FrameworkPropertyMetadata.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / FrameworkPropertyMetadata.cs / 1305600 / FrameworkPropertyMetadata.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using MS.Utility; 
using System; 
using System.ComponentModel;    // InvalidEnumArgumentException
using System.Windows.Data;      // UpdateSourceTrigger 

namespace System.Windows
    public enum FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions: int 
        /// No flags 
        None                            = 0x000,

        /// This property affects measurement
        AffectsMeasure                  = 0x001, 

        /// This property affects arragement 
        AffectsArrange                  = 0x002, 

        /// This property affects parent's measurement 
        AffectsParentMeasure            = 0x004,

        /// This property affects parent's arrangement
        AffectsParentArrange            = 0x008, 

        /// This property affects rendering 
        AffectsRender                   = 0x010, 

        /// This property inherits to children 
        Inherits                        = 0x020,

        /// This property causes inheritance and resource lookup to override values 
        /// of InheritanceBehavior that may be set on any FE in the path of lookup
        OverridesInheritanceBehavior    = 0x040, 

        /// This property does not support data binding 
        NotDataBindable                 = 0x080,

        /// Data bindings on this property default to two-way
        BindsTwoWayByDefault            = 0x100, 

        /// This property should be saved/restored when journaling/navigating by URI 
        Journal                         = 0x400, 

        ///     This property's subproperties do not affect rendering.
        ///     For instance, a property X may have a subproperty Y.
        ///     Changing X.Y does not require rendering to be updated.
        SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender  = 0x800,
    ///     Metadata for supported Framework features 
    public class FrameworkPropertyMetadata : UIPropertyMetadata
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata() :
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue) :
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) :

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value 
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                            CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) : 
            CoerceValueCallback = coerceValueCallback;
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property
        /// Called when the property has been changed 
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue,
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) :
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback) 

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Default value of property
        /// Called when the property has been changed 
        /// Called on update of value
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, 
                                PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback,
                                CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) : 
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback)

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property 
        /// Metadata option flags
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags) :

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Default value of property
        /// Metadata option flags 
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, 
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags,
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) : 
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback)

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property 
        /// Metadata option flags
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue,
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags, 
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                         CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) :
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback) 
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property
        /// Metadata option flags 
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value
        /// Should animation of this property be prohibited?
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue,
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags, 
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                         CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback,
                                         bool isAnimationProhibited) : 
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback, isAnimationProhibited)

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property 
        /// Metadata option flags
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value
        /// Should animation of this property be prohibited? 
        /// The UpdateSourceTrigger to use for bindings that have UpdateSourceTriger=Default.
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, 
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags,
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                         CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback,
                                         bool isAnimationProhibited,
                                         UpdateSourceTrigger defaultUpdateSourceTrigger) :
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback, isAnimationProhibited) 
            if (!BindingOperations.IsValidUpdateSourceTrigger(defaultUpdateSourceTrigger)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("defaultUpdateSourceTrigger", (int) defaultUpdateSourceTrigger, typeof(UpdateSourceTrigger)); 
            if (defaultUpdateSourceTrigger == UpdateSourceTrigger.Default)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NoDefaultUpdateSourceTrigger), "defaultUpdateSourceTrigger"); 

            DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger = defaultUpdateSourceTrigger;

        private void Initialize() 
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000,
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000, 
            _flags = (MetadataFlags)(((uint)_flags & 0x3FFFFFFF) | ((uint) UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged) << 30);

        private static bool IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flag, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags) 
            return (flags & flag) != 0; 

        private void TranslateFlags(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags) 

            // Convert flags to state sets. If a flag is set, then, 
            // the value is set on the respective property. Otherwise,
            // the state remains unset 
            // This means that state is cumulative across base classes
            // on a merge where appropriate 

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, flags))
                AffectsMeasure = true; 
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange, flags)) 
                AffectsArrange = true; 

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsParentMeasure, flags))
                AffectsParentMeasure = true;
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsParentArrange, flags))
                AffectsParentArrange = true;

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, flags)) 
                AffectsRender = true; 

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits, flags)) 
                IsInherited = true;
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.OverridesInheritanceBehavior, flags))
                OverridesInheritanceBehavior = true; 
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.NotDataBindable, flags))
                IsNotDataBindable = true;

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, flags)) 
                BindsTwoWayByDefault = true;

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Journal, flags))
                Journal = true; 
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender, flags)) 
                SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender = true; 

        ///     Property affects measurement
        public bool AffectsMeasure 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID); } 
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID, value);

        ///     Property affects arragement 
        public bool AffectsArrange 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID, value); 

        ///     Property affects parent's measurement
        public bool AffectsParentMeasure
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID); } 
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID, value); 
        ///     Property affects parent's arrangement
        public bool AffectsParentArrange 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID, value);

