translator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Common / internal / materialization / translator.cs / 1599186 / translator.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.Common.QueryCache;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Objects; 
using System.Data.Objects.ELinq; 
using System.Data.Objects.Internal;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses; 
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization
    /// Struct containing the requested type and parent column map used 
    /// as the arg in the Translator visitor. 
    internal struct TranslatorArg 
        internal readonly Type RequestedType;

        internal TranslatorArg(Type requestedType) 
            this.RequestedType = requestedType; 
    /// Type returned by the Translator visitor; allows us to put the logic
    /// to ensure a specific return type in a single place, instead of in
    /// each Visit method. 
    internal class TranslatorResult 
        private readonly Expression ReturnedExpression;
        private readonly Type RequestedType; 

        internal TranslatorResult(Expression returnedExpression, Type requestedType)
            this.RequestedType = requestedType; 
            this.ReturnedExpression = returnedExpression;
        /// Return the expression; wrapped with the appropriate cast/convert 
        /// logic to guarantee it's type.
        internal Expression Expression
                Expression result = Translator.Emit_EnsureType(ReturnedExpression, RequestedType); 
                return result;

        /// Return the expression without attempting to cast/convert to the requested type. 
        internal Expression UnconvertedExpression 
                return ReturnedExpression;
        /// Checks if the expression represents an wrapped entity and if so creates an expression 
        /// that extracts the raw entity from the wrapper. 
        internal Expression UnwrappedExpression 
                if (!typeof(IEntityWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(ReturnedExpression.Type)) 
                    return ReturnedExpression; 
                return Translator.Emit_UnwrapAndEnsureType(ReturnedExpression, RequestedType);

    /// For collection results, we really want to know the expression to
    /// get the coordinator from its stateslot as well, so we have an 
    /// additional one... 
    internal class CollectionTranslatorResult : TranslatorResult 
        internal readonly Expression ExpressionToGetCoordinator;

        internal CollectionTranslatorResult(Expression returnedExpression, ColumnMap columnMap, Type requestedType, Expression expressionToGetCoordinator) 
            : base(returnedExpression, requestedType)
            this.ExpressionToGetCoordinator = expressionToGetCoordinator; 

    /// Translates query ColumnMap into ShaperFactory. Basically, we interpret the
    /// ColumnMap and compile delegates used to materialize results. 
    internal class Translator : ColumnMapVisitorWithResults 
        #region private state
        /// Gets the O-Space Metadata workspace.
        private readonly MetadataWorkspace _workspace; 

        /// Gets structure telling us how to interpret 'span' rows (includes implicit 
        /// relationship span and explicit full span via ObjectQuery.Include().
        private readonly SpanIndex _spanIndex;

        /// Gets the MergeOption for the current query (influences our handling of 
        /// entities when they are materialized).
        private readonly MergeOption _mergeOption; 

        /// When true, indicates we're processing for the value layer (BridgeDataReader)
        /// and not the ObjectMaterializer
        private readonly bool IsValueLayer; 

        /// Gets scratchpad for topmost nested reader coordinator. 
        private CoordinatorScratchpad _rootCoordinatorScratchpad; 

        /// Gets scratchpad for the coordinator builder for the nested reader currently
        /// being translated or emitted. 
        private CoordinatorScratchpad _currentCoordinatorScratchpad; 
        /// Gets number of 'Shaper.State' slots allocated (used to hold onto intermediate 
        /// values during materialization)
        private int _stateSlotCount;
        /// Set to true if any Entity/Complex type/property for which we're emitting a 
        /// handler is non-public. Used to determine which security checks are necessary 
        /// when invoking the delegate.
        private bool _hasNonPublicMembers;

        /// Keeps track of all LINQ expressions accepted from the user code. 
        private readonly List>> _userExpressions = new List>>(); 
        /// Local cache of ObjectTypeMappings for EdmTypes (to prevent expensive lookups). 
        private readonly Dictionary _objectTypeMappings = new Dictionary();


        #region constructor 
        private Translator(MetadataWorkspace workspace, SpanIndex spanIndex, MergeOption mergeOption, bool valueLayer)
            _workspace = workspace;
            _spanIndex = spanIndex;
            _mergeOption = mergeOption;
            IsValueLayer = valueLayer; 

        #region "public" surface area 

        /// The main entry point for the translation process. Given a ColumnMap, returns
        /// a ShaperFactory which can be used to materialize results for a query. 
        internal static ShaperFactory TranslateColumnMap(QueryCacheManager queryCacheManager, ColumnMap columnMap, MetadataWorkspace workspace, SpanIndex spanIndex, MergeOption mergeOption, bool valueLayer) 
            Debug.Assert(columnMap is CollectionColumnMap, "root column map must be a collection for a query");
            // If the query cache already contains a plan, then we're done
            ShaperFactory result;
            string columnMapKey = ColumnMapKeyBuilder.GetColumnMapKey(columnMap, spanIndex);
            ShaperFactoryQueryCacheKey cacheKey = new ShaperFactoryQueryCacheKey(columnMapKey, mergeOption, valueLayer); 

            if (queryCacheManager.TryCacheLookup(cacheKey, out result)) 
                return result;

            // Didn't find it in the cache, so we have to do the translation;  First create
            // the translator visitor that recursively tranforms ColumnMaps into Expressions
            // stored on the CoordinatorScratchpads it also constructs.  We'll compile those 
            // expressions into delegates later.
            Translator translator = new Translator(workspace, spanIndex, mergeOption, valueLayer); 
            columnMap.Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(TRequestedType)))); 

            Debug.Assert(null != translator._rootCoordinatorScratchpad, "translating the root of the query must populate _rootCoordinatorBuilder"); // how can this happen? 

            // We're good. Go ahead and recursively compile the CoordinatorScratchpads we
            // created in the vistor into CoordinatorFactories which contain compiled
            // delegates for the expressions we generated. 
            CoordinatorFactory coordinatorFactory = (CoordinatorFactory)translator._rootCoordinatorScratchpad.Compile();
            // Along the way we constructed a nice delegate to perform runtime permission 
            // checks (e.g. for LinkDemand and non-public members).  We need that now.
            Action checkPermissionsDelegate = translator.GetCheckPermissionsDelegate(); 

            // Finally, take everything we've produced, and create the ShaperFactory to
            // contain it all, then add it to the query cache so we don't need to do this
            // for this query again. 
            result = new ShaperFactory(translator._stateSlotCount, coordinatorFactory, checkPermissionsDelegate, mergeOption);
            QueryCacheEntry cacheEntry = new ShaperFactoryQueryCacheEntry(cacheKey, result); 
            if (queryCacheManager.TryLookupAndAdd(cacheEntry, out cacheEntry)) 
                // Someone beat us to it. Use their result instead. 
                result = ((ShaperFactoryQueryCacheEntry)cacheEntry).GetTarget();
            return result;

        /// Compiles a delegate taking a Shaper instance and returning values. Used to compile 
        /// Expressions produced by the emitter.
        /// Asserts MemberAccess to skip visbility check.
        /// This means that that security checks are skipped. Before calling this
        /// method you must ensure that you've done a TestComple on expressions provided
        /// by the user to ensure the compilation doesn't violate them. 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2128")] 
        [ReflectionPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, MemberAccess = true)]
        internal static Func Compile(Expression body) 
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda>(body, Shaper_Parameter);
            return lambda.Compile();

        /// Non-generic version of Compile (where the result type is passed in as an argument rather 
        /// than a type parameter)
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static object Compile(Type resultType, Expression body)
            MethodInfo compile = Translator_Compile.MakeGenericMethod(resultType); 
            return compile.Invoke(null, new object[] { body });
        /// Tell the translator about a user-defined LINQ expression that is being inlined 
        /// in the materializer delegate.  Before we produce the shaper factory we'll ensure
        /// that security is not violated by using this expression in our delegates.
        internal void RegisterUserExpression(Expression expression) 
            Expression> lambda = Expression.Lambda>(Expression.Convert(expression, typeof(object))); 

        #region helpers
        /// Allocates a slot in 'Shaper.State' which can be used as storage for 
        /// materialization tasks (e.g. remembering key values for a nested collection) 
        private int AllocateStateSlot() 
            return _stateSlotCount++;
        /// Returns a delegate performing necessary permission checks identified 
        /// by this translator.  This delegate must be called every time a row is 
        /// read from the ObjectResult enumerator, since the enumerator can be
        /// passed across security contexts. 
        private Action GetCheckPermissionsDelegate()
            // Emit an action to check runtime permissions. 
            Action checkPermissions = null;
            if (_hasNonPublicMembers) 
                checkPermissions = DemandMemberAccess;
            else if (_userExpressions.Count > 0)
                IEnumerable>> userExpressions = _userExpressions;
                checkPermissions = () => VerifyUserExpressions(userExpressions); 
            return checkPermissions; 

        private static void DemandMemberAccess() 
        /// Try compiling the user expressions to ensure it would succeed without an 
        /// assert (user expressions are inlined with references to EF internals which 
        /// require the assert so we need to check the user expressions separately).
        /// This method is called every time a new query result is returned to make sure
        /// the user expressions can be compiled in the current security context.
        private static void VerifyUserExpressions(IEnumerable>> userExpressions) 
            // As an optimization, check if we have member access permission. If so, 
            // we know the compile would succeed and don't need to make the effort. 
            if (!LightweightCodeGenerator.HasMemberAccessReflectionPermission())
                // If we don't have MemberAccess, compile the expressions to see if they
                // might be satisfied by RestrictedMemberAccess.
                foreach (Expression> userExpression in userExpressions)
        /// Return the CLR type we're supposed to materialize for the TypeUsage
        private Type DetermineClrType(TypeUsage typeUsage) 
            return DetermineClrType(typeUsage.EdmType); 

        /// Return the CLR type we're supposed to materialize for the EdmType
        private Type DetermineClrType(EdmType edmType)
            Type result = null;
            // Normalize for spandex 
            edmType = ResolveSpanType(edmType); 

            switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) 
                case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType:
                case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType:
                    if (IsValueLayer) 
                        result = typeof(RecordState); 
                        result = LookupObjectMapping(edmType).ClrType.ClrType;
                case BuiltInTypeKind.RefType:
                    result = typeof(EntityKey); 

                case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType: 
                    if (IsValueLayer)
                        result = typeof(Coordinator);
                        EdmType edmElementType = ((CollectionType)edmType).TypeUsage.EdmType; 
                        result = DetermineClrType(edmElementType);
                        result = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(result); 

                case BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType: 
                    result = ((PrimitiveType)edmType).ClrEquivalentType;
                    if (result.IsValueType) 
                        result = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(result);

                case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType:
                    if (IsValueLayer) 
                        result = typeof(RecordState); 
                        // LINQ has anonymous types that aren't going to show up in our
                        // metadata workspace, and we don't want to hydrate a record when
                        // we need an anonymous type.  ELINQ solves this by annotating the
                        // edmType with some additional information, which we'll pick up 
                        // here.
                        InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata = ((RowType)edmType).InitializerMetadata; 
                        if (null != initializerMetadata) 
                            result = initializerMetadata.ClrType; 
                            // Otherwise, by default, we'll give DbDataRecord results (the 
                            // user can also cast to IExtendedDataRecord)
                            result = typeof(DbDataRecord); 

                    Debug.Fail(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The type {0} was not the expected scalar, enumeration, collection, structural, nominal, or reference type.", edmType.GetType()));
            Debug.Assert(null != result, "no result?"); // just making sure we cover this in the switch statement. 
            return result;

        /// Get the ConstructorInfo for the type specified, and ensure we keep track
        /// of any security requirements that the type has. 
        private ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(Type type) 
            ConstructorInfo result = null;
            if (!type.IsAbstract) 
                result = LightweightCodeGenerator.GetConstructorForType(type);

                // remember security requirements for this constructor 
                if (!LightweightCodeGenerator.IsPublic(result))
                    _hasNonPublicMembers = true; 
            return result;

        /// Retrieves object mapping metadata for the given type. The first time a type
        /// is encountered, we cache the metadata to avoid repeating the work for every 
        /// row in result. 
        /// Caching at the materializer rather than workspace/metadata cache level optimizes 
        /// for transient types (including row types produced for span, LINQ initializations,
        /// collections and projections).
        private ObjectTypeMapping LookupObjectMapping(EdmType edmType) 
            Debug.Assert(null != edmType, "no edmType?"); // edmType must not be null. 
            ObjectTypeMapping result;
            EdmType resolvedType = ResolveSpanType(edmType);
            if (null == resolvedType)
                resolvedType = edmType; 
            if (!_objectTypeMappings.TryGetValue(resolvedType, out result)) 
                result = Util.GetObjectMapping(resolvedType, _workspace); 
                _objectTypeMappings.Add(resolvedType, result);
            return result;

