Visual.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Visual.cs / 3 / Visual.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//      Defines a node in the composition scene graph. 

using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using MS.Win32;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition; 
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Media; 
using MS.Internal.Media3D; 
using System.Resources;
using MS.Utility; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;

using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
// This section lists various things that we could improve on the Visual class.
// - (Pail) Don't allocate a managed Pail object.
// - (Finalizer) Currently we delete the cob explicitly when a node is removed from
//   the scene graph. However, we don't do this when we remove the root node.
//   currently this is done by the finalizer. If we clean explicitly up when we 
//   remove the root node we won't need a finalizer.

// If you expose a public/protected API you need to check a couple things:
// A) Call the correct version of VerifyAPI.  This checks the following
//      1) That the calling thread has entered the context of this object 
//      2) That the current object is not disposed. 
//      3) If another object is passed in, that it has the same
//         context affinity as this object.  This should be used for 
//         arguments to the API
//      4) That the current permissions are acceptable.
// B) That other arguments are not disposed if needed. 

namespace System.Windows.Media 

    // this class is used to wrap the Map struct into an object so
    // that we can use it with the UncommonField infrastructure. 
    internal class MapClass
        internal MapClass() 
            _map_ofBrushes = new DUCE.Map(); 

        internal bool IsEmpty
                return _map_ofBrushes.IsEmpty(); 

        public DUCE.Map _map_ofBrushes;
    /// The Visual class is the base class for all Visual types. It provides 
    /// services and properties that all Visuals have in common. Services include 
    /// hit-testing, coordinate transformation, bounding box calculations. Properties
    /// are for example a transform property and an opacity property. 
    /// Derived Visuals render their content first and then render the children, or in other
    /// words, the content of a Visual is always behind the content of its children.
    public abstract partial class Visual : DependencyObject, DUCE.IResource
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Constants 
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Constants 

        /// This is the dirty mask for a visual, set every time we marshall 
        /// a visual to a channel and reset by the end of the render pass.
        private const VisualProxyFlags c_ProxyFlagsDirtyMask =
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsGuidelineCollectionDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty;

        /// This is the dirty mask for a BitmapEffect. 
        private const VisualProxyFlags c_BitmapEffectDirtyMask = 
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty 
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty; 
        /// This is the dirty mask for a visual, set every time we marshall 
        /// a visual to a channel and reset by the end of the render pass.
        /// This mask is only for Viewport3D visual, since the contents
        /// of the Viewport3D are rendered during RenderContent, we 
        /// need to set those flags as dirty if the visual is not on
        /// channel yet 
        private const VisualProxyFlags c_Viewport3DProxyFlagsDirtyMask =
            | VisualProxyFlags.Viewport3DVisual_IsViewportDirty;

        #endregion Constants

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Internal Constructor 
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Internal Constructor 

        /// This internal ctor is a hook to allow Visual subclasses 
        /// to create their unique type of a visual resource.
        internal Visual(DUCE.ResourceType resourceType)

#if DEBUG 
            _parentIndex = -1;
            switch (resourceType)
            case DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VISUAL:
                // Default setting
            case DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL:
                SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.IsViewport3DVisual); 

                Debug.Assert(false, "TYPE_VISUAL or TYPE_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL expected.");

        #endregion Protected Constructor 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Protected Constructor
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Protected Constructor 
        /// Ctor Visual 
        protected Visual() : this(DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VISUAL)

        #endregion Protected Constructor 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   IResource implementation
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region IResource implementation 
        /// This is used to check if the composition node 
        /// for the visual is on channel
        internal bool IsOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            return _proxy.IsOnChannel(channel); 
        /// Returns the handle this visual has on the given channel.
        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.GetHandle(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            return _proxy.GetHandle(channel);

        /// Only Viewport3DVisual and Visual3D implements this.
        /// Vieport3DVisual has two handles. One stored in _proxy 
        /// and the other one stored in _proxy3D. This function returns
        /// the handle stored in _proxy3D. 
        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.Get3DHandle(DUCE.Channel channel)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        /// This is used to create or addref the visual resource
        /// on the given channel 
        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.AddRefOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            return AddRefOnChannelCore(channel);

        internal virtual DUCE.ResourceHandle AddRefOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            DUCE.ResourceType resourceType = DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VISUAL;
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsViewport3DVisual))
                resourceType = DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL;

            _proxy.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(channel, resourceType); 
            return _proxy.GetHandle(channel);

        /// this is used to release the comp node of the visual
        /// on the given channel 
        internal virtual void ReleaseOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel)

        /// Sends a command to compositor to remove the child 
        /// from its parent on the channel. 
        void DUCE.IResource.RemoveChildFromParent( 
                DUCE.IResource parent,
                DUCE.Channel channel)
        int DUCE.IResource.GetChannelCount()
            return _proxy.Count;

        DUCE.Channel DUCE.IResource.GetChannel(int index) 
            return _proxy.GetChannel(index);

        #endregion IResource implementation

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   IElement implementation 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Internal Properties 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        #region Internal Properties
        // Are we in the process of iterating the visual children.
        // This flag is set during a descendents walk, for property invalidation.
        internal bool IsVisualChildrenIterationInProgress
            get { return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsVisualChildrenIterationInProgress); } 
            set { SetFlags(value, VisualFlags.IsVisualChildrenIterationInProgress); } 

        /// The CompositionTarget marks the root element. The root element is responsible
        /// for posting renders. 
        /// The property getter is also used to ensure that the Visual is 
        /// not used in multiple CompositionTargets.
        internal bool IsRootElement
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender); 
                SetFlags(value, VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender);
        #endregion Internal Properties 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual Content
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Visual Content 

        /// Derived classes must override this method and return the bounding
        /// box of their content.
        internal virtual Rect GetContentBounds() 
            return Rect.Empty; 

        /// RenderContent is implemented by derived classes to hook up their
        /// content. The implementer of this function can assert that the
        /// visual is marshaled on the current channel when the function 
        /// is executed.
        internal virtual void RenderContent(RenderContext ctx, bool isOnChannel) 
            /* do nothing */ 

        /// This method is overrided on Visuals that can instantiate IDrawingContext 
        /// Currently, DrawingVisual and UIElement
        internal virtual void RenderClose(IDrawingContent newContent) 

        /// This method is called when the realization caches need to be updated. 
        internal virtual void UpdateRealizations(RealizationContext ctx) 
            // Visuals have only one type of realizable content: bitmap effects, 
            // which are handled as a special case for rendering purposes, making
            // UpdateRealization essentialy a no-op.
            // We allow the Visual descendants to handle other kinds of realizable 
            // content (for example, glyph runs referenced from render data on
            // a DrawingVisual) by overriding this method. 

        /// VisualContentBounds returns the bounding box for the contents of the current visual.
        internal Rect VisualContentBounds
                // Probably too restrictive. Let's see who wants it during OnRender. 

                return GetContentBounds();
        /// VisualDescendantBounds returns the union of all of the content bounding 
        /// boxes for all of the descendants of the current visual,and also including
        /// the contents of the current visual. So we end up with the
        /// bounds of the whole sub-graph in inner space.
        internal Rect VisualDescendantBounds
                // Probably too restrictive. Let's see who wants it during OnRender. 

                Rect bboxSubgraph = CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace();
                // If bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
                if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(bboxSubgraph)) 
                    bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                    bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                    bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                    bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                return bboxSubgraph; 

        /// Computes the union of all content bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph
        /// in inner space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content.
        /// Definition: Outer/Inner Space: 
        ///      A Visual has a set of properties which include clip, transform, offset 
        ///      and bitmap effect. Those properties affect in which space (coordinate 
        ///      clip space) a Visual's vector graphics and sub-graph is interpreted.
        ///      Inner space is the space before applying any of the properties. Outer 
        ///      space is the space where all the properties have been taken into account.
        ///      For example if the Visual draws a rectangle {0, 0, 100, 100} and the
        ///      Offset property is set to {20, 20} and the clip is set to {40, 40, 10, 10}
        ///      then the bounding box of the Visual in inner space is {0, 0, 100, 100} and 
        ///      in outer space {60, 60, 10, 10} (start out with the bbox of {0, 0, 100, 100}
        ///      then apply the clip {40, 40, 10, 10} which leaves us with a bbox of 
        ///      {40, 40, 10, 10} and finally apply the offset and we end up with a bbox 
        ///      of {60, 60, 10, 10}
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace()
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(false);

        /// Computes the union of all rendering bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph 
        /// in inner space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content.
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphRenderBoundsInnerSpace()
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(true);

        /// Same as the parameterless CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace except it takes a 
        /// boolean indicating whether or not to calculate the rendering bounds.
        /// If the renderBounds parameter is set to true then the render bounds are returned. 
        /// The render bounds differ in that they treat zero area bounds as emtpy rectangles.
        /// NTRAID#Longhorn-111639-2007/07/05-kurtb:
        /// This is needed since MIL and the managed size differ about how big content bounds are 
        /// WPF considers geometric bounds (i.e. it will union in points) while MIL considers anything
        /// with zero area to be empty.  This poses problems when looking for the exact size of a 
        /// VisualBrush. 
        internal virtual Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(bool renderBounds) 
            Rect bboxSubgraph = Rect.Empty;

            // Recursively calculate sub-graph bounds of children of this node. We get 
            // the bounds of each child Visual in outer space which is this Visual's
            // inner space and union them together. 
            int count = VisualChildrenCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                if (child != null) 
                    Rect bboxSubgraphChild = child.CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(renderBounds); 

            // Get the content bounds of the Visual.  In the case that we're interested in render
            // bounds (i.e. what MIL will consider the size of the object), we set 0 area rects 
            // to be empty so that they don't union to create larger sized rects.
            Rect contentBounds = GetContentBounds(); 
            if (renderBounds && IsEmptyRenderBounds(ref contentBounds /* ref for perf - not modified */)) 
                contentBounds = Rect.Empty; 

            // Union the content bounds to the sub-graph bounds so that we end up with the
            // bounds of the whole sub-graph in inner space and return it. 
            return bboxSubgraph; 

        /// Computes the union of all content bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph 
        /// in outer space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content.
        /// For a definition of outer/inner space see CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace. 
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace()
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(false /* renderBounds */);

        /// Computes the union of all rendering bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph
        /// in outer space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content. 
        /// For a definition of outer/inner space see CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace. 
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphRenderBoundsOuterSpace() 
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(true /* renderBounds */);
        /// Same as the parameterless CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace except it takes a 
        /// boolean indicating whether or not to calculate the rendering bounds. 
        /// If the renderBounds parameter is set to true then the render bounds are returned.
        /// The render bounds differ in that they treat zero area bounds as emtpy rectangles. 
        /// NTRAID#Longhorn-111639-2007/07/05-kurtb:
        /// This is needed since MIL and the managed size differ about how big content bounds are
        /// WPF considers geometric bounds (i.e. it will union in points) while MIL considers anything 
        /// with zero area to be empty.  This poses problems when looking for the exact size of a
        /// VisualBrush. 
        private Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(bool renderBounds)
            Rect bboxSubgraph = Rect.Empty;

            // Get the inner space bounding box of this node and then transform it into outer
            // space. 

            bboxSubgraph = CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(renderBounds); 
            // Apply Effect
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect))
                Rect effectBounds;
                Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                if (effect != null) 
                    // The Effect always deals in unit bounds, so transform the
                    // unit rect and then map back into the world space bounds 
                    // defined by bboxSubgraph.

                    Rect unitBounds = new Rect(0,0,1,1);
                    Rect unitTransformedBounds = effect.EffectMapping.TransformBounds(unitBounds); 

                    Point topLeft = Effect.UnitToWorld(unitTransformedBounds.TopLeft, bboxSubgraph); 
                    Point bottomRight = Effect.UnitToWorld(unitTransformedBounds.BottomRight, bboxSubgraph); 

                    effectBounds = new Rect(topLeft, bottomRight); 
                    Debug.Assert(BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this) != null); 
                    effectBounds = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this).GetBounds(bboxSubgraph);
                    if (renderBounds && IsEmptyRenderBounds(ref effectBounds /* ref for perf - not modified */)) 
                        effectBounds = Rect.Empty;


            // Apply Clip. 
            Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this);
            if (clip != null) 
            // Apply Transform.
            Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this); 
            if ((transform != null) && (!transform.IsIdentity))
                Matrix m = transform.Value;
                MatrixUtil.TransformRect(ref bboxSubgraph, ref m);
            // Apply Offset.
            if (!bboxSubgraph.IsEmpty) 
                bboxSubgraph.X += _offset.X;
                bboxSubgraph.Y += _offset.Y; 

            // If bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
            if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(bboxSubgraph)) 
                bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity; 

            return bboxSubgraph;

        /// This method returns true if the given WPF bounds will be considered 
        /// empty in terms of rendering.  This is the case when the bounds describe
        /// a zero-area space.  bounds are passed by ref for speed but are not modified 
        /// NTRAID#Longhorn-111639-2007/07/05-kurtb:
        /// See above CalculateSubgraphBounds* methods for more detail.  This helper method
        /// goes with them. 
        private bool IsEmptyRenderBounds(ref Rect bounds) 
            return (bounds.Width <= 0 || bounds.Height <= 0);

        #endregion Visual Content


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Bitmap Effects
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Bitmap Effects
        /// This method schedules the bitmap effect content for 
        /// realization update 
        internal void UpdateBitmapEffectRealizations(RealizationContext ctx)
            BitmapEffectVisualState effectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
            if (effectState.BitmapEffectDrawing.ScheduleForUpdates) 
                BitmapEffectContent content = new BitmapEffectContent(this, ctx); 
                // if the bitmap effect or the visual changed,
                // we need to rerender all realizations
                if (CheckFlagsAnd(ctx.Channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty))
                    effectState.BitmapEffectDrawing = null;
                effectState.BitmapEffectDrawing.ScheduleForUpdates = false;

        #endregion Bitmap Effects 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Resource Marshalling and Unmarshalling 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Resource Marshalling and Unmarshalling 

        /// Override this function in derived classes to release unmanaged resources during Dispose 
        /// and during removal of a subtree.
        internal virtual void FreeContent(DUCE.Channel channel)
            Debug.Assert(!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentNodeConnected)); 
        /// Frees up resources in this visual's subtree. 
        /// This is only called during the realization pass if the visual has
        /// a bitmap effect. Free the resources used to render the visual
        /// to a bitmap.
        ///   The channel to release the resources on. 
        internal void ReleaseOnChannelForBitmapEffect(
            DUCE.Channel channel) 
            if (!IsOnChannel(channel)
                || CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress))
            // Set the flag to true to prevent re-entrancy.
            SetFlags(channel, true, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress); 

                // at this point the tree is not connected any more. 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent);

                // Free dependent DUCE resources.
                // We don't need to free the dependent resources if they're
                // marked as dirty because when the flag is set, we also 
                // disconnect the resource from the visual resource.
                Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this); 
                if ((opacityMask != null)
                    && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty))) 
                // Release the visual. 


                // Finally, the children.

                int count = VisualChildrenCount; 
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                    if (child != null)
                // We need to reset this flag if we are still on channel since we
                // have only decreased the ref-count and not deleted the resource.
                if (IsOnChannel(channel))
                    SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress); 

        /// Returns true if this is a root of a VisualBrush on the specified channel 
        private bool IsVisualBrushRootOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            bool isVisualBrushRootOnChannel = false;
            Dictionary channelsToVisualBrushMap =

            if (channelsToVisualBrushMap != null) 
                int references; 
                if (channelsToVisualBrushMap.TryGetValue(channel, out references))
                    isVisualBrushRootOnChannel = (references > 0);
            return isVisualBrushRootOnChannel;
        ///   Frees up resources in this visual's subtree. 
        ///   The channel to release the resources on.
        void DUCE.IResource.ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            if (!IsOnChannel(channel) 
                || CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress))

            // Set the flag to true to prevent re-entrancy. 
            SetFlags(channel, true, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress);
                // at this point the tree is not connected any more. 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent);

                // Before unmarshaling this visual and its subtree, check if there are any visual 
                // brushes holding references to it. In such case, we want to keep this visual
                // in the marshaled state and wait for all the visual brushes to release their 
                // references through ReleaseOnChannelForVisualBrush. 
                // NTRAID#Longhorn-1964653-2007/04/19-jordanpa:
                // RenderTargetBitmap and BitmapEffects use synchronous channels. If a
                // node on the synchronous channel is the root of a VisualBrush from another 
                // channel, then the node will never be deleted. Instead we really need to
                // check if the node is the root of a VisualBrush _on the same channel_. 
                // This check is more expensive so we'll leave the faster check first to avoid 
                // the more expensive check which isn't necessary most of the time.
                // If the node is the root of a VisualBrush and the VisualBrush is one of
                // the node's children then a cycle is created. All of the nodes on the
                // cycle will leak. On [....] channels, this is particularly bad because
                // the user doesn't know about the [....] channel and has no control over it. 
                // We have a queue of [....] channels that are reused and leaking can lead
                // to conflicts on channel reuse resulting in a crash. 
                // *** DANGER *** Fortunately, as of today, tree structure on a [....] channel is
                // never manipulated. The tree gets built, the tree gets drawn, and the tree gets 
                // released. Because of this, we can just always delete. In the future if that
                // changes, the isSynchronous check here will cause a problem. *** DANGER ***
                // The bug representing the outstanding cyle leak issue is 1981551 
                if (   !CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeIsVisualBrushRoot) 
                            // If we aren't a root of a VisualBrush, then we aren't referenced
                            // at all and we can go away 
                    || !channel.IsConnected
                            // If the channel isn't connected, there's no reason to keep things alive
                    || channel.IsSynchronous
                            // If the channel is synchronous, the node isn't going to stick around 
                            // so just delete it. *** THIS IS DANGEROUS ***. See above for
                            // more comments. 
                    || !IsVisualBrushRootOnChannel(channel) 
                            // If we got to here, we are the root of a VisualBrush. We can go away
                            // only if the VB is on a different channel. This check is more expensive 
                            // and not very common so we put it last.

                    // Free dependent DUCE resources. 
                    // We don't need to free the dependent resources if they're
                    // marked as dirty because when the flag is set, we also 
                    // disconnect the resource from the visual resource.

                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
                    if ((transform != null) 
                        && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty)))
                        // Note that in this particular case, the transform is not
                        // really dirty. Namely because the visual is not marshalled. 


                    Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this); 
                    if ((effect != null) 
                        && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty)))

                    Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this); 
                    if ((clip != null)
                        && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty))) 

                    // If the visual has a bitmap effect we don't send the opacity mask
                    // to the async compositor, so we should not try and release it. 
                    // We apply the effect above opacity mask.
                    if (!NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect) 
                        Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this); 
                        if ((opacityMask != null)
                            && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty)))
                    // Release the visual. 

                    // Finally, the children. 
                    int count = VisualChildrenCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        Visual visual = GetVisualChild(i);
                        if (visual != null) 
                // We need to reset this flag if we are still on channel since we
                // have only decreased the ref-count and not deleted the resource. 
                if (IsOnChannel(channel))
                    SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress);

        /// When we attach a bitmap effect to a Visual we are going to render everything 
        /// below the bitmap effect on the synchronous compositor. Therefore we need to
        /// disconnect/reset all the properties below the bitmap effect property on a 
        /// Visual in the asynchronous compositor since otherwise they would be applied
        /// twice (on the [....] and async compositor).
        /// The properties are content, children, opacity, opacity mask and edge mode 
        private void DisconnectBitmapEffectPropertiesOnAllChannels() 
            // disconnect the visual properties and content
            double opacity = OpacityCache;
            Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);
            EdgeMode edgeMode = EdgeModeCache;
            // Iterate over the channels this visual is being marshaled to 
            for (int iProxy = 0; iProxy < _proxy.Count; iProxy++)
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(iProxy);
                DUCE.ResourceHandle visualHandle = _proxy.GetHandle(iProxy);

                //Release content 
                //Reset opacity to 1.0 

                // Reset render options 
                MILRenderOptions renderOptions = new MILRenderOptions();
                renderOptions.Flags = MILRenderOptionFlags.EdgeMode; 
                renderOptions.EdgeMode = EdgeMode.Unspecified;
                renderOptions.Flags = MILRenderOptionFlags.BitmapScalingMode; 
                renderOptions.BitmapScalingMode    = BitmapScalingMode.Unspecified;


            if (opacityMask != null) 

                //Disconnect OpacityMask

            // disconnect all the children 

        /// Disconnect the children of the visual on all channels
        /// it is being marshalled to. 
        private void DisconnectChildrenOnAllChannels()
            // if we don't have any children, there is nothing to do
            if (VisualChildrenCount == 0)
            // Iterate over the channels this visual is being marshaled to 
            for (int iProxy = 0; iProxy < _proxy.Count; iProxy++)
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(iProxy);

                int childrenCount = VisualChildrenCount;
                for (int iChild = 0; iChild < childrenCount; iChild++) 
                    Visual child = GetVisualChild(iChild); 
                    if (child != null) 
                        if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent)) 

                            child.SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent); 

        internal virtual void AddRefOnChannelForVisualBrush( 
            VisualBrush visualBrush,
            DUCE.Channel channel) 

            // Since the VisualBrush to visual relationship is being created on this channel,
            // we need to update the number of VisualBrushes using this visual on this channel.
            Dictionary channelsToVisualBrushMap = 
            if (channelsToVisualBrushMap == null) 
                channelsToVisualBrushMap = new Dictionary();
                ChannelsToVisualBrushMapField.SetValue(this, channelsToVisualBrushMap); 

            if (!channelsToVisualBrushMap.ContainsKey(channel))
                channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] = 1;
                Debug.Assert(channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] > 0); 

                channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] += 1;

            // Since the VisualBrush to visual relationship is being created on this channel, 
            // we need to update the number of times this visual brush is used across all
            // channels. 
            Dictionary visualBrushToChannelsMap =
            if (visualBrushToChannelsMap == null)
                visualBrushToChannelsMap = new Dictionary(); 
                VisualBrushToChannelsMapField.SetValue(this, visualBrushToChannelsMap);

            if (!visualBrushToChannelsMap.ContainsKey(visualBrush))
                visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] = 1; 

                // The visual brush is being used the first time, so also register it. 
                MediaContext.RegisterICompositionTarget(Dispatcher, visualBrush.BrushRegisterToken); 
                Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] > 0);

                visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] += 1; 
            // Render the brush's visual and update realizatons. 


        /// Override this function in derived classes to release unmanaged resources
        /// during Dispose and during removal of a subtree. 
        internal virtual void ReleaseOnChannelForVisualBrush(
            VisualBrush visualBrush,
            DUCE.Channel channel) 
            // Update the number of times this visual brush uses this visual across all channels. 
            Dictionary visualBrushToChannelsMap = 
            Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] > 0);

            if (visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] == 1) 
                // If the VisualBrush no longer uses this Visual across all channels, then 
                // we can remove it from the map and also unregister as composition target.
                MediaContext.UnregisterICompositionTarget(Dispatcher, visualBrush.BrushRegisterToken);
                // Decrease the number os times this VisualBrush uses this Visual across all channels 
                visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] =
                    visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] - 1;
            // Decrease the number of VisualBrushes using the visual as root on this channel
            Dictionary channelsToVisualBrushMap = 
            Debug.Assert(channelsToVisualBrushMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] > 0);

            channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] =
                    channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] - 1; 

            // If on this channel, there are no more VisualBrushes using this visual as 
            // a root then we need to remove the flag syaing that the visual is a visual
            // brush root and make sure that the dependant resources are released in 
            // case we are no longer connected to the visual tree.

            if (channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] == 0) 
                SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeIsVisualBrushRoot);

                // If we do not have a parent or we have already disconnected from 
                // the parent and we are also not the root then we need to clear out
                // the tree. 
                if ( (_parent == null
                      || !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent))
                    && !IsRootElement) 
                    // We release the Visual directly on channel instead of using the delayed release 
                    // mechanism because the VisualBrush is the last reference holding on to it.
                    // We can get here if:- 
                    // 1. VisualBrush is being released on channel (already in delayed release walk).
                    // 2. VisualBrush's Visual is being changed (from VisualPropertyChanged).

        #endregion Resource Marshalling and Unmarshalling 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Access Verification
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Access Verification 

        /// Applies various API checks
        internal void VerifyAPIReadOnly()
            // Verify that we are executing on the right context 

        /// Applies various API checks
        internal void VerifyAPIReadOnly(DependencyObject value)

            // Make sure the value is on the same context as the visual. 
            // AssertSameContext handles null and Dispatcher-free values.
            MediaSystem.AssertSameContext(this, value);
        /// Applies various API checks for read/write 
        internal void VerifyAPIReadWrite()

            // Verify the correct access permissions
        /// Applies various API checks
        internal void VerifyAPIReadWrite(DependencyObject value)
            // Make sure the value is on the same context as the visual.
            // AssertSameContext handles null and Dispatcher-free values. 
            MediaSystem.AssertSameContext(this, value); 
        #endregion Access Verification

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Pre-compute / render / realization passes
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Pre-compute / render / realization passes 

        internal void Precompute()
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute)) 
                // Disable processing of the queue during blocking operations to prevent unrelated reentrancy. 
                    MediaContext mediaContext = MediaContext.From(Dispatcher); 


                        Rect bboxSubgraph; 
                        PrecomputeRecursive(out bboxSubgraph);

        /// Derived class can do precomputations on their content by overriding this method.
        /// Derived classes must call the base class.
        internal virtual void PrecomputeContent() 
            _bboxSubgraph = GetHitTestBounds(); 
            // If bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
            if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(_bboxSubgraph)) 
                _bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                _bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                _bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity; 
                _bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;

        internal void PrecomputeRecursive(out Rect bboxSubgraph) 
            // Simple loop detection to avoid stack overflow in cyclic Visual
            // scenarios. This fix is only aimed at mitigating a very common
            // VisualBrush scenario. 
            bool canEnter = Enter();
            if (canEnter) 
                    if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute))
                        // We need to check which children need realization
                        // updates and/or ink tracking. 

                        bool subTreeUsesRealizationCaches = false; 
                        bool subTreeNeedsNewRealization = false;

                        // Reset graphness flag, PrecomputeContent() may modify it
                        SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 

                        // If we have a bitmap effect, we need full realizations 
#pragma warning disable 0618
                        if (VisualBitmapEffect != null)
#pragma warning restore 0618 
                            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 

                        // VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness will now be
                        // true if this node has its own graphness inducing content. We
                        // also need to check the children to see if they have graphness
                        // inducing content 
                        bool nodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness = 

                        int childCount = VisualChildrenCount; 

                        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                            Visual child = GetVisualChild(i); 
                            if (child != null)
                                Rect bboxSubgraphChild; 

                                child.PrecomputeRecursive(out bboxSubgraphChild); 


                                // Does this subtree require realization updates
                                // and/or ink tracking? 

                                subTreeUsesRealizationCaches |= 

                                subTreeNeedsNewRealization |=

                                nodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness |= 

                        if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                            // Special case for bitmap effects -- expand the bounding box
                            // and always require realization updates. 


