/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / XsltOld / RootAction.cs / 1 / RootAction.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime; using MS.Internal.Xml.XPath; using System.Security; internal class Key { XmlQualifiedName name; int matchKey; int useKey; ArrayList keyNodes; public Key(XmlQualifiedName name, int matchkey, int usekey) { = name; this.matchKey = matchkey; this.useKey = usekey; this.keyNodes = null; } public XmlQualifiedName Name { get { return; } } public int MatchKey { get { return this.matchKey; } } public int UseKey { get { return this.useKey; } } public void AddKey(XPathNavigator root, Hashtable table) { if (this.keyNodes == null) { this.keyNodes = new ArrayList(); } this.keyNodes.Add(new DocumentKeyList(root, table)); } public Hashtable GetKeys(XPathNavigator root) { if (this.keyNodes != null) { for(int i=0; i < keyNodes.Count; i++) { if (((DocumentKeyList)keyNodes[i]).RootNav.IsSamePosition(root)) { return ((DocumentKeyList)keyNodes[i]).KeyTable; } } } return null; } public Key Clone() { return new Key(name, matchKey, useKey); } } internal struct DocumentKeyList { XPathNavigator rootNav; Hashtable keyTable; public DocumentKeyList(XPathNavigator rootNav, Hashtable keyTable) { this.rootNav = rootNav; this.keyTable = keyTable; } public XPathNavigator RootNav { get { return this.rootNav ; } } public Hashtable KeyTable { get { return this.keyTable; } } } internal class RootAction : TemplateBaseAction { private const int QueryInitialized = 2; private const int RootProcessed = 3; private Hashtable attributeSetTable = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable decimalFormatTable = new Hashtable(); private ListkeyList; private XsltOutput output; public Stylesheet builtInSheet; public PermissionSet permissions; internal XsltOutput Output { get { if (this.output == null) { this.output = new XsltOutput(); } return this.output; } } /* * Compile */ internal override void Compile(Compiler compiler) { CompileDocument(compiler, /*inInclude*/ false); } internal void InsertKey(XmlQualifiedName name, int MatchKey, int UseKey){ if (this.keyList == null) { this.keyList = new List (); } this.keyList.Add(new Key(name, MatchKey, UseKey)); } internal AttributeSetAction GetAttributeSet(XmlQualifiedName name) { AttributeSetAction action = (AttributeSetAction) this.attributeSetTable[name]; if(action == null) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_NoAttributeSet, name.ToString()); } return action; } public void PorcessAttributeSets(Stylesheet rootStylesheet) { MirgeAttributeSets(rootStylesheet); // As we mentioned we need to invert all lists. foreach (AttributeSetAction attSet in this.attributeSetTable.Values) { if (attSet.containedActions != null) { attSet.containedActions.Reverse(); } } // ensures there are no cycles in the attribute-sets use dfs marking method CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInList(new Hashtable(), this.attributeSetTable.Keys); } private void MirgeAttributeSets(Stylesheet stylesheet) { // mirge stylesheet.AttributeSetTable to this.AttributeSetTable if (stylesheet.AttributeSetTable != null) { foreach (AttributeSetAction srcAttSet in stylesheet.AttributeSetTable.Values) { ArrayList srcAttList = srcAttSet.containedActions; AttributeSetAction dstAttSet = (AttributeSetAction) this.attributeSetTable[srcAttSet.Name]; if (dstAttSet == null) { dstAttSet = new AttributeSetAction(); { = srcAttSet.Name; dstAttSet.containedActions = new ArrayList(); } this.attributeSetTable[srcAttSet.Name] = dstAttSet; } ArrayList dstAttList = dstAttSet.containedActions; // We adding attributes in reverse order for purpuse. In the mirged list most importent attset shoud go last one // so we'll need to invert dstAttList finaly. if (srcAttList != null) { for(int src = srcAttList.Count - 1; 0 <= src; src --) { // We can ignore duplicate attibutes here. dstAttList.Add(srcAttList[src]); } } } } foreach (Stylesheet importedStylesheet in stylesheet.Imports) { MirgeAttributeSets(importedStylesheet); } } private void CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInList(Hashtable markTable, ICollection setQNames) { const string PROCESSING = "P"; const string DONE = "D"; foreach (XmlQualifiedName qname in setQNames) { object mark = markTable[qname]; if (mark == (object) PROCESSING) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_CircularAttributeSet, qname.ToString()); } else if (mark == (object) DONE) { continue; // optimization: we already investigated this attribute-set. } else { Debug.Assert(mark == null); markTable[qname] = (object) PROCESSING; CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInContainer(markTable, GetAttributeSet(qname)); markTable[qname] = (object) DONE; } } } private void CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInContainer(Hashtable