graph.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsCompiler / graph.cs / 1 / graph.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//		CFG Grammar backend 
// History:
//		5/1/2004	jeanfp		Created from the Sapi Managed code 

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    // Doubled chained linked list for fast removal of states. 
    // Checks are made to ensure that the State pointers are never reused.
    [DebuggerDisplay ("Count = {Count}")]
    [DebuggerTypeProxy (typeof (GraphDebugDisplay))]
    internal class Graph : IEnumerable
        // Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal void Add (State state) 
            state.Init ();
            if (_startState == null) 
                _curState = _startState = state;
                _curState = _curState.Add (state); 
        internal void Remove (State state)
            if (state == _startState)
                _startState = state.Next;
            if (state == _curState) 
                _curState = state.Prev; 

            state.Remove ();

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () 
            for (State item = _startState; item != null; item = item.Next)
                yield return item;
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
            for (State item = _startState; item != null; item = item.Next) 
                yield return item; 

        /// Creates a new state handle in a given rule
        internal State CreateNewState (Rule rule) 
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::CreateNewState");
            uint hNewState = CfgGrammar.NextHandle;
            State newState = new State (rule, hNewState);
            Add (newState); 
            return newState; 
        /// Deletet a state
        internal void DeleteState (State state)
            Remove (state);
        /// Optimizes the grammar network by removing the epsilon states and merging 
        /// duplicate transitions.  See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        internal void Optimize () 
            foreach (State state in this)
                NormalizeTransitionWeights (state); 
#if DEBUG 
            // Remove redundant epsilon transitions.
            int cStates = Count; 
            RemoveEpsilonStates ();
            if (Count != cStates)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine ("Grammar compiler, additional Epsilons could have been removed :" + (cStates - Count).ToString ()); 
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_states.Count == cStates);
            // Remove duplicate transitions. 
            MergeDuplicateTransitions (); 

            // Remove redundant epsilon transitions again now that identical epsilon transitions have been removed. 
            //DumpGrammarStatistics("GrammarOptimization: DuplicateRemoval");
            cStates = Count; 
            RemoveEpsilonStates (); 
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_states.Count == cStates);
            if (Count != cStates) 
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine ("Grammar compiler, additional Epsilons could have been removed post merge transition :" + (cStates - Count).ToString ());
            // Verify the transition weights are normalized.
            //DumpGrammarStatistics ("GrammarOptimization: Final"); 
            foreach (State state in this) 
                double flSumWeights = 0.0f;                        // Compute the sum of the weights. 
                int cArcs = 0;

                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                    flSumWeights += arc.Weight;

                float maxWeightError = 0.00001f * cArcs; 
                if (flSumWeights != 0.0f && maxWeightError - Math.Abs (flSumWeights - 1.0f) < 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (true);

        /// Description:
        /// 	Change all transitions ending at SourceState to end at DestState, instead.
        /// 	Replace references to SourceState with references to DestState before deleting SourceState.
        /// 	- There may be additional duplicate input transitions at DestState after the move. 
        /// Assumptions: 
        /// - SourceState == !null, RuleInitialState, !DestState,   ... 
        /// - DestState   ==  null, RuleInitialState, !SourceState, ...
        /// - SourceState.OutputArc.IsEmpty 
        /// - !(SourceState == RuleInitialState AND DestState == nul)
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - For each input transition into SourceState 
        ///   - Transition.EndState = DestState
        ///   - If DestState != null, DestState.InputArcs += Transition 
        ///   - SourceState.InputArcs -= Transition 
        /// - SourceState.InputArcs.Clear()
        /// - If SourceState == RuleInitialState, RuleInitialState = DestState 
        /// - Delete SourceState
        internal void MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State srcState, State destState)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null); 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != destState);
            // For each input transition into SourceState, change EndState to DestState.
            List arcs = srcState.InArcs.ToList ();
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs)
                // Change EndState to DestState
                arc.End = destState; 

            //srcState.InArcs.RemoveRange (0,srcState.InArcs.Count); 
            // Replace references to SourceState with references to DestState before deleting SourceState
            if (srcState.Rule._firstState == srcState) // Update RuleInitialState reference, if necessary
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (destState != null); 
                srcState.Rule._firstState = destState;
            // Delete SourceState
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null); 
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.InArcs.IsEmpty);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.OutArcs.IsEmpty);
            DeleteState (srcState);  // Delete state from handle table

        /// Description: 
        /// 	Change all transitions starting at SourceState to start at DestState, instead.
        /// 	Deleting SourceState. 
        /// 	- The weights on the transitions have been properly adjusted.
        /// 		The weights are not changed when moving transitions.
        /// 	- There may be additional duplicate input transitions at DestState after the move.
        /// Assumptions:
        /// - SourceState == !null, !RuleInitialState, !DestState,   ... 
        /// - DestState   == !null,  RuleInitialState, !SourceState, ... 
        /// - SourceState.InputArc.IsEmpty
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - For each output transition from SourceState
        ///   - Transition.StartState = DestState
        ///   - DestState.OutputArcs += Transition 
        /// - Delete SourceState
        internal void MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State srcState, State destState) 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((destState != null) && (destState != srcState));
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.InArcs.IsEmpty); 

            // For each output transition from SourceState, change StartState to DestState. 
            List arcs = srcState.OutArcs.ToList (); 
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs)
                // Change StartState to DestState
                arc.Start = destState;
            // Delete SourceState
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null); 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.InArcs.IsEmpty); 
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.OutArcs.IsEmpty);
            DeleteState (srcState);  // Delete state from handle table 

        // Internal Property 

        #region Internal Property

#if DEBUG 
        internal State First
                return _startState; 

        internal int Count 
                int c = 0;
                for (State se = _startState; se != null; se = se.Next) 
                return c; 

        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        ///   Description:
        ///		Removing epsilon states from the grammar network. 
        ///		See GrammarOptimization.doc for details.
        ///		- There may be additional duplicate transitions after removing epsilon transitions. 
        ///   Algorithm:
        ///   - For each State in the graph, 
        ///     - If the state has a single input epsilon transition and is not the rule initial state,
        /// 	- Move properties to the right, if necessary.
        /// 	- If EpsilonTransition does not have properties and is not referenced by other properties,
        ///   - Delete EpsilonTransition. 
        ///   - Multiply weight of all transitions from State by EpsilonTransition.Weight.
        ///   - MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState(State, EpsilonTransition.StartState) 
        ///    - If the state has a single output epsilon transition, 
        ///    - Move properties to the left, if necessary.
        ///   - If EpsilonTransition does not have properties and is not referenced by other properties, 
        ///   - Delete EpsilonTransition.
        ///   - MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState(State, EpsilonTransition.EndState)
        ///    Moving SemanticTag: 
        ///    - InputEpsilonTransitions  can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the right.
        ///    - OutputEpsilonTransitions can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the left. 
        private void RemoveEpsilonStates ()
            // For each state in the grammar graph, remove excess input/output epsilon transitions.
            for (State state = First, nextState = null; state != null; state = nextState)
                nextState = state.Next; 
                if (state.InArcs.CountIsOne && state.InArcs.First.IsEpsilonTransition && (state != state.Rule._firstState))
                    // State has a single input epsilon transition and is not the rule initial state. 
                    Arc epsilonArc = state.InArcs.First;
                    // Attempt to move properties referencing EpsilonArc to the right.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the epsilon arc is not referenced by any properties.
                    if (MoveSemanticTagRight (epsilonArc))
                        // Delete the input epsilon transition
                        State pEpsilonStartState = epsilonArc.Start; 
                        float flEpsilonWeight = epsilonArc.Weight; 

