/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ColumnWidthChangingEvent.cs / 1305376 / ColumnWidthChangingEvent.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System; using System.ComponentModel; ///public class ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs : CancelEventArgs { int columnIndex; int newWidth; /// /// /// Creates a new ColumnWidthChanging event /// public ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs(int columnIndex, int newWidth, bool cancel) : base (cancel) { this.columnIndex = columnIndex; this.newWidth = newWidth; } ////// /// Creates a new ColumnWidthChanging event /// public ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs(int columnIndex, int newWidth) : base() { this.columnIndex = columnIndex; this.newWidth = newWidth; } ////// /// Returns the index of the column header whose width is changing /// public int ColumnIndex { get { return this.columnIndex; } } ////// /// Returns the new width for the column header who is changing /// public int NewWidth { get { return this.newWidth; } set { this.newWidth = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- ComponentConverter.cs
- LostFocusEventManager.cs
- RegexWriter.cs
- CheckBox.cs
- SiteMapNodeItemEventArgs.cs
- GridView.cs
- AuthenticationManager.cs
- IconConverter.cs
- Exceptions.cs
- SimpleWebHandlerParser.cs
- MemoryResponseElement.cs
- EventSinkActivityDesigner.cs
- CommandLibraryHelper.cs
- WebPartConnectionsConfigureVerb.cs
- CodeCommentStatement.cs
- AdornerLayer.cs
- SqlNodeAnnotations.cs
- Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs
- MailAddress.cs
- FormViewPagerRow.cs
- SoundPlayerAction.cs
- BuildDependencySet.cs
- XsdBuilder.cs
- TrustManagerMoreInformation.cs
- autovalidator.cs
- DataGridParentRows.cs
- AdditionalEntityFunctions.cs
- EditModeSwitchButton.cs
- SystemKeyConverter.cs
- RemoteWebConfigurationHostStream.cs
- WebZone.cs
- processwaithandle.cs
- FileDialogCustomPlacesCollection.cs
- externdll.cs
- RightsManagementInformation.cs
- ImageSource.cs
- EntitySet.cs
- FontSourceCollection.cs
- SID.cs
- TransformValueSerializer.cs
- BitmapFrameEncode.cs
- URLString.cs
- ListManagerBindingsCollection.cs
- PerformanceCountersElement.cs
- ToolZone.cs
- ContainerParagraph.cs
- ClientTargetCollection.cs
- DispatcherExceptionEventArgs.cs
- WpfGeneratedKnownTypes.cs
- TextEndOfParagraph.cs
- ControlDesigner.cs
- PermissionSetTriple.cs
- CodeComment.cs
- DefaultMemberAttribute.cs
- ToolStripItemCollection.cs
- ProfileSettings.cs
- EnumConverter.cs
- WebPartExportVerb.cs
- XmlDataSource.cs
- XhtmlTextWriter.cs
- FontSource.cs
- Comparer.cs
- ProviderConnectionPoint.cs
- FontInfo.cs
- InitializationEventAttribute.cs
- FullTextState.cs
- ConfigurationCollectionAttribute.cs
- ProfileParameter.cs
- SymbolPair.cs
- KeyValueSerializer.cs
- StateWorkerRequest.cs
- TypeBrowserDialog.cs
- ProcessManager.cs
- WebService.cs
- SerialErrors.cs
- Compiler.cs
- ToolStripGrip.cs
- ModelTreeEnumerator.cs
- ResourceExpressionBuilder.cs
- CultureInfoConverter.cs
- AnyAllSearchOperator.cs
- UnauthorizedWebPart.cs
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- DbConnectionInternal.cs
- DataGridViewElement.cs
- RelAssertionDirectKeyIdentifierClause.cs
- OdbcHandle.cs
- Font.cs
- WebHttpBehavior.cs
- HandleExceptionArgs.cs
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- RequestDescription.cs
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