TextEditor.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / TextEditor.cs / 5 / TextEditor.cs

                            #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // To enable presharp warning disables (#pragma suppress) below. 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: TextEditor.cs 
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: Text editing service for controls.

namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using MS.Internal;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Collections; // ArrayList
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Windows.Threading;
    using System.Windows.Input; 
    using System.Windows.Controls; // ScrollChangedEventArgs 
    using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;  // CharacterCasing, TextBoxBase
    using System.Windows.Media; 
    using System.Windows.Markup;

    using MS.Utility;
    using MS.Win32; 
    using MS.Internal.Documents;
    using MS.Internal.Commands; // CommandHelpers 
    /// Text editing service for controls. 
    internal class TextEditor
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        /// Initialize the TextEditor 
        /// TextContainer representing a content to edit. 
        /// FrameworkElement on which all events for the user interaction will be
        /// processed.
        /// If true the TextEditor will enable undo support
        internal TextEditor(ITextContainer textContainer, FrameworkElement uiScope, bool isUndoEnabled) 
            // Validate parameters 
            Invariant.Assert(uiScope != null);

            // Set non-zero property defaults.
            _acceptsRichContent = true; 

            // Attach the editor  instance to the scope 
            _textContainer = textContainer; 
            _uiScope = uiScope;
            // Enable undo manager for this uiScope
            if (isUndoEnabled && _textContainer is TextContainer)
            // Create TextSelection and link it to text container 
            _selection = new TextSelection(this);
            textContainer.TextSelection = _selection; 

            // Create DragDropProcess
            _dragDropProcess = new TextEditorDragDrop._DragDropProcess(this);
            // By default we use IBeam cursor 
            _cursor = Cursors.IBeam;
            // Add InputLanguageChanged event handler

            // Listen to both TextContainer.EndChanging and TextContainer.Changed events 
            TextContainer.Changed += new TextContainerChangedEventHandler(OnTextContainerChanged);
            // Add IsEnabled event handler for cleaning the caret element when uiScope is disabled 
            _uiScope.IsEnabledChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnIsEnabledChanged);
            // ---------------------------------------
            if (!_pendingDispatcherInit)
                // Some of our initialization requires knowledge about the
                // Dispatcher thread, or objects allocated by a running Dispatcher. 
                // By posting a callback, we can finish our initialization with 
                // a gauranteed running dispatcher.
                // We use DispatcherPriority.Background because there might not be 
                // a LayoutManager until the layout invalidation is dequeued
                // (DispatcherPriority.Layout).
                Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(InitWithDispatcher), null);
                _pendingDispatcherInit = true; 
            // Attach this instance of text editor to its uiScope 
            uiScope.SetValue(TextEditor.InstanceProperty, this);
            // The IsSpellerEnabled property might have been set before this
            // TextEditor was instantiated -- check if we need to rev
            // up speller support.
            if ((bool)_uiScope.GetValue(SpellCheck.IsEnabledProperty)) 

            // If no IME/TextServices are installed, we have no native reasources 
            // to clean up at Finalizer.
            if (!TextServicesLoader.ServicesInstalled)
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Finalizer
        #region Finalizer 

        /// The Finalizer will release the resources that were not released earlier.
            // Detach TextStore that TextStore will be unregisted from Cicero.
            // And clean all reference of the native resources. 
            DetachTextStore(true /* finalizer */); 
        #endregion Finalizer

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 

        /// Notification that the EditBehavior is being removed from the
        /// scope to which it was attached. 
        /// innternal - ta make it accessible from TextEditor class. 
        /// Critical - as this calls Critical method ImmComposition.GetImmComposition().
        /// Safe - as this just gets the ImmComposition for the current element and invokes
        ///        the OnDetach event.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void OnDetach() 
            Invariant.Assert(_textContainer != null);
            // Make sure the speller is shut down.

            // Delete UndoManager 
            UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(_uiScope);
            if(undoManager != null) 
                if (_textContainer is TextContainer)

            // Release TextContainer 
            _textContainer.TextSelection = null;

            // Remove InputLanguageChanged event handler

            // Remove both TextContainer.Changed event handlers 
            _textContainer.Changed -= new TextContainerChangedEventHandler(OnTextContainerChanged); 

            // Remove IsEnabled event handler that use for cleaning the caret element when uiScope is disabled 
            _uiScope.IsEnabledChanged -= new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnIsEnabledChanged);

            // Cancel any pending InitWithDispatcher callback that might still
            // be in the queue. 
            _pendingDispatcherInit = false;
            // Shut down the Cicero. 
            DetachTextStore(false /* finalizer */);
            // Shut down IMM32.
            if (_immComposition != null)
                // _immComposition comes from getting of the focus on the editor with the enabled IMM. 
                // _immComposition.OnDetach will remove the events handler and then detach editor.
                _immComposition = null; 
                // Make sure immComposition.OnDetach if there is the remaining ImmComposition
                // that can be happened after getting the lost focus.
                ImmComposition immComposition = ImmComposition.GetImmComposition(_uiScope); 
                if (immComposition != null)

            // detach fromm textview
            this.TextView = null;
            // Delete selection object, caret and highlight
            _selection = null; 

            _uiScope = null;

            _textContainer = null;

