State.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsCompiler / State.cs / 1 / State.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
// History: 
//		5/1/2004	[....]		
using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Text;

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages.
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    /// Class representing a state in the grammar. Note that states are not stored in the binary format
    /// instead all the arcs are, with a flag to indicate the end arc out of a state */ 
    [DebuggerDisplay ("{ToString ()}")]
    internal sealed class State : IComparable
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        internal State (Rule rule, uint hState, int iSerialize) 
            _rule = rule;
            _iSerialize = iSerialize; 
            _id = hState;

        internal State (Rule rule, uint hState) 
            : this (rule, hState, (int) hState)


        // Internal Methods 
        #region internal Methods
        #region IComparable Interface implementation

        int IComparable.CompareTo (State state2)
            return Compare (this, state2);
        internal void SerializeStateEntries (StreamMarshaler streamBuffer, bool tagsCannotSpanOverMultipleArcs, float [] pWeights, ref uint iArcOffset, ref int iOffset)
            // The arcs must be sorted before being written to disk.
            List outArcs = _outArcs.ToList (); 
            outArcs.Sort ();
            Arc lastArc = outArcs.Count > 0 ? outArcs [outArcs.Count - 1] : null; 
            IEnumerator enumArcs = (IEnumerator) ((IEnumerable) outArcs).GetEnumerator ();
            enumArcs.MoveNext (); 

            uint nextAvailableArc = (uint) outArcs.Count + iArcOffset;
            uint saveNextAvailableArc = nextAvailableArc;
            // Write the arc of the first epsilon arc with an arc has more than one semantic tag
            foreach (Arc arc in outArcs) 
                // Create the first arc.
                int cSemantics = arc.SemanticTagCount; 

                // Set the semantic property reference for the first arc
                if (cSemantics > 0)
                    arc.SetArcIndexForTag (0, iArcOffset, tagsCannotSpanOverMultipleArcs);
                // Serialize the arc
                if (cSemantics <= 1) 
                    pWeights [iOffset++] = arc.Serialize (streamBuffer, lastArc == arc, iArcOffset++);
                    // update the position of the current arc 

                    // more than one arc, create an epsilon transition 
                    pWeights [iOffset++] = Arc.SerializeExtraEpsilonWithTag (streamBuffer, arc, lastArc == arc, nextAvailableArc);

                    // reset the position of the next available slop for an arc
                    nextAvailableArc += (uint) cSemantics - 1; 
            enumArcs = (IEnumerator) ((IEnumerable) outArcs).GetEnumerator ();
            enumArcs.MoveNext (); 

            // revert the position for the new arc
            nextAvailableArc = saveNextAvailableArc;
            // write the additional arcs if we have more than one semantic tag
            foreach (Arc arc in outArcs) 
                int cSemantics = arc.SemanticTagCount;
                if (cSemantics > 1)
                    // If more than 2 arcs insert extra new epsilon states, one per semantic tag
                    for (int i = 1; i < cSemantics - 1; i++) 
                        // Set the semantic property reference 
                        arc.SetArcIndexForTag (i, iArcOffset, tagsCannotSpanOverMultipleArcs); 

                        // reset the position of the next available slop for an arc 

                        // create an epsilon transition
                        pWeights [iOffset++] = Arc.SerializeExtraEpsilonWithTag (streamBuffer, arc, true, nextAvailableArc); 

                        // update the position of the current arc 
                    // Set the semantic property reference
                    arc.SetArcIndexForTag (cSemantics - 1, iArcOffset, tagsCannotSpanOverMultipleArcs);

                    // Add the real arc at the end 
                    pWeights [iOffset++] = arc.Serialize (streamBuffer, true, iArcOffset++);
                    // reset the position of the next available slop for an arc 

        internal void SetEndArcIndexForTags () 
            foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs) 
                arc.SetEndArcIndexForTags ();

        #region State linked list
        // The pointers for 2 linked list are stored within each state.
        // When states are created, they added into a list, the '1' list. 
        // The Members of the list are Set, Add, Remove, Prev and Next.
        internal void Init ()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (_next == null && _prev == null);

        internal State Add (State state) 
            _next = state;
            state._prev = this; 
            return state;

        internal void Remove () 
            if (_prev != null) 
                _prev._next = _next;
            if (_next != null)
                _next._prev = _prev;
            _next = _prev = null;
        internal State Next
                return _next;
        internal State Prev 
                return _prev;

        internal void CheckExitPath (ref int iRecursiveDepth) 
            if (iRecursiveDepth > CfgGrammar.MAX_TRANSITIONS_COUNT)
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.MaxTransitionsCount); 
            foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs) 
                if (_rule._fHasExitPath) 
                if (arc.CheckingForExitPath)
                    arc.CheckingForExitPath = true; 
                    if (arc.RuleRef != null)
                        arc.RuleRef.CheckForExitPath (ref iRecursiveDepth);
                        if (arc.RuleRef._fHasExitPath)
                            if (arc.End == null) 
                                _rule._fHasExitPath = true; 
                                arc.End.CheckExitPath (ref iRecursiveDepth);
                        if (arc.End == null) 
                            _rule._fHasExitPath = true; 
                            arc.End.CheckExitPath (ref iRecursiveDepth); 
                    arc.CheckingForExitPath = false;
        internal void CheckLeftRecursion (out bool fReachedEndState)
            fReachedEndState = false; 
            if ((int) (_recurseFlag & RecurFlag.RF_IN_LEFT_RECUR_CHECK) != 0)
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.CircularRuleRef, _rule != null ? _rule._rule.Name : string.Empty);
                if ((_recurseFlag & RecurFlag.RF_CHECKED_LEFT_RECURSION) == 0)
                    _recurseFlag |= RecurFlag.RF_CHECKED_LEFT_RECURSION | RecurFlag.RF_IN_LEFT_RECUR_CHECK; 
                    foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs)
                        bool fRuleReachedEndState = false;                  // Does the rule ref have epsilon path to the end?

