InternalRelationshipCollection.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Base / MS / Internal / IO / Packaging / InternalRelationshipCollection.cs / 1 / InternalRelationshipCollection.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//  This is a class for representing a PackageRelationshipCollection. This is an internal 
//  class for manipulating relationships associated with a part
// Details:
//   This class handles serialization to/from relationship parts, creation of those parts
//   and offers methods to create, delete and enumerate relationships. This code was
//   moved from the PackageRelationshipCollection class. 
// History: 
//  04/26/2004: SarjanaS: This code was moved from the PackageRelationshipCollection class. 

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;                           // for XmlReader/Writer 
using System.IO.Packaging; 
using System.Windows;                       // For Exception strings - SRID
using System.IO; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Markup;                // For XMLCompatibilityReader

using MS.Internal;                          // For Invariant. 

namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging 
    /// Collection of all the relationships corresponding to a given source PackagePart 
    internal class InternalRelationshipCollection : IEnumerable
        //  Public Methods 
        #region IEnumerable 
        /// Returns an enumertor over all the relationships for a Package or a PackagePart
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return _relationships.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Returns an enumertor over all the relationships for a Package or a PackagePart
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return _relationships.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Returns an enumertor over all the relationships for a Package or a PackagePart
        public List.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _relationships.GetEnumerator(); 

        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Constructor
        /// For use by PackagePart
        internal InternalRelationshipCollection(PackagePart part): this(part.Package, part) 
        /// Constructor 
        /// For use by Package
        internal InternalRelationshipCollection(Package package): this(package, null)
        /// Add new relationship
        /// target
        /// Enumeration indicating the base uri for the target uri
        /// relationship type that uniquely defines the role of the relationship
        /// String that conforms to the xsd:ID datatype. Unique across the source's relationships. 
        /// Null OK (ID will be generated).
        internal PackageRelationship Add(Uri targetUri, TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id) 
            return Add(targetUri, targetMode, relationshipType, id, false /*not parsing*/);

        /// Return the relationship whose id is 'id', and null if not found.
        internal PackageRelationship GetRelationship(string id)
            int index = GetRelationshipIndex(id);
            if (index == -1) 
                return null;
            return _relationships[index];
        /// Delete relationship with ID 'id' 
        /// ID of the relationship to remove
        internal void Delete(String id) 
            int index = GetRelationshipIndex(id);
            if (index == -1) 
            _dirty = true;

        /// Clear all the relationships in this collection
        /// Today it is only used when the entire relationship part is being deleted 
        internal void Clear() 
            _dirty = true;

        /// Flush to stream (destructive)
        /// Based on the streaming mode of the package, flush piece or flush part.
        internal void Flush()
            if (!_dirty)

            if (_package.InStreamingCreation) 
                FlushRelationshipsToPiece(false /* not a terminal piece */);
                if (_relationships.Count == 0)  // empty?
                    // delete the part
                    if (_package.PartExists(_uri)) 
                    _relationshipPart = null;
                    EnsureRelationshipPart();   // lazy init
                    // write xml 
            _dirty = false;
        /// Exclusively used for streaming production. Any relationships remaining to flush 
        /// are flushed to a terminal piece. 
        /// If relationships have been created and have all been flushed already, a terminal piece
        /// is created to complete the Xml document. 
        internal void CloseInStreamingCreationMode()
            Debug.Assert(_package.InStreamingCreation, "This method should only be called in streaming creation mode"); 
            FlushRelationshipsToPiece(true /* last piece */);
        internal static void ThrowIfInvalidRelationshipType(string relationshipType)
            // Look for empty string or string with just spaces
            if (relationshipType.Trim() == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidRelationshipType));

        // If 'id' is not of the xsd type ID, throw an exception. 
        internal static void ThrowIfInvalidXsdId(string id) 
            Invariant.Assert(id != null, "id should not be null"); 

                // An XSD ID is an NCName that is unique. 
            catch (XmlException exception) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.NotAValidXmlIdString, id), exception); 

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        /// Constructor 
        /// package 
        /// part will be null if package is the source of the relationships 
        /// Shared constructor
        private InternalRelationshipCollection(Package package, PackagePart part) 
            Debug.Assert(package != null, "package parameter passed should never be null");

            _package = package; 
            _sourcePart = part;
            //_sourcePart may be null representing that the relationships are at the package level 
            _uri = GetRelationshipPartUri(_sourcePart);
            _relationships = new List(4); 

            // Load if available (not applicable to write-only mode).
            if (package.FileOpenAccess != FileAccess.Write && package.PartExists(_uri))
                _relationshipPart = package.GetPart(_uri);
            //Any initialization in the constructor should not set the dirty flag to true.
            _dirty = false;


        /// Returns the associated RelationshipPart for this part 
        /// may be null 
        /// name of relationship part for the given part
        private static Uri GetRelationshipPartUri(PackagePart part)
            Uri sourceUri; 

            if (part == null) 
                sourceUri = PackUriHelper.PackageRootUri; 
                sourceUri = part.Uri; 

            return PackUriHelper.GetRelationshipPartUri(sourceUri);
        /// Parse PackageRelationship Stream 
        /// relationship part
        /// Thrown if XML is malformed 
        private void ParseRelationshipPart(PackagePart part)
            //We can safely open the stream as FileAccess.Read, as this code
            //should only be invoked if the Package has been opened in Read or ReadWrite mode. 
            Debug.Assert(_package.FileOpenAccess == FileAccess.Read || _package.FileOpenAccess == FileAccess.ReadWrite,
                "This method should only be called when FileAccess is Read or ReadWrite"); 
            using (Stream s = part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                // load from the relationship part associated with the given part
                using (XmlTextReader baseReader = new XmlTextReader(s))
                    baseReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; 

                    //Prohibit DTD from the markup as per the OPC spec 
                    baseReader.ProhibitDtd = true; 

                    using (XmlCompatibilityReader reader = new XmlCompatibilityReader(baseReader, RelationshipKnownNamespaces)) 
                        //This method expects the reader to be in ReadState.Initial.
                        //It will make the first read call.

