/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / FormView.cs / 1 / FormView.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; ////// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [ Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.FormViewDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), ControlValueProperty("SelectedValue"), DefaultEvent("PageIndexChanging"), SupportsEventValidation ] public class FormView : CompositeDataBoundControl, IDataItemContainer, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackContainer { private static readonly object EventPageIndexChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventPageIndexChanging = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCreated = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemDeleted = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemDeleting = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemInserting = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemInserted = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemUpdating = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemUpdated = new object(); private static readonly object EventModeChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventModeChanging = new object(); private ITemplate _itemTemplate; private ITemplate _editItemTemplate; private ITemplate _insertItemTemplate; private ITemplate _headerTemplate; private ITemplate _footerTemplate; private ITemplate _pagerTemplate; private ITemplate _emptyDataTemplate; private TableItemStyle _rowStyle; private TableItemStyle _headerStyle; private TableItemStyle _footerStyle; private TableItemStyle _editRowStyle; private TableItemStyle _insertRowStyle; private TableItemStyle _emptyDataRowStyle; private FormViewRow _bottomPagerRow; private FormViewRow _footerRow; private FormViewRow _headerRow; private FormViewRow _topPagerRow; private FormViewRow _row; private TableItemStyle _pagerStyle; private PagerSettings _pagerSettings; private int _pageCount; private object _dataItem; private int _dataItemIndex; private OrderedDictionary _boundFieldValues; private DataKey _dataKey; private OrderedDictionary _keyTable; private string[] _dataKeyNames; private int _pageIndex; private FormViewMode _defaultMode = FormViewMode.ReadOnly; private FormViewMode _mode; private bool _modeSet; private bool _useServerPaging; private string _modelValidationGroup; private IOrderedDictionary _deleteKeys; private IOrderedDictionary _deleteValues; private IOrderedDictionary _insertValues; private IOrderedDictionary _updateKeys; private IOrderedDictionary _updateOldValues; private IOrderedDictionary _updateNewValues; ////// Displays a data record from a data source in a table layout. The data source /// is any object that implements IEnumerable or IListSource, which includes ADO.NET data, /// arrays, ArrayLists, DataSourceControl, etc. /// ////// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_AllowPaging) ] public virtual bool AllowPaging { get { object o = ViewState["AllowPaging"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { bool oldValue = AllowPaging; if (value != oldValue) { ViewState["AllowPaging"] = value; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether paging is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_BackImageUrl) ] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return String.Empty; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow BottomPagerRow { get { if (_bottomPagerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _bottomPagerRow; } } private IOrderedDictionary BoundFieldValues { get { if (_boundFieldValues == null) { int capacity = 25; _boundFieldValues = new OrderedDictionary(capacity); } return _boundFieldValues; } } [ Localizable(true), DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Accessibility"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_Caption) ] public virtual string Caption { get { string s = (string)ViewState["Caption"]; return (s != null) ? s : String.Empty; } set { ViewState["Caption"] = value; } } [ DefaultValue(TableCaptionAlign.NotSet), WebCategory("Accessibility"), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_CaptionAlign) ] public virtual TableCaptionAlign CaptionAlign { get { object o = ViewState["CaptionAlign"]; return (o != null) ? (TableCaptionAlign)o : TableCaptionAlign.NotSet; } set { if ((value < TableCaptionAlign.NotSet) || (value > TableCaptionAlign.Right)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["CaptionAlign"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the URL of an image to display in the /// background of the ///. /// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_CellPadding) ] public virtual int CellPadding { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return -1; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellPadding; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellPadding = value; } } ///Indicates the amount of space between cells. ////// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(0), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_CellSpacing) ] public virtual int CellSpacing { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return 0; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellSpacing; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellSpacing = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public FormViewMode CurrentMode { get { return Mode; } } // implement this publicly so DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "x") still works. [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual object DataItem { get { if (CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert) { return null; } return _dataItem; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public int DataItemCount { get { return PageCount; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual int DataItemIndex { get { if (CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert) { return -1; } return _dataItemIndex; } } [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataFieldEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(StringArrayConverter)), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_DataKeyNames) ] public virtual string[] DataKeyNames { get { object o = _dataKeyNames; if (o != null) { return(string[])((string[])o).Clone(); } return new string[0]; } set { if (!DataBoundControlHelper.CompareStringArrays(value, DataKeyNamesInternal)) { if (value != null) { _dataKeyNames = (string[])value.Clone(); } else { _dataKeyNames = null; } _keyTable = null; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } // This version doesn't clone the array private string[] DataKeyNamesInternal { get { object o = _dataKeyNames; if (o != null) { return (string[])o; } return new string[0]; } } ///Gets or sets the amount of space between the contents of /// a cell and the cell's border. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_DataKey) ] public virtual DataKey DataKey { get { if (_dataKey == null) { _dataKey = new DataKey(KeyTable); } return _dataKey; } } [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(FormViewMode.ReadOnly), WebSysDescription(SR.View_DefaultMode) ] public virtual FormViewMode DefaultMode { get { return _defaultMode; } set { if (value < FormViewMode.ReadOnly || value > FormViewMode.Insert) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _defaultMode = value; } } ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_EditItemTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate EditItemTemplate { get { return _editItemTemplate; } set { _editItemTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for an item set in edit mode within the FormView. /// This template is also used for Insert if no InsertItemTemplate is defined. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EditRowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle EditRowStyle { get { if (_editRowStyle == null) { _editRowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_editRowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _editRowStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of each row when in edit mode. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EmptyDataRowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle EmptyDataRowStyle { get { if (_emptyDataRowStyle == null) { _emptyDataRowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_emptyDataRowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _emptyDataRowStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of null rows. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EmptyDataTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate EmptyDataTemplate { get { return _emptyDataTemplate; } set { _emptyDataTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use when no records are returned from the datasource within the FormView. /// /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EmptyDataText), ] public virtual String EmptyDataText { get { object o = ViewState["EmptyDataText"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["EmptyDataText"] = value; } } [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataBoundControl_EnableModelValidation) ] public virtual bool EnableModelValidation { get { object o = ViewState["EnableModelValidation"]; if (o != null) { return (bool)o; } return false; } set { ViewState["EnableModelValidation"] = value; } } private int FirstDisplayedPageIndex { get { object o = ViewState["FirstDisplayedPageIndex"]; if (o != null) { return (int)o; } return -1; } set { ViewState["FirstDisplayedPageIndex"] = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow FooterRow { get { if (_footerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _footerRow; } } ///The header text displayed if no EmptyDataTemplate is defined. /// /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_FooterStyle) ] public TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (_footerStyle == null) { _footerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_footerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _footerStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of the footer row. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_FooterTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate FooterTemplate { get { return _footerTemplate; } set { _footerTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for a footer item within the FormView. /// /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.View_FooterText), ] public virtual String FooterText { get { object o = ViewState["FooterText"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["FooterText"] = value; } } ///The header text displayed if no FooterTemplate is defined. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(GridLines.None), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_GridLines) ] public virtual GridLines GridLines { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return GridLines.None; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).GridLines; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).GridLines = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow HeaderRow { get { if (_headerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _headerRow; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies the grid line style. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HeaderStyle) ] public TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (_headerStyle == null) { _headerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_headerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _headerStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of the header row. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HeaderTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate HeaderTemplate { get { return _headerTemplate; } set { _headerTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for a header item within the FormView. /// /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.View_HeaderText), ] public virtual String HeaderText { get { object o = ViewState["HeaderText"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["HeaderText"] = value; } } ///The header text displayed if no HeaderTemplate is defined. /// /// [ Category("Layout"), DefaultValue(HorizontalAlign.NotSet), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HorizontalAlign) ] public virtual HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return HorizontalAlign.NotSet; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).HorizontalAlign; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).HorizontalAlign = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies the alignment of a rows with respect /// surrounding text. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_InsertItemTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate InsertItemTemplate { get { return _insertItemTemplate; } set { _insertItemTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for an item set in insert mode within the FormView. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_InsertRowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle InsertRowStyle { get { if (_insertRowStyle == null) { _insertRowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_insertRowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _insertRowStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of each row when in insert mode. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay), WebSysDescription(SR.View_InsertRowStyle) ] public virtual ITemplate ItemTemplate { get { return _itemTemplate; } set { _itemTemplate = value; } } private OrderedDictionary KeyTable { get { if (_keyTable == null) { _keyTable = new OrderedDictionary(DataKeyNamesInternal.Length); } return _keyTable; } } private FormViewMode Mode { get { // if the mode wasn't explicitly set by LoadControlState or by the user, the mode is the DefaultMode. if (!_modeSet || DesignMode) { _mode = DefaultMode; _modeSet = true; } return _mode; } set { if (value < FormViewMode.ReadOnly || value > FormViewMode.Insert) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _modeSet = true; if (_mode != value) { _mode = value; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual int PageCount { get { return _pageCount; } } ///Indicates the template to use for an item within the FormView. ////// private int PageIndexInternal { get { return _pageIndex; } set { int currentPageIndex = PageIndexInternal; if (value != currentPageIndex) { _pageIndex = value; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } ///Gets or sets the index of the currently displayed record. /// This property echos the public one so that we can set PageIndex to -1 /// internally when we switch to insert mode, but users should never do that. ////// [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(0), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_PageIndex) ] public virtual int PageIndex { get { // if we're in design mode, we don't want a change to the mode to set the PageIndex to -1. if (Mode == FormViewMode.Insert && !DesignMode) { return -1; } return PageIndexInternal; } set { // since we don't know at property set time how many DataItems we'll have, // don't throw if we're above PageCount if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } if (value >= 0) { PageIndexInternal = value; } } } ///Gets or sets the index of the currently displayed record. ////// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.GridView_PagerSettings) ] public virtual PagerSettings PagerSettings { get { if (_pagerSettings == null) { _pagerSettings = new PagerSettings(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager)_pagerSettings).TrackViewState(); } _pagerSettings.PropertyChanged += new EventHandler(OnPagerPropertyChanged); } return _pagerSettings; } } ///Gets the settings of the pager buttons for the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_PagerStyle) ] public TableItemStyle PagerStyle { get { if (_pagerStyle == null) { _pagerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _pagerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the pager rows for the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.View_PagerTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate PagerTemplate { get { return _pagerTemplate; } set { _pagerTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for a pager item within the FormView. /// /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_Rows) ] public virtual FormViewRow Row { get { if (_row == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _row; } } ///Gets a collection of ///objects representing the individual /// rows within the control. /// This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_RowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle RowStyle { get { if (_rowStyle == null) { _rowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_rowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _rowStyle; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public object SelectedValue { get { return DataKey.Value; } } protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow TopPagerRow { get { if (_topPagerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _topPagerRow; } } ///Indicates the style properties of each row. