BufferBuilder.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / untmp / whidbey / QFE / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / BufferBuilder.cs / 1 / BufferBuilder.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 

using System.IO; 
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace System.Xml { 
    //  Buffer Builder 
    // BufferBuilder is a replacement for StringBuilder for cases when large strings can occur.
    // StringBuilder stores the string that is being built in one large chunk of memory. If it needs more memory, 
    // it allocates a new chunk of double size and copies the data into it. This results in bad perf and
    // memory constumption in case the string is very large (>85kB). Large objects are allocated on Large Object
    // Heap and are not freed by GC as fast as smaller objects.
    // BufferBuilder uses a StringBuilder as long as the stored string is smaller that 64kB. If the final string
    // should be bigger that that, it stores the data in a list of char[] arrays. A StringBuilder object still needs to be 
    // used in order to create the final string in ToString methods, but this is ok since at that point 
    // we already know the resulting string length and we can initialize the StringBuilder with the correct
    // capacity. 
    // The BufferBuilder is designed for reusing. The Clear method will clear the state of the builder.
    // The next string built by BufferBuilder will reuse the string builder and the buffer chunks allocated
    // in the previous uses. (The string builder it not reused when it was last used to create a string >64kB because 
    // setting Length=0 on the string builder makes it allocate the big string again.)
    // When the buffer chunks are not in use, they are stored as WeakReferences so they can be freed by GC 
    // in case memory-pressure situation happens. 

    public class BufferBuilder {
    internal class BufferBuilder {
// Private types 
        private struct Buffer {
            internal char[] buffer; 
            internal WeakReference recycledBuffer;

// Fields
        StringBuilder stringBuilder; 

        Buffer[]    buffers; 
        int         buffersCount;
        char[]      lastBuffer;
        int         lastBufferIndex;
        int         length; 

// Tracing
        public static TextWriter s_TraceOutput = null;
        static int minLength = int.MaxValue;
        static int maxLength;
        static int totalLength; 
        static int toStringCount;
        static int totalAppendCount; 

// Constants
        // make it easier to catch buffer-related bugs on debug builds 
        const int BufferSize = 4*1024;
        const int BufferSize = 64*1024; 
        const int InitialBufferArrayLength = 4; 
        const int MaxStringBuilderLength = BufferSize;
        const int DefaultSBCapacity = 16;

// Constructor
        public BufferBuilder() { 
            if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) { 
                s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "----------------------------\r\nnew BufferBuilder()\r\n----------------------------" );

// Properties 
        public int Length { 
            get {
                return length;
            set { 
                if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) { 
                    s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "BufferBuilder.Length = " + value ); 

                if ( value < 0 || value > length ) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "value" );
                if ( value == 0 ) {
                else {
                    SetLength( value ); 
// Public methods 

        public void Append( char value ) { 
            if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) {
                s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "BufferBuilder.Append\tLength = 1\tchar '" + value.ToString() + "'" );
            if ( length + 1 <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) { 
                if ( stringBuilder == null ) {
                    stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
                stringBuilder.Append( value );
            else { 
                if ( lastBuffer == null ) {
                if ( lastBufferIndex == lastBuffer.Length ) {
                lastBuffer[lastBufferIndex++] = value;
        public void Append( char[] value ) { 
            Append( value, 0, value.Length );

        public void Append( char[] value, int start, int count ) {
            if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) { 
                s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "BufferBuilder.Append\tLength = " + count + "\t char array \"" + new string( value, start, count ) + "\"" );
            if ( value == null ) { 
                if ( start == 0 && count == 0 ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "value" ); 
            if ( count == 0 ) { 
            if ( start < 0 ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "start" );
            if ( count < 0 || start + count > value.Length ) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "count" ); 
            if ( length + count <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) { 
                if ( stringBuilder == null ) {
                    stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( count < DefaultSBCapacity ? DefaultSBCapacity : count ); 
                stringBuilder.Append( value, start, count );
                length += count;
            else {
                unsafe { 
                    fixed( char* source = &value[start] ) { 
                        AppendHelper( source, count);
        public void Append( string value ) {
            Append( value, 0, value.Length ); 

        public void Append( string value, int start, int count) { 
            if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) {
                s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "BufferBuilder.Append\tLength = " + count + "\t string fragment \"" + value.Substring( start, count ) + "\"" );
            if ( value == null ) { 
                if ( start == 0 && count == 0 ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "value" );
            if ( count == 0 ) { 
            if ( start < 0 ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "start" );
            if ( count < 0 || start + count > value.Length ) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "count" );
            if ( length + count <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) { 
                if ( stringBuilder == null ) {
                    stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( value, start, count, 0 ); 
                else {
                    stringBuilder.Append( value, start, count ); 
                length += count;
            else { 
                unsafe {
                    fixed ( char* source = value ) { 
                        AppendHelper( source + start, count ); 

