SpellerStatusTable.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / SpellerStatusTable.cs / 1 / SpellerStatusTable.cs

// File: SpellerStatusTable.cs
// Description: Run-length table of document status for use the by the Speller. 
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using MS.Internal;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Windows.Controls; 

    // Run-length table of document status for use the by the Speller. 
    // The speller tracks all document content as either
    // 1. Clean.  Analyzed with no errors. 
    // 2. Dirty.  Unanalyzed.
    // 3. Error.  A misspelled word.
    // This class maintains the state, and keeps the SpellerHighlightLayer 
    // up-to-date about changes so that error squiggles update appropriately.
    // Use the debug-only Dump() method to view _runList state. 
    internal class SpellerStatusTable
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        // Constructor. 
        internal SpellerStatusTable(ITextPointer textContainerStart, SpellerHighlightLayer highlightLayer)
            _highlightLayer = highlightLayer;
            _runList = new ArrayList(1);
            _runList.Add(new Run(textContainerStart, RunType.Dirty)); 
        #endregion Constructors

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 

        // Called by the Speller whenever document state changes.
        // Returns true if any new dirty runs are created.
        internal void OnTextChange(TextContainerChangeEventArgs e) 
            if (e.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentAdded) 
                // Content was added.  Update the run list.
            else if (e.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentRemoved)
                // Content was deleted.  Update the run list. 
                // Language or SpellingReform property changed. 
                ITextPointer end = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(e.Count);
                MarkDirtyRange(e.ITextPosition, end);


        // Returns the first dirty run following a specified position in the document. 
        // start/end will be left null if no dirty ranges are found.
        internal void GetFirstDirtyRange(ITextPointer searchStart, out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            int index; 
            Run run;
            start = null; 
            end = null;
            // If this is ever slow enough to matter, we could cache the value.
            for (index = FindIndex(searchStart.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward); index >= 0 && index < _runList.Count; index++)
                run = GetRun(index); 

                if (run.RunType == RunType.Dirty) 
                    // We might get a hit in the first run, in which case start <= searchStart.
                    // Always return searchStart as a minimum. 
                    start = TextPointerBase.Max(searchStart, run.Position);
                    end = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);
        // Mark a run of text clean.
        internal void MarkCleanRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
            MarkRange(start, end, RunType.Clean);

        // Mark a run of text dirty. 
        internal void MarkDirtyRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
            MarkRange(start, end, RunType.Dirty); 

        // Tags a run of text as an error. 
        // NB: we expect that the new error range has already been marked clean.
        internal void MarkErrorRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
            int runIndex;
            Run run; 

            runIndex = FindIndex(start.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward);
            run = GetRun(runIndex);
            // There should be a clean run here, that covers all the error.
            // We always start analyzing text by cleaning the entire range. 
            Invariant.Assert(run.RunType == RunType.Clean); 
            Invariant.Assert(run.Position.CompareTo(start) <= 0);
            Invariant.Assert(GetRunEndPosition(runIndex).CompareTo(end) >= 0); 

            if (run.Position.CompareTo(start) == 0)
                // The run starts exactly at this error. 
                // Convert it to an error and add a second clean run for the remainder.
                run.RunType = RunType.Error; 
                // The run starts before this error.
                // Insert a new error run, and an additional run for the remainder.
                _runList.Insert(runIndex + 1, new Run(start, RunType.Error));
            // Handle any remainder since we split the original clean run. 
            if (GetRunEndPosition(runIndex).CompareTo(end) > 0)
                _runList.Insert(runIndex + 1, new Run(end, RunType.Clean));

            // Tell the HighlightLayer about this change. 
            _highlightLayer.FireChangedEvent(start, end);
        // Returns true if the specified character is part of a run of the specified type.
        internal bool IsRunType(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction, RunType runType)
            int index = FindIndex(textPosition, direction); 

            if (index < 0) 
                return false;

            return GetRun(index).RunType == runType;
        // Returns the position of the next error start or end in an
        // indicated direction, or null if there is no such position. 
        // Called by the SpellerHighlightLayer. 
        internal StaticTextPointer GetNextErrorTransition(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction)
            StaticTextPointer transitionPosition;
            int index;
            int i;
            transitionPosition = StaticTextPointer.Null;
            index = FindIndex(textPosition, direction); 

            if (index == -1) 
                // textPosition is at the document edge.
                // leave transitionPosition null.
            else if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                if (IsErrorRun(index)) 
                    transitionPosition = GetRunEndPosition(index); 
                    for (i = index+1; i < _runList.Count; i++) 
                        if (IsErrorRun(i)) 
                            transitionPosition = GetRun(i).Position.CreateStaticPointer();
            else // direction == LogicalDirection.Backward
                if (IsErrorRun(index)) 
                    transitionPosition = GetRun(index).Position.CreateStaticPointer(); 
                    for (i = index - 1; i > 0; i--) 
                        if (IsErrorRun(i)) 
                            transitionPosition = GetRunEndPosition(i);