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnPageIndexChanged) ] public event EventHandler PageIndexChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView PageIndex has been changed. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnPageIndexChanging) ] public event FormViewPageEventHandler PageIndexChanging { add { Events.AddHandler(EventPageIndexChanging, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventPageIndexChanging, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView PageIndex is changing. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnItemCommand) ] public event FormViewCommandEventHandler ItemCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a command is issued from the FormView. ////// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnItemCreated) ] public event EventHandler ItemCreated { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } } ///Occurs when a row is created. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemDeleted) ] public event FormViewDeletedEventHandler ItemDeleted { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemDeleted, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemDeleted, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item has been deleted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemDeleting) ] public event FormViewDeleteEventHandler ItemDeleting { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemDeleting, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemDeleting, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item is being deleted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemInserted) ] public event FormViewInsertedEventHandler ItemInserted { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemInserted, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemInserted, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item has been inserted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemInserting) ] public event FormViewInsertEventHandler ItemInserting { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemInserting, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemInserting, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item is being inserted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemUpdated) ] public event FormViewUpdatedEventHandler ItemUpdated { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemUpdated, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemUpdated, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item has been updated. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemUpdating) ] public event FormViewUpdateEventHandler ItemUpdating { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemUpdating, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemUpdating, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item is being updated. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnModeChanged) ] public event EventHandler ModeChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventModeChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventModeChanged, value); } } ///Occurs when the ViewMode has changed. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnModeChanging) ] public event FormViewModeEventHandler ModeChanging { add { Events.AddHandler(EventModeChanging, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventModeChanging, value); } } public void ChangeMode(FormViewMode newMode) { Mode = newMode; } ///Occurs when the ViewMode is changing. ////// protected override int CreateChildControls(IEnumerable dataSource, bool dataBinding) { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = null; int itemIndex = PageIndex; bool allowPaging = AllowPaging; int itemCount = 0; FormViewMode mode = Mode; // if we're in design mode, PageIndex doesn't return -1 if (DesignMode && mode == FormViewMode.Insert) { itemIndex = -1; } if (dataBinding) { DataSourceView view = GetData(); DataSourceSelectArguments arguments = SelectArguments; if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_NullView, ID)); } if (mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { if (allowPaging && !view.CanPage) { if (dataSource != null && !(dataSource is ICollection)) { arguments.StartRowIndex = itemIndex; arguments.MaximumRows = 1; // This should throw an exception saying the data source can't page. // We do this because the data source can provide a better error message than we can. view.Select(arguments, SelectCallback); } } if (_useServerPaging) { if (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount) { pagedDataSource = CreateServerPagedDataSource(arguments.TotalRowCount); } else { ICollection dataSourceCollection = dataSource as ICollection; if (dataSourceCollection == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_NeedICollectionOrTotalRowCount, GetType().Name)); } pagedDataSource = CreateServerPagedDataSource(checked(PageIndex + dataSourceCollection.Count)); } } else { pagedDataSource = CreatePagedDataSource(); } } } else { pagedDataSource = CreatePagedDataSource(); } if (mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { pagedDataSource.DataSource = dataSource; } IEnumerator dataSourceEnumerator = null; OrderedDictionary keyTable = KeyTable; if (dataBinding == false) { dataSourceEnumerator = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); ICollection collection = dataSource as ICollection; if (collection == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControls_DataSourceMustBeCollectionWhenNotDataBinding)); } itemCount = collection.Count; } else { keyTable.Clear(); if (dataSource != null) { if (mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { ICollection collection = dataSource as ICollection; if ((collection == null) && (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled && !pagedDataSource.IsServerPagingEnabled)) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_DataSourceMustBeCollection, ID)); } if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) { itemCount = pagedDataSource.DataSourceCount; } else if (collection != null) { itemCount = collection.Count; } } dataSourceEnumerator = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); } } Table table = CreateTable(); TableRowCollection rows = table.Rows; bool moveNextSucceeded = false; object lastItem = null; Controls.Add(table); if (dataSourceEnumerator != null) { moveNextSucceeded = dataSourceEnumerator.MoveNext(); // goto the first item } // if there are no items, only add the tablerow if there's a null template or null text if (!moveNextSucceeded && mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { if (EmptyDataText.Length > 0 || _emptyDataTemplate != null) { _row = CreateRow(0, DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, null); } itemCount = 0; } else { int currentItemIndex = 0; if (!_useServerPaging) { // skip over the first records that are before the page we're showing for (; currentItemIndex < itemIndex; currentItemIndex++) { lastItem = dataSourceEnumerator.Current; moveNextSucceeded = dataSourceEnumerator.MoveNext(); if (!moveNextSucceeded) { _pageIndex = currentItemIndex; pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = currentItemIndex; itemIndex = currentItemIndex; break; // never throw if the PageIndex is out of range: just fix up PageIndex and goto the last item. } } } if (moveNextSucceeded) { _dataItem = dataSourceEnumerator.Current; } else { _dataItem = lastItem; // if we broke out of the above loop, the current item will be invalid } // If we're not using server paging and this isn't a collection, or server paging doesn't return a page count, our _pageCount isn't accurate. // Loop through the rest of the enumeration to figure out how many items are in it. if ((!_useServerPaging && !(dataSource is ICollection)) || (_useServerPaging && itemCount < 0)) { itemCount = currentItemIndex; while (moveNextSucceeded) { itemCount++; moveNextSucceeded = dataSourceEnumerator.MoveNext(); } } _dataItemIndex = currentItemIndex; bool singlePage = itemCount <= 1 && !_useServerPaging; // hide pagers if there's only one item if (allowPaging && PagerSettings.Visible && _pagerSettings.IsPagerOnTop && mode != FormViewMode.Insert && !singlePage) { // top pager _topPagerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Pager, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, pagedDataSource); } _headerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, null); if (_headerTemplate == null && HeaderText.Length == 0) { _headerRow.Visible = false; } _row = CreateDataRow(dataBinding, rows, _dataItem); if (itemIndex >= 0) { string[] keyFields = DataKeyNamesInternal; if (dataBinding && (keyFields.Length != 0)) { foreach (string keyName in keyFields) { object keyValue = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(_dataItem, keyName); keyTable.Add(keyName, keyValue); } _dataKey = new DataKey(keyTable); } } _footerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Footer, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, null); if (_footerTemplate == null && FooterText.Length == 0) { _footerRow.Visible = false; } if (allowPaging && PagerSettings.Visible && _pagerSettings.IsPagerOnBottom && mode != FormViewMode.Insert && !singlePage) { // bottom pager _bottomPagerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Pager, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, pagedDataSource); } } _pageCount = itemCount; OnItemCreated(EventArgs.Empty); if (dataBinding) { DataBind(false); } return itemCount; } ///Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render the FormView. /// This is called whenever a control hierarchy is needed and the /// ChildControlsCreated property is false. /// The implementation assumes that all the children in the controls /// collection have already been cleared. ////// protected override Style CreateControlStyle() { TableStyle controlStyle = new TableStyle(); // initialize defaults that are different from TableStyle controlStyle.CellSpacing = 0; return controlStyle; } private FormViewRow CreateDataRow(bool dataBinding, TableRowCollection rows, object dataItem) { ITemplate modeTemplate = null; switch (Mode) { case FormViewMode.Edit: modeTemplate = _editItemTemplate; break; case FormViewMode.Insert: if (_insertItemTemplate != null) { modeTemplate = _insertItemTemplate; } else { modeTemplate = _editItemTemplate; } break; case FormViewMode.ReadOnly: modeTemplate = _itemTemplate; break; } if (modeTemplate != null) { return CreateDataRowFromTemplates(dataBinding, rows); } return null; } private FormViewRow CreateDataRowFromTemplates(bool dataBinding, TableRowCollection rows) { DataControlRowState rowState = DataControlRowState.Normal; int itemIndex = PageIndex; FormViewMode mode = Mode; rowState = DataControlRowState.Normal; if (mode == FormViewMode.Edit) rowState |= DataControlRowState.Edit; else if (mode == FormViewMode.Insert) rowState |= DataControlRowState.Insert; return CreateRow(PageIndex, DataControlRowType.DataRow, rowState, rows, null); } protected override DataSourceSelectArguments CreateDataSourceSelectArguments() { DataSourceSelectArguments arguments = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataSourceView view = GetData(); _useServerPaging = AllowPaging && view.CanPage; // decide if we should use server-side paging if (_useServerPaging) { arguments.StartRowIndex = PageIndex; if (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount) { arguments.RetrieveTotalRowCount = true; arguments.MaximumRows = 1; } else { arguments.MaximumRows = -1; } } return arguments; } ///Creates new control style. ////// Creates the pager for NextPrev and NextPrev with First and Last styles /// private void CreateNextPrevPager(TableRow row, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource, bool addFirstLastPageButtons) { PagerSettings pagerSettings = PagerSettings; string prevPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.PreviousPageImageUrl; string nextPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.NextPageImageUrl; bool isFirstPage = pagedDataSource.IsFirstPage; bool isLastPage = pagedDataSource.IsLastPage; if (addFirstLastPageButtons && !isFirstPage) { string firstPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.FirstPageImageUrl; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); IButtonControl firstButton; if (firstPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { firstButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)firstButton).ImageUrl = firstPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)firstButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.FirstPageText); } else { firstButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)firstButton).Text = pagerSettings.FirstPageText; } firstButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; firstButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)firstButton); } if (!isFirstPage) { IButtonControl prevButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (prevPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { prevButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)prevButton).ImageUrl = prevPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)prevButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.PreviousPageText); } else { prevButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)prevButton).Text = pagerSettings.PreviousPageText; } prevButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; prevButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.PreviousPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)prevButton); } if (!isLastPage) { IButtonControl nextButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (nextPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { nextButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)nextButton).ImageUrl = nextPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)nextButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.NextPageText); } else { nextButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)nextButton).Text = pagerSettings.NextPageText; } nextButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; nextButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.NextPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)nextButton); } if (addFirstLastPageButtons && !isLastPage) { string lastPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.LastPageImageUrl; IButtonControl lastButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (lastPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { lastButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)lastButton).ImageUrl = lastPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)lastButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.LastPageText); } else { lastButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)lastButton).Text = pagerSettings.LastPageText; } lastButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; lastButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.LastPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)lastButton); } } ////// Creates the pager for NextPrev and NextPrev with First and Last styles /// private void CreateNumericPager(TableRow row, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource, bool addFirstLastPageButtons) { PagerSettings pagerSettings = PagerSettings; int pages = pagedDataSource.PageCount; int currentPage = pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex + 1; int pageSetSize = pagerSettings.PageButtonCount; int pagesShown = pageSetSize; int firstDisplayedPage = FirstDisplayedPageIndex + 1; // first page displayed on last postback // ensure the number of pages we show isn't more than the number of pages that do exist if (pages < pagesShown) pagesShown = pages; // initialize to the first page set, i.e., pages 1 through number of pages shown int firstPage = 1; int lastPage = pagesShown; if (currentPage > lastPage) { // The current page is not in the first page set, then we need to slide the // range of pages shown by adjusting firstPage and lastPage int currentPageSet = (currentPage - 1) / pageSetSize; bool currentPageInLastDisplayRange = currentPage - firstDisplayedPage >= 0 && currentPage - firstDisplayedPage < pageSetSize; if (firstDisplayedPage > 0 && currentPageInLastDisplayRange) { firstPage = firstDisplayedPage; } else { firstPage = currentPageSet * pageSetSize + 1; } lastPage = firstPage + pageSetSize - 1; // now bring back lastPage into the range if its exceeded the number of pages if (lastPage > pages) lastPage = pages; // if theres room to show more pages from the previous page set, then adjust // the first page accordingly if (lastPage - firstPage + 1 < pageSetSize) { firstPage = Math.Max(1, lastPage - pageSetSize + 1); } FirstDisplayedPageIndex = firstPage - 1; } LinkButton button; if (addFirstLastPageButtons && currentPage != 1 && firstPage != 1) { string firstPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.FirstPageImageUrl; IButtonControl firstButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (firstPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { firstButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)firstButton).ImageUrl = firstPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)firstButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.FirstPageText); } else { firstButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)firstButton).Text = pagerSettings.FirstPageText; } firstButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; firstButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)firstButton); } if (firstPage != 1) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); button = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (firstPage - 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); cell.Controls.Add(button); } for (int i = firstPage; i <= lastPage; i++) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); string pageString = (i).