BasicAsyncResult.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / ManagedLibraries / Remoting / Channels / CORE / BasicAsyncResult.cs / 1305376 / BasicAsyncResult.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
**  File:    BasicAsyncResult.cs 
**  Purpose: Base class for async result implementations. 
**  Date:    Oct 21, 2001

using System; 
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels

    internal class BasicAsyncResult : IAsyncResult 
        private AsyncCallback _asyncCallback; 
        private Object _asyncState; 
        private Object _returnValue;
        private Exception _exception; 

        private bool _bIsComplete;

        private ManualResetEvent _manualResetEvent; 

        internal BasicAsyncResult(AsyncCallback callback, Object state) 
            _asyncCallback = callback; 
            _asyncState = state;
        } // BasicAsyncResult

        public Object AsyncState
            get { return _asyncState; } 
        } // AsyncState
        public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle
                bool bSavedIsComplete = _bIsComplete;
                if (_manualResetEvent == null) 
                    lock (this)
                        if (_manualResetEvent == null)
                            _manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(bSavedIsComplete);
                if (!bSavedIsComplete && _bIsComplete)

                return (WaitHandle)_manualResetEvent;
        } // AsyncWaitHandle 

        public bool CompletedSynchronously 
            get { return false; }
        } // CompletedSynchronously 

        public bool IsCompleted
            get { return _bIsComplete; } 
        } // IsCompleted
        internal Exception Exception { get { return _exception; } } 

        internal void SetComplete(Object returnValue, Exception exception) 
            _returnValue = returnValue;
            _exception = exception;
            _bIsComplete = true; 

                if (_manualResetEvent != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (_exception == null) 
                    _exception = e;

            // invoke the callback
            if (_asyncCallback != null) 
        } // SetComplete 

        internal virtual void CleanupOnComplete() 

    } // BasicAsyncResult 

} // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
**  File:    BasicAsyncResult.cs 
**  Purpose: Base class for async result implementations. 
**  Date:    Oct 21, 2001

using System; 
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels

    internal class BasicAsyncResult : IAsyncResult 
        private AsyncCallback _asyncCallback; 
        private Object _asyncState; 
        private Object _returnValue;
        private Exception _exception; 

        private bool _bIsComplete;

        private ManualResetEvent _manualResetEvent; 

        internal BasicAsyncResult(AsyncCallback callback, Object state) 
            _asyncCallback = callback; 
            _asyncState = state;
        } // BasicAsyncResult

        public Object AsyncState
            get { return _asyncState; } 
        } // AsyncState
        public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle
                bool bSavedIsComplete = _bIsComplete;
                if (_manualResetEvent == null) 
                    lock (this)
                        if (_manualResetEvent == null)
                            _manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(bSavedIsComplete);
                if (!bSavedIsComplete && _bIsComplete)

                return (WaitHandle)_manualResetEvent;
        } // AsyncWaitHandle 

        public bool CompletedSynchronously 
            get { return false; }
        } // CompletedSynchronously 

        public bool IsCompleted
            get { return _bIsComplete; } 
        } // IsCompleted
        internal Exception Exception { get { return _exception; } } 

        internal void SetComplete(Object returnValue, Exception exception) 
            _returnValue = returnValue;
            _exception = exception;
            _bIsComplete = true; 

                if (_manualResetEvent != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (_exception == null) 
                    _exception = e;

            // invoke the callback
            if (_asyncCallback != null) 
        } // SetComplete 

        internal virtual void CleanupOnComplete() 

    } // BasicAsyncResult 

} // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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