WriteFileContext.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Configuration / System / Configuration / Internal / WriteFileContext.cs / 1305376 / WriteFileContext.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Configuration.Internal { 
    using System.Configuration; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security;
    using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;	
    using System.Security.AccessControl; 
    internal class WriteFileContext {
        private const  int          SAVING_TIMEOUT        = 10000;  // 10 seconds
        private const  int          SAVING_RETRY_INTERVAL =   100;  // 100 milliseconds
        private static bool         _osPlatformDetermined; 
        private static PlatformID   _osPlatform;
        private TempFileCollection  _tempFiles; 
        private string              _tempNewFilename;
        private string              _templateFilename; 

        internal WriteFileContext(string filename, string templateFilename) {
            string directoryname = UrlPath.GetDirectoryOrRootName(filename);
            _templateFilename = templateFilename;
            _tempFiles = new TempFileCollection(directoryname); 
            try { 
                _tempNewFilename = _tempFiles.AddExtension("newcfg");
            catch {
                _tempFiles = null;
        static WriteFileContext() {
            _osPlatformDetermined = false; 

        internal string TempNewFilename {
            get {return _tempNewFilename;} 
        // Complete 
        // Cleanup the WriteFileContext object based on either success 
        // or failure
        // Note: The current algorithm guarantess
        //         1) The file we are saving to will always be present 
        //            on the file system (ie. there will be no window
        //            during saving in which there won't be a file there) 
        //         2) It will always be available for reading from a 
        //            client and it will be complete and accurate.
        // ... This means that writing is a bit more complicated, and may
        // have to be retried (because of reading lock), but I don't see
        // anyway to get around this given 1 and 2.
        internal void Complete(string filename, bool success) {
            try { 
                if (success) { 
                    if ( File.Exists( filename ) ) {
                        // Test that we can write to the file 
                        ValidateWriteAccess( filename );

                        // Copy Attributes from original
                        DuplicateFileAttributes( filename, _tempNewFilename ); 
                    else { 
                        if ( _templateFilename != null ) { 
                            // Copy Acl from template file
                            DuplicateTemplateAttributes( _templateFilename, _tempNewFilename ); 

                    ReplaceFile(_tempNewFilename, filename); 

                    // Don't delete, since we just moved it. 
                    _tempFiles.KeepFiles = true; 
            finally {
                _tempFiles = null;
        // DuplicateFileAttributes 
        // Copy all the files attributes that we care about from the source 
        // file to the destination file
        private void DuplicateFileAttributes( string source, string destination )
            FileAttributes      attributes; 
            DateTime            creationTime; 

            // Copy File Attributes, ie. Hidden, Readonly, etc. 
            attributes = File.GetAttributes( source );
            File.SetAttributes( destination, attributes );

            // Copy Creation Time 
            creationTime = File.GetCreationTimeUtc( source );
            File.SetCreationTimeUtc( destination, creationTime ); 
            // Copy ACL's
            DuplicateTemplateAttributes( source, destination ); 
#endif	// FEATURE_PAL

        // DuplicateTemplateAttributes 
        // Copy over all the attributes you would want copied from a template file. 
        // As of right now this is just acl's 
        private void DuplicateTemplateAttributes( string source, string destination ) { 
            if (IsWinNT) {
                FileSecurity        fileSecurity;
                // Copy Security information
                fileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl( source, AccessControlSections.Access ); 
                // Mark dirty, so effective for write
                fileSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection( fileSecurity.AreAccessRulesProtected, true ); 
                File.SetAccessControl( destination, fileSecurity );
            else {
                FileAttributes  fileAttributes; 

                fileAttributes = File.GetAttributes( source ); 
                File.SetAttributes( destination, fileAttributes ); 
#endif	// FEATURE_PAL 

        // ValidateWriteAccess
        // Validate that we can write to the file.  This will enforce the ACL's
        // on the file.  Since we do our moving of files to replace, this is 
        // nice to ensure we are not by-passing some security permission 
        // that someone set (although that could bypass this via move themselves)
        // Note: 1) This is really just a nice to have, since with directory permissions
        //          they could do the same thing we are doing
        //       2) We are depending on the current behavior that if the file is locked 
        //          and we can not open it, that we will get an UnauthorizedAccessException
        //          and not the IOException. 
        private void ValidateWriteAccess( string filename ) {
            FileStream fs = null; 

            try {
                // Try to open file for write access
                fs = new FileStream( filename, 
                                     FileShare.ReadWrite ); 
            catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException ) { 
                // Access was denied, make sure we throw this
            catch ( IOException ) { 
                // Someone else was using the file.  Since we did not get
                // the unauthorizedAccessException we have access to the file 
            catch ( Exception ) {
                // Unexpected, so just throw for safety sake 
            finally {
                if ( fs != null ) { 
        // ReplaceFile
        // Replace one file with another using MoveFileEx.  This will
        // retry the operation if the file is locked because someone 
        // is reading it
        private void ReplaceFile( string Source, string Target ) 
            bool WriteSucceeded = false; 
            int  Duration       = 0;

