Latin1Encoding.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Text / Latin1Encoding.cs / 1 / Latin1Encoding.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
namespace System.Text
    using System; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Security;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    // Latin1Encoding is a simple override to optimize the GetString version of Latin1Encoding. 
    // because of the best fit cases we can't do this when encoding the string, only when decoding
    [Serializable()] internal class Latin1Encoding : EncodingNLS, ISerializable
        // We only use the best-fit table, of which ASCII is a superset for us.
        public Latin1Encoding() : base(Encoding.ISO_8859_1) 
        // Constructor called by serialization.
        // Note:  We use the base GetObjectData however
        internal Latin1Encoding(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) :
            // Set up our base, also throws if info was empty 
            DeserializeEncoding(info, context); 

            // Nothing unique to Whidbey for Latin1 

        // ISerializable implementation, serialize it as a CodePageEncoding
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] 
        void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            // Make sure to get teh base stuff too This throws if info is null 
            SerializeEncoding(info, context);
            BCLDebug.Assert(info!=null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetObjectData] Expected null info to throw"); 

            // In Everett this is a CodePageEncoding, so it needs maxCharSize
            info.AddValue("CodePageEncoding+maxCharSize", 1);
            // And extras for Everett's wierdness
            info.AddValue("CodePageEncoding+m_codePage", this.CodePage); 
            info.AddValue("CodePageEncoding+dataItem", (CodePageDataItem)null); 
        // GetByteCount
        // Note: We start by assuming that the output will be the same as count.  Having
        // an encoder or fallback may change that assumption
        internal override unsafe int GetByteCount(char* chars, int charCount, EncoderNLS encoder) 
            // Just need to ASSERT, this is called by something else internal that checked parameters already 
            BCLDebug.Assert(charCount >= 0, "[Latin1Encoding.GetByteCount]count is negative"); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(chars != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetByteCount]chars is null");
            // Assert because we shouldn't be able to have a null encoder.
            BCLDebug.Assert(encoderFallback != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetByteCount]Attempting to use null fallback encoder");

            char charLeftOver = (char)0; 

            // If we have an encoder AND we aren't using default fallback, 
            // then we may have a complicated count. 
            EncoderReplacementFallback fallback;
            if (encoder != null) 
                charLeftOver = encoder.charLeftOver;
                BCLDebug.Assert(charLeftOver == 0 || Char.IsHighSurrogate(charLeftOver),
                    "[Latin1Encoding.GetByteCount]leftover character should be high surrogate"); 

                fallback = encoder.Fallback as EncoderReplacementFallback; 
                // Verify that we have no fallbackbuffer, for Latin1 its always empty, so just assert
                BCLDebug.Assert(!encoder.m_throwOnOverflow || !encoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer || 
                    encoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
                    "[Latin1CodePageEncoding.GetByteCount]Expected empty fallback buffer");
                fallback = this.EncoderFallback as EncoderReplacementFallback;
            if ((fallback != null && fallback.MaxCharCount == 1)/* || bIsBestFit*/) 
                // Replacement fallback encodes surrogate pairs as two ?? (or two whatever), so return size is always 
                // same as input size.
                // Note that no existing SBCS code pages map code points to supplimentary characters, so this is easy.

                // We could however have 1 extra byte if the last call had an encoder and a funky fallback and 
                // if we don't use the funky fallback this time.
                // Do we have an extra char left over from last time? 
                if (charLeftOver > 0)

                return (charCount);
            // Count is more complicated if you have a funky fallback
            // For fallback we may need a fallback buffer, we know we're not default fallback 
            int byteCount = 0; 

            // Start by assuming default count, then +/- for fallback characters 
            char* charEnd = chars + charCount;

            // For fallback we may need a fallback buffer, we know we aren't default fallback.
            EncoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer = null; 

            // We may have a left over character from last time, try and process it. 
            if (charLeftOver > 0) 
                // Initialize the buffer 
                BCLDebug.Assert(encoder != null,
                    "[Latin1Encoding.GetByteCount]Expected encoder if we have charLeftOver");
                fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
                fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(chars, charEnd, encoder, false); 

                // Since left over char was a surrogate, it'll have to be fallen back. 
                // Get Fallback 
                // This will fallback a pair if *chars is a low surrogate
                fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(charLeftOver, ref chars); 

            // Now we may have fallback char[] already from the encoder
            // Go ahead and do it, including the fallback.
            char ch; 
            while ((ch = (fallbackBuffer == null) ? '\0' : fallbackBuffer.InternalGetNextChar()) != 0 || 
                    chars < charEnd)
                // First unwind any fallback
                if (ch == 0)
                    // No fallback, just get next char 
                    ch = *chars;

                // Check for fallback, this'll catch surrogate pairs too. 
                // no chars >= 0x100 are allowed.
                if (ch > 0xff)
                    // Initialize the buffer 
                    if (fallbackBuffer == null)
                        if (encoder == null) 
                            fallbackBuffer = this.encoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer();
                            fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
                        fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(charEnd - charCount, charEnd, encoder, false);
                    // Get Fallback
                    fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(ch, ref chars); 
                // We'll use this one
            BCLDebug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
                "[Latin1Encoding.GetByteCount]Expected Empty fallback buffer"); 
            return byteCount;

        internal override unsafe int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount,
                                                byte* bytes, int byteCount, EncoderNLS encoder)
            // Just need to ASSERT, this is called by something else internal that checked parameters already
            BCLDebug.Assert(bytes != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]bytes is null"); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(byteCount >= 0, "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]byteCount is negative"); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(chars != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]chars is null");
            BCLDebug.Assert(charCount >= 0, "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]charCount is negative"); 