                        //Note: After the previous method call the reader should be at the first tag in the markup. 
                        //MoveToContent - Skips over the following - ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace 
                        //If the reader is currently at a content node then this function call is a no-op

                        // look for our tag and namespace pair - throw if other elements are encountered
                        // Make sure that the current node read is an Element
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element 
                            && (reader.Depth == 0)
                            && (String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipsTagName, reader.LocalName) == 0) 
                            && (String.CompareOrdinal(PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri, reader.NamespaceURI) == 0)) 

                            //There should be a namespace Attribute present at this level.
                            //Also any other attribute on the  tag is an error including xml: and xsi: attributes
                            if (PackagingUtilities.GetNonXmlnsAttributeCount(reader) > 0) 
                                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipsTagHasExtraAttributes), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
                            // start tag encountered for Relationships 
                            // now parse individual Relationship tags
                            while (reader.Read()) 
                                //Skips over the following - ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace
                                //If the reader is currently at a content node then this function call is a no-op

                                //If MoveToContent() takes us to the end of the content 
                                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None) 
                                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element
                                    && (reader.Depth == 1)
                                    && (String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipTagName, reader.LocalName) == 0)
                                    && (String.CompareOrdinal(PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri, reader.NamespaceURI) == 0)) 
                                    int expectedAttributesCount = 3;
                                    string targetModeAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TargetModeAttributeName);
                                    if (targetModeAttributeValue != null)
                                    //check if there are expected number of attributes.
                                    //Also any other attribute on the  tag is an error including xml: and xsi: attributes 
                                    if (PackagingUtilities.GetNonXmlnsAttributeCount(reader) == expectedAttributesCount) 

                                        //Skip the EndElement for Relationship
                                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                                    else throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipTagDoesntMatchSchema), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 
                                    if (!(String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipsTagName,reader.LocalName) == 0 && (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement))) 
                                        throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.UnknownTagEncountered), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
                        else throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.ExpectedRelationshipsElementTag), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 

        //This method processes the attributes that are present on the Relationship element
        private void ProcessRelationshipAttributes(XmlCompatibilityReader reader)
            // Attribute : TargetMode
            string targetModeAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TargetModeAttributeName); 

            //If the TargetMode attribute is missing in the underlying markup then we assume it to be internal 
            TargetMode relationshipTargetMode = TargetMode.Internal;

            if (targetModeAttributeValue != null)
                    relationshipTargetMode = (TargetMode)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TargetMode), targetModeAttributeValue, false /* ignore case */)); 
                catch (ArgumentNullException argNullEx) 
                    ThrowForInvalidAttributeValue(reader, TargetModeAttributeName, argNullEx);
                catch (ArgumentException argEx) 
                    //if the targetModeAttributeValue is not Internal|External then Argument Exception will be thrown. 
                    ThrowForInvalidAttributeValue(reader, TargetModeAttributeName, argEx); 

            // Attribute : Target
            // create a new PackageRelationship
            string targetAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TargetAttributeName); 
            if (targetAttributeValue == null || targetAttributeValue == String.Empty)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredRelationshipAttributeMissing, TargetAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 
            Uri targetUri = new Uri(targetAttributeValue, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            // Attribute : Type
            string typeAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TypeAttributeName);
            if (typeAttributeValue == null || typeAttributeValue == String.Empty)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredRelationshipAttributeMissing, TypeAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 

            // Attribute : Id 
            // Get the Id attribute (required attribute). 
            string idAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(IdAttributeName);
            if (idAttributeValue == null || idAttributeValue == String.Empty) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredRelationshipAttributeMissing, IdAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);

            // Add the relationship to the collection
            Add(targetUri, relationshipTargetMode, typeAttributeValue, idAttributeValue, true /*parsing*/); 

        //If End element is present for Relationship then we process it
        private void ProcessEndElementForRelationshipTag(XmlCompatibilityReader reader) 
            Debug.Assert(!reader.IsEmptyElement, "This method should only be called it the Relationship Element is not empty");


            //Skips over the following - ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace 

            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipTagName, reader.LocalName) == 0) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.ElementIsNotEmptyElement, RelationshipTagName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);

        /// Add new relationship to the Collection
        /// target
        /// Enumeration indicating the base uri for the target uri
        /// relationship type that uniquely defines the role of the relationship
        /// String that conforms to the xsd:ID datatype. Unique across the source's relationships. 
        /// Null OK (ID will be generated).
        /// Indicates whether the add call is made while parsing existing relationships 
        /// from a relationship part, or we are adding a new relationship 
        private PackageRelationship Add(Uri targetUri, TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id, bool parsing)
            if (targetUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetUri");

            if (relationshipType == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("relationshipType");

