Width = GetColBeg(col) - layout.Data.X - 2;
                    int leftEdge = GetColBeg(col); 
                    clip.X  = leftEdge + 3; 
                    clip.Width = layout.Data.X + layout.Data.Width - leftEdge - 2;

                CaptureInternal = true;
                Cursor.ClipInternal = RectangleToScreen(clip);
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackColResize] = true; 
                trackColAnchor = x;
                trackColumn = col; 
                lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void ColResizeMove(MouseEventArgs e) {
                if (lastSplitBar != null) { 
                    lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void ColResizeEnd(MouseEventArgs e) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ColResizeEnd");
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Column resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null."); 

                this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended] = true; 
                try { 
                    if (lastSplitBar != null) {
                        lastSplitBar = null;

                    bool rightToLeft = isRightToLeft(); 

                    int x = rightToLeft ? Math.Max(e.X, layout.Data.X) : Math.Min(e.X, layout.Data.Right + 1); 
                    int delta = x - GetColEnd(trackColumn); 
                    if (rightToLeft) delta = -delta;
                    if (trackColAnchor != x && delta != 0) {
                        DataGridColumnStyle column = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[trackColumn];
                        int proposed = column.Width + delta;
                        proposed = Math.Max(proposed, 3); 
                        column.Width = proposed;
                        // refresh scrolling data: horizontalOffset, negOffset, firstVisibleCol, numVisibleCols, lastTotallyVisibleCol 
                        bool lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = true;
                        for (int i = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol + 1; i < this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; i ++) {
                            if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                                lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol = false; 

                        if (lastColumnIsLastTotallyVisibleCol && 
                            (this.negOffset != 0 || this.horizontalOffset != 0)) {

                            int cx = 0;
                            int colCount = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                            int visibleWidth = this.layout.Data.Width;
                            GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                            // assume everything fits
                            this.negOffset = 0; 
                            this.horizontalOffset = 0;
                            this.firstVisibleCol = 0;

                            for (int i = colCount - 1; i > -1; i --) { 
                                if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor == null) {

                                cx += cols[i].Width; 

                                if (cx > visibleWidth) {
                                    if (this.negOffset == 0) {
                                        this.negOffset = cx - visibleWidth; 
                                        this.firstVisibleCol = i;
                                        this.horizontalOffset = negOffset; 
                                        this.numVisibleCols ++; 
                                    } else {
                                        this.horizontalOffset += cols[i].Width; 
                                } else {
                                    this.numVisibleCols ++;
                            // and invalidate pretty much everything 
                            Invalidate(Rectangle.Union(this.layout.Data, this.layout.ColumnHeaders));
                        } else { 

                            Rectangle rightArea = Rectangle.Union(layout.ColumnHeaders, layout.Data);
                            int left = GetColBeg(trackColumn);
                            rightArea.Width -= rightToLeft ? rightArea.Right - left : left - rightArea.X; 
                            rightArea.X = rightToLeft ? layout.Data.X : left;
                finally {
                    Cursor.ClipInternal = Rectangle.Empty;
                    CaptureInternal = false;
                    this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_layoutSuspended] = false; 

                if (this.horizScrollBar.Visible) { 
                    this.horizScrollBar.Value = HorizontalOffset;
                // OnColumnResize(EventArgs.Empty);

            private void MetaDataChanged() { 
                // when we reset the Binding in the grid, we need to clear the parent rows. 
                // the same goes for all the caption UI: reset it when the datasource changes.
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged] = true;
                try { 
                    if (originalState != null) { 
                        // set the originalState to null so that Set_ListManager knows that
                        // it has to unhook the MetaDataChanged events 
                        Set_ListManager(originalState.DataSource, originalState.DataMember, true);
                        originalState = null;
                    } else {
                        Set_ListManager(this.DataSource, this.DataMember, true); 
                } finally { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_metaDataChanged] = false; 

            // =------------------------------------------------------------------
            // =        Functions to resize rows 
            // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
            // will autoResize "row" 
            private void RowAutoResize(int row)
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: RowAutoResize");

                CurrencyManager listManager = this.ListManager; 
                if (listManager == null)
                Graphics g = CreateGraphicsInternal();
                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                    DataGridRow resizeRow = DataGridRows[row];
                    int rowCount = listManager.Count; 
                    int resizeHeight = 0;
                    // compute the height that we should resize to: 
                    int columnsCount = columns.Count;
                    for (int col = 0; col < columnsCount; col++) { 
                        object value = columns[col].GetColumnValueAtRow(listManager, row);
                        resizeHeight = Math.Max(resizeHeight, columns[col].GetPreferredHeight(g, value));
                    if (resizeRow.Height != resizeHeight)
                        resizeRow.Height = resizeHeight; 

                        // needed to refresh scrollbar properties 

                        Rectangle rightArea = layout.Data;
                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) 
                            rightArea = Rectangle.Union(rightArea, layout.RowHeaders);
                        int top = GetRowTop(row); 
                        rightArea.Height -= rightArea.Y - top; 
                        rightArea.Y = top;
                // OnRowResize(EventArgs.Empty);

            private void RowResizeBegin(MouseEventArgs e, int row)
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: RowResizeBegin"); 
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Row resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null.");
                int y = e.Y;
                Rectangle clip = Rectangle.Union(layout.RowHeaders, layout.Data);
                int topEdge = GetRowTop(row); 
                clip.Y  = topEdge + 3;
                clip.Height = layout.Data.Y + layout.Data.Height - topEdge - 2; 
                CaptureInternal = true;
                Cursor.ClipInternal = RectangleToScreen(clip); 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_trackRowResize] = true;
                trackRowAnchor = y;
                trackRow = row;
                lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void RowResizeMove(MouseEventArgs e) 
                if (lastSplitBar != null) {
                    lastSplitBar = e; 

            private void RowResizeEnd(MouseEventArgs e) 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: RowResizeEnd");
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "Row resizing operations can't be called when myGridTable == null.");
                try {
                    if (lastSplitBar != null) { 
                        lastSplitBar = null;

                    int y = Math.Min(e.Y, layout.Data.Y + layout.Data.Height + 1);
                    int delta = y - GetRowBottom(trackRow);
                    if (trackRowAnchor != y && delta != 0) { 
                        DataGridRow row = DataGridRows[trackRow];
                        int proposed = row.Height + delta; 
                        proposed = Math.Max(proposed, 3); 
                        row.Height = proposed;

                        // needed to refresh scrollbar properties
                        Rectangle rightArea = Rectangle.Union(layout.RowHeaders, layout.Data);
                        int top = GetRowTop(trackRow); 
                        rightArea.Height -= rightArea.Y - top; 
                        rightArea.Y = top;
                finally {
                    Cursor.ClipInternal = Rectangle.Empty; 
                    CaptureInternal = false;
                // OnRowResize(EventArgs.Empty); 
            ///      Fires the ColumnHeaderClicked event and handles column
            ///      sorting.
            private void ColumnHeaderClicked(PropertyDescriptor prop) {
                if (!CommitEdit()) 

                // OnColumnHeaderClick(EventArgs.Empty); 
                bool allowSorting;
                if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                    allowSorting = this.AllowSorting;
                    allowSorting = myGridTable.AllowSorting;
                if (!allowSorting) 
                // if (CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.OutputVerbose) Debug.WriteLine("DataGridCursor: We are about to sort column " + col.ToString());
                ListSortDirection direction = this.ListManager.GetSortDirection();
                PropertyDescriptor sortColumn = this.ListManager.GetSortProperty();
                if (sortColumn != null && sortColumn.Equals(prop)) 
                    direction = (direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending) ? ListSortDirection.Descending : ListSortDirection.Ascending;
                    // defaultSortDirection : ascending 
                    direction = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
                if (listManager.Count == 0)

                this.ListManager.SetSort(prop, direction); 
            ///      Attempts to commit editing if a cell is being edited.
            ///      Return true if successfully commited editing.
            ///      Return false if editing can not be completed and the gird must 
            ///      remain in our current Edit state.
            private bool CommitEdit() { 

                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: \t  CommitEdit " + (editRow == null ? "" : editRow.RowNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); 

                // we want to commit the editing if
                // 1. the user was editing or navigating around the data grid and 
                // 2. this is not the result of moving focus inside the data grid and
                // 3. if the user was scrolling 
                if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] || (gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling])) 
                    return true;
                // the same rules from editColumn.OnEdit
                // flag that we are editing the Edit control, so if we get a OnLayout on the
                // datagrid side of things while the edit control changes its visibility and bounds
                // the datagrid does not perform a layout 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true;
                if (editColumn.ReadOnly || gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    bool focusTheGrid = false;
                    if (this.ContainsFocus) { 
                        focusTheGrid = true;

                    if (focusTheGrid && gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus]) 
                    // set the focus back to the grid
                    if (focusTheGrid && gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && CanFocus && !Focused) 

                    // reset the editControl flag
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false; 
                    return true;
                bool retVal = editColumn.Commit(ListManager, currentRow);
                // reset the editControl flag
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;

                if (retVal) 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = false;
                return retVal; 
            ///      Figure out how many rows we need to scroll down
            ///      to move targetRow into visibility.
            private int ComputeDeltaRows(int targetRow) {
                //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ComputeDeltaRows, firstVisibleRow = " 
                //                  + firstVisibleRow.ToString() + ", " 
                //                  + "targetRow = " + targetRow.ToString());
                if (firstVisibleRow == targetRow)
                    return 0;

                int dRows = 0; 
                int firstVisibleRowLogicalTop = -1;
                int targetRowLogicalTop = -1; 
                int nRows = DataGridRowsLength; 
                int cy = 0;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 

                for (int row = 0; row < nRows; ++row) {
                    if (row == firstVisibleRow)
                        firstVisibleRowLogicalTop = cy; 
                    if (row == targetRow)
                        targetRowLogicalTop = cy; 
                    if (targetRowLogicalTop != -1 && firstVisibleRowLogicalTop != -1) 
                    cy += localGridRows[row].Height; 

                int targetRowLogicalBottom = targetRowLogicalTop + localGridRows[targetRow].Height;
                int dataLogicalBottom = layout.Data.Height + firstVisibleRowLogicalTop; 
                if (targetRowLogicalBottom > dataLogicalBottom) {
                    // we need to move down. 
                    int downDelta = targetRowLogicalBottom - dataLogicalBottom; 
                    firstVisibleRowLogicalTop += downDelta;
                else if (firstVisibleRowLogicalTop < targetRowLogicalTop) {
                    // we don't need to move
                    return 0;
                else {
                    // we need to move up. 
                    int upDelta = firstVisibleRowLogicalTop - targetRowLogicalTop; 
                    firstVisibleRowLogicalTop -= upDelta;
                int newFirstRow = ComputeFirstVisibleRow(firstVisibleRowLogicalTop);
                dRows = (newFirstRow - firstVisibleRow);
                //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ComputeDeltaRows returning " + dRows.ToString());
                return dRows; 
            ///      Given the a logical vertical offset, figure out
            ///      which row number should be the first fully visible 
            ///      row on or after the offset.
            private int ComputeFirstVisibleRow(int firstVisibleRowLogicalTop) {
                int first; 
                int nRows = DataGridRowsLength;
                int cy = 0; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                for (first = 0; first < nRows; ++first) {
                    if (cy >= firstVisibleRowLogicalTop) 
                    cy += localGridRows[first].Height;
                return first; 
            ///      Constructs an updated Layout object.
            private void ComputeLayout() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ComputeLayout");

                bool alignLeft = ! isRightToLeft(); 
                Rectangle oldResizeRect = this.layout.ResizeBoxRect;
                // hide the EditBox 

                // NOTE : Since Rectangles are structs, then assignment is a
                //      : copy. Therefore, after saying "Rectangle inside = newLayout.Inside", 
                //      : we must always assign back to newLayout.Inside.
                // Important since all of the visibility flags will move
                // to the new layout here. 
                LayoutData newLayout = new LayoutData(layout);

                // Inside
                newLayout.Inside = ClientRectangle; 
                Rectangle inside = newLayout.Inside;
                int borderWidth = BorderWidth; 
                inside.Inflate(-borderWidth, -borderWidth); 

                Rectangle insideLeft = inside; 

                // Caption
                if (layout.CaptionVisible) {
                    int captionHeight = captionFontHeight + 6; 
                    Rectangle cap     =   newLayout.Caption;
                    cap               =   insideLeft; 
                    cap.Height        =   captionHeight; 
                    insideLeft.Y      +=  captionHeight;
                    insideLeft.Height -=  captionHeight; 

                    newLayout.Caption = cap;
                else { 
                    newLayout.Caption = Rectangle.Empty;
                // Parent Rows
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible) { 
                    Rectangle parents      = newLayout.ParentRows;
                    int       parentHeight = parentRows.Height;
                    parents           =  insideLeft;
                    parents.Height    =  parentHeight; 
                    insideLeft.Y      += parentHeight;
                    insideLeft.Height -= parentHeight; 
                    newLayout.ParentRows = parents;
                else {
                    newLayout.ParentRows = Rectangle.Empty;
                // Headers
                int columnHeaderHeight = headerFontHeight + 6; 
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) {
                    Rectangle colHeaders = newLayout.ColumnHeaders; 
                    colHeaders        =  insideLeft;
                    colHeaders.Height =  columnHeaderHeight;
                    insideLeft.Y      += columnHeaderHeight;
                    insideLeft.Height -= columnHeaderHeight; 

                    newLayout.ColumnHeaders = colHeaders; 
                else {
                    newLayout.ColumnHeaders = Rectangle.Empty; 

                bool newRowHeadersVisible = this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.RowHeadersVisible : this.myGridTable.RowHeadersVisible;
                int newRowHeaderWidth = this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.RowHeaderWidth : this.myGridTable.RowHeaderWidth; 
                newLayout.RowHeadersVisible = newRowHeadersVisible;
                if (this.myGridTable != null && newRowHeadersVisible) { 
                    Rectangle rowHeaders = newLayout.RowHeaders; 
                    if (alignLeft)
                        rowHeaders = insideLeft;
                        rowHeaders.Width = newRowHeaderWidth;
                        insideLeft.X += newRowHeaderWidth;
                        insideLeft.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth; 
                        rowHeaders = insideLeft;
                        rowHeaders.Width = newRowHeaderWidth; 
                        rowHeaders.X = insideLeft.Right - newRowHeaderWidth;
                        insideLeft.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth;
                    newLayout.RowHeaders = rowHeaders; 

                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) { 
                        Rectangle topLeft    = newLayout.TopLeftHeader; 
                        Rectangle colHeaders = newLayout.ColumnHeaders;
                        if (alignLeft) 
                            topLeft   =  colHeaders;
                            topLeft.Width    =  newRowHeaderWidth;
                            colHeaders.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth; 
                            colHeaders.X     += newRowHeaderWidth;
                            topLeft   =  colHeaders; 
                            topLeft.Width    =  newRowHeaderWidth;
                            topLeft.X        =  colHeaders.Right - newRowHeaderWidth;
                            colHeaders.Width -= newRowHeaderWidth;