        /// We don't need TextStore after Dispatcher is disposed. 
        /// DetachTextStore is called from Finalizer or UICntext.Dispose event callback.
        /// Finalizer calls this to release Cicero's resources. Then we don't need 
        /// a call back from UIContex.Dispose any more. And we can release _weakThis.
        private void DetachTextStore(bool finalizer)
            // We don't need this TextStore any more.
            // TextStore needs to be unregisted from Cicero so clean all reference 
            // of the native resources. 
            if (_textstore != null)
                _textstore = null;
            if (_weakThis != null)
                _weakThis = null;

            if (!finalizer)
                // Cicero's resources have been released. 
                // We don't have to get Finalizer called now.
        // Worker method for set_IsSpellCheckEnabled.
        // Note that enabling the spell checker is also gated on the IsReadOnly
        // and IsEnabled properties of the current UiScope.
        internal void SetSpellCheckEnabled(bool value) 
            value = value && !this.IsReadOnly && this._IsEnabled; 
            if (value && _speller == null)
                // Start up the speller.
                _speller = new Speller(this);
            else if (!value && _speller != null) 
                // Shut down the speller. 
                _speller = null;

        // Forwards a spelling reform property change off to the speller.
        internal void SetSpellingReform(SpellingReform spellingReform) 
            if (_speller != null) 

        // Queries a FrameworkElement for its TextView
        internal static ITextView GetTextView(UIElement scope) 
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider = scope as IServiceProvider; 
            return (serviceProvider != null) ? serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITextView)) as ITextView : null;

        // Maps a FrameworkElement to its TextSelection, if any.
        internal static ITextSelection GetTextSelection(FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
            TextEditor textEditor = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(frameworkElement);
            return (textEditor == null) ? null : textEditor.Selection; 
        // Registers all text editing command handlers for a given control type
        // If registerEventListeners is false, caller is responsible for calling OnXXXEvent methods on TextEditor from
        // UIElement and FrameworkElement virtual overrides (piggy backing on the 
        // UIElement/FrameworkElement class listeners).  If true, TextEditor will register
        // its own class listener for events it needs. 
        // This method will always register private command listeners.
        ///    Critical:This code register command handlers for texteditor related events and commands (OnGotFocus)
        ///    TreatAsSafe: This just hooks up methods that are internal to this class
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal static void RegisterCommandHandlers(Type controlType, bool acceptsRichContent, bool readOnly, bool registerEventListeners)
            // Check if we already registered handlers for this type 
            Invariant.Assert(_registeredEditingTypes != null);
            lock (_registeredEditingTypes) 
                for (int i = 0; i < _registeredEditingTypes.Count; i++)
                    // If controlType is or derives from some already registered class - we are done 
                    if (((Type)_registeredEditingTypes[i]).IsAssignableFrom(controlType))
                    // Check if controlType is not a superclass of some registered class.
                    // This is erroneus condition, which must be avoided.
                    // Otherwise the same handlers will be attached to some class twice.
                    if (controlType.IsAssignableFrom((Type)_registeredEditingTypes[i])) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException( 
                            SR.Get(SRID.TextEditorCanNotRegisterCommandHandler, ((Type)_registeredEditingTypes[i]).Name, controlType.Name)); 

                // The class was not yet registered. Add it to the list before starting registering handlers.

            // Mouse 
            TextEditorMouse._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners); 
            if (!readOnly)
                // Typing
                TextEditorTyping._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners);
            // Drag-and-drop 
            TextEditorDragDrop._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, readOnly, registerEventListeners);
            // Cut-Copy-Paste 
            TextEditorCopyPaste._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, acceptsRichContent, readOnly, registerEventListeners); 
            // Selection Commands
            TextEditorSelection._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners); 
            if (!readOnly)
                // Paragraph Formatting
                TextEditorParagraphs._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, acceptsRichContent, registerEventListeners); 
            // ContextMenu 
            TextEditorContextMenu._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners); 
            if (!readOnly)
                // Spelling
                TextEditorSpelling._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners);
            if (acceptsRichContent && !readOnly)
                // Character Formatting 
                TextEditorCharacters._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners);
                // Editing Commands: List Editing 
                TextEditorLists._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners);
                // Editing Commands: Table Editing
                if (_isTableEditingEnabled)
                    TextEditorTables._RegisterClassHandlers(controlType, registerEventListeners);

            // Focus 
            // -----
            if (registerEventListeners)
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(OnGotKeyboardFocus)); 
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(OnLostKeyboardFocus));
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, UIElement.LostFocusEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(OnLostFocus)); 

            // Undo-Redo 
            // ---------
            if (!readOnly)
                CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, ApplicationCommands.Undo, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnUndo), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusNYI), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyUndo), SR.Get(SRID.KeyUndoDisplayString)), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyAltUndo), SR.Get(SRID.KeyAltUndoDisplayString))); 
                CommandHelpers.RegisterCommandHandler(controlType, ApplicationCommands.Redo, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnRedo), new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnQueryStatusNYI), KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(SR.Get(SRID.KeyRedo), SR.Get(SRID.KeyRedoDisplayString)));

        // Worker for TextBox/RichTextBox.GetSpellingErrorAtPosition. 
        internal SpellingError GetSpellingErrorAtPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction)
            return TextEditorSpelling.GetSpellingErrorAtPosition(this, position, direction);

        // Returns the error (if any) at the current selection. 
        internal SpellingError GetSpellingErrorAtSelection() 
            return TextEditorSpelling.GetSpellingErrorAtSelection(this); 

        // Worker for TextBox/RichTextBox.GetNextSpellingErrorPosition.
        internal ITextPointer GetNextSpellingErrorPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction) 
            return TextEditorSpelling.GetNextSpellingErrorPosition(this, position, direction); 

        // Replaces a TextRange's content with a string. 
        // Applies LanguageProperty based on current input language.