                            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches);
                        // Propagate graphness flag
                        SetFlags(nodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness, VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 
                        // Update the per-instance visual flags with the new information 
                        // about the need to perform realization updates and track ink.

                        subTreeUsesRealizationCaches |= CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches); 
                        SetFlags(subTreeUsesRealizationCaches, VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches);
                        // Having recursed into the subgraph, we now know definitively whether this node
                        // or its children contain realizations. We need to set the NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization 
                        // flags appropriately to allow the MarkVisibleRealization walk to follow the path to the
                        // nodes which require new realizations (NodeRequiresNewRealization, which was set when an
                        // operation requiring new realizations occurred).
                        if (!CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches))
                            SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 
                        SetFlags((subTreeNeedsNewRealization && subTreeUsesRealizationCaches) || CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization), 

                        SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute);

                    // Bounding boxes are cached in inner space (below offset, transform, and clip). 
                    // Before returning them we need 
                    // to transform them into outer space.
                    bboxSubgraph = _bboxSubgraph;

                    Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this);
                    if (clip != null) 

                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this); 

                    if ((transform != null) && (!transform.IsIdentity))
                        Matrix m = transform.Value; 
                        MatrixUtil.TransformRect(ref bboxSubgraph, ref m);
                    if (!bboxSubgraph.IsEmpty)
                        bboxSubgraph.X += _offset.X;
                        bboxSubgraph.Y += _offset.Y;
                    // If child's bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
                    if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(bboxSubgraph)) 
                        bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                        bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                        bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                        bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                bboxSubgraph = new Rect();
        internal void Render(RenderContext ctx, UInt32 childIndex) 
            DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel; 

            // Currently everything is sent to the compositor. IsSubtreeDirtyForRender
            // indicates that something in the sub-graph of this Visual needs to have an update 
            // sent to the compositor. Hence traverse if this bit is set. Also traverse when the
            // sub-graph has not yet been sent to the compositor. 

            if (CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender) 
                || !IsOnChannel(channel))

            // Connect the root visual to the composition root if necessary.

            if (IsOnChannel(channel)
                && !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent)
                && !ctx.Root.IsNull) 

        /// This is only called during the realization pass if the visual has
        /// a bitmap effect. It only renders opacity, opacity mask, content and
        /// children of the visual. The effect is applied below transform, 
        /// clip, offset and guidelines. Those properties are updated during
        /// the render pass 
        internal void RenderForBitmapEffect(RenderContext ctx, UInt32 childIndex)
            DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel;
            // See if this visual is already on that channel 
            bool isOnChannel = IsOnChannel(channel);
            // Currently everything is sent to the compositor. IsSubtreeDirtyForRender
            // indicates that something in the sub-graph of this Visual needs to have an update
            // sent to the compositor. Hence traverse if this bit is set. Also traverse when the 
            // sub-graph has not yet been sent to the compositor.
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender)
                || !isOnChannel) 
                // Ensure that the visual resource for this Visual
                // is being sent to our current channel. 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle = isOnChannel ? 
                    _proxy.GetHandle(channel) :

                VisualProxyFlags flags = isOnChannel ?
                    _proxy.GetFlags(channel) :

                if (!isOnChannel) 
                    // we need to set the Viewport3D flags, if the visual is not
                    // on channel so that the viewport sends all its resources 
                    // to the compositor
                    SetFlags(channel, true, c_Viewport3DProxyFlagsDirtyMask);
                // Do the updates
                UpdateContent(ctx, flags, isOnChannel); 
                UpdateOpacity(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                UpdateOpacityMask(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                UpdateChildren(ctx, handle);

                // Finally, reset the dirty flags for this visual (at this point, 
                // we have handled them all).
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender); 

            // Connect the root visual to the composition root if necessary.

            if (IsOnChannel(channel) 
                && !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent) 
                && !ctx.Root.IsNull)
        internal virtual void RenderRecursive(
            RenderContext ctx) 
            // Simple loop detection to avoid stack overflow in cyclic Visual
            // scenarios. This fix is only aimed at mitigating a very common 
            // VisualBrush scenario.
            bool canEnter = Enter();

            if (canEnter) 
                    DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel;
                    DUCE.ResourceHandle handle = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 
                    VisualProxyFlags flags = VisualProxyFlags.None;

                    // See if this visual is already on that channel 
                    bool isOnChannel = IsOnChannel(channel); 

                    // Ensure that the visual resource for this Visual
                    // is being sent to our current channel.
                    if (isOnChannel)
                        // Good, we're already on channel. Get the handle and flags.

                        handle = _proxy.GetHandle(channel);
                        flags = _proxy.GetFlags(channel);
                        // Create the visual resource on the current channel.
                        // Need to update all set properties.

                        handle = ((DUCE.IResource)this).AddRefOnChannel(channel); 

                        // we need to set the Viewport3D flags, if the visual is not 
                        // on channel so that the viewport sends all its resources 
                        // to the compositor. we need the explicit set, because
                        // the update happens during RenderContent and we have no 
                        // other way to pass the flags
                        // We do that for all visuals. the flags will be ignored
                        // if the visual is not a Viewport3D visual 
                        SetFlags(channel, true, c_Viewport3DProxyFlagsDirtyMask);
                        flags = c_ProxyFlagsDirtyMask; 
                    UpdateTransform(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    UpdateClip(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    UpdateOffset(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    UpdateEffect(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                    UpdateGuidelines(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    // if we have a legacy BitmapEffect, mark the effect as dirty 
                    // we will render the rest of the visual during
                    // the realization pass 
                    if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)

                        // if the visual content is dirty or the subtree is dirty for render 
                        // or the opacity or opacity mask changed,
                        // we would want to re-apply the effect during the realisation pass 
                        if (((flags & c_BitmapEffectDirtyMask) != 0) || 
                            SetFlags(channel, true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty);
                        UpdateContent(ctx, flags, isOnChannel); 
                        UpdateOpacity(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                        UpdateOpacityMask(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                        UpdateRenderOptions(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                        UpdateChildren(ctx, handle);

                    // Finally, reset the dirty flags for this visual (at this point,
                    // we have handled them all). 
                    SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender); 
                    SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate);
        /// Enter is used for simple cycle detection in Visual. If the method returns false 
        /// the Visual has already been entered and cannot be entered again. Matching invocation of Exit
        /// must be skipped if Enter returns false.
        internal bool Enter() 
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag)) 
                return false;
                SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag);
                return true; 
        /// Exits the Visual. For more details see Enter method. 
        internal void Exit()
            Debug.Assert(CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag)); // Exit must be matched with Enter. See Enter comments. 
            SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag);
        /// Update opacity 
        private void UpdateOpacity(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                   DUCE.ResourceHandle handle, 
                                   VisualProxyFlags flags,
                                   bool isOnChannel) 
            // Opacity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty) != 0)
                double opacity = OpacityCache;
                if (isOnChannel || !(opacity >= 1.0)) 
                    // Opacity is 1.0 by default -- do not send it for new visuals.

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty); 

        /// Update OpacityMask
        /// The Visual exists on channel.
        private void UpdateOpacityMask(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                       DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                       VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                       bool isOnChannel)
            // Opacity Mask --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty) != 0) 
                Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);

                if (opacityMask != null) 
                    // Set the new opacity mask resource on the visual. 
                    // If opacityMask is null we don't need to do this.
                    // Also note that the old opacity mask was disconnected 
                    // in the OpacityMask property setter.

                else if (isOnChannel) /* opacityMask == null */ 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty); 

        /// Update transform 
        /// The Visual exists on channel. 
        private void UpdateTransform(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                     DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                     VisualProxyFlags flags,
                                     bool isOnChannel) 
            // Transform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty) != 0)
                Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);

                if (transform != null)
                    // Set the new transform resource on the visual. 
                    // If transform is null we don't need to do this. 
                    // Also note that the old transform was disconnected
                    // in the Transform property setter. 

                else if (isOnChannel) /* transform == null */
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty); 
        /// Update bitmap effect.
        /// The Visual exists on channel. 
        private void UpdateEffect(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                     DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                     VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                     bool isOnChannel)
            // Bitmap Effect  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty) != 0)
                Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this); 

                if (effect != null) 
                    // Set the new effect resource on the visual.
                    // If effect is null we don't need to do this. 
                    // Also note that the old effect was disconnected
                    // in the Effect property setter. 

                else if (isOnChannel) /* effect == null */
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty);

        /// Update clip
        /// The Visual exists on channel. 
        private void UpdateClip(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                bool isOnChannel)
            // Clip -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty) != 0)
                Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this); 

                if (clip != null) 
                    // Set the new clip resource on the composition node.
                    // If clip is null we don't need to do this.  Also note 
                    // that the old clip was disconnected in the Clip
                    // property setter. 

                else if (isOnChannel) /* clip == null */

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty); 
        /// Update offset 
        private void UpdateOffset(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                  DUCE.ResourceHandle handle, 
                                  VisualProxyFlags flags,
                                  bool isOnChannel) 
            // Offset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty) != 0) 
                if (isOnChannel || _offset != new Vector()) 
                    // Offset is (0, 0) by default so do not update it for new visuals. 

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty); 

        /// Update guidelines
        private void UpdateGuidelines(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                      DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                      VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                      bool isOnChannel)
            // Guidelines -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsGuidelineCollectionDirty) != 0) 
                DoubleCollection guidelinesX = GuidelinesXField.GetValue(this);
                DoubleCollection guidelinesY = GuidelinesYField.GetValue(this);
                if (isOnChannel || (guidelinesX != null || guidelinesY != null))
                    // Guidelines are null by default, so do not update them for new visuals.

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsGuidelineCollectionDirty);


        /// Update EdgeMode
        private void UpdateRenderOptions(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                    DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                    VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                    bool isOnChannel)
            if (((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty) != 0) || ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty) != 0)) 
                 MILRenderOptions renderOptions = new MILRenderOptions(); 

                // EdgeMode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // "isOnChannel" (if true) indicates that this Visual was on channel
                // previous to this update.  If this is the case, all changes to the EdgeMode 
                // must be reflected in the composition node.  If "isOnChannel" is false it means
                // that this Visual has just been added to a channel.  In this case, we can 
                // skip an EdgeMode update if the EdgeMode is Unspecified, as this is the default 
                // behavior.
                if (isOnChannel || (EdgeModeCache != EdgeMode.Unspecified)) 
                    renderOptions.Flags |= MILRenderOptionFlags.EdgeMode;
                    renderOptions.EdgeMode = EdgeModeCache;

                // ImageScalingMode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                if (isOnChannel || (BitmapScalingModeCache != BitmapScalingMode.Unspecified)) 
                    renderOptions.Flags |= MILRenderOptionFlags.BitmapScalingMode; 
                    renderOptions.BitmapScalingMode    = BitmapScalingModeCache;

                if (renderOptions.Flags != 0) 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty | VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty);

        /// Update content 
        /// The Visual exists on channel.
        private void UpdateContent(RenderContext ctx,
                                   VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                   bool isOnChannel)
            // Hookup content to the Visual

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty) != 0)
                RenderContent(ctx, isOnChannel); 
                SetFlags(ctx.Channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty);

        /// Update children
        private void UpdateChildren(RenderContext ctx,
                                    DUCE.ResourceHandle handle) 
            DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel;
            // Visit children of this visual.
            // If content node is connected child node indicies need to be offset by one.
            UInt32 connectedChildIndex =
                CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentNodeConnected) ? (UInt32)1 : 0; 

            bool isChildrenZOrderDirty = CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsChildrenZOrderDirty);
            int childCount = VisualChildrenCount;
            // If the visual children have been re-ordered, enqueue a packet to RemoveAllChildren, 
            // then reinsert all the children.  The parent visual will release the children when 
            // the RemoveAllChildren packet, but the managed visuals will still have references
            // to them so that they won't be destructed and recreated. 
            if (isChildrenZOrderDirty)

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) 
                Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                if (child != null)
                    // Recurse if the child visual is dirty 
                    // or it has not been marshalled yet. 
                    if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender) 
                        || !(child.IsOnChannel(channel)))

                    // Make sure that all the marshaled children are 
                    // connected to the parent visual or that the ZOrder
                    // of the children has changed. 
                    if (child.IsOnChannel(channel))
                        bool isConnectedToParent = child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent); 

                        if (!isConnectedToParent || isChildrenZOrderDirty) 

            SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsChildrenZOrderDirty); 

        /// Marks the visible realizations in this visual graph.
        /// The realization context.
        internal void MarkVisibleRealizations(RealizationContext ctx)

            if (    CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches)
                 || NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect) 
        internal bool RequiresRealizationUpdates
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches);


        /// Marks the visible realizations in this visual graph.
        /// This is only called during the realization pass if the visual has 
        /// a bitmap effect.
        /// The realization context. 
        internal void MarkVisibleRealizationsForBitmapEffect(RealizationContext ctx)
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Update realizations. 

            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches)) 

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Recurse into the visible part of the subgraph.
        /// Performs a recursive walk of the visible part of this visual graph, 
        /// marking the realization nodes to be created or updated.
        /// Do not call this method directly. 
        /// The realization context. 
        private void MarkVisibleRealizationsRecursive(RealizationContext ctx)
            // Simple loop detection to avoid stack overflow in cyclic Visual
            // scenarios. This fix is only aimed at mitigating a very common
            // VisualBrush scenario.
            bool canEnter = Enter(); 

            if (canEnter) 
                    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Update the transform stack (needed by UpdateRealizations). 
                    //push offset
                    if (_offset != new Vector()) 
                        ctx.TransformStack.Push(_offset, true);
                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
                    if (transform != null) 
                        ctx.TransformStack.Push(transform, true); 

                    if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                        // if the visual has a bitmap effect, update the realizations.
                        bool nodeRequiresNewRealization = CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization);
                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                        // Update realizations if NodeUsesRealizationCaches is true and
                        // we're either doing a full walk (!ctx.IncrementalWalk) or 
                        // we're doing an incremental walk and the node actually requires
                        // new realizations (nodeRequiresNewRealization) 
                        if (   CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches) 
                            && (!ctx.IncrementalWalk || nodeRequiresNewRealization))

                        if (nodeRequiresNewRealization) 
                           // Need to walk all children containing realizations since
                           // this node has had a realizations impacting change 


                        if (nodeRequiresNewRealization) 

                    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Clean up. 

                    if (transform != null) 

                    // pop offset
                    if (_offset != new Vector())
                    // Normally, we reset the flags for node realization to avoid redundant processing of realizations.
                    // However, in the case of a bitmap render (RenderTargetBitmap), don't reset the flags here, since
                    // we would still need to apply the realizations when a regular render occurs later.
                    if (!ctx.WalkForBitmapRenderTarget) 
                        SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization); 

        /// MarkVisibleRealizations for all the children
        private void MarkVisibleRealizationsForChildren(RealizationContext ctx)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Recurse into the visible part of the subgraph.
            int childrenCount = this.VisualChildrenCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                Visual child = this.GetVisualChild(i); 

                // Skip this node if currently not on the channel or 
                // if there is nothing to be updated on its subtree.
                // If this walk is incremental, then walk child
                // only if subtree has a node requiring a new realization
                if (child != null 
                    && child.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches)
                    && (!ctx.IncrementalWalk 
                        || child.CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization))) 

        #endregion Pre-compute / render / realization passes 


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Hit Testing 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        #region Hit Testing
        internal class TopMostHitResult
            internal HitTestResult _hitResult = null;
            internal HitTestResultBehavior HitTestResult(HitTestResult result)
                _hitResult = result; 

                return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop; 

            internal HitTestFilterBehavior NoNested2DFilter(DependencyObject potentialHitTestTarget)
                if (potentialHitTestTarget is Viewport2DVisual3D)
                    return HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipChildren; 
                return HitTestFilterBehavior.Continue;

        /// Used by derived classes to invalidate their hit-test bounds. 
        internal void InvalidateHitTestBounds() 


        /// Derived classes return the hit-test bounding box from the
        /// GetHitTestBounds virtual. Visual uses the bounds to optimize 
        /// hit-testing.
        internal virtual Rect GetHitTestBounds() 
            return GetContentBounds(); 

        /// Return top most visual of a hit test.
        internal HitTestResult HitTest(Point point) 
            return HitTest(point, true); 

        /// Return top most visual of a hit test.  If include2DOn3D is true we will 
        /// hit test in to 2D on 3D children, otherwise we will ignore that part of
        /// the tree. 
        internal HitTestResult HitTest(Point point, bool include2DOn3D)

            TopMostHitResult result = new TopMostHitResult();
                include2DOn3D? null : new HitTestFilterCallback(result.NoNested2DFilter), 
                new HitTestResultCallback(result.HitTestResult),
                new PointHitTestParameters(point)); 

            return result._hitResult;
        /// Initiate a hit test using delegates. 
        internal void HitTest(
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback, 
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback,
            HitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
            if (resultCallback == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultCallback"); 

            if (hitTestParameters == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitTestParameters");

            PointHitTestParameters pointParams = hitTestParameters as PointHitTestParameters; 

            if (pointParams != null)
                // Because we call dynamic code during the hit testing walk we need to back up 
                // the original hit point in case the user's delegate throws an exception so that
                // we can restore it. 
                Point backupHitPoint = pointParams.HitPoint; 

                    HitTestPoint(filterCallback, resultCallback, pointParams);
                    // If an exception occured, restore the user's hit point and rethrow. 

                    Debug.Assert(Point.Equals(pointParams.HitPoint, backupHitPoint), 
                        "Failed to restore user's hit point back to the original coordinate system.");
                GeometryHitTestParameters geometryParams = hitTestParameters as GeometryHitTestParameters;

                if (geometryParams != null)
                    // Because we call dynamic code during the hit testing walk we need to ensure
                    // that if the user's delegate throws an exception we restore the original 
                    // transform on the hit test geometry. 
                    // Internally we replace the hit geometry with a copy which is guaranteed to have 
                    // a MatrixTransform so we do not need to worry about null dereferences here.
                    Matrix originalMatrix = geometryParams.InternalHitGeometry.Transform.Value;
#endif // DEBUG
                        HitTestGeometry(filterCallback, resultCallback, geometryParams); 

                        Debug.Assert(Matrix.Equals(geometryParams.InternalHitGeometry.Transform.Value, originalMatrix),
                            "Failed to restore user's hit geometry back to the original coordinate system."); 
#endif // DEBUG
                    // This should never happen, users can not extend the abstract HitTestParameters class. 
                            "'{0}' HitTestParameters are not supported on {1}.", 
                            hitTestParameters.GetType().Name, this.GetType().Name));

        internal HitTestResultBehavior HitTestPoint( 
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback, 
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback,
            PointHitTestParameters pointParams) 
            // we do not need parameter checks because they are done in HitTest()

            Geometry clip = VisualClip; 

            // Before we continue hit-testing we check against the hit-test bounds for the sub-graph. 
            // If the point is not with-in the hit-test bounds, the sub-graph can be skipped. 
            if (_bboxSubgraph.Contains(pointParams.HitPoint) &&
                ((null == clip) || clip.FillContains(pointParams.HitPoint))) // Check that the hit-point is with-in the clip. 
                // Determine if there is a special filter behavior defined for this
                // Visual. 
                HitTestFilterBehavior filter = HitTestFilterBehavior.Continue; 
                if (filterCallback != null)
                    filter = filterCallback(this);

                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelfAndChildren)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;
                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.Stop)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
                // if there is a bitmap effect transform the point
                // Backup the hit point so that we can restore it later on. 
                Point originalHitPoint = pointParams.HitPoint; 
                Point hitPoint = originalHitPoint;
                if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect))
                    Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                    if (imageEffect != null) 
                        GeneralTransform effectHitTestInverse = imageEffect.EffectMapping.Inverse; 
                        // only do work if the transform isn't the identity transform
                        if (effectHitTestInverse != Transform.Identity) 
                            bool ok = false;

                            // Convert to unit space 
                            Point? unitHitPoint = Effect.WorldToUnit(originalHitPoint, _bboxSubgraph);
                            if (unitHitPoint != null) 
                                Point transformedPt = new Point();
                                // Do the transform

                                ok = effectHitTestInverse.TryTransform(unitHitPoint.Value, out transformedPt);
                                if (ok) 
                                    // Convert back to world space 
                                    hitPoint = Effect.UnitToWorld(transformedPt, _bboxSubgraph); 

                            if (!ok)
                                return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue; 
                        Debug.Assert(BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this) != null);
                        if (BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this).TransformHitPoint(
                                _bboxSubgraph, originalHitPoint, out hitPoint) == false)
                            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

                // Hit test against the children. 
                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipChildren) 
                    int childCount = VisualChildrenCount;
                    for (int i=childCount-1; i>=0; i--) 
                        Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                        if (child != null)
                            // Transform the hit-test point below offset and transform. 

                            Point newHitPoint = hitPoint; 

                            // Apply the offset.
                            newHitPoint = newHitPoint - child._offset;
                            // If we have a transform, apply the transform.
                            Transform childTransform = TransformField.GetValue(child); 
                            if (childTransform != null) 
                                Matrix inv = childTransform.Value; 

                                // If we can't invert the transform, the child is not hitable. This makes sense since
                                // the node's rendered content is degenerate, i.e. does not really take up any space.
                                // Skip the child by continuing in the loop. 
                                if (!inv.HasInverse)

                                newHitPoint = newHitPoint * inv;

                            // Set the new hittesting point into the hittest params. 

                            // Perform the hit-test against the child. 
                            HitTestResultBehavior result =
                                child.HitTestPoint(filterCallback, resultCallback, pointParams);

                            // Restore the hit-test point. 
                            if (result == HitTestResultBehavior.Stop)
                                return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
                // Hit test against the content of this Visual.

                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelf)
                    // set the transformed hit point 
                    HitTestResultBehavior result = HitTestPointInternal(filterCallback, resultCallback, pointParams); 

                    // restore the hit point back to its original 

                    if (result == HitTestResultBehavior.Stop)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

        // provides a transform that goes between the Visual's coordinate space 
        // and that after applying the transforms that bring it to outer space.
        internal GeneralTransform TransformToOuterSpace() 
            Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
            GeneralTransformGroup group = null; 
            GeneralTransform result = null;

            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect))
                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
                if (bitmapEffectState != null) 
                    BitmapEffect effect = bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect;
                    // if the BitmapEffect has an affine transformation
                    // add code to just multiply the matrix here to the effects matrix
                    if (effect.IsAffineTransform)
                        Matrix cm = effect.GetAffineMatrix();
                        MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm); 
                        group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                        // Note that the below likely should be VisualDescendantBounds, but we're not modifying this
                        // code now that legacy BitmapEffects are obsolete.
                        group.Children.Add(new BitmapEffectGeneralTransform(bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect, 
                                                                            bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput, false, VisualContentBounds));
                    Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                    GeneralTransform gt = effect.CoerceToUnitSpaceGeneralTransform(

                    Transform affineTransform = gt.AffineTransform; 
                    if (affineTransform != null) 
                        Matrix cm = affineTransform.Value; 
                        MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm);
                        group = new GeneralTransformGroup();

            Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
            if (transform != null)
                Matrix cm = transform.Value;
                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm); 
            m.Translate(_offset.X, _offset.Y); // Consider having a bit that indicates that we have a non-null offset.
            if (group == null)
                result = new MatrixTransform(m);
                group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m)); 
                result = group;

            return result;

        internal HitTestResultBehavior HitTestGeometry( 
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback, 
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback,
            GeometryHitTestParameters geometryParams) 
            // we do not need parameter checks because they are done in HitTest()

            // Check against the clip before checking against geometry 
            IntersectionDetail intersectionDetail;
            Geometry clip = VisualClip; 
            if (clip != null) 
                // HitTest with a Geometry and a clip should hit test with 
                // the intersection of the geometry and the clip, not the entire geometry
                intersectionDetail = clip.FillContainsWithDetail(geometryParams.InternalHitGeometry);
                Debug.Assert(intersectionDetail != IntersectionDetail.NotCalculated);
                if (intersectionDetail == IntersectionDetail.Empty) 
                    // bail out if there is a clip and this region is not inside 
                    return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue; 

            // Check if the geometry intersects with our hittest bounds.
            // If not, the Visual is not hit-testable at all. 

            if (_bboxSubgraph.IntersectsWith(geometryParams.Bounds)) 
                // Determine if there is a special filter behavior defined for this 
                // Visual.

                HitTestFilterBehavior filter = HitTestFilterBehavior.Continue; 

                if (filterCallback != null) 
                    filter = filterCallback(this);
                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelfAndChildren)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.Stop) 
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;

                // Hit-test against the children. 
                int childCount = VisualChildrenCount; 

                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipChildren) 
                    for (int i=childCount-1; i>=0; i--)
                        Visual child = GetVisualChild(i); 
                        if (child != null)
                            // Transform the geometry below offset and transform. 
                            Matrix inv = Matrix.Identity;
                            inv.Translate(-child._offset.X, -child._offset.Y); 

                            Transform childTransform = TransformField.GetValue(child);
                            if (childTransform != null)
                                Matrix m = childTransform.Value;
                                // If we can't invert the transform, the child is not hitable. This makes sense since 
                                // the node's rendered content is degnerated, i.e. does not really take up any space.
                                // Skipping the child by continuing the loop. 
                                if (!m.HasInverse)

                                // Inverse the transform. 

                                // Multiply the inverse and the offset together. 
                                // inv = inv * m;
                                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref inv, ref m);
                            // Push the transform on the geometry params.
                            geometryParams.PushMatrix(ref inv); 
                            // Hit-Test against the children.
                            HitTestResultBehavior result =
                                child.HitTestGeometry(filterCallback, resultCallback, geometryParams);

                            // Pop the transform from the geometry params. 

                            // Process the result.
                            if (result == HitTestResultBehavior.Stop) 
                                return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
                // Hit-test against the content of the Visual. 