        public void Clear() { 
            if ( length <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) {
                if ( stringBuilder != null ) { 
                    stringBuilder.Length = 0; 
            else {
                if ( lastBuffer != null ) {
                // destroy the string builder because setting its Length or Capacity to 0 makes it allocate the last string again :-|
                stringBuilder = null; 
            length = 0;

        internal void ClearBuffers() {
            if ( buffers != null ) {
                // recycle all but the first the buffer 
                for ( int i = 0; i < buffersCount; i++ ) {
                    Recycle( buffers[i] ); 
                lastBuffer = null;
            else {
                // just one buffer allocated with no buffers array -> no recycling
            lastBufferIndex = 0; 
            buffersCount = 0;
        public override string ToString() {
            string returnString; 
            if ( ( length <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) || ( buffersCount == 1 && lastBufferIndex == 0 ) ) {
                returnString = ( stringBuilder != null ) ? stringBuilder.ToString() : string.Empty;
            else { 
                if ( stringBuilder == null ) {
                    stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( length ); 
                else {
                    stringBuilder.Capacity = length; 
                int charsLeft = length - stringBuilder.Length;
                for ( int i = 0; i < buffersCount - 1; i++ ) {
                    char[] buf = buffers[i].buffer; 
                    stringBuilder.Append( buf, 0, buf.Length );
                    charsLeft -= buf.Length; 
                stringBuilder.Append( buffers[buffersCount-1].buffer, 0, charsLeft );
                returnString = stringBuilder.ToString();
            if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) { 
                s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "BufferBuilder.ToString() Length == " + returnString.Length + "\t \"" + returnString + "\"" );
                totalLength += returnString.Length; 
                if ( minLength > returnString.Length ) {
                    minLength = returnString.Length; 
                if ( maxLength < returnString.Length ) {
                    maxLength = returnString.Length;
            return returnString; 
        public string ToString( int startIndex, int len ) {
            if ( s_TraceOutput != null ) {
                s_TraceOutput.WriteLine( "BufferBuilder.ToString( " + startIndex + ", " + len + " )" ); 
            if ( startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= length ) { 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "startIndex" );
            if ( len < 0 || startIndex + len > length ) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "len" );
            if ( ( length <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) || ( buffersCount == 1 && lastBufferIndex == 0 ) ) {
                return ( stringBuilder != null ) ? stringBuilder.ToString( startIndex, len ) : string.Empty; 
            else {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( len ); 
                if ( stringBuilder != null ) {
                    if ( startIndex < stringBuilder.Length ) {
                        if ( len < stringBuilder.Length ) {
                            return stringBuilder.ToString( startIndex, len ); 
                        else { 
                            sb.Append( stringBuilder.ToString( startIndex, stringBuilder.Length ) ); 
                            startIndex = 0;
                    else {
                        startIndex -= stringBuilder.Length;
                int i; 
                for ( i = 0; i < buffersCount; i++ ) {
                    if ( startIndex < buffers[i].buffer.Length ) { 
                    startIndex -= buffers[i].buffer.Length;
                if ( i < buffersCount ) {
                    int charsLeft = len; 
                    for ( ; i < buffersCount && charsLeft > 0; i++ ) { 
                        char[] buf = buffers[i].buffer;
                        int copyCount = ( buf.Length < charsLeft ) ? buf.Length : charsLeft; 
                        sb.Append( buf, startIndex, copyCount );
                        startIndex = 0;
                        charsLeft -= copyCount;
                return sb.ToString(); 

// Private implementation methods
        private void CreateBuffers() {
            Debug.Assert( lastBuffer == null ); 
            if ( buffers == null ) { 
                lastBuffer = new char[BufferSize];
                buffers = new Buffer[InitialBufferArrayLength]; 
                buffers[0].buffer = lastBuffer;
                buffersCount = 1;
            else { 

        unsafe private void AppendHelper( char* pSource, int count )  { 
            if ( lastBuffer == null ) {
            int copyCount = 0; 
            while ( count > 0 ) {
                if ( lastBufferIndex >= lastBuffer.Length ) { 
                copyCount = count;
             int free = lastBuffer.Length - lastBufferIndex;
                if ( free < copyCount ) {
                    copyCount = free; 
                fixed ( char* pLastBuffer = &lastBuffer[lastBufferIndex] ) { 
                    wstrcpy( pLastBuffer, pSource, copyCount );
                pSource += copyCount;
            length += copyCount;
            lastBufferIndex += copyCount;
                count -= copyCount; 
        private void AddBuffer() {
            Debug.Assert( buffers != null ); 

            if ( buffersCount + 1 == buffers.Length ) {
                Buffer[] newBuffers = new Buffer[buffers.Length * 2]; 
                Array.Copy( buffers, 0, newBuffers, 0, buffers.Length );
                buffers = newBuffers; 