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (i == currentPage) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = pageString; cell.Controls.Add(label); } else { button = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); button.Text = pageString; button.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = pageString; cell.Controls.Add(button); } } if (pages > lastPage) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); button = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (lastPage + 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); cell.Controls.Add(button); } bool isLastPageShown = lastPage == pages; if (addFirstLastPageButtons && currentPage != pages && !isLastPageShown) { string lastPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.LastPageImageUrl; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); IButtonControl lastButton; if (lastPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { lastButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)lastButton).ImageUrl = lastPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)lastButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.LastPageText); } else { lastButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)lastButton).Text = pagerSettings.LastPageText; } lastButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; lastButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.LastPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)lastButton); } } private PagedDataSource CreatePagedDataSource() { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex; pagedDataSource.PageSize = 1; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pagedDataSource.AllowCustomPaging = false; pagedDataSource.AllowServerPaging = false; pagedDataSource.VirtualCount = 0; return pagedDataSource; } private PagedDataSource CreateServerPagedDataSource(int totalRowCount) { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex; pagedDataSource.PageSize = 1; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pagedDataSource.AllowCustomPaging = false; pagedDataSource.AllowServerPaging = true; pagedDataSource.VirtualCount = totalRowCount; return pagedDataSource; } private FormViewRow CreateRow(int itemIndex, DataControlRowType rowType, DataControlRowState rowState, TableRowCollection rows, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { FormViewRow row = CreateRow(itemIndex, rowType, rowState); rows.Add(row); if (rowType != DataControlRowType.Pager) { InitializeRow(row); } else { InitializePager(row, pagedDataSource); } return row; } ////// protected virtual FormViewRow CreateRow(int itemIndex, DataControlRowType rowType, DataControlRowState rowState) { if (rowType == DataControlRowType.Pager) { return new FormViewPagerRow(itemIndex, rowType, rowState); } return new FormViewRow(itemIndex, rowType, rowState); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// Creates a new ChildTable, which is the containing table /// protected virtual Table CreateTable() { return new ChildTable(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) ? null : ClientID); } /// Data bound controls should override PerformDataBinding instead /// of DataBind. If DataBind if overridden, the OnDataBinding and OnDataBound events will /// fire in the wrong order. However, for backwards compat on ListControl and AdRotator, we /// can't seal this method. It is sealed on all new BaseDataBoundControl-derived controls. public override sealed void DataBind() { base.DataBind(); } public virtual void DeleteItem() { HandleDelete(String.Empty); } ////// Override EnsureDataBound because we don't want to databind when we're in insert mode /// protected override void EnsureDataBound() { if (RequiresDataBinding && Mode == FormViewMode.Insert) { OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = false; MarkAsDataBound(); if(_adapter != null) { DataBoundControlAdapter dataBoundControlAdapter = _adapter as DataBoundControlAdapter; if(dataBoundControlAdapter != null) { dataBoundControlAdapter.PerformDataBinding(null); } else { PerformDataBinding(null); } } else { PerformDataBinding(null); } OnDataBound(EventArgs.Empty); } else { base.EnsureDataBound(); } } protected virtual void ExtractRowValues(IOrderedDictionary fieldValues, bool includeKeys) { if (fieldValues == null) { Debug.Assert(false, "FormView::ExtractRowValues- must hand in a valid reference to an IDictionary."); return; } DataBoundControlHelper.ExtractValuesFromBindableControls(fieldValues, this); IBindableTemplate bindableTemplate = null; if (Mode == FormViewMode.ReadOnly && ItemTemplate != null) { bindableTemplate = ItemTemplate as IBindableTemplate; } else if ((Mode == FormViewMode.Edit || (Mode == FormViewMode.Insert && InsertItemTemplate == null)) && EditItemTemplate != null) { bindableTemplate = EditItemTemplate as IBindableTemplate; } else if (Mode == FormViewMode.Insert && InsertItemTemplate != null) { bindableTemplate = InsertItemTemplate as IBindableTemplate; } string[] dataKeyNames = DataKeyNamesInternal; if (bindableTemplate != null) { FormView container = this; if (container != null && bindableTemplate != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in bindableTemplate.ExtractValues(container)) { if (!includeKeys && Array.IndexOf(dataKeyNames, entry.Key) != -1) { continue; } fieldValues[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } } } return; } private void HandleCancel() { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewModeEventArgs e = new FormViewModeEventArgs(DefaultMode, true); OnModeChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { Mode = e.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } RequiresDataBinding = true; } private void HandleDelete(string commandArg) { int pageIndex = PageIndex; if (pageIndex < 0) { // don't attempt to delete in Insert mode return; } DataSourceView view = null; int itemIndex = PageIndex; bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { view = GetData(); if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.View_DataSourceReturnedNullView, ID)); } } FormViewDeleteEventArgs e = new FormViewDeleteEventArgs(itemIndex); if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { ExtractRowValues(e.Values, false/*includeKeys*/); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in DataKey.Values) { e.Keys.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); if (e.Values.Contains(entry.Key)) { e.Values.Remove(entry.Key); } } } OnItemDeleting(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { _deleteKeys = e.Keys; _deleteValues = e.Values; view.Delete(e.Keys, e.Values, HandleDeleteCallback); } } private bool HandleDeleteCallback(int affectedRows, Exception ex) { int pageIndex = PageIndex; FormViewDeletedEventArgs fea = new FormViewDeletedEventArgs(affectedRows, ex); fea.SetKeys(_deleteKeys); fea.SetValues(_deleteValues); OnItemDeleted(fea); _deleteKeys = null; _deleteValues = null; if (ex != null && !fea.ExceptionHandled) { // If there is no validator in the validation group that could make sense // of the error, return false to proceed with standard exception handling. // But if there is one, we want to let it display its error instead of throwing. if (PageIsValidAfterModelException()) { return false; } } if (pageIndex == _pageCount - 1) { HandlePage(pageIndex - 1); } RequiresDataBinding = true; return true; } private void HandleEdit() { if (PageIndex < 0) { return; } FormViewModeEventArgs e = new FormViewModeEventArgs(FormViewMode.Edit, false); OnModeChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID) { Mode = e.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } RequiresDataBinding = true; } private bool HandleEvent(EventArgs e, bool causesValidation, string validationGroup) { bool handled = false; _modelValidationGroup = null; if (causesValidation && Page != null) { Page.Validate(validationGroup); if (EnableModelValidation) { _modelValidationGroup = validationGroup; } } FormViewCommandEventArgs dce = e as FormViewCommandEventArgs; if (dce != null) { OnItemCommand(dce); handled = true; string command = dce.CommandName; int newItemIndex = PageIndex; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.PageCommandName)) { string itemIndexArg = (string)dce.CommandArgument; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.NextPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex++; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.PreviousPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex--; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex = 0; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.LastPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex = PageCount - 1; } else { // argument is page number, and page index is 1 less than that newItemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(itemIndexArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - 1; } HandlePage(newItemIndex); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.EditCommandName)) { HandleEdit(); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.UpdateCommandName)) { HandleUpdate((string)dce.CommandArgument, causesValidation); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.CancelCommandName)) { HandleCancel(); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.DeleteCommandName)) { HandleDelete((string)dce.CommandArgument); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.InsertCommandName)) { HandleInsert((string)dce.CommandArgument, causesValidation); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.NewCommandName)) { HandleNew(); } else { // unhandled event should be bubbled up here. (DevDiv Bugs 161011) handled = false; } } return handled; } private void HandleInsert(string commandArg, bool causesValidation) { if (causesValidation && Page != null && !Page.IsValid) { return; } if (Mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DetailsViewFormView_ControlMustBeInInsertMode, "FormView", ID)); } DataSourceView view = null; bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { view = GetData(); if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.View_DataSourceReturnedNullView, ID)); } } FormViewInsertEventArgs e = new FormViewInsertEventArgs(commandArg); if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { ExtractRowValues(e.Values, true/*includeKeys*/); } OnItemInserting(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { _insertValues = e.Values; view.Insert(e.Values, HandleInsertCallback); } } private bool HandleInsertCallback(int affectedRows, Exception ex) { FormViewInsertedEventArgs fea = new FormViewInsertedEventArgs(affectedRows, ex); fea.SetValues(_insertValues); OnItemInserted(fea); _insertValues = null; if (ex != null && !fea.ExceptionHandled) { // If there is no validator in the validation group that could make sense // of the error, return false to proceed with standard exception handling. // But if there is one, we want to let it display its error instead of throwing. if (PageIsValidAfterModelException()) { return false; } fea.KeepInInsertMode = true; } if (!fea.KeepInInsertMode) { FormViewModeEventArgs eMode = new FormViewModeEventArgs(DefaultMode, false); OnModeChanging(eMode); if (!eMode.Cancel) { Mode = eMode.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = true; } } return true; } private void HandleNew() { FormViewModeEventArgs e = new FormViewModeEventArgs(FormViewMode.Insert, false); OnModeChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID) { Mode = e.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } RequiresDataBinding = true; } private void HandlePage(int newPage) { if (!AllowPaging) { return; } if (PageIndex < 0) { return; } bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewPageEventArgs e = new FormViewPageEventArgs(newPage); OnPageIndexChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { if (e.NewPageIndex > -1) { // if the requested page is out of range and we're already on the last page, don't rebind if ((e.NewPageIndex >= PageCount && _pageIndex == PageCount - 1)) { return; } // DevDiv Bugs 188830: Don't clear key table if the page is out of range, since control won't be rebound. _keyTable = null; _pageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; } else { return; } } OnPageIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = true; } private void HandleUpdate(string commandArg, bool causesValidation) { if (causesValidation && Page != null && !Page.IsValid) { return; } if (Mode != FormViewMode.Edit) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DetailsViewFormView_ControlMustBeInEditMode, "FormView", ID)); } if (PageIndex < 0) { return; } DataSourceView view = null; bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { view = GetData(); if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.View_DataSourceReturnedNullView, ID)); } } FormViewUpdateEventArgs e = new FormViewUpdateEventArgs(commandArg); if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in BoundFieldValues) { e.OldValues.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } ExtractRowValues(e.NewValues, true/*includeKeys*/); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in DataKey.Values) { e.Keys.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } OnItemUpdating(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { _updateKeys = e.Keys; _updateOldValues = e.OldValues; _updateNewValues = e.NewValues; view.Update(e.Keys, e.NewValues, e.OldValues, HandleUpdateCallback); } } private bool HandleUpdateCallback(int affectedRows, Exception ex) { FormViewUpdatedEventArgs fea = new FormViewUpdatedEventArgs(affectedRows, ex); fea.SetOldValues(_updateOldValues); fea.SetNewValues(_updateNewValues); fea.SetKeys(_updateKeys); OnItemUpdated(fea); _updateKeys = null; _updateOldValues = null; _updateNewValues = null; if (ex != null && !fea.ExceptionHandled) { // If there is no validator in the validation group that could make sense // of the error, return false to proceed with standard exception handling. // But if there is one, we want to let it display its error instead of throwing. if (PageIsValidAfterModelException()) { return false; } fea.KeepInEditMode = true; } if (!fea.KeepInEditMode) { FormViewModeEventArgs eMode = new FormViewModeEventArgs(DefaultMode, false); OnModeChanging(eMode); if (!eMode.Cancel) { Mode = eMode.