            // If we ever had two consecuative errors (with touching borders) 
            // we could return a transitionPosition == textPosition, which is illegal. 
            // We rely on the fact that consecutive errors are always separated
            // by a word break to avoid this. 
            Invariant.Assert(transitionPosition.IsNull || textPosition.CompareTo(transitionPosition) != 0);

            return transitionPosition; 
        // Returns the position and suggested replacement list of an error covering 
        // the specified content.
        // If no error exists, return false. 
        internal bool GetError(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction,
            out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            int index; 

            start = null; 
            end = null; 

            index = GetErrorIndex(textPosition, direction); 

            if (index >= 0)
                start = GetRun(index).Position; 
                end = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);
            return (start != null);

        // Returns the type and end of the Run intersecting position.
        internal bool GetRun(StaticTextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction, out RunType runType, out StaticTextPointer end)
            int index = FindIndex(position, direction);
            runType = RunType.Clean; 
            end = StaticTextPointer.Null;
            if (index < 0)
                return false;

            Run run = GetRun(index); 
            runType = run.RunType;
            end = (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) ? GetRunEndPosition(index) : run.Position.CreateStaticPointer(); 

            return true;
        #endregion Internal methods
        //  Internal Types 

        #region Internal Types 

        // Tags used to identify run types. 
        internal enum RunType { Clean, Dirty, Error }; 

        #endregion Internal Types 

        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        // Returns the index in _runList of an error covering the specified
        // content, or -1 if no such error exists.
        private int GetErrorIndex(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction)
            int index;
            Run run; 
            index = FindIndex(textPosition, direction);
            if (index >= 0)
                run = GetRun(index);
                if (run.RunType == RunType.Clean || run.RunType == RunType.Dirty)
                    index = -1; 

            return index;
        // Finds the index of a run containing the specified content.
        // Returns -1 if there is no run in the indicated direction -- when 
        // position is at the document edge pointing to nothing. 
        private int FindIndex(StaticTextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction)
            Run run;
            int index;
            int minIndex;
            int maxIndex; 

            index = -1; 
            minIndex = 0; 
            maxIndex = _runList.Count;
            while (minIndex < maxIndex)
                index = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2;
                run = GetRun(index);
                if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward && position.CompareTo(run.Position) < 0 || 
                    direction == LogicalDirection.Backward && position.CompareTo(run.Position) <= 0)
                    // Search to the left.
                    maxIndex = index;
                else if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward && position.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(index)) >= 0 || 
                         direction == LogicalDirection.Backward && position.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(index)) > 0)
                    // Search to the right. 
                    minIndex = index + 1;
                    // Got a match.
            if (minIndex >= maxIndex)
                // We walked off the document edge searching.
                // position is at document start or end, and direction
                // points off into space, so there's no associated run.
                index = -1; 
            return index; 
        // Marks a text run as clean or dirty.
        private void MarkRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, RunType runType)
            int startIndex; 
            int endIndex;
            Invariant.Assert(runType == RunType.Clean || runType == RunType.Dirty); 

            startIndex = FindIndex(start.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward); 
            endIndex = FindIndex(end.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Backward);

            // We don't expect start/end to ever point off the edge of the document.
            Invariant.Assert(startIndex >= 0); 
            Invariant.Assert(endIndex >= 0);
            // Remove wholly covered runs. 
            if (startIndex + 1 < endIndex)
                // Tell the HighlightLayer about any error runs that are going away.
                for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++)
                _runList.RemoveRange(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1); 
                endIndex = startIndex + 1;

            // Merge the bordering edge runs.

