AnnotationService.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Annotations / AnnotationService.cs / 1305600 / AnnotationService.cs

                            #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 
//    Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//      AnnotationService provides DynamicProperties and API for configuring 
//      and invoking the annotation framework.
// History:
//  11/25/2002 rruiz:   Created AnnotationService.cs
//  08/08/2003 magedz:  Port to WCP tree
//  11/11/2003 magedz:  restructure, and add event handling as per service spec 
//  2004-04-13 axelk:   added DP for Chooser and code changes to integrate annotation component manager.
//  12/12/2005 rruiz:   Made most APIs internal but left them in their places 
//                      because we intend to make them public in V2.  Added the 
//                      new limited public APIs for V2.
//  05/12/2005: rruiz:  Simplified the creation/enable/disable model.  Moved create/delete methods to 
//                      helper class.
using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Annotations.Storage;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Input; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Xml;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Annotations;
using MS.Internal.Annotations.Anchoring; 
using MS.Internal.Annotations.Component;
using MS.Internal.Documents; 
using MS.Utility; 
using System.Reflection;        // for BindingFlags
using System.Globalization;     // for CultureInfo 
using System.Threading;

namespace System.Windows.Annotations
    ///     AnnotationService represents a single configuration of the annotation sub-system. 
    ///     AnnotationService is scoped to the DependencyObject it was created on. 
    public sealed class AnnotationService : DispatcherObject 
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors
        ///    Static constructor registers command bindings on DocumentViewerBase for all annotation commands.
        static AnnotationService() 
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(DocumentViewerBase), new CommandBinding(CreateHighlightCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateHighlightCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateHighlightCommand)); 
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(DocumentViewerBase), new CommandBinding(CreateTextStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateTextStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateTextStickyNoteCommand));
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(DocumentViewerBase), new CommandBinding(CreateInkStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateInkStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateInkStickyNoteCommand));

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(DocumentViewerBase), new CommandBinding(ClearHighlightsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnClearHighlightsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryClearHighlightsCommand));
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(DocumentViewerBase), new CommandBinding(DeleteStickyNotesCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnDeleteStickyNotesCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryDeleteStickyNotesCommand));
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(DocumentViewerBase), new CommandBinding(DeleteAnnotationsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnDeleteAnnotationsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryDeleteAnnotationsCommand)); 

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentScrollViewer), new CommandBinding(CreateHighlightCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateHighlightCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateHighlightCommand)); 

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentScrollViewer), new CommandBinding(CreateTextStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateTextStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateTextStickyNoteCommand));

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentScrollViewer), new CommandBinding(CreateInkStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateInkStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateInkStickyNoteCommand)); 

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentScrollViewer), new CommandBinding(ClearHighlightsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnClearHighlightsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryClearHighlightsCommand)); 
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentScrollViewer), new CommandBinding(DeleteStickyNotesCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnDeleteStickyNotesCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryDeleteStickyNotesCommand));
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentScrollViewer), new CommandBinding(DeleteAnnotationsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnDeleteAnnotationsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryDeleteAnnotationsCommand));

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentReader), new CommandBinding(CreateHighlightCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateHighlightCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateHighlightCommand));
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentReader), new CommandBinding(CreateTextStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateTextStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateTextStickyNoteCommand));
            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentReader), new CommandBinding(CreateInkStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnCreateInkStickyNoteCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryCreateInkStickyNoteCommand)); 

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentReader), new CommandBinding(ClearHighlightsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnClearHighlightsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryClearHighlightsCommand)); 

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentReader), new CommandBinding(DeleteStickyNotesCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnDeleteStickyNotesCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryDeleteStickyNotesCommand));

            CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(FlowDocumentReader), new CommandBinding(DeleteAnnotationsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnDeleteAnnotationsCommand, AnnotationHelper.OnQueryDeleteAnnotationsCommand)); 
        ///     Creates an instance of the AnnotationService focused on a particular
        ///     DocumentViewerBase. 
        /// the viewer this service will operate on
        /// viewer is null
        public AnnotationService(DocumentViewerBase viewer) 
            if (viewer == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("viewer"); 


        ///     Creates an instance of the AnnotationService focused on a particular 
        ///     FlowDocumentScrollViewer.
        /// the viewer this service will operate on 
        /// viewer is null
        public AnnotationService(FlowDocumentScrollViewer viewer) 
            if (viewer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("viewer");
        ///     Creates an instance of the AnnotationService focused on a particular 
        ///     FlowDocumentReader.
        /// the viewer this service will operate on
        /// viewer is null 
        public AnnotationService(FlowDocumentReader viewer)
            if (viewer == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("viewer");

        ///     Creates an instance of the AnnotationService focused on a particular 
        ///     tree node. 
        /// the tree node this service will operate on 
        /// root is null
        /// element is not a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement
        internal AnnotationService(DependencyObject root)
            if (root == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("root"); 
            if (!(root is FrameworkElement || root is FrameworkContentElement))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ParameterMustBeLogicalNode), "root"); 

        #endregion Constructors
        //  Public Methods 

        #region Public Methods 

        ///     Enables the service with the given store. 
        /// store to use for retreiving and persisting annotations 
        /// store is null
        /// DocumentViewerBase has content which is neither
        /// FlowDocument or FixedDocument; only those two are supported
        /// this service or another service is already 
        /// enabled for the DocumentViewerBase
        public void Enable(AnnotationStore annotationStore) 
            if (annotationStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("annotationStore"); 


            if (_isEnabled) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceIsAlreadyEnabled));
            // Make sure there isn't a service above or below us 
            // Post a background work item to load existing annotations.  Do this early in the
            // Enable method in case any later code causes an indirect call to LoadAnnotations,
            // this cached operation will make that LoadAnnotations call a no-op.
            _asyncLoadOperation = _root.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(LoadAnnotationsAsync), this); 

            // Enable the store and set it on the tree 
            _isEnabled = true; 
            _root.SetValue(AnnotationService.ServiceProperty, this);
            _store = annotationStore; 