                        DeleteTransition (epsilonArc); 

                        // Multiply weight of all transitions from state by EpsilonWeight.
                        foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                            arc.Weight *= flEpsilonWeight;
                        // Move all output transitions from state to pEpsilonStartState and delete state if appropriate.
                        if (state != pEpsilonStartState) 
                            MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (state, pEpsilonStartState);
                // Optimize output epsilon transition, if possible 
                else if ((state.OutArcs.CountIsOne) && state.OutArcs.First.IsEpsilonTransition && (state != state.Rule._firstState)) 
                    // State has a single output epsilon transition 
                    Arc epsilonArc = state.OutArcs.First;

                    // Attempt to move properties referencing EpsilonArc to the left.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the epsilon arc is not referenced by any properties 
                    // and when the arc does not connect RuleInitialState to null.
                    if (!((state == state.Rule._firstState) && (epsilonArc.End == null)) && MoveSemanticTagLeft (epsilonArc)) 
                        // Delete the output epsilon transition
                        State pEpsilonEndState = epsilonArc.End; 

                        DeleteTransition (epsilonArc);

                        // Move all input transitions from state to pEpsilonEndState and delete state if appropriate. 
                        if (state != pEpsilonEndState)
                            MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (state, pEpsilonEndState); 
        /// Description: 
        /// 	Remove duplicate transitions starting from the same state, or ending at the same state. 
        /// 	See GrammarOptimization.doc for details.
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - Add all states to ToDoList
        /// - For each state left in the ToDoList,
        ///   - Merge any duplicate output transitions. 
        /// - Add all states to ToDoList in reverse order.
        /// - Remove duplicate transitions to null (special case since there is no state for FinalState) 
        /// - For each state left in the ToDoList, 
        ///   - Merge any duplicate input transitions.
        /// Notes:
        /// - For best optimization, we need to move semantic properties referencing the transitions.
        private void MergeDuplicateTransitions () 
            List tempList = new List (); 
            // Build collection of states with potential identical transition.
            foreach (State state in this) 
                if (state.OutArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    // Merge identical transitions in arcs 
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (state.OutArcs, tempList);

            // Collection of states with potential transitions to merge 
            Stack mergeStates = new Stack ();

            RecursiveMergeDuplicatedOutputTransition (mergeStates);
            RecursiveMergeDuplicatedInputTransition (mergeStates); 
        private void RecursiveMergeDuplicatedInputTransition (Stack mergeStates) 
            // Build collection of states with potential duplicate input transitions to merge. 
            foreach (State state in this)
                if (state.InArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    MergeDuplicateInputTransitions (state.InArcs, mergeStates);

            // For each state in the collection, merge any duplicate input transitions. 
            List tempList = new List ();
            while (mergeStates.Count > 0)
                State state = mergeStates.Pop (); 
                if (state.InArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    // Merge identical transitions in arcs that may have been created 
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (state.InArcs, tempList);
                    MergeDuplicateInputTransitions (state.InArcs, mergeStates); 
        private void RecursiveMergeDuplicatedOutputTransition (Stack mergeStates)
            // Build collection of states with potential duplicate output transitions to merge. 
            foreach (State state in this)
                if (state.OutArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    MergeDuplicateOutputTransitions (state.OutArcs, mergeStates);
            // For each state in the collection, merge any duplicate output transitions. 
            List tempList = new List ();
            while (mergeStates.Count > 0) 
                State state = mergeStates.Pop ();
                if (state.OutArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    // Merge identical transitions in arcs that may have been created
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (state.OutArcs, tempList); 
                    MergeDuplicateOutputTransitions (state.OutArcs, mergeStates); 

        /// Description: 
        ///		Sort and iterate through the input arcs and remove duplicate input transitions.
        ///		See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        /// Algorithm:
        ///   - MergeIdenticalTransitions(Arcs) 
        ///   - Sort the input transitions from the state (by content and # output arcs from start state)
        ///   - For each set of transitions with identical content and StartState.OutputArcs.Count() == 1
        ///			- Move semantic properties to the left, if necessary.
        ///			- Label the first property-less transition as CommonArc 
        ///			- For each successive property-less transition (DuplicateArc)
        ///			  - Delete DuplicateArc 
        ///			  - MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState(DuplicateArc.StartState, CommonArc.StartState) 
        ///			- Add CommonArc.StartState to ToDoList if not there already.
        ///  Moving SemanticTag:
        ///  - Duplicate input transitions can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the left.
        /// Collection of input transitions to collapse 
        /// Collection of states with potential transitions to merge
        private void MergeDuplicateInputTransitions (ArcList arcs, Stack mergeStates) 
            List arcsToMerge = null;
            // Reference Arc
            Arc refArc = null;
            bool refSet = false;
            // Build a list of possible arcs to Merge
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs) 
                // Skip transitions whose end state has other incoming transitions or if the end state has more than one incoming transition
                bool skipTransition = arc.Start == null || !arc.Start.OutArcs.CountIsOne; 
                // Find next set of duplicate output transitions (potentially with properties).
                if (refArc != null && Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) == 0)
                    if (!skipTransition) 
                        // Lazy init as entering this loop is a rare event 
                        if (arcsToMerge == null) 
                            arcsToMerge = new List (); 
                        // Add the first element
                        if (!refSet)
                            arcsToMerge.Add (refArc);
                            refSet = true; 
                        arcsToMerge.Add (arc);
                    // New word, reset everything 
                    refArc = skipTransition ? null : arc;
                    refSet = false; 
            // Combine the arcs if possible
            if (arcsToMerge != null)
                // Sort the arc per content and output transition 
                arcsToMerge.Sort (Arc.CompareForDuplicateInputTransitions);
                refArc = null; 
                Arc commonArc = null;                   // Common property-less transition to merge into
                State commonStartState = null; 
                bool fCommonStartStateChanged = false;      // Did CommonStartState change and need re-optimization?