markTable, ContainerAction container) { if (container.containedActions == null) { return; } foreach(Action action in container.containedActions) { if(action is UseAttributeSetsAction) { CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInList(markTable, ((UseAttributeSetsAction)action).UsedSets); } else if(action is ContainerAction) { CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInContainer(markTable, (ContainerAction)action); } } } internal void AddDecimalFormat(XmlQualifiedName name, DecimalFormat formatinfo) { DecimalFormat exist = (DecimalFormat) this.decimalFormatTable[name]; if (exist != null) { NumberFormatInfo info =; NumberFormatInfo newinfo =; if (info.NumberDecimalSeparator != newinfo.NumberDecimalSeparator || info.NumberGroupSeparator != newinfo.NumberGroupSeparator || info.PositiveInfinitySymbol != newinfo.PositiveInfinitySymbol || info.NegativeSign != newinfo.NegativeSign || info.NaNSymbol != newinfo.NaNSymbol || info.PercentSymbol != newinfo.PercentSymbol || info.PerMilleSymbol != newinfo.PerMilleSymbol || exist.zeroDigit != formatinfo.zeroDigit || exist.digit != formatinfo.digit || exist.patternSeparator != formatinfo.patternSeparator ) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_DupDecimalFormat, name.ToString()); } } this.decimalFormatTable[name] = formatinfo; } internal DecimalFormat GetDecimalFormat(XmlQualifiedName name) { return this.decimalFormatTable[name] as DecimalFormat; } internal List KeyList{ get { return this.keyList; } } internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.AllocateVariables(variableCount); XPathNavigator root = processor.Document.Clone(); root.MoveToRoot(); frame.InitNodeSet(new XPathSingletonIterator(root)); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); } frame.State = QueryInitialized; break; case QueryInitialized: Debug.Assert(frame.State == QueryInitialized); frame.NextNode(processor); Debug.Assert(Processor.IsRoot(frame.Node)); if (processor.Debugger != null) { // this is like apply-templates, but we don't have it on stack. // Pop the stack, otherwise last instruction will be on it. processor.PopDebuggerStack(); } processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NodeSet, /*mode:*/null, /*importsOf:*/null); frame.State = RootProcessed; break; case RootProcessed: Debug.Assert(frame.State == RootProcessed); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid RootAction execution state"); break; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime; using MS.Internal.Xml.XPath; using System.Security; internal class Key { XmlQualifiedName name; int matchKey; int useKey; ArrayList keyNodes; public Key(XmlQualifiedName name, int matchkey, int usekey) { = name; this.matchKey = matchkey; this.useKey = usekey; this.keyNodes = null; } public XmlQualifiedName Name { get { return; } } public int MatchKey { get { return this.matchKey; } } public int UseKey { get { return this.useKey; } } public void AddKey(XPathNavigator root, Hashtable table) { if (this.keyNodes == null) { this.keyNodes = new ArrayList(); } this.keyNodes.Add(new DocumentKeyList(root, table)); } public Hashtable GetKeys(XPathNavigator root) { if (this.keyNodes != null) { for(int i=0; i < keyNodes.Count; i++) { if (((DocumentKeyList)keyNodes[i]).RootNav.IsSamePosition(root)) { return ((DocumentKeyList)keyNodes[i]).KeyTable; } } } return null; } public Key Clone() { return new Key(name, matchKey, useKey); } } internal struct DocumentKeyList { XPathNavigator rootNav; Hashtable keyTable; public DocumentKeyList(XPathNavigator rootNav, Hashtable keyTable) { this.rootNav = rootNav; this.keyTable = keyTable; } public XPathNavigator RootNav { get { return this.rootNav ; } } public Hashtable KeyTable { get { return this.keyTable; } } } internal class RootAction : TemplateBaseAction { private const int QueryInitialized = 2; private const int RootProcessed = 3; private Hashtable attributeSetTable = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable decimalFormatTable = new Hashtable(); private ListkeyList; private XsltOutput output; public Stylesheet builtInSheet; public PermissionSet permissions; internal XsltOutput Output { get { if (this.output == null) { this.output = new XsltOutput(); } return this.output; } } /* * Compile */ internal override void Compile(Compiler compiler) { CompileDocument(compiler, /*inInclude*/ false); } internal void InsertKey(XmlQualifiedName name, int MatchKey, int UseKey){ if (this.keyList == null) { this.keyList = new List (); } this.keyList.Add(new Key(name, MatchKey, UseKey)); } internal AttributeSetAction GetAttributeSet(XmlQualifiedName name) { AttributeSetAction action = (AttributeSetAction) this.attributeSetTable[name]; if(action == null) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_NoAttributeSet, name.ToString()); } return action; } public void