TabControl.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / TabControl.cs / 1305376 / TabControl.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.



namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.Configuration.Assemblies; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout; 
    using System.Globalization;

    ///     The TabControl.  This control has a lot of the functionality of a TabStrip
    ///     but manages a list of TabPages which are the 'pages' that appear on each tab. 
    Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.TabControlDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), 
    public class TabControl : Control { 

        private static readonly Size DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE = Size.Empty; 
        private static readonly Point DEFAULT_PADDING = new Point(6, 3);

        private TabPageCollection tabCollection; 
        private TabAlignment alignment         = TabAlignment.Top;
        private TabDrawMode  drawMode          = TabDrawMode.Normal; 
        private ImageList imageList                = null; 
        private Size itemSize                     = DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE;
        private Point padding                      = DEFAULT_PADDING; 
        private TabSizeMode   sizeMode         = TabSizeMode.Normal;
        private TabAppearance appearance       = TabAppearance.Normal;
        private Rectangle cachedDisplayRect        = Rectangle.Empty;
        private bool currentlyScaling          = false; 
        private int selectedIndex = -1;
        private Size cachedSize = Size.Empty; 
        private string controlTipText = String.Empty; 
        private bool handleInTable;
        private EventHandler onSelectedIndexChanged;
        private DrawItemEventHandler onDrawItem;
        private static readonly object EVENT_DESELECTING = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_DESELECTED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_SELECTING = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_SELECTED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED = new object();

        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack                        = 0x00000001; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_multiline                       = 0x00000002;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_showToolTips                    = 0x00000004; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize          = 0x00000008; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles               = 0x00000010;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection                     = 0x00000020; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl              = 0x00000040;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_insertingItem                   = 0x00000080;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_autoSize                        = 0x00000100;

        // PERF: take all the bools and put them into a state variable 
        private System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32  tabControlState; // see TABCONTROLSTATE_ consts above 


        ///     This message is posted by the control to itself after a TabPage is 
        ///     added to it.  On certain occasions, after items are added to a
        ///     TabControl in quick succession, TCM_ADJUSTRECT calls return the wrong 
        ///     display rectangle.  When the message is received, the control calls 
        ///     updateTabSelection() to layout the TabPages correctly.
        private readonly int tabBaseReLayoutMessage = SafeNativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage(Application.WindowMessagesVersion + "_TabBaseReLayout");

        private TabPage[] tabPages;
        private int tabPageCount; 
        private int lastSelection; 

        private bool             rightToLeftLayout = false; 
        private bool             skipUpdateSize;

        ///     Constructs a TabBase object, usually as the base class for a TabStrip or TabControl.
        public TabControl() 
        : base() {
            tabControlState = new System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32(0x00000000);

            tabCollection = new TabPageCollection(this);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, false); 
        ///     Returns on what area of the control the tabs reside on (A TabAlignment value). 
        ///     The possibilities are Top (the default), Bottom, Left, and Right.  When alignment
        ///     is left or right, the Multiline property is ignored and Multiline is implicitly on.
        ///     If the alignment is anything other than top, TabAppearance.FlatButtons degenerates
        ///     to TabAppearance.Buttons. 
        public TabAlignment Alignment { 
            get {
                return alignment; 

            set { 
                if (this.alignment != value) {
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabAlignment.Top, (int)TabAlignment.Right)){
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabAlignment)); 
                    this.alignment = value; 
                    if (this.alignment == TabAlignment.Left || this.alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                        Multiline = true; 

        ///     Indicates whether the tabs in the tabstrip look like regular tabs, or if they look
        ///     like buttons as seen in the Windows 95 taskbar. 
        ///     If the alignment is anything other than top, TabAppearance.FlatButtons degenerates
        ///     to TabAppearance.Buttons.
        public TabAppearance Appearance {
            get {
                if (appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons && alignment != TabAlignment.Top) {
                    return TabAppearance.Buttons; 
                else { 
                    return appearance; 

            set {
                if (this.appearance != value) {
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2 
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabAppearance.Normal, (int)TabAppearance.FlatButtons)){
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabAppearance)); 

                    this.appearance = value; 

                    //Fire OnStyleChanged(EventArgs.Empty) here since we are no longer calling UpdateStyles( ) but always reCreating the Handle.

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public override Color BackColor { 
            get { 
                //The tab control can only be rendered in 1 color: System's Control color.
                //So, always return this value... otherwise, we're inheriting the forms backcolor 
                //and passing it on to the pab pages.
                return SystemColors.Control;
            set { 
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        new public event EventHandler BackColorChanged {
            add {
                base.BackColorChanged += value; 
            remove { 
                base.BackColorChanged -= value; 

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        public override Image BackgroundImage { 
            get {
                return base.BackgroundImage; 
            set {
                base.BackgroundImage = value;
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged {
            add {
                base.BackgroundImageChanged += value;
            remove {
                base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { 
            get { 
                return base.BackgroundImageLayout;
            set {
                base.BackgroundImageLayout = value;

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged { 
            add {
                base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value;
            remove { 
                base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value;

        ///     Deriving classes can override this to configure a default size for their control.
        ///     This is more efficient than setting the size in the control's constructor.
        protected override Size DefaultSize {
            get { 
                return new Size(200, 100); 

        ///     This property is overridden and hidden from statement completion 
        ///     on controls that are based on Win32 Native Controls.
        protected override bool DoubleBuffered {
            get { 
                return base.DoubleBuffered;
            set {
                base.DoubleBuffered = value; 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public override Color ForeColor { 
            get {
                return base.ForeColor; 
            set {
                base.ForeColor = value; 

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        new public event EventHandler ForeColorChanged { 
            add {
                base.ForeColorChanged += value; 
            remove {
                base.ForeColorChanged -= value;
        ///     Returns the parameters needed to create the handle.  Inheriting classes 
        ///     can override this to provide extra functionality.  They should not,
        ///     however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the struct
        ///     filled up with the basic info.
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams { 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            get {
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; 
                cp.ClassName = NativeMethods.WC_TABCONTROL;

                // set up window styles
                if (Multiline == true) cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_MULTILINE;
                if (drawMode == TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed) cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED; 
                if (ShowToolTips && !DesignMode) { 
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_TOOLTIPS;

                if (alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom ||
                    alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_BOTTOM; 

                if (alignment == TabAlignment.Left || 
                    alignment == TabAlignment.Right) 
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_VERTICAL | NativeMethods.TCS_MULTILINE;
                if (tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack]) {
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_HOTTRACK;
                if (appearance == TabAppearance.Normal)
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_TABS; 
                else { 
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_BUTTONS;
                    if (appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons && alignment == TabAlignment.Top) 
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_FLATBUTTONS;

                switch (sizeMode) { 
                    case TabSizeMode.Normal:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT; 
                    case TabSizeMode.FillToRight:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY; 
                    case TabSizeMode.Fixed:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_FIXEDWIDTH;
                if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes && RightToLeftLayout == true) { 
                    //We want to turn on mirroring for Form explicitly.
                    cp.ExStyle |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | NativeMethods.WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT; 
                    //Don't need these styles when mirroring is turned on.
                    cp.ExStyle &= ~(NativeMethods.WS_EX_RTLREADING | NativeMethods.WS_EX_RIGHT | NativeMethods.WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR);
                return cp;

        ///     The rectangle that represents the Area of the tab strip not
        ///     taken up by the tabs, borders, or anything else owned by the Tab.  This
        ///     is typically the rectangle you want to use to place the individual 
        ///     children of the tab strip.
        public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle { 
            get {

                // Null out cachedDisplayRect whenever we do anything to change it...
                if (!cachedDisplayRect.IsEmpty) 
                    return cachedDisplayRect;
                Rectangle bounds = Bounds; 
                NativeMethods.RECT rect = NativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

                // We force a handle creation here, because otherwise the DisplayRectangle will be wildly inaccurate
                if (!IsDisposed)
                    // Since this is called thru the OnResize (and Layout) which is triggered by SetExtent if the TabControl is hosted as 
                    // a ActiveX control, so check if this is ActiveX and dont force Handle Creation here as the native code breaks in this case.
                    // please Refer to VsWhidbey :: 288940 
                    if (!IsActiveX)
                        if (!IsHandleCreated) {
                    if (IsHandleCreated) 
                        SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_ADJUSTRECT, 0, ref rect); 

                Rectangle r = Rectangle.FromLTRB(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); 

                Point p = this.Location; 
                r.X -= p.X; 
                r.Y -= p.Y;
                cachedDisplayRect = r;
                return r;

        ///     The drawing mode of the tabs in the tab strip.  This will indicate 
        public TabDrawMode DrawMode { 
            get {
                return drawMode; 

            set {
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x1 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabDrawMode.Normal, (int)TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed)){
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabDrawMode)); 

                if (drawMode != value) { 
                    drawMode = value;
        ///     Indicates whether the tabs visually change when the mouse passes over them. 
        public bool HotTrack { 
            get {
                return tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack]; 

            set {
                if (HotTrack != value) { 
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack] = value;
                    if (IsHandleCreated) { 

        ///     Returns the imageList the control points at.  This is where tabs that have imageIndex 
        ///     set will get there images from. 
        public ImageList ImageList { 
            get { 
                return imageList;
            set {
                if (this.imageList != value) {
                    EventHandler recreateHandler = new EventHandler(ImageListRecreateHandle);
                    EventHandler disposedHandler = new EventHandler(DetachImageList); 

                    if (imageList != null) { 
                        imageList.RecreateHandle -= recreateHandler; 
                        imageList.Disposed -= disposedHandler;

                    this.imageList = value;
                    IntPtr handle = (value != null) ? value.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;
                    if (IsHandleCreated) 
                        SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETIMAGELIST, IntPtr.Zero, handle);
                    // Update the image list in the tab pages. 
                    foreach (TabPage tabPage in TabPages) {
                        tabPage.ImageIndexer.ImageList = value; 

                    if (value != null) { 
                        value.RecreateHandle += recreateHandler;
                        value.Disposed += disposedHandler; 

        ///     By default, tabs will automatically size themselves to fit their icon, if any, and their label.
        ///     However, the tab size can be explicity set by setting this property. 
        public Size ItemSize { 
            get {
                if (itemSize.IsEmpty) { 
                    // Obtain the current itemsize of the first tab from the winctl control
                    if (IsHandleCreated) {
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize] = true;
                        return GetTabRect(0).Size;
                    else {
                        return DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE; 
                else { 
                    return itemSize;
            set {
                if (value.Width < 0 || value.Height < 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ItemSize", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "ItemSize", value.ToString())); 
                itemSize = value; 
        ///     This private property is set by the TabPageCollection when the user calls "InsertItem".
        ///     The problem is when InsertItem is called then we add this item to the ControlsCollection (in addition to the TabPageCollection) 
        ///     to keep both the collections is [....]. But the controlCollection.Add is overriden to again ADD the item to the TabPageCollection.
        ///     So we keep this flag in order to aviod repeatd addition (only during insert)
        ///     When the Add ends ... we reset this flag.
        private bool InsertingItem {
            get { 
                return (bool)tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_insertingItem]; 
            set { 
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_insertingItem] = value;
        ///     Indicates if there can be more than one row of tabs.  By default [when 
        ///     this property is false], if there are more tabs than available display
        ///     space, arrows are shown to let the user navigate between the extra 
        ///     tabs, but only one row is shown.  If this property is set to true, then
        ///     Windows spills extra tabs over on to second rows.
        public bool Multiline { 
            get {
                return tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_multiline];
            set { 
                if (Multiline != value) {
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_multiline] = value; 
                    if (Multiline == false && (this.alignment == TabAlignment.Left || this.alignment == TabAlignment.Right)) 
                        this.alignment = TabAlignment.Top;
        ///     The amount of padding around the items in the individual tabs. 
        ///     You can specify both horizontal and vertical padding.
        public new Point Padding { 
            get { 
                return padding;
            set {
                //do some validation checking here, against min & max GridSize
                if ( value.X < 0 || value.Y < 0 ) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Padding", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "Padding", value.ToString()));
                if (padding != value) { 
                    padding = value;
                    if (IsHandleCreated) { 
        ///     This is used for international applications where the language 
        ///     is written from RightToLeft. When this property is true,
        //      and the RightToLeft is true, mirroring will be turned on on the form, and
        ///     control placement and text will be from right to left.
        public virtual bool RightToLeftLayout {
            get {
                return rightToLeftLayout;
            set {
                if (value != rightToLeftLayout) { 
                    rightToLeftLayout = value;
                    using(new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.RightToLeftLayout)) {