        internal void SetText(ITextRange range, string text, CultureInfo cultureInfo) 
            // Input text 
            range.Text = text; 

            // mark the range with the current input language on the start position. 
            if (range is TextRange)
                MarkCultureProperty((TextRange)range, cultureInfo);
        // Replaces the current selection with a string. 
        // Applies any springloaded properties to the text.
        // Applies LanguageProperty based on current input language. 
        // Clears the cached caret X offset.

        internal void SetSelectedText(string text, CultureInfo cultureInfo) 
            // Insert the text and tag it with culture property. 
            SetText(this.Selection, text, cultureInfo); 

            // Apply springload formatting 

            // Forget previously suggested caret horizontal position.
        /// Used for marking the span of incoming text with input language
        /// based on the current input language. The default input language is 
        /// designated in FrameworkElement.LanguageProperty which has the
        /// default value of "en-US" but this can be changed at any tree node
        /// by xml:lang attribute
        internal void MarkCultureProperty(TextRange range, CultureInfo inputCultureInfo)
            Invariant.Assert(this.UiScope != null);
            if (!this.AcceptsRichContent)

            // Get the current culture infomation to mark the input culture information 
            XmlLanguage language = (XmlLanguage)((ITextPointer)range.Start).GetValue(FrameworkElement.LanguageProperty); 

            Invariant.Assert(language != null); 

            // Compare the culture info between the current position and the input culture.
            // Set the input culture info if the current has the different culture info with input.
            if (!String.Equals(inputCultureInfo.IetfLanguageTag, language.IetfLanguageTag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 
                range.ApplyPropertyValue(FrameworkElement.LanguageProperty, XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(inputCultureInfo.IetfLanguageTag)); 

            // Get the input language's flow direction 
            FlowDirection inputFlowDirection;
            if (inputCultureInfo.TextInfo.IsRightToLeft)
                inputFlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft; 
                inputFlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;

            // Get the current flow direction
            FlowDirection currentFlowDirection = (FlowDirection)((ITextPointer)range.Start).GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty);
            // Set the FlowDirection property properly if the input language's flow direction
            // doesn't match with the current flow direction. 
            if (currentFlowDirection != inputFlowDirection) 
                range.ApplyPropertyValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty, inputFlowDirection); 

        internal void RequestExtendSelection(Point point) 
            if (_mouseSelectionState == null) 
                _mouseSelectionState = new MouseSelectionState();
                _mouseSelectionState.Timer = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Normal); 
                _mouseSelectionState.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(HandleMouseSelectionTick);
                // 400ms is the default value for MenuShowDelay. Creating timer with smaller value may
                // cause Dispatcher queue starvation.
                _mouseSelectionState.Timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Max(SystemParameters.MenuShowDelay, 200)); 
                _mouseSelectionState.Point = point; 
                // Simulate the first Tick 
                HandleMouseSelectionTick(_mouseSelectionState.Timer, EventArgs.Empty);
                _mouseSelectionState.Point = point;
        internal void CancelExtendSelection() 
            if (_mouseSelectionState != null) 
                _mouseSelectionState.Timer.Tick -= new EventHandler(HandleMouseSelectionTick);
                _mouseSelectionState = null; 
        /// Helper used to check if UiScope has a ToolTip which is open. If so, this method closes the tool tip. 
        /// KeyDown and MouseDown event handlers use this helper to check for this condition.
        internal void CloseToolTip()
            PopupControlService popupControlService = PopupControlService.Current;
            if (popupControlService.CurrentToolTip != null && 
                popupControlService.CurrentToolTip.IsOpen &&
                popupControlService.CurrentToolTip.PlacementTarget == _uiScope) 
                popupControlService.CurrentToolTip.IsOpen = false;

        /// Undo worker. 
        ///     Critical:Calls Composition.Complete which has a link demand
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Does not expose the call
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void Undo()

            // Complete the composition string before undo 

            _undoState = UndoState.Undo;
            bool forceLayoutUpdate = this.Selection.CoversEntireContent;


                    UndoManager undoManager = _GetUndoManager();
                    if (undoManager != null && undoManager.UndoCount > undoManager.MinUndoStackCount)
                    // Forget previously suggested horizontal position

                    // Break typing merge for undo

                    // Clear springload formatting 
                    if (_selection is TextSelection) 
                _undoState = UndoState.Normal;

            // If we replaced the entire document content, background layout will 
            // kick in.  Force it to complete now.
            if (forceLayoutUpdate) 

        /// Redo worker. 
        internal void Redo() 
            _undoState = UndoState.Redo;

            bool forceLayoutUpdate = this.Selection.CoversEntireContent;
                    UndoManager undoManager = _GetUndoManager();
                    if (undoManager != null && undoManager.RedoCount > 0)
                    // Forget previously suggested horizontal position 

                    // Break typing merge for undo
                    // Clear springload formatting
                    if (_selection is TextSelection) 
                _undoState = UndoState.Normal; 

