Vars.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Query / InternalTrees / Vars.cs / 2 / Vars.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Text;
namespace System.Data.Query.InternalTrees 
    /// Types of variable
    internal enum VarType
        /// a parameter 
        /// Column of a table

        /// A Computed var 

        /// Var for SetOps (Union, Intersect, Except)
        /// NotValid

    /// Same as a ValRef in SqlServer. I just like changing names :-)
    internal abstract class Var 
        int m_id; 
        VarType m_varType;
        TypeUsage m_type;

        internal Var(int id, VarType varType, TypeUsage type) 
            m_id = id; 
            m_varType = varType; 
            m_type = type;

        /// Id of this var
        internal int Id { get { return m_id; } }
        /// Kind of Var
        internal VarType VarType { get { return m_varType; } }

        /// Datatype of this Var 
        internal TypeUsage Type { get { return m_type; } } 
        /// Try to get the name of this Var. 
        internal virtual bool TryGetName(out string name) 
            name = null; 
            return false; 
        /// Debugging support
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", this.Id); ; 

    /// Describes a query parameter
    internal sealed class ParameterVar : Var
        string m_paramName; 

        internal ParameterVar(int id, TypeUsage type, string paramName) 
            : base(id, VarType.Parameter, type)
            m_paramName = paramName;

        /// Name of the parameter 
        internal string ParameterName { get { return m_paramName; } } 

        /// Get the name of this Var
        internal override bool TryGetName(out string name) 
            name = this.ParameterName; 
            return true;
    /// Describes a column of a table 
    internal sealed class ColumnVar : Var
        ColumnMD m_columnMetadata;
        Table m_table;

        /// Constructor
        internal ColumnVar(int id, Table table, ColumnMD columnMetadata)
            : base(id, VarType.Column, columnMetadata.Type)
            m_table = table; 
            m_columnMetadata = columnMetadata;
        /// The table instance containing this column reference 
        internal Table Table { get { return m_table; } }

        /// The column metadata for this column
        internal ColumnMD ColumnMetadata { get { return m_columnMetadata; } } 

        /// Get the name of this column var
        internal override bool TryGetName(out string name)
            name = m_columnMetadata.Name; 
            return true;

    /// A computed expression. Defined by a VarDefOp 
    internal sealed class ComputedVar : Var 
        internal ComputedVar(int id, TypeUsage type) : base(id, VarType.Computed, type)

    /// A SetOp Var - used as the output var for set operations (Union, Intersect, Except)
    internal sealed class SetOpVar : Var 
        internal SetOpVar(int id, TypeUsage type) : base(id, VarType.SetOp, type) { } 

    /// A VarVec is a compressed representation of a set of variables - with no duplicates 
    /// and no ordering 
    /// A VarVec should be used in many places where we expect a number of vars to be 
    /// passed around; and we don't care particularly about the ordering of the vars
    /// This is obviously not suitable for representing sort keys, but is still
    /// reasonable for representing group by keys, and a variety of others. 
    internal class VarVec : IEnumerable 
        #region Nested Classes 
        /// A VarVec enumerator is a specialized enumerator for a VarVec.
        internal class VarVecEnumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable 
            #region private state 
            private int m_position; 
            private Command m_command;
            private BitArray m_bitArray; 

            #region Constructors
            /// Constructs a new enumerator for the specified Vec
            internal VarVecEnumerator(VarVec vec)
            #region public surface
            /// Initialize the enumerator to enumerate over the supplied Vec 
            internal void Init(VarVec vec)
                m_position = -1;
                m_command = vec.m_command; 
                m_bitArray = vec.m_bitVector;

            #region IEnumerator Members 
            /// Get the Var at the current position
            public Var Current 
                get { return (m_position >= 0 && m_position < m_bitArray.Count) ? m_command.GetVar(m_position) : (Var)null; } 
            #region IEnumerator Members
            object IEnumerator.Current
                get { return Current;} 
            /// Move to the next position
            public bool MoveNext()
                for (; m_position < m_bitArray.Count; m_position++)
                    if (m_bitArray[m_position]) 
                        return true; 
                return false;

            /// Reset enumerator to start off again 
            public void Reset() 
                m_position = -1;

            #region IDisposable Members 
            /// Dispose of the current enumerator - return it to the Command
            public void Dispose()
                m_bitArray = null;

        #region public methods
        internal void Clear()
            m_bitVector.Length = 0;
        internal void And(VarVec other)
        internal void Or(VarVec other)