                        // Traverse any rule refs to check for circular rule reference.
                        if (arc.RuleRef != null && arc.RuleRef._firstState != null) 
                            State pRuleFirstNode = arc.RuleRef._firstState; 
                            if (((int) (pRuleFirstNode._recurseFlag & RecurFlag.RF_IN_LEFT_RECUR_CHECK) != 0) ||   // Circular RuleRef
                                ((int) (pRuleFirstNode._recurseFlag & RecurFlag.RF_CHECKED_LEFT_RECURSION) == 0))  // Untraversed rule 
                                pRuleFirstNode.CheckLeftRecursion (out fRuleReachedEndState);
                                fRuleReachedEndState = arc.RuleRef._fIsEpsilonRule; 
                        // Can transition be traversed by epsilon?
                        if (fRuleReachedEndState || ((arc.RuleRef == null) && (arc.WordId == 0) && arc.WordId == 0))
                            if (arc.End != null) 
                                arc.End.CheckLeftRecursion (out fReachedEndState); 
                                fReachedEndState = true;

                    _recurseFlag &= (~RecurFlag.RF_IN_LEFT_RECUR_CHECK); 
                    if ((_rule._firstState == this) && fReachedEndState) 
                        _rule._fIsEpsilonRule = true; 

        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal int NumArcs 
                // if the number of tags > 1 extra epsilon state needs to be inserted
                int cExtra = 0;
                foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs) 
                    if (arc.SemanticTagCount > 0) 
                        cExtra += arc.SemanticTagCount - 1;

                int cArcs = 0;
                foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs) 
                return cArcs + cExtra;

        internal int NumSemanticTags
                int c = 0; 

                foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs) 
                    c += arc.SemanticTagCount;
                return c;

        internal Rule Rule 
                return _rule; 
        internal uint Id
                return _id;
        internal ArcList OutArcs 
                return _outArcs;

        internal ArcList InArcs 
                return _inArcs;
        internal int SerializeId
                _iSerialize = value; 
                return _iSerialize; 
        // Private Methods
        #region private Methods 

        // Sort based on rule first, so all states, and arcs for a rule end up together. 
        // Then sort on index.
        private static int Compare (State state1, State state2)
            if (state1._rule._cfgRule._nameOffset != state2._rule._cfgRule._nameOffset) 
                return state1._rule._cfgRule._nameOffset - state2._rule._cfgRule._nameOffset; 
                // First state of a rule needs to be in front.
                int isNode1FirstNode = (state1._rule._firstState == state1) ? -1 : 0;
                int isNode2FirstNode = (state2._rule._firstState == state2) ? -1 : 0;
                if (isNode1FirstNode != isNode2FirstNode)
                    return isNode1FirstNode - isNode2FirstNode; 
                    // First returns null on empty collections
                    Arc arc1 = state1._outArcs != null && !state1._outArcs.IsEmpty ? state1._outArcs.First : null;
                    Arc arc2 = state2._outArcs != null && !state2._outArcs.IsEmpty ? state2._outArcs.First : null; 

                    int diff = (arc1 != null ? (arc1.RuleRef != null ? 0x1000000 : 0) + arc1.WordId : (int) state1._iSerialize) - (arc2 != null ? (arc2.RuleRef != null ? 0x1000000 : 0) + arc2.WordId : (int) state2._iSerialize); 
                    diff = diff != 0 ? diff : (int) state1._iSerialize - (int) state2._iSerialize;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (diff != 0); 
                    return diff;

#if DEBUG 
        override public string ToString ()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("[#");
            sb.Append (_id.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            if (_rule != null && _rule._firstState == this)
                sb.Append (" ");
                sb.Append (_rule.Name); 
            sb.Append ("] ");
            if (_inArcs != null) 
                bool first = true;
                foreach (Arc arc in _inArcs)
                    if (!first)
                        sb.Append ("\x20\x25cf\x20"); 
                    sb.Append ("#"); 
                    sb.Append (arc.Start != null ? arc.Start._id.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "S");
                    sb.Append (" ");
                    sb.Append (arc.DebuggerDisplayTags ());
                    first = false; 
            sb.Append (" <--> "); 
            if (_outArcs != null)
                bool first = true;
                foreach (Arc arc in _outArcs)
                    if (!first) 
                        sb.Append ("\x20\x25cf\x20"); 
                    sb.Append ("#");
                    sb.Append (arc.End != null ? arc.End._id.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "E"); 
                    sb.Append (" ");
                    sb.Append (arc.DebuggerDisplayTags ());
                    first = false;
            return sb.ToString (); 


        // Private Fields 
        #region internal Fields

#pragma warning disable 56524 // Arclist does not hold on any resouces
        // Collection of transitions leaving this state
        private ArcList _outArcs = new ArcList (); 
        // Collection of transitions entering this state
        private ArcList _inArcs = new ArcList (); 

#pragma warning restore 56524 // Arclist does not hold on any resouces

        // Index of the first arc in the state. Also used as the state handle in SR engine interfaces. 
        private int _iSerialize;
        private uint _id; 

        private Rule _rule; 

        private State _next;
        private State _prev;
        // Flags used for recurive validation methods
        internal enum RecurFlag : uint 
            RF_CHECKED_EPSILON = (1 << 0),
            RF_CHECKED_EXIT_PATH = (1 << 1), 
            RF_CHECKED_LEFT_RECURSION = (1 << 2),
            RF_IN_LEFT_RECUR_CHECK = (1 << 3)
        // Flags used by recursive algorithms
        private RecurFlag _recurseFlag; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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