        /// Remove spanned info from the edmType 
        private EdmType ResolveSpanType(EdmType edmType)
            EdmType result = edmType; 

            switch (result.BuiltInTypeKind) 
                case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType:
                    // For collections, we have to edmType from the (potentially) spanned 
                    // element of the collection, then build a new Collection around it.
                    result = ResolveSpanType(((CollectionType)result).TypeUsage.EdmType);
                    if (null != result)
                        result = new CollectionType(result);

                case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: 
                    // If there is a SpanMap, pick up the EdmType from the first column
                    // in the record, otherwise it's just the type we already have.
                    RowType rowType = (RowType)result;
                    if (null != _spanIndex && _spanIndex.HasSpanMap(rowType)) 
                        result = rowType.Members[0].TypeUsage.EdmType; 
            return result;

        /// Creates an expression representing an inline delegate of type Func<Shaper, body.Type>
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] 
        private LambdaExpression CreateInlineDelegate(Expression body)
            // Note that we call through to a typed method so that we can call Expression.Lambda instead
            // of the straightforward Expression.Lambda. The latter requires FullTrust.
            Type delegateReturnType = body.Type;
            MethodInfo createMethod = Translator_TypedCreateInlineDelegate.MakeGenericMethod(delegateReturnType); 
            LambdaExpression result = (LambdaExpression)createMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { body });
            return result; 

        private Expression> TypedCreateInlineDelegate(Expression body) 
            Expression> result = Expression.Lambda>(body, Shaper_Parameter);
            return result; 

        #region Lightweight CodeGen emitters 

        #region static Reflection info used in emitters

        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetValue = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetValue"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetString = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetString");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetInt16 = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetInt16"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetInt32 = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetInt32"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetInt64 = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetInt64");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetBoolean = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetBoolean"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetDecimal = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetDecimal");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetFloat = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetFloat");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetDouble = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetDouble");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetDateTime = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetDateTime"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetGuid = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetGuid");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetByte = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetByte"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_IsDBNull = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("IsDBNull"); 

        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityKey_ctor_SingleKey = typeof(EntityKey).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(EntitySet), typeof(object) }, null); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityKey_ctor_CompositeKey = typeof(EntityKey).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(EntitySet), typeof(object[]) }, null);

        private static readonly MethodInfo IEntityKeyWithKey_EntityKey = typeof(System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.IEntityWithKey).GetProperty("EntityKey").GetSetMethod();
        private static readonly MethodInfo IEqualityComparerOfString_Equals = typeof(IEqualityComparer).GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) });
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo MaterializedDataRecord_ctor = typeof(MaterializedDataRecord).GetConstructor( 
                                                                                            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
                                                                                            null, new Type[] { typeof(MetadataWorkspace), typeof(TypeUsage), typeof(object[]) }, 

        private static readonly MethodInfo RecordState_GatherData = typeof(RecordState).GetMethod("GatherData", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        private static readonly MethodInfo RecordState_SetNullRecord = typeof(RecordState).GetMethod("SetNullRecord", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 

        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_Discriminate = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("Discriminate"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleEntity = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleEntity"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleEntityAppendOnly = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleEntityAppendOnly");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleEntityNoTracking = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleEntityNoTracking");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleFullSpanCollection = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleFullSpanCollection");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleFullSpanElement = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleFullSpanElement"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleIEntityWithKey = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleIEntityWithKey");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleRelationshipSpan = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleRelationshipSpan"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetColumnValue = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetColumnValue"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetEntityRecordInfo = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetEntityRecordInfo");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetState = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetState"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetStatePassthrough = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetStatePassthrough");

        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_BinaryEquals = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("BinaryEquals", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_CheckedConvert = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("CheckedConvert", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_Compile = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("Compile", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(Expression) }, null);
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_TypedCreateInlineDelegate = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("TypedCreateInlineDelegate", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 

        private static readonly PropertyInfo EntityWrapperFactory_NullWrapper = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetProperty("NullWrapper", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 
        private static readonly PropertyInfo IEntityWrapper_Entity = typeof(IEntityWrapper).GetProperty("Entity");
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityProxyTypeInfo_SetEntityWrapper = typeof(EntityProxyTypeInfo).GetMethod("SetEntityWrapper", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        private static readonly ConstructorInfo PocoPropertyAccessorStrategy_ctor = typeof(PocoPropertyAccessorStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object) }); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityWithChangeTrackerStrategy_ctor = typeof(EntityWithChangeTrackerStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IEntityWithChangeTracker) });
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityWithKeyStrategy_ctor = typeof(EntityWithKeyStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IEntityWithKey) }); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo PocoEntityKeyStrategy_ctor = typeof(PocoEntityKeyStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[0]); 
        private static readonly PropertyInfo SnapshotChangeTrackingStrategy_Instance = typeof(SnapshotChangeTrackingStrategy).GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetPocoPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetPocoPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetNullPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetNullPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithChangeTrackerStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetEntityWithChangeTrackerStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetSnapshotChangeTrackingStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetSnapshotChangeTrackingStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithKeyStrategyStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetEntityWithKeyStrategyStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetPocoEntityKeyStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetPocoEntityKeyStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
        #region static expressions used in emitters

        private static readonly Expression DBNull_Value = Expression.Constant(DBNull.Value, typeof(object));
        internal static readonly ParameterExpression Shaper_Parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Shaper), "shaper");
        private static readonly ParameterExpression EntityParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "entity"); 
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Reader = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("Reader"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Workspace = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("Workspace")); 
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_State = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("State"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Context = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("Context"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Context_Options = Expression.Property(Shaper_Context, typeof(ObjectContext).GetProperty("ContextOptions"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_ProxyCreationEnabled = Expression.Property(Shaper_Context_Options, typeof(ObjectContextOptions).GetProperty("ProxyCreationEnabled")); 

        /// Create expression to AndAlso the expressions and return the result. 
        private static Expression Emit_AndAlso(IEnumerable operands)
            Expression result = null; 
            foreach (Expression operand in operands)
                if (result == null) 
                    result = operand; 
                    result = Expression.AndAlso(result, operand); 
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to bitwise-or the expressions and return the result.
        private static Expression Emit_BitwiseOr(IEnumerable operands) 
            Expression result = null; 
            foreach (Expression operand in operands) 
                if (result == null) 
                    result = operand;
                    result = Expression.Or(result, operand); 
            return result; 

        /// Creates an expression with null value. If the given type cannot be assigned 
        /// a null value, we create a value that throws when materializing. We don't throw statically
        /// because we consistently defer type checks until materialization. 
        /// See SQL BU 588980.
        /// Type of null expression.
        /// Null expression.
        internal static Expression Emit_NullConstant(Type type)
            Expression nullConstant;
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(type, "type"); 
            // check if null can be assigned to the type
            if (type.IsClass || TypeSystem.IsNullableType(type)) 
                // create the constant directly if it accepts null
                nullConstant = Expression.Constant(null, type);
                // create (object)null and then cast to the type 
                nullConstant = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Constant(null, typeof(object)), type);
            return nullConstant;

        /// Emits an expression that represnts a NullEntityWrapper instance.
        /// The type of the null to be wrapped 
        /// An expression represnting a wrapped null
        internal static Expression Emit_WrappedNullConstant(Type type) 
            return Expression.Property(null, EntityWrapperFactory_NullWrapper);
        /// Create expression that guarantees the input expression is of the specified 
        /// type; no Convert is added if the expression is already of the same type. 
        /// Internal because it is called from the TranslatorResult. 
        internal static Expression Emit_EnsureType(Expression input, Type type)
            Expression result = input; 
            if (input.Type != type && !typeof(IEntityWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(input.Type))
                if (type.IsAssignableFrom(input.Type)) 
                    // simple convert, just to make sure static type checks succeed 
                    result = Expression.Convert(input, type);
                    // user is asking for the 'wrong' type... add exception handling
                    // in case of failure 
                    MethodInfo checkedConvertMethod = Translator_CheckedConvert.MakeGenericMethod(input.Type, type); 
                    result = Expression.Call(checkedConvertMethod, input);
            return result;
        /// Uses Emit_EnsureType and then wraps the result in an IEntityWrapper instance. 
        /// The expression that creates the entity to be wrapped
        /// Expression to read the entity key 
        /// Expression to read the entity set
        /// The type that was actuall requested by the client--may be object
        /// The type of the identity type of the entity being materialized--never a proxy type
        /// The actual type being materialized--may be a proxy type 
        /// Either NoTracking or AppendOnly depending on whether the entity is to be tracked
        /// If true, then a proxy is being created 
        /// An expression representing the IEntityWrapper for the new entity 
        internal static Expression Emit_EnsureTypeAndWrap(Expression input, Expression keyReader, Expression entitySetReader, Type requestedType, Type identityType, Type actualType, MergeOption mergeOption, bool isProxy)
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(input, requestedType); // Needed to ensure appropriate exception is thrown
            if (!requestedType.IsClass)
                result = Emit_EnsureType(input, typeof(object)); 
            result = Emit_EnsureType(result, actualType); // Needed to ensure appropriate type for wrapper constructor 
            return CreateEntityWrapper(result, keyReader, entitySetReader, actualType, identityType, mergeOption, isProxy); 
        /// Returns an expression that creates an IEntityWrapper approprioate for the type of entity being materialized.
        private static Expression CreateEntityWrapper(Expression input, Expression keyReader, Expression entitySetReader, Type actualType, Type identityType, MergeOption mergeOption, bool isProxy) 
            Expression result; 
            bool isIEntityWithKey = typeof(IEntityWithKey).IsAssignableFrom(actualType); 
            bool isIEntityWithRelationships = typeof(IEntityWithRelationships).IsAssignableFrom(actualType);
            bool isIEntityWithChangeTracker = typeof(IEntityWithChangeTracker).IsAssignableFrom(actualType); 
            if (isIEntityWithRelationships && isIEntityWithChangeTracker && isIEntityWithKey && !isProxy)
                // This is the case where all our interfaces are implemented by the entity and we are not creating a proxy.
                // This is the case that absolutely must be kept fast.  It is a simple call to the wrapper constructor. 
                Type genericType = typeof(LightweightEntityWrapper<>).MakeGenericType(actualType);
                ConstructorInfo ci = genericType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, 
                                                                new Type[] { actualType, typeof(EntityKey), typeof(EntitySet), typeof(ObjectContext), typeof(MergeOption), typeof(Type) }, null); 
                result = Expression.New(ci, input, keyReader, entitySetReader, Shaper_Context, Expression.Constant(mergeOption, typeof(MergeOption)), Expression.Constant(identityType, typeof(Type)));
                // This is the general case.  We choose various strategy objects based on the interfaces implemented and
                // whether or not we are creating a proxy. 
                // We pass in lambdas to create the strategy objects so that they can have the materialized entity as
                // a parameter while still being set in the wrapper constructor. 
                Expression propertyAccessorStrategy = !isIEntityWithRelationships || isProxy ? 
                                                      Expression.Call(EntityWrapperFactory_GetPocoPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc) :

                Expression keyStrategy = isIEntityWithKey ?
                                         Expression.Call(EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithKeyStrategyStrategyFunc) :

                Expression changeTrackingStrategy = isIEntityWithChangeTracker ? 
                                                    Expression.Call(EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithChangeTrackerStrategyFunc) : 
                Type genericType = isIEntityWithRelationships ?
                                   typeof(EntityWrapperWithRelationships<>).MakeGenericType(actualType) :
                ConstructorInfo ci = genericType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
                                                                new Type[] { actualType, typeof(EntityKey), typeof(EntitySet), typeof(ObjectContext), typeof(MergeOption), typeof(Type), 
                                                                             typeof(Func), typeof(Func), typeof(Func) }, null); 
                result = Expression.New(ci, input, keyReader, entitySetReader, Shaper_Context, Expression.Constant(mergeOption, typeof(MergeOption)), Expression.Constant(identityType, typeof(Type)),
                                        propertyAccessorStrategy, changeTrackingStrategy, keyStrategy); 
            result = Expression.Convert(result, typeof(IEntityWrapper));
            return result;