            // Assert because we shouldn't be able to have a null encoder.
            BCLDebug.Assert(encoderFallback != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]Attempting to use null encoder fallback");
            // Get any left over characters & check fast or slower fallback type
            char charLeftOver = (char)0; 
            EncoderReplacementFallback fallback = null; 
            if (encoder != null)
                charLeftOver = encoder.charLeftOver;
                fallback = encoder.Fallback as EncoderReplacementFallback;
                BCLDebug.Assert(charLeftOver == 0 || Char.IsHighSurrogate(charLeftOver),
                    "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]leftover character should be high surrogate"); 

                // Verify that we have no fallbackbuffer, for ASCII its always empty, so just assert 
                BCLDebug.Assert(!encoder.m_throwOnOverflow || !encoder.InternalHasFallbackBuffer || 
                    encoder.FallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
                    "[Latin1CodePageEncoding.GetBytes]Expected empty fallback buffer"); 
                fallback = this.EncoderFallback as EncoderReplacementFallback; 
            // prepare our end 
            char* charEnd = chars + charCount;
            byte* byteStart = bytes; 
            char* charStart = chars;

            // See if we do the fast default or slightly slower fallback
            if (fallback != null && fallback.MaxCharCount == 1) 
                // Fast version 
                char cReplacement=fallback.DefaultString[0]; 

                // Check for replacements in range, otherwise fall back to slow version. 
                if (cReplacement <= (char)0xff)
                    // We should have exactly as many output bytes as input bytes, unless there's a left
                    // over character, in which case we may need one more. 

                    // If we had a left over character will have to add a ?  (This happens if they had a funky 
                    // fallback last time, but not this time.) (We can't spit any out though 
                    // because with fallback encoder each surrogate is treated as a seperate code point)
                    if (charLeftOver > 0) 
                        // Have to have room
                        // Throw even if doing no throw version because this is just 1 char,
                        // so buffer will never be big enough 
                        if (byteCount == 0)
                            ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, true); 
                        // This'll make sure we still have more room and also make sure our return value is correct.
                        *(bytes++) = (byte)cReplacement; 
                        byteCount--;                // We used one of the ones we were counting.

                    // This keeps us from overrunning our output buffer 
                    if (byteCount < charCount)
                        // Throw or make buffer smaller? 
                        ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, byteCount < 1);
                        // Just use what we can
                        charEnd = chars + byteCount;
                    // We just do a quick copy
                    while (chars < charEnd) 
                        char ch2 = *(chars++);
                        if (ch2 > 0x00ff) *(bytes++) = (byte)cReplacement; 
                        else *(bytes++) = (byte)ch2;

                    // Clear encoder 
                    if (encoder != null)
                        encoder.charLeftOver = (char)0; 
                        encoder.m_charsUsed = (int)(chars-charStart);
                    return (int)(bytes - byteStart);
            // Slower version, have to do real fallback.
            // prepare our end 
            byte* byteEnd = bytes + byteCount;
            // For fallback we may need a fallback buffer, we know we aren't default fallback, create & init it
            EncoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer = null;

            // We may have a left over character from last time, try and process it. 
            if (charLeftOver > 0)
                // Since left over char was a surrogate, it'll have to be fallen back. 
                // Get Fallback
                BCLDebug.Assert(encoder != null, 
                    "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]Expected encoder if we have charLeftOver");
                fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
                fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(chars, charEnd, encoder, true);
                // Since left over char was a surrogate, it'll have to be fallen back.
                // Get Fallback 
                // This will fallback a pair if *chars is a low surrogate 
                fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(charLeftOver, ref chars);
                if (fallbackBuffer.Remaining > byteEnd - bytes) 
                    // Throw it, if we don't have enough for this we never will
                    ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, true);
            // Now we may have fallback char[] already from the encoder fallback above 

            // Go ahead and do it, including the fallback. 
            char ch;
            while ((ch = (fallbackBuffer == null) ? '\0' : fallbackBuffer.InternalGetNextChar()) != 0 ||
                    chars < charEnd)
                // First unwind any fallback
                if (ch == 0) 
                    // No fallback, just get next char
                    ch = *chars; 

                // Check for fallback, this'll catch surrogate pairs too. 
                // All characters >= 0x100 must fall back.
                if (ch > 0xff) 
                    // Initialize the buffer
                    if (fallbackBuffer == null) 
                        if (encoder == null)
                            fallbackBuffer = this.encoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer();
                            fallbackBuffer = encoder.FallbackBuffer;
                        fallbackBuffer.InternalInitialize(charEnd - charCount, charEnd, encoder, true); 

                    // Get Fallback 
                    fallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(ch, ref chars);

                    // Make sure we have enough room.  Each fallback char will be 1 output char
                    // (or else cause a recursion exception) 
                    if (fallbackBuffer.Remaining > byteEnd - bytes)
                        // Didn't use this char, throw it.  Chars should've advanced by now 
                        // If we had encoder fallback data it would've thrown before the loop
                        BCLDebug.Assert(chars > charStart, 
                            "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]Expected chars to have advanced (fallback case)");
                        // Throw it
                        ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, chars == charStart); 

                // We'll use this one 
                // Bounds check
                if (bytes >= byteEnd) 
                    // didn't use this char, we'll throw or use buffer
                    BCLDebug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.bFallingBack == false, 
                        "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]Expected fallback to have throw initially if insufficient space");
                    if (fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.bFallingBack == false)
                        BCLDebug.Assert(chars > charStart, 
                            "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]Expected chars to have advanced (fallback case)");
                        chars--;                                        // don't use last char 
                    ThrowBytesOverflow(encoder, chars == charStart);    // throw ?
                    break;                                              // don't throw, stop 