        ///     Property affects rendering
        public bool AffectsRender
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID, value); 
        ///     Property is inheritable 
        public bool Inherits
            get { return IsInherited; } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 

                IsInherited = value;

        ///     Property evaluation must span separated trees
        public bool OverridesInheritanceBehavior
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorID, value); 

        ///     Property cannot be data-bound
        public bool IsNotDataBindable 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID, value);

        ///     Data bindings on this property default to two-way
        public bool BindsTwoWayByDefault
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID, value); 
        ///    The default UpdateSourceTrigger for two-way data bindings on this property. 
        public UpdateSourceTrigger DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000, 
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000,
            get { return (UpdateSourceTrigger) (((uint) _flags >> 30) & 0x3); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                if (!BindingOperations.IsValidUpdateSourceTrigger(value)) 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int) value, typeof(UpdateSourceTrigger));
                if (value == UpdateSourceTrigger.Default) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NoDefaultUpdateSourceTrigger), "value"); 

                // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000, 
                // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000,
                _flags = (MetadataFlags)(((uint) _flags & 0x3FFFFFFF) | ((uint) value) << 30);
        ///     The value of this property should be saved/restored when journaling by URI 
        public bool Journal
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledID); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledID, value);

        ///     This property's subproperties do not affect rendering.
        ///     For instance, a property X may have a subproperty Y.
        ///     Changing X.Y does not require rendering to be updated.
        public bool SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderID); } 
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderID, value); 

        ///     Does the represent the metadata for a ReadOnly property 
        private bool ReadOnly 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ReadOnlyID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ReadOnlyID, value); 

        ///     Creates a new instance of this property metadata.  This method is used
        ///     when metadata needs to be cloned.  After CreateInstance is called the 
        ///     framework will call Merge to merge metadata into the new instance.
        ///     Deriving classes must override this and return a new instance of 
        ///     themselves. 
        internal override PropertyMetadata CreateInstance() { 
            return new FrameworkPropertyMetadata();

        ///     Merge set source state into this
        ///     Used when overriding metadata
        /// Base metadata to merge
        /// DependencyProperty that this metadata is being applied to
        protected override void Merge(PropertyMetadata baseMetadata, DependencyProperty dp)
            // Does parameter validation
            base.Merge(baseMetadata, dp); 
            // Source type is guaranteed to be the same type or base type
            FrameworkPropertyMetadata fbaseMetadata = baseMetadata as FrameworkPropertyMetadata; 
            if (fbaseMetadata != null)
                // Merge source metadata into this
                // Modify metadata merge state fields directly (not through accessors
                // so that "modified" bits remain intact 
                // Merge state
                // Defaults to false, derived classes can only enable 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsMeasure);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsArrange);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsParentMeasure);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsParentArrange); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsRender);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID) | fbaseMetadata.BindsTwoWayByDefault); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID) | fbaseMetadata.IsNotDataBindable); 

                // Override state 
                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderModifiedID))
                    WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderID, fbaseMetadata.SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender);

                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_InheritsModifiedID)) 
                    IsInherited = fbaseMetadata.Inherits;

                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorModifiedID))
                    WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorID, fbaseMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior); 
                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledModifiedID)) 
                    WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledID, fbaseMetadata.Journal); 

                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerModifiedID))
                    // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000,
                    // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000, 
                    _flags = (MetadataFlags)(((uint)_flags & 0x3FFFFFFF) | ((uint) fbaseMetadata.DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger) << 30); 

        ///     Notification that this metadata has been applied to a property
        ///     and the metadata is being sealed 
        ///     Normally, any mutability of the data structure should be marked 
        ///     as immutable at this point
        /// DependencyProperty
        /// Type associating metadata (null if default metadata) 
        protected override void OnApply(DependencyProperty dp, Type targetType)
            // Remember if this is the metadata for a ReadOnly property 
            ReadOnly = dp.ReadOnly;
            base.OnApply(dp, targetType);

        ///     Determines if data binding is supported 
        ///     Data binding is not allowed if a property read-only, regardless 
        ///     of the value of the IsNotDataBindable flag
        public bool IsDataBindingAllowed
            get { return !ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID) && !ReadOnly; }
        internal void SetModified(MetadataFlags id) { WriteFlag(id, true); }
        internal bool IsModified(MetadataFlags id) { return ReadFlag(id); } 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using MS.Utility; 
using System; 
using System.ComponentModel;    // InvalidEnumArgumentException
using System.Windows.Data;      // UpdateSourceTrigger 

namespace System.Windows
    public enum FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions: int 
        /// No flags 
        None                            = 0x000,

        /// This property affects measurement
        AffectsMeasure                  = 0x001, 

        /// This property affects arragement 
        AffectsArrange                  = 0x002, 