        /// Takes an expression that represents an IEntityWrapper instance and creates a new 
        /// expression that extracts the raw entity from this.
        internal static Expression Emit_UnwrapAndEnsureType(Expression input, Type type)
            return Translator.Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Property(input, IEntityWrapper_Entity), type);

        /// Method that the generated expression calls when the types are not 
        /// assignable
        private static TTarget CheckedConvert(TSource value)
                    return (TTarget)(object)value; 
                catch (InvalidCastException) 
                    Type valueType = value.GetType();

                    // In the case of CompensatingCollection, simply report IEnumerable in the 
                    // exception message because the user has no reason to know what the type represents.
                    if (valueType.IsGenericType && valueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(CompensatingCollection<>)) 
                        valueType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(valueType.GetGenericArguments());
                    throw EntityUtil.ValueInvalidCast(valueType, typeof(TTarget));
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    throw EntityUtil.ValueNullReferenceCast(typeof(TTarget));
        /// Create expression to compare the results of two expressions and return
        /// whether they are equal.  Note we have special case logic for byte arrays.
        private static Expression Emit_Equal(Expression left, Expression right)
            Expression result; 
            Debug.Assert(left.Type == right.Type, "equals with different types");
            if (typeof(byte[]) == left.Type) 
                result = Expression.Call(Translator_BinaryEquals, left, right);
                result = Expression.Equal(left, right); 
            return result;

        /// Helper method used in expressions generated by Emit_Equal to perform a
        /// byte-by-byte comparison of two byte arrays.  There really ought to be 
        /// a way to do this in the framework but I'm unaware of it.
        private static bool BinaryEquals(byte[] left, byte[] right) 
            if (null == left) 
                return null == right;
            else if (null == right) 
                return false; 
            if (left.Length != right.Length)
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < left.Length; i++)
                if (left[i] != right[i])
                    return false; 
            return true;

        /// Creates expression to construct an EntityKey. Assumes that both the key has
        /// a value (Emit_EntityKey_HasValue == true) and that the EntitySet has value 
        /// (EntitySet != null). 
        private static Expression Emit_EntityKey_ctor(Translator translator, EntityIdentity entityIdentity, bool isForColumnValue, out Expression entitySetReader) 
            Expression result;
            Expression setEntitySetStateSlotValue = null;
            // First build the expressions that read each value that comprises the EntityKey
            List keyReaders = new List(entityIdentity.Keys.Length); 
            for (int i = 0; i < entityIdentity.Keys.Length; i++) 
                Expression keyReader = entityIdentity.Keys[i].Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(typeof(object))).Expression; 

            // Next build the expression that determines us the entitySet; how we do this differs 
            // depending on whether we have a simple or discriminated identity.
            SimpleEntityIdentity simpleEntityIdentity = entityIdentity as SimpleEntityIdentity; 
            if (null != simpleEntityIdentity)
                if (simpleEntityIdentity.EntitySet == null)
                    // 'Free-floating' entities do not have entity keys.
                    entitySetReader = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntitySet)); 
                    return Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntityKey));
                // For SimpleEntityIdentities, the entitySet expression is a constant 
                entitySetReader = Expression.Constant(simpleEntityIdentity.EntitySet, typeof(EntitySet));
                // For DiscriminatedEntityIdentities, the we have to search the EntitySetMap
                // for the matching discriminator value; we'll get the discriminator first, 
                // the compare them all in sequence.
                DiscriminatedEntityIdentity discriminatedEntityIdentity = (DiscriminatedEntityIdentity)entityIdentity; 
                Expression discriminator = discriminatedEntityIdentity.EntitySetColumnMap.Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(typeof(int?))).Expression;
                EntitySet[] entitySets = discriminatedEntityIdentity.EntitySetMap; 


                // (_discriminator == 0 ? entitySets[0] : (_discriminator == 1 ? entitySets[1] ... : null)
                entitySetReader = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntitySet)); 
                for (int i = 0; i < entitySets.Length; i++) 
                    entitySetReader = Expression.Condition( 
                                                Expression.Equal(discriminator, Expression.Constant(i, typeof(int?))),
                                                Expression.Constant(entitySets[i], typeof(EntitySet)),
                // Allocate a stateSlot to contain the entitySet we determine, and ensure we 
                // store it there on the way to constructing the key.
                int entitySetStateSlotNumber = translator.AllocateStateSlot(); 
                setEntitySetStateSlotValue = Emit_Shaper_SetStatePassthrough(entitySetStateSlotNumber, entitySetReader);
                entitySetReader = Emit_Shaper_GetState(entitySetStateSlotNumber, typeof(EntitySet));
            // And now that we have all the pieces, construct the EntityKey using the appropriate
            // constructor (there's an optimized constructor for the single key case) 
            if (1 == entityIdentity.Keys.Length) 
                // new EntityKey(entitySet, keyReaders[0]) 
                result = Expression.New(EntityKey_ctor_SingleKey,
                // new EntityKey(entitySet, { keyReaders[0], ... keyReaders[n] }) 
                result = Expression.New(EntityKey_ctor_CompositeKey,
                                            Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), keyReaders));

            // In the case where we've had to store the entitySetReader value in a 
            // state slot, we test the value for non-null before we construct the
            // entityKey.  We use this opportunity to stuff the value into the state 
            // slot, so the code above that attempts to read it from there will find 
            // it.
            if (null != setEntitySetStateSlotValue) 
                Expression noEntityKeyExpression;
                if (translator.IsValueLayer && !isForColumnValue)
                    noEntityKeyExpression = Expression.Constant(EntityKey.NoEntitySetKey, typeof(EntityKey));
                    noEntityKeyExpression = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntityKey)); 
                result = Expression.Condition(
                                            Expression.Equal(setEntitySetStateSlotValue, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntitySet))),
            return result;

        /// Create expression that verifies that the entityKey has a value.  Note we just
        /// presume that if the first key is non-null, all the keys will be valid. 
        private static Expression Emit_EntityKey_HasValue(SimpleColumnMap[] keyColumns) 
            Debug.Assert(0 < keyColumns.Length, "empty keyColumns?");
            // !shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(keyColumn[0].ordinal)
            Expression result = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(keyColumns[0]);
            result = Expression.Not(result);
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to call the specified Get method(ie: GetInt32, GetString, et al)
        /// of the shaper's source data reader 
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_GetXXX(int ordinal, Type type, MethodInfo dataReaderMethod)
            // (type)shaper.Reader.Get???(ordinal) 
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Call(Shaper_Reader, dataReaderMethod, Expression.Constant(ordinal)), type);
            return result; 

        /// Create expression to call the GetValue method of the shaper's source data reader
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_GetValue(int ordinal, Type type)
            // (type)shaper.Reader.GetValue(ordinal)
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Call(Shaper_Reader, DbDataReader_GetValue, Expression.Constant(ordinal)), type); 
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to call the IsDBNull method of the shaper's source data reader
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(int ordinal) 
            // shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(ordinal) 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Reader, DbDataReader_IsDBNull, Expression.Constant(ordinal)); 
            return result;

        /// Create expression to call the IsDBNull method of the shaper's source data reader
        /// for the scalar column represented by the column map. 
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(ColumnMap columnMap) 
            Expression result = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(((ScalarColumnMap)columnMap).ColumnPos); 
            return result;

        /// Create expression to read a property value with error handling
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling(Type propertyType, int ordinal, string propertyName, string typeName) 
            // shaper.GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(ordinal, propertyName, typeName) 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling.MakeGenericMethod(propertyType), Expression.Constant(ordinal), Expression.Constant(propertyName), Expression.Constant(typeName));
            return result;
        /// Create expression to read a column value with error handling 
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(Type columnType, int ordinal)
            // shaper.GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(ordinal, propertyName, typeName)
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling.MakeGenericMethod(columnType), Expression.Constant(ordinal));
            return result;

        /// Create expression to read an item from the shaper's state array 
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_GetState(int stateSlotNumber, Type type) 
            // (type)shaper.State[stateSlotNumber]
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.ArrayIndex(Shaper_State, Expression.Constant(stateSlotNumber)), type);
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to set an item in the shaper's state array
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_SetState(int stateSlotNumber, Expression value)
            // shaper.SetState(stateSlotNumber, value)
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetState.MakeGenericMethod(value.Type), Expression.Constant(stateSlotNumber), value); 
            return result;
        /// Create expression to set an item in the shaper's state array 
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_SetStatePassthrough(int stateSlotNumber, Expression value)
            // shaper.SetState(stateSlotNumber, value) 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetStatePassthrough.MakeGenericMethod(value.Type), Expression.Constant(stateSlotNumber), value);
            return result; 
        #region ColumnMapVisitor implementation

        // utility accept that looks up CLR type
        private static TranslatorResult AcceptWithMappedType(Translator translator, ColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMap parent) 
            Type type = translator.DetermineClrType(columnMap.Type); 
            TranslatorResult result = columnMap.Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(type)); 
            return result;

        #region structured columns

        /// Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            Expression result = null; 
            Expression nullSentinelCheck = null;

            if (null != columnMap.NullSentinel)
                nullSentinelCheck = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(columnMap.NullSentinel);
            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, null, null, nullSentinelCheck);
                ComplexType complexType = (ComplexType)columnMap.Type.EdmType;
                Type clrType = DetermineClrType(complexType); 
                ConstructorInfo constructor = GetConstructor(clrType); 

                // Build expressions to read the property values from the source data 
                // reader and bind them to their target properties
                List propertyBindings = CreatePropertyBindings(columnMap, clrType, complexType.Properties);

                // We have all the property bindings now; go ahead and build the expression to 
                // construct the type and store the property values.
                result = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(constructor), propertyBindings); 
                // If there's a null sentinel, then everything above is gated upon whether
                // it's value is DBNull.Value. 
                if (null != nullSentinelCheck)
                    // shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(nullsentinelOridinal) ? (type)null : result
                    result = Expression.Condition(nullSentinelCheck, Emit_NullConstant(result.Type), result); 
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 
        /// Visit(EntityColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(EntityColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            Expression result; 
            // Build expressions to read the entityKey and determine the entitySet. Note
            // that we attempt to optimize things such that we won't construct anything 
            // that isn't needed, depending upon the interfaces the clrType derives from
            // and the MergeOption that was requested.
            // We always need the entitySet, except when MergeOption.NoTracking 
            // We always need the entityKey, except when MergeOption.NoTracking and the 
            // clrType doesn't derive from IEntityWithKey 
            EntityIdentity entityIdentity = columnMap.EntityIdentity;
            Expression entitySetReader = null; 
            Expression entityKeyReader = Emit_EntityKey_ctor(this, entityIdentity, false, out entitySetReader);

            if (IsValueLayer)
                Expression nullCheckExpression = Expression.Not(Emit_EntityKey_HasValue(entityIdentity.Keys));
                //Expression nullCheckExpression = Emit_EntityKey_HasValue(entityIdentity.Keys); 
                result = BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, nullCheckExpression); 
                Expression constructEntity = null;

                EntityType cSpaceType = (EntityType)columnMap.Type.EdmType; 
                Debug.Assert(cSpaceType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType, "Type was " + cSpaceType.BuiltInTypeKind);
                ClrEntityType oSpaceType = (ClrEntityType)LookupObjectMapping(cSpaceType).ClrType; 
                Type clrType = oSpaceType.ClrType; 

                // Build expressions to read the property values from the source data 
                // reader and bind them to their target properties
                List propertyBindings = CreatePropertyBindings(columnMap, clrType, cSpaceType.Properties);

                // We have all the property bindings now; go ahead and build the expression to 
                // construct the entity or proxy and store the property values.  We'll wrap it with more
                // stuff that needs to happen (or not) below. 
                EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo = EntityProxyFactory.GetProxyType(oSpaceType); 

                // If no proxy type exists for the entity, construct the regular entity object. 
                // If a proxy type does exist, examine the ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled flag
                // to determine whether to create a regular or proxy entity object.

