AttributeInfo.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WF / Common / AuthoringOM / Compiler / TypeSystem / AttributeInfo.cs / 1305376 / AttributeInfo.cs

                            namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler 
    using System;
    using System.CodeDom;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
 	using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
	/// Summary description for AttributeInfo.
 	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public sealed class AttributeInfoAttribute : Attribute 
 		private AttributeInfo attributeInfo;
		internal AttributeInfoAttribute(AttributeInfo attributeInfo)
			if (attributeInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("attributeInfo"); 

			this.attributeInfo = attributeInfo; 

		internal static AttributeInfoAttribute CreateAttributeInfoAttribute(Type attributeType, string[] argumentNames, object[] argumentValues) 
 			return new AttributeInfoAttribute(new AttributeInfo(attributeType, argumentNames, argumentValues));
 		public AttributeInfo AttributeInfo
 				return this.attributeInfo; 
	public sealed class AttributeInfo
		#region Members and Constructors 

		private Type		attributeType; 
		private string[]	argumentNames;
 		private object[]	argumentValues;

		internal AttributeInfo(Type attributeType, string[] argumentNames, object[] argumentValues) 
 			this.attributeType	= attributeType; 
			this.argumentNames	= (string[])argumentNames.Clone(); 
 			this.argumentValues = (object[])argumentValues.Clone();


		#region Properties 

 		public Type AttributeType 
				return attributeType;
		public ReadOnlyCollection ArgumentValues
 				List arguments = new List(this.argumentValues); 
 				return arguments.AsReadOnly();
		public bool Creatable
				if (attributeType.Assembly == null) 
 					return false;

 				foreach (object argument in argumentValues)
 					if (argument is Exception)
						return false; 
				return true;

 		#region Public methods
		public Attribute CreateAttribute() 
			if (!Creatable) 
				throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CannotCreateAttribute));

			List propertyNames = new List();
 			ArrayList propertyValues = new ArrayList(); 
			ArrayList constructorArguments = new ArrayList();
 			// go over the arguments, seperate named vs. non-named arguments 
 			for (int loop = 0; loop < argumentNames.Length; loop++)
 				if ((argumentNames[loop] == null) || (argumentNames[loop].Length == 0))
			// creating the Attribute
 			Attribute attribute = (Attribute)Activator.CreateInstance(attributeType, constructorArguments.ToArray());

			// setting named properties 
			for (int loop = 0; loop < propertyNames.Count; loop++)
				attributeType.GetProperty(propertyNames[loop]).SetValue(attribute, propertyValues[loop], null);
			return attribute;
		public object GetArgumentValueAs(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, int argumentIndex, Type requestedType)
			if (argumentIndex >= this.ArgumentValues.Count || argumentIndex < 0) 
 				throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_InvalidArgumentIndex), "argumentIndex");
            if (requestedType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestedType");

            SupportedLanguages language = CompilerHelpers.GetSupportedLanguage(serviceProvider); 

			if (requestedType == typeof(string)) 
 				string returnValue = this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] as string;
 				// string values read by the code-dom parser are double escaped, so
				// remove the 2nd escaping (we need to leave the escaping in at parse time)
				// in case the attribute argument is never processed and emitted as
				// the code snippet 
 				if (returnValue != null)
						returnValue = Regex.Unescape(returnValue); 
				if (returnValue != null) 
 					if (returnValue.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
						returnValue = returnValue.Substring(0, returnValue.Length - 1);

                    if (language == SupportedLanguages.CSharp && returnValue.StartsWith("@\"", StringComparison.Ordinal))
 						returnValue = returnValue.Substring(2, returnValue.Length - 2); 
					else if (returnValue.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal))
						returnValue = returnValue.Substring(1, returnValue.Length - 1); 

 				return returnValue; 
 			else if (requestedType.IsEnum)
				string parseableValue = ""; 
 				bool firstValue = true;
                foreach (string enumValue in (this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] as string).Split(new string[] { language == SupportedLanguages.CSharp ? "|" : "Or" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) 
					if (!firstValue)
						parseableValue += ","; 