            if (startIndex == endIndex) 
                // We're contained in a single run. 
                AddRun(startIndex, start, end, runType); 
                // We cover two runs.
                Invariant.Assert(startIndex == endIndex - 1);
                // Handle the first run.
                AddRun(startIndex, start, end, runType); 
                // Recalc endIndex, since it may have changed in the merge.
                endIndex = FindIndex(end.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                Invariant.Assert(endIndex >= 0);
                // Handle the second run.
                AddRun(endIndex, start, end, runType);
        // Adds a new run into an old one, merging the two. 
        private void AddRun(int index, ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, RunType runType)
            Run run;
            Run newRun;
            RunType oppositeRunType;
            // We don't expect runType.Error, just clean or dirty.
            Invariant.Assert(runType == RunType.Clean || runType == RunType.Dirty); 
            // We don't expect empty runs here. 
            Invariant.Assert(start.CompareTo(end) < 0);
            oppositeRunType = (runType == RunType.Clean) ? RunType.Dirty : RunType.Clean;
            run = GetRun(index);

            if (run.RunType == runType) 
                // Existing run value matches new one. 
            else if (run.RunType == oppositeRunType) 
                // We're merging a new clean run with an old dirty one, or vice versa.

                // Split the run, insert a new run in the middle. 
                if (run.Position.CompareTo(start) >= 0)
                    if (GetRunEndPosition(index).CompareTo(end) <= 0) 
                        // We entirely cover this run, just flip the RunType. 
                        run.RunType = runType;

                        // We cover the left half. 
                        if (index > 0 && GetRun(index - 1).RunType == runType)
                            // Previous run matches the new value, merge with it.
                            run.Position = end;
                            run.RunType = runType; 
                            newRun = new Run(end, oppositeRunType); 
                            _runList.Insert(index + 1, newRun);
                else if (GetRunEndPosition(index).CompareTo(end) <= 0)
                    // We cover the right half.
                    if (index < _runList.Count - 1 && GetRun(index + 1).RunType == runType) 
                        // Following run matches the new value, merge with it.
                        GetRun(index + 1).Position = start; 
                        // Insert new run. 
                        newRun = new Run(start, runType);
                        _runList.Insert(index + 1, newRun); 
                    // We're in the middle of the run.
                    // Split the run, adding a new run and a new second
                    // half of the original run. 
                    newRun = new Run(start, runType);
                    _runList.Insert(index + 1, newRun); 
                    newRun = new Run(end, oppositeRunType); 
                    _runList.Insert(index + 2, newRun);
                ITextPointer errorStart; 
                ITextPointer errorEnd;
                // We hit an error run, the whole thing becomes dirty/clean. 
                run.RunType = runType;
                errorStart = run.Position;
                errorEnd = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);

                // This call might remove run... 
                // Tell the HighlightLayer about this change. 
                _highlightLayer.FireChangedEvent(errorStart, errorEnd);

        // Attemps to merge a run with its two bordering neighbors.
        private void TryToMergeRunWithNeighbors(int index) 
            Run run; 
            run = GetRun(index);
            if (index > 0 && GetRun(index - 1).RunType == run.RunType)
                // Previous run matches the new value, merge with it.
            if (index < _runList.Count - 1 && GetRun(index + 1).RunType == run.RunType) 
                // Following run matches the new value, merge with it. 
                _runList.RemoveAt(index + 1);
        // Called when content is added to the document.
        // Updates the run list with a new dirty region. 
        private void OnContentAdded(TextContainerChangeEventArgs e) 
            ITextPointer start; 
            ITextPointer end;

            // Expand the affected region by one char in either direction
            // to make sure we examine surrounding text that might be affected 
            // by the addition of new whitespace.
            if (e.ITextPosition.Offset > 0) 
                start = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(-1);
                start = e.ITextPosition;
            if (e.ITextPosition.Offset + e.Count < e.ITextPosition.TextContainer.SymbolCount - 1) 
                end = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(e.Count + 1); 
                end = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(e.Count); 
            // Mark the new text dirty.
            MarkRange(start, end, RunType.Dirty); 

        // Called when content is removed from the document.
        // Update the run list and notifies the highlight layer. 
        private void OnContentRemoved(ITextPointer position)
            int index; 
            int i;
            Run run; 

            // Get the first bordering run.
            index = FindIndex(position.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Backward);
            if (index == -1) 
                // position is at beginning of document. 
                // Look at the first run. 
                index = 0;

            // First run gets reset to dirty.
            run = GetRun(index);
            if (run.RunType != RunType.Dirty)

                run.RunType = RunType.Dirty; // 

                if (index > 0 && GetRun(index - 1).RunType == RunType.Dirty)
                    // Previous run matches the new value, merge with it. 
            // Start looking at the following runs.
            index += 1;

            // Middle runs (collapsed to zero width) are removed. 
            for (i = index; i < _runList.Count; i++)
                ITextPointer runPosition = GetRun(i).Position; 
                // Stop if we find a non-bordering Run that is not empty.
                if (runPosition.CompareTo(position) > 0 && runPosition.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(i)) != 0) 