            //Verify if the Enum value is valid 
            if (targetMode < TargetMode.Internal || targetMode > TargetMode.External)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetMode");

            // don't accept absolute Uri's if targetMode is Internal. 
            if (targetMode == TargetMode.Internal && targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipTargetMustBeRelative), "targetUri"); 
            // don't allow relationships to relationships
            //  This check should be made for following cases 
            //      1. Uri is absolute and it is pack Uri
            //      2. Uri is NOT absolute and its target mode is internal (or NOT external)
            //      Note: if the target is absolute uri and its not a pack scheme then we cannot determine if it is a rels part
            //      Note: if the target is relative uri and target mode is external, we cannot determine if it is a rels part 
            if ((!targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri && targetMode != TargetMode.External)
                    || (targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri && targetUri.Scheme == PackUriHelper.UriSchemePack)) 
                Uri resolvedUri = GetResolvedTargetUri(targetUri, targetMode);
                //GetResolvedTargetUri returns a null if the target mode is external and the 
                //target Uri is a packUri with no "part" component, so in that case we know that
                //its not a relationship part.
                if (resolvedUri != null)
                    if (PackUriHelper.IsRelationshipPartUri(resolvedUri))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipToRelationshipIllegal), "targetUri"); 
            // Generate an ID if id is null. Throw exception if neither null nor a valid unique xsd:ID.
            if (id == null)
                id = GenerateUniqueRelationshipId();
            //Ensure the relationship part 
            // create and add
            PackageRelationship relationship = new PackageRelationship(_package, _sourcePart, targetUri, targetMode, relationshipType, id);
            //If we are adding relationships as a part of Parsing the underlying relationship part, we should not set
            //the dirty flag to false. 
            _dirty = !parsing; 

            return relationship; 

        /// Write PackageRelationship Stream 
        /// part to persist to 
        private void WriteRelationshipPart(PackagePart part) 
            using (IgnoreFlushAndCloseStream s = new IgnoreFlushAndCloseStream(part.GetStream())) 
                s.SetLength(0);    // truncate to resolve PS 954048

                // use UTF-8 encoding by default 
                using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(s, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
#if DEBUG 
                    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

                    // start outer Relationships tag
                    writer.WriteStartElement(RelationshipsTagName, PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri); 

                    // Write Relationship elements. 
                        false, /* do not systematically write target mode */
                        false  /* not in streaming production */
                    // end of Relationships tag
                    // close the document


        /// Write one Relationship element for each member of relationships. 
        /// This method is used by XmlDigitalSignatureProcessor code as well
        internal static void WriteRelationshipsAsXml(XmlWriter writer, IEnumerable relationships, bool alwaysWriteTargetModeAttribute, bool inStreamingProduction)
            foreach (PackageRelationship relationship in relationships)
                if (inStreamingProduction && relationship.Saved)
                // Write RelationshipType attribute.
                writer.WriteAttributeString(TypeAttributeName, relationship.RelationshipType);

                // Write Target attribute. 
                // We would like to persist the uri as passed in by the user and so we use the
                // OriginalString property. This makes the persisting behavior consistent 
                // for relative and absolute Uris. 
                // Since we accpeted the Uri as a string, we are at the minimum guaranteed that
                // the string can be converted to a valid Uri. 
                // Also, we are just using it here to persist the information and we are not
                // resolving or fetching a resource based on this Uri.
                writer.WriteAttributeString(TargetAttributeName, relationship.TargetUri.OriginalString);
                // TargetMode is optional attribute in the markup and its default value is TargetMode="Internal"
                if (alwaysWriteTargetModeAttribute || relationship.TargetMode == TargetMode.External) 
                    writer.WriteAttributeString(TargetModeAttributeName, relationship.TargetMode.ToString()); 

                // Write Id attribute. 
                writer.WriteAttributeString(IdAttributeName, relationship.Id);

                // The following flag is useful only in a write-once context, namely
                // in streaming production. In other contexts, it is simply ignored. 
                if (inStreamingProduction) 
                    relationship.Saved = true;


        /// Ensures that the PackageRelationship PackagePart has been created - lazy init
        /// Streaming production is a special case because the storage layer
        /// can't and needn't be accessed to retrieve the relationship part 
        /// once it has been created.
        private void EnsureRelationshipPart()
            if (_relationshipPart == null || _relationshipPart.IsDeleted)
                if (!_package.InStreamingCreation && _package.PartExists(_uri)) 
                    _relationshipPart = _package.GetPart(_uri); 
                    CompressionOption compressionOption = _sourcePart == null ? CompressionOption.NotCompressed : _sourcePart.CompressionOption;
                    _relationshipPart = _package.CreatePart(_uri, PackagingUtilities.RelationshipPartContentType.ToString(), compressionOption); 

        /// Resolves the target uri in the relationship against the source part or the
        /// package root. This resolved Uri is then used by the Add method to figure 
        /// out if a relationship is being created to another relationship part.
        /// PackageRelationship target uri 
        ///  Enum value specifying the interpretation of the base uri
        /// for the relationship target uri 
        /// Resolved Uri
        private Uri GetResolvedTargetUri(Uri target, TargetMode targetMode)
            if (targetMode == TargetMode.Internal) 
                Debug.Assert(!target.IsAbsoluteUri, "Uri should be relative at this stage"); 
                if (_sourcePart == null) //indicates that the source is the package root
                    return PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(PackUriHelper.PackageRootUri, target); 
                    return PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(_sourcePart.Uri, target);
                if (target.IsAbsoluteUri) 
                    if (String.CompareOrdinal(target.Scheme, PackUriHelper.UriSchemePack) == 0)
                        return PackUriHelper.GetPartUri(target); 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Uri should not be relative at this stage");
            // relative to the location of the package.
            return target; 

