TPLETWProvider.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Threading / Tasks / TPLETWProvider.cs / 1305376 / TPLETWProvider.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
// TplEtwProvider.cs 
// [....] 
// A helper class for firing ETW events related to the Task Parallel Library APIs.
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text;
namespace System.Threading

#if !FEATURE_PAL    // PAL doesn't support  eventing 

    using System.Diagnostics.Eventing; 
    sealed internal class TplEtwProvider : EventProviderBase
        // Defines the singleton instance for the TPL ETW provider
        // The TPL Event provider GUID is {2e5dba47-a3d2-4d16-8ee0-6671ffdcd7b5} 
        public static TplEtwProvider Log = new TplEtwProvider(); 
        private TplEtwProvider() : base(new Guid(0x2e5dba47, 0xa3d2, 0x4d16, 0x8e, 0xe0, 0x66, 0x71, 0xff, 0xdc, 0xd7, 0xb5)) { }

        // Parallel API Events 
        public enum ForkJoinOperationType 
        // The ParallelLoopStarted event denotes the entry point for a Parallel.For or Parallel.ForEach loop 
        [Event(1, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelLoopBegin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                        int ForkJoinContextID, ForkJoinOperationType OperationType, // PFX_FORKJOIN_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                        long InclusiveFrom, long ExclusiveTo)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(1, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID, (int) OperationType, InclusiveFrom, ExclusiveTo); 
        // The ParallelLoopEnd event denotes the end of a Parallel.For or Parallel.ForEach loop
        [Event(2, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelLoopEnd(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,            // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                        int ForkJoinContextID, long TotalIterations)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(2, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID, TotalIterations);
        // The ParallelInvokeBegin event denotes the entry point for a Parallel.Invoke call 
        [Event(3, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelInvokeBegin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,        // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                        int ForkJoinContextID, ForkJoinOperationType OperationType, // PFX_FORKJOIN_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                        int ActionCount)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(3, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID, (int) OperationType, ActionCount); 
        // The ParallelInvokeEnd event denotes the exit point for a Parallel.Invoke call
        [Event(4, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)] 
        public void ParallelInvokeEnd(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                      int ForkJoinContextID) 
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(4, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID);

        // The ParallelFork event denotes the start of an individual task that's part of 
        // a fork/join context. Before this event is fired, the start of the new fork/join context
        // will be marked with another event that declares a unique context ID. 
        [Event(5, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelFork(int OriginatingTaskManager, int OriginatingTaskID, int ForkJoinContextID) 
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(5, OriginatingTaskManager, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID);

        // The ParallelJoin event denotes the end of an individual task that's part of 
        // a fork/join context. This should match a previous ParallelFork event with a matching "OriginatingTaskID"
        [Event(6, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelJoin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID, int ForkJoinContextID)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(6, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID); 
        // Task Events 

        // These are all verbose events, so we need to call IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, EventKeywords.None) call.
        // However since the IsEnabled(l,k) call is more expensive than IsEnabled(), 
        // we only want to incur this cost when instrumentation is enabled.
        // So the Task codepaths that call these event functions will still do the check for IsEnabled() 
        // The TaskScheduled event is fired when a task is queued to the TaskManager 
        [Event(7, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)]
        public void TaskScheduled(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                  int TaskID, int CreatingTaskID, int TaskCreationOptions) 
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) )) 
                WriteEvent(7, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID, CreatingTaskID, TaskCreationOptions); 
        // The TaskStarted event is fired just before a task actually starts executing
        [Event(8, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)] 
        public void TaskStarted(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                int TaskID) 
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(8, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID); 

        // The TaskCompleted event is fired right after a task finished executing 
        [Event(9, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)] 
        public void TaskCompleted(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                  int TaskID, bool IsExceptional)
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(9, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID, IsExceptional);
        // The TaskWaitBegin event is fired when starting to wait for a taks's completion explicitly or implicitly. 
        [Event(10, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)]
        public void TaskWaitBegin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                  int TaskID)
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(10, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID); 
        // The TaskWaitEnd event is fired when the wait for a tasks completion returns
        [Event(11, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)]
        public void TaskWaitEnd(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                int TaskID)
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(11, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
// TplEtwProvider.cs 
// [....] 
// A helper class for firing ETW events related to the Task Parallel Library APIs.
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text;
namespace System.Threading

