StringExpressionSet.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Util / StringExpressionSet.cs / 1 / StringExpressionSet.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// StringExpressionSet
namespace System.Security.Util {
    using System.Text; 
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    internal class StringExpressionSet
        protected ArrayList m_list;
        protected bool m_ignoreCase;
        protected String m_expressions;
        protected String[] m_expressionsArray; 
        protected bool m_throwOnRelative;
        protected static readonly char[] m_separators = { ';' }; 
        protected static readonly char[] m_trimChars = { ' ' };
        protected static readonly char m_directorySeparator = '\\';
        protected static readonly char m_alternateDirectorySeparator = '/';
        protected static readonly char m_directorySeparator = '/'; 
        protected static readonly char m_alternateDirectorySeparator = '\\';
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
        public StringExpressionSet()
            : this( true, null, false ) 

        public StringExpressionSet( String str ) 
            : this( true, str, false )

        public StringExpressionSet( bool ignoreCase, bool throwOnRelative ) 
            : this( ignoreCase, null, throwOnRelative )
        public StringExpressionSet( bool ignoreCase, String str, bool throwOnRelative )
            m_list = null; 
            m_ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
            m_throwOnRelative = throwOnRelative; 
            if (str == null)
                m_expressions = null;
            AddExpressions( str ); 
        protected virtual StringExpressionSet CreateNewEmpty() 
            return new StringExpressionSet(); 

        public virtual StringExpressionSet Copy()
            StringExpressionSet copy = CreateNewEmpty();
            if (this.m_list != null) 
                copy.m_list = new ArrayList( this.m_list ); 
            copy.m_expressions = this.m_expressions;
            copy.m_ignoreCase = this.m_ignoreCase; 
            copy.m_throwOnRelative = this.m_throwOnRelative;
            return copy;
        public void SetThrowOnRelative( bool throwOnRelative )
            this.m_throwOnRelative = throwOnRelative; 
        private static String StaticProcessWholeString( String str )
            return str.Replace( m_alternateDirectorySeparator, m_directorySeparator );

        private static String StaticProcessSingleString( String str ) 
            return str.Trim( m_trimChars );

        protected virtual String ProcessWholeString( String str )
            return StaticProcessWholeString(str); 
        protected virtual String ProcessSingleString( String str ) 
            return StaticProcessSingleString(str); 

        public void AddExpressions( String str )
            if (str == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "str" ); 
            if (str.Length == 0) 
            str = ProcessWholeString( str );

            if (m_expressions == null)
                m_expressions = str; 
                m_expressions = m_expressions + m_separators[0] + str; 
            m_expressionsArray = null;
            // We have to parse the string and compute the list here.
            // The logic in this class tries to delay this parsing but
            // since operations like IsSubsetOf are called during
            // demand evaluation, it is not safe to delay this step 
            // as that would cause concurring threads to update the object
            // at the same time. The CheckList operation should ideally be 
            // removed from this class, but for the sake of keeping the 
            // changes to a minimum here, we simply make sure m_list
            // cannot be null by parsing m_expressions eagerly. 

            String[] arystr = Split( str );

            if (m_list == null) 
                m_list = new ArrayList();
            for (int index = 0; index < arystr.Length; ++index) 
                if (arystr[index] != null && !arystr[index].Equals( "" )) 
                    String temp = ProcessSingleString( arystr[index] );
                    int indexOfNull = temp.IndexOf( '\0' );
                    if (indexOfNull != -1)
                        temp = temp.Substring( 0, indexOfNull ); 
                    if (temp != null && !temp.Equals( "" ))
                        if (m_throwOnRelative)
                            if (!((temp.Length >= 3 && temp[1] == ':' && temp[2] == '\\' && 
                                   ((temp[0] >= 'a' && temp[0] <= 'z') || (temp[0] >= 'A' && temp[0] <= 'Z'))) ||
                                  (temp.Length >= 2 && temp[0] == '\\' && temp[1] == '\\'))) 
                            if(!(temp.Length >= 1 && temp[0] == m_directorySeparator))
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AbsolutePathRequired" ) );
                            temp = CanonicalizePath( temp );
                        m_list.Add( temp );