                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToMerge)
                    if (refArc == null || Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) != 0)
                        // Purge the last operations and reset all the local 
                        refArc = arc;
                        // If CommonStartState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization.
                        if (fCommonStartStateChanged)
                            AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonStartState); 
                        // Reset the arcs 
                        commonArc = null;
                        commonStartState = null; 
                        fCommonStartStateChanged = false;

                    // For each property-less duplicate transition 
                    Arc duplicatedArc = arc;
                    State duplicatedStartState = duplicatedArc.Start; 
                    // Attempt to move properties referencing duplicate arc to the right.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the duplicate arc is not referenced by any properties 
                    // and the duplicate end state is not the RuleOutitalState.
                    if (MoveSemanticTagLeft (duplicatedArc))
                        // duplicatedArc != commonArc 
                        if (commonArc != null)
                            if (!fCommonStartStateChanged) 
                                // Processing first duplicate arc. 
                                // Multiply the weights of transitions from CommonStartState by CommonArc.Weight.
                                foreach (Arc arcOut in commonStartState.OutArcs)
                                    arcOut.Weight *= commonArc.Weight; 
                                fCommonStartStateChanged = true;  // Output transitions of CommonStartState changed. 
                            // Multiply the weights of transitions from DuplicateStartState by DuplicateArc.Weight.
                            foreach (Arc arcOut in duplicatedStartState.OutArcs)
                                arcOut.Weight *= duplicatedArc.Weight; 

                            duplicatedArc.Weight += commonArc.Weight;// Merge duplicate arc weight with common arc
                            Arc.CopyTags (commonArc, duplicatedArc, Direction.Left); 
                            DeleteTransition (commonArc);    // Delete successive duplicate transitions

                            // Move outputs of duplicate state to common state; Delete duplicate state
                            MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (commonStartState, duplicatedStartState); 
                        // Label first property-less transition as CommonArc 
                        commonArc = duplicatedArc;
                        commonStartState = duplicatedStartState; 
                // If CommonStartState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization.
                if (fCommonStartStateChanged) 
                    AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonStartState); 

        /// Description:
        /// 	Sort and iterate through the output arcs and remove duplicate output transitions. 
        /// 	See GrammarOptimization.doc for details.
        /// Algorithm: 
        ///   - MergeIdenticalTransitions(Arcs)
        ///   - Sort the output transitions from the state (by content and # input arcs from end state) 
        ///   - For each set of transitions with identical content, EndState != null, and EndState.InputArcs.Count() == 1
        /// 	- Move semantic properties to the right, if necessary.
        /// 	- Label the first property-less transition as CommonArc
        /// 	- For each property-less transition (DuplicateArc) including CommonArc 
        /// 	  - Multiply the weights of output transitions from DuplicateArc.EndState by DuplicateArc.Weight.
        /// 	  - If DuplicateArc != CommonArc 
        /// 	    - CommonArc.Weight += DuplicateArc.Weight 
        /// 	    - Delete DuplicateArc
        /// 	    - MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState(DuplicateArc.EndState, CommonArc.EndState) 
        /// 	- Normalize weights of output transitions from CommonArc.EndState.
        /// 	- Add CommonArc.EndtState to ToDoList if not there already.
        /// Moving SemanticTag: 
        /// - Duplicate output transitions can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the right.
        /// Collection of output transitions to collapse 
        /// Collection of states with potential transitions to merge
        private void MergeDuplicateOutputTransitions (ArcList arcs, Stack mergeStates) 
            List arcsToMerge = null;

            // Reference Arc 
            Arc refArc = null;
            bool refSet = false; 
            // Build a list of possible arcs to Merge
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs) 
                // Skip transitions whose end state has other incoming transitions or if the end state has more than one incoming transition
                bool skipTransition = arc.End == null || !arc.End.InArcs.CountIsOne;
                // Find next set of duplicate output transitions (potentially with properties). 
                if (refArc != null && Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) == 0)
                    if (!skipTransition) 
                        // Lazy init as entering this loop is a rare event 
                        if (arcsToMerge == null)
                            arcsToMerge = new List ();
                        // Add the first element
                        if (!refSet) 
                            arcsToMerge.Add (refArc);
                            refSet = true; 
                        arcsToMerge.Add (arc);
                    // New word, reset everything 
                    refArc = skipTransition ? null : arc;
                    refSet = false; 

            // Combine the arcs if possible 
            if (arcsToMerge != null)
                // Sort the arc per content and output transition 
                arcsToMerge.Sort (Arc.CompareForDuplicateOutputTransitions);
                refArc = null;
                Arc commonArc = null;                   // Common property-less transition to merge into
                State commonEndState = null;
                bool fCommonEndStateChanged = false;      // Did CommonEndState change and need re-optimization? 

                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToMerge) 
                    if (refArc == null || Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) != 0)
                        // Purge the last operations and reset all the local
                        refArc = arc;

                        // If CommonEndState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization. 
                        if (fCommonEndStateChanged)
                            AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonEndState); 
                        // Reset the arcs
                        commonArc = null;
                        commonEndState = null;
                        fCommonEndStateChanged = false; 
                    // For each property-less duplicate transition 
                    Arc duplicatedArc = arc;
                    State duplicatedEndState = duplicatedArc.End; 

                    // Attempt to move properties referencing duplicate arc to the right.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the duplicate arc is not referenced by any properties
                    // and the duplicate end state is not the RuleInitalState. 
                    if ((duplicatedEndState != duplicatedEndState.Rule._firstState) && MoveSemanticTagRight (duplicatedArc))
                        // duplicatedArc != commonArc 
                        if (commonArc != null)
                            if (!fCommonEndStateChanged)
                                // Processing first duplicate arc.
                                // Multiply the weights of transitions from CommonEndState by CommonArc.Weight. 
                                foreach (Arc arcOut in commonEndState.OutArcs)
                                    arcOut.Weight *= commonArc.Weight; 
                                fCommonEndStateChanged = true;  // Output transitions of CommonEndState changed.

                            // Multiply the weights of transitions from DuplicateEndState by DuplicateArc.Weight. 
                            foreach (Arc arcOut in duplicatedEndState.OutArcs)
                                arcOut.Weight *= duplicatedArc.Weight; 
                            duplicatedArc.Weight += commonArc.Weight;// Merge duplicate arc weight with common arc
                            Arc.CopyTags (commonArc, duplicatedArc, Direction.Right);
                            DeleteTransition (commonArc);    // Delete successive duplicate transitions
                            // Move outputs of duplicate state to common state; Delete duplicate state
                            MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (commonEndState, duplicatedEndState); 

                        // Label first property-less transition as CommonArc 
                        commonArc = duplicatedArc;
                        commonEndState = duplicatedEndState;
                // If CommonEndState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization.
                if (fCommonEndStateChanged) 
                    AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonEndState);

        private static void AddToMergeStateList (Stack mergeStates, State commonEndState) 
            NormalizeTransitionWeights (commonEndState); 
            if (!mergeStates.Contains (commonEndState)) 
                mergeStates.Push (commonEndState); 

        /// Move any semantic tag ownership and optionally references to a unique
        /// previous arc, if possible. 
        /// MoveReferences = true:  Return if arc is propertyless after the move.
        /// MoveReferences = false: Return if arc does not own semantic tag after the move. 
        ///                         The arc can still be referenced by other semantic tags.
        internal static bool MoveSemanticTagLeft (Arc arc)
            // ToDo: Temporarily force semantic tag references to always move with tag.  See 37583. 
            //       This changes the range of words spanned by the tag, which is a bug for SAPI grammars.
            State startState = arc.Start; 