            // Note we don't worry about announcing anything to the HighlightLayer 
            // here because these are zero-width runs.
            _runList.RemoveRange(index, i - index); 
            // Reset last run to dirty.
            // Since we know the first run at index is already dirty, 
            // just remove it.
            if (index < _runList.Count)
                _runList.RemoveAt(index); //
                // Finally, merge the following run with the run at index 
                // if it happens to also be dirty.
                if (index < _runList.Count && GetRun(index).RunType == RunType.Dirty) 
        // Notifies the highlight layer about a changing run. 
        private void NotifyHighlightLayerBeforeRunChange(int index)
            ITextPointer errorStart;
            ITextPointer errorEnd;

            // The highlight layer only cares about error runs. 
            if (IsErrorRun(index))
                errorStart = GetRun(index).Position; 
                errorEnd = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);
                if (errorStart.CompareTo(errorEnd) != 0) // errorStart == errorEnd if content was deleted.
                    _highlightLayer.FireChangedEvent(errorStart, errorEnd);
        // Validates the state of _runList.
        // Invariant.Strict only. 
        private void DebugAssertRunList()
            int i;
            Run run; 
            RunType previousRunType;
            Invariant.Assert(_runList.Count >= 1, "Run list should never be empty!"); 

            if (Invariant.Strict) 
                previousRunType = RunType.Clean;

                for (i = 0; i < _runList.Count; i++) 
                    run = GetRun(i); 
                    if (_runList.Count == 1)
                        Invariant.Assert(run.Position.CompareTo(run.Position.TextContainer.Start) == 0);
                        // We can legally have a zero-width run, in the case of a TextElement extract.
                        // In that case, we'll two separate notifications, one for each edge.  After we 
                        // handle the first edge we might have a zero-width run still waiting to be 
                        // handled in the following notification.  So here we can only look for out-of-order
                        // runs. 
                        Invariant.Assert(run.Position.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(i)) <= 0, "Found negative width run!");
                    Invariant.Assert(i == 0 || GetRunEndPosition(i - 1).CompareTo(run.Position) <= 0, "Found overlapping runs!");
                    if (!IsErrorRun(i))
                        Invariant.Assert(i == 0 || previousRunType != run.RunType, "Found consecutive dirty/dirt or clean/clean runs!"); 
                    previousRunType = run.RunType;

#if DEBUG 
        // Diagnostic tool: dumps _runList to the current debugger. 
        private void Dump()
            int i;
            Run run;
            string runType;
            for (i = 0; i < _runList.Count; i++)
                run = GetRun(i); 

                if (run.RunType == RunType.Clean) 
                    runType = "clean";
                else if (run.RunType == RunType.Dirty) 
                    runType = "dirty"; 
                    runType = "error";

                Debug.WriteLine(i + ": " + run.Position.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(run.Position) + 
                                " " + runType);
#endif // DEBUG
        // Typesafe run accessor.
        private Run GetRun(int index)
            return (Run)_runList[index]; 
        // Returns the end position of run. 
        private ITextPointer GetRunEndPositionDynamic(int index)
            return GetRunEndPosition(index).CreateDynamicTextPointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);

        // Returns the end position of run. 
        private StaticTextPointer GetRunEndPosition(int index)
            StaticTextPointer position; 

            if (index + 1 < _runList.Count) 
                position = GetRun(index + 1).Position.CreateStaticPointer();
                Run run = GetRun(index); 
                ITextContainer textContainer = run.Position.TextContainer; 
                position = textContainer.CreateStaticPointerAtOffset(textContainer.SymbolCount);

            return position;
        // Returns true if the specified run index matches an error (and not
        // a clean or dirty run). 
        private bool IsErrorRun(int index) 
            Run run; 

            run = GetRun(index);

            return run.RunType != RunType.Clean && run.RunType != RunType.Dirty; 
        #endregion Private methods 

        //  Private Types

        #region Private Types 
        // An entry in the run list.
        private class Run 
            internal Run(ITextPointer position, RunType runType)
                _position = position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                _runType = runType;
            internal ITextPointer Position
                get { return _position; }
                set { _position = value; }
            internal RunType RunType
                get { return _runType; } 
                set { _runType = value; }

            private ITextPointer _position;

            private RunType _runType; 
        #endregion Private Types 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 
        // HighlighLayer associated with this table.
        private readonly SpellerHighlightLayer _highlightLayer; 

