/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / TableStyle.cs / 1 / TableStyle.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Security.Permissions; ////// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class TableStyle : Style { // The following are marked internal so that WebPartMenuStyle (or other derived types) can access IsSet on them internal const int PROP_BACKIMAGEURL = 0x00010000; internal const int PROP_CELLPADDING = 0x00020000; internal const int PROP_CELLSPACING = 0x00040000; internal const int PROP_GRIDLINES = 0x00080000; internal const int PROP_HORZALIGN = 0x00100000; ///Specifies the style of the table. ////// public TableStyle() : base() { } ///Initializes a new instance of the ///class. /// public TableStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the ///class with the /// specified state bag information. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_BackImageUrl), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { if (IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) { return(string)(ViewState["BackImageUrl"]); } return String.Empty; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } ViewState["BackImageUrl"] = value; SetBit(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL); } } ///Gets or sets the URL of the background image for the /// table. The image will be tiled if it is smaller than the table. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_CellPadding), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual int CellPadding { get { if (IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) { return(int)(ViewState["CellPadding"]); } return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.TableStyle_InvalidCellPadding)); } ViewState["CellPadding"] = value; SetBit(PROP_CELLPADDING); } } ///Gets or sets the distance between the border and the /// contents of the table cell. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_CellSpacing), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual int CellSpacing { get { if (IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) { return(int)(ViewState["CellSpacing"]); } return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.TableStyle_InvalidCellSpacing)); } ViewState["CellSpacing"] = value; SetBit(PROP_CELLSPACING); } } ///Gets or sets the distance between table cells. ////// Gets or sets the gridlines property of the table. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(GridLines.None), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_GridLines), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual GridLines GridLines { get { if (IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) { return(GridLines)(ViewState["GridLines"]); } return GridLines.None; } set { if (value < GridLines.None || value > GridLines.Both) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["GridLines"] = value; SetBit(PROP_GRIDLINES); } } ////// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(HorizontalAlign.NotSet), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_HorizontalAlign), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign { get { if (IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) { return(HorizontalAlign)(ViewState["HorizontalAlign"]); } return HorizontalAlign.NotSet; } set { if (value < HorizontalAlign.NotSet || value > HorizontalAlign.Justify) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["HorizontalAlign"] = value; SetBit(PROP_HORZALIGN); } } ///Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the table within the page. ////// /// public override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer, WebControl owner) { base.AddAttributesToRender(writer, owner); int n = CellSpacing; if (n >= 0) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing, n.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); if (n == 0) { writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderCollapse, "collapse"); } } n = CellPadding; if (n >= 0) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding, n.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } HorizontalAlign align = HorizontalAlign; if (align != HorizontalAlign.NotSet) { string alignValue = "Justify"; switch (align) { case HorizontalAlign.Left: alignValue = "Left"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Center: alignValue = "Center"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Right: alignValue = "Right"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Justify: alignValue = "Justify"; break; } writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align, alignValue); } GridLines gridLines = GridLines; if (gridLines != GridLines.None) { string rules = String.Empty; switch (GridLines) { case GridLines.Both: rules = "all"; break; case GridLines.Horizontal: rules = "rows"; break; case GridLines.Vertical: rules = "cols"; break; } writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rules, rules); } } ///Adds information about the background /// image, callspacing, cellpadding, gridlines, and alignment to the list of attributes /// to render. ////// /// public override void CopyFrom(Style s) { if (s != null && !s.IsEmpty) { base.CopyFrom(s); TableStyle ts = s as TableStyle; if (ts != null) { // Only copy the BackImageUrl if it isn't in the source Style's registered CSS class if (s.RegisteredCssClass.Length != 0) { if (ts.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) { ViewState.Remove("BackImageUrl"); ClearBit(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL); } } else { if (ts.