            // Can only move ownership/references if there is an unique input and output arc from the start state.
            // Cannot concatenate semantic tags.  (SemanticInterpretation script can arguably be concatenated.)
            // Cannot move ownership across RuleRef (to maintain semantics of $$ in SemanticTag JScript). 
            // Cannot move semantic tag to special transition.  (SREngine may return multiple result arcs for the transition.)
            Arc previousArc = startState.InArcs.First; 
            if ((startState.InArcs.CountIsOne) && (startState.OutArcs.CountIsOne) && CanTagsBeMoved (previousArc, arc)) 
                // Move semantic tag ownership to the previous arc. 
                Arc.CopyTags (arc, previousArc, Direction.Left);

                // Semantic tag and optionally references have been moved successfully.
                return true; 
            return arc.IsPropertylessTransition; 
        /// Move any semantic tag ownership and optionally references to a unique
        /// next arc, if possible.
        /// MoveReferences = true:  Return if arc is propertyless after the move.
        /// MoveReferences = false: Return if arc does not own semantic tag after the move. 
        ///                         The arc can still be referenced by other semantic tags. 
        /// Force semantic tag references to always move with tag.  See 37583. 
        ///      This changes the range of words spanned by the tag, which is a bug for SAPI grammars.
        internal static bool MoveSemanticTagRight (Arc arc)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arc.End != null); 

            State endState = arc.End; 

            // Can only move ownership/references if there is an unique input and output arc from the end state.
            // Cannot concatenate semantic tags.  (SemanticInterpretation script can arguably be concatenated.)
            // Cannot move ownership across RuleRef (to maintain semantics of $$ in SemanticTag JScript). 
            // Cannot move semantic tag to special transition.  (SREngine may return multiple result arcs for the transition.)
            Arc pNextArc = endState.OutArcs.First; 
            if ((endState.InArcs.CountIsOne) && (endState.OutArcs.CountIsOne) && CanTagsBeMoved (arc, pNextArc)) 
                // Move semantic tag ownership to the next arc. 
                Arc.CopyTags (arc, pNextArc, Direction.Right);

                // Semantic tag and optionally references have been moved successfully.
                return true; 
            return arc.IsPropertylessTransition; 
        /// Check if tags can be moved from a source arc to a destination
        ///     - Semantic interpretation. Tags cannot be moved if they would end up over a rule ref.
        ///     - Sapi properties. Tag can be put anywhere. 
        internal static bool CanTagsBeMoved (Arc start, Arc end) 
            return (start.RuleRef == null) && (end.RuleRef == null) && (end.SpecialTransitionIndex == 0);
        /// Description: 
        ///		Detach and delete the specified transition from the graph. 
        ///		Relocate or delete referencing semantic tags before deleting the transition.
        /// Special Case:
        ///		Arc.EndState == null
        ///		Arc.Optional == true
        private static void DeleteTransition (Arc arc) 
            // Arc cannot own SemanticTag
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arc.SemanticTagCount == 0); 

            // Arc cannot be referenced by SemanticTags
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arc.IsPropertylessTransition);
            // Detach arc from start and end state
            arc.Start = arc.End = null; 

        /// Description:
        ///    Merge identical transitions with identical content, StartState, and EndState.
        private static void MergeIdenticalTransitions (ArcList arcs, List identicalWords) 
            // Need at least two transitions to merge. 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem);

            // Need at least two transitions to merge.
            List> segmentsToDelete = null; 
            Arc refArc = arcs.First;
            // Accumulate a set of transition to delete 
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs)
                if (Arc.CompareContent (refArc, arc) != 0)
                    // Identical transition
                    if (identicalWords.Count >= 2) 
                        identicalWords.Sort (Arc.CompareIdenticalTransitions); 
                        if (segmentsToDelete == null) 
                            segmentsToDelete = new List> (); 

                        // Add the list of same words into a list for further processing.
                        // The expectation of having an identical transition is very low so the code 
                        // may be a bit slow.
                        segmentsToDelete.Add (new List (identicalWords)); 
                    identicalWords.Clear ();
                refArc = arc;
                identicalWords.Add (arc);
            // Did the last word was replicated several times?
            if (identicalWords.Count >= 2) 
                MergeIdenticalTransitions (identicalWords);
            identicalWords.Clear ();

            // Process the accumulated words
            if (segmentsToDelete != null) 
                foreach (List segmentToDelete in segmentsToDelete) 
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (segmentToDelete);

        /// Description:
        ///    Merge identical transitions with identical content, StartState, and EndState. 
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - LastArc = Arcs[0] 
        /// - For each Arc in Arcs[1-],
        ///   - If Arc is identical to LastArc,
        ///   - LastArc.Weight += Arc.Weight
        ///   - Delete Arc 
        ///   - Else LastArc = Arc
        /// Moving SemanticTag: 
        /// - Identical transitions have identical semantic tags.  Currently impossible to have identical
        /// non-null tags. 
        /// - MoveSemanticTagReferences(DuplicateArc, CommonArc)
        private static void MergeIdenticalTransitions (List identicalWords) 
            Collection arcsToDelete = null; 
            Arc refArc = null; 
            foreach (Arc arc in identicalWords)
                if (refArc != null && Arc.CompareIdenticalTransitions (refArc, arc) == 0)
                    // Identical transition
                    arc.Weight += refArc.Weight; 
                    refArc.ClearTags ();
                    if (arcsToDelete == null) 
                        // delay the creation of the collection as this operation in unfrequent.
                        arcsToDelete = new Collection (); 
                    arcsToDelete.Add (refArc);
                refArc = arc; 
            if (arcsToDelete != null) 
                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToDelete)
                    // arc will become an orphan
                    DeleteTransition (arc);
        /// Normalize the weights of output transitions from this state.
        /// See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        private static void NormalizeTransitionWeights (State state)
            float flSumWeights = 0.0f;
            // Compute the sum of the weights. 
            foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                flSumWeights += arc.Weight;

            // If Sum != 0 or 1, normalize transition weights by 1/Sum. 
            if (!flSumWeights.Equals (0.0f) && !flSumWeights.Equals (1.0f))
                float flNormalizationFactor = 1.0f / flSumWeights; 

                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs) 
                    arc.Weight *= flNormalizationFactor;

        // Private Types

        #region Private Types 
        // Used by the debbugger display attribute 
        internal class GraphDebugDisplay
            public GraphDebugDisplay (Graph states)
                _states = states;
            [DebuggerBrowsable (DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden)]
            public State [] AKeys 
                    State [] states = new State [_states.Count]; 
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (State state in _states) 
                        states [i++] = state;
                    return states;
            private Graph _states;


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private State _startState;
        private State _curState;

#if     VIEW_STATS 
        static internal int _cStates = 0;
        static internal int _cArcs = 0; 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//		CFG Grammar backend 
// History:
//		5/1/2004	jeanfp		Created from the Sapi Managed code 