        ///     The number of rows currently being displayed in 
        ///     the tab strip.  This is most commonly used when the Multline property
        ///     is 'true' and you want to know how many rows the tabs are currently 
        ///     taking up. 
        public int RowCount { 
            get { 
                int n;
                n = unchecked( (int) (long)SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETROWCOUNT, 0, 0)); 
                return n;
        ///     The index of the currently selected tab in the strip, if there 
        ///     is one.  If the value is -1, there is currently no selection.  If the
        ///     value is 0 or greater, than the value is the index of the currently 
        ///     selected tab.
        public int SelectedIndex { 
            get {
                if (IsHandleCreated) {
                    int n;
                    n = unchecked( (int) (long)SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)); 
                    return n;
                else { 
                    return selectedIndex;
            set {
                if (value < -1) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SelectedIndex", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx, "SelectedIndex", value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (-1).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
                if (SelectedIndex != value) { 
                    if (IsHandleCreated) {
                        // Guard Against CreateHandle .. 
                        // And also if we are setting SelectedIndex ourselves from SelectNextTab..
                        if (!tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] && !tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl]) {
                            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true;
                            // Fire Deselecting .. Deselected on currently selected TabPage... 
                            if (WmSelChanging()) {
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                            if(ValidationCancelled) { 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;

                        SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETCURSEL, value, 0); 
                        if (!tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] && !tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl]) {
                            // Fire Selecting & Selected .. Also if Selecting is Canceled.. 
                            // then retuern as we do not change the SelectedIndex...
                            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = true;
                            if (WmSelChange ()) {
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = false;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = false;
                    else {
                        selectedIndex = value; 

        ///      The selection to the given tab, provided it .equals a tab in the
        ///      list.  The return value is the index of the tab that was selected, 
        ///      or -1 if no tab was selected. 
        public TabPage SelectedTab { 
            get { 
                return SelectedTabInternal;
            set {
                SelectedTabInternal = value;

        internal TabPage SelectedTabInternal { 
            get { 
                int index = SelectedIndex;
                if (index == -1) { 
                    return null;
                else {
                    Debug.Assert(0 <= index && index < tabPages.Length, "SelectedIndex returned an invalid index"); 
                    return tabPages[index];
            set {
                int index = FindTabPage(value); 
                SelectedIndex = index;
        ///     By default, tabs are big enough to display their text, and any space 
        ///     on the right of the strip is left as such.  However, you can also
        ///     set it such that the tabs are stretched to fill out the right extent 
        ///     of the strip, if necessary, or you can set it such that all tabs
        ///     the same width.
        public TabSizeMode SizeMode {
            get {
                return sizeMode;
            set {
                if (sizeMode == value) return; 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabSizeMode.Normal, (int)TabSizeMode.Fixed)){ 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabSizeMode));

                sizeMode = value; 

        ///     Indicates whether tooltips are being shown for tabs that have tooltips set on
        ///     them.
        public bool ShowToolTips {
            get {
                return tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_showToolTips]; 
            set { 
                if (ShowToolTips != value) { 
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_showToolTips] = value;
        ///     Returns the number of tabs in the strip 
        public int TabCount { 
            get { return tabPageCount;} 
        ///     Returns the Collection of TabPages.
        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.TabPageCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public TabPageCollection TabPages {
            get { 
                return tabCollection;
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), Bindable(false)]
        public override string Text { 
            get {
                return base.Text; 
            set {
                base.Text = value; 

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        new public event EventHandler TextChanged { 
            add {
                base.TextChanged += value; 
            remove {
                base.TextChanged -= value;
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.drawItemEventDescr)]
        public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem {
            add { 
                onDrawItem += value;
            remove { 
                onDrawItem -= value;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.ControlOnRightToLeftLayoutChangedDescr)] 
        public event EventHandler RightToLeftLayoutChanged {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED, value); 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.selectedIndexChangedEventDescr)] 
        public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged {
            add { 
                onSelectedIndexChanged += value; 
            remove { 
                onSelectedIndexChanged -= value;
        ///       Occurs before a tabpage is selected as the top tabPage.
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlSelectingEventDescr)
        public event TabControlCancelEventHandler Selecting { 
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SELECTING, value); 
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SELECTING, value); 

        ///       Occurs after a tabpage is selected as the top tabPage. 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlSelectedEventDescr)
        public event TabControlEventHandler Selected {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SELECTED, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SELECTED, value);

        ///       Occurs before the visible property of the top tabpage is set to false. 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlDeselectingEventDescr) 
        public event TabControlCancelEventHandler Deselecting {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DESELECTING, value); 
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DESELECTING, value); 

        ///       Occurs after the visible property of the top tabpage is set to false.
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlDeselectedEventDescr)
        public event TabControlEventHandler Deselected {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DESELECTED, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DESELECTED, value); 
        ///     TabControl Onpaint.
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        public new event PaintEventHandler Paint { 
            add {
                base.Paint += value; 
            remove {
                base.Paint -= value;
        internal int AddTabPage(TabPage tabPage, NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem) {
            int index = AddNativeTabPage(tcitem);
            if (index >= 0) { 
                Insert(index, tabPage);
            return index;

        internal int AddNativeTabPage(NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem) {
            int index = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_INSERTITEM, tabPageCount + 1, tcitem);
            UnsafeNativeMethods.PostMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), tabBaseReLayoutMessage, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 
            return index;
        internal void ApplyItemSize() {
            if (IsHandleCreated && ShouldSerializeItemSize()) { 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, (int)NativeMethods.Util.MAKELPARAM(itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height));
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
        internal void BeginUpdate() {

        protected override Control.ControlCollection CreateControlsInstance() { 
            return new ControlCollection(this);
        protected override void CreateHandle() {
            if (!RecreatingHandle) { 
                IntPtr userCookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.Activate();
                try { 
                    NativeMethods.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc = new NativeMethods.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX(); 
                    icc.dwICC = NativeMethods.ICC_TAB_CLASSES;
                finally {

        private void DetachImageList(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            ImageList = null;

        ///     Allows the user to specify the index in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection of the tabpage to be hidden. 
        public void DeselectTab(int index) { 
            TabPage t = GetTabPage(index);
            if (SelectedTab == t) {
                if (0 <= index && index < TabPages.Count -1) {
                    SelectedTab =  GetTabPage(++index); 
                else { 
                    SelectedTab = GetTabPage(0); 

        ///     Allows the user to specify the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection  to be hidden.
        public void DeselectTab(TabPage tabPage) { 
            if (tabPage == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPage"); 

            int index = FindTabPage(tabPage);
        ///     Allows the user to specify the name of the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection to be hidden. 
        public void DeselectTab(string tabPageName) {
            if (tabPageName == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPageName"); 

            TabPage tabPage = TabPages[tabPageName]; 

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
            if (disposing) { 
                if (imageList != null) {
                    imageList.Disposed -= new EventHandler(this.DetachImageList); 

        internal void EndUpdate() {
        internal void EndUpdate(bool invalidate) { 

        internal int FindTabPage(TabPage tabPage) {
            if (tabPages != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < tabPageCount; i++) { 
                    if (tabPages[i].Equals(tabPage)) {
                        return i; 
            return -1;

        public Control GetControl(int index) {
            return(Control) GetTabPage(index); 

        internal TabPage GetTabPage(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index >= tabPageCount) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
            return tabPages[index];

        ///     This has package scope so that TabStrip and TabControl can call it. 
        protected virtual object[] GetItems() { 
            TabPage[] result = new TabPage[tabPageCount];
            if (tabPageCount > 0) Array.Copy(tabPages, 0, result, 0, tabPageCount); 
            return result;

        ///     This has package scope so that TabStrip and TabControl can call it. 
        protected virtual object[] GetItems(Type baseType) { 
            object[] result = (object[]) Array.CreateInstance(baseType, tabPageCount);
            if (tabPageCount > 0) Array.Copy(tabPages, 0, result, 0, tabPageCount);
            return result;

        internal TabPage[] GetTabPages() { 
            return (TabPage[])GetItems(); 
        ///     Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the given tab in the tab strip.
        public Rectangle GetTabRect(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || (index >= tabPageCount && !tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize])) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize] = false ; 
            NativeMethods.RECT rect = new NativeMethods.RECT();

            // normally, we would not want to create the handle for this, but since
            // it is dependent on the actual physical display, we simply must. 
            if (!IsHandleCreated)
            SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETITEMRECT, index, ref rect);
            return Rectangle.FromLTRB(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); 

        protected string GetToolTipText(object item) { 

        private void ImageListRecreateHandle(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (IsHandleCreated)
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, ImageList.Handle); 
        internal void Insert(int index, TabPage tabPage) {
            if (tabPages == null) {
                tabPages = new TabPage[4]; 
            else if (tabPages.Length == tabPageCount) { 
                TabPage[] newTabPages = new TabPage[tabPageCount * 2]; 
                Array.Copy(tabPages, 0, newTabPages, 0, tabPageCount);
                tabPages = newTabPages; 
            if (index < tabPageCount) {
                Array.Copy(tabPages, index, tabPages, index + 1, tabPageCount - index);
            tabPages[index] = tabPage;
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
            if (Appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons) { 
        ///     This function is used by the Insert Logic to insert a tabPage in the current TabPage in the TabPageCollection. 
        private void InsertItem(int index, TabPage tabPage) {

            if (index < 0 || ((tabPages != null) && index > tabPageCount))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
            if (tabPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPage"); 

            int retIndex; 
            if (IsHandleCreated) {
                NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem = tabPage.GetTCITEM();
                retIndex = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_INSERTITEM, index, tcitem);
                if (retIndex >= 0) Insert(retIndex, tabPage); 

        ///      Handling special input keys, such as pgup, pgdown, home, end, etc...
        protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData) { 
            if ((keyData & Keys.Alt) == Keys.Alt) return false;
            switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { 
                case Keys.PageUp: 
                case Keys.PageDown:
                case Keys.Home: 
                case Keys.End:
                    return true;
            return base.IsInputKey(keyData); 
        ///     This is a notification that the handle has been created. 
        ///     We do some work here to configure the handle.
        ///     Overriders should call base.OnHandleCreated()
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) {
            //Add the handle to hashtable for Ids .. 
            NativeWindow.AddWindowToIDTable(this, this.Handle);
            handleInTable = true; 

            // VSWhidbey 123853: Set the padding BEFORE setting the control's font (as done
            // in base.OnHandleCreated()) so that the tab control will honor both the
            // horizontal and vertical dimensions of the padding rectangle. 
            if (!padding.IsEmpty) {
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETPADDING, 0, NativeMethods.Util.MAKELPARAM(padding.X, padding.Y)); 

            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            if (imageList != null) {
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, imageList.Handle); 
            if (ShowToolTips) { 
                IntPtr tooltipHwnd;
                tooltipHwnd = SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0); 
                if (tooltipHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) {
                    SafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, tooltipHwnd),
                                         0, 0, 0, 0, 
                                         NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE |
            // Add the pages
            foreach(TabPage page in TabPages) {
            // Resize the pages 

            if (selectedIndex != -1) {
                try {
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = true; 
                    SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
                finally { 
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = false;
                selectedIndex = -1;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) {
            if (!Disposing) {
                selectedIndex = SelectedIndex;
            //Remove the Handle from NativewIndow....
            // VSWhidbey 539185, Don't try to remove the Handle if we've already done so 
            if (handleInTable)
                handleInTable = false;
        ///     Actually goes and fires the OnDrawItem event.  Inheriting controls
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should,
        ///     however, remember to call base.onDrawItem(e); to ensure the event is 
        ///     still fired to external listeners
        protected virtual void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { 
            if (onDrawItem != null) onDrawItem(this, e);