        public void AddExpressions( String[] str, bool checkForDuplicates, bool needFullPath ) 
            AddExpressions(CreateListFromExpressions(str, needFullPath), checkForDuplicates); 

        public void AddExpressions( ArrayList exprArrayList, bool checkForDuplicates)
            BCLDebug.Assert( m_throwOnRelative, "This should only be called when throw on relative is set" );
            m_expressionsArray = null; 
            m_expressions = null;
            if (m_list != null)
                m_list = new ArrayList(exprArrayList); 

            if (checkForDuplicates) 

        internal static ArrayList CreateListFromExpressions(String[] str, bool needFullPath)
            if (str == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "str" ); 
            ArrayList retArrayList = new ArrayList(); 
            for (int index = 0; index < str.Length; ++index)
                if (str[index] == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "str" ); 

                String oneString = StaticProcessWholeString( str[index] ); 
                if (oneString != null && oneString.Length != 0)
                    String temp = StaticProcessSingleString( oneString);

                    int indexOfNull = temp.IndexOf( '\0' );
                    if (indexOfNull != -1)
                        temp = temp.Substring( 0, indexOfNull ); 
                    if (temp != null && temp.Length != 0)
                        if (!((temp.Length >= 3 && temp[1] == ':' && temp[2] == '\\' &&
                               ((temp[0] >= 'a' && temp[0] <= 'z') || (temp[0] >= 'A' && temp[0] <= 'Z'))) ||
                              (temp.Length >= 2 && temp[0] == '\\' && temp[1] == '\\'))) 
                        if(!(temp.Length >= 1 && temp[0] == m_directorySeparator)) 
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                            throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AbsolutePathRequired" ) ); 

                        temp = CanonicalizePath( temp, needFullPath );

                        retArrayList.Add( temp ); 

            return retArrayList;
        protected void CheckList()
            if (m_list == null && m_expressions != null) 

        protected String[] Split( String expressions ) 
            if (m_throwOnRelative) 
                ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
                String[] quoteSplit = expressions.Split( '\"' );

                for (int i = 0; i < quoteSplit.Length; ++i)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        String[] semiSplit = quoteSplit[i].Split( ';' ); 

                        for (int j = 0; j < semiSplit.Length; ++j) 
                            if (semiSplit[j] != null && !semiSplit[j].Equals( "" ))
                                tempList.Add( semiSplit[j] );
                        tempList.Add( quoteSplit[i] );

                String[] finalArray = new String[tempList.Count];
                IEnumerator enumerator = tempList.GetEnumerator();
                int index = 0; 
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    finalArray[index++] = (String)enumerator.Current;

                return finalArray; 
                return expressions.Split( m_separators );

        protected void CreateList() 
            String[] expressionsArray = Split( m_expressions ); 
            m_list = new ArrayList();
            for (int index = 0; index < expressionsArray.Length; ++index)
                if (expressionsArray[index] != null && !expressionsArray[index].Equals( "" ))
                    String temp = ProcessSingleString( expressionsArray[index] );
                    int indexOfNull = temp.IndexOf( '\0' ); 

                    if (indexOfNull != -1) 
                        temp = temp.Substring( 0, indexOfNull );

                    if (temp != null && !temp.Equals( "" ))
                        if (m_throwOnRelative)
                            if (!((temp.Length >= 3 && temp[1] == ':' && temp[2] == '\\' &&
                                   ((temp[0] >= 'a' && temp[0] <= 'z') || (temp[0] >= 'A' && temp[0] <= 'Z'))) || 
                                  (temp.Length >= 2 && temp[0] == '\\' && temp[1] == '\\')))
                            if(!(temp.Length >= 1 && temp[0] == m_directorySeparator))
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AbsolutePathRequired" ) ); 

                            temp = CanonicalizePath( temp ); 

