/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Core / Microsoft / Scripting / Ast / SymbolDocumentInfo.cs / 1305376 / SymbolDocumentInfo.cs
/* **************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If * you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to * By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License. * * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. * * * ***************************************************************************/ using System.Dynamic.Utils; namespace System.Linq.Expressions { ////// Stores information needed to emit debugging symbol information for a /// source file, in particular the file name and unique language identifier. /// public class SymbolDocumentInfo { private readonly string _fileName; internal SymbolDocumentInfo(string fileName) { ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(fileName, "fileName"); _fileName = fileName; } ////// The source file name. /// public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } } ////// Returns the language's unique identifier, if any. /// public virtual Guid Language { get { return Guid.Empty; } } ////// Returns the language vendor's unique identifier, if any. /// public virtual Guid LanguageVendor { get { return Guid.Empty; } } ////// Returns the document type's unique identifier, if any. /// Defaults to the guid for a text file. /// public virtual Guid DocumentType { get { return Compiler.SymbolGuids.DocumentType_Text; } } } internal sealed class SymbolDocumentWithGuids : SymbolDocumentInfo { private readonly Guid _language; private readonly Guid _vendor; private readonly Guid _documentType; internal SymbolDocumentWithGuids(string fileName, ref Guid language) : base(fileName) { _language = language; _documentType = Compiler.SymbolGuids.DocumentType_Text; } internal SymbolDocumentWithGuids(string fileName, ref Guid language, ref Guid vendor) : base(fileName) { _language = language; _vendor = vendor; _documentType = Compiler.SymbolGuids.DocumentType_Text; } internal SymbolDocumentWithGuids(string fileName, ref Guid language, ref Guid vendor, ref Guid documentType) : base(fileName) { _language = language; _vendor = vendor; _documentType = documentType; } public override Guid Language { get { return _language; } } public override Guid LanguageVendor { get { return _vendor; } } public override Guid DocumentType { get { return _documentType; } } } public partial class Expression { ////// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName) { return new SymbolDocumentInfo(fileName); } ///that has the property set to the specified value. /// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName, Guid language) { return new SymbolDocumentWithGuids(fileName, ref language); } ///that has the /// and properties set to the specified value. /// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor) { return new SymbolDocumentWithGuids(fileName, ref language, ref languageVendor); } ///that has the /// and /// and properties set to the specified value. /// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType) { return new SymbolDocumentWithGuids(fileName, ref language, ref languageVendor, ref documentType); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /* **************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If * you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to * By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License. * * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. * * * ***************************************************************************/ using System.Dynamic.Utils; namespace System.Linq.Expressions { ///that has the /// and /// and /// and properties set to the specified value. /// Stores information needed to emit debugging symbol information for a /// source file, in particular the file name and unique language identifier. /// public class SymbolDocumentInfo { private readonly string _fileName; internal SymbolDocumentInfo(string fileName) { ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(fileName, "fileName"); _fileName = fileName; } ////// The source file name. /// public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } } ////// Returns the language's unique identifier, if any. /// public virtual Guid Language { get { return Guid.Empty; } } ////// Returns the language vendor's unique identifier, if any. /// public virtual Guid LanguageVendor { get { return Guid.Empty; } } ////// Returns the document type's unique identifier, if any. /// Defaults to the guid for a text file. /// public virtual Guid DocumentType { get { return Compiler.SymbolGuids.DocumentType_Text; } } } internal sealed class SymbolDocumentWithGuids : SymbolDocumentInfo { private readonly Guid _language; private readonly Guid _vendor; private readonly Guid _documentType; internal SymbolDocumentWithGuids(string fileName, ref Guid language) : base(fileName) { _language = language; _documentType = Compiler.SymbolGuids.DocumentType_Text; } internal SymbolDocumentWithGuids(string fileName, ref Guid language, ref Guid vendor) : base(fileName) { _language = language; _vendor = vendor; _documentType = Compiler.SymbolGuids.DocumentType_Text; } internal SymbolDocumentWithGuids(string fileName, ref Guid language, ref Guid vendor, ref Guid documentType) : base(fileName) { _language = language; _vendor = vendor; _documentType = documentType; } public override Guid Language { get { return _language; } } public override Guid LanguageVendor { get { return _vendor; } } public override Guid DocumentType { get { return _documentType; } } } public partial class Expression { ////// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName) { return new SymbolDocumentInfo(fileName); } ///that has the property set to the specified value. /// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName, Guid language) { return new SymbolDocumentWithGuids(fileName, ref language); } ///that has the /// and properties set to the specified value. /// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor) { return new SymbolDocumentWithGuids(fileName, ref language, ref languageVendor); } ///that has the /// and /// and properties set to the specified value. /// Creates an instance of /// A. /// to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A to set the equal to. /// A public static SymbolDocumentInfo SymbolDocument(string fileName, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType) { return new SymbolDocumentWithGuids(fileName, ref language, ref languageVendor, ref documentType); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.that has the /// and /// and /// and properties set to the specified value.
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