        //Throws an exception if the relationship part does not have the correct content type 
        private void ThrowIfIncorrectContentType(ContentType contentType)
            if (!contentType.AreTypeAndSubTypeEqual(PackagingUtilities.RelationshipPartContentType))
                throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipPartIncorrectContentType)); 
        //Throws an exception if the xml:base attribute is present in the Relationships XML 
        private void ThrowIfXmlBaseAttributeIsPresent(XmlCompatibilityReader reader)
            string xmlBaseAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(XmlBaseAttributeName);

            if (xmlBaseAttributeValue != null)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidXmlBaseAttributePresent, XmlBaseAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 
        //Throws an XML exception if the attribute value is invalid 
        private void ThrowForInvalidAttributeValue(XmlCompatibilityReader reader, String attributeName, Exception ex)
            throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidValueForTheAttribute, attributeName), ex, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);

        // Generate a unique relation ID. 
        // In streaming production, we rely on the fact that the time stamp is supposedly
        // unique on a given machine. So no duplication test is carried out. 
        private string GenerateUniqueRelationshipId() 
            string id; 
                id = GenerateRelationshipId();
            } while (!_package.InStreamingCreation && GetRelationship(id) != null); 
            return id;
        // Build an ID string consisting of the letter 'R' followed by an 8-byte GUID timestamp.
        // Guid.ToString() outputs the bytes in the big-endian order (higher order byte first) 
        private string GenerateRelationshipId()
            // The timestamp consists of the first 8 hex octets of the GUID.
            return String.Concat("R", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, _timestampLength)); 
        // If 'id' is not of the xsd type ID or is not unique for this collection, throw an exception. 
        private void ValidateUniqueRelationshipId(string id)
            // An XSD ID is an NCName that is unique.

            // Check for uniqueness. 
            if (GetRelationshipIndex(id) >= 0)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.NotAUniqueRelationshipId, id)); 

        // Retrieve a relationship's index in _relationships given its id.
        // Return a negative value if not found.
        private int GetRelationshipIndex(string id)
            for (int index = 0; index < _relationships.Count; ++index)
                if (string.Equals(_relationships[index].Id, id, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                    return index; 

            return -1; 

        /// If any relationships have to be flushed, will lazily create a StreamingZipPartStream
        /// to flush them to a piece. 
        /// When isLastPiece is true and a StreamingZipPartStream has been created or there are 
        /// more relationships to be flushed, the Xml document is completed and the
        /// StreamingZipPartStream is closed. 
        private void FlushRelationshipsToPiece(bool isLastPiece)
            Debug.Assert(_package.InStreamingCreation, "This method should only be called in streaming creation mode"); 

            if (_dirty) 
                // No deletion in streaming production.
                Invariant.Assert(_relationships.Count > 0); 

                // Dump the contents of _relationships to the stream and mark as saved.
                    false, /* do not systematically write target mode */ 
                    true   /* in streaming production */ 
                if (!isLastPiece)
                    // Create a piece with the Xml just written.
                _dirty = false; 
            if (isLastPiece && StreamingXmlWriter.WriteState != WriteState.Closed)
                // Close Relationships tag.

                // Close the document. 

                // Create a terminal piece. This will set StreamingXmlWriter.WriteState to Closed. 
        #region Private Properties 

        /// Invoked strictly in streaming production to return and, if needed,
        /// lazily initialize _streamingXmlWriter.
        private XmlWriter StreamingXmlWriter 
                if (_streamingXmlWriter == null)
                    // Implement the writer on top of a streaming stream, so each Flush
                    // will create a piece.
                    StreamingZipPartStream s = (StreamingZipPartStream) _relationshipPart.GetStream( 
                        FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write);
                    _streamingXmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(s, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); 
                    // Write the top of the Xml document.
                        RelationshipsTagName, PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri);
                return _streamingXmlWriter; 
        #endregion Private Properties
        //  Private Members
        #region Private Members 
        private List  _relationships; 
        private bool                       _dirty;    // true if we have uncommitted changes to _relationships
        private Package                    _package;     // our package - in case _sourcePart is null 
        private PackagePart                _sourcePart;      // owning part - null if package is the owner
        private PackagePart                _relationshipPart;  // where our relationships are persisted
        private Uri                        _uri;           // the URI of our relationship part
        private XmlWriter                  _streamingXmlWriter; 

        //  Private Fields
        // segment that indicates a relationship part

        private static readonly int _timestampLength = 16; 

        private static readonly string RelationshipsTagName     = "Relationships"; 
        private static readonly string RelationshipTagName      = "Relationship"; 
        private static readonly string TargetAttributeName      = "Target";
        private static readonly string TypeAttributeName        = "Type"; 
        private static readonly string IdAttributeName          = "Id";
        private static readonly string XmlBaseAttributeName     = "xml:base";
        private static readonly string TargetModeAttributeName  = "TargetMode";
        private static readonly string[] RelationshipKnownNamespaces
            = new string[] { PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri }; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//  This is a class for representing a PackageRelationshipCollection. This is an internal 
//  class for manipulating relationships associated with a part
// Details:
//   This class handles serialization to/from relationship parts, creation of those parts
//   and offers methods to create, delete and enumerate relationships. This code was
//   moved from the PackageRelationshipCollection class. 
// History: 
//  04/26/2004: SarjanaS: This code was moved from the PackageRelationshipCollection class. 