                Expression constructNonProxyEntity = Emit_ConstructEntity(oSpaceType, propertyBindings, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, arg, null); 
                if (proxyTypeInfo == null)
                    constructEntity = constructNonProxyEntity; 
                    Expression constructProxyEntity = Emit_ConstructEntity(oSpaceType, propertyBindings, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, arg, proxyTypeInfo);

                    constructEntity = Expression.Condition(Shaper_ProxyCreationEnabled, 

                // If we're tracking, call HandleEntity (or HandleIEntityWithKey or 
                // HandleEntityAppendOnly) as appropriate
                if (MergeOption.NoTracking != _mergeOption)
                    Type actualType = proxyTypeInfo == null ? clrType : proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType; 
                    if (typeof(IEntityWithKey).IsAssignableFrom(actualType) && MergeOption.AppendOnly != _mergeOption)
                        constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleIEntityWithKey.MakeGenericMethod(clrType), 
                        if (MergeOption.AppendOnly == _mergeOption)
                            // pass through a delegate creating the entity rather than the actual entity, so we can avoid 
                            // the cost of materialization when the entity is already in the state manager
                            //Func entityDelegate = shaper => constructEntity(shaper);
                            LambdaExpression entityDelegate = CreateInlineDelegate(constructEntity);
                            constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleEntityAppendOnly.MakeGenericMethod(clrType),
                            constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleEntity.MakeGenericMethod(clrType),
                    constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleEntityNoTracking.MakeGenericMethod(clrType),
                // All the above is gated upon whether there really is an entity value;
                // we won't bother executing anything unless there is an entityKey value, 
                // otherwise we'll just return a typed null.
                result = Expression.Condition(

            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        private Expression Emit_ConstructEntity(EntityType oSpaceType, IEnumerable propertyBindings, Expression entityKeyReader, Expression entitySetReader, TranslatorArg arg, EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo)
            bool isProxy = proxyTypeInfo != null;
            Type clrType = oSpaceType.ClrType; 
            Type actualType; 

            Expression constructEntity; 

            if (isProxy)
                constructEntity = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType), propertyBindings); 
                actualType = proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType;
                ConstructorInfo constructor = GetConstructor(clrType); 
                constructEntity = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(constructor), propertyBindings);
                actualType = clrType;
            // After calling the constructor, immediately create an IEntityWrapper instance for the entity.
            constructEntity = Emit_EnsureTypeAndWrap(constructEntity, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, arg.RequestedType, clrType, actualType, 
                                                     _mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking ? MergeOption.NoTracking : MergeOption.AppendOnly, isProxy); 

            if (isProxy) 
                // Since we created a proxy, we now need to give it a reference to the wrapper that we just created.
                constructEntity = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(proxyTypeInfo), EntityProxyTypeInfo_SetEntityWrapper, constructEntity);
                if (proxyTypeInfo.InitializeEntityCollections != null)
                    constructEntity = Expression.Call(proxyTypeInfo.InitializeEntityCollections, constructEntity); 

            return constructEntity;
        /// Prepare a list of PropertyBindings for each item in the specified property 
        /// collection such that the mapped property of the specified clrType has its 
        /// value set from the source data reader.
        /// Along the way we'll keep track of non-public properties and properties that
        /// have link demands, so we can ensure enforce them.
        private List CreatePropertyBindings(StructuredColumnMap columnMap, Type clrType, ReadOnlyMetadataCollection properties) 
            List result = new List(columnMap.Properties.Length); 
            ObjectTypeMapping mapping = LookupObjectMapping(columnMap.Type.EdmType);
            for (int i = 0; i < columnMap.Properties.Length; i++)
                EdmProperty edmProperty = mapping.GetPropertyMap(properties[i].Name).ClrProperty;
                // get MethodInfo for setter
                MethodInfo propertyAccessor; 
                Type propertyType; 
                LightweightCodeGenerator.ValidateSetterProperty(edmProperty.EntityDeclaringType, edmProperty.PropertySetterHandle, out propertyAccessor, out propertyType);
                // determine if any security checks are required
                if (!LightweightCodeGenerator.IsPublic(propertyAccessor))
                    _hasNonPublicMembers = true; 
                // get translation of property value 
                Expression valueReader = columnMap.Properties[i].Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(propertyType)).Expression;
                ScalarColumnMap scalarColumnMap = columnMap.Properties[i] as ScalarColumnMap;
                if (null != scalarColumnMap)
                    string propertyName = propertyAccessor.Name.Substring(4); // substring to strip "set_" 

                    // create a value reader with error handling 
                    Expression valueReaderWithErrorHandling = Emit_Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling(propertyType, scalarColumnMap.ColumnPos, propertyName, propertyAccessor.DeclaringType.Name); 
                    _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.AddExpressionWithErrorHandling(valueReader, valueReaderWithErrorHandling);

                Type entityDeclaringType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(edmProperty.EntityDeclaringType);
                MemberBinding binding = Expression.Bind(GetProperty(propertyAccessor, entityDeclaringType), valueReader);
            return result; 

        /// Gets the PropertyInfo representing the property with which the given setter method is associated.
        /// This code is taken from Expression.Bind(MethodInfo) but adapted to take a type such that it
        /// will work in cases in which the property was declared on a generic base class.  In such cases,
        /// the declaringType needs to be the actual entity type, rather than the base class type.  Note that 
        /// declaringType can be null, in which case the setterMethod.DeclaringType is used.
        private static PropertyInfo GetProperty(MethodInfo setterMethod, Type declaringType) 
            if (declaringType == null) 
                declaringType = setterMethod.DeclaringType;
            BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; 
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in declaringType.GetProperties(bindingAttr))
                if (propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true) == setterMethod) 
                    return propertyInfo; 
            Debug.Fail("Should always find a property for the setterMethod since we got the setter method from a property in the first place.");
            return null; 
        /// Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Expression result;
            // We're building a conditional ladder, where we'll compare each
            // discriminator value with the one from the source data reader, and 
            // we'll pick that type if they match. 
            Expression discriminatorReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.TypeDiscriminator, columnMap).Expression;
            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = Emit_EnsureType(
                                BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, null, null, Expression.Constant(true)), 
                result = Emit_WrappedNullConstant(arg.RequestedType); // the default 

            foreach (var typeChoice in columnMap.TypeChoices)
                // determine CLR type for the type choice, and don't bother adding
                // this choice if it can't produce a result 
                Type type = DetermineClrType(typeChoice.Value.Type); 

                if (type.IsAbstract) 
                Expression discriminatorConstant = Expression.Constant(typeChoice.Key, discriminatorReader.Type);
                Expression discriminatorMatches; 
                // For string types, we have to use a specific comparison that handles
                // trailing spaces properly, not just the general equality test we use 
                // elsewhere.
                if (discriminatorReader.Type == typeof(string))
                    discriminatorMatches = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(TrailingSpaceStringComparer.Instance), IEqualityComparerOfString_Equals, discriminatorConstant, discriminatorReader); 
                    discriminatorMatches = Emit_Equal(discriminatorConstant, discriminatorReader);

                result = Expression.Condition(discriminatorMatches,
                                            typeChoice.Value.Accept(this, arg).Expression,

            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 
        /// Visit(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap)
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] 
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            MethodInfo multipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper = Translator_MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType); 
            Expression result = (Expression)multipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper.Invoke(this, new object[] { columnMap, arg });
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        /// Helper method to simplify the construction of the types; I'm just too lazy to 
        /// create all the nested generic types needed to this by hand.
        private Expression MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            // construct an array of discriminator values 
            Expression[] discriminatorReaders = new Expression[columnMap.TypeDiscriminators.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < discriminatorReaders.Length; i++)
                discriminatorReaders[i] = columnMap.TypeDiscriminators[i].Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(typeof(object))).Expression; 
            Expression discriminatorValues = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), discriminatorReaders); 
            // Next build the expressions that will construct the type choices. An array of KeyValuePair>
            List elementDelegates = new List(); 
            Type typeDelegatePairType = typeof(KeyValuePair>);
            ConstructorInfo typeDelegatePairConstructor = typeDelegatePairType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(EntityType), typeof(Func) });
            foreach (var typeChoice in columnMap.TypeChoices)
                Expression typeReader = Emit_EnsureType(AcceptWithMappedType(this, typeChoice.Value, columnMap).UnwrappedExpression, typeof(TElement));
                LambdaExpression typeReaderDelegate = CreateInlineDelegate(typeReader); 
                Expression typeDelegatePair = Expression.New( 

            // invoke shaper.Discrimate({ discriminatorValue1...discriminatorValueN }, discriminateDelegate, elementDelegates) 
            MethodInfo shaperDiscriminateOfT = Shaper_Discriminate.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TElement)); 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, shaperDiscriminateOfT,
                                                    Expression.NewArrayInit(typeDelegatePairType, elementDelegates)
            return result; 
        /// Visit(RecordColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(RecordColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Expression result = null;
            Expression nullSentinelCheck = null; 

            if (null != columnMap.NullSentinel) 
                nullSentinelCheck = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(columnMap.NullSentinel);

            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, null, null, nullSentinelCheck); 
                Debug.Assert(columnMap.Type.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.RowType, "RecordColumnMap without RowType?"); // we kind of depend upon this
                Expression nullConstant; 

                // There are (at least) three different reasons we have a RecordColumnMap
                // so pick the method that handles the reason we have for this one.
                InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata; 
                if (InitializerMetadata.TryGetInitializerMetadata(columnMap.Type, out initializerMetadata))
                    result = HandleLinqRecord(columnMap, initializerMetadata); 
                    nullConstant = Emit_NullConstant(result.Type);
                    RowType spanRowType = (RowType)columnMap.Type.EdmType;
                    if (null != _spanIndex && _spanIndex.HasSpanMap(spanRowType))
                        result = HandleSpandexRecord(columnMap, arg, spanRowType); 
                        nullConstant = Emit_WrappedNullConstant(result.Type);
                        result = HandleRegularRecord(columnMap, arg, spanRowType);
                        nullConstant = Emit_NullConstant(result.Type); 
                // If there is a null sentinel process it accordingly.
                if (null != nullSentinelCheck) 
                    // shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(nullsentinelOridinal) ? (type)null : result
                    result = Expression.Condition(nullSentinelCheck, nullConstant, result);
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        private Expression BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(StructuredColumnMap columnMap, Expression entityKeyReader, Expression entitySetReader, Expression nullCheckExpression) 
            RecordStateScratchpad recordStateScratchpad = _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.CreateRecordStateScratchpad();

            int stateSlotNumber = AllocateStateSlot(); 
            recordStateScratchpad.StateSlotNumber = stateSlotNumber;
            int propertyCount = columnMap.Properties.Length; 
            int readerCount = (null != entityKeyReader) ? propertyCount + 1 : propertyCount;
            recordStateScratchpad.ColumnCount = propertyCount;

            // We can have an entity here, even though it's a RecordResultColumn, because
            // it may be a polymorphic type; eg: TREAT(Product AS DiscontinuedProduct); we 
            // construct an EntityRecordInfo with a sentinel EntityNotValidKey as it's Key
            EntityType entityTypeMetadata = null; 
            if (TypeHelpers.TryGetEdmType(columnMap.Type, out entityTypeMetadata)) 
                recordStateScratchpad.DataRecordInfo = new EntityRecordInfo(entityTypeMetadata, EntityKey.EntityNotValidKey, null); 
                TypeUsage edmType = Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(columnMap.Type); 
                recordStateScratchpad.DataRecordInfo = new DataRecordInfo(edmType);
            Expression[] propertyReaders = new Expression[readerCount];
            string[] propertyNames = new string[recordStateScratchpad.ColumnCount]; 
            TypeUsage[] typeUsages = new TypeUsage[recordStateScratchpad.ColumnCount];

            for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < propertyCount; ordinal++)
                Expression propertyReader = columnMap.Properties[ordinal].Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(typeof(Object))).Expression;
                // recordState.SetColumnValue(i, propertyReader ?? DBNull.Value) 
                propertyReaders[ordinal] = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetColumnValue,
                                                        Expression.Coalesce(propertyReader, DBNull_Value)
                propertyNames[ordinal] = columnMap.Properties[ordinal].Name;
                typeUsages[ordinal] = columnMap.Properties[ordinal].Type; 

            if (null != entityKeyReader) 
                propertyReaders[readerCount - 1] = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetEntityRecordInfo,
            recordStateScratchpad.GatherData = Emit_BitwiseOr(propertyReaders);
            recordStateScratchpad.PropertyNames = propertyNames; 
            recordStateScratchpad.TypeUsages = typeUsages;