                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelf)
                    GeometryHitTestResult hitResult = HitTestCore(geometryParams);
                    if (hitResult != null) 
                        Debug.Assert(resultCallback != null); 

                        return resultCallback(hitResult);
            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue; 

        /// This method provides an internal extension point for Viewport3DVisual
        /// to grab the HitTestFilterCallback and ResultDelegate before it gets lost in the 
        /// forward to HitTestCore.
        internal virtual HitTestResultBehavior HitTestPointInternal( 
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback,
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback, 
            PointHitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
            HitTestResult hitResult = HitTestCore(hitTestParameters);
            if (hitResult != null)
                return resultCallback(hitResult); 
            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

        /// HitTestCore implements whether we have hit the bounds of this visual.
        protected virtual HitTestResult HitTestCore(PointHitTestParameters hitTestParameters) 
            if (hitTestParameters == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitTestParameters");
            // If we don't have a clip, or if the clip contains the point, keep going.
            if (GetHitTestBounds().Contains(hitTestParameters.HitPoint)) 
                return new PointHitTestResult(this, hitTestParameters.HitPoint);
                return null;
        /// HitTestCore implements whether we have hit the bounds of this visual.
        protected virtual GeometryHitTestResult HitTestCore(GeometryHitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
            if (hitTestParameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitTestParameters");
            IntersectionDetail intersectionDetail;
            RectangleGeometry contentGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(GetHitTestBounds());

            intersectionDetail = contentGeometry.FillContainsWithDetail(hitTestParameters.InternalHitGeometry);
            Debug.Assert(intersectionDetail != IntersectionDetail.NotCalculated); 

            if (intersectionDetail != IntersectionDetail.Empty) 
                return new GeometryHitTestResult(this, intersectionDetail);

            return null;

        #endregion Hit Testing 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual Operations API
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region VisualChildren 

        ///  Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate
        ///  the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children
        ///  from this method.
        ///    By default a Visual does not have any children.
        ///  Remark: During this virtual method the Visual tree must not be modified. 
        protected virtual int VisualChildrenCount 
            get { return 0; }
        /// Returns the number of 2D children. This returns 0 for visuals 
        /// whose children are Visual3Ds. 
        internal int InternalVisualChildrenCount 
                // Call the right virtual method. 
                return VisualChildrenCount;

        /// Returns the number of children of this object (in most cases this will be
        /// the number of Visuals, but it some cases, Viewport3DVisual for instance,
        /// this is the number of Visual3Ds).
        /// Used only by VisualTreeHelper.
        internal virtual int InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount 
                // Call the right virtual method.
                return VisualChildrenCount;
        ///Flag to check if this visual has any children
        internal bool HasVisualChildren
                return ((_flags & VisualFlags.HasChildren) != 0);

        ///   Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return
        ///    the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1.
        ///    By default a Visual does not have any children. 
        ///  Remark: 
        ///       Need to lock down Visual tree during the callbacks. 
        ///       During this virtual call it is not valid to modify the Visual tree.
        ///       It is okay to type this protected API to the 2D Visual.  The only 2D Visual with
        ///       3D childern is the Viewport3DVisual which is sealed.  -- [....] 01/17/06
        protected virtual Visual GetVisualChild(int index) 
           throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, SR.Get(SRID.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange)); 

        /// Returns the 2D child at index "index". This will fail for Visuals
        /// whose children are Visual3Ds.
        internal Visual InternalGetVisualChild(int index) 
            // Call the right virtual method. 
            return GetVisualChild(index); 
        /// Returns the child at index "index" (in most cases this will be
        /// a Visual, but it some cases, Viewport3DVisual for instance,
        /// this is a Visual3D). 
        /// Used only by VisualTreeHelper. 
        internal virtual DependencyObject InternalGet2DOr3DVisualChild(int index)
            // Call the right virtual method.
            return GetVisualChild(index);
        /// Helper method to provide access to AddVisualChild for the VisualCollection. 
        internal void InternalAddVisualChild(Visual child)

        /// Helper method to provide access to RemoveVisualChild for the VisualCollection.
        internal void InternalRemoveVisualChild(Visual child) 

        /// AttachChild 
        ///    Derived classes must call this method to notify the Visual layer that a new 
        ///    child appeard in the children collection. The Visual layer will then call the GetVisualChild 
        ///    method to find out where the child was added.
        ///  Remark: To move a Visual child in a collection it must be first disconnected and then connected
        ///    again. (Moving forward we might want to add a special optimization there so that we do not
        ///    unmarshal our composition resources).
        ///    It is okay to type this protected API to the 2D Visual.  The only 2D Visual with
        ///    3D childern is the Viewport3DVisual which is sealed.  -- [....] 01/17/06 
        protected void AddVisualChild(Visual child)
            if (child == null)

            if (child._parent != null) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_HasParent));

            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.HasChildren);

            // Set the parent pointer. 

            child._parent = this; 
            // The child might be dirty. Hence we need to propagate dirty information 
            // from the parent and from the child.

                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate, 

            // If child has realizations, we need to set NodeRequiresRealizationUpdate flag, and propagate
            // corresponding subtree flag
            child.SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 
                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization, 
            // Resume layout.
            UIElement.PropagateResumeLayout(this, child); 

            // Fire notifications 
            this.OnVisualChildrenChanged(child, null /* no removed child */); 

        /// DisconnectChild
        ///    Derived classes must call this method to notify the Visual layer that a
        ///    child was removed from the children collection. The Visual layer will then call 
        ///    GetChildren to find out which child has been removed. 
        protected void RemoveVisualChild(Visual child)
            if (child == null || child._parent == null)
            if (child._parent != this)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NotChild));

            if(InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount == 0) 
                SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.HasChildren); 

            // Remove the child on all channels its current parent is marshalled to.

            for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++) 
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i); 
                if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent))
                    child.SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent); 
            // Set the parent pointer to null.
            child._parent = null;

                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate,
            // Fire notifications
            OnVisualChildrenChanged(null /* no child added */, child);

        /// InvalidateZOrder 
        /// Note: must do invalidation without removing / adding
        /// to avoid loosing focused element by input system 
        internal void InvalidateZOrder()
            //  if we don't have any children, there is nothing to do
            if (VisualChildrenCount == 0) 

            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 

                        VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization, 
                        VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender | VisualProxyFlags.IsChildrenZOrderDirty);


        //This is used by LayoutManager as a perf optimization for layout updates.
        //During layout updates, LM needs to find which areas of the visual tree 
        //are higher in the tree - they have to be processed first to avoid multiple
        //updates of lower descendants. The tree level counter is maintained by 
        //UIElement.PropagateResume/SuspendLayout methods and uses 8 bits in VisualFlags to 
        //keep the count.
        internal uint TreeLevel 
                return ((uint)_flags & 0xFF000000) >> 24; 
                if(value > 0xFF)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.LayoutManager_DeepRecursion, 255));

                _flags = (VisualFlags)(((uint)_flags & 0x00FFFFFF) | (value << 24)); 

        #endregion VisualChildren 

        #region VisualParent
        /// Returns the parent of this Visual.  Parent may be either a Visual or Visual3D. 
        protected DependencyObject VisualParent
                return InternalVisualParent;

        /// Identical to VisualParent, except that skips verify access for perf.
        internal DependencyObject InternalVisualParent
                return _parent; 

        #endregion VisualParent

        // These 2 method will be REMOVED once Hamid is back and can 
        // explain why Window needs to Bypass layout for setting Flow Direction.
        // These methods are only called from InternalSetLayoutTransform which is called only from Window 
        internal void InternalSetOffsetWorkaround(Vector offset)
            VisualOffset = offset;
        internal void InternalSetTransformWorkaround(Transform transform) 
            VisualTransform = transform; 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Visual Properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Visual Properties 
        /// Gets or sets the transform of this Visual. 
        protected internal Transform VisualTransform
                return TransformField.GetValue(this);
            protected set
                Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
                if (transform == value) 

                Transform newTransform = value;

                // Add changed notifications for the new transform if necessary. 
                if (newTransform != null && !newTransform.IsFrozen)
                    newTransform.Changed += TransformChangedHandler; 
                if (transform != null)
                    // Remove changed notifications for the old transform if necessary. 
                    if (!transform.IsFrozen) 
                        transform.Changed -= TransformChangedHandler; 

                    // Disconnect the transform from this visual. 

                // Set the new clip and mark it dirty 
                TransformField.SetValue(this, newTransform); 

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty); 

                TransformChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);

        /// Gets or sets the Effect of this Visual. 
        protected internal Effect VisualEffect 

                return VisualEffectInternal; 
            protected set

                // Legacy BitmapEffects and new Effects cannot be mixed because the new image effect
                // pipeline may be used to emulate a legacy BitmapEffect. 
                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this);
                if (bed != null) 
                    if (value != null) // UIElement has a tendency to set a lot of properties to null even if it
                                       // never set a property to a different value in the first place. 
                        // If a BitmapEffect is set, the user cannot set an Effect, since
                        // mixing of legacy BitmapEffects is not allowed with Effects.
                        throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.Effect_CombinedLegacyAndNew)); 

                VisualEffectInternal = value;
        /// Internal accessor to image effect property that gets or sets the Effect of this Visual. 
        /// The internal accessor is used by the VisualBitmapEffect emulation layer to avoid some of the
        /// compatibility checks in the protected VisualEffect property.
        internal Effect VisualEffectInternal 
                // Legacy BitmapEffects and new Effects cannot be mixed because the new image effect
                // pipeline may be used to emulate a legacy BitmapEffect. Therefore, if a BitmapEffect is 
                // assigned to this node, the Effect is conceptually not set and null must be returned
                // from this getter. If no BitmapEffect is set on this node, the Effect has been provided
                // by the user and therefore the Effect is returned.
                if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                    return null; 
                    return EffectField.GetValue(this);

                Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                if (imageEffect == value) 
                Effect newEffect = value;
                // Add changed notifications for the new Effect if necessary. 
                if (newEffect != null && !newEffect.IsFrozen)
                    newEffect.Changed += EffectChangedHandler;

                if (imageEffect != null) 
                    // Remove changed notifications for the old Effect if necessary. 
                    if (!imageEffect.IsFrozen)
                        imageEffect.Changed -= EffectChangedHandler;

                    // Disconnect the Effect from this visual. 

                // Set the new effect and mark it dirty 
                SetFlags(newEffect != null, VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect);

                EffectField.SetValue(this, newEffect);
                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty);
                EffectChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// BitmapEffect Property -
        /// Gets or sets the optional BitmapEffect.  If set, the BitmapEffect will 
        /// be applied Visual's rendered content, after which the OpacityMask and/or Opacity
        /// will be applied (if present). 
        protected internal BitmapEffect VisualBitmapEffect 

                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if (bed != null)
                    return bed.BitmapEffect;
                    return null;

            protected set 

                // Figure out if a image effect has been provided by the user. If so, calling this API is illegal
                // since new Effects and legacy BitmapEffects cannot be mixed. 
                Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if (   (bed == null)
                    && (imageEffect != null))

                    if (value != null) // Allowing incoming value of null because UIElements tend
                                       // to aggressively set this property to null even if it has never been set. 
                        // If no BitmapEffect is set and an Effect is set, the Effect has been
                        // provided by the user and not by emulation. Since mixing of legacy 
                        // BitmapEffects is not allowed with Effects, setting a BitmapEffect is illegal.
                        throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.Effect_CombinedLegacyAndNew));

                // To enable emulation of the legacy effects on top of the new effects pipeline, store the
                // bitmap effect information in our staging uncommon field: UserProvidedBitmapEffectData. 

                BitmapEffect oldBitmapEffect = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffect; 
                if (oldBitmapEffect == value) // If new and old value are the same, this set call can be treated as a no-op. 

                BitmapEffect newBitmapEffect = value;
                if (newBitmapEffect == null)
                    Debug.Assert(bed != null, "Must be non-null because otherwise the code would have earlied out where new value is compared against old value."); 
                    // The following line of code will effectively set the BitmapEffectInput property to null. This is strange behavior for WPF properties, but follows the
                    // original BitmapEffects implementation. 
                    UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.SetValue(this, null);
                    if (bed == null)
                        bed = new BitmapEffectData(); 
                        UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.SetValue(this, bed);

                    bed.BitmapEffect = newBitmapEffect;
                if (newBitmapEffect != null && !newBitmapEffect.IsFrozen)
                    newBitmapEffect.Changed += new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged); 
                if (oldBitmapEffect != null && !oldBitmapEffect.IsFrozen) 
                    oldBitmapEffect.Changed -= new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged);
                // Notify about the bitmap effect changes to configure the new emulation.
                BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// BitmapEffectInput Property -
        /// Gets or sets the optional BitmapEffectInput.  If set, the BitmapEffectInput will 
        /// be applied Visual's rendered content, after which the OpacityMask and/or Opacity
        /// will be applied (if present). 
        protected internal BitmapEffectInput VisualBitmapEffectInput 

                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if (bed != null)
                    return bed.BitmapEffectInput;
                    return null;

            protected set 

                // Figure out if a image effect has been provided by the user. If so, calling this API is illegal
                // sinc new Effects and legacy BitmapEffects cannot be mixed. 
                Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if ((bed == null) && (imageEffect != null))
                    if (value != null) // Allowing null because parser and UIElement tend to set this property to null
                                       // even if it has never been set to non-null. 
                        // If no BitmapEffect is set and an Effect is set, the Effect has been 
                        // provided by the user. Since mixing of legacy BitmapEffects is not allowed with 
                        // Effects, setting a BitmapEffect is illegal.
                        throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.Effect_CombinedLegacyAndNew)); 

                // To enable emulation of the legacy effects on top of the new effects pipeline, store the
                // bitmap effect input information in our staging uncommon field: UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.

                BitmapEffectInput oldBitmapEffectInput = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffectInput; 
                BitmapEffectInput newBitmapEffectInput = value;
                if (oldBitmapEffectInput == newBitmapEffectInput) // If new and old value are the same, this set call can be treated as a no-op. 

                // Make sure there is a BitmapEffectData instance allocated.
                if (bed == null) 
                    bed = new BitmapEffectData(); 
                    UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.SetValue(this, bed); 
                bed.BitmapEffectInput = newBitmapEffectInput;

                if (newBitmapEffectInput != null && !newBitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen) 
                    newBitmapEffectInput.Changed += new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged); 
                if (oldBitmapEffectInput != null && !oldBitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen)
                    oldBitmapEffectInput.Changed -= new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged);

                // Notify about the bitmap effect changes to configure the new emulation. 
                BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);

        // This handler reconfigures the bitmap effects pipeline whenever anything changes. It is
        // responsible for figuring out if a legacy effect can be emulated on the new pipeline or
        // not. 
        internal void BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this);
            BitmapEffect currentBitmapEffect = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffect; 
            BitmapEffectInput currentBitmapEffectInput = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffectInput;

            // Note that when this method is called, a legacy BitmapEffect has been set or reset on
            // the Visual by the user. The next step is to try to emulate the effect in case the current 
            // effect is non null or reset the emulation layer if the user has set the effect to null.
            if (currentBitmapEffect == null) 
                // This means the effect has been disconnected from this Visual. Setting the internal 
                // bitmap effect property and the image effect property to null to disconnect all the
                // effects. The Effect property needs to be set to null because the effect might
                // be emulated.
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = null; 
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = null;
                VisualEffectInternal = null; 
            else if (currentBitmapEffectInput != null)
                // If a BitmapEffectInput is specified, make sure the legacy effect is not being
                // emulated using the Effect pipeline since the new pipeline does not support
                // BitmapEffecInputs.
                VisualEffectInternal = null; 
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = currentBitmapEffect;
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = currentBitmapEffectInput; 
            else if (RenderCapability.IsShaderEffectSoftwareRenderingSupported &&
                    currentBitmapEffect.CanBeEmulatedUsingEffectPipeline() && 
                // If we can emulate the effect switch to emulating it.
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = null; 
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = null;
                VisualEffectInternal = currentBitmapEffect.GetEmulatingEffect(); 
                // Cannot emulate the effect, using legacy pipeline.
                VisualEffectInternal = null;
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = null;
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = currentBitmapEffect; 

        /// Used by the test team to disable bitmap effect emulation for testing purposes.
        internal bool BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled); 
                if (value != CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled))
                    SetFlags(value, VisualFlags.BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled); 

                    // Notify about the bitmap effect changes to configure the new emulation. 
                    BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// Internal accessor to BitmapEffect property that gets or sets the BitmapEffect of this Visual. 
        /// The internal accessor is used by the VisualBitmapEffect emulation layer to avoid some of the
        /// compatibility checks in the protected VisualBitmapEffect property. 
        internal BitmapEffect VisualBitmapEffectInternal
                if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                    return BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this).BitmapEffect; 
                    return null;

                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
                BitmapEffect bitmapEffect = (bitmapEffectState == null) ? null : bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect;
                if (bitmapEffect == value)
                BitmapEffect newBitmapEffect = value; 

                if (newBitmapEffect == null) 
                    Debug.Assert(bitmapEffectState != null);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++)
                        DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i);
                        bitmapEffectState.FreeContent(this, channel); 

                    BitmapEffectStateField.SetValue(this, null); 

                    SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect);
                    SetFlagsOnAllChannels(false, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentConnected);
                    SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty | 
                                                VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty |
                                                VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty | 
                    // if we are adding a bitmap effect to the visual,
                    // we want to disconnect all its children, edgemode and
                    // opacity/opacity mask from all channels 
                    // The visual's children will no longer be rendered on the
                    // compositor. We render them to a bitmap and apply the 
                    // effect to the bitmap and then set the new bitmap as the 
                    // content of the visual.
                    if (bitmapEffectState == null)
                        bitmapEffectState = new BitmapEffectVisualState(); 
                        BitmapEffectStateField.SetValue(this, bitmapEffectState);
                    bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect = newBitmapEffect;
                    Debug.Assert(EffectField.GetValue(this) == null, "Not expecting both BitmapEffect and Effect to be set on the same node");
                    SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect);
                // Enable new image effect if necessary.
                if (newBitmapEffect != null && !newBitmapEffect.IsFrozen) 
                    newBitmapEffect.Changed += BitmapEffectChangedHandler;

                // Disable old image effect if necessary.
                if (bitmapEffect != null && !bitmapEffect.IsFrozen)
                    bitmapEffect.Changed -= BitmapEffectChangedHandler;
                //Propagate flags -- the handler doesn't care about the arguments, so we can pass in nulls
                BitmapEffectChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// Internal accessor to BitmapEffectInput property that gets or sets the BitmapEffectInput of this Visual.
        /// The internal accessor is used by the VisualBitmapEffect emulation layer to avoid some of the 
        /// compatibility checks in the protected VisualBitmapEffectInput property. 
        internal BitmapEffectInput VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal 
                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
                if (bitmapEffectState != null) 
                    return bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput; 

                return null; 

                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this); 
                BitmapEffectInput bitmapEffectInput = (bitmapEffectState == null) ? null : bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput;
                if (bitmapEffectInput == value) 
                BitmapEffectInput newBitmapEffectInput = value;
                if (bitmapEffectState == null) 
                    bitmapEffectState = new BitmapEffectVisualState(); 
                    BitmapEffectStateField.SetValue(this, bitmapEffectState);

                // Enable new image effect if necessary. 
                if (newBitmapEffectInput != null && !newBitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen)
                    newBitmapEffectInput.Changed += BitmapEffectInputChangedHandler; 
                // Disable old image effect if necessary.
                if (bitmapEffectInput != null && !bitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen)
                    bitmapEffectInput.Changed -= BitmapEffectInputChangedHandler; 
                bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput = newBitmapEffectInput;
                //Propagate flags -- the handler doesn't care about the arguments, so we can pass in nulls
                BitmapEffectInputChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);

        /// Gets or sets the clip of this Visual.
        protected internal Geometry VisualClip
                return ClipField.GetValue(this); 
            protected set 
                ChangeVisualClip(value, false /* dontSetWhenClose */);

        ///     Processes changing the clip from the old clip to the new clip. 
        ///     Called from Visual.set_VisualClip and from places that want
        ///     to optimize setting a new clip (like UIElement.ensureClip). 
        internal void ChangeVisualClip(Geometry newClip, bool dontSetWhenClose)

            Geometry oldClip = ClipField.GetValue(this); 
            if ((oldClip == newClip) || 
                (dontSetWhenClose && (oldClip != null) && (newClip != null) && oldClip.AreClose(newClip)))

            // Add changed notifications for the new clip if necessary. 
            if (newClip != null && !newClip.IsFrozen)
                newClip.Changed += ClipChangedHandler; 
            if (oldClip != null)
                // Remove changed notifications for the old clip if necessary. 
                if (!oldClip.IsFrozen) 
                    oldClip.Changed -= ClipChangedHandler; 

                // Disconnect the clip from this visual. 

            // Set the new clip and mark it dirty 
            ClipField.SetValue(this, newClip); 

            SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty); 

            ClipChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);
        /// Gets and sets the offset. 
        protected internal Vector VisualOffset
                // VerifyAPIReadOnly(); // Intentionally removed for performance reasons.
                return _offset; 
            protected set 
                if (value != _offset) // Fuzzy comparison might be better here.
                    VisualFlags flags;
                    _offset = value;
                    SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty); 

                    flags = VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate; 

                    // NTRAID#Longhorn-1611281-2006/04/14-bedej:
                    // If this node or subtree has realizations, and there are bitmap effects in the 
                    // scene, we need to propagate the change flag so that we can produce new realizations
                    // for those bitmap effects. This means that adding bitmap effects will regress 
                    // performance by producing unnecessary glyph realizations. 
                    if (CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches)
                        && MediaContext.From(Dispatcher).BitmapEffectsUsed)
                        SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 
                        flags |= VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization;
        /// Gets or sets the opacity of the Visual.
        protected internal double VisualOpacity
                return OpacityCache; 
            protected set 

                if (OpacityCache == value) 

                OpacityField.SetValue(this, value); 

                // GSchneid: We need to do more here for animated opacity.

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty); 


        /// Gets or sets the EdgeMode of the Visual.
        protected internal EdgeMode VisualEdgeMode 

                return EdgeModeCache; 
            protected set 
                if (EdgeModeCache == value)

                EdgeModeField.SetValue(this, value); 
                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty);
        private EdgeMode EdgeModeCache
                object edgeMode = EdgeModeField.GetValue(this);
                if (edgeMode == null)
                    return EdgeMode.Unspecified; 
                return (EdgeMode)edgeMode;
        /// Gets or sets the ImageScalingMode of the Visual. 
        protected internal BitmapScalingMode VisualBitmapScalingMode
                return BitmapScalingModeCache;
            protected set 

                if (BitmapScalingModeCache == value)
                BitmapScalingModeField.SetValue(this, value); 

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty); 


        private BitmapScalingMode BitmapScalingModeCache 
                object bitmapScalingMode = BitmapScalingModeField.GetValue(this); 

                if (bitmapScalingMode == null) 
                    return BitmapScalingMode.Unspecified;

                return (BitmapScalingMode) bitmapScalingMode;

        /// OpacityMask Property - 
        /// Gets or sets the optional OpacityMask.  If set, the Brush's opacity will
        /// be combined multiplicitively with the Visual's rendered content. 
        protected internal Brush VisualOpacityMask
                return OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);
            protected set
                Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);
                if (opacityMask == value) 

                Brush newOpacityMask = value;

                // Add changed notifications for the new opacity mask if necessary. 
                if (newOpacityMask != null && !newOpacityMask.IsFrozen)
                    newOpacityMask.Changed += OpacityMaskChangedHandler; 
                if (opacityMask != null)
                    // Remove changed notifications for the old opacity mask if necessary. 
                    if (!opacityMask.IsFrozen) 
                        opacityMask.Changed -= OpacityMaskChangedHandler; 

                    // Disconnect the opacity mask from this visual. 
                    // If the visual has a bitmap effect, the opacity mask is not
                    // connected 
                    if (!NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                // Set the new opacity mask and mark it dirty

                OpacityMaskField.SetValue(this, newOpacityMask);

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty); 

                OpacityMaskChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// Gets or sets X- (vertical) guidelines on this Visual.
        protected internal DoubleCollection VisualXSnappingGuidelines

                return GuidelinesXField.GetValue(this);
            protected set 
                DoubleCollection guidelines = GuidelinesXField.GetValue(this);
                if (guidelines == value) 
                DoubleCollection newGuidelines = value;
                // Add changed notifications for the new guidelines if necessary. 
                if (newGuidelines != null && !newGuidelines.IsFrozen)
                    newGuidelines.Changed += GuidelinesChangedHandler;

                // Remove changed notifications for the old guidelines if necessary. 
                if (guidelines != null && !guidelines.IsFrozen)
                    guidelines.Changed -= GuidelinesChangedHandler; 
                GuidelinesXField.SetValue(this, newGuidelines);

                GuidelinesChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);
        /// Gets or sets Y- (horizontal) guidelines of this Visual. 
        protected internal DoubleCollection VisualYSnappingGuidelines
                return GuidelinesYField.GetValue(this);
            protected set
                DoubleCollection guidelines = GuidelinesYField.GetValue(this);
                if (guidelines == value) 

                DoubleCollection newGuidelines = value;

                // Add changed notifications for the new guidelines if necessary. 
                if (newGuidelines != null && !newGuidelines.IsFrozen)
                    newGuidelines.Changed += GuidelinesChangedHandler; 
                // Remove changed notifications for the old guidelines if necessary.
                if (guidelines != null && !guidelines.IsFrozen)
                    guidelines.Changed -= GuidelinesChangedHandler; 
                GuidelinesYField.SetValue(this, newGuidelines); 

                GuidelinesChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        #endregion Visual Properties 

        private double OpacityCache 
                object opacity = OpacityField.GetValue(this);
                if (opacity == null)
                    return 1.0; 
                return (double)opacity; 

        /// Disconnects a resource attached to this visual. 
        internal void DisconnectAttachedResource(
            VisualProxyFlags correspondingFlag, 
            DUCE.IResource attachedResource)
            // We need a special case for the content (corresponding 
            // to the IsContentConnected flag).
            bool needToReleaseContent =
                correspondingFlag == VisualProxyFlags.IsContentConnected; 

            // Iterate over the channels this visual is being marshaled to 
            for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++) 
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i); 
                VisualProxyFlags flags = _proxy.GetFlags(i);

                // See if the corresponding flag is set... 
                bool correspondingFlagSet = 
                    (flags & correspondingFlag) != 0;

                // We want to perform an action if IsContentConnected
                // flag is set or a Is*Dirty flag is not set: 
                if (correspondingFlagSet == needToReleaseContent) 
                    // Set the flag so that during render we send
                    // update to the compositor.
                    SetFlags(channel, true, correspondingFlag); 

                    // Add this resource to the queue for delayed-removal. 

                    if (needToReleaseContent)
                        // Mark the content of this visual as disconnected.

