EntityClassGenerator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Design / system / Data / EntityModel / EntityClassGenerator.cs / 1407647 / EntityClassGenerator.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data.EntityModel;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Services.Design.Common;
using System.Data.Services.Design.Xml; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq; 
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;

namespace System.Data.Common.Utils 
    internal static class EntityUtil 
        static internal void CheckArgumentNull(T value, string parameterName) where T : class
            System.Data.Services.Design.EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, parameterName);

namespace System.Data.Services.Design 
    internal static class EntityUtil
        static internal void CheckArgumentNull(T value, string parameterName) where T : class
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, parameterName);

        static internal void CheckStringArgument(string value, string parameterName) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckStringArgument(value, parameterName);

    /// Summary description for CodeGenerator. 
    public sealed class EntityClassGenerator 
        #region Instance Fields
        private LanguageOption _languageOption = LanguageOption.GenerateCSharpCode; 
        private DataServiceCodeVersion _version = DataServiceCodeVersion.V1;
        private EdmToObjectNamespaceMap _edmToObjectNamespaceMap = new EdmToObjectNamespaceMap();
        private bool _useDataServiceCollection;
#if QFE_ENV 
        private bool _useDataServiceCollectionExplicitlySet;
        private bool _versionExplicitlySet; 
        const string UseDSC_EnvironmentVariable = "dscodegen_usedsc"; 
        const string Version_EnvironmentVariable = "dscodegen_version";
        const string Version2Dot0 = "2.0"; 
        const string UseDSCTrue = "1";


        #region Events 
        /// The event that is raised when a type is generated 
        public event EventHandler OnTypeGenerated;

        /// The event that is raised when a property is generated
        public event EventHandler OnPropertyGenerated; 


        #region Public Methods
        public EntityClassGenerator() 
        public EntityClassGenerator(LanguageOption languageOption) 
            _languageOption = EDesignUtil.CheckLanguageOptionArgument(languageOption, "languageOption"); 

        /// Get or set the flag that specifies if code generation emits the code necessary for data binding
        public bool UseDataServiceCollection
                return _useDataServiceCollection; 
                _useDataServiceCollection = value;
#if QFE_ENV 
                _useDataServiceCollectionExplicitlySet = true;
        /// Gets and Sets the WCF Data Service version which the generated code will be compatible with.
        public DataServiceCodeVersion Version 
                return _version;

                _version = EDesignUtil.CheckDataServiceCodeVersionArgument(value, "value"); 
                _versionExplicitlySet = true; 

        /// Gets and Sets the Language to use for code generation.
        public LanguageOption LanguageOption
            get { return _languageOption; } 
            set { _languageOption = EDesignUtil.CheckLanguageOptionArgument(value, "value"); }

        /// Gets the map entries use to customize the namespace of .net types that are generated
        /// and referenced by the generated code 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Edm")] 
        public EdmToObjectNamespaceMap EdmToObjectNamespaceMap 
            get { return _edmToObjectNamespaceMap; } 

        public IList GenerateCode(XmlReader sourceReader, string targetFilePath)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(sourceReader, "sourceReader");
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(targetFilePath, "targetPath"); 
            using (LazyTextWriterCreator target = new LazyTextWriterCreator(targetFilePath)) 
                // we do want to close the file 
                return GenerateCode(sourceReader, target, null);
        /// Generate code by reading an EDMX schema from an XmlReader and outputting the code into a TextWriter 
        /// Reader with a EDMX schema in it
        /// Target writer for the generated code 
        /// Prefix to use for generated namespaces
        /// Note that the NamespacePrefix is used as the only namespace for types in the same namespace
        /// as the default container, and as a prefix for the server-provided namespace for everything else. If 
        /// this argument is null, the server-provided namespaces are used for all types.
        public IList GenerateCode(XmlReader sourceReader, TextWriter targetWriter, string namespacePrefix)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(sourceReader, "sourceReader");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(targetWriter, "targetWriter");
            using (LazyTextWriterCreator target = new LazyTextWriterCreator(targetWriter))
                return GenerateCode(sourceReader, target, namespacePrefix);
            }   // does not actually close the targetWriter - that is the caller's responsibility 

        /// Given the specified element in a given namespace, remaps it into a
        ///  and trims elements and attributes that
        /// don't conform to the schema.
        /// Element to fit.
        /// Namespace of element. 
        /// Target namespace. 
        /// A new  that fits the specified .
        private static XElement FitElementToSchema(XElement element, string schemaNamespace, string targetNamespace) 
            Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null");
            Debug.Assert(schemaNamespace != null, "schemaNamespace != null");
            Debug.Assert(targetNamespace != null, "targetNamespace != null"); 
                targetNamespace == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace, 
                "targetNamespace == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace -- otherwise update CreateTargetSchemaSet to pull other schemas"); 