                        m_list.Add( temp );

        public bool IsEmpty() 
            if (m_list == null)
                return m_expressions == null; 
                return m_list.Count == 0;

        public bool IsSubsetOf( StringExpressionSet ses )
            if (this.IsEmpty())
                return true; 
            if (ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return false; 

            for (int index = 0; index < this.m_list.Count; ++index)
                if (!StringSubsetStringExpression( (String)this.m_list[index], ses, m_ignoreCase )) 
                    return false; 
            return true;

        public bool IsSubsetOfPathDiscovery( StringExpressionSet ses ) 
            if (this.IsEmpty())
                return true; 

            if (ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return false;
            for (int index = 0; index < this.m_list.Count; ++index)
                if (!StringSubsetStringExpressionPathDiscovery( (String)this.m_list[index], ses, m_ignoreCase ))
                    return false;
            return true; 

        public StringExpressionSet Union( StringExpressionSet ses )
            // If either set is empty, the union represents a copy of the other.
            if (ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return this.Copy(); 
            if (this.IsEmpty())
                return ses.Copy(); 

            // Perform the union
            // note: insert smaller set into bigger set to reduce needed comparisons 
            StringExpressionSet bigger = ses.m_list.Count > this.m_list.Count ? ses : this;
            StringExpressionSet smaller = ses.m_list.Count <= this.m_list.Count ? ses : this; 

            StringExpressionSet unionSet = bigger.Copy();


            for (int index = 0; index < smaller.m_list.Count; ++index) 
                unionSet.AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( (String)smaller.m_list[index] );


            return unionSet; 
        public StringExpressionSet Intersect( StringExpressionSet ses )
            // If either set is empty, the intersection is empty

            if (this.IsEmpty() || ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return CreateNewEmpty(); 


            // Do the intersection for real 

            StringExpressionSet intersectSet = CreateNewEmpty();

            for (int this_index = 0; this_index < this.m_list.Count; ++this_index) 
                for (int ses_index = 0; ses_index < ses.m_list.Count; ++ses_index) 
                    if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[this_index], (String)ses.m_list[ses_index], m_ignoreCase ))
                        if (intersectSet.m_list == null)
                            intersectSet.m_list = new ArrayList();
                        intersectSet.AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( (String)this.m_list[this_index] );
                    else if (StringSubsetString( (String)ses.m_list[ses_index], (String)this.m_list[this_index], m_ignoreCase )) 
                        if (intersectSet.m_list == null) 
                            intersectSet.m_list = new ArrayList();
                        intersectSet.AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( (String)ses.m_list[ses_index] ); 


            return intersectSet;
        protected void GenerateString()
            if (m_list != null) 
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

                IEnumerator enumerator = this.m_list.GetEnumerator();
                bool first = true;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (!first) 
                        sb.Append( m_separators[0] );
                        first = false;

                    String currentString = (String)enumerator.Current;
                    if (currentString != null) 
                        int indexOfSeparator = currentString.IndexOf( m_separators[0] ); 
                        if (indexOfSeparator != -1)
                            sb.Append( '\"' ); 

                        sb.Append( currentString );

                        if (indexOfSeparator != -1) 
                            sb.Append( '\"' );

                m_expressions = sb.ToString(); 
                m_expressions = null; 
        public override String ToString()

            return m_expressions; 
        public String[] ToStringArray()
            if (m_expressionsArray == null && m_list != null)
                m_expressionsArray = (String[]) m_list.ToArray(typeof(String));
            return m_expressionsArray;

        // protected static helper functions 
        protected bool StringSubsetStringExpression( String left, StringExpressionSet right, bool ignoreCase )
            for (int index = 0; index < right.m_list.Count; ++index)
                if (StringSubsetString( left, (String)right.m_list[index], ignoreCase ))
                    return true;
            return false;

        protected static bool StringSubsetStringExpressionPathDiscovery( String left, StringExpressionSet right, bool ignoreCase )
            for (int index = 0; index < right.m_list.Count; ++index) 
                if (StringSubsetStringPathDiscovery( left, (String)right.m_list[index], ignoreCase )) 
                    return true;
            return false;