                        _proxy.SetFlags(i, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentConnected);


        /// GetDrawing - Returns the Drawing content of this Visual
        internal virtual DrawingGroup GetDrawing()

            // Default implementation returns null for Visual's that 
            // don't have drawings
            return null;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Visual Ancestry Relations 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Visual Ancestry Relations 

        /// This is called when the parent link of the Visual is changed. 
        /// This method executes important base functionality before calling the
        /// overridable virtual. 
        /// Old parent or null if the Visual did not have a parent before.
        internal virtual void FireOnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)
            // Call the ParentChanged virtual before firing the Ancestor Changed Event
            // Clean up bits when the tree is Cut or Pasted.
            // If we are attaching to a tree then
            // send the bit up if we need to.
            if(oldParent == null)
                Debug.Assert(_parent != null, "If oldParent is null, current parent should != null.");
            // If we are cutting a sub tree off then 
            // clear the bit in the main tree above if we need to. 
            // Fire the Ancestor changed Event on the nodes.
            AncestorChangedEventArgs args = new AncestorChangedEventArgs(this, oldParent);
            ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(this, args);

        /// OnVisualParentChanged is called when the parent of the Visual is changed.
        /// Old parent or null if the Visual did not have a parent before.
        protected internal virtual void OnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)

        /// OnVisualChildrenChanged is called when the VisualCollection of the Visual is edited. 
        protected internal virtual void OnVisualChildrenChanged( 
            DependencyObject visualAdded,
            DependencyObject visualRemoved)

        ///   Add removed delegates to the VisualAncenstorChanged Event.
        ///     This also sets/clears the tree-searching bit up the tree
        internal event AncestorChangedEventHandler VisualAncestorChanged 
                AncestorChangedEventHandler newHandler = AncestorChangedEventField.GetValue(this);
                if (newHandler == null)
                    newHandler = value;
                    newHandler += value; 
                AncestorChangedEventField.SetValue(this, newHandler);


                // check that we are Disabling a node that was previously Enabled

                // if we are Disabling a Visual that was not Enabled then this
                // search should fail.  But it is safe to check.
                AncestorChangedEventHandler newHandler = AncestorChangedEventField.GetValue(this); 

                if (newHandler != null) 
                    newHandler -= value;
                    if(newHandler == null)
                        AncestorChangedEventField.SetValue(this, newHandler); 

        ///     Walks down in the tree for nodes that have AncestorChanged Handlers 
        ///     registered and calls them. 
        ///     It uses Flag bits that help it prune the walk.  This should go
        ///     straight to the relevent nodes. 
        internal static void ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(DependencyObject e, AncestorChangedEventArgs args)
            if (e is Visual3D) 
                Visual3D.ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(e, args); 
                Visual eAsVisual = e as Visual;

                // If the flag is not set, then we are Done.

                // If there is a handler on this node, then fire it. 
                AncestorChangedEventHandler handler = AncestorChangedEventField.GetValue(eAsVisual);

                if(handler != null)
                    handler(eAsVisual, args);
                // Decend into the children.
                int count = eAsVisual.InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount; 

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DependencyObject childVisual = eAsVisual.InternalGet2DOr3DVisualChild(i); 
                    if (childVisual != null)
                        ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(childVisual, args); 

        /// Returns true if the specified ancestor (this) is really the ancestor of the 
        /// given descendant (argument). 
        public bool IsAncestorOf(DependencyObject descendant) 
            Visual visual;
            Visual3D visual3D;
            VisualTreeUtils.AsNonNullVisual(descendant, out visual, out visual3D);
            // x86 branch prediction skips the branch on first encounter.  We favor 2D. 
            if(visual3D != null)
                return visual3D.IsDescendantOf(this);

            return visual.IsDescendantOf(this); 
        /// Returns true if the refernece Visual (this) is a descendant of the argument Visual.
        public bool IsDescendantOf(DependencyObject ancestor)
            if (ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestor");
            // Walk up the parent chain of the descendant until we run out
            // of 2D parents or we find the ancestor.
            DependencyObject current = this;
            while ((current != null) && (current != ancestor))
                Visual currentAsVisual = current as Visual; 

                if (currentAsVisual != null) 
                    current = currentAsVisual._parent;
                    Visual3D currentAsVisual3D = current as Visual3D; 
                    if (currentAsVisual3D != null)
                        current = currentAsVisual3D.InternalVisualParent;
                        current = null;
            return current == ancestor;

        ///     Walks up the Visual tree setting or clearing the given flags.  Unlike 
        ///     PropagateFlags this does not terminate when it reaches node with 
        ///     the flags already set.  It always walks all the way to the root.
        internal void SetFlagsToRoot(bool value, VisualFlags flag)
            Visual current = this;
                current.SetFlags(value, flag); 

                Visual currentParent = current._parent as Visual;

                // if the cast to currentParent failed and yet current._parent is not null then
                // we have a 3D element.  Call SetFlagsToRoot on it instead. 
                if (current._parent != null && currentParent == null)
                    ((Visual3D)current._parent).SetFlagsToRoot(value, flag); 

                current = currentParent;
            while (current != null); 
        ///     Finds the first ancestor of the given element which has the given 
        ///     flags set.
        internal DependencyObject FindFirstAncestorWithFlagsAnd(VisualFlags flag)
            Visual current = this;
                if (current.CheckFlagsAnd(flag)) 
                    // The other Visual crossed through this Visual's parent chain. Hence this is our
                    // common ancestor.
                    return current; 
                DependencyObject parent = current._parent; 

                // first attempt to see if parent is a Visual, in which case we continue the loop. 
                // Otherwise see if it's a Visual3D, and call the similar method on it.
                current = parent as Visual;
                if (current == null)
                    Visual3D parentAsVisual3D = parent as Visual3D;
                    if (parentAsVisual3D != null) 
                        return parentAsVisual3D.FindFirstAncestorWithFlagsAnd(flag);
            while (current != null);
            return null;

        /// Finds the common ancestor of two Visuals.
        /// Returns the common ancestor if the Visuals have one or otherwise null.
        /// If the argument is null. 
        public DependencyObject FindCommonVisualAncestor(DependencyObject otherVisual)

            if (otherVisual == null) 
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("otherVisual");
            // Since we can't rely on code running in the CLR, we need to first make sure
            // that the FindCommonAncestor flag is not set. It is enought to ensure this 
            // on one path to the root Visual. 


            SetFlagsToRoot(false, VisualFlags.FindCommonAncestor);
            // Walk up the other visual's parent chain and set the FindCommonAncestor flag. 
            VisualTreeUtils.SetFlagsToRoot(otherVisual, true, VisualFlags.FindCommonAncestor);
            // Now see if the other Visual's parent chain crosses our parent chain.
            return FindFirstAncestorWithFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.FindCommonAncestor);
        #endregion Visual Ancestry Relations
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual-to-Visual Transforms
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Visual-to-Visual Transforms
        /// Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinate from this
        /// node to the specified ancestor.  It allows 3D to be between the 2D nodes. 
        /// If ancestor is null.
        /// If the ancestor Visual is not a ancestor of Visual. 
        /// If the Visuals are not connected.
        public GeneralTransform TransformToAncestor( 
            Visual ancestor)
            if (ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestor");
            return InternalTransformToAncestor(ancestor, false);

        /// Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinate from this
        /// node to the specified ancestor. 
        /// If ancestor is null. 
        /// If the ancestor Visual3D is not a ancestor of Visual.
        /// If the Visuals are not connected.
        public GeneralTransform2DTo3D TransformToAncestor(Visual3D ancestor) 
            if (ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestor");


            return InternalTransformToAncestor(ancestor, false); 

        /// Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this
        /// node to the specified descendant, or null if the transform from descendant to "this"
        /// is non-invertible.  It allows 3D to be between the 2D nodes.
        /// If the reference Visual is not a ancestor of the descendant Visual. 
        /// If the descendant argument is null.
        /// If the Visuals are not connected. 
        public GeneralTransform TransformToDescendant(Visual descendant)
            if (descendant == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("descendant");
            return descendant.InternalTransformToAncestor(this, true);

        /// The returned matrix can be used to transform coordinates from this Visual to 
        /// the specified Visual. 
        /// Returns null if no such transform exists due to a non-invertible Transform.
        /// If visual is null.
        /// If the Visuals are not connected.
        public GeneralTransform TransformToVisual(Visual visual)
            DependencyObject ancestor = FindCommonVisualAncestor(visual);
            Visual ancestorAsVisual = ancestor as Visual; 
            if (ancestorAsVisual == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NoCommonAncestor));

            GeneralTransform g0; 
            Matrix m0;
            bool isSimple0 = this.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestorAsVisual, 
                                                               out g0, 
                                                               out m0);

            GeneralTransform g1;
            Matrix m1; 

            bool isSimple1 = visual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestorAsVisual, 
                                                                 out g1,
                                                                 out m1); 

            // combine the transforms
            // if both transforms are simple Matrix transforms, just multiply them and
            // return the result. 
            if (isSimple0 && isSimple1)
                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m0, ref m1); 
                MatrixTransform m = new MatrixTransform(m0);
                return m;

            // Handle the case where 0 is simple and 1 is complex. 
            if (isSimple0)
                g0 = new MatrixTransform(m0); 
            else if (isSimple1)
                g1 = new MatrixTransform(m1);
            // If inverse was requested, TrySimpleTransformToAncestor can return null 
            // add the transform only if it is not null
            if (g1 != null) 
                GeneralTransformGroup group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                return group; 

            return g0; 

        /// Returns the transform or the inverse transform between this visual and the specified ancestor. 
        /// If inverse is requested but does not exist (if the transform is not invertible), null is returned.
        /// Ancestor visual. 
        /// Returns inverse if this argument is true.
        private GeneralTransform InternalTransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor, bool inverse) 
            GeneralTransform generalTransform;
            Matrix simpleTransform;
            bool isSimple = TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestor,
                                                         out generalTransform, 
                                                         out simpleTransform);
            if (isSimple)
                MatrixTransform matrixTransform = new MatrixTransform(simpleTransform);
                return matrixTransform;
                return generalTransform; 

        /// Provides the transform or the inverse transform between this visual and the specified ancestor.
        /// Returns true if the transform is "simple" - in which case the GeneralTransform is null 
        /// and the caller should use the Matrix. 
        /// Otherwise, returns false - use the GeneralTransform and ignore the Matrix.
        /// If inverse is requested but not available (if the transform is not invertible), false is 
        /// returned and the GeneralTransform is null.
        /// Ancestor visual.
        /// Returns inverse if this argument is true. 
        /// The GeneralTransform if this method returns false.
        /// The Matrix if this method returns true. 
        internal bool TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor, 
                                                   bool inverse,
                                                   out GeneralTransform generalTransform, 
                                                   out Matrix simpleTransform)
            Debug.Assert(ancestor != null);
            // flag to indicate if we have a case where we do multile 2D->3D->2D transitions
            bool embedded2Don3D = false; 
            DependencyObject g = this;
            Matrix m = Matrix.Identity; 

            // Keep this null until it's needed
            GeneralTransformGroup group = null;
            // This while loop will walk up the visual tree until we encounter the ancestor.
            // As it does so, it will accumulate the descendent->ancestor transform. 
            // In most cases, this is simply a matrix, though if we encounter a bitmap effect we 
            // will need to use a general transform group to store the transform.
            // We will accumulate the current transform in a matrix until we encounter a bitmap effect, 
            // at which point we will add the matrix's current value and the bitmap effect's transforms
            // to the GeneralTransformGroup and continue to accumulate further transforms in the matrix again.
            // At the end of this loop, we will have 0 or more transforms in the GeneralTransformGroup
            // and the matrix which, if not identity, should be appended to the GeneralTransformGroup. 
            // If, as is commonly the case, this loop terminates without encountering a bitmap effect
            // we will simply use the Matrix. 
            while ((VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(g) != null) && (g != ancestor))
                Visual gAsVisual = g as Visual;
                if (gAsVisual != null)
                    if (gAsVisual.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect)) 
                        // Only check for Effect, not legacy BitmapEffect.  Previous 
                        // version had an incorrect BitmapEffect implementation 
                        // here, and there's no need to improve on our
                        // BitmapEffect implementation if it didn't work 
                        // before.

                        Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(gAsVisual);
                        if (imageEffect != null) 
                            GeneralTransform gt = imageEffect.CoerceToUnitSpaceGeneralTransform( 
                            Transform affineTransform = gt.AffineTransform;
                            if (affineTransform != null)
                                Matrix cm = affineTransform.Value; 
                                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm);
                                if (group == null) 
                                    group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                                group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m));
                                m = Matrix.Identity; 

                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(gAsVisual); 
                    if (transform != null)
                        Matrix cm = transform.Value; 
                        MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm);
                    m.Translate(gAsVisual._offset.X, gAsVisual._offset.Y); // Consider having a bit that indicates that we have a non-null offset.
                    g = gAsVisual._parent;
                    // we just hit a Visual3D - use a GeneralTransform to go from 2D -> 3D -> 2D 
                    // and then return to the tree using the 2D parent - the general transform will deal with the 
                    // actual transformation.  This Visual3D also must be a Viewport2DVisual3D since this is the only
                    // Visual3D that can have a 2D child. 
                    Viewport2DVisual3D gAsVisual3D = g as Viewport2DVisual3D;

                    if (group == null)
                        group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                    group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m));
                    m = Matrix.Identity; 

                    Visual visualForGenTransform = null;
                    if (embedded2Don3D)
                        visualForGenTransform = gAsVisual3D.Visual;
                        visualForGenTransform = this; 
                        embedded2Don3D = true;

                    group.Children.Add(new GeneralTransform2DTo3DTo2D(gAsVisual3D, visualForGenTransform)); 

                    g = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(gAsVisual3D); 
            if (g != ancestor)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(inverse ? SRID.Visual_NotADescendant : SRID.Visual_NotAnAncestor));

            // At this point, we will have 0 or more transforms in the GeneralTransformGroup 
            // and the matrix which, if not identity, should be appended to the GeneralTransformGroup. 
            // If, as is commonly the case, this loop terminates without encountering a bitmap effect
            // we will simply use the Matrix. 

            // Assert that a non-null group implies at least one child
            Debug.Assert((group == null) || (group.Children.Count > 0));
            // Do we have a group?
            if (group != null) 
                if (!m.IsIdentity)
                    group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m));

                if (inverse) 
                    group = (GeneralTransformGroup)group.Inverse; 

                // group can be null if it does not have an inverse 
                if (group != null)

                // Initialize out params 
                generalTransform = group; 
                simpleTransform = new Matrix();
                return false; // simple transform failed 
            // If not, the entire transform is stored in the matrix
                // Initialize out params
                generalTransform = null; 
                if (inverse)
                    if (!m.HasInverse)
                        simpleTransform = new Matrix();
                        return false; // inversion failed, so simple transform failed. 
                simpleTransform = m;
                return true; // simple transform succeeded

        /// Returns the transform or the inverse transform between this visual and the specified ancestor. 
        /// If inverse is requested but does not exist (if the transform is not invertible), null is returned.
        /// Ancestor visual.
        /// Returns inverse if this argument is true.
        private GeneralTransform2DTo3D InternalTransformToAncestor(Visual3D ancestor, bool inverse)
            GeneralTransform2DTo3D transformTo3D = null;
            if (TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestor, 
                                             out transformTo3D))
                return transformTo3D;
                return null; 
        /// Provides the transform to go from 2D to 3D.
        /// Ancestor visual. 
        /// The transform to use to go to 3D
        internal bool TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(Visual3D ancestor, 
                                                   out GeneralTransform2DTo3D transformTo3D) 
            Debug.Assert(ancestor != null); 

            // get the 3D object that contains this visual
            // this must be a Viewport2DVisual3D since this is the only 3D class that can contain 2D content as a child
            Viewport2DVisual3D containingVisual3D = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual3D(this) as Viewport2DVisual3D; 

            // if containingVisual3D is null then ancestor is not the ancestor 
            if (containingVisual3D == null) 
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NotAnAncestor)); 

            GeneralTransform transform2D = this.TransformToAncestor(containingVisual3D.Visual);
            GeneralTransform3D transform3D = containingVisual3D.TransformToAncestor(ancestor); 
            transformTo3D = new GeneralTransform2DTo3D(transform2D, containingVisual3D, transform3D);
            return true; 
        /// This method converts a point in the current Visual's coordinate
        /// system into a point in screen coordinates.
        public Point PointToScreen(Point point)

            PresentationSource inputSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this); 

            if (inputSource == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NoPresentationSource)); 
            // Translate the point from the visual to the root. 
            GeneralTransform gUp = this.TransformToAncestor(inputSource.RootVisual);
            if (gUp == null || !gUp.TryTransform(point, out point)) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_CannotTransformPoint));
            // Translate the point from the root to the screen
            point = PointUtil.RootToClient(point, inputSource); 
            point = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(point, inputSource); 

            return point; 

        /// This method converts a point in screen coordinates into a point 
        /// in the current Visual's coordinate system.
        public Point PointFromScreen(Point point) 

            PresentationSource inputSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this);

            if (inputSource == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NoPresentationSource)); 

            // Translate the point from the screen to the root 
            point = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(point, inputSource);
            point = PointUtil.ClientToRoot(point, inputSource);

            // Translate the point from the root to the visual. 
            GeneralTransform gDown = inputSource.RootVisual.TransformToDescendant(this);
            if (gDown == null || !gDown.TryTransform(point, out point)) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_CannotTransformPoint));

            return point;
        #endregion Visual-to-Visual Transforms

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Internal Event Handlers
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Internal Event Handlers 
        internal EventHandler ClipChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(ClipChanged);
        internal void ClipChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 

        internal EventHandler TransformChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(TransformChanged); 

        internal void TransformChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        internal EventHandler EffectChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(EffectChanged);
        internal void EffectChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 

        internal EventHandler GuidelinesChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(GuidelinesChanged); 

        internal void GuidelinesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        internal EventHandler OpacityMaskChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(OpacityMaskChanged); 
        internal void OpacityMaskChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        internal EventHandler BitmapEffectChangedHandler 
                return new EventHandler(BitmapEffectChanged);
        internal void BitmapEffectChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty); 

        internal EventHandler BitmapEffectInputChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(BitmapEffectInputChanged); 

        internal void BitmapEffectInputChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect) 
                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty); 
                    VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate,

        internal EventHandler ContentsChangedHandler 
                return new EventHandler(ContentsChanged);
        internal virtual void ContentsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #endregion Internal Event Handlers

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual flags manipulation 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Visual flags manipulation

        /// SetFlagsOnAllChannels is used to set or unset one
        /// or multiple flags on all channels this visual is 
        /// marshaled to. 
        internal void SetFlagsOnAllChannels( 
            bool value,
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToChange)

        /// SetFlags is used to set or unset one or multiple flags on a given channel.
        internal void SetFlags( 
            DUCE.Channel channel,
            bool value, 
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToChange) 

        /// SetFlags is used to set or unset one or multiple node flags on the node.
        internal void SetFlags(bool value, VisualFlags flags)
            _flags = value ? (_flags | flags) : (_flags & (~flags));

        /// CheckFlagsOnAllChannels returns true if all flags in
        /// the bitmask flags are set on all channels this visual is 
        /// marshaled to.
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags 
        /// the method returns true.
        internal bool CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(VisualProxyFlags flagsToCheck) 
            return _proxy.CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(flagsToCheck); 

        /// CheckFlagsAnd returns true if all flags in the bitmask flags
        /// are set on a given channel. 
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags 
        /// the method returns true.
        internal bool CheckFlagsAnd(
            DUCE.Channel channel, 
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToCheck)
            return (_proxy.GetFlags(channel) & flagsToCheck) == flagsToCheck; 

        /// CheckFlagsAnd returns true if all flags in the bitmask flags are set on the node.
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags the method
        /// returns true 
        internal bool CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags flags) 
            return (_flags & flags) == flags; 

        /// Checks if any of the specified flags is set on a given channel. 
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags 
        /// the method returns true.
        internal bool CheckFlagsOr(
            DUCE.Channel channel,
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToCheck)
            return (_proxy.GetFlags(channel) & flagsToCheck) != VisualProxyFlags.None;

        /// Checks if any of the specified flags is set on the node.
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags the method
        /// returns true 
        internal bool CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags flags)
            return (flags == 0) || ((_flags & flags) > 0); 

        ///     Set a bit in a Visual node and in all its direct ancestors.
        /// The Visual Element
        /// The Flag that marks a sub tree to search 
        /// The Flag that marks the node to search for. 
        internal static void SetTreeBits(
            DependencyObject e, 
            VisualFlags treeFlag,
            VisualFlags nodeFlag)
            Visual eAsVisual; 
            Visual3D eAsVisual3D;
            if (e != null) 
                eAsVisual = e as Visual; 
                if (eAsVisual != null)
                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(true, nodeFlag);
                    ((Visual3D)e).SetFlags(true, nodeFlag); 

            while (null!=e)
                eAsVisual = e as Visual; 
                if (eAsVisual != null)
                    // if the bit is already set, then we're done. 

                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(true, treeFlag);
                    eAsVisual3D = e as Visual3D; 
                    // if the bit is already set, then we're done.

                    eAsVisual3D.SetFlags(true, treeFlag);

                e = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(e); 

        ///     Clean a bit in a Visual node and in all its direct ancestors;
        ///     unless the ancestor also has 
        /// The Visual Element 
        /// The Flag that marks a sub tree to search 
        /// The Flag that marks the node to search for.
        internal static void ClearTreeBits( 
            DependencyObject e,
            VisualFlags treeFlag,
            VisualFlags nodeFlag)
            Visual eAsVisual;
            Visual3D eAsVisual3D; 
            // This bit might not be set, but checking costs as much as setting
            // So it is faster to just clear it everytime. 
            if (e != null)
                eAsVisual = e as Visual;
                if (eAsVisual != null) 
                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(false, nodeFlag); 
                    ((Visual3D)e).SetFlags(false, nodeFlag);
            while (e != null)
                eAsVisual = e as Visual; 
                if (eAsVisual != null)
                        return;  // Done;   if a parent also has the Node bit set.

                    if(DoAnyChildrenHaveABitSet(eAsVisual, treeFlag)) 
                        return;  // Done;   if a other subtrees are set.

                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(false, treeFlag);
                    eAsVisual3D = e as Visual3D; 
                        return;  // Done;   if a parent also has the Node bit set.

                    if(Visual3D.DoAnyChildrenHaveABitSet(eAsVisual3D, treeFlag)) 
                        return;  // Done;   if a other subtrees are set. 

                    eAsVisual3D.SetFlags(false, treeFlag); 

                e = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(e);
        ///     Check all the children for a bit. 
        private static bool DoAnyChildrenHaveABitSet(
            Visual pe,
            VisualFlags flag) 
            int count = pe.VisualChildrenCount; 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Visual v = pe.GetVisualChild(i);
                if (v != null && v.CheckFlagsAnd(flag))
                    return true; 
            return false;

        /// Propagates the flags up to the root. 
        /// The walk stops on a node with all of the required flags set. 
        internal static void PropagateFlags( 
            Visual e,
            VisualFlags flags,
            VisualProxyFlags proxyFlags)
            while ((e != null) &&
                   (!e.CheckFlagsAnd(flags) || !e.CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(proxyFlags))) 
                if (e.CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender))
                    MediaContext mctx = MediaContext.From(e.Dispatcher);

                    if (mctx.Channel != null)
                else if (e.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeIsVisualBrushRoot))
                    // For visuals that are root nodes in visual brushes we
                    // need to fire OnChanged on the owning brushes.

                    Dictionary visualBrushToChannelsMap = 

                    Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap != null, "Visual brush roots need to have the visual brush to channels map!"); 

                    // Iterate over the visual brushes and fire the OnChanged event. 
                    foreach (VisualBrush visualBrush in visualBrushToChannelsMap.Keys) 

                e.SetFlags(true, flags); 
                e.SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, proxyFlags);
                if (e._parent == null) 
                    // Stop propagating.  We are at the root of the 2D subtree. 

                Visual parentAsVisual = e._parent as Visual; 
                if (parentAsVisual == null)
                    // if the parent is not null (saw this with earlier null check) and is not a Visual 
                    // it must be a Visual3D - continue the propagation
                    Visual3D.PropagateFlags((Visual3D)e._parent, flags, proxyFlags); 

                e = parentAsVisual; 
        /// Sets the NodeRequiresNewRealization flag on the current node and 
        /// propagates the subtree realizations and dirty flags up to the root
        /// The walk stops on a node with all of the required flags set. 
        internal void PropagateChangedFlags() 
            // Don't always know in advance if node has realizations, so propagate 
            // flags regardless.
            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization);
                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate, 

        private bool NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect
                // NodeHasEffect flag is overloaded for both legacy 
                // BitmapEffects and the newer Effects
                    CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect) &&
                    BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this) != null;

        #endregion Visual flags manipulation 

        /// Debug variable for counting nodes touched in the
        /// realizations walk
        internal static int MarkVisibleRealizationsCount;
        /// This node or a node below it contains a graphness 
        /// inducing element
        internal bool NodeContainsGraphness
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Internal Fields 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        #region Internal Fields
        internal static readonly UncommonField BitmapEffectStateField = new UncommonField();

        internal delegate void AncestorChangedEventHandler(object sender, AncestorChangedEventArgs e);
        // index in parent child array. no meaning if parent is null.
        // note that we maintain in debug that the _parentIndex is -1 if the parent is null. 
        internal int _parentIndex; 

        // (GSchneid) I think we have to change the API so that we can save 
        // here. For now that is good enough.
        internal DependencyObject _parent;

        internal VisualProxy _proxy; 

        #endregion Internal Fields 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Private Fields
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Fields 

        // bbox in inner coordinate space of this node including its children. 
        private Rect _bboxSubgraph = Rect.Empty;

        // Store the visual brushes hold on to this visual. Also store the corresponding 
        // number of channel, on which that visual brush holds on to this visual.
        private static readonly UncommonField> VisualBrushToChannelsMapField 
            = new UncommonField>();
        // Store the channels on which visual brushes hold on to this visual. Also store the
        // corresponding number of visual brushes on that channel, holding on to this visual.
        private static readonly UncommonField> ChannelsToVisualBrushMapField
            = new UncommonField>(); 
        private static readonly UncommonField ClipField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField OpacityField = new UncommonField(); 
        private static readonly UncommonField OpacityMaskField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField EdgeModeField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField BitmapScalingModeField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField TransformField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField EffectField = new UncommonField(); 
        private static readonly UncommonField GuidelinesXField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField GuidelinesYField = new UncommonField(); 

        private static readonly UncommonField AncestorChangedEventField
            = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField UserProvidedBitmapEffectData = new UncommonField();
        private Vector _offset;
        private VisualFlags _flags; 

        #endregion Private Fields



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//      Defines a node in the composition scene graph. 

using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using MS.Win32;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition; 
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Media; 
using MS.Internal.Media3D; 
using System.Resources;
using MS.Utility; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;

using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
// This section lists various things that we could improve on the Visual class.
// - (Pail) Don't allocate a managed Pail object.
// - (Finalizer) Currently we delete the cob explicitly when a node is removed from
//   the scene graph. However, we don't do this when we remove the root node.
//   currently this is done by the finalizer. If we clean explicitly up when we 
//   remove the root node we won't need a finalizer.

