RemoteHelper.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / Tools / WSATConfig / Configuration / RemoteHelper.cs / 1305376 / RemoteHelper.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace Microsoft.Tools.ServiceModel.WsatConfig 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Management; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    class RemoteHelper
        // the name of the remote machine on which the commands are executed 
        string machineName;
        // the class that represnets the WMI Win32_Process
        ManagementClass processClass;
        ManagementScope managementScope;
        const int autoEventTimeout = 90000;      // 90 secs
        const int delayInAutoEventTimeout = 400; // 400 milliseconds 
        internal RemoteHelper(string machineName)
            this.machineName = machineName;

            // establish connection
            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions(); 
            co.Authentication = AuthenticationLevel.PacketPrivacy;
            co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate; 
            // define the management scope
            managementScope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + machineName + "\\root\\cimv2", co); 
            // define the path used
            ManagementPath path = new ManagementPath("Win32_Process");
            ObjectGetOptions options = new ObjectGetOptions(new ManagementNamedValueCollection(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), false);
            // get the object for the defined path in the defined scope
            // this object will be the object on which the InvokeMethod will be called 
            processClass = new ManagementClass(managementScope, path, options); 
        const string MethodCreate = "Create";
        const string QueryProcessExitEvent = "SELECT * FROM Win32_ProcessStopTrace";
        static class InputParameters
            public const string CommandLine = "CommandLine";
        static class OutputParameters
            public const string ProcessId = "ProcessID";
            public const string ReturnValue = "ReturnValue";
        internal void ExecuteWsatProcess(string arguments)
            ProcessStopTraceHandler handler; 
            Utilities.Log("ExecuteWsatProcess(" + arguments + ")");
                ManagementBaseObject inParams = processClass.GetMethodParameters(MethodCreate);
                inParams[InputParameters.CommandLine] = GetDeploymentPath() + " " + arguments; 

                WqlEventQuery wqlEventQuery = new WqlEventQuery(QueryProcessExitEvent); 
                ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(managementScope, wqlEventQuery); 

                handler = new ProcessStopTraceHandler(); 
                watcher.EventArrived += new EventArrivedEventHandler(handler.Arrived);

                ManagementBaseObject outParams = processClass.InvokeMethod( 

                if (outParams.Properties[OutputParameters.ProcessId].Value == null || 
                    outParams.Properties[OutputParameters.ReturnValue].Value == null)
                    throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.REMOTE_MISSING_WSAT, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorRemoteWSATMissing));
                // the process ID when executing a remote command 
                uint processID = (uint)outParams.Properties[OutputParameters.ProcessId].Value;
                uint result = (uint)outParams.Properties[OutputParameters.ReturnValue].Value;

                if (result != 0)
                    throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.REMOTE_MISSING_WSAT, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorRemoteWSATMissing));
                handler.ProcessId = processID;
                int totalDelay = 0;
                while (!handler.IsArrived && totalDelay < autoEventTimeout)
                    totalDelay += delayInAutoEventTimeout; 
            catch (WsatAdminException) 
#pragma warning suppress 56500 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (Utilities.IsCriticalException(e)) 

                throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.REMOTE_EXECUTION_ATTEMPT_ERROR,
                                                SR.GetString(SR.ErrorAttemptRemoteExecution, e.Message)); 
            if (handler.IsArrived && handler.ReturnCode != 0) 
                throw new WsatAdminException((WsatAdminErrorCode)handler.ReturnCode, 
                                                SR.GetString(SR.ErrorRemoteExecution, handler.ReturnCode));
            else if (!handler.IsArrived)
                throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.REMOTE_TIMEOUT, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorRemoteTimeout));
            Utilities.Log("ExecuteWSATProcess successfully quitted.");

        internal string GetDeploymentPath()
            string path = null; 

                //We first check if the 4.0 install path was available.
                RegistryConfigurationProvider reg = new RegistryConfigurationProvider(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 

                path = reg.ReadString(WsatKeys.RuntimeInstallPath, null); 

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) 

 		     //If path under 4.0 doesnt exit, check under 3.0 
	             RegistryConfigurationProvider reg2 = new RegistryConfigurationProvider(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive.LocalMachine,
 	             path = reg2.ReadString(WsatKeys.RuntimeInstallPath, null);
 	             	throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.CANNOT_GET_REMOTE_INSTALL_PATH,


                path = Path.Combine(path, "WsatConfig.exe"); 
            catch (WsatAdminException e)
                throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.CANNOT_GET_REMOTE_INSTALL_PATH,
                                                                SR.GetString(SR.ErrorCannotGetRemoteInstallPath), e);
            catch (ArgumentException e) // if the path in the remote registry is invalid... 
                throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.CANNOT_GET_REMOTE_INSTALL_PATH, 
                                                                SR.GetString(SR.ErrorCannotGetRemoteInstallPath), e); 
            return path; 

    class ProcessStopTraceHandler 
        bool isArrived = false; 
        uint processID = 0; 
        uint returnCode;
        Dictionary processesExited = new Dictionary();

        public uint ProcessId
            get { return processID; }
                processID = value;
                if (value > 0) 
                    lock (processesExited)
                        uint exitCode = 0; 
                        if (processesExited.TryGetValue(value, out exitCode))
                            isArrived = true; 
                            returnCode = exitCode;

        //Handles the event when it arrives 
        internal void Arrived(object sender, EventArrivedEventArgs e) 
            uint procID = (uint)e.NewEvent.Properties["ProcessID"].Value; 
            uint exitCode = (uint)e.NewEvent.Properties["ExitStatus"].Value;

            if (ProcessId == 0)
                lock (processesExited)
                    processesExited[procID] = exitCode; 
            else if (procID == this.ProcessId)
                this.returnCode = exitCode;
                isArrived = true; 
        //Used to determine whether the event has arrived or not.
        internal bool IsArrived 
                return isArrived; 
        internal uint ReturnCode
                return returnCode;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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