                // Go ahead and add it
                *bytes = unchecked((byte)ch); 
            // Need to do encoder stuff
            if (encoder != null) 
                // Fallback stuck it in encoder if necessary, but we have to clear MustFlush cases
                if (fallbackBuffer != null && !fallbackBuffer.bUsedEncoder)
                    // Clear it in case of MustFlush 
                    encoder.charLeftOver = (char)0;
                // Set our chars used count 
                encoder.m_charsUsed = (int)(chars - charStart);

            BCLDebug.Assert(fallbackBuffer == null || fallbackBuffer.Remaining == 0,
                "[Latin1Encoding.GetBytes]Expected Empty fallback buffer");
            return (int)(bytes - byteStart);
        // This is internal and called by something else,
        internal override unsafe int GetCharCount(byte* bytes, int count, DecoderNLS decoder) 
            // Just assert, we're called internally so these should be safe, checked already
            BCLDebug.Assert(bytes != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetCharCount]bytes is null");
            BCLDebug.Assert(count >= 0, "[Latin1Encoding.GetCharCount]byteCount is negative"); 

            // Just return length, SBCS stay the same length because they don't map to surrogate 
            // pairs and we don't have to fallback because all latin1Encoding code points are unicode 
            return count;

        internal override unsafe int GetChars(byte* bytes, int byteCount,
                                                char* chars, int charCount, DecoderNLS decoder)
            // Just need to ASSERT, this is called by something else internal that checked parameters already
            BCLDebug.Assert(bytes != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetChars]bytes is null"); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(byteCount >= 0, "[Latin1Encoding.GetChars]byteCount is negative"); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(chars != null, "[Latin1Encoding.GetChars]chars is null");
            BCLDebug.Assert(charCount >= 0, "[Latin1Encoding.GetChars]charCount is negative"); 

            // Need byteCount chars, otherwise too small buffer
            if (charCount < byteCount)
                // Buffer too small.  Do we throw?
                ThrowCharsOverflow(decoder, charCount < 1); 
                // Don't throw, correct buffer size
                byteCount = charCount; 

            // Do it our fast way
            byte* byteEnd = bytes + byteCount; 

            // Quick loop, all bytes are the same as chars, so no fallbacks for latin1 
            while (bytes < byteEnd) 
                *(chars) = unchecked((char)*(bytes)); 
            // Might need to know input bytes used
            if (decoder != null) 
                decoder.m_bytesUsed = byteCount; 

            // Converted sequence is same length as input, so output charsUsed is same as byteCount; 
            return byteCount;

        public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount) 
            if (charCount < 0) 
               throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("charCount", 
            // Characters would be # of characters + 1 in case high surrogate is ? * max fallback
            long byteCount = (long)charCount + 1;

            if (EncoderFallback.MaxCharCount > 1) 
                byteCount *= EncoderFallback.MaxCharCount;
            // 1 to 1 for most characters.  Only surrogates with fallbacks have less. 

            if (byteCount > 0x7fffffff) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("charCount", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_GetByteCountOverflow"));
            return (int)byteCount;
        public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount)
            if (byteCount < 0) 
               throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("byteCount",

            // Just return length, SBCS stay the same length because they don't map to surrogate
            long charCount = (long)byteCount;
            // 1 to 1 for most characters.  Only surrogates with fallbacks have less, unknown fallbacks could be longer.
            if (DecoderFallback.MaxCharCount > 1) 
                charCount *= DecoderFallback.MaxCharCount; 

            if (charCount > 0x7fffffff) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("byteCount", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_GetCharCountOverflow"));

            return (int)charCount;

        // True if and only if the encoding only uses single byte code points.  (Ie, ASCII, 1252, etc) 
        public override bool IsSingleByte 
                return true;

        public override bool IsAlwaysNormalized(NormalizationForm form) 
            // Latin-1 contains precomposed characters, so normal for Form C.
            // Since some are composed, not normal for D & KD. 
            // Also some letters like 0x00A8 (spacing diarisis) have compatibility decompositions, so false for KD & KC.