// If you expose a public/protected API you need to check a couple things:
// A) Call the correct version of VerifyAPI.  This checks the following
//      1) That the calling thread has entered the context of this object 
//      2) That the current object is not disposed. 
//      3) If another object is passed in, that it has the same
//         context affinity as this object.  This should be used for 
//         arguments to the API
//      4) That the current permissions are acceptable.
// B) That other arguments are not disposed if needed. 

namespace System.Windows.Media 

    // this class is used to wrap the Map struct into an object so
    // that we can use it with the UncommonField infrastructure. 
    internal class MapClass
        internal MapClass() 
            _map_ofBrushes = new DUCE.Map(); 

        internal bool IsEmpty
                return _map_ofBrushes.IsEmpty(); 

        public DUCE.Map _map_ofBrushes;
    /// The Visual class is the base class for all Visual types. It provides 
    /// services and properties that all Visuals have in common. Services include 
    /// hit-testing, coordinate transformation, bounding box calculations. Properties
    /// are for example a transform property and an opacity property. 
    /// Derived Visuals render their content first and then render the children, or in other
    /// words, the content of a Visual is always behind the content of its children.
    public abstract partial class Visual : DependencyObject, DUCE.IResource
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Constants 
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Constants 

        /// This is the dirty mask for a visual, set every time we marshall 
        /// a visual to a channel and reset by the end of the render pass.
        private const VisualProxyFlags c_ProxyFlagsDirtyMask =
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsGuidelineCollectionDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty 
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty
            | VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty;

        /// This is the dirty mask for a BitmapEffect. 
        private const VisualProxyFlags c_BitmapEffectDirtyMask = 
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty 
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty
            |  VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty; 
        /// This is the dirty mask for a visual, set every time we marshall 
        /// a visual to a channel and reset by the end of the render pass.
        /// This mask is only for Viewport3D visual, since the contents
        /// of the Viewport3D are rendered during RenderContent, we 
        /// need to set those flags as dirty if the visual is not on
        /// channel yet 
        private const VisualProxyFlags c_Viewport3DProxyFlagsDirtyMask =
            | VisualProxyFlags.Viewport3DVisual_IsViewportDirty;

        #endregion Constants

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Internal Constructor 
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Internal Constructor 

        /// This internal ctor is a hook to allow Visual subclasses 
        /// to create their unique type of a visual resource.
        internal Visual(DUCE.ResourceType resourceType)

#if DEBUG 
            _parentIndex = -1;
            switch (resourceType)
            case DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VISUAL:
                // Default setting
            case DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL:
                SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.IsViewport3DVisual); 

                Debug.Assert(false, "TYPE_VISUAL or TYPE_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL expected.");

        #endregion Protected Constructor 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Protected Constructor
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Protected Constructor 
        /// Ctor Visual 
        protected Visual() : this(DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VISUAL)

        #endregion Protected Constructor 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   IResource implementation
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region IResource implementation 
        /// This is used to check if the composition node 
        /// for the visual is on channel
        internal bool IsOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            return _proxy.IsOnChannel(channel); 
        /// Returns the handle this visual has on the given channel.
        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.GetHandle(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            return _proxy.GetHandle(channel);

        /// Only Viewport3DVisual and Visual3D implements this.
        /// Vieport3DVisual has two handles. One stored in _proxy 
        /// and the other one stored in _proxy3D. This function returns
        /// the handle stored in _proxy3D. 
        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.Get3DHandle(DUCE.Channel channel)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        /// This is used to create or addref the visual resource
        /// on the given channel 
        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.AddRefOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            return AddRefOnChannelCore(channel);

        internal virtual DUCE.ResourceHandle AddRefOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            DUCE.ResourceType resourceType = DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VISUAL;
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsViewport3DVisual))
                resourceType = DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_VIEWPORT3DVISUAL;

            _proxy.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(channel, resourceType); 
            return _proxy.GetHandle(channel);

        /// this is used to release the comp node of the visual
        /// on the given channel 
        internal virtual void ReleaseOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel)

        /// Sends a command to compositor to remove the child 
        /// from its parent on the channel. 
        void DUCE.IResource.RemoveChildFromParent( 
                DUCE.IResource parent,
                DUCE.Channel channel)
        int DUCE.IResource.GetChannelCount()
            return _proxy.Count;

        DUCE.Channel DUCE.IResource.GetChannel(int index) 
            return _proxy.GetChannel(index);

        #endregion IResource implementation

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   IElement implementation 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Internal Properties 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        #region Internal Properties
        // Are we in the process of iterating the visual children.
        // This flag is set during a descendents walk, for property invalidation.
        internal bool IsVisualChildrenIterationInProgress
            get { return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsVisualChildrenIterationInProgress); } 
            set { SetFlags(value, VisualFlags.IsVisualChildrenIterationInProgress); } 

        /// The CompositionTarget marks the root element. The root element is responsible
        /// for posting renders. 
        /// The property getter is also used to ensure that the Visual is 
        /// not used in multiple CompositionTargets.
        internal bool IsRootElement
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender); 
                SetFlags(value, VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender);
        #endregion Internal Properties 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual Content
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Visual Content 

        /// Derived classes must override this method and return the bounding
        /// box of their content.
        internal virtual Rect GetContentBounds() 
            return Rect.Empty; 

        /// RenderContent is implemented by derived classes to hook up their
        /// content. The implementer of this function can assert that the
        /// visual is marshaled on the current channel when the function 
        /// is executed.
        internal virtual void RenderContent(RenderContext ctx, bool isOnChannel) 
            /* do nothing */ 

        /// This method is overrided on Visuals that can instantiate IDrawingContext 
        /// Currently, DrawingVisual and UIElement
        internal virtual void RenderClose(IDrawingContent newContent) 

        /// This method is called when the realization caches need to be updated. 
        internal virtual void UpdateRealizations(RealizationContext ctx) 
            // Visuals have only one type of realizable content: bitmap effects, 
            // which are handled as a special case for rendering purposes, making
            // UpdateRealization essentialy a no-op.
            // We allow the Visual descendants to handle other kinds of realizable 
            // content (for example, glyph runs referenced from render data on
            // a DrawingVisual) by overriding this method. 

        /// VisualContentBounds returns the bounding box for the contents of the current visual.
        internal Rect VisualContentBounds
                // Probably too restrictive. Let's see who wants it during OnRender. 

                return GetContentBounds();
        /// VisualDescendantBounds returns the union of all of the content bounding 
        /// boxes for all of the descendants of the current visual,and also including
        /// the contents of the current visual. So we end up with the
        /// bounds of the whole sub-graph in inner space.
        internal Rect VisualDescendantBounds
                // Probably too restrictive. Let's see who wants it during OnRender. 

                Rect bboxSubgraph = CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace();
                // If bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
                if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(bboxSubgraph)) 
                    bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                    bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                    bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                    bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                return bboxSubgraph; 

        /// Computes the union of all content bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph
        /// in inner space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content.
        /// Definition: Outer/Inner Space: 
        ///      A Visual has a set of properties which include clip, transform, offset 
        ///      and bitmap effect. Those properties affect in which space (coordinate 
        ///      clip space) a Visual's vector graphics and sub-graph is interpreted.
        ///      Inner space is the space before applying any of the properties. Outer 
        ///      space is the space where all the properties have been taken into account.
        ///      For example if the Visual draws a rectangle {0, 0, 100, 100} and the
        ///      Offset property is set to {20, 20} and the clip is set to {40, 40, 10, 10}
        ///      then the bounding box of the Visual in inner space is {0, 0, 100, 100} and 
        ///      in outer space {60, 60, 10, 10} (start out with the bbox of {0, 0, 100, 100}
        ///      then apply the clip {40, 40, 10, 10} which leaves us with a bbox of 
        ///      {40, 40, 10, 10} and finally apply the offset and we end up with a bbox 
        ///      of {60, 60, 10, 10}
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace()
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(false);

        /// Computes the union of all rendering bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph 
        /// in inner space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content.
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphRenderBoundsInnerSpace()
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(true);

        /// Same as the parameterless CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace except it takes a 
        /// boolean indicating whether or not to calculate the rendering bounds.
        /// If the renderBounds parameter is set to true then the render bounds are returned. 
        /// The render bounds differ in that they treat zero area bounds as emtpy rectangles.
        /// NTRAID#Longhorn-111639-2007/07/05-kurtb:
        /// This is needed since MIL and the managed size differ about how big content bounds are 
        /// WPF considers geometric bounds (i.e. it will union in points) while MIL considers anything
        /// with zero area to be empty.  This poses problems when looking for the exact size of a 
        /// VisualBrush. 
        internal virtual Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(bool renderBounds) 
            Rect bboxSubgraph = Rect.Empty;

            // Recursively calculate sub-graph bounds of children of this node. We get 
            // the bounds of each child Visual in outer space which is this Visual's
            // inner space and union them together. 
            int count = VisualChildrenCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                if (child != null) 
                    Rect bboxSubgraphChild = child.CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(renderBounds); 

            // Get the content bounds of the Visual.  In the case that we're interested in render
            // bounds (i.e. what MIL will consider the size of the object), we set 0 area rects 
            // to be empty so that they don't union to create larger sized rects.
            Rect contentBounds = GetContentBounds(); 
            if (renderBounds && IsEmptyRenderBounds(ref contentBounds /* ref for perf - not modified */)) 
                contentBounds = Rect.Empty; 

            // Union the content bounds to the sub-graph bounds so that we end up with the
            // bounds of the whole sub-graph in inner space and return it. 
            return bboxSubgraph; 

        /// Computes the union of all content bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph 
        /// in outer space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content.
        /// For a definition of outer/inner space see CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace. 
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace()
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(false /* renderBounds */);

        /// Computes the union of all rendering bounding boxes of this Visual's sub-graph
        /// in outer space. Note that the result includes the root Visual's content. 
        /// For a definition of outer/inner space see CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace. 
        internal Rect CalculateSubgraphRenderBoundsOuterSpace() 
            return CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(true /* renderBounds */);
        /// Same as the parameterless CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace except it takes a 
        /// boolean indicating whether or not to calculate the rendering bounds. 
        /// If the renderBounds parameter is set to true then the render bounds are returned.
        /// The render bounds differ in that they treat zero area bounds as emtpy rectangles. 
        /// NTRAID#Longhorn-111639-2007/07/05-kurtb:
        /// This is needed since MIL and the managed size differ about how big content bounds are
        /// WPF considers geometric bounds (i.e. it will union in points) while MIL considers anything 
        /// with zero area to be empty.  This poses problems when looking for the exact size of a
        /// VisualBrush. 
        private Rect CalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace(bool renderBounds)
            Rect bboxSubgraph = Rect.Empty;

            // Get the inner space bounding box of this node and then transform it into outer
            // space. 

            bboxSubgraph = CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace(renderBounds); 
            // Apply Effect
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect))
                Rect effectBounds;
                Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                if (effect != null) 
                    // The Effect always deals in unit bounds, so transform the
                    // unit rect and then map back into the world space bounds 
                    // defined by bboxSubgraph.

                    Rect unitBounds = new Rect(0,0,1,1);
                    Rect unitTransformedBounds = effect.EffectMapping.TransformBounds(unitBounds); 

                    Point topLeft = Effect.UnitToWorld(unitTransformedBounds.TopLeft, bboxSubgraph); 
                    Point bottomRight = Effect.UnitToWorld(unitTransformedBounds.BottomRight, bboxSubgraph); 

                    effectBounds = new Rect(topLeft, bottomRight); 
                    Debug.Assert(BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this) != null); 
                    effectBounds = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this).GetBounds(bboxSubgraph);
                    if (renderBounds && IsEmptyRenderBounds(ref effectBounds /* ref for perf - not modified */)) 
                        effectBounds = Rect.Empty;


            // Apply Clip. 
            Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this);
            if (clip != null) 
            // Apply Transform.
            Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this); 
            if ((transform != null) && (!transform.IsIdentity))
                Matrix m = transform.Value;
                MatrixUtil.TransformRect(ref bboxSubgraph, ref m);
            // Apply Offset.
            if (!bboxSubgraph.IsEmpty) 
                bboxSubgraph.X += _offset.X;
                bboxSubgraph.Y += _offset.Y; 

            // If bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
            if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(bboxSubgraph)) 
                bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity; 

            return bboxSubgraph;

        /// This method returns true if the given WPF bounds will be considered 
        /// empty in terms of rendering.  This is the case when the bounds describe
        /// a zero-area space.  bounds are passed by ref for speed but are not modified 
        /// NTRAID#Longhorn-111639-2007/07/05-kurtb:
        /// See above CalculateSubgraphBounds* methods for more detail.  This helper method
        /// goes with them. 
        private bool IsEmptyRenderBounds(ref Rect bounds) 
            return (bounds.Width <= 0 || bounds.Height <= 0);

        #endregion Visual Content


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Bitmap Effects
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Bitmap Effects
        /// This method schedules the bitmap effect content for 
        /// realization update 
        internal void UpdateBitmapEffectRealizations(RealizationContext ctx)
            BitmapEffectVisualState effectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
            if (effectState.BitmapEffectDrawing.ScheduleForUpdates) 
                BitmapEffectContent content = new BitmapEffectContent(this, ctx); 
                // if the bitmap effect or the visual changed,
                // we need to rerender all realizations
                if (CheckFlagsAnd(ctx.Channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty))
                    effectState.BitmapEffectDrawing = null;
                effectState.BitmapEffectDrawing.ScheduleForUpdates = false;

        #endregion Bitmap Effects 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Resource Marshalling and Unmarshalling 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Resource Marshalling and Unmarshalling 

        /// Override this function in derived classes to release unmanaged resources during Dispose 
        /// and during removal of a subtree.
        internal virtual void FreeContent(DUCE.Channel channel)
            Debug.Assert(!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentNodeConnected)); 
        /// Frees up resources in this visual's subtree. 
        /// This is only called during the realization pass if the visual has
        /// a bitmap effect. Free the resources used to render the visual
        /// to a bitmap.
        ///   The channel to release the resources on. 
        internal void ReleaseOnChannelForBitmapEffect(
            DUCE.Channel channel) 
            if (!IsOnChannel(channel)
                || CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress))
            // Set the flag to true to prevent re-entrancy.
            SetFlags(channel, true, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress); 

                // at this point the tree is not connected any more. 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent);

                // Free dependent DUCE resources.
                // We don't need to free the dependent resources if they're
                // marked as dirty because when the flag is set, we also 
                // disconnect the resource from the visual resource.
                Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this); 
                if ((opacityMask != null)
                    && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty))) 
                // Release the visual. 


                // Finally, the children.

                int count = VisualChildrenCount; 
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                    if (child != null)
                // We need to reset this flag if we are still on channel since we
                // have only decreased the ref-count and not deleted the resource.
                if (IsOnChannel(channel))
                    SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress); 

        /// Returns true if this is a root of a VisualBrush on the specified channel 
        private bool IsVisualBrushRootOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            bool isVisualBrushRootOnChannel = false;
            Dictionary channelsToVisualBrushMap =

            if (channelsToVisualBrushMap != null) 
                int references; 
                if (channelsToVisualBrushMap.TryGetValue(channel, out references))
                    isVisualBrushRootOnChannel = (references > 0);
            return isVisualBrushRootOnChannel;
        ///   Frees up resources in this visual's subtree. 
        ///   The channel to release the resources on.
        void DUCE.IResource.ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            if (!IsOnChannel(channel) 
                || CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress))

            // Set the flag to true to prevent re-entrancy. 
            SetFlags(channel, true, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress);
                // at this point the tree is not connected any more. 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent);

                // Before unmarshaling this visual and its subtree, check if there are any visual 
                // brushes holding references to it. In such case, we want to keep this visual
                // in the marshaled state and wait for all the visual brushes to release their 
                // references through ReleaseOnChannelForVisualBrush. 
                // NTRAID#Longhorn-1964653-2007/04/19-jordanpa:
                // RenderTargetBitmap and BitmapEffects use synchronous channels. If a
                // node on the synchronous channel is the root of a VisualBrush from another 
                // channel, then the node will never be deleted. Instead we really need to
                // check if the node is the root of a VisualBrush _on the same channel_. 
                // This check is more expensive so we'll leave the faster check first to avoid 
                // the more expensive check which isn't necessary most of the time.
                // If the node is the root of a VisualBrush and the VisualBrush is one of
                // the node's children then a cycle is created. All of the nodes on the
                // cycle will leak. On [....] channels, this is particularly bad because
                // the user doesn't know about the [....] channel and has no control over it. 
                // We have a queue of [....] channels that are reused and leaking can lead
                // to conflicts on channel reuse resulting in a crash. 
                // *** DANGER *** Fortunately, as of today, tree structure on a [....] channel is
                // never manipulated. The tree gets built, the tree gets drawn, and the tree gets 
                // released. Because of this, we can just always delete. In the future if that
                // changes, the isSynchronous check here will cause a problem. *** DANGER ***
                // The bug representing the outstanding cyle leak issue is 1981551 
                if (   !CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeIsVisualBrushRoot) 
                            // If we aren't a root of a VisualBrush, then we aren't referenced
                            // at all and we can go away 
                    || !channel.IsConnected
                            // If the channel isn't connected, there's no reason to keep things alive
                    || channel.IsSynchronous
                            // If the channel is synchronous, the node isn't going to stick around 
                            // so just delete it. *** THIS IS DANGEROUS ***. See above for
                            // more comments. 
                    || !IsVisualBrushRootOnChannel(channel) 
                            // If we got to here, we are the root of a VisualBrush. We can go away
                            // only if the VB is on a different channel. This check is more expensive 
                            // and not very common so we put it last.

                    // Free dependent DUCE resources. 
                    // We don't need to free the dependent resources if they're
                    // marked as dirty because when the flag is set, we also 
                    // disconnect the resource from the visual resource.

                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
                    if ((transform != null) 
                        && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty)))
                        // Note that in this particular case, the transform is not
                        // really dirty. Namely because the visual is not marshalled. 


                    Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this); 
                    if ((effect != null) 
                        && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty)))

                    Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this); 
                    if ((clip != null)
                        && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty))) 

                    // If the visual has a bitmap effect we don't send the opacity mask
                    // to the async compositor, so we should not try and release it. 
                    // We apply the effect above opacity mask.
                    if (!NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect) 
                        Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this); 
                        if ((opacityMask != null)
                            && (!CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty)))
                    // Release the visual. 

                    // Finally, the children. 
                    int count = VisualChildrenCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        Visual visual = GetVisualChild(i);
                        if (visual != null) 
                // We need to reset this flag if we are still on channel since we
                // have only decreased the ref-count and not deleted the resource. 
                if (IsOnChannel(channel))
                    SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsDeleteResourceInProgress);

        /// When we attach a bitmap effect to a Visual we are going to render everything 
        /// below the bitmap effect on the synchronous compositor. Therefore we need to
        /// disconnect/reset all the properties below the bitmap effect property on a 
        /// Visual in the asynchronous compositor since otherwise they would be applied
        /// twice (on the [....] and async compositor).
        /// The properties are content, children, opacity, opacity mask and edge mode 
        private void DisconnectBitmapEffectPropertiesOnAllChannels() 
            // disconnect the visual properties and content
            double opacity = OpacityCache;
            Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);
            EdgeMode edgeMode = EdgeModeCache;
            // Iterate over the channels this visual is being marshaled to 
            for (int iProxy = 0; iProxy < _proxy.Count; iProxy++)
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(iProxy);
                DUCE.ResourceHandle visualHandle = _proxy.GetHandle(iProxy);

                //Release content 
                //Reset opacity to 1.0 

                // Reset render options 
                MILRenderOptions renderOptions = new MILRenderOptions();
                renderOptions.Flags = MILRenderOptionFlags.EdgeMode; 
                renderOptions.EdgeMode = EdgeMode.Unspecified;
                renderOptions.Flags = MILRenderOptionFlags.BitmapScalingMode; 
                renderOptions.BitmapScalingMode    = BitmapScalingMode.Unspecified;


            if (opacityMask != null) 

                //Disconnect OpacityMask

            // disconnect all the children 

        /// Disconnect the children of the visual on all channels
        /// it is being marshalled to. 
        private void DisconnectChildrenOnAllChannels()
            // if we don't have any children, there is nothing to do
            if (VisualChildrenCount == 0)
            // Iterate over the channels this visual is being marshaled to 
            for (int iProxy = 0; iProxy < _proxy.Count; iProxy++)
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(iProxy);

                int childrenCount = VisualChildrenCount;
                for (int iChild = 0; iChild < childrenCount; iChild++) 
                    Visual child = GetVisualChild(iChild); 
                    if (child != null) 
                        if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent)) 

                            child.SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent); 

        internal virtual void AddRefOnChannelForVisualBrush( 
            VisualBrush visualBrush,
            DUCE.Channel channel) 

            // Since the VisualBrush to visual relationship is being created on this channel,
            // we need to update the number of VisualBrushes using this visual on this channel.
            Dictionary channelsToVisualBrushMap = 
            if (channelsToVisualBrushMap == null) 
                channelsToVisualBrushMap = new Dictionary();
                ChannelsToVisualBrushMapField.SetValue(this, channelsToVisualBrushMap); 

            if (!channelsToVisualBrushMap.ContainsKey(channel))
                channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] = 1;
                Debug.Assert(channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] > 0); 

                channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] += 1;

            // Since the VisualBrush to visual relationship is being created on this channel, 
            // we need to update the number of times this visual brush is used across all
            // channels. 
            Dictionary visualBrushToChannelsMap =
            if (visualBrushToChannelsMap == null)
                visualBrushToChannelsMap = new Dictionary(); 
                VisualBrushToChannelsMapField.SetValue(this, visualBrushToChannelsMap);

            if (!visualBrushToChannelsMap.ContainsKey(visualBrush))
                visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] = 1; 

                // The visual brush is being used the first time, so also register it. 
                MediaContext.RegisterICompositionTarget(Dispatcher, visualBrush.BrushRegisterToken); 
                Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] > 0);

                visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] += 1; 
            // Render the brush's visual and update realizatons. 


        /// Override this function in derived classes to release unmanaged resources
        /// during Dispose and during removal of a subtree. 
        internal virtual void ReleaseOnChannelForVisualBrush(
            VisualBrush visualBrush,
            DUCE.Channel channel) 
            // Update the number of times this visual brush uses this visual across all channels. 
            Dictionary visualBrushToChannelsMap = 
            Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] > 0);

            if (visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] == 1) 
                // If the VisualBrush no longer uses this Visual across all channels, then 
                // we can remove it from the map and also unregister as composition target.
                MediaContext.UnregisterICompositionTarget(Dispatcher, visualBrush.BrushRegisterToken);
                // Decrease the number os times this VisualBrush uses this Visual across all channels 
                visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] =
                    visualBrushToChannelsMap[visualBrush] - 1;
            // Decrease the number of VisualBrushes using the visual as root on this channel
            Dictionary channelsToVisualBrushMap = 
            Debug.Assert(channelsToVisualBrushMap != null);
            Debug.Assert(channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] > 0);

            channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] =
                    channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] - 1; 

            // If on this channel, there are no more VisualBrushes using this visual as 
            // a root then we need to remove the flag syaing that the visual is a visual
            // brush root and make sure that the dependant resources are released in 
            // case we are no longer connected to the visual tree.

            if (channelsToVisualBrushMap[channel] == 0) 
                SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeIsVisualBrushRoot);

                // If we do not have a parent or we have already disconnected from 
                // the parent and we are also not the root then we need to clear out
                // the tree. 
                if ( (_parent == null
                      || !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent))
                    && !IsRootElement) 
                    // We release the Visual directly on channel instead of using the delayed release 
                    // mechanism because the VisualBrush is the last reference holding on to it.
                    // We can get here if:- 
                    // 1. VisualBrush is being released on channel (already in delayed release walk).
                    // 2. VisualBrush's Visual is being changed (from VisualPropertyChanged).

        #endregion Resource Marshalling and Unmarshalling 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Access Verification
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Access Verification 

        /// Applies various API checks
        internal void VerifyAPIReadOnly()
            // Verify that we are executing on the right context 

        /// Applies various API checks
        internal void VerifyAPIReadOnly(DependencyObject value)

            // Make sure the value is on the same context as the visual. 
            // AssertSameContext handles null and Dispatcher-free values.
            MediaSystem.AssertSameContext(this, value);
        /// Applies various API checks for read/write 
        internal void VerifyAPIReadWrite()

            // Verify the correct access permissions
        /// Applies various API checks
        internal void VerifyAPIReadWrite(DependencyObject value)
            // Make sure the value is on the same context as the visual.
            // AssertSameContext handles null and Dispatcher-free values. 
            MediaSystem.AssertSameContext(this, value); 
        #endregion Access Verification

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Pre-compute / render / realization passes
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Pre-compute / render / realization passes 

        internal void Precompute()
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute)) 
                // Disable processing of the queue during blocking operations to prevent unrelated reentrancy. 
                    MediaContext mediaContext = MediaContext.From(Dispatcher); 


                        Rect bboxSubgraph; 
                        PrecomputeRecursive(out bboxSubgraph);

        /// Derived class can do precomputations on their content by overriding this method.
        /// Derived classes must call the base class.
        internal virtual void PrecomputeContent() 
            _bboxSubgraph = GetHitTestBounds(); 
            // If bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
            if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(_bboxSubgraph)) 
                _bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                _bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                _bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity; 
                _bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;

        internal void PrecomputeRecursive(out Rect bboxSubgraph) 
            // Simple loop detection to avoid stack overflow in cyclic Visual
            // scenarios. This fix is only aimed at mitigating a very common
            // VisualBrush scenario. 
            bool canEnter = Enter();
            if (canEnter) 
                    if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute))
                        // We need to check which children need realization
                        // updates and/or ink tracking. 

                        bool subTreeUsesRealizationCaches = false; 
                        bool subTreeNeedsNewRealization = false;

                        // Reset graphness flag, PrecomputeContent() may modify it
                        SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 

                        // If we have a bitmap effect, we need full realizations 
#pragma warning disable 0618
                        if (VisualBitmapEffect != null)
#pragma warning restore 0618 
                            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 

                        // VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness will now be
                        // true if this node has its own graphness inducing content. We
                        // also need to check the children to see if they have graphness
                        // inducing content 
                        bool nodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness = 

                        int childCount = VisualChildrenCount; 

                        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                            Visual child = GetVisualChild(i); 
                            if (child != null)
                                Rect bboxSubgraphChild; 

                                child.PrecomputeRecursive(out bboxSubgraphChild); 


                                // Does this subtree require realization updates
                                // and/or ink tracking? 

                                subTreeUsesRealizationCaches |= 

                                subTreeNeedsNewRealization |=

                                nodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness |= 

                        if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                            // Special case for bitmap effects -- expand the bounding box
                            // and always require realization updates. 


                            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches);
                        // Propagate graphness flag
                        SetFlags(nodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness, VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 
                        // Update the per-instance visual flags with the new information 
                        // about the need to perform realization updates and track ink.