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    // Doubled chained linked list for fast removal of states. 
    // Checks are made to ensure that the State pointers are never reused.
    [DebuggerDisplay ("Count = {Count}")]
    [DebuggerTypeProxy (typeof (GraphDebugDisplay))]
    internal class Graph : IEnumerable
        // Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        internal void Add (State state) 
            state.Init ();
            if (_startState == null) 
                _curState = _startState = state;
                _curState = _curState.Add (state); 
        internal void Remove (State state)
            if (state == _startState)
                _startState = state.Next;
            if (state == _curState) 
                _curState = state.Prev; 

            state.Remove ();

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () 
            for (State item = _startState; item != null; item = item.Next)
                yield return item;
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
            for (State item = _startState; item != null; item = item.Next) 
                yield return item; 

        /// Creates a new state handle in a given rule
        internal State CreateNewState (Rule rule) 
            //CfgGrammar.TraceInformation ("BackEnd::CreateNewState");
            uint hNewState = CfgGrammar.NextHandle;
            State newState = new State (rule, hNewState);
            Add (newState); 
            return newState; 
        /// Deletet a state
        internal void DeleteState (State state)
            Remove (state);
        /// Optimizes the grammar network by removing the epsilon states and merging 
        /// duplicate transitions.  See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        internal void Optimize () 
            foreach (State state in this)
                NormalizeTransitionWeights (state); 
#if DEBUG 
            // Remove redundant epsilon transitions.
            int cStates = Count; 
            RemoveEpsilonStates ();
            if (Count != cStates)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine ("Grammar compiler, additional Epsilons could have been removed :" + (cStates - Count).ToString ()); 
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_states.Count == cStates);
            // Remove duplicate transitions. 
            MergeDuplicateTransitions (); 

            // Remove redundant epsilon transitions again now that identical epsilon transitions have been removed. 
            //DumpGrammarStatistics("GrammarOptimization: DuplicateRemoval");
            cStates = Count; 
            RemoveEpsilonStates (); 
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_states.Count == cStates);
            if (Count != cStates) 
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine ("Grammar compiler, additional Epsilons could have been removed post merge transition :" + (cStates - Count).ToString ());
            // Verify the transition weights are normalized.
            //DumpGrammarStatistics ("GrammarOptimization: Final"); 
            foreach (State state in this) 
                double flSumWeights = 0.0f;                        // Compute the sum of the weights. 
                int cArcs = 0;

                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                    flSumWeights += arc.Weight;

                float maxWeightError = 0.00001f * cArcs; 
                if (flSumWeights != 0.0f && maxWeightError - Math.Abs (flSumWeights - 1.0f) < 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (true);

        /// Description:
        /// 	Change all transitions ending at SourceState to end at DestState, instead.
        /// 	Replace references to SourceState with references to DestState before deleting SourceState.
        /// 	- There may be additional duplicate input transitions at DestState after the move. 
        /// Assumptions: 
        /// - SourceState == !null, RuleInitialState, !DestState,   ... 
        /// - DestState   ==  null, RuleInitialState, !SourceState, ...
        /// - SourceState.OutputArc.IsEmpty 
        /// - !(SourceState == RuleInitialState AND DestState == nul)
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - For each input transition into SourceState 
        ///   - Transition.EndState = DestState
        ///   - If DestState != null, DestState.InputArcs += Transition 
        ///   - SourceState.InputArcs -= Transition 
        /// - SourceState.InputArcs.Clear()
        /// - If SourceState == RuleInitialState, RuleInitialState = DestState 
        /// - Delete SourceState
        internal void MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State srcState, State destState)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null); 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != destState);
            // For each input transition into SourceState, change EndState to DestState.
            List arcs = srcState.InArcs.ToList ();
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs)
                // Change EndState to DestState
                arc.End = destState; 

            //srcState.InArcs.RemoveRange (0,srcState.InArcs.Count); 
            // Replace references to SourceState with references to DestState before deleting SourceState
            if (srcState.Rule._firstState == srcState) // Update RuleInitialState reference, if necessary
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (destState != null); 
                srcState.Rule._firstState = destState;
            // Delete SourceState
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null); 
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.InArcs.IsEmpty);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.OutArcs.IsEmpty);
            DeleteState (srcState);  // Delete state from handle table

        /// Description: 
        /// 	Change all transitions starting at SourceState to start at DestState, instead.
        /// 	Deleting SourceState. 
        /// 	- The weights on the transitions have been properly adjusted.
        /// 		The weights are not changed when moving transitions.
        /// 	- There may be additional duplicate input transitions at DestState after the move.
        /// Assumptions:
        /// - SourceState == !null, !RuleInitialState, !DestState,   ... 
        /// - DestState   == !null,  RuleInitialState, !SourceState, ... 
        /// - SourceState.InputArc.IsEmpty
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - For each output transition from SourceState
        ///   - Transition.StartState = DestState
        ///   - DestState.OutputArcs += Transition 
        /// - Delete SourceState
        internal void MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (State srcState, State destState) 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((destState != null) && (destState != srcState));
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.InArcs.IsEmpty); 

            // For each output transition from SourceState, change StartState to DestState. 
            List arcs = srcState.OutArcs.ToList (); 
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs)
                // Change StartState to DestState
                arc.Start = destState;
            // Delete SourceState
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState != null); 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.InArcs.IsEmpty); 
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (srcState.OutArcs.IsEmpty);
            DeleteState (srcState);  // Delete state from handle table 

        // Internal Property 

        #region Internal Property

#if DEBUG 
        internal State First
                return _startState; 

        internal int Count 
                int c = 0;
                for (State se = _startState; se != null; se = se.Next) 
                return c; 

        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        ///   Description:
        ///		Removing epsilon states from the grammar network. 
        ///		See GrammarOptimization.doc for details.
        ///		- There may be additional duplicate transitions after removing epsilon transitions. 
        ///   Algorithm:
        ///   - For each State in the graph, 
        ///     - If the state has a single input epsilon transition and is not the rule initial state,
        /// 	- Move properties to the right, if necessary.
        /// 	- If EpsilonTransition does not have properties and is not referenced by other properties,
        ///   - Delete EpsilonTransition. 
        ///   - Multiply weight of all transitions from State by EpsilonTransition.Weight.
        ///   - MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState(State, EpsilonTransition.StartState) 
        ///    - If the state has a single output epsilon transition, 
        ///    - Move properties to the left, if necessary.
        ///   - If EpsilonTransition does not have properties and is not referenced by other properties, 
        ///   - Delete EpsilonTransition.
        ///   - MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState(State, EpsilonTransition.EndState)
        ///    Moving SemanticTag: 
        ///    - InputEpsilonTransitions  can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the right.
        ///    - OutputEpsilonTransitions can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the left. 
        private void RemoveEpsilonStates ()
            // For each state in the grammar graph, remove excess input/output epsilon transitions.
            for (State state = First, nextState = null; state != null; state = nextState)
                nextState = state.Next; 
                if (state.InArcs.CountIsOne && state.InArcs.First.IsEpsilonTransition && (state != state.Rule._firstState))
                    // State has a single input epsilon transition and is not the rule initial state. 
                    Arc epsilonArc = state.InArcs.First;
                    // Attempt to move properties referencing EpsilonArc to the right.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the epsilon arc is not referenced by any properties.
                    if (MoveSemanticTagRight (epsilonArc))
                        // Delete the input epsilon transition
                        State pEpsilonStartState = epsilonArc.Start; 
                        float flEpsilonWeight = epsilonArc.Weight; 