            // If we replaced the entire document content, background layout will
            // kick in.  Force it to complete now. 
            if (forceLayoutUpdate)

        internal void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
            TextEditorTyping.OnKeyDown(_uiScope, e); 
        internal void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) 
            TextEditorTyping.OnKeyUp(_uiScope, e); 

        internal void OnTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e)
            TextEditorTyping.OnTextInput(_uiScope, e);
        internal void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            TextEditorMouse.OnMouseDown(_uiScope, e);

        internal void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) 
            TextEditorMouse.OnMouseMove(_uiScope, e); 

        internal void OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
            TextEditorMouse.OnMouseUp(_uiScope, e);
        internal void OnQueryCursor(QueryCursorEventArgs e)
            TextEditorMouse.OnQueryCursor(_uiScope, e); 
        internal void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs e)
            TextEditorDragDrop.OnQueryContinueDrag(_uiScope, e);

        internal void OnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs e) 
            TextEditorDragDrop.OnGiveFeedback(_uiScope, e);

        internal void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e)
            TextEditorDragDrop.OnDragEnter(_uiScope, e); 
        internal void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e) 
            TextEditorDragDrop.OnDragOver(_uiScope, e); 

        internal void OnDragLeave(DragEventArgs e)
            TextEditorDragDrop.OnDragLeave(_uiScope, e);
        internal void OnDrop(DragEventArgs e)
            TextEditorDragDrop.OnDrop(_uiScope, e);

        /// Critical - accepts a parameter which may be used to set the userInitiated
        ///             bit on a command, which is used for security purposes later. 
        internal void OnContextMenuOpening(ContextMenuEventArgs e) 
            TextEditorContextMenu.OnContextMenuOpening(_uiScope, e);
        internal void OnGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            OnGotKeyboardFocus(_uiScope, e); 
        internal void OnLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            OnLostKeyboardFocus(_uiScope, e);

        internal void OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs e) 
            OnLostFocus(_uiScope, e);

        #endregion Internal Methods

        //  Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        //  Dependency Properties

        #region Dependency Properties 

        /// IsReadOnly attached property speficies if the content within a scope
        /// of some FrameworkElement is editable. 
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty IsReadOnlyProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsReadOnlyChanged)));
        /// TextEditor.AllowOvertype property controls how TextEditor treats INS key.
        /// When set to true INS key toggles overtype mode. 
        /// Otherwise it is ignored.

        internal static readonly DependencyProperty AllowOvertypeProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true)); 

        /// TextEditor.PageHeight attached property for pageup/down 
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty PageHeightProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0d));
        #endregion Dependency Properties 

        //  Properties - Relations With Other Components

        #region Properties - Relations With Other Components 
        // The content TextContainer.
        internal ITextContainer TextContainer 
                return _textContainer; 
        /// A FrameworkElement to which this instance on TextEditor 
        /// is attached.
        internal FrameworkElement UiScope 
            get { return _uiScope; } 

        /// A FrameworkElement to which this instance on TextEditor
        /// is attached.
        internal ITextView TextView
                return _textView; 
                if (value != _textView) 
                    if (_textView != null) 
                        // Remove layout updated handler.
                        _textView.Updated -= new EventHandler(OnTextViewUpdated); 

                        _textView = null;

                        // Make sure that caret is destroyed for this text view (if any) 
                        // This must be called after clearing _textView

                    if (value != null) 
                        _textView = value;

                        // Init a layout invalidation listener. 
                        _textView.Updated += new EventHandler(OnTextViewUpdated);
                        // Make sure that caret is present for this text view 
        /// The TextSelection associated with this TextEditor. 
        internal ITextSelection Selection
            get { return _selection; }

        // TextStore - needed in TextSelection to notify it about movements 
        internal TextStore TextStore 
            get { return _textstore; }

        /// ImmComposition implementation, used when _immEnabled.
        internal ImmComposition ImmComposition
                return _immEnabled ? _immComposition : null; 

        #endregion Properties - Rlations With Other Components 

        //  Properties - Text Editor Behavior Parameterization

        #region Properties - Text Editor Behavior Parameterization
        /// If true, the TextEditor will accept the return/enter key, 
        /// otherwise it will be ignored.  Default is true. 
        internal bool AcceptsReturn 
                return _uiScope == null ? true : (bool)_uiScope.GetValue(KeyboardNavigation.AcceptsReturnProperty); 
        /// If true, the TextEditor will accept the tab key, otherwise 
        /// it will be ignored.  Default is true.
        internal bool AcceptsTab
                return _uiScope == null ? true : (bool)_uiScope.GetValue(TextBoxBase.AcceptsTabProperty); 
                Invariant.Assert(_uiScope != null);
                if (AcceptsTab != value)
                    _uiScope.SetValue(TextBoxBase.AcceptsTabProperty, value);
        /// If true, text selection will be enabled but the TextEditor will
        /// not modify content.  Default is false.
        /// Use TextSelection.HideCaret to stop the caret from rendering. 
        internal bool IsReadOnly
                // We use local flag _isReadOnly for masking inheritable setting of IsReadOnly
                if (_isReadOnly) 
                    return true; 
                    return _uiScope == null ? false : (bool)_uiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.IsReadOnlyProperty);
                // This setting does not affect logical tree setting; 
                // it only applies to this particular editor. 
                // Nested editors be in editable or non-editable state
                // independently on this flag. 
                _isReadOnly = value;
        /// Enables and disables spell checking on the document. 
        /// Defaults to false. 
        internal bool IsSpellCheckEnabled
                return _uiScope == null ? false : (bool)_uiScope.GetValue(SpellCheck.IsEnabledProperty); 
                Invariant.Assert(_uiScope != null);
                _uiScope.SetValue(SpellCheck.IsEnabledProperty, value);

        /// If true, the TextEditor will accept xml markup for paragraphs and inline formatting. 
        /// Default is true.
        internal bool AcceptsRichContent
                return _acceptsRichContent;
                _acceptsRichContent = value; 

        /// Clr accessor to AllowOvertypeProperty.
        internal bool AllowOvertype 
                return _uiScope == null ? true : (bool)_uiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.AllowOvertypeProperty);