        protected virtual bool StringSubsetString( String left, String right, bool ignoreCase ) 
            StringComparison strComp = (ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (right == null || left == null || right.Length == 0 || left.Length == 0 || 
                right.Length > left.Length)
                return false;
            else if (right.Length == left.Length)
                // if they are equal in length, just do a normal compare 
                return String.Compare( right, left, strComp) == 0;
            else if (left.Length - right.Length == 1 && left[left.Length-1] == m_directorySeparator)
                return String.Compare( left, 0, right, 0, right.Length, strComp) == 0;
            else if (right[right.Length-1] == m_directorySeparator)
                // right is definitely a directory, just do a substring compare 
                return String.Compare( right, 0, left, 0, right.Length, strComp) == 0;
            else if (left[right.Length] == m_directorySeparator)
                // left is hinting at being a subdirectory on right, do substring compare to make find out
                return String.Compare( right, 0, left, 0, right.Length, strComp) == 0; 
                return false;

        protected static bool StringSubsetStringPathDiscovery( String left, String right, bool ignoreCase )
            StringComparison strComp = (ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (right == null || left == null || right.Length == 0 || left.Length == 0) 
                return false;
            else if (right.Length == left.Length)
                // if they are equal in length, just do a normal compare
                return String.Compare( right, left, strComp) == 0; 
                String shortString, longString;
                if (right.Length < left.Length)
                    shortString = right;
                    longString = left; 
                    shortString = left;
                    longString = right; 

                if (String.Compare( shortString, 0, longString, 0, shortString.Length, strComp) != 0)
                    return false;
                if (shortString.Length == 3 && 
                    shortString.EndsWith( ":\\", StringComparison.Ordinal ) &&
                    ((shortString[0] >= 'A' && shortString[0] <= 'Z') ||
                    (shortString[0] >= 'a' && shortString[0] <= 'z')))
                if (shortString.Length == 1 && shortString[0]== m_directorySeparator)
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                     return true; 

                return longString[shortString.Length] == m_directorySeparator; 

        // protected helper functions 

        protected void AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( String expression ) 
            int index = 0;

            m_expressionsArray = null; 
            m_expressions = null;
            if (this.m_list == null) 
                this.m_list = new ArrayList();
            while (index < this.m_list.Count)
                if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[index], expression, m_ignoreCase ))
                    this.m_list.RemoveAt( index );
                else if (StringSubsetString( expression, (String)this.m_list[index], m_ignoreCase )) 
            this.m_list.Add( expression ); 
        protected void Reduce()
            if (this.m_list == null)
            int j;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_list.Count - 1; i++)
                j = i + 1;
                while (j < this.m_list.Count)
                    if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[j], (String)this.m_list[i], m_ignoreCase )) 
                        this.m_list.RemoveAt( j ); 
                    else if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[i], (String)this.m_list[j], m_ignoreCase ))
                        // write the value at j into position i, delete the value at position j and keep going. 
                        this.m_list[i] = this.m_list[j];
                        this.m_list.RemoveAt( j ); 
                        j = i + 1; 
        internal static extern String GetLongPathName( String path ); 

        internal static String CanonicalizePath( String path )
            return CanonicalizePath( path, true ); 
        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)]  // All internal, for string comparisons 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        internal static String CanonicalizePath( String path, bool needFullPath ) 

            if (path.IndexOf( '~' ) != -1) 
                path = GetLongPathName( path );
            if (path.IndexOf( ':', 2 ) != -1) 
                throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_PathFormatNotSupported" ) );
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 