            WriteSucceeded = AttemptMove( Source, Target );
            // The file may be open for read, if it is then
            // lets try again because maybe they will finish 
            // soon, and we will be able to replace 
            while ( !WriteSucceeded                &&
                    ( Duration < SAVING_TIMEOUT )  && 
                    File.Exists( Target )          &&
                    !FileIsWriteLocked( Target ) ) {

                Thread.Sleep( SAVING_RETRY_INTERVAL ); 

                Duration += SAVING_RETRY_INTERVAL; 
                WriteSucceeded = AttemptMove( Source, Target );

            if ( !WriteSucceeded ) {

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( 
                              SR.GetString(SR.Config_write_failed, Target) );

        // AttemptMove 
        // Attempt to move a file from one location to another
        // Return Values: 
        //   TRUE  - Move Successful
        //   FALSE - Move Failed 
        private bool AttemptMove( string Source, string Target ) { 
            bool MoveSuccessful = false;
            if ( IsWinNT ) {

                // We can only call this when we have kernel32.dll
                MoveSuccessful = UnsafeNativeMethods.MoveFileEx( 
                                     UnsafeNativeMethods.MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING ); 
            else { 

                try {
                    // VSWhidbey 548017:
                    // File.Move isn't supported on Win9x.  We'll use File.Copy 
                    // instead.  Please note that Source is a temporary file which
                    // will be deleted when _tempFiles is disposed. 
                    File.Copy(Source, Target, true); 
                    MoveSuccessful = true;
                catch {

                    MoveSuccessful = false;

            return MoveSuccessful;

        // FileIsWriteLocked
        // Is the file write locked or not? 
        private bool FileIsWriteLocked( string FileName ) { 
            Stream FileStream  = null; 
            bool   WriteLocked = true;
            if (!FileUtil.FileExists(FileName, true)) {
                // It can't be locked if it doesn't exist
                return false;

            try { 
                FileShare fileShare = FileShare.Read; 

                if (IsWinNT) { 
                    fileShare |= FileShare.Delete;

                // Try to open for shared reading 
                FileStream  = new FileStream( FileName,
                // If we can open it for shared reading, it is not
                // write locked
                WriteLocked = false;
            finally {
                if ( FileStream != null ) { 
                    FileStream = null; 

            return WriteLocked; 
        // IsWinNT 
        // Are we running in WinNT or not? 
        private bool IsWinNT {
            get {
                if ( !_osPlatformDetermined ) { 

                    _osPlatform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform; 
                    _osPlatformDetermined = true; 
                return ( _osPlatform == System.PlatformID.Win32NT );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Configuration.Internal { 
    using System.Configuration; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security;
    using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;	
    using System.Security.AccessControl; 
    internal class WriteFileContext {
        private const  int          SAVING_TIMEOUT        = 10000;  // 10 seconds
        private const  int          SAVING_RETRY_INTERVAL =   100;  // 100 milliseconds
        private static bool         _osPlatformDetermined; 
        private static PlatformID   _osPlatform;
        private TempFileCollection  _tempFiles; 
        private string              _tempNewFilename;
        private string              _templateFilename; 

        internal WriteFileContext(string filename, string templateFilename) {
            string directoryname = UrlPath.GetDirectoryOrRootName(filename);
            _templateFilename = templateFilename;
            _tempFiles = new TempFileCollection(directoryname); 
            try { 
                _tempNewFilename = _tempFiles.AddExtension("newcfg");
            catch {
                _tempFiles = null;
        static WriteFileContext() {
            _osPlatformDetermined = false; 

        internal string TempNewFilename {
            get {return _tempNewFilename;} 
        // Complete 
        // Cleanup the WriteFileContext object based on either success 
        // or failure
        // Note: The current algorithm guarantess
        //         1) The file we are saving to will always be present 
        //            on the file system (ie. there will be no window
        //            during saving in which there won't be a file there) 
        //         2) It will always be available for reading from a 
        //            client and it will be complete and accurate.
        // ... This means that writing is a bit more complicated, and may
        // have to be retried (because of reading lock), but I don't see
        // anyway to get around this given 1 and 2.
        internal void Complete(string filename, bool success) {
            try { 
                if (success) { 
                    if ( File.Exists( filename ) ) {
                        // Test that we can write to the file 
                        ValidateWriteAccess( filename );

                        // Copy Attributes from original
                        DuplicateFileAttributes( filename, _tempNewFilename ); 
                    else { 
                        if ( _templateFilename != null ) { 
                            // Copy Acl from template file
                            DuplicateTemplateAttributes( _templateFilename, _tempNewFilename ); 

                    ReplaceFile(_tempNewFilename, filename); 

                    // Don't delete, since we just moved it. 
                    _tempFiles.KeepFiles = true; 
            finally {
                _tempFiles = null;
        // DuplicateFileAttributes 
        // Copy all the files attributes that we care about from the source 
        // file to the destination file
        private void DuplicateFileAttributes( string source, string destination )
            FileAttributes      attributes; 
            DateTime            creationTime; 

