RangeBase.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / Primitives / RangeBase.cs / 1 / RangeBase.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Windows.Threading;

using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider; 
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media; 

using MS.Internal;
using MS.Utility;
namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives
    ///     The RangeBase class is the base class from which all "range-like"
    /// controls derive.  It defines the relevant events and properties, as 
    /// well as providing handlers for the relevant input events.
    [DefaultEvent("ValueChanged"), DefaultProperty("Value")] 
    public abstract class RangeBase : Control
        #region Constructors 

        ///     Default RangeBase constructor
        ///     Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor 
        ///     that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance.
        protected RangeBase() 

        #endregion Constructors

        #region Events 
        /// Event correspond to Value changed event 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent ValueChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("ValueChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler), typeof(RangeBase));
        /// Add / Remove ValueChangedEvent handler
        public event RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler ValueChanged { add { AddHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); } remove { RemoveHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); } }
        #endregion Events 
        #region Properties
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the Minimum property.
        ///     Flags:              none
        ///     Default Value:      0
        public static readonly DependencyProperty MinimumProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnMinimumChanged)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDoubleValue)); 

        ///     Minimum restricts the minimum value of the Value property 
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")] 
        public double Minimum
            get { return (double) GetValue(MinimumProperty); }
            set { SetValue(MinimumProperty, value); } 
        ///     Called when MinimumProperty is changed on "d."
        private static void OnMinimumChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d;
            RangeBaseAutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(ctrl) as RangeBaseAutomationPeer;
            if (peer != null) 
                peer.RaiseMinimumPropertyChangedEvent((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue);

            ctrl.OnMinimumChanged((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue); 
        ///     This method is invoked when the Minimum property changes.
        /// The old value of the Minimum property.
        /// The new value of the Minimum property.
        protected virtual void OnMinimumChanged(double oldMinimum, double newMinimum)
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the Maximum property.
        ///     Flags:              none 
        ///     Default Value:      1
        public static readonly DependencyProperty MaximumProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnMaximumChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceMaximum)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDoubleValue));
        private static object CoerceMaximum(DependencyObject d, object value)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d; 
            double min = ctrl.Minimum;
            if ((double) value < min) 
                return min;
            return value; 
        ///     Maximum restricts the maximum value of the Value property
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double Maximum
            get { return (double) GetValue(MaximumProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(MaximumProperty, value); }
        ///     Called when MaximumProperty is changed on "d." 
        private static void OnMaximumChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d; 

            RangeBaseAutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(ctrl) as RangeBaseAutomationPeer; 
            if (peer != null) 
                peer.RaiseMaximumPropertyChangedEvent((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue); 

            ctrl.OnMaximumChanged((double) e.OldValue, (double) e.NewValue); 
        ///     This method is invoked when the Maximum property changes.
        /// The old value of the Maximum property.
        /// The new value of the Maximum property.
        protected virtual void OnMaximumChanged(double oldMaximum, double newMaximum)
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the Value property.
        ///     Flags:              None 
        ///     Default Value:      0
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Journal,
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnValueChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(ConstrainToRange)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDoubleValue)); 

        // made this internal because Slider wants to leverage it 
        internal static object ConstrainToRange(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d; 
            double min = ctrl.Minimum;
            double v = (double) value;
            if (v < min)
                return min;
            double max = ctrl.Maximum;
            if (v > max) 
                return max;
            return value;
        ///     Value property 
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double Value
            get { return (double) GetValue(ValueProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ValueProperty, value); } 

        ///     Called when ValueID is changed on "d."
        private static void OnValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase)d;
            RangeBaseAutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(ctrl) as RangeBaseAutomationPeer; 
            if (peer != null)
                peer.RaiseValuePropertyChangedEvent((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue);

            ctrl.OnValueChanged((double) e.OldValue, (double) e.NewValue); 
        ///     This method is invoked when the Value property changes.
        /// The old value of the Value property.
        /// The new value of the Value property.
        protected virtual void OnValueChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs args = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(oldValue, newValue);
        /// Validate input value in RangeBase (Minimum, Maximum, and Value).
        /// Returns False if value is NaN or NegativeInfinity or PositiveInfinity. Otherwise, returns True.
        private static bool IsValidDoubleValue(object value) 
            double d = (double)value;
            return !(DoubleUtil.IsNaN(d) || double.IsInfinity(d));