            if (needFullPath)
                String newPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal( path ); 
                if (path.EndsWith( "\\.", StringComparison.Ordinal )) 
                    if (newPath.EndsWith( "\\", StringComparison.Ordinal ))
                        newPath += ".";
                        newPath += "\\.";
                if (path.EndsWith( m_directorySeparator + ".")) 
                    if (newPath.EndsWith( m_directorySeparator))
                        newPath += "."; 
                        newPath += m_directorySeparator + ".";
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
                return newPath;
                return path; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// StringExpressionSet
namespace System.Security.Util {
    using System.Text; 
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    internal class StringExpressionSet
        protected ArrayList m_list;
        protected bool m_ignoreCase;
        protected String m_expressions;
        protected String[] m_expressionsArray; 
        protected bool m_throwOnRelative;
        protected static readonly char[] m_separators = { ';' }; 
        protected static readonly char[] m_trimChars = { ' ' };
        protected static readonly char m_directorySeparator = '\\';
        protected static readonly char m_alternateDirectorySeparator = '/';
        protected static readonly char m_directorySeparator = '/'; 
        protected static readonly char m_alternateDirectorySeparator = '\\';
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
        public StringExpressionSet()
            : this( true, null, false ) 

        public StringExpressionSet( String str ) 
            : this( true, str, false )

        public StringExpressionSet( bool ignoreCase, bool throwOnRelative ) 
            : this( ignoreCase, null, throwOnRelative )
        public StringExpressionSet( bool ignoreCase, String str, bool throwOnRelative )
            m_list = null; 
            m_ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
            m_throwOnRelative = throwOnRelative; 
            if (str == null)
                m_expressions = null;
            AddExpressions( str ); 
        protected virtual StringExpressionSet CreateNewEmpty() 
            return new StringExpressionSet(); 

        public virtual StringExpressionSet Copy()
            StringExpressionSet copy = CreateNewEmpty();
            if (this.m_list != null) 
                copy.m_list = new ArrayList( this.m_list ); 
            copy.m_expressions = this.m_expressions;
            copy.m_ignoreCase = this.m_ignoreCase; 
            copy.m_throwOnRelative = this.m_throwOnRelative;
            return copy;
        public void SetThrowOnRelative( bool throwOnRelative )
            this.m_throwOnRelative = throwOnRelative; 
        private static String StaticProcessWholeString( String str )
            return str.Replace( m_alternateDirectorySeparator, m_directorySeparator );

        private static String StaticProcessSingleString( String str ) 
            return str.Trim( m_trimChars );

        protected virtual String ProcessWholeString( String str )
            return StaticProcessWholeString(str); 
        protected virtual String ProcessSingleString( String str ) 
            return StaticProcessSingleString(str); 

        public void AddExpressions( String str )
            if (str == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "str" ); 
            if (str.Length == 0) 
            str = ProcessWholeString( str );

            if (m_expressions == null)
                m_expressions = str; 
                m_expressions = m_expressions + m_separators[0] + str; 
            m_expressionsArray = null;
            // We have to parse the string and compute the list here.
            // The logic in this class tries to delay this parsing but
            // since operations like IsSubsetOf are called during
            // demand evaluation, it is not safe to delay this step 
            // as that would cause concurring threads to update the object
            // at the same time. The CheckList operation should ideally be 
            // removed from this class, but for the sake of keeping the 
            // changes to a minimum here, we simply make sure m_list
            // cannot be null by parsing m_expressions eagerly. 

            String[] arystr = Split( str );

            if (m_list == null) 
                m_list = new ArrayList();
            for (int index = 0; index < arystr.Length; ++index) 
                if (arystr[index] != null && !arystr[index].Equals( "" )) 
                    String temp = ProcessSingleString( arystr[index] );
                    int indexOfNull = temp.IndexOf( '\0' );
                    if (indexOfNull != -1)
                        temp = temp.Substring( 0, indexOfNull ); 
                    if (temp != null && !temp.Equals( "" ))
                        if (m_throwOnRelative)
                            if (!((temp.Length >= 3 && temp[1] == ':' && temp[2] == '\\' && 
                                   ((temp[0] >= 'a' && temp[0] <= 'z') || (temp[0] >= 'A' && temp[0] <= 'Z'))) ||
                                  (temp.Length >= 2 && temp[0] == '\\' && temp[1] == '\\'))) 
                            if(!(temp.Length >= 1 && temp[0] == m_directorySeparator))
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AbsolutePathRequired" ) );
                            temp = CanonicalizePath( temp );
                        m_list.Add( temp );

