/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / Primitives / Popup.cs / 2 / Popup.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Interop; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Markup; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Text; using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.Controls; using MS.Internal.Data; using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; // SecurityHelper using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; using MS.Utility; using MS.Win32; // Disable pragma warnings to enable PREsharp pragmas #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives { ////// A control that creates a fly-out window that contains content. /// ////// Popup creates a new top-level window to display content that can move beyond the bounds of /// an application's window. /// The Popup content is not affected by styles and properties in other trees /// unless specifically bound to them. /// [DefaultEvent("Opened"), DefaultProperty("Child")] [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None)] [ContentProperty("Child")] public class Popup : FrameworkElement, IAddChild { #region Constructors static Popup() { EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(Popup), Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(OnLostMouseCapture)); VisibilityProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(VisibilityBoxes.CollapsedBox, null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceVisibility))); } // Force Popup to always be collapsed - computing transform of child assumes popup is collapsed private static object CoerceVisibility(DependencyObject d, object value) { return VisibilityBoxes.CollapsedBox; } ////// Default constructor /// public Popup() : base() { // create popup's security helper _secHelper = new PopupSecurityHelper(); } #endregion #region Properties ////// The DependencyProperty for the Child property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: null /// public static readonly DependencyProperty ChildProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Child", typeof(UIElement), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( (object) null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnChildChanged))); ////// The content of the Popup /// [Bindable(true), CustomCategory("Content")] public UIElement Child { get { return (UIElement) GetValue(ChildProperty); } set { SetValue(ChildProperty, value); } } private static void OnChildChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Popup popup = (Popup)d; UIElement oldChild = (UIElement) e.OldValue; UIElement newChild = (UIElement) e.NewValue; if ((popup._popupRoot.Value != null) && popup.IsOpen) { popup._popupRoot.Value.Child = newChild; } popup.RemoveLogicalChild(oldChild); popup.AddLogicalChild(newChild); popup.Reposition(); } ////// The attached property maintains an array list of popups registered with an element. The /// attached property can be attached to any element. /// internal static readonly UncommonField> RegisteredPopupsField = new UncommonField
>(); ///
/// Registers this popup with the specified placement target. The descendant walker requires this so that /// it can traverse into the popup's element tree. /// private static void RegisterPopupWithPlacementTarget(Popup popup, UIElement placementTarget) { Debug.Assert(popup != null, "Popup must be non-null"); Debug.Assert(placementTarget != null, "Placement target must be non-null."); // // The registered popups are stored in an array list on the specified element (which is // typically the placement target). // The array list for storing the registered popups on the placement target is lazily created. // ListregisteredPopups = RegisteredPopupsField.GetValue(placementTarget); if (registeredPopups == null) { registeredPopups = new List (); RegisteredPopupsField.SetValue(placementTarget, registeredPopups); } if (!registeredPopups.Contains(popup)) { registeredPopups.Add(popup); } } /// /// Unregisters the popup from the spefied placement target. For more details see comments on /// RegisterPopupWithPlacementTarget. /// private static void UnregisterPopupFromPlacementTarget(Popup popup, UIElement placementTarget) { Debug.Assert(popup != null, "Popup must be non-null"); Debug.Assert(placementTarget != null, "Placement target must be non-null."); ListregisteredPopups = RegisteredPopupsField.GetValue(placementTarget); if (registeredPopups != null) { registeredPopups.Remove(popup); // If after removing this popup from the placement targets popup registration list, no more // popups are left, we can also get rid of the array list. if (registeredPopups.Count == 0) { RegisteredPopupsField.SetValue(placementTarget, null); } } } /// /// Updates the popup's placement target registration. /// This method is only called when IsOpen changes or when PlacementTarget changes, /// When IsOpen changes, your before/after is either PlacementTarget or null. When PlacementTarget changes, the before/after are stored in the event args. /// private void UpdatePlacementTargetRegistration(UIElement oldValue, UIElement newValue) { // A popup will be registered with its placement target to enable the descendent walker // to traverse into the popup. This is required for style sheet invalidations, etc. // // To avoid life-time issues, the popup will only be registered with the placement target // if the popup is in the Open state. Otherwise the strong-ref from the placement target // back to the popup could potentially keep the popup alive even though it has long // been closed. if (oldValue != null) { UnregisterPopupFromPlacementTarget(this, oldValue); if (newValue == null && VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) == null) { TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnTreeChange(this, null, oldValue, false); } } if (newValue != null) { //Only register with PlacementTarget if we aren't in a tree if (VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) == null) { RegisterPopupWithPlacementTarget(this, newValue); // Invalidate relevant properties for this subtree TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnTreeChange(this, null, newValue, true); } } } ////// The DependencyProperty for the IsOpen property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: false /// [CommonDependencyProperty] public static readonly DependencyProperty IsOpenProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "IsOpen", typeof(bool), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsOpenChanged), new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceIsOpen))); ////// Indicates whether the Popup is visible. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Appearance")] public bool IsOpen { get { return (bool) GetValue(IsOpenProperty); } set { SetValue(IsOpenProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); } } private static object CoerceIsOpen(DependencyObject d, object value) { if ((bool)value) { Popup popup = (Popup)d; // For popups in the tree, don't open until it is loaded if (!popup.IsLoaded && VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(popup) != null) { popup.RegisterToOpenOnLoad(); return BooleanBoxes.FalseBox; } } return value; } private void RegisterToOpenOnLoad() { Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(OpenOnLoad); } private void OpenOnLoad(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Open popup after main tree has rendered (Loaded is fired before 1st render) Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(object param) { CoerceValue(IsOpenProperty); return null; }), null); } ////// Called when IsOpenProperty is changed on "d." /// private static void OnIsOpenChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Popup popup = (Popup)d; // This is actually the current state and not necessary the desired state (i.e. old value) bool currentVisible = (popup._secHelper.IsWindowAlive() && (popup._asyncDestroy == null)) || (popup._asyncCreate != null); bool visible = (bool) e.NewValue; if (visible != currentVisible) { if (visible) { // The popup wants to be visible if (popup._cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.OnClosedHandlerReopen]) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PopupReopeningNotAllowed)); popup.CancelAsyncDestroy(); // Cancel any pending async create requests, we're creating now popup.CancelAsyncCreate(); popup.CreateWindow(false /*asyncCall*/); // Close the popup when it is unloaded from the visual tree if (CloseOnUnloadedHandler == null) { CloseOnUnloadedHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(CloseOnUnloaded); } popup.Unloaded += CloseOnUnloadedHandler; } else { // The popup wants to hide popup.CancelAsyncCreate(); if (popup._secHelper.IsWindowAlive() && (popup._asyncDestroy == null)) { // The popup window still exists, get rid of it // There are also no other async destroy requests // Hide the window (synchronously). This will cause repaint messages to be sent // to underlying windows and Render work items to be queued. popup.HideWindow(); if (CloseOnUnloadedHandler != null) { popup.Unloaded -= CloseOnUnloadedHandler; } } } } } ////// Called when IsOpen becomes true on this popup. /// /// Empty event arguments. protected virtual void OnOpened(EventArgs e) { RaiseClrEvent(OpenedKey, e); } ////// Called when IsOpen becomes false on this popup. /// /// Empty event arguments. protected virtual void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.OnClosedHandlerReopen] = true; try { RaiseClrEvent(ClosedKey, e); } finally { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.OnClosedHandlerReopen] = false; } } private static void CloseOnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ((Popup)sender).IsOpen = false; } ////// The DependencyProperty for the Placement property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: PlacementMode.Bottom /// [CommonDependencyProperty] public static readonly DependencyProperty PlacementProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Placement", typeof(PlacementMode), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( PlacementMode.Bottom, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPlacementChanged)), new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidPlacementMode)); ////// Chooses the behavior of where the Popup should be placed on screen. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Layout")] public PlacementMode Placement { get { return (PlacementMode) GetValue(PlacementProperty); } set { SetValue(PlacementProperty, value); } } ////// Called when Placement is changed on "d." /// private static void OnPlacementChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Popup popup = (Popup) d; popup.Reposition(); } private static bool IsValidPlacementMode(object o) { PlacementMode value = (PlacementMode)o; return value == PlacementMode.Absolute || value == PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint || value == PlacementMode.Bottom || value == PlacementMode.Center || value == PlacementMode.Mouse || value == PlacementMode.MousePoint || value == PlacementMode.Relative || value == PlacementMode.RelativePoint || value == PlacementMode.Right || value == PlacementMode.Left || value == PlacementMode.Top || value == PlacementMode.Custom; } ////// The DependencyProperty for the CustomPopupPlacementCallback property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: null /// public static readonly DependencyProperty CustomPopupPlacementCallbackProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "CustomPopupPlacementCallback", typeof(CustomPopupPlacementCallback), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((object) null)); ////// Chooses the behavior of where the Popup should be placed on screen. /// [Bindable(false), Category("Layout")] public CustomPopupPlacementCallback CustomPopupPlacementCallback { get { return (CustomPopupPlacementCallback) GetValue(CustomPopupPlacementCallbackProperty); } set { SetValue(CustomPopupPlacementCallbackProperty, value); } } ////// The DependencyProperty for the StaysOpen property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: false /// public static readonly DependencyProperty StaysOpenProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "StaysOpen", typeof(bool), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( BooleanBoxes.TrueBox, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnStaysOpenChanged))); ////// Chooses the behavior of when the Popup should automatically close. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Behavior")] public bool StaysOpen { get { return (bool) GetValue(StaysOpenProperty); } set { SetValue(StaysOpenProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); } } ////// Called when StaysOpen property is changed on "d." /// private static void OnStaysOpenChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Popup popup = (Popup)d; if (popup.IsOpen) { if ((bool)e.NewValue) { popup.ReleasePopupCapture(); } else { popup.EstablishPopupCapture(); } } } ////// The DependencyProperty for the HorizontalOffset property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: 0 /// public static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalOffsetProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "HorizontalOffset", typeof(double), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 0d, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnOffsetChanged))); ////// Offset from the left of the desired location based on the Placement property. /// Percentages are based on the visual parent, if one exists. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Layout")] [TypeConverter(typeof(LengthConverter))] public double HorizontalOffset { get { return (double) GetValue(HorizontalOffsetProperty); } set { SetValue(HorizontalOffsetProperty, value); } } ////// Called when HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset, or PlacementRectangle is changed on "d." /// private static void OnOffsetChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Popup popup = (Popup) d; popup.Reposition(); } ////// The DependencyProperty for the VerticalOffset property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: 0 /// public static readonly DependencyProperty VerticalOffsetProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "VerticalOffset", typeof(double), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 0d, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnOffsetChanged))); ////// Offset from the top of the desired location based on the Placement property. /// Percentages are based on the visual parent, if one exists. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Layout")] [TypeConverter(typeof(LengthConverter))] public double VerticalOffset { get { return (double) GetValue(VerticalOffsetProperty); } set { SetValue(VerticalOffsetProperty, value); } } ////// The DependencyProperty for the PlacementTarget property /// Default value: null /// public static readonly DependencyProperty PlacementTargetProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "PlacementTarget", typeof(UIElement), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( (object) null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPlacementTargetChanged))); ////// The UIElement relative to which the Popup will be displayed. If PlacementTarget is null (which /// it is by default), the Popup is displayed relative to its visual parent. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Layout")] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public UIElement PlacementTarget { get { return (UIElement) GetValue(PlacementTargetProperty); } set { SetValue(PlacementTargetProperty, value); } } ////// When the placement target changes the popup has to be unregistered from its old placement /// target and registered with the new placement target. /// private static void OnPlacementTargetChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Popup ctrl = (Popup) d; if (ctrl.IsOpen) { // When PlacementTarget changes, the before/after are stored in the event args. ctrl.UpdatePlacementTargetRegistration((UIElement)e.OldValue, (UIElement)e.NewValue); } } ////// The DependencyProperty for the PlacementRectangle property /// Default value: Rect.Empty /// public static readonly DependencyProperty PlacementRectangleProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "PlacementRectangle", typeof(Rect), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( Rect.Empty, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnOffsetChanged))); ////// The rectangle relative to which the Popup will be displayed. If PlacementRectangle is null (which /// it is by default), the Popup is displayed relative to its visual parent. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Layout")] public Rect PlacementRectangle { get { return (Rect) GetValue(PlacementRectangleProperty); } set { SetValue(PlacementRectangleProperty, value); } } ////// Indicates whether Right and Left placement modes should drop /// the opposite of normal. This happens when they hit the edge /// of the monitor and have to flip. The next popup needs to know /// to continue going in the opposite direction. /// internal bool DropOpposite { get { bool opposite = false; if (_cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOppositeSet]) { opposite = _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOpposite]; } else { DependencyObject parent = this; do { parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(parent); PopupRoot popupRoot = parent as PopupRoot; if (popupRoot != null) { Popup popup = popupRoot.Parent as Popup; parent = popup; if (popup != null) { if (popup._cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOppositeSet]) { opposite = popup._cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOpposite]; break; } } } } while (parent != null); } return opposite; } set { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOpposite] = value; _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOppositeSet] = true; } } private void ClearDropOpposite() { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.DropOppositeSet] = false; } ////// The DependencyProperty for the PopupAnimation property. /// Flags: None /// Default Value: Fade /// [CommonDependencyProperty] public static readonly DependencyProperty PopupAnimationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "PopupAnimation", typeof(PopupAnimation), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(PopupAnimation.None, null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoercePopupAnimation)), new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidPopupAnimation)); ////// The animation type of the popup. /// This value of this property will take effect the next time the popup opens. /// [Bindable(true), Category("Appearance")] public PopupAnimation PopupAnimation { get { return (PopupAnimation) GetValue(PopupAnimationProperty); } set { SetValue(PopupAnimationProperty, value); } } // Coerce animation to None if popup is not transparent private static object CoercePopupAnimation(DependencyObject o, object value) { return ((Popup)o).AllowsTransparency ? value : PopupAnimation.None; } private static bool IsValidPopupAnimation(object o) { PopupAnimation value = (PopupAnimation)o; return value == PopupAnimation.None || value == PopupAnimation.Fade || value == PopupAnimation.Slide || value == PopupAnimation.Scroll; } ////// DependencyProperty for AllowsTransparency /// public static readonly DependencyProperty AllowsTransparencyProperty = Window.AllowsTransparencyProperty.AddOwner(typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnAllowsTransparencyChanged), new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceAllowsTransparency))); ////// Whether or not the "popup" allows transparent content /// public bool AllowsTransparency { get { return (bool) GetValue(AllowsTransparencyProperty); } set { SetValue(AllowsTransparencyProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); } } private static void OnAllowsTransparencyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { d.CoerceValue(PopupAnimationProperty); } private static object CoerceAllowsTransparency(DependencyObject d, object value) { return ((Popup)d)._secHelper.IsChildPopup ? BooleanBoxes.FalseBox : value; } private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey HasDropShadowPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly( "HasDropShadow", typeof(bool), typeof(Popup), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceHasDropShadow))); ////// DependencyProperty for HasDropShadow /// public static readonly DependencyProperty HasDropShadowProperty = HasDropShadowPropertyKey.DependencyProperty; ////// Whether or not the "popup" should have a drop shadow according to /// the DropShadow system parameters /// public bool HasDropShadow { get { return (bool)GetValue(HasDropShadowProperty); } } private static object CoerceHasDropShadow(DependencyObject d, object value) { return BooleanBoxes.Box(SystemParameters.DropShadow && ((Popup)d).AllowsTransparency); } #endregion #region Helper Functions ////// Hooks up a Popup to a child. /// The child will be required to implement the following properties: /// Popup.IsOpenProperty /// Popup.PlacementProperty /// Popup.PlacementRectangleProperty /// Popup.PlacementTargetProperty /// Popup.HorizontalOffsetProperty /// Popup.VerticalOffsetProperty /// /// The parent popup that the child will be hooked up to. /// The element to be the child of the popup. public static void CreateRootPopup(Popup popup, UIElement child) { if (popup == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("popup"); } if (child == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("child"); } // When we get here, the Child must not have already been visually or logically parented. object currentParent = null; if ((currentParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(child)) != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CreateRootPopup_ChildHasLogicalParent, child, currentParent)); } if ((currentParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child)) != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CreateRootPopup_ChildHasVisualParent, child, currentParent)); } // PlacementTarget must be set before hooking up the child so that resource // lookups can work. The Popup for tooltip and context menu isn't in the tree // so FE relies on GetUIParentCore to return the placement target as the // effective logical parent Binding binding = new Binding("PlacementTarget"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(PlacementTargetProperty, binding); // NOTE: this will hook up child as a logical child of Popup. // If at a later date this is not desired, then modify the hookup to avoid the logical hookup. // // NOTE: Logical linking is necessary if property invalidations are to propagate down // the tree into the child (unless at a later date an alternate method has been created). popup.Child = child; binding = new Binding("VerticalOffset"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(VerticalOffsetProperty, binding); binding = new Binding("HorizontalOffset"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(HorizontalOffsetProperty, binding); binding = new Binding("PlacementRectangle"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(PlacementRectangleProperty, binding); binding = new Binding("Placement"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(PlacementProperty, binding); binding = new Binding("StaysOpen"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(StaysOpenProperty, binding); binding = new Binding("CustomPopupPlacementCallback"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(CustomPopupPlacementCallbackProperty, binding); // Note: IsOpen should always be last in this method binding = new Binding("IsOpen"); binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay; binding.Source = child; popup.SetBinding(IsOpenProperty, binding); } // This is to check if ContextMenu and ToolTip are still setup properly inside a Popup internal static bool IsRootedInPopup(Popup parentPopup, UIElement element) { // Look for a logical parent first object logicalParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(element); // If there's no logical parent, we better not have a visual parent if (logicalParent == null && VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) != null) { return false; } // If the logical parent doesn't match the Popup created by CreateRootPopup, // then we should return false. if (logicalParent != parentPopup) { return false; } return true; } #endregion #region Events ////// Event indicating that IsOpen has changed to true. /// public event EventHandler Opened { add { EventHandlersStoreAdd(OpenedKey, value); } remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(OpenedKey, value); } } private static readonly EventPrivateKey OpenedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); ////// Event indicating that IsOpen has changed to false. /// public event EventHandler Closed { add { EventHandlersStoreAdd(ClosedKey, value); } remove { EventHandlersStoreRemove(ClosedKey, value); } } private static readonly EventPrivateKey ClosedKey = new EventPrivateKey(); private void FirePopupCouldClose() { if (PopupCouldClose != null) { PopupCouldClose(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } ////// internal event EventHandler PopupCouldClose; #endregion #region Layout /// /// Invoked when remeasuring the control is required. /// The Popup will always return a size of zero because its content is not within this /// visual tree. The content is inside a different window/visual tree. /// /// The control cannot return a size larger than the constraint. ///The size (always zero for Popup) protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { // Popup is always zero size. It's the content inside the window that has a size. return new Size(); } #endregion #region Input ////// Called when the mouse left button is pressed on this subtree /// /// protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { OnPreviewMouseButton(e); base.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(e); } ////// Called when the mouse right button is pressed on this subtree /// /// protected override void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown(e); OnPreviewMouseButton(e); } ////// Called when the mouse left button is released on this subtree /// /// protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { OnPreviewMouseButton(e); base.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(e); } ////// Called when the mouse right button is released on this subtree /// /// protected override void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp(e); OnPreviewMouseButton(e); } private void OnPreviewMouseButton(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { // We should only react to mouse buttons if we are in an auto close mode (where we have capture) if (_cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged] && !StaysOpen) { Debug.Assert( Mouse.Captured == _popupRoot.Value, "_cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged] == true but Mouse.Captured != _popupRoot"); // If we got a mouse press/release and the mouse isn't on the popup (popup root), dismiss. // When captured to subtree, source will be the captured element for events outside the popup. if (_popupRoot.Value != null && e.OriginalSource == _popupRoot.Value) { // When we have capture we will get all mouse button up/down messages. // We should close if the press was outside. The MouseButtonEventArgs don't tell whether we get this // message because we have capture or if it was legit, so we have to do a hit test. if (_popupRoot.Value.InputHitTest(e.GetPosition(_popupRoot.Value)) == null) { // The hit test didn't find any element; that means the click happened outside the popup. IsOpen = false; } } } } private void EstablishPopupCapture() { if (!_cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged] && (_popupRoot.Value != null) && (!StaysOpen) && (Mouse.Captured == null)) { // When the mouse is not already captured, we will consider the following: // In all cases but Modeless, we want the popup and subtree to receive // mouse events and prevent other elements from receiving those messages. Mouse.Capture(_popupRoot.Value, CaptureMode.SubTree); _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged] = true; } } private void ReleasePopupCapture() { if (_cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged]) { // Popup's default implementation did not take capture from anyone, so it doesn't need to return capture. // Only give up focus if we have it (someone may have taken it from us). if (Mouse.Captured == _popupRoot.Value) { Mouse.Capture(null); } _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged] = false; } } ////// Called when this element loses capture. /// /// The instance of Popup that caught the event. /// Event arguments. private static void OnLostMouseCapture(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Popup popup = sender as Popup; // Try to accomplish "subcapture" -- allowing elements within our // subtree to take mouse capture and reclaim it when they lose capture. // This is a workaround until we can get real subcapture: // * Bug 940198: Need real solution for subcapture // if (!popup.StaysOpen) { PopupRoot root = popup._popupRoot.Value; // Use the same technique employed in ComoboBox.OnLostMouseCapture to allow another control in the // application to temporarily take capture and then take it back afterwards. if (Mouse.Captured != root) { if (e.OriginalSource == root) { if (Mouse.Captured == null || !MenuBase.IsDescendant(root, Mouse.Captured as DependencyObject)) { popup.IsOpen = false; } else { popup._cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.CaptureEngaged] = false; } } else { if (MenuBase.IsDescendant(root, e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject)) { // Take capture if one of our children gave up capture if (popup.IsOpen && Mouse.Captured == null && MS.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.GetCapture() == IntPtr.Zero) { popup.EstablishPopupCapture(); e.Handled = true; } } else { // If Mouse.Captured != null then it's not someone in the subtree underneath us. // In this case, someone has taken capture and we should close. // popup.IsOpen = false; } } } } } #endregion #region IAddChild ////// Called to Add the object as a Child. /// /// /// Object to add as a child /// void IAddChild.AddChild(Object value) { UIElement element = value as UIElement; if (element == null && value != null) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedParameterType, value.GetType(), typeof(UIElement)), "value"); } this.Child = element; } ////// Called when text appears under the tag in markup /// /// /// Text to Add to the Object /// void IAddChild.AddText(string text) { TextBlock lbl = new TextBlock(); lbl.Text = text; Child = lbl; } #endregion #region Tree Behavior // Invalidate resources on the popup root internal override void OnThemeChanged() { if (_popupRoot.Value != null) TreeWalkHelper.InvalidateOnResourcesChange(_popupRoot.Value, null, ResourcesChangeInfo.ThemeChangeInfo); } ////// Blocks ReverseInherited properties from propagating changes to logical/visual parents. /// internal override bool BlockReverseInheritance() { // We want the popup to block reverse inheritance in most cases. // In the case that the Popup has a TemplatedParent we don't want // to block reverse inheritance because the Popup is considered // part of that tree. return this.TemplatedParent == null; } ////// Called to get the UI parent of this element when there is /// no visual parent. /// ////// Returns a non-null value when some framework implementation /// of this method has a non-visual parent connection, /// protected internal override DependencyObject GetUIParentCore() { // If we are in the ether or otherwise the root of the tree and there is a // PlacementTarget, then send the event route over there. if (Parent == null) // We already know we don't have a visual parent, check logical as well { UIElement placementTarget = PlacementTarget; // Use the placement target as the logical parent while the popup is open if (placementTarget != null && (IsOpen || _secHelper.IsWindowAlive())) { return placementTarget; } } return base.GetUIParentCore(); } internal override bool IgnoreModelParentBuildRoute(RoutedEventArgs e) { // When we don't have a parent, we should not be passing // input events to our model parent (the placement target) // Except for LostMouseCaptureEvents needed for menu/combobox subcapture return Parent == null && e.RoutedEvent != Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent; } ////// Returns enumerator to logical children. /// protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren { get { object content = Child; if (content == null) { return EmptyEnumerator.Instance; } return new PopupModelTreeEnumerator(this, content); } } private class PopupModelTreeEnumerator : ModelTreeEnumerator { internal PopupModelTreeEnumerator(Popup popup, object child) : base(child) { Debug.Assert(popup != null, "popup should be non-null."); Debug.Assert(child != null, "child should be non-null."); _popup = popup; } protected override bool IsUnchanged { get { return Object.ReferenceEquals(Content, _popup.Child); } } private Popup _popup; } #endregion #region Implementation // Gets the root visual of the tree containing child private static Visual GetRootVisual(Visual child) { Debug.Assert(child != null, "child should be non-null"); DependencyObject parent; DependencyObject root = child; while ((parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(root)) != null) { root = parent; } return root as Visual; } // Returns the element the popup should position relative to private Visual GetTarget() { Visual targetVisual = PlacementTarget; if (targetVisual == null) { targetVisual = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this)); } return targetVisual; } private void SetHitTestable(bool hitTestable) { _popupRoot.Value.IsHitTestVisible = hitTestable; if (IsTransparent) { // Make the Win32 window transparent so input is routed under the popup (for tooltips) _secHelper.SetHitTestable(hitTestable); } } private static object AsyncCreateWindow(object arg) { Popup popup = (Popup)arg; popup._asyncCreate = null; popup.CreateWindow(true /*asyncCall*/); return null; } ////// Critical: Sets rootvisual from popuproot /// TreatAsSafe: It initializes this to new value of the popuproot and /// this should not cause any untowards behavior since it is not configurable /// [SecurityCritical,SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void CreateNewPopupRoot() { if (_popupRoot.Value == null) { _popupRoot.Value = new PopupRoot(); AddLogicalChild(_popupRoot.Value); // Allow users to set Width/Height properties on the Popup and have them // apply to the content. _popupRoot.Value.SetupLayoutBindings(this); } } private void CreateWindow(bool asyncCall) { // Clear any previously cached value and let the current setup make a new determination ClearDropOpposite(); // get target's visual Visual targetVisual = GetTarget(); // defer creation? if ((targetVisual != null) && PopupSecurityHelper.IsVisualPresentationSourceNull(targetVisual)) { // This is a case where the Popup is in a tree and its target is not hooked up to a window. if (!asyncCall) { // We'll defer until later if not already in an async call. _asyncCreate = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new DispatcherOperationCallback(AsyncCreateWindow), this); } return; } // Clear previously saved position info when opening the window if (_positionInfo != null) { _positionInfo.MouseRect = Rect.Empty; _positionInfo.ChildSize = Size.Empty; } // create a new window? bool makeNewWindow = !