            XmlSchemaSet schemas = CreateTargetSchemaSet(); 
            XElement result = UpdateNamespaces(element, schemaNamespace, targetNamespace);
            XNodeSchemaApplier.Apply(schemas, result);
            return result;

        /// Creates an  for the resource in the Entity Framework assembly 
        /// specified by .
        /// Name of the resource to read.
        /// A new  instance.
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope", Justification = "caller should Dispose the XmlReader")]
        private static XmlReader CreateEdmResourceXmlReader(string resourceName) 
            bool success = false; 
            Stream stream = null; 
            XmlReader result = null;
                stream = typeof(EdmItemCollection).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
                result = XmlReader.Create(stream);
                success = true; 
                return result;
                if (!success) 
                    if (result != null)
                    if (stream != null) 

        /// Creates the  that adjusted schemas should target. 
        /// A new  instance. 
        private static XmlSchemaSet CreateTargetSchemaSet()
            XmlSchemaSet result = new XmlSchemaSet();
            using (XmlReader reader = CreateEdmResourceXmlReader("System.Data.Resources.CodeGenerationSchema.xsd"))
                result.Add(null, reader); 
            using (XmlReader reader = CreateEdmResourceXmlReader("System.Data.Resources.CSDLSchema_1_1.xsd")) 
                XmlSchema schema = result.Add(null, reader); 
            XmlSchemaSet result2 = new XmlSchemaSet();
            foreach (XmlSchema s in result.Schemas()) 

            return result2;
        /// Removes the ReferentialConstraint element from the list of valid children for an association type. 
        /// Loaded  for the 1.1 Entity Framework CSDL XSD.
        private static void RemoveReferentialConstraint(XmlSchema csdlSchema) 
            Debug.Assert(csdlSchema != null, "csdlSchema != null");

            XmlSchemaComplexType associationType = csdlSchema.SchemaTypes[new XmlQualifiedName("TAssociation", csdlSchema.TargetNamespace)] as XmlSchemaComplexType; 
            Debug.Assert(associationType != null, "associationType != null -- otherwise can't find TAssociation - CSDL resource has changed?");
            XmlSchemaSequence sequence = associationType.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence; 
            XmlSchemaObject referentialConstraint = null;
            foreach (XmlSchemaObject item in sequence.Items) 
                XmlSchemaElement e = item as XmlSchemaElement;
                if (e.QualifiedName == new XmlQualifiedName("ReferentialConstraint", csdlSchema.TargetNamespace))
                    referentialConstraint = e;
            Debug.Assert(referentialConstraint != null, "referentialConstraint != null");
        /// Add any attribute to the entity container element in the schema. We need to do 
        /// this, since this was missing from the xsd that got shipped in System.Data.Entity.dll 
        /// in 3.5 SP1. Hence we need to make compensating changes now here. The reason why validating
        /// against this csd works in edmitemcollection is that they ignore all errors due to elements/attributes 
        /// not in the edm namespace.
        /// Loaded  for the 1.1 Entity Framework CSDL XSD.
        private static void AddCustomAttributesToEntityContainer(XmlSchema csdlSchema) 
            Debug.Assert(csdlSchema != null, "csdlSchema != null"); 
            XmlSchemaElement entityContainerElement = csdlSchema.Elements[new XmlQualifiedName("EntityContainer", csdlSchema.TargetNamespace)] as XmlSchemaElement;
            Debug.Assert(entityContainerElement != null, "entityContainerElement != null -- otherwise can't find EntityContainer element- CSDL resource has changed?"); 

            XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = entityContainerElement.SchemaType as XmlSchemaComplexType;
            complexType.AnyAttribute = new XmlSchemaAnyAttribute();
            complexType.AnyAttribute.Namespace = "##other"; 
            complexType.AnyAttribute.ProcessContents = XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax;
        /// Creates a list of readers for adjusted schemas in the specifed / 
        /// Input source for metadata.
        /// A list of readers for Schema elements.
        /// These are some processing differences between V1 and V2 metadata.
        /// - V1 processes all Schema elements at any depth. 
        /// - V2 processes only Schema elements that are at the root or under *:Edmx/*:DataServices[1] nodes
        /// - V1 processes Schema elements from known namespaces
        /// - V2 processes Schema elements from the first Schema's namespace
        /// - V1 ignores the DataServiceVersion attribute on the DataServices element 
        /// - V2 rejects DataServiceVersion attributes with a version that is not 1.0 or 2.0
        /// The detection hinges on whether all Schema elements belong to 1.1 and 1.0 namespaces; 
        /// if so, we use V1 rules.
        private static List CreateReaders(XmlReader sourceReader)
            Debug.Assert(sourceReader != null, "sourceReader != null");
            NameTable nameTable = new NameTable();
            XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nameTable); 
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("m", XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace); 
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("edmx", XmlConstants.EdmxNamespace);
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("edmv1", XmlConstants.EdmV1Namespace); 
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("edmv1_1", XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace);