        public void AddExpressions( String[] str, bool checkForDuplicates, bool needFullPath ) 
            AddExpressions(CreateListFromExpressions(str, needFullPath), checkForDuplicates); 

        public void AddExpressions( ArrayList exprArrayList, bool checkForDuplicates)
            BCLDebug.Assert( m_throwOnRelative, "This should only be called when throw on relative is set" );
            m_expressionsArray = null; 
            m_expressions = null;
            if (m_list != null)
                m_list = new ArrayList(exprArrayList); 

            if (checkForDuplicates) 

        internal static ArrayList CreateListFromExpressions(String[] str, bool needFullPath)
            if (str == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "str" ); 
            ArrayList retArrayList = new ArrayList(); 
            for (int index = 0; index < str.Length; ++index)
                if (str[index] == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "str" ); 

                String oneString = StaticProcessWholeString( str[index] ); 
                if (oneString != null && oneString.Length != 0)
                    String temp = StaticProcessSingleString( oneString);

                    int indexOfNull = temp.IndexOf( '\0' );
                    if (indexOfNull != -1)
                        temp = temp.Substring( 0, indexOfNull ); 
                    if (temp != null && temp.Length != 0)
                        if (!((temp.Length >= 3 && temp[1] == ':' && temp[2] == '\\' &&
                               ((temp[0] >= 'a' && temp[0] <= 'z') || (temp[0] >= 'A' && temp[0] <= 'Z'))) ||
                              (temp.Length >= 2 && temp[0] == '\\' && temp[1] == '\\'))) 
                        if(!(temp.Length >= 1 && temp[0] == m_directorySeparator)) 
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                            throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AbsolutePathRequired" ) ); 

                        temp = CanonicalizePath( temp, needFullPath );

                        retArrayList.Add( temp ); 

            return retArrayList;
        protected void CheckList()
            if (m_list == null && m_expressions != null) 

        protected String[] Split( String expressions ) 
            if (m_throwOnRelative) 
                ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
                String[] quoteSplit = expressions.Split( '\"' );

                for (int i = 0; i < quoteSplit.Length; ++i)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        String[] semiSplit = quoteSplit[i].Split( ';' ); 

                        for (int j = 0; j < semiSplit.Length; ++j) 
                            if (semiSplit[j] != null && !semiSplit[j].Equals( "" ))
                                tempList.Add( semiSplit[j] );
                        tempList.Add( quoteSplit[i] );

                String[] finalArray = new String[tempList.Count];
                IEnumerator enumerator = tempList.GetEnumerator();
                int index = 0; 
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    finalArray[index++] = (String)enumerator.Current;

                return finalArray; 
                return expressions.Split( m_separators );

        protected void CreateList() 
            String[] expressionsArray = Split( m_expressions ); 
            m_list = new ArrayList();
            for (int index = 0; index < expressionsArray.Length; ++index)
                if (expressionsArray[index] != null && !expressionsArray[index].Equals( "" ))
                    String temp = ProcessSingleString( expressionsArray[index] );
                    int indexOfNull = temp.IndexOf( '\0' ); 

                    if (indexOfNull != -1) 
                        temp = temp.Substring( 0, indexOfNull );

                    if (temp != null && !temp.Equals( "" ))
                        if (m_throwOnRelative)
                            if (!((temp.Length >= 3 && temp[1] == ':' && temp[2] == '\\' &&
                                   ((temp[0] >= 'a' && temp[0] <= 'z') || (temp[0] >= 'A' && temp[0] <= 'Z'))) || 
                                  (temp.Length >= 2 && temp[0] == '\\' && temp[1] == '\\')))
                            if(!(temp.Length >= 1 && temp[0] == m_directorySeparator))
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AbsolutePathRequired" ) ); 

                            temp = CanonicalizePath( temp ); 

