LicFileLicenseProvider.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / CompMod / System / ComponentModel / LicFileLicenseProvider.cs / 1305376 / LicFileLicenseProvider.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.ComponentModel { 
    using System; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    /// Provides an implementation of a . The provider works in 
    ///    a similar fashion to Microsoft .NET Framework standard licensing module.
    [HostProtection(SharedState = true)]
    public class LicFileLicenseProvider : LicenseProvider { 

        /// Determines if the key retrieved by the  method is valid
        ///    for the specified type. 
        protected virtual bool IsKeyValid(string key, Type type) {
            if (key != null) {
                return key.StartsWith(GetKey(type)); 
            return false; 

        ///    Creates a key for the specified type.
        protected virtual string GetKey(Type type) { 
            // This string should not be localized.
            return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} is a licensed component.", type.FullName); 
        ///    Gets a license for the instance of the component and determines if it is valid.
        public override License GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, object instance, bool allowExceptions) {
            LicFileLicense lic = null; 
            Debug.Assert(context != null, "No context provided!");
            if (context != null) { 
                if (context.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Runtime) {
                    string key = context.GetSavedLicenseKey(type, null);
                    if (key != null && IsKeyValid(key, type)) {
                        lic = new LicFileLicense(this, key); 
                if (lic == null) {
                    string modulePath = null; 

                    if (context != null) {
                        ITypeResolutionService resolver = (ITypeResolutionService)context.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
                        if (resolver != null) { 
                            modulePath = resolver.GetPathOfAssembly(type.Assembly.GetName());

                    if (modulePath == null) { 
                        modulePath = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;

                    string moduleDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(modulePath); 
                    string licenseFile = moduleDir + "\\" + type.FullName + ".lic";
                    Debug.WriteLine("Looking for license in: " + licenseFile); 
                    if (File.Exists(licenseFile)) {
                        Stream licStream = new FileStream(licenseFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); 
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(licStream);
                        string s = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (IsKeyValid(s, type)) { 
                            lic = new LicFileLicense(this, GetKey(type));

                    if (lic != null) { 
                        context.SetSavedLicenseKey(type, lic.LicenseKey);
            return lic; 

        private class LicFileLicense : License { 
            private LicFileLicenseProvider owner;
            private string key;

            public LicFileLicense(LicFileLicenseProvider owner, string key) { 
                this.owner = owner;
                this.key = key; 
            public override string LicenseKey {
                get { 
                    return key;
            public override void Dispose() { 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.ComponentModel { 
    using System; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    /// Provides an implementation of a . The provider works in 
    ///    a similar fashion to Microsoft .NET Framework standard licensing module.
    [HostProtection(SharedState = true)]
    public class LicFileLicenseProvider : LicenseProvider { 

        /// Determines if the key retrieved by the  method is valid
        ///    for the specified type. 
        protected virtual bool IsKeyValid(string key, Type type) {
            if (key != null) {
                return key.StartsWith(GetKey(type)); 
            return false; 

        ///    Creates a key for the specified type.
        protected virtual string GetKey(Type type) { 
            // This string should not be localized.
            return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} is a licensed component.", type.FullName); 
        ///    Gets a license for the instance of the component and determines if it is valid.
        public override License GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, object instance, bool allowExceptions) {
            LicFileLicense lic = null; 
            Debug.Assert(context != null, "No context provided!");
            if (context != null) { 
                if (context.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Runtime) {
                    string key = context.GetSavedLicenseKey(type, null);
                    if (key != null && IsKeyValid(key, type)) {
                        lic = new LicFileLicense(this, key); 
                if (lic == null) {
                    string modulePath = null; 

                    if (context != null) {
                        ITypeResolutionService resolver = (ITypeResolutionService)context.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
                        if (resolver != null) { 
                            modulePath = resolver.GetPathOfAssembly(type.Assembly.GetName());

                    if (modulePath == null) { 
                        modulePath = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;

                    string moduleDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(modulePath); 
                    string licenseFile = moduleDir + "\\" + type.FullName + ".lic";
                    Debug.WriteLine("Looking for license in: " + licenseFile); 
                    if (File.Exists(licenseFile)) {
                        Stream licStream = new FileStream(licenseFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); 
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(licStream);
                        string s = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (IsKeyValid(s, type)) { 
                            lic = new LicFileLicense(this, GetKey(type));

                    if (lic != null) { 
                        context.SetSavedLicenseKey(type, lic.LicenseKey);
            return lic; 

        private class LicFileLicense : License { 
            private LicFileLicenseProvider owner;
            private string key;

            public LicFileLicense(LicFileLicenseProvider owner, string key) { 
                this.owner = owner;
                this.key = key; 
            public override string LicenseKey {
                get { 
                    return key;
            public override void Dispose() { 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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