            XDocument sourceDocument = XDocument.Load(sourceReader);
            List schemaElements = new List(); 
            List result = new List();
            // Check for V2 schemas. 
            if (TryCreateReadersV2(sourceDocument, schemaElements))
                Debug.Assert(schemaElements.Count > 0, "schemaElements.Count > 0 -- otherwise TryCreateReadersV2 should have returned false");
                string schemaNamespace = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < schemaElements.Count; i++)
                    if (schemaNamespace == null)
                        schemaNamespace = schemaElements[i].Name.NamespaceName; 
                        if (schemaNamespace != schemaElements[i].Name.NamespaceName)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.InvalidMetadataMultipleNamespaces(schemaNamespace, schemaElements[i].Name.NamespaceName)); 
                    XElement fitted = FitElementToSchema(schemaElements[i], schemaNamespace, XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace);
                Debug.Assert(result.Count == 0, "result.Count == 0 -- otherwise TryCreateReadesV2 should have returned true");
                CreateReadersV1(sourceDocument, namespaceManager, result); 

            return result; 

        /// Creates readers as per V1 rules.
        /// Parsed source document. 
        /// Namespace manager with 'edmv1' and 'edmv1_1' defined.
        /// List of XmlReaders to populate. 
        /// See comments on CreateReaders for details. 
        private static void CreateReadersV1(XDocument sourceDocument, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager, List readers)
            Debug.Assert(sourceDocument != null, "sourceDocument != null");
            Debug.Assert(namespaceManager != null, "namespaceManager != null");
            Debug.Assert(readers != null, "readers != null");
            Debug.Assert(namespaceManager.HasNamespace("edmv1"), "namespaceManager.HasNamespace('edmv1')"); 
            Debug.Assert(namespaceManager.HasNamespace("edmv1_1"), "namespaceManager.HasNamespace('edmv1_1')");
            // Look for 1.0 schema elements 
            foreach (var element in sourceDocument.XPathSelectElements("//edmv1:Schema", namespaceManager))

            // Look for 1.1 schema elements 
            foreach (var element in sourceDocument.XPathSelectElements("//edmv1_1:Schema", namespaceManager))

        /// Determines whether the specified  is a known Schema element.
        /// Name of namespace to check.
        /// true if  is a known Schema element; false otherwise. 
        private static bool IsKnownSchemaNamespace(string namespaceName) 
            return namespaceName == XmlConstants.EdmV1Namespace || namespaceName == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace; 

        /// Determines whether the specified  is a V2 Schema element.
        /// Element to check. 
        /// true if  is a V2 Schema element.
        /// A V2 Schema is an element with a local name of 'Schema', within a namespace that doesn' 
        /// t belong in the known V1 namespaces.
        private static bool IsSchemaV2(XElement element)
            Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null");
            var name = element.Name; 
            return name.LocalName == "Schema" && !IsKnownSchemaNamespace(name.NamespaceName);
        /// Tries to create readers according to V2 rules.
        /// Source document for metadata. 
        /// List of elements to populate with Schema nodes.
        /// true if schema elements were found according to V2 rules; false otherwise.
        /// See comments on CreateReaders for details.
        private static bool TryCreateReadersV2(XDocument sourceDocument, List schemaElements) 
            Debug.Assert(sourceDocument != null, "sourceDocument != null"); 
            Debug.Assert(schemaElements != null, "schemaElements != null"); 

            bool result = false; 

            // Check for a root Schema element in a new namespace.
            var root = sourceDocument.Root;
            if (IsSchemaV2(root)) 
                result = true; 
                if (root.Name.LocalName == XmlConstants.EdmxElement)
                    XElement dataServiceElement = root.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == XmlConstants.EdmxDataServicesElement).FirstOrDefault(); 
                    if (dataServiceElement != null)
                        XNamespace metadataNs = XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace; 
                        XAttribute version = dataServiceElement.Attributes(metadataNs + XmlConstants.HttpDataServiceVersion).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (version != null && version.Value != XmlConstants.DataServiceVersion1Dot0 && version.Value != XmlConstants.DataServiceVersion2Dot0) 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.InvalidMetadataDataServiceVersion(version.Value));
                        result = schemaElements.Count > 0; 