            // If our root is a DocumentViewerBase we need to setup some special processors.
            DocumentViewerBase viewer = _root as DocumentViewerBase;
            if (viewer != null) 
                bool isFixed = viewer.Document is FixedDocument || viewer.Document is FixedDocumentSequence; 
                bool isFlow = !isFixed && viewer.Document is FlowDocument; 

                if (isFixed || isFlow || viewer.Document == null) 
                    // Take care of some special processors here
                    if (isFixed)
                        _locatorManager.RegisterSelectionProcessor(new FixedTextSelectionProcessor(), typeof(TextRange));
                        _locatorManager.RegisterSelectionProcessor(new FixedTextSelectionProcessor(), typeof(TextAnchor)); 
                    else if (isFlow)
                        _locatorManager.RegisterSelectionProcessor(new TextSelectionProcessor(), typeof(TextRange));
                        _locatorManager.RegisterSelectionProcessor(new TextSelectionProcessor(), typeof(TextAnchor));
                        _locatorManager.RegisterSelectionProcessor(new TextViewSelectionProcessor(), typeof(DocumentViewerBase));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.OnlyFlowFixedSupported));

            // Don't register on the store until the service is ready to accept events.
            // Register for content change and anchor change events - we'll need to attach/detach 
            // annotations as they are added/removed from the store or their anchors change
            annotationStore.StoreContentChanged += new StoreContentChangedEventHandler(OnStoreContentChanged); 
            annotationStore.AnchorChanged += new AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler(OnAnchorChanged); 
        ///     Disables annotations on the DocumentViewerBase.  Any visible annotations will
        ///     disappear.  Service can be enabled again by calling Enable.
        /// service isn't enabled
        public void Disable() 
            if (!_isEnabled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceNotEnabled));

            // If it hasn't been run yet, abort the pending operation.  Still need to 
            // unregister and unload annotations.  They may have been loaded due to a
            // store event. 
            if (_asyncLoadOperation != null) 
                _asyncLoadOperation = null;

            // Unregister for changes to the store - add/deletes/anchor changes - before 
            // unloading annotations.  We don't want any events between unloading and unregistering.
                _store.StoreContentChanged -= new StoreContentChangedEventHandler(OnStoreContentChanged);
                _store.AnchorChanged -= new AnnotationResourceChangedEventHandler(OnAnchorChanged); 
                IDocumentPaginatorSource document; 
                DocumentViewerBase viewer;
                GetViewerAndDocument(_root, out viewer, out document); 
                if (viewer != null)
                    // If our root is a DocumentViewerBase or Reader in pageView mode -
                    // we need to unregister for changes
                    // to its collection of DocumentPageViews.
                else if (document != null) 
                    // If working with a FlowDocumentScrollViewer or a FlowDocumentReader
                    // in Scroll mode, we need to unregister for TextViewUpdated events 
                    ITextView textView = GetTextView(document);
                    // ITextView may have gone away already
                    if (textView != null)
                        textView.Updated -= OnContentChanged;

                // Unload annotations 

                // This must be cleared no matter what else fails
                _isEnabled = false; 

        ///     Returns the AnnotationService enabled for the viewer.  If no service is
        ///     enabled for the viewer, returns null.
        /// viewer to check for an enabled AnnotationService 
        /// the AnnotationService instance for this viewer, null if a service
        /// is not enabled for this viewer 
        /// viewer is null 
        public static AnnotationService GetService(DocumentViewerBase viewer)
            if (viewer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("viewer");

            return viewer.GetValue(AnnotationService.ServiceProperty) as AnnotationService; 
        ///     Returns the AnnotationService enabled for the reader.  If no service is
        ///     enabled for the reader, returns null. 
        /// reader to check for an enabled AnnotationService
        /// the AnnotationService instance for this reader, null if a service
        /// is not enabled for this reader 
        /// reader is null
        public static AnnotationService GetService(FlowDocumentReader reader) 
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); 

            return reader.GetValue(AnnotationService.ServiceProperty) as AnnotationService;
        ///     Returns the AnnotationService enabled for the viewer.  If no service is 
        ///     enabled for the viewer, returns null. 
        /// viewer to check for an enabled AnnotationService 
        /// the AnnotationService instance for this viewer, null if a service
        /// is not enabled for this viewer
        /// viewer is null
        public static AnnotationService GetService(FlowDocumentScrollViewer viewer) 
            if (viewer == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("viewer"); 

            return viewer.GetValue(AnnotationService.ServiceProperty) as AnnotationService; 

        #endregion Public Methods
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        /// Loads all annotations that are found for the subtree rooted at element.
        /// For each annotation found and resolved in the subtree, the annotation service 
        /// will fire an AttachedAnnotationChanged event with action AttachedAnnotation.Added. 
        /// A call to GetAttachedAnnotations() after LoadAnnotations(element) will include the newly
        /// added AttachedAnnotations. 
        /// root of the subtree where annotations are to be loaded
        /// element is null
        /// service is not enabled 
        /// element is not a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement
        internal void LoadAnnotations(DependencyObject element) 
            // If a LoadAnnotations call has happened before our initial asynchronous
            // load has happened, we should just ignore this call 
            if (_asyncLoadOperation != null)

            if (element == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
            if (!(element is FrameworkElement || element is FrameworkContentElement)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ParameterMustBeLogicalNode), "element");

            if (!_isEnabled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceNotEnabled)); 

            //fire start trace event 
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordAnnotation, EventTrace.Event.LoadAnnotationsBegin); 

            IList attachedAnnotations = LocatorManager.ProcessSubTree(element); 


            //fire end trace event 
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordAnnotation, EventTrace.Event.LoadAnnotationsEnd);

        /// Unloads all the annotations for the subtree rooted at element.
        /// For each attached annotation unloaded, the annotation service will fire an
        /// AttachedAnnotationChanged event with AttachedAnnotationAction.Deleted.
        /// A call to GetAttachedAnnotations() will return a list that excludes the just 
        /// removed AttachedAnnotations.
        /// Note: Multiple calls to UnloadAnnotations() at the same element are idempotent 
        /// root of the subtree where annotations are to be unloaded
        /// element is null 
        /// service is not enabled
        /// element is not a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement
        internal void UnloadAnnotations(DependencyObject element)
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); 
            if (!(element is FrameworkElement || element is FrameworkContentElement))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ParameterMustBeLogicalNode), "element"); 


            if (!_isEnabled) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceNotEnabled));
            // Short circuit search for annotations if the service has no attached annotations 
            if (_annotationMap.IsEmpty)