            // use the recycled buffer if we have one 
            char[] newBuffer;
            if ( buffers[buffersCount].recycledBuffer != null ) {
                newBuffer = (char[])buffers[buffersCount].recycledBuffer.Target;
                if ( newBuffer != null ) { 
                    buffers[buffersCount].recycledBuffer.Target = null;
                    goto End; 
            newBuffer = new char[BufferSize]; 

            // add the buffer to the list
            lastBuffer = newBuffer; 
            buffers[buffersCount++].buffer = newBuffer;
            lastBufferIndex = 0; 

        private void Recycle( Buffer buf ) { 
            // recycled buffers are kept as WeakReferences
            if ( buf.recycledBuffer == null ) {
                buf.recycledBuffer = new WeakReference( buf.buffer );
            else {
                buf.recycledBuffer.Target = buf.buffer; 
            for ( int i = 0; i < buf.buffer.Length; i++ ) { 
                buf.buffer[i] = (char)0xCC;
            buf.buffer = null; 
        private void SetLength( int newLength ) { 
            Debug.Assert( newLength <= length );
            if ( newLength == length ) {
            if ( length <= MaxStringBuilderLength ) {
                stringBuilder.Length = newLength; 
            else {
                int newLastIndex = newLength; 
                int i;
                for ( i = 0; i < buffersCount; i++ ) {
                    if ( newLastIndex < buffers[i].buffer.Length ) {
                    newLastIndex -= buffers[i].buffer.Length; 
                if ( i < buffersCount ) {
                    lastBuffer = buffers[i].buffer; 
                    lastBufferIndex = newLastIndex;
                    int newBuffersCount = i;
                    for ( ; i < buffersCount; i++ ) { 
                        Recycle( buffers[i] );
                    buffersCount = newBuffersCount; 
            length = newLength;

        internal static unsafe void wstrcpy( char *dmem, char *smem, int charCount ) { 
            if ( charCount > 0 ) {
                if ( ( ( (int)dmem ^ (int)smem ) & 3 ) == 0 ) { 
                    while ( ( (int) dmem & 3 ) != 0 && charCount > 0) { 
                        dmem[0] = smem[0];
                        dmem += 1; 
                        smem += 1;
                        charCount -= 1;
                    if ( charCount >= 8 ) { 
                        charCount -= 8;
                        do { 
                            ((uint*)dmem)[0] = ((uint*)smem)[0]; 
                            ((uint*)dmem)[1] = ((uint*)smem)[1];
                            ((uint*)dmem)[2] = ((uint*)smem)[2]; 
                            ((uint*)dmem)[3] = ((uint*)smem)[3];
                            dmem += 8;
                            smem += 8;
                            charCount -= 8; 
                        } while ( charCount >= 0 );
                    if ( ( charCount & 4 ) != 0 ) { 
                        ((uint*)dmem)[0] = ((uint*)smem)[0];
                        ((uint*)dmem)[1] = ((uint*)smem)[1]; 
                        dmem += 4;
                        smem += 4;
                    if ( ( charCount & 2 ) != 0) { 
                        ((uint*)dmem)[0] = ((uint*)smem)[0];
                        dmem += 2; 
                        smem += 2; 
                else {
                    if ( charCount >= 8 ) {
                        charCount -= 8;
                        do { 
                            dmem[0] = smem[0];
                            dmem[1] = smem[1]; 
                            dmem[2] = smem[2]; 
                            dmem[3] = smem[3];
                            dmem[4] = smem[4]; 
                            dmem[5] = smem[5];
                            dmem[6] = smem[6];
                            dmem[7] = smem[7];
                            dmem += 8; 
                            smem += 8;
                            charCount -= 8; 
                        while ( charCount >= 0 );
                    if ( ( charCount & 4) != 0 ) {
                        dmem[0] = smem[0];
                        dmem[1] = smem[1];
                        dmem[2] = smem[2]; 
                        dmem[3] = smem[3];
                        dmem += 4; 
                        smem += 4; 
                    if ( ( charCount & 2 ) != 0 ) { 
                        dmem[0] = smem[0];
                        dmem[1] = smem[1];
                        dmem += 2;
                        smem += 2; 
                if ( ( charCount & 1 ) != 0 ) {
                    dmem[0] = smem[0]; 
        public static int ToStringCount { 
            get { 
                return toStringCount;

        public static double AvgAppendCount {
            get { 
                return toStringCount == 0 ? 0 : (double)totalAppendCount / toStringCount;

        public static int AvgLength { 
            get {
                return toStringCount == 0 ? 0 : totalLength / toStringCount;

        public static int MaxLength { 
            get { 
                return maxLength;

        public static int MinLength {
            get { 
                return minLength;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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