                        DeleteTransition (epsilonArc); 

                        // Multiply weight of all transitions from state by EpsilonWeight.
                        foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                            arc.Weight *= flEpsilonWeight;
                        // Move all output transitions from state to pEpsilonStartState and delete state if appropriate.
                        if (state != pEpsilonStartState) 
                            MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (state, pEpsilonStartState);
                // Optimize output epsilon transition, if possible 
                else if ((state.OutArcs.CountIsOne) && state.OutArcs.First.IsEpsilonTransition && (state != state.Rule._firstState)) 
                    // State has a single output epsilon transition 
                    Arc epsilonArc = state.OutArcs.First;

                    // Attempt to move properties referencing EpsilonArc to the left.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the epsilon arc is not referenced by any properties 
                    // and when the arc does not connect RuleInitialState to null.
                    if (!((state == state.Rule._firstState) && (epsilonArc.End == null)) && MoveSemanticTagLeft (epsilonArc)) 
                        // Delete the output epsilon transition
                        State pEpsilonEndState = epsilonArc.End; 

                        DeleteTransition (epsilonArc);

                        // Move all input transitions from state to pEpsilonEndState and delete state if appropriate. 
                        if (state != pEpsilonEndState)
                            MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (state, pEpsilonEndState); 
        /// Description: 
        /// 	Remove duplicate transitions starting from the same state, or ending at the same state. 
        /// 	See GrammarOptimization.doc for details.
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - Add all states to ToDoList
        /// - For each state left in the ToDoList,
        ///   - Merge any duplicate output transitions. 
        /// - Add all states to ToDoList in reverse order.
        /// - Remove duplicate transitions to null (special case since there is no state for FinalState) 
        /// - For each state left in the ToDoList, 
        ///   - Merge any duplicate input transitions.
        /// Notes:
        /// - For best optimization, we need to move semantic properties referencing the transitions.
        private void MergeDuplicateTransitions () 
            List tempList = new List (); 
            // Build collection of states with potential identical transition.
            foreach (State state in this) 
                if (state.OutArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    // Merge identical transitions in arcs 
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (state.OutArcs, tempList);

            // Collection of states with potential transitions to merge 
            Stack mergeStates = new Stack ();

            RecursiveMergeDuplicatedOutputTransition (mergeStates);
            RecursiveMergeDuplicatedInputTransition (mergeStates); 
        private void RecursiveMergeDuplicatedInputTransition (Stack mergeStates) 
            // Build collection of states with potential duplicate input transitions to merge. 
            foreach (State state in this)
                if (state.InArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    MergeDuplicateInputTransitions (state.InArcs, mergeStates);

            // For each state in the collection, merge any duplicate input transitions. 
            List tempList = new List ();
            while (mergeStates.Count > 0)
                State state = mergeStates.Pop (); 
                if (state.InArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    // Merge identical transitions in arcs that may have been created 
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (state.InArcs, tempList);
                    MergeDuplicateInputTransitions (state.InArcs, mergeStates); 
        private void RecursiveMergeDuplicatedOutputTransition (Stack mergeStates)
            // Build collection of states with potential duplicate output transitions to merge. 
            foreach (State state in this)
                if (state.OutArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    MergeDuplicateOutputTransitions (state.OutArcs, mergeStates);
            // For each state in the collection, merge any duplicate output transitions. 
            List tempList = new List ();
            while (mergeStates.Count > 0) 
                State state = mergeStates.Pop ();
                if (state.OutArcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem)
                    // Merge identical transitions in arcs that may have been created
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (state.OutArcs, tempList); 
                    MergeDuplicateOutputTransitions (state.OutArcs, mergeStates); 

        /// Description: 
        ///		Sort and iterate through the input arcs and remove duplicate input transitions.
        ///		See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        /// Algorithm:
        ///   - MergeIdenticalTransitions(Arcs) 
        ///   - Sort the input transitions from the state (by content and # output arcs from start state)
        ///   - For each set of transitions with identical content and StartState.OutputArcs.Count() == 1
        ///			- Move semantic properties to the left, if necessary.
        ///			- Label the first property-less transition as CommonArc 
        ///			- For each successive property-less transition (DuplicateArc)
        ///			  - Delete DuplicateArc 
        ///			  - MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState(DuplicateArc.StartState, CommonArc.StartState) 
        ///			- Add CommonArc.StartState to ToDoList if not there already.
        ///  Moving SemanticTag:
        ///  - Duplicate input transitions can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the left.
        /// Collection of input transitions to collapse 
        /// Collection of states with potential transitions to merge
        private void MergeDuplicateInputTransitions (ArcList arcs, Stack mergeStates) 
            List arcsToMerge = null;
            // Reference Arc
            Arc refArc = null;
            bool refSet = false;
            // Build a list of possible arcs to Merge
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs) 
                // Skip transitions whose end state has other incoming transitions or if the end state has more than one incoming transition
                bool skipTransition = arc.Start == null || !arc.Start.OutArcs.CountIsOne; 
                // Find next set of duplicate output transitions (potentially with properties).
                if (refArc != null && Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) == 0)
                    if (!skipTransition) 
                        // Lazy init as entering this loop is a rare event 
                        if (arcsToMerge == null) 
                            arcsToMerge = new List (); 
                        // Add the first element
                        if (!refSet)
                            arcsToMerge.Add (refArc);
                            refSet = true; 
                        arcsToMerge.Add (arc);
                    // New word, reset everything 
                    refArc = skipTransition ? null : arc;
                    refSet = false; 
            // Combine the arcs if possible
            if (arcsToMerge != null)
                // Sort the arc per content and output transition 
                arcsToMerge.Sort (Arc.CompareForDuplicateInputTransitions);
                refArc = null; 
                Arc commonArc = null;                   // Common property-less transition to merge into
                State commonStartState = null; 
                bool fCommonStartStateChanged = false;      // Did CommonStartState change and need re-optimization?