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = true; } } return true; } ////// protected virtual void InitializePager(FormViewRow row, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); PagerSettings pagerSettings = PagerSettings; if (_pagerTemplate != null) { _pagerTemplate.InstantiateIn(cell); } else { PagerTable pagerTable = new PagerTable(); TableRow pagerTableRow = new TableRow(); cell.Controls.Add(pagerTable); pagerTable.Rows.Add(pagerTableRow); switch (pagerSettings.Mode) { case PagerButtons.NextPrevious: CreateNextPrevPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, false); break; case PagerButtons.Numeric: CreateNumericPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, false); break; case PagerButtons.NextPreviousFirstLast: CreateNextPrevPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, true); break; case PagerButtons.NumericFirstLast: CreateNumericPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, true); break; } } cell.ColumnSpan = 2; row.Cells.Add(cell); } ////// Creates a FormViewRow that contains the paging UI. /// The paging UI is a navigation bar that is a built into a single TableCell that /// spans across all fields of the FormView. /// ////// protected virtual void InitializeRow(FormViewRow row) { TableCellCollection cells = row.Cells; TableCell contentCell = new TableCell(); ITemplate contentTemplate = _itemTemplate; int itemIndex = row.ItemIndex; DataControlRowState rowState = row.RowState; switch (row.RowType) { case DataControlRowType.DataRow: contentCell.ColumnSpan = 2; if (((rowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) != 0) && _editItemTemplate != null) { contentTemplate = _editItemTemplate; } if ((rowState & DataControlRowState.Insert) != 0) { if (_insertItemTemplate != null) { contentTemplate = _insertItemTemplate; } else { contentTemplate = _editItemTemplate; } } break; case DataControlRowType.Header: contentTemplate = _headerTemplate; contentCell.ColumnSpan = 2; string headerText = HeaderText; if (_headerTemplate == null && headerText.Length > 0) { contentCell.Text = headerText; } break; case DataControlRowType.Footer: contentTemplate = _footerTemplate; contentCell.ColumnSpan = 2; string footerText = FooterText; if (_footerTemplate == null && footerText.Length > 0) { contentCell.Text = footerText; } break; case DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow: contentTemplate = _emptyDataTemplate; string emptyDataText = EmptyDataText; if (_emptyDataTemplate == null && emptyDataText.Length > 0) { contentCell.Text = emptyDataText; } break; } if (contentTemplate != null) { contentTemplate.InstantiateIn(contentCell); } cells.Add(contentCell); } public virtual void InsertItem(bool causesValidation) { HandleInsert(String.Empty, causesValidation); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// public virtual bool IsBindableType(Type type) { // NOTE: No one ever calls this function, but we have to keep it for back compat // since it's public. return DataBoundControlHelper.IsBindableType(type); } ///Determines if the specified data type can be bound to. ////// protected internal override void LoadControlState(object savedState) { // Any properties that could have been set in the persistance need to be // restored to their defaults if they're not in ControlState, or they will // be restored to their persisted state instead of their empty state. _pageIndex = 0; _defaultMode = FormViewMode.ReadOnly; _dataKeyNames = new string[0]; _pageCount = 0; object[] state = savedState as object[]; if (state != null) { base.LoadControlState(state[0]); if (state[1] != null) { _pageIndex = (int)state[1]; } if (state[2] != null) { _defaultMode = (FormViewMode)state[2]; } // if Mode isn't saved, it should be restored to DefaultMode. That will happen in Mode's getter, // since the persistance state hasn't been loaded yet. if (state[3] != null) { Mode = (FormViewMode)state[3]; } if (state[4] != null) { _dataKeyNames = (string[])state[4]; } if (state[5] != null) { KeyTable.Clear(); OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.LoadViewState((OrderedDictionary)KeyTable, (ArrayList)state[5]); } if (state[6] != null) { _pageCount = (int)state[6]; } } else { base.LoadControlState(null); } } ///Loads the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks /// even when EnableViewState=false. ////// protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { object[] myState = (object[])savedState; base.LoadViewState(myState[0]); if (myState[1] != null) ((IStateManager)PagerStyle).LoadViewState(myState[1]); if (myState[2] != null) ((IStateManager)HeaderStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); if (myState[3] != null) ((IStateManager)FooterStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]); if (myState[4] != null) ((IStateManager)RowStyle).LoadViewState(myState[4]); if (myState[5] != null) ((IStateManager)EditRowStyle).LoadViewState(myState[5]); if (myState[6] != null) ((IStateManager)InsertRowStyle).LoadViewState(myState[6]); if (myState[7] != null) OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.LoadViewState((OrderedDictionary)BoundFieldValues, (ArrayList)myState[7]); if (myState[8] != null) ((IStateManager)PagerSettings).LoadViewState(myState[8]); if (myState[9] != null) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).LoadViewState(myState[9]); } else { base.LoadViewState(null); } } ///Loads a saved state of the ///. /// protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e) { bool causesValidation = false; string validationGroup = String.Empty; FormViewCommandEventArgs fvcea = e as FormViewCommandEventArgs; if (fvcea != null) { IButtonControl button = fvcea.CommandSource as IButtonControl; if (button != null) { causesValidation = button.CausesValidation; validationGroup = button.ValidationGroup; } } return HandleEvent(e, causesValidation, validationGroup); } ////// protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventPageIndexChanged]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanging(FormViewPageEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewPageEventHandler handler = (FormViewPageEventHandler)Events[EventPageIndexChanging]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "PageIndexChanging")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// FormView initialization. /// protected internal override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); if (Page != null) { if (DataKeyNames.Length > 0) { Page.RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption(); } Page.RegisterRequiresControlState(this); } } ////// protected virtual void OnItemCommand(FormViewCommandEventArgs e) { FormViewCommandEventHandler handler = (FormViewCommandEventHandler)Events[EventItemCommand]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemCreated(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventItemCreated]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemDeleted(FormViewDeletedEventArgs e) { FormViewDeletedEventHandler handler = (FormViewDeletedEventHandler)Events[EventItemDeleted]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemDeleting(FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewDeleteEventHandler handler = (FormViewDeleteEventHandler)Events[EventItemDeleting]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ItemDeleting")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemInserted(FormViewInsertedEventArgs e) { FormViewInsertedEventHandler handler = (FormViewInsertedEventHandler)Events[EventItemInserted]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemInserting(FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewInsertEventHandler handler = (FormViewInsertEventHandler)Events[EventItemInserting]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ItemInserting")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemUpdated(FormViewUpdatedEventArgs e) { FormViewUpdatedEventHandler handler = (FormViewUpdatedEventHandler)Events[EventItemUpdated]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemUpdating(FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewUpdateEventHandler handler = (FormViewUpdateEventHandler)Events[EventItemUpdating]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ItemUpdating")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnModeChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventModeChanged]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnModeChanging(FormViewModeEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewModeEventHandler handler = (FormViewModeEventHandler)Events[EventModeChanging]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ModeChanging")); } } } private void OnPagerPropertyChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } private bool PageIsValidAfterModelException() { if (_modelValidationGroup == null) { return true; } Page.Validate(_modelValidationGroup); return Page.IsValid; } protected internal override void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable data) { base.PerformDataBinding(data); if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && Mode == FormViewMode.Edit && IsViewStateEnabled) { ExtractRowValues(BoundFieldValues, false/*includeKeys*/); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected internal virtual void PrepareControlHierarchy() { if (Controls.Count < 1) { return; } Debug.Assert(Controls[0] is Table); Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0]; childTable.CopyBaseAttributes(this); if (ControlStyleCreated && !ControlStyle.IsEmpty) { childTable.ApplyStyle(ControlStyle); } else { // Since we didn't create a ControlStyle yet, the default // settings for the default style of the control need to be applied // to the child table control directly // childTable.GridLines = GridLines.None; childTable.CellSpacing = 0; } childTable.Caption = Caption; childTable.CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign; Style compositeStyle; TableRowCollection rows = childTable.Rows; foreach (FormViewRow row in rows) { compositeStyle = new TableItemStyle(); DataControlRowState rowState = row.RowState; DataControlRowType rowType = row.RowType; switch (rowType) { case DataControlRowType.Header: compositeStyle = _headerStyle; break; case DataControlRowType.Footer: compositeStyle = _footerStyle; break; case DataControlRowType.DataRow: compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_rowStyle); if ((rowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) != 0) { compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_editRowStyle); } if ((rowState & DataControlRowState.Insert) != 0) { if (_insertRowStyle != null) { compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_insertRowStyle); } else { compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_editRowStyle); } } break; case DataControlRowType.Pager: compositeStyle = _pagerStyle; break; case DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow: compositeStyle = _emptyDataRowStyle; break; } if (compositeStyle != null && row.Visible) { row.MergeStyle(compositeStyle); } } } protected virtual void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) { ValidateEvent(UniqueID, eventArgument); int separatorIndex = eventArgument.IndexOf('$'); if (separatorIndex < 0) { return; } CommandEventArgs cea = new CommandEventArgs(eventArgument.Substring(0, separatorIndex), eventArgument.Substring(separatorIndex + 1)); FormViewCommandEventArgs dvcea = new FormViewCommandEventArgs(this, cea); HandleEvent(dvcea, false, String.Empty); } ////// protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (Page != null) { Page.VerifyRenderingInServerForm(this); } PrepareControlHierarchy(); RenderContents(writer); } ///Displays the control on the client. ////// protected internal override object SaveControlState() { object baseState = base.SaveControlState(); if (baseState != null || _pageIndex != 0 || _mode != _defaultMode || _defaultMode != FormViewMode.ReadOnly || (_dataKeyNames != null && _dataKeyNames.Length > 0) || (_keyTable != null && _keyTable.Count > 0) || _pageCount != 0) { object[] state = new object[7]; object pageIndexState = null; object modeState = null; object defaultModeState = null; object keyNamesState = null; object keyTableState = null; object pageCountState = null; if (_pageIndex != 0) { pageIndexState = _pageIndex; } if (_defaultMode != FormViewMode.ReadOnly) { defaultModeState = (int)_defaultMode; } // Only save the mode if it's different from the DefaultMode. Otherwise, the Mode // getter will restore it to the DefaultMode value. if (_mode != _defaultMode && _modeSet) { modeState = (int)_mode; } if (_dataKeyNames != null && _dataKeyNames.Length > 0) { keyNamesState = _dataKeyNames; } if (_keyTable != null) { keyTableState = OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.SaveViewState(_keyTable); } if (_pageCount != 0) { pageCountState = _pageCount; } state[0] = baseState; state[1] = pageIndexState; state[2] = defaultModeState; state[3] = modeState; state[4] = keyNamesState; state[5] = keyTableState; state[6] = pageCountState; return state; } return true; // return a dummy that ensures LoadControlState gets called but minimizes persisted size. } ///Saves the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks /// even when EnableViewState=false. ////// protected override object SaveViewState() { object baseState = base.SaveViewState(); object pagerStyleState = (_pagerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_pagerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object headerStyleState = (_headerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_headerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object footerStyleState = (_footerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_footerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object rowStyleState = (_rowStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_rowStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object editRowStyleState = (_editRowStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_editRowStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object insertRowStyleState = (_insertRowStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_insertRowStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object boundFieldValuesState = (_boundFieldValues != null) ? OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.SaveViewState(_boundFieldValues) : null; object pagerSettingsState = (_pagerSettings != null) ? ((IStateManager)_pagerSettings).SaveViewState() : null; object controlState = ControlStyleCreated ? ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object[] myState = new object[10]; myState[0] = baseState; myState[1] = pagerStyleState; myState[2] = headerStyleState; myState[3] = footerStyleState; myState[4] = rowStyleState; myState[5] = editRowStyleState; myState[6] = insertRowStyleState; myState[7] = boundFieldValuesState; myState[8] = pagerSettingsState; myState[9] = controlState; // note that we always have some state, atleast the RowCount return myState; } private void SelectCallback(IEnumerable data) { // The data source should have thrown. If we're here, it didn't. We'll throw for it // with a generic message. throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_DataSourceDoesntSupportPaging)); } ///Saves the current state of the ///. /// protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); if (_pagerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_headerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_headerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_footerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_footerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_rowStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_rowStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_editRowStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_editRowStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_insertRowStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_insertRowStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_pagerSettings != null) ((IStateManager)_pagerSettings).TrackViewState(); if (ControlStyleCreated) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).TrackViewState(); } public virtual void UpdateItem(bool causesValidation) { HandleUpdate(String.Empty, causesValidation); } #region IPostBackContainer implementation PostBackOptions IPostBackContainer.GetPostBackOptions(IButtonControl buttonControl) { if (buttonControl == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("buttonControl"); } if (buttonControl.CausesValidation) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CannotUseParentPostBackWhenValidating, this.GetType().Name, ID)); } PostBackOptions options = new PostBackOptions(this, buttonControl.CommandName + "$" + buttonControl.CommandArgument); options.RequiresJavaScriptProtocol = true; return options; } #endregion #region IPostBackEventHandler implementation void IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) { RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument); } #endregion #region IDataItemContainer implementation int IDataItemContainer.DataItemIndex { get { return DataItemIndex; } } int IDataItemContainer.DisplayIndex { get { return 0; } } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the /// control as part of the control viewstate. ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; ////// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [ Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.FormViewDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign), ControlValueProperty("SelectedValue"), DefaultEvent("PageIndexChanging"), SupportsEventValidation ] public class FormView : CompositeDataBoundControl, IDataItemContainer, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackContainer { private static readonly object EventPageIndexChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventPageIndexChanging = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCommand = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemCreated = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemDeleted = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemDeleting = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemInserting = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemInserted = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemUpdating = new object(); private static readonly object EventItemUpdated = new object(); private static readonly object EventModeChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventModeChanging = new object(); private ITemplate _itemTemplate; private ITemplate _editItemTemplate; private ITemplate _insertItemTemplate; private ITemplate _headerTemplate; private ITemplate _footerTemplate; private ITemplate _pagerTemplate; private ITemplate _emptyDataTemplate; private TableItemStyle _rowStyle; private TableItemStyle _headerStyle; private TableItemStyle _footerStyle; private TableItemStyle _editRowStyle; private TableItemStyle _insertRowStyle; private TableItemStyle _emptyDataRowStyle; private FormViewRow _bottomPagerRow; private FormViewRow _footerRow; private FormViewRow _headerRow; private FormViewRow _topPagerRow; private FormViewRow _row; private TableItemStyle _pagerStyle; private PagerSettings _pagerSettings; private int _pageCount; private object _dataItem; private int _dataItemIndex; private OrderedDictionary _boundFieldValues; private DataKey _dataKey; private OrderedDictionary _keyTable; private string[] _dataKeyNames; private int _pageIndex; private FormViewMode _defaultMode = FormViewMode.ReadOnly; private FormViewMode _mode; private bool _modeSet; private bool _useServerPaging; private string _modelValidationGroup; private IOrderedDictionary _deleteKeys; private IOrderedDictionary _deleteValues; private IOrderedDictionary _insertValues; private IOrderedDictionary _updateKeys; private IOrderedDictionary _updateOldValues; private IOrderedDictionary _updateNewValues; ////// Displays a data record from a data source in a table layout. The data source /// is any object that implements IEnumerable or IListSource, which includes ADO.NET data, /// arrays, ArrayLists, DataSourceControl, etc. /// ////// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_AllowPaging) ] public virtual bool AllowPaging { get { object o = ViewState["AllowPaging"]; if (o != null) return(bool)o; return false; } set { bool oldValue = AllowPaging; if (value != oldValue) { ViewState["AllowPaging"] = value; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } ///Gets or sets a value that indicates whether paging is allowed. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_BackImageUrl) ] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return String.Empty; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).BackImageUrl = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow BottomPagerRow { get { if (_bottomPagerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _bottomPagerRow; } } private IOrderedDictionary BoundFieldValues { get { if (_boundFieldValues == null) { int capacity = 25; _boundFieldValues = new OrderedDictionary(capacity); } return _boundFieldValues; } } [ Localizable(true), DefaultValue(""), WebCategory("Accessibility"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_Caption) ] public virtual string Caption { get { string s = (string)ViewState["Caption"]; return (s != null) ? s : String.Empty; } set { ViewState["Caption"] = value; } } [ DefaultValue(TableCaptionAlign.NotSet), WebCategory("Accessibility"), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_CaptionAlign) ] public virtual TableCaptionAlign CaptionAlign { get { object o = ViewState["CaptionAlign"]; return (o != null) ? (TableCaptionAlign)o : TableCaptionAlign.NotSet; } set { if ((value < TableCaptionAlign.NotSet) || (value > TableCaptionAlign.Right)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["CaptionAlign"] = value; } } ///Gets or sets the URL of an image to display in the /// background of the ///. /// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_CellPadding) ] public virtual int CellPadding { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return -1; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellPadding; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellPadding = value; } } ///Indicates the amount of space between cells. ////// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(0), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_CellSpacing) ] public virtual int CellSpacing { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return 0; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellSpacing; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).CellSpacing = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public FormViewMode CurrentMode { get { return Mode; } } // implement this publicly so DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "x") still works. [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual object DataItem { get { if (CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert) { return null; } return _dataItem; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public int DataItemCount { get { return PageCount; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual int DataItemIndex { get { if (CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert) { return -1; } return _dataItemIndex; } } [ DefaultValue(null), Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataFieldEditor, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(StringArrayConverter)), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_DataKeyNames) ] public virtual string[] DataKeyNames { get { object o = _dataKeyNames; if (o != null) { return(string[])((string[])o).Clone(); } return new string[0]; } set { if (!DataBoundControlHelper.CompareStringArrays(value, DataKeyNamesInternal)) { if (value != null) { _dataKeyNames = (string[])value.Clone(); } else { _dataKeyNames = null; } _keyTable = null; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } // This version doesn't clone the array private string[] DataKeyNamesInternal { get { object o = _dataKeyNames; if (o != null) { return (string[])o; } return new string[0]; } } ///Gets or sets the amount of space between the contents of /// a cell and the cell's border. ////// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_DataKey) ] public virtual DataKey DataKey { get { if (_dataKey == null) { _dataKey = new DataKey(KeyTable); } return _dataKey; } } [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(FormViewMode.ReadOnly), WebSysDescription(SR.View_DefaultMode) ] public virtual FormViewMode DefaultMode { get { return _defaultMode; } set { if (value < FormViewMode.ReadOnly || value > FormViewMode.Insert) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _defaultMode = value; } } ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_EditItemTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate EditItemTemplate { get { return _editItemTemplate; } set { _editItemTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for an item set in edit mode within the FormView. /// This template is also used for Insert if no InsertItemTemplate is defined. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EditRowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle EditRowStyle { get { if (_editRowStyle == null) { _editRowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_editRowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _editRowStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of each row when in edit mode. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EmptyDataRowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle EmptyDataRowStyle { get { if (_emptyDataRowStyle == null) { _emptyDataRowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_emptyDataRowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _emptyDataRowStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of null rows. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EmptyDataTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate EmptyDataTemplate { get { return _emptyDataTemplate; } set { _emptyDataTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use when no records are returned from the datasource within the FormView. /// /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.View_EmptyDataText), ] public virtual String EmptyDataText { get { object o = ViewState["EmptyDataText"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["EmptyDataText"] = value; } } [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.DataBoundControl_EnableModelValidation) ] public virtual bool EnableModelValidation { get { object o = ViewState["EnableModelValidation"]; if (o != null) { return (bool)o; } return false; } set { ViewState["EnableModelValidation"] = value; } } private int FirstDisplayedPageIndex { get { object o = ViewState["FirstDisplayedPageIndex"]; if (o != null) { return (int)o; } return -1; } set { ViewState["FirstDisplayedPageIndex"] = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow FooterRow { get { if (_footerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _footerRow; } } ///The header text displayed if no EmptyDataTemplate is defined. /// /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_FooterStyle) ] public TableItemStyle FooterStyle { get { if (_footerStyle == null) { _footerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_footerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _footerStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of the footer row. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_FooterTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate FooterTemplate { get { return _footerTemplate; } set { _footerTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for a footer item within the FormView. /// /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.View_FooterText), ] public virtual String FooterText { get { object o = ViewState["FooterText"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["FooterText"] = value; } } ///The header text displayed if no FooterTemplate is defined. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(GridLines.None), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_GridLines) ] public virtual GridLines GridLines { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return GridLines.None; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).GridLines; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).GridLines = value; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow HeaderRow { get { if (_headerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _headerRow; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies the grid line style. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HeaderStyle) ] public TableItemStyle HeaderStyle { get { if (_headerStyle == null) { _headerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_headerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _headerStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of the header row. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HeaderTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate HeaderTemplate { get { return _headerTemplate; } set { _headerTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for a header item within the FormView. /// /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.View_HeaderText), ] public virtual String HeaderText { get { object o = ViewState["HeaderText"]; if (o != null) { return (string)o; } return String.Empty; } set { ViewState["HeaderText"] = value; } } ///The header text displayed if no HeaderTemplate is defined. /// /// [ Category("Layout"), DefaultValue(HorizontalAlign.NotSet), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_HorizontalAlign) ] public virtual HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign { get { if (ControlStyleCreated == false) { return HorizontalAlign.NotSet; } return((TableStyle)ControlStyle).HorizontalAlign; } set { ((TableStyle)ControlStyle).HorizontalAlign = value; } } ///Gets or sets a value that specifies the alignment of a rows with respect /// surrounding text. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_InsertItemTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate InsertItemTemplate { get { return _insertItemTemplate; } set { _insertItemTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for an item set in insert mode within the FormView. ////// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_InsertRowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle InsertRowStyle { get { if (_insertRowStyle == null) { _insertRowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_insertRowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _insertRowStyle; } } ///Indicates the style properties of each row when in insert mode. ////// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay), WebSysDescription(SR.View_InsertRowStyle) ] public virtual ITemplate ItemTemplate { get { return _itemTemplate; } set { _itemTemplate = value; } } private OrderedDictionary KeyTable { get { if (_keyTable == null) { _keyTable = new OrderedDictionary(DataKeyNamesInternal.Length); } return _keyTable; } } private FormViewMode Mode { get { // if the mode wasn't explicitly set by LoadControlState or by the user, the mode is the DefaultMode. if (!_modeSet || DesignMode) { _mode = DefaultMode; _modeSet = true; } return _mode; } set { if (value < FormViewMode.ReadOnly || value > FormViewMode.Insert) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _modeSet = true; if (_mode != value) { _mode = value; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public virtual int PageCount { get { return _pageCount; } } ///Indicates the template to use for an item within the FormView. ////// private int PageIndexInternal { get { return _pageIndex; } set { int currentPageIndex = PageIndexInternal; if (value != currentPageIndex) { _pageIndex = value; if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } } } ///Gets or sets the index of the currently displayed record. /// This property echos the public one so that we can set PageIndex to -1 /// internally when we switch to insert mode, but users should never do that. ////// [ Bindable(true), DefaultValue(0), WebCategory("Data"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_PageIndex) ] public virtual int PageIndex { get { // if we're in design mode, we don't want a change to the mode to set the PageIndex to -1. if (Mode == FormViewMode.Insert && !DesignMode) { return -1; } return PageIndexInternal; } set { // since we don't know at property set time how many DataItems we'll have, // don't throw if we're above PageCount if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } if (value >= 0) { PageIndexInternal = value; } } } ///Gets or sets the index of the currently displayed record. ////// [ WebCategory("Paging"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.GridView_PagerSettings) ] public virtual PagerSettings PagerSettings { get { if (_pagerSettings == null) { _pagerSettings = new PagerSettings(); if (IsTrackingViewState) { ((IStateManager)_pagerSettings).TrackViewState(); } _pagerSettings.PropertyChanged += new EventHandler(OnPagerPropertyChanged); } return _pagerSettings; } } ///Gets the settings of the pager buttons for the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.WebControl_PagerStyle) ] public TableItemStyle PagerStyle { get { if (_pagerStyle == null) { _pagerStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _pagerStyle; } } ///Gets the style properties of the pager rows for the /// ///. This /// property is read-only. /// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(null), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView)), WebSysDescription(SR.View_PagerTemplate) ] public virtual ITemplate PagerTemplate { get { return _pagerTemplate; } set { _pagerTemplate = value; } } ///Indicates the template to use for a pager item within the FormView. /// /// [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_Rows) ] public virtual FormViewRow Row { get { if (_row == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _row; } } ///Gets a collection of ///objects representing the individual /// rows within the control. /// This property is read-only. /// [ WebCategory("Styles"), DefaultValue(null), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), NotifyParentProperty(true), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), WebSysDescription(SR.View_RowStyle) ] public TableItemStyle RowStyle { get { if (_rowStyle == null) { _rowStyle = new TableItemStyle(); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)_rowStyle).TrackViewState(); } return _rowStyle; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public object SelectedValue { get { return DataKey.Value; } } protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), ] public virtual FormViewRow TopPagerRow { get { if (_topPagerRow == null) { EnsureChildControls(); } return _topPagerRow; } } ///Indicates the style properties of each row. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnPageIndexChanged) ] public event EventHandler PageIndexChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventPageIndexChanged, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView PageIndex has been changed. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnPageIndexChanging) ] public event FormViewPageEventHandler PageIndexChanging { add { Events.AddHandler(EventPageIndexChanging, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventPageIndexChanging, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView PageIndex is changing. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnItemCommand) ] public event FormViewCommandEventHandler ItemCommand { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCommand, value); } } ///Occurs when a command is issued from the FormView. ////// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnItemCreated) ] public event EventHandler ItemCreated { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemCreated, value); } } ///Occurs when a row is created. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemDeleted) ] public event FormViewDeletedEventHandler ItemDeleted { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemDeleted, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemDeleted, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item has been deleted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemDeleting) ] public event FormViewDeleteEventHandler ItemDeleting { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemDeleting, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemDeleting, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item is being deleted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemInserted) ] public event FormViewInsertedEventHandler ItemInserted { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemInserted, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemInserted, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item has been inserted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemInserting) ] public event FormViewInsertEventHandler ItemInserting { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemInserting, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemInserting, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item is being inserted. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemUpdated) ] public event FormViewUpdatedEventHandler ItemUpdated { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemUpdated, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemUpdated, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item has been updated. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.DataControls_OnItemUpdating) ] public event FormViewUpdateEventHandler ItemUpdating { add { Events.AddHandler(EventItemUpdating, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemUpdating, value); } } ///Occurs when the FormView item is being updated. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnModeChanged) ] public event EventHandler ModeChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventModeChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventModeChanged, value); } } ///Occurs when the ViewMode has changed. ////// [ WebCategory("Action"), WebSysDescription(SR.FormView_OnModeChanging) ] public event FormViewModeEventHandler ModeChanging { add { Events.AddHandler(EventModeChanging, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventModeChanging, value); } } public void ChangeMode(FormViewMode newMode) { Mode = newMode; } ///Occurs when the ViewMode is changing. ////// protected override int CreateChildControls(IEnumerable dataSource, bool dataBinding) { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = null; int itemIndex = PageIndex; bool allowPaging = AllowPaging; int itemCount = 0; FormViewMode mode = Mode; // if we're in design mode, PageIndex doesn't return -1 if (DesignMode && mode == FormViewMode.Insert) { itemIndex = -1; } if (dataBinding) { DataSourceView view = GetData(); DataSourceSelectArguments arguments = SelectArguments; if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_NullView, ID)); } if (mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { if (allowPaging && !view.CanPage) { if (dataSource != null && !(dataSource is ICollection)) { arguments.StartRowIndex = itemIndex; arguments.MaximumRows = 1; // This should throw an exception saying the data source can't page. // We do this because the data source can provide a better error message than we can. view.Select(arguments, SelectCallback); } } if (_useServerPaging) { if (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount) { pagedDataSource = CreateServerPagedDataSource(arguments.TotalRowCount); } else { ICollection dataSourceCollection = dataSource as ICollection; if (dataSourceCollection == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_NeedICollectionOrTotalRowCount, GetType().Name)); } pagedDataSource = CreateServerPagedDataSource(checked(PageIndex + dataSourceCollection.Count)); } } else { pagedDataSource = CreatePagedDataSource(); } } } else { pagedDataSource = CreatePagedDataSource(); } if (mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { pagedDataSource.DataSource = dataSource; } IEnumerator dataSourceEnumerator = null; OrderedDictionary keyTable = KeyTable; if (dataBinding == false) { dataSourceEnumerator = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); ICollection collection = dataSource as ICollection; if (collection == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataControls_DataSourceMustBeCollectionWhenNotDataBinding)); } itemCount = collection.Count; } else { keyTable.Clear(); if (dataSource != null) { if (mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { ICollection collection = dataSource as ICollection; if ((collection == null) && (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled && !pagedDataSource.IsServerPagingEnabled)) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_DataSourceMustBeCollection, ID)); } if (pagedDataSource.IsPagingEnabled) { itemCount = pagedDataSource.DataSourceCount; } else if (collection != null) { itemCount = collection.Count; } } dataSourceEnumerator = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); } } Table table = CreateTable(); TableRowCollection rows = table.Rows; bool moveNextSucceeded = false; object lastItem = null; Controls.Add(table); if (dataSourceEnumerator != null) { moveNextSucceeded = dataSourceEnumerator.MoveNext(); // goto the first item } // if there are no items, only add the tablerow if there's a null template or null text if (!moveNextSucceeded && mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { if (EmptyDataText.Length > 0 || _emptyDataTemplate != null) { _row = CreateRow(0, DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, null); } itemCount = 0; } else { int currentItemIndex = 0; if (!_useServerPaging) { // skip over the first records that are before the page we're showing for (; currentItemIndex < itemIndex; currentItemIndex++) { lastItem = dataSourceEnumerator.Current; moveNextSucceeded = dataSourceEnumerator.MoveNext(); if (!moveNextSucceeded) { _pageIndex = currentItemIndex; pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = currentItemIndex; itemIndex = currentItemIndex; break; // never throw if the PageIndex is out of range: just fix up PageIndex and goto the last item. } } } if (moveNextSucceeded) { _dataItem = dataSourceEnumerator.Current; } else { _dataItem = lastItem; // if we broke out of the above loop, the current item will be invalid } // If we're not using server paging and this isn't a collection, or server paging doesn't return a page count, our _pageCount isn't accurate. // Loop through the rest of the enumeration to figure out how many items are in it. if ((!_useServerPaging && !(dataSource is ICollection)) || (_useServerPaging && itemCount < 0)) { itemCount = currentItemIndex; while (moveNextSucceeded) { itemCount++; moveNextSucceeded = dataSourceEnumerator.MoveNext(); } } _dataItemIndex = currentItemIndex; bool singlePage = itemCount <= 1 && !_useServerPaging; // hide pagers if there's only one item if (allowPaging && PagerSettings.Visible && _pagerSettings.IsPagerOnTop && mode != FormViewMode.Insert && !singlePage) { // top pager _topPagerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Pager, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, pagedDataSource); } _headerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, null); if (_headerTemplate == null && HeaderText.Length == 0) { _headerRow.Visible = false; } _row = CreateDataRow(dataBinding, rows, _dataItem); if (itemIndex >= 0) { string[] keyFields = DataKeyNamesInternal; if (dataBinding && (keyFields.Length != 0)) { foreach (string keyName in keyFields) { object keyValue = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(_dataItem, keyName); keyTable.Add(keyName, keyValue); } _dataKey = new DataKey(keyTable); } } _footerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Footer, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, null); if (_footerTemplate == null && FooterText.Length == 0) { _footerRow.Visible = false; } if (allowPaging && PagerSettings.Visible && _pagerSettings.IsPagerOnBottom && mode != FormViewMode.Insert && !singlePage) { // bottom pager _bottomPagerRow = CreateRow(itemIndex, DataControlRowType.Pager, DataControlRowState.Normal, rows, pagedDataSource); } } _pageCount = itemCount; OnItemCreated(EventArgs.Empty); if (dataBinding) { DataBind(false); } return itemCount; } ///Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render the FormView. /// This is called whenever a control hierarchy is needed and the /// ChildControlsCreated property is false. /// The implementation assumes that all the children in the controls /// collection have already been cleared. ////// protected override Style CreateControlStyle() { TableStyle controlStyle = new TableStyle(); // initialize defaults that are different from TableStyle controlStyle.CellSpacing = 0; return controlStyle; } private FormViewRow CreateDataRow(bool dataBinding, TableRowCollection rows, object dataItem) { ITemplate modeTemplate = null; switch (Mode) { case FormViewMode.Edit: modeTemplate = _editItemTemplate; break; case FormViewMode.Insert: if (_insertItemTemplate != null) { modeTemplate = _insertItemTemplate; } else { modeTemplate = _editItemTemplate; } break; case FormViewMode.ReadOnly: modeTemplate = _itemTemplate; break; } if (modeTemplate != null) { return CreateDataRowFromTemplates(dataBinding, rows); } return null; } private FormViewRow CreateDataRowFromTemplates(bool dataBinding, TableRowCollection rows) { DataControlRowState rowState = DataControlRowState.Normal; int itemIndex = PageIndex; FormViewMode mode = Mode; rowState = DataControlRowState.Normal; if (mode == FormViewMode.Edit) rowState |= DataControlRowState.Edit; else if (mode == FormViewMode.Insert) rowState |= DataControlRowState.Insert; return CreateRow(PageIndex, DataControlRowType.DataRow, rowState, rows, null); } protected override DataSourceSelectArguments CreateDataSourceSelectArguments() { DataSourceSelectArguments arguments = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataSourceView view = GetData(); _useServerPaging = AllowPaging && view.CanPage; // decide if we should use server-side paging if (_useServerPaging) { arguments.StartRowIndex = PageIndex; if (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount) { arguments.RetrieveTotalRowCount = true; arguments.MaximumRows = 1; } else { arguments.MaximumRows = -1; } } return arguments; } ///Creates new control style. ////// Creates the pager for NextPrev and NextPrev with First and Last styles /// private void CreateNextPrevPager(TableRow row, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource, bool addFirstLastPageButtons) { PagerSettings pagerSettings = PagerSettings; string prevPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.PreviousPageImageUrl; string nextPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.NextPageImageUrl; bool isFirstPage = pagedDataSource.IsFirstPage; bool isLastPage = pagedDataSource.IsLastPage; if (addFirstLastPageButtons && !isFirstPage) { string firstPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.FirstPageImageUrl; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); IButtonControl firstButton; if (firstPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { firstButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)firstButton).ImageUrl = firstPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)firstButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.FirstPageText); } else { firstButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)firstButton).Text = pagerSettings.FirstPageText; } firstButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; firstButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)firstButton); } if (!isFirstPage) { IButtonControl prevButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (prevPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { prevButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)prevButton).ImageUrl = prevPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)prevButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.PreviousPageText); } else { prevButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)prevButton).Text = pagerSettings.PreviousPageText; } prevButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; prevButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.PreviousPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)prevButton); } if (!isLastPage) { IButtonControl nextButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (nextPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { nextButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)nextButton).ImageUrl = nextPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)nextButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.NextPageText); } else { nextButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)nextButton).Text = pagerSettings.NextPageText; } nextButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; nextButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.NextPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)nextButton); } if (addFirstLastPageButtons && !isLastPage) { string lastPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.LastPageImageUrl; IButtonControl lastButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (lastPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { lastButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)lastButton).ImageUrl = lastPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)lastButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.LastPageText); } else { lastButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)lastButton).Text = pagerSettings.LastPageText; } lastButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; lastButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.LastPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)lastButton); } } ////// Creates the pager for NextPrev and NextPrev with First and Last styles /// private void CreateNumericPager(TableRow row, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource, bool addFirstLastPageButtons) { PagerSettings pagerSettings = PagerSettings; int pages = pagedDataSource.PageCount; int currentPage = pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex + 1; int pageSetSize = pagerSettings.PageButtonCount; int pagesShown = pageSetSize; int firstDisplayedPage = FirstDisplayedPageIndex + 1; // first page displayed on last postback // ensure the number of pages we show isn't more than the number of pages that do exist if (pages < pagesShown) pagesShown = pages; // initialize to the first page set, i.e., pages 1 through number of pages shown int firstPage = 1; int lastPage = pagesShown; if (currentPage > lastPage) { // The current page is not in the first page set, then we need to slide the // range of pages shown by adjusting firstPage and lastPage int currentPageSet = (currentPage - 1) / pageSetSize; bool currentPageInLastDisplayRange = currentPage - firstDisplayedPage >= 0 && currentPage - firstDisplayedPage < pageSetSize; if (firstDisplayedPage > 0 && currentPageInLastDisplayRange) { firstPage = firstDisplayedPage; } else { firstPage = currentPageSet * pageSetSize + 1; } lastPage = firstPage + pageSetSize - 1; // now bring back lastPage into the range if its exceeded the number of pages if (lastPage > pages) lastPage = pages; // if theres room to show more pages from the previous page set, then adjust // the first page accordingly if (lastPage - firstPage + 1 < pageSetSize) { firstPage = Math.Max(1, lastPage - pageSetSize + 1); } FirstDisplayedPageIndex = firstPage - 1; } LinkButton button; if (addFirstLastPageButtons && currentPage != 1 && firstPage != 1) { string firstPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.FirstPageImageUrl; IButtonControl firstButton; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); if (firstPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { firstButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)firstButton).ImageUrl = firstPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)firstButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.FirstPageText); } else { firstButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)firstButton).Text = pagerSettings.FirstPageText; } firstButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; firstButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)firstButton); } if (firstPage != 1) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); button = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (firstPage - 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); cell.Controls.Add(button); } for (int i = firstPage; i <= lastPage; i++) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); string pageString = (i).