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;                           // for XmlReader/Writer 
using System.IO.Packaging; 
using System.Windows;                       // For Exception strings - SRID
using System.IO; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Markup;                // For XMLCompatibilityReader

using MS.Internal;                          // For Invariant. 

namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging 
    /// Collection of all the relationships corresponding to a given source PackagePart 
    internal class InternalRelationshipCollection : IEnumerable
        //  Public Methods 
        #region IEnumerable 
        /// Returns an enumertor over all the relationships for a Package or a PackagePart
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return _relationships.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Returns an enumertor over all the relationships for a Package or a PackagePart
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return _relationships.GetEnumerator(); 
        /// Returns an enumertor over all the relationships for a Package or a PackagePart
        public List.Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _relationships.GetEnumerator(); 

        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Constructor
        /// For use by PackagePart
        internal InternalRelationshipCollection(PackagePart part): this(part.Package, part) 
        /// Constructor 
        /// For use by Package
        internal InternalRelationshipCollection(Package package): this(package, null)
        /// Add new relationship
        /// target
        /// Enumeration indicating the base uri for the target uri
        /// relationship type that uniquely defines the role of the relationship
        /// String that conforms to the xsd:ID datatype. Unique across the source's relationships. 
        /// Null OK (ID will be generated).
        internal PackageRelationship Add(Uri targetUri, TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id) 
            return Add(targetUri, targetMode, relationshipType, id, false /*not parsing*/);

        /// Return the relationship whose id is 'id', and null if not found.
        internal PackageRelationship GetRelationship(string id)
            int index = GetRelationshipIndex(id);
            if (index == -1) 
                return null;
            return _relationships[index];
        /// Delete relationship with ID 'id' 
        /// ID of the relationship to remove
        internal void Delete(String id) 
            int index = GetRelationshipIndex(id);
            if (index == -1) 
            _dirty = true;

        /// Clear all the relationships in this collection
        /// Today it is only used when the entire relationship part is being deleted 
        internal void Clear() 
            _dirty = true;

        /// Flush to stream (destructive)
        /// Based on the streaming mode of the package, flush piece or flush part.
        internal void Flush()
            if (!_dirty)

            if (_package.InStreamingCreation) 
                FlushRelationshipsToPiece(false /* not a terminal piece */);
                if (_relationships.Count == 0)  // empty?
                    // delete the part
                    if (_package.PartExists(_uri)) 
                    _relationshipPart = null;
                    EnsureRelationshipPart();   // lazy init
                    // write xml 
            _dirty = false;
        /// Exclusively used for streaming production. Any relationships remaining to flush 
        /// are flushed to a terminal piece. 
        /// If relationships have been created and have all been flushed already, a terminal piece
        /// is created to complete the Xml document. 
        internal void CloseInStreamingCreationMode()
            Debug.Assert(_package.InStreamingCreation, "This method should only be called in streaming creation mode"); 
            FlushRelationshipsToPiece(true /* last piece */);
        internal static void ThrowIfInvalidRelationshipType(string relationshipType)
            // Look for empty string or string with just spaces
            if (relationshipType.Trim() == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidRelationshipType));

        // If 'id' is not of the xsd type ID, throw an exception. 
        internal static void ThrowIfInvalidXsdId(string id) 
            Invariant.Assert(id != null, "id should not be null"); 

                // An XSD ID is an NCName that is unique. 
            catch (XmlException exception) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.NotAValidXmlIdString, id), exception); 

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        /// Constructor 
        /// package 
        /// part will be null if package is the source of the relationships 
        /// Shared constructor
        private InternalRelationshipCollection(Package package, PackagePart part) 
            Debug.Assert(package != null, "package parameter passed should never be null");

            _package = package; 
            _sourcePart = part;
            //_sourcePart may be null representing that the relationships are at the package level 
            _uri = GetRelationshipPartUri(_sourcePart);
            _relationships = new List(4); 

            // Load if available (not applicable to write-only mode).
            if (package.FileOpenAccess != FileAccess.Write && package.PartExists(_uri))
                _relationshipPart = package.GetPart(_uri);
            //Any initialization in the constructor should not set the dirty flag to true.
            _dirty = false;


        /// Returns the associated RelationshipPart for this part 
        /// may be null 
        /// name of relationship part for the given part
        private static Uri GetRelationshipPartUri(PackagePart part)
            Uri sourceUri; 

            if (part == null) 
                sourceUri = PackUriHelper.PackageRootUri; 
                sourceUri = part.Uri; 

            return PackUriHelper.GetRelationshipPartUri(sourceUri);
        /// Parse PackageRelationship Stream 
        /// relationship part
        /// Thrown if XML is malformed 
        private void ParseRelationshipPart(PackagePart part)
            //We can safely open the stream as FileAccess.Read, as this code
            //should only be invoked if the Package has been opened in Read or ReadWrite mode. 
            Debug.Assert(_package.FileOpenAccess == FileAccess.Read || _package.FileOpenAccess == FileAccess.ReadWrite,
                "This method should only be called when FileAccess is Read or ReadWrite"); 
            using (Stream s = part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                // load from the relationship part associated with the given part
                using (XmlTextReader baseReader = new XmlTextReader(s))
                    baseReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; 

                    //Prohibit DTD from the markup as per the OPC spec 
                    baseReader.ProhibitDtd = true; 

                    using (XmlCompatibilityReader reader = new XmlCompatibilityReader(baseReader, RelationshipKnownNamespaces)) 
                        //This method expects the reader to be in ReadState.Initial.
                        //It will make the first read call.