        // Run length array of document status.
        private readonly ArrayList _runList;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: SpellerStatusTable.cs
// Description: Run-length table of document status for use the by the Speller. 
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using MS.Internal;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Windows.Controls; 

    // Run-length table of document status for use the by the Speller. 
    // The speller tracks all document content as either
    // 1. Clean.  Analyzed with no errors. 
    // 2. Dirty.  Unanalyzed.
    // 3. Error.  A misspelled word.
    // This class maintains the state, and keeps the SpellerHighlightLayer 
    // up-to-date about changes so that error squiggles update appropriately.
    // Use the debug-only Dump() method to view _runList state. 
    internal class SpellerStatusTable
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        // Constructor. 
        internal SpellerStatusTable(ITextPointer textContainerStart, SpellerHighlightLayer highlightLayer)
            _highlightLayer = highlightLayer;
            _runList = new ArrayList(1);
            _runList.Add(new Run(textContainerStart, RunType.Dirty)); 
        #endregion Constructors

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 

        // Called by the Speller whenever document state changes.
        // Returns true if any new dirty runs are created.
        internal void OnTextChange(TextContainerChangeEventArgs e) 
            if (e.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentAdded) 
                // Content was added.  Update the run list.
            else if (e.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentRemoved)
                // Content was deleted.  Update the run list. 
                // Language or SpellingReform property changed. 
                ITextPointer end = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(e.Count);
                MarkDirtyRange(e.ITextPosition, end);


        // Returns the first dirty run following a specified position in the document. 
        // start/end will be left null if no dirty ranges are found.
        internal void GetFirstDirtyRange(ITextPointer searchStart, out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            int index; 
            Run run;
            start = null; 
            end = null;
            // If this is ever slow enough to matter, we could cache the value.
            for (index = FindIndex(searchStart.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward); index >= 0 && index < _runList.Count; index++)
                run = GetRun(index); 

                if (run.RunType == RunType.Dirty) 
                    // We might get a hit in the first run, in which case start <= searchStart.
                    // Always return searchStart as a minimum. 
                    start = TextPointerBase.Max(searchStart, run.Position);
                    end = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);
        // Mark a run of text clean.
        internal void MarkCleanRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
            MarkRange(start, end, RunType.Clean);

        // Mark a run of text dirty. 
        internal void MarkDirtyRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
            MarkRange(start, end, RunType.Dirty); 

        // Tags a run of text as an error. 
        // NB: we expect that the new error range has already been marked clean.
        internal void MarkErrorRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) 
            int runIndex;
            Run run; 

            runIndex = FindIndex(start.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward);
            run = GetRun(runIndex);
            // There should be a clean run here, that covers all the error.
            // We always start analyzing text by cleaning the entire range. 
            Invariant.Assert(run.RunType == RunType.Clean); 
            Invariant.Assert(run.Position.CompareTo(start) <= 0);
            Invariant.Assert(GetRunEndPosition(runIndex).CompareTo(end) >= 0); 

            if (run.Position.CompareTo(start) == 0)
                // The run starts exactly at this error. 
                // Convert it to an error and add a second clean run for the remainder.
                run.RunType = RunType.Error; 
                // The run starts before this error.
                // Insert a new error run, and an additional run for the remainder.
                _runList.Insert(runIndex + 1, new Run(start, RunType.Error));
            // Handle any remainder since we split the original clean run. 
            if (GetRunEndPosition(runIndex).CompareTo(end) > 0)
                _runList.Insert(runIndex + 1, new Run(end, RunType.Clean));

            // Tell the HighlightLayer about this change. 
            _highlightLayer.FireChangedEvent(start, end);
        // Returns true if the specified character is part of a run of the specified type.
        internal bool IsRunType(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction, RunType runType)
            int index = FindIndex(textPosition, direction); 

            if (index < 0) 
                return false;

            return GetRun(index).RunType == runType;
        // Returns the position of the next error start or end in an
        // indicated direction, or null if there is no such position. 
        // Called by the SpellerHighlightLayer. 
        internal StaticTextPointer GetNextErrorTransition(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction)
            StaticTextPointer transitionPosition;
            int index;
            int i;
            transitionPosition = StaticTextPointer.Null;
            index = FindIndex(textPosition, direction); 

            if (index == -1) 
                // textPosition is at the document edge.
                // leave transitionPosition null.
            else if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                if (IsErrorRun(index)) 
                    transitionPosition = GetRunEndPosition(index); 
                    for (i = index+1; i < _runList.Count; i++) 
                        if (IsErrorRun(i)) 
                            transitionPosition = GetRun(i).Position.CreateStaticPointer();
            else // direction == LogicalDirection.Backward
                if (IsErrorRun(index)) 
                    transitionPosition = GetRun(index).Position.CreateStaticPointer(); 
                    for (i = index - 1; i > 0; i--) 
                        if (IsErrorRun(i)) 
                            transitionPosition = GetRunEndPosition(i);