                        newLayout.TopLeftHeader = topLeft; 
                        newLayout.ColumnHeaders = colHeaders; 
                    else { 
                        newLayout.TopLeftHeader = Rectangle.Empty;
                else { 
                    newLayout.RowHeaders = Rectangle.Empty;
                    newLayout.TopLeftHeader = Rectangle.Empty; 

                // The Data region 
                newLayout.Data = insideLeft;
                newLayout.Inside = inside;

                this.layout = newLayout; 

                // if the user shrank the grid client area, then OnResize invalidated the old
                // resize area. however, we need to invalidate the left upper corner in the new ResizeArea 
                // note that we can't take the Invalidate call from the OnResize method, because if the
                // user enlarges the form then the old area will not be invalidated.
                if (!oldResizeRect.Equals(this.layout.ResizeBoxRect) && !this.layout.ResizeBoxRect.IsEmpty) 
                this.layout.dirty = false; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: " + layout.ToString());

            ///      Computes the number of pixels to scroll to scroll from one
            ///      row to another. 
            private int ComputeRowDelta(int from, int to) { 
                int first = from; 
                int last = to;
                int sign = -1; 
                if (first > last) {
                    first = to;
                    last = from;
                    sign = 1; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                int delta = 0; 
                for (int row = first; row < last; ++row) {
                    delta += localGridRows[row].Height; 
                return sign * delta;
            internal int MinimumRowHeaderWidth() {
                return minRowHeaderWidth; 

            internal void ComputeMinimumRowHeaderWidth() { 
                minRowHeaderWidth = errorRowBitmapWidth; // the size of the pencil, star and row selector images are the same as the image for the error bitmap
               if (this.ListHasErrors)
                   minRowHeaderWidth += errorRowBitmapWidth;
                if (this.myGridTable != null && this.myGridTable.RelationsList.Count != 0) 
                    minRowHeaderWidth += 15; // the size of the plus/minus glyph and spacing around it
            ///      Updates the internal variables with the number of columns visible
            ///      inside the Grid's client rectangle.
            private void ComputeVisibleColumns() { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ComputeVisibleColumns");
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int nGridCols = columns.Count;
                int cx = - negOffset;
                int visibleColumns = 0;
                int visibleWidth = layout.Data.Width; 
                int curCol = firstVisibleCol;
                // the same problem with negative numbers: 
                // if the width passed in is negative, then return 0
                // added the check for the columns.Count == 0 ( [....], November 14, 2000)
                if (visibleWidth < 0 || columns.Count == 0)
                    numVisibleCols = firstVisibleCol = 0;
                    lastTotallyVisibleCol = -1; 
                while (cx < visibleWidth && curCol < nGridCols)
                    // if (columns.Visible && columns.PropertyDescriptor != null)
                    if (columns[curCol].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                        cx += columns[curCol].Width;
                    visibleColumns ++; 
                numVisibleCols = visibleColumns;

                // if we inflate the data area
                // then we paint columns to the left of firstVisibleColumn 
                if (cx < visibleWidth)
                    for (int i = firstVisibleCol -1; i > 0; i--) 
                        if (cx + columns[i].Width > visibleWidth) 
                        // if (columns.Visible && columns.PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            cx += columns[i].Width; 
                        visibleColumns ++;
                        firstVisibleCol --; 

                    if (numVisibleCols != visibleColumns) 
                        Debug.Assert(numVisibleCols < visibleColumns, "the number of visible columns can only grow");
                        // is there space for more columns than were visible?
                        // if so, then we need to repaint Data and ColumnHeaders 
                        // update the number of visible columns to the new reality
                        numVisibleCols = visibleColumns; 

                lastTotallyVisibleCol = firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1; 
                if (cx > visibleWidth) {
                    if (numVisibleCols <= 1 || (numVisibleCols == 2 && this.negOffset != 0)) { 
                        // no column is entirely visible 
                        lastTotallyVisibleCol = -1;
                    } else { 

            ///      Determines which column is the first visible given 
            ///      the object's horizontalOffset.
            private int ComputeFirstVisibleColumn() {
                int first = 0;
                if (this.horizontalOffset == 0) {
                    negOffset = 0; 
                    return 0;
                // we will check to see if myGridTables.GridColumns.Count != 0
                // because when we reset the dataGridTable, we don't have any columns, and we still 
                // call HorizontalOffset = 0, and that will call ComputeFirstVisibleColumn with an empty collection of columns.
                if (myGridTable != null && myGridTable.GridColumnStyles != null && myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count != 0) {
                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                    int cx = 0; 
                    int nGridCols = columns.Count;
                    if (columns[0].Width == -1) { 
                        // the columns are not initialized yet
    #if DEBUG
                        for (int i = 0; i < nGridCols; i++) {
                            Debug.Assert(columns[i].Width == -1, "the columns' widths should not be initialized");
    #endif // DEBUG
                        negOffset = 0; 
                        return 0; 
                    for (first = 0; first < nGridCols; first++) {
                        // if (columns[first].Visible && columns[first].PropertyDescriptor != null);
                        if (columns[first].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            cx += columns[first].Width; 
                        if (cx > horizontalOffset)
                    // first may actually be the number of columns
                    // in that case all the columns fit in the layout data 
                    if (first == nGridCols) {
                        Debug.Assert(cx <= horizontalOffset, "look at the for loop before: we only exit that loop early if the cx is over the horizontal offset");
                        negOffset = 0;
                        return 0; 
                    negOffset = columns[first].Width - (cx - horizontalOffset); 
                    //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ComputeFirstVisibleColumn, ret = " + first.ToString() + ", negOffset = " + negOffset.ToString()); 
                return first; 

            ///      Updates the internal variables with the number of rows visible 
            ///      in a given DataGrid Layout.
            private void ComputeVisibleRows() { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: ComputeVisibleRows");

                Rectangle data = layout.Data;
                int visibleHeight = data.Height;
                int cy = 0; 
                int visibleRows = 0;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                int numRows = DataGridRowsLength; 

                // when minimizing the dataGrid window, we will get negative values for the 
                // layout.Data.Width and layout.Data.Height ( is this a bug or not? if layout.Data.Height == 0 in that case,
                // the old code would have worked )
                // if this is the case, then set numVisibleRows = numTotallyVisibleRows = 0; 
                if (visibleHeight < 0) 
                    numVisibleRows = numTotallyVisibleRows = 0;

                for (int i = firstVisibleRow; i < numRows; ++i) {
                    if (cy > visibleHeight) 
                    cy += localGridRows[i].Height; 
                if (cy < visibleHeight) {
                    for (int i = firstVisibleRow-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        int height = localGridRows[i].Height;
                        if (cy + height > visibleHeight) 
                        cy += height; 

                numVisibleRows = numTotallyVisibleRows = visibleRows;
                if (cy > visibleHeight) 
                Debug.Assert(numVisibleRows >= 0, "the number of visible rows can't be negative"); 
                Debug.Assert(numTotallyVisibleRows >= 0, "the number of totally visible rows can't be negative");

            ///     Constructs the new instance of the accessibility object for this control. Subclasses
            ///     should not call base.CreateAccessibilityObject. 
            protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance() {
                return new DataGridAccessibleObject(this); 

            ///      Creates a DataGridState representing the child table retrieved 
            ///      from the passed DataRelation. 
            private DataGridState CreateChildState(string relationName, DataGridRow source) { 
                DataGridState dgs = new DataGridState();

                string newDataMember;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DataMember)) 
                    newDataMember = relationName; 
                    newDataMember = this.DataMember + "." + relationName;

                CurrencyManager childLM = (CurrencyManager) this.BindingContext[this.DataSource, newDataMember]; 

                dgs.DataSource = this.DataSource; 
                dgs.DataMember = newDataMember; 
                dgs.ListManager = childLM;
                dgs.DataGridRows = null;
                dgs.DataGridRowsLength = childLM.Count + (policy.AllowAdd ? 1 : 0);

                return dgs; 
            ///      Constructs a Layout object containing the state 
            ///      for a newly constructed DataGrid.
            private LayoutData CreateInitialLayoutState() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridLayout.TraceVerbose, "DataGridLayout: CreateInitialLayoutState"); 
                LayoutData newLayout = new LayoutData();
                newLayout.Inside               = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.TopLeftHeader        = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.ColumnHeaders        = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.RowHeaders           = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.Data                 = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.Caption              = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.ParentRows           = new Rectangle();
                newLayout.ResizeBoxRect        = new Rectangle(); 
                newLayout.ColumnHeadersVisible = true;
                newLayout.RowHeadersVisible    = true; 
                newLayout.CaptionVisible       = defaultCaptionVisible; 
                newLayout.ParentRowsVisible    = defaultParentRowsVisible;
                newLayout.ClientRectangle           = ClientRectangle; 
                return newLayout;

            ///      The DataGrid caches an array of rectangular areas
            ///      which represent the area which scrolls left to right. 
            ///      This method is invoked whenever the DataGrid needs 
            ///      this scrollable region.
            private NativeMethods.RECT[] CreateScrollableRegion(Rectangle scroll) {
                if (cachedScrollableRegion != null) {
                    return cachedScrollableRegion;

                bool alignToRight = isRightToLeft(); 
                using(Region region = new Region(scroll)) {
                    int nRows = numVisibleRows; 
                    int cy = layout.Data.Y;
                    int cx = layout.Data.X;
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                    for (int r = firstVisibleRow; r < nRows; r++) { 
                        int rowHeight = localGridRows[r].Height;
                        Rectangle rowExclude = localGridRows[r].GetNonScrollableArea(); 
                        rowExclude.X += cx; 
                        rowExclude.X = MirrorRectangle(rowExclude, layout.Data, alignToRight);
                        if (!rowExclude.IsEmpty) { 
                             region.Exclude(new Rectangle(rowExclude.X,
                                                          rowExclude.Y + cy,
                        cy += rowHeight; 

                    using (Graphics graphics = CreateGraphicsInternal()) { 
                        IntPtr handle = region.GetHrgn(graphics);
                        if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            cachedScrollableRegion = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetRectsFromRegion(handle);
                            // SECREVIEW : This assert is safe since we created the native region.
                            try {
                            } finally {
                return cachedScrollableRegion;

            ///    Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used 
            ///    by the .
            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
                if (disposing) {
                    if (vertScrollBar != null) 
                    if (horizScrollBar != null)
                    if (this.toBeDisposedEditingControl != null) {
                        this.toBeDisposedEditingControl = null; 
                    GridTableStylesCollection tables = this.TableStyles;
                    if (tables != null) {
    #if DEBUG
                        Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable == null || this.myGridTable.IsDefault || tables.Contains(this.myGridTable), "how come that the currentTable is not in the list of tables?"); 
    #endif // DEBUG
                        for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) 

            ///      Draws an XOR region to give UI feedback for Column Resizing.
            ///      This looks just like the Splitter control's UI when resizing. 
            private void DrawColSplitBar(MouseEventArgs e)
                Rectangle r = CalcColResizeFeedbackRect(e);
            ///      Draws an XOR region to give UI feedback for Row Resizing. 
            ///      This looks just like the Splitter control's UI when resizing. 
            private void DrawRowSplitBar(MouseEventArgs e) 
                Rectangle r = CalcRowResizeFeedbackRect(e);

            ///      Draws an XOR region to give UI feedback for Column/Row Resizing. 
            ///      This looks just like the Splitter control's UI when resizing.
            private void DrawSplitBar(Rectangle r)
                IntPtr parentHandle = Handle;
                IntPtr dc = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetDCEx(new HandleRef(this, parentHandle), NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, NativeMethods.DCX_CACHE | NativeMethods.DCX_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE); 
                IntPtr halftone = ControlPaint.CreateHalftoneHBRUSH();
                IntPtr saveBrush = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(this, dc), new HandleRef(null, halftone)); 
                SafeNativeMethods.PatBlt(new HandleRef(this, dc), r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, NativeMethods.PATINVERT); 
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(new HandleRef(this, dc), new HandleRef(null, saveBrush));
                SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, halftone)); 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseDC(new HandleRef(this, parentHandle), new HandleRef(this, dc));

            ///      Begin in-place editing of a cell.  Any editing is commited
            ///      before the new edit takes place. 
            ///      This will always edit the currentCell
            ///      If you want to edit another cell than the current one, just reset CurrentCell 
            private void Edit() {

            private void Edit(string displayText) { 

                // we want to be able to edit a cell which is not visible, as in the case with editing and scrolling 
                // at the same time. So do not call Ensure Visible
                // EnsureVisible(currentRow, currentCol);
                bool cellIsVisible = true;
                // whoever needs to call ResetSelection should not rely on 
                // Edit() to call it;
                // ResetSelection();

                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: Edit, currentRow = " + currentRow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                                                                               ", currentCol = " + currentCol.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + (displayText != null ? ", displayText= " + displayText : "")); 
                /* allow navigation even if the policy does not allow editing
                if (!policy.AllowEdit) 

                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 

                // what do you want to edit when there are no rows? 
                if (DataGridRowsLength == 0) 
                editRow = localGridRows[currentRow];

                // if the list has no columns, then what good is an edit? 
                if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0)
                // what if the currentCol does not have a propDesc?
                editColumn = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[currentCol]; 
                if(editColumn.PropertyDescriptor == null)

                Rectangle cellBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                if (currentRow < firstVisibleRow || currentRow > firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows || 
                    currentCol < firstVisibleCol || currentCol > firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1 || 
                    (currentCol == firstVisibleCol && negOffset != 0))
                    cellIsVisible = false;
                    cellBounds = GetCellBounds(currentRow, currentCol);
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = true;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = false; 

                // once we call editColumn.Edit on a DataGridTextBoxColumn
                // the edit control will become visible, and its bounds will get set.
                // both actions cause Edit.Parent.OnLayout 
                // so we flag this change, cause we don't want to PerformLayout on the entire DataGrid
                // everytime the edit column gets edited 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true; 

                                  myGridTable.ReadOnly || this.ReadOnly || !policy.AllowEdit,
                // reset the editControlChanging to false 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;