                        //Note: After the previous method call the reader should be at the first tag in the markup. 
                        //MoveToContent - Skips over the following - ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace 
                        //If the reader is currently at a content node then this function call is a no-op

                        // look for our tag and namespace pair - throw if other elements are encountered
                        // Make sure that the current node read is an Element
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element 
                            && (reader.Depth == 0)
                            && (String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipsTagName, reader.LocalName) == 0) 
                            && (String.CompareOrdinal(PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri, reader.NamespaceURI) == 0)) 

                            //There should be a namespace Attribute present at this level.
                            //Also any other attribute on the  tag is an error including xml: and xsi: attributes
                            if (PackagingUtilities.GetNonXmlnsAttributeCount(reader) > 0) 
                                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipsTagHasExtraAttributes), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
                            // start tag encountered for Relationships 
                            // now parse individual Relationship tags
                            while (reader.Read()) 
                                //Skips over the following - ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace
                                //If the reader is currently at a content node then this function call is a no-op

                                //If MoveToContent() takes us to the end of the content 
                                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None) 
                                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element
                                    && (reader.Depth == 1)
                                    && (String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipTagName, reader.LocalName) == 0)
                                    && (String.CompareOrdinal(PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri, reader.NamespaceURI) == 0)) 
                                    int expectedAttributesCount = 3;
                                    string targetModeAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TargetModeAttributeName);
                                    if (targetModeAttributeValue != null)
                                    //check if there are expected number of attributes.
                                    //Also any other attribute on the  tag is an error including xml: and xsi: attributes 
                                    if (PackagingUtilities.GetNonXmlnsAttributeCount(reader) == expectedAttributesCount) 

                                        //Skip the EndElement for Relationship
                                        if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                                    else throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipTagDoesntMatchSchema), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 
                                    if (!(String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipsTagName,reader.LocalName) == 0 && (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement))) 
                                        throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.UnknownTagEncountered), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
                        else throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.ExpectedRelationshipsElementTag), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 

        //This method processes the attributes that are present on the Relationship element
        private void ProcessRelationshipAttributes(XmlCompatibilityReader reader)
            // Attribute : TargetMode
            string targetModeAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TargetModeAttributeName); 

            //If the TargetMode attribute is missing in the underlying markup then we assume it to be internal 
            TargetMode relationshipTargetMode = TargetMode.Internal;

            if (targetModeAttributeValue != null)
                    relationshipTargetMode = (TargetMode)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TargetMode), targetModeAttributeValue, false /* ignore case */)); 
                catch (ArgumentNullException argNullEx) 
                    ThrowForInvalidAttributeValue(reader, TargetModeAttributeName, argNullEx);
                catch (ArgumentException argEx) 
                    //if the targetModeAttributeValue is not Internal|External then Argument Exception will be thrown. 
                    ThrowForInvalidAttributeValue(reader, TargetModeAttributeName, argEx); 

            // Attribute : Target
            // create a new PackageRelationship
            string targetAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TargetAttributeName); 
            if (targetAttributeValue == null || targetAttributeValue == String.Empty)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredRelationshipAttributeMissing, TargetAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 
            Uri targetUri = new Uri(targetAttributeValue, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            // Attribute : Type
            string typeAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(TypeAttributeName);
            if (typeAttributeValue == null || typeAttributeValue == String.Empty)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredRelationshipAttributeMissing, TypeAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 

            // Attribute : Id 
            // Get the Id attribute (required attribute). 
            string idAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(IdAttributeName);
            if (idAttributeValue == null || idAttributeValue == String.Empty) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiredRelationshipAttributeMissing, IdAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);

            // Add the relationship to the collection
            Add(targetUri, relationshipTargetMode, typeAttributeValue, idAttributeValue, true /*parsing*/); 

        //If End element is present for Relationship then we process it
        private void ProcessEndElementForRelationshipTag(XmlCompatibilityReader reader) 
            Debug.Assert(!reader.IsEmptyElement, "This method should only be called it the Relationship Element is not empty");


            //Skips over the following - ProcessingInstruction, DocumentType, Comment, Whitespace, or SignificantWhitespace 

            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && String.CompareOrdinal(RelationshipTagName, reader.LocalName) == 0) 
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.ElementIsNotEmptyElement, RelationshipTagName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);

        /// Add new relationship to the Collection
        /// target
        /// Enumeration indicating the base uri for the target uri
        /// relationship type that uniquely defines the role of the relationship
        /// String that conforms to the xsd:ID datatype. Unique across the source's relationships. 
        /// Null OK (ID will be generated).
        /// Indicates whether the add call is made while parsing existing relationships 
        /// from a relationship part, or we are adding a new relationship 
        private PackageRelationship Add(Uri targetUri, TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id, bool parsing)
            if (targetUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetUri");

            if (relationshipType == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("relationshipType");