        ///     Actually goes and fires the OnLeave event.  Inheriting controls 
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should, 
        ///     however, remember to call base.OnLeave(e); to ensure the event is 
        ///     still fired to external listeners
        ///     This listener is overidden so that we can fire SAME ENTER and LEAVE 
        ///     events on the TabPage.
        ///     TabPage should fire enter when the focus is on the TABPAGE and not when the control
        ///     within the TabPage gets Focused.
        ///     Similary the Leave event should fire when the TabControl (and hence the TabPage) looses 
        ///     Focus. To be Backward compatible we have added new bool which can be set to true
        ///     to the get the NEW SANE ENTER-LEAVE EVENTS ON THE TABPAGE. 
        protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e) {
            base.OnEnter (e); 
            if (SelectedTab != null) {
        ///     Actually goes and fires the OnLeave event.  Inheriting controls 
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should,
        ///     however, remember to call base.OnLeave(e); to ensure the event is
        ///     still fired to external listeners 
        ///     This listener is overidden so that we can fire SAME ENTER and LEAVE
        ///     events on the TabPage. 
        ///     TabPage should fire enter when the focus is on the TABPAGE and not when the control 
        ///     within the TabPage gets Focused.
        ///     Similary the Leave event  should fire when the TabControl (and hence the TabPage) looses 
        ///     Focus. To be Backward compatible we have added new bool which can be set to true
        ///     to the get the NEW SANE ENTER-LEAVE EVENTS ON THE TABPAGE.
        protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) { 
            if (SelectedTab != null) {

        ///     We override this to get tabbing functionality. 
        ///     If overriding this, remember to call base.onKeyDown.
        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs ke) {
            if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.Tab && (ke.KeyData & Keys.Control) !=0) { 
                bool forward = (ke.KeyData & Keys.Shift) == 0;
                SelectNextTab(ke, forward);
            if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.PageDown && (ke.KeyData & Keys.Control) !=0) { 
                SelectNextTab(ke, true);
            if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.PageUp && (ke.KeyData & Keys.Control) !=0) { 
                SelectNextTab(ke, false);

        internal override void OnParentHandleRecreated()
            // Avoid temporarily resizing the TabControl while the parent 
            // recreates its handle to avoid bug VSWhidbey 543390.
            this.skipUpdateSize = true; 
            try {
            finally { 
                this.skipUpdateSize = false;

        protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected virtual void OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            if (GetAnyDisposingInHierarchy()) { 

            if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) {

            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED] as EventHandler; 
            if (eh != null) { 
                 eh(this, e);

        ///     Actually goes and fires the onSelectedIndexChanged event.  Inheriting controls
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to 
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should, 
        ///     however, remember to call base.onSelectedIndexChanged(e); to ensure the event is
        ///     still fired to external listeners 
        protected virtual void OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) {
            int index = SelectedIndex;
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
            if (onSelectedIndexChanged != null) onSelectedIndexChanged(this, e); 


        ///       Raises the  event. 
        protected virtual void OnSelecting(TabControlCancelEventArgs e) { 
            TabControlCancelEventHandler handler = (TabControlCancelEventHandler)Events[EVENT_SELECTING];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);
        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected virtual void OnSelected(TabControlEventArgs e) {
            TabControlEventHandler handler = (TabControlEventHandler)Events[EVENT_SELECTED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 

            // Raise the enter event for this tab. 
            if (SelectedTab != null) { 


        ///       Raises the  event. 
        protected virtual void OnDeselecting(TabControlCancelEventArgs e) {
            TabControlCancelEventHandler handler = (TabControlCancelEventHandler)Events[EVENT_DESELECTING];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);

        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected virtual void OnDeselected(TabControlEventArgs e) {
            TabControlEventHandler handler = (TabControlEventHandler)Events[EVENT_DESELECTED]; 
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 

            // Raise the Leave event for this tab. 
            if (SelectedTab != null) {

        ///     We override this to get the Ctrl and Ctrl-Shift Tab functionality.
            SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)
        protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message m) {
            if (ProcessKeyEventArgs(ref m)) return true; 
            return base.ProcessKeyPreview(ref m); 
        internal void UpdateSize() {
            if (this.skipUpdateSize) { 
            // the spin control (left right arrows) won't update without resizing. 
            // the most correct thing would be to recreate the handle, but this works
            // and is cheaper.
            Size size = Size;
            Size = new Size(size.Width + 1, size.Height); 
            Size = size; 

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;

        internal override void RecreateHandleCore() {
            TabPage[] tabPages = GetTabPages();
            int index = ((tabPages.Length > 0) && (SelectedIndex == -1)) ? 0: SelectedIndex; 

            // We don't actually want to remove the windows forms Tabpages - we only 
            // want to remove the corresponding TCITEM structs.
            // So, no RemoveAll()
            if (IsHandleCreated) {
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0); 
            this.tabPages = null; 
            tabPageCount = 0; 


            for (int i = 0; i < tabPages.Length; i++) {
            try {
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = true; 
                SelectedIndex = index; 
            finally { 
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = false;

            // The comctl32 TabControl seems to have some painting glitches. Briefly 
            // resizing the control seems to fix these.
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected void RemoveAll() {
            SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
            tabPages = null; 
            tabPageCount = 0;

        internal void RemoveTabPage(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index >= tabPageCount) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));
            if (index < tabPageCount) {
                Array.Copy(tabPages, index + 1, tabPages, index, tabPageCount - index); 
            tabPages[tabPageCount] = null; 
            if (IsHandleCreated) { 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_DELETEITEM, index, 0);
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;

        private void ResetItemSize() { 
            ItemSize = DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE;
        private void ResetPadding() {
            Padding = DEFAULT_PADDING; 


        private void ResizePages() { 
            Rectangle rect = DisplayRectangle;
            TabPage[] pages = GetTabPages(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < pages.Length; i++) { 
                pages[i].Bounds = rect;

        ///     Called by ToolTip to poke in that Tooltip into this ComCtl so that the Native ChildToolTip is not exposed.
        internal void SetToolTip(ToolTip toolTip, string controlToolTipText) {
            UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_SETTOOLTIPS, new HandleRef(toolTip, toolTip.Handle), 0); 
            controlTipText = controlToolTipText;

        internal void SetTabPage(int index, TabPage tabPage, NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem) { 
            if (index < 0 || index >= tabPageCount)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));
            if (IsHandleCreated)
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_SETITEM, index, tcitem); 
            // Make the Updated tab page the currently selected tab page
            if (DesignMode && IsHandleCreated) { 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_SETCURSEL, (IntPtr)index, IntPtr.Zero); 
            tabPages[index] = tabPage; 

        ///     Allows the user to specify the index in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection of the tabpage to be shown.
        public void SelectTab(int index) { 
            TabPage t = GetTabPage(index);
            if(t != null) 
                SelectedTab = t;

        ///     Allows the user to specify the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection  to be shown.
        public void SelectTab(TabPage tabPage) {
            if (tabPage == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPage");
            int index = FindTabPage(tabPage); 
        ///     Allows the user to specify the name of the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection to be shown.
        public void SelectTab(string tabPageName) {
            if (tabPageName == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPageName"); 

            TabPage tabPage = TabPages[tabPageName];
        ///     This is called by TabControl in response to the KeyDown event to override the selection of tabpages 
        ///     for different key combinations.
        ///     Control + Tab selects the next tabpage. 
        ///     Control + Shift + Tab selects the previous tabpage.
        ///     Control + PageDown selects the next tabpage.
        ///     Control + PageUp selects the previous tabpage.
        private void SelectNextTab(KeyEventArgs ke, bool forward) { 
            // WmSelChanging actually changes focus to cause validations. 
            // So cache in the Focused value so that we can reuse it later
            bool focused = Focused; 

            // Fire Deselecting .. Deselected on currently selected TabPage...
            if (WmSelChanging()) {
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
            if(ValidationCancelled) { 
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;
            else {

                int sel = SelectedIndex; 
                if (sel != -1) {
                    int count = TabCount; 
                    if (forward) 
                        sel = (sel + 1) % count;
                        sel = (sel + count - 1) % count;

                    // this is special casing.. 
                    // this function is called from OnKeyDown( ) which selects the NEXT TABPAGE
                    // But now we call the WmSelChanging( ) to Focus the tab page 
                    // This breaks the logic in UpdateTabSelection (which is called 
                    // thru SET of SelectedIndex) to Select the First control
                    // So adding this new Flag to select the first control. 
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true;
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = true; 
                        SelectedIndex = sel;
                        // This is required so that we select the first control if the TabControl is not current focused. 
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = !focused; 
                        // Fire Selecting .. Selected on newly selected TabPage...

                        // tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] can be true if the TabControl is not focussed
                        // But at the end of this function reset the state !! 
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = false; 
                        ke.Handled = true;


        // Refer vsW: 543074: TabControl overrides this method to return true. 
        internal override bool ShouldPerformContainerValidation() { 
            return true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeItemSize() {
            return !itemSize.Equals(DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE);

        private new bool ShouldSerializePadding() { 
            return !padding.Equals(DEFAULT_PADDING); 
        ///     Returns a string representation for this control.
        public override string ToString() { 
            string s = base.ToString();
            if (TabPages != null) { 
                s += ", TabPages.Count: " + TabPages.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                if (TabPages.Count > 0)
                    s += ", TabPages[0]: " + TabPages[0].ToString();
            return s;
        protected override void ScaleCore(float dx, float dy) { 
            currentlyScaling = true;
            base.ScaleCore(dx, dy);
            currentlyScaling = false;

        ///     Set the panel selections appropriately
        protected void UpdateTabSelection(bool updateFocus) {
            if (IsHandleCreated) { 
                int index = SelectedIndex; 

                // make current panel invisible 
                TabPage[] tabPages = GetTabPages();
                if (index != -1) {
                    // VSWhidbey #163724
                    // Changing the bounds of the tabPage during scaling 
                    // will force a layout to occur.  After this layout
                    // the tabpage will then be scaled again resulting 
                    // in incorrect sizes.  Suspend Layout in this case. 
                    if (currentlyScaling) {
                    tabPages[index].Bounds = DisplayRectangle;

                    // After changing the Bounds of TabPages, we need to 
                    // make TabPages Redraw.
                    // Use Invalidate directly here has no performance 
                    // issue, since ReSize is calling low frequence. 
                    if (currentlyScaling) {
                    tabPages[index].Visible = true;
                    if (updateFocus) { 
                        if (!Focused || tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl]) { 
                            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;
                            bool selectNext = false; 
                            // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response
                            //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK.
                            try {
                                selectNext = tabPages[index].SelectNextControl(null, true, true, false, false); 
                            finally {

                            if (selectNext) {
                                if (!ContainsFocus) { 
                                    IContainerControl c = GetContainerControlInternal();
                                    if (c != null) { 
                                        while (c.ActiveControl is ContainerControl) { 
                                            c = (IContainerControl) c.ActiveControl;
                                        if (c.ActiveControl != null)
                            else {
                                IContainerControl c = GetContainerControlInternal(); 
                                if (c != null && !DesignMode) {
                                    if (c is ContainerControl) {
                                    else {
                                        // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response 
                                        //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK. 
                                        try {
                                            c.ActiveControl = this;
                                        finally { 
                for (int i = 0; i < tabPages.Length; i++) { 
                    if (i != SelectedIndex) {
                        tabPages[i].Visible = false; 

        protected override void OnStyleChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 


        internal void UpdateTab(TabPage tabPage) {
            int index = FindTabPage(tabPage);
            SetTabPage(index, tabPage, tabPage.GetTCITEM());
            // It's possible that changes to this TabPage will change the DisplayRectangle of the
            // TabControl (e.g. ASURT 99087), so invalidate and resize the size of this page. 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;

        private void WmNeedText(ref Message m) {
            NativeMethods.TOOLTIPTEXT ttt = (NativeMethods.TOOLTIPTEXT) m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.TOOLTIPTEXT));

            int commandID = (int)ttt.hdr.idFrom;
            string tipText = GetToolTipText(GetTabPage(commandID));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tipText)) 
                ttt.lpszText = tipText; 
                ttt.lpszText = controlTipText; 

            ttt.hinst = IntPtr.Zero;