            ///    Requests an end to an edit operation taking place on the 
            ///    control. 
            public bool EndEdit(DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int rowNumber, bool shouldAbort) {
                bool ret = false; 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) {
                    if (gridColumn != editColumn) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: EndEdit requested on a column we are not editing.");
                    if (rowNumber != editRow.RowNumber) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: EndEdit requested on a row we are not editing."); 
                    if (shouldAbort) {
                        ret = true;
                        ret = CommitEdit(); 

                return ret; 
            ///      Ends any editing in progress by attempting to commit and then
            ///      aborting if not possible.
            private void EndEdit() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridEditing.TraceVerbose, "DataGridEditing: EndEdit"); 
                if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] && !gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating])

                if (!CommitEdit()) {
            // PERF: we attempt to create a ListManager for the DataSource/DateMember combination 
            // we do this in order to check for a valid DataMember
            // if the check succeeds, then it means that we actully put the listManager in the BindingContext's 
            // list of BindingManagers. this is fine, cause if the check succeds, then Set_ListManager
            // will be called, and this will get the listManager from the bindingManagerBase hashTable kept in the BindingContext
            // this will work if the dataMember does not contain any dots ('.') 
            // if the dataMember contains dots, then it will be more complicated: maybe part of the binding path
            // is valid w/ the new dataSource 
            // but we can leave w/ this, cause in the designer the dataMember will be only a column name. and the DataSource/DataMember 
            // properties are for use w/ the designer.
            private void EnforceValidDataMember(object value) {
                Debug.Assert(value != null, "we should not have a null dataSource when we want to check for a valid dataMember");
                if (this.DataMember == null || this.DataMember.Length == 0)
                if (this.BindingContext == null)
                try {
                    BindingManagerBase bm = this.BindingContext[value, this.dataMember]; 
                catch {
                    this.dataMember = "";
            // will be used by the columns to tell the grid that 
            // editing is taken place (ie, the grid is no longer in the
            // editOrNavigateMode) 
            // also, tell the current row to lose child focus
            internal protected virtual void ColumnStartedEditing(Rectangle bounds) {
                Debug.Assert( currentRow >= firstVisibleRow && currentRow <= firstVisibleRow +  numVisibleRows, "how can one edit a row which is invisible?"); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 

                if (bounds.IsEmpty && this.editColumn is DataGridTextBoxColumn && this.currentRow != -1 && this.currentCol != -1) { 
                    // set the bounds on the control
                    // this will only work w/ our DataGridTexBox control
                    DataGridTextBoxColumn col = this.editColumn as DataGridTextBoxColumn;
                    Rectangle editBounds = this.GetCellBounds(this.currentRow, this.currentCol); 

                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true; 
                    try { 
                        col.TextBox.Bounds = editBounds;
                    } finally { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) {
                    int currentRowCount = this.DataGridRowsLength; 
                    DataGridRow[] newDataGridRows = new DataGridRow[currentRowCount + 1]; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < currentRowCount; i++) {
                        newDataGridRows[i] = localGridRows[i]; 

                    // put the AddNewRow 
                    newDataGridRows[currentRowCount] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, currentRowCount);
                    SetDataGridRows(newDataGridRows, currentRowCount + 1); 
                    // put this after the call to edit so that 
                    // CommitEdit knows that the inAddNewRow is true;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = true;
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false; 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing] = true;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false; 

                // tell the current row to lose the childFocuse
                localGridRows[currentRow].LoseChildFocus(layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft()); 
            internal protected virtual void ColumnStartedEditing(Control editingControl) {

            ///       Displays child relations, if any exist, for all rows or a 
            ///       specific row. 
            public void Expand(int row) {
                SetRowExpansionState(row, true);
            ///       Creates a  using the specified .
            // protected and virtual because the SimpleDropdownDataGrid will override this
            protected virtual DataGridColumnStyle CreateGridColumn(PropertyDescriptor prop, bool isDefault) {
                return myGridTable == null ? null : myGridTable.CreateGridColumn(prop, isDefault); 
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            protected virtual DataGridColumnStyle CreateGridColumn(PropertyDescriptor prop)
                return myGridTable == null ? null : myGridTable.CreateGridColumn(prop); 
            private ListManager ListManagerForChildColumn(ListManager childListManager, PropertyDescriptor prop)
                DataKey key; 
                RelationsCollection relCollection = dataColumn.Table.ParentRelations;
                // this will give us the list of properties of the child
                PropertyDescriptorCollection propCollection = childListManager.GetItemProperties(); 

                int relCount = propCollection.Count;
                for (int i=0;i 
            ///    Specifies the end of the initialization code. 
            public void EndInit() {
                inInit = false;
                if (myGridTable == null && this.ListManager != null) { 
                    SetDataGridTable(this.TableStyles[this.ListManager.GetListName()], true);      // true for forcing column creation
                if (myGridTable != null) 
                    myGridTable.DataGrid = this;

            ///      Given a x coordinate, returns the column it is over.
            private int GetColFromX(int x) {
                if (myGridTable == null) 
                    return -1; 

                Rectangle inside = layout.Data; 
                Debug.Assert(x >= inside.X && x < inside.Right, "x must be inside the horizontal bounds of layout.Data");

                x = MirrorPoint(x, inside, isRightToLeft());
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int columnCount = columns.Count; 
                int cx = inside.X - negOffset;
                int col = firstVisibleCol; 
                while (cx < inside.Width  + inside.X && col < columnCount) {
                    // if (columns[col].Visible && columns[col].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                    if (columns[col].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        cx += columns[col].Width; 
                    if (cx > x)
                        return col; 
                return -1; 

            ///      Returns the coordinate of the left edge of the given column 
            ///      Bi-Di: if the grid has the RightToLeft property set to RightToLeft.Yes, this will
            ///      return what appears as the right edge of the column 
            internal int GetColBeg(int col) {
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable != null, "GetColBeg can't be called when myGridTable == null."); 

                int offset = layout.Data.X - negOffset;
                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int lastCol = Math.Min(col, columns.Count);
                for (int i = firstVisibleCol; i < lastCol; ++i) { 
                    // if (columns[i].Visible && columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                    if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        offset += columns[i].Width; 
                return MirrorPoint(offset, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
            ///      Returns the coordinate of the right edge of the given column 
            ///      Bi-Di: if the grid has the RightToLeft property set to RightToLeft.Yes, this will 
            ///      return what appears as the left edge of the column
            internal int GetColEnd(int col) {
                // return MirrorPoint(GetColBeg(col) + myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col].Width, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
                int colBeg = GetColBeg(col);
                Debug.Assert(myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col].PropertyDescriptor != null, "why would we need the coordinate of a column that is not visible?"); 
                int width = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[col].Width;
                return isRightToLeft() ? colBeg - width : colBeg + width; 

            private int GetColumnWidthSum() { 
                int sum = 0;
                if (myGridTable != null && myGridTable.GridColumnStyles != null) {
                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                    int columnsCount = columns.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) 
                        // if (columns[i].Visible && columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                        if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            sum += columns[i].Width; 
                return sum;
            ///      Not all rows in the DataGrid are expandable, 
            ///      this computes which ones are and returns an array 
            ///      of references to them.
            private DataGridRelationshipRow[] GetExpandableRows() {
                int nExpandableRows = DataGridRowsLength;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (policy.AllowAdd) 
                    nExpandableRows = Math.Max(nExpandableRows-1,0);
                DataGridRelationshipRow[] expandableRows = new DataGridRelationshipRow[nExpandableRows]; 
                for (int i = 0; i < nExpandableRows; i++) 
                    expandableRows[i] = (DataGridRelationshipRow)localGridRows[i];
                return expandableRows; 

            ///      Returns the row number underneath the given y coordinate. 
            private int GetRowFromY(int y) { 
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data;
                Debug.Assert(y >= inside.Y && y < inside.Bottom, "y must be inside the vertical bounds of the data"); 

                int cy = inside.Y;
                int row = firstVisibleRow;
                int rowCount = DataGridRowsLength; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                int bottom = inside.Bottom; 
                while (cy < bottom && row < rowCount) { 
                    cy += localGridRows[row].Height;
                    if (cy > y) { 
                        return row;
                return -1;
            internal Rectangle GetRowHeaderRect() {
                return layout.RowHeaders; 

            internal Rectangle GetColumnHeadersRect() {
                return layout.ColumnHeaders; 
            ///      Determines where on the control's ClientRectangle a given row is
            ///      painting to. 
            private Rectangle GetRowRect(int rowNumber) {
                Rectangle inside = layout.Data;
                int cy = inside.Y; 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                for (int row = firstVisibleRow; row <= rowNumber; ++row) { 
                    if (cy > inside.Bottom) { 
                    if (row == rowNumber) {
                        Rectangle rowRect = new Rectangle(inside.X,
                        if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) { 
                            rowRect.Width += layout.RowHeaders.Width; 
                            rowRect.X     -= isRightToLeft() ? 0 : layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                        return rowRect;
                    cy += localGridRows[row].Height;
                return Rectangle.Empty;
            ///      Returns the coordinate of the top edge of the given row 
            private int GetRowTop(int row) {
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                int offset = layout.Data.Y; 
                int lastRow = Math.Min(row, DataGridRowsLength);
                for (int i = firstVisibleRow; i < lastRow; ++i) { 
                    offset += localGridRows[i].Height; 
                for (int i=firstVisibleRow; i > lastRow; i--) { 
                    offset -= localGridRows[i].Height;
                return offset;

            ///      Returns the coordinate of the bottom edge of the given row 
            private int GetRowBottom(int row) { 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;

                return GetRowTop(row) + localGridRows[row].Height;

            ///      This method is called on methods that need the grid 
            ///      to be bound to a DataTable to work.
            private void EnsureBound() {
                if (!Bound) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridUnbound));
            private void EnsureVisible(int row, int col) { 
                if (row < firstVisibleRow
                    || row >= firstVisibleRow + numTotallyVisibleRows) { 
                    int dRows = ComputeDeltaRows(row);
                if (this.firstVisibleCol == 0 && this.numVisibleCols == 0 && this.lastTotallyVisibleCol == -1) {
                    // no columns are displayed whatsoever 
                    // some sanity checks 
                    Debug.Assert(this.negOffset == 0, " no columns are displayed so the negative offset should be 0");

                int previousFirstVisibleCol = this.firstVisibleCol;
                int previousNegOffset = this.negOffset; 
                int previousLastTotallyVisibleCol = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol;
                while (col < firstVisibleCol 
                    || col == firstVisibleCol && negOffset != 0
                    || lastTotallyVisibleCol == -1 && col > firstVisibleCol 
                    || lastTotallyVisibleCol > -1 && col > lastTotallyVisibleCol) {

                    if (previousFirstVisibleCol == this.firstVisibleCol &&
                        previousNegOffset == this.negOffset && 
                        previousLastTotallyVisibleCol == this.lastTotallyVisibleCol) { 
                        // nothing changed since the last iteration
                        // don't get into an infinite loop 
                    previousFirstVisibleCol = firstVisibleCol;
                    previousNegOffset = this.negOffset; 
                    previousLastTotallyVisibleCol = this.lastTotallyVisibleCol;
                    // continue to scroll to the right until the scrollTo column is the totally last visible column or it is the first visible column 

            /// Gets a  
            /// that specifies the four corners of the selected cell.
            public Rectangle GetCurrentCellBounds() { 
                DataGridCell current = this.CurrentCell;
                return GetCellBounds(current.RowNumber, current.ColumnNumber); 

            /// Gets the  of the cell specified by row and column number.
            public Rectangle GetCellBounds(int row, int col) { 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                Rectangle cellBounds = localGridRows[row].GetCellBounds(col); 
                cellBounds.Y += GetRowTop(row);
                cellBounds.X += layout.Data.X - negOffset;
                cellBounds.X = MirrorRectangle(cellBounds, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
                return cellBounds; 
            /// Gets the  of the cell specified by . 
            public Rectangle GetCellBounds(DataGridCell dgc) {
                return GetCellBounds(dgc.RowNumber, dgc.ColumnNumber);


            internal Rectangle GetRowBounds(DataGridRow row) { 
                Rectangle rowBounds = new Rectangle();
                rowBounds.Y = GetRowTop(row.RowNumber);
                rowBounds.X = layout.Data.X;
                rowBounds.Height = row.Height; 
                rowBounds.Width = layout.Data.Width;
                return rowBounds; 

            ///    Gets information, such as row and column number of a
            ///       clicked point on
            ///       the grid, 
            ///       using the x
            ///       and y coordinate passed to the method. 
            public HitTestInfo HitTest(int x, int y) {
                int topOfData = layout.Data.Y; 
                HitTestInfo ci = new HitTestInfo();

                if (layout.CaptionVisible && layout.Caption.Contains(x,y)) {
                    ci.type = HitTestType.Caption; 
                    return ci;
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible && layout.ParentRows.Contains(x,y)) { 
                    ci.type = HitTestType.ParentRows;
                    return ci; 

                if (!layout.Inside.Contains(x,y))
                    return ci; 

                if (layout.TopLeftHeader.Contains(x,y)) 
                    return ci; 

                // check for column resize 
                if (layout.ColumnHeaders.Contains(x,y)) {
                    ci.type = HitTestType.ColumnHeader;
                    ci.col = GetColFromX(x);
                    if (ci.col < 0) 
                        return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;
                    int right = GetColBeg(ci.col + 1); 
                    bool rightToLeft = isRightToLeft(); 
                    if ((rightToLeft && x - right < 8) || (!rightToLeft && right - x < 8)) {
                        ci.type = HitTestType.ColumnResize; 
                    return(allowColumnResize ? ci : HitTestInfo.Nowhere);
                //check for RowResize:
                if (layout.RowHeaders.Contains(x,y)) { 
                    ci.type = HitTestType.RowHeader; 
                    ci.row = GetRowFromY(y);
                    if (ci.row < 0) 
                        return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;

                    // find out if the click was a RowResize click
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                    int bottomBorder = GetRowTop(ci.row) + localGridRows[ci.row].Height;
                    if (bottomBorder - y - BorderWidth < 2 && !(localGridRows[ci.row] is DataGridAddNewRow)) { 
                        ci.type = HitTestType.RowResize; 
                    return (allowRowResize ? ci : HitTestInfo.Nowhere);

                if (layout.Data.Contains(x,y)) { 
                    ci.type = HitTestType.Cell;
                    ci.col = GetColFromX(x); 
                    ci.row = GetRowFromY(y); 
                    if (ci.col < 0 || ci.row < 0) return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;
                    return ci; 
                return ci;
            ///    Gets information, such as row and column number of a 
            ///       clicked point on the grid, about the
            ///       grid using a specific 
            ///    .
            public HitTestInfo HitTest(Point position) {
                return HitTest(position.X, position.Y); 
            ///      Initializes the values for column widths in the table. 
            private void InitializeColumnWidths() {
                if (myGridTable == null)

                GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                int numCols = columns.Count; 

                // Resize the columns to a approximation of a best fit. 
                // We find the best fit width of NumRowsForAutoResize rows
                // and use it for each column.
                int preferredColumnWidth = this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.PreferredColumnWidth : this.myGridTable.PreferredColumnWidth;
                // if we set the PreferredColumnWidth to something else than AutoColumnSize 
                // then use that value
                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) { 
                    // if the column width is not -1, then this column was initialized already
                    if (columns[col].width != -1) continue; 

                    columns[col].width = preferredColumnWidth;

            ///      Invalidates the scrollable area of the DataGrid. 
            internal void InvalidateInside() { 