 					int valueSep = enumValue.LastIndexOf('.');
					if (valueSep != -1)
 						parseableValue += enumValue.Substring(valueSep + 1); 
						parseableValue += enumValue; 
 					firstValue = false;

				return Enum.Parse(requestedType, parseableValue);
 			else if (requestedType == typeof(bool)) 
 				return System.Convert.ToBoolean(this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
			else if (requestedType == typeof(Type))
				string typeName = "";
				if (this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] is CodeTypeOfExpression)
					typeName = DesignTimeType.GetTypeNameFromCodeTypeReference((this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] as CodeTypeOfExpression).Type, null);
 				ITypeProvider typeProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeProvider)) as ITypeProvider;
				if (typeProvider == null) 
 					throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.General_MissingService, typeof(ITypeProvider).ToString())); 

                Type returnType = ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeProvider, language, typeName); 
 				if (returnType == null)
 					// Try to parse the attribute value manually
					string[] genericParamTypeNames = null; 
					string baseTypeName = string.Empty;
					string elementDecorators = string.Empty; 
                    if (ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeName, language == SupportedLanguages.CSharp ? ParseHelpers.ParseTypeNameLanguage.CSharp : ParseHelpers.ParseTypeNameLanguage.VB, out baseTypeName, out genericParamTypeNames, out elementDecorators)) 
						if (baseTypeName != null && genericParamTypeNames != null) 
 							string parsedTypeName = baseTypeName + "`" + genericParamTypeNames.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "[";
							foreach (string genericArg in genericParamTypeNames)
								if (genericArg != genericParamTypeNames[0])
									parsedTypeName += ","; 
                                Type genericArgType = ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeProvider, language, genericArg);
								if (genericArgType != null) 
 									parsedTypeName += "[" + genericArgType.FullName + "]";
 									parsedTypeName += "[" + genericArg + "]";
							parsedTypeName += "]";
                            returnType = ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeProvider, language, parsedTypeName); 

				return returnType;

			return null; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler 
    using System;
    using System.CodeDom;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
 	using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
	/// Summary description for AttributeInfo.
 	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public sealed class AttributeInfoAttribute : Attribute 
 		private AttributeInfo attributeInfo;
		internal AttributeInfoAttribute(AttributeInfo attributeInfo)
			if (attributeInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("attributeInfo"); 

			this.attributeInfo = attributeInfo; 

		internal static AttributeInfoAttribute CreateAttributeInfoAttribute(Type attributeType, string[] argumentNames, object[] argumentValues) 
 			return new AttributeInfoAttribute(new AttributeInfo(attributeType, argumentNames, argumentValues));
 		public AttributeInfo AttributeInfo
 				return this.attributeInfo; 
	public sealed class AttributeInfo
		#region Members and Constructors 

		private Type		attributeType; 
		private string[]	argumentNames;
 		private object[]	argumentValues;

		internal AttributeInfo(Type attributeType, string[] argumentNames, object[] argumentValues) 
 			this.attributeType	= attributeType; 
			this.argumentNames	= (string[])argumentNames.Clone(); 
 			this.argumentValues = (object[])argumentValues.Clone();


		#region Properties 

 		public Type AttributeType 
				return attributeType;
		public ReadOnlyCollection ArgumentValues
 				List arguments = new List(this.argumentValues); 
 				return arguments.AsReadOnly();
		public bool Creatable
				if (attributeType.Assembly == null) 
 					return false;

 				foreach (object argument in argumentValues)
 					if (argument is Exception)
						return false; 
				return true;

 		#region Public methods
		public Attribute CreateAttribute() 
			if (!Creatable) 
				throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CannotCreateAttribute));

			List propertyNames = new List();
 			ArrayList propertyValues = new ArrayList(); 
			ArrayList constructorArguments = new ArrayList();
 			// go over the arguments, seperate named vs. non-named arguments 
 			for (int loop = 0; loop < argumentNames.Length; loop++)
 				if ((argumentNames[loop] == null) || (argumentNames[loop].Length == 0))
			// creating the Attribute
 			Attribute attribute = (Attribute)Activator.CreateInstance(attributeType, constructorArguments.ToArray());

