/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media3D / Material.cs / 1305600 / Material.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // // Description: 3D material implementation. // // See spec at http://avalon/medialayer/Specifications/Avalon3D%20API%20Spec.mht // // History: // 06/25/2003 : t-gregr - Created // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Media.Composition; namespace System.Windows.Media.Media3D { ////// Material is the abstract base class for materials /// [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)] // cannot be read & localized as string public abstract partial class Material : Animatable { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // Prevent 3rd parties from extending this abstract base class. internal Material() {} #endregion Constructors } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // // Description: 3D material implementation. // // See spec at http://avalon/medialayer/Specifications/Avalon3D%20API%20Spec.mht // // History: // 06/25/2003 : t-gregr - Created // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Media.Composition; namespace System.Windows.Media.Media3D { ////// Material is the abstract base class for materials /// [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)] // cannot be read & localized as string public abstract partial class Material : Animatable { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // Prevent 3rd parties from extending this abstract base class. internal Material() {} #endregion Constructors } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- TreeViewHitTestInfo.cs
- MetadataCollection.cs
- ProfileSettingsCollection.cs
- ConfigurationLocation.cs
- XmlSchemaComplexContent.cs
- OneOfElement.cs
- DataMemberListEditor.cs
- XamlTypeMapper.cs
- SoapEnumAttribute.cs
- NativeMethods.cs
- ConnectionPoint.cs
- ContractNamespaceAttribute.cs
- PointLight.cs
- ConfigUtil.cs
- ComponentDispatcher.cs
- TypeValidationEventArgs.cs
- TextBlock.cs
- DropShadowBitmapEffect.cs
- SerializationInfo.cs
- TemplateKey.cs
- odbcmetadatafactory.cs
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- MetaModel.cs
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- Transform.cs
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- AssemblyUtil.cs
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