/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / CompMod / System / CodeDOM / Compiler / CodeGenerator.cs / 1 / CodeGenerator.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.CodeDom.Compiler { using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using System; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; ////// [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust")] [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] public abstract class CodeGenerator : ICodeGenerator { private const int ParameterMultilineThreshold = 15; private IndentedTextWriter output; private CodeGeneratorOptions options; private CodeTypeDeclaration currentClass; private CodeTypeMember currentMember; private bool inNestedBinary = false; ///Provides a base class for code generators. ////// protected CodeTypeDeclaration CurrentClass { get { return currentClass; } } ////// Gets the current class. /// ////// protected string CurrentTypeName { get { if (currentClass != null) { return currentClass.Name; } return "<% unknown %>"; } } ////// Gets or sets the current class name. /// ////// protected CodeTypeMember CurrentMember { get { return currentMember; } } ////// Gets or sets the current member of the class. /// ////// protected string CurrentMemberName { get { if (currentMember != null) { return currentMember.Name; } return "<% unknown %>"; } } ////// Gets or sets the current member name. /// ////// protected bool IsCurrentInterface { get { if (currentClass != null && !(currentClass is CodeTypeDelegate)) { return currentClass.IsInterface; } return false; } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current object being /// generated is an interface. /// ////// protected bool IsCurrentClass { get { if (currentClass != null && !(currentClass is CodeTypeDelegate)) { return currentClass.IsClass; } return false; } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current object being generated /// is a class. /// ////// protected bool IsCurrentStruct { get { if (currentClass != null && !(currentClass is CodeTypeDelegate)) { return currentClass.IsStruct; } return false; } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current object being generated /// is a struct. /// ////// protected bool IsCurrentEnum { get { if (currentClass != null && !(currentClass is CodeTypeDelegate)) { return currentClass.IsEnum; } return false; } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current object being generated /// is an enumeration. /// ////// protected bool IsCurrentDelegate { get { if (currentClass != null && currentClass is CodeTypeDelegate) { return true; } return false; } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current object being generated /// is a delegate. /// ////// protected int Indent { get { return output.Indent; } set { output.Indent = value; } } ////// Gets or sets the amount of spaces to indent. /// ////// protected abstract string NullToken { get; } ////// Gets the token that represents ///. /// /// protected TextWriter Output { get { return output; } } ////// Gets or sets the System.IO.TextWriter /// to use for output. /// ////// protected CodeGeneratorOptions Options { get { return options; } } private void GenerateType(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { currentClass = e; if (e.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(e.Comments); if (e.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(e.LinePragma); GenerateTypeStart(e); if (Options.VerbatimOrder) { foreach (CodeTypeMember member in e.Members) { GenerateTypeMember(member, e); } } else { GenerateFields(e); GenerateSnippetMembers(e); GenerateTypeConstructors(e); GenerateConstructors(e); GenerateProperties(e); GenerateEvents(e); GenerateMethods(e); GenerateNestedTypes(e); } // Nested types clobber the current class, so reset it. currentClass = e; GenerateTypeEnd(e); if (e.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(e.LinePragma); if (e.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.EndDirectives); } } protected virtual void GenerateDirectives(CodeDirectiveCollection directives) { } private void GenerateTypeMember(CodeTypeMember member, CodeTypeDeclaration declaredType) { if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (member is CodeTypeDeclaration) { ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromType((CodeTypeDeclaration)member, output.InnerWriter, options); // Nested types clobber the current class, so reset it. currentClass = declaredType; // For nested types, comments and line pragmas are handled separately, so return here return; } if (member.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(member.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(member.Comments); if (member.LinePragma != null) { GenerateLinePragmaStart(member.LinePragma); } if (member is CodeMemberField) { GenerateField((CodeMemberField)member); } else if (member is CodeMemberProperty) { GenerateProperty((CodeMemberProperty)member, declaredType); } else if (member is CodeMemberMethod) { if (member is CodeConstructor) { GenerateConstructor((CodeConstructor)member, declaredType); } else if (member is CodeTypeConstructor) { GenerateTypeConstructor((CodeTypeConstructor) member); } else if (member is CodeEntryPointMethod) { GenerateEntryPointMethod((CodeEntryPointMethod)member, declaredType); } else { GenerateMethod((CodeMemberMethod)member, declaredType); } } else if (member is CodeMemberEvent) { GenerateEvent((CodeMemberEvent)member, declaredType); } else if (member is CodeSnippetTypeMember) { // Don't indent snippets, in order to preserve the column // information from the original code. This improves the debugging // experience. int savedIndent = Indent; Indent=0; GenerateSnippetMember((CodeSnippetTypeMember)member); // Restore the indent Indent=savedIndent; // Generate an extra new line at the end of the snippet. // If the snippet is comment and this type only contains comments. // The generated code will not compile. Output.WriteLine(); } if (member.LinePragma != null) { GenerateLinePragmaEnd(member.LinePragma); } if (member.