            //Verify if the Enum value is valid 
            if (targetMode < TargetMode.Internal || targetMode > TargetMode.External)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetMode");

            // don't accept absolute Uri's if targetMode is Internal. 
            if (targetMode == TargetMode.Internal && targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipTargetMustBeRelative), "targetUri"); 
            // don't allow relationships to relationships
            //  This check should be made for following cases 
            //      1. Uri is absolute and it is pack Uri
            //      2. Uri is NOT absolute and its target mode is internal (or NOT external)
            //      Note: if the target is absolute uri and its not a pack scheme then we cannot determine if it is a rels part
            //      Note: if the target is relative uri and target mode is external, we cannot determine if it is a rels part 
            if ((!targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri && targetMode != TargetMode.External)
                    || (targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri && targetUri.Scheme == PackUriHelper.UriSchemePack)) 
                Uri resolvedUri = GetResolvedTargetUri(targetUri, targetMode);
                //GetResolvedTargetUri returns a null if the target mode is external and the 
                //target Uri is a packUri with no "part" component, so in that case we know that
                //its not a relationship part.
                if (resolvedUri != null)
                    if (PackUriHelper.IsRelationshipPartUri(resolvedUri))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipToRelationshipIllegal), "targetUri"); 
            // Generate an ID if id is null. Throw exception if neither null nor a valid unique xsd:ID.
            if (id == null)
                id = GenerateUniqueRelationshipId();
            //Ensure the relationship part 
            // create and add
            PackageRelationship relationship = new PackageRelationship(_package, _sourcePart, targetUri, targetMode, relationshipType, id);
            //If we are adding relationships as a part of Parsing the underlying relationship part, we should not set
            //the dirty flag to false. 
            _dirty = !parsing; 

            return relationship; 

        /// Write PackageRelationship Stream 
        /// part to persist to 
        private void WriteRelationshipPart(PackagePart part) 
            using (IgnoreFlushAndCloseStream s = new IgnoreFlushAndCloseStream(part.GetStream())) 
                s.SetLength(0);    // truncate to resolve PS 954048

                // use UTF-8 encoding by default 
                using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(s, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
#if DEBUG 
                    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

                    // start outer Relationships tag
                    writer.WriteStartElement(RelationshipsTagName, PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri); 

                    // Write Relationship elements. 
                        false, /* do not systematically write target mode */
                        false  /* not in streaming production */
                    // end of Relationships tag
                    // close the document


        /// Write one Relationship element for each member of relationships. 
        /// This method is used by XmlDigitalSignatureProcessor code as well
        internal static void WriteRelationshipsAsXml(XmlWriter writer, IEnumerable relationships, bool alwaysWriteTargetModeAttribute, bool inStreamingProduction)
            foreach (PackageRelationship relationship in relationships)
                if (inStreamingProduction && relationship.Saved)
                // Write RelationshipType attribute.
                writer.WriteAttributeString(TypeAttributeName, relationship.RelationshipType);

                // Write Target attribute. 
                // We would like to persist the uri as passed in by the user and so we use the
                // OriginalString property. This makes the persisting behavior consistent 
                // for relative and absolute Uris. 
                // Since we accpeted the Uri as a string, we are at the minimum guaranteed that
                // the string can be converted to a valid Uri. 
                // Also, we are just using it here to persist the information and we are not
                // resolving or fetching a resource based on this Uri.
                writer.WriteAttributeString(TargetAttributeName, relationship.TargetUri.OriginalString);
                // TargetMode is optional attribute in the markup and its default value is TargetMode="Internal"
                if (alwaysWriteTargetModeAttribute || relationship.TargetMode == TargetMode.External) 
                    writer.WriteAttributeString(TargetModeAttributeName, relationship.TargetMode.ToString()); 

                // Write Id attribute. 
                writer.WriteAttributeString(IdAttributeName, relationship.Id);

                // The following flag is useful only in a write-once context, namely
                // in streaming production. In other contexts, it is simply ignored. 
                if (inStreamingProduction) 
                    relationship.Saved = true;


        /// Ensures that the PackageRelationship PackagePart has been created - lazy init
        /// Streaming production is a special case because the storage layer
        /// can't and needn't be accessed to retrieve the relationship part 
        /// once it has been created.
        private void EnsureRelationshipPart()
            if (_relationshipPart == null || _relationshipPart.IsDeleted)
                if (!_package.InStreamingCreation && _package.PartExists(_uri)) 
                    _relationshipPart = _package.GetPart(_uri); 
                    CompressionOption compressionOption = _sourcePart == null ? CompressionOption.NotCompressed : _sourcePart.CompressionOption;
                    _relationshipPart = _package.CreatePart(_uri, PackagingUtilities.RelationshipPartContentType.ToString(), compressionOption); 

        /// Resolves the target uri in the relationship against the source part or the
        /// package root. This resolved Uri is then used by the Add method to figure 
        /// out if a relationship is being created to another relationship part.
        /// PackageRelationship target uri 
        ///  Enum value specifying the interpretation of the base uri
        /// for the relationship target uri 
        /// Resolved Uri
        private Uri GetResolvedTargetUri(Uri target, TargetMode targetMode)
            if (targetMode == TargetMode.Internal) 
                Debug.Assert(!target.IsAbsoluteUri, "Uri should be relative at this stage"); 
                if (_sourcePart == null) //indicates that the source is the package root
                    return PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(PackUriHelper.PackageRootUri, target); 
                    return PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(_sourcePart.Uri, target);
                if (target.IsAbsoluteUri) 
                    if (String.CompareOrdinal(target.Scheme, PackUriHelper.UriSchemePack) == 0)
                        return PackUriHelper.GetPartUri(target); 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Uri should not be relative at this stage");
            // relative to the location of the package.
            return target; 