            return result;
        /// Updates the namespaces under the specified , changing  
        /// into . 
        /// Element to update (recursively). 
        /// Old namespace.
        /// New namespace.
        /// The updated element.
        /// Currently, the updates are in-place, so the returned element is always .
        /// For valid cases, there will be no qualified CSDL attributes, so those code paths are 
        /// not likely to hit - however the code preserves the namespaces so it can fail
        /// correctly later on. 
        private static XElement UpdateNamespaces(XElement element, string oldNamespaceName, string newNamespaceName)
            Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null"); 
            Debug.Assert(oldNamespaceName != null, "oldNamespaceName != null");
            Debug.Assert(newNamespaceName != null, "newNamespaceName != null"); 
            XNamespace oldNamespace = XNamespace.Get(oldNamespaceName);
            XNamespace newNamespace = XNamespace.Get(newNamespaceName); 

            Stack pending = new Stack();
                XElement e = pending.Pop(); 
                if (e.Name.Namespace == oldNamespace) 
                    e.Name = newNamespace.GetName(e.Name.LocalName); 

                List attributesToReplace = null;
                foreach (XAttribute attribute in e.Attributes()) 
                    if (attribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration) 
                        if (attribute.Value == oldNamespaceName)
                            attribute.Value = newNamespaceName;
                    else if (attribute.Name.Namespace == oldNamespace || IsOpenTypeAttribute(attribute)) 
                        XNodeSchemaApplier.AppendWithCreation(ref attributesToReplace, attribute); 
                if (attributesToReplace != null)
                    foreach (XAttribute attribute in attributesToReplace) 
                        if (IsOpenTypeAttribute(attribute)) 
                            XAttribute existingAttribute = e.Attributes().SingleOrDefault(a => a.Name.NamespaceName == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot2Namespace && a.Name.LocalName == attribute.Name.LocalName);
                            if (existingAttribute == null)
                                e.Add(new XAttribute(XNamespace.Get(XmlConstants.EdmV1dot2Namespace) + attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));
                                existingAttribute.Value = attribute.Value; 
                            e.Add(new XAttribute(newNamespace.GetName(attribute.Name.LocalName), attribute.Value));
                foreach (var child in e.Elements())
            while (pending.Count > 0); 

            return element; 

        private IList GenerateCode(XmlReader sourceReader, LazyTextWriterCreator target, string namespacePrefix) 
            List readers = CreateReaders(sourceReader);
            List errors = new List();
            EdmItemCollection itemCollection = new EdmItemCollection(readers); 

#if QFE_ENV 
            _version = _versionExplicitlySet ? _version : GetDataServiceCodeVersionFromEnvironment(); 
            _useDataServiceCollection = _useDataServiceCollectionExplicitlySet ? _useDataServiceCollection : GetUseDataServiceCollectionFromEnvironment();
            if (_useDataServiceCollection && _version == DataServiceCodeVersion.V1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.VersionV1RequiresUseDataServiceCollectionFalse);

            // generate code 
            using (ClientApiGenerator generator = new ClientApiGenerator(null, itemCollection, this, errors, namespacePrefix)) 

            return errors;

#if QFE_ENV 
        //[System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, Read = EntityClassGenerator.Version_EnvironmentVariable)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2106")]
        private static DataServiceCodeVersion GetDataServiceCodeVersionFromEnvironment() 
            return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EntityClassGenerator.Version_EnvironmentVariable) == EntityClassGenerator.Version2Dot0 ?
                                DataServiceCodeVersion.V2 :
        //[System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, Read = EntityClassGenerator.UseDSC_EnvironmentVariable)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2106")]
        private static bool GetUseDataServiceCollectionFromEnvironment() 
            return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EntityClassGenerator.UseDSC_EnvironmentVariable) == EntityClassGenerator.UseDSCTrue;

        /// Checks if the given attribute refers to OpenType attribute. 
        /// Input attribute. 
        /// true if the attribute is OpenType attribute, false otherwise.
        private static bool IsOpenTypeAttribute(XAttribute attribute) 
            return attribute.Name.LocalName == XmlConstants.DataWebOpenTypeAttributeName && attribute.Name.Namespace == XNamespace.None;
        #region Event Helpers 

        /// Helper method that raises the TypeGenerated event
        /// The event arguments passed to the subscriber
        internal void RaiseTypeGeneratedEvent(TypeGeneratedEventArgs eventArgs) 
            if (this.OnTypeGenerated != null) 
                this.OnTypeGenerated(this, eventArgs);