        /// Validate input value in RangeBase (SmallChange and LargeChange).
        /// Returns False if value is NaN or NegativeInfinity or PositiveInfinity or negative. Otherwise, returns True.
        private static bool IsValidChange(object value) 
            double d = (double)value;

            return IsValidDoubleValue(value) && d >= 0.0; 
        #region LargeChange Property 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the LargeChange property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty LargeChangeProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register("LargeChange", typeof(double), typeof(RangeBase),
                                          new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(1.0), 
                                          new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidChange));
        ///     LargeChange property
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double LargeChange
                return (double)GetValue(LargeChangeProperty); 
                SetValue(LargeChangeProperty, value);
        #region SmallChange Property 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the SmallChange property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty SmallChangeProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register("SmallChange", typeof(double), typeof(RangeBase),
                                          new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.1), 
                                          new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidChange));
        ///     SmallChange property
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double SmallChange
                return (double)GetValue(SmallChangeProperty); 
                SetValue(SmallChangeProperty, value);

        #region Method Overrides 

        ///     Gives a string representation of this object.
        public override string ToString()
            string typeText = this.GetType().ToString(); 
            double min = double.NaN;
            double max = double.NaN; 
            double val = double.NaN;
            bool valuesDefined = false;

            // Accessing RangeBase properties may be thread sensitive 
            if (CheckAccess())
                min = Minimum; 
                max = Maximum;
                val = Value; 
                valuesDefined = true;
                //Not on dispatcher, try posting to the dispatcher with 20ms timeout
                Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Send, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 20), new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(object o) 
                    min = Minimum;
                    max = Maximum; 
                    val = Value;
                    valuesDefined = true;
                    return null;
                }), null); 
            // If min, max, value are defined 
            if (valuesDefined)
                return SR.Get(SRID.ToStringFormatString_RangeBase, typeText, min, max, val);

            // Not able to access the dispatcher 
            return typeText;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Windows.Threading;

using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider; 
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media; 

using MS.Internal;
using MS.Utility;
namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives
    ///     The RangeBase class is the base class from which all "range-like"
    /// controls derive.  It defines the relevant events and properties, as 
    /// well as providing handlers for the relevant input events.
    [DefaultEvent("ValueChanged"), DefaultProperty("Value")] 
    public abstract class RangeBase : Control
        #region Constructors 

        ///     Default RangeBase constructor
        ///     Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor 
        ///     that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance.
        protected RangeBase() 

        #endregion Constructors

        #region Events 
        /// Event correspond to Value changed event 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent ValueChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("ValueChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler), typeof(RangeBase));
        /// Add / Remove ValueChangedEvent handler
        public event RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler ValueChanged { add { AddHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); } remove { RemoveHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); } }
        #endregion Events 
        #region Properties
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the Minimum property.
        ///     Flags:              none
        ///     Default Value:      0
        public static readonly DependencyProperty MinimumProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnMinimumChanged)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDoubleValue)); 

        ///     Minimum restricts the minimum value of the Value property 
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")] 
        public double Minimum
            get { return (double) GetValue(MinimumProperty); }
            set { SetValue(MinimumProperty, value); } 
        ///     Called when MinimumProperty is changed on "d."
        private static void OnMinimumChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d;
            RangeBaseAutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(ctrl) as RangeBaseAutomationPeer;
            if (peer != null) 
                peer.RaiseMinimumPropertyChangedEvent((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue);

            ctrl.OnMinimumChanged((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue); 
        ///     This method is invoked when the Minimum property changes.
        /// The old value of the Minimum property.
        /// The new value of the Minimum property.
        protected virtual void OnMinimumChanged(double oldMinimum, double newMinimum)
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the Maximum property.
        ///     Flags:              none 
        ///     Default Value:      1
        public static readonly DependencyProperty MaximumProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnMaximumChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceMaximum)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDoubleValue));
        private static object CoerceMaximum(DependencyObject d, object value)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d; 
            double min = ctrl.Minimum;
            if ((double) value < min) 
                return min;
            return value; 
        ///     Maximum restricts the maximum value of the Value property
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double Maximum
            get { return (double) GetValue(MaximumProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(MaximumProperty, value); }
        ///     Called when MaximumProperty is changed on "d." 
        private static void OnMaximumChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d; 

            RangeBaseAutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(ctrl) as RangeBaseAutomationPeer; 
            if (peer != null) 
                peer.RaiseMaximumPropertyChangedEvent((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue); 

            ctrl.OnMaximumChanged((double) e.OldValue, (double) e.NewValue); 
        ///     This method is invoked when the Maximum property changes.
        /// The old value of the Maximum property.
        /// The new value of the Maximum property.
        protected virtual void OnMaximumChanged(double oldMaximum, double newMaximum)
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the Value property.
        ///     Flags:              None 
        ///     Default Value:      0
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Journal,
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnValueChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(ConstrainToRange)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDoubleValue)); 

        // made this internal because Slider wants to leverage it 
        internal static object ConstrainToRange(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase) d; 
            double min = ctrl.Minimum;
            double v = (double) value;
            if (v < min)
                return min;
            double max = ctrl.Maximum;
            if (v > max) 
                return max;
            return value;
        ///     Value property 
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double Value
            get { return (double) GetValue(ValueProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ValueProperty, value); } 

        ///     Called when ValueID is changed on "d."
        private static void OnValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RangeBase ctrl = (RangeBase)d;
            RangeBaseAutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(ctrl) as RangeBaseAutomationPeer; 
            if (peer != null)
                peer.RaiseValuePropertyChangedEvent((double)e.OldValue, (double)e.NewValue);

            ctrl.OnValueChanged((double) e.OldValue, (double) e.NewValue); 
        ///     This method is invoked when the Value property changes.
        /// The old value of the Value property.
        /// The new value of the Value property.
        protected virtual void OnValueChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs args = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(oldValue, newValue);
        /// Validate input value in RangeBase (Minimum, Maximum, and Value).
        /// Returns False if value is NaN or NegativeInfinity or PositiveInfinity. Otherwise, returns True.
        private static bool IsValidDoubleValue(object value) 
            double d = (double)value;
            return !(DoubleUtil.IsNaN(d) || double.IsInfinity(d));

        /// Validate input value in RangeBase (SmallChange and LargeChange).
        /// Returns False if value is NaN or NegativeInfinity or PositiveInfinity or negative. Otherwise, returns True.
        private static bool IsValidChange(object value) 
            double d = (double)value;

            return IsValidDoubleValue(value) && d >= 0.0; 
        #region LargeChange Property 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the LargeChange property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty LargeChangeProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register("LargeChange", typeof(double), typeof(RangeBase),
                                          new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(1.0), 
                                          new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidChange));
        ///     LargeChange property
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double LargeChange
                return (double)GetValue(LargeChangeProperty); 
                SetValue(LargeChangeProperty, value);
        #region SmallChange Property 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the SmallChange property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty SmallChangeProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register("SmallChange", typeof(double), typeof(RangeBase),
                                          new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.1), 
                                          new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidChange));
        ///     SmallChange property
        [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")]
        public double SmallChange
                return (double)GetValue(SmallChangeProperty); 
                SetValue(SmallChangeProperty, value);

        #region Method Overrides 

        ///     Gives a string representation of this object.
        public override string ToString()
            string typeText = this.GetType().ToString(); 
            double min = double.NaN;
            double max = double.NaN; 
            double val = double.NaN;
            bool valuesDefined = false;

            // Accessing RangeBase properties may be thread sensitive 
            if (CheckAccess())
                min = Minimum; 
                max = Maximum;
                val = Value; 
                valuesDefined = true;
                //Not on dispatcher, try posting to the dispatcher with 20ms timeout
                Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Send, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 20), new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(object o) 
                    min = Minimum;
                    max = Maximum; 
                    val = Value;
                    valuesDefined = true;
                    return null;
                }), null); 
            // If min, max, value are defined 
            if (valuesDefined)
                return SR.Get(SRID.ToStringFormatString_RangeBase, typeText, min, max, val);

            // Not able to access the dispatcher 
            return typeText;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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