            // RightToLeft reading order 
            if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { 
                ttt.uFlags |= NativeMethods.TTF_RTLREADING; 
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ttt, m.LParam, false);

        private void WmReflectDrawItem(ref Message m) { 

            NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT dis = (NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT)m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT));
            IntPtr oldPal = SetUpPalette(dis.hDC, false /*force*/, false /*realize*/);
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(dis.hDC)) { 
                OnDrawItem(new DrawItemEventArgs(g, Font, Rectangle.FromLTRB(dis.rcItem.left,, dis.rcItem.right, dis.rcItem.bottom), dis.itemID, (DrawItemState)dis.itemState));
            if (oldPal != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectPalette(new HandleRef(null, dis.hDC), new HandleRef(null, oldPal), 0);
            m.Result = (IntPtr)1;

        private bool WmSelChange() {
            TabControlCancelEventArgs tcc = new TabControlCancelEventArgs(this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, false, TabControlAction.Selecting); 
            if (!tcc.Cancel) {
                OnSelected (new TabControlEventArgs (this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, TabControlAction.Selected));
            else { 
                // user Cancelled the Selection of the new Tab. 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETCURSEL, lastSelection, 0);
            return tcc.Cancel;
        private bool WmSelChanging() { 
            IContainerControl c = GetContainerControlInternal();
            if (c != null && !DesignMode) {
                if (c is ContainerControl) {
                else { 
                    // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response 
                    //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK.
                    try {
                        c.ActiveControl = this;
                    finally {
            // Fire DeSelecting .... on the current Selected Index...
            // Set the return value to a global
            // if 'cancelled' return from here else..
            // fire Deselected. 
            lastSelection = SelectedIndex;
            TabControlCancelEventArgs tcc = new TabControlCancelEventArgs(this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, false, TabControlAction.Deselecting); 
            if (!tcc.Cancel) {
                OnDeselected(new TabControlEventArgs(this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, TabControlAction.Deselected)); 
            return tcc.Cancel;


        private void WmTabBaseReLayout(ref Message m) {
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            // Remove other TabBaseReLayout messages from the message queue
            NativeMethods.MSG msg = new NativeMethods.MSG(); 
            IntPtr hwnd = Handle;
            while (UnsafeNativeMethods.PeekMessage(ref msg, new HandleRef(this, hwnd),
                                       NativeMethods.PM_REMOVE)) {
                ; // NULL loop 
        ///     The tab's window procedure.  Inheritng classes can override this
        ///     to add extra functionality, but should not forget to call 
        ///     base.wndProc(m); to ensure the tab continues to function properly.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { 

            switch (m.Msg) {
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_DRAWITEM:
                    WmReflectDrawItem(ref m); 
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_MEASUREITEM: 
                    // We use TCM_SETITEMSIZE instead

                case NativeMethods.WM_NOTIFY:
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_NOTIFY:
                    NativeMethods.NMHDR nmhdr = (NativeMethods.NMHDR) m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.NMHDR)); 
                    switch (nmhdr.code) {
                        // new switch added to prevent the TabControl from changing to next TabPage ... 
                        //in case of validation cancelled... 
                        //Turn  tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false and Return So that no WmSelChange() gets fired.
                        //If validation not cancelled then tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] is turned ON to set the focus on to the ... 
                        //next TabPage..

                    case NativeMethods.TCN_SELCHANGING:
                            if (WmSelChanging()) { 
                                m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                            if(ValidationCancelled) {
                                m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;
                            else { 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true; 
                        case NativeMethods.TCN_SELCHANGE:
                            if (WmSelChange ()) {
                                m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                            else { 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true;
                        case NativeMethods.TTN_GETDISPINFOA:
                        case NativeMethods.TTN_GETDISPINFOW:
                            // MSDN: 
                            // Setting the max width has the added benefit of enabling Multiline
                            // tool tips! 
                            UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(nmhdr, nmhdr.hwndFrom), NativeMethods.TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, SystemInformation.MaxWindowTrackSize.Width);
                            WmNeedText(ref m); 
                            m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
            if (m.Msg == tabBaseReLayoutMessage) { 
                WmTabBaseReLayout(ref m); 
            base.WndProc(ref m);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public class TabPageCollection : IList { 
            private TabControl owner;
            /// A caching mechanism for key accessor
            /// We use an index here rather than control so that we don't have lifetime
            /// issues by holding on to extra references. 
            private int lastAccessedIndex = -1;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            public TabPageCollection( TabControl owner ) {
                if (owner == null) { 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");
                this.owner = owner; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public virtual TabPage this[int index] {
                get { 
                    return owner.GetTabPage(index); 
                set { 
                    owner.SetTabPage(index, value, value.GetTCITEM());
            object IList.this[int index] { 
                get {
                    return this[index]; 
                [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
                    SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters") // value is the name of the param passed in. 
                                                                                                                // So we don't have to localize it.
                set { 
                    if (value is TabPage) {
                        this[index] = (TabPage)value; 
                    else {
                        throw new ArgumentException("value");
            ///     Retrieves the child control with the specified key. 
            public virtual TabPage  this[string key] {
                get {
                    // We do not support null and empty string as valid keys. 
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)){
                        return null; 

                    // Search for the key in our collection 
                    int index = IndexOfKey(key);
                    if (IsValidIndex(index)) {
                        return this[index];
                    else {
                        return null; 


            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public int Count { 
                get {
                    return owner.tabPageCount;

            object ICollection.SyncRoot {
                get { 
                    return this;
            bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { 
                get {
                    return false; 

            bool IList.IsFixedSize { 
                get { 
                    return false;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public bool IsReadOnly { 
                get {
                    return false; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
            public void Add(TabPage value) {

                if (value == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters") // value is the name of the param passed in. 
                                                                                                            // So we don't have to localize it.
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            int IList.Add(object value) { 
                if (value is TabPage) {
                    return IndexOf((TabPage)value);
                else {
                    throw new ArgumentException("value"); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Add(string text) { 
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Text = text; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void Add(string key, string text) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage(); 
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Add(string key, string text, int imageIndex) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text; 
                page.ImageIndex = imageIndex;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Add(string key, string text, string imageKey) { 
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Name = key; 
                page.Text = text; 
                page.ImageKey = imageKey;

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
            public void AddRange(TabPage[] pages) {
                if (pages == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("pages");
                foreach(TabPage page in pages) {
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            public bool Contains(TabPage page) { 
                //check for the page not to be null
                if (page == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                //end check

                return IndexOf(page) != -1; 
            bool IList.Contains(object page) { 
                if (page is TabPage) {
                    return Contains((TabPage)page);
                else { 
                    return false;

           ///     Returns true if the collection contains an item with the specified key, false otherwise.
           public virtual bool ContainsKey(string key) { 
                return IsValidIndex(IndexOfKey(key));

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
            public int IndexOf(TabPage page) {
                //check for the page not to be null 
                if (page == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                //end check

                for(int index=0; index < Count; ++index) {
                    if (this[index] == page) { 
                        return index;
                return -1;

            int IList.IndexOf(object page) { 
                if (page is TabPage) {
                    return IndexOf((TabPage)page); 
                else {
                    return -1; 
            ///     The zero-based index of the first occurrence of value within the entire CollectionBase, if found; otherwise, -1.
            public virtual int  IndexOfKey(String key) { 
                  // Step 0 - Arg validation
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)){ 
                    return -1; // we dont support empty or null keys.

                // step 1 - check the last cached item 
                if (IsValidIndex(lastAccessedIndex))
                    if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(this[lastAccessedIndex].Name, key, /* ignoreCase = */ true)) { 
                        return lastAccessedIndex;

                // step 2 - search for the item
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i ++) { 
                    if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(this[i].Name, key, /* ignoreCase = */ true)) {
                        lastAccessedIndex = i; 
                        return i; 

                // step 3 - we didn't find it.  Invalidate the last accessed index and return -1.
                lastAccessedIndex = -1;
                return -1; 
            ///    Inserts the supplied Tabpage at the given index.
            public void Insert(int index, TabPage tabPage) {
                owner.InsertItem(index, tabPage); 
                try {
                    // 247078 : See InsertingItem property 
                    owner.InsertingItem = true; 
                finally {
                    owner.InsertingItem = false;
                owner.Controls.SetChildIndex(tabPage, index); 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
                SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters") // tabPage is the name of the param passed in.
                                                                                                            // So we don't have to localize it.
            void IList.Insert(int index, object tabPage) {
                if (tabPage is TabPage) { 
                    Insert(index, (TabPage)tabPage); 
                else { 
                    throw new ArgumentException("tabPage");
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void Insert(int index, string text) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Text = text; 
                Insert(index, page);
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Insert(int index, string key, string text) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage(); 
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text; 
                Insert(index, page); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Insert(int index, string key, string text, int imageIndex) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage(); 
                page.Name = key; 
                page.Text = text;
        		// ImageKey and ImageIndex require parenting...
        		page.ImageIndex = imageIndex;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void Insert(int index, string key, string text, string imageKey) { 
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text;
                Insert(index, page); 
        		// ImageKey and ImageIndex require parenting...
        		page.ImageKey = imageKey; 


           ///     Determines if the index is valid for the collection.
           private bool IsValidIndex(int index) {
              return ((index >= 0) && (index < this.Count)); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public virtual void Clear() { 

            void ICollection.CopyTo(Array dest, int index) { 
                if (Count > 0) {
                    System.Array.Copy(owner.GetTabPages(), 0, dest, index, Count); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
                TabPage[] tabPages = owner.GetTabPages(); 
                if (tabPages != null) { 
                    return tabPages.GetEnumerator();
                else {
                    return new TabPage[0].GetEnumerator();

            ///    [To be supplied.]

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            public void Remove(TabPage value) {
                //check for the value not to be null
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                //end check

            void IList.Remove(object value) {
                if (value is TabPage) { 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void RemoveAt(int index) { 

            ///     Removes the child control with the specified key. 
            public virtual void RemoveByKey(string key) { 
                int index = IndexOfKey(key); 
                if (IsValidIndex(index)) {


        ///     Collection of controls... 
        public new class ControlCollection : Control.ControlCollection {
            private TabControl owner;
            /*C#r: protected*/ 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public ControlCollection(TabControl owner)
            : base(owner) { 
                this.owner = owner; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public override void Add(Control value) {
                if (!(value is TabPage)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.TabControlInvalidTabPageType, value.GetType().Name)); 
                TabPage tabPage = (TabPage)value;

                // 247078 : See InsertingItem property
                if (!owner.InsertingItem) 
                    if (owner.IsHandleCreated) { 
                        owner.AddTabPage(tabPage, tabPage.GetTCITEM()); 
                    else { 
                        owner.Insert(owner.TabCount, tabPage);
                tabPage.Visible = false; 
                // Without this check, we force handle creation on the tabcontrol
                // which is not good at all of there are any OCXs on it. 
                if (owner.IsHandleCreated) {
                    tabPage.Bounds = owner.DisplayRectangle;

                // site the tabPage if necessary. 
                ISite site = owner.Site; 
                if (site != null) {
                    ISite siteTab = tabPage.Site; 
                    if (siteTab == null) {
                        IContainer container = site.Container;
                        if (container != null)

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public override void Remove(Control value) { 
                if (!(value is TabPage)) {
                int index = owner.FindTabPage((TabPage)value);
                int curSelectedIndex = owner.SelectedIndex; 
                if (index != -1) {
                    if (index == curSelectedIndex)
                        owner.SelectedIndex = 0; //Always select the first tabPage is the Selected TabPage is removed.