        /// Helper method that raises the PropertyGenerated event 
        /// The event arguments passed to the subscriber 
        internal void RaisePropertyGeneratedEvent(PropertyGeneratedEventArgs eventArgs) 
            if (this.OnPropertyGenerated != null) 
                this.OnPropertyGenerated(this, eventArgs);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data.EntityModel;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Services.Design.Common;
using System.Data.Services.Design.Xml; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq; 
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;

namespace System.Data.Common.Utils 
    internal static class EntityUtil 
        static internal void CheckArgumentNull(T value, string parameterName) where T : class
            System.Data.Services.Design.EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, parameterName);

namespace System.Data.Services.Design 
    internal static class EntityUtil
        static internal void CheckArgumentNull(T value, string parameterName) where T : class
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, parameterName);

        static internal void CheckStringArgument(string value, string parameterName) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckStringArgument(value, parameterName);

    /// Summary description for CodeGenerator. 
    public sealed class EntityClassGenerator 
        #region Instance Fields
        private LanguageOption _languageOption = LanguageOption.GenerateCSharpCode; 
        private DataServiceCodeVersion _version = DataServiceCodeVersion.V1;
        private EdmToObjectNamespaceMap _edmToObjectNamespaceMap = new EdmToObjectNamespaceMap();
        private bool _useDataServiceCollection;
#if QFE_ENV 
        private bool _useDataServiceCollectionExplicitlySet;
        private bool _versionExplicitlySet; 
        const string UseDSC_EnvironmentVariable = "dscodegen_usedsc"; 
        const string Version_EnvironmentVariable = "dscodegen_version";
        const string Version2Dot0 = "2.0"; 
        const string UseDSCTrue = "1";


        #region Events 
        /// The event that is raised when a type is generated 
        public event EventHandler OnTypeGenerated;

        /// The event that is raised when a property is generated
        public event EventHandler OnPropertyGenerated; 


        #region Public Methods
        public EntityClassGenerator() 
        public EntityClassGenerator(LanguageOption languageOption) 
            _languageOption = EDesignUtil.CheckLanguageOptionArgument(languageOption, "languageOption"); 

        /// Get or set the flag that specifies if code generation emits the code necessary for data binding
        public bool UseDataServiceCollection
                return _useDataServiceCollection; 
                _useDataServiceCollection = value;
#if QFE_ENV 
                _useDataServiceCollectionExplicitlySet = true;
        /// Gets and Sets the WCF Data Service version which the generated code will be compatible with.
        public DataServiceCodeVersion Version 
                return _version;

                _version = EDesignUtil.CheckDataServiceCodeVersionArgument(value, "value"); 
                _versionExplicitlySet = true; 

        /// Gets and Sets the Language to use for code generation.
        public LanguageOption LanguageOption
            get { return _languageOption; } 
            set { _languageOption = EDesignUtil.CheckLanguageOptionArgument(value, "value"); }

        /// Gets the map entries use to customize the namespace of .net types that are generated
        /// and referenced by the generated code 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Edm")] 
        public EdmToObjectNamespaceMap EdmToObjectNamespaceMap 
            get { return _edmToObjectNamespaceMap; } 

        public IList GenerateCode(XmlReader sourceReader, string targetFilePath)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(sourceReader, "sourceReader");
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(targetFilePath, "targetPath"); 
            using (LazyTextWriterCreator target = new LazyTextWriterCreator(targetFilePath)) 
                // we do want to close the file 
                return GenerateCode(sourceReader, target, null);
        /// Generate code by reading an EDMX schema from an XmlReader and outputting the code into a TextWriter 
        /// Reader with a EDMX schema in it
        /// Target writer for the generated code 
        /// Prefix to use for generated namespaces
        /// Note that the NamespacePrefix is used as the only namespace for types in the same namespace
        /// as the default container, and as a prefix for the server-provided namespace for everything else. If 
        /// this argument is null, the server-provided namespaces are used for all types.
        public IList GenerateCode(XmlReader sourceReader, TextWriter targetWriter, string namespacePrefix)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(sourceReader, "sourceReader");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(targetWriter, "targetWriter");
            using (LazyTextWriterCreator target = new LazyTextWriterCreator(targetWriter))
                return GenerateCode(sourceReader, target, namespacePrefix);
            }   // does not actually close the targetWriter - that is the caller's responsibility 

        /// Given the specified element in a given namespace, remaps it into a
        ///  and trims elements and attributes that
        /// don't conform to the schema.
        /// Element to fit.
        /// Namespace of element. 
        /// Target namespace. 
        /// A new  that fits the specified .
        private static XElement FitElementToSchema(XElement element, string schemaNamespace, string targetNamespace) 
            Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null");
            Debug.Assert(schemaNamespace != null, "schemaNamespace != null");
            Debug.Assert(targetNamespace != null, "targetNamespace != null"); 
                targetNamespace == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace, 
                "targetNamespace == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace -- otherwise update CreateTargetSchemaSet to pull other schemas"); 