            // We have to clear all the attached annotations underneath this DependencyObject
            IList attachedAnnotations = GetAllAttachedAnnotationsFor(element);
        /// Unloads all attached annotations at the moment. Does not walk the tree - this is
        /// invoked when there is no garantee that all annotation parents are still attached 
        /// to the visual tree
        private void UnloadAnnotations()
            IList attachedAnnotations = _annotationMap.GetAllAttachedAnnotations();

        ///     Returns all attached annotations that the service knows about in no particular order.
        ///     Note: The order of the attached annotations in the list is not significant.  Do not
        ///     write code that relies on the order.
        /// a list of IAttachedAnnotations
        /// service is not enabled 
        internal IList GetAttachedAnnotations() 

            if (!_isEnabled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceNotEnabled));
            return _annotationMap.GetAllAttachedAnnotations();
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Public Operators
        //  Public Properties 

        #region Public Properties 

        ///   Command to create Highlight annotation for the current selection.  (selection > 0) 
        ///  User can pass the color as command parameter. Default yellow color is used otherwise.
        public static readonly RoutedUICommand CreateHighlightCommand = new RoutedUICommand(SR.Get(SRID.CreateHighlight), "CreateHighlight", typeof(AnnotationService), null);

        ///  Command to create Text StickyNote annotation for the current selection.  (selection > 0) 
        public static readonly RoutedUICommand CreateTextStickyNoteCommand = new RoutedUICommand(SR.Get(SRID.CreateTextNote), "CreateTextStickyNote", typeof(AnnotationService), null); 
        ///  Command to create Ink StickyNote annotation for the current selection.  (selection > 0) 
        public static readonly RoutedUICommand CreateInkStickyNoteCommand = new RoutedUICommand(SR.Get(SRID.CreateInkNote), "CreateInkStickyNote", typeof(AnnotationService), null);

        ///   Command to clear highlight(s) for the current selection.
        public static readonly RoutedUICommand ClearHighlightsCommand = new RoutedUICommand(SR.Get(SRID.ClearHighlight), "ClearHighlights", typeof(AnnotationService), null); 

        ///   Command to delete all Ink  and Text StickyNote annotation(s) that are included in a selection.
        public static readonly RoutedUICommand DeleteStickyNotesCommand = new RoutedUICommand(SR.Get(SRID.DeleteNotes), "DeleteStickyNotes", typeof(AnnotationService), null);
        ///   Command to delete all Ink+Text StickyNote and highlight annotation(s) that are included in a selection. 
        public static readonly RoutedUICommand DeleteAnnotationsCommand = new RoutedUICommand(SR.Get(SRID.DeleteAnnotations), "DeleteAnnotations", typeof(AnnotationService), null);
        ///     Returns whether or not the annotation service is enabled.
        public bool IsEnabled 
                return _isEnabled;

        ///     Soon to be public.  Returns the AnnotationStore this service uses. 
        public AnnotationStore Store 
                return _store;
        #endregion Public Properties
        //  Public Dependency Properties 

        #region Public Dependency Properties 

        ///     Returns the AnnotationService instance for this object.  If the service is not 
        ///     enabled for this object, returns null.
        /// object from which to read the attached property
        /// the AnnotationService instance for this object, null if the service
        /// is not enabled for this object
        /// d is null 
        internal static AnnotationService GetService(DependencyObject d)
            if (d == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d");
            return d.GetValue(AnnotationService.ServiceProperty) as AnnotationService;

        /// The chooser property holds a AnnotationComponentChooser which determines what annotation components are used
        /// for a given attached annotation for the subtree the DP is on.  If this DP is not set, a default chooser will return the appropriate 
        /// out of box annotation component.  If the DP is set to AnnotationComponentChooser.None, no annotation components will be choosen 
        /// for this subtree, in essence disabling the mechanism for the subtree.
#pragma warning suppress 7009
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty ChooserProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Chooser", typeof(AnnotationComponentChooser), typeof(AnnotationService), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new AnnotationComponentChooser(), FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.OverridesInheritanceBehavior));

        /// Return the AnnotationComponentChooser set in the Chooser DP.
        /// Object from which to get the DP. 
        /// AnnotationComponentChooser to use for this subtree 
        internal static AnnotationComponentChooser GetChooser(DependencyObject d) 
            if (d == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d");
            return (AnnotationComponentChooser)d.GetValue(ChooserProperty);
        ///     DependencyProperty used to specify the processor to use for a 
        ///     given subtree.  When set on a node, all nodes below it will be
        ///     processed with the specified processor, unless overriden.  Setting
        ///     this property after annotations have been loaded will have no effect
        ///     on existing annotations.  If you want to change how the tree is 
        ///     processed, you should set this property and call LoadAnnotations/
        ///     UnloadAnnotations on the service. 
#pragma warning suppress 7009
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty SubTreeProcessorIdProperty = LocatorManager.SubTreeProcessorIdProperty.AddOwner(typeof(AnnotationService)); 

        ///    Sets the value of the SubTreeProcessorId attached property
        ///    of the LocatorManager class. 
        /// object to which to write the attached property 
        /// the DP value to set 
        /// d is null
        internal static void SetSubTreeProcessorId(DependencyObject d, String id) 
            if (d == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d");
            if (id == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); 
            //d will check the context if needed
            d.SetValue(SubTreeProcessorIdProperty, id); 

        ///    Gets the value of the SubTreeProcessorId attached property 
        ///    of the LocatorManager class.
        /// the object from which to read the attached property 
        /// the value of the SubTreeProcessorId attached property
        /// d is null 
        internal static String GetSubTreeProcessorId(DependencyObject d)
            if (d == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d"); 

            //d will check the context if needed 
            return d.GetValue(SubTreeProcessorIdProperty) as String; 
        ///     Used to specify a unique id for the data represented by a
        ///     logical tree node.  Attach this property to the element with a
        ///     unique value. 
#pragma warning suppress 7009 
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty DataIdProperty = DataIdProcessor.DataIdProperty.AddOwner(typeof(AnnotationService)); 

        ///    Sets the value of the DataId attached property
        ///    of the LocatorManager class.
        /// element to which to write the attached property 
        /// the value to set
        /// d is null 
        internal static void SetDataId(DependencyObject d, String id) 
            if (d == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d");

            if (id == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); 

            //d will check the context if needed 
            d.SetValue(DataIdProperty, id); 
        ///    Gets the value of the DataId attached property
        ///    of the LocatorManager class.
        /// the object from which to read the attached property
        /// the value of the DataId attached property 
        /// d is null 
        internal static String GetDataId(DependencyObject d)
            if (d == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d");

            //d will check the context if needed 
            return d.GetValue(DataIdProperty) as String;
        #endregion Public Dependency Properties
        //  Public Events
        #region Public Events 

        /// event that notifies the registered objects, typically the annotation panel, with the Add/Delete/Modify
        /// changes to the AttachedAnnotations
        internal event AttachedAnnotationChangedEventHandler AttachedAnnotationChanged; 

        #endregion Public Events 
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        ///     Gets the LocatorManager instance.
        internal LocatorManager LocatorManager
                return _locatorManager;

        ///    The node the service is enabled on.  This used by the LocatorManager
        ///    when resolving a locator that must be resolved from the 'top' of the
        ///    annotatable tree.
        internal DependencyObject Root
                return _root; 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Fields

        #region Internal Fields
        ///     ServiceProperty for the AnnotationService.  Used to retrieve the service object 
        ///     in order to make direct calls such as CreateAnnotation.  Kept internal because 
        ///     PathNode uses it to short-circuit the path building when there is a service set.
#pragma warning suppress 7009
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty ServiceProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Service", typeof(AnnotationService), typeof(AnnotationService), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.OverridesInheritanceBehavior));

        #endregion Internal Fields 

        //  Private Methods 

        #region Private Methods 

        ///     Initializes the service on this tree node.
        /// the tree node the service is being created on
        private void Initialize(DependencyObject root)
            Invariant.Assert(root != null, "Parameter 'root' is null."); 

            // Root of the subtree this service will operate on 
            _root = root; 

            // Object that resolves and generates locators 
            _locatorManager = new LocatorManager();

            // sets up dependency for AnnotationComponentManager
            _annotationComponentManager = new AnnotationComponentManager(this); 

            //set known component types priorities 
            AdornerPresentationContext.SetTypeZLevel(typeof(StickyNoteControl), 0); 
            AdornerPresentationContext.SetTypeZLevel(typeof(MarkedHighlightComponent), 1);
            AdornerPresentationContext.SetTypeZLevel(typeof(HighlightComponent), 1); 
            //set ZRanges for the ZLevels
            AdornerPresentationContext.SetZLevelRange(0, Int32.MaxValue / 2 + 1, Int32.MaxValue);
            AdornerPresentationContext.SetZLevelRange(1, 0, 0);

        ///     Queue work item - put on the queue when the service is first enabled. 
        ///     This method causes the service's annotations to be loaded.
        ///     If the service is disabled before this work item is run, this work item 
        ///     does nothing.
        /// the service being enabled
        /// Always returns null 
        private object LoadAnnotationsAsync(object obj)
            Invariant.Assert(_isEnabled, "Service was disabled before attach operation executed."); 

            // Operation is now being executed so we can clear the cached operation 
            _asyncLoadOperation = null;

            IDocumentPaginatorSource document = null;
            DocumentViewerBase documentViewerBase; 

            GetViewerAndDocument(Root, out documentViewerBase, out document); 
            if (documentViewerBase != null)
                // If our root is a DocumentViewerBase - we need to register for changes
                // to its collection of DocumentPageViews.  This allows us to unload/load
                // annotations as the DPVs change.  Prevents us from loading an annotation
                // because of a store event and not unloading it becuase we havent' registered 
                // on the DPV yet.
            else if (document != null)
                // If working with a FlowDocumentScrollViewer or FlowDocumentReader
                // in Scroll mode, we must register on ITextView to
                // get notified about relayout changes. For the ScrollViewer OnTextViewUpdated
                // happens synchronously which is not true for the FDPV - we register OnPageConnected 
                // for each page there.
                ITextView textView = GetTextView(document); 
                if (textView != null) 
                    textView.Updated += OnContentChanged; 

            //if there are too many visible annotations the application will freeze if we load them 
            // synchronously - so do it in batches
            IList attachedAnnotations = LocatorManager.ProcessSubTree(_root); 

            return null; 

        ///     Queue work item - put on the queue when the service is first enabled. 
        ///     This method causes the service's annotations to be loaded.
        ///     If the service is disabled before this work item is run, this work item 
        ///     does nothing. 
        /// list of annotations to be loaded 
        /// Always returns null
        private object LoadAnnotationsFromListAsync(object obj)
            //if we are executed from the Dispather queue _asyncLoadFromListOperation 
            // will point to us. Set it to null, to avoid Abort
            _asyncLoadFromListOperation = null; 
            List annotations = obj as List;
            if (annotations == null) 
                return null;

            if (annotations.Count > _maxAnnotationsBatch)
                //put the overhead in a new array
                List leftover = new List(annotations.Count); 
                leftover = annotations.GetRange(_maxAnnotationsBatch, annotations.Count - _maxAnnotationsBatch); 
                //put another item in the queue for the rest
                _asyncLoadFromListOperation = _root.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(LoadAnnotationsFromListAsync), leftover); 

                //trim the annotations to process list
                annotations.RemoveRange(_maxAnnotationsBatch, annotations.Count - _maxAnnotationsBatch);

            return null;

        /// Check if the attachment level of the two attached annotations is equal, if the
        /// two anchoes are TextAnchors and are equal 
        /// first attached annotation 
        /// second attached annotation 
        /// true if the attachment level is equal and the two anchors are equal TextAnchors
        private bool AttachedAnchorsEqual(IAttachedAnnotation firstAttachedAnnotation, IAttachedAnnotation secondAttachedAnnotation) 