        /// Maximum length of text being edited (_selection.Text).  More precisely, the 
        /// user is not allowed to input text beyond this length.
        /// Default is 0, which means unlimited. 
        internal int MaxLength
                return _uiScope == null ? 0 : (int)_uiScope.GetValue(TextBox.MaxLengthProperty); 
        /// Controls whether input text is converted to upper or lower case.
        /// Default is CharacterCasing.Normal, which causes no conversion.
        internal CharacterCasing CharacterCasing
                return _uiScope == null ? CharacterCasing.Normal : (CharacterCasing)_uiScope.GetValue(TextBox.CharacterCasingProperty); 

        /// Controls whether heuristics for selecting whole words on mouse drag are active
        /// Default is false. 
        internal bool AutoWordSelection
                return _uiScope == null ? false : (bool)_uiScope.GetValue(RichTextBox.AutoWordSelectionProperty);
        /// Controls whether or not the caret is visible when the text editor is read-only.
        /// Default is false. 
        internal bool IsReadOnlyCaretVisible
                return _isReadOnlyCaretVisible; 
                _isReadOnlyCaretVisible = value;
        #endregion Properties - Text Editor Behavior Parameterization
        // A property exposing our current undo context. 
        // UndoState.Undo while inside OnUndo or 
        // UndoState.Redo while inside OnRedo or
        // UndoState.Normal otherwise.
        internal UndoState UndoState
                return _undoState; 

        // Flag that indicates whether the UiScope has a context menu open.
        internal bool IsContextMenuOpen
                return _isContextMenuOpen; 
                _isContextMenuOpen = value;
        // Speller instance for TextEditorSpelling. 
        internal Speller Speller
                return _speller;
        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Class Internal Methods

        #region Class Internal Methods 
        // Maps a FrameworkElement to its TextEditor, if any.
        internal static TextEditor _GetTextEditor(object element) 
            return (element is DependencyObject) ? (((DependencyObject)element).ReadLocalValue(InstanceProperty) as TextEditor) : null;
        /// Returns the UndoManager, if any, associated with this editor instance. 
        internal UndoManager _GetUndoManager()
            UndoManager undoManager = null;

            if (this.TextContainer is TextContainer)
                undoManager = ((TextContainer)this.TextContainer).UndoManager;
            return undoManager;

        /// Filter input text based on MaxLength, and CharacterCasing.
        /// text to filter 
        /// target range to be inserted or replaced 
        /// filtered text
        internal string _FilterText(string textData, ITextRange range)
            return _FilterText(textData, range.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(range.End)); 
        internal string _FilterText(string textData, int charsToReplaceCount)
            // We only filter text for plain text content
            if (!this.AcceptsRichContent) 
                if (this.MaxLength > 0) 
                    ITextContainer textContainer = this.TextContainer;
                    int currentLength = textContainer.SymbolCount - charsToReplaceCount; 

                    int extraCharsAllowed = Math.Max(0, this.MaxLength - currentLength);

                    // Does textData length exceed allowed char length? 
                    if (textData.Length > extraCharsAllowed)
                        int splitPosition = textData.Length - extraCharsAllowed; 

                        if (IsBadSplitPosition(textData, splitPosition)) 
                        textData = textData.Substring(0, extraCharsAllowed); 
                if (this.CharacterCasing == CharacterCasing.Upper)
                    // Get CultureInfo from the current input language for ToUpper/ToLower.
                    textData = textData.ToUpper(InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage);
                else if (this.CharacterCasing == CharacterCasing.Lower) 
                    // Get CultureInfo from the current input language for ToUpper/ToLower. 
                    textData = textData.ToLower(InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage); 
                if (!this.AcceptsReturn)
                    int endOfFirstLine = textData.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (endOfFirstLine >= 0) 
                        textData = textData.Substring(0, endOfFirstLine); 
                    endOfFirstLine = textData.IndexOfAny(TextPointerBase.NextLineCharacters);
                    if (endOfFirstLine >= 0) 
                        textData = textData.Substring(0, endOfFirstLine);

                if (!this.AcceptsTab) 
                    textData = textData.Replace('\t', ' ');

            return textData;

        // This checks if the source is in UiScope or its style. 
        // The key events or text input events should not be handled if the source is out side of 
        // element (or style).
        // For example, when focus elment is UiScope's context menu, 
        // TextEditor should ignore those events.
        internal bool _IsSourceInScope(object source)
            if (source == this.UiScope) 
                return true; 

            if ((source is FrameworkElement) && ((FrameworkElement)source).TemplatedParent == this.UiScope) 
                return true;
            return false;
        /// Complete the composition string. 
        internal void CompleteComposition()
            if (TextStore != null) 

            if (ImmComposition != null) 

        #endregion Class Internal Methods 
        //  Class Internal Properties
        #region Class Internal Properties
        /// Returns true if the IsEnabled ptorperty is set to true for ui scope of the editor.
        internal bool _IsEnabled
                return _uiScope == null ? false : _uiScope.IsEnabled;

        internal bool _OvertypeMode 
                return _overtypeMode; 
                _overtypeMode = value;

        // Find the scroller from the render scope of TextEdior
        internal FrameworkElement _Scroller 
                FrameworkElement scroller = this.TextView == null ? null : (this.TextView.RenderScope as FrameworkElement);
                while (scroller != null && scroller != this.UiScope)
                    scroller = FrameworkElement.GetFrameworkParent(scroller) as FrameworkElement;
                    if (scroller is ScrollViewer || scroller is ScrollContentPresenter)
                        return scroller; 

                return null;