            XmlSchemaSet schemas = CreateTargetSchemaSet(); 
            XElement result = UpdateNamespaces(element, schemaNamespace, targetNamespace);
            XNodeSchemaApplier.Apply(schemas, result);
            return result;

        /// Creates an  for the resource in the Entity Framework assembly 
        /// specified by .
        /// Name of the resource to read.
        /// A new  instance.
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope", Justification = "caller should Dispose the XmlReader")]
        private static XmlReader CreateEdmResourceXmlReader(string resourceName) 
            bool success = false; 
            Stream stream = null; 
            XmlReader result = null;
                stream = typeof(EdmItemCollection).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
                result = XmlReader.Create(stream);
                success = true; 
                return result;
                if (!success) 
                    if (result != null)
                    if (stream != null) 

        /// Creates the  that adjusted schemas should target. 
        /// A new  instance. 
        private static XmlSchemaSet CreateTargetSchemaSet()
            XmlSchemaSet result = new XmlSchemaSet();
            using (XmlReader reader = CreateEdmResourceXmlReader("System.Data.Resources.CodeGenerationSchema.xsd"))
                result.Add(null, reader); 
            using (XmlReader reader = CreateEdmResourceXmlReader("System.Data.Resources.CSDLSchema_1_1.xsd")) 
                XmlSchema schema = result.Add(null, reader); 
            XmlSchemaSet result2 = new XmlSchemaSet();
            foreach (XmlSchema s in result.Schemas()) 

            return result2;
        /// Removes the ReferentialConstraint element from the list of valid children for an association type. 
        /// Loaded  for the 1.1 Entity Framework CSDL XSD.
        private static void RemoveReferentialConstraint(XmlSchema csdlSchema) 
            Debug.Assert(csdlSchema != null, "csdlSchema != null");

            XmlSchemaComplexType associationType = csdlSchema.SchemaTypes[new XmlQualifiedName("TAssociation", csdlSchema.TargetNamespace)] as XmlSchemaComplexType; 
            Debug.Assert(associationType != null, "associationType != null -- otherwise can't find TAssociation - CSDL resource has changed?");
            XmlSchemaSequence sequence = associationType.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence; 
            XmlSchemaObject referentialConstraint = null;
            foreach (XmlSchemaObject item in sequence.Items) 
                XmlSchemaElement e = item as XmlSchemaElement;
                if (e.QualifiedName == new XmlQualifiedName("ReferentialConstraint", csdlSchema.TargetNamespace))
                    referentialConstraint = e;
            Debug.Assert(referentialConstraint != null, "referentialConstraint != null");
        /// Add any attribute to the entity container element in the schema. We need to do 
        /// this, since this was missing from the xsd that got shipped in System.Data.Entity.dll 
        /// in 3.5 SP1. Hence we need to make compensating changes now here. The reason why validating
        /// against this csd works in edmitemcollection is that they ignore all errors due to elements/attributes 
        /// not in the edm namespace.
        /// Loaded  for the 1.1 Entity Framework CSDL XSD.
        private static void AddCustomAttributesToEntityContainer(XmlSchema csdlSchema) 
            Debug.Assert(csdlSchema != null, "csdlSchema != null"); 
            XmlSchemaElement entityContainerElement = csdlSchema.Elements[new XmlQualifiedName("EntityContainer", csdlSchema.TargetNamespace)] as XmlSchemaElement;
            Debug.Assert(entityContainerElement != null, "entityContainerElement != null -- otherwise can't find EntityContainer element- CSDL resource has changed?"); 

            XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = entityContainerElement.SchemaType as XmlSchemaComplexType;
            complexType.AnyAttribute = new XmlSchemaAnyAttribute();
            complexType.AnyAttribute.Namespace = "##other"; 
            complexType.AnyAttribute.ProcessContents = XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax;
        /// Creates a list of readers for adjusted schemas in the specifed / 
        /// Input source for metadata.
        /// A list of readers for Schema elements.
        /// These are some processing differences between V1 and V2 metadata.
        /// - V1 processes all Schema elements at any depth. 
        /// - V2 processes only Schema elements that are at the root or under *:Edmx/*:DataServices[1] nodes
        /// - V1 processes Schema elements from known namespaces
        /// - V2 processes Schema elements from the first Schema's namespace
        /// - V1 ignores the DataServiceVersion attribute on the DataServices element 
        /// - V2 rejects DataServiceVersion attributes with a version that is not 1.0 or 2.0
        /// The detection hinges on whether all Schema elements belong to 1.1 and 1.0 namespaces; 
        /// if so, we use V1 rules.
        private static List CreateReaders(XmlReader sourceReader)
            Debug.Assert(sourceReader != null, "sourceReader != null");
            NameTable nameTable = new NameTable();
            XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nameTable); 
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("m", XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace); 
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("edmx", XmlConstants.EdmxNamespace);
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("edmv1", XmlConstants.EdmV1Namespace); 
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("edmv1_1", XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace);