_secHelper.IsWindowAlive(); if (makeNewWindow) { // create the window BuildWindow(targetVisual); CreateNewPopupRoot(); } UIElement child = Child; if (_popupRoot.Value.Child != child) { _popupRoot.Value.Child = child; } // When opening, set the placement target registration UpdatePlacementTargetRegistration(null, PlacementTarget); UpdateTransform(); if (makeNewWindow) { // Setting popup root will cause window to resize and reposition SetRootVisualToPopupRoot(); } else { // Update position manually UpdatePosition(); } ShowWindow(); OnOpened(EventArgs.Empty); } ////// Critical:This code sets the rootvisual to popup root /// TreatAsSafe:popuproot is critical for set so that you cannot set it to /// arbitrary values /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void SetRootVisualToPopupRoot() { if (PopupAnimation != PopupAnimation.None && IsTransparent) { // When the Popup is transparent, hide the content. // Later when the window is made visible, opacity is set to 1 // This is to prevent the first frame of the popup animations // from displaying _popupRoot.Value.Opacity = 0.0; } _secHelper.SetWindowRootVisual(_popupRoot.Value); } ////// Critical - it calls a critical method (BuildWindow) /// TreatAsSafe - it calls it passing hooks defined in this class /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void BuildWindow(Visual targetVisual) { // AllowsTransparency is applied to popup only at creation time CoerceValue(AllowsTransparencyProperty); CoerceValue(HasDropShadowProperty); IsTransparent = AllowsTransparency; // We many not have attempted to position the popup yet int x = _positionInfo == null ? 0 : _positionInfo.X; int y = _positionInfo == null ? 0 : _positionInfo.Y; _secHelper.BuildWindow(x, y, targetVisual, IsTransparent, PopupFilterMessage, OnWindowResize); } ////// Critical - it calls a critical method (DestroyWindow) /// TreatAsSafe - it calls it passing hooks defined in this class /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void DestroyWindow() { if (_secHelper.IsWindowAlive()) { _secHelper.DestroyWindow(PopupFilterMessage, OnWindowResize); ReleasePopupCapture(); // Raise closed event after popup has actually closed OnClosed(EventArgs.Empty); // When closing, clear the placement target registration UpdatePlacementTargetRegistration(PlacementTarget, null); } } // Open the window private void ShowWindow() { if (_secHelper.IsWindowAlive()) { _popupRoot.Value.Opacity = 1.0; SetupAnimations(true); // Always set hittestable for non layered windows SetHitTestable(HitTestable || !IsTransparent); EstablishPopupCapture(); _secHelper.ShowWindow(); } } // Close the window private void HideWindow() { bool animating = SetupAnimations(false); SetHitTestable(false); ReleasePopupCapture(); // NOTE: It is important that we destroy the windows at less than Render priority because Menus will allow // all Render-priority queue items to be processed before firing the click event and we don't want // to have disposed the window at the time that we route the event. // Setting to inactive to allow any animations in ShowWindow to take effect first. _asyncDestroy = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Input); _asyncDestroy.Tick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { _asyncDestroy.Stop(); _asyncDestroy = null; DestroyWindow(); }; // Wait for the animation (if any) to complete before destroying the window _asyncDestroy.Interval = animating ? AnimationDelayTime : TimeSpan.Zero; _asyncDestroy.Start(); if (!animating) _secHelper.HideWindow(); } // Starts animations on the popup root private bool SetupAnimations(bool visible) { PopupAnimation animation = PopupAnimation; _popupRoot.Value.StopAnimations(); // Only animate if popup is transparent if (animation != PopupAnimation.None && IsTransparent) { if (animation == PopupAnimation.Fade) { _popupRoot.Value.SetupFadeAnimation(AnimationDelayTime, visible); return true; } else if (visible) // only translate when showing popup { // translate the content _popupRoot.Value.SetupTranslateAnimations(animation, AnimationDelayTime, AnimateFromRight, AnimateFromBottom); return true; } } return false; } private void CancelAsyncCreate() { if (_asyncCreate != null) { _asyncCreate.Abort(); _asyncCreate = null; } } private void CancelAsyncDestroy() { if (_asyncDestroy != null) { _asyncDestroy.Stop(); _asyncDestroy = null; } } internal void ForceClose() { if (_asyncDestroy != null) { CancelAsyncDestroy(); DestroyWindow(); } } private IntPtr PopupFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) { switch (msg) { case NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: // Don't let the popup become active -- we don't want the main window // to become inactive because of the popup. handled = true; return new IntPtr(NativeMethods.MA_NOACTIVATE); case NativeMethods.WM_ACTIVATEAPP: if (wParam == IntPtr.Zero) { // The app is deactivating, handle on the correct context Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(HandleDeactivateApp), null); } break; } return IntPtr.Zero; } private object HandleDeactivateApp(object arg) { if (!StaysOpen) { // If we are in an auto-close mode and the app is deactivating, close the popup. IsOpen = false; } FirePopupCouldClose(); return null; } // Updates the transform applied to the decorator in PopupRoot // For non transparent windows, this is restricted to scale transforms only private void UpdateTransform() { // Directly apply layout and render transforms for the popup because collapsed // elements' transforms are not accounted for in TransformToAncestor Matrix popupTransform = LayoutTransform.Value * RenderTransform.Value; // When the popup is not in a visual tree, do not apply the transform from target to root DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this); // Sometimes it is possible that the Popup isn't connected to the root through purely // visual links. In that case, we can't calculate a transform matrix and we'll get // an InvalidOperationException from TransformToAncestor. // Since this isn't an illegal state for Popup to be in, we're walking the // target's visual parent chain to find the top-most root possible. // Catching the exception was rejected by architects. Visual rootVisual = parent == null ? null : GetRootVisual(this); if (rootVisual != null) { // Apply all transforms from target to window coordinate space popupTransform = popupTransform * //Transform applied directly to popup TransformToAncestor(rootVisual).AffineTransform.Value * //Transform between popup and root (Affine only) PointUtil.GetVisualTransform(rootVisual); //Transform applied directly to root } // Transparent popups can have any type of transforms applied to them // For non-transparent popups, generate a scale matrix from the original transform if (IsTransparent) { // Undo mirror transform from Flow Direction - popup root will get its own if (parent != null && (FlowDirection)parent.GetValue(FlowDirectionProperty) == FlowDirection.RightToLeft) { // Undo FlowDirection Mirror popupTransform.Scale(-1.0, 1.0); } } else { // Only apply scaling transforms // Estimate the scale by seeing how much sides on a square grew Vector transformedUnitX = popupTransform.Transform(new Vector(1.0, 0.0)); Vector transformedUnitY = popupTransform.Transform(new Vector(0.0, 1.0)); // replace the transform with a scale only transform popupTransform = new Matrix(); popupTransform.Scale(transformedUnitX.Length, transformedUnitY.Length); } _popupRoot.Value.Transform = new MatrixTransform(popupTransform); } private void OnWindowResize(object sender, AutoResizedEventArgs e) { if (e.Size != _positionInfo.ChildSize) { _positionInfo.ChildSize = e.Size; // Reposition the popup Reposition(); } } #region Positioning ////// Reposition the Popup /// internal void Reposition() { if (IsOpen && _secHelper.IsWindowAlive()) { if (CheckAccess()) { UpdatePosition(); } else { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(object param) { Debug.Assert(CheckAccess(), "AsyncReposition not called on the dispatcher thread."); Reposition(); return null; }), null); } } } private static bool IsAbsolutePlacementMode(PlacementMode placement) { switch (placement) { case PlacementMode.MousePoint: case PlacementMode.Mouse: case PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint: case PlacementMode.Absolute: return true; } return false; } // Indicies into InterestPoint point array private enum InterestPoint { TopLeft = 0, TopRight = 1, BottomLeft = 2, BottomRight = 3, Center = 4, } // This struct is returned by GetPointCombination to indicate // which points on the target can align with points on the child private struct PointCombination { public PointCombination(InterestPoint targetInterestPoint, InterestPoint childInterestPoint) { TargetInterestPoint = targetInterestPoint; ChildInterestPoint = childInterestPoint; } public InterestPoint TargetInterestPoint; public InterestPoint ChildInterestPoint; } private class PositionInfo { // The position of the upper left corner of the popup after nudging public int X; public int Y; // The size of the popup public Size ChildSize; // The screen rect of the mouse public Rect MouseRect = Rect.Empty; } // To position the popup, we find the InterestPoints of the placement rectangle/point // in the screen coordinate space. We also find the InterestPoints of the child in // the popup's space. Then we attempt all valid combinations of matching InterestPoints // (based on PlacementMode) to find the position that best fits on the screen. // NOTE: any reference to the screen implies the monitor for full trust and // the browser area for partial trust private void UpdatePosition() { if (_popupRoot.Value == null) return; PlacementMode placement = Placement; // Get a list of the corners of the target/child in screen space Point[] placementTargetInterestPoints = GetPlacementTargetInterestPoints(placement); Point[] childInterestPoints = GetChildInterestPoints(placement); // Find bounds of screen and child in screen space Rect targetBounds = GetBounds(placementTargetInterestPoints); Rect screenBounds = GetScreenBounds(targetBounds); Rect childBounds = GetBounds(childInterestPoints); double childArea = childBounds.Width * childBounds.Height; // Rank possible positions int bestIndex = -1; Vector bestTranslation = new Vector(_positionInfo.X, _positionInfo.Y); double bestScore = -1; PopupPrimaryAxis bestAxis = PopupPrimaryAxis.None; int positions; CustomPopupPlacement[] customPlacements = null; // Find the number of possible positions if (placement == PlacementMode.Custom) { CustomPopupPlacementCallback customCallback = CustomPopupPlacementCallback; if (customCallback != null) { customPlacements = customCallback(childBounds.Size, targetBounds.Size, new Point(HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset)); } positions = customPlacements == null ? 