            // Finally, build the expression to read the recordState from the shaper state
            // (RecordState)shaperState.State[stateSlotNumber].GatherData(shaper)
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Emit_Shaper_GetState(stateSlotNumber, typeof(RecordState)), RecordState_GatherData, Shaper_Parameter); 
            // If there's a null check, then everything above is gated upon whether
            // it's value is DBNull.Value. 
            if (null != nullCheckExpression)
                Expression nullResult = Expression.Call(Emit_Shaper_GetState(stateSlotNumber, typeof(RecordState)), RecordState_SetNullRecord, Shaper_Parameter);
                // nullCheckExpression ? (type)null : result 
                result = Expression.Condition(nullCheckExpression, nullResult, result);
            return result; 
        /// Build expression to materialize LINQ initialization types (anonymous
        /// types, IGrouping, EntityCollection)
        private Expression HandleLinqRecord(RecordColumnMap columnMap, InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata)
            List propertyReaders = new List(columnMap.Properties.Length); 

            foreach (var pair in columnMap.Properties.Zip(initializerMetadata.GetChildTypes())) 
                ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = pair.Key;
                Type type = pair.Value;
                // Note that we're not just blindly using the type from the column map
                // because we need to match the type thatthe initializer says it needs; 
                // that's why were not using AcceptWithMappedType; 
                if (null == type)
                    type = DetermineClrType(propertyColumnMap.Type);

                TranslatorResult propertyReader = propertyColumnMap.Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(type)); 
            Expression result = initializerMetadata.Emit(this, propertyReaders);
            return result; 

        /// Build expression to materialize a data record. 
        private Expression HandleRegularRecord(RecordColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg, RowType spanRowType) 
            // handle regular records
            // Build an array of expressions that read the individual values from the
            // source data reader.
            Expression[] columnReaders = new Expression[columnMap.Properties.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < columnReaders.Length; i++) 
                Expression columnReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.Properties[i], columnMap).UnwrappedExpression; 
                // ((object)columnReader) ?? DBNull.Value
                columnReaders[i] = Expression.Coalesce(Emit_EnsureType(columnReader, typeof(object)), DBNull_Value); 
            // new object[] {columnReader0..columnReaderN}
            Expression columnReaderArray = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), columnReaders);

            // Get an expression representing the TypeUsage of the MaterializedDataRecord 
            // we're about to construct; we need to remove the span information from it, 
            // though, since we don't want to surface that...
            TypeUsage type = columnMap.Type; 
            if (null != _spanIndex)
                type = _spanIndex.GetSpannedRowType(spanRowType) ?? type;
            Expression typeUsage = Expression.Constant(type, typeof(TypeUsage));
            // new MaterializedDataRecord(Shaper.Workspace, typeUsage, values) 
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.New(MaterializedDataRecord_ctor, Shaper_Workspace, typeUsage, columnReaderArray), arg.RequestedType);
            return result; 

        /// Build expression to materialize the spanned information 
        private Expression HandleSpandexRecord(RecordColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg, RowType spanRowType) 
            Dictionary spanMap = _spanIndex.GetSpanMap(spanRowType);
            // First, build the expression to materialize the root item.
            Expression result = columnMap.Properties[0].Accept(this, arg).Expression;

            // Now build expressions that call into the appropriate shaper method 
            // for the type of span for each spanned item.
            for (int i = 1; i < columnMap.Properties.Length; i++) 
                AssociationEndMember targetMember = spanMap[i];
                TranslatorResult propertyTranslatorResult = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.Properties[i], columnMap); 
                Expression spannedResultReader = propertyTranslatorResult.Expression;

                // figure out the flavor of the span
                CollectionTranslatorResult collectionTranslatorResult = propertyTranslatorResult as CollectionTranslatorResult; 
                if (null != collectionTranslatorResult)
                    Expression expressionToGetCoordinator = collectionTranslatorResult.ExpressionToGetCoordinator; 

                    // full span collection 
                    Type elementType = spannedResultReader.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];

                    MethodInfo handleFullSpanCollectionMethod = Shaper_HandleFullSpanCollection.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType, elementType);
                    result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, handleFullSpanCollectionMethod, result, expressionToGetCoordinator, Expression.Constant(targetMember)); 
                    if (typeof(EntityKey) == spannedResultReader.Type)
                        // relationship span
                        MethodInfo handleRelationshipSpanMethod = Shaper_HandleRelationshipSpan.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType);
                        result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, handleRelationshipSpanMethod, result, spannedResultReader, Expression.Constant(targetMember));
                        // full span element 
                        MethodInfo handleFullSpanElementMethod = Shaper_HandleFullSpanElement.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType, spannedResultReader.Type);
                        result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, handleFullSpanElementMethod, result, spannedResultReader, Expression.Constant(targetMember)); 
            return result; 

        #region collection columns 

        /// Visit(SimpleCollectionColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(SimpleCollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            return ProcessCollectionColumnMap(columnMap, arg); 
        /// Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            return ProcessCollectionColumnMap(columnMap, arg, columnMap.Discriminator, columnMap.DiscriminatorValue); 

        /// Common code for both Simple and Discrminated Column Maps.
        private TranslatorResult ProcessCollectionColumnMap(CollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            return ProcessCollectionColumnMap(columnMap, arg, null, null);
        /// Common code for both Simple and Discrminated Column Maps. 
        private TranslatorResult ProcessCollectionColumnMap(CollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg, ColumnMap discriminatorColumnMap, object discriminatorValue)
            Type elementType = DetermineElementType(arg.RequestedType, columnMap); 

            // CoordinatorScratchpad aggregates information about the current nested 
            // result (represented by the given CollectionColumnMap) 
            CoordinatorScratchpad coordinatorScratchpad = new CoordinatorScratchpad(elementType);
            // enter scope for current coordinator when translating children, etc.

            ColumnMap elementColumnMap = columnMap.Element;
            if (IsValueLayer) 
                StructuredColumnMap structuredElement = elementColumnMap as StructuredColumnMap; 

                // If we have a collection of non-structured types we have to put
                // a structure around it, because we don't have data readers of
                // scalars, only structures.  We don't need a null sentinel because 
                // this structure can't ever be null.
                if (null == structuredElement) 
                    ColumnMap[] columnMaps = new ColumnMap[1] { columnMap.Element };
                    elementColumnMap = new RecordColumnMap(columnMap.Element.Type, columnMap.Element.Name, columnMaps, null); 

            // Build the expression that will construct the element of the collection 
            // from the source data reader.
            // We use UnconvertedExpression here so we can defer doing type checking in case 
            // we need to translate to a POCO collection later in the process. 
            Expression elementReader = elementColumnMap.Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(elementType)).UnconvertedExpression;
            // Build the expression(s) that read the collection's keys from the source
            // data reader; note that the top level collection may not have keys if there
            // are no children.
            Expression[] keyReaders; 

            if (null != columnMap.Keys) 
                keyReaders = new Expression[columnMap.Keys.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < keyReaders.Length; i++) 
                    Expression keyReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.Keys[i], columnMap).Expression;
                    keyReaders[i] = keyReader;
                keyReaders = new Expression[] { };

            // Build the expression that reads the discriminator value from the source
            // data reader.
            Expression discriminatorReader = null; 
            if (null != discriminatorColumnMap)
                discriminatorReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, discriminatorColumnMap, columnMap).Expression; 
            // get expression retrieving the coordinator
            Expression expressionToGetCoordinator = BuildExpressionToGetCoordinator(elementType, elementReader, keyReaders, discriminatorReader, discriminatorValue, coordinatorScratchpad);
            MethodInfo getElementsExpression = typeof(Coordinator<>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetMethod("GetElements", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            Expression result;
            if (IsValueLayer) 
                result = expressionToGetCoordinator;
                // coordinator.GetElements()
                result = Expression.Call(expressionToGetCoordinator, getElementsExpression); 

                // Perform the type check that was previously deferred so we could process POCO collections. 
                coordinatorScratchpad.Element = Emit_EnsureType(coordinatorScratchpad.Element, elementType); 

                // When materializing specifically requested collection types, we need 
                // to transfer the results from the Enumerable to the requested collection.
                Type innerElementType;
                if (EntityUtil.TryGetICollectionElementType(arg.RequestedType, out innerElementType))
                    // Given we have some type that implements ICollection, we need to decide what concrete
                    // collection type to instantiate--See EntityUtil.DetermineCollectionType for details. 
                    var typeToInstantiate = EntityUtil.DetermineCollectionType(arg.RequestedType); 

                    if (typeToInstantiate == null) 
                        throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(Strings.ObjectQuery_UnableToMaterializeArbitaryProjectionType(arg.RequestedType));
                    Type listOfElementType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(innerElementType);
                    if (typeToInstantiate != listOfElementType) 
                        coordinatorScratchpad.InitializeCollection = Emit_EnsureType(
                    result = Emit_EnsureType(result, arg.RequestedType);
                    // If any compensation is required (returning IOrderedEnumerable, not 
                    // just vanilla IEnumerable we must wrap the result with a static class
                    // that is of the type expected. 
                    if (!arg.RequestedType.IsAssignableFrom(result.Type))
                        // new CompensatingCollection(_collectionReader)
                        Type compensatingCollectionType = typeof(CompensatingCollection<>).MakeGenericType(elementType); 
                        ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = compensatingCollectionType.GetConstructors()[0];
                        result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.New(constructorInfo, result), compensatingCollectionType); 
            return new CollectionTranslatorResult(result, columnMap, arg.RequestedType, expressionToGetCoordinator);
        /// Returns the CLR Type of the element of the collection 
        private Type DetermineElementType(Type collectionType, CollectionColumnMap columnMap)
            Type result = null;

            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = typeof(RecordState);
                result = TypeSystem.GetElementType(collectionType); 

                // GetElementType returns the input type if it is not a collection.
                if (result == collectionType)
                    // if the user isn't asking for a CLR collection type (e.g. ObjectQuery("{{1, 2}}")), we choose for them
                    TypeUsage edmElementType = ((CollectionType)columnMap.Type.EdmType).TypeUsage; // the TypeUsage of the Element of the collection. 
                    result = DetermineClrType(edmElementType); 
            return result;

        /// Build up the coordinator graph using Enter/ExitCoordinatorTranslateScope.
        private void EnterCoordinatorTranslateScope(CoordinatorScratchpad coordinatorScratchpad) 
            if (null == _rootCoordinatorScratchpad) 
                coordinatorScratchpad.Depth = 0;
                _rootCoordinatorScratchpad = coordinatorScratchpad;
                _currentCoordinatorScratchpad = coordinatorScratchpad; 
                coordinatorScratchpad.Depth = _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.Depth + 1;
                _currentCoordinatorScratchpad = coordinatorScratchpad;
        private void ExitCoordinatorTranslateScope()
            _currentCoordinatorScratchpad = _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.Parent; 
        /// Return an expression to read the coordinator from a state slot at
        /// runtime.  This is the method where we store the expressions we've
        /// been building into the CoordinatorScratchpad, which we'll compile 
        /// later, once we've left the visitor.
        private Expression BuildExpressionToGetCoordinator(Type elementType, Expression element, Expression[] keyReaders, Expression discriminator, object discriminatorValue, CoordinatorScratchpad coordinatorScratchpad) 
            int stateSlotNumber = AllocateStateSlot(); 
            coordinatorScratchpad.StateSlotNumber = stateSlotNumber;

            // Ensure that the element type of the collec element translator
            coordinatorScratchpad.Element = element; 

            // Build expressions to set the key values into their state slots, and 
            // to compare the current values from the source reader with the values 
            // in the slots.
            List setKeyTerms = new List(keyReaders.Length); 
            List checkKeyTerms = new List(keyReaders.Length);

            foreach (Expression keyReader in keyReaders)
                // allocate space for the key value in the reader state
                int keyStateSlotNumber = AllocateStateSlot(); 
                // SetKey: readerState.SetState(stateSlot, keyReader)
                setKeyTerms.Add(Emit_Shaper_SetState(keyStateSlotNumber, keyReader)); 

                // CheckKey: ((T)readerState.State[ordinal]).Equals(keyValue)
                                        Emit_Shaper_GetState(keyStateSlotNumber, keyReader.Type), 
            // For setting keys, we use BitwiseOr so that we don't short-circuit (all
            // key terms are set)
            coordinatorScratchpad.SetKeys = Emit_BitwiseOr(setKeyTerms);
            // When checking for equality, we use AndAlso so that we short-circuit (return
            // as soon as key values don't match) 
            coordinatorScratchpad.CheckKeys = Emit_AndAlso(checkKeyTerms); 

            if (null != discriminator) 
                // discriminatorValue == discriminator
                coordinatorScratchpad.HasData = Emit_Equal(
                                                    Expression.Constant(discriminatorValue, discriminator.Type), 