                        m_list.Add( temp );

        public bool IsEmpty() 
            if (m_list == null)
                return m_expressions == null; 
                return m_list.Count == 0;

        public bool IsSubsetOf( StringExpressionSet ses )
            if (this.IsEmpty())
                return true; 
            if (ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return false; 

            for (int index = 0; index < this.m_list.Count; ++index)
                if (!StringSubsetStringExpression( (String)this.m_list[index], ses, m_ignoreCase )) 
                    return false; 
            return true;

        public bool IsSubsetOfPathDiscovery( StringExpressionSet ses ) 
            if (this.IsEmpty())
                return true; 

            if (ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return false;
            for (int index = 0; index < this.m_list.Count; ++index)
                if (!StringSubsetStringExpressionPathDiscovery( (String)this.m_list[index], ses, m_ignoreCase ))
                    return false;
            return true; 

        public StringExpressionSet Union( StringExpressionSet ses )
            // If either set is empty, the union represents a copy of the other.
            if (ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return this.Copy(); 
            if (this.IsEmpty())
                return ses.Copy(); 

            // Perform the union
            // note: insert smaller set into bigger set to reduce needed comparisons 
            StringExpressionSet bigger = ses.m_list.Count > this.m_list.Count ? ses : this;
            StringExpressionSet smaller = ses.m_list.Count <= this.m_list.Count ? ses : this; 

            StringExpressionSet unionSet = bigger.Copy();


            for (int index = 0; index < smaller.m_list.Count; ++index) 
                unionSet.AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( (String)smaller.m_list[index] );


            return unionSet; 
        public StringExpressionSet Intersect( StringExpressionSet ses )
            // If either set is empty, the intersection is empty

            if (this.IsEmpty() || ses == null || ses.IsEmpty())
                return CreateNewEmpty(); 


            // Do the intersection for real 

            StringExpressionSet intersectSet = CreateNewEmpty();

            for (int this_index = 0; this_index < this.m_list.Count; ++this_index) 
                for (int ses_index = 0; ses_index < ses.m_list.Count; ++ses_index) 
                    if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[this_index], (String)ses.m_list[ses_index], m_ignoreCase ))
                        if (intersectSet.m_list == null)
                            intersectSet.m_list = new ArrayList();
                        intersectSet.AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( (String)this.m_list[this_index] );
                    else if (StringSubsetString( (String)ses.m_list[ses_index], (String)this.m_list[this_index], m_ignoreCase )) 
                        if (intersectSet.m_list == null) 
                            intersectSet.m_list = new ArrayList();
                        intersectSet.AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( (String)ses.m_list[ses_index] ); 


            return intersectSet;
        protected void GenerateString()
            if (m_list != null) 
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

                IEnumerator enumerator = this.m_list.GetEnumerator();
                bool first = true;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (!first) 
                        sb.Append( m_separators[0] );
                        first = false;

                    String currentString = (String)enumerator.Current;
                    if (currentString != null) 
                        int indexOfSeparator = currentString.IndexOf( m_separators[0] ); 
                        if (indexOfSeparator != -1)
                            sb.Append( '\"' ); 

                        sb.Append( currentString );

                        if (indexOfSeparator != -1) 
                            sb.Append( '\"' );

                m_expressions = sb.ToString(); 
                m_expressions = null; 
        public override String ToString()

            return m_expressions; 
        public String[] ToStringArray()
            if (m_expressionsArray == null && m_list != null)
                m_expressionsArray = (String[]) m_list.ToArray(typeof(String));
            return m_expressionsArray;

        // protected static helper functions 
        protected bool StringSubsetStringExpression( String left, StringExpressionSet right, bool ignoreCase )
            for (int index = 0; index < right.m_list.Count; ++index)
                if (StringSubsetString( left, (String)right.m_list[index], ignoreCase ))
                    return true;
            return false;

        protected static bool StringSubsetStringExpressionPathDiscovery( String left, StringExpressionSet right, bool ignoreCase )
            for (int index = 0; index < right.m_list.Count; ++index) 
                if (StringSubsetStringPathDiscovery( left, (String)right.m_list[index], ignoreCase )) 
                    return true;
            return false;