0 : customPlacements.Length; // Return if callback closed the popup if (!IsOpen) return; } else { positions = GetNumberOfCombinations(placement); } // Try each position until the best one is found for (int i = 0; i < positions; i++) { Vector popupTranslation; bool animateFromRight = false; bool animateFromBottom = false; PopupPrimaryAxis axis; // Get the ith Position to rank if (placement == PlacementMode.Custom) { // The custom callback only calculates relative to 0,0 // so the placementTarget's top/left need to be re-applied. popupTranslation = ((Vector)placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopLeft]) + ((Vector)customPlacements[i].Point); // vector from origin axis = customPlacements[i].PrimaryAxis; } else { PointCombination pointCombination = GetPointCombination(placement, i, out axis); InterestPoint targetInterestPoint = pointCombination.TargetInterestPoint; InterestPoint childInterestPoint = pointCombination.ChildInterestPoint; // Compute the vector from the screen origin to the top left corner of the popup // that will cause the the two interest points to overlap popupTranslation = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)targetInterestPoint] - childInterestPoints[(int)childInterestPoint]; // Check the matching points to see which direction to animate animateFromRight = childInterestPoint == InterestPoint.TopRight || childInterestPoint == InterestPoint.BottomRight; animateFromBottom = childInterestPoint == InterestPoint.BottomLeft || childInterestPoint == InterestPoint.BottomRight; } // Find percent of popup on screen by translating the popup bounds // and calculating the percent of the bounds that is on screen // Note: this score is based on the percent of the popup that is on screen // not the percent of the child that is on screen. For certain // scenarios, this may produce in counter-intuitive results. // If this is a problem, more complex scoring is needed Rect tranlsatedChildBounds = Rect.Offset(childBounds, popupTranslation); Rect currentIntersection = Rect.Intersect(screenBounds, tranlsatedChildBounds); // Calculate area of intersection double score = currentIntersection != Rect.Empty ? currentIntersection.Width * currentIntersection.Height : 0; // If current score is better than the best score so far, save the position info if (score - bestScore > Tolerance) { bestIndex = i; bestTranslation = popupTranslation; bestScore = score; bestAxis = axis; AnimateFromRight = animateFromRight; AnimateFromBottom = animateFromBottom; // Stop when we find a popup that is completely on screen if (Math.Abs(score - childArea) < Tolerance) { break; } } } // When going left/right, if the edge of the monitor is hit // the next popup going left/right must also go in the opposite direction if ((bestIndex >= 2) && (placement == PlacementMode.Right || placement == PlacementMode.Left)) { // We switched sides, so flip the DropOpposite flag DropOpposite = !DropOpposite; } // Check to see if the pop needs to be nudged onto the screen. // Popups are not nudged if their axes do not align with the screen axes // Use the size of the popupRoot in case it is clipping the popup content childBounds = new Rect((Size)_secHelper.GetTransformToDevice().Transform((Point)_popupRoot.Value.RenderSize)); childBounds.Offset(bestTranslation); Rect intersection = Rect.Intersect(screenBounds, childBounds); // See if width/height of intersection are less than child's if (Math.Abs(intersection.Width - childBounds.Width) > Tolerance || Math.Abs(intersection.Height - childBounds.Height) > Tolerance) { // Nudge Horizontally Point topLeft = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopLeft]; Point topRight = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopRight]; // Create a vector pointing from the top of the placement target to the bottom // to determine which direction the popup should be nudged in. // If the vector is zero (NaN's after normalization), nudge horizontally Vector horizontalAxis = topRight - topLeft; horizontalAxis.Normalize(); // See if target's horizontal axis is aligned with screen // (For opaque windows always translate horizontally) if (!IsTransparent || double.IsNaN(horizontalAxis.Y) || Math.Abs(horizontalAxis.Y) < Tolerance) { // Nudge horizontally if (childBounds.Right > screenBounds.Right) { bestTranslation.X = screenBounds.Right - childBounds.Width; } else if (childBounds.Left < screenBounds.Left) { bestTranslation.X = screenBounds.Left; } } else if (IsTransparent && Math.Abs(horizontalAxis.X) < Tolerance) { // Nudge vertically, limit horizontally if (childBounds.Bottom > screenBounds.Bottom) { bestTranslation.Y = screenBounds.Bottom - childBounds.Height; } else if (childBounds.Top < screenBounds.Top) { bestTranslation.Y = screenBounds.Top; } } // Nudge Vertically Point bottomLeft = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.BottomLeft]; // Create a vector pointing from the top of the placement target to the bottom // to determine which direction the popup should be nudged in // If the vector is zero (NaN's after normalization), nudge vertically Vector verticalAxis = topLeft - bottomLeft; verticalAxis.Normalize(); // Axis is aligned with screen, nudge if (!IsTransparent || double.IsNaN(verticalAxis.X) || Math.Abs(verticalAxis.X) < Tolerance) { if (childBounds.Bottom > screenBounds.Bottom) { bestTranslation.Y = screenBounds.Bottom - childBounds.Height; } else if (childBounds.Top < screenBounds.Top) { bestTranslation.Y = 0; } } else if (IsTransparent && Math.Abs(verticalAxis.Y) < Tolerance) { if (childBounds.Right > screenBounds.Right) { bestTranslation.X = screenBounds.Right - childBounds.Width; } else if (childBounds.Left < screenBounds.Left) { bestTranslation.X = 0; } } } // Finally, take the best position and apply it to the popup int bestX = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(bestTranslation.X); int bestY = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(bestTranslation.Y); if (bestX != _positionInfo.X || bestY != _positionInfo.Y) { _positionInfo.X = bestX; _positionInfo.Y = bestY; _secHelper.SetPopupPos(true, bestX, bestY, false, 0, 0); } } // Finds the screen size and limiting dimension. // Popups are restricted in the orthogonal dimension to the primary/nudge axis // This prevents the popup from overlapping the placement target. private void GetPopupRootLimits(out Rect targetBounds, out Rect screenBounds, out Size limitSize) { PlacementMode placement = Placement; // Get a list of the corners of the target/child in screen space Point[] placementTargetInterestPoints = GetPlacementTargetInterestPoints(placement); // Find bounds of screen and child in screen space targetBounds = GetBounds(placementTargetInterestPoints); screenBounds = GetScreenBounds(targetBounds); PopupPrimaryAxis nudgeAxis = GetPrimaryAxis(placement); limitSize = new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity); if (nudgeAxis == PopupPrimaryAxis.Horizontal) { // limit vertically Point topLeft = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopLeft]; Point bottomLeft = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.BottomLeft]; // Create a vector pointing from the top of the placement target to the bottom // to determine which direction the popup should be restricted in // If the vector is zero (NaN's after normalization), restrict vertically Vector verticalAxis = bottomLeft - topLeft; verticalAxis.Normalize(); // Axis is aligned with screen, limit if (!IsTransparent || double.IsNaN(verticalAxis.X) || Math.Abs(verticalAxis.X) < Tolerance) { limitSize.Height = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Max(screenBounds.Bottom - targetBounds.Bottom, targetBounds.Top - screenBounds.Top)); } else if (IsTransparent && Math.Abs(verticalAxis.Y) < Tolerance) { limitSize.Width = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Max(screenBounds.Right - targetBounds.Right, targetBounds.Left - screenBounds.Left)); } } else if (nudgeAxis == PopupPrimaryAxis.Vertical) { // limit horizontally Point topLeft = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopLeft]; Point topRight = placementTargetInterestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopRight]; // Create a vector pointing from the left of the placement target to the right // to determine which direction the popup should be restricted in // If the vector is zero (NaN's after normalization), restrict horizontally Vector horizontalAxis = topRight - topLeft; horizontalAxis.Normalize(); // Axis is aligned with screen, limit if (!IsTransparent || double.IsNaN(horizontalAxis.X) || Math.Abs(horizontalAxis.Y) < Tolerance) { limitSize.Width = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Max(screenBounds.Right - targetBounds.Right, targetBounds.Left - screenBounds.Left)); } else if (IsTransparent && Math.Abs(horizontalAxis.X) < Tolerance) { limitSize.Height = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Max(screenBounds.Bottom - targetBounds.Bottom, targetBounds.Top - screenBounds.Top)); } } } // Retrieves a list of the interesting points of the popup target in screen space private Point[] GetPlacementTargetInterestPoints(PlacementMode placement) { if (_positionInfo == null) { _positionInfo = new PositionInfo(); } // Calculate the placement rectangle, which is the rectangle that popup will position relative to. Rect placementRect = PlacementRectangle; Point[] interestPoints; UIElement target = GetTarget() as UIElement; Vector offset = new Vector(HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset); // Popup positioning is based on the PlacementTarget or the Placement mode if (target == null || IsAbsolutePlacementMode(placement)) { // When the Mode is Mouse, the placement rectangle is the mouse position if (placement == PlacementMode.Mouse || placement == PlacementMode.MousePoint) { if (_positionInfo.MouseRect == Rect.Empty) { // Everytime something changes we will reposition the popup. We generally don't // want to get a new position for the mouse at every reposition (for example, // if the popup's content size is animated the popup will keep repositioning, // but we should not pick up a new position for the mouse). _positionInfo.MouseRect = GetMouseRect(placement); } placementRect = _positionInfo.MouseRect; } else if (placementRect == Rect.Empty) { placementRect = new Rect(); } offset = _secHelper.GetTransformToDevice().Transform(offset); // Offset the rect placementRect.Offset(offset); // These points are already positioned in screen coordinates // no transformations are necessary interestPoints = InterestPointsFromRect(placementRect); } else { // If no rectangle was given, then use the render bounds of the target if (placementRect == Rect.Empty) { if (placement != PlacementMode.Relative && placement != PlacementMode.RelativePoint) placementRect = new Rect(0.0, 0.0, target.RenderSize.Width, target.RenderSize.Height); else // For relative and relative point use upperleft corner of target placementRect = new Rect(); } // Offset the rect placementRect.Offset(offset); // Get the points int the target's coordinate space interestPoints = InterestPointsFromRect(placementRect); // Next transform from the target's space to the screen space Visual rootVisual = GetRootVisual(target); GeneralTransform targetToClientTransform = TransformToClient(target, rootVisual); // transform point to the screen coordinate space for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { targetToClientTransform.TryTransform(interestPoints[i], out interestPoints[i]); interestPoints[i] = _secHelper.ClientToScreen(rootVisual, interestPoints[i]); } } return interestPoints; } private static void SwapPoints(ref Point p1, ref Point p2) { Point temp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = temp; } // Retrieves a list of the interesting points of the popups child in the popup window space private Point[] GetChildInterestPoints(PlacementMode placement) { UIElement child = Child; if (child == null) { return InterestPointsFromRect(new Rect()); } Point[] interestPoints = InterestPointsFromRect(new Rect(new Point(), child.RenderSize)); UIElement target = GetTarget() as UIElement; // Popup positioning is based on the PlacementTarget or the Placement mode if (target != null && !IsAbsolutePlacementMode(placement)) { // In scenarios where the flow direction is different between the // child and target, the child rect should be treated as it is flipped if ((FlowDirection)target.GetValue(FlowDirectionProperty) != (FlowDirection)child.GetValue(FlowDirectionProperty)) { SwapPoints(ref interestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopLeft], ref interestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.TopRight]); SwapPoints(ref interestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.BottomLeft], ref interestPoints[(int)InterestPoint.BottomRight]); } } // Use remove the render transform translation from the child Vector offset = _popupRoot.Value.AnimationOffset; // Transform InterestPoints to popup's space GeneralTransform childToPopupTransform = TransformToClient(child, _popupRoot.Value); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // subtract Animation offset and transform point to the screen coordinate space childToPopupTransform.TryTransform(interestPoints[i] - offset, out interestPoints[i]); } return interestPoints; } // Returns an array of the InterestPoints of the Rect, each displaced by offset private static Point[] InterestPointsFromRect(Rect rect) { Point[] points = new Point[5]; points[(int)InterestPoint.TopLeft] = rect.TopLeft; points[(int)InterestPoint.TopRight] = rect.TopRight; points[(int)InterestPoint.BottomLeft] = rect.BottomLeft; points[(int)InterestPoint.BottomRight] = rect.BottomRight; points[(int)InterestPoint.Center] = new Point(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2.0, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2.0); return points; } // Returns a transform from visual to client area of the window private static GeneralTransform TransformToClient(Visual visual, Visual rootVisual) { GeneralTransformGroup visualToClientTransform = new GeneralTransformGroup(); // Add transform from visual to root visualToClientTransform.Children.Add(visual.TransformToAncestor(rootVisual)); // Add root and composition target's transfrom visualToClientTransform.