            // If we ever had two consecuative errors (with touching borders) 
            // we could return a transitionPosition == textPosition, which is illegal. 
            // We rely on the fact that consecutive errors are always separated
            // by a word break to avoid this. 
            Invariant.Assert(transitionPosition.IsNull || textPosition.CompareTo(transitionPosition) != 0);

            return transitionPosition; 
        // Returns the position and suggested replacement list of an error covering 
        // the specified content.
        // If no error exists, return false. 
        internal bool GetError(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction,
            out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            int index; 

            start = null; 
            end = null; 

            index = GetErrorIndex(textPosition, direction); 

            if (index >= 0)
                start = GetRun(index).Position; 
                end = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);
            return (start != null);

        // Returns the type and end of the Run intersecting position.
        internal bool GetRun(StaticTextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction, out RunType runType, out StaticTextPointer end)
            int index = FindIndex(position, direction);
            runType = RunType.Clean; 
            end = StaticTextPointer.Null;
            if (index < 0)
                return false;

            Run run = GetRun(index); 
            runType = run.RunType;
            end = (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward) ? GetRunEndPosition(index) : run.Position.CreateStaticPointer(); 

            return true;
        #endregion Internal methods
        //  Internal Types 

        #region Internal Types 

        // Tags used to identify run types. 
        internal enum RunType { Clean, Dirty, Error }; 

        #endregion Internal Types 

        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        // Returns the index in _runList of an error covering the specified
        // content, or -1 if no such error exists.
        private int GetErrorIndex(StaticTextPointer textPosition, LogicalDirection direction)
            int index;
            Run run; 
            index = FindIndex(textPosition, direction);
            if (index >= 0)
                run = GetRun(index);
                if (run.RunType == RunType.Clean || run.RunType == RunType.Dirty)
                    index = -1; 

            return index;
        // Finds the index of a run containing the specified content.
        // Returns -1 if there is no run in the indicated direction -- when 
        // position is at the document edge pointing to nothing. 
        private int FindIndex(StaticTextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction)
            Run run;
            int index;
            int minIndex;
            int maxIndex; 

            index = -1; 
            minIndex = 0; 
            maxIndex = _runList.Count;
            while (minIndex < maxIndex)
                index = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2;
                run = GetRun(index);
                if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward && position.CompareTo(run.Position) < 0 || 
                    direction == LogicalDirection.Backward && position.CompareTo(run.Position) <= 0)
                    // Search to the left.
                    maxIndex = index;
                else if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward && position.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(index)) >= 0 || 
                         direction == LogicalDirection.Backward && position.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(index)) > 0)
                    // Search to the right. 
                    minIndex = index + 1;
                    // Got a match.
            if (minIndex >= maxIndex)
                // We walked off the document edge searching.
                // position is at document start or end, and direction
                // points off into space, so there's no associated run.
                index = -1; 
            return index; 
        // Marks a text run as clean or dirty.
        private void MarkRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, RunType runType)
            int startIndex; 
            int endIndex;
            Invariant.Assert(runType == RunType.Clean || runType == RunType.Dirty); 

            startIndex = FindIndex(start.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward); 
            endIndex = FindIndex(end.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Backward);

            // We don't expect start/end to ever point off the edge of the document.
            Invariant.Assert(startIndex >= 0); 
            Invariant.Assert(endIndex >= 0);
            // Remove wholly covered runs. 
            if (startIndex + 1 < endIndex)
                // Tell the HighlightLayer about any error runs that are going away.
                for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++)
                _runList.RemoveRange(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1); 
                endIndex = startIndex + 1;

            // Merge the bordering edge runs.

            if (startIndex == endIndex) 
                // We're contained in a single run. 
                AddRun(startIndex, start, end, runType); 
                // We cover two runs.
                Invariant.Assert(startIndex == endIndex - 1);
                // Handle the first run.
                AddRun(startIndex, start, end, runType); 
                // Recalc endIndex, since it may have changed in the merge.
                endIndex = FindIndex(end.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                Invariant.Assert(endIndex >= 0);
                // Handle the second run.
                AddRun(endIndex, start, end, runType);
        // Adds a new run into an old one, merging the two. 
        private void AddRun(int index, ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, RunType runType)
            Run run;
            Run newRun;
            RunType oppositeRunType;
            // We don't expect runType.Error, just clean or dirty.
            Invariant.Assert(runType == RunType.Clean || runType == RunType.Dirty); 
            // We don't expect empty runs here. 
            Invariant.Assert(start.CompareTo(end) < 0);
            oppositeRunType = (runType == RunType.Clean) ? RunType.Dirty : RunType.Clean;
            run = GetRun(index);

            if (run.RunType == runType) 
                // Existing run value matches new one. 
            else if (run.RunType == oppositeRunType) 
                // We're merging a new clean run with an old dirty one, or vice versa.

