TemplateEditingFrame.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WebForms / System / Web / UI / Design / TemplateEditingFrame.cs / 1 / TemplateEditingFrame.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI.Design { 
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Design;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
    using System.Globalization;
    [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
#pragma warning disable 618
    internal sealed class TemplateEditingFrame : ITemplateEditingFrame { 
#pragma warning restore 618
        // {0}: Control Type 
        // {1}: Frame Name
        // {2}: Info icon 
        // {3}: Info tooltip
        // {4}: Top-level frame style
        private const string TemplateFrameHeaderContent =
        private const string TemplateFrameFooterContent =
 {0} - {1}      
"; private const string TemplateFrameSeparatorContent = @""; // {0}: Template Name // {1}: Control Style // {2}: Template Style private const string TemplateFrameTemplateContent = @"
"; private static readonly string TemplateInfoToolTip = SR.GetString(SR.TemplateEdit_Tip); private static readonly string TemplateInfoIcon = "res://" + typeof(TemplateEditingFrame).Module.FullyQualifiedName + "//TEMPLATE_TIP"; private string frameName; // Name of the template frame (will be used in the context menu) private string frameContent; // Content of the template frame (this skeletal content will not change during its lifetime) private string[] templateNames; // Names of the individual templates present within the content. private Style controlStyle; // The style associated with the control (can be null) private Style[] templateStyles; // The styles associated with the templates (can be null) #pragma warning disable 618 private TemplateEditingVerb verb; // The associated verb #pragma warning restore 618 private int initialWidth; private int initialHeight; private NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemFrame; // HTML element corresponding to the template frame that contains the content. private NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemContent; // HTML element corresponding to the top-level content tag (viz., the first child of the above frame element). private NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemParent; // Parent HTML element of the above frame element. private NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemControlName; // HTML element that displays the control name (its presence in content is optional). private object[] templateElements; // Array of HTML elements corresponding to the individual templates. private bool fVisible = false; // True indicates that this frame is visible in the designer, and fals when hidden. private TemplatedControlDesigner owner; // The owner templated control designer. /// /// /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// public TemplateEditingFrame(TemplatedControlDesigner owner, string frameName, string[] templateNames, Style controlStyle, Style[] templateStyles) { Debug.Assert(owner != null, "Null TemplatedControlDesigner as owner!"); Debug.Assert(frameName != null && frameName.Length > 0, "Invalid template editing frame name!"); Debug.Assert(templateNames != null && templateNames.Length > 0, "Invalid templates names!"); Debug.Assert(templateStyles == null || templateStyles.Length == templateNames.Length, "Invalid template styles"); this.owner = owner; this.frameName = frameName; this.controlStyle = controlStyle; this.templateStyles = templateStyles; this.verb = null; // Clone the template names passed in since the owner might change those dynamically. this.templateNames = (string[])templateNames.Clone(); if (owner.BehaviorInternal != null) { #pragma warning disable 618 NativeMethods.IHTMLElement viewElement = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)((IControlDesignerBehavior)owner.BehaviorInternal).DesignTimeElementView; #pragma warning restore 618 Debug.Assert(viewElement != null, "Invalid read-only HTML element associated to the control!"); this.htmlElemParent = viewElement; } this.htmlElemControlName = null; } /// /// /// /// HTML content of the template editing frame (provided by the owner). Read-only property. /// /// private string Content { get { if (frameContent == null) { frameContent = CreateFrameContent(); } return frameContent; } } /// public Style ControlStyle { get { return controlStyle; } } /// /// /// /// User friendly name of the template editing frame (used in the context menu). Read-only property. /// /// public string Name { get { return frameName; } } /// public int InitialHeight { get { return initialHeight; } set { initialHeight = value; } } /// public int InitialWidth { get { return initialWidth; } set { initialWidth = value; } } /// /// /// /// The names of the templates contained within the frame. /// /// public string[] TemplateNames { get { return templateNames; } } /// public Style[] TemplateStyles { get { return templateStyles; } } /// #pragma warning disable 618 public TemplateEditingVerb Verb { #pragma warning restore 618 get { return verb; } set { // Value cannot be null, and the current verb must be null or must match value Debug.Assert((value != null) && ((verb == null) || (verb == value))); verb = value; } } /// /// /// /// Saves all the individual templates present within the frame and hides it. /// /// public void Close(bool saveChanges) { if (saveChanges) { Save(); } ShowInternal(false); } private string CreateFrameContent() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); string frameStyleString = String.Empty; if (initialWidth > 0) { frameStyleString = "width:" + initialWidth + "px;"; } if (initialHeight > 0) { frameStyleString += "height:" + initialHeight + "px;"; } sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TemplateFrameHeaderContent, owner.Component.GetType().Name, Name, TemplateInfoIcon, TemplateInfoToolTip, frameStyleString)); string controlStyleString = String.Empty; if (controlStyle != null) { controlStyleString = StyleToCss(controlStyle); } string templateStyleString = String.