            ///      Invalidates the caption area of the DataGrid.
            internal void InvalidateCaption() { 
                if (layout.CaptionVisible)

            ///      Invalidates a rectangle normalized to the caption's 
            ///      visual bounds.
            internal void InvalidateCaptionRect(Rectangle r) { 
                if (layout.CaptionVisible) {

            ///      Invalidates the display region of a given DataGridColumn.
            internal void InvalidateColumn(int column) { 
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridColumns = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                if (column < 0 || gridColumns == null || gridColumns.Count <= column) 

                Debug.Assert(gridColumns[column].PropertyDescriptor != null, "how can we invalidate a column that is invisible?");
                // bail if the column is not visible. 
                if (column < firstVisibleCol || column > firstVisibleCol + numVisibleCols - 1)
                Rectangle columnArea = new Rectangle();
                columnArea.Height = layout.Data.Height; 
                columnArea.Width = gridColumns[column].Width;
                columnArea.Y = layout.Data.Y;

                int x = layout.Data.X - negOffset; 
                int gridColumnsCount = gridColumns.Count;
                for (int i = firstVisibleCol; i < gridColumnsCount; ++i) { 
                    if (i == column) 
                    x += gridColumns[i].Width; 
                columnArea.X = x;
                columnArea.X = MirrorRectangle(columnArea, layout.Data, isRightToLeft());
            ///      Invalidates the parent rows area of the DataGrid
            internal void InvalidateParentRows() {
                if (layout.ParentRowsVisible)

            ///      Invalidates a rectangle normalized to the parent 
            ///      rows area's visual bounds.
            internal void InvalidateParentRowsRect(Rectangle r) {
                Rectangle parentRowsRect = layout.ParentRows;
                if (!parentRowsRect.IsEmpty) { 
                    //Invalidate(new Rectangle(parentRowsRect.X + r.X, parentRowsRect.Y + r.Y,
                                             // r.Width, r.Height)); 
            ///      Invalidate the painting region for the row specified.
            internal void InvalidateRow(int rowNumber) { 
                Rectangle rowRect = GetRowRect(rowNumber);
                if (!rowRect.IsEmpty) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridPainting.TraceVerbose, "DataGridPainting: Invalidating row " + rowNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

            private void InvalidateRowHeader(int rowNumber) {
                if (rowNumber >= firstVisibleRow && rowNumber < firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows) { 
                    if (!layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                    Rectangle invalid = new Rectangle();
                    invalid.Y = GetRowTop(rowNumber); 
                    invalid.X = layout.RowHeaders.X;
                    invalid.Width = layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                    invalid.Height = this.DataGridRows[rowNumber].Height;
            // NOTE:
            // because of Rtl, we assume that the only place that calls InvalidateRowRect is 
            // the DataGridRelationshipRow
            internal void InvalidateRowRect(int rowNumber, Rectangle r) {
                Rectangle rowRect = GetRowRect(rowNumber);
                if (!rowRect.IsEmpty) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridPainting.TraceVerbose, "DataGridPainting: Invalidating a rect in row " + rowNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    Rectangle inner = new Rectangle(rowRect.X + r.X, rowRect.Y + r.Y, r.Width, r.Height); 
                    if (vertScrollBar.Visible && isRightToLeft()) 
                        inner.X -= vertScrollBar.Width;

            ///    Gets a value that indicates whether a specified row's node is expanded or collapsed. 
            public bool IsExpanded(int rowNumber) {
                if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > DataGridRowsLength) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowNumber");
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;


                DataGridRow row = localGridRows[rowNumber]; 
                if (row is DataGridRelationshipRow) {
                    DataGridRelationshipRow relRow = (DataGridRelationshipRow)row; 
                    return relRow.Expanded;
                    return false; 
            ///       Gets a value indicating whether a
            ///       specified row is selected.
            public bool IsSelected(int row) {
                // SECREVIEW: the method does not check the bounds. We can't fix this and throw an exception because this would be a breaking change 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                return localGridRows[row].Selected;

            internal static bool IsTransparentColor(Color color) {
                return color.A < 255;

            ///      Determines if Scrollbars should be visible, 
            ///      updates their bounds and the bounds of all
            ///      other regions in the DataGrid's Layout. 
            private void LayoutScrollBars() {
                // if we set the dataSource to null, then take away the scrollbars.
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null) { 
                    horizScrollBar.Visible = false;
                    vertScrollBar.Visible = false; 
                // Scrollbars are a tricky issue.
                // We need to see if we can cram our columns and rows
                // in without scrollbars and if they don't fit, we make
                // scrollbars visible and then fixup our regions for the 
                // data and headers.
                bool needHorizScrollbar = false; 
                bool needVertScrollbar = false; 
                bool recountRows = false;
                bool alignToRight = isRightToLeft(); 

                int nGridCols = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;

                // if we call LayoutScrollBars before CreateDataGridRows 
                // then the columns will have their default width ( 100 )
                // CreateDataGridRows will possibly change the columns' width 
                // and anyway, ComputeVisibleRows will call the DataGridRows accessor
                DataGridRow[] gridRows = this.DataGridRows;

                // at this stage, the data grid columns may have their width set to -1 ( ie, their width is uninitialized )
                // make sure that the totalWidth is at least 0 
                int totalWidth = Math.Max(0, GetColumnWidthSum());
                if (totalWidth > layout.Data.Width && !needHorizScrollbar) { 
                    int horizHeight = horizScrollBar.Height;
                    layout.Data.Height -= horizHeight; 
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        layout.RowHeaders.Height -= horizHeight;
                    needHorizScrollbar = true;

                int oldFirstVisibleRow = firstVisibleRow; 
                if (numTotallyVisibleRows != DataGridRowsLength && !needVertScrollbar) { 
                    int vertWidth = vertScrollBar.Width;
                    layout.Data.Width -= vertWidth;
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        if (alignToRight)
                            layout.ColumnHeaders.X += vertWidth; 
                        layout.ColumnHeaders.Width -= vertWidth;
                    needVertScrollbar = true;

                this.firstVisibleCol = ComputeFirstVisibleColumn(); 
                // we compute the number of visible columns only after we set up the vertical scroll bar.
                if (needVertScrollbar && totalWidth > layout.Data.Width && !needHorizScrollbar) {
                    firstVisibleRow = oldFirstVisibleRow; 
                    int horizHeight = horizScrollBar.Height;
                    layout.Data.Height -= horizHeight;
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        layout.RowHeaders.Height -= horizHeight; 
                    needHorizScrollbar = true;
                    recountRows = true; 

                if (recountRows) { 
                    if (numTotallyVisibleRows != DataGridRowsLength && !needVertScrollbar) {
                        int vertWidth = vertScrollBar.Width;
                        layout.Data.Width -= vertWidth; 
                        if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                            if (alignToRight) 
                                layout.ColumnHeaders.X += vertWidth;
                            layout.ColumnHeaders.Width -= vertWidth;
                        needVertScrollbar = true;
                layout.ResizeBoxRect = new Rectangle(); 
                if (needVertScrollbar && needHorizScrollbar) {
                    Rectangle data = layout.Data; 
                    layout.ResizeBoxRect = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? data.X : data.Right,
                if (needHorizScrollbar && nGridCols > 0) {
                    //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: foo"); 

                    int widthNotVisible = totalWidth - layout.Data.Width;

                    horizScrollBar.Minimum      = 0; 
                    horizScrollBar.Maximum      = totalWidth;
                    horizScrollBar.SmallChange  = 1; 
                    horizScrollBar.LargeChange  = Math.Max(totalWidth - widthNotVisible, 0); 
                    horizScrollBar.Enabled      = this.Enabled;
                    horizScrollBar.RightToLeft  = RightToLeft; 
                    horizScrollBar.Bounds       = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? layout.Inside.X + layout.ResizeBoxRect.Width : layout.Inside.X,
                                                                layout.Inside.Width - layout.ResizeBoxRect.Width,
                    horizScrollBar.Visible      = true;
                else { 
                    HorizontalOffset = 0;
                    horizScrollBar.Visible = false; 

                if (needVertScrollbar) {
                    int vertScrollBarTop = layout.Data.Y; 
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible)
                        vertScrollBarTop = layout.ColumnHeaders.Y; 
                    // if numTotallyVisibleRows == 0 ( the height of the row is bigger than the height of 
                    // the grid ) then scroll in increments of 1.
                    vertScrollBar.LargeChange = numTotallyVisibleRows != 0 ? numTotallyVisibleRows : 1; 
                    vertScrollBar.Bounds = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? layout.Data.X : layout.Data.Right,
                                                         layout.Data.Height + layout.ColumnHeaders.Height); 
                    vertScrollBar.Enabled = this.Enabled;
                    vertScrollBar.Visible = true; 
                    if (alignToRight) 
                        layout.Data.X += vertScrollBar.Width;
                else {
                    vertScrollBar.Visible = false;

            ///    Navigates back to the table previously displayed in the grid.
            public void NavigateBack() {
                if (!CommitEdit() || parentRows.IsEmpty())
                // when navigating back, if the grid is inAddNewRow state, cancel the currentEdit. 
                // we do not need to recreate the rows cause we are navigating back.
                // the grid will catch any exception that happens. 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                    try { 
                    } catch {
                } else { 

                DataGridState newState = parentRows.PopTop(); 


                newState.PullState(this, false);                // we do not want to create columns when navigating back 

                // we need to have originalState != null when we process 
                // Set_ListManager in the NavigateBack/NavigateTo methods. 
                // otherwise the DataSource_MetaDataChanged event will not get registered
                // properly 
                if (parentRows.GetTopParent() == null)
                    originalState = null;

                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                // what if the user changed the ReadOnly property
                // on the grid while the user was navigating to the child rows? 
                // what if the policy does not allow for allowAdd?
                if ((this.ReadOnly || !policy.AllowAdd) == (localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength -1] is DataGridAddNewRow)) {
                    int newDataGridRowsLength = (ReadOnly || !policy.AllowAdd) ? DataGridRowsLength - 1 : DataGridRowsLength + 1;
                    DataGridRow[] newDataGridRows = new DataGridRow[newDataGridRowsLength];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(newDataGridRowsLength, DataGridRowsLength); i++) { 
                        newDataGridRows[i] = DataGridRows[i];
                    if(!this.ReadOnly && policy.AllowAdd) 
                        newDataGridRows[newDataGridRowsLength - 1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, newDataGridRowsLength-1);
                    SetDataGridRows(newDataGridRows, newDataGridRowsLength); 

                // when we navigate back from a child table,
                // it may be the case that in between the user added a tableStyle that is different 
                // from the one that is currently in the grid
                // in that case, we need to reset the dataGridTableStyle in the rows 
                localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 
                if (localGridRows != null && localGridRows.Length != 0) {
                    DataGridTableStyle dgTable = localGridRows[0].DataGridTableStyle; 
                    if (dgTable != this.myGridTable) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < localGridRows.Length; i ++)
                            localGridRows[i].DataGridTableStyle = this.myGridTable;
                // if we have the default table, when we navigate back 
                // we also have the default gridColumns, w/ width = -1
                // we need to set the width on the new gridColumns 
                if (this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0 && this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[0].Width == -1) {
    #if DEBUG
                    GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++) {
                        Debug.Assert(cols[i].Width == -1, "Sanity check"); 
                    Debug.Assert(this.myGridTable.IsDefault, "when we navigate to the parent rows and the columns have widths -1 we are using the default table");
    #endif // DEBUG 

                // reset the currentRow to the old position in the listmanager: 
                currentRow = this.ListManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : this.ListManager.Position;
                // if the AllowNavigation changed while the user was navigating the 
                // child tables, so that the new navigation mode does not allow childNavigation anymore
                // then reset the rows 
                if (!AllowNavigation) {
                caption.BackButtonActive = (parentRows.GetTopParent() != null) && AllowNavigation;
                caption.BackButtonVisible = caption.BackButtonActive; 
                caption.DownButtonActive = (parentRows.GetTopParent() != null); 

                // reposition the scroll bar
                if (vertScrollBar.Visible)
                    vertScrollBar.Value = firstVisibleRow; 
                if (horizScrollBar.Visible)
                    horizScrollBar.Value = HorizontalOffset + negOffset; 
                OnNavigate(new NavigateEventArgs(false));

            ///       Navigates to the table specified by row and relation
            ///       name. 
            public void NavigateTo(int rowNumber, String relationName) { 
                // do not navigate if AllowNavigation is set to false
                if (!AllowNavigation)
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber > DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1)) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowNumber"); 
                DataGridRow source = localGridRows[rowNumber];

                NavigateTo(relationName, source, false);

            internal void NavigateTo(string relationName, DataGridRow source, bool fromRow) { 
                // do not navigate if AllowNavigation is set to false 
                if (!AllowNavigation)
                // Commit the edit if possible
                if (!CommitEdit())
                DataGridState childState;
                try { 
                    childState = CreateChildState(relationName, source); 
                catch { 
                    // if we get an error when creating the RelatedCurrencyManager
                    // then navigateBack and ignore the exception.
                // call EndCurrentEdit before navigating.
                // if we get an exception, we do not navigate. 
                try {
                catch {

                // Preserve our current state 
                // we need to do this after the EndCurrentEdit, otherwise the
                // DataGridState will get the listChanged event from the EndCurrentEdit
                DataGridState dgs = new DataGridState(this);
                dgs.LinkingRow = source; 

                // we need to update the Position in the ListManager 
                // ( the RelatedListManager uses only the position in the parentManager 
                //   to create the childRows
                // before the code was calling CurrentCell = this and such
                // we should only call EndCurrentEdit ( which the code was doing anyway )
                // and then set the position in the listManager to the new row.
                if (source.RowNumber != CurrentRow)
                    this.listManager.Position = source.RowNumber; 
                // We save our state if the parent rows stack is empty.
                if (parentRows.GetTopParent() == null) { 
                    originalState = dgs;


                OnNavigate(new NavigateEventArgs(true));
                if (fromRow) { 
                    // OnLinkClick(EventArgs.Empty);
            private void NavigateTo(DataGridState childState) {
                // we are navigating... better stop editing. 