            // Only true for form C.
            return (form == NormalizationForm.FormC); 
        // Since our best fit table is small we'll hard code it 
        internal override char[] GetBestFitUnicodeToBytesData()
            // Get our best fit data
            return Latin1Encoding.arrayCharBestFit;
        // Best fit for ASCII, and since it works for ASCII, we use it for latin1 as well.
        private static readonly char[] arrayCharBestFit = 
// The first many are in case you wanted to use this for ASCIIEncoding, which we don't need to do any more.
//          (char)0x00a0, (char)0x0020,    // No-Break Space -> Space 
//          (char)0x00a1, (char)0x0021,    // Inverted Exclamation Mark -> !
//          (char)0x00a2, (char)0x0063,    // Cent Sign -> c
//          (char)0x00a3, (char)0x003f,    // Pound Sign
//          (char)0x00a4, (char)0x0024,    // Currency Sign -> $ 
//          (char)0x00a5, (char)0x0059,    // Yen Sign -> Y
//          (char)0x00a6, (char)0x007c,    // Broken Bar -> | 
//          (char)0x00a7, (char)0x003f,    // Section Sign 
//          (char)0x00a8, (char)0x003f,    // Diaeresis
//          (char)0x00a9, (char)0x0043,    // Copyright Sign -> C 
//          (char)0x00aa, (char)0x0061,    // Feminine Ordinal Indicator -> a
//          (char)0x00ab, (char)0x003c,    // Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark -> <
//          (char)0x00ac, (char)0x003f,    // Not Sign
//          (char)0x00ad, (char)0x002d,    // Soft Hyphen -> - 
//          (char)0x00ae, (char)0x0052,    // Registered Sign -> R
//          (char)0x00af, (char)0x003f,    // Macron 
//          (char)0x00b0, (char)0x003f,    // Degree Sign 
//          (char)0x00b1, (char)0x003f,    // Plus-Minus Sign
//          (char)0x00b2, (char)0x0032,    // Superscript Two -> 2 
//          (char)0x00b3, (char)0x0033,    // Superscript Three -> 3
//          (char)0x00b4, (char)0x003f,    // Acute Accent
//          (char)0x00b5, (char)0x003f,    // Micro Sign
//          (char)0x00b6, (char)0x003f,    // Pilcrow Sign 
//          (char)0x00b7, (char)0x002e,    // Middle Dot -> .
//          (char)0x00b8, (char)0x002c,    // Cedilla -> , 
//          (char)0x00b9, (char)0x0031,    // Superscript One -> 1 
//          (char)0x00ba, (char)0x006f,    // Masculine Ordinal Indicator -> o
//          (char)0x00bb, (char)0x003e,    // Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark -> > 
//          (char)0x00bc, (char)0x003f,    // Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
//          (char)0x00bd, (char)0x003f,    // Vulgar Fraction One Half
//          (char)0x00be, (char)0x003f,    // Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
//          (char)0x00bf, (char)0x003f,    // Inverted Question Mark 
//          (char)0x00c0, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Grave -> A
//          (char)0x00c1, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Acute -> A 
//          (char)0x00c2, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex -> A 
//          (char)0x00c3, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde -> A
//          (char)0x00c4, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis -> A 
//          (char)0x00c5, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above -> A
//          (char)0x00c6, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Ligature Ae -> A
//          (char)0x00c7, (char)0x0043,    // Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla -> C
//          (char)0x00c8, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Grave -> E 
//          (char)0x00c9, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Acute -> E
//          (char)0x00ca, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex -> E 
//          (char)0x00cb, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis -> E 
//          (char)0x00cc, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Grave -> I
//          (char)0x00cd, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Acute -> I 
//          (char)0x00ce, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex -> I
//          (char)0x00cf, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis -> I
//          (char)0x00d0, (char)0x0044,    // Latin Capital Letter Eth -> D
//          (char)0x00d1, (char)0x004e,    // Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde -> N 
//          (char)0x00d2, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Grave -> O
//          (char)0x00d3, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Acute -> O 
//          (char)0x00d4, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex -> O 
//          (char)0x00d5, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde -> O
//          (char)0x00d6, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis -> O 
//          (char)0x00d7, (char)0x003f,    // Multiplication Sign
//          (char)0x00d8, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke -> O
//          (char)0x00d9, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Grave -> U
//          (char)0x00da, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Acute -> U 
//          (char)0x00db, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex -> U
//          (char)0x00dc, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis -> U 
//          (char)0x00dd, (char)0x0059,    // Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute -> Y 
//          (char)0x00de, (char)0x003f,    // Latin Capital Letter Thorn
//          (char)0x00df, (char)0x003f,    // Latin Small Letter Sharp S 
//          (char)0x00e0, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Grave -> a
//          (char)0x00e1, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Acute -> a
//          (char)0x00e2, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex -> a
//          (char)0x00e3, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Tilde -> a 
//          (char)0x00e4, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis -> a
//          (char)0x00e5, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above -> a 
//          (char)0x00e6, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Ligature Ae -> a 
//          (char)0x00e7, (char)0x0063,    // Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla -> c
//          (char)0x00e8, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Grave -> e 
//          (char)0x00e9, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Acute -> e
//          (char)0x00ea, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex -> e
//          (char)0x00eb, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis -> e
//          (char)0x00ec, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Grave -> i 
//          (char)0x00ed, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Acute -> i
//          (char)0x00ee, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex -> i 