        /// This property affects parent's measurement 
        AffectsParentMeasure            = 0x004,

        /// This property affects parent's arrangement
        AffectsParentArrange            = 0x008, 

        /// This property affects rendering 
        AffectsRender                   = 0x010, 

        /// This property inherits to children 
        Inherits                        = 0x020,

        /// This property causes inheritance and resource lookup to override values 
        /// of InheritanceBehavior that may be set on any FE in the path of lookup
        OverridesInheritanceBehavior    = 0x040, 

        /// This property does not support data binding 
        NotDataBindable                 = 0x080,

        /// Data bindings on this property default to two-way
        BindsTwoWayByDefault            = 0x100, 

        /// This property should be saved/restored when journaling/navigating by URI 
        Journal                         = 0x400, 

        ///     This property's subproperties do not affect rendering.
        ///     For instance, a property X may have a subproperty Y.
        ///     Changing X.Y does not require rendering to be updated.
        SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender  = 0x800,
    ///     Metadata for supported Framework features 
    public class FrameworkPropertyMetadata : UIPropertyMetadata
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata() :
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue) :
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) :

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value 
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                            CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) : 
            CoerceValueCallback = coerceValueCallback;
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property
        /// Called when the property has been changed 
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue,
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) :
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback) 

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Default value of property
        /// Called when the property has been changed 
        /// Called on update of value
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, 
                                PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback,
                                CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) : 
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback)

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property 
        /// Metadata option flags
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags) :

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size.
        /// Default value of property
        /// Metadata option flags 
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, 
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags,
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) : 
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback)

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property 
        /// Metadata option flags
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue,
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags, 
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                         CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) :
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback) 
        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property
        /// Metadata option flags 
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value
        /// Should animation of this property be prohibited?
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue,
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags, 
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                         CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback,
                                         bool isAnimationProhibited) : 
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback, isAnimationProhibited)

        ///     Framework type metadata construction.  Marked as no inline to reduce code size. 
        /// Default value of property 
        /// Metadata option flags
        /// Called when the property has been changed
        /// Called on update of value
        /// Should animation of this property be prohibited? 
        /// The UpdateSourceTrigger to use for bindings that have UpdateSourceTriger=Default.
        public FrameworkPropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, 
                                         FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags,
                                         PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, 
                                         CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback,
                                         bool isAnimationProhibited,
                                         UpdateSourceTrigger defaultUpdateSourceTrigger) :
            base(defaultValue, propertyChangedCallback, coerceValueCallback, isAnimationProhibited) 
            if (!BindingOperations.IsValidUpdateSourceTrigger(defaultUpdateSourceTrigger)) 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("defaultUpdateSourceTrigger", (int) defaultUpdateSourceTrigger, typeof(UpdateSourceTrigger)); 
            if (defaultUpdateSourceTrigger == UpdateSourceTrigger.Default)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NoDefaultUpdateSourceTrigger), "defaultUpdateSourceTrigger"); 

            DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger = defaultUpdateSourceTrigger;

        private void Initialize() 
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000,
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000, 
            _flags = (MetadataFlags)(((uint)_flags & 0x3FFFFFFF) | ((uint) UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged) << 30);

        private static bool IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flag, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags) 
            return (flags & flag) != 0; 

        private void TranslateFlags(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags) 

            // Convert flags to state sets. If a flag is set, then, 
            // the value is set on the respective property. Otherwise,
            // the state remains unset 
            // This means that state is cumulative across base classes
            // on a merge where appropriate 

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, flags))
                AffectsMeasure = true; 
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange, flags)) 
                AffectsArrange = true; 

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsParentMeasure, flags))
                AffectsParentMeasure = true;
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsParentArrange, flags))
                AffectsParentArrange = true;

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, flags)) 
                AffectsRender = true; 

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits, flags)) 
                IsInherited = true;
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.OverridesInheritanceBehavior, flags))
                OverridesInheritanceBehavior = true; 
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.NotDataBindable, flags))
                IsNotDataBindable = true;

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, flags)) 
                BindsTwoWayByDefault = true;

            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Journal, flags))
                Journal = true; 
            if (IsFlagSet(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender, flags)) 
                SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender = true; 

        ///     Property affects measurement
        public bool AffectsMeasure 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID); } 
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID, value);

        ///     Property affects arragement 
        public bool AffectsArrange 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID, value); 

        ///     Property affects parent's measurement
        public bool AffectsParentMeasure
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID); } 
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID, value); 
        ///     Property affects parent's arrangement
        public bool AffectsParentArrange 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID, value);

        ///     Property affects rendering
        public bool AffectsRender
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID, value); 
        ///     Property is inheritable 
        public bool Inherits
            get { return IsInherited; } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 