            // Copy File Attributes, ie. Hidden, Readonly, etc. 
            attributes = File.GetAttributes( source );
            File.SetAttributes( destination, attributes );

            // Copy Creation Time 
            creationTime = File.GetCreationTimeUtc( source );
            File.SetCreationTimeUtc( destination, creationTime ); 
            // Copy ACL's
            DuplicateTemplateAttributes( source, destination ); 
#endif	// FEATURE_PAL

        // DuplicateTemplateAttributes 
        // Copy over all the attributes you would want copied from a template file. 
        // As of right now this is just acl's 
        private void DuplicateTemplateAttributes( string source, string destination ) { 
            if (IsWinNT) {
                FileSecurity        fileSecurity;
                // Copy Security information
                fileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl( source, AccessControlSections.Access ); 
                // Mark dirty, so effective for write
                fileSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection( fileSecurity.AreAccessRulesProtected, true ); 
                File.SetAccessControl( destination, fileSecurity );
            else {
                FileAttributes  fileAttributes; 

                fileAttributes = File.GetAttributes( source ); 
                File.SetAttributes( destination, fileAttributes ); 
#endif	// FEATURE_PAL 

        // ValidateWriteAccess
        // Validate that we can write to the file.  This will enforce the ACL's
        // on the file.  Since we do our moving of files to replace, this is 
        // nice to ensure we are not by-passing some security permission 
        // that someone set (although that could bypass this via move themselves)
        // Note: 1) This is really just a nice to have, since with directory permissions
        //          they could do the same thing we are doing
        //       2) We are depending on the current behavior that if the file is locked 
        //          and we can not open it, that we will get an UnauthorizedAccessException
        //          and not the IOException. 
        private void ValidateWriteAccess( string filename ) {
            FileStream fs = null; 

            try {
                // Try to open file for write access
                fs = new FileStream( filename, 
                                     FileShare.ReadWrite ); 
            catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException ) { 
                // Access was denied, make sure we throw this
            catch ( IOException ) { 
                // Someone else was using the file.  Since we did not get
                // the unauthorizedAccessException we have access to the file 
            catch ( Exception ) {
                // Unexpected, so just throw for safety sake 
            finally {
                if ( fs != null ) { 
        // ReplaceFile
        // Replace one file with another using MoveFileEx.  This will
        // retry the operation if the file is locked because someone 
        // is reading it
        private void ReplaceFile( string Source, string Target ) 
            bool WriteSucceeded = false; 
            int  Duration       = 0;

            WriteSucceeded = AttemptMove( Source, Target );
            // The file may be open for read, if it is then
            // lets try again because maybe they will finish 
            // soon, and we will be able to replace 
            while ( !WriteSucceeded                &&
                    ( Duration < SAVING_TIMEOUT )  && 
                    File.Exists( Target )          &&
                    !FileIsWriteLocked( Target ) ) {

                Thread.Sleep( SAVING_RETRY_INTERVAL ); 

                Duration += SAVING_RETRY_INTERVAL; 
                WriteSucceeded = AttemptMove( Source, Target );

            if ( !WriteSucceeded ) {

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( 
                              SR.GetString(SR.Config_write_failed, Target) );

        // AttemptMove 
        // Attempt to move a file from one location to another
        // Return Values: 
        //   TRUE  - Move Successful
        //   FALSE - Move Failed 
        private bool AttemptMove( string Source, string Target ) { 
            bool MoveSuccessful = false;
            if ( IsWinNT ) {

                // We can only call this when we have kernel32.dll
                MoveSuccessful = UnsafeNativeMethods.MoveFileEx( 
                                     UnsafeNativeMethods.MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING ); 
            else { 

                try {
                    // VSWhidbey 548017:
                    // File.Move isn't supported on Win9x.  We'll use File.Copy 
                    // instead.  Please note that Source is a temporary file which
                    // will be deleted when _tempFiles is disposed. 
                    File.Copy(Source, Target, true); 
                    MoveSuccessful = true;
                catch {

                    MoveSuccessful = false;

            return MoveSuccessful;

        // FileIsWriteLocked
        // Is the file write locked or not? 
        private bool FileIsWriteLocked( string FileName ) { 
            Stream FileStream  = null; 
            bool   WriteLocked = true;
            if (!FileUtil.FileExists(FileName, true)) {
                // It can't be locked if it doesn't exist
                return false;

            try { 
                FileShare fileShare = FileShare.Read; 

                if (IsWinNT) { 
                    fileShare |= FileShare.Delete;

                // Try to open for shared reading 
                FileStream  = new FileStream( FileName,
                // If we can open it for shared reading, it is not
                // write locked
                WriteLocked = false;
            finally {
                if ( FileStream != null ) { 
                    FileStream = null; 

            return WriteLocked; 
        // IsWinNT 
        // Are we running in WinNT or not? 
        private bool IsWinNT {
            get {
                if ( !_osPlatformDetermined ) { 

                    _osPlatform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform; 
                    _osPlatformDetermined = true; 
                return ( _osPlatform == System.PlatformID.Win32NT );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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