/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / Automation / ElementProxy.cs / 1606164 / ElementProxy.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // // Description: UIAutomation/Visual bridge // // History: // 07/15/2003 : BrendanM Ported to WCP // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Automation; using System.Windows.Automation.Provider; using System.Windows.Automation.Peers; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Interop; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; using MS.Win32; using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID; namespace MS.Internal.Automation { // Automation Proxy for WCP elements - exposes WCP tree // and properties to Automation. // // Currently builds tree based on Visual tree; many later incorporate // parts of logical tree. // // Currently exposes just BoundingRectangle, ClassName, IsEnabled // and IsKeyboardFocused properties. internal class ElementProxy: IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot, IRawElementProviderAdviseEvents { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors // private ctor - the Wrap() pseudo-ctor is used instead. private ElementProxy(AutomationPeer peer) { if ((AutomationInteropReferenceType == ReferenceType.Weak) && (peer is UIElementAutomationPeer || peer is ContentElementAutomationPeer || peer is UIElement3DAutomationPeer)) { _peer = new WeakReference(peer); } else { _peer = peer; } } #endregion Constructors //------------------------------------------------------ // // Interface IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot // //------------ ------------------------------------------ #region Interface IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot // Implementation of the interface that exposes this // to UIAutomation. // // Interface IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot 'derives' from // IRawElementProviderSimple and IRawElementProviderFragment, // methods from those appear first below. // // Most of the interface methods on this interface need // to get onto the Visual's context before they can access it, // so use Dispatcher.Invoke to call a private method (in the // private methods section of this class) that does the real work. // IRawElementProviderSimple methods... public object GetPatternProvider ( int pattern ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return ElementUtil.Invoke(peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextGetPatternProvider ), pattern); } public object GetPropertyValue(int property) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return ElementUtil.Invoke(peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback(InContextGetPropertyValue), property); } public ProviderOptions ProviderOptions { get { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return ProviderOptions.ServerSideProvider; } return (ProviderOptions)ElementUtil.Invoke(peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextGetProviderOptions ), null); } } public IRawElementProviderSimple HostRawElementProvider { get { IRawElementProviderSimple host = null; HostedWindowWrapper hwndWrapper = null; AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } hwndWrapper = (HostedWindowWrapper)ElementUtil.Invoke( peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback(InContextGetHostRawElementProvider), null); if(hwndWrapper != null) host = GetHostHelper(hwndWrapper); return host; } } ////// Critical - Calls critical HostedWindowWrapper.Handle. /// TreatAsSafe - Critical data is used internally and not explosed /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private IRawElementProviderSimple GetHostHelper(HostedWindowWrapper hwndWrapper) { return AutomationInteropProvider.HostProviderFromHandle(hwndWrapper.Handle); } // IRawElementProviderFragment methods... public IRawElementProviderFragment Navigate( NavigateDirection direction ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } return (IRawElementProviderFragment)ElementUtil.Invoke(peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback(InContextNavigate), direction); } public int [ ] GetRuntimeId() { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return (int []) ElementUtil.Invoke( peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextGetRuntimeId ), null ); } public Rect BoundingRectangle { get { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return (Rect)ElementUtil.Invoke(peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback(InContextBoundingRectangle), null); } } public IRawElementProviderSimple [] GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots() { return null; } public void SetFocus() { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } ElementUtil.Invoke(peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextSetFocus ), null); } public IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot FragmentRoot { get { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } return (IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot) ElementUtil.Invoke( peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextFragmentRoot ), null ); } } // IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot methods.. public IRawElementProviderFragment ElementProviderFromPoint( double x, double y ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } return (IRawElementProviderFragment) ElementUtil.Invoke( peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextElementProviderFromPoint ), new Point( x, y ) ); } public IRawElementProviderFragment GetFocus() { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } return (IRawElementProviderFragment) ElementUtil.Invoke( peer, new DispatcherOperationCallback( InContextGetFocus ), null ); } // Event support: EventMap is a static class and access is synchronized, so no need to access it in UI thread context. // Directly add or remove the requested EventId from the EventMap from here. // Note: We update the EventMap even if peer is not available that's because we still have to keep track of number of // subscribers for the given event. public void AdviseEventAdded(int eventID, int[] properties) { EventMap.AddEvent(eventID); } public void AdviseEventRemoved(int eventID, int[] properties) { EventMap.RemoveEvent(eventID); } #endregion Interface IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods // Wrap the found peer before