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.



namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.Configuration.Assemblies; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout; 
    using System.Globalization;

    ///     The TabControl.  This control has a lot of the functionality of a TabStrip
    ///     but manages a list of TabPages which are the 'pages' that appear on each tab. 
    Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.TabControlDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), 
    public class TabControl : Control { 

        private static readonly Size DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE = Size.Empty; 
        private static readonly Point DEFAULT_PADDING = new Point(6, 3);

        private TabPageCollection tabCollection; 
        private TabAlignment alignment         = TabAlignment.Top;
        private TabDrawMode  drawMode          = TabDrawMode.Normal; 
        private ImageList imageList                = null; 
        private Size itemSize                     = DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE;
        private Point padding                      = DEFAULT_PADDING; 
        private TabSizeMode   sizeMode         = TabSizeMode.Normal;
        private TabAppearance appearance       = TabAppearance.Normal;
        private Rectangle cachedDisplayRect        = Rectangle.Empty;
        private bool currentlyScaling          = false; 
        private int selectedIndex = -1;
        private Size cachedSize = Size.Empty; 
        private string controlTipText = String.Empty; 
        private bool handleInTable;
        private EventHandler onSelectedIndexChanged;
        private DrawItemEventHandler onDrawItem;
        private static readonly object EVENT_DESELECTING = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_DESELECTED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_SELECTING = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_SELECTED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED = new object();

        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack                        = 0x00000001; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_multiline                       = 0x00000002;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_showToolTips                    = 0x00000004; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize          = 0x00000008; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles               = 0x00000010;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection                     = 0x00000020; 
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl              = 0x00000040;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_insertingItem                   = 0x00000080;
        private const int   TABCONTROLSTATE_autoSize                        = 0x00000100;

        // PERF: take all the bools and put them into a state variable 
        private System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32  tabControlState; // see TABCONTROLSTATE_ consts above 


        ///     This message is posted by the control to itself after a TabPage is 
        ///     added to it.  On certain occasions, after items are added to a
        ///     TabControl in quick succession, TCM_ADJUSTRECT calls return the wrong 
        ///     display rectangle.  When the message is received, the control calls 
        ///     updateTabSelection() to layout the TabPages correctly.
        private readonly int tabBaseReLayoutMessage = SafeNativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage(Application.WindowMessagesVersion + "_TabBaseReLayout");

        private TabPage[] tabPages;
        private int tabPageCount; 
        private int lastSelection; 

        private bool             rightToLeftLayout = false; 
        private bool             skipUpdateSize;

        ///     Constructs a TabBase object, usually as the base class for a TabStrip or TabControl.
        public TabControl() 
        : base() {
            tabControlState = new System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32(0x00000000);

            tabCollection = new TabPageCollection(this);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, false); 
        ///     Returns on what area of the control the tabs reside on (A TabAlignment value). 
        ///     The possibilities are Top (the default), Bottom, Left, and Right.  When alignment
        ///     is left or right, the Multiline property is ignored and Multiline is implicitly on.
        ///     If the alignment is anything other than top, TabAppearance.FlatButtons degenerates
        ///     to TabAppearance.Buttons. 
        public TabAlignment Alignment { 
            get {
                return alignment; 

            set { 
                if (this.alignment != value) {
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabAlignment.Top, (int)TabAlignment.Right)){
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabAlignment)); 
                    this.alignment = value; 
                    if (this.alignment == TabAlignment.Left || this.alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                        Multiline = true; 

        ///     Indicates whether the tabs in the tabstrip look like regular tabs, or if they look
        ///     like buttons as seen in the Windows 95 taskbar. 
        ///     If the alignment is anything other than top, TabAppearance.FlatButtons degenerates
        ///     to TabAppearance.Buttons.
        public TabAppearance Appearance {
            get {
                if (appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons && alignment != TabAlignment.Top) {
                    return TabAppearance.Buttons; 
                else { 
                    return appearance; 

            set {
                if (this.appearance != value) {
                    //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2 
                    if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabAppearance.Normal, (int)TabAppearance.FlatButtons)){
                        throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabAppearance)); 

                    this.appearance = value; 

                    //Fire OnStyleChanged(EventArgs.Empty) here since we are no longer calling UpdateStyles( ) but always reCreating the Handle.

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public override Color BackColor { 
            get { 
                //The tab control can only be rendered in 1 color: System's Control color.
                //So, always return this value... otherwise, we're inheriting the forms backcolor 
                //and passing it on to the pab pages.
                return SystemColors.Control;
            set { 
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        new public event EventHandler BackColorChanged {
            add {
                base.BackColorChanged += value; 
            remove { 
                base.BackColorChanged -= value; 

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        public override Image BackgroundImage { 
            get {
                return base.BackgroundImage; 
            set {
                base.BackgroundImage = value;
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged {
            add {
                base.BackgroundImageChanged += value;
            remove {
                base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { 
            get { 
                return base.BackgroundImageLayout;
            set {
                base.BackgroundImageLayout = value;

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        new public event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged { 
            add {
                base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value;
            remove { 
                base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value;

        ///     Deriving classes can override this to configure a default size for their control.
        ///     This is more efficient than setting the size in the control's constructor.
        protected override Size DefaultSize {
            get { 
                return new Size(200, 100); 

        ///     This property is overridden and hidden from statement completion 
        ///     on controls that are based on Win32 Native Controls.
        protected override bool DoubleBuffered {
            get { 
                return base.DoubleBuffered;
            set {
                base.DoubleBuffered = value; 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public override Color ForeColor { 
            get {
                return base.ForeColor; 
            set {
                base.ForeColor = value; 

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        new public event EventHandler ForeColorChanged { 
            add {
                base.ForeColorChanged += value; 
            remove {
                base.ForeColorChanged -= value;
        ///     Returns the parameters needed to create the handle.  Inheriting classes 
        ///     can override this to provide extra functionality.  They should not,
        ///     however, forget to call base.getCreateParams() first to get the struct
        ///     filled up with the basic info.
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams { 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            get {
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; 
                cp.ClassName = NativeMethods.WC_TABCONTROL;

                // set up window styles
                if (Multiline == true) cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_MULTILINE;
                if (drawMode == TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed) cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED; 
                if (ShowToolTips && !DesignMode) { 
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_TOOLTIPS;

                if (alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom ||
                    alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_BOTTOM; 

                if (alignment == TabAlignment.Left || 
                    alignment == TabAlignment.Right) 
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_VERTICAL | NativeMethods.TCS_MULTILINE;
                if (tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack]) {
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_HOTTRACK;
                if (appearance == TabAppearance.Normal)
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_TABS; 
                else { 
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_BUTTONS;
                    if (appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons && alignment == TabAlignment.Top) 
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_FLATBUTTONS;

                switch (sizeMode) { 
                    case TabSizeMode.Normal:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT; 
                    case TabSizeMode.FillToRight:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY; 
                    case TabSizeMode.Fixed:
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.TCS_FIXEDWIDTH;
                if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes && RightToLeftLayout == true) { 
                    //We want to turn on mirroring for Form explicitly.
                    cp.ExStyle |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | NativeMethods.WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT; 
                    //Don't need these styles when mirroring is turned on.
                    cp.ExStyle &= ~(NativeMethods.WS_EX_RTLREADING | NativeMethods.WS_EX_RIGHT | NativeMethods.WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR);
                return cp;

        ///     The rectangle that represents the Area of the tab strip not
        ///     taken up by the tabs, borders, or anything else owned by the Tab.  This
        ///     is typically the rectangle you want to use to place the individual 
        ///     children of the tab strip.
        public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle { 
            get {

                // Null out cachedDisplayRect whenever we do anything to change it...
                if (!cachedDisplayRect.IsEmpty) 
                    return cachedDisplayRect;
                Rectangle bounds = Bounds; 
                NativeMethods.RECT rect = NativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

                // We force a handle creation here, because otherwise the DisplayRectangle will be wildly inaccurate
                if (!IsDisposed)
                    // Since this is called thru the OnResize (and Layout) which is triggered by SetExtent if the TabControl is hosted as 
                    // a ActiveX control, so check if this is ActiveX and dont force Handle Creation here as the native code breaks in this case.
                    // please Refer to VsWhidbey :: 288940 
                    if (!IsActiveX)
                        if (!IsHandleCreated) {
                    if (IsHandleCreated) 
                        SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_ADJUSTRECT, 0, ref rect); 

                Rectangle r = Rectangle.FromLTRB(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); 

                Point p = this.Location; 
                r.X -= p.X; 
                r.Y -= p.Y;
                cachedDisplayRect = r;
                return r;

        ///     The drawing mode of the tabs in the tab strip.  This will indicate 
        public TabDrawMode DrawMode { 
            get {
                return drawMode; 

            set {
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x1 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabDrawMode.Normal, (int)TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed)){
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabDrawMode)); 

                if (drawMode != value) { 
                    drawMode = value;
        ///     Indicates whether the tabs visually change when the mouse passes over them. 
        public bool HotTrack { 
            get {
                return tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack]; 

            set {
                if (HotTrack != value) { 
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_hotTrack] = value;
                    if (IsHandleCreated) { 

        ///     Returns the imageList the control points at.  This is where tabs that have imageIndex 
        ///     set will get there images from. 
        public ImageList ImageList { 
            get { 
                return imageList;
            set {
                if (this.imageList != value) {
                    EventHandler recreateHandler = new EventHandler(ImageListRecreateHandle);
                    EventHandler disposedHandler = new EventHandler(DetachImageList); 

                    if (imageList != null) { 
                        imageList.RecreateHandle -= recreateHandler; 
                        imageList.Disposed -= disposedHandler;

                    this.imageList = value;
                    IntPtr handle = (value != null) ? value.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;
                    if (IsHandleCreated) 
                        SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETIMAGELIST, IntPtr.Zero, handle);
                    // Update the image list in the tab pages. 
                    foreach (TabPage tabPage in TabPages) {
                        tabPage.ImageIndexer.ImageList = value; 

                    if (value != null) { 
                        value.RecreateHandle += recreateHandler;
                        value.Disposed += disposedHandler; 

        ///     By default, tabs will automatically size themselves to fit their icon, if any, and their label.
        ///     However, the tab size can be explicity set by setting this property. 
        public Size ItemSize { 
            get {
                if (itemSize.IsEmpty) { 
                    // Obtain the current itemsize of the first tab from the winctl control
                    if (IsHandleCreated) {
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize] = true;
                        return GetTabRect(0).Size;
                    else {
                        return DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE; 
                else { 
                    return itemSize;
            set {
                if (value.Width < 0 || value.Height < 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ItemSize", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "ItemSize", value.ToString())); 
                itemSize = value; 
        ///     This private property is set by the TabPageCollection when the user calls "InsertItem".
        ///     The problem is when InsertItem is called then we add this item to the ControlsCollection (in addition to the TabPageCollection) 
        ///     to keep both the collections is [....]. But the controlCollection.Add is overriden to again ADD the item to the TabPageCollection.
        ///     So we keep this flag in order to aviod repeatd addition (only during insert)
        ///     When the Add ends ... we reset this flag.
        private bool InsertingItem {
            get { 
                return (bool)tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_insertingItem]; 
            set { 
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_insertingItem] = value;
        ///     Indicates if there can be more than one row of tabs.  By default [when 
        ///     this property is false], if there are more tabs than available display
        ///     space, arrows are shown to let the user navigate between the extra 
        ///     tabs, but only one row is shown.  If this property is set to true, then
        ///     Windows spills extra tabs over on to second rows.
        public bool Multiline { 
            get {
                return tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_multiline];
            set { 
                if (Multiline != value) {
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_multiline] = value; 
                    if (Multiline == false && (this.alignment == TabAlignment.Left || this.alignment == TabAlignment.Right)) 
                        this.alignment = TabAlignment.Top;
        ///     The amount of padding around the items in the individual tabs. 
        ///     You can specify both horizontal and vertical padding.
        public new Point Padding { 
            get { 
                return padding;
            set {
                //do some validation checking here, against min & max GridSize
                if ( value.X < 0 || value.Y < 0 ) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Padding", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "Padding", value.ToString()));
                if (padding != value) { 
                    padding = value;
                    if (IsHandleCreated) { 
        ///     This is used for international applications where the language 
        ///     is written from RightToLeft. When this property is true,
        //      and the RightToLeft is true, mirroring will be turned on on the form, and
        ///     control placement and text will be from right to left.
        public virtual bool RightToLeftLayout {
            get {
                return rightToLeftLayout;
            set {
                if (value != rightToLeftLayout) { 
                    rightToLeftLayout = value;
                    using(new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.RightToLeftLayout)) {