        /// Computes (this Minus other) by performing (this And (Not(other)))
        /// A temp VarVec is used and released at the end of the operation 
        internal void Minus(VarVec other) 
            VarVec tmp = m_command.CreateVarVec(other); 
            tmp.m_bitVector.Length = m_bitVector.Length;
        /// Does this have a non-zero overlap with the other vec
        internal bool Overlaps(VarVec other)
            VarVec otherCopy = m_command.CreateVarVec(other);
            bool overlaps = !otherCopy.IsEmpty; 
            return overlaps; 

        /// Does this Vec include every var in the other vec? 
        /// Written this way deliberately under the assumption that "other"
        /// is a relatively small vec 
        internal bool Subsumes(VarVec other)
            for (int i = 0; i < other.m_bitVector.Count; i++)
                if (other.m_bitVector[i] &&
                    ((i >= this.m_bitVector.Count) || !this.m_bitVector[i])) 
                    return false;
            return true;
        internal void InitFrom(VarVec other)
            this.m_bitVector.Length = other.m_bitVector.Length;

        internal void InitFrom(IEnumerable other)
            InitFrom(other, false);
        internal void InitFrom(IEnumerable other, bool ignoreParameters)
            foreach (Var v in other)
                if (!ignoreParameters || (v.VarType != VarType.Parameter)) 

        /// The enumerator pattern
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
            return m_command.GetVarVecEnumerator(this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Number of vars in this set
        internal int Count
                int count = 0;
                foreach (Var v in this) 
                return count;

        internal bool IsSet(Var v)
            return m_bitVector.Get(v.Id); 
        internal void Set(Var v)
            m_bitVector.Set(v.Id, true);
        internal void Clear(Var v) 
            m_bitVector.Set(v.Id, false); 
        /// Is this Vec empty?
        internal bool IsEmpty 
            get { return this.First == null;} 

        /// Get me the first var that is set
        internal Var First
                foreach (Var v in this) 
                    return v; 
                return null;

        /// Walk through the input varVec, replace any vars that have been "renamed" based 
        /// on the input varMap, and return the new VarVec
        /// dictionary of renamed vars
        /// a new VarVec
        internal VarVec Remap(Dictionary varMap)
            VarVec newVec = m_command.CreateVarVec();
            foreach (Var v in this) 
                Var newVar;
                if (!varMap.TryGetValue(v, out newVar)) 
                    newVar = v;
            return newVec; 


        #region constructors
        internal VarVec(Command command)
            m_bitVector = new BitArray(64);
            m_command = command; 
        #region private methods
        private void Align(VarVec other)
            if (other.m_bitVector.Count == this.m_bitVector.Count) 
            if (other.m_bitVector.Count > this.m_bitVector.Count) 
                this.m_bitVector.Length = other.m_bitVector.Count;
                other.m_bitVector.Length = this.m_bitVector.Count;
        private void Align(int idx) 
            if (idx >= m_bitVector.Count)
                m_bitVector.Length = idx + 1;
        /// Debugging support 
        /// provide a string representation for debugging. 
        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            string separator = String.Empty; 

            foreach (Var v in this) 
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", separator, v.Id);
                separator = ","; 
            return sb.ToString();

        #region private state 
        private BitArray m_bitVector; 
        private Command m_command;

        #region Clone
        /// Create a clone of this vec 
        public VarVec Clone() 
            VarVec newVec = m_command.CreateVarVec(); 
            return newVec;
    /// An ordered list of Vars. Use this when you need an ordering. 
    internal class VarList : List
        #region constructors
        /// Trivial constructor 
        internal VarList() : base() { } 

        /// Not so trivial constructor
        internal VarList(IEnumerable vars) : base(vars) { } 

        #region public methods 

        /// Debugging support
        /// provide a string representation for debugging. 
        public override string ToString() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            string separator = String.Empty;

            foreach (Var v in this)
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", separator, v.Id);
                separator = ","; 
            return sb.ToString();


    #region VarMap 
    /// Helps map one variable to the next.
    internal class VarMap: Dictionary
        #region public surfaces
        internal VarMap GetReverseMap()
            VarMap reverseMap = new VarMap(); 
            foreach (KeyValuePair kv in this)
                Var x;
                // On the odd chance that a var is in the varMap more than once, the first one
                // is going to be the one we want to use, because it might be the discriminator
                // var; 
                if (!reverseMap.TryGetValue(kv.Value, out x))
                    reverseMap[kv.Value] = kv.Key; 
            return reverseMap;

        public override string ToString() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            string separator = string.Empty; 

            foreach (Var v in this.Keys) 
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}({1},{2})", separator, v.Id, this[v].Id);
                separator = ",";
            return sb.ToString();
        #region constructors
        internal VarMap() : base() { }