        // TLS for TextEditor and dependent classes. 
        // Note we demand allocate, but then never clear the TLS slot.
        // This means we will leak one TextEditorThreadLocalStore per 
        // thread if TextEditors are allocated then freed on the thread.
        // The alternative, ref counting the TLS, would require a finalizer
        // which is at least as expensive as one object per thread, and
        // much more complicated. 
        internal static TextEditorThreadLocalStore _ThreadLocalStore
                TextEditorThreadLocalStore store; 

                store = (TextEditorThreadLocalStore)Thread.GetData(_threadLocalStoreSlot);

                if (store == null) 
                    store = new TextEditorThreadLocalStore(); 
                    Thread.SetData(_threadLocalStoreSlot, store); 
                return store;
        // Content change counter
        internal long _ContentChangeCounter 
                return _contentChangeCounter;
        // Enables or disables table editing commands.
        // False by default, only enabled via reflection for lexicon.exe in V1. 
        internal static bool IsTableEditingEnabled 
                return _isTableEditingEnabled;
                _isTableEditingEnabled = value; 

        // Cached position used to restore selection moving position
        // after colliding with document start or end handling
        // SelectUp/DownByLine commands. 
        internal ITextPointer _NextLineAdvanceMovingPosition
                return _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition; 

                _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition = value;

        // If true _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition represents a position at the head 
        // of the document (stored in response to a OnSelectUpByLineCommand).  Otherwise,
        // _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition represents a position at the tail
        // of the document (stored in response to a OnSelectDownByLineCommand).
        internal bool _IsNextLineAdvanceMovingPositionAtDocumentHead 
                return _isNextLineAdvanceMovingPositionAtDocumentHead;

                _isNextLineAdvanceMovingPositionAtDocumentHead = value; 
        #endregion Class Internal Properties
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods 

        //  Misceleneous

        /// Helper for _FilterText(). 
        /// Inspects if text[position-1] and text[position] form a surrogate pair or Environment.NewLine.
        /// Input string to inspect. 
        /// Split position.
        /// True if bad split position, false otherwise.
        private bool IsBadSplitPosition(string text, int position) 
            if ((text[position - 1] == '\r' && text[position] == '\n')
                (Char.IsHighSurrogate(text, position - 1) && Char.IsLowSurrogate(text, position)))
                return true;

            return false; 

        private void HandleMouseSelectionTick(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if (_mouseSelectionState != null && !_mouseSelectionState.BringIntoViewInProgress &&
                this.TextView != null && this.TextView.IsValid && TextEditorSelection.IsPaginated(this.TextView))
                _mouseSelectionState.BringIntoViewInProgress = true;
                this.TextView.BringPointIntoViewCompleted += new BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(HandleBringPointIntoViewCompleted); 
                this.TextView.BringPointIntoViewAsync(_mouseSelectionState.Point, this); 

        /// Handler for ITextView.BringPointIntoViewCompleted event.
        private void HandleBringPointIntoViewCompleted(object sender, BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventArgs e)
            ITextPointer cursorPosition; 
            Rect lastCharacterRect;
            Invariant.Assert(sender is ITextView);
            ((ITextView)sender).BringPointIntoViewCompleted -= new BringPointIntoViewCompletedEventHandler(HandleBringPointIntoViewCompleted);

            // If the mouse selection state is not available, it means that the mouse was 
            // already released. It may happen when there is delay in view transitions
            // (i.e. page transition in DocumentViewerBase). 
            // In such case ignore this event. 
            if (_mouseSelectionState == null)
            _mouseSelectionState.BringIntoViewInProgress = false;
            if (e != null && !e.Cancelled && e.Error == null)
                Invariant.Assert(e.UserState == this && this.TextView == sender); 

                cursorPosition = e.Position; 

                if (cursorPosition != null)
                    // Check end-of-container condition 
                    if (cursorPosition.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) == null &&
                        cursorPosition.ParentType != null) // 
                        // We are at the end of text container. Check whether mouse is farther than a last character
                        lastCharacterRect = cursorPosition.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                        if (e.Point.X > lastCharacterRect.X + lastCharacterRect.Width)
                            cursorPosition = this.TextContainer.End;
                    // Move the caret/selection to match the cursor position. 
                    this.Selection.ExtendSelectionByMouse(cursorPosition, _forceWordSelection, _forceParagraphSelection);

        // This method is called asynchronously from Attach.
        // It performs initialization that requires a running Dispatcher. 
        private object InitWithDispatcher(object o)
            // We might have been detached before this callback got dispatched. 
            if (!_pendingDispatcherInit)
                return null;

            // Init a TSF TextStore if any TIPs/IMEs are installed. 
            if (_textContainer is TextContainer &&
                TextServicesLoader.ServicesInstalled && TextServicesHost.Current != null) 
                // Demand create the TextStore.
                if (_textstore == null) 
                    _textstore = new TextStore(this);
                    _weakThis = new TextEditorWeakReference(this);


            _pendingDispatcherInit = false; 
            return null;

        // ................................................................
        // Event Handlers: Internal Events 
        // ................................................................ 

        /// Handler for TextContainer.Changed event.
        private void OnTextContainerChanged(object sender, TextContainerChangedEventArgs e) 
            // Set short short-term dirty indicator to true. 
            // The indicator is used in TextEditorMouse.MoveFocusToUiScope to check
            // that there is no side effects happened in content during focus movement

        // TextView.Updated event handler. 
        private void OnTextViewUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            // The TextSelection needs to know about the change now. 