PorcessAttributeSets(Stylesheet rootStylesheet) { MirgeAttributeSets(rootStylesheet); // As we mentioned we need to invert all lists. foreach (AttributeSetAction attSet in this.attributeSetTable.Values) { if (attSet.containedActions != null) { attSet.containedActions.Reverse(); } } // ensures there are no cycles in the attribute-sets use dfs marking method CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInList(new Hashtable(), this.attributeSetTable.Keys); } private void MirgeAttributeSets(Stylesheet stylesheet) { // mirge stylesheet.AttributeSetTable to this.AttributeSetTable if (stylesheet.AttributeSetTable != null) { foreach (AttributeSetAction srcAttSet in stylesheet.AttributeSetTable.Values) { ArrayList srcAttList = srcAttSet.containedActions; AttributeSetAction dstAttSet = (AttributeSetAction) this.attributeSetTable[srcAttSet.Name]; if (dstAttSet == null) { dstAttSet = new AttributeSetAction(); { = srcAttSet.Name; dstAttSet.containedActions = new ArrayList(); } this.attributeSetTable[srcAttSet.Name] = dstAttSet; } ArrayList dstAttList = dstAttSet.containedActions; // We adding attributes in reverse order for purpuse. In the mirged list most importent attset shoud go last one // so we'll need to invert dstAttList finaly. if (srcAttList != null) { for(int src = srcAttList.Count - 1; 0 <= src; src --) { // We can ignore duplicate attibutes here. dstAttList.Add(srcAttList[src]); } } } } foreach (Stylesheet importedStylesheet in stylesheet.Imports) { MirgeAttributeSets(importedStylesheet); } } private void CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInList(Hashtable markTable, ICollection setQNames) { const string PROCESSING = "P"; const string DONE = "D"; foreach (XmlQualifiedName qname in setQNames) { object mark = markTable[qname]; if (mark == (object) PROCESSING) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_CircularAttributeSet, qname.ToString()); } else if (mark == (object) DONE) { continue; // optimization: we already investigated this attribute-set. } else { Debug.Assert(mark == null); markTable[qname] = (object) PROCESSING; CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInContainer(markTable, GetAttributeSet(qname)); markTable[qname] = (object) DONE; } } } private void CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInContainer(Hashtable markTable, ContainerAction container) { if (container.containedActions == null) { return; } foreach(Action action in container.containedActions) { if(action is UseAttributeSetsAction) { CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInList(markTable, ((UseAttributeSetsAction)action).UsedSets); } else if(action is ContainerAction) { CheckAttributeSets_RecurceInContainer(markTable, (ContainerAction)action); } } } internal void AddDecimalFormat(XmlQualifiedName name, DecimalFormat formatinfo) { DecimalFormat exist = (DecimalFormat) this.decimalFormatTable[name]; if (exist != null) { NumberFormatInfo info =; NumberFormatInfo newinfo =; if (info.NumberDecimalSeparator != newinfo.NumberDecimalSeparator || info.NumberGroupSeparator != newinfo.NumberGroupSeparator || info.PositiveInfinitySymbol != newinfo.PositiveInfinitySymbol || info.NegativeSign != newinfo.NegativeSign || info.NaNSymbol != newinfo.NaNSymbol || info.PercentSymbol != newinfo.PercentSymbol || info.PerMilleSymbol != newinfo.PerMilleSymbol || exist.zeroDigit != formatinfo.zeroDigit || exist.digit != formatinfo.digit || exist.patternSeparator != formatinfo.patternSeparator ) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_DupDecimalFormat, name.ToString()); } } this.decimalFormatTable[name] = formatinfo; } internal DecimalFormat GetDecimalFormat(XmlQualifiedName name) { return this.decimalFormatTable[name] as DecimalFormat; } internal List KeyList{ get { return this.keyList; } } internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.AllocateVariables(variableCount); XPathNavigator root = processor.Document.Clone(); root.MoveToRoot(); frame.InitNodeSet(new XPathSingletonIterator(root)); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); } frame.State = QueryInitialized; break; case QueryInitialized: Debug.Assert(frame.State == QueryInitialized); frame.NextNode(processor); Debug.Assert(Processor.IsRoot(frame.Node)); if (processor.Debugger != null) { // this is like apply-templates, but we don't have it on stack. // Pop the stack, otherwise last instruction will be on it. processor.PopDebuggerStack(); } processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NodeSet, /*mode:*/null, /*importsOf:*/null); frame.State = RootProcessed; break; case RootProcessed: Debug.Assert(frame.State == RootProcessed); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid RootAction execution state"); break; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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