            // Finally, build the expression to read the coordinator from the state 
            // (Coordinator)readerState.State[stateOrdinal]
            Expression result = Emit_Shaper_GetState(stateSlotNumber, typeof(Coordinator<>).MakeGenericType(elementType));
            return result;

        #region "scalar" columns
        /// Visit(RefColumnMap)
        /// If the entityKey has a value, then return it otherwise return a null 
        /// valued EntityKey.  The EntityKey construction is the tricky part.
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(RefColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            EntityIdentity entityIdentity = columnMap.EntityIdentity; 
            Expression entitySetReader; // Ignored here; used when constructing Entities

            // hasValue ? entityKey : (EntityKey)null
            Expression result = Expression.Condition( 
                                                Emit_EntityKey_ctor(this, entityIdentity, true, out entitySetReader), 
                                                Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntityKey)) 
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        /// Visit(ScalarColumnMap) 
        /// Pretty basic stuff here; we just call the method that matches the 
        /// type of the column.  Of course we have to handle nullable/non-nullable 
        /// types, and non-value types.
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(ScalarColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Type type = arg.RequestedType;
            int ordinal = columnMap.ColumnPos; 
            bool needsNullableCheck;
            MethodInfo readerMethod = GetReaderMethod(type, out needsNullableCheck); 
            Expression result = Emit_Reader_GetXXX(ordinal, type, readerMethod);
            // if type was Nullable, wrap the expression with check for null
            // value and produce the correct typed null instead.  Strings, of
            // course, can't be Nullable, so we'll always do this.
            if (needsNullableCheck) 
                result = Expression.Condition(Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(ordinal), 
                                              Expression.Constant(TypeSystem.GetDefaultValue(arg.RequestedType), arg.RequestedType), 

            // also create a version of the expression with error handling so that we can throw
            // better exception messages when needed
            Expression resultWithErrorHandling = Emit_Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(arg.RequestedType, ordinal); 
            _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.AddExpressionWithErrorHandling(result, resultWithErrorHandling);
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 
        internal static MethodInfo GetReaderMethod(Type type, out bool isNullable)
            Debug.Assert(null != type, "type required");
            MethodInfo result;
            isNullable = false; 
            // determine if this is a Nullable
            Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); 
            if (null != underlyingType)
                isNullable = true;
                type = underlyingType; 
            TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(type); 

            switch (typeCode) 
                case TypeCode.String:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetString;
                    isNullable = true; 
                case TypeCode.Int16: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetInt16; 
                case TypeCode.Int32: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetInt32;
                case TypeCode.Int64:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetInt64; 
                case TypeCode.Boolean: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetBoolean; 
                case TypeCode.Decimal: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetDecimal;
                case TypeCode.Double:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetDouble; 
                case TypeCode.Single: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetFloat; 
                case TypeCode.DateTime: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetDateTime;
                case TypeCode.Byte:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetByte; 
                    if (typeof(Guid) == type) 
                        // Guid doesn't have a type code 
                        result = DbDataReader_GetGuid;
                    else if (typeof(TimeSpan) == type ||
                             typeof(DateTimeOffset) == type) 
                        // TimeSpan and DateTimeOffset don't have a type code or a specific 
                        // GetXXX method 
                        result = DbDataReader_GetValue;
                    else if (typeof(Object) == type)
                        // We assume that Object means we want DBNull rather than null. I believe this is a bug.
                        result = DbDataReader_GetValue; 
                        result = DbDataReader_GetValue;
                        isNullable = true; 
            return result; 
        /// Visit(VarRefColumnMap)
        /// This should throw; VarRefColumnMaps should be removed by the PlanCompiler.
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(VarRefColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Debug.Fail("VarRefColumnMap should be substituted at this point");
            throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(String.Empty); 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.Common.QueryCache;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Mapping; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Objects; 
using System.Data.Objects.ELinq; 
using System.Data.Objects.Internal;
using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses; 
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization
    /// Struct containing the requested type and parent column map used 
    /// as the arg in the Translator visitor. 
    internal struct TranslatorArg 
        internal readonly Type RequestedType;

        internal TranslatorArg(Type requestedType) 
            this.RequestedType = requestedType; 
    /// Type returned by the Translator visitor; allows us to put the logic
    /// to ensure a specific return type in a single place, instead of in
    /// each Visit method. 
    internal class TranslatorResult 
        private readonly Expression ReturnedExpression;
        private readonly Type RequestedType; 

        internal TranslatorResult(Expression returnedExpression, Type requestedType)
            this.RequestedType = requestedType; 
            this.ReturnedExpression = returnedExpression;
        /// Return the expression; wrapped with the appropriate cast/convert 
        /// logic to guarantee it's type.
        internal Expression Expression
                Expression result = Translator.Emit_EnsureType(ReturnedExpression, RequestedType); 
                return result;

        /// Return the expression without attempting to cast/convert to the requested type. 
        internal Expression UnconvertedExpression 
                return ReturnedExpression;
        /// Checks if the expression represents an wrapped entity and if so creates an expression 
        /// that extracts the raw entity from the wrapper. 
        internal Expression UnwrappedExpression 
                if (!typeof(IEntityWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(ReturnedExpression.Type)) 
                    return ReturnedExpression; 
                return Translator.Emit_UnwrapAndEnsureType(ReturnedExpression, RequestedType);

    /// For collection results, we really want to know the expression to
    /// get the coordinator from its stateslot as well, so we have an 
    /// additional one... 
    internal class CollectionTranslatorResult : TranslatorResult 
        internal readonly Expression ExpressionToGetCoordinator;

        internal CollectionTranslatorResult(Expression returnedExpression, ColumnMap columnMap, Type requestedType, Expression expressionToGetCoordinator) 
            : base(returnedExpression, requestedType)
            this.ExpressionToGetCoordinator = expressionToGetCoordinator; 

    /// Translates query ColumnMap into ShaperFactory. Basically, we interpret the
    /// ColumnMap and compile delegates used to materialize results. 
    internal class Translator : ColumnMapVisitorWithResults 
        #region private state
        /// Gets the O-Space Metadata workspace.
        private readonly MetadataWorkspace _workspace; 

        /// Gets structure telling us how to interpret 'span' rows (includes implicit 
        /// relationship span and explicit full span via ObjectQuery.Include().
        private readonly SpanIndex _spanIndex;

        /// Gets the MergeOption for the current query (influences our handling of 
        /// entities when they are materialized).
        private readonly MergeOption _mergeOption; 

        /// When true, indicates we're processing for the value layer (BridgeDataReader)
        /// and not the ObjectMaterializer
        private readonly bool IsValueLayer; 

        /// Gets scratchpad for topmost nested reader coordinator. 
        private CoordinatorScratchpad _rootCoordinatorScratchpad; 

        /// Gets scratchpad for the coordinator builder for the nested reader currently
        /// being translated or emitted. 
        private CoordinatorScratchpad _currentCoordinatorScratchpad; 
        /// Gets number of 'Shaper.State' slots allocated (used to hold onto intermediate 
        /// values during materialization)
        private int _stateSlotCount;
        /// Set to true if any Entity/Complex type/property for which we're emitting a 
        /// handler is non-public. Used to determine which security checks are necessary 
        /// when invoking the delegate.
        private bool _hasNonPublicMembers;

        /// Keeps track of all LINQ expressions accepted from the user code. 
        private readonly List>> _userExpressions = new List>>(); 
        /// Local cache of ObjectTypeMappings for EdmTypes (to prevent expensive lookups). 
        private readonly Dictionary _objectTypeMappings = new Dictionary();


        #region constructor 
        private Translator(MetadataWorkspace workspace, SpanIndex spanIndex, MergeOption mergeOption, bool valueLayer)
            _workspace = workspace;
            _spanIndex = spanIndex;
            _mergeOption = mergeOption;
            IsValueLayer = valueLayer; 

        #region "public" surface area 

        /// The main entry point for the translation process. Given a ColumnMap, returns
        /// a ShaperFactory which can be used to materialize results for a query. 
        internal static ShaperFactory TranslateColumnMap(QueryCacheManager queryCacheManager, ColumnMap columnMap, MetadataWorkspace workspace, SpanIndex spanIndex, MergeOption mergeOption, bool valueLayer) 
            Debug.Assert(columnMap is CollectionColumnMap, "root column map must be a collection for a query");
            // If the query cache already contains a plan, then we're done
            ShaperFactory result;
            string columnMapKey = ColumnMapKeyBuilder.GetColumnMapKey(columnMap, spanIndex);
            ShaperFactoryQueryCacheKey cacheKey = new ShaperFactoryQueryCacheKey(columnMapKey, mergeOption, valueLayer); 

            if (queryCacheManager.TryCacheLookup(cacheKey, out result)) 
                return result;

            // Didn't find it in the cache, so we have to do the translation;  First create
            // the translator visitor that recursively tranforms ColumnMaps into Expressions
            // stored on the CoordinatorScratchpads it also constructs.  We'll compile those 
            // expressions into delegates later.
            Translator translator = new Translator(workspace, spanIndex, mergeOption, valueLayer); 
            columnMap.Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(TRequestedType)))); 

            Debug.Assert(null != translator._rootCoordinatorScratchpad, "translating the root of the query must populate _rootCoordinatorBuilder"); // how can this happen? 

            // We're good. Go ahead and recursively compile the CoordinatorScratchpads we
            // created in the vistor into CoordinatorFactories which contain compiled
            // delegates for the expressions we generated. 
            CoordinatorFactory coordinatorFactory = (CoordinatorFactory)translator._rootCoordinatorScratchpad.Compile();
            // Along the way we constructed a nice delegate to perform runtime permission 
            // checks (e.g. for LinkDemand and non-public members).  We need that now.
            Action checkPermissionsDelegate = translator.GetCheckPermissionsDelegate(); 

            // Finally, take everything we've produced, and create the ShaperFactory to
            // contain it all, then add it to the query cache so we don't need to do this
            // for this query again. 
            result = new ShaperFactory(translator._stateSlotCount, coordinatorFactory, checkPermissionsDelegate, mergeOption);
            QueryCacheEntry cacheEntry = new ShaperFactoryQueryCacheEntry(cacheKey, result); 
            if (queryCacheManager.TryLookupAndAdd(cacheEntry, out cacheEntry)) 
                // Someone beat us to it. Use their result instead. 
                result = ((ShaperFactoryQueryCacheEntry)cacheEntry).GetTarget();
            return result;

        /// Compiles a delegate taking a Shaper instance and returning values. Used to compile 
        /// Expressions produced by the emitter.
        /// Asserts MemberAccess to skip visbility check.
        /// This means that that security checks are skipped. Before calling this
        /// method you must ensure that you've done a TestComple on expressions provided
        /// by the user to ensure the compilation doesn't violate them. 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2128")] 
        [ReflectionPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, MemberAccess = true)]
        internal static Func Compile(Expression body) 
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda>(body, Shaper_Parameter);
            return lambda.Compile();

        /// Non-generic version of Compile (where the result type is passed in as an argument rather 
        /// than a type parameter)
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static object Compile(Type resultType, Expression body)
            MethodInfo compile = Translator_Compile.MakeGenericMethod(resultType); 
            return compile.Invoke(null, new object[] { body });
        /// Tell the translator about a user-defined LINQ expression that is being inlined 
        /// in the materializer delegate.  Before we produce the shaper factory we'll ensure
        /// that security is not violated by using this expression in our delegates.
        internal void RegisterUserExpression(Expression expression) 
            Expression> lambda = Expression.Lambda>(Expression.Convert(expression, typeof(object))); 