                IsInherited = value;

        ///     Property evaluation must span separated trees
        public bool OverridesInheritanceBehavior
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorID, value); 

        ///     Property cannot be data-bound
        public bool IsNotDataBindable 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID, value);

        ///     Data bindings on this property default to two-way
        public bool BindsTwoWayByDefault
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID, value); 
        ///    The default UpdateSourceTrigger for two-way data bindings on this property. 
        public UpdateSourceTrigger DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000, 
            // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000,
            get { return (UpdateSourceTrigger) (((uint) _flags >> 30) & 0x3); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));
                if (!BindingOperations.IsValidUpdateSourceTrigger(value)) 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int) value, typeof(UpdateSourceTrigger));
                if (value == UpdateSourceTrigger.Default) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NoDefaultUpdateSourceTrigger), "value"); 

                // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000, 
                // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000,
                _flags = (MetadataFlags)(((uint) _flags & 0x3FFFFFFF) | ((uint) value) << 30);
        ///     The value of this property should be saved/restored when journaling by URI 
        public bool Journal
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledID); } 
                if (IsSealed) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledID, value);

        ///     This property's subproperties do not affect rendering.
        ///     For instance, a property X may have a subproperty Y.
        ///     Changing X.Y does not require rendering to be updated.
        public bool SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderID); } 
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse));

                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderID, value); 

        ///     Does the represent the metadata for a ReadOnly property 
        private bool ReadOnly 
            get { return ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ReadOnlyID); }
                if (IsSealed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse)); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ReadOnlyID, value); 

        ///     Creates a new instance of this property metadata.  This method is used
        ///     when metadata needs to be cloned.  After CreateInstance is called the 
        ///     framework will call Merge to merge metadata into the new instance.
        ///     Deriving classes must override this and return a new instance of 
        ///     themselves. 
        internal override PropertyMetadata CreateInstance() { 
            return new FrameworkPropertyMetadata();

        ///     Merge set source state into this
        ///     Used when overriding metadata
        /// Base metadata to merge
        /// DependencyProperty that this metadata is being applied to
        protected override void Merge(PropertyMetadata baseMetadata, DependencyProperty dp)
            // Does parameter validation
            base.Merge(baseMetadata, dp); 
            // Source type is guaranteed to be the same type or base type
            FrameworkPropertyMetadata fbaseMetadata = baseMetadata as FrameworkPropertyMetadata; 
            if (fbaseMetadata != null)
                // Merge source metadata into this
                // Modify metadata merge state fields directly (not through accessors
                // so that "modified" bits remain intact 
                // Merge state
                // Defaults to false, derived classes can only enable 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsMeasureID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsMeasure);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsArrangeID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsArrange);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentMeasureID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsParentMeasure);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsParentArrangeID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsParentArrange); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_AffectsRenderID) | fbaseMetadata.AffectsRender);
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_BindsTwoWayByDefaultID) | fbaseMetadata.BindsTwoWayByDefault); 
                WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID, ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID) | fbaseMetadata.IsNotDataBindable); 

                // Override state 
                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderModifiedID))
                    WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRenderID, fbaseMetadata.SubPropertiesDoNotAffectRender);

                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_InheritsModifiedID)) 
                    IsInherited = fbaseMetadata.Inherits;

                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorModifiedID))
                    WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_OverridesInheritanceBehaviorID, fbaseMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior); 
                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledModifiedID)) 
                    WriteFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_ShouldBeJournaledID, fbaseMetadata.Journal); 

                if (!IsModified(MetadataFlags.FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerModifiedID))
                    // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit1        = 0x40000000,
                    // FW_DefaultUpdateSourceTriggerEnumBit2        = 0x80000000, 
                    _flags = (MetadataFlags)(((uint)_flags & 0x3FFFFFFF) | ((uint) fbaseMetadata.DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger) << 30); 

        ///     Notification that this metadata has been applied to a property
        ///     and the metadata is being sealed 
        ///     Normally, any mutability of the data structure should be marked 
        ///     as immutable at this point
        /// DependencyProperty
        /// Type associating metadata (null if default metadata) 
        protected override void OnApply(DependencyProperty dp, Type targetType)
            // Remember if this is the metadata for a ReadOnly property 
            ReadOnly = dp.ReadOnly;
            base.OnApply(dp, targetType);

        ///     Determines if data binding is supported 
        ///     Data binding is not allowed if a property read-only, regardless 
        ///     of the value of the IsNotDataBindable flag
        public bool IsDataBindingAllowed
            get { return !ReadFlag(MetadataFlags.FW_IsNotDataBindableID) && !ReadOnly; }
        internal void SetModified(MetadataFlags id) { WriteFlag(id, true); }
        internal bool IsModified(MetadataFlags id) { return ReadFlag(id); } 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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