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(member.EndDirectives); } } private void GenerateTypeConstructors(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeTypeConstructor) { currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeTypeConstructor imp = (CodeTypeConstructor)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); GenerateTypeConstructor(imp); if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected void GenerateNamespaces(CodeCompileUnit e) { foreach (CodeNamespace n in e.Namespaces) { ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromNamespace(n, output.InnerWriter, options); } } ///Generates code for the namepsaces in the specifield CodeDom compile unit. /// ////// protected void GenerateTypes(CodeNamespace e) { foreach (CodeTypeDeclaration c in e.Types) { if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromType(c, output.InnerWriter, options); } } ///Generates code for the specified CodeDom namespace representation and the classes it /// contains. ///bool ICodeGenerator.Supports(GeneratorSupport support) { return this.Supports(support); } /// void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromType(CodeTypeDeclaration e, TextWriter w, CodeGeneratorOptions o) { bool setLocal = false; if (output != null && w != output.InnerWriter) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CodeGenOutputWriter)); } if (output == null) { setLocal = true; options = (o == null) ? new CodeGeneratorOptions() : o; output = new IndentedTextWriter(w, options.IndentString); } try { GenerateType(e); } finally { if (setLocal) { output = null; options = null; } } } /// void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromExpression(CodeExpression e, TextWriter w, CodeGeneratorOptions o) { bool setLocal = false; if (output != null && w != output.InnerWriter) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CodeGenOutputWriter)); } if (output == null) { setLocal = true; options = (o == null) ? new CodeGeneratorOptions() : o; output = new IndentedTextWriter(w, options.IndentString); } try { GenerateExpression(e); } finally { if (setLocal) { output = null; options = null; } } } /// void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(CodeCompileUnit e, TextWriter w, CodeGeneratorOptions o) { bool setLocal = false; if (output != null && w != output.InnerWriter) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CodeGenOutputWriter)); } if (output == null) { setLocal = true; options = (o == null) ? new CodeGeneratorOptions() : o; output = new IndentedTextWriter(w, options.IndentString); } try { if (e is CodeSnippetCompileUnit) { GenerateSnippetCompileUnit((CodeSnippetCompileUnit) e); } else { GenerateCompileUnit(e); } } finally { if (setLocal) { output = null; options = null; } } } /// void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(CodeNamespace e, TextWriter w, CodeGeneratorOptions o) { bool setLocal = false; if (output != null && w != output.InnerWriter) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CodeGenOutputWriter)); } if (output == null) { setLocal = true; options = (o == null) ? new CodeGeneratorOptions() : o; output = new IndentedTextWriter(w, options.IndentString); } try { GenerateNamespace(e); } finally { if (setLocal) { output = null; options = null; } } } /// void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromStatement(CodeStatement e, TextWriter w, CodeGeneratorOptions o) { bool setLocal = false; if (output != null && w != output.InnerWriter) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CodeGenOutputWriter)); } if (output == null) { setLocal = true; options = (o == null) ? new CodeGeneratorOptions() : o; output = new IndentedTextWriter(w, options.IndentString); } try { GenerateStatement(e); } finally { if (setLocal) { output = null; options = null; } } } public virtual void GenerateCodeFromMember(CodeTypeMember member, TextWriter writer, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { if (this.output != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CodeGenReentrance)); } this.options = (options == null) ? new CodeGeneratorOptions() : options; this.output = new IndentedTextWriter(writer, this.options.IndentString); try { CodeTypeDeclaration dummyClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration(); this.currentClass = dummyClass; GenerateTypeMember(member, dummyClass); } finally { this.currentClass = null; this.output = null; this.options = null; } } /// bool ICodeGenerator.IsValidIdentifier(string value) { return this.IsValidIdentifier(value); } /// void ICodeGenerator.ValidateIdentifier(string value) { this.ValidateIdentifier(value); } /// string ICodeGenerator.CreateEscapedIdentifier(string value) { return this.CreateEscapedIdentifier(value); } /// string ICodeGenerator.CreateValidIdentifier(string value) { return this.CreateValidIdentifier(value); } /// string ICodeGenerator.GetTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference type) { return this.GetTypeOutput(type); } private void GenerateConstructors(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeConstructor) { currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeConstructor imp = (CodeConstructor)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); GenerateConstructor(imp, e); if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } } private void GenerateEvents(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeMemberEvent) { currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeMemberEvent imp = (CodeMemberEvent)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); GenerateEvent(imp, e); if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } } /// /// protected void GenerateExpression(CodeExpression e) { if (e is CodeArrayCreateExpression) { GenerateArrayCreateExpression((CodeArrayCreateExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeBaseReferenceExpression) { GenerateBaseReferenceExpression((CodeBaseReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeBinaryOperatorExpression) { GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression((CodeBinaryOperatorExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeCastExpression) { GenerateCastExpression((CodeCastExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeDelegateCreateExpression) { GenerateDelegateCreateExpression((CodeDelegateCreateExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeFieldReferenceExpression) { GenerateFieldReferenceExpression((CodeFieldReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeArgumentReferenceExpression) { GenerateArgumentReferenceExpression((CodeArgumentReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeVariableReferenceExpression) { GenerateVariableReferenceExpression((CodeVariableReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeIndexerExpression) { GenerateIndexerExpression((CodeIndexerExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeArrayIndexerExpression) { GenerateArrayIndexerExpression((CodeArrayIndexerExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeSnippetExpression) { GenerateSnippetExpression((CodeSnippetExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeMethodInvokeExpression) { GenerateMethodInvokeExpression((CodeMethodInvokeExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeMethodReferenceExpression) { GenerateMethodReferenceExpression((CodeMethodReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeEventReferenceExpression) { GenerateEventReferenceExpression((CodeEventReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeDelegateInvokeExpression) { GenerateDelegateInvokeExpression((CodeDelegateInvokeExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeObjectCreateExpression) { GenerateObjectCreateExpression((CodeObjectCreateExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeParameterDeclarationExpression) { GenerateParameterDeclarationExpression((CodeParameterDeclarationExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeDirectionExpression) { GenerateDirectionExpression((CodeDirectionExpression)e); } else if (e is CodePrimitiveExpression) { GeneratePrimitiveExpression((CodePrimitiveExpression)e); } else if (e is CodePropertyReferenceExpression) { GeneratePropertyReferenceExpression((CodePropertyReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression) { GeneratePropertySetValueReferenceExpression((CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeThisReferenceExpression) { GenerateThisReferenceExpression((CodeThisReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeTypeReferenceExpression) { GenerateTypeReferenceExpression((CodeTypeReferenceExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeTypeOfExpression) { GenerateTypeOfExpression((CodeTypeOfExpression)e); } else if (e is CodeDefaultValueExpression) { GenerateDefaultValueExpression((CodeDefaultValueExpression)e); } else { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidElementType, e.GetType().FullName), "e"); } } } private void GenerateFields(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeMemberField) { currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeMemberField imp = (CodeMemberField)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); GenerateField(imp); if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } } private void GenerateSnippetMembers(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); bool hasSnippet = false; while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeSnippetTypeMember) { hasSnippet = true; currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeSnippetTypeMember imp = (CodeSnippetTypeMember)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); // Don't indent snippets, in order to preserve the column // information from the original code. This improves the debugging // experience. int savedIndent = Indent; Indent=0; GenerateSnippetMember(imp); // Restore the indent Indent=savedIndent; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } // Generate an extra new line at the end of the snippet. // If the snippet is comment and this type only contains comments. // The generated code will not compile. if(hasSnippet) { Output.WriteLine(); } } ///Generates code for the specified CodeDom code expression representation. ////// protected virtual void GenerateSnippetCompileUnit(CodeSnippetCompileUnit e) { GenerateDirectives(e.StartDirectives); if (e.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(e.LinePragma); Output.WriteLine(e.Value); if (e.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(e.LinePragma); if (e.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.EndDirectives); } } private void GenerateMethods(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeMemberMethod && !(en.Current is CodeTypeConstructor) && !