			// setting named properties 
			for (int loop = 0; loop < propertyNames.Count; loop++)
				attributeType.GetProperty(propertyNames[loop]).SetValue(attribute, propertyValues[loop], null);
			return attribute;
		public object GetArgumentValueAs(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, int argumentIndex, Type requestedType)
			if (argumentIndex >= this.ArgumentValues.Count || argumentIndex < 0) 
 				throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_InvalidArgumentIndex), "argumentIndex");
            if (requestedType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestedType");

            SupportedLanguages language = CompilerHelpers.GetSupportedLanguage(serviceProvider); 

			if (requestedType == typeof(string)) 
 				string returnValue = this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] as string;
 				// string values read by the code-dom parser are double escaped, so
				// remove the 2nd escaping (we need to leave the escaping in at parse time)
				// in case the attribute argument is never processed and emitted as
				// the code snippet 
 				if (returnValue != null)
						returnValue = Regex.Unescape(returnValue); 
				if (returnValue != null) 
 					if (returnValue.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
						returnValue = returnValue.Substring(0, returnValue.Length - 1);

                    if (language == SupportedLanguages.CSharp && returnValue.StartsWith("@\"", StringComparison.Ordinal))
 						returnValue = returnValue.Substring(2, returnValue.Length - 2); 
					else if (returnValue.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal))
						returnValue = returnValue.Substring(1, returnValue.Length - 1); 

 				return returnValue; 
 			else if (requestedType.IsEnum)
				string parseableValue = ""; 
 				bool firstValue = true;
                foreach (string enumValue in (this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] as string).Split(new string[] { language == SupportedLanguages.CSharp ? "|" : "Or" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) 
					if (!firstValue)
						parseableValue += ","; 

 					int valueSep = enumValue.LastIndexOf('.');
					if (valueSep != -1)
 						parseableValue += enumValue.Substring(valueSep + 1); 
						parseableValue += enumValue; 
 					firstValue = false;

				return Enum.Parse(requestedType, parseableValue);
 			else if (requestedType == typeof(bool)) 
 				return System.Convert.ToBoolean(this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
			else if (requestedType == typeof(Type))
				string typeName = "";
				if (this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] is CodeTypeOfExpression)
					typeName = DesignTimeType.GetTypeNameFromCodeTypeReference((this.ArgumentValues[argumentIndex] as CodeTypeOfExpression).Type, null);
 				ITypeProvider typeProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeProvider)) as ITypeProvider;
				if (typeProvider == null) 
 					throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.General_MissingService, typeof(ITypeProvider).ToString())); 

                Type returnType = ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeProvider, language, typeName); 
 				if (returnType == null)
 					// Try to parse the attribute value manually
					string[] genericParamTypeNames = null; 
					string baseTypeName = string.Empty;
					string elementDecorators = string.Empty; 
                    if (ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeName, language == SupportedLanguages.CSharp ? ParseHelpers.ParseTypeNameLanguage.CSharp : ParseHelpers.ParseTypeNameLanguage.VB, out baseTypeName, out genericParamTypeNames, out elementDecorators)) 
						if (baseTypeName != null && genericParamTypeNames != null) 
 							string parsedTypeName = baseTypeName + "`" + genericParamTypeNames.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "[";
							foreach (string genericArg in genericParamTypeNames)
								if (genericArg != genericParamTypeNames[0])
									parsedTypeName += ","; 
                                Type genericArgType = ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeProvider, language, genericArg);
								if (genericArgType != null) 
 									parsedTypeName += "[" + genericArgType.FullName + "]";
 									parsedTypeName += "[" + genericArg + "]";
							parsedTypeName += "]";
                            returnType = ParseHelpers.ParseTypeName(typeProvider, language, parsedTypeName); 

				return returnType;

			return null; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



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