                        subTreeUsesRealizationCaches |= CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches); 
                        SetFlags(subTreeUsesRealizationCaches, VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches);
                        // Having recursed into the subgraph, we now know definitively whether this node
                        // or its children contain realizations. We need to set the NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization 
                        // flags appropriately to allow the MarkVisibleRealization walk to follow the path to the
                        // nodes which require new realizations (NodeRequiresNewRealization, which was set when an
                        // operation requiring new realizations occurred).
                        if (!CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches))
                            SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 
                        SetFlags((subTreeNeedsNewRealization && subTreeUsesRealizationCaches) || CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization), 

                        SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute);

                    // Bounding boxes are cached in inner space (below offset, transform, and clip). 
                    // Before returning them we need 
                    // to transform them into outer space.
                    bboxSubgraph = _bboxSubgraph;

                    Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this);
                    if (clip != null) 

                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this); 

                    if ((transform != null) && (!transform.IsIdentity))
                        Matrix m = transform.Value; 
                        MatrixUtil.TransformRect(ref bboxSubgraph, ref m);
                    if (!bboxSubgraph.IsEmpty)
                        bboxSubgraph.X += _offset.X;
                        bboxSubgraph.Y += _offset.Y;
                    // If child's bounding box has NaN, then we set the bounding box to infinity.
                    if (DoubleUtil.RectHasNaN(bboxSubgraph)) 
                        bboxSubgraph.X = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                        bboxSubgraph.Y = Double.NegativeInfinity; 
                        bboxSubgraph.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                        bboxSubgraph.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                bboxSubgraph = new Rect();
        internal void Render(RenderContext ctx, UInt32 childIndex) 
            DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel; 

            // Currently everything is sent to the compositor. IsSubtreeDirtyForRender
            // indicates that something in the sub-graph of this Visual needs to have an update 
            // sent to the compositor. Hence traverse if this bit is set. Also traverse when the
            // sub-graph has not yet been sent to the compositor. 

            if (CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender) 
                || !IsOnChannel(channel))

            // Connect the root visual to the composition root if necessary.

            if (IsOnChannel(channel)
                && !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent)
                && !ctx.Root.IsNull) 

        /// This is only called during the realization pass if the visual has
        /// a bitmap effect. It only renders opacity, opacity mask, content and
        /// children of the visual. The effect is applied below transform, 
        /// clip, offset and guidelines. Those properties are updated during
        /// the render pass 
        internal void RenderForBitmapEffect(RenderContext ctx, UInt32 childIndex)
            DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel;
            // See if this visual is already on that channel 
            bool isOnChannel = IsOnChannel(channel);
            // Currently everything is sent to the compositor. IsSubtreeDirtyForRender
            // indicates that something in the sub-graph of this Visual needs to have an update
            // sent to the compositor. Hence traverse if this bit is set. Also traverse when the 
            // sub-graph has not yet been sent to the compositor.
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender)
                || !isOnChannel) 
                // Ensure that the visual resource for this Visual
                // is being sent to our current channel. 
                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle = isOnChannel ? 
                    _proxy.GetHandle(channel) :

                VisualProxyFlags flags = isOnChannel ?
                    _proxy.GetFlags(channel) :

                if (!isOnChannel) 
                    // we need to set the Viewport3D flags, if the visual is not
                    // on channel so that the viewport sends all its resources 
                    // to the compositor
                    SetFlags(channel, true, c_Viewport3DProxyFlagsDirtyMask);
                // Do the updates
                UpdateContent(ctx, flags, isOnChannel); 
                UpdateOpacity(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                UpdateOpacityMask(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                UpdateChildren(ctx, handle);

                // Finally, reset the dirty flags for this visual (at this point, 
                // we have handled them all).
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender); 

            // Connect the root visual to the composition root if necessary.

            if (IsOnChannel(channel) 
                && !CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent) 
                && !ctx.Root.IsNull)
        internal virtual void RenderRecursive(
            RenderContext ctx) 
            // Simple loop detection to avoid stack overflow in cyclic Visual
            // scenarios. This fix is only aimed at mitigating a very common 
            // VisualBrush scenario.
            bool canEnter = Enter();

            if (canEnter) 
                    DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel;
                    DUCE.ResourceHandle handle = DUCE.ResourceHandle.Null; 
                    VisualProxyFlags flags = VisualProxyFlags.None;

                    // See if this visual is already on that channel 
                    bool isOnChannel = IsOnChannel(channel); 

                    // Ensure that the visual resource for this Visual
                    // is being sent to our current channel.
                    if (isOnChannel)
                        // Good, we're already on channel. Get the handle and flags.

                        handle = _proxy.GetHandle(channel);
                        flags = _proxy.GetFlags(channel);
                        // Create the visual resource on the current channel.
                        // Need to update all set properties.

                        handle = ((DUCE.IResource)this).AddRefOnChannel(channel); 

                        // we need to set the Viewport3D flags, if the visual is not 
                        // on channel so that the viewport sends all its resources 
                        // to the compositor. we need the explicit set, because
                        // the update happens during RenderContent and we have no 
                        // other way to pass the flags
                        // We do that for all visuals. the flags will be ignored
                        // if the visual is not a Viewport3D visual 
                        SetFlags(channel, true, c_Viewport3DProxyFlagsDirtyMask);
                        flags = c_ProxyFlagsDirtyMask; 
                    UpdateTransform(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    UpdateClip(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    UpdateOffset(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    UpdateEffect(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                    UpdateGuidelines(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                    // if we have a legacy BitmapEffect, mark the effect as dirty 
                    // we will render the rest of the visual during
                    // the realization pass 
                    if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)

                        // if the visual content is dirty or the subtree is dirty for render 
                        // or the opacity or opacity mask changed,
                        // we would want to re-apply the effect during the realisation pass 
                        if (((flags & c_BitmapEffectDirtyMask) != 0) || 
                            SetFlags(channel, true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty);
                        UpdateContent(ctx, flags, isOnChannel); 
                        UpdateOpacity(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                        UpdateOpacityMask(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel);
                        UpdateRenderOptions(channel, handle, flags, isOnChannel); 
                        UpdateChildren(ctx, handle);

                    // Finally, reset the dirty flags for this visual (at this point,
                    // we have handled them all). 
                    SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender); 
                    SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate);
        /// Enter is used for simple cycle detection in Visual. If the method returns false 
        /// the Visual has already been entered and cannot be entered again. Matching invocation of Exit
        /// must be skipped if Enter returns false.
        internal bool Enter() 
            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag)) 
                return false;
                SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag);
                return true; 
        /// Exits the Visual. For more details see Enter method. 
        internal void Exit()
            Debug.Assert(CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag)); // Exit must be matched with Enter. See Enter comments. 
            SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.ReentrancyFlag);
        /// Update opacity 
        private void UpdateOpacity(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                   DUCE.ResourceHandle handle, 
                                   VisualProxyFlags flags,
                                   bool isOnChannel) 
            // Opacity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty) != 0)
                double opacity = OpacityCache;
                if (isOnChannel || !(opacity >= 1.0)) 
                    // Opacity is 1.0 by default -- do not send it for new visuals.

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty); 

        /// Update OpacityMask
        /// The Visual exists on channel.
        private void UpdateOpacityMask(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                       DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                       VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                       bool isOnChannel)
            // Opacity Mask --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty) != 0) 
                Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);

                if (opacityMask != null) 
                    // Set the new opacity mask resource on the visual. 
                    // If opacityMask is null we don't need to do this.
                    // Also note that the old opacity mask was disconnected 
                    // in the OpacityMask property setter.

                else if (isOnChannel) /* opacityMask == null */ 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty); 

        /// Update transform 
        /// The Visual exists on channel. 
        private void UpdateTransform(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                     DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                     VisualProxyFlags flags,
                                     bool isOnChannel) 
            // Transform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty) != 0)
                Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);

                if (transform != null)
                    // Set the new transform resource on the visual. 
                    // If transform is null we don't need to do this. 
                    // Also note that the old transform was disconnected
                    // in the Transform property setter. 

                else if (isOnChannel) /* transform == null */
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty); 
        /// Update bitmap effect.
        /// The Visual exists on channel. 
        private void UpdateEffect(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                     DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                     VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                     bool isOnChannel)
            // Bitmap Effect  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty) != 0)
                Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this); 

                if (effect != null) 
                    // Set the new effect resource on the visual.
                    // If effect is null we don't need to do this. 
                    // Also note that the old effect was disconnected
                    // in the Effect property setter. 

                else if (isOnChannel) /* effect == null */
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty);

        /// Update clip
        /// The Visual exists on channel. 
        private void UpdateClip(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                bool isOnChannel)
            // Clip -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty) != 0)
                Geometry clip = ClipField.GetValue(this); 

                if (clip != null) 
                    // Set the new clip resource on the composition node.
                    // If clip is null we don't need to do this.  Also note 
                    // that the old clip was disconnected in the Clip
                    // property setter. 

                else if (isOnChannel) /* clip == null */

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty); 
        /// Update offset 
        private void UpdateOffset(DUCE.Channel channel, 
                                  DUCE.ResourceHandle handle, 
                                  VisualProxyFlags flags,
                                  bool isOnChannel) 
            // Offset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty) != 0) 
                if (isOnChannel || _offset != new Vector()) 
                    // Offset is (0, 0) by default so do not update it for new visuals. 

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty); 

        /// Update guidelines
        private void UpdateGuidelines(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                      DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                      VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                      bool isOnChannel)
            // Guidelines -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsGuidelineCollectionDirty) != 0) 
                DoubleCollection guidelinesX = GuidelinesXField.GetValue(this);
                DoubleCollection guidelinesY = GuidelinesYField.GetValue(this);
                if (isOnChannel || (guidelinesX != null || guidelinesY != null))
                    // Guidelines are null by default, so do not update them for new visuals.

                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsGuidelineCollectionDirty);


        /// Update EdgeMode
        private void UpdateRenderOptions(DUCE.Channel channel,
                                    DUCE.ResourceHandle handle,
                                    VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                    bool isOnChannel)
            if (((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty) != 0) || ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty) != 0)) 
                 MILRenderOptions renderOptions = new MILRenderOptions(); 

                // EdgeMode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // "isOnChannel" (if true) indicates that this Visual was on channel
                // previous to this update.  If this is the case, all changes to the EdgeMode 
                // must be reflected in the composition node.  If "isOnChannel" is false it means
                // that this Visual has just been added to a channel.  In this case, we can 
                // skip an EdgeMode update if the EdgeMode is Unspecified, as this is the default 
                // behavior.
                if (isOnChannel || (EdgeModeCache != EdgeMode.Unspecified)) 
                    renderOptions.Flags |= MILRenderOptionFlags.EdgeMode;
                    renderOptions.EdgeMode = EdgeModeCache;

                // ImageScalingMode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                if (isOnChannel || (BitmapScalingModeCache != BitmapScalingMode.Unspecified)) 
                    renderOptions.Flags |= MILRenderOptionFlags.BitmapScalingMode; 
                    renderOptions.BitmapScalingMode    = BitmapScalingModeCache;

                if (renderOptions.Flags != 0) 
                SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty | VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty);

        /// Update content 
        /// The Visual exists on channel.
        private void UpdateContent(RenderContext ctx,
                                   VisualProxyFlags flags, 
                                   bool isOnChannel)
            // Hookup content to the Visual

            if ((flags & VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty) != 0)
                RenderContent(ctx, isOnChannel); 
                SetFlags(ctx.Channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty);

        /// Update children
        private void UpdateChildren(RenderContext ctx,
                                    DUCE.ResourceHandle handle) 
            DUCE.Channel channel = ctx.Channel;
            // Visit children of this visual.
            // If content node is connected child node indicies need to be offset by one.
            UInt32 connectedChildIndex =
                CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentNodeConnected) ? (UInt32)1 : 0; 

            bool isChildrenZOrderDirty = CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsChildrenZOrderDirty);
            int childCount = VisualChildrenCount;
            // If the visual children have been re-ordered, enqueue a packet to RemoveAllChildren, 
            // then reinsert all the children.  The parent visual will release the children when 
            // the RemoveAllChildren packet, but the managed visuals will still have references
            // to them so that they won't be destructed and recreated. 
            if (isChildrenZOrderDirty)

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) 
                Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                if (child != null)
                    // Recurse if the child visual is dirty 
                    // or it has not been marshalled yet. 
                    if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender) 
                        || !(child.IsOnChannel(channel)))

                    // Make sure that all the marshaled children are 
                    // connected to the parent visual or that the ZOrder
                    // of the children has changed. 
                    if (child.IsOnChannel(channel))
                        bool isConnectedToParent = child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent); 

                        if (!isConnectedToParent || isChildrenZOrderDirty) 

            SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsChildrenZOrderDirty); 

        /// Marks the visible realizations in this visual graph.
        /// The realization context.
        internal void MarkVisibleRealizations(RealizationContext ctx)

            if (    CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches)
                 || NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect) 
        internal bool RequiresRealizationUpdates
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches);


        /// Marks the visible realizations in this visual graph.
        /// This is only called during the realization pass if the visual has 
        /// a bitmap effect.
        /// The realization context. 
        internal void MarkVisibleRealizationsForBitmapEffect(RealizationContext ctx)
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Update realizations. 

            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches)) 

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Recurse into the visible part of the subgraph.
        /// Performs a recursive walk of the visible part of this visual graph, 
        /// marking the realization nodes to be created or updated.
        /// Do not call this method directly. 
        /// The realization context. 
        private void MarkVisibleRealizationsRecursive(RealizationContext ctx)
            // Simple loop detection to avoid stack overflow in cyclic Visual
            // scenarios. This fix is only aimed at mitigating a very common
            // VisualBrush scenario.
            bool canEnter = Enter(); 

            if (canEnter) 
                    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Update the transform stack (needed by UpdateRealizations). 
                    //push offset
                    if (_offset != new Vector()) 
                        ctx.TransformStack.Push(_offset, true);
                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
                    if (transform != null) 
                        ctx.TransformStack.Push(transform, true); 

                    if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                        // if the visual has a bitmap effect, update the realizations.
                        bool nodeRequiresNewRealization = CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization);
                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                        // Update realizations if NodeUsesRealizationCaches is true and
                        // we're either doing a full walk (!ctx.IncrementalWalk) or 
                        // we're doing an incremental walk and the node actually requires
                        // new realizations (nodeRequiresNewRealization) 
                        if (   CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches) 
                            && (!ctx.IncrementalWalk || nodeRequiresNewRealization))

                        if (nodeRequiresNewRealization) 
                           // Need to walk all children containing realizations since
                           // this node has had a realizations impacting change 


                        if (nodeRequiresNewRealization) 

                    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Clean up. 

                    if (transform != null) 

                    // pop offset
                    if (_offset != new Vector())
                    // Normally, we reset the flags for node realization to avoid redundant processing of realizations.
                    // However, in the case of a bitmap render (RenderTargetBitmap), don't reset the flags here, since
                    // we would still need to apply the realizations when a regular render occurs later.
                    if (!ctx.WalkForBitmapRenderTarget) 
                        SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization); 

        /// MarkVisibleRealizations for all the children
        private void MarkVisibleRealizationsForChildren(RealizationContext ctx)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Recurse into the visible part of the subgraph.
            int childrenCount = this.VisualChildrenCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
                Visual child = this.GetVisualChild(i); 

                // Skip this node if currently not on the channel or 
                // if there is nothing to be updated on its subtree.
                // If this walk is incremental, then walk child
                // only if subtree has a node requiring a new realization
                if (child != null 
                    && child.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches)
                    && (!ctx.IncrementalWalk 
                        || child.CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization))) 

        #endregion Pre-compute / render / realization passes 


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Hit Testing 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        #region Hit Testing
        internal class TopMostHitResult
            internal HitTestResult _hitResult = null;
            internal HitTestResultBehavior HitTestResult(HitTestResult result)
                _hitResult = result; 

                return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop; 

            internal HitTestFilterBehavior NoNested2DFilter(DependencyObject potentialHitTestTarget)
                if (potentialHitTestTarget is Viewport2DVisual3D)
                    return HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipChildren; 
                return HitTestFilterBehavior.Continue;

        /// Used by derived classes to invalidate their hit-test bounds. 
        internal void InvalidateHitTestBounds() 


        /// Derived classes return the hit-test bounding box from the
        /// GetHitTestBounds virtual. Visual uses the bounds to optimize 
        /// hit-testing.
        internal virtual Rect GetHitTestBounds() 
            return GetContentBounds(); 

        /// Return top most visual of a hit test.
        internal HitTestResult HitTest(Point point) 
            return HitTest(point, true); 

        /// Return top most visual of a hit test.  If include2DOn3D is true we will 
        /// hit test in to 2D on 3D children, otherwise we will ignore that part of
        /// the tree. 
        internal HitTestResult HitTest(Point point, bool include2DOn3D)

            TopMostHitResult result = new TopMostHitResult();
                include2DOn3D? null : new HitTestFilterCallback(result.NoNested2DFilter), 
                new HitTestResultCallback(result.HitTestResult),
                new PointHitTestParameters(point)); 

            return result._hitResult;
        /// Initiate a hit test using delegates. 
        internal void HitTest(
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback, 
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback,
            HitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
            if (resultCallback == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultCallback"); 

            if (hitTestParameters == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitTestParameters");

            PointHitTestParameters pointParams = hitTestParameters as PointHitTestParameters; 

            if (pointParams != null)
                // Because we call dynamic code during the hit testing walk we need to back up 
                // the original hit point in case the user's delegate throws an exception so that
                // we can restore it. 
                Point backupHitPoint = pointParams.HitPoint; 

                    HitTestPoint(filterCallback, resultCallback, pointParams);
                    // If an exception occured, restore the user's hit point and rethrow. 

                    Debug.Assert(Point.Equals(pointParams.HitPoint, backupHitPoint), 
                        "Failed to restore user's hit point back to the original coordinate system.");
                GeometryHitTestParameters geometryParams = hitTestParameters as GeometryHitTestParameters;

                if (geometryParams != null)
                    // Because we call dynamic code during the hit testing walk we need to ensure
                    // that if the user's delegate throws an exception we restore the original 
                    // transform on the hit test geometry. 
                    // Internally we replace the hit geometry with a copy which is guaranteed to have 
                    // a MatrixTransform so we do not need to worry about null dereferences here.
                    Matrix originalMatrix = geometryParams.InternalHitGeometry.Transform.Value;
#endif // DEBUG
                        HitTestGeometry(filterCallback, resultCallback, geometryParams); 

                        Debug.Assert(Matrix.Equals(geometryParams.InternalHitGeometry.Transform.Value, originalMatrix),
                            "Failed to restore user's hit geometry back to the original coordinate system."); 
#endif // DEBUG
                    // This should never happen, users can not extend the abstract HitTestParameters class. 
                            "'{0}' HitTestParameters are not supported on {1}.", 
                            hitTestParameters.GetType().Name, this.GetType().Name));

        internal HitTestResultBehavior HitTestPoint( 
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback, 
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback,
            PointHitTestParameters pointParams) 
            // we do not need parameter checks because they are done in HitTest()

            Geometry clip = VisualClip; 

            // Before we continue hit-testing we check against the hit-test bounds for the sub-graph. 
            // If the point is not with-in the hit-test bounds, the sub-graph can be skipped. 
            if (_bboxSubgraph.Contains(pointParams.HitPoint) &&
                ((null == clip) || clip.FillContains(pointParams.HitPoint))) // Check that the hit-point is with-in the clip. 
                // Determine if there is a special filter behavior defined for this
                // Visual. 
                HitTestFilterBehavior filter = HitTestFilterBehavior.Continue; 
                if (filterCallback != null)
                    filter = filterCallback(this);

                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelfAndChildren)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;
                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.Stop)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
                // if there is a bitmap effect transform the point
                // Backup the hit point so that we can restore it later on. 
                Point originalHitPoint = pointParams.HitPoint; 
                Point hitPoint = originalHitPoint;
                if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect))
                    Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                    if (imageEffect != null) 
                        GeneralTransform effectHitTestInverse = imageEffect.EffectMapping.Inverse; 
                        // only do work if the transform isn't the identity transform
                        if (effectHitTestInverse != Transform.Identity) 
                            bool ok = false;

                            // Convert to unit space 
                            Point? unitHitPoint = Effect.WorldToUnit(originalHitPoint, _bboxSubgraph);
                            if (unitHitPoint != null) 
                                Point transformedPt = new Point();
                                // Do the transform

                                ok = effectHitTestInverse.TryTransform(unitHitPoint.Value, out transformedPt);
                                if (ok) 
                                    // Convert back to world space 
                                    hitPoint = Effect.UnitToWorld(transformedPt, _bboxSubgraph); 

                            if (!ok)
                                return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue; 
                        Debug.Assert(BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this) != null);
                        if (BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this).TransformHitPoint(
                                _bboxSubgraph, originalHitPoint, out hitPoint) == false)
                            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

                // Hit test against the children. 
                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipChildren) 
                    int childCount = VisualChildrenCount;
                    for (int i=childCount-1; i>=0; i--) 
                        Visual child = GetVisualChild(i);
                        if (child != null)
                            // Transform the hit-test point below offset and transform. 

                            Point newHitPoint = hitPoint; 

                            // Apply the offset.
                            newHitPoint = newHitPoint - child._offset;
                            // If we have a transform, apply the transform.
                            Transform childTransform = TransformField.GetValue(child); 
                            if (childTransform != null) 
                                Matrix inv = childTransform.Value; 

                                // If we can't invert the transform, the child is not hitable. This makes sense since
                                // the node's rendered content is degenerate, i.e. does not really take up any space.
                                // Skip the child by continuing in the loop. 
                                if (!inv.HasInverse)

                                newHitPoint = newHitPoint * inv;

                            // Set the new hittesting point into the hittest params. 

                            // Perform the hit-test against the child. 
                            HitTestResultBehavior result =
                                child.HitTestPoint(filterCallback, resultCallback, pointParams);

                            // Restore the hit-test point. 
                            if (result == HitTestResultBehavior.Stop)
                                return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
                // Hit test against the content of this Visual.

                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelf)
                    // set the transformed hit point 
                    HitTestResultBehavior result = HitTestPointInternal(filterCallback, resultCallback, pointParams); 

                    // restore the hit point back to its original 

                    if (result == HitTestResultBehavior.Stop)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

        // provides a transform that goes between the Visual's coordinate space 
        // and that after applying the transforms that bring it to outer space.
        internal GeneralTransform TransformToOuterSpace() 
            Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
            GeneralTransformGroup group = null; 
            GeneralTransform result = null;

            if (CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect))
                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
                if (bitmapEffectState != null) 
                    BitmapEffect effect = bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect;
                    // if the BitmapEffect has an affine transformation
                    // add code to just multiply the matrix here to the effects matrix
                    if (effect.IsAffineTransform)
                        Matrix cm = effect.GetAffineMatrix();
                        MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm); 
                        group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                        // Note that the below likely should be VisualDescendantBounds, but we're not modifying this
                        // code now that legacy BitmapEffects are obsolete.
                        group.Children.Add(new BitmapEffectGeneralTransform(bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect, 
                                                                            bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput, false, VisualContentBounds));
                    Effect effect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                    GeneralTransform gt = effect.CoerceToUnitSpaceGeneralTransform(

                    Transform affineTransform = gt.AffineTransform; 
                    if (affineTransform != null) 
                        Matrix cm = affineTransform.Value; 
                        MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm);
                        group = new GeneralTransformGroup();

            Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
            if (transform != null)
                Matrix cm = transform.Value;
                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm); 
            m.Translate(_offset.X, _offset.Y); // Consider having a bit that indicates that we have a non-null offset.
            if (group == null)
                result = new MatrixTransform(m);
                group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m)); 
                result = group;

            return result;

        internal HitTestResultBehavior HitTestGeometry( 
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback, 
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback,
            GeometryHitTestParameters geometryParams) 
            // we do not need parameter checks because they are done in HitTest()

            // Check against the clip before checking against geometry 
            IntersectionDetail intersectionDetail;
            Geometry clip = VisualClip; 
            if (clip != null) 
                // HitTest with a Geometry and a clip should hit test with 
                // the intersection of the geometry and the clip, not the entire geometry
                intersectionDetail = clip.FillContainsWithDetail(geometryParams.InternalHitGeometry);
                Debug.Assert(intersectionDetail != IntersectionDetail.NotCalculated);
                if (intersectionDetail == IntersectionDetail.Empty) 
                    // bail out if there is a clip and this region is not inside 
                    return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue; 

            // Check if the geometry intersects with our hittest bounds.
            // If not, the Visual is not hit-testable at all. 

            if (_bboxSubgraph.IntersectsWith(geometryParams.Bounds)) 
                // Determine if there is a special filter behavior defined for this 
                // Visual.

                HitTestFilterBehavior filter = HitTestFilterBehavior.Continue; 

                if (filterCallback != null) 
                    filter = filterCallback(this);
                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelfAndChildren)
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

                    if (filter == HitTestFilterBehavior.Stop) 
                        return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;

                // Hit-test against the children. 
                int childCount = VisualChildrenCount; 

                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipChildren) 
                    for (int i=childCount-1; i>=0; i--)
                        Visual child = GetVisualChild(i); 
                        if (child != null)
                            // Transform the geometry below offset and transform. 
                            Matrix inv = Matrix.Identity;
                            inv.Translate(-child._offset.X, -child._offset.Y); 

                            Transform childTransform = TransformField.GetValue(child);
                            if (childTransform != null)
                                Matrix m = childTransform.Value;
                                // If we can't invert the transform, the child is not hitable. This makes sense since 
                                // the node's rendered content is degnerated, i.e. does not really take up any space.
                                // Skipping the child by continuing the loop. 
                                if (!m.HasInverse)

                                // Inverse the transform. 

                                // Multiply the inverse and the offset together. 
                                // inv = inv * m;
                                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref inv, ref m);
                            // Push the transform on the geometry params.
                            geometryParams.PushMatrix(ref inv); 
                            // Hit-Test against the children.
                            HitTestResultBehavior result =
                                child.HitTestGeometry(filterCallback, resultCallback, geometryParams);

                            // Pop the transform from the geometry params. 

