/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / NetworkInformation / IPGlobalProperties.cs / 1 / IPGlobalProperties.cs
using System; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net; namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation { public abstract class IPGlobalProperties { public static IPGlobalProperties GetIPGlobalProperties(){ (new NetworkInformationPermission(NetworkInformationAccess.Read)).Demand(); return new SystemIPGlobalProperties(); } internal static IPGlobalProperties InternalGetIPGlobalProperties() { return new SystemIPGlobalProperties(); } /// Gets the Active Udp Listeners on this machine public abstract IPEndPoint[] GetActiveUdpListeners(); /// Gets the Active Tcp Listeners on this machine public abstract IPEndPoint[] GetActiveTcpListeners (); /// Gets the Active Udp Listeners on this machine public abstract TcpConnectionInformation[] GetActiveTcpConnections(); /// Gets the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) scope name. public abstract string DhcpScopeName {get;} /// Gets the domain in which the local computer is registered. public abstract string DomainName {get;} /// Gets the host name for the local computer. public abstract string HostName {get;} /// Gets a bool value that specifies whether the local computer is acting as a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) proxy. public abstract bool IsWinsProxy {get;} /// Gets the Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) node type of the local computer. public abstract NetBiosNodeType NodeType{get;} public abstract TcpStatistics GetTcpIPv4Statistics(); public abstract TcpStatistics GetTcpIPv6Statistics(); /// Provides Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) version 4 statistical data for the local computer. /// Provides User Datagram Protocol (UDP) statistical data for the local computer. public abstract UdpStatistics GetUdpIPv4Statistics(); public abstract UdpStatistics GetUdpIPv6Statistics(); /// Provides Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) version 4 statistical data for the local computer. public abstract IcmpV4Statistics GetIcmpV4Statistics(); /// Provides Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) version 6 statistical data for the local computer. public abstract IcmpV6Statistics GetIcmpV6Statistics(); /// Provides Internet Protocol (IP) statistical data for the local computer. public abstract IPGlobalStatistics GetIPv4GlobalStatistics(); public abstract IPGlobalStatistics GetIPv6GlobalStatistics(); } }
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