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform( PointUtil.GetVisualTransform(rootVisual) * PopupSecurityHelper.GetTransformToDevice(rootVisual) )); return visualToClientTransform; } // Gets the smallest rectangle that contains all points in the list private Rect GetBounds(Point[] interestPoints) { double left, right, top, bottom; left = right = interestPoints[0].X; top = bottom = interestPoints[0].Y; for (int i = 1; i < interestPoints.Length; i++) { double x = interestPoints[i].X; double y = interestPoints[i].Y; if (x < left) left = x; if (x > right) right = x; if (y < top) top = y; if (y > bottom) bottom = y; } return new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } // Gets the number of InterestPoint combinations for the given placement private static int GetNumberOfCombinations(PlacementMode placement) { switch (placement) { case PlacementMode.Bottom: case PlacementMode.Top: case PlacementMode.Mouse: return 2; case PlacementMode.Right: case PlacementMode.Left: case PlacementMode.RelativePoint: case PlacementMode.MousePoint: case PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint: return 4; case PlacementMode.Custom: return 0; case PlacementMode.Absolute: case PlacementMode.Relative: case PlacementMode.Center: default: return 1; } } // Returns the ith possible alignment for the given PlacementMode private PointCombination GetPointCombination(PlacementMode placement, int i, out PopupPrimaryAxis axis) { Debug.Assert(i >= 0 && i < GetNumberOfCombinations(placement)); bool dropFromRight = SystemParameters.MenuDropAlignment; switch (placement) { case PlacementMode.Bottom: case PlacementMode.Mouse: axis = PopupPrimaryAxis.Horizontal; if (dropFromRight) { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomRight, InterestPoint.TopRight); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopRight, InterestPoint.BottomRight); } else { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomLeft, InterestPoint.TopLeft); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.BottomLeft); } break; case PlacementMode.Top: axis = PopupPrimaryAxis.Horizontal; if (dropFromRight) { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopRight, InterestPoint.BottomRight); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomRight, InterestPoint.TopRight); } else { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.BottomLeft); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomLeft, InterestPoint.TopLeft); } break; case PlacementMode.Right: case PlacementMode.Left: axis = PopupPrimaryAxis.Vertical; dropFromRight |= DropOpposite; if ((dropFromRight && placement == PlacementMode.Right) || (!dropFromRight && placement == PlacementMode.Left)) { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopRight); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomLeft, InterestPoint.BottomRight); if (i == 2) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopRight, InterestPoint.TopLeft); if (i == 3) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomRight, InterestPoint.BottomLeft); } else { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopRight, InterestPoint.TopLeft); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomRight, InterestPoint.BottomLeft); if (i == 2) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopRight); if (i == 3) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.BottomLeft, InterestPoint.BottomRight); } break; case PlacementMode.Relative: case PlacementMode.RelativePoint: case PlacementMode.MousePoint: case PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint: axis = PopupPrimaryAxis.Horizontal; if (dropFromRight) { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopRight); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopLeft); if (i == 2) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.BottomRight); if (i == 3) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.BottomLeft); } else { if (i == 0) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopLeft); if (i == 1) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopRight); if (i == 2) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.BottomLeft); if (i == 3) return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.BottomRight); } break; case PlacementMode.Center: axis = PopupPrimaryAxis.None; return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.Center, InterestPoint.Center); case PlacementMode.Absolute: default: axis = PopupPrimaryAxis.None; return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopLeft); } return new PointCombination(InterestPoint.TopLeft, InterestPoint.TopRight); } // Gets the primary axis for the specified placement mode private static PopupPrimaryAxis GetPrimaryAxis(PlacementMode placement) { switch (placement) { case PlacementMode.Right: case PlacementMode.Left: return PopupPrimaryAxis.Vertical; case PlacementMode.Bottom: case PlacementMode.Top: case PlacementMode.Relative: case PlacementMode.RelativePoint: case PlacementMode.Mouse: case PlacementMode.MousePoint: case PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint: return PopupPrimaryAxis.Horizontal; default: return PopupPrimaryAxis.None; } } // Limit size to 75% of maxDimension's area and restrict to be smaller than limitDimension internal Size RestrictSize(Size desiredSize) { // Make sure screen bounds and limit dimensions are up to date Rect targetBounds, screenBounds; Size limitSize; GetPopupRootLimits(out targetBounds, out screenBounds, out limitSize); // Convert from popup's space to screen space desiredSize = (Size)_secHelper.GetTransformToDevice().Transform((Point)desiredSize); desiredSize.Width = Math.Min(desiredSize.Width, screenBounds.Width); desiredSize.Width = Math.Min(desiredSize.Width, limitSize.Width); double maxHeight = RestrictPercentage * screenBounds.Width * screenBounds.Height / desiredSize.Width; desiredSize.Height = Math.Min(desiredSize.Height, screenBounds.Height); desiredSize.Height = Math.Min(desiredSize.Height, maxHeight); desiredSize.Height = Math.Min(desiredSize.Height, limitSize.Height); // Convert back from screen space to popup's space desiredSize = (Size)_secHelper.GetTransformFromDevice().Transform((Point)desiredSize); return desiredSize; } // Return the maximum boundingRect for the popup. // If this is not a child-popup - the rect is the monitor size. // Else this is the BoundingRect of either the placement target's window or the parent of the popup's window. private Rect GetScreenBounds(Rect boundingBox) { if (_secHelper.IsChildPopup) { // The "monitor" is the main window for child windows. return _secHelper.GetParentWindowRect(); } NativeMethods.RECT rect = new NativeMethods.RECT(0, 0, 0, 0); NativeMethods.RECT nativeBounds = PointUtil.FromRect(boundingBox); IntPtr monitor = SafeNativeMethods.MonitorFromRect(ref nativeBounds, NativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); if (monitor != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX monitorInfo = new NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX(); monitorInfo.cbSize = SecurityHelper.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX)); SafeNativeMethods.GetMonitorInfo(new HandleRef(null, monitor), monitorInfo); rect = monitorInfo.rcMonitor; } return PointUtil.ToRect(rect); } private Rect GetMouseRect(PlacementMode placement) { NativeMethods.POINT mousePoint = _secHelper.GetMouseCursorPos(GetTarget()); if (placement == PlacementMode.Mouse) { // In Mouse mode, the bounding box of the mouse cursor becomes the target int cursorWidth, cursorHeight, hotX, hotY; GetMouseCursorSize(out cursorWidth, out cursorHeight, out hotX, out hotY); // Add a margin of 1 px above and below the mouse return new Rect(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y - 1, Math.Max(0, cursorWidth - hotX), Math.Max(0, cursorHeight - hotY + 2)); } else { // In MousePoint mode, the mouse position is the target return new Rect(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y, 0, 0); } } // Not interested in the unmanaged error codes. Error return values detected and handled. Extended error information not needed. #pragma warning disable 6523 ////// Returns information about the mouse cursor size. /// /// The width of the mouse cursor. /// The height of the mouse cursor. /// The X position of the hotspot. /// The Y position of the hotspot. ////// Critical: This code causes elevation to unmanaged code (GetIconInfo and GetObject) /// TreatAsSafe: It does not expose any of the data retrieved essentially the bitmap. /// What it does expose is hotx and hoty which are ok to give out since they signify /// hot area on mouse cursor or icon /// [SecurityCritical,SecurityTreatAsSafe] private static void GetMouseCursorSize(out int width, out int height, out int hotX, out int hotY) { /* The code for this function is based upon shell\comctl32\v6\tooltips.cpp _GetHcursorPdy3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the current mouse drivers that allow you to customize the mouse pointer size, GetSystemMetrics returns useless values regarding that pointer size. Assumption: 1. The pointer's width is equal to its height. We compute its height and infer its width. This function looks at the mouse pointer bitmap to find out the dimensions of the mouse pointer and the hot spot location. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // If there is no mouse cursor, these should be 0 width = height = hotX = hotY = 0; // First, retrieve the mouse cursor IntPtr hCursor = SafeNativeMethods.GetCursor(); if (hCursor != IntPtr.Zero) { // In case we can't figure out the dimensions, this is a best guess width = height = 16; // Get the cursor information NativeMethods.ICONINFO iconInfo = new NativeMethods.ICONINFO(); bool gotIconInfo = true; try { UnsafeNativeMethods.GetIconInfo(new HandleRef(null, hCursor), out iconInfo); } catch(Win32Exception) { gotIconInfo = false; } if(gotIconInfo) { // Get a handle to the bitmap NativeMethods.BITMAP bm = new NativeMethods.BITMAP(); int resultOfGetObject=0; new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Assert(); //Blessed Assert try { resultOfGetObject = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetObject(iconInfo.hbmMask.MakeHandleRef(null), Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.BITMAP)), bm); } finally { SecurityPermission.RevertAssert(); } if (resultOfGetObject != 0) { // Extract the bitmap bits int max = (bm.bmWidth * bm.bmHeight / 8); byte[] curMask = new byte[max * 2]; // Enough space for the mask and the xor mask if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetBitmapBits(iconInfo.hbmMask.MakeHandleRef(null), curMask.Length, curMask) != 0) { bool hasXORMask = false; if (iconInfo.hbmColor.IsInvalid) { // if no color bitmap, then the hbmMask is a double height bitmap // with the cursor and the mask stacked. hasXORMask = true; max /= 2; } // Go through the bitmap looking for the bottom of the image and/or mask bool empty = true; int bottom = max; for (bottom--; bottom >= 0; bottom--) { if (curMask[bottom] != 0xFF || (hasXORMask && (curMask[bottom + max] != 0))) { empty = false; break; } } if (!empty) { // Go through the bitmap looking for the top of the image and/or mask int top; for (top = 0; top < max; top++) { if (curMask[top] != 0xFF || (hasXORMask && (curMask[top + max] != 0))) break; } // Calculate the left, right, top, bottom points // byteWidth = bytes per row AND bytes per vertical pixel int byteWidth = bm.bmWidth / 8; int right /*px*/ = (bottom /*bytes*/ % byteWidth) * 8 /*px/byte*/; bottom /*px*/ = bottom /*bytes*/ / byteWidth /*bytes/px*/; int left /*px*/ = top /*bytes*/ % byteWidth * 8 /*px/byte*/; top /*px*/ = top /*bytes*/ / byteWidth /*bytes/px*/; // (Final value) Convert LRTB to Width and Height width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; // (Final value) Calculate the hotspot relative to top/left hotX = iconInfo.xHotspot - left; hotY = iconInfo.yHotspot - top; } else { // (Final value) We didn't find anything in the bitmap. // So, we'll make a guess with the information that we have. // Note: This seems to happen on I-Beams and Cross-hairs -- cursors that // are all inverted. Strangely, their hbmColor is non-null. width = bm.bmWidth; height = bm.bmHeight; hotX = iconInfo.xHotspot; hotY = iconInfo.yHotspot; } } } iconInfo.hbmColor.Dispose(); iconInfo.hbmMask.Dispose(); } } } #pragma warning restore 6523 #endregion Positioning #endregion #region Private Properties private bool IsTransparent { get { return _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.IsTransparent]; } set { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.IsTransparent] = value; } } private bool AnimateFromRight { get { return _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.AnimateFromRight]; } set { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.AnimateFromRight] = value; } } private bool AnimateFromBottom { get { return _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.AnimateFromBottom]; } set { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.AnimateFromBottom] = value; } } internal bool HitTestable { // Store complement of value so default is true get { return !_cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.HitTestable]; } set { _cacheValid[(int)CacheBits.HitTestable] = !value; } } #endregion #region Data internal const double Tolerance = 1.0e-2; // allow errors in double calculations private const int AnimationDelay = 150; internal static TimeSpan AnimationDelayTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, AnimationDelay); internal static RoutedEventHandler CloseOnUnloadedHandler; private PositionInfo _positionInfo; private SecurityCriticalDataForSet_popupRoot; private DispatcherOperation _asyncCreate; private DispatcherTimer _asyncDestroy; // holder of the popup's security helper private PopupSecurityHelper _secHelper; private BitVector32 _cacheValid = new BitVector32(0); // Condense boolean bits private enum CacheBits { CaptureEngaged = 0x01, IsTransparent = 0x02, OnClosedHandlerReopen = 0x04, DropOppositeSet = 0x08, DropOpposite = 0x10, AnimateFromRight = 0x20, AnimateFromBottom = 0x40, HitTestable = 0x80, // False for tooltips } #endregion #region Popup Security Helper private const double RestrictPercentage = 0.75; // This is how much the max dimensions will be reduced by // // This property // 1. Finds the correct initial size for the _effectiveValues store on the current DependencyObject // 2. This is a performance optimization // internal override int EffectiveValuesInitialSize { get { return 19; } } /// /// Helper for popup's security data /// private class PopupSecurityHelper { ////// Helper constructor /// internal PopupSecurityHelper() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper's Critical-TreatAsSafe Methods - Safe to expose ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// returns whether this is a restricted popup window or not /// ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (_isChildPopup, _isChildPopupInitialized) /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return whether the popup is a child or not. /// internal bool IsChildPopup { [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] get { if (!_isChildPopupInitialized) { #if DEBUG if ( Debugger.IsAttached && Application.Current != null && Application.Current.BrowserCallbackServices != null ) { // special case when you're debugging in the browser. // assume that _isChildPopup = true ( should be true for v1). // current Rascal/VS drops don't allow breaking only on unhandled exceptions. // this makes debugging partial trust apps that call CheckUnmanagedCodePermission untenable. // _isChildPopup = true; } else { #endif // Force popup to be a child window if it we don't have unmanaged code permission (needed by bitmap effect) // This is a tighter restriction than just UIWindowPermission _isChildPopup = BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted || !SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission(); #if DEBUG } #endif _isChildPopupInitialized = true; } return (_isChildPopup); } } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (_window). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return whether window is valid and not disposed. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal bool IsWindowAlive() { if (_window != null) { HwndSource hwnd = _window.Value; return (hwnd != null) && !hwnd.IsDisposed; } return false; } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (_window). it calls critical methods (GetPresentationSource) /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to expose client to screen coordinates. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal Point ClientToScreen(Visual rootVisual, Point clientPoint) { // Get the HwndSource of the target element. HwndSource targetWindow = PopupSecurityHelper.GetPresentationSource(rootVisual) as HwndSource; if (targetWindow != null) { return PointUtil.ToPoint(ClientToScreen(targetWindow, clientPoint)); } return clientPoint; } ////// Critical - it calls a critical method (ParentHandle). /// - It asserts unmanaged code permission /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to expose client to screen coordinates. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private NativeMethods.POINT ClientToScreen(HwndSource hwnd, Point clientPt) { bool isChildPopup = IsChildPopup; HwndSource parent = null; if (isChildPopup) { parent = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(ParentHandle); } Point devicePoint = clientPt; if (!isChildPopup || (parent != hwnd)) { // Transform to screen coordinates. devicePoint = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(clientPt, hwnd); } if (isChildPopup && (parent != hwnd)) { // A child window's "screen" is actually the parent window's client area. // Transform the coordinates into that space. devicePoint = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(devicePoint, parent); } return new NativeMethods.POINT((int)devicePoint.X, (int)devicePoint.Y); } ////// Critical - it calls critical methods (GetPresentationSource, GetCursorPos). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return mouse position when it's over this window. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal NativeMethods.POINT GetMouseCursorPos(Visual targetVisual) { if (Mouse.DirectlyOver != null) { // get target window info HwndSource hwndSource = null; if (targetVisual != null) { hwndSource = PopupSecurityHelper.GetPresentationSource(targetVisual) as HwndSource; } IInputElement relativeTarget = targetVisual as IInputElement; if (relativeTarget != null) { Point pt = Mouse.GetPosition(relativeTarget); if ((hwndSource != null) && !hwndSource.IsDisposed) { Visual rootVisual = hwndSource.RootVisual; CompositionTarget ct = hwndSource.CompositionTarget; if ((rootVisual != null) && (ct != null)) { // Transform the point from the targetVisual to client device units GeneralTransform transformTo = targetVisual.TransformToAncestor(rootVisual); Matrix transform = PointUtil.GetVisualTransform(rootVisual) * ct.TransformToDevice; transformTo.TryTransform(pt, out pt); pt = transform.Transform(pt); // Convert from device client units to screen units return ClientToScreen(hwndSource, pt); } } } } // This is a fallback if we couldn't convert Mouse.GetPosition NativeMethods.POINT mousePoint = new NativeMethods.POINT(0, 0); UnsafeNativeMethods.TryGetCursorPos(mousePoint); return mousePoint; } ////// Critical - it acccesses critical data (_window). it calls critical methods (GetHandle). /// TreatAsSafe - though the size is determined by the AutoResizedEventArgs arg, the window can't draw /// outside the parent visual area if we are in partial trust. the childness of the popup is determined /// when its window is created. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void SetPopupPos(bool position, int x, int y, bool size, int width, int height) { int flags = NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE; if (!position) { flags |= NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE; } if (!size) { flags |= NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE; } UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(null, Handle), new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero), x, y, width, height, flags); } ////// Critical - it calls critical methods (ParentHandle) /// TreatAsSafe - it is safe to return a window's rectangle. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal Rect GetParentWindowRect() { NativeMethods.RECT rect = new NativeMethods.RECT(0, 0, 0, 0); IntPtr parent = ParentHandle; if (parent != IntPtr.Zero) { SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(null, parent), ref rect); } return PointUtil.ToRect(rect); } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (window). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return a window's to-device matrix /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal Matrix GetTransformToDevice() { CompositionTarget ct = _window.Value.CompositionTarget; if (ct != null && !ct.IsDisposed) { return ct.TransformToDevice; } return Matrix.Identity; } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (window). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return a window's to-device matrix /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal static Matrix GetTransformToDevice(Visual targetVisual) { HwndSource hwndSource = null; if (targetVisual != null) { hwndSource = PopupSecurityHelper.GetPresentationSource(targetVisual) as HwndSource; } if (hwndSource != null) { CompositionTarget ct = hwndSource.CompositionTarget; if (ct != null && !ct.IsDisposed) { return ct.TransformToDevice; } } return Matrix.Identity; } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (window). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return a window's from-device matrix /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal Matrix GetTransformFromDevice() { CompositionTarget ct = _window.Value.CompositionTarget; if (ct != null && !ct.IsDisposed) { return ct.TransformFromDevice; } return Matrix.Identity; } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (window).and sets root visual /// [SecurityCritical] internal void SetWindowRootVisual(Visual v) { _window.Value.RootVisual = v; } ////// Critical - it calls critical methods (GetPresentationSource). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to return whether a Visual's PresentationSource is null or not. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal static bool IsVisualPresentationSourceNull(Visual visual) { return (PopupSecurityHelper.GetPresentationSource(visual) == null); } ////// Critical - it calls critical methods (GetHandle, GetLastWebOCHwnd). /// TreatAsSafe: it's safe to show the window; its security is already defined (child if partial trust, /// with no boundaries otherwise). /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void ShowWindow() { if (IsChildPopup) { IntPtr lastWebOCHwnd = GetLastWebOCHwnd(); // If there is WebOC present, put the Popup behind the last WebOC in the z-order. Otherwise, bring it to front. UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(null, Handle), lastWebOCHwnd == IntPtr.Zero ? NativeMethods.HWND_TOP : new HandleRef(null, lastWebOCHwnd), 0, 0, 0, 0, NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE | NativeMethods.SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } else { UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(new HandleRef(null, Handle), NativeMethods.SW_SHOWNA); } } ////// Critical - it accesses critical data (window). /// TreatAsSafe - it's safe to hide the window; its security is already defined (child if partial trust, /// with no boundaries otherwise). /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void HideWindow() { UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(new HandleRef(null, Handle), NativeMethods.SW_HIDE); } ////// Critical: It calls methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute (GetWindow, GetClassName). it calls critical methods (GetHandle) /// it returns critical data, the hwnd of the last weboc in z-order. /// ////// We are searching among Popup's sibling child windows. Since WebBrowsers and Popup can only be siblings child windows right now, /// e.g., we don't allow WebOC inside Popup window, this is a better performed way. If we change that, we should make sure we are comparing /// to all weboc on the page. We can get a list of weboc by walking the navigationservice tree. /// [SecurityCritical] private IntPtr GetLastWebOCHwnd() { // Get the bottom hwnd in z-order. IntPtr lastHwnd = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindow(new HandleRef(null, Handle), NativeMethods.GW_HWNDLAST); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(NativeMethods.MAX_PATH); // Search up from the last one until we find the first weboc hwnd. while (lastHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetClassName(new HandleRef(null, lastHwnd), sb, NativeMethods.MAX_PATH) != 0) { if (String.Compare(sb.ToString(), WebOCWindowClassName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { break; } else { lastHwnd = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindow(new HandleRef(null, lastHwnd), NativeMethods.GW_HWNDPREV); } } else { throw new Win32Exception(); } } return lastHwnd; } ////// Critical: It calls methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute (GetWindowLong). it calls critical methods (GetHandle, CriticalSetWindowLong) /// /// TreatAsSafe - if we're not a child popup - we demands unmanaged code permissions. /// if we are a child popup - considered safe. Net effect is to turn on/off whether the window is transparent. /// Considered safe as : /// You are fully constrained within the browser's window. /// Moving the popup over content/turning on/off hit-testing /// Can happen by placing arbitrary elements over each other anyway. /// Considered safe. /// /// Note that setting the _isChildPopup boolean is critical. /// /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void SetHitTestable(bool hitTestable) { // demands unmanaged code permission. it's risky to take this demand out. if (! IsChildPopup) SecurityHelper.DemandUnmanagedCode(); // get the window handle IntPtr handle = Handle; Int32 styles = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this, handle), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE); int flags = styles; if (((flags & NativeMethods.WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) == 0) != hitTestable) { if (hitTestable) { styles = (Int32)(flags & ~NativeMethods.WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); } else { styles = (Int32)(flags | NativeMethods.WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); } UnsafeNativeMethods.CriticalSetWindowLong(new HandleRef(null, handle), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE, (IntPtr)styles); } } private static Visual FindMainTreeVisual(Visual v) { DependencyObject root = null; DependencyObject dependencyObject = v; while (dependencyObject != null) { root = dependencyObject; PopupRoot popupRoot = dependencyObject as PopupRoot; if (popupRoot != null) { dependencyObject= popupRoot.Parent; // Look for the placement target of the popup Popup popup = dependencyObject as Popup; if (popup != null) { UIElement target = popup.PlacementTarget; if (target != null) { dependencyObject = target; } } } else { dependencyObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dependencyObject); } } return root as Visual; } // newWindow is referenced by the _window static field, but // PreSharp will think that newWindow is local and should be disposed. #pragma warning disable 6518 ////// Critical - it calls critical methods (GetHandle). /// - Creates an HwndSource /// - Adds a hook to the HwndSource /// [SecurityCritical] internal void BuildWindow(int x, int y, Visual placementTarget, bool transparent, HwndSourceHook hook, AutoResizedEventHandler handler) { Debug.Assert(!IsChildPopup || (IsChildPopup && !transparent), "Child popups cannot be transparent"); transparent = transparent && !IsChildPopup; Visual mainTreeVisual = placementTarget; if (IsChildPopup) { // If the popup is nested inside other popups, get out into the main tree // before querying for the presentation source. mainTreeVisual = FindMainTreeVisual(placementTarget); } // get visual's PresentationSource HwndSource hwndSource = PopupSecurityHelper.GetPresentationSource(mainTreeVisual) as HwndSource; // get parent handle IntPtr parent = IntPtr.Zero; if (hwndSource != null) { parent = PopupSecurityHelper.GetHandle(hwndSource); } int classStyle = 0; int style = NativeMethods.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; int styleEx = NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | NativeMethods.WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; if (IsChildPopup) { // The popup was created in an environment where it should be a child window, not a popup window. style |= NativeMethods.WS_CHILD; } else { style |= NativeMethods.WS_POPUP; styleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOPMOST; } // set window parameters HwndSourceParameters param = new HwndSourceParameters(String.Empty); param.WindowClassStyle = classStyle; param.WindowStyle = style; param.ExtendedWindowStyle = styleEx; param.SetPosition(x, y); if (IsChildPopup) { if ( parent != IntPtr.Zero ) { param.ParentWindow = parent; } else { SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); } } else { param.UsesPerPixelOpacity = transparent; if ((parent != IntPtr.Zero) && ConnectedToForegroundWindow(parent)) { param.ParentWindow = parent; } } // create popup's window object HwndSource newWindow = new HwndSource(param); new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows).Assert(); //BlessedAssert try { // add hook to the popup's window newWindow.AddHook(hook); } finally { UIPermission.RevertAssert(); } // initialize the private critical window object _window = new SecurityCriticalDataClass(newWindow); // Set background color HwndTarget hwndTarget = (HwndTarget)newWindow.CompositionTarget; hwndTarget.BackgroundColor = transparent ? Colors.Transparent : Colors.Black; // add AddAutoResizedEventHandler event handler newWindow.AutoResized += handler; } #pragma warning restore 6518 /// /// Critical - it calls critical methods (GetForegroundWindow). /// [SecurityCritical] private static bool ConnectedToForegroundWindow(IntPtr window) { IntPtr foregroundWindow = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow(); while (window != IntPtr.Zero) { if (window == foregroundWindow) { return true; } window = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(null, window)); } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper's Critical Methods - NOT safe to expose ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// Critical - it exposes handle from an HwndSource object. /// [SecurityCritical] private static IntPtr GetHandle(HwndSource hwnd) { // add hook to the popup's window return (hwnd!=null ? hwnd.CriticalHandle : IntPtr.Zero); } ////// Critical - it gets the handle from an HwndSource object. /// - it calls Critical GetParent. /// [SecurityCritical] private static IntPtr GetParentHandle(HwndSource hwnd) { if (hwnd != null) { IntPtr child = GetHandle(hwnd); if (child != IntPtr.Zero) { return UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(null, child)); } } return IntPtr.Zero; } ////// Critical - get: it accesses critical data (_window). it accesses critical methods (GetHandle). /// private IntPtr Handle { [SecurityCritical] get { return (GetHandle(_window.Value)); } } ////// Critical - get: it accesses critical data (_window). it accesses critical methods (GetParentHandle). /// private IntPtr ParentHandle { [SecurityCritical] get { return (GetParentHandle(_window.Value)); } } ////// Critical - it gets a PresentationSource from a Visual. /// [SecurityCritical] private static PresentationSource GetPresentationSource(Visual visual) { return (visual != null ? PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual) : null); } ////// Critical - Accesses critical data (_window) /// Elevates to: /// Remove the hook from the window. /// Call hwnd.Dispose. /// [SecurityCritical] internal void DestroyWindow(HwndSourceHook hook, AutoResizedEventHandler onAutoResizedEventHandler) { // Do this first to prevent infinite loops in dispose HwndSource hwnd = _window.Value; _window = null; if (!hwnd.IsDisposed) { hwnd.AutoResized -= onAutoResizedEventHandler ; new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows).Assert(); // BlessedAssert: try { hwnd.RemoveHook(hook); hwnd.RootVisual = null; hwnd.Dispose(); } finally { UIPermission.RevertAssert(); } } } ////// Critical - it determines whether this is a restricted popup window or not. /// [SecurityCritical] private bool _isChildPopup; ////// determines whether _isChildPopup was initialized or not yet. /// ////// Critical - it indicates whether _isChildPopup has been intialized or not. /// [SecurityCritical] private bool _isChildPopupInitialized; ////// _window is critical data because, if leaked, it can allow, among other things, spoofing. /// private SecurityCriticalDataClass_window; private const string WebOCWindowClassName = "Shell Embedding"; } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- MdiWindowListStrip.cs
- StatusBarPanelClickEvent.cs
- BehaviorEditorPart.cs
- TdsParserHelperClasses.cs
- SafeArrayRankMismatchException.cs
- CustomErrorsSection.cs
- CompositeActivityMarkupSerializer.cs
- MsmqIntegrationBinding.cs
- UdpChannelListener.cs
- WorkflowWebHostingModule.cs
- MetadataHelper.cs
- XsltException.cs
- XmlNodeReader.cs
- ReadWriteSpinLock.cs
- KeyboardDevice.cs
- BuildProvider.cs
- CommandBinding.cs
- VirtualPathUtility.cs
- EdgeProfileValidation.cs
- ListViewUpdatedEventArgs.cs
- CompilationSection.cs
- DPTypeDescriptorContext.cs
- UdpAnnouncementEndpoint.cs
- ResumeStoryboard.cs
- ContentPresenter.cs
- CustomValidator.cs
- MetadataCache.cs
- odbcmetadatacollectionnames.cs
- ToolboxCategoryItems.cs
- DBDataPermission.cs
- RotateTransform3D.cs
- InheritanceService.cs
- ItemMap.cs
- Pair.cs
- SHA256.cs
- EventDescriptorCollection.cs
- NullableConverter.cs
- ComplexType.cs
- C14NUtil.cs
- StringConverter.cs
- CodeSnippetTypeMember.cs
- CompModHelpers.cs
- safex509handles.cs
- UnsafeNativeMethods.cs
- Debug.cs
- BaseProcessor.cs
- TranslateTransform.cs
- DodSequenceMerge.cs
- MetadataSource.cs
- ThicknessAnimation.cs
- WebHeaderCollection.cs
- HitTestWithGeometryDrawingContextWalker.cs
- StagingAreaInputItem.cs
- SkipStoryboardToFill.cs
- SortedDictionary.cs
- CompareInfo.cs