                // also, we are no longer in editOrNavigate mode either 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false;

                // reset hot tracking

                // Retrieve the child state 
                childState.PullState(this, true);               // true for creating columns when we navigate to child rows 

                if (this.listManager.Position != this.currentRow) { 
                    this.currentRow = listManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : listManager.Position;

                if (parentRows.GetTopParent() != null) { 
                    caption.BackButtonActive = AllowNavigation;
                    caption.BackButtonVisible = caption.BackButtonActive; 
                    caption.DownButtonActive = true; 
                HorizontalOffset = 0;

            ///      Given a coordinate in the control this method returns
            ///      the equivalent point for a row. 
            private Point NormalizeToRow(int x, int y, int row) {
                Debug.Assert(row >= firstVisibleRow && row < firstVisibleRow + numVisibleRows,
                             "Row " + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "is not visible! firstVisibleRow = " + 
                             firstVisibleRow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", numVisibleRows = " +
                Point origin = new Point(0, layout.Data.Y); 

                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                for (int r = firstVisibleRow; r < row; ++r) {
                    origin.Y += localGridRows[r].Height;
                // when hittesting for the PlusMinus, the code in the DataGridRelationshipRow 
                // will use real X coordinate ( the one from layout.RowHeaders ) to paint the glyph
                return new Point(x, y - origin.Y); 
            internal void OnColumnCollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) {
                DataGridTableStyle table = (DataGridTableStyle)sender;
                if (table.Equals(this.myGridTable)) {
                    // if we changed the column collection, then we need to set the property 
                    // descriptors in the column collection.
                    // unless the user set the propertyDescriptor in the columnCollection 
                    if (!this.myGridTable.IsDefault) {
                        // if the element in the collectionChangeEventArgs is not null 
                        // and the action is refresh, then it means that the user
                        // set the propDesc. we do not want to override this.
                        if (e.Action != CollectionChangeAction.Refresh || e.Element == null)
                            PairTableStylesAndGridColumns(this.listManager, this.myGridTable, false); 

            ///      Paints column headers.
            private void PaintColumnHeaders(Graphics g) {
                bool alignToLeft = isRightToLeft(); 
                Rectangle boundingRect = layout.ColumnHeaders;
                if (!alignToLeft) 
                    boundingRect.X -= negOffset;
                boundingRect.Width += negOffset;

                int columnHeaderWidth = PaintColumnHeaderText(g, boundingRect); 

                if (alignToLeft) 
                    boundingRect.X = boundingRect.Right - columnHeaderWidth; 

                boundingRect.Width = columnHeaderWidth; 
                if (!FlatMode) {
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, boundingRect, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
                    boundingRect.Inflate(-1, -1);
                    // g.SetPen(OldSystemPens.Control); 
                    // g.OldBrush = (OldSystemBrushes.Hollow);
                    boundingRect.Width --; 
                    g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.Control, boundingRect);

            private int PaintColumnHeaderText(Graphics g, Rectangle boundingRect) {
                int cx = 0; 
                Rectangle textBounds = boundingRect;
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridColumns = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                bool alignRight = isRightToLeft(); 

                int nGridCols = gridColumns.Count;
                // for sorting
                PropertyDescriptor sortProperty = null;
                sortProperty = this.ListManager.GetSortProperty(); 

                // Now paint the column header text! 
                for (int col = firstVisibleCol; col < nGridCols; ++col) { 
                    if (gridColumns[col].PropertyDescriptor == null)

                    if (cx > boundingRect.Width)
                    bool columnSorted = sortProperty != null && sortProperty.Equals(gridColumns[col].PropertyDescriptor);
                    TriangleDirection whichWay = TriangleDirection.Up; 
                    if (columnSorted) 
                        ListSortDirection direction = this.ListManager.GetSortDirection(); 
                        if (direction == ListSortDirection.Descending)
                            whichWay = TriangleDirection.Down;
                    if (alignRight)
                        textBounds.Width = gridColumns[col].Width - 
                                           (columnSorted ? textBounds.Height : 0);
                        textBounds.X = boundingRect.Right - cx - textBounds.Width; 
                        textBounds.X = boundingRect.X + cx; 
                        textBounds.Width = gridColumns[col].Width -
                                           (columnSorted ? textBounds.Height : 0); 

                    // at the moment we paint some pixels twice. 
                    // we should not call FilLRectangle, once the real GDI+ is there, we will have no need to do that

                    // if the user set the HeaderBackBrush property on the
                    // dataGrid, then use that property 
                    Brush headerBrush;
                    if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                        headerBrush = HeaderBackBrush; 
                        headerBrush = this.myGridTable.HeaderBackBrush; 

                    g.FillRectangle(headerBrush, textBounds);
                    // granted, the code would be a lot cleaner if we were using a "new Rectangle"
                    // but like this will be faster 
                    if (alignRight)
                        textBounds.X -= 2; textBounds.Y += 2; 
                        textBounds.X += 2; textBounds.Y += 2;
                    StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
                    // the columnHeaderText alignment should be the same as 
                    // the alignment in the column
                    HorizontalAlignment colAlignment = gridColumns[col].Alignment;
                    format.Alignment = colAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right ?   StringAlignment.Far :
                                       colAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center ?  StringAlignment.Center :

                    // part 1, section 1: the column headers should not wrap 
                    format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; 

                    if (alignRight) { 
                        format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;
                        format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                                 this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.HeaderFont : this.myGridTable.HeaderFont,
                                 this.myGridTable.IsDefault ? this.HeaderForeBrush : this.myGridTable.HeaderForeBrush, 

                    if (alignRight)
                        textBounds.X += 2; textBounds.Y -= 2; 
                        textBounds.X -= 2; textBounds.Y -= 2;

                    if (columnSorted) {
                        Rectangle triBounds = new Rectangle(alignRight ? textBounds.X  - textBounds.Height : textBounds.Right,
                        g.FillRectangle(headerBrush, triBounds);
                        int deflateValue = Math.Max(0,(textBounds.Height - 5) / 2);
                        triBounds.Inflate(-deflateValue, -deflateValue);
                        Pen pen1 = new Pen(this.BackgroundBrush);
                        Pen pen2 = new Pen(this.myGridTable.BackBrush); 
                        Triangle.Paint(g, triBounds, whichWay, headerBrush, pen1, pen2, pen1, true); 
                    int paintedWidth = textBounds.Width + (columnSorted ? textBounds.Height : 0);

                    if (!FlatMode) { 
                        if (alignRight && columnSorted)
                            textBounds.X -= textBounds.Height; 
                        textBounds.Width = paintedWidth; 

                        ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, textBounds, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner); 
                    cx += paintedWidth;
                // paint the possible exposed portion to the right ( or left, as the case may be)
                if (cx < boundingRect.Width) { 
                    textBounds = boundingRect; 

                    if (!alignRight) 
                        textBounds.X += cx;

                    textBounds.Width -= cx;
                    g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, textBounds); 
                return cx; 

            ///      Paints a border around the bouding rectangle given
            private void PaintBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) 
                if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None) 
                if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) {
                    Border3DStyle style = Border3DStyle.Sunken; 
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, bounds, style );
                else if (BorderStyle == BorderStyle.FixedSingle) {
                    Brush br; 

                    if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                        br = this.HeaderForeBrush; 
                        br = this.myGridTable.HeaderForeBrush; 
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width + 2, 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Y, 2, bounds.Height + 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 2, bounds.Width + 2, 2);
                    g.FillRectangle(br, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 2, bounds.Height + 2); 
                else { 
                    Pen pen = SystemPens.WindowFrame; 
                    bounds.Width --;
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, bounds);
            ///      Paints the grid in the bounding rectangle given. 
            ///      This includes the column headers and each visible row. 
            private void PaintGrid(Graphics g, Rectangle gridBounds) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridPainting.TraceVerbose, "DataGridPainting: PaintGrid on " + gridBounds.ToString());

                Rectangle rc = gridBounds;
                if (this.listManager != null) {
                    if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) { 
                        Region r = g.Clip; 
                        g.Clip = r;
                        int columnHeaderHeight = layout.ColumnHeaders.Height;
                        rc.Y += columnHeaderHeight; 
                        rc.Height -= columnHeaderHeight;
                    if (layout.TopLeftHeader.Width > 0) {
                        if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault) 
                            g.FillRectangle(this.HeaderBackBrush, layout.TopLeftHeader);
                            g.FillRectangle(this.myGridTable.HeaderBackBrush, layout.TopLeftHeader);
                        if (!FlatMode) {
                            ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, layout.TopLeftHeader, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner); 
                    PaintRows(g, ref rc) ;

                // paint the possible exposed portion below 
                if (rc.Height > 0) {
                    g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, rc); 
            private void DeleteDataGridRows(int deletedRows) {
                if (deletedRows == 0)
                int currentRowCount = DataGridRowsLength;
                int newDataGridRowsLength = currentRowCount - deletedRows + (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] ? 1:0); 
                DataGridRow[] newDataGridRows = new DataGridRow[newDataGridRowsLength]; 
                DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                // the number of selected entries so far in the array
                int selectedEntries = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < currentRowCount; i++) { 
                    if (gridRows[i].Selected) {
                        selectedEntries ++; 
                    } else { 
                        newDataGridRows[i - selectedEntries] = gridRows[i];
                        newDataGridRows[i - selectedEntries].number = i - selectedEntries; 

                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    newDataGridRows[currentRowCount - selectedEntries] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, currentRowCount - selectedEntries);
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false; 

                Debug.Assert(selectedEntries == deletedRows, "all the rows that would have been deleted should have been selected: selectedGridEntries " + selectedEntries.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " deletedRows " + deletedRows.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

                SetDataGridRows(newDataGridRows, newDataGridRowsLength);
            ///      Paints the visible rows on the grid. 
            private void PaintRows(Graphics g, ref Rectangle boundingRect) {
                int cy = 0; 
                bool alignRight = isRightToLeft();
                Rectangle rowBounds = boundingRect;
                Rectangle dataBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                bool paintRowHeaders = layout.RowHeadersVisible; 
                Rectangle headerBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                int numRows = DataGridRowsLength;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                int numCols = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count - firstVisibleCol;

                for (int row = firstVisibleRow; row < numRows; row++) {
                    if (cy > boundingRect.Height) 
                    rowBounds = boundingRect; 
                    rowBounds.Height = localGridRows[row].Height;
                    rowBounds.Y = boundingRect.Y + cy; 

                    // will add some errors
    #if false
                    if (forDebug == 0 || forDebug == 1) 
                        object dRowView = listManager[row]; 
                        DataRow dRow= ((DataRowView) dRowView).Row; 
                        // dRow.RowError = "Error " + forDebug.ToString();
                        dRow.SetColumnError(forDebug, "another error " + forDebug.ToString()); 

                        if (localGridRows[row].DataRow != null)
                            localGridRows[row].DataRow.RowError = "error " + forDebug.ToString();
                            localGridRows[row].DataRow.SetColumnError(forDebug, "another error " + forDebug.ToString()); 
                        forDebug ++; 
    #endif // false
                    if (paintRowHeaders) {
                        headerBounds = rowBounds; 
                        headerBounds.Width  = layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                        if (alignRight) 
                            headerBounds.X = rowBounds.Right - headerBounds.Width; 

                        if (g.IsVisible(headerBounds)) {
                            localGridRows[row].PaintHeader(g, headerBounds, alignRight, gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]); 
                        if (!alignRight)
                            rowBounds.X += headerBounds.Width; 
                        rowBounds.Width -= headerBounds.Width;
                    if (g.IsVisible(rowBounds)) {
                        dataBounds = rowBounds; 
                        if (!alignRight)
                            dataBounds.X -= negOffset; 
                        dataBounds.Width += negOffset; 

                        localGridRows[row].Paint(g, dataBounds, rowBounds, firstVisibleCol, numCols, alignRight); 
                    cy += rowBounds.Height;
                boundingRect.Y += cy; 
                boundingRect.Height -= cy;

            ///       Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a key should be processed
            ///       further. 
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
            protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: ProcessDialogKey " + TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString(keyData)); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (listManager  != null && DataGridRowsLength > 0 && localGridRows[currentRow].OnKeyPress(keyData)) {
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: Current Row ate the keystroke");
                    return true; 
                switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { 
                    case Keys.Tab:
                    case Keys.Up: 
                    case Keys.Down:
                    case Keys.Left:
                    case Keys.Right:
                    case Keys.Next: 
                    case Keys.Prior:
                    case Keys.Enter: 
                    case Keys.Escape: 
                    case Keys.Oemplus:
                    case Keys.Add: 
                    case Keys.OemMinus:
                    case Keys.Subtract:
                    case Keys.Space:
                    case Keys.Delete: 
                    case Keys.A:
                        KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs(keyData); 
                        if (ProcessGridKey(ke)) 
                            return true;

                    case Keys.C:
                        if ((keyData & Keys.Control) != 0 && (keyData & Keys.Alt) == 0)
                            // the user pressed Ctrl-C
                            if (!Bound) 

                            // need to distinguish between selecting a set of rows, and 
                            // selecting just one column.
                            if (numSelectedRows == 0)
                                // copy the data from one column only 
                                if (currentRow < ListManager.Count)
                                    GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                                    DataGridColumnStyle column = columns[currentCol];
                                    string text = column.GetDisplayText(column.GetColumnValueAtRow(ListManager, currentRow)); 

                                    // copy the data to the clipboard
                                    return true; 
                                // the user selected a set of rows to copy the data from

                                int numRowsOutputted = 0;           // the number of rows written to "text"
                                string text = ""; 

                                for (int i = 0; i < DataGridRowsLength; ++i) 
                                    if (localGridRows[i].Selected)
                                        GridColumnStylesCollection columns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                                        int numCols = columns.Count;
                                        for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                                            DataGridColumnStyle column = columns[j];
                                            text += column.GetDisplayText(column.GetColumnValueAtRow(ListManager, i)); 
                                            // do not put the delimiter at the end of the last column
                                            if ( j < numCols - 1) 
                                                text += GetOutputTextDelimiter();

                                        // put the hard enter "\r\n" only if this is not the last selected row 
                                        if (numRowsOutputted < numSelectedRows - 1) 
                                            text += "\r\n"; 

                                        numRowsOutputted ++;
                                // copy the data to the clipboard 
                                return true; 

                return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); 

            private void DeleteRows(DataGridRow[] localGridRows) { 
                int rowsDeleted = 0;

                int currentRowsCount = this.listManager == null ? 0 : this.listManager.Count;
                if (this.Visible) BeginUpdateInternal();
                try { 
                    if (this.ListManager != null) { 
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.DataGridRowsLength; i++) {
                            if (localGridRows[i].Selected) { 
                                if (localGridRows[i] is DataGridAddNewRow) {
                                    Debug.Assert(i == DataGridRowsLength - 1, "the location of addNewRow is " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " and there are " + DataGridRowsLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " rows ");
                                    localGridRows[i].Selected = false;
                                else {
                                    this.ListManager.RemoveAt(i - rowsDeleted); 
                                    rowsDeleted ++; 
                catch { 
                    // if we got an exception from the back end
                    // when deleting the rows then we should reset 
                    // our rows and re-throw the exception 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow] = false;
                    if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal();
                // keep the copy of the old rows in place
                // it may be the case that deleting one row could cause multiple rows to be deleted in the same list 
                if (this.listManager != null && currentRowsCount == this.listManager.Count + rowsDeleted) {
                } else {
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow] = false;
                if (this.Visible) EndUpdateInternal(); 
                if (this.listManager != null && currentRowsCount != this.listManager.Count + rowsDeleted) {