        protected virtual bool StringSubsetString( String left, String right, bool ignoreCase ) 
            StringComparison strComp = (ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (right == null || left == null || right.Length == 0 || left.Length == 0 || 
                right.Length > left.Length)
                return false;
            else if (right.Length == left.Length)
                // if they are equal in length, just do a normal compare 
                return String.Compare( right, left, strComp) == 0;
            else if (left.Length - right.Length == 1 && left[left.Length-1] == m_directorySeparator)
                return String.Compare( left, 0, right, 0, right.Length, strComp) == 0;
            else if (right[right.Length-1] == m_directorySeparator)
                // right is definitely a directory, just do a substring compare 
                return String.Compare( right, 0, left, 0, right.Length, strComp) == 0;
            else if (left[right.Length] == m_directorySeparator)
                // left is hinting at being a subdirectory on right, do substring compare to make find out
                return String.Compare( right, 0, left, 0, right.Length, strComp) == 0; 
                return false;

        protected static bool StringSubsetStringPathDiscovery( String left, String right, bool ignoreCase )
            StringComparison strComp = (ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (right == null || left == null || right.Length == 0 || left.Length == 0) 
                return false;
            else if (right.Length == left.Length)
                // if they are equal in length, just do a normal compare
                return String.Compare( right, left, strComp) == 0; 
                String shortString, longString;
                if (right.Length < left.Length)
                    shortString = right;
                    longString = left; 
                    shortString = left;
                    longString = right; 

                if (String.Compare( shortString, 0, longString, 0, shortString.Length, strComp) != 0)
                    return false;
                if (shortString.Length == 3 && 
                    shortString.EndsWith( ":\\", StringComparison.Ordinal ) &&
                    ((shortString[0] >= 'A' && shortString[0] <= 'Z') ||
                    (shortString[0] >= 'a' && shortString[0] <= 'z')))
                if (shortString.Length == 1 && shortString[0]== m_directorySeparator)
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 
                     return true; 

                return longString[shortString.Length] == m_directorySeparator; 

        // protected helper functions 

        protected void AddSingleExpressionNoDuplicates( String expression ) 
            int index = 0;

            m_expressionsArray = null; 
            m_expressions = null;
            if (this.m_list == null) 
                this.m_list = new ArrayList();
            while (index < this.m_list.Count)
                if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[index], expression, m_ignoreCase ))
                    this.m_list.RemoveAt( index );
                else if (StringSubsetString( expression, (String)this.m_list[index], m_ignoreCase )) 
            this.m_list.Add( expression ); 
        protected void Reduce()
            if (this.m_list == null)
            int j;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.m_list.Count - 1; i++)
                j = i + 1;
                while (j < this.m_list.Count)
                    if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[j], (String)this.m_list[i], m_ignoreCase )) 
                        this.m_list.RemoveAt( j ); 
                    else if (StringSubsetString( (String)this.m_list[i], (String)this.m_list[j], m_ignoreCase ))
                        // write the value at j into position i, delete the value at position j and keep going. 
                        this.m_list[i] = this.m_list[j];
                        this.m_list.RemoveAt( j ); 
                        j = i + 1; 
        internal static extern String GetLongPathName( String path ); 

        internal static String CanonicalizePath( String path )
            return CanonicalizePath( path, true ); 
        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)]  // All internal, for string comparisons 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
        internal static String CanonicalizePath( String path, bool needFullPath ) 

            if (path.IndexOf( '~' ) != -1) 
                path = GetLongPathName( path );
            if (path.IndexOf( ':', 2 ) != -1) 
                throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_PathFormatNotSupported" ) );
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX 

            if (needFullPath)
                String newPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal( path ); 
                if (path.EndsWith( "\\.", StringComparison.Ordinal )) 
                    if (newPath.EndsWith( "\\", StringComparison.Ordinal ))
                        newPath += ".";
                        newPath += "\\.";
                if (path.EndsWith( m_directorySeparator + ".")) 
                    if (newPath.EndsWith( m_directorySeparator))
                        newPath += "."; 
                        newPath += m_directorySeparator + ".";
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
                return newPath;
                return path; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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