/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DLinq / Dlinq / SqlClient / Common / Expressions.cs / 1305376 / Expressions.cs
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Data.Linq; namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { // SQL Client extensions to ExpressionType internal enum InternalExpressionType { Known = 2000, LinkedTable = 2001 } abstract internal class InternalExpression : Expression { #pragma warning disable 618 // Disable the 'obsolete' warning. internal InternalExpression(InternalExpressionType nt, Type type) : base ((ExpressionType)nt, type) { } #pragma warning restore 618 internal static KnownExpression Known(SqlExpression expr) { return new KnownExpression(expr, expr.ClrType); } internal static KnownExpression Known(SqlNode node, Type type) { return new KnownExpression(node, type); } } internal sealed class KnownExpression : InternalExpression { SqlNode node; internal KnownExpression(SqlNode node, Type type) : base(InternalExpressionType.Known, type) { this.node = node; } internal SqlNode Node { get { return this.node; } } } internal sealed class LinkedTableExpression : InternalExpression { private SqlLink link; private ITable table; internal LinkedTableExpression(SqlLink link, ITable table, Type type) : base(InternalExpressionType.LinkedTable, type) { = link; this.table = table; } internal SqlLink Link { get {return;} } internal ITable Table { get {return this.table;} } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- PageCache.cs
- QueryCreatedEventArgs.cs
- ResXDataNode.cs
- PropertyPanel.cs
- BlobPersonalizationState.cs
- CubicEase.cs
- QueryOutputWriter.cs
- remotingproxy.cs
- MemoryPressure.cs
- ByteAnimationBase.cs
- XmlSchemaProviderAttribute.cs
- TransportSecurityHelpers.cs
- TypeFieldSchema.cs
- SourceInterpreter.cs
- HwndSourceKeyboardInputSite.cs
- ProviderConnectionPoint.cs
- EventBuilder.cs
- AssemblyNameEqualityComparer.cs
- ToolStripLocationCancelEventArgs.cs
- BasicHttpBindingElement.cs
- CompilationUnit.cs
- Shape.cs
- FontStyles.cs
- MimeMapping.cs
- Compress.cs
- ErrorFormatterPage.cs
- QueryOutputWriter.cs
- SystemWebSectionGroup.cs
- WrapperEqualityComparer.cs
- SequenceDesignerAccessibleObject.cs
- ReaderWriterLock.cs
- DocumentPageViewAutomationPeer.cs
- Preprocessor.cs
- CustomPopupPlacement.cs
- HelpInfo.cs
- HtmlInputCheckBox.cs
- PageThemeParser.cs
- LocalClientSecuritySettingsElement.cs
- MsmqDiagnostics.cs
- CaseStatementProjectedSlot.cs
- TransactionChannelFaultConverter.cs
- Matrix.cs
- ContentDisposition.cs
- XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer.cs
- RowBinding.cs
- TextServicesContext.cs
- Odbc32.cs
- StaticDataManager.cs
- XmlStreamStore.cs
- securitymgrsite.cs
- COM2ComponentEditor.cs
- TextLineBreak.cs
- DateTimeParse.cs
- ParseNumbers.cs
- BreakRecordTable.cs
- UnknownBitmapDecoder.cs
- RangeBaseAutomationPeer.cs
- QilLoop.cs
- XmlQualifiedNameTest.cs
- TableProviderWrapper.cs
- IRCollection.cs
- MetadataFile.cs
- FixedSOMSemanticBox.cs
- LinkAreaEditor.cs
- OracleColumn.cs
- RuntimeHandles.cs
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- __ComObject.cs
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- InvalidCastException.cs
- OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs.cs
- ToolStripDropTargetManager.cs
- ExceptionUtil.cs
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- DataGridLinkButton.cs
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- DistinctQueryOperator.cs
- ProgressBar.cs
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- CLRBindingWorker.cs
- CompilerState.cs
- Invariant.cs
- EntityKey.cs
- selecteditemcollection.cs
- ProcessManager.cs
- CustomBindingElementCollection.cs