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Text;
namespace System.Data.Query.InternalTrees 
    /// Types of variable
    internal enum VarType
        /// a parameter 
        /// Column of a table

        /// A Computed var 

        /// Var for SetOps (Union, Intersect, Except)
        /// NotValid

    /// Same as a ValRef in SqlServer. I just like changing names :-)
    internal abstract class Var 
        int m_id; 
        VarType m_varType;
        TypeUsage m_type;

        internal Var(int id, VarType varType, TypeUsage type) 
            m_id = id; 
            m_varType = varType; 
            m_type = type;

        /// Id of this var
        internal int Id { get { return m_id; } }
        /// Kind of Var
        internal VarType VarType { get { return m_varType; } }

        /// Datatype of this Var 
        internal TypeUsage Type { get { return m_type; } } 
        /// Try to get the name of this Var. 
        internal virtual bool TryGetName(out string name) 
            name = null; 
            return false; 
        /// Debugging support
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", this.Id); ; 

    /// Describes a query parameter
    internal sealed class ParameterVar : Var
        string m_paramName; 

        internal ParameterVar(int id, TypeUsage type, string paramName) 
            : base(id, VarType.Parameter, type)
            m_paramName = paramName;

        /// Name of the parameter 
        internal string ParameterName { get { return m_paramName; } } 

        /// Get the name of this Var
        internal override bool TryGetName(out string name) 
            name = this.ParameterName; 
            return true;
    /// Describes a column of a table 
    internal sealed class ColumnVar : Var
        ColumnMD m_columnMetadata;
        Table m_table;

        /// Constructor
        internal ColumnVar(int id, Table table, ColumnMD columnMetadata)
            : base(id, VarType.Column, columnMetadata.Type)
            m_table = table; 
            m_columnMetadata = columnMetadata;
        /// The table instance containing this column reference 
        internal Table Table { get { return m_table; } }

        /// The column metadata for this column
        internal ColumnMD ColumnMetadata { get { return m_columnMetadata; } } 

        /// Get the name of this column var
        internal override bool TryGetName(out string name)
            name = m_columnMetadata.Name; 
            return true;

    /// A computed expression. Defined by a VarDefOp 
    internal sealed class ComputedVar : Var 
        internal ComputedVar(int id, TypeUsage type) : base(id, VarType.Computed, type)

    /// A SetOp Var - used as the output var for set operations (Union, Intersect, Except)
    internal sealed class SetOpVar : Var 
        internal SetOpVar(int id, TypeUsage type) : base(id, VarType.SetOp, type) { } 

    /// A VarVec is a compressed representation of a set of variables - with no duplicates 
    /// and no ordering 
    /// A VarVec should be used in many places where we expect a number of vars to be 
    /// passed around; and we don't care particularly about the ordering of the vars
    /// This is obviously not suitable for representing sort keys, but is still
    /// reasonable for representing group by keys, and a variety of others. 
    internal class VarVec : IEnumerable 
        #region Nested Classes 
        /// A VarVec enumerator is a specialized enumerator for a VarVec.
        internal class VarVecEnumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable 
            #region private state 
            private int m_position; 
            private Command m_command;
            private BitArray m_bitArray; 

            #region Constructors
            /// Constructs a new enumerator for the specified Vec
            internal VarVecEnumerator(VarVec vec)
            #region public surface
            /// Initialize the enumerator to enumerate over the supplied Vec 
            internal void Init(VarVec vec)
                m_position = -1;
                m_command = vec.m_command; 
                m_bitArray = vec.m_bitVector;

            #region IEnumerator Members 
            /// Get the Var at the current position
            public Var Current 
                get { return (m_position >= 0 && m_position < m_bitArray.Count) ? m_command.GetVar(m_position) : (Var)null; } 
            #region IEnumerator Members
            object IEnumerator.Current
                get { return Current;} 
            /// Move to the next position
            public bool MoveNext()
                for (; m_position < m_bitArray.Count; m_position++)
                    if (m_bitArray[m_position]) 
                        return true; 
                return false;

            /// Reset enumerator to start off again 
            public void Reset() 
                m_position = -1;

            #region IDisposable Members 
            /// Dispose of the current enumerator - return it to the Command
            public void Dispose()
                m_bitArray = null;

        #region public methods
        internal void Clear()
            m_bitVector.Length = 0;
        internal void And(VarVec other)
        internal void Or(VarVec other)