        #region helpers
        /// Allocates a slot in 'Shaper.State' which can be used as storage for 
        /// materialization tasks (e.g. remembering key values for a nested collection) 
        private int AllocateStateSlot() 
            return _stateSlotCount++;
        /// Returns a delegate performing necessary permission checks identified 
        /// by this translator.  This delegate must be called every time a row is 
        /// read from the ObjectResult enumerator, since the enumerator can be
        /// passed across security contexts. 
        private Action GetCheckPermissionsDelegate()
            // Emit an action to check runtime permissions. 
            Action checkPermissions = null;
            if (_hasNonPublicMembers) 
                checkPermissions = DemandMemberAccess;
            else if (_userExpressions.Count > 0)
                IEnumerable>> userExpressions = _userExpressions;
                checkPermissions = () => VerifyUserExpressions(userExpressions); 
            return checkPermissions; 

        private static void DemandMemberAccess() 
        /// Try compiling the user expressions to ensure it would succeed without an 
        /// assert (user expressions are inlined with references to EF internals which 
        /// require the assert so we need to check the user expressions separately).
        /// This method is called every time a new query result is returned to make sure
        /// the user expressions can be compiled in the current security context.
        private static void VerifyUserExpressions(IEnumerable>> userExpressions) 
            // As an optimization, check if we have member access permission. If so, 
            // we know the compile would succeed and don't need to make the effort. 
            if (!LightweightCodeGenerator.HasMemberAccessReflectionPermission())
                // If we don't have MemberAccess, compile the expressions to see if they
                // might be satisfied by RestrictedMemberAccess.
                foreach (Expression> userExpression in userExpressions)
        /// Return the CLR type we're supposed to materialize for the TypeUsage
        private Type DetermineClrType(TypeUsage typeUsage) 
            return DetermineClrType(typeUsage.EdmType); 

        /// Return the CLR type we're supposed to materialize for the EdmType
        private Type DetermineClrType(EdmType edmType)
            Type result = null;
            // Normalize for spandex 
            edmType = ResolveSpanType(edmType); 

            switch (edmType.BuiltInTypeKind) 
                case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType:
                case BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType:
                    if (IsValueLayer) 
                        result = typeof(RecordState); 
                        result = LookupObjectMapping(edmType).ClrType.ClrType;
                case BuiltInTypeKind.RefType:
                    result = typeof(EntityKey); 

                case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType: 
                    if (IsValueLayer)
                        result = typeof(Coordinator);
                        EdmType edmElementType = ((CollectionType)edmType).TypeUsage.EdmType; 
                        result = DetermineClrType(edmElementType);
                        result = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(result); 

                case BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType: 
                    result = ((PrimitiveType)edmType).ClrEquivalentType;
                    if (result.IsValueType) 
                        result = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(result);

                case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType:
                    if (IsValueLayer) 
                        result = typeof(RecordState); 
                        // LINQ has anonymous types that aren't going to show up in our
                        // metadata workspace, and we don't want to hydrate a record when
                        // we need an anonymous type.  ELINQ solves this by annotating the
                        // edmType with some additional information, which we'll pick up 
                        // here.
                        InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata = ((RowType)edmType).InitializerMetadata; 
                        if (null != initializerMetadata) 
                            result = initializerMetadata.ClrType; 
                            // Otherwise, by default, we'll give DbDataRecord results (the 
                            // user can also cast to IExtendedDataRecord)
                            result = typeof(DbDataRecord); 

                    Debug.Fail(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The type {0} was not the expected scalar, enumeration, collection, structural, nominal, or reference type.", edmType.GetType()));
            Debug.Assert(null != result, "no result?"); // just making sure we cover this in the switch statement. 
            return result;

        /// Get the ConstructorInfo for the type specified, and ensure we keep track
        /// of any security requirements that the type has. 
        private ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(Type type) 
            ConstructorInfo result = null;
            if (!type.IsAbstract) 
                result = LightweightCodeGenerator.GetConstructorForType(type);

                // remember security requirements for this constructor 
                if (!LightweightCodeGenerator.IsPublic(result))
                    _hasNonPublicMembers = true; 
            return result;

        /// Retrieves object mapping metadata for the given type. The first time a type
        /// is encountered, we cache the metadata to avoid repeating the work for every 
        /// row in result. 
        /// Caching at the materializer rather than workspace/metadata cache level optimizes 
        /// for transient types (including row types produced for span, LINQ initializations,
        /// collections and projections).
        private ObjectTypeMapping LookupObjectMapping(EdmType edmType) 
            Debug.Assert(null != edmType, "no edmType?"); // edmType must not be null. 
            ObjectTypeMapping result;
            EdmType resolvedType = ResolveSpanType(edmType);
            if (null == resolvedType)
                resolvedType = edmType; 
            if (!_objectTypeMappings.TryGetValue(resolvedType, out result)) 
                result = Util.GetObjectMapping(resolvedType, _workspace); 
                _objectTypeMappings.Add(resolvedType, result);
            return result;

        /// Remove spanned info from the edmType 
        private EdmType ResolveSpanType(EdmType edmType)
            EdmType result = edmType; 

            switch (result.BuiltInTypeKind) 
                case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType:
                    // For collections, we have to edmType from the (potentially) spanned 
                    // element of the collection, then build a new Collection around it.
                    result = ResolveSpanType(((CollectionType)result).TypeUsage.EdmType);
                    if (null != result)
                        result = new CollectionType(result);

                case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType: 
                    // If there is a SpanMap, pick up the EdmType from the first column
                    // in the record, otherwise it's just the type we already have.
                    RowType rowType = (RowType)result;
                    if (null != _spanIndex && _spanIndex.HasSpanMap(rowType)) 
                        result = rowType.Members[0].TypeUsage.EdmType; 
            return result;

        /// Creates an expression representing an inline delegate of type Func<Shaper, body.Type>
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] 
        private LambdaExpression CreateInlineDelegate(Expression body)
            // Note that we call through to a typed method so that we can call Expression.Lambda instead
            // of the straightforward Expression.Lambda. The latter requires FullTrust.
            Type delegateReturnType = body.Type;
            MethodInfo createMethod = Translator_TypedCreateInlineDelegate.MakeGenericMethod(delegateReturnType); 
            LambdaExpression result = (LambdaExpression)createMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { body });
            return result; 

        private Expression> TypedCreateInlineDelegate(Expression body) 
            Expression> result = Expression.Lambda>(body, Shaper_Parameter);
            return result; 

        #region Lightweight CodeGen emitters 

        #region static Reflection info used in emitters

        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetValue = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetValue"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetString = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetString");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetInt16 = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetInt16"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetInt32 = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetInt32"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetInt64 = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetInt64");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetBoolean = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetBoolean"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetDecimal = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetDecimal");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetFloat = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetFloat");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetDouble = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetDouble");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetDateTime = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetDateTime"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetGuid = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetGuid");
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_GetByte = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("GetByte"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo DbDataReader_IsDBNull = typeof(DbDataReader).GetMethod("IsDBNull"); 

        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityKey_ctor_SingleKey = typeof(EntityKey).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(EntitySet), typeof(object) }, null); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityKey_ctor_CompositeKey = typeof(EntityKey).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(EntitySet), typeof(object[]) }, null);

        private static readonly MethodInfo IEntityKeyWithKey_EntityKey = typeof(System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.IEntityWithKey).GetProperty("EntityKey").GetSetMethod();
        private static readonly MethodInfo IEqualityComparerOfString_Equals = typeof(IEqualityComparer).GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) });
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo MaterializedDataRecord_ctor = typeof(MaterializedDataRecord).GetConstructor( 
                                                                                            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
                                                                                            null, new Type[] { typeof(MetadataWorkspace), typeof(TypeUsage), typeof(object[]) }, 

        private static readonly MethodInfo RecordState_GatherData = typeof(RecordState).GetMethod("GatherData", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        private static readonly MethodInfo RecordState_SetNullRecord = typeof(RecordState).GetMethod("SetNullRecord", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 

        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_Discriminate = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("Discriminate"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleEntity = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleEntity"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleEntityAppendOnly = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleEntityAppendOnly");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleEntityNoTracking = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleEntityNoTracking");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleFullSpanCollection = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleFullSpanCollection");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleFullSpanElement = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleFullSpanElement"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleIEntityWithKey = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleIEntityWithKey");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_HandleRelationshipSpan = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("HandleRelationshipSpan"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetColumnValue = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetColumnValue"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetEntityRecordInfo = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetEntityRecordInfo");
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetState = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetState"); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Shaper_SetStatePassthrough = typeof(Shaper).GetMethod("SetStatePassthrough");

        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_BinaryEquals = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("BinaryEquals", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_CheckedConvert = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("CheckedConvert", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_Compile = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("Compile", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(Expression) }, null);
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo Translator_TypedCreateInlineDelegate = typeof(Translator).GetMethod("TypedCreateInlineDelegate", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 

        private static readonly PropertyInfo EntityWrapperFactory_NullWrapper = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetProperty("NullWrapper", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 
        private static readonly PropertyInfo IEntityWrapper_Entity = typeof(IEntityWrapper).GetProperty("Entity");
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityProxyTypeInfo_SetEntityWrapper = typeof(EntityProxyTypeInfo).GetMethod("SetEntityWrapper", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        private static readonly ConstructorInfo PocoPropertyAccessorStrategy_ctor = typeof(PocoPropertyAccessorStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object) }); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityWithChangeTrackerStrategy_ctor = typeof(EntityWithChangeTrackerStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IEntityWithChangeTracker) });
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo EntityWithKeyStrategy_ctor = typeof(EntityWithKeyStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IEntityWithKey) }); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo PocoEntityKeyStrategy_ctor = typeof(PocoEntityKeyStrategy).GetConstructor(new Type[0]); 
        private static readonly PropertyInfo SnapshotChangeTrackingStrategy_Instance = typeof(SnapshotChangeTrackingStrategy).GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetPocoPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetPocoPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetNullPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetNullPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithChangeTrackerStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetEntityWithChangeTrackerStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetSnapshotChangeTrackingStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetSnapshotChangeTrackingStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithKeyStrategyStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetEntityWithKeyStrategyStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly MethodInfo EntityWrapperFactory_GetPocoEntityKeyStrategyFunc = typeof(EntityWrapperFactory).GetMethod("GetPocoEntityKeyStrategyFunc", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); 
        #region static expressions used in emitters

        private static readonly Expression DBNull_Value = Expression.Constant(DBNull.Value, typeof(object));
        internal static readonly ParameterExpression Shaper_Parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Shaper), "shaper");
        private static readonly ParameterExpression EntityParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "entity"); 
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Reader = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("Reader"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Workspace = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("Workspace")); 
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_State = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("State"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Context = Expression.Field(Shaper_Parameter, typeof(Shaper).GetField("Context"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_Context_Options = Expression.Property(Shaper_Context, typeof(ObjectContext).GetProperty("ContextOptions"));
        private static readonly Expression Shaper_ProxyCreationEnabled = Expression.Property(Shaper_Context_Options, typeof(ObjectContextOptions).GetProperty("ProxyCreationEnabled")); 

        /// Create expression to AndAlso the expressions and return the result. 
        private static Expression Emit_AndAlso(IEnumerable operands)
            Expression result = null; 
            foreach (Expression operand in operands)
                if (result == null) 
                    result = operand; 
                    result = Expression.AndAlso(result, operand); 
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to bitwise-or the expressions and return the result.
        private static Expression Emit_BitwiseOr(IEnumerable operands) 
            Expression result = null; 
            foreach (Expression operand in operands) 
                if (result == null) 
                    result = operand;
                    result = Expression.Or(result, operand); 
            return result; 

        /// Creates an expression with null value. If the given type cannot be assigned 
        /// a null value, we create a value that throws when materializing. We don't throw statically
        /// because we consistently defer type checks until materialization. 
        /// See SQL BU 588980.
        /// Type of null expression.
        /// Null expression.
        internal static Expression Emit_NullConstant(Type type)
            Expression nullConstant;
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(type, "type"); 
            // check if null can be assigned to the type
            if (type.IsClass || TypeSystem.IsNullableType(type)) 
                // create the constant directly if it accepts null
                nullConstant = Expression.Constant(null, type);
                // create (object)null and then cast to the type 
                nullConstant = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Constant(null, typeof(object)), type);
            return nullConstant;