            // The TextView calls this method synchronously, before it finishes its Arrange
            // pass, so defer the remaining work until the TextView is valid. 
            this.UiScope.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnTextViewUpdatedWorker), EventArgs.Empty);
        // Responds to OnTextViewUpdated calls.
        private object OnTextViewUpdatedWorker(object o) 
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            if (this.TextView == null)
                return null;
            if (_textstore != null)

            // IMM32's OnLostFocus handler. Clean the composition string if it exists. 
            if (_immEnabled)
                if (_immComposition != null) 

            return null; 
        // IsEnabledChanged event handler for cleaning the caret element when uiScope is disabled. 
        private static void OnIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)sender);

            if (This == null)
            // Update the speller checker status.
        // Callback for chagnes to the IsReadOnly property.
        private static void OnIsReadOnlyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            FrameworkElement frameworkElement = sender as FrameworkElement;
            if (frameworkElement == null) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(frameworkElement);
            if (This == null) 

            // Update the spell check status.
            // Finalize any active IME composition when transitioning to true.
            if ((bool)e.NewValue == true && This._textstore != null) 

        // ................................................................
        // Focus
        // ................................................................ 

        // GotKeyboardFocusEvent handler. 
        /// Critical - adjusts internal state dealing with focus (including notifying
        ///            unmanaged IME about this)
        /// Safe - exposes no state, passes no state to the IME. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private static void OnGotKeyboardFocus(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) 
            // Ignore the event if the sender is not new focus element. 
            if (sender != e.NewFocus)

            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)sender); 
            if (This == null)

            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope 
            // or if the element getting focus isn't our uiScope (in which case, it's our child)
            if (!This._IsEnabled) 

            // Cicero's OnGotKeyboardFocus handler. It updates the focus DIM.
            if (This._textstore != null)
            // IMM32's OnGotFocus handler. Ready for the composition string.
            if (_immEnabled) 
                This._immComposition = ImmComposition.GetImmComposition(This._uiScope);

                if (This._immComposition != null) 
            // Redraw the caret to show the BiDi/normal caret.

            // Make selection visible 
            // Note: Do not scroll to bring caret into view upon GotKeyboardFocus.

        // LostKeyboardFocusEvent handler 
        // Stop the caret from blinking
        /// Critical - manipulates focus, including calling critical method (GetImmComposition) 
        /// Safe - exposes no state, passes no state to the IME.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private static void OnLostKeyboardFocus(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            // Ignore the event if the sender is not old focus element.
            if (sender != e.OldFocus)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)sender); 

            if (This == null) 
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            // or the element losing focus isn't our uiScope (in which case, it's our child) 
            if (!This._IsEnabled) 

            // Note: Do not scroll to bring caret into view upon LostKeyboardFocus.

            // Call the TextStore's OnLostfocus handler.  Finalizes the curernt composition, if any. 
            if (This._textstore != null) 

            // IMM32's OnLostFocus handler. Clean the composition string if it exists.
            if (_immEnabled) 
                if (This._immComposition != null) 
                    // Call ImmComposition OnLostFocus to clean up the event handler(SelectionChanged).

                    // Set _immComposition as null not to access it until get new from the getting focus.
                    This._immComposition = null;
        // LostFocusedElementEvent handler.
        private static void OnLostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)sender);

            if (This == null) 

            // Un-vanish the cursor. 

            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            // or the element losing focus isn't our uiScope (in which case, it's our child) 
            if (!This._IsEnabled)
            // Flush input queue and complete typing undo unit
            // Release column resizing adorner, and interrupt table resising process (if any)
            if (This._tableColResizeInfo != null) 
                This._tableColResizeInfo = null; 

            // Hide selection

        // ................................................................
        // Undo-Redo
        // ................................................................
        /// Undo command event handler. 
        private static void OnUndo(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)target);

            if (This == null)
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            if (!This._IsEnabled) 
            if (This.IsReadOnly)

        ///     Redo command event handler.
        private static void OnRedo(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)target); 

            if (This == null)
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope 
            if (!This._IsEnabled)

            if (This.IsReadOnly) 


        /// StartInputCorrection command QueryStatus handler 
        private static void OnQueryStatusNYI(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) 
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor((FrameworkElement)sender);
            if (This == null)

            e.CanExecute = true; 

        #endregion Private methods 

        //  Private Types 
        #region Private Types
        // We need to an event handler for Dispatcher's Dispose but we don't want to have
        // a strong referrence fromDispatcher. So TextEditorWeakReverence wraps this.
        private class TextEditorWeakReference : WeakReference
            /// Critical - accesses AppDomain.DomainUnload event. 
            /// SecurityTreatAsSafe - does not reveal any information, callback is internal only. 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            internal TextEditorWeakReference(TextEditor editor)
                : base(editor)
                // Add an event handler for Dispatcher.Disposed. 
                _dispatcherTarget = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
                _dispatcherTarget.ShutdownFinished += new EventHandler(OnShutDown); 
                // Add an event handler for AppDomain unload.
                // When an AppDomain is unloaded, we won't get the Dispatcher shutdown, 
                // and we'll be called back on a worker thread.
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(OnShutDown);
            // Remove an event handler for Dispatcher.Disposed and AppDomain.Unload.
            /// Critical - accesses AppDomain.DomainUnload event. 
            /// SecurityTreatAsSafe - does not accept or reveal any information.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
            internal void OnDetach()
                _dispatcherTarget.ShutdownFinished -= new EventHandler(OnShutDown); 
                _dispatcherTarget = null;
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload -= new EventHandler(OnShutDown); 
            // Event Handler for UIContext.Disposed and AppDomain.Unload.
            // This method will be called on a worker thread if the call
            // originates from AppDomain.Unload.  We rely on COM marshalling
            // to make the callbacks to the IMEs work. 
            private void OnShutDown(object sender, EventArgs args)
                TextEditor editor = this.TextEditor; 