#if !FEATURE_PAL    // PAL doesn't support  eventing 

    using System.Diagnostics.Eventing; 
    sealed internal class TplEtwProvider : EventProviderBase
        // Defines the singleton instance for the TPL ETW provider
        // The TPL Event provider GUID is {2e5dba47-a3d2-4d16-8ee0-6671ffdcd7b5} 
        public static TplEtwProvider Log = new TplEtwProvider(); 
        private TplEtwProvider() : base(new Guid(0x2e5dba47, 0xa3d2, 0x4d16, 0x8e, 0xe0, 0x66, 0x71, 0xff, 0xdc, 0xd7, 0xb5)) { }

        // Parallel API Events 
        public enum ForkJoinOperationType 
        // The ParallelLoopStarted event denotes the entry point for a Parallel.For or Parallel.ForEach loop 
        [Event(1, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelLoopBegin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                        int ForkJoinContextID, ForkJoinOperationType OperationType, // PFX_FORKJOIN_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                        long InclusiveFrom, long ExclusiveTo)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(1, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID, (int) OperationType, InclusiveFrom, ExclusiveTo); 
        // The ParallelLoopEnd event denotes the end of a Parallel.For or Parallel.ForEach loop
        [Event(2, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelLoopEnd(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,            // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                        int ForkJoinContextID, long TotalIterations)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(2, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID, TotalIterations);
        // The ParallelInvokeBegin event denotes the entry point for a Parallel.Invoke call 
        [Event(3, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelInvokeBegin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,        // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                        int ForkJoinContextID, ForkJoinOperationType OperationType, // PFX_FORKJOIN_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                        int ActionCount)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(3, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID, (int) OperationType, ActionCount); 
        // The ParallelInvokeEnd event denotes the exit point for a Parallel.Invoke call
        [Event(4, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)] 
        public void ParallelInvokeEnd(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                      int ForkJoinContextID) 
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(4, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID);

        // The ParallelFork event denotes the start of an individual task that's part of 
        // a fork/join context. Before this event is fired, the start of the new fork/join context
        // will be marked with another event that declares a unique context ID. 
        [Event(5, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelFork(int OriginatingTaskManager, int OriginatingTaskID, int ForkJoinContextID) 
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(5, OriginatingTaskManager, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID);

        // The ParallelJoin event denotes the end of an individual task that's part of 
        // a fork/join context. This should match a previous ParallelFork event with a matching "OriginatingTaskID"
        [Event(6, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways)]
        public void ParallelJoin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID, int ForkJoinContextID)
            if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(6, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, ForkJoinContextID); 
        // Task Events 

        // These are all verbose events, so we need to call IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, EventKeywords.None) call.
        // However since the IsEnabled(l,k) call is more expensive than IsEnabled(), 
        // we only want to incur this cost when instrumentation is enabled.
        // So the Task codepaths that call these event functions will still do the check for IsEnabled() 
        // The TaskScheduled event is fired when a task is queued to the TaskManager 
        [Event(7, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)]
        public void TaskScheduled(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                  int TaskID, int CreatingTaskID, int TaskCreationOptions) 
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) )) 
                WriteEvent(7, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID, CreatingTaskID, TaskCreationOptions); 
        // The TaskStarted event is fired just before a task actually starts executing
        [Event(8, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)] 
        public void TaskStarted(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                int TaskID) 
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(8, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID); 

        // The TaskCompleted event is fired right after a task finished executing 
        [Event(9, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)] 
        public void TaskCompleted(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                  int TaskID, bool IsExceptional)
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(9, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID, IsExceptional);
        // The TaskWaitBegin event is fired when starting to wait for a taks's completion explicitly or implicitly. 
        [Event(10, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)]
        public void TaskWaitBegin(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER 
                                  int TaskID)
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(10, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID); 
        // The TaskWaitEnd event is fired when the wait for a tasks completion returns
        [Event(11, Level = EventLevel.Verbose)]
        public void TaskWaitEnd(int OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, int OriginatingTaskID,          // PFX_COMMON_EVENT_HEADER
                                int TaskID)
            if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Verbose, ((EventKeywords)(-1)) ))
                WriteEvent(11, OriginatingTaskSchedulerID, OriginatingTaskID, TaskID); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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