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (i == currentPage) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = pageString; cell.Controls.Add(label); } else { button = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); button.Text = pageString; button.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = pageString; cell.Controls.Add(button); } } if (pages > lastPage) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); button = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); button.Text = "..."; button.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; button.CommandArgument = (lastPage + 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); cell.Controls.Add(button); } bool isLastPageShown = lastPage == pages; if (addFirstLastPageButtons && currentPage != pages && !isLastPageShown) { string lastPageImageUrl = pagerSettings.LastPageImageUrl; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); row.Cells.Add(cell); IButtonControl lastButton; if (lastPageImageUrl.Length > 0) { lastButton = new DataControlImageButton(this); ((ImageButton)lastButton).ImageUrl = lastPageImageUrl; ((ImageButton)lastButton).AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pagerSettings.LastPageText); } else { lastButton = new DataControlPagerLinkButton(this); ((DataControlPagerLinkButton)lastButton).Text = pagerSettings.LastPageText; } lastButton.CommandName = DataControlCommands.PageCommandName; lastButton.CommandArgument = DataControlCommands.LastPageCommandArgument; cell.Controls.Add((Control)lastButton); } } private PagedDataSource CreatePagedDataSource() { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex; pagedDataSource.PageSize = 1; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pagedDataSource.AllowCustomPaging = false; pagedDataSource.AllowServerPaging = false; pagedDataSource.VirtualCount = 0; return pagedDataSource; } private PagedDataSource CreateServerPagedDataSource(int totalRowCount) { PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex; pagedDataSource.PageSize = 1; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = AllowPaging; pagedDataSource.AllowCustomPaging = false; pagedDataSource.AllowServerPaging = true; pagedDataSource.VirtualCount = totalRowCount; return pagedDataSource; } private FormViewRow CreateRow(int itemIndex, DataControlRowType rowType, DataControlRowState rowState, TableRowCollection rows, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { FormViewRow row = CreateRow(itemIndex, rowType, rowState); rows.Add(row); if (rowType != DataControlRowType.Pager) { InitializeRow(row); } else { InitializePager(row, pagedDataSource); } return row; } ////// protected virtual FormViewRow CreateRow(int itemIndex, DataControlRowType rowType, DataControlRowState rowState) { if (rowType == DataControlRowType.Pager) { return new FormViewPagerRow(itemIndex, rowType, rowState); } return new FormViewRow(itemIndex, rowType, rowState); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// Creates a new ChildTable, which is the containing table /// protected virtual Table CreateTable() { return new ChildTable(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) ? null : ClientID); } /// Data bound controls should override PerformDataBinding instead /// of DataBind. If DataBind if overridden, the OnDataBinding and OnDataBound events will /// fire in the wrong order. However, for backwards compat on ListControl and AdRotator, we /// can't seal this method. It is sealed on all new BaseDataBoundControl-derived controls. public override sealed void DataBind() { base.DataBind(); } public virtual void DeleteItem() { HandleDelete(String.Empty); } ////// Override EnsureDataBound because we don't want to databind when we're in insert mode /// protected override void EnsureDataBound() { if (RequiresDataBinding && Mode == FormViewMode.Insert) { OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = false; MarkAsDataBound(); if(_adapter != null) { DataBoundControlAdapter dataBoundControlAdapter = _adapter as DataBoundControlAdapter; if(dataBoundControlAdapter != null) { dataBoundControlAdapter.PerformDataBinding(null); } else { PerformDataBinding(null); } } else { PerformDataBinding(null); } OnDataBound(EventArgs.Empty); } else { base.EnsureDataBound(); } } protected virtual void ExtractRowValues(IOrderedDictionary fieldValues, bool includeKeys) { if (fieldValues == null) { Debug.Assert(false, "FormView::ExtractRowValues- must hand in a valid reference to an IDictionary."); return; } DataBoundControlHelper.ExtractValuesFromBindableControls(fieldValues, this); IBindableTemplate bindableTemplate = null; if (Mode == FormViewMode.ReadOnly && ItemTemplate != null) { bindableTemplate = ItemTemplate as IBindableTemplate; } else if ((Mode == FormViewMode.Edit || (Mode == FormViewMode.Insert && InsertItemTemplate == null)) && EditItemTemplate != null) { bindableTemplate = EditItemTemplate as IBindableTemplate; } else if (Mode == FormViewMode.Insert && InsertItemTemplate != null) { bindableTemplate = InsertItemTemplate as IBindableTemplate; } string[] dataKeyNames = DataKeyNamesInternal; if (bindableTemplate != null) { FormView container = this; if (container != null && bindableTemplate != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in bindableTemplate.ExtractValues(container)) { if (!includeKeys && Array.IndexOf(dataKeyNames, entry.Key) != -1) { continue; } fieldValues[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } } } return; } private void HandleCancel() { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewModeEventArgs e = new FormViewModeEventArgs(DefaultMode, true); OnModeChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { Mode = e.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } RequiresDataBinding = true; } private void HandleDelete(string commandArg) { int pageIndex = PageIndex; if (pageIndex < 0) { // don't attempt to delete in Insert mode return; } DataSourceView view = null; int itemIndex = PageIndex; bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { view = GetData(); if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.View_DataSourceReturnedNullView, ID)); } } FormViewDeleteEventArgs e = new FormViewDeleteEventArgs(itemIndex); if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { ExtractRowValues(e.Values, false/*includeKeys*/); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in DataKey.Values) { e.Keys.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); if (e.Values.Contains(entry.Key)) { e.Values.Remove(entry.Key); } } } OnItemDeleting(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { _deleteKeys = e.Keys; _deleteValues = e.Values; view.Delete(e.Keys, e.Values, HandleDeleteCallback); } } private bool HandleDeleteCallback(int affectedRows, Exception ex) { int pageIndex = PageIndex; FormViewDeletedEventArgs fea = new FormViewDeletedEventArgs(affectedRows, ex); fea.SetKeys(_deleteKeys); fea.SetValues(_deleteValues); OnItemDeleted(fea); _deleteKeys = null; _deleteValues = null; if (ex != null && !fea.ExceptionHandled) { // If there is no validator in the validation group that could make sense // of the error, return false to proceed with standard exception handling. // But if there is one, we want to let it display its error instead of throwing. if (PageIsValidAfterModelException()) { return false; } } if (pageIndex == _pageCount - 1) { HandlePage(pageIndex - 1); } RequiresDataBinding = true; return true; } private void HandleEdit() { if (PageIndex < 0) { return; } FormViewModeEventArgs e = new FormViewModeEventArgs(FormViewMode.Edit, false); OnModeChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID) { Mode = e.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } RequiresDataBinding = true; } private bool HandleEvent(EventArgs e, bool causesValidation, string validationGroup) { bool handled = false; _modelValidationGroup = null; if (causesValidation && Page != null) { Page.Validate(validationGroup); if (EnableModelValidation) { _modelValidationGroup = validationGroup; } } FormViewCommandEventArgs dce = e as FormViewCommandEventArgs; if (dce != null) { OnItemCommand(dce); handled = true; string command = dce.CommandName; int newItemIndex = PageIndex; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.PageCommandName)) { string itemIndexArg = (string)dce.CommandArgument; if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.NextPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex++; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.PreviousPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex--; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex = 0; } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(itemIndexArg, DataControlCommands.LastPageCommandArgument)) { newItemIndex = PageCount - 1; } else { // argument is page number, and page index is 1 less than that newItemIndex = Convert.ToInt32(itemIndexArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - 1; } HandlePage(newItemIndex); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.EditCommandName)) { HandleEdit(); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.UpdateCommandName)) { HandleUpdate((string)dce.CommandArgument, causesValidation); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.CancelCommandName)) { HandleCancel(); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.DeleteCommandName)) { HandleDelete((string)dce.CommandArgument); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.InsertCommandName)) { HandleInsert((string)dce.CommandArgument, causesValidation); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(command, DataControlCommands.NewCommandName)) { HandleNew(); } else { // unhandled event should be bubbled up here. (DevDiv Bugs 161011) handled = false; } } return handled; } private void HandleInsert(string commandArg, bool causesValidation) { if (causesValidation && Page != null && !Page.IsValid) { return; } if (Mode != FormViewMode.Insert) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DetailsViewFormView_ControlMustBeInInsertMode, "FormView", ID)); } DataSourceView view = null; bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { view = GetData(); if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.View_DataSourceReturnedNullView, ID)); } } FormViewInsertEventArgs e = new FormViewInsertEventArgs(commandArg); if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { ExtractRowValues(e.Values, true/*includeKeys*/); } OnItemInserting(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { _insertValues = e.Values; view.Insert(e.Values, HandleInsertCallback); } } private bool HandleInsertCallback(int affectedRows, Exception ex) { FormViewInsertedEventArgs fea = new FormViewInsertedEventArgs(affectedRows, ex); fea.SetValues(_insertValues); OnItemInserted(fea); _insertValues = null; if (ex != null && !fea.ExceptionHandled) { // If there is no validator in the validation group that could make sense // of the error, return false to proceed with standard exception handling. // But if there is one, we want to let it display its error instead of throwing. if (PageIsValidAfterModelException()) { return false; } fea.KeepInInsertMode = true; } if (!fea.KeepInInsertMode) { FormViewModeEventArgs eMode = new FormViewModeEventArgs(DefaultMode, false); OnModeChanging(eMode); if (!eMode.Cancel) { Mode = eMode.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = true; } } return true; } private void HandleNew() { FormViewModeEventArgs e = new FormViewModeEventArgs(FormViewMode.Insert, false); OnModeChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID) { Mode = e.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } RequiresDataBinding = true; } private void HandlePage(int newPage) { if (!AllowPaging) { return; } if (PageIndex < 0) { return; } bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewPageEventArgs e = new FormViewPageEventArgs(newPage); OnPageIndexChanging(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { if (e.NewPageIndex > -1) { // if the requested page is out of range and we're already on the last page, don't rebind if ((e.NewPageIndex >= PageCount && _pageIndex == PageCount - 1)) { return; } // DevDiv Bugs 188830: Don't clear key table if the page is out of range, since control won't be rebound. _keyTable = null; _pageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; } else { return; } } OnPageIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = true; } private void HandleUpdate(string commandArg, bool causesValidation) { if (causesValidation && Page != null && !Page.IsValid) { return; } if (Mode != FormViewMode.Edit) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DetailsViewFormView_ControlMustBeInEditMode, "FormView", ID)); } if (PageIndex < 0) { return; } DataSourceView view = null; bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { view = GetData(); if (view == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.View_DataSourceReturnedNullView, ID)); } } FormViewUpdateEventArgs e = new FormViewUpdateEventArgs(commandArg); if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in BoundFieldValues) { e.OldValues.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } ExtractRowValues(e.NewValues, true/*includeKeys*/); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in DataKey.Values) { e.Keys.