                // Split the run, insert a new run in the middle. 
                if (run.Position.CompareTo(start) >= 0)
                    if (GetRunEndPosition(index).CompareTo(end) <= 0) 
                        // We entirely cover this run, just flip the RunType. 
                        run.RunType = runType;

                        // We cover the left half. 
                        if (index > 0 && GetRun(index - 1).RunType == runType)
                            // Previous run matches the new value, merge with it.
                            run.Position = end;
                            run.RunType = runType; 
                            newRun = new Run(end, oppositeRunType); 
                            _runList.Insert(index + 1, newRun);
                else if (GetRunEndPosition(index).CompareTo(end) <= 0)
                    // We cover the right half.
                    if (index < _runList.Count - 1 && GetRun(index + 1).RunType == runType) 
                        // Following run matches the new value, merge with it.
                        GetRun(index + 1).Position = start; 
                        // Insert new run. 
                        newRun = new Run(start, runType);
                        _runList.Insert(index + 1, newRun); 
                    // We're in the middle of the run.
                    // Split the run, adding a new run and a new second
                    // half of the original run. 
                    newRun = new Run(start, runType);
                    _runList.Insert(index + 1, newRun); 
                    newRun = new Run(end, oppositeRunType); 
                    _runList.Insert(index + 2, newRun);
                ITextPointer errorStart; 
                ITextPointer errorEnd;
                // We hit an error run, the whole thing becomes dirty/clean. 
                run.RunType = runType;
                errorStart = run.Position;
                errorEnd = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);

                // This call might remove run... 
                // Tell the HighlightLayer about this change. 
                _highlightLayer.FireChangedEvent(errorStart, errorEnd);

        // Attemps to merge a run with its two bordering neighbors.
        private void TryToMergeRunWithNeighbors(int index) 
            Run run; 
            run = GetRun(index);
            if (index > 0 && GetRun(index - 1).RunType == run.RunType)
                // Previous run matches the new value, merge with it.
            if (index < _runList.Count - 1 && GetRun(index + 1).RunType == run.RunType) 
                // Following run matches the new value, merge with it. 
                _runList.RemoveAt(index + 1);
        // Called when content is added to the document.
        // Updates the run list with a new dirty region. 
        private void OnContentAdded(TextContainerChangeEventArgs e) 
            ITextPointer start; 
            ITextPointer end;

            // Expand the affected region by one char in either direction
            // to make sure we examine surrounding text that might be affected 
            // by the addition of new whitespace.
            if (e.ITextPosition.Offset > 0) 
                start = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(-1);
                start = e.ITextPosition;
            if (e.ITextPosition.Offset + e.Count < e.ITextPosition.TextContainer.SymbolCount - 1) 
                end = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(e.Count + 1); 
                end = e.ITextPosition.CreatePointer(e.Count); 
            // Mark the new text dirty.
            MarkRange(start, end, RunType.Dirty); 

        // Called when content is removed from the document.
        // Update the run list and notifies the highlight layer. 
        private void OnContentRemoved(ITextPointer position)
            int index; 
            int i;
            Run run; 

            // Get the first bordering run.
            index = FindIndex(position.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Backward);
            if (index == -1) 
                // position is at beginning of document. 
                // Look at the first run. 
                index = 0;

            // First run gets reset to dirty.
            run = GetRun(index);
            if (run.RunType != RunType.Dirty)

                run.RunType = RunType.Dirty; // 

                if (index > 0 && GetRun(index - 1).RunType == RunType.Dirty)
                    // Previous run matches the new value, merge with it. 
            // Start looking at the following runs.
            index += 1;

            // Middle runs (collapsed to zero width) are removed. 
            for (i = index; i < _runList.Count; i++)
                ITextPointer runPosition = GetRun(i).Position; 
                // Stop if we find a non-bordering Run that is not empty.
                if (runPosition.CompareTo(position) > 0 && runPosition.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(i)) != 0) 