        /// Computes (this Minus other) by performing (this And (Not(other)))
        /// A temp VarVec is used and released at the end of the operation 
        internal void Minus(VarVec other) 
            VarVec tmp = m_command.CreateVarVec(other); 
            tmp.m_bitVector.Length = m_bitVector.Length;
        /// Does this have a non-zero overlap with the other vec
        internal bool Overlaps(VarVec other)
            VarVec otherCopy = m_command.CreateVarVec(other);
            bool overlaps = !otherCopy.IsEmpty; 
            return overlaps; 

        /// Does this Vec include every var in the other vec? 
        /// Written this way deliberately under the assumption that "other"
        /// is a relatively small vec 
        internal bool Subsumes(VarVec other)
            for (int i = 0; i < other.m_bitVector.Count; i++)
                if (other.m_bitVector[i] &&
                    ((i >= this.m_bitVector.Count) || !this.m_bitVector[i])) 
                    return false;
            return true;
        internal void InitFrom(VarVec other)
            this.m_bitVector.Length = other.m_bitVector.Length;

        internal void InitFrom(IEnumerable other)
            InitFrom(other, false);
        internal void InitFrom(IEnumerable other, bool ignoreParameters)
            foreach (Var v in other)
                if (!ignoreParameters || (v.VarType != VarType.Parameter)) 

        /// The enumerator pattern
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
            return m_command.GetVarVecEnumerator(this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Number of vars in this set
        internal int Count
                int count = 0;
                foreach (Var v in this) 
                return count;

        internal bool IsSet(Var v)
            return m_bitVector.Get(v.Id); 
        internal void Set(Var v)
            m_bitVector.Set(v.Id, true);
        internal void Clear(Var v) 
            m_bitVector.Set(v.Id, false); 
        /// Is this Vec empty?
        internal bool IsEmpty 
            get { return this.First == null;} 

        /// Get me the first var that is set
        internal Var First
                foreach (Var v in this) 
                    return v; 
                return null;

        /// Walk through the input varVec, replace any vars that have been "renamed" based 
        /// on the input varMap, and return the new VarVec
        /// dictionary of renamed vars
        /// a new VarVec
        internal VarVec Remap(Dictionary varMap)
            VarVec newVec = m_command.CreateVarVec();
            foreach (Var v in this) 
                Var newVar;
                if (!varMap.TryGetValue(v, out newVar)) 
                    newVar = v;
            return newVec; 


        #region constructors
        internal VarVec(Command command)
            m_bitVector = new BitArray(64);
            m_command = command; 
        #region private methods
        private void Align(VarVec other)
            if (other.m_bitVector.Count == this.m_bitVector.Count) 
            if (other.m_bitVector.Count > this.m_bitVector.Count) 
                this.m_bitVector.Length = other.m_bitVector.Count;
                other.m_bitVector.Length = this.m_bitVector.Count;
        private void Align(int idx) 
            if (idx >= m_bitVector.Count)
                m_bitVector.Length = idx + 1;
        /// Debugging support 
        /// provide a string representation for debugging. 
        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            string separator = String.Empty; 

            foreach (Var v in this) 
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", separator, v.Id);
                separator = ","; 
            return sb.ToString();

        #region private state 
        private BitArray m_bitVector; 
        private Command m_command;

        #region Clone
        /// Create a clone of this vec 
        public VarVec Clone() 
            VarVec newVec = m_command.CreateVarVec(); 
            return newVec;
    /// An ordered list of Vars. Use this when you need an ordering. 
    internal class VarList : List
        #region constructors
        /// Trivial constructor 
        internal VarList() : base() { } 

        /// Not so trivial constructor
        internal VarList(IEnumerable vars) : base(vars) { } 

        #region public methods 

        /// Debugging support
        /// provide a string representation for debugging. 
        public override string ToString() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            string separator = String.Empty;

            foreach (Var v in this)
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", separator, v.Id);
                separator = ","; 
            return sb.ToString();


    #region VarMap 
    /// Helps map one variable to the next.
    internal class VarMap: Dictionary
        #region public surfaces
        internal VarMap GetReverseMap()
            VarMap reverseMap = new VarMap(); 
            foreach (KeyValuePair kv in this)
                Var x;
                // On the odd chance that a var is in the varMap more than once, the first one
                // is going to be the one we want to use, because it might be the discriminator
                // var; 
                if (!reverseMap.TryGetValue(kv.Value, out x))
                    reverseMap[kv.Value] = kv.Key; 
            return reverseMap;

        public override string ToString() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            string separator = string.Empty; 

            foreach (Var v in this.Keys) 
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}({1},{2})", separator, v.Id, this[v].Id);
                separator = ",";
            return sb.ToString();
        #region constructors
        internal VarMap() : base() { }

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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