            // convention:
            // if we return -1 it means that the user was going left and there were no visible columns to the left of the current one 
            // if we return cols.Count + 1 it means that the user was going right and there were no visible columns to the right of the currrent 
            private int MoveLeftRight(GridColumnStylesCollection cols, int startCol, bool goRight) {
                int i; 
                if (goRight) {
                    for (i = startCol + 1; i < cols.Count; i++) {
                        // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                            return i;
                    return i; 
                } else {
                    for (i = startCol - 1; i>=0; i--) { 
                        // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            return i;
                    return i;

            ///       Processes keys for grid navigation.
                SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")] 
            // SECREVIEW: This seems safe, but could anything dangerous occur here?
            protected bool ProcessGridKey(KeyEventArgs ke) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridKeys.TraceVerbose, "DataGridKeys: ProcessGridKey "+ TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString(ke.KeyCode));
                if (listManager == null || myGridTable == null) 
                    return false;
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                KeyEventArgs biDiKe = ke;
                // check for Bi-Di 
                if (isRightToLeft())
                    switch(ke.KeyCode) { 
                        case Keys.Left:
                            biDiKe = new KeyEventArgs((Keys.Right | ke.Modifiers)); 
                        case Keys.Right:
                            biDiKe = new KeyEventArgs((Keys.Left | ke.Modifiers)); 
                GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 
                int firstColumnMarkedVisible = 0;
                int lastColumnMarkedVisible = cols.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++) {
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                        firstColumnMarkedVisible = i;
                for (int i = cols.Count - 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                        lastColumnMarkedVisible = i;

                switch (biDiKe.KeyCode) { 
                    case Keys.Tab: 
                        return ProcessTabKey(biDiKe.KeyData);
                    case Keys.Up: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true;

                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) 
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;

                                int savedCurrentRow = currentRow;
                                CurrentRow = 0; 

                                for (int i = 0; i <= savedCurrentRow; i ++)
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true; 
                                numSelectedRows = savedCurrentRow + 1;
                                // hide the edit box
                                return true;
                            // do not make the parentRowsVisible = false; 
                            // ParentRowsVisible = false;
                            CurrentRow = 0;
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true;
                        else if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows; 
                            // keep a continous selected region
                            if (gridRows[currentRow].Selected) { 
                                if (currentRow >= 1) {
                                    if (gridRows[currentRow - 1].Selected) {
                                        if (currentRow >= DataGridRowsLength - 1 || !gridRows[currentRow+1].Selected) {
                                            numSelectedRows --; 
                                            gridRows[currentRow].Selected = false;
                                    } else { 
                                        numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow -1].Selected ? 0:1;
                                        gridRows[currentRow - 1].Selected = true; 
                                    CurrentRow --;
                            } else { 
                                numSelectedRows ++;
                                gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                                if (currentRow >= 1) { 
                                    numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow-1].Selected ? 0:1;
                                    gridRows[currentRow-1].Selected = true; 
                                    CurrentRow --;
                            // hide the edit box:
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true; 
                        else if (biDiKe.Alt)
                            // will need to collapse all child table links 
                            // -1 is for all rows, and false is for collapsing the rows
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, false); 
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                            return true;
                        CurrentRow = CurrentRow - 1;
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                    case Keys.Down: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true; 

                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt)
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                int savedCurrentRow = currentRow; 
                                CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1));
                                DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows; 


                                for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i <= currentRow; i++) 
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                numSelectedRows = currentRow - savedCurrentRow + 1; 
                                // hide the edit box
                                return true;
                            // do not make the parentRowsVisible = true; 
                            // ParentRowsVisible = true;
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2 : 1)); 
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true; 
                        else if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows; 

                            // keep a continous selected region 
                            if (gridRows[currentRow].Selected) { 

                                // -1 because we index from 0 
                                if (currentRow < DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 1:0) - 1) {
                                    if (gridRows[currentRow + 1].Selected) {
                                        if (currentRow == 0 || !gridRows[currentRow - 1].Selected) {
                                            numSelectedRows --; 
                                            gridRows[currentRow].Selected = false;
                                    } else { 
                                        numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow + 1].Selected ? 0:1;
                                        gridRows[currentRow + 1].Selected = true; 

                                    CurrentRow ++;
                            } else {
                                numSelectedRows ++; 
                                gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                                // -1 because we index from 0, and -1 so this is not the last row
                                // so it adds to -2 
                                if (currentRow < DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 1:0) - 1) {
                                    CurrentRow ++;
                                    numSelectedRows += gridRows[currentRow].Selected ? 0:1;
                                    gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                            // hide the edit box:
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true;
                        else if (biDiKe.Alt)
                            // will need to expande all child table links 
                            // -1 is for all rows, and true is for expanding the rows
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, true); 
                            return true;
                        CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1;
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                    case Keys.OemMinus:
                    case Keys.Subtract: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt)
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, false); 
                            return true;
                        return false; 
                    case Keys.Oemplus:
                    case Keys.Add: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (biDiKe.Control)
                            SetRowExpansionState(-1, true); 
                            // hide the edit box
                            return true;
                        return false;
                    case Keys.Space:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) { 
                            return true;
                        if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            gridRows[currentRow].Selected = true; 
                            numSelectedRows = 1;
                            return true; 
                        return false; 
                    case Keys.Next:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true; 
                        if (biDiKe.Shift) 
                            int savedCurrentRow = currentRow; 
                            CurrentRow = Math.Min(DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1), currentRow + numTotallyVisibleRows);

                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i <= currentRow; i++) 
                                if (!gridRows[i].Selected) 
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                    numSelectedRows ++; 
                            // hide edit box
                        } else if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) { 
                            // map ctrl-pageDown to show the parentRows 
                            ParentRowsVisible = true;
                            CurrentRow = Math.Min(DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1), 
                                                  CurrentRow + numTotallyVisibleRows);
                    case Keys.Prior:
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) { 
                            return true;

                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (biDiKe.Shift)
                            int savedCurrentRow = currentRow; 
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, CurrentRow - numTotallyVisibleRows);
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i >= currentRow; i--)
                                if ( !gridRows[i].Selected) 
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true; 
                                    numSelectedRows ++; 

                            // hide the edit box
                        } else if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) {
                            // map ctrl-pageUp to hide the parentRows 
                            ParentRowsVisible = false; 
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0,
                                                  CurrentRow - numTotallyVisibleRows); 
                    case Keys.Left: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Modifiers) == Keys.Alt)
                            if (Caption.BackButtonVisible)
                            return true;
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)
                            // we should navigate to the first visible column
                            CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible;

                        if (currentCol == firstColumnMarkedVisible && currentRow != 0) 
                            CurrentRow = CurrentRow - 1;
                            int newCol = MoveLeftRight(this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles, this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count, false); 
                            Debug.Assert(newCol != -1, "there should be at least a visible column, right?");
                            CurrentColumn = newCol;
                        else { 
                            int newCol = MoveLeftRight(this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles, currentCol, false);
                            if (newCol == -1) { 
                                if (currentRow == 0) 
                                    return true;
                                else { 
                                    // go to the previous row:
                                    CurrentRow = CurrentRow - 1;
                                    CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible;
                            } else {
                                CurrentColumn = newCol; 
                    case Keys.Right:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) 
                            // we should navigate to the last column that is marked as Visible 
                            CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible; 

                        if (currentCol == lastColumnMarkedVisible && currentRow != DataGridRowsLength - 1)
                            CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1; 
                            // navigate to the first visible column
                            CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible; 
                        else {
                            int newCol = MoveLeftRight(this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles, this.currentCol, true); 
                            if (newCol == cols.Count + 1) {
                                // navigate to the first visible column
                                // and the next row
                                CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible;
                                CurrentRow ++; 
                                CurrentColumn = newCol; 
                    case Keys.F2:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
    #if DEBUG
                    case Keys.F12: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                    case Keys.Home:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) { 
                            return true;

                        CurrentColumn = 0;
                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) { 
                            int currentRowSaved = currentRow;
                            CurrentRow = 0; 
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                // Ctrl-Shift-Home will select all the rows up to the first one
                                DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                                for (int i = 0; i <= currentRowSaved; i++)
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                    numSelectedRows ++; 
                                // hide the edit box:
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true;
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                    case Keys.Delete: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (policy.AllowRemove && numSelectedRows > 0) { 
                            #if DEBUG
                            // when the list is empty, then the position
                            // in the listManager is -1, and the currentPosition in the grid is 0
                            if (ListManager != null && ListManager.Count > 0) { 
                                Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == this.currentRow,
                                                "Current row out of [....] with DataSource", 
                                                "The DataSource's Position property should be mirrored by the CurrentCell.RowNumber of the DataGrid."); 
                            #endif // DEBUG 

                            gridState[GRIDSTATE_inDeleteRow] = true;
                            // set the currentRow to the position in the list 
                            this.currentRow = this.listManager.Count == 0 ? 0 : this.listManager.Position;
                            numSelectedRows = 0; 
                        } else { 
                            // if we did not use the the Delete key, let the dataGridTextBox use it
                            return false; 
                    case Keys.End:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 
                        if (this.dataGridRowsLength == 0) {
                            return true; 

                        // go the the last visible column
                        CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible;

                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) { 
                            int savedCurrentRow = currentRow;
                            CurrentRow = Math.Max(0, DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1)); 
                            if (biDiKe.Shift)
                                // Ctrl-Shift-Home will select all the rows up to the first one
                                DataGridRow[] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                                for (int i = savedCurrentRow; i <= currentRow; i++)
                                    gridRows[i].Selected = true;
                                numSelectedRows = currentRow - savedCurrentRow + 1; 
                                // hide the edit box
                            Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource");
                            return true; 
                        Debug.Assert(ListManager.Position == CurrentCell.RowNumber || listManager.Count == 0, "current row out of ssync with DataSource"); 
                    case Keys.Enter:
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false; 

                        // yield the return key if there is no editing
                        if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) 
                            return false;
                        // Ctrl-Enter will call EndCurrentEdit 
                        if ((biDiKe.Modifiers & Keys.Control) != 0 && !biDiKe.Alt)
                            Edit();                 // put the edit box on the screen
                            // Do not commit the edit, cause reseting the 
                            // current cell will do that
                            // CommitEdit();

                            CurrentRow = currentRow + 1;

                    case Keys.A: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (biDiKe.Control && !biDiKe.Alt) 
                            DataGridRow [] gridRows = DataGridRows;
                            for (int i = 0; i < DataGridRowsLength; i++)
                                if (gridRows[i] is DataGridRelationshipRow) gridRows[i].Selected = true; 

                            numSelectedRows = DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 1 : 0); 
                            // hide the edit box 
                            return true;
                        return false;
                    case Keys.Escape: 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) 
                            // rollback 

                            // we have to invalidate the row header ( make it display the row selector instead of the pencil )
                            if (layout.RowHeadersVisible && this.currentRow > -1) { 
                                Rectangle rowHdrRect = GetRowRect(this.currentRow);
                                rowHdrRect.Width = layout.RowHeaders.Width; 
                            // now put the edit column back on the screen
                        else { 
                            // add this protected virtual method for the XML designer team
                            return false;
                return true;

            ///    Previews a keyboard message and returns a value indicating if the key was
            ///       consumed. 
                SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)
            protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message m) {
                if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN) { 
                    KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs((Keys)(unchecked((int)(long)m.WParam)) | ModifierKeys); 
                    switch (ke.KeyCode) {
                        case Keys.Up: 
                        case Keys.Down:
                        case Keys.Prior:
                        case Keys.Next:
                        case Keys.Right: 
                        case Keys.Left:
                        case Keys.Tab: 
                        case Keys.Escape: 
                        case Keys.Enter:
                        case Keys.OemMinus: 
                        case Keys.Subtract:
                        case Keys.Oemplus:
                        case Keys.Add:
                        case Keys.Space: 
                        case Keys.Home:
                        case Keys.End: 
                        case Keys.F2: 
                        case Keys.Delete:
                        case Keys.A: 
                            return ProcessGridKey(ke);
                // Ctrl-Tab will be sent as a tab paired w/ a control on the KeyUp message
                } else if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_KEYUP) {
                    KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs((Keys)(unchecked((int)(long)m.WParam)) | ModifierKeys); 
                    if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.Tab) 
                        return ProcessGridKey(ke);

                return base.ProcessKeyPreview(ref m);
            ///       Gets a value indicating whether the Tab key should be processed.
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
            protected bool ProcessTabKey(Keys keyData) {
                if (this.listManager == null || myGridTable == null) 
                    return false;
                bool wasEditing = false; 
                int columnCount = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                bool biDi = isRightToLeft();

                // Try to commit changes to cell if we were editing
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing]) {
                    wasEditing = true; 
                    if (!CommitEdit()) {
                        //MessageBox.Show("Could not commit changes!  Press Escape to abort edit"); 
                        Edit();         // if we can't commit the value put the edit box so that the user sees where the focus is 
                        return true;

                if ((keyData & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)
                    // when the user hits ctrl-alt-tab just ignore it.
                    if ((keyData & Keys.Alt) == Keys.Alt) 
                        return true; 

                    // navigate to the next control in the form 
                    Keys ke = keyData & ~(Keys.Control);

                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = true; 
                    try {
                    } finally { 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_editControlChanging] = false;

                    bool ret = false;
                    // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response
                    //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK. 
                    try { 
                        ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(ke);
                    finally {
                    return ret; 
                // see if the child relationships can use this TAB key 
                DataGridRow[] localRows = DataGridRows;
                GridColumnStylesCollection cols = this.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles; 

                int lastColumnMarkedVisible = 0;
                int firstColumnMarkedVisible = cols.Count-1;
                // bug 70492: if we do not have any rows, then tab should move focus to the next control 
                if (localRows.Length == 0) { 

                    bool ret = false; 

                    // SECREVIEW : ProcessDialogKey can generate a call to ContainerControl.SetActiveControl which demands ModifyFocus permission,
                    //             we need to assert it here; the assert is safe, setting the active control does not expose any sec vulnerability
                    //             indirectly. 
                    try { 
                        ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);
                    finally {
                    return ret;
                for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i ++) {
                    // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                        firstColumnMarkedVisible = i;
                for (int i = cols.Count - 1; i >= 0; i --) { 
                    // if (cols[i].Visible && cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                    if (cols[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) {
                        lastColumnMarkedVisible = i; 
                if (CurrentColumn == lastColumnMarkedVisible)
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] || (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] && (keyData & Keys.Shift) != Keys.Shift)) { 
                        if (localRows[CurrentRow].ProcessTabKey(keyData, layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft()))
                            if (cols.Count > 0)
                            gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = true;
                            // let the grid regain focus 
                            // introduced because of that BeginInvoke thing in the OnLeave method....
                            if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && CanFocus && !Focused) 
                            return true;