        ///     The number of rows currently being displayed in 
        ///     the tab strip.  This is most commonly used when the Multline property
        ///     is 'true' and you want to know how many rows the tabs are currently 
        ///     taking up. 
        public int RowCount { 
            get { 
                int n;
                n = unchecked( (int) (long)SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETROWCOUNT, 0, 0)); 
                return n;
        ///     The index of the currently selected tab in the strip, if there 
        ///     is one.  If the value is -1, there is currently no selection.  If the
        ///     value is 0 or greater, than the value is the index of the currently 
        ///     selected tab.
        public int SelectedIndex { 
            get {
                if (IsHandleCreated) {
                    int n;
                    n = unchecked( (int) (long)SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)); 
                    return n;
                else { 
                    return selectedIndex;
            set {
                if (value < -1) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SelectedIndex", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx, "SelectedIndex", value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (-1).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
                if (SelectedIndex != value) { 
                    if (IsHandleCreated) {
                        // Guard Against CreateHandle .. 
                        // And also if we are setting SelectedIndex ourselves from SelectNextTab..
                        if (!tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] && !tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl]) {
                            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true;
                            // Fire Deselecting .. Deselected on currently selected TabPage... 
                            if (WmSelChanging()) {
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                            if(ValidationCancelled) { 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;

                        SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETCURSEL, value, 0); 
                        if (!tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] && !tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl]) {
                            // Fire Selecting & Selected .. Also if Selecting is Canceled.. 
                            // then retuern as we do not change the SelectedIndex...
                            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = true;
                            if (WmSelChange ()) {
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = false;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = false;
                    else {
                        selectedIndex = value; 

        ///      The selection to the given tab, provided it .equals a tab in the
        ///      list.  The return value is the index of the tab that was selected, 
        ///      or -1 if no tab was selected. 
        public TabPage SelectedTab { 
            get { 
                return SelectedTabInternal;
            set {
                SelectedTabInternal = value;

        internal TabPage SelectedTabInternal { 
            get { 
                int index = SelectedIndex;
                if (index == -1) { 
                    return null;
                else {
                    Debug.Assert(0 <= index && index < tabPages.Length, "SelectedIndex returned an invalid index"); 
                    return tabPages[index];
            set {
                int index = FindTabPage(value); 
                SelectedIndex = index;
        ///     By default, tabs are big enough to display their text, and any space 
        ///     on the right of the strip is left as such.  However, you can also
        ///     set it such that the tabs are stretched to fill out the right extent 
        ///     of the strip, if necessary, or you can set it such that all tabs
        ///     the same width.
        public TabSizeMode SizeMode {
            get {
                return sizeMode;
            set {
                if (sizeMode == value) return; 
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)TabSizeMode.Normal, (int)TabSizeMode.Fixed)){ 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(TabSizeMode));

                sizeMode = value; 

        ///     Indicates whether tooltips are being shown for tabs that have tooltips set on
        ///     them.
        public bool ShowToolTips {
            get {
                return tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_showToolTips]; 
            set { 
                if (ShowToolTips != value) { 
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_showToolTips] = value;
        ///     Returns the number of tabs in the strip 
        public int TabCount { 
            get { return tabPageCount;} 
        ///     Returns the Collection of TabPages.
        Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.TabPageCollectionEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), 
        public TabPageCollection TabPages {
            get { 
                return tabCollection;
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), Bindable(false)]
        public override string Text { 
            get {
                return base.Text; 
            set {
                base.Text = value; 

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        new public event EventHandler TextChanged { 
            add {
                base.TextChanged += value; 
            remove {
                base.TextChanged -= value;
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.drawItemEventDescr)]
        public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem {
            add { 
                onDrawItem += value;
            remove { 
                onDrawItem -= value;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.ControlOnRightToLeftLayoutChangedDescr)] 
        public event EventHandler RightToLeftLayoutChanged {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED, value); 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.selectedIndexChangedEventDescr)] 
        public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged {
            add { 
                onSelectedIndexChanged += value; 
            remove { 
                onSelectedIndexChanged -= value;
        ///       Occurs before a tabpage is selected as the top tabPage.
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlSelectingEventDescr)
        public event TabControlCancelEventHandler Selecting { 
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SELECTING, value); 
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SELECTING, value); 

        ///       Occurs after a tabpage is selected as the top tabPage. 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlSelectedEventDescr)
        public event TabControlEventHandler Selected {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SELECTED, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SELECTED, value);

        ///       Occurs before the visible property of the top tabpage is set to false. 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlDeselectingEventDescr) 
        public event TabControlCancelEventHandler Deselecting {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DESELECTING, value); 
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DESELECTING, value); 

        ///       Occurs after the visible property of the top tabpage is set to false.
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.TabControlDeselectedEventDescr)
        public event TabControlEventHandler Deselected {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DESELECTED, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DESELECTED, value); 
        ///     TabControl Onpaint.
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        public new event PaintEventHandler Paint { 
            add {
                base.Paint += value; 
            remove {
                base.Paint -= value;
        internal int AddTabPage(TabPage tabPage, NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem) {
            int index = AddNativeTabPage(tcitem);
            if (index >= 0) { 
                Insert(index, tabPage);
            return index;

        internal int AddNativeTabPage(NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem) {
            int index = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_INSERTITEM, tabPageCount + 1, tcitem);
            UnsafeNativeMethods.PostMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), tabBaseReLayoutMessage, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 
            return index;
        internal void ApplyItemSize() {
            if (IsHandleCreated && ShouldSerializeItemSize()) { 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, (int)NativeMethods.Util.MAKELPARAM(itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height));
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
        internal void BeginUpdate() {

        protected override Control.ControlCollection CreateControlsInstance() { 
            return new ControlCollection(this);
        protected override void CreateHandle() {
            if (!RecreatingHandle) { 
                IntPtr userCookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.Activate();
                try { 
                    NativeMethods.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc = new NativeMethods.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX(); 
                    icc.dwICC = NativeMethods.ICC_TAB_CLASSES;
                finally {

        private void DetachImageList(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            ImageList = null;

        ///     Allows the user to specify the index in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection of the tabpage to be hidden. 
        public void DeselectTab(int index) { 
            TabPage t = GetTabPage(index);
            if (SelectedTab == t) {
                if (0 <= index && index < TabPages.Count -1) {
                    SelectedTab =  GetTabPage(++index); 
                else { 
                    SelectedTab = GetTabPage(0); 

        ///     Allows the user to specify the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection  to be hidden.
        public void DeselectTab(TabPage tabPage) { 
            if (tabPage == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPage"); 

            int index = FindTabPage(tabPage);
        ///     Allows the user to specify the name of the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection to be hidden. 
        public void DeselectTab(string tabPageName) {
            if (tabPageName == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPageName"); 

            TabPage tabPage = TabPages[tabPageName]; 

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
            if (disposing) { 
                if (imageList != null) {
                    imageList.Disposed -= new EventHandler(this.DetachImageList); 

        internal void EndUpdate() {
        internal void EndUpdate(bool invalidate) { 

        internal int FindTabPage(TabPage tabPage) {
            if (tabPages != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < tabPageCount; i++) { 
                    if (tabPages[i].Equals(tabPage)) {
                        return i; 
            return -1;

        public Control GetControl(int index) {
            return(Control) GetTabPage(index); 

        internal TabPage GetTabPage(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index >= tabPageCount) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
            return tabPages[index];

        ///     This has package scope so that TabStrip and TabControl can call it. 
        protected virtual object[] GetItems() { 
            TabPage[] result = new TabPage[tabPageCount];
            if (tabPageCount > 0) Array.Copy(tabPages, 0, result, 0, tabPageCount); 
            return result;

        ///     This has package scope so that TabStrip and TabControl can call it. 
        protected virtual object[] GetItems(Type baseType) { 
            object[] result = (object[]) Array.CreateInstance(baseType, tabPageCount);
            if (tabPageCount > 0) Array.Copy(tabPages, 0, result, 0, tabPageCount);
            return result;

        internal TabPage[] GetTabPages() { 
            return (TabPage[])GetItems(); 
        ///     Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the given tab in the tab strip.
        public Rectangle GetTabRect(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || (index >= tabPageCount && !tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize])) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_getTabRectfromItemSize] = false ; 
            NativeMethods.RECT rect = new NativeMethods.RECT();

            // normally, we would not want to create the handle for this, but since
            // it is dependent on the actual physical display, we simply must. 
            if (!IsHandleCreated)
            SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETITEMRECT, index, ref rect);
            return Rectangle.FromLTRB(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); 

        protected string GetToolTipText(object item) { 

        private void ImageListRecreateHandle(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (IsHandleCreated)
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, ImageList.Handle); 
        internal void Insert(int index, TabPage tabPage) {
            if (tabPages == null) {
                tabPages = new TabPage[4]; 
            else if (tabPages.Length == tabPageCount) { 
                TabPage[] newTabPages = new TabPage[tabPageCount * 2]; 
                Array.Copy(tabPages, 0, newTabPages, 0, tabPageCount);
                tabPages = newTabPages; 
            if (index < tabPageCount) {
                Array.Copy(tabPages, index, tabPages, index + 1, tabPageCount - index);
            tabPages[index] = tabPage;
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
            if (Appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons) { 
        ///     This function is used by the Insert Logic to insert a tabPage in the current TabPage in the TabPageCollection. 
        private void InsertItem(int index, TabPage tabPage) {

            if (index < 0 || ((tabPages != null) && index > tabPageCount))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 
            if (tabPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPage"); 

            int retIndex; 
            if (IsHandleCreated) {
                NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem = tabPage.GetTCITEM();
                retIndex = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_INSERTITEM, index, tcitem);
                if (retIndex >= 0) Insert(retIndex, tabPage); 

        ///      Handling special input keys, such as pgup, pgdown, home, end, etc...
        protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData) { 
            if ((keyData & Keys.Alt) == Keys.Alt) return false;
            switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { 
                case Keys.PageUp: 
                case Keys.PageDown:
                case Keys.Home: 
                case Keys.End:
                    return true;
            return base.IsInputKey(keyData); 
        ///     This is a notification that the handle has been created. 
        ///     We do some work here to configure the handle.
        ///     Overriders should call base.OnHandleCreated()
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) {
            //Add the handle to hashtable for Ids .. 
            NativeWindow.AddWindowToIDTable(this, this.Handle);
            handleInTable = true; 

            // VSWhidbey 123853: Set the padding BEFORE setting the control's font (as done
            // in base.OnHandleCreated()) so that the tab control will honor both the
            // horizontal and vertical dimensions of the padding rectangle. 
            if (!padding.IsEmpty) {
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETPADDING, 0, NativeMethods.Util.MAKELPARAM(padding.X, padding.Y)); 

            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            if (imageList != null) {
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, imageList.Handle); 
            if (ShowToolTips) { 
                IntPtr tooltipHwnd;
                tooltipHwnd = SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0); 
                if (tooltipHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) {
                    SafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, tooltipHwnd),
                                         0, 0, 0, 0, 
                                         NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE |
            // Add the pages
            foreach(TabPage page in TabPages) {
            // Resize the pages 

            if (selectedIndex != -1) {
                try {
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = true; 
                    SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
                finally { 
                    tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = false;
                selectedIndex = -1;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) {
            if (!Disposing) {
                selectedIndex = SelectedIndex;
            //Remove the Handle from NativewIndow....
            // VSWhidbey 539185, Don't try to remove the Handle if we've already done so 
            if (handleInTable)
                handleInTable = false;
        ///     Actually goes and fires the OnDrawItem event.  Inheriting controls
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should,
        ///     however, remember to call base.onDrawItem(e); to ensure the event is 
        ///     still fired to external listeners
        protected virtual void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { 
            if (onDrawItem != null) onDrawItem(this, e);