        /// Emits an expression that represnts a NullEntityWrapper instance.
        /// The type of the null to be wrapped 
        /// An expression represnting a wrapped null
        internal static Expression Emit_WrappedNullConstant(Type type) 
            return Expression.Property(null, EntityWrapperFactory_NullWrapper);
        /// Create expression that guarantees the input expression is of the specified 
        /// type; no Convert is added if the expression is already of the same type. 
        /// Internal because it is called from the TranslatorResult. 
        internal static Expression Emit_EnsureType(Expression input, Type type)
            Expression result = input; 
            if (input.Type != type && !typeof(IEntityWrapper).IsAssignableFrom(input.Type))
                if (type.IsAssignableFrom(input.Type)) 
                    // simple convert, just to make sure static type checks succeed 
                    result = Expression.Convert(input, type);
                    // user is asking for the 'wrong' type... add exception handling
                    // in case of failure 
                    MethodInfo checkedConvertMethod = Translator_CheckedConvert.MakeGenericMethod(input.Type, type); 
                    result = Expression.Call(checkedConvertMethod, input);
            return result;
        /// Uses Emit_EnsureType and then wraps the result in an IEntityWrapper instance. 
        /// The expression that creates the entity to be wrapped
        /// Expression to read the entity key 
        /// Expression to read the entity set
        /// The type that was actuall requested by the client--may be object
        /// The type of the identity type of the entity being materialized--never a proxy type
        /// The actual type being materialized--may be a proxy type 
        /// Either NoTracking or AppendOnly depending on whether the entity is to be tracked
        /// If true, then a proxy is being created 
        /// An expression representing the IEntityWrapper for the new entity 
        internal static Expression Emit_EnsureTypeAndWrap(Expression input, Expression keyReader, Expression entitySetReader, Type requestedType, Type identityType, Type actualType, MergeOption mergeOption, bool isProxy)
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(input, requestedType); // Needed to ensure appropriate exception is thrown
            if (!requestedType.IsClass)
                result = Emit_EnsureType(input, typeof(object)); 
            result = Emit_EnsureType(result, actualType); // Needed to ensure appropriate type for wrapper constructor 
            return CreateEntityWrapper(result, keyReader, entitySetReader, actualType, identityType, mergeOption, isProxy); 
        /// Returns an expression that creates an IEntityWrapper approprioate for the type of entity being materialized.
        private static Expression CreateEntityWrapper(Expression input, Expression keyReader, Expression entitySetReader, Type actualType, Type identityType, MergeOption mergeOption, bool isProxy) 
            Expression result; 
            bool isIEntityWithKey = typeof(IEntityWithKey).IsAssignableFrom(actualType); 
            bool isIEntityWithRelationships = typeof(IEntityWithRelationships).IsAssignableFrom(actualType);
            bool isIEntityWithChangeTracker = typeof(IEntityWithChangeTracker).IsAssignableFrom(actualType); 
            if (isIEntityWithRelationships && isIEntityWithChangeTracker && isIEntityWithKey && !isProxy)
                // This is the case where all our interfaces are implemented by the entity and we are not creating a proxy.
                // This is the case that absolutely must be kept fast.  It is a simple call to the wrapper constructor. 
                Type genericType = typeof(LightweightEntityWrapper<>).MakeGenericType(actualType);
                ConstructorInfo ci = genericType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, 
                                                                new Type[] { actualType, typeof(EntityKey), typeof(EntitySet), typeof(ObjectContext), typeof(MergeOption), typeof(Type) }, null); 
                result = Expression.New(ci, input, keyReader, entitySetReader, Shaper_Context, Expression.Constant(mergeOption, typeof(MergeOption)), Expression.Constant(identityType, typeof(Type)));
                // This is the general case.  We choose various strategy objects based on the interfaces implemented and
                // whether or not we are creating a proxy. 
                // We pass in lambdas to create the strategy objects so that they can have the materialized entity as
                // a parameter while still being set in the wrapper constructor. 
                Expression propertyAccessorStrategy = !isIEntityWithRelationships || isProxy ? 
                                                      Expression.Call(EntityWrapperFactory_GetPocoPropertyAccessorStrategyFunc) :

                Expression keyStrategy = isIEntityWithKey ?
                                         Expression.Call(EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithKeyStrategyStrategyFunc) :

                Expression changeTrackingStrategy = isIEntityWithChangeTracker ? 
                                                    Expression.Call(EntityWrapperFactory_GetEntityWithChangeTrackerStrategyFunc) : 
                Type genericType = isIEntityWithRelationships ?
                                   typeof(EntityWrapperWithRelationships<>).MakeGenericType(actualType) :
                ConstructorInfo ci = genericType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
                                                                new Type[] { actualType, typeof(EntityKey), typeof(EntitySet), typeof(ObjectContext), typeof(MergeOption), typeof(Type), 
                                                                             typeof(Func), typeof(Func), typeof(Func) }, null); 
                result = Expression.New(ci, input, keyReader, entitySetReader, Shaper_Context, Expression.Constant(mergeOption, typeof(MergeOption)), Expression.Constant(identityType, typeof(Type)),
                                        propertyAccessorStrategy, changeTrackingStrategy, keyStrategy); 
            result = Expression.Convert(result, typeof(IEntityWrapper));
            return result;

        /// Takes an expression that represents an IEntityWrapper instance and creates a new 
        /// expression that extracts the raw entity from this.
        internal static Expression Emit_UnwrapAndEnsureType(Expression input, Type type)
            return Translator.Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Property(input, IEntityWrapper_Entity), type);

        /// Method that the generated expression calls when the types are not 
        /// assignable
        private static TTarget CheckedConvert(TSource value)
                    return (TTarget)(object)value; 
                catch (InvalidCastException) 
                    Type valueType = value.GetType();

                    // In the case of CompensatingCollection, simply report IEnumerable in the 
                    // exception message because the user has no reason to know what the type represents.
                    if (valueType.IsGenericType && valueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(CompensatingCollection<>)) 
                        valueType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(valueType.GetGenericArguments());
                    throw EntityUtil.ValueInvalidCast(valueType, typeof(TTarget));
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    throw EntityUtil.ValueNullReferenceCast(typeof(TTarget));
        /// Create expression to compare the results of two expressions and return
        /// whether they are equal.  Note we have special case logic for byte arrays.
        private static Expression Emit_Equal(Expression left, Expression right)
            Expression result; 
            Debug.Assert(left.Type == right.Type, "equals with different types");
            if (typeof(byte[]) == left.Type) 
                result = Expression.Call(Translator_BinaryEquals, left, right);
                result = Expression.Equal(left, right); 
            return result;

        /// Helper method used in expressions generated by Emit_Equal to perform a
        /// byte-by-byte comparison of two byte arrays.  There really ought to be 
        /// a way to do this in the framework but I'm unaware of it.
        private static bool BinaryEquals(byte[] left, byte[] right) 
            if (null == left) 
                return null == right;
            else if (null == right) 
                return false; 
            if (left.Length != right.Length)
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < left.Length; i++)
                if (left[i] != right[i])
                    return false; 
            return true;

        /// Creates expression to construct an EntityKey. Assumes that both the key has
        /// a value (Emit_EntityKey_HasValue == true) and that the EntitySet has value 
        /// (EntitySet != null). 
        private static Expression Emit_EntityKey_ctor(Translator translator, EntityIdentity entityIdentity, bool isForColumnValue, out Expression entitySetReader) 
            Expression result;
            Expression setEntitySetStateSlotValue = null;
            // First build the expressions that read each value that comprises the EntityKey
            List keyReaders = new List(entityIdentity.Keys.Length); 
            for (int i = 0; i < entityIdentity.Keys.Length; i++) 
                Expression keyReader = entityIdentity.Keys[i].Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(typeof(object))).Expression; 

            // Next build the expression that determines us the entitySet; how we do this differs 
            // depending on whether we have a simple or discriminated identity.
            SimpleEntityIdentity simpleEntityIdentity = entityIdentity as SimpleEntityIdentity; 
            if (null != simpleEntityIdentity)
                if (simpleEntityIdentity.EntitySet == null)
                    // 'Free-floating' entities do not have entity keys.
                    entitySetReader = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntitySet)); 
                    return Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntityKey));
                // For SimpleEntityIdentities, the entitySet expression is a constant 
                entitySetReader = Expression.Constant(simpleEntityIdentity.EntitySet, typeof(EntitySet));
                // For DiscriminatedEntityIdentities, the we have to search the EntitySetMap
                // for the matching discriminator value; we'll get the discriminator first, 
                // the compare them all in sequence.
                DiscriminatedEntityIdentity discriminatedEntityIdentity = (DiscriminatedEntityIdentity)entityIdentity; 
                Expression discriminator = discriminatedEntityIdentity.EntitySetColumnMap.Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(typeof(int?))).Expression;
                EntitySet[] entitySets = discriminatedEntityIdentity.EntitySetMap; 


                // (_discriminator == 0 ? entitySets[0] : (_discriminator == 1 ? entitySets[1] ... : null)
                entitySetReader = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntitySet)); 
                for (int i = 0; i < entitySets.Length; i++) 
                    entitySetReader = Expression.Condition( 
                                                Expression.Equal(discriminator, Expression.Constant(i, typeof(int?))),
                                                Expression.Constant(entitySets[i], typeof(EntitySet)),
                // Allocate a stateSlot to contain the entitySet we determine, and ensure we 
                // store it there on the way to constructing the key.
                int entitySetStateSlotNumber = translator.AllocateStateSlot(); 
                setEntitySetStateSlotValue = Emit_Shaper_SetStatePassthrough(entitySetStateSlotNumber, entitySetReader);
                entitySetReader = Emit_Shaper_GetState(entitySetStateSlotNumber, typeof(EntitySet));
            // And now that we have all the pieces, construct the EntityKey using the appropriate
            // constructor (there's an optimized constructor for the single key case) 
            if (1 == entityIdentity.Keys.Length) 
                // new EntityKey(entitySet, keyReaders[0]) 
                result = Expression.New(EntityKey_ctor_SingleKey,
                // new EntityKey(entitySet, { keyReaders[0], ... keyReaders[n] }) 
                result = Expression.New(EntityKey_ctor_CompositeKey,
                                            Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), keyReaders));

            // In the case where we've had to store the entitySetReader value in a 
            // state slot, we test the value for non-null before we construct the
            // entityKey.  We use this opportunity to stuff the value into the state 
            // slot, so the code above that attempts to read it from there will find 
            // it.
            if (null != setEntitySetStateSlotValue) 
                Expression noEntityKeyExpression;
                if (translator.IsValueLayer && !isForColumnValue)
                    noEntityKeyExpression = Expression.Constant(EntityKey.NoEntitySetKey, typeof(EntityKey));
                    noEntityKeyExpression = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntityKey)); 
                result = Expression.Condition(
                                            Expression.Equal(setEntitySetStateSlotValue, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntitySet))),
            return result;

        /// Create expression that verifies that the entityKey has a value.  Note we just
        /// presume that if the first key is non-null, all the keys will be valid. 
        private static Expression Emit_EntityKey_HasValue(SimpleColumnMap[] keyColumns) 
            Debug.Assert(0 < keyColumns.Length, "empty keyColumns?");
            // !shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(keyColumn[0].ordinal)
            Expression result = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(keyColumns[0]);
            result = Expression.Not(result);
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to call the specified Get method(ie: GetInt32, GetString, et al)
        /// of the shaper's source data reader 
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_GetXXX(int ordinal, Type type, MethodInfo dataReaderMethod)
            // (type)shaper.Reader.Get???(ordinal) 
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Call(Shaper_Reader, dataReaderMethod, Expression.Constant(ordinal)), type);
            return result; 

        /// Create expression to call the GetValue method of the shaper's source data reader
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_GetValue(int ordinal, Type type)
            // (type)shaper.Reader.GetValue(ordinal)
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.Call(Shaper_Reader, DbDataReader_GetValue, Expression.Constant(ordinal)), type); 
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to call the IsDBNull method of the shaper's source data reader
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(int ordinal) 
            // shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(ordinal) 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Reader, DbDataReader_IsDBNull, Expression.Constant(ordinal)); 
            return result;

        /// Create expression to call the IsDBNull method of the shaper's source data reader
        /// for the scalar column represented by the column map. 
        private static Expression Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(ColumnMap columnMap) 
            Expression result = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(((ScalarColumnMap)columnMap).ColumnPos); 
            return result;

        /// Create expression to read a property value with error handling
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling(Type propertyType, int ordinal, string propertyName, string typeName) 
            // shaper.GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(ordinal, propertyName, typeName) 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling.MakeGenericMethod(propertyType), Expression.Constant(ordinal), Expression.Constant(propertyName), Expression.Constant(typeName));
            return result;
        /// Create expression to read a column value with error handling 
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(Type columnType, int ordinal)
            // shaper.GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(ordinal, propertyName, typeName)
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling.MakeGenericMethod(columnType), Expression.Constant(ordinal));
            return result;

        /// Create expression to read an item from the shaper's state array 
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_GetState(int stateSlotNumber, Type type) 
            // (type)shaper.State[stateSlotNumber]
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.ArrayIndex(Shaper_State, Expression.Constant(stateSlotNumber)), type);
            return result; 
        /// Create expression to set an item in the shaper's state array
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_SