Mouse.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Core / System / Windows / Input / Mouse.cs / 2 / Mouse.cs


using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MS.Win32; 
using MS.Internal; 

namespace System.Windows.Input 
    ///     The Mouse class represents the mouse device to the
    ///     members of a context. 
    ///     The static members of this class simply delegate to the primary 
    ///     mouse device of the calling thread's input manager.
    public static class Mouse
        ///     PreviewMouseMove 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseMoveEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseMove", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(MouseEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 
        ///     Adds a handler for the PreviewMouseMove attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddPreviewMouseMoveHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, PreviewMouseMoveEvent, handler); 

        ///     Removes a handler for the PreviewMouseMove attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemovePreviewMouseMoveHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, PreviewMouseMoveEvent, handler); 
        ///     MouseMove
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseMoveEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseMove", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(MouseEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 

        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseMove attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddMouseMoveHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, MouseMoveEvent, handler); 
        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseMove attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that removedto this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemoveMouseMoveHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, MouseMoveEvent, handler);
        ///     MouseDownOutsideCapturedElement 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElement", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));

        ///     Adds a handler for the PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElement attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddPreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent, handler);
        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseDownOutsideCapturedElement attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemovePreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent, handler);

        ///     MouseUpOutsideCapturedElement 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElement", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 

        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseUpOutsideCapturedElement attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added 
        public static void AddPreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementEvent, handler); 

        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseUpOutsideCapturedElement attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemovePreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementEvent, handler);

        ///     PreviewMouseDown
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseDown", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 

        ///     Adds a handler for the PreviewMouseDown attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added 
        public static void AddPreviewMouseDownHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, PreviewMouseDownEvent, handler); 
        ///     Removes a handler for the PreviewMouseDown attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemovePreviewMouseDownHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, PreviewMouseDownEvent, handler);

        ///     MouseDown
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseDownEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseDown", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));
        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseDown attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddMouseDownHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, MouseDownEvent, handler);
        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseDown attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemoveMouseDownHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, MouseDownEvent, handler); 

        ///     PreviewMouseUp
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseUp", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));
        ///     Adds a handler for the PreviewMouseUp attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added 
        public static void AddPreviewMouseUpHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, PreviewMouseUpEvent, handler);

        ///     Removes a handler for the PreviewMouseUp attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemovePreviewMouseUpHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, PreviewMouseUpEvent, handler); 
        ///     MouseUp
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseUpEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseUp", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(MouseButtonEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));

        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseUp attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added 
        public static void AddMouseUpHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, MouseUpEvent, handler);

        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseUp attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemoveMouseUpHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseButtonEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, MouseUpEvent, handler);
        ///     PreviewMouseWheel 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseWheelEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewMouseWheel", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(MouseWheelEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));
        ///     Adds a handler for the PreviewMouseWheel attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddPreviewMouseWheelHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseWheelEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, PreviewMouseWheelEvent, handler);

        ///     Removes a handler for the PreviewMouseWheel attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemovePreviewMouseWheelHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseWheelEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, PreviewMouseWheelEvent, handler); 

        ///     MouseWheel 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseWheelEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseWheel", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(MouseWheelEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 
        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseWheel attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddMouseWheelHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseWheelEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, MouseWheelEvent, handler); 

        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseWheel attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemoveMouseWheelHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseWheelEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, MouseWheelEvent, handler); 
        ///     MouseEnter
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseEnterEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseEnter", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 

        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseEnter attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddMouseEnterHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, MouseEnterEvent, handler); 
        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseEnter attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemoveMouseEnterHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, MouseEnterEvent, handler);
        ///     MouseLeave 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseLeaveEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MouseLeave", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(MouseEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));

        ///     Adds a handler for the MouseLeave attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddMouseLeaveHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, MouseLeaveEvent, handler);
        ///     Removes a handler for the MouseLeave attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemoveMouseLeaveHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, MouseLeaveEvent, handler);

        ///     GotMouseCapture 
        public static readonly RoutedEvent GotMouseCaptureEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("GotMouseCapture", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(MouseEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 

        ///     Adds a handler for the GotMouseCapture attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added 
        public static void AddGotMouseCaptureHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, GotMouseCaptureEvent, handler); 

        ///     Removes a handler for the GotMouseCapture attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemoveGotMouseCaptureHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, GotMouseCaptureEvent, handler);

        ///     LostMouseCapture
        public static readonly RoutedEvent LostMouseCaptureEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("LostMouseCapture", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(MouseEventHandler), typeof(Mouse)); 

        ///     Adds a handler for the LostMouseCapture attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added 
        public static void AddLostMouseCaptureHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, LostMouseCaptureEvent, handler); 
        ///     Removes a handler for the LostMouseCapture attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemoveLostMouseCaptureHandler(DependencyObject element, MouseEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, LostMouseCaptureEvent, handler);

        ///     QueryCursor
        public static readonly RoutedEvent QueryCursorEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("QueryCursor", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(QueryCursorEventHandler), typeof(Mouse));
        ///     Adds a handler for the QueryCursor attached event
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddQueryCursorHandler(DependencyObject element, QueryCursorEventHandler handler)
            UIElement.AddHandler(element, QueryCursorEvent, handler);
        ///     Removes a handler for the QueryCursor attached event 
        /// UIElement or ContentElement that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed
        public static void RemoveQueryCursorHandler(DependencyObject element, QueryCursorEventHandler handler) 
            UIElement.RemoveHandler(element, QueryCursorEvent, handler); 

        ///     Returns the element that the mouse is over.
        ///     This will be true if the element has captured the mouse. 
        public static IInputElement DirectlyOver 

                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.DirectlyOver;

        ///     Returns the element that has captured the mouse.
        public static IInputElement Captured
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.Captured;

        ///     Returns the element that has captured the mouse.
        internal static CaptureMode CapturedMode
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.CapturedMode; 

        ///     Captures the mouse to a particular element.
        ///     The element to capture the mouse to. 
        public static bool Capture(IInputElement element)
            return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.Capture(element);

        ///     Captures the mouse to a particular element.
        ///     The element to capture the mouse to.
        ///     The kind of capture to acquire.
        public static bool Capture(IInputElement element, CaptureMode captureMode) 
            return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.Capture(element, captureMode); 

        ///     Retrieves the history of intermediate Points up to 64 previous coordinates of the mouse or pen.
        ///     The element relative which the points need to be returned. 
        ///     Points relative to the first parameter are returned. 
        ///     Critical: calls critical method (GetInputProvider) and gets PresentationSource.
        ///               PublicOK: The PresentationSource and input provider aren't
        ///               returned or stored.
        public static int GetIntermediatePoints(IInputElement relativeTo, Point[] points) 
            // Security Mitigation: do not give out input state if the device is not active.
                if (relativeTo != null)
                    PresentationSource inputSource = PresentationSource.FromDependencyObject(InputElement.GetContainingVisual(relativeTo as DependencyObject)); 
                    if (inputSource != null)
                        IMouseInputProvider mouseInputProvider = inputSource.GetInputProvider(typeof(MouseDevice)) as IMouseInputProvider; 
                        if (null != mouseInputProvider)
                            return mouseInputProvider.GetIntermediatePoints(relativeTo, points);
            return -1; 

        /// The override cursor
        public static Cursor OverrideCursor
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.OverrideCursor; 
                // forwarding to the MouseDevice, will be validated there.	
                Mouse.PrimaryDevice.OverrideCursor = value; 
        ///     Sets the mouse cursor 
        /// The cursor to be set
        /// True on success (always the case for Win32)
        public static bool SetCursor(Cursor cursor) 
            return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.SetCursor(cursor); 

        ///     The state of the left button.
        public static MouseButtonState LeftButton
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.LeftButton; 

        ///     The state of the right button.
        public static MouseButtonState RightButton
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.RightButton; 

        ///     The state of the middle button.
        public static MouseButtonState MiddleButton 
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.MiddleButton;

        ///     The state of the first extended button. 
        public static MouseButtonState XButton1 
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.XButton1; 
        ///     The state of the second extended button. 
        public static MouseButtonState XButton2
                return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.XButton2; 
        ///     Calculates the position of the mouse relative to
        ///     a particular element.
        public static Point GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo)
            return Mouse.PrimaryDevice.GetPosition(relativeTo); 
        ///     Forces the mouse to resynchronize.
        public static void Synchronize() 

        ///     Forces the mouse cursor to be updated.
        public static void UpdateCursor()
        ///     The number of units the mouse wheel should be rotated to scroll one line. 
        ///     The delta was set to 120 to allow Microsoft or other vendors to
        ///     build finer-resolution wheels in the future, including perhaps 
        ///     a freely-rotating wheel with no notches. The expectation is
        ///     that such a device would send more messages per rotation, but 
        ///     with a smaller value in each message. To support this 
        ///     possibility, you should either add the incoming delta values
        ///     until MouseWheelDeltaForOneLine amount is reached (so for a 
        ///     delta-rotation you get the same response), or scroll partial
        ///     lines in response to the more frequent messages. You could also
        ///     choose your scroll granularity and accumulate deltas until it
        ///     is reached. 
        public const int MouseWheelDeltaForOneLine = 120; 
        ///     The primary mouse device. 
        ///     Critical: This code acceses InputManager which is critical
        ///     PublicOK: This data is ok to expose 
        public static MouseDevice PrimaryDevice 
                MouseDevice mouseDevice;
                //there is a link demand on the Current property
                mouseDevice =  InputManager.UnsecureCurrent.PrimaryMouseDevice; 
                return mouseDevice;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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