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < templateNames.Length; i++) { sb.Append(TemplateFrameSeparatorContent); if (templateStyles != null) templateStyleString = StyleToCss(templateStyles[i]); sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TemplateFrameTemplateContent, templateNames[i], controlStyleString, templateStyleString)); } sb.Append(TemplateFrameFooterContent); return sb.ToString(); } /// public void Dispose() { #pragma warning disable 618 if ((owner != null) && (owner.InTemplateMode)) { owner.ExitTemplateMode(/*fSwitchingTemplates*/ false, /*fNested*/ false, /*fSave*/ false); } #pragma warning restore 618 ReleaseParentElement(); if (verb != null) { verb.Dispose(); verb = null; } } /// /// /// Initialize from content by creating the necessary HTML element tree structure, etc. /// private void Initialize() { if (this.htmlElemFrame != null) { return; } try { NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 htmlDocument = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2)htmlElemParent.GetDocument(); // Create an HTML element that would represent the entire template frame. this.htmlElemFrame = htmlDocument.CreateElement("SPAN"); // Place the provided content within the frame htmlElemFrame.SetInnerHTML(this.Content); // Hold on to the top-level HTML element of the template frame content. NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode domNodeFrame = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode)htmlElemFrame; if (domNodeFrame != null) { this.htmlElemContent = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)domNodeFrame.GetFirstChild(); } // Mark the frame as not editable! NativeMethods.IHTMLElement3 htmlElement3 = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement3)htmlElemFrame; if (htmlElement3 != null) { htmlElement3.SetContentEditable("false"); } // Create an array to hold the HTML elements representing the individual templates. templateElements = new object[templateNames.Length]; Object varName; Object varIndex = (int)0; NativeMethods.IHTMLElementCollection allCollection = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElementCollection)htmlElemFrame.GetAll(); // Obtain all the children of the frame and hold on to the ones representing the templates. for (int i = 0; i < templateNames.Length; i++) { try { varName = templateNames[i]; NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemTemplate = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)allCollection.Item(varName, varIndex); // Set an expando attribute (on the above HTML element) called "TemplateName" // which contains the name of the template it corresponds to. htmlElemTemplate.SetAttribute("templatename", varName, /*lFlags*/ 0); // Place an editable DIV within the individual templates. // This is needed in order for, say, TABLEs, TRs, TDs, etc., to be editable in a // view-linked markup. string editableDIV = "
"; htmlElemTemplate.SetInnerHTML(editableDIV); // The first child of the template element will be the above editable SPAN. NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode domNodeTemplate = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode)htmlElemTemplate; if (domNodeTemplate != null) { templateElements[i] = domNodeTemplate.GetFirstChild(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); templateElements[i] = null; } } // Hold on to the HTML element within which the control name should get displayed. // The presence of this element is optional. varName = "idControlName"; this.htmlElemControlName = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)allCollection.Item(varName, varIndex); // Retrieve the HTML element within which the template frame name should be displayed. // The presence of this element is optional. // We also don't hold on to it, since the name of the template frame can't be changed. varName = "idFrameName"; object objFrameName = allCollection.Item(varName, varIndex); if (objFrameName != null) { NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemFrameName = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)objFrameName; htmlElemFrameName.SetInnerText(frameName); } NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode domNodeParent = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode)htmlElemParent; if (domNodeParent == null) { return; } domNodeParent.AppendChild(domNodeFrame); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); } } /// /// /// /// Opens this frame for editing in the designer. /// /// public void Open() { #pragma warning disable 618 NativeMethods.IHTMLElement ownerView = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)((IControlDesignerBehavior)owner.BehaviorInternal).DesignTimeElementView; #pragma warning restore 618 Debug.Assert(ownerView != null, "Owner doesn't have an associated root view-linked HTML element"); // Reparent the frame when the root element of the view-link tree changes. if (this.htmlElemParent != ownerView) { ReleaseParentElement(); htmlElemParent = ownerView; } // Initialize the frame (will return immediately if already initialized). Initialize(); try { // Place the actual template content (by obtaining it from the owner) within the // marked template sections that are editable in the designer. for (int i = 0; i < templateNames.Length; i++) { if (templateElements[i] != null) { bool allowEditing = true; NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemTemplate = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)templateElements[i]; #pragma warning disable 618 string templateContent = owner.GetTemplateContent(this, templateNames[i], out allowEditing); #pragma warning restore 618 htmlElemTemplate.SetAttribute("contentEditable", allowEditing, /*lFlags*/ 0); if (templateContent != null) { // NOTE: (as/urt: 76317) Trident has this weird behavior, where it fails to use the // context available from htmlElemTemplate, and discards everything in // templateContent (such as <%# ... %>) until it finds some plain text or some // html content to create enough context info and conclude that it is parsing html. // // We can't have this data loss, and they can't fix their bug... so we'll // have to workaround it... typical! // Also note that when we save the template, trident does not return the // surrounding tags, so we don't have to strip them out as part of // this workaround. // NOTE: (as/urt: 93784): IME's don't get enabled without the extra contentEditable. templateContent = "" + templateContent + ""; htmlElemTemplate.SetInnerHTML(templateContent); } } } // Place the control name in the appropriate section if one was provided earlier // in the content. if (this.htmlElemControlName != null) { Debug.Assert(owner.Component != null && owner.Component.Site != null, "Invalid component or an invalid component site"); htmlElemControlName.SetInnerText(owner.Component.Site.Name); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); } // Finally make the frame visible by inserting it in the live HTML tree. ShowInternal(true); } /// /// /// Release the frame HTML element, its parent element and the element containing /// the control name. /// private void ReleaseParentElement() { this.htmlElemParent = null; this.htmlElemFrame = null; this.htmlElemContent = null; this.htmlElemControlName = null; templateElements = null; fVisible = false; } /// /// /// /// Resizes the /// template editing frame. /// /// public void Resize(int width, int height) { if (htmlElemContent != null) { NativeMethods.IHTMLStyle htmlStyle = htmlElemContent.GetStyle(); if (htmlStyle != null) { htmlStyle.SetPixelWidth(width); htmlStyle.SetPixelHeight(height); } } } /// /// /// /// Extracts the current contents for the marked template sections in the live tree, /// and notifies the designer with the updated contents for the individual templates. /// /// public void Save() { try { if (templateElements != null) { object[] editable = new object[1]; for (int i = 0; i < templateNames.Length; i++) { if (templateElements[i] != null) { NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemTemplate = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)templateElements[i]; htmlElemTemplate.GetAttribute("contentEditable", /*lFlags*/ 0, editable); if ((editable[0] != null) && (editable[0] is string) && (String.Compare((string)editable[0], "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)) { string templateContent = htmlElemTemplate.GetInnerHTML(); #pragma warning disable 618 owner.SetTemplateContent(this, templateNames[i], templateContent); #pragma warning restore 618 } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); } } /// /// /// /// Shows the individual templates present within the frame in the design surface. /// Toggles the visibility of the frame either by placing it in the view-linked markup /// or by removing it from the live tree. /// /// public void Show() { ShowInternal(true); } /// /// /// Toggles the visibility of the frame either by placing it in the view-linked markup /// or by removing it from the live tree. /// /// private void ShowInternal(bool fShow) { // Return immediately either if no frame HTML element exists or if the visibility // of the frame is the same as that of the requested state. if (htmlElemFrame == null || (this.fVisible == fShow)) { return; } // To show the frame, place it within the root view-linked element. // To hide the frame, remove it completely from the view-linked tree. try { NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode domNodeFrame = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDOMNode)htmlElemFrame; NativeMethods.IHTMLElement frameElement = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)domNodeFrame; NativeMethods.IHTMLStyle frameStyle = frameElement.GetStyle(); if (fShow) { frameStyle.SetDisplay(String.Empty); } else { // Clear the template contents when hiding the frame. This will ensure that // any controls within that template are removed from the designer host, etc. if (templateElements != null) { for (int i = 0; i < templateElements.Length; i++) { if (templateElements[i] != null) { NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElemTemplate = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement)templateElements[i]; htmlElemTemplate.SetInnerHTML(String.Empty); } } } frameStyle.SetDisplay("none"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); } this.fVisible = fShow; } private string StyleToCss(Style style) { Debug.Assert(style != null); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Color c; c = style.ForeColor; if (!c.IsEmpty) { sb.Append("color:"); sb.Append(ColorTranslator.ToHtml(c)); sb.Append(";"); } c = style.BackColor; if (!c.IsEmpty) { sb.Append("background-color:"); sb.Append(ColorTranslator.ToHtml(c)); sb.Append(";"); } FontInfo fi = style.Font; string s; s = fi.Name; if (s.Length != 0) { sb.Append("font-family:'"); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("';"); } if (fi.Bold) { sb.Append("font-weight:bold;"); } if (fi.Italic) { sb.Append("font-style:italic;"); } s = String.Empty; if (fi.Underline) s += "underline"; if (fi.Strikeout) s += " line-through"; if (fi.Overline) s += " overline"; if (s.Length != 0) { sb.Append("text-decoration:"); sb.Append(s); sb.Append(';'); } FontUnit unit = fi.Size; if (unit.IsEmpty == false) { sb.Append("font-size:"); sb.Append(unit.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return sb.ToString(); } /// public void UpdateControlName(string newName) { if (this.htmlElemControlName != null) { Debug.Assert(newName != null, "Invalid Name!"); htmlElemControlName.SetInnerText(newName); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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