        ///     Actually goes and fires the OnLeave event.  Inheriting controls 
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should, 
        ///     however, remember to call base.OnLeave(e); to ensure the event is 
        ///     still fired to external listeners
        ///     This listener is overidden so that we can fire SAME ENTER and LEAVE 
        ///     events on the TabPage.
        ///     TabPage should fire enter when the focus is on the TABPAGE and not when the control
        ///     within the TabPage gets Focused.
        ///     Similary the Leave event should fire when the TabControl (and hence the TabPage) looses 
        ///     Focus. To be Backward compatible we have added new bool which can be set to true
        ///     to the get the NEW SANE ENTER-LEAVE EVENTS ON THE TABPAGE. 
        protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e) {
            base.OnEnter (e); 
            if (SelectedTab != null) {
        ///     Actually goes and fires the OnLeave event.  Inheriting controls 
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should,
        ///     however, remember to call base.OnLeave(e); to ensure the event is
        ///     still fired to external listeners 
        ///     This listener is overidden so that we can fire SAME ENTER and LEAVE
        ///     events on the TabPage. 
        ///     TabPage should fire enter when the focus is on the TABPAGE and not when the control 
        ///     within the TabPage gets Focused.
        ///     Similary the Leave event  should fire when the TabControl (and hence the TabPage) looses 
        ///     Focus. To be Backward compatible we have added new bool which can be set to true
        ///     to the get the NEW SANE ENTER-LEAVE EVENTS ON THE TABPAGE.
        protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) { 
            if (SelectedTab != null) {

        ///     We override this to get tabbing functionality. 
        ///     If overriding this, remember to call base.onKeyDown.
        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs ke) {
            if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.Tab && (ke.KeyData & Keys.Control) !=0) { 
                bool forward = (ke.KeyData & Keys.Shift) == 0;
                SelectNextTab(ke, forward);
            if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.PageDown && (ke.KeyData & Keys.Control) !=0) { 
                SelectNextTab(ke, true);
            if (ke.KeyCode == Keys.PageUp && (ke.KeyData & Keys.Control) !=0) { 
                SelectNextTab(ke, false);

        internal override void OnParentHandleRecreated()
            // Avoid temporarily resizing the TabControl while the parent 
            // recreates its handle to avoid bug VSWhidbey 543390.
            this.skipUpdateSize = true; 
            try {
            finally { 
                this.skipUpdateSize = false;

        protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected virtual void OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            if (GetAnyDisposingInHierarchy()) { 

            if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) {

            EventHandler eh = Events[EVENT_RIGHTTOLEFTLAYOUTCHANGED] as EventHandler; 
            if (eh != null) { 
                 eh(this, e);

        ///     Actually goes and fires the onSelectedIndexChanged event.  Inheriting controls
        ///     should use this to know when the event is fired [this is preferable to 
        ///     adding an event handler on yourself for this event].  They should, 
        ///     however, remember to call base.onSelectedIndexChanged(e); to ensure the event is
        ///     still fired to external listeners 
        protected virtual void OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) {
            int index = SelectedIndex;
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
            if (onSelectedIndexChanged != null) onSelectedIndexChanged(this, e); 


        ///       Raises the  event. 
        protected virtual void OnSelecting(TabControlCancelEventArgs e) { 
            TabControlCancelEventHandler handler = (TabControlCancelEventHandler)Events[EVENT_SELECTING];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);
        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected virtual void OnSelected(TabControlEventArgs e) {
            TabControlEventHandler handler = (TabControlEventHandler)Events[EVENT_SELECTED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 

            // Raise the enter event for this tab. 
            if (SelectedTab != null) { 


        ///       Raises the  event. 
        protected virtual void OnDeselecting(TabControlCancelEventArgs e) {
            TabControlCancelEventHandler handler = (TabControlCancelEventHandler)Events[EVENT_DESELECTING];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);

        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected virtual void OnDeselected(TabControlEventArgs e) {
            TabControlEventHandler handler = (TabControlEventHandler)Events[EVENT_DESELECTED]; 
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 

            // Raise the Leave event for this tab. 
            if (SelectedTab != null) {

        ///     We override this to get the Ctrl and Ctrl-Shift Tab functionality.
            SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)
        protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message m) {
            if (ProcessKeyEventArgs(ref m)) return true; 
            return base.ProcessKeyPreview(ref m); 
        internal void UpdateSize() {
            if (this.skipUpdateSize) { 
            // the spin control (left right arrows) won't update without resizing. 
            // the most correct thing would be to recreate the handle, but this works
            // and is cheaper.
            Size size = Size;
            Size = new Size(size.Width + 1, size.Height); 
            Size = size; 

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;

        internal override void RecreateHandleCore() {
            TabPage[] tabPages = GetTabPages();
            int index = ((tabPages.Length > 0) && (SelectedIndex == -1)) ? 0: SelectedIndex; 

            // We don't actually want to remove the windows forms Tabpages - we only 
            // want to remove the corresponding TCITEM structs.
            // So, no RemoveAll()
            if (IsHandleCreated) {
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0); 
            this.tabPages = null; 
            tabPageCount = 0; 


            for (int i = 0; i < tabPages.Length; i++) {
            try {
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = true; 
                SelectedIndex = index; 
            finally { 
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_fromCreateHandles] = false;

            // The comctl32 TabControl seems to have some painting glitches. Briefly 
            // resizing the control seems to fix these.
        ///    [To be supplied.]
        protected void RemoveAll() {
            SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
            tabPages = null; 
            tabPageCount = 0;

        internal void RemoveTabPage(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index >= tabPageCount) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));
            if (index < tabPageCount) {
                Array.Copy(tabPages, index + 1, tabPages, index, tabPageCount - index); 
            tabPages[tabPageCount] = null; 
            if (IsHandleCreated) { 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_DELETEITEM, index, 0);
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;

        private void ResetItemSize() { 
            ItemSize = DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE;
        private void ResetPadding() {
            Padding = DEFAULT_PADDING; 


        private void ResizePages() { 
            Rectangle rect = DisplayRectangle;
            TabPage[] pages = GetTabPages(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < pages.Length; i++) { 
                pages[i].Bounds = rect;

        ///     Called by ToolTip to poke in that Tooltip into this ComCtl so that the Native ChildToolTip is not exposed.
        internal void SetToolTip(ToolTip toolTip, string controlToolTipText) {
            UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_SETTOOLTIPS, new HandleRef(toolTip, toolTip.Handle), 0); 
            controlTipText = controlToolTipText;

        internal void SetTabPage(int index, TabPage tabPage, NativeMethods.TCITEM_T tcitem) { 
            if (index < 0 || index >= tabPageCount)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "index", index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));
            if (IsHandleCreated)
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_SETITEM, index, tcitem); 
            // Make the Updated tab page the currently selected tab page
            if (DesignMode && IsHandleCreated) { 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, Handle), NativeMethods.TCM_SETCURSEL, (IntPtr)index, IntPtr.Zero); 
            tabPages[index] = tabPage; 

        ///     Allows the user to specify the index in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection of the tabpage to be shown.
        public void SelectTab(int index) { 
            TabPage t = GetTabPage(index);
            if(t != null) 
                SelectedTab = t;

        ///     Allows the user to specify the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection  to be shown.
        public void SelectTab(TabPage tabPage) {
            if (tabPage == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPage");
            int index = FindTabPage(tabPage); 
        ///     Allows the user to specify the name of the tabpage in Tabcontrol.TabPageCollection to be shown.
        public void SelectTab(string tabPageName) {
            if (tabPageName == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tabPageName"); 

            TabPage tabPage = TabPages[tabPageName];
        ///     This is called by TabControl in response to the KeyDown event to override the selection of tabpages 
        ///     for different key combinations.
        ///     Control + Tab selects the next tabpage. 
        ///     Control + Shift + Tab selects the previous tabpage.
        ///     Control + PageDown selects the next tabpage.
        ///     Control + PageUp selects the previous tabpage.
        private void SelectNextTab(KeyEventArgs ke, bool forward) { 
            // WmSelChanging actually changes focus to cause validations. 
            // So cache in the Focused value so that we can reuse it later
            bool focused = Focused; 

            // Fire Deselecting .. Deselected on currently selected TabPage...
            if (WmSelChanging()) {
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
            if(ValidationCancelled) { 
                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;
            else {

                int sel = SelectedIndex; 
                if (sel != -1) {
                    int count = TabCount; 
                    if (forward) 
                        sel = (sel + 1) % count;
                        sel = (sel + count - 1) % count;

                    // this is special casing.. 
                    // this function is called from OnKeyDown( ) which selects the NEXT TABPAGE
                    // But now we call the WmSelChanging( ) to Focus the tab page 
                    // This breaks the logic in UpdateTabSelection (which is called 
                    // thru SET of SelectedIndex) to Select the First control
                    // So adding this new Flag to select the first control. 
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true;
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = true; 
                        SelectedIndex = sel;
                        // This is required so that we select the first control if the TabControl is not current focused. 
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = !focused; 
                        // Fire Selecting .. Selected on newly selected TabPage...

                        // tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] can be true if the TabControl is not focussed
                        // But at the end of this function reset the state !! 
                        tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl] = false; 
                        ke.Handled = true;


        // Refer vsW: 543074: TabControl overrides this method to return true. 
        internal override bool ShouldPerformContainerValidation() { 
            return true;

        private bool ShouldSerializeItemSize() {
            return !itemSize.Equals(DEFAULT_ITEMSIZE);

        private new bool ShouldSerializePadding() { 
            return !padding.Equals(DEFAULT_PADDING); 
        ///     Returns a string representation for this control.
        public override string ToString() { 
            string s = base.ToString();
            if (TabPages != null) { 
                s += ", TabPages.Count: " + TabPages.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                if (TabPages.Count > 0)
                    s += ", TabPages[0]: " + TabPages[0].ToString();
            return s;
        protected override void ScaleCore(float dx, float dy) { 
            currentlyScaling = true;
            base.ScaleCore(dx, dy);
            currentlyScaling = false;

        ///     Set the panel selections appropriately
        protected void UpdateTabSelection(bool updateFocus) {
            if (IsHandleCreated) { 
                int index = SelectedIndex; 

                // make current panel invisible 
                TabPage[] tabPages = GetTabPages();
                if (index != -1) {
                    // VSWhidbey #163724
                    // Changing the bounds of the tabPage during scaling 
                    // will force a layout to occur.  After this layout
                    // the tabpage will then be scaled again resulting 
                    // in incorrect sizes.  Suspend Layout in this case. 
                    if (currentlyScaling) {
                    tabPages[index].Bounds = DisplayRectangle;

                    // After changing the Bounds of TabPages, we need to 
                    // make TabPages Redraw.
                    // Use Invalidate directly here has no performance 
                    // issue, since ReSize is calling low frequence. 
                    if (currentlyScaling) {
                    tabPages[index].Visible = true;
                    if (updateFocus) { 
                        if (!Focused || tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_selectFirstControl]) { 
                            tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;
                            bool selectNext = false; 
                            // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response
                            //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK.
                            try {
                                selectNext = tabPages[index].SelectNextControl(null, true, true, false, false); 
                            finally {

                            if (selectNext) {
                                if (!ContainsFocus) { 
                                    IContainerControl c = GetContainerControlInternal();
                                    if (c != null) { 
                                        while (c.ActiveControl is ContainerControl) { 
                                            c = (IContainerControl) c.ActiveControl;
                                        if (c.ActiveControl != null)
                            else {
                                IContainerControl c = GetContainerControlInternal(); 
                                if (c != null && !DesignMode) {
                                    if (c is ContainerControl) {
                                    else {
                                        // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response 
                                        //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK. 
                                        try {
                                            c.ActiveControl = this;
                                        finally { 
                for (int i = 0; i < tabPages.Length; i++) { 
                    if (i != SelectedIndex) {
                        tabPages[i].Visible = false; 

        protected override void OnStyleChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty; 


        internal void UpdateTab(TabPage tabPage) {
            int index = FindTabPage(tabPage);
            SetTabPage(index, tabPage, tabPage.GetTCITEM());
            // It's possible that changes to this TabPage will change the DisplayRectangle of the
            // TabControl (e.g. ASURT 99087), so invalidate and resize the size of this page. 
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;

        private void WmNeedText(ref Message m) {
            NativeMethods.TOOLTIPTEXT ttt = (NativeMethods.TOOLTIPTEXT) m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.TOOLTIPTEXT));

            int commandID = (int)ttt.hdr.idFrom;
            string tipText = GetToolTipText(GetTabPage(commandID));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tipText)) 
                ttt.lpszText = tipText; 
                ttt.lpszText = controlTipText; 

            ttt.hinst = IntPtr.Zero;