//          (char)0x00ef, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis -> i 
//          (char)0x00f0, (char)0x003f,    // Latin Small Letter Eth
//          (char)0x00f1, (char)0x006e,    // Latin Small Letter N With Tilde -> n 
//          (char)0x00f2, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Grave -> o
//          (char)0x00f3, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Acute -> o
//          (char)0x00f4, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex -> o
//          (char)0x00f5, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Tilde -> o 
//          (char)0x00f6, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis -> o
//          (char)0x00f7, (char)0x003f,    // Division Sign 
//          (char)0x00f8, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Stroke -> o 
//          (char)0x00f9, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Grave -> u
//          (char)0x00fa, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Acute -> u 
//          (char)0x00fb, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex -> u
//          (char)0x00fc, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis -> u
//          (char)0x00fd, (char)0x0079,    // Latin Small Letter Y With Acute -> y
//          (char)0x00fe, (char)0x003f,    // Latin Small Letter Thorn 
//          (char)0x00ff, (char)0x0079,    // Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis -> y
            (char)0x0100, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Macron -> A 
            (char)0x0101, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Macron -> a 
            (char)0x0102, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Breve -> A
            (char)0x0103, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Breve -> a 
            (char)0x0104, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Ogonek -> A
            (char)0x0105, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Ogonek -> a
            (char)0x0106, (char)0x0043,    // Latin Capital Letter C With Acute -> C
            (char)0x0107, (char)0x0063,    // Latin Small Letter C With Acute -> c 
            (char)0x0108, (char)0x0043,    // Latin Capital Letter C With Circumflex -> C
            (char)0x0109, (char)0x0063,    // Latin Small Letter C With Circumflex -> c 
            (char)0x010a, (char)0x0043,    // Latin Capital Letter C With Dot Above -> C 
            (char)0x010b, (char)0x0063,    // Latin Small Letter C With Dot Above -> c
            (char)0x010c, (char)0x0043,    // Latin Capital Letter C With Caron -> C 
            (char)0x010d, (char)0x0063,    // Latin Small Letter C With Caron -> c
            (char)0x010e, (char)0x0044,    // Latin Capital Letter D With Caron -> D
            (char)0x010f, (char)0x0064,    // Latin Small Letter D With Caron -> d
            (char)0x0110, (char)0x0044,    // Latin Capital Letter D With Stroke -> D 
            (char)0x0111, (char)0x0064,    // Latin Small Letter D With Stroke -> d
            (char)0x0112, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Macron -> E 
            (char)0x0113, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Macron -> e 
            (char)0x0114, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Breve -> E
            (char)0x0115, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Breve -> e 
            (char)0x0116, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Above -> E
            (char)0x0117, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Dot Above -> e
            (char)0x0118, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Ogonek -> E
            (char)0x0119, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Ogonek -> e 
            (char)0x011a, (char)0x0045,    // Latin Capital Letter E With Caron -> E
            (char)0x011b, (char)0x0065,    // Latin Small Letter E With Caron -> e 
            (char)0x011c, (char)0x0047,    // Latin Capital Letter G With Circumflex -> G 
            (char)0x011d, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter G With Circumflex -> g
            (char)0x011e, (char)0x0047,    // Latin Capital Letter G With Breve -> G 
            (char)0x011f, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter G With Breve -> g
            (char)0x0120, (char)0x0047,    // Latin Capital Letter G With Dot Above -> G
            (char)0x0121, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter G With Dot Above -> g
            (char)0x0122, (char)0x0047,    // Latin Capital Letter G With Cedilla -> G 
            (char)0x0123, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter G With Cedilla -> g
            (char)0x0124, (char)0x0048,    // Latin Capital Letter H With Circumflex -> H 
            (char)0x0125, (char)0x0068,    // Latin Small Letter H With Circumflex -> h 
            (char)0x0126, (char)0x0048,    // Latin Capital Letter H With Stroke -> H
            (char)0x0127, (char)0x0068,    // Latin Small Letter H With Stroke -> h 
            (char)0x0128, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde -> I
            (char)0x0129, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Tilde -> i
            (char)0x012a, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Macron -> I
            (char)0x012b, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Macron -> i 
            (char)0x012c, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Breve -> I
            (char)0x012d, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Breve -> i 
            (char)0x012e, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Ogonek -> I 
            (char)0x012f, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Ogonek -> i
            (char)0x0130, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above -> I 
            (char)0x0131, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter Dotless I -> i
            (char)0x0134, (char)0x004a,    // Latin Capital Letter J With Circumflex -> J
            (char)0x0135, (char)0x006a,    // Latin Small Letter J With Circumflex -> j
            (char)0x0136, (char)0x004b,    // Latin Capital Letter K With Cedilla -> K 
            (char)0x0137, (char)0x006b,    // Latin Small Letter K With Cedilla -> k
            (char)0x0139, (char)0x004c,    // Latin Capital Letter L With Acute -> L 
            (char)0x013a, (char)0x006c,    // Latin Small Letter L With Acute -> l 
            (char)0x013b, (char)0x004c,    // Latin Capital Letter L With Cedilla -> L
            (char)0x013c, (char)0x006c,    // Latin Small Letter L With Cedilla -> l 
            (char)0x013d, (char)0x004c,    // Latin Capital Letter L With Caron -> L
            (char)0x013e, (char)0x006c,    // Latin Small Letter L With Caron -> l
            (char)0x0141, (char)0x004c,    // Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke -> L
            (char)0x0142, (char)0x006c,    // Latin Small Letter L With Stroke -> l 