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } OnItemUpdating(e); if (e.Cancel) { return; } if (isBoundToDataSourceControl) { _updateKeys = e.Keys; _updateOldValues = e.OldValues; _updateNewValues = e.NewValues; view.Update(e.Keys, e.NewValues, e.OldValues, HandleUpdateCallback); } } private bool HandleUpdateCallback(int affectedRows, Exception ex) { FormViewUpdatedEventArgs fea = new FormViewUpdatedEventArgs(affectedRows, ex); fea.SetOldValues(_updateOldValues); fea.SetNewValues(_updateNewValues); fea.SetKeys(_updateKeys); OnItemUpdated(fea); _updateKeys = null; _updateOldValues = null; _updateNewValues = null; if (ex != null && !fea.ExceptionHandled) { // If there is no validator in the validation group that could make sense // of the error, return false to proceed with standard exception handling. // But if there is one, we want to let it display its error instead of throwing. if (PageIsValidAfterModelException()) { return false; } fea.KeepInEditMode = true; } if (!fea.KeepInEditMode) { FormViewModeEventArgs eMode = new FormViewModeEventArgs(DefaultMode, false); OnModeChanging(eMode); if (!eMode.Cancel) { Mode = eMode.NewMode; OnModeChanged(EventArgs.Empty); RequiresDataBinding = true; } } return true; } ////// protected virtual void InitializePager(FormViewRow row, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); PagerSettings pagerSettings = PagerSettings; if (_pagerTemplate != null) { _pagerTemplate.InstantiateIn(cell); } else { PagerTable pagerTable = new PagerTable(); TableRow pagerTableRow = new TableRow(); cell.Controls.Add(pagerTable); pagerTable.Rows.Add(pagerTableRow); switch (pagerSettings.Mode) { case PagerButtons.NextPrevious: CreateNextPrevPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, false); break; case PagerButtons.Numeric: CreateNumericPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, false); break; case PagerButtons.NextPreviousFirstLast: CreateNextPrevPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, true); break; case PagerButtons.NumericFirstLast: CreateNumericPager(pagerTableRow, pagedDataSource, true); break; } } cell.ColumnSpan = 2; row.Cells.Add(cell); } ////// Creates a FormViewRow that contains the paging UI. /// The paging UI is a navigation bar that is a built into a single TableCell that /// spans across all fields of the FormView. /// ////// protected virtual void InitializeRow(FormViewRow row) { TableCellCollection cells = row.Cells; TableCell contentCell = new TableCell(); ITemplate contentTemplate = _itemTemplate; int itemIndex = row.ItemIndex; DataControlRowState rowState = row.RowState; switch (row.RowType) { case DataControlRowType.DataRow: contentCell.ColumnSpan = 2; if (((rowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) != 0) && _editItemTemplate != null) { contentTemplate = _editItemTemplate; } if ((rowState & DataControlRowState.Insert) != 0) { if (_insertItemTemplate != null) { contentTemplate = _insertItemTemplate; } else { contentTemplate = _editItemTemplate; } } break; case DataControlRowType.Header: contentTemplate = _headerTemplate; contentCell.ColumnSpan = 2; string headerText = HeaderText; if (_headerTemplate == null && headerText.Length > 0) { contentCell.Text = headerText; } break; case DataControlRowType.Footer: contentTemplate = _footerTemplate; contentCell.ColumnSpan = 2; string footerText = FooterText; if (_footerTemplate == null && footerText.Length > 0) { contentCell.Text = footerText; } break; case DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow: contentTemplate = _emptyDataTemplate; string emptyDataText = EmptyDataText; if (_emptyDataTemplate == null && emptyDataText.Length > 0) { contentCell.Text = emptyDataText; } break; } if (contentTemplate != null) { contentTemplate.InstantiateIn(contentCell); } cells.Add(contentCell); } public virtual void InsertItem(bool causesValidation) { HandleInsert(String.Empty, causesValidation); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// public virtual bool IsBindableType(Type type) { // NOTE: No one ever calls this function, but we have to keep it for back compat // since it's public. return DataBoundControlHelper.IsBindableType(type); } ///Determines if the specified data type can be bound to. ////// protected internal override void LoadControlState(object savedState) { // Any properties that could have been set in the persistance need to be // restored to their defaults if they're not in ControlState, or they will // be restored to their persisted state instead of their empty state. _pageIndex = 0; _defaultMode = FormViewMode.ReadOnly; _dataKeyNames = new string[0]; _pageCount = 0; object[] state = savedState as object[]; if (state != null) { base.LoadControlState(state[0]); if (state[1] != null) { _pageIndex = (int)state[1]; } if (state[2] != null) { _defaultMode = (FormViewMode)state[2]; } // if Mode isn't saved, it should be restored to DefaultMode. That will happen in Mode's getter, // since the persistance state hasn't been loaded yet. if (state[3] != null) { Mode = (FormViewMode)state[3]; } if (state[4] != null) { _dataKeyNames = (string[])state[4]; } if (state[5] != null) { KeyTable.Clear(); OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.LoadViewState((OrderedDictionary)KeyTable, (ArrayList)state[5]); } if (state[6] != null) { _pageCount = (int)state[6]; } } else { base.LoadControlState(null); } } ///Loads the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks /// even when EnableViewState=false. ////// protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState) { if (savedState != null) { object[] myState = (object[])savedState; base.LoadViewState(myState[0]); if (myState[1] != null) ((IStateManager)PagerStyle).LoadViewState(myState[1]); if (myState[2] != null) ((IStateManager)HeaderStyle).LoadViewState(myState[2]); if (myState[3] != null) ((IStateManager)FooterStyle).LoadViewState(myState[3]); if (myState[4] != null) ((IStateManager)RowStyle).LoadViewState(myState[4]); if (myState[5] != null) ((IStateManager)EditRowStyle).LoadViewState(myState[5]); if (myState[6] != null) ((IStateManager)InsertRowStyle).LoadViewState(myState[6]); if (myState[7] != null) OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.LoadViewState((OrderedDictionary)BoundFieldValues, (ArrayList)myState[7]); if (myState[8] != null) ((IStateManager)PagerSettings).LoadViewState(myState[8]); if (myState[9] != null) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).LoadViewState(myState[9]); } else { base.LoadViewState(null); } } ///Loads a saved state of the ///. /// protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e) { bool causesValidation = false; string validationGroup = String.Empty; FormViewCommandEventArgs fvcea = e as FormViewCommandEventArgs; if (fvcea != null) { IButtonControl button = fvcea.CommandSource as IButtonControl; if (button != null) { causesValidation = button.CausesValidation; validationGroup = button.ValidationGroup; } } return HandleEvent(e, causesValidation, validationGroup); } ////// protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventPageIndexChanged]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnPageIndexChanging(FormViewPageEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewPageEventHandler handler = (FormViewPageEventHandler)Events[EventPageIndexChanging]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "PageIndexChanging")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// FormView initialization. /// protected internal override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); if (Page != null) { if (DataKeyNames.Length > 0) { Page.RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption(); } Page.RegisterRequiresControlState(this); } } ////// protected virtual void OnItemCommand(FormViewCommandEventArgs e) { FormViewCommandEventHandler handler = (FormViewCommandEventHandler)Events[EventItemCommand]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemCreated(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventItemCreated]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemDeleted(FormViewDeletedEventArgs e) { FormViewDeletedEventHandler handler = (FormViewDeletedEventHandler)Events[EventItemDeleted]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemDeleting(FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewDeleteEventHandler handler = (FormViewDeleteEventHandler)Events[EventItemDeleting]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ItemDeleting")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemInserted(FormViewInsertedEventArgs e) { FormViewInsertedEventHandler handler = (FormViewInsertedEventHandler)Events[EventItemInserted]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemInserting(FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewInsertEventHandler handler = (FormViewInsertEventHandler)Events[EventItemInserting]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ItemInserting")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemUpdated(FormViewUpdatedEventArgs e) { FormViewUpdatedEventHandler handler = (FormViewUpdatedEventHandler)Events[EventItemUpdated]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnItemUpdating(FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewUpdateEventHandler handler = (FormViewUpdateEventHandler)Events[EventItemUpdating]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ItemUpdating")); } } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnModeChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventModeChanged]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected virtual void OnModeChanging(FormViewModeEventArgs e) { bool isBoundToDataSourceControl = IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; FormViewModeEventHandler handler = (FormViewModeEventHandler)Events[EventModeChanging]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } else { if (isBoundToDataSourceControl == false && e.Cancel == false) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.FormView_UnhandledEvent, ID, "ModeChanging")); } } } private void OnPagerPropertyChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Initialized) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } } private bool PageIsValidAfterModelException() { if (_modelValidationGroup == null) { return true; } Page.Validate(_modelValidationGroup); return Page.IsValid; } protected internal override void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable data) { base.PerformDataBinding(data); if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && Mode == FormViewMode.Edit && IsViewStateEnabled) { ExtractRowValues(BoundFieldValues, false/*includeKeys*/); } } ///Raises the ///event. /// protected internal virtual void PrepareControlHierarchy() { if (Controls.Count < 1) { return; } Debug.Assert(Controls[0] is Table); Table childTable = (Table)Controls[0]; childTable.CopyBaseAttributes(this); if (ControlStyleCreated && !ControlStyle.IsEmpty) { childTable.ApplyStyle(ControlStyle); } else { // Since we didn't create a ControlStyle yet, the default // settings for the default style of the control need to be applied // to the child table control directly // childTable.GridLines = GridLines.None; childTable.CellSpacing = 0; } childTable.Caption = Caption; childTable.CaptionAlign = CaptionAlign; Style compositeStyle; TableRowCollection rows = childTable.Rows; foreach (FormViewRow row in rows) { compositeStyle = new TableItemStyle(); DataControlRowState rowState = row.RowState; DataControlRowType rowType = row.RowType; switch (rowType) { case DataControlRowType.Header: compositeStyle = _headerStyle; break; case DataControlRowType.Footer: compositeStyle = _footerStyle; break; case DataControlRowType.DataRow: compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_rowStyle); if ((rowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) != 0) { compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_editRowStyle); } if ((rowState & DataControlRowState.Insert) != 0) { if (_insertRowStyle != null) { compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_insertRowStyle); } else { compositeStyle.CopyFrom(_editRowStyle); } } break; case DataControlRowType.Pager: compositeStyle = _pagerStyle; break; case DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow: compositeStyle = _emptyDataRowStyle; break; } if (compositeStyle != null && row.Visible) { row.MergeStyle(compositeStyle); } } } protected virtual void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) { ValidateEvent(UniqueID, eventArgument); int separatorIndex = eventArgument.IndexOf('$'); if (separatorIndex < 0) { return; } CommandEventArgs cea = new CommandEventArgs(eventArgument.Substring(0, separatorIndex), eventArgument.Substring(separatorIndex + 1)); FormViewCommandEventArgs dvcea = new FormViewCommandEventArgs(this, cea); HandleEvent(dvcea, false, String.Empty); } ////// protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (Page != null) { Page.VerifyRenderingInServerForm(this); } PrepareControlHierarchy(); RenderContents(writer); } ///Displays the control on the client. ////// protected internal override object SaveControlState() { object baseState = base.SaveControlState(); if (baseState != null || _pageIndex != 0 || _mode != _defaultMode || _defaultMode != FormViewMode.ReadOnly || (_dataKeyNames != null && _dataKeyNames.Length > 0) || (_keyTable != null && _keyTable.Count > 0) || _pageCount != 0) { object[] state = new object[7]; object pageIndexState = null; object modeState = null; object defaultModeState = null; object keyNamesState = null; object keyTableState = null; object pageCountState = null; if (_pageIndex != 0) { pageIndexState = _pageIndex; } if (_defaultMode != FormViewMode.ReadOnly) { defaultModeState = (int)_defaultMode; } // Only save the mode if it's different from the DefaultMode. Otherwise, the Mode // getter will restore it to the DefaultMode value. if (_mode != _defaultMode && _modeSet) { modeState = (int)_mode; } if (_dataKeyNames != null && _dataKeyNames.Length > 0) { keyNamesState = _dataKeyNames; } if (_keyTable != null) { keyTableState = OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.SaveViewState(_keyTable); } if (_pageCount != 0) { pageCountState = _pageCount; } state[0] = baseState; state[1] = pageIndexState; state[2] = defaultModeState; state[3] = modeState; state[4] = keyNamesState; state[5] = keyTableState; state[6] = pageCountState; return state; } return true; // return a dummy that ensures LoadControlState gets called but minimizes persisted size. } ///Saves the control state for those properties that should persist across postbacks /// even when EnableViewState=false. ////// protected override object SaveViewState() { object baseState = base.SaveViewState(); object pagerStyleState = (_pagerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_pagerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object headerStyleState = (_headerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_headerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object footerStyleState = (_footerStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_footerStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object rowStyleState = (_rowStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_rowStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object editRowStyleState = (_editRowStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_editRowStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object insertRowStyleState = (_insertRowStyle != null) ? ((IStateManager)_insertRowStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object boundFieldValuesState = (_boundFieldValues != null) ? OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.SaveViewState(_boundFieldValues) : null; object pagerSettingsState = (_pagerSettings != null) ? ((IStateManager)_pagerSettings).SaveViewState() : null; object controlState = ControlStyleCreated ? ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).SaveViewState() : null; object[] myState = new object[10]; myState[0] = baseState; myState[1] = pagerStyleState; myState[2] = headerStyleState; myState[3] = footerStyleState; myState[4] = rowStyleState; myState[5] = editRowStyleState; myState[6] = insertRowStyleState; myState[7] = boundFieldValuesState; myState[8] = pagerSettingsState; myState[9] = controlState; // note that we always have some state, atleast the RowCount return myState; } private void SelectCallback(IEnumerable data) { // The data source should have thrown. If we're here, it didn't. We'll throw for it // with a generic message. throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBoundControl_DataSourceDoesntSupportPaging)); } ///Saves the current state of the ///. /// protected override void TrackViewState() { base.TrackViewState(); if (_pagerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_pagerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_headerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_headerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_footerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_footerStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_rowStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_rowStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_editRowStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_editRowStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_insertRowStyle != null) ((IStateManager)_insertRowStyle).TrackViewState(); if (_pagerSettings != null) ((IStateManager)_pagerSettings).TrackViewState(); if (ControlStyleCreated) ((IStateManager)ControlStyle).TrackViewState(); } public virtual void UpdateItem(bool causesValidation) { HandleUpdate(String.Empty, causesValidation); } #region IPostBackContainer implementation PostBackOptions IPostBackContainer.GetPostBackOptions(IButtonControl buttonControl) { if (buttonControl == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("buttonControl"); } if (buttonControl.CausesValidation) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CannotUseParentPostBackWhenValidating, this.GetType().Name, ID)); } PostBackOptions options = new PostBackOptions(this, buttonControl.CommandName + "$" + buttonControl.CommandArgument); options.RequiresJavaScriptProtocol = true; return options; } #endregion #region IPostBackEventHandler implementation void IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) { RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument); } #endregion #region IDataItemContainer implementation int IDataItemContainer.DataItemIndex { get { return DataItemIndex; } } int IDataItemContainer.DisplayIndex { get { return 0; } } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.Marks the starting point to begin tracking and saving changes to the /// control as part of the control viewstate. ///
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