                    // actually, it turns out that we should leave the
                    // control if we are in the last row 
                    if ((this.currentRow == this.DataGridRowsLength -1) && ((keyData & Keys.Shift) == 0)) {
                        bool ret = false;
                        // SECREVIEW : ProcessDialogKey can generate a call to ContainerControl.SetActiveControl which demands ModifyFocus permission,
                        //             we need to assert it here; the assert is safe, setting the active control does not expose any sec vulnerability
                        //             indirectly.
                        try { 
                            ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); 
                        finally { 

                        return ret; 

                if (CurrentColumn == firstColumnMarkedVisible) 
                    // if the childLink is focused, then navigate within the relations
                    // in the row, otherwise expand the relations list for the row above
                    if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused]) { 
                        if (CurrentRow != 0 && (keyData & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)
                            if (localRows[CurrentRow - 1].ProcessTabKey(keyData, layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft())) 
                                CurrentRow --; 
                                if (cols.Count > 0)
                                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = true;
                                // let the grid regain focus 
                                // introduced because of that BeginInvoke thing in the OnLeave method....
                                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_canFocus] && CanFocus && !Focused) 
                                return true;
                    } else {
                        if (localRows[CurrentRow].ProcessTabKey(keyData, layout.RowHeaders, isRightToLeft())) {
                            return true; 
                        } else {
                            // we were on the firstColumn, previously the link was focused 
                            // we have to navigate to the last column 
                            gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                            CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible; 
                            return true;
                    // if we are on the first cell ( not on the addNewRow )
                    // then shift - tab should move to the next control on the form 
                    if (this.currentRow == 0 && ((keyData & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) { 
                        bool ret = false; 

                        // SECREVIEW : ProcessDialogKey can generate a call to ContainerControl.SetActiveControl which demands ModifyFocus permission,
                        //             we need to assert it here; the assert is safe, setting the active control does not expose any sec vulnerability
                        //             indirectly. 
                        try { 
                            ret = base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);
                        finally {
                        return ret;

                // move 
                if ((keyData & Keys.Shift) != Keys.Shift) {
                    // forward
                    if (CurrentColumn == lastColumnMarkedVisible) {
                        if (CurrentRow != DataGridRowsLength - 1) 
                            CurrentColumn = firstColumnMarkedVisible;
                        CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1; 
                    else {
                        int nextCol = MoveLeftRight(cols, currentCol, true);        // true for going right; 
                        Debug.Assert(nextCol < cols.Count, "we already checked that we are not at the lastColumnMarkedVisible");
                        CurrentColumn = nextCol;
                else {
                    // backward 
                    if (CurrentColumn == firstColumnMarkedVisible) { 
                        if (CurrentRow != 0)
                            CurrentColumn = lastColumnMarkedVisible;
                        if (!gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused])             // bug 86803
                            CurrentRow --; 
                    } else if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] && CurrentColumn == lastColumnMarkedVisible) {
                        // part deux: when we hilite the childLink and then press shift-tab, we 
                        // don't want to navigate at the second to last column 
                    } else {
                        int prevCol = MoveLeftRight(cols, currentCol, false);       // false for going left
                        Debug.Assert(prevCol != -1, "we already checked that we are not at the first columnMarked visible");
                        CurrentColumn = prevCol; 
                // if we got here, then invalidate childLinkFocused
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;

                // Begin another edit if we were editing before
                if (wasEditing) { 
                return true;

            virtual protected void CancelEditing() {
                // yield the escape key if there is no editing
                // make the last row a DataGridAddNewRow 
                if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow]) { 
                    gridState[GRIDSTATE_inAddNewRow] = false;
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = this.DataGridRows; 

                    localGridRows[DataGridRowsLength-1] = new DataGridAddNewRow(this, this.myGridTable, DataGridRowsLength -1);
                    SetDataGridRows(localGridRows, DataGridRowsLength);
            internal void RecalculateFonts() { 
                try {
                    linkFont = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Underline); 
                catch {
                fontHeight = Font.Height; 
                linkFontHeight = LinkFont.Height;
                captionFontHeight = CaptionFont.Height; 
                if (this.myGridTable == null || this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                    headerFontHeight = this.HeaderFont.Height; 
                    headerFontHeight = myGridTable.HeaderFont.Height;
            // the BackButtonClicked event:
            ///    Occurs when the BackButton is clicked. 
            public event EventHandler BackButtonClick { 
                add { 
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK, value);
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_BACKBUTTONCLICK, value);

            // the DownButtonClick event 
            ///    Occurs when the Down button is clicked.
            public event EventHandler ShowParentDetailsButtonClick { 
                add {
                    Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK, value); 
                remove {
                    Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DOWNBUTTONCLICK, value);
            private void ResetMouseState() { 
                oldRow = -1;
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_overCaption] = true; 

            ///      Turns off selection for all rows that are selected.
            protected void ResetSelection() { 
                if (numSelectedRows > 0) {
                    DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < DataGridRowsLength; ++i)
                        if (localGridRows[i].Selected)
                            localGridRows[i].Selected = false;
                numSelectedRows = 0;
                lastRowSelected = -1; 

            private void ResetParentRows() { 
                originalState = null;
                caption.BackButtonActive = caption.DownButtonActive = caption.BackButtonVisible = false;
            ///      Re-initializes all UI related state.
            private void ResetUIState() {
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_childLinkFocused] = false;
                Invalidate();               // we want to invalidate after we set up the scrollbars 
                // invalidate the horizontalscrollbar and the vertical scrollbar
                if (horizScrollBar.Visible)
                if (vertScrollBar.Visible)
            ///      Scrolls the datagrid down an arbritrary number of rows.
            private void ScrollDown(int rows) {
                //Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ScrollDown, rows = " + rows.ToString());
                if (rows != 0) {

                    // we should put "dataGridRowsLength -1" 
                    int newFirstRow = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(firstVisibleRow + rows, this.DataGridRowsLength -1)); 
                    int oldFirstRow = firstVisibleRow;
                    firstVisibleRow = newFirstRow; 
                    vertScrollBar.Value = newFirstRow;
                    bool wasEditing = this.gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing];
                    if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling]) {
                        // isScrolling is set to TRUE when the user scrolls. 
                        // once we move the edit box, we finished processing the scroll event, so set isScrolling to FALSE
                        // to set isScrolling to TRUE, we need another scroll event. 
                        gridState[GRIDSTATE_isScrolling] = false;
                    } else {

                    int deltaY = ComputeRowDelta(oldFirstRow, newFirstRow); 
                    Rectangle rowsRect = layout.Data; 
                    if (layout.RowHeadersVisible)
                        rowsRect = Rectangle.Union(rowsRect, layout.RowHeaders); 
                    NativeMethods.RECT scrollArea = NativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(rowsRect.X, rowsRect.Y, rowsRect.Width, rowsRect.Height);
                    SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(new HandleRef(this, Handle), 0, deltaY, ref scrollArea, ref scrollArea);
                    if (wasEditing) {
                        // invalidate the rowHeader for the 

            ///      Scrolls the datagrid right an arbritrary number of columns. 
            private void ScrollRight(int columns) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridScrolling.TraceVerbose, "DataGridScrolling: ScrollRight, columns = " + columns.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                int newCol = firstVisibleCol + columns;
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridColumns = myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int newColOffset = 0;
                int nGridCols = gridColumns.Count;
                int nVisibleCols = 0; 

                // if we try to scroll past the last totally visible column, 
                // then the toolTips will dissapear 
                if (this.myGridTable.IsDefault)
                    nVisibleCols = nGridCols; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < nGridCols; i++)
                        if (gridColumns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                            nVisibleCols ++; 

                if (this.lastTotallyVisibleCol == nVisibleCols - 1 && columns > 0 || 
                    this.firstVisibleCol == 0 && columns < 0 && negOffset == 0) 
                newCol = Math.Min(newCol, nGridCols - 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < newCol; i++)
                    // if (gridColumns[i].Visible && gridColumns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                    if (gridColumns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        newColOffset += gridColumns[i].Width; 
                HorizontalOffset = newColOffset;

            ///      Scrolls a given column into visibility.
            private void ScrollToColumn(int targetCol) {
                // do not flush the columns to the left 
                // so, scroll only as many columns as is necessary. 
                int dCols = targetCol - firstVisibleCol;

                if (targetCol > lastTotallyVisibleCol && lastTotallyVisibleCol != -1)
                    dCols = targetCol - lastTotallyVisibleCol; 

                // if only part of the currentCol is visible 
                // then we should still scroll 
                if (dCols != 0 || negOffset != 0)

            ///      Selects a given row
            public void Select(int row) { 
                // SECREVIEW: the method does not check the bounds. We can't fix this and throw an exception because this would be a breaking change
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridSelection.TraceVerbose, "Selecting row " + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (!localGridRows[row].Selected) {
                    localGridRows[row].Selected = true;
                // when selecting a row, hide the edit box 

            // this function will pair the listManager w/ a table from the TableStylesCollection.
            // and for each column in the TableStylesCollection will pair them w/ a propertyDescriptor 
            // from the listManager
            // prerequisite: the current table is either the default table, or has the same name as the 
            // list in the listManager.
            private void PairTableStylesAndGridColumns(CurrencyManager lm, DataGridTableStyle gridTable, bool forceColumnCreation) {
                PropertyDescriptorCollection props = lm.GetItemProperties();
                GridColumnStylesCollection gridCols = gridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                // ]it is possible to have a dataTable w/ an empty string for a name.
                if (!gridTable.IsDefault && String.Compare(lm.GetListName(), gridTable.MappingName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { 
                    // we will force column creation only at runtime 
                    if (gridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0 && !DesignMode) {
                        // we have to create some default columns for each of the propertyDescriptors 
                        if (forceColumnCreation)
                    } else { 
                        // it may the case that the user will have two lists w/ the same name. 
                        // When switching binding between those different lists, we need to invalidate
                        // the propertyDescriptors from the current gridColumns 
                        for (int i = 0; i < gridCols.Count; i ++)
                            gridCols[i].PropertyDescriptor = null;
                        // pair the propertyDescriptor from each column to the actual property descriptor
                        // from the listManager 
                        for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i ++) {
                            DataGridColumnStyle col = gridCols.MapColumnStyleToPropertyName(props[i].Name); 
                            if (col != null) {
                                col.PropertyDescriptor = props[i];
                        // TableStyle::SetGridColumnStylesCollection will also set the
                        // relations list in the tableStyle. 
                } else { 
                    // we should put an assert, that this is the default Table Style
    #if DEBUG
                    Debug.Assert(gridTable.IsDefault, "if we don't have a match, then the dataGRid should have the default table");
    #endif // DEBUG 
                    if (gridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0 && gridTable.GridColumnStyles[0].Width == -1) { 
    #if DEBUG 
                        GridColumnStylesCollection cols = gridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                        for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++) { 
                            Debug.Assert(cols[i].Width == -1, "if one column's width is not initialized, the same should be happening for the rest of the columns");
    #endif // DEBUG

            ///      Sets the current GridTable for the DataGrid.
            ///      This GridTable is the table which is currently
            ///      being displayed on the grid.
            internal void SetDataGridTable(DataGridTableStyle newTable, bool forceColumnCreation)
                // we have to listen to the dataGridTable for the propertyChangedEvent 
                if(this.myGridTable != null) {
                    // unwire the propertyChanged event 

                    if (myGridTable.IsDefault) {
                        // reset the propertyDescriptors on the default table. 
                        // reset the relationship list from the default table 

                myGridTable = newTable;
                this.layout.RowHeadersVisible = newTable.IsDefault ? this.RowHeadersVisible : newTable.RowHeadersVisible; 

                // we need to force the grid into the dataGridTableStyle 
                // this way the controls in the columns will be parented
                // consider this scenario: when the user finished InitializeComponent, it added
                // a bunch of tables. all of those tables will have the DataGrid property set to this
                // grid. however, in InitializeComponent the tables will not have parented the 
                // edit controls w/ the grid.
                // the code in DataGridTextBoxColumn already checks to see if the edits are parented 
                // before parenting them.
                if (newTable != null)
                    newTable.DataGrid = this;

                // pair the tableStyles and GridColumns 
                if (this.listManager != null) 
                    PairTableStylesAndGridColumns(this.listManager, this.myGridTable, forceColumnCreation); 

                // reset the relations UI on the newTable 
                if (newTable != null)

                // set the isNavigating to false 
                gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] = false;
                horizScrollBar.Value = 0; 
                firstVisibleRow = 0;
                currentCol = 0; 
                // if we add a tableStyle that mapps to the
                // current listName, then we should set the currentRow to the
                // position in the listManager
                if (this.listManager == null) 
                    currentRow = 0;
                    currentRow = this.listManager.Position == -1 ? 0 : listManager.Position; 
                negOffset = 0; 

                // check the hierarchy
                checkHierarchy = true; 
            ///      Scrolls the data area down to make room for the parent rows
            ///      and lays out the different regions of the DataGrid. 
            internal void SetParentRowsVisibility(bool visible) {
                Rectangle parentRowsRect = layout.ParentRows;
                Rectangle underParentRows = layout.Data; 

                if (layout.RowHeadersVisible) { 
                    underParentRows.X -= isRightToLeft() ? 0 : layout.RowHeaders.Width; 
                    underParentRows.Width += layout.RowHeaders.Width;
                if (layout.ColumnHeadersVisible) {
                    underParentRows.Y -= layout.ColumnHeaders.Height;
                    underParentRows.Height += layout.ColumnHeaders.Height;

                // hide the Edit Box 

                if (visible) { 
                    RECT scrollArea = RECT.FromXYWH(underParentRows.X, underParentRows.Y, underParentRows.Width, underParentRows.Height);

                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridParents.TraceVerbose, "DataGridParents: Making parent rows visible."); 
                    SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(this.Handle, 0, parentRowsRect.Height,
                                         ref scrollArea, ref scrollArea); 

                    layout.ParentRowsVisible = true; 



                else { 
                    // Rectangle scrollArea = Rectangle.Union(layout.ParentRows, underParentRows);
                    // RECT scrollRECT = RECT.FromXYWH(scrollArea.X, scrollArea.Y, scrollArea.Width, scrollArea.Height); 

                    NativeMethods.RECT scrollRECT = NativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(underParentRows.X, underParentRows.Y - layout.ParentRows.Height, underParentRows.Width, underParentRows.Height + layout.ParentRows.Height);

                    SafeNativeMethods.ScrollWindow(new HandleRef(this, Handle), 0, -parentRowsRect.Height, ref scrollRECT, ref scrollRECT); 

                    // If the vertical scrollbar was visible before and not after 
                    // the ScrollWindow call, then we will not get invalidated 
                    // completely.  We need to translate the visual bounds of
                    // the scrollbar's old location up and invalidate. 
                    if (vertScrollBar.Visible) {
                        Rectangle fixupRect = vertScrollBar.Bounds;
                        fixupRect.Y -= parentRowsRect.Height; 
                        fixupRect.Height += parentRowsRect.Height;

