/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Dom / XmlDocumentType.cs / 1 / XmlDocumentType.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml { using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Diagnostics; // Contains information associated with the document type declaration. public class XmlDocumentType : XmlLinkedNode { string name; string publicId; string systemId; string internalSubset; bool namespaces; XmlNamedNodeMap entities; XmlNamedNodeMap notations; // parsed DTD SchemaInfo schemaInfo; protected internal XmlDocumentType( string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset, XmlDocument doc ) : base( doc ) { = name; this.publicId = publicId; this.systemId = systemId; this.namespaces = true; this.internalSubset = internalSubset; Debug.Assert( doc != null ); if ( !doc.IsLoading ) { doc.IsLoading = true; XmlLoader loader = new XmlLoader(); loader.ParseDocumentType( this ); //will edit notation nodes, etc. doc.IsLoading = false; } } // Gets the name of the node. public override string Name { get { return name;} } // Gets the name of the current node without the namespace prefix. public override string LocalName { get { return name;} } // Gets the type of the current node. public override XmlNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlNodeType.DocumentType;} } // Creates a duplicate of this node. public override XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { Debug.Assert( OwnerDocument != null ); return OwnerDocument.CreateDocumentType( name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset ); } // // Microsoft extensions // // Gets a value indicating whether the node is read-only. public override bool IsReadOnly { get { return true; // Make entities and notations readonly } } // Gets the collection of XmlEntity nodes declared in the document type declaration. public XmlNamedNodeMap Entities { get { if (entities == null) entities = new XmlNamedNodeMap( this ); return entities; } } // Gets the collection of XmlNotation nodes present in the document type declaration. public XmlNamedNodeMap Notations { get { if (notations == null) notations = new XmlNamedNodeMap( this ); return notations; } } // // DOM Level 2 // // Gets the value of the public identifier on the DOCTYPE declaration. public string PublicId { get { return publicId;} } // Gets the value of // the system identifier on the DOCTYPE declaration. public string SystemId { get { return systemId;} } // Gets the entire value of the DTD internal subset // on the DOCTYPE declaration. public string InternalSubset { get { return internalSubset;} } internal bool ParseWithNamespaces { get { return namespaces; } set { namespaces = value; } } // Saves the node to the specified XmlWriter. public override void WriteTo(XmlWriter w) { w.WriteDocType( name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset ); } // Saves all the children of the node to the specified XmlWriter. public override void WriteContentTo(XmlWriter w) { // Intentionally do nothing } internal SchemaInfo DtdSchemaInfo { get { return schemaInfo; } set { schemaInfo = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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