(en.Current is CodeConstructor)) { currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeMemberMethod imp = (CodeMemberMethod)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); if (en.Current is CodeEntryPointMethod) { GenerateEntryPointMethod((CodeEntryPointMethod)en.Current, e); } else { GenerateMethod(imp, e); } if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } } private void GenerateNestedTypes(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeTypeDeclaration) { if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } CodeTypeDeclaration currentClass = (CodeTypeDeclaration)en.Current; ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromType(currentClass, output.InnerWriter, options); } } } ///Generates code for the specified snippet code block /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateCompileUnit(CodeCompileUnit e) { GenerateCompileUnitStart(e); GenerateNamespaces(e); GenerateCompileUnitEnd(e); } ///Generates code for the specified CodeDom /// compile unit representation. ////// protected virtual void GenerateNamespace(CodeNamespace e) { GenerateCommentStatements(e.Comments); GenerateNamespaceStart(e); GenerateNamespaceImports(e); Output.WriteLine(""); GenerateTypes(e); GenerateNamespaceEnd(e); } ///Generates code for the specified CodeDom /// namespace representation. ////// protected void GenerateNamespaceImports(CodeNamespace e) { IEnumerator en = e.Imports.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { CodeNamespaceImport imp = (CodeNamespaceImport)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); GenerateNamespaceImport(imp); if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); } } private void GenerateProperties(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { IEnumerator en = e.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (en.Current is CodeMemberProperty) { currentMember = (CodeTypeMember)en.Current; if (options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers) { Output.WriteLine(); } if (currentMember.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.StartDirectives); } GenerateCommentStatements(currentMember.Comments); CodeMemberProperty imp = (CodeMemberProperty)en.Current; if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart(imp.LinePragma); GenerateProperty(imp, e); if (imp.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd(imp.LinePragma); if (currentMember.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(currentMember.EndDirectives); } } } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace import /// representation. /// ////// protected void GenerateStatement(CodeStatement e) { if (e.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.StartDirectives); } if (e.LinePragma != null) { GenerateLinePragmaStart(e.LinePragma); } if (e is CodeCommentStatement) { GenerateCommentStatement((CodeCommentStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeMethodReturnStatement) { GenerateMethodReturnStatement((CodeMethodReturnStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeConditionStatement) { GenerateConditionStatement((CodeConditionStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement) { GenerateTryCatchFinallyStatement((CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeAssignStatement) { GenerateAssignStatement((CodeAssignStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeExpressionStatement) { GenerateExpressionStatement((CodeExpressionStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeIterationStatement) { GenerateIterationStatement((CodeIterationStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeThrowExceptionStatement) { GenerateThrowExceptionStatement((CodeThrowExceptionStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeSnippetStatement) { // Don't indent snippet statements, in order to preserve the column // information from the original code. This improves the debugging // experience. int savedIndent = Indent; Indent=0; GenerateSnippetStatement((CodeSnippetStatement)e); // Restore the indent Indent=savedIndent; } else if (e is CodeVariableDeclarationStatement) { GenerateVariableDeclarationStatement((CodeVariableDeclarationStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeAttachEventStatement) { GenerateAttachEventStatement((CodeAttachEventStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeRemoveEventStatement) { GenerateRemoveEventStatement((CodeRemoveEventStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeGotoStatement) { GenerateGotoStatement((CodeGotoStatement)e); } else if (e is CodeLabeledStatement) { GenerateLabeledStatement((CodeLabeledStatement)e); } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidElementType, e.GetType().FullName), "e"); } if (e.LinePragma != null) { GenerateLinePragmaEnd(e.LinePragma); } if (e.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.EndDirectives); } } ////// Generates code for /// the specified CodeDom based statement representation. /// ////// protected void GenerateStatements(CodeStatementCollection stms) { IEnumerator en = stms.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromStatement((CodeStatement)en.Current, output.InnerWriter, options); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based statement representations. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputAttributeDeclarations(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes) { if (attributes.Count == 0) return; GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart(attributes); bool first = true; IEnumerator en = attributes.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { ContinueOnNewLine(", "); } CodeAttributeDeclaration current = (CodeAttributeDeclaration)en.Current; Output.Write(current.Name); Output.Write("("); bool firstArg = true; foreach (CodeAttributeArgument arg in current.Arguments) { if (firstArg) { firstArg = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } OutputAttributeArgument(arg); } Output.Write(")"); } GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd(attributes); } ////// Generates code for the specified System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeBlock. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputAttributeArgument(CodeAttributeArgument arg) { if (arg.Name != null && arg.Name.Length > 0) { OutputIdentifier(arg.Name); Output.Write("="); } ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromExpression(arg.Value, output.InnerWriter, options); } ////// Outputs an argument in a attribute block. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputDirection(FieldDirection dir) { switch (dir) { case FieldDirection.In: break; case FieldDirection.Out: Output.Write("out "); break; case FieldDirection.Ref: Output.Write("ref "); break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified System.CodeDom.FieldDirection. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputFieldScopeModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.VTableMask) { case MemberAttributes.New: Output.Write("new "); break; } switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Final: break; case MemberAttributes.Static: Output.Write("static "); break; case MemberAttributes.Const: Output.Write("const "); break; default: break; } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void OutputMemberAccessModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Assembly: Output.Write("internal "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly: Output.Write("internal "); /*FamANDAssem*/ break; case MemberAttributes.Family: Output.Write("protected "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyOrAssembly: Output.Write("protected internal "); break; case MemberAttributes.Private: Output.Write("private "); break; case MemberAttributes.Public: Output.Write("public "); break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified member access modifier. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputMemberScopeModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.VTableMask) { case MemberAttributes.New: Output.Write("new "); break; } switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Abstract: Output.Write("abstract "); break; case MemberAttributes.Final: Output.Write(""); break; case MemberAttributes.Static: Output.Write("static "); break; case MemberAttributes.Override: Output.Write("override "); break; default: switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Family: case MemberAttributes.Public: Output.Write("virtual "); break; default: // nothing; break; } break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified member scope modifier. /// ////// protected abstract void OutputType(CodeTypeReference typeRef); ////// Generates code for the specified type. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputTypeAttributes(TypeAttributes attributes, bool isStruct, bool isEnum) { switch(attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.Public: case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic: Output.Write("public "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate: Output.Write("private "); break; } if (isStruct) { Output.Write("struct "); } else if (isEnum) { Output.Write("enum "); } else { switch (attributes & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) { case TypeAttributes.Class: if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) == TypeAttributes.Sealed) { Output.Write("sealed "); } if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Abstract) == TypeAttributes.Abstract) { Output.Write("abstract "); } Output.Write("class "); break; case TypeAttributes.Interface: Output.Write("interface "); break; } } } ////// Generates code for the specified type attributes. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputTypeNamePair(CodeTypeReference typeRef, string name) { OutputType(typeRef); Output.Write(" "); OutputIdentifier(name); } ////// Generates code for the specified object type and name pair. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputIdentifier(string ident) { Output.Write(ident); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void OutputExpressionList(CodeExpressionCollection expressions) { OutputExpressionList(expressions, false /*newlineBetweenItems*/); } ////// Generates code for the specified expression list. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputExpressionList(CodeExpressionCollection expressions, bool newlineBetweenItems) { bool first = true; IEnumerator en = expressions.GetEnumerator(); Indent++; while (en.MoveNext()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { if (newlineBetweenItems) ContinueOnNewLine(","); else Output.Write(", "); } ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromExpression((CodeExpression)en.Current, output.InnerWriter, options); } Indent--; } ////// Generates code for the specified expression list. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputOperator(CodeBinaryOperatorType op) { switch (op) { case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Add: Output.Write("+"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Subtract: Output.Write("-"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Multiply: Output.Write("*"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Divide: Output.Write("/"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Modulus: Output.Write("%"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Assign: Output.Write("="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality: Output.Write("!