            (char)0x0143, (char)0x004e,    // Latin Capital Letter N With Acute -> N
            (char)0x0144, (char)0x006e,    // Latin Small Letter N With Acute -> n 
            (char)0x0145, (char)0x004e,    // Latin Capital Letter N With Cedilla -> N 
            (char)0x0146, (char)0x006e,    // Latin Small Letter N With Cedilla -> n
            (char)0x0147, (char)0x004e,    // Latin Capital Letter N With Caron -> N 
            (char)0x0148, (char)0x006e,    // Latin Small Letter N With Caron -> n
            (char)0x014c, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Macron -> O
            (char)0x014d, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Macron -> o
            (char)0x014e, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Breve -> O 
            (char)0x014f, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Breve -> o
            (char)0x0150, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Double Acute -> O 
            (char)0x0151, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Double Acute -> o 
            (char)0x0152, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Ligature Oe -> O
            (char)0x0153, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Ligature Oe -> o 
            (char)0x0154, (char)0x0052,    // Latin Capital Letter R With Acute -> R
            (char)0x0155, (char)0x0072,    // Latin Small Letter R With Acute -> r
            (char)0x0156, (char)0x0052,    // Latin Capital Letter R With Cedilla -> R
            (char)0x0157, (char)0x0072,    // Latin Small Letter R With Cedilla -> r 
            (char)0x0158, (char)0x0052,    // Latin Capital Letter R With Caron -> R
            (char)0x0159, (char)0x0072,    // Latin Small Letter R With Caron -> r 
            (char)0x015a, (char)0x0053,    // Latin Capital Letter S With Acute -> S 
            (char)0x015b, (char)0x0073,    // Latin Small Letter S With Acute -> s
            (char)0x015c, (char)0x0053,    // Latin Capital Letter S With Circumflex -> S 
            (char)0x015d, (char)0x0073,    // Latin Small Letter S With Circumflex -> s
            (char)0x015e, (char)0x0053,    // Latin Capital Letter S With Cedilla -> S
            (char)0x015f, (char)0x0073,    // Latin Small Letter S With Cedilla -> s
            (char)0x0160, (char)0x0053,    // Latin Capital Letter S With Caron -> S 
            (char)0x0161, (char)0x0073,    // Latin Small Letter S With Caron -> s
            (char)0x0162, (char)0x0054,    // Latin Capital Letter T With Cedilla -> T 
            (char)0x0163, (char)0x0074,    // Latin Small Letter T With Cedilla -> t 
            (char)0x0164, (char)0x0054,    // Latin Capital Letter T With Caron -> T
            (char)0x0165, (char)0x0074,    // Latin Small Letter T With Caron -> t 
            (char)0x0166, (char)0x0054,    // Latin Capital Letter T With Stroke -> T
            (char)0x0167, (char)0x0074,    // Latin Small Letter T With Stroke -> t
            (char)0x0168, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde -> U
            (char)0x0169, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Tilde -> u 
            (char)0x016a, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Macron -> U
            (char)0x016b, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Macron -> u 
            (char)0x016c, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Breve -> U 
            (char)0x016d, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Breve -> u
            (char)0x016e, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Ring Above -> U 
            (char)0x016f, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Ring Above -> u
            (char)0x0170, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Double Acute -> U
            (char)0x0171, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Double Acute -> u
            (char)0x0172, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Ogonek -> U 
            (char)0x0173, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Ogonek -> u
            (char)0x0174, (char)0x0057,    // Latin Capital Letter W With Circumflex -> W 
            (char)0x0175, (char)0x0077,    // Latin Small Letter W With Circumflex -> w 
            (char)0x0176, (char)0x0059,    // Latin Capital Letter Y With Circumflex -> Y
            (char)0x0177, (char)0x0079,    // Latin Small Letter Y With Circumflex -> y 
            (char)0x0178, (char)0x0059,    // Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis -> Y
            (char)0x0179, (char)0x005a,    // Latin Capital Letter Z With Acute -> Z
            (char)0x017a, (char)0x007a,    // Latin Small Letter Z With Acute -> z
            (char)0x017b, (char)0x005a,    // Latin Capital Letter Z With Dot Above -> Z 
            (char)0x017c, (char)0x007a,    // Latin Small Letter Z With Dot Above -> z
            (char)0x017d, (char)0x005a,    // Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron -> Z 
            (char)0x017e, (char)0x007a,    // Latin Small Letter Z With Caron -> z 
            (char)0x0180, (char)0x0062,    // Latin Small Letter B With Stroke -> b
            (char)0x0189, (char)0x0044,    // Latin Capital Letter African D -> D 
            (char)0x0191, (char)0x0046,    // Latin Capital Letter F With Hook -> F
            (char)0x0192, (char)0x0066,    // Latin Small Letter F With Hook -> f
            (char)0x0197, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Stroke -> I
            (char)0x019a, (char)0x006c,    // Latin Small Letter L With Bar -> l 
            (char)0x019f, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Middle Tilde -> O
            (char)0x01a0, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Horn -> O 
            (char)0x01a1, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Horn -> o 
            (char)0x01ab, (char)0x0074,    // Latin Small Letter T With Palatal Hook -> t
            (char)0x01ae, (char)0x0054,    // Latin Capital Letter T With Retroflex Hook -> T 
            (char)0x01af, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Horn -> U
            (char)0x01b0, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Horn -> u
            (char)0x01b6, (char)0x007a,    // Latin Small Letter Z With Stroke -> z
            (char)0x01cd, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Caron -> A 
            (char)0x01ce, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Caron -> a
            (char)0x01cf, (char)0x0049,    // Latin Capital Letter I With Caron -> I 
            (char)0x01d0, (char)0x0069,    // Latin Small Letter I With Caron -> i 
            (char)0x01d1, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Caron -> O
            (char)0x01d2, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Caron -> o 
            (char)0x01d3, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Caron -> U
            (char)0x01d4, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Caron -> u