shipping it over process boundary - static version for use outside ElementProxy. internal static ElementProxy StaticWrap(AutomationPeer peer, AutomationPeer referencePeer) { ElementProxy result = null; if (peer != null) { //referencePeer is well-connected, since UIA is asking us using it. //However we are trying to return the peer that is possibly just created on some //element in the middle of un-walked tree and we need to make sure it is fully //"connected" or initialized before we return it to UIA. //This method ensures it has the right _parent and other hookup. peer = peer.ValidateConnected(referencePeer); if (peer != null) { // Use the already created Wrapper proxy for peer if it is still alive if(peer.ElementProxyWeakReference != null) { result = peer.ElementProxyWeakReference.Target as ElementProxy; } if(result == null) { result = new ElementProxy(peer); peer.ElementProxyWeakReference = new WeakReference(result); } // If the peer corresponds to DataItem notify peer to add to storage to // keep reference of peers going to the UIA Client if(result != null) { if(peer.IsDataItemAutomationPeer()) { peer.AddToParentProxyWeakRefCache(); } } } } return result; } // Needed to enable access from AutomationPeer.PeerFromProvider internal AutomationPeer Peer { get { if (_peer is WeakReference) { AutomationPeer peer = (AutomationPeer)((WeakReference)_peer).Target; return peer; } else { return (AutomationPeer)_peer; } } } #endregion Internal Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Methods // The signature of most of the folling methods is "object func( object arg )", // since that's what the Conmtext.Invoke delegate requires. // Return the element at specified coords. private object InContextElementProviderFromPoint( object arg ) { Point point = (Point)arg; AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } AutomationPeer peerFromPoint = peer.GetPeerFromPoint(point); return StaticWrap(peerFromPoint, peer); } // Return proxy representing currently focused element (if any) private object InContextGetFocus( object unused ) { // AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } AutomationPeer focusedPeer = AutomationPeer.AutomationPeerFromInputElement(Keyboard.FocusedElement); return StaticWrap(focusedPeer, peer); } // redirect to AutomationPeer private object InContextGetPatternProvider(object arg) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return peer.GetWrappedPattern((int)arg); } // Return proxy representing element in specified direction (parent/next/firstchild/etc.) private object InContextNavigate( object arg ) { NavigateDirection direction = (NavigateDirection) arg; AutomationPeer dest; AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } switch( direction ) { case NavigateDirection.Parent: dest = peer.GetParent(); break; case NavigateDirection.FirstChild: if (!peer.IsInteropPeer) { dest = peer.GetFirstChild(); } else { return peer.GetInteropChild(); } break; case NavigateDirection.LastChild: if (!peer.IsInteropPeer) { dest = peer.GetLastChild(); } else { return peer.GetInteropChild(); } break; case NavigateDirection.NextSibling: dest = peer.GetNextSibling(); break; case NavigateDirection.PreviousSibling: dest = peer.GetPreviousSibling(); break; default: dest = null; break; } return StaticWrap(dest, peer); } // Return value for specified property; or null if not supported private object InContextGetProviderOptions( object arg ) { ProviderOptions options = ProviderOptions.ServerSideProvider; AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return options; } if (peer.IsHwndHost) options |= ProviderOptions.OverrideProvider; return options; } // Return value for specified property; or null if not supported private object InContextGetPropertyValue ( object arg ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return peer.GetPropertyValue((int)arg); } /// Returns whether this is the Root of the WCP tree or not private object InContextGetHostRawElementProvider( object unused ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { return null; } return peer.GetHostRawElementProvider(); } // Return unique ID for this element... private object InContextGetRuntimeId( object unused ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return peer.GetRuntimeId(); } // Return bounding rectangle (screen coords) for this element... private object InContextBoundingRectangle(object unused) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } return peer.GetBoundingRectangle(); } // Set focus to this element... private object InContextSetFocus( object unused ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; if (peer == null) { throw new ElementNotAvailableException(); } peer.SetFocus(); return null; } // Return proxy representing the root of this WCP tree... private object InContextFragmentRoot( object unused ) { AutomationPeer peer = Peer; AutomationPeer root = peer; if (root == null) { return null; } while(true) { AutomationPeer parent = root.GetParent(); if(parent == null) break; root = parent; } return StaticWrap(root, peer); } #region disable switch for ElementProxy weak reference fix internal enum ReferenceType { Strong, Weak } // Returns RefrenceType.Strong if key AutomationWeakReferenceDisallow under // "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Windows Presentation Foundation\Features" // is set to 1 else returns ReferenceType.Weak. The registry key will be read only once. internal static ReferenceType AutomationInteropReferenceType { ////// Critical: Uses the critical RegistryKeys.ReadLocalMachineBool() to access the registry. /// Safe: This flag is not a secret and used internally /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] get { if (_shouldCheckInTheRegistry) { if (RegistryKeys.ReadLocalMachineBool(RegistryKeys.WPF_Features, RegistryKeys.value_AutomationWeakReferenceDisallow)) { _automationInteropReferenceType = ReferenceType.Strong; } _shouldCheckInTheRegistry = false; } return _automationInteropReferenceType; } } private static ReferenceType _automationInteropReferenceType = ReferenceType.Weak; private static bool _shouldCheckInTheRegistry = true; #endregion #endregion Private Methods //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private readonly object _peer; #endregion Private Fields } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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