/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / Xslt / CompilerScopeManager.cs / 1305376 / CompilerScopeManager.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Diagnostics; namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt { using QilName = System.Xml.Xsl.Qil.QilName; // Compiler scope manager keeps track of // Variable declarations // Namespace declarations // Extension and excluded namespaces internal sealed class CompilerScopeManager{ public enum ScopeFlags { BackwardCompatibility = 0x1, ForwardCompatibility = 0x2, CanHaveApplyImports = 0x4, NsDecl = 0x10, // NS declaration NsExcl = 0x20, // NS Extencion (null for ExcludeAll) Variable = 0x40, CompatibilityFlags = BackwardCompatibility | ForwardCompatibility, InheritedFlags = CompatibilityFlags | CanHaveApplyImports, ExclusiveFlags = NsDecl | NsExcl | Variable } public struct ScopeRecord { public int scopeCount; public ScopeFlags flags; public string ncName; // local-name for variable, prefix for namespace, null for extension or excluded namespace public string nsUri; // namespace uri public V value; // value for variable, null for namespace // Exactly one of these three properties is true for every given record public bool IsVariable { get { return (flags & ScopeFlags.Variable) != 0; } } public bool IsNamespace { get { return (flags & ScopeFlags.NsDecl ) != 0; } } // public bool IsExNamespace { get { return (flags & ScopeFlags.NsExcl ) != 0; } } } // Number of predefined records minus one private const int LastPredefRecord = 0; private ScopeRecord[] records = new ScopeRecord[32]; private int lastRecord = LastPredefRecord; // This is cache of records[lastRecord].scopeCount field; // most often we will have PushScope()/PopScope pare over the same record. // It has sence to avoid adresing this field through array access. private int lastScopes = 0; public CompilerScopeManager() { // The prefix 'xml' is by definition bound to the namespace name records[0].flags = ScopeFlags.NsDecl; records[0].ncName = "xml"; records[0].nsUri = XmlReservedNs.NsXml; } public CompilerScopeManager(KeywordsTable atoms) { records[0].flags = ScopeFlags.NsDecl; records[0].ncName = atoms.Xml; records[0].nsUri = atoms.UriXml; } public void EnterScope() { lastScopes++; } public void ExitScope() { if (0 < lastScopes) { lastScopes--; } else { while (records[--lastRecord].scopeCount == 0) { } lastScopes = records[lastRecord].scopeCount; lastScopes--; } } [Conditional("DEBUG")] public void CheckEmpty() { ExitScope(); Debug.Assert(lastRecord == 0 && lastScopes == 0, "PushScope() and PopScope() calls are unbalanced"); } // returns true if ns decls was added to scope public bool EnterScope(NsDecl nsDecl) { lastScopes++; bool hasNamespaces = false; bool excludeAll = false; for (; nsDecl != null; nsDecl = nsDecl.Prev) { if (nsDecl.NsUri == null) { Debug.Assert(nsDecl.Prefix == null, "NS may be null only when prefix is null where it is used for extension-element-prefixes='#all'"); excludeAll = true; } else if (nsDecl.Prefix == null) { AddExNamespace(nsDecl.NsUri); } else { hasNamespaces = true; AddNsDeclaration(nsDecl.Prefix, nsDecl.NsUri); } } if (excludeAll) { // #all should be on the top of the stack, becase all NSs on this element should be excluded as well AddExNamespace(null); } return hasNamespaces; } private void AddRecord() { // Store cached fields: records[lastRecord].scopeCount = lastScopes; // Extend record buffer: if (++lastRecord == records.Length) { ScopeRecord[] newRecords = new ScopeRecord[lastRecord * 2]; Array.Copy(records, 0, newRecords, 0, lastRecord); records = newRecords; } // reset scope count: lastScopes = 0; } private void AddRecord(ScopeFlags flag, string ncName, string uri, V value) { Debug.Assert(flag == (flag & ScopeFlags.ExclusiveFlags) && (flag & (flag - 1)) == 0 && flag != 0, "One exclusive flag"); Debug.Assert(uri != null || ncName == null, "null, null means exclude '#all'"); ScopeFlags flags = records[lastRecord].flags; bool canReuseLastRecord = (lastScopes == 0) && (flags & ScopeFlags.ExclusiveFlags) == 0; if (!canReuseLastRecord) { AddRecord(); flags &= ScopeFlags.InheritedFlags; } records[lastRecord].flags = flags | flag; records[lastRecord].ncName = ncName; records[lastRecord].nsUri = uri; records[lastRecord].value = value; } private void SetFlag(ScopeFlags flag, bool value) { Debug.Assert(flag == (flag & ScopeFlags.InheritedFlags) && (flag & (flag - 1)) == 0 && flag != 0, "one inherited flag"); ScopeFlags flags = records[lastRecord].flags; if (((flags & flag) != 0) != value) { // lastScopes == records[lastRecord].scopeCount; // we know this because we are cashing it. bool canReuseLastRecord = lastScopes == 0; // last record is from last scope if (!canReuseLastRecord) { AddRecord(); flags &= ScopeFlags.InheritedFlags; } if (flag == ScopeFlags.CanHaveApplyImports) { flags ^= flag; } else { flags &= ~ScopeFlags.CompatibilityFlags; if (value) { flags |= flag; } } records[lastRecord].flags = flags; } Debug.Assert((records[lastRecord].flags & ScopeFlags.CompatibilityFlags) != ScopeFlags.CompatibilityFlags, "BackwardCompatibility and ForwardCompatibility flags are mutually exclusive" ); } // Add variable to the current scope. Returns false in case of duplicates. public void AddVariable(QilName varName, V value) { Debug.Assert(varName.LocalName != null && varName.NamespaceUri != null); AddRecord(ScopeFlags.Variable, varName.LocalName, varName.NamespaceUri, value); } // Since the prefix might be redefined in an inner scope, we search in descending order in [to, from] // If interval is empty (from < to), the function returns null. private string LookupNamespace(string prefix, int from, int to) { Debug.Assert(prefix != null); for (int record = from; to <= record; --record) { string recPrefix, recNsUri; ScopeFlags flags = GetName(ref records[record], out recPrefix, out recNsUri); if ( (flags & ScopeFlags.NsDecl) != 0 && recPrefix == prefix ) { return recNsUri; } } return null; } public string LookupNamespace(string prefix) { return LookupNamespace(prefix, lastRecord, 0); } private static ScopeFlags GetName(ref ScopeRecord re, out string prefix, out string nsUri) { prefix = re.ncName; nsUri = re.nsUri; return re.flags; } public void AddNsDeclaration(string prefix, string nsUri) { AddRecord(ScopeFlags.NsDecl, prefix, nsUri, default(V)); } public void AddExNamespace(string nsUri) { AddRecord(ScopeFlags.NsExcl, null, nsUri, default(V)); } public bool IsExNamespace(string nsUri) { Debug.Assert(nsUri != null); int exAll = 0; for (int record = lastRecord; 0 <= record; record--) { string recPrefix, recNsUri; ScopeFlags flags = GetName(ref records[record], out recPrefix, out recNsUri); if ((flags & ScopeFlags.NsExcl) != 0) { Debug.Assert(recPrefix == null); if (recNsUri == nsUri) { return true; // This namespace is excluded } if (recNsUri == null) { exAll = record; // #all namespaces below are excluded } } else if ( exAll != 0 && (flags & ScopeFlags.NsDecl) != 0 && recNsUri == nsUri ) { // We need to check that this namespace wasn't undefined before last "#all" bool undefined = false; for (int prev = record + 1; prev < exAll; prev++) { string prevPrefix, prevNsUri; ScopeFlags prevFlags = GetName(ref records[prev], out prevPrefix, out prevNsUri); if ( (flags & ScopeFlags.NsDecl) != 0 && prevPrefix == recPrefix ) { // We don't care if records[prev].nsUri == records[record].nsUri. // In this case the namespace was already undefined above. undefined = true; break; } } if (!undefined) { return true; } } } return false; } private int SearchVariable(string localName, string uri) { Debug.Assert(localName != null); for (int record = lastRecord; 0 <= record; --record) { string recLocal, recNsUri; ScopeFlags flags = GetName(ref records[record], out recLocal, out recNsUri); if ( (flags & ScopeFlags.Variable) != 0 && recLocal == localName && recNsUri == uri ) { return record; } } return -1; } public V LookupVariable(string localName, string uri) { int record = SearchVariable(localName, uri); return (record < 0) ? default(V) : records[record].value; } public bool IsLocalVariable(string localName, string uri) { int record = SearchVariable(localName, uri); while (0 <= --record) { if (records[record].scopeCount != 0) { return true; } } return false; } public bool ForwardCompatibility { get { return (records[lastRecord].flags & ScopeFlags.ForwardCompatibility) != 0; } set { SetFlag(ScopeFlags.ForwardCompatibility, value); } } public bool BackwardCompatibility { get { return (records[lastRecord].flags & ScopeFlags.BackwardCompatibility) != 0; } set { SetFlag(ScopeFlags.BackwardCompatibility, value); } } public bool CanHaveApplyImports { get { return (records[lastRecord].flags & ScopeFlags.CanHaveApplyImports) != 0; } set { SetFlag(ScopeFlags.CanHaveApplyImports, value); } } public NamespaceEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new NamespaceEnumerator(this); } internal struct NamespaceEnumerator { CompilerScopeManager scope; int lastRecord; int currentRecord; public NamespaceEnumerator(CompilerScopeManager scope) { this.scope = scope; this.lastRecord = scope.lastRecord; this.currentRecord = lastRecord + 1; } public void Reset() { currentRecord = lastRecord + 1; } public bool MoveNext() { while (LastPredefRecord < --currentRecord) { if (scope.records[currentRecord].IsNamespace) { // This is a namespace declaration if (scope.LookupNamespace(scope.records[currentRecord].ncName, lastRecord, currentRecord + 1) == null) { // Its prefix has not been redefined later in [currentRecord + 1, lastRecord] return true; } } } return false; } public ScopeRecord Current { get { Debug.Assert(LastPredefRecord <= currentRecord && currentRecord <= scope.lastRecord, "MoveNext() either was not called or returned false"); Debug.Assert(scope.records[currentRecord].IsNamespace); return scope.records[currentRecord]; } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- PersonalizationDictionary.cs
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