            (char)0x01d5, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron -> U
            (char)0x01d6, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron -> u 
            (char)0x01d7, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute -> U
            (char)0x01d8, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute -> u 
            (char)0x01d9, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron -> U 
            (char)0x01da, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron -> u
            (char)0x01db, (char)0x0055,    // Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave -> U 
            (char)0x01dc, (char)0x0075,    // Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave -> u
            (char)0x01de, (char)0x0041,    // Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron -> A
            (char)0x01df, (char)0x0061,    // Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron -> a
            (char)0x01e4, (char)0x0047,    // Latin Capital Letter G With Stroke -> G 
            (char)0x01e5, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter G With Stroke -> g
            (char)0x01e6, (char)0x0047,    // Latin Capital Letter G With Caron -> G 
            (char)0x01e7, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter G With Caron -> g 
            (char)0x01e8, (char)0x004b,    // Latin Capital Letter K With Caron -> K
            (char)0x01e9, (char)0x006b,    // Latin Small Letter K With Caron -> k 
            (char)0x01ea, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek -> O
            (char)0x01eb, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek -> o
            (char)0x01ec, (char)0x004f,    // Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek And Macron -> O
            (char)0x01ed, (char)0x006f,    // Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek And Macron -> o 
            (char)0x01f0, (char)0x006a,    // Latin Small Letter J With Caron -> j
            (char)0x0261, (char)0x0067,    // Latin Small Letter Script G -> g 
            (char)0x02b9, (char)0x0027,    // Modifier Letter Prime -> ' 
            (char)0x02ba, (char)0x0022,    // Modifier Letter Double Prime -> "
            (char)0x02bc, (char)0x0027,    // Modifier Letter Apostrophe -> ' 
            (char)0x02c4, (char)0x005e,    // Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead -> ^
            (char)0x02c6, (char)0x005e,    // Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent -> ^
            (char)0x02c8, (char)0x0027,    // Modifier Letter Vertical Line -> '
            (char)0x02c9, (char)0x003f,    // Modifier Letter Macron 
            (char)0x02ca, (char)0x003f,    // Modifier Letter Acute Accent
            (char)0x02cb, (char)0x0060,    // Modifier Letter Grave Accent -> ` 
            (char)0x02cd, (char)0x005f,    // Modifier Letter Low Macron -> _ 
            (char)0x02da, (char)0x003f,    // Ring Above
            (char)0x02dc, (char)0x007e,    // Small Tilde -> ~ 
            (char)0x0300, (char)0x0060,    // Combining Grave Accent -> `
            (char)0x0302, (char)0x005e,    // Combining Circumflex Accent -> ^
            (char)0x0303, (char)0x007e,    // Combining Tilde -> ~
            (char)0x030e, (char)0x0022,    // Combining Double Vertical Line Above -> " 
            (char)0x0331, (char)0x005f,    // Combining Macron Below -> _
            (char)0x0332, (char)0x005f,    // Combining Low Line -> _ 
            (char)0x2000, (char)0x0020,    // En Quad 
            (char)0x2001, (char)0x0020,    // Em Quad
            (char)0x2002, (char)0x0020,    // En Space 
            (char)0x2003, (char)0x0020,    // Em Space
            (char)0x2004, (char)0x0020,    // Three-Per-Em Space
            (char)0x2005, (char)0x0020,    // Four-Per-Em Space
            (char)0x2006, (char)0x0020,    // Six-Per-Em Space 
            (char)0x2010, (char)0x002d,    // Hyphen -> -
            (char)0x2011, (char)0x002d,    // Non-Breaking Hyphen -> - 
            (char)0x2013, (char)0x002d,    // En Dash -> - 
            (char)0x2014, (char)0x002d,    // Em Dash -> -
            (char)0x2018, (char)0x0027,    // Left Single Quotation Mark -> ' 
            (char)0x2019, (char)0x0027,    // Right Single Quotation Mark -> '
            (char)0x201a, (char)0x002c,    // Single Low-9 Quotation Mark -> ,
            (char)0x201c, (char)0x0022,    // Left Double Quotation Mark -> "
            (char)0x201d, (char)0x0022,    // Right Double Quotation Mark -> " 
            (char)0x201e, (char)0x0022,    // Double Low-9 Quotation Mark -> "
            (char)0x2020, (char)0x003f,    // Dagger 
            (char)0x2021, (char)0x003f,    // Double Dagger 
            (char)0x2022, (char)0x002e,    // Bullet -> .
            (char)0x2026, (char)0x002e,    // Horizontal Ellipsis -> . 
            (char)0x2030, (char)0x003f,    // Per Mille Sign
            (char)0x2032, (char)0x0027,    // Prime -> '
            (char)0x2035, (char)0x0060,    // Reversed Prime -> `
            (char)0x2039, (char)0x003c,    // Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark -> < 
            (char)0x203a, (char)0x003e,    // Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark -> >
            (char)0x2122, (char)0x0054,    // Trade Mark Sign -> T 
            (char)0xff01, (char)0x0021,    // Fullwidth Exclamation Mark -> ! 
            (char)0xff02, (char)0x0022,    // Fullwidth Quotation Mark -> "
            (char)0xff03, (char)0x0023,    // Fullwidth Number Sign -> # 
            (char)0xff04, (char)0x0024,    // Fullwidth Dollar Sign -> $
            (char)0xff05, (char)0x0025,    // Fullwidth Percent Sign -> %
            (char)0xff06, (char)0x0026,    // Fullwidth Ampersand -> &
            (char)0xff07, (char)0x0027,    // Fullwidth Apostrophe -> ' 
            (char)0xff08, (char)0x0028,    // Fullwidth Left Parenthesis -> (
            (char)0xff09, (char)0x0029,    // Fullwidth Right Parenthesis -> ) 
            (char)0xff0a, (char)0x002a,    // Fullwidth Asterisk -> * 
            (char)0xff0b, (char)0x002b,    // Fullwidth Plus Sign -> +
            (char)0xff0c, (char)0x002c,    // Fullwidth Comma -> , 
            (char)0xff0d, (char)0x002d,    // Fullwidth Hyphen-Minus -> -
            (char)0xff0e, (char)0x002e,    // Fullwidth Full Stop -> .
            (char)0xff0f, (char)0x002f,    // Fullwidth Solidus -> /
            (char)0xff10, (char)0x0030,    // Fullwidth Digit Zero -> 0 
            (char)0xff11, (char)0x0031,    // Fullwidth Digit One -> 1
            (char)0xff12, (char)0x0032,    // Fullwidth Digit Two -> 2 
            (char)0xff13, (char)0x0033,    // Fullwidth Digit Three -> 3 
            (char)0xff14, (char)0x0034,    // Fullwidth Digit Four -> 4
            (char)0xff15, (char)0x0035,    // Fullwidth Digit Five -> 5 
            (char)0xff16, (char)0x0036,    // Fullwidth Digit Six -> 6