                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToMerge)
                    if (refArc == null || Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) != 0)
                        // Purge the last operations and reset all the local 
                        refArc = arc;
                        // If CommonStartState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization.
                        if (fCommonStartStateChanged)
                            AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonStartState); 
                        // Reset the arcs 
                        commonArc = null;
                        commonStartState = null; 
                        fCommonStartStateChanged = false;

                    // For each property-less duplicate transition 
                    Arc duplicatedArc = arc;
                    State duplicatedStartState = duplicatedArc.Start; 
                    // Attempt to move properties referencing duplicate arc to the right.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the duplicate arc is not referenced by any properties 
                    // and the duplicate end state is not the RuleOutitalState.
                    if (MoveSemanticTagLeft (duplicatedArc))
                        // duplicatedArc != commonArc 
                        if (commonArc != null)
                            if (!fCommonStartStateChanged) 
                                // Processing first duplicate arc. 
                                // Multiply the weights of transitions from CommonStartState by CommonArc.Weight.
                                foreach (Arc arcOut in commonStartState.OutArcs)
                                    arcOut.Weight *= commonArc.Weight; 
                                fCommonStartStateChanged = true;  // Output transitions of CommonStartState changed. 
                            // Multiply the weights of transitions from DuplicateStartState by DuplicateArc.Weight.
                            foreach (Arc arcOut in duplicatedStartState.OutArcs)
                                arcOut.Weight *= duplicatedArc.Weight; 

                            duplicatedArc.Weight += commonArc.Weight;// Merge duplicate arc weight with common arc
                            Arc.CopyTags (commonArc, duplicatedArc, Direction.Left); 
                            DeleteTransition (commonArc);    // Delete successive duplicate transitions

                            // Move outputs of duplicate state to common state; Delete duplicate state
                            MoveInputTransitionsAndDeleteState (commonStartState, duplicatedStartState); 
                        // Label first property-less transition as CommonArc 
                        commonArc = duplicatedArc;
                        commonStartState = duplicatedStartState; 
                // If CommonStartState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization.
                if (fCommonStartStateChanged) 
                    AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonStartState); 

        /// Description:
        /// 	Sort and iterate through the output arcs and remove duplicate output transitions. 
        /// 	See GrammarOptimization.doc for details.
        /// Algorithm: 
        ///   - MergeIdenticalTransitions(Arcs)
        ///   - Sort the output transitions from the state (by content and # input arcs from end state) 
        ///   - For each set of transitions with identical content, EndState != null, and EndState.InputArcs.Count() == 1
        /// 	- Move semantic properties to the right, if necessary.
        /// 	- Label the first property-less transition as CommonArc
        /// 	- For each property-less transition (DuplicateArc) including CommonArc 
        /// 	  - Multiply the weights of output transitions from DuplicateArc.EndState by DuplicateArc.Weight.
        /// 	  - If DuplicateArc != CommonArc 
        /// 	    - CommonArc.Weight += DuplicateArc.Weight 
        /// 	    - Delete DuplicateArc
        /// 	    - MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState(DuplicateArc.EndState, CommonArc.EndState) 
        /// 	- Normalize weights of output transitions from CommonArc.EndState.
        /// 	- Add CommonArc.EndtState to ToDoList if not there already.
        /// Moving SemanticTag: 
        /// - Duplicate output transitions can move its semantic tag ownerships/references to the right.
        /// Collection of output transitions to collapse 
        /// Collection of states with potential transitions to merge
        private void MergeDuplicateOutputTransitions (ArcList arcs, Stack mergeStates) 
            List arcsToMerge = null;

            // Reference Arc 
            Arc refArc = null;
            bool refSet = false; 
            // Build a list of possible arcs to Merge
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs) 
                // Skip transitions whose end state has other incoming transitions or if the end state has more than one incoming transition
                bool skipTransition = arc.End == null || !arc.End.InArcs.CountIsOne;
                // Find next set of duplicate output transitions (potentially with properties). 
                if (refArc != null && Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) == 0)
                    if (!skipTransition) 
                        // Lazy init as entering this loop is a rare event 
                        if (arcsToMerge == null)
                            arcsToMerge = new List ();
                        // Add the first element
                        if (!refSet) 
                            arcsToMerge.Add (refArc);
                            refSet = true; 
                        arcsToMerge.Add (arc);
                    // New word, reset everything 
                    refArc = skipTransition ? null : arc;
                    refSet = false; 

            // Combine the arcs if possible 
            if (arcsToMerge != null)
                // Sort the arc per content and output transition 
                arcsToMerge.Sort (Arc.CompareForDuplicateOutputTransitions);
                refArc = null;
                Arc commonArc = null;                   // Common property-less transition to merge into
                State commonEndState = null;
                bool fCommonEndStateChanged = false;      // Did CommonEndState change and need re-optimization? 

                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToMerge) 
                    if (refArc == null || Arc.CompareContent (arc, refArc) != 0)
                        // Purge the last operations and reset all the local
                        refArc = arc;

                        // If CommonEndState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization. 
                        if (fCommonEndStateChanged)
                            AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonEndState); 
                        // Reset the arcs
                        commonArc = null;
                        commonEndState = null;
                        fCommonEndStateChanged = false; 
                    // For each property-less duplicate transition 
                    Arc duplicatedArc = arc;
                    State duplicatedEndState = duplicatedArc.End; 

                    // Attempt to move properties referencing duplicate arc to the right.
                    // Optimization can only be applied when the duplicate arc is not referenced by any properties
                    // and the duplicate end state is not the RuleInitalState. 
                    if ((duplicatedEndState != duplicatedEndState.Rule._firstState) && MoveSemanticTagRight (duplicatedArc))
                        // duplicatedArc != commonArc 
                        if (commonArc != null)
                            if (!fCommonEndStateChanged)
                                // Processing first duplicate arc.
                                // Multiply the weights of transitions from CommonEndState by CommonArc.Weight. 
                                foreach (Arc arcOut in commonEndState.OutArcs)
                                    arcOut.Weight *= commonArc.Weight; 
                                fCommonEndStateChanged = true;  // Output transitions of CommonEndState changed.

                            // Multiply the weights of transitions from DuplicateEndState by DuplicateArc.Weight. 
                            foreach (Arc arcOut in duplicatedEndState.OutArcs)
                                arcOut.Weight *= duplicatedArc.Weight; 
                            duplicatedArc.Weight += commonArc.Weight;// Merge duplicate arc weight with common arc
                            Arc.CopyTags (commonArc, duplicatedArc, Direction.Right);
                            DeleteTransition (commonArc);    // Delete successive duplicate transitions
                            // Move outputs of duplicate state to common state; Delete duplicate state
                            MoveOutputTransitionsAndDeleteState (commonEndState, duplicatedEndState); 

                        // Label first property-less transition as CommonArc 
                        commonArc = duplicatedArc;
                        commonEndState = duplicatedEndState;
                // If CommonEndState changed, renormalize weights and add it to MergeStates for reoptimization.
                if (fCommonEndStateChanged) 
                    AddToMergeStateList (mergeStates, commonEndState);

        private static void AddToMergeStateList (Stack mergeStates, State commonEndState) 
            NormalizeTransitionWeights (commonEndState); 
            if (!mergeStates.Contains (commonEndState)) 
                mergeStates.Push (commonEndState); 

        /// Move any semantic tag ownership and optionally references to a unique
        /// previous arc, if possible. 
        /// MoveReferences = true:  Return if arc is propertyless after the move.
        /// MoveReferences = false: Return if arc does not own semantic tag after the move. 
        ///                         The arc can still be referenced by other semantic tags.
        internal static bool MoveSemanticTagLeft (Arc arc)
            // ToDo: Temporarily force semantic tag references to always move with tag.  See 37583. 
            //       This changes the range of words spanned by the tag, which is a bug for SAPI grammars.
            State startState = arc.Start; 

            // Can only move ownership/references if there is an unique input and output arc from the start state.
            // Cannot concatenate semantic tags.  (SemanticInterpretation script can arguably be concatenated.)
            // Cannot move ownership across RuleRef (to maintain semantics of $$ in SemanticTag JScript). 
            // Cannot move semantic tag to special transition.  (SREngine may return multiple result arcs for the transition.)
            Arc previousArc = startState.InArcs.First; 
            if ((startState.InArcs.CountIsOne) && (startState.OutArcs.CountIsOne) && CanTagsBeMoved (previousArc, arc)) 
                // Move semantic tag ownership to the previous arc. 
                Arc.CopyTags (arc, previousArc, Direction.Left);

                // Semantic tag and optionally references have been moved successfully.
                return true; 
            return arc.IsPropertylessTransition; 
        /// Move any semantic tag ownership and optionally references to a unique
        /// next arc, if possible.
        /// MoveReferences = true:  Return if arc is propertyless after the move.
        /// MoveReferences = false: Return if arc does not own semantic tag after the move. 
        ///                         The arc can still be referenced by other semantic tags. 
        /// Force semantic tag references to always move with tag.  See 37583. 
        ///      This changes the range of words spanned by the tag, which is a bug for SAPI grammars.
        internal static bool MoveSemanticTagRight (Arc arc)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arc.End != null); 

            State endState = arc.End; 

            // Can only move ownership/references if there is an unique input and output arc from the end state.
            // Cannot concatenate semantic tags.  (SemanticInterpretation script can arguably be concatenated.)
            // Cannot move ownership across RuleRef (to maintain semantics of $$ in SemanticTag JScript). 
            // Cannot move semantic tag to special transition.  (SREngine may return multiple result arcs for the transition.)
            Arc pNextArc = endState.OutArcs.First; 
            if ((endState.InArcs.CountIsOne) && (endState.OutArcs.CountIsOne) && CanTagsBeMoved (arc, pNextArc)) 
                // Move semantic tag ownership to the next arc. 
                Arc.CopyTags (arc, pNextArc, Direction.Right);

                // Semantic tag and optionally references have been moved successfully.
                return true; 
            return arc.IsPropertylessTransition; 
        /// Check if tags can be moved from a source arc to a destination
        ///     - Semantic interpretation. Tags cannot be moved if they would end up over a rule ref.
        ///     - Sapi properties. Tag can be put anywhere. 
        internal static bool CanTagsBeMoved (Arc start, Arc end) 
            return (start.RuleRef == null) && (end.RuleRef == null) && (end.SpecialTransitionIndex == 0);
        /// Description: 
        ///		Detach and delete the specified transition from the graph. 
        ///		Relocate or delete referencing semantic tags before deleting the transition.
        /// Special Case:
        ///		Arc.EndState == null
        ///		Arc.Optional == true
        private static void DeleteTransition (Arc arc) 
            // Arc cannot own SemanticTag
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arc.SemanticTagCount == 0); 

            // Arc cannot be referenced by SemanticTags
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arc.IsPropertylessTransition);
            // Detach arc from start and end state
            arc.Start = arc.End = null; 

        /// Description:
        ///    Merge identical transitions with identical content, StartState, and EndState.
        private static void MergeIdenticalTransitions (ArcList arcs, List identicalWords) 
            // Need at least two transitions to merge. 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (arcs.ContainsMoreThanOneItem);

            // Need at least two transitions to merge.
            List> segmentsToDelete = null; 
            Arc refArc = arcs.First;
            // Accumulate a set of transition to delete 
            foreach (Arc arc in arcs)
                if (Arc.CompareContent (refArc, arc) != 0)
                    // Identical transition
                    if (identicalWords.Count >= 2) 
                        identicalWords.Sort (Arc.CompareIdenticalTransitions); 
                        if (segmentsToDelete == null) 
                            segmentsToDelete = new List> (); 

                        // Add the list of same words into a list for further processing.
                        // The expectation of having an identical transition is very low so the code 
                        // may be a bit slow.
                        segmentsToDelete.Add (new List (identicalWords)); 
                    identicalWords.Clear ();
                refArc = arc;
                identicalWords.Add (arc);
            // Did the last word was replicated several times?
            if (identicalWords.Count >= 2) 
                MergeIdenticalTransitions (identicalWords);
            identicalWords.Clear ();

            // Process the accumulated words
            if (segmentsToDelete != null) 
                foreach (List segmentToDelete in segmentsToDelete) 
                    MergeIdenticalTransitions (segmentToDelete);

        /// Description:
        ///    Merge identical transitions with identical content, StartState, and EndState. 
        /// Algorithm:
        /// - LastArc = Arcs[0] 
        /// - For each Arc in Arcs[1-],
        ///   - If Arc is identical to LastArc,
        ///   - LastArc.Weight += Arc.Weight
        ///   - Delete Arc 
        ///   - Else LastArc = Arc
        /// Moving SemanticTag: 
        /// - Identical transitions have identical semantic tags.  Currently impossible to have identical
        /// non-null tags. 
        /// - MoveSemanticTagReferences(DuplicateArc, CommonArc)
        private static void MergeIdenticalTransitions (List identicalWords) 
            Collection arcsToDelete = null; 
            Arc refArc = null; 
            foreach (Arc arc in identicalWords)
                if (refArc != null && Arc.CompareIdenticalTransitions (refArc, arc) == 0)
                    // Identical transition
                    arc.Weight += refArc.Weight; 
                    refArc.ClearTags ();
                    if (arcsToDelete == null) 
                        // delay the creation of the collection as this operation in unfrequent.
                        arcsToDelete = new Collection (); 
                    arcsToDelete.Add (refArc);
                refArc = arc; 
            if (arcsToDelete != null) 
                foreach (Arc arc in arcsToDelete)
                    // arc will become an orphan
                    DeleteTransition (arc);
        /// Normalize the weights of output transitions from this state.
        /// See GrammarOptimization.doc for details. 
        private static void NormalizeTransitionWeights (State state)
            float flSumWeights = 0.0f;
            // Compute the sum of the weights. 
            foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs)
                flSumWeights += arc.Weight;

            // If Sum != 0 or 1, normalize transition weights by 1/Sum. 
            if (!flSumWeights.Equals (0.0f) && !flSumWeights.Equals (1.0f))
                float flNormalizationFactor = 1.0f / flSumWeights; 

                foreach (Arc arc in state.OutArcs) 
                    arc.Weight *= flNormalizationFactor;

        // Private Types

        #region Private Types 
        // Used by the debbugger display attribute 
        internal class GraphDebugDisplay
            public GraphDebugDisplay (Graph states)
                _states = states;
            [DebuggerBrowsable (DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden)]
            public State [] AKeys 
                    State [] states = new State [_states.Count]; 
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (State state in _states) 
                        states [i++] = state;
                    return states;
            private Graph _states;


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private State _startState;
        private State _curState;

#if     VIEW_STATS 
        static internal int _cStates = 0;
        static internal int _cArcs = 0; 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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