            XDocument sourceDocument = XDocument.Load(sourceReader);
            List schemaElements = new List(); 
            List result = new List();
            // Check for V2 schemas. 
            if (TryCreateReadersV2(sourceDocument, schemaElements))
                Debug.Assert(schemaElements.Count > 0, "schemaElements.Count > 0 -- otherwise TryCreateReadersV2 should have returned false");
                string schemaNamespace = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < schemaElements.Count; i++)
                    if (schemaNamespace == null)
                        schemaNamespace = schemaElements[i].Name.NamespaceName; 
                        if (schemaNamespace != schemaElements[i].Name.NamespaceName)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.InvalidMetadataMultipleNamespaces(schemaNamespace, schemaElements[i].Name.NamespaceName)); 
                    XElement fitted = FitElementToSchema(schemaElements[i], schemaNamespace, XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace);
                Debug.Assert(result.Count == 0, "result.Count == 0 -- otherwise TryCreateReadesV2 should have returned true");
                CreateReadersV1(sourceDocument, namespaceManager, result); 

            return result; 

        /// Creates readers as per V1 rules.
        /// Parsed source document. 
        /// Namespace manager with 'edmv1' and 'edmv1_1' defined.
        /// List of XmlReaders to populate. 
        /// See comments on CreateReaders for details. 
        private static void CreateReadersV1(XDocument sourceDocument, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager, List readers)
            Debug.Assert(sourceDocument != null, "sourceDocument != null");
            Debug.Assert(namespaceManager != null, "namespaceManager != null");
            Debug.Assert(readers != null, "readers != null");
            Debug.Assert(namespaceManager.HasNamespace("edmv1"), "namespaceManager.HasNamespace('edmv1')"); 
            Debug.Assert(namespaceManager.HasNamespace("edmv1_1"), "namespaceManager.HasNamespace('edmv1_1')");
            // Look for 1.0 schema elements 
            foreach (var element in sourceDocument.XPathSelectElements("//edmv1:Schema", namespaceManager))

            // Look for 1.1 schema elements 
            foreach (var element in sourceDocument.XPathSelectElements("//edmv1_1:Schema", namespaceManager))

        /// Determines whether the specified  is a known Schema element.
        /// Name of namespace to check.
        /// true if  is a known Schema element; false otherwise. 
        private static bool IsKnownSchemaNamespace(string namespaceName) 
            return namespaceName == XmlConstants.EdmV1Namespace || namespaceName == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot1Namespace; 

        /// Determines whether the specified  is a V2 Schema element.
        /// Element to check. 
        /// true if  is a V2 Schema element.
        /// A V2 Schema is an element with a local name of 'Schema', within a namespace that doesn' 
        /// t belong in the known V1 namespaces.
        private static bool IsSchemaV2(XElement element)
            Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null");
            var name = element.Name; 
            return name.LocalName == "Schema" && !IsKnownSchemaNamespace(name.NamespaceName);
        /// Tries to create readers according to V2 rules.
        /// Source document for metadata. 
        /// List of elements to populate with Schema nodes.
        /// true if schema elements were found according to V2 rules; false otherwise.
        /// See comments on CreateReaders for details.
        private static bool TryCreateReadersV2(XDocument sourceDocument, List schemaElements) 
            Debug.Assert(sourceDocument != null, "sourceDocument != null"); 
            Debug.Assert(schemaElements != null, "schemaElements != null"); 

            bool result = false; 

            // Check for a root Schema element in a new namespace.
            var root = sourceDocument.Root;
            if (IsSchemaV2(root)) 
                result = true; 
                if (root.Name.LocalName == XmlConstants.EdmxElement)
                    XElement dataServiceElement = root.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == XmlConstants.EdmxDataServicesElement).FirstOrDefault(); 
                    if (dataServiceElement != null)
                        XNamespace metadataNs = XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace; 
                        XAttribute version = dataServiceElement.Attributes(metadataNs + XmlConstants.HttpDataServiceVersion).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (version != null && version.Value != XmlConstants.DataServiceVersion1Dot0 && version.Value != XmlConstants.DataServiceVersion2Dot0) 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.InvalidMetadataDataServiceVersion(version.Value));
                        result = schemaElements.Count > 0; 