        //Throws an exception if the relationship part does not have the correct content type 
        private void ThrowIfIncorrectContentType(ContentType contentType)
            if (!contentType.AreTypeAndSubTypeEqual(PackagingUtilities.RelationshipPartContentType))
                throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipPartIncorrectContentType)); 
        //Throws an exception if the xml:base attribute is present in the Relationships XML 
        private void ThrowIfXmlBaseAttributeIsPresent(XmlCompatibilityReader reader)
            string xmlBaseAttributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(XmlBaseAttributeName);

            if (xmlBaseAttributeValue != null)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidXmlBaseAttributePresent, XmlBaseAttributeName), null, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition); 
        //Throws an XML exception if the attribute value is invalid 
        private void ThrowForInvalidAttributeValue(XmlCompatibilityReader reader, String attributeName, Exception ex)
            throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidValueForTheAttribute, attributeName), ex, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);

        // Generate a unique relation ID. 
        // In streaming production, we rely on the fact that the time stamp is supposedly
        // unique on a given machine. So no duplication test is carried out. 
        private string GenerateUniqueRelationshipId() 
            string id; 
                id = GenerateRelationshipId();
            } while (!_package.InStreamingCreation && GetRelationship(id) != null); 
            return id;
        // Build an ID string consisting of the letter 'R' followed by an 8-byte GUID timestamp.
        // Guid.ToString() outputs the bytes in the big-endian order (higher order byte first) 
        private string GenerateRelationshipId()
            // The timestamp consists of the first 8 hex octets of the GUID.
            return String.Concat("R", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, _timestampLength)); 
        // If 'id' is not of the xsd type ID or is not unique for this collection, throw an exception. 
        private void ValidateUniqueRelationshipId(string id)
            // An XSD ID is an NCName that is unique.

            // Check for uniqueness. 
            if (GetRelationshipIndex(id) >= 0)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.NotAUniqueRelationshipId, id)); 

        // Retrieve a relationship's index in _relationships given its id.
        // Return a negative value if not found.
        private int GetRelationshipIndex(string id)
            for (int index = 0; index < _relationships.Count; ++index)
                if (string.Equals(_relationships[index].Id, id, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                    return index; 

            return -1; 

        /// If any relationships have to be flushed, will lazily create a StreamingZipPartStream
        /// to flush them to a piece. 
        /// When isLastPiece is true and a StreamingZipPartStream has been created or there are 
        /// more relationships to be flushed, the Xml document is completed and the
        /// StreamingZipPartStream is closed. 
        private void FlushRelationshipsToPiece(bool isLastPiece)
            Debug.Assert(_package.InStreamingCreation, "This method should only be called in streaming creation mode"); 

            if (_dirty) 
                // No deletion in streaming production.
                Invariant.Assert(_relationships.Count > 0); 

                // Dump the contents of _relationships to the stream and mark as saved.
                    false, /* do not systematically write target mode */ 
                    true   /* in streaming production */ 
                if (!isLastPiece)
                    // Create a piece with the Xml just written.
                _dirty = false; 
            if (isLastPiece && StreamingXmlWriter.WriteState != WriteState.Closed)
                // Close Relationships tag.

                // Close the document. 

                // Create a terminal piece. This will set StreamingXmlWriter.WriteState to Closed. 
        #region Private Properties 

        /// Invoked strictly in streaming production to return and, if needed,
        /// lazily initialize _streamingXmlWriter.
        private XmlWriter StreamingXmlWriter 
                if (_streamingXmlWriter == null)
                    // Implement the writer on top of a streaming stream, so each Flush
                    // will create a piece.
                    StreamingZipPartStream s = (StreamingZipPartStream) _relationshipPart.GetStream( 
                        FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write);
                    _streamingXmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(s, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); 
                    // Write the top of the Xml document.
                        RelationshipsTagName, PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri);
                return _streamingXmlWriter; 
        #endregion Private Properties
        //  Private Members
        #region Private Members 
        private List  _relationships; 
        private bool                       _dirty;    // true if we have uncommitted changes to _relationships
        private Package                    _package;     // our package - in case _sourcePart is null 
        private PackagePart                _sourcePart;      // owning part - null if package is the owner
        private PackagePart                _relationshipPart;  // where our relationships are persisted
        private Uri                        _uri;           // the URI of our relationship part
        private XmlWriter                  _streamingXmlWriter; 

        //  Private Fields
        // segment that indicates a relationship part

        private static readonly int _timestampLength = 16; 

        private static readonly string RelationshipsTagName     = "Relationships"; 
        private static readonly string RelationshipTagName      = "Relationship"; 
        private static readonly string TargetAttributeName      = "Target";
        private static readonly string TypeAttributeName        = "Type"; 
        private static readonly string IdAttributeName          = "Id";
        private static readonly string XmlBaseAttributeName     = "xml:base";
        private static readonly string TargetModeAttributeName  = "TargetMode";
        private static readonly string[] RelationshipKnownNamespaces
            = new string[] { PackagingUtilities.RelationshipNamespaceUri }; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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