            (char)0xff17, (char)0x0037,    // Fullwidth Digit Seven -> 7
            (char)0xff18, (char)0x0038,    // Fullwidth Digit Eight -> 8
            (char)0xff19, (char)0x0039,    // Fullwidth Digit Nine -> 9 
            (char)0xff1a, (char)0x003a,    // Fullwidth Colon -> :
            (char)0xff1b, (char)0x003b,    // Fullwidth Semicolon -> ; 
            (char)0xff1c, (char)0x003c,    // Fullwidth Less-Than Sign -> < 
            (char)0xff1d, (char)0x003d,    // Fullwidth Equals Sign -> =
            (char)0xff1e, (char)0x003e,    // Fullwidth Greater-Than Sign -> > 
            (char)0xff1f, (char)0x003f,    // Fullwidth Question Mark
            (char)0xff20, (char)0x0040,    // Fullwidth Commercial At -> @
            (char)0xff21, (char)0x0041,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter A -> A
            (char)0xff22, (char)0x0042,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter B -> B 
            (char)0xff23, (char)0x0043,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter C -> C
            (char)0xff24, (char)0x0044,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter D -> D 
            (char)0xff25, (char)0x0045,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter E -> E 
            (char)0xff26, (char)0x0046,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter F -> F
            (char)0xff27, (char)0x0047,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter G -> G 
            (char)0xff28, (char)0x0048,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter H -> H
            (char)0xff29, (char)0x0049,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter I -> I
            (char)0xff2a, (char)0x004a,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter J -> J
            (char)0xff2b, (char)0x004b,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter K -> K 
            (char)0xff2c, (char)0x004c,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter L -> L
            (char)0xff2d, (char)0x004d,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter M -> M 
            (char)0xff2e, (char)0x004e,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter N -> N 
            (char)0xff2f, (char)0x004f,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter O -> O
            (char)0xff30, (char)0x0050,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter P -> P 
            (char)0xff31, (char)0x0051,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Q -> Q
            (char)0xff32, (char)0x0052,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter R -> R
            (char)0xff33, (char)0x0053,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter S -> S
            (char)0xff34, (char)0x0054,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter T -> T 
            (char)0xff35, (char)0x0055,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter U -> U
            (char)0xff36, (char)0x0056,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter V -> V 
            (char)0xff37, (char)0x0057,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter W -> W 
            (char)0xff38, (char)0x0058,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter X -> X
            (char)0xff39, (char)0x0059,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Y -> Y 
            (char)0xff3a, (char)0x005a,    // Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Z -> Z
            (char)0xff3b, (char)0x005b,    // Fullwidth Left Square Bracket -> [
            (char)0xff3c, (char)0x005c,    // Fullwidth Reverse Solidus -> \
            (char)0xff3d, (char)0x005d,    // Fullwidth Right Square Bracket -> ] 
            (char)0xff3e, (char)0x005e,    // Fullwidth Circumflex Accent -> ^
            (char)0xff3f, (char)0x005f,    // Fullwidth Low Line -> _ 
            (char)0xff40, (char)0x0060,    // Fullwidth Grave Accent -> ` 
            (char)0xff41, (char)0x0061,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter A -> a
            (char)0xff42, (char)0x0062,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter B -> b 
            (char)0xff43, (char)0x0063,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter C -> c
            (char)0xff44, (char)0x0064,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter D -> d
            (char)0xff45, (char)0x0065,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter E -> e
            (char)0xff46, (char)0x0066,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter F -> f 
            (char)0xff47, (char)0x0067,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter G -> g
            (char)0xff48, (char)0x0068,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter H -> h 
            (char)0xff49, (char)0x0069,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter I -> i 
            (char)0xff4a, (char)0x006a,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter J -> j
            (char)0xff4b, (char)0x006b,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter K -> k 
            (char)0xff4c, (char)0x006c,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter L -> l
            (char)0xff4d, (char)0x006d,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter M -> m
            (char)0xff4e, (char)0x006e,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter N -> n
            (char)0xff4f, (char)0x006f,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter O -> o 
            (char)0xff50, (char)0x0070,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter P -> p
            (char)0xff51, (char)0x0071,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Q -> q 
            (char)0xff52, (char)0x0072,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter R -> r 
            (char)0xff53, (char)0x0073,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter S -> s
            (char)0xff54, (char)0x0074,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter T -> t 
            (char)0xff55, (char)0x0075,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter U -> u
            (char)0xff56, (char)0x0076,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter V -> v
            (char)0xff57, (char)0x0077,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter W -> w
            (char)0xff58, (char)0x0078,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter X -> x 
            (char)0xff59, (char)0x0079,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Y -> y
            (char)0xff5a, (char)0x007a,    // Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Z -> z 
            (char)0xff5b, (char)0x007b,    // Fullwidth Left Curly Bracket -> { 
            (char)0xff5c, (char)0x007c,    // Fullwidth Vertical Line -> |
            (char)0xff5d, (char)0x007d,    // Fullwidth Right Curly Bracket -> } 
            (char)0xff5e, (char)0x007e     // Fullwidth Tilde -> ~
        }; /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */


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