                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridParents.TraceVerbose, "DataGridParents: Making parent rows invisible."); 
                    layout.ParentRowsVisible = false;

            ///      Sets whether a row is expanded or not. 
            private void SetRowExpansionState(int row, bool expanded) { 
                if (row < -1 || row > DataGridRowsLength - (policy.AllowAdd ? 2:1)) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("row");
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows;
                if (row == -1) { 
                    DataGridRelationshipRow[] expandableRows = GetExpandableRows(); 
                    bool repositionEditControl = false;
                    for (int r = 0; r < expandableRows.Length; ++r) {
                        if (expandableRows[r].Expanded != expanded)
                            expandableRows[r].Expanded = expanded; 
                            repositionEditControl = true;
                    if (repositionEditControl)
                        // we need to reposition the edit control
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] || gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing])
                else if (localGridRows[row] is DataGridRelationshipRow) { 
                    DataGridRelationshipRow expandableRow = (DataGridRelationshipRow)localGridRows[row];
                    if (expandableRow.Expanded != expanded)
                        // we need to reposition the edit control 
                        if (gridState[GRIDSTATE_isNavigating] || gridState[GRIDSTATE_isEditing])

                        expandableRow.Expanded = expanded;
            private void ObjectSiteChange(IContainer container, IComponent component, bool site) { 
                if (site) {
                    if (component.Site == null) { 
                else { 
                    if (component.Site != null && component.Site.Container == container) {

            public void SubObjectsSiteChange(bool site) { 
                DataGrid dgrid = this;
                if (dgrid.DesignMode && dgrid.Site != null) { 
                    IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)dgrid.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); 
                    if (host != null) {
                        DesignerTransaction trans = host.CreateTransaction(); 
                        try {
                            IContainer container = dgrid.Site.Container;

                            DataGridTableStyle[] tables = new DataGridTableStyle[dgrid.TableStyles.Count]; 
                            dgrid.TableStyles.CopyTo(tables, 0);
                            for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++) { 
                                DataGridTableStyle table = tables[i];
                                ObjectSiteChange(container, table, site); 

                                DataGridColumnStyle[] columns = new DataGridColumnStyle[table.GridColumnStyles.Count];
                                table.GridColumnStyles.CopyTo(columns, 0);
                                for (int j = 0; j < columns.Length; j++) {
                                    DataGridColumnStyle column = columns[j]; 
                                    ObjectSiteChange(container, column, site); 
                        finally {

            ///      Unselects a given row
            public void UnSelect(int row) { 
                // SECREVIEW: the method does not check the bounds. We can't fix this and throw an exception because this would be a breaking change
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridSelection.TraceVerbose, "DataGridSelection: Unselecting row " + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                DataGridRow[] localGridRows = DataGridRows; 
                if (localGridRows[row].Selected) {
                    localGridRows[row].Selected = false; 
            ///      Asks the cursor to update. 
            private void UpdateListManager() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DataGridCursor.TraceVerbose, "DataGridCursor: Requesting EndEdit()"); 
                try {
                    if (this.listManager != null) {
                catch { 

            ///    Will return the string that will be used as a delimiter between columns
            ///    when copying rows contents to the Clipboard. 
            ///    At the moment, return "\t" 
            protected virtual string GetOutputTextDelimiter() { 
                return "\t";

            ///     The accessible object class for a DataGrid. The child accessible objects
            ///     are accessible objects corresponding to the propertygrid entries. 
            internal class DataGridAccessibleObject : ControlAccessibleObject { 
                ///     Construct a PropertyGridViewAccessibleObject
                public DataGridAccessibleObject(DataGrid owner) : base(owner) { 
                internal DataGrid DataGrid { 
                    get {
                        return (DataGrid)Owner; 

                private int ColumnCount { 
                    get {
                        return ((DataGrid)Owner).myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                private int RowCount {
                    get {
                        return ((DataGrid)Owner).dataGridRows.Length;
            public override string Name { 
                get {
                    // Special case: If an explicit name has been set in the AccessibleName property, use that. 
                    // Note: Any non-null value in AccessibleName overrides the default accessible name logic,
                    // even an empty string (this is the only way to *force* the accessible name to be blank).
                    string name = Owner.AccessibleName;
                    if (name != null) { 
                        return name;
                    // Otherwise just return the default label string, minus any mnemonics
                    return "DataGrid"; 

                set {
                    // If anyone tries to set the accessible name, just cache the value in the control's 
                    // AccessibleName property. This value will then end up overriding the normal accessible
                    // name logic, until such time as AccessibleName is set back to null. 
                    Owner.AccessibleName = value; 

                public override AccessibleRole Role {
                    get {
                        AccessibleRole role = Owner.AccessibleRole; 
                        if (role != AccessibleRole.Default) {
                            return role; 
                        return AccessibleRole.Table;
                public override AccessibleObject GetChild(int index) {
                    DataGrid dataGrid = (DataGrid)Owner;
                    int cols = ColumnCount;
                    int rows = RowCount; 
                    if (dataGrid.dataGridRows == null) {

                    if (index < 1) {
                        return dataGrid.ParentRowsAccessibleObject; 
                    else { 
                        index -= 1; 
                        if (index < cols) {
                            return dataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[index].HeaderAccessibleObject; 
                        else {
                            index -= cols;
                            if (index < rows) {
                                Debug.Assert(dataGrid.dataGridRows[index].RowNumber == index, "Row number is wrong!"); 
                                return dataGrid.dataGridRows[index].AccessibleObject; 
                            else { 
                                index -= rows;

                                if (dataGrid.horizScrollBar.Visible) {
                                    if (index == 0) { 
                                        return dataGrid.horizScrollBar.AccessibilityObject;
                                    index --; 
                                if (dataGrid.vertScrollBar.Visible) {
                                    if (index == 0) {
                                        return dataGrid.vertScrollBar.AccessibilityObject;
                                    index --;
                                int colCount = dataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count;
                                int rowCount = dataGrid.dataGridRows.Length; 
                                int currentRow = index / colCount;
                                int currentCol = index % colCount;

                                if (currentRow < dataGrid.dataGridRows.Length && currentCol < dataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) { 
                                    return dataGrid.dataGridRows[currentRow].AccessibleObject.GetChild(currentCol);

                    return null;
                public override int GetChildCount() {
                    int n = 1 + ColumnCount + ((DataGrid)Owner).DataGridRowsLength; 
                    if (DataGrid.horizScrollBar.Visible) { 
                    if (DataGrid.vertScrollBar.Visible) {
                    n += this.DataGrid.DataGridRows.Length * this.DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count; 
                    return n;
                public override AccessibleObject GetFocused() {
                    if (DataGrid.Focused) { 
                        return GetSelected();

                    return null; 
                public override AccessibleObject GetSelected() { 
                    if (this.DataGrid.DataGridRows.Length == 0 || this.DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) {
                        return null; 

                    DataGridCell cell = DataGrid.CurrentCell;
                    return GetChild(1 + ColumnCount + cell.RowNumber).GetChild(cell.ColumnNumber); 
                public override AccessibleObject HitTest(int x, int y) { 
                    Point client = DataGrid.PointToClient(new Point(x, y));
                    HitTestInfo hti = DataGrid.HitTest(client.X, client.Y); 

                    switch (hti.Type) {
                        case HitTestType.RowHeader:
                            return GetChild(1 + ColumnCount + hti.Row); 
                        case HitTestType.Cell:
                            return GetChild(1 + ColumnCount + hti.Row).GetChild(hti.Column); 
                        case HitTestType.ColumnHeader: 
                            return GetChild(1 + hti.Column);
                        case HitTestType.ParentRows: 
                            return DataGrid.ParentRowsAccessibleObject;
                        case HitTestType.None:
                        case HitTestType.ColumnResize:
                        case HitTestType.RowResize: 
                        case HitTestType.Caption:

                    return null; 

                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
                public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir) { 
                    // We're only handling FirstChild and LastChild here
                    if (GetChildCount() > 0) { 
                        switch(navdir) { 
                            case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild:
                                return GetChild(0); 
                            case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild:
                                return GetChild(GetChildCount() - 1);

                    return null;    // Perform default behavior 

            //      This simple data structure holds all of the layout information 
            //      for the DataGrid.
            internal class LayoutData { 
                internal bool dirty = true;
                // region inside the Control's borders. 
                public Rectangle Inside = Rectangle.Empty;

                public Rectangle RowHeaders = Rectangle.Empty;
                public Rectangle TopLeftHeader = Rectangle.Empty;
                public Rectangle ColumnHeaders = Rectangle.Empty; 
                public Rectangle Data = Rectangle.Empty; 

                public Rectangle Caption = Rectangle.Empty; 
                public Rectangle ParentRows = Rectangle.Empty;

                public Rectangle ResizeBoxRect = Rectangle.Empty;
                public bool ColumnHeadersVisible;
                public bool RowHeadersVisible; 
                public bool CaptionVisible; 
                public bool ParentRowsVisible;
                // used for resizing.
                public Rectangle ClientRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;

                public LayoutData() { 
                public LayoutData(LayoutData src) { 

                private void GrabLayout(LayoutData src) {
                    this.Inside               = src.Inside;
                    this.TopLeftHeader        = src.TopLeftHeader; 
                    this.ColumnHeaders        = src.ColumnHeaders;
                    this.RowHeaders           = src.RowHeaders; 
                    this.Data                 = src.Data; 
                    this.Caption              = src.Caption;
                    this.ParentRows           = src.ParentRows; 
                    this.ResizeBoxRect        = src.ResizeBoxRect;
                    this.ColumnHeadersVisible = src.ColumnHeadersVisible;
                    this.RowHeadersVisible    = src.RowHeadersVisible;
                    this.CaptionVisible       = src.CaptionVisible; 
                    this.ParentRowsVisible    = src.ParentRowsVisible;
                    this.ClientRectangle      = src.ClientRectangle; 

                public override string ToString() { 
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
                    sb.Append(" { \n");
                    sb.Append("Inside = "); 
                    sb.Append("TopLeftHeader = "); 
                    sb.Append("ColumnHeaders = ");
                    sb.Append("RowHeaders = "); 
                    sb.Append("Data = "); 
                    sb.Append("Caption = ");
                    sb.Append("ParentRows = "); 
                    sb.Append("ResizeBoxRect = "); 
                    sb.Append("ColumnHeadersVisible = ");
                    sb.Append("RowHeadersVisible = "); 
                    sb.Append("CaptionVisible = "); 
                    sb.Append("ParentRowsVisible = ");
                    sb.Append("ClientRectangle = "); 
                    sb.Append(" } "); 
                    return sb.ToString(); 

            ///    Contains information 
            ///       about the part of the  control the user
            ///       has clicked. This class cannot be inherited. 
            public sealed class HitTestInfo {
                internal HitTestType type = HitTestType.None; 

                internal int row;
                internal int col;
                /// Allows the  object to inform you the 
                ///    extent of the grid.
                    SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2104:DoNotDeclareReadOnlyMutableReferenceTypes")   // DataGrid.HitTestInfo type is
                                                                                                                // actually immutable.
                public static readonly HitTestInfo Nowhere = new HitTestInfo();
                internal HitTestInfo() { 
                    type = (HitTestType)0;
                    row = col = -1; 

                internal HitTestInfo(HitTestType type) {
                    this.type = type; 
                    row = col = -1;
                ///    Gets the number of the clicked column.
                public int Column {
                    get { 
                        return col;

                ///    Gets the
                ///       number of the clicked row.
                public int Row {
                    get { 
                        return row; 

                /// Gets the part of the  control, other than the row or column, that was 
                ///    clicked.
                public HitTestType Type { 
                    get {
                        return type; 

                ///    Indicates whether two objects are identical. 
                public override bool Equals(object value) {
                    if (value is HitTestInfo) { 
                        HitTestInfo ci =(HitTestInfo) value;
                        return(type == ci.type &&
                               row  == ci.row &&
                               col  == ci.col); 
                    return false; 

                /// Gets the hash code for the  instance.
                public override int GetHashCode() { 
                    return(int)type +(row << 8) +(col << 16);
                ///    Gets the type, row number, and column number.
                public override string ToString() {
                    return "{ " + ((type).ToString()) + "," + row.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + col.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "}"; 
            /// Specifies the part of the  control the user has clicked.
            public enum HitTestType { 
                None         = 0x00000000, 
                Cell         = 0x00000001, 

                ColumnHeader = 0x00000002,
                RowHeader    = 0x00000004, 
                ColumnResize = 0x00000008, 

                RowResize    = 0x00000010,
                Caption      = 0x00000020, 
                ParentRows   = 0x00000040 

            ///      Holds policy information for what the grid can and cannot do. 
            private class Policy { 
                private bool allowAdd = true;
                private bool allowEdit = true; 
                private bool allowRemove = true;

                public Policy() {

                public bool AllowAdd { 
                    get { 
                        return allowAdd;
                    set {
                        if (allowAdd != value) {
                            allowAdd = value;
                public bool AllowEdit {
                    get { 
                        return allowEdit;
                    set {
                        if (allowEdit != value) { 
                            allowEdit = value;
                public bool AllowRemove {
                    get {
                        return allowRemove;
                    set {
                        if (allowRemove != value) { 
                            allowRemove = value; 

                // returns true if the UI needs to be updated (here because addnew has changed)
                public bool UpdatePolicy(CurrencyManager listManager, bool gridReadOnly) 
                    bool change = false; 
                    // only IBindingList can have an AddNewRow 
                    IBindingList bl = listManager == null ? null : listManager.List as IBindingList;
                    if (listManager == null) { 
                        if (!allowAdd)
                            change = true;
                        allowAdd = allowEdit = allowRemove = true;
                    else {
                        if (AllowAdd != listManager.AllowAdd && !gridReadOnly) 
                            change = true; 
                        AllowAdd= listManager.AllowAdd && !gridReadOnly && bl != null && bl.SupportsChangeNotification;
                        AllowEdit= listManager.AllowEdit && !gridReadOnly; 
                        AllowRemove = listManager.AllowRemove && !gridReadOnly && bl != null && bl.SupportsChangeNotification;     // bug 86061
                    return change;
            //  Given the x coordinate  and the Width of rectangle R1 inside rectangle rect,
            //  this function returns the x coordinate of the rectangle that 
            //  corresponds to the Bi-Di transformation
            private int MirrorRectangle(Rectangle R1, Rectangle rect, bool rightToLeft)
                if (rightToLeft)
                    return rect.Right + rect.X - R1.Right; 
                    return R1.X;

            //  Given the x coordinate of a point inside rectangle rect,
            //  this function returns the x coordinate of the point that 
            //  corresponds to the Bi-Di transformation
            private int MirrorPoint(int x, Rectangle rect, bool rightToLeft) 
                if (rightToLeft) 
                    return rect.Right + rect.X - x;
                    return x;

            // This function will return true if the RightToLeft property of the dataGrid is 
            // set to YES 
            private bool isRightToLeft()
                return ( RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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