                            // Process the result.
                            if (result == HitTestResultBehavior.Stop) 
                                return HitTestResultBehavior.Stop;
                // Hit-test against the content of the Visual. 

                if (filter != HitTestFilterBehavior.ContinueSkipSelf)
                    GeometryHitTestResult hitResult = HitTestCore(geometryParams);
                    if (hitResult != null) 
                        Debug.Assert(resultCallback != null); 

                        return resultCallback(hitResult);
            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue; 

        /// This method provides an internal extension point for Viewport3DVisual
        /// to grab the HitTestFilterCallback and ResultDelegate before it gets lost in the 
        /// forward to HitTestCore.
        internal virtual HitTestResultBehavior HitTestPointInternal( 
            HitTestFilterCallback filterCallback,
            HitTestResultCallback resultCallback, 
            PointHitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
            HitTestResult hitResult = HitTestCore(hitTestParameters);
            if (hitResult != null)
                return resultCallback(hitResult); 
            return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;

        /// HitTestCore implements whether we have hit the bounds of this visual.
        protected virtual HitTestResult HitTestCore(PointHitTestParameters hitTestParameters) 
            if (hitTestParameters == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitTestParameters");
            // If we don't have a clip, or if the clip contains the point, keep going.
            if (GetHitTestBounds().Contains(hitTestParameters.HitPoint)) 
                return new PointHitTestResult(this, hitTestParameters.HitPoint);
                return null;
        /// HitTestCore implements whether we have hit the bounds of this visual.
        protected virtual GeometryHitTestResult HitTestCore(GeometryHitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
            if (hitTestParameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitTestParameters");
            IntersectionDetail intersectionDetail;
            RectangleGeometry contentGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(GetHitTestBounds());

            intersectionDetail = contentGeometry.FillContainsWithDetail(hitTestParameters.InternalHitGeometry);
            Debug.Assert(intersectionDetail != IntersectionDetail.NotCalculated); 

            if (intersectionDetail != IntersectionDetail.Empty) 
                return new GeometryHitTestResult(this, intersectionDetail);

            return null;

        #endregion Hit Testing 

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual Operations API
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region VisualChildren 

        ///  Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate
        ///  the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children
        ///  from this method.
        ///    By default a Visual does not have any children.
        ///  Remark: During this virtual method the Visual tree must not be modified. 
        protected virtual int VisualChildrenCount 
            get { return 0; }
        /// Returns the number of 2D children. This returns 0 for visuals 
        /// whose children are Visual3Ds. 
        internal int InternalVisualChildrenCount 
                // Call the right virtual method. 
                return VisualChildrenCount;

        /// Returns the number of children of this object (in most cases this will be
        /// the number of Visuals, but it some cases, Viewport3DVisual for instance,
        /// this is the number of Visual3Ds).
        /// Used only by VisualTreeHelper.
        internal virtual int InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount 
                // Call the right virtual method.
                return VisualChildrenCount;
        ///Flag to check if this visual has any children
        internal bool HasVisualChildren
                return ((_flags & VisualFlags.HasChildren) != 0);

        ///   Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return
        ///    the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1.
        ///    By default a Visual does not have any children. 
        ///  Remark: 
        ///       Need to lock down Visual tree during the callbacks. 
        ///       During this virtual call it is not valid to modify the Visual tree.
        ///       It is okay to type this protected API to the 2D Visual.  The only 2D Visual with
        ///       3D childern is the Viewport3DVisual which is sealed.  -- [....] 01/17/06
        protected virtual Visual GetVisualChild(int index) 
           throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, SR.Get(SRID.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange)); 

        /// Returns the 2D child at index "index". This will fail for Visuals
        /// whose children are Visual3Ds.
        internal Visual InternalGetVisualChild(int index) 
            // Call the right virtual method. 
            return GetVisualChild(index); 
        /// Returns the child at index "index" (in most cases this will be
        /// a Visual, but it some cases, Viewport3DVisual for instance,
        /// this is a Visual3D). 
        /// Used only by VisualTreeHelper. 
        internal virtual DependencyObject InternalGet2DOr3DVisualChild(int index)
            // Call the right virtual method.
            return GetVisualChild(index);
        /// Helper method to provide access to AddVisualChild for the VisualCollection. 
        internal void InternalAddVisualChild(Visual child)

        /// Helper method to provide access to RemoveVisualChild for the VisualCollection.
        internal void InternalRemoveVisualChild(Visual child) 

        /// AttachChild 
        ///    Derived classes must call this method to notify the Visual layer that a new 
        ///    child appeard in the children collection. The Visual layer will then call the GetVisualChild 
        ///    method to find out where the child was added.
        ///  Remark: To move a Visual child in a collection it must be first disconnected and then connected
        ///    again. (Moving forward we might want to add a special optimization there so that we do not
        ///    unmarshal our composition resources).
        ///    It is okay to type this protected API to the 2D Visual.  The only 2D Visual with
        ///    3D childern is the Viewport3DVisual which is sealed.  -- [....] 01/17/06 
        protected void AddVisualChild(Visual child)
            if (child == null)

            if (child._parent != null) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_HasParent));

            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.HasChildren);

            // Set the parent pointer. 

            child._parent = this; 
            // The child might be dirty. Hence we need to propagate dirty information 
            // from the parent and from the child.

                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate, 

            // If child has realizations, we need to set NodeRequiresRealizationUpdate flag, and propagate
            // corresponding subtree flag
            child.SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 
                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization, 
            // Resume layout.
            UIElement.PropagateResumeLayout(this, child); 

            // Fire notifications 
            this.OnVisualChildrenChanged(child, null /* no removed child */); 

        /// DisconnectChild
        ///    Derived classes must call this method to notify the Visual layer that a
        ///    child was removed from the children collection. The Visual layer will then call 
        ///    GetChildren to find out which child has been removed. 
        protected void RemoveVisualChild(Visual child)
            if (child == null || child._parent == null)
            if (child._parent != this)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NotChild));

            if(InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount == 0) 
                SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.HasChildren); 

            // Remove the child on all channels its current parent is marshalled to.

            for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++) 
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i); 
                if (child.CheckFlagsAnd(channel, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent))
                    child.SetFlags(channel, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsConnectedToParent); 
            // Set the parent pointer to null.
            child._parent = null;

                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate,
            // Fire notifications
            OnVisualChildrenChanged(null /* no child added */, child);

        /// InvalidateZOrder 
        /// Note: must do invalidation without removing / adding
        /// to avoid loosing focused element by input system 
        internal void InvalidateZOrder()
            //  if we don't have any children, there is nothing to do
            if (VisualChildrenCount == 0) 

            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 

                        VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization, 
                        VisualProxyFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForRender | VisualProxyFlags.IsChildrenZOrderDirty);


        //This is used by LayoutManager as a perf optimization for layout updates.
        //During layout updates, LM needs to find which areas of the visual tree 
        //are higher in the tree - they have to be processed first to avoid multiple
        //updates of lower descendants. The tree level counter is maintained by 
        //UIElement.PropagateResume/SuspendLayout methods and uses 8 bits in VisualFlags to 
        //keep the count.
        internal uint TreeLevel 
                return ((uint)_flags & 0xFF000000) >> 24; 
                if(value > 0xFF)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.LayoutManager_DeepRecursion, 255));

                _flags = (VisualFlags)(((uint)_flags & 0x00FFFFFF) | (value << 24)); 

        #endregion VisualChildren 

        #region VisualParent
        /// Returns the parent of this Visual.  Parent may be either a Visual or Visual3D. 
        protected DependencyObject VisualParent
                return InternalVisualParent;

        /// Identical to VisualParent, except that skips verify access for perf.
        internal DependencyObject InternalVisualParent
                return _parent; 

        #endregion VisualParent

        // These 2 method will be REMOVED once Hamid is back and can 
        // explain why Window needs to Bypass layout for setting Flow Direction.
        // These methods are only called from InternalSetLayoutTransform which is called only from Window 
        internal void InternalSetOffsetWorkaround(Vector offset)
            VisualOffset = offset;
        internal void InternalSetTransformWorkaround(Transform transform) 
            VisualTransform = transform; 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Visual Properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Visual Properties 
        /// Gets or sets the transform of this Visual. 
        protected internal Transform VisualTransform
                return TransformField.GetValue(this);
            protected set
                Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(this);
                if (transform == value) 

                Transform newTransform = value;

                // Add changed notifications for the new transform if necessary. 
                if (newTransform != null && !newTransform.IsFrozen)
                    newTransform.Changed += TransformChangedHandler; 
                if (transform != null)
                    // Remove changed notifications for the old transform if necessary. 
                    if (!transform.IsFrozen) 
                        transform.Changed -= TransformChangedHandler; 

                    // Disconnect the transform from this visual. 

                // Set the new clip and mark it dirty 
                TransformField.SetValue(this, newTransform); 

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsTransformDirty); 

                TransformChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);

        /// Gets or sets the Effect of this Visual. 
        protected internal Effect VisualEffect 

                return VisualEffectInternal; 
            protected set

                // Legacy BitmapEffects and new Effects cannot be mixed because the new image effect
                // pipeline may be used to emulate a legacy BitmapEffect. 
                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this);
                if (bed != null) 
                    if (value != null) // UIElement has a tendency to set a lot of properties to null even if it
                                       // never set a property to a different value in the first place. 
                        // If a BitmapEffect is set, the user cannot set an Effect, since
                        // mixing of legacy BitmapEffects is not allowed with Effects.
                        throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.Effect_CombinedLegacyAndNew)); 

                VisualEffectInternal = value;
        /// Internal accessor to image effect property that gets or sets the Effect of this Visual. 
        /// The internal accessor is used by the VisualBitmapEffect emulation layer to avoid some of the
        /// compatibility checks in the protected VisualEffect property.
        internal Effect VisualEffectInternal 
                // Legacy BitmapEffects and new Effects cannot be mixed because the new image effect
                // pipeline may be used to emulate a legacy BitmapEffect. Therefore, if a BitmapEffect is 
                // assigned to this node, the Effect is conceptually not set and null must be returned
                // from this getter. If no BitmapEffect is set on this node, the Effect has been provided
                // by the user and therefore the Effect is returned.
                if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                    return null; 
                    return EffectField.GetValue(this);

                Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                if (imageEffect == value) 
                Effect newEffect = value;
                // Add changed notifications for the new Effect if necessary. 
                if (newEffect != null && !newEffect.IsFrozen)
                    newEffect.Changed += EffectChangedHandler;

                if (imageEffect != null) 
                    // Remove changed notifications for the old Effect if necessary. 
                    if (!imageEffect.IsFrozen)
                        imageEffect.Changed -= EffectChangedHandler;

                    // Disconnect the Effect from this visual. 

                // Set the new effect and mark it dirty 
                SetFlags(newEffect != null, VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect);

                EffectField.SetValue(this, newEffect);
                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsEffectDirty);
                EffectChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// BitmapEffect Property -
        /// Gets or sets the optional BitmapEffect.  If set, the BitmapEffect will 
        /// be applied Visual's rendered content, after which the OpacityMask and/or Opacity
        /// will be applied (if present). 
        protected internal BitmapEffect VisualBitmapEffect 

                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if (bed != null)
                    return bed.BitmapEffect;
                    return null;

            protected set 

                // Figure out if a image effect has been provided by the user. If so, calling this API is illegal
                // since new Effects and legacy BitmapEffects cannot be mixed. 
                Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if (   (bed == null)
                    && (imageEffect != null))

                    if (value != null) // Allowing incoming value of null because UIElements tend
                                       // to aggressively set this property to null even if it has never been set. 
                        // If no BitmapEffect is set and an Effect is set, the Effect has been
                        // provided by the user and not by emulation. Since mixing of legacy 
                        // BitmapEffects is not allowed with Effects, setting a BitmapEffect is illegal.
                        throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.Effect_CombinedLegacyAndNew));

                // To enable emulation of the legacy effects on top of the new effects pipeline, store the
                // bitmap effect information in our staging uncommon field: UserProvidedBitmapEffectData. 

                BitmapEffect oldBitmapEffect = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffect; 
                if (oldBitmapEffect == value) // If new and old value are the same, this set call can be treated as a no-op. 

                BitmapEffect newBitmapEffect = value;
                if (newBitmapEffect == null)
                    Debug.Assert(bed != null, "Must be non-null because otherwise the code would have earlied out where new value is compared against old value."); 
                    // The following line of code will effectively set the BitmapEffectInput property to null. This is strange behavior for WPF properties, but follows the
                    // original BitmapEffects implementation. 
                    UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.SetValue(this, null);
                    if (bed == null)
                        bed = new BitmapEffectData(); 
                        UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.SetValue(this, bed);

                    bed.BitmapEffect = newBitmapEffect;
                if (newBitmapEffect != null && !newBitmapEffect.IsFrozen)
                    newBitmapEffect.Changed += new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged); 
                if (oldBitmapEffect != null && !oldBitmapEffect.IsFrozen) 
                    oldBitmapEffect.Changed -= new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged);
                // Notify about the bitmap effect changes to configure the new emulation.
                BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// BitmapEffectInput Property -
        /// Gets or sets the optional BitmapEffectInput.  If set, the BitmapEffectInput will 
        /// be applied Visual's rendered content, after which the OpacityMask and/or Opacity
        /// will be applied (if present). 
        protected internal BitmapEffectInput VisualBitmapEffectInput 

                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if (bed != null)
                    return bed.BitmapEffectInput;
                    return null;

            protected set 

                // Figure out if a image effect has been provided by the user. If so, calling this API is illegal
                // sinc new Effects and legacy BitmapEffects cannot be mixed. 
                Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(this);
                BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this); 
                if ((bed == null) && (imageEffect != null))
                    if (value != null) // Allowing null because parser and UIElement tend to set this property to null
                                       // even if it has never been set to non-null. 
                        // If no BitmapEffect is set and an Effect is set, the Effect has been 
                        // provided by the user. Since mixing of legacy BitmapEffects is not allowed with 
                        // Effects, setting a BitmapEffect is illegal.
                        throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.Effect_CombinedLegacyAndNew)); 

                // To enable emulation of the legacy effects on top of the new effects pipeline, store the
                // bitmap effect input information in our staging uncommon field: UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.

                BitmapEffectInput oldBitmapEffectInput = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffectInput; 
                BitmapEffectInput newBitmapEffectInput = value;
                if (oldBitmapEffectInput == newBitmapEffectInput) // If new and old value are the same, this set call can be treated as a no-op. 

                // Make sure there is a BitmapEffectData instance allocated.
                if (bed == null) 
                    bed = new BitmapEffectData(); 
                    UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.SetValue(this, bed); 
                bed.BitmapEffectInput = newBitmapEffectInput;

                if (newBitmapEffectInput != null && !newBitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen) 
                    newBitmapEffectInput.Changed += new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged); 
                if (oldBitmapEffectInput != null && !oldBitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen)
                    oldBitmapEffectInput.Changed -= new EventHandler(BitmapEffectEmulationChanged);

                // Notify about the bitmap effect changes to configure the new emulation. 
                BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);

        // This handler reconfigures the bitmap effects pipeline whenever anything changes. It is
        // responsible for figuring out if a legacy effect can be emulated on the new pipeline or
        // not. 
        internal void BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            BitmapEffectData bed = UserProvidedBitmapEffectData.GetValue(this);
            BitmapEffect currentBitmapEffect = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffect; 
            BitmapEffectInput currentBitmapEffectInput = (bed == null) ? null : bed.BitmapEffectInput;

            // Note that when this method is called, a legacy BitmapEffect has been set or reset on
            // the Visual by the user. The next step is to try to emulate the effect in case the current 
            // effect is non null or reset the emulation layer if the user has set the effect to null.
            if (currentBitmapEffect == null) 
                // This means the effect has been disconnected from this Visual. Setting the internal 
                // bitmap effect property and the image effect property to null to disconnect all the
                // effects. The Effect property needs to be set to null because the effect might
                // be emulated.
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = null; 
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = null;
                VisualEffectInternal = null; 
            else if (currentBitmapEffectInput != null)
                // If a BitmapEffectInput is specified, make sure the legacy effect is not being
                // emulated using the Effect pipeline since the new pipeline does not support
                // BitmapEffecInputs.
                VisualEffectInternal = null; 
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = currentBitmapEffect;
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = currentBitmapEffectInput; 
            else if (RenderCapability.IsShaderEffectSoftwareRenderingSupported &&
                    currentBitmapEffect.CanBeEmulatedUsingEffectPipeline() && 
                // If we can emulate the effect switch to emulating it.
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = null; 
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = null;
                VisualEffectInternal = currentBitmapEffect.GetEmulatingEffect(); 
                // Cannot emulate the effect, using legacy pipeline.
                VisualEffectInternal = null;
                VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal = null;
                VisualBitmapEffectInternal = currentBitmapEffect; 

        /// Used by the test team to disable bitmap effect emulation for testing purposes.
        internal bool BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled); 
                if (value != CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled))
                    SetFlags(value, VisualFlags.BitmapEffectEmulationDisabled); 

                    // Notify about the bitmap effect changes to configure the new emulation. 
                    BitmapEffectEmulationChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// Internal accessor to BitmapEffect property that gets or sets the BitmapEffect of this Visual. 
        /// The internal accessor is used by the VisualBitmapEffect emulation layer to avoid some of the
        /// compatibility checks in the protected VisualBitmapEffect property. 
        internal BitmapEffect VisualBitmapEffectInternal
                if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                    return BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this).BitmapEffect; 
                    return null;

                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
                BitmapEffect bitmapEffect = (bitmapEffectState == null) ? null : bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect;
                if (bitmapEffect == value)
                BitmapEffect newBitmapEffect = value; 

                if (newBitmapEffect == null) 
                    Debug.Assert(bitmapEffectState != null);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++)
                        DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i);
                        bitmapEffectState.FreeContent(this, channel); 

                    BitmapEffectStateField.SetValue(this, null); 

                    SetFlags(false, VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect);
                    SetFlagsOnAllChannels(false, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentConnected);
                    SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentDirty | 
                                                VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty |
                                                VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty | 
                    // if we are adding a bitmap effect to the visual,
                    // we want to disconnect all its children, edgemode and
                    // opacity/opacity mask from all channels 
                    // The visual's children will no longer be rendered on the
                    // compositor. We render them to a bitmap and apply the 
                    // effect to the bitmap and then set the new bitmap as the 
                    // content of the visual.
                    if (bitmapEffectState == null)
                        bitmapEffectState = new BitmapEffectVisualState(); 
                        BitmapEffectStateField.SetValue(this, bitmapEffectState);
                    bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffect = newBitmapEffect;
                    Debug.Assert(EffectField.GetValue(this) == null, "Not expecting both BitmapEffect and Effect to be set on the same node");
                    SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect);
                // Enable new image effect if necessary.
                if (newBitmapEffect != null && !newBitmapEffect.IsFrozen) 
                    newBitmapEffect.Changed += BitmapEffectChangedHandler;

                // Disable old image effect if necessary.
                if (bitmapEffect != null && !bitmapEffect.IsFrozen)
                    bitmapEffect.Changed -= BitmapEffectChangedHandler;
                //Propagate flags -- the handler doesn't care about the arguments, so we can pass in nulls
                BitmapEffectChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// Internal accessor to BitmapEffectInput property that gets or sets the BitmapEffectInput of this Visual.
        /// The internal accessor is used by the VisualBitmapEffect emulation layer to avoid some of the 
        /// compatibility checks in the protected VisualBitmapEffectInput property. 
        internal BitmapEffectInput VisualBitmapEffectInputInternal 
                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this);
                if (bitmapEffectState != null) 
                    return bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput; 

                return null; 

                BitmapEffectVisualState bitmapEffectState = BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this); 
                BitmapEffectInput bitmapEffectInput = (bitmapEffectState == null) ? null : bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput;
                if (bitmapEffectInput == value) 
                BitmapEffectInput newBitmapEffectInput = value;
                if (bitmapEffectState == null) 
                    bitmapEffectState = new BitmapEffectVisualState(); 
                    BitmapEffectStateField.SetValue(this, bitmapEffectState);

                // Enable new image effect if necessary. 
                if (newBitmapEffectInput != null && !newBitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen)
                    newBitmapEffectInput.Changed += BitmapEffectInputChangedHandler; 
                // Disable old image effect if necessary.
                if (bitmapEffectInput != null && !bitmapEffectInput.IsFrozen)
                    bitmapEffectInput.Changed -= BitmapEffectInputChangedHandler; 
                bitmapEffectState.BitmapEffectInput = newBitmapEffectInput;
                //Propagate flags -- the handler doesn't care about the arguments, so we can pass in nulls
                BitmapEffectInputChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);

        /// Gets or sets the clip of this Visual.
        protected internal Geometry VisualClip
                return ClipField.GetValue(this); 
            protected set 
                ChangeVisualClip(value, false /* dontSetWhenClose */);

        ///     Processes changing the clip from the old clip to the new clip. 
        ///     Called from Visual.set_VisualClip and from places that want
        ///     to optimize setting a new clip (like UIElement.ensureClip). 
        internal void ChangeVisualClip(Geometry newClip, bool dontSetWhenClose)

            Geometry oldClip = ClipField.GetValue(this); 
            if ((oldClip == newClip) || 
                (dontSetWhenClose && (oldClip != null) && (newClip != null) && oldClip.AreClose(newClip)))

            // Add changed notifications for the new clip if necessary. 
            if (newClip != null && !newClip.IsFrozen)
                newClip.Changed += ClipChangedHandler; 
            if (oldClip != null)
                // Remove changed notifications for the old clip if necessary. 
                if (!oldClip.IsFrozen) 
                    oldClip.Changed -= ClipChangedHandler; 

                // Disconnect the clip from this visual. 

            // Set the new clip and mark it dirty 
            ClipField.SetValue(this, newClip); 

            SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsClipDirty); 

            ClipChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);
        /// Gets and sets the offset. 
        protected internal Vector VisualOffset
                // VerifyAPIReadOnly(); // Intentionally removed for performance reasons.
                return _offset; 
            protected set 
                if (value != _offset) // Fuzzy comparison might be better here.
                    VisualFlags flags;
                    _offset = value;
                    SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsOffsetDirty); 

                    flags = VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate; 

                    // NTRAID#Longhorn-1611281-2006/04/14-bedej:
                    // If this node or subtree has realizations, and there are bitmap effects in the 
                    // scene, we need to propagate the change flag so that we can produce new realizations
                    // for those bitmap effects. This means that adding bitmap effects will regress 
                    // performance by producing unnecessary glyph realizations. 
                    if (CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.NodeUsesRealizationCaches | VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeUsesRealizationCaches)
                        && MediaContext.From(Dispatcher).BitmapEffectsUsed)
                        SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization); 
                        flags |= VisualFlags.NodeInSubtreeRequiresNewRealization;
        /// Gets or sets the opacity of the Visual.
        protected internal double VisualOpacity
                return OpacityCache; 
            protected set 

                if (OpacityCache == value) 

                OpacityField.SetValue(this, value); 

                // GSchneid: We need to do more here for animated opacity.

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityDirty); 


        /// Gets or sets the EdgeMode of the Visual.
        protected internal EdgeMode VisualEdgeMode 

                return EdgeModeCache; 
            protected set 
                if (EdgeModeCache == value)

                EdgeModeField.SetValue(this, value); 
                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsEdgeModeDirty);
        private EdgeMode EdgeModeCache
                object edgeMode = EdgeModeField.GetValue(this);
                if (edgeMode == null)
                    return EdgeMode.Unspecified; 
                return (EdgeMode)edgeMode;
        /// Gets or sets the ImageScalingMode of the Visual. 
        protected internal BitmapScalingMode VisualBitmapScalingMode
                return BitmapScalingModeCache;
            protected set 

                if (BitmapScalingModeCache == value)
                BitmapScalingModeField.SetValue(this, value); 

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapScalingModeDirty); 


        private BitmapScalingMode BitmapScalingModeCache 
                object bitmapScalingMode = BitmapScalingModeField.GetValue(this); 

                if (bitmapScalingMode == null) 
                    return BitmapScalingMode.Unspecified;

                return (BitmapScalingMode) bitmapScalingMode;

        /// OpacityMask Property - 
        /// Gets or sets the optional OpacityMask.  If set, the Brush's opacity will
        /// be combined multiplicitively with the Visual's rendered content. 
        protected internal Brush VisualOpacityMask
                return OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);
            protected set
                Brush opacityMask = OpacityMaskField.GetValue(this);
                if (opacityMask == value) 

                Brush newOpacityMask = value;

                // Add changed notifications for the new opacity mask if necessary. 
                if (newOpacityMask != null && !newOpacityMask.IsFrozen)
                    newOpacityMask.Changed += OpacityMaskChangedHandler; 
                if (opacityMask != null)
                    // Remove changed notifications for the old opacity mask if necessary. 
                    if (!opacityMask.IsFrozen) 
                        opacityMask.Changed -= OpacityMaskChangedHandler; 

                    // Disconnect the opacity mask from this visual. 
                    // If the visual has a bitmap effect, the opacity mask is not
                    // connected 
                    if (!NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect)
                // Set the new opacity mask and mark it dirty

                OpacityMaskField.SetValue(this, newOpacityMask);

                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsOpacityMaskDirty); 

                OpacityMaskChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        /// Gets or sets X- (vertical) guidelines on this Visual.
        protected internal DoubleCollection VisualXSnappingGuidelines

                return GuidelinesXField.GetValue(this);
            protected set 
                DoubleCollection guidelines = GuidelinesXField.GetValue(this);
                if (guidelines == value) 
                DoubleCollection newGuidelines = value;
                // Add changed notifications for the new guidelines if necessary. 
                if (newGuidelines != null && !newGuidelines.IsFrozen)
                    newGuidelines.Changed += GuidelinesChangedHandler;

                // Remove changed notifications for the old guidelines if necessary. 
                if (guidelines != null && !guidelines.IsFrozen)
                    guidelines.Changed -= GuidelinesChangedHandler; 
                GuidelinesXField.SetValue(this, newGuidelines);

                GuidelinesChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null);
        /// Gets or sets Y- (horizontal) guidelines of this Visual. 
        protected internal DoubleCollection VisualYSnappingGuidelines
                return GuidelinesYField.GetValue(this);
            protected set
                DoubleCollection guidelines = GuidelinesYField.GetValue(this);
                if (guidelines == value) 

                DoubleCollection newGuidelines = value;

                // Add changed notifications for the new guidelines if necessary. 
                if (newGuidelines != null && !newGuidelines.IsFrozen)
                    newGuidelines.Changed += GuidelinesChangedHandler; 
                // Remove changed notifications for the old guidelines if necessary.
                if (guidelines != null && !guidelines.IsFrozen)
                    guidelines.Changed -= GuidelinesChangedHandler; 
                GuidelinesYField.SetValue(this, newGuidelines); 

                GuidelinesChanged(/* sender */ null, /* args */ null); 

        #endregion Visual Properties 

        private double OpacityCache 
                object opacity = OpacityField.GetValue(this);
                if (opacity == null)
                    return 1.0; 
                return (double)opacity; 

        /// Disconnects a resource attached to this visual. 
        internal void DisconnectAttachedResource(
            VisualProxyFlags correspondingFlag, 
            DUCE.IResource attachedResource)
            // We need a special case for the content (corresponding 
            // to the IsContentConnected flag).
            bool needToReleaseContent =
                correspondingFlag == VisualProxyFlags.IsContentConnected; 

            // Iterate over the channels this visual is being marshaled to 
            for (int i = 0; i < _proxy.Count; i++) 
                DUCE.Channel channel = _proxy.GetChannel(i); 
                VisualProxyFlags flags = _proxy.GetFlags(i);

                // See if the corresponding flag is set... 
                bool correspondingFlagSet = 
                    (flags & correspondingFlag) != 0;

                // We want to perform an action if IsContentConnected
                // flag is set or a Is*Dirty flag is not set: 
                if (correspondingFlagSet == needToReleaseContent) 
                    // Set the flag so that during render we send
                    // update to the compositor.
                    SetFlags(channel, true, correspondingFlag); 

                    // Add this resource to the queue for delayed-removal. 

                    if (needToReleaseContent)
                        // Mark the content of this visual as disconnected.

                        _proxy.SetFlags(i, false, VisualProxyFlags.IsContentConnected);


        /// GetDrawing - Returns the Drawing content of this Visual
        internal virtual DrawingGroup GetDrawing()

            // Default implementation returns null for Visual's that 
            // don't have drawings
            return null;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Visual Ancestry Relations 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Visual Ancestry Relations 

        /// This is called when the parent link of the Visual is changed. 
        /// This method executes important base functionality before calling the
        /// overridable virtual. 
        /// Old parent or null if the Visual did not have a parent before.
        internal virtual void FireOnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)
            // Call the ParentChanged virtual before firing the Ancestor Changed Event
            // Clean up bits when the tree is Cut or Pasted.
            // If we are attaching to a tree then
            // send the bit up if we need to.
            if(oldParent == null)
                Debug.Assert(_parent != null, "If oldParent is null, current parent should != null.");
            // If we are cutting a sub tree off then 
            // clear the bit in the main tree above if we need to. 
            // Fire the Ancestor changed Event on the nodes.
            AncestorChangedEventArgs args = new AncestorChangedEventArgs(this, oldParent);
            ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(this, args);

        /// OnVisualParentChanged is called when the parent of the Visual is changed.
        /// Old parent or null if the Visual did not have a parent before.
        protected internal virtual void OnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)

        /// OnVisualChildrenChanged is called when the VisualCollection of the Visual is edited. 
        protected internal virtual void OnVisualChildrenChanged( 
            DependencyObject visualAdded,
            DependencyObject visualRemoved)

        ///   Add removed delegates to the VisualAncenstorChanged Event.
        ///     This also sets/clears the tree-searching bit up the tree
        internal event AncestorChangedEventHandler VisualAncestorChanged 
                AncestorChangedEventHandler newHandler = AncestorChangedEventField.GetValue(this);
                if (newHandler == null)
                    newHandler = value;
                    newHandler += value; 
                AncestorChangedEventField.SetValue(this, newHandler);


                // check that we are Disabling a node that was previously Enabled

                // if we are Disabling a Visual that was not Enabled then this
                // search should fail.  But it is safe to check.
                AncestorChangedEventHandler newHandler = AncestorChangedEventField.GetValue(this); 

                if (newHandler != null) 
                    newHandler -= value;
                    if(newHandler == null)
                        AncestorChangedEventField.SetValue(this, newHandler); 

        ///     Walks down in the tree for nodes that have AncestorChanged Handlers 
        ///     registered and calls them. 
        ///     It uses Flag bits that help it prune the walk.  This should go
        ///     straight to the relevent nodes. 
        internal static void ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(DependencyObject e, AncestorChangedEventArgs args)
            if (e is Visual3D) 
                Visual3D.ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(e, args); 
                Visual eAsVisual = e as Visual;

                // If the flag is not set, then we are Done.

                // If there is a handler on this node, then fire it. 
                AncestorChangedEventHandler handler = AncestorChangedEventField.GetValue(eAsVisual);

                if(handler != null)
                    handler(eAsVisual, args);
                // Decend into the children.
                int count = eAsVisual.InternalVisual2DOr3DChildrenCount; 

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DependencyObject childVisual = eAsVisual.InternalGet2DOr3DVisualChild(i); 
                    if (childVisual != null)
                        ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(childVisual, args); 

        /// Returns true if the specified ancestor (this) is really the ancestor of the 
        /// given descendant (argument). 
        public bool IsAncestorOf(DependencyObject descendant) 
            Visual visual;
            Visual3D visual3D;
            VisualTreeUtils.AsNonNullVisual(descendant, out visual, out visual3D);
            // x86 branch prediction skips the branch on first encounter.  We favor 2D. 
            if(visual3D != null)
                return visual3D.IsDescendantOf(this);

            return visual.IsDescendantOf(this); 
        /// Returns true if the refernece Visual (this) is a descendant of the argument Visual.
        public bool IsDescendantOf(DependencyObject ancestor)
            if (ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestor");
            // Walk up the parent chain of the descendant until we run out
            // of 2D parents or we find the ancestor.
            DependencyObject current = this;
            while ((current != null) && (current != ancestor))
                Visual currentAsVisual = current as Visual; 

                if (currentAsVisual != null) 
                    current = currentAsVisual._parent;
                    Visual3D currentAsVisual3D = current as Visual3D; 
                    if (currentAsVisual3D != null)
                        current = currentAsVisual3D.InternalVisualParent;
                        current = null;
            return current == ancestor;

        ///     Walks up the Visual tree setting or clearing the given flags.  Unlike 
        ///     PropagateFlags this does not terminate when it reaches node with 
        ///     the flags already set.  It always walks all the way to the root.
        internal void SetFlagsToRoot(bool value, VisualFlags flag)
            Visual current = this;
                current.SetFlags(value, flag); 

                Visual currentParent = current._parent as Visual;

                // if the cast to currentParent failed and yet current._parent is not null then
                // we have a 3D element.  Call SetFlagsToRoot on it instead. 
                if (current._parent != null && currentParent == null)
                    ((Visual3D)current._parent).SetFlagsToRoot(value, flag); 

                current = currentParent;
            while (current != null); 
        ///     Finds the first ancestor of the given element which has the given 
        ///     flags set.
        internal DependencyObject FindFirstAncestorWithFlagsAnd(VisualFlags flag)
            Visual current = this;
                if (current.CheckFlagsAnd(flag)) 
                    // The other Visual crossed through this Visual's parent chain. Hence this is our
                    // common ancestor.
                    return current; 
                DependencyObject parent = current._parent; 

                // first attempt to see if parent is a Visual, in which case we continue the loop. 
                // Otherwise see if it's a Visual3D, and call the similar method on it.
                current = parent as Visual;
                if (current == null)
                    Visual3D parentAsVisual3D = parent as Visual3D;
                    if (parentAsVisual3D != null) 
                        return parentAsVisual3D.FindFirstAncestorWithFlagsAnd(flag);
            while (current != null);
            return null;

        /// Finds the common ancestor of two Visuals.
        /// Returns the common ancestor if the Visuals have one or otherwise null.
        /// If the argument is null. 
        public DependencyObject FindCommonVisualAncestor(DependencyObject otherVisual)

            if (otherVisual == null) 
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("otherVisual");
            // Since we can't rely on code running in the CLR, we need to first make sure
            // that the FindCommonAncestor flag is not set. It is enought to ensure this 
            // on one path to the root Visual. 


            SetFlagsToRoot(false, VisualFlags.FindCommonAncestor);
            // Walk up the other visual's parent chain and set the FindCommonAncestor flag. 
            VisualTreeUtils.SetFlagsToRoot(otherVisual, true, VisualFlags.FindCommonAncestor);
            // Now see if the other Visual's parent chain crosses our parent chain.
            return FindFirstAncestorWithFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.FindCommonAncestor);
        #endregion Visual Ancestry Relations
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual-to-Visual Transforms
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Visual-to-Visual Transforms
        /// Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinate from this
        /// node to the specified ancestor.  It allows 3D to be between the 2D nodes. 
        /// If ancestor is null.
        /// If the ancestor Visual is not a ancestor of Visual. 
        /// If the Visuals are not connected.
        public GeneralTransform TransformToAncestor( 
            Visual ancestor)
            if (ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestor");
            return InternalTransformToAncestor(ancestor, false);

        /// Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinate from this
        /// node to the specified ancestor. 
        /// If ancestor is null. 
        /// If the ancestor Visual3D is not a ancestor of Visual.
        /// If the Visuals are not connected.
        public GeneralTransform2DTo3D TransformToAncestor(Visual3D ancestor) 
            if (ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ancestor");


            return InternalTransformToAncestor(ancestor, false); 

        /// Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this
        /// node to the specified descendant, or null if the transform from descendant to "this"
        /// is non-invertible.  It allows 3D to be between the 2D nodes.
        /// If the reference Visual is not a ancestor of the descendant Visual. 
        /// If the descendant argument is null.
        /// If the Visuals are not connected. 
        public GeneralTransform TransformToDescendant(Visual descendant)
            if (descendant == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("descendant");
            return descendant.InternalTransformToAncestor(this, true);

        /// The returned matrix can be used to transform coordinates from this Visual to 
        /// the specified Visual. 
        /// Returns null if no such transform exists due to a non-invertible Transform.
        /// If visual is null.
        /// If the Visuals are not connected.
        public GeneralTransform TransformToVisual(Visual visual)
            DependencyObject ancestor = FindCommonVisualAncestor(visual);
            Visual ancestorAsVisual = ancestor as Visual; 
            if (ancestorAsVisual == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NoCommonAncestor));

            GeneralTransform g0; 
            Matrix m0;
            bool isSimple0 = this.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestorAsVisual, 
                                                               out g0, 
                                                               out m0);

            GeneralTransform g1;
            Matrix m1; 

            bool isSimple1 = visual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestorAsVisual, 
                                                                 out g1,
                                                                 out m1); 

            // combine the transforms
            // if both transforms are simple Matrix transforms, just multiply them and
            // return the result. 
            if (isSimple0 && isSimple1)
                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m0, ref m1); 
                MatrixTransform m = new MatrixTransform(m0);
                return m;

            // Handle the case where 0 is simple and 1 is complex. 
            if (isSimple0)
                g0 = new MatrixTransform(m0); 
            else if (isSimple1)
                g1 = new MatrixTransform(m1);
            // If inverse was requested, TrySimpleTransformToAncestor can return null 
            // add the transform only if it is not null
            if (g1 != null) 
                GeneralTransformGroup group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                return group; 

            return g0; 

        /// Returns the transform or the inverse transform between this visual and the specified ancestor. 
        /// If inverse is requested but does not exist (if the transform is not invertible), null is returned.
        /// Ancestor visual. 
        /// Returns inverse if this argument is true.
        private GeneralTransform InternalTransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor, bool inverse) 
            GeneralTransform generalTransform;
            Matrix simpleTransform;
            bool isSimple = TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestor,
                                                         out generalTransform, 
                                                         out simpleTransform);
            if (isSimple)
                MatrixTransform matrixTransform = new MatrixTransform(simpleTransform);
                return matrixTransform;
                return generalTransform; 

        /// Provides the transform or the inverse transform between this visual and the specified ancestor.
        /// Returns true if the transform is "simple" - in which case the GeneralTransform is null 
        /// and the caller should use the Matrix. 
        /// Otherwise, returns false - use the GeneralTransform and ignore the Matrix.
        /// If inverse is requested but not available (if the transform is not invertible), false is 
        /// returned and the GeneralTransform is null.
        /// Ancestor visual.
        /// Returns inverse if this argument is true. 
        /// The GeneralTransform if this method returns false.
        /// The Matrix if this method returns true. 
        internal bool TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor, 
                                                   bool inverse,
                                                   out GeneralTransform generalTransform, 
                                                   out Matrix simpleTransform)
            Debug.Assert(ancestor != null);
            // flag to indicate if we have a case where we do multile 2D->3D->2D transitions
            bool embedded2Don3D = false; 
            DependencyObject g = this;
            Matrix m = Matrix.Identity; 

            // Keep this null until it's needed
            GeneralTransformGroup group = null;
            // This while loop will walk up the visual tree until we encounter the ancestor.
            // As it does so, it will accumulate the descendent->ancestor transform. 
            // In most cases, this is simply a matrix, though if we encounter a bitmap effect we 
            // will need to use a general transform group to store the transform.
            // We will accumulate the current transform in a matrix until we encounter a bitmap effect, 
            // at which point we will add the matrix's current value and the bitmap effect's transforms
            // to the GeneralTransformGroup and continue to accumulate further transforms in the matrix again.
            // At the end of this loop, we will have 0 or more transforms in the GeneralTransformGroup
            // and the matrix which, if not identity, should be appended to the GeneralTransformGroup. 
            // If, as is commonly the case, this loop terminates without encountering a bitmap effect
            // we will simply use the Matrix. 
            while ((VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(g) != null) && (g != ancestor))
                Visual gAsVisual = g as Visual;
                if (gAsVisual != null)
                    if (gAsVisual.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect)) 
                        // Only check for Effect, not legacy BitmapEffect.  Previous 
                        // version had an incorrect BitmapEffect implementation 
                        // here, and there's no need to improve on our
                        // BitmapEffect implementation if it didn't work 
                        // before.

                        Effect imageEffect = EffectField.GetValue(gAsVisual);
                        if (imageEffect != null) 
                            GeneralTransform gt = imageEffect.CoerceToUnitSpaceGeneralTransform( 
                            Transform affineTransform = gt.AffineTransform;
                            if (affineTransform != null)
                                Matrix cm = affineTransform.Value; 
                                MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm);
                                if (group == null) 
                                    group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                                group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m));
                                m = Matrix.Identity; 

                    Transform transform = TransformField.GetValue(gAsVisual); 
                    if (transform != null)
                        Matrix cm = transform.Value; 
                        MatrixUtil.MultiplyMatrix(ref m, ref cm);
                    m.Translate(gAsVisual._offset.X, gAsVisual._offset.Y); // Consider having a bit that indicates that we have a non-null offset.
                    g = gAsVisual._parent;
                    // we just hit a Visual3D - use a GeneralTransform to go from 2D -> 3D -> 2D 
                    // and then return to the tree using the 2D parent - the general transform will deal with the 
                    // actual transformation.  This Visual3D also must be a Viewport2DVisual3D since this is the only
                    // Visual3D that can have a 2D child. 
                    Viewport2DVisual3D gAsVisual3D = g as Viewport2DVisual3D;

                    if (group == null)
                        group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                    group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m));
                    m = Matrix.Identity; 

                    Visual visualForGenTransform = null;
                    if (embedded2Don3D)
                        visualForGenTransform = gAsVisual3D.Visual;
                        visualForGenTransform = this; 
                        embedded2Don3D = true;

                    group.Children.Add(new GeneralTransform2DTo3DTo2D(gAsVisual3D, visualForGenTransform)); 

                    g = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(gAsVisual3D); 
            if (g != ancestor)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(inverse ? SRID.Visual_NotADescendant : SRID.Visual_NotAnAncestor));

            // At this point, we will have 0 or more transforms in the GeneralTransformGroup 
            // and the matrix which, if not identity, should be appended to the GeneralTransformGroup. 
            // If, as is commonly the case, this loop terminates without encountering a bitmap effect
            // we will simply use the Matrix. 

            // Assert that a non-null group implies at least one child
            Debug.Assert((group == null) || (group.Children.Count > 0));
            // Do we have a group?
            if (group != null) 
                if (!m.IsIdentity)
                    group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(m));

                if (inverse) 
                    group = (GeneralTransformGroup)group.Inverse; 

                // group can be null if it does not have an inverse 
                if (group != null)

                // Initialize out params 
                generalTransform = group; 
                simpleTransform = new Matrix();
                return false; // simple transform failed 
            // If not, the entire transform is stored in the matrix
                // Initialize out params
                generalTransform = null; 
                if (inverse)
                    if (!m.HasInverse)
                        simpleTransform = new Matrix();
                        return false; // inversion failed, so simple transform failed. 
                simpleTransform = m;
                return true; // simple transform succeeded

        /// Returns the transform or the inverse transform between this visual and the specified ancestor. 
        /// If inverse is requested but does not exist (if the transform is not invertible), null is returned.
        /// Ancestor visual.
        /// Returns inverse if this argument is true.
        private GeneralTransform2DTo3D InternalTransformToAncestor(Visual3D ancestor, bool inverse)
            GeneralTransform2DTo3D transformTo3D = null;
            if (TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(ancestor, 
                                             out transformTo3D))
                return transformTo3D;
                return null; 
        /// Provides the transform to go from 2D to 3D.
        /// Ancestor visual. 
        /// The transform to use to go to 3D
        internal bool TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(Visual3D ancestor, 
                                                   out GeneralTransform2DTo3D transformTo3D) 
            Debug.Assert(ancestor != null); 

            // get the 3D object that contains this visual
            // this must be a Viewport2DVisual3D since this is the only 3D class that can contain 2D content as a child
            Viewport2DVisual3D containingVisual3D = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual3D(this) as Viewport2DVisual3D; 

            // if containingVisual3D is null then ancestor is not the ancestor 
            if (containingVisual3D == null) 
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NotAnAncestor)); 

            GeneralTransform transform2D = this.TransformToAncestor(containingVisual3D.Visual);
            GeneralTransform3D transform3D = containingVisual3D.TransformToAncestor(ancestor); 
            transformTo3D = new GeneralTransform2DTo3D(transform2D, containingVisual3D, transform3D);
            return true; 
        /// This method converts a point in the current Visual's coordinate
        /// system into a point in screen coordinates.
        public Point PointToScreen(Point point)

            PresentationSource inputSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this); 

            if (inputSource == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NoPresentationSource)); 
            // Translate the point from the visual to the root. 
            GeneralTransform gUp = this.TransformToAncestor(inputSource.RootVisual);
            if (gUp == null || !gUp.TryTransform(point, out point)) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_CannotTransformPoint));
            // Translate the point from the root to the screen
            point = PointUtil.RootToClient(point, inputSource); 
            point = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(point, inputSource); 

            return point; 

        /// This method converts a point in screen coordinates into a point 
        /// in the current Visual's coordinate system.
        public Point PointFromScreen(Point point) 

            PresentationSource inputSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this);

            if (inputSource == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_NoPresentationSource)); 

            // Translate the point from the screen to the root 
            point = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(point, inputSource);
            point = PointUtil.ClientToRoot(point, inputSource);

            // Translate the point from the root to the visual. 
            GeneralTransform gDown = inputSource.RootVisual.TransformToDescendant(this);
            if (gDown == null || !gDown.TryTransform(point, out point)) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Visual_CannotTransformPoint));

            return point;
        #endregion Visual-to-Visual Transforms

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        //   Internal Event Handlers
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Internal Event Handlers 
        internal EventHandler ClipChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(ClipChanged);
        internal void ClipChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 

        internal EventHandler TransformChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(TransformChanged); 

        internal void TransformChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        internal EventHandler EffectChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(EffectChanged);
        internal void EffectChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 

        internal EventHandler GuidelinesChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(GuidelinesChanged); 

        internal void GuidelinesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        internal EventHandler OpacityMaskChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(OpacityMaskChanged); 
        internal void OpacityMaskChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        internal EventHandler BitmapEffectChangedHandler 
                return new EventHandler(BitmapEffectChanged);
        internal void BitmapEffectChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty); 

        internal EventHandler BitmapEffectInputChangedHandler
                return new EventHandler(BitmapEffectInputChanged); 

        internal void BitmapEffectInputChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect) 
                SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, VisualProxyFlags.IsBitmapEffectDirty); 
                    VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate,

        internal EventHandler ContentsChangedHandler 
                return new EventHandler(ContentsChanged);
        internal virtual void ContentsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #endregion Internal Event Handlers

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Visual flags manipulation 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Visual flags manipulation

        /// SetFlagsOnAllChannels is used to set or unset one
        /// or multiple flags on all channels this visual is 
        /// marshaled to. 
        internal void SetFlagsOnAllChannels( 
            bool value,
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToChange)

        /// SetFlags is used to set or unset one or multiple flags on a given channel.
        internal void SetFlags( 
            DUCE.Channel channel,
            bool value, 
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToChange) 

        /// SetFlags is used to set or unset one or multiple node flags on the node.
        internal void SetFlags(bool value, VisualFlags flags)
            _flags = value ? (_flags | flags) : (_flags & (~flags));

        /// CheckFlagsOnAllChannels returns true if all flags in
        /// the bitmask flags are set on all channels this visual is 
        /// marshaled to.
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags 
        /// the method returns true.
        internal bool CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(VisualProxyFlags flagsToCheck) 
            return _proxy.CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(flagsToCheck); 

        /// CheckFlagsAnd returns true if all flags in the bitmask flags
        /// are set on a given channel. 
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags 
        /// the method returns true.
        internal bool CheckFlagsAnd(
            DUCE.Channel channel, 
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToCheck)
            return (_proxy.GetFlags(channel) & flagsToCheck) == flagsToCheck; 

        /// CheckFlagsAnd returns true if all flags in the bitmask flags are set on the node.
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags the method
        /// returns true 
        internal bool CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags flags) 
            return (_flags & flags) == flags; 

        /// Checks if any of the specified flags is set on a given channel. 
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags 
        /// the method returns true.
        internal bool CheckFlagsOr(
            DUCE.Channel channel,
            VisualProxyFlags flagsToCheck)
            return (_proxy.GetFlags(channel) & flagsToCheck) != VisualProxyFlags.None;

        /// Checks if any of the specified flags is set on the node.
        /// If there aren't any bits set on the specified flags the method
        /// returns true 
        internal bool CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags flags)
            return (flags == 0) || ((_flags & flags) > 0); 

        ///     Set a bit in a Visual node and in all its direct ancestors.
        /// The Visual Element
        /// The Flag that marks a sub tree to search 
        /// The Flag that marks the node to search for. 
        internal static void SetTreeBits(
            DependencyObject e, 
            VisualFlags treeFlag,
            VisualFlags nodeFlag)
            Visual eAsVisual; 
            Visual3D eAsVisual3D;
            if (e != null) 
                eAsVisual = e as Visual; 
                if (eAsVisual != null)
                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(true, nodeFlag);
                    ((Visual3D)e).SetFlags(true, nodeFlag); 

            while (null!=e)
                eAsVisual = e as Visual; 
                if (eAsVisual != null)
                    // if the bit is already set, then we're done. 

                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(true, treeFlag);
                    eAsVisual3D = e as Visual3D; 
                    // if the bit is already set, then we're done.

                    eAsVisual3D.SetFlags(true, treeFlag);

                e = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(e); 

        ///     Clean a bit in a Visual node and in all its direct ancestors;
        ///     unless the ancestor also has 
        /// The Visual Element 
        /// The Flag that marks a sub tree to search 
        /// The Flag that marks the node to search for.
        internal static void ClearTreeBits( 
            DependencyObject e,
            VisualFlags treeFlag,
            VisualFlags nodeFlag)
            Visual eAsVisual;
            Visual3D eAsVisual3D; 
            // This bit might not be set, but checking costs as much as setting
            // So it is faster to just clear it everytime. 
            if (e != null)
                eAsVisual = e as Visual;
                if (eAsVisual != null) 
                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(false, nodeFlag); 
                    ((Visual3D)e).SetFlags(false, nodeFlag);
            while (e != null)
                eAsVisual = e as Visual; 
                if (eAsVisual != null)
                        return;  // Done;   if a parent also has the Node bit set.

                    if(DoAnyChildrenHaveABitSet(eAsVisual, treeFlag)) 
                        return;  // Done;   if a other subtrees are set.

                    eAsVisual.SetFlags(false, treeFlag);
                    eAsVisual3D = e as Visual3D; 
                        return;  // Done;   if a parent also has the Node bit set.

                    if(Visual3D.DoAnyChildrenHaveABitSet(eAsVisual3D, treeFlag)) 
                        return;  // Done;   if a other subtrees are set. 

                    eAsVisual3D.SetFlags(false, treeFlag); 

                e = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(e);
        ///     Check all the children for a bit. 
        private static bool DoAnyChildrenHaveABitSet(
            Visual pe,
            VisualFlags flag) 
            int count = pe.VisualChildrenCount; 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Visual v = pe.GetVisualChild(i);
                if (v != null && v.CheckFlagsAnd(flag))
                    return true; 
            return false;

        /// Propagates the flags up to the root. 
        /// The walk stops on a node with all of the required flags set. 
        internal static void PropagateFlags( 
            Visual e,
            VisualFlags flags,
            VisualProxyFlags proxyFlags)
            while ((e != null) &&
                   (!e.CheckFlagsAnd(flags) || !e.CheckFlagsOnAllChannels(proxyFlags))) 
                if (e.CheckFlagsOr(VisualFlags.ShouldPostRender))
                    MediaContext mctx = MediaContext.From(e.Dispatcher);

                    if (mctx.Channel != null)
                else if (e.CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeIsVisualBrushRoot))
                    // For visuals that are root nodes in visual brushes we
                    // need to fire OnChanged on the owning brushes.

                    Dictionary visualBrushToChannelsMap = 

                    Debug.Assert(visualBrushToChannelsMap != null, "Visual brush roots need to have the visual brush to channels map!"); 

                    // Iterate over the visual brushes and fire the OnChanged event. 
                    foreach (VisualBrush visualBrush in visualBrushToChannelsMap.Keys) 

                e.SetFlags(true, flags); 
                e.SetFlagsOnAllChannels(true, proxyFlags);
                if (e._parent == null) 
                    // Stop propagating.  We are at the root of the 2D subtree. 

                Visual parentAsVisual = e._parent as Visual; 
                if (parentAsVisual == null)
                    // if the parent is not null (saw this with earlier null check) and is not a Visual 
                    // it must be a Visual3D - continue the propagation
                    Visual3D.PropagateFlags((Visual3D)e._parent, flags, proxyFlags); 

                e = parentAsVisual; 
        /// Sets the NodeRequiresNewRealization flag on the current node and 
        /// propagates the subtree realizations and dirty flags up to the root
        /// The walk stops on a node with all of the required flags set. 
        internal void PropagateChangedFlags() 
            // Don't always know in advance if node has realizations, so propagate 
            // flags regardless.
            SetFlags(true, VisualFlags.NodeRequiresNewRealization);
                VisualFlags.IsSubtreeDirtyForPrecompute | VisualFlags.NodeNeedsBitmapEffectUpdate, 

        private bool NodeHasLegacyBitmapEffect
                // NodeHasEffect flag is overloaded for both legacy 
                // BitmapEffects and the newer Effects
                    CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeHasEffect) &&
                    BitmapEffectStateField.GetValue(this) != null;

        #endregion Visual flags manipulation 

        /// Debug variable for counting nodes touched in the
        /// realizations walk
        internal static int MarkVisibleRealizationsCount;
        /// This node or a node below it contains a graphness 
        /// inducing element
        internal bool NodeContainsGraphness
                return CheckFlagsAnd(VisualFlags.NodeOrDescendantIntroducesGraphness); 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Internal Fields 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        #region Internal Fields
        internal static readonly UncommonField BitmapEffectStateField = new UncommonField();

        internal delegate void AncestorChangedEventHandler(object sender, AncestorChangedEventArgs e);
        // index in parent child array. no meaning if parent is null.
        // note that we maintain in debug that the _parentIndex is -1 if the parent is null. 
        internal int _parentIndex; 

        // (GSchneid) I think we have to change the API so that we can save 
        // here. For now that is good enough.
        internal DependencyObject _parent;

        internal VisualProxy _proxy; 

        #endregion Internal Fields 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        //   Private Fields
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Fields 

        // bbox in inner coordinate space of this node including its children. 
        private Rect _bboxSubgraph = Rect.Empty;

        // Store the visual brushes hold on to this visual. Also store the corresponding 
        // number of channel, on which that visual brush holds on to this visual.
        private static readonly UncommonField> VisualBrushToChannelsMapField 
            = new UncommonField>();
        // Store the channels on which visual brushes hold on to this visual. Also store the
        // corresponding number of visual brushes on that channel, holding on to this visual.
        private static readonly UncommonField> ChannelsToVisualBrushMapField
            = new UncommonField>(); 
        private static readonly UncommonField ClipField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField OpacityField = new UncommonField(); 
        private static readonly UncommonField OpacityMaskField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField EdgeModeField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField BitmapScalingModeField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField TransformField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField EffectField = new UncommonField(); 
        private static readonly UncommonField GuidelinesXField = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField GuidelinesYField = new UncommonField(); 

        private static readonly UncommonField AncestorChangedEventField
            = new UncommonField();
        private static readonly UncommonField UserProvidedBitmapEffectData = new UncommonField();
        private Vector _offset;
        private VisualFlags _flags; 

        #endregion Private Fields



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



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