            // Note we don't worry about announcing anything to the HighlightLayer 
            // here because these are zero-width runs.
            _runList.RemoveRange(index, i - index); 
            // Reset last run to dirty.
            // Since we know the first run at index is already dirty, 
            // just remove it.
            if (index < _runList.Count)
                _runList.RemoveAt(index); //
                // Finally, merge the following run with the run at index 
                // if it happens to also be dirty.
                if (index < _runList.Count && GetRun(index).RunType == RunType.Dirty) 
        // Notifies the highlight layer about a changing run. 
        private void NotifyHighlightLayerBeforeRunChange(int index)
            ITextPointer errorStart;
            ITextPointer errorEnd;

            // The highlight layer only cares about error runs. 
            if (IsErrorRun(index))
                errorStart = GetRun(index).Position; 
                errorEnd = GetRunEndPositionDynamic(index);
                if (errorStart.CompareTo(errorEnd) != 0) // errorStart == errorEnd if content was deleted.
                    _highlightLayer.FireChangedEvent(errorStart, errorEnd);
        // Validates the state of _runList.
        // Invariant.Strict only. 
        private void DebugAssertRunList()
            int i;
            Run run; 
            RunType previousRunType;
            Invariant.Assert(_runList.Count >= 1, "Run list should never be empty!"); 

            if (Invariant.Strict) 
                previousRunType = RunType.Clean;

                for (i = 0; i < _runList.Count; i++) 
                    run = GetRun(i); 
                    if (_runList.Count == 1)
                        Invariant.Assert(run.Position.CompareTo(run.Position.TextContainer.Start) == 0);
                        // We can legally have a zero-width run, in the case of a TextElement extract.
                        // In that case, we'll two separate notifications, one for each edge.  After we 
                        // handle the first edge we might have a zero-width run still waiting to be 
                        // handled in the following notification.  So here we can only look for out-of-order
                        // runs. 
                        Invariant.Assert(run.Position.CompareTo(GetRunEndPosition(i)) <= 0, "Found negative width run!");
                    Invariant.Assert(i == 0 || GetRunEndPosition(i - 1).CompareTo(run.Position) <= 0, "Found overlapping runs!");
                    if (!IsErrorRun(i))
                        Invariant.Assert(i == 0 || previousRunType != run.RunType, "Found consecutive dirty/dirt or clean/clean runs!"); 
                    previousRunType = run.RunType;

#if DEBUG 
        // Diagnostic tool: dumps _runList to the current debugger. 
        private void Dump()
            int i;
            Run run;
            string runType;
            for (i = 0; i < _runList.Count; i++)
                run = GetRun(i); 

                if (run.RunType == RunType.Clean) 
                    runType = "clean";
                else if (run.RunType == RunType.Dirty) 
                    runType = "dirty"; 
                    runType = "error";

                Debug.WriteLine(i + ": " + run.Position.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(run.Position) + 
                                " " + runType);
#endif // DEBUG
        // Typesafe run accessor.
        private Run GetRun(int index)
            return (Run)_runList[index]; 
        // Returns the end position of run. 
        private ITextPointer GetRunEndPositionDynamic(int index)
            return GetRunEndPosition(index).CreateDynamicTextPointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);

        // Returns the end position of run. 
        private StaticTextPointer GetRunEndPosition(int index)
            StaticTextPointer position; 

            if (index + 1 < _runList.Count) 
                position = GetRun(index + 1).Position.CreateStaticPointer();
                Run run = GetRun(index); 
                ITextContainer textContainer = run.Position.TextContainer; 
                position = textContainer.CreateStaticPointerAtOffset(textContainer.SymbolCount);

            return position;
        // Returns true if the specified run index matches an error (and not
        // a clean or dirty run). 
        private bool IsErrorRun(int index) 
            Run run; 

            run = GetRun(index);

            return run.RunType != RunType.Clean && run.RunType != RunType.Dirty; 
        #endregion Private methods 

        //  Private Types

        #region Private Types 
        // An entry in the run list.
        private class Run 
            internal Run(ITextPointer position, RunType runType)
                _position = position.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                _runType = runType;
            internal ITextPointer Position
                get { return _position; }
                set { _position = value; }
            internal RunType RunType
                get { return _runType; } 
                set { _runType = value; }

            private ITextPointer _position;

            private RunType _runType; 
        #endregion Private Types 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 
        // HighlighLayer associated with this table.
        private readonly SpellerHighlightLayer _highlightLayer; 

        // Run length array of document status.
        private readonly ArrayList _runList;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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