            return result;
        /// Updates the namespaces under the specified , changing  
        /// into . 
        /// Element to update (recursively). 
        /// Old namespace.
        /// New namespace.
        /// The updated element.
        /// Currently, the updates are in-place, so the returned element is always .
        /// For valid cases, there will be no qualified CSDL attributes, so those code paths are 
        /// not likely to hit - however the code preserves the namespaces so it can fail
        /// correctly later on. 
        private static XElement UpdateNamespaces(XElement element, string oldNamespaceName, string newNamespaceName)
            Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null"); 
            Debug.Assert(oldNamespaceName != null, "oldNamespaceName != null");
            Debug.Assert(newNamespaceName != null, "newNamespaceName != null"); 
            XNamespace oldNamespace = XNamespace.Get(oldNamespaceName);
            XNamespace newNamespace = XNamespace.Get(newNamespaceName); 

            Stack pending = new Stack();
                XElement e = pending.Pop(); 
                if (e.Name.Namespace == oldNamespace) 
                    e.Name = newNamespace.GetName(e.Name.LocalName); 

                List attributesToReplace = null;
                foreach (XAttribute attribute in e.Attributes()) 
                    if (attribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration) 
                        if (attribute.Value == oldNamespaceName)
                            attribute.Value = newNamespaceName;
                    else if (attribute.Name.Namespace == oldNamespace || IsOpenTypeAttribute(attribute)) 
                        XNodeSchemaApplier.AppendWithCreation(ref attributesToReplace, attribute); 
                if (attributesToReplace != null)
                    foreach (XAttribute attribute in attributesToReplace) 
                        if (IsOpenTypeAttribute(attribute)) 
                            XAttribute existingAttribute = e.Attributes().SingleOrDefault(a => a.Name.NamespaceName == XmlConstants.EdmV1dot2Namespace && a.Name.LocalName == attribute.Name.LocalName);
                            if (existingAttribute == null)
                                e.Add(new XAttribute(XNamespace.Get(XmlConstants.EdmV1dot2Namespace) + attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));
                                existingAttribute.Value = attribute.Value; 
                            e.Add(new XAttribute(newNamespace.GetName(attribute.Name.LocalName), attribute.Value));
                foreach (var child in e.Elements())
            while (pending.Count > 0); 

            return element; 

        private IList GenerateCode(XmlReader sourceReader, LazyTextWriterCreator target, string namespacePrefix) 
            List readers = CreateReaders(sourceReader);
            List errors = new List();
            EdmItemCollection itemCollection = new EdmItemCollection(readers); 

#if QFE_ENV 
            _version = _versionExplicitlySet ? _version : GetDataServiceCodeVersionFromEnvironment(); 
            _useDataServiceCollection = _useDataServiceCollectionExplicitlySet ? _useDataServiceCollection : GetUseDataServiceCollectionFromEnvironment();
            if (_useDataServiceCollection && _version == DataServiceCodeVersion.V1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.VersionV1RequiresUseDataServiceCollectionFalse);

            // generate code 
            using (ClientApiGenerator generator = new ClientApiGenerator(null, itemCollection, this, errors, namespacePrefix)) 

            return errors;

#if QFE_ENV 
        //[System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, Read = EntityClassGenerator.Version_EnvironmentVariable)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2106")]
        private static DataServiceCodeVersion GetDataServiceCodeVersionFromEnvironment() 
            return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EntityClassGenerator.Version_EnvironmentVariable) == EntityClassGenerator.Version2Dot0 ?
                                DataServiceCodeVersion.V2 :
        //[System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, Read = EntityClassGenerator.UseDSC_EnvironmentVariable)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2106")]
        private static bool GetUseDataServiceCollectionFromEnvironment() 
            return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EntityClassGenerator.UseDSC_EnvironmentVariable) == EntityClassGenerator.UseDSCTrue;

        /// Checks if the given attribute refers to OpenType attribute. 
        /// Input attribute. 
        /// true if the attribute is OpenType attribute, false otherwise.
        private static bool IsOpenTypeAttribute(XAttribute attribute) 
            return attribute.Name.LocalName == XmlConstants.DataWebOpenTypeAttributeName && attribute.Name.Namespace == XNamespace.None;
        #region Event Helpers 

        /// Helper method that raises the TypeGenerated event
        /// The event arguments passed to the subscriber
        internal void RaiseTypeGeneratedEvent(TypeGeneratedEventArgs eventArgs) 
            if (this.OnTypeGenerated != null) 
                this.OnTypeGenerated(this, eventArgs);

        /// Helper method that raises the PropertyGenerated event 
        /// The event arguments passed to the subscriber 
        internal void RaisePropertyGeneratedEvent(PropertyGeneratedEventArgs eventArgs) 
            if (this.OnPropertyGenerated != null) 
                this.OnPropertyGenerated(this, eventArgs);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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