            // RightToLeft reading order 
            if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { 
                ttt.uFlags |= NativeMethods.TTF_RTLREADING; 
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(ttt, m.LParam, false);

        private void WmReflectDrawItem(ref Message m) { 

            NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT dis = (NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT)m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT));
            IntPtr oldPal = SetUpPalette(dis.hDC, false /*force*/, false /*realize*/);
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(dis.hDC)) { 
                OnDrawItem(new DrawItemEventArgs(g, Font, Rectangle.FromLTRB(dis.rcItem.left,, dis.rcItem.right, dis.rcItem.bottom), dis.itemID, (DrawItemState)dis.itemState));
            if (oldPal != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                SafeNativeMethods.SelectPalette(new HandleRef(null, dis.hDC), new HandleRef(null, oldPal), 0);
            m.Result = (IntPtr)1;

        private bool WmSelChange() {
            TabControlCancelEventArgs tcc = new TabControlCancelEventArgs(this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, false, TabControlAction.Selecting); 
            if (!tcc.Cancel) {
                OnSelected (new TabControlEventArgs (this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, TabControlAction.Selected));
            else { 
                // user Cancelled the Selection of the new Tab. 
                SendMessage(NativeMethods.TCM_SETCURSEL, lastSelection, 0);
            return tcc.Cancel;
        private bool WmSelChanging() { 
            IContainerControl c = GetContainerControlInternal();
            if (c != null && !DesignMode) {
                if (c is ContainerControl) {
                else { 
                    // SECREVIEW : Taking focus and activating a control in response 
                    //           : to a user gesture (WM_SETFOCUS) is OK.
                    try {
                        c.ActiveControl = this;
                    finally {
            // Fire DeSelecting .... on the current Selected Index...
            // Set the return value to a global
            // if 'cancelled' return from here else..
            // fire Deselected. 
            lastSelection = SelectedIndex;
            TabControlCancelEventArgs tcc = new TabControlCancelEventArgs(this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, false, TabControlAction.Deselecting); 
            if (!tcc.Cancel) {
                OnDeselected(new TabControlEventArgs(this.SelectedTab, this.SelectedIndex, TabControlAction.Deselected)); 
            return tcc.Cancel;


        private void WmTabBaseReLayout(ref Message m) {
            cachedDisplayRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            // Remove other TabBaseReLayout messages from the message queue
            NativeMethods.MSG msg = new NativeMethods.MSG(); 
            IntPtr hwnd = Handle;
            while (UnsafeNativeMethods.PeekMessage(ref msg, new HandleRef(this, hwnd),
                                       NativeMethods.PM_REMOVE)) {
                ; // NULL loop 
        ///     The tab's window procedure.  Inheritng classes can override this
        ///     to add extra functionality, but should not forget to call 
        ///     base.wndProc(m); to ensure the tab continues to function properly.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { 

            switch (m.Msg) {
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_DRAWITEM:
                    WmReflectDrawItem(ref m); 
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_MEASUREITEM: 
                    // We use TCM_SETITEMSIZE instead

                case NativeMethods.WM_NOTIFY:
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_NOTIFY:
                    NativeMethods.NMHDR nmhdr = (NativeMethods.NMHDR) m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.NMHDR)); 
                    switch (nmhdr.code) {
                        // new switch added to prevent the TabControl from changing to next TabPage ... 
                        //in case of validation cancelled... 
                        //Turn  tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false and Return So that no WmSelChange() gets fired.
                        //If validation not cancelled then tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] is turned ON to set the focus on to the ... 
                        //next TabPage..

                    case NativeMethods.TCN_SELCHANGING:
                            if (WmSelChanging()) { 
                                m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                            if(ValidationCancelled) {
                                m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false;
                            else { 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true; 
                        case NativeMethods.TCN_SELCHANGE:
                            if (WmSelChange ()) {
                                m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = false; 
                            else { 
                                tabControlState[TABCONTROLSTATE_UISelection] = true;
                        case NativeMethods.TTN_GETDISPINFOA:
                        case NativeMethods.TTN_GETDISPINFOW:
                            // MSDN: 
                            // Setting the max width has the added benefit of enabling Multiline
                            // tool tips! 
                            UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(nmhdr, nmhdr.hwndFrom), NativeMethods.TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, SystemInformation.MaxWindowTrackSize.Width);
                            WmNeedText(ref m); 
                            m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
            if (m.Msg == tabBaseReLayoutMessage) { 
                WmTabBaseReLayout(ref m); 
            base.WndProc(ref m);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public class TabPageCollection : IList { 
            private TabControl owner;
            /// A caching mechanism for key accessor
            /// We use an index here rather than control so that we don't have lifetime
            /// issues by holding on to extra references. 
            private int lastAccessedIndex = -1;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            public TabPageCollection( TabControl owner ) {
                if (owner == null) { 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");
                this.owner = owner; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public virtual TabPage this[int index] {
                get { 
                    return owner.GetTabPage(index); 
                set { 
                    owner.SetTabPage(index, value, value.GetTCITEM());
            object IList.this[int index] { 
                get {
                    return this[index]; 
                [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
                    SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters") // value is the name of the param passed in. 
                                                                                                                // So we don't have to localize it.
                set { 
                    if (value is TabPage) {
                        this[index] = (TabPage)value; 
                    else {
                        throw new ArgumentException("value");
            ///     Retrieves the child control with the specified key. 
            public virtual TabPage  this[string key] {
                get {
                    // We do not support null and empty string as valid keys. 
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)){
                        return null; 

                    // Search for the key in our collection 
                    int index = IndexOfKey(key);
                    if (IsValidIndex(index)) {
                        return this[index];
                    else {
                        return null; 


            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public int Count { 
                get {
                    return owner.tabPageCount;

            object ICollection.SyncRoot {
                get { 
                    return this;
            bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { 
                get {
                    return false; 

            bool IList.IsFixedSize { 
                get { 
                    return false;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public bool IsReadOnly { 
                get {
                    return false; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
            public void Add(TabPage value) {

                if (value == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters") // value is the name of the param passed in. 
                                                                                                            // So we don't have to localize it.
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            int IList.Add(object value) { 
                if (value is TabPage) {
                    return IndexOf((TabPage)value);
                else {
                    throw new ArgumentException("value"); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Add(string text) { 
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Text = text; 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void Add(string key, string text) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage(); 
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Add(string key, string text, int imageIndex) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text; 
                page.ImageIndex = imageIndex;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Add(string key, string text, string imageKey) { 
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Name = key; 
                page.Text = text; 
                page.ImageKey = imageKey;

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
            public void AddRange(TabPage[] pages) {
                if (pages == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("pages");
                foreach(TabPage page in pages) {
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            public bool Contains(TabPage page) { 
                //check for the page not to be null
                if (page == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                //end check

                return IndexOf(page) != -1; 
            bool IList.Contains(object page) { 
                if (page is TabPage) {
                    return Contains((TabPage)page);
                else { 
                    return false;

           ///     Returns true if the collection contains an item with the specified key, false otherwise.
           public virtual bool ContainsKey(string key) { 
                return IsValidIndex(IndexOfKey(key));

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
            public int IndexOf(TabPage page) {
                //check for the page not to be null 
                if (page == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                //end check

                for(int index=0; index < Count; ++index) {
                    if (this[index] == page) { 
                        return index;
                return -1;

            int IList.IndexOf(object page) { 
                if (page is TabPage) {
                    return IndexOf((TabPage)page); 
                else {
                    return -1; 
            ///     The zero-based index of the first occurrence of value within the entire CollectionBase, if found; otherwise, -1.
            public virtual int  IndexOfKey(String key) { 
                  // Step 0 - Arg validation
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)){ 
                    return -1; // we dont support empty or null keys.

                // step 1 - check the last cached item 
                if (IsValidIndex(lastAccessedIndex))
                    if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(this[lastAccessedIndex].Name, key, /* ignoreCase = */ true)) { 
                        return lastAccessedIndex;

                // step 2 - search for the item
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i ++) { 
                    if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(this[i].Name, key, /* ignoreCase = */ true)) {
                        lastAccessedIndex = i; 
                        return i; 

                // step 3 - we didn't find it.  Invalidate the last accessed index and return -1.
                lastAccessedIndex = -1;
                return -1; 
            ///    Inserts the supplied Tabpage at the given index.
            public void Insert(int index, TabPage tabPage) {
                owner.InsertItem(index, tabPage); 
                try {
                    // 247078 : See InsertingItem property 
                    owner.InsertingItem = true; 
                finally {
                    owner.InsertingItem = false;
                owner.Controls.SetChildIndex(tabPage, index); 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")] 
                SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters") // tabPage is the name of the param passed in.
                                                                                                            // So we don't have to localize it.
            void IList.Insert(int index, object tabPage) {
                if (tabPage is TabPage) { 
                    Insert(index, (TabPage)tabPage); 
                else { 
                    throw new ArgumentException("tabPage");
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void Insert(int index, string text) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Text = text; 
                Insert(index, page);
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Insert(int index, string key, string text) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage(); 
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text; 
                Insert(index, page); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public void Insert(int index, string key, string text, int imageIndex) {
                TabPage page = new TabPage(); 
                page.Name = key; 
                page.Text = text;
        		// ImageKey and ImageIndex require parenting...
        		page.ImageIndex = imageIndex;
            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void Insert(int index, string key, string text, string imageKey) { 
                TabPage page = new TabPage();
                page.Name = key;
                page.Text = text;
                Insert(index, page); 
        		// ImageKey and ImageIndex require parenting...
        		page.ImageKey = imageKey; 


           ///     Determines if the index is valid for the collection.
           private bool IsValidIndex(int index) {
              return ((index >= 0) && (index < this.Count)); 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public virtual void Clear() { 

            void ICollection.CopyTo(Array dest, int index) { 
                if (Count > 0) {
                    System.Array.Copy(owner.GetTabPages(), 0, dest, index, Count); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
                TabPage[] tabPages = owner.GetTabPages(); 
                if (tabPages != null) { 
                    return tabPages.GetEnumerator();
                else {
                    return new TabPage[0].GetEnumerator();

            ///    [To be supplied.]

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2208:InstantiateArgumentExceptionsCorrectly")]
            public void Remove(TabPage value) {
                //check for the value not to be null
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
                //end check

            void IList.Remove(object value) {
                if (value is TabPage) { 

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public void RemoveAt(int index) { 

            ///     Removes the child control with the specified key. 
            public virtual void RemoveByKey(string key) { 
                int index = IndexOfKey(key); 
                if (IsValidIndex(index)) {


        ///     Collection of controls... 
        public new class ControlCollection : Control.ControlCollection {
            private TabControl owner;
            /*C#r: protected*/ 

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public ControlCollection(TabControl owner)
            : base(owner) { 
                this.owner = owner; 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public override void Add(Control value) {
                if (!(value is TabPage)) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.TabControlInvalidTabPageType, value.GetType().Name)); 
                TabPage tabPage = (TabPage)value;

                // 247078 : See InsertingItem property
                if (!owner.InsertingItem) 
                    if (owner.IsHandleCreated) { 
                        owner.AddTabPage(tabPage, tabPage.GetTCITEM()); 
                    else { 
                        owner.Insert(owner.TabCount, tabPage);
                tabPage.Visible = false; 
                // Without this check, we force handle creation on the tabcontrol
                // which is not good at all of there are any OCXs on it. 
                if (owner.IsHandleCreated) {
                    tabPage.Bounds = owner.DisplayRectangle;

                // site the tabPage if necessary. 
                ISite site = owner.Site; 
                if (site != null) {
                    ISite siteTab = tabPage.Site; 
                    if (siteTab == null) {
                        IContainer container = site.Container;
                        if (container != null)

            ///    [To be supplied.] 
            public override void Remove(Control value) { 
                if (!(value is TabPage)) {
                int index = owner.FindTabPage((TabPage)value);
                int curSelectedIndex = owner.SelectedIndex; 
                if (index != -1) {
                    if (index == curSelectedIndex)
                        owner.SelectedIndex = 0; //Always select the first tabPage is the Selected TabPage is removed.



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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