                // Check if TextEditor is alive. 
                if (editor != null)
                    // Detach TextStore that TextStore will be unregisted from Cicero.
                    editor.DetachTextStore(false /* finalizer */); 
            private TextEditor TextEditor
                        return (TextEditor)this.Target;
                    catch (InvalidOperationException) 
                        return null; 
            private Dispatcher _dispatcherTarget;
        private class MouseSelectionState
            internal DispatcherTimer Timer;
            internal Point Point;
            internal bool BringIntoViewInProgress;

        #endregion Private Types 
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        // Attached property used to map FrameworkElement arguments 
        // to command handlers back to TextEditor instances.
        private static readonly DependencyProperty InstanceProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( // 
            "Instance", typeof(TextEditor), typeof(TextEditor), //
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((object)null));

        internal Dispatcher _dispatcher;
        // Read-only setting for this level of an editor. 
        // This flag is supposed to mask inheritable IsReadOnly property when set to true.
        // When the flag is false we are supposed to get IsReadOnly from UIScope 
        private bool _isReadOnly;

        // Register for classes to which we already added static command handlers
        private static ArrayList _registeredEditingTypes = new ArrayList(4); 

        // TextConatiner representing a text subject to editing 
        private ITextContainer _textContainer; 

        // Content change counter is supposed to be used in various 
        // dirty-condition detection scenarios.
        // In particular, it is used in TextEditorMouse.MoveFocusToUiScope to check
        // that there is no side effects happened in content during focus movement
        private long _contentChangeCounter; 

        // Control to which this editor is attached 
        private FrameworkElement _uiScope; 
        private ITextView _textView;
        // TextSelection maintained within this _uiScope
        private ITextSelection _selection;

        // Flag turned true to indicate overtype mode 
        private bool _overtypeMode;
        // Preserved horizontal position for verical caret movement 
        internal Double _suggestedX;
        // ITextStoreACP implementation, used when text services (IMEs, etc.)
        // are available.
        private TextStore _textstore;
        // We need to an event handler for Dispatcher's Dispose but we don't want to have
        // a strong referrence fromDispatcher. So TextEditorWeakReverence wraps this. 
        private TextEditorWeakReference _weakThis; 

        // The speller.  If null, spell check is not enabled. 
        private Speller _speller;

        // If true, we're waiting for the Dispatcher to dispatch a callback
        // to InitWithDispatcher. 
        private bool _pendingDispatcherInit;
        // Mouse cursor defined in MouseMove handler to be used in OnQueryCursor method 
        internal Cursor _cursor;
        // Merged typing undo unit.
        // Undo unit creation is nontrivial here:
        // It requires a logic for merging consequtive typing.
        // For that purpose we store a unit created by typing and reopen it 
        // when next typing occurs.
        // We should however discard this unit each time when selection 
        // moves to another position. 
        internal IParentUndoUnit _typingUndoUnit;

        // An object for storing dragdrop state during dragging
        internal TextEditorDragDrop._DragDropProcess _dragDropProcess; 

        internal bool _forceWordSelection; 
        internal bool _forceParagraphSelection; 

        // Resizing operation information for table column 
        internal TextRangeEditTables.TableColumnResizeInfo _tableColResizeInfo;

        // Tracking whether or not a given change is part of an undo or redo
        private UndoState _undoState = UndoState.Normal; 

        // If true, the TextEditor will accept xml markup for paragraphs and inline formatting. 
        // Default is true. 
        private bool _acceptsRichContent;
        // If the system is IMM enabled, this is true.
        private static bool _immEnabled = SafeSystemMetrics.IsImmEnabled ;

        // ImmComposition implementation, used when _immEnabled. 
        private ImmComposition _immComposition;
        // Thread local storage for TextEditor and dependent classes. 
        private static LocalDataStoreSlot _threadLocalStoreSlot = Thread.AllocateDataSlot();
        // State flag set when focus is given via a mouse click (as opposed to TAB or programmatically).
        // OnGotFocus uses this flag to control whether or not we SelectAll.
        internal bool _focusedViaMouse;
        // Flag indicating that MouseDown handler is in progress,
        // to ignore all MouseMoves caused by CaptureMouse call. 
        internal bool _mouseCapturingInProgress; 

        // Mouse selection support. 
        private MouseSelectionState _mouseSelectionState;

        // Flag that indicates whether the UiScope has a context menu open.
        // This flag is set/reset in ContextMenuOpening/ContextMenuClosing event handlers 
        // respectively in TextEditorContextMenu.cs.
        // TextSelection.UpdateCaretAndHighlight() uses this flag to detect the case 
        // when the UiScope has a context menu open. 
        private bool _isContextMenuOpen;
        // Is caret visible when editor is read-only?
        private bool _isReadOnlyCaretVisible;

        // Enables or disables table editing commands. 
        // False by default, only enabled via reflection for lexicon.exe in V1.
        private static bool _isTableEditingEnabled; 
        // Cached position used to restore selection moving position
        // after colliding with document start or end handling 
        // SelectUp/DownByLine commands.
        private ITextPointer _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition;

        // If true _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition represents a position at the head 
        // of the document (stored in response to a OnSelectUpByLineCommand).  Otherwise,
        // _nextLineAdvanceMovingPosition represents a position at the tail 
        // of the document (stored in response to a OnSelectDownByLineCommand). 
        internal bool _isNextLineAdvanceMovingPositionAtDocumentHead;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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