            //the annotation exists, but we do not know if the attached anchor has
            //changed, so we we always modify it 
            object oldAttachedAnchor = firstAttachedAnnotation.AttachedAnchor;
            // WorkItem 41404 - Until we have a design that lets us get around 
            // anchor specifics in the service we need this here.
            // If the attachment levels are the same, we want to test to see if the 
            // anchors are the same as well - if they are we do nothing
            if (firstAttachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel == secondAttachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel)
                // If new anchor is text anchor - compare it to old anchor to 
                // detect if any changes actually happened.
                TextAnchor newAnchor = secondAttachedAnnotation.AttachedAnchor as TextAnchor; 
                if (newAnchor != null) 
                    if (newAnchor.Equals(oldAttachedAnchor)) 
                       return true;
            return false;
        /// Loads all annotations that are found for the subtree rooted at element. 
        /// For each annotation found and resolved in the subtree, the annotation service
        /// will fire an AttachedAnnotationChanged event with action AttachedAnnotation.Added.
        /// A call to GetAttachedAnnotations() after LoadAnnotations(element) will include the newly
        /// added AttachedAnnotations. 
        /// list of attachedAnnotations to be processed 
        /// element is null 
        /// service is not enabled
        /// element is not a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement 
        private void LoadAnnotationsFromList(IList attachedAnnotations)
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotations != null, "null attachedAnnotations list");
            List eventsToFire = new List(attachedAnnotations.Count);
            IAttachedAnnotation matchingAnnotation = null; 
            foreach (IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation in attachedAnnotations)
                Invariant.Assert((attachedAnnotation != null) && (attachedAnnotation.Annotation != null), "invalid attached annotation");
                matchingAnnotation = FindAnnotationInList(attachedAnnotation, _annotationMap.GetAttachedAnnotations(attachedAnnotation.Annotation.Id));

                if (matchingAnnotation != null) 
                    //the annotation exists, but we do not know if the attached anchor has 
                    //changed, so we we always modify it 
                    object oldAttachedAnchor = matchingAnnotation.AttachedAnchor;
                    AttachmentLevel oldAttachmentLevel = matchingAnnotation.AttachmentLevel; 
                    if (attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Incomplete)
                        if (AttachedAnchorsEqual(matchingAnnotation, attachedAnnotation))

                        ((AttachedAnnotation)matchingAnnotation).Update(attachedAnnotation.AttachedAnchor, attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel, null); 

                                            oldAttachedAnchor, oldAttachmentLevel));

                    // It went from being attached to being partially attached.  Since we don't 
                    // support attaching partially resolved anchors we remove it here
                    if (attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Incomplete)

        /// Unloads all the annotations from the list
        /// list of annotations
        private void UnloadAnnotationsFromList(IList attachedAnnotations)
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotations != null, "null attachedAnnotations list"); 

            List eventsToFire = new List(attachedAnnotations.Count); 
            foreach (IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation in attachedAnnotations)

        /// LayoutUpdate event handler
        /// event sender (not used)
        /// event arguments (not used) 
        private void OnLayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs args)
            // Unregister for the event 
            UIElement root = _root as UIElement;
            if (root != null) 
                root.LayoutUpdated -= OnLayoutUpdated;


        /// Updates the set of attached annotations. Unneeded annotations are unloaded 
        /// the annotations that were there and must stay are invalidated, the annotations that
        /// must be added are added in batches asinchronously to avoid freezing of the application 
        private void UpdateAnnotations()
            // If a UpdateAnnotations call has happened before our initial asynchronous
            // load has finished, we should just ignore this call 
            if (_asyncLoadOperation != null) 
            //the service must be Enabled
            if (!_isEnabled)
            IList attachedAnnotations = null;
            IList dirtyAnnotations = new List(); 
            //first get the list of annotations to be 
            attachedAnnotations = LocatorManager.ProcessSubTree(_root);
            //now make list of annotations to remove
            List existingAnnotations = _annotationMap.GetAllAttachedAnnotations();
            for (int i = existingAnnotations.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                IAttachedAnnotation match = FindAnnotationInList(existingAnnotations[i], attachedAnnotations);
                if ((match != null) && AttachedAnchorsEqual(match, existingAnnotations[i])) 
                    //we do not need to load the matching one


                    //we do not need to unload the existing one too 


            //now every thing that is left in existingAnnotations must be removed
            if ((existingAnnotations != null) && (existingAnnotations.Count > 0))
            //invalidate the annotations that are left
            IList processedElements = new List(); 
            foreach (IAttachedAnnotation annotation in dirtyAnnotations)
                UIElement parent = annotation.Parent as UIElement;
                if ((parent != null) && !processedElements.Contains(parent)) 

            if (_asyncLoadFromListOperation != null)
                //stop this one - we  will set a new one in the queue 
                _asyncLoadFromListOperation = null; 

            if ((attachedAnnotations != null) && (attachedAnnotations.Count > 0)) 

        /// Mark all AnnotationAdorners that Annotate this element as Dirty 
        /// annotated element 
        private static void InvalidateAdorners(UIElement element) 
            AdornerLayer layer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(element);
            if (layer != null)
                //mark the components that adorn the same element as dirty
                Adorner[] adorners = layer.GetAdorners(element); 
                if (adorners != null) 
                    for (int i = 0; i < adorners.Length; i++) 
                        AnnotationAdorner adorner = adorners[i] as AnnotationAdorner;
                        if (adorner != null)
                            Invariant.Assert(adorner.AnnotationComponent != null, "AnnotationAdorner component undefined");
                            adorner.AnnotationComponent.IsDirty = true; 
        /// Verify that no other annotation services are attached above, on or below root 
        /// the proposed root for a new AnnotationService being enabled
        /// Other Instance of AnnotationService Is Already Set 
        static private void VerifyServiceConfiguration(DependencyObject root)
            Invariant.Assert(root != null, "Parameter 'root' is null.");
            // First make sure there isn't a service above us
            if (AnnotationService.GetService(root) != null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceAlreadyExists)); 

            // Now check the tree below us for an existing service 
            DescendentsWalker walker = new DescendentsWalker(TreeWalkPriority.VisualTree, VerifyNoServiceOnNode, null);
        /// Finds the DocumentViewerBase object if root is DocumentViewerBase or FlowDocumentReader 
        /// in paginated mode. If the root is FDSV or FDR in scroll mode - sets only the document; 
        /// root the service is enabled on 
        /// DocumentViewerBase used by the viewer
        /// document for the viewer
        static private void GetViewerAndDocument(DependencyObject root, out DocumentViewerBase documentViewerBase, out IDocumentPaginatorSource document)
            documentViewerBase = root as DocumentViewerBase;
            // Initialize out parameters 
            document = null;
            if (documentViewerBase != null)
                document = documentViewerBase.Document;
                FlowDocumentReader reader = root as FlowDocumentReader; 
                if (reader != null)
                    documentViewerBase = AnnotationHelper.GetFdrHost(reader) as DocumentViewerBase;
                    document = reader.Document;
                    FlowDocumentScrollViewer docScrollViewer = root as FlowDocumentScrollViewer; 
                    // For backwards compatibility with internal APIs - you can enable 
                    // a service on any element with internal APIs - so the root might
                    // not be neither an FDR or a FDSV 
                    if (docScrollViewer != null)
                        document = docScrollViewer.Document;

        /// Gets the ITextView  of an IDocumentPaginator if any
        /// the document
        /// the ITextView 
        static private ITextView GetTextView(IDocumentPaginatorSource document)
            ITextView textView = null; 
            IServiceProvider provider = document as IServiceProvider;
            if (provider != null) 
                ITextContainer textContainer = provider.GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer;
                if (textContainer != null)
                    textView = textContainer.TextView; 

            return textView; 


        ///     Checks to see if the node has an annotation service set on it.
        ///     This is a callback for DescendentsWalker and will be called for each logical 
        ///     and visual node at most once.
        ///     We throw instead of returning a value in 'data' because we want to short-circuit 
        ///     the visiting of the rest of the tree and this method is currently only used 
        ///     for error-checking.
        /// the node to check for a service
        /// this parameter is ignored
        /// always returns true, to continue the traversal
        static private bool VerifyNoServiceOnNode(DependencyObject node, object data) 
            Invariant.Assert(node != null, "Parameter 'node' is null."); 
            // Check that there is no existing service for this node - we use the local value
            // because we don't want to get a false positive based on a service set further 
            // up the tree.
            AnnotationService existingService = node.ReadLocalValue(AnnotationService.ServiceProperty) as AnnotationService;
            if (existingService != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceAlreadyExists));
            return true;

        ///  searches match to an attachedAnnotation in a list of attachedAnnotations
        /// the attached annotation
        /// the list 
        /// the annotation form the list if mathing is found 
        private IAttachedAnnotation FindAnnotationInList(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, IList list)
            foreach (IAttachedAnnotation aa in list)
                if (aa.Annotation == attachedAnnotation.Annotation &&
                    aa.Anchor == attachedAnnotation.Anchor && 
                    aa.Parent == attachedAnnotation.Parent)
                    return aa; 

            return null;
        /// get the AttachedAnnotations that are attached on or beneath subtree rooted at element 
        /// this never returns null 
        /// root of subtree 
        /// list of all attached annotations found. it never returns null.
        private IList GetAllAttachedAnnotationsFor(DependencyObject element)
            Invariant.Assert(element != null, "Parameter 'element' is null."); 

            List result = new List(); 
            DescendentsWalker> walker = new DescendentsWalker>(TreeWalkPriority.VisualTree, GetAttachedAnnotationsFor, result); 
            return result;

        ///     Add the annotations loaded for this node to the array list passed in.
        ///     This method is a callback for DescendentsWalker - it will be called 
        ///     on every logical and visual node at most one time. 
        /// node whose annotations we are collecting 
        /// list of results to add annotations to
        /// always returns true, to continue the traversal
        private bool GetAttachedAnnotationsFor(DependencyObject node, List result)
            Invariant.Assert(node != null, "Parameter 'node' is null.");
            Invariant.Assert(result != null, "Incorrect data passed - should be a List."); 
            List annotationsOnNode = node.GetValue(AnnotationService.AttachedAnnotationsProperty) as List;
            if (annotationsOnNode != null) 
            return true;
        ///     Called to handle updates to the annotation store.  We handle additions, deletions, 
        ///     and certain kinds of modifications(e.g., if an annotation gets a new Context we must
        ///     calculate the anchor for that context).  Updates to content will be handled by
        ///     individual components.
        /// the store that was updated
        /// args describing the update to the store 
        private void OnStoreContentChanged(object node, StoreContentChangedEventArgs args) 

            switch (args.Action)
                case StoreContentAction.Added: 
                case StoreContentAction.Deleted:

                    Invariant.Assert(false, "Unknown StoreContentAction."); 

        ///     Called when an anchor on any attached annotation changes.
        ///     We need to handle these changes by updating the set of
        ///     attached annotations and firing any necessary events.
        /// the annotation whose anchor changed
        /// args describing the action and which anchor was changed 
        private void OnAnchorChanged(object sender, AnnotationResourceChangedEventArgs args) 

            // Ignore null resources added to an annotation
            if (args.Resource == null)

            AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs newArgs = null; 
            switch (args.Action)
                case AnnotationAction.Added:
                    newArgs = AnchorAdded(args.Annotation, args.Resource);
                case AnnotationAction.Removed:
                    newArgs = AnchorRemoved(args.Annotation, args.Resource); 

                case AnnotationAction.Modified: 
                    newArgs = AnchorModified(args.Annotation, args.Resource);

                    Invariant.Assert(false, "Unknown AnnotationAction.");

            if (newArgs != null) 
                AttachedAnnotationChanged(this, newArgs);

        /// a handler for the storeupdate annotation added action
        /// the annotation added to the store
        private void AnnotationAdded(Annotation annotation)
            Invariant.Assert(annotation != null, "Parameter 'annotation' is null."); 

            // if we already have an annotation in our map - then something is messed up (store has bug) 
            // we are getting an add event on something that already exists - throw an exception 
            if (_annotationMap.GetAttachedAnnotations(annotation.Id).Count > 0)
                throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationAlreadyExistInService)); 

            List eventsToFire = new List(annotation.Anchors.Count);

            foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in annotation.Anchors) 
                if (anchor.ContentLocators.Count == 0) 
                    continue; // attachedAnchor without locator, keep looping 

                AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs args = AnchorAdded(annotation, anchor); 
                if (args != null)
        /// a handler for the storeupdate annotation deleted action
        /// the id of the deleted annotation 
        private void AnnotationDeleted(Guid annotationId)
            IList annotations = _annotationMap.GetAttachedAnnotations(annotationId); 

            // Do nothing if this annotation isn't already loaded 
            if (annotations.Count > 0)
                // Since we will be modifying this collection, we make a copy of it to iterate on
                IAttachedAnnotation[] list = new IAttachedAnnotation[annotations.Count]; 
                annotations.CopyTo(list, 0);
                List eventsToFire = new List(list.Length); 

                foreach (IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation in list) 

        /// handle the case when a new anchor is added to the annotation
        /// the annotation which anchor was affected 
        /// the deleted anchor
        private AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs AnchorAdded(Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor) 
            Invariant.Assert(annotation != null && anchor != null, "Parameter 'annotation' or 'anchor' is null."); 

            AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs args = null;
            AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel;
            object attachedAnchor = FindAttachedAnchor(anchor, out attachmentLevel);
            if (attachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && attachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Incomplete) 
                Invariant.Assert(attachedAnchor != null, "Must have a valid attached anchor."); 
                AttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation = new AttachedAnnotation(
                args = AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs.Added(attachedAnnotation);

            return args;
        /// handle the case when an anchor is removed from the annotation 
        /// the annotation which anchor was affected
        /// the removed anchor 
        /// EventArgs to use when firing an AttachedAnnotationChanged event
        private AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs AnchorRemoved(Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor)
            Invariant.Assert(annotation != null && anchor != null, "Parameter 'annotation' or 'anchor' is null."); 

            AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs args = null; 
            IList annotations = _annotationMap.GetAttachedAnnotations(annotation.Id);
            if (annotations.Count > 0)
                // Since we will be modifying this collection, we make a copy of it to iterate on
                IAttachedAnnotation[] list = new IAttachedAnnotation[annotations.Count]; 
                annotations.CopyTo(list, 0);
                foreach (IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation in list) 
                    if (attachedAnnotation.Anchor == anchor) 
                        args = AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs.Deleted(attachedAnnotation);

            return args; 

        /// handle the case when an anchor is modified
        /// the annotation which anchor was affected 
        /// the modified anchor
        private AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs AnchorModified(Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor)
            Invariant.Assert(annotation != null && anchor != null, "Parameter 'annotation' or 'anchor' is null.");
            AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs args = null;
            AttachmentLevel newAttachmentLevel; 
            bool previouslyAttached = false; 

            // anchor has changed, need to find new attached anchor 
            object newAttachedAnchor = FindAttachedAnchor(anchor, out newAttachmentLevel);

            // Since we will be modifying this collection, we make a copy of it to iterate on
            IList annotations = _annotationMap.GetAttachedAnnotations(annotation.Id); 
            IAttachedAnnotation[] list = new IAttachedAnnotation[annotations.Count];
            annotations.CopyTo(list, 0); 
            foreach (IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation in list)
                if (attachedAnnotation.Anchor == anchor)
                    previouslyAttached = true;
                    if (newAttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved)
                        Invariant.Assert(newAttachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnnotation with AttachmentLevel != Unresolved should have non-null AttachedAnchor."); 

                        object oldAttachedAnchor = attachedAnnotation.AttachedAnchor; 
                        AttachmentLevel oldAttachmentLevel = attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel;

                        ((AttachedAnnotation)attachedAnnotation).Update(newAttachedAnchor, newAttachmentLevel, null);
                        // Update the full anchor
                        // No need to update map - we just changed the AttachedAnnotation in-place
                        args = AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs.Modified(attachedAnnotation, oldAttachedAnchor, oldAttachmentLevel); 
                        // the new modified anchor doesn't resolve 
                        // we need to delete the original attached annotation
                        args = AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs.Deleted(attachedAnnotation); 

            // If it wasn't previously attached, but can be resolved now we create an AttachedAnnotation 
            if (!previouslyAttached && newAttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && newAttachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Incomplete)
                Invariant.Assert(newAttachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnnotation with AttachmentLevel != Unresolved should have non-null AttachedAnchor."); 
                AttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation = new AttachedAnnotation(

                args = AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs.Added(attachedAnnotation); 
            return args;

        /// add the passed in attachedAnnotation to the map and to the internal DP to the element tree
        /// the attachedannotation to be added to the map and the element tree 
        private void DoAddAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation)
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null, "Parameter 'attachedAnnotation' is null.");

            DependencyObject element = attachedAnnotation.Parent;
            Invariant.Assert(element != null, "AttachedAnnotation being added should have non-null Parent."); 

            List list = element.GetValue(AnnotationService.AttachedAnnotationsProperty) as List; 
            if (list == null)
                list = new List(1);
                element.SetValue(AnnotationService.AttachedAnnotationsProperty, list);

            // Now we do a full resolve of the anchor - fully anchors are used for activation of sticky notes

        /// remove the passed in attachedAnnotation from the map and the internal DP 
        private void DoRemoveAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation) 
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null, "Parameter 'attachedAnnotation' is null."); 

            DependencyObject element = attachedAnnotation.Parent;
            Invariant.Assert(element != null, "AttachedAnnotation being added should have non-null Parent.");
            List list = element.GetValue(AnnotationService.AttachedAnnotationsProperty) as List; 

            if (list != null) 
                // note, we do not guarantee DP change event firing, this is not used in our framework and the DP is internal
                if (list.Count == 0)

        /// For the given annotation and anchor, attempt to fully resolve the anchor on the tree. 
        /// This method turns any trimming to visible content off in order to get an anchor that
        /// includes non-visible content.  This lets us process anchors on virtualized content 
        /// as if they were present. 
        private void FullyResolveAnchor(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation) 
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null, "Attached annotation cannot be null.");

            // Do nothing if attachment level is already full. 
            if (attachedAnnotation.AttachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Full)
            FixedPageProcessor fixedProcessor = null;
            TextSelectionProcessor flowRangeProcessor = null; 
            TextSelectionProcessor flowAnchorProcessor = null;

            bool isFlow = false;
            FrameworkElement viewer = this.Root as FrameworkElement; 

            if (viewer is DocumentViewerBase) 
                isFlow = ((DocumentViewerBase)viewer).Document is FlowDocument; 
            else if ((viewer is FlowDocumentScrollViewer) || (viewer is FlowDocumentReader))
                isFlow = true; 
                viewer = null;

            if (viewer != null) 
                    if (isFlow)
                        flowRangeProcessor = this.LocatorManager.GetSelectionProcessor(typeof(TextRange)) as TextSelectionProcessor;
                        Invariant.Assert(flowRangeProcessor != null, "TextSelectionProcessor should be available if we are processing flow content.");
                        flowRangeProcessor.Clamping = false;
                        flowAnchorProcessor = this.LocatorManager.GetSelectionProcessor(typeof(TextAnchor)) as TextSelectionProcessor; 
                        Invariant.Assert(flowAnchorProcessor != null, "TextSelectionProcessor should be available if we are processing flow content.");
                        flowAnchorProcessor.Clamping = false; 
                        fixedProcessor = this.LocatorManager.GetSubTreeProcessorForLocatorPart(FixedPageProcessor.CreateLocatorPart(0)) as FixedPageProcessor;
                        Invariant.Assert(fixedProcessor != null, "FixedPageProcessor should be available if we are processing fixed content.");
                        fixedProcessor.UseLogicalTree = true;

                    AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel; 
                    object fullAnchor = FindAttachedAnchor(attachedAnnotation.Anchor, out attachmentLevel); 
                    if (attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Full)
                    if (isFlow) 
                        flowRangeProcessor.Clamping = true;
                        flowAnchorProcessor.Clamping = true; 
                        fixedProcessor.UseLogicalTree = false; 

        /// Asks the LocatorManager to find the attached anchor for a certain anchor
        /// the anchor to be resolved
        /// the attachment level of the resulting attached anchor 
        private object FindAttachedAnchor(AnnotationResource anchor, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            Invariant.Assert(anchor != null, "Parameter 'anchor' is null.");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
            Object attachedAnchor = null; 

            foreach (ContentLocatorBase locator in anchor.ContentLocators) 
                attachedAnchor = LocatorManager.FindAttachedAnchor(_root,
                                                                    out attachmentLevel);
                if (attachedAnchor != null)
            return attachedAnchor; 
        ///     Fires AttachedAnnotationChanged events for each args in the list.
        /// list of AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs to fire events for 
        private void FireEvents(List eventsToFire)
            Invariant.Assert(eventsToFire != null, "Parameter 'eventsToFire' is null."); 

            if (AttachedAnnotationChanged != null) 
                foreach (AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs args in eventsToFire)
                    AttachedAnnotationChanged(this, args); 

        #region DocumentViewerBase handling 

        ///    Register for notifications from the viewer and its DPVs for
        ///    any changes that may occur.  As DPV content goes away we 
        ///    need to unload annotations.
        private void RegisterOnDocumentViewer(DocumentViewerBase viewer) 
            Invariant.Assert(viewer != null, "Parameter 'viewer' is null."); 
            Invariant.Assert(_views.Count == 0, "Failed to unregister on a viewer before registering on new viewer.");
            foreach (DocumentPageView view in viewer.PageViews)
                view.PageConnected += new EventHandler(OnContentChanged); 
            viewer.PageViewsChanged += new EventHandler(OnPageViewsChanged); 
        ///    Unregister for notifications from the viewer and its DPVs for
        ///    any changes that may occur.
        private void UnregisterOnDocumentViewer(DocumentViewerBase viewer)
            Invariant.Assert(viewer != null, "Parameter 'viewer' is null."); 
            foreach (DocumentPageView view in _views)
                view.PageConnected -= new EventHandler(OnContentChanged);
            viewer.PageViewsChanged -= new EventHandler(OnPageViewsChanged); 
        ///     If the set of page views changes we need to register on new
        ///     ones and unregister on removed ones.  The event only tells us 
        ///     the set changed.  This is a relatively small collection (almost
        ///     always below 10 in rare cases maybe up to 50 or 100).  We simply
        ///     unregister from all the ones we previously registered on and
        ///     register on the entire set again. 
        private void OnPageViewsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            DocumentViewerBase viewer = sender as DocumentViewerBase;
            Invariant.Assert(viewer != null, "Sender for PageViewsChanged event should be a DocumentViewerBase."); 

            // First unregister from all page views

                // Now register on all present page views

        /// Gets called when the page is connected
        /// to the visual tree during the ArrangeOverride or TextViewUpdated in scroll mode.
        /// We do not want to invalidate more stuff in the middle
        /// of arrange, so all we do is to register for 
        /// LayoutUpdated event
        private void OnContentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            UIElement root = _root as UIElement; 
            if (root != null)
                root.LayoutUpdated += OnLayoutUpdated;
        #endregion DocumentViewerBase handling
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields 

        ///     Private DynamicProperty used to attach lists of AttachedAnnotations to
        ///     Elements in the tree.
#pragma warning suppress 7009 
        private static readonly DependencyProperty AttachedAnnotationsProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("AttachedAnnotations", typeof(IList), typeof(AnnotationService));
        // The root of the subtree for which this AnnotationService is managing annotations. 
        private DependencyObject _root;
        // The annotation/component/anchor map used by the system to
        // keep track of relationships between the different instances
        private AnnotationMap _annotationMap = new AnnotationMap();
        // the annotation component manager creates annotation components and adds them to the appropriate adorner layer
        private AnnotationComponentManager _annotationComponentManager; 
        // Provides locator resolving and generating functionality
        private LocatorManager _locatorManager; 

        // Is the service currently attached to its root - this value allows for
        // step by step and asynchronous initialization
        private bool _isEnabled = false; 

        // the annotation store instance associated with this service 
        private AnnotationStore _store; 

        // List of DPVs that we have registered on.  These are the ones 
        // we need to unregister on once we detach from the viewer.
        private Collection _views = new Collection();

        // Operation for asynchronously loading annotations; can be 
        // aborted before the operation is triggered by calling Disable
        private DispatcherOperation _asyncLoadOperation; 
        /// If there are too many annotations to load - load them asynchroneously 
        private DispatcherOperation _asyncLoadFromListOperation = null;
        //maximum number of annotations to be loaded at once
        private const int _maxAnnotationsBatch = 10; 

        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



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