="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityEquality: Output.Write("=="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.ValueEquality: Output.Write("=="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr: Output.Write("|"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd: Output.Write("&"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanOr: Output.Write("||"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanAnd: Output.Write("&&"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.LessThan: Output.Write("<"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.LessThanOrEqual: Output.Write("<="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan: Output.Write(">"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual: Output.Write(">="); break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified operator. /// ////// protected virtual void OutputParameters(CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection parameters) { bool first = true; bool multiline = parameters.Count > ParameterMultilineThreshold; if (multiline) { Indent += 3; } IEnumerator en = parameters.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { CodeParameterDeclarationExpression current = (CodeParameterDeclarationExpression)en.Current; if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } if (multiline) { ContinueOnNewLine(""); } GenerateExpression(current); } if (multiline) { Indent -= 3; } } ////// Generates code for the specified parameters. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateArrayCreateExpression(CodeArrayCreateExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based array creation expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateBaseReferenceExpression(CodeBaseReferenceExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based base reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(CodeBinaryOperatorExpression e) { bool indentedExpression = false; Output.Write("("); GenerateExpression(e.Left); Output.Write(" "); if (e.Left is CodeBinaryOperatorExpression || e.Right is CodeBinaryOperatorExpression) { // In case the line gets too long with nested binary operators, we need to output them on // different lines. However we want to indent them to maintain readability, but this needs // to be done only once; if (!inNestedBinary) { indentedExpression = true; inNestedBinary = true; Indent += 3; } ContinueOnNewLine(""); } OutputOperator(e.Operator); Output.Write(" "); GenerateExpression(e.Right); Output.Write(")"); if (indentedExpression) { Indent -= 3; inNestedBinary = false; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based binary operator /// expression representation. /// ////// protected virtual void ContinueOnNewLine(string st) { Output.WriteLine(st); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateCastExpression(CodeCastExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based cast expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateDelegateCreateExpression(CodeDelegateCreateExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based delegate creation expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateFieldReferenceExpression(CodeFieldReferenceExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based field reference /// expression representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateArgumentReferenceExpression(CodeArgumentReferenceExpression e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateVariableReferenceExpression(CodeVariableReferenceExpression e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateIndexerExpression(CodeIndexerExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based indexer expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateArrayIndexerExpression(CodeArrayIndexerExpression e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateSnippetExpression(CodeSnippetExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based snippet /// expression representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateMethodInvokeExpression(CodeMethodInvokeExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method invoke expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateMethodReferenceExpression(CodeMethodReferenceExpression e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateEventReferenceExpression(CodeEventReferenceExpression e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateDelegateInvokeExpression(CodeDelegateInvokeExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based delegate invoke expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateObjectCreateExpression(CodeObjectCreateExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom /// based object creation expression representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateParameterDeclarationExpression(CodeParameterDeclarationExpression e) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributeDeclarations(e.CustomAttributes); Output.Write(" "); } OutputDirection(e.Direction); OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom /// based parameter declaration expression representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateDirectionExpression(CodeDirectionExpression e) { OutputDirection(e.Direction); GenerateExpression(e.Expression); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void GeneratePrimitiveExpression(CodePrimitiveExpression e) { if (e.Value == null) { Output.Write(NullToken); } else if (e.Value is string) { Output.Write(QuoteSnippetString((string)e.Value)); } else if (e.Value is char) { Output.Write("'" + e.Value.ToString() + "'"); } else if (e.Value is byte) { Output.Write(((byte)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (e.Value is Int16) { Output.Write(((Int16)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (e.Value is Int32) { Output.Write(((Int32)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (e.Value is Int64) { Output.Write(((Int64)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (e.Value is Single) { GenerateSingleFloatValue((Single)e.Value); } else if (e.Value is Double) { GenerateDoubleValue((Double)e.Value); } else if (e.Value is Decimal) { GenerateDecimalValue((Decimal)e.Value); } else if (e.Value is bool) { if ((bool)e.Value) { Output.Write("true"); } else { Output.Write("false"); } } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidPrimitiveType, e.Value.GetType().ToString())); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based primitive expression /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateSingleFloatValue(Single s) { Output.Write(s.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void GenerateDoubleValue(Double d) { Output.Write(d.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void GenerateDecimalValue(Decimal d) { Output.Write(d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } // protected virtual void GenerateDefaultValueExpression(CodeDefaultValueExpression e) { } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GeneratePropertyReferenceExpression(CodePropertyReferenceExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based property reference /// expression representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GeneratePropertySetValueReferenceExpression(CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateThisReferenceExpression(CodeThisReferenceExpression e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based this reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateTypeReferenceExpression(CodeTypeReferenceExpression e) { OutputType(e.Type); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based type reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateTypeOfExpression(CodeTypeOfExpression e) { Output.Write("typeof("); OutputType(e.Type); Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based type of expression /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateExpressionStatement(CodeExpressionStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method /// invoke statement representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateIterationStatement(CodeIterationStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based for loop statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateThrowExceptionStatement(CodeThrowExceptionStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based throw exception statement /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateCommentStatement(CodeCommentStatement e) { GenerateComment(e.Comment); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based comment statement /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateCommentStatements(CodeCommentStatementCollection e) { foreach (CodeCommentStatement comment in e) { GenerateCommentStatement(comment); } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateComment(CodeComment e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateMethodReturnStatement(CodeMethodReturnStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method return statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateConditionStatement(CodeConditionStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based if statement representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateTryCatchFinallyStatement(CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based try catch finally /// statement representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateAssignStatement(CodeAssignStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based assignment statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateAttachEventStatement(CodeAttachEventStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attach event statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateRemoveEventStatement(CodeRemoveEventStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based detach event statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateGotoStatement(CodeGotoStatement e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateLabeledStatement(CodeLabeledStatement e); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected virtual void GenerateSnippetStatement(CodeSnippetStatement e) { Output.WriteLine(e.Value); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based snippet statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateVariableDeclarationStatement(CodeVariableDeclarationStatement e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based variable declaration statement /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateLinePragmaStart(CodeLinePragma e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based line pragma start /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateLinePragmaEnd(CodeLinePragma e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based line pragma end /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateEvent(CodeMemberEvent e, CodeTypeDeclaration c); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based event /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateField(CodeMemberField e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member field /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateSnippetMember(CodeSnippetTypeMember e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based snippet class member /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateEntryPointMethod(CodeEntryPointMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract void GenerateMethod(CodeMemberMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateProperty(CodeMemberProperty e, CodeTypeDeclaration c); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based property /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateConstructor(CodeConstructor e, CodeTypeDeclaration c); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based constructor /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateTypeConstructor(CodeTypeConstructor e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based class constructor /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateTypeStart(CodeTypeDeclaration e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based start class representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateTypeEnd(CodeTypeDeclaration e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based end class representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateCompileUnitStart(CodeCompileUnit e) { if (e.StartDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.StartDirectives); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based compile unit start /// representation. /// ////// protected virtual void GenerateCompileUnitEnd(CodeCompileUnit e) { if (e.EndDirectives.Count > 0) { GenerateDirectives(e.EndDirectives); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based compile unit end /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateNamespaceStart(CodeNamespace e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace start /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateNamespaceEnd(CodeNamespace e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace end /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateNamespaceImport(CodeNamespaceImport e); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace import /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attribute block start /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes); ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attribute block end /// representation. /// ////// protected abstract bool Supports(GeneratorSupport support); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract bool IsValidIdentifier(string value); ////// Gets or sets whether the specified value is a value identifier. /// ////// protected virtual void ValidateIdentifier(string value) { if (!IsValidIdentifier(value)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidIdentifier, value)); } } ////// Gets whether the specified identifier is valid. /// ////// protected abstract string CreateEscapedIdentifier(string value); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract string CreateValidIdentifier(string value); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract string GetTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference value); ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected abstract string QuoteSnippetString(string value); ////// Provides conversion to formatting with escape codes. /// ////// public static bool IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier(string value) { return IsValidTypeNameOrIdentifier(value, false); } internal static bool IsValidLanguageIndependentTypeName(string value) { return IsValidTypeNameOrIdentifier(value, true); } private static bool IsValidTypeNameOrIdentifier(string value, bool isTypeName) { bool nextMustBeStartChar = true; if (value.Length == 0) return false; // each char must be Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Nd, Mn, Mc, Pc // for(int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { char ch = value[i]; UnicodeCategory uc = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(ch); switch (uc) { case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter: // Lu case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter: // Ll case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter: // Lt case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter: // Lm case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber: // Lm case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter: // Lo nextMustBeStartChar = false; break; case UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark: // Mn case UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark: // Mc case UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation: // Pc case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber: // Nd // Underscore is a valid starting character, even though it is a ConnectorPunctuation. if (nextMustBeStartChar && ch != '_') return false; nextMustBeStartChar = false; break; default: // We only check the special Type chars for type names. if (isTypeName && IsSpecialTypeChar(ch, ref nextMustBeStartChar)) { break; } return false; } } return true; } // This can be a special character like a separator that shows up in a type name // This is an odd set of characters. Some come from characters that are allowed by C++, like < and >. // Others are characters that are specified in the type and assembly name grammer. private static bool IsSpecialTypeChar(char ch, ref bool nextMustBeStartChar) { switch(ch) { case ':': case '.': case '$': case '+': case '<': case '>': case '-': case '[': case ']': case ',': case '&': case '*': nextMustBeStartChar = true; return true; case '`': return true; } return false; } ////// Gets a value indicating whether the specified value is a valid language /// independent identifier. /// ////// public static void ValidateIdentifiers(CodeObject e) { CodeValidator codeValidator = new CodeValidator(); // This has internal state and hence is not static codeValidator.ValidateIdentifiers(e); } } }/// Validates a tree to check if all the types and idenfier names follow the rules of an identifier /// in a langauge independent manner. /// ///
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