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) this.BackImageUrl = ts.BackImageUrl; } if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) this.CellPadding = ts.CellPadding; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) this.CellSpacing = ts.CellSpacing; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) this.GridLines = ts.GridLines; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) this.HorizontalAlign = ts.HorizontalAlign; } } } ///Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, overwriting existing /// style elements if necessary. ///protected override void FillStyleAttributes(CssStyleCollection attributes, IUrlResolutionService urlResolver) { base.FillStyleAttributes(attributes, urlResolver); string s = BackImageUrl; if (s.Length != 0) { if (urlResolver != null) { s = urlResolver.ResolveClientUrl(s); } attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundImage, s); } } /// /// /// public override void MergeWith(Style s) { if (s != null && !s.IsEmpty) { if (IsEmpty) { // merge into an empty style is equivalent to a copy, // which is more efficient CopyFrom(s); return; } base.MergeWith(s); TableStyle ts = s as TableStyle; if (ts != null) { // Since we're already copying the registered CSS class in base.MergeWith, we don't // need to any attributes that would be included in that class. if (s.RegisteredCssClass.Length == 0) { if (ts.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL) && !this.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) this.BackImageUrl = ts.BackImageUrl; } if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING) && !this.IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) this.CellPadding = ts.CellPadding; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING) && !this.IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) this.CellSpacing = ts.CellSpacing; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES) && !this.IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) this.GridLines = ts.GridLines; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN) && !this.IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) this.HorizontalAlign = ts.HorizontalAlign; } } } ///Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, but will not overwrite /// any existing style elements. ////// /// public override void Reset() { if (IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) ViewState.Remove("BackImageUrl"); if (IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) ViewState.Remove("CellPadding"); if (IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) ViewState.Remove("CellSpacing"); if (IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) ViewState.Remove("GridLines"); if (IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) ViewState.Remove("HorizontalAlign"); base.Reset(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Clears out any defined style elements from the state bag. ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Security.Permissions; ////// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class TableStyle : Style { // The following are marked internal so that WebPartMenuStyle (or other derived types) can access IsSet on them internal const int PROP_BACKIMAGEURL = 0x00010000; internal const int PROP_CELLPADDING = 0x00020000; internal const int PROP_CELLSPACING = 0x00040000; internal const int PROP_GRIDLINES = 0x00080000; internal const int PROP_HORZALIGN = 0x00100000; ///Specifies the style of the table. ////// public TableStyle() : base() { } ///Initializes a new instance of the ///class. /// public TableStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the ///class with the /// specified state bag information. /// /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), UrlProperty(), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_BackImageUrl), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual string BackImageUrl { get { if (IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) { return(string)(ViewState["BackImageUrl"]); } return String.Empty; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } ViewState["BackImageUrl"] = value; SetBit(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL); } } ///Gets or sets the URL of the background image for the /// table. The image will be tiled if it is smaller than the table. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_CellPadding), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual int CellPadding { get { if (IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) { return(int)(ViewState["CellPadding"]); } return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.TableStyle_InvalidCellPadding)); } ViewState["CellPadding"] = value; SetBit(PROP_CELLPADDING); } } ///Gets or sets the distance between the border and the /// contents of the table cell. ////// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(-1), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_CellSpacing), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual int CellSpacing { get { if (IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) { return(int)(ViewState["CellSpacing"]); } return -1; } set { if (value < -1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.GetString(SR.TableStyle_InvalidCellSpacing)); } ViewState["CellSpacing"] = value; SetBit(PROP_CELLSPACING); } } ///Gets or sets the distance between table cells. ////// Gets or sets the gridlines property of the table. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(GridLines.None), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_GridLines), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual GridLines GridLines { get { if (IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) { return(GridLines)(ViewState["GridLines"]); } return GridLines.None; } set { if (value < GridLines.None || value > GridLines.Both) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["GridLines"] = value; SetBit(PROP_GRIDLINES); } } ////// [ WebCategory("Layout"), DefaultValue(HorizontalAlign.NotSet), WebSysDescription(SR.TableStyle_HorizontalAlign), NotifyParentProperty(true) ] public virtual HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign { get { if (IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) { return(HorizontalAlign)(ViewState["HorizontalAlign"]); } return HorizontalAlign.NotSet; } set { if (value < HorizontalAlign.NotSet || value > HorizontalAlign.Justify) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["HorizontalAlign"] = value; SetBit(PROP_HORZALIGN); } } ///Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the table within the page. ////// /// public override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer, WebControl owner) { base.AddAttributesToRender(writer, owner); int n = CellSpacing; if (n >= 0) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing, n.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); if (n == 0) { writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderCollapse, "collapse"); } } n = CellPadding; if (n >= 0) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding, n.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); } HorizontalAlign align = HorizontalAlign; if (align != HorizontalAlign.NotSet) { string alignValue = "Justify"; switch (align) { case HorizontalAlign.Left: alignValue = "Left"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Center: alignValue = "Center"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Right: alignValue = "Right"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Justify: alignValue = "Justify"; break; } writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align, alignValue); } GridLines gridLines = GridLines; if (gridLines != GridLines.None) { string rules = String.Empty; switch (GridLines) { case GridLines.Both: rules = "all"; break; case GridLines.Horizontal: rules = "rows"; break; case GridLines.Vertical: rules = "cols"; break; } writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rules, rules); } } ///Adds information about the background /// image, callspacing, cellpadding, gridlines, and alignment to the list of attributes /// to render. ////// /// public override void CopyFrom(Style s) { if (s != null && !s.IsEmpty) { base.CopyFrom(s); TableStyle ts = s as TableStyle; if (ts != null) { // Only copy the BackImageUrl if it isn't in the source Style's registered CSS class if (s.RegisteredCssClass.Length != 0) { if (ts.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) { ViewState.Remove("BackImageUrl"); ClearBit(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL); } } else { if (ts.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) this.BackImageUrl = ts.BackImageUrl; } if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) this.CellPadding = ts.CellPadding; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) this.CellSpacing = ts.CellSpacing; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) this.GridLines = ts.GridLines; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) this.HorizontalAlign = ts.HorizontalAlign; } } } ///Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, overwriting existing /// style elements if necessary. ///protected override void FillStyleAttributes(CssStyleCollection attributes, IUrlResolutionService urlResolver) { base.FillStyleAttributes(attributes, urlResolver); string s = BackImageUrl; if (s.Length != 0) { if (urlResolver != null) { s = urlResolver.ResolveClientUrl(s); } attributes.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundImage, s); } } /// /// /// public override void MergeWith(Style s) { if (s != null && !s.IsEmpty) { if (IsEmpty) { // merge into an empty style is equivalent to a copy, // which is more efficient CopyFrom(s); return; } base.MergeWith(s); TableStyle ts = s as TableStyle; if (ts != null) { // Since we're already copying the registered CSS class in base.MergeWith, we don't // need to any attributes that would be included in that class. if (s.RegisteredCssClass.Length == 0) { if (ts.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL) && !this.IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) this.BackImageUrl = ts.BackImageUrl; } if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING) && !this.IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) this.CellPadding = ts.CellPadding; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING) && !this.IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) this.CellSpacing = ts.CellSpacing; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES) && !this.IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) this.GridLines = ts.GridLines; if (ts.IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN) && !this.IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) this.HorizontalAlign = ts.HorizontalAlign; } } } ///Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, but will not overwrite /// any existing style elements. ////// /// public override void Reset() { if (IsSet(PROP_BACKIMAGEURL)) ViewState.Remove("BackImageUrl"); if (IsSet(PROP_CELLPADDING)) ViewState.Remove("CellPadding"); if (IsSet(PROP_CELLSPACING)) ViewState.Remove("CellSpacing"); if (IsSet(PROP_GRIDLINES)) ViewState.Remove("GridLines"); if (IsSet(PROP_HORZALIGN)) ViewState.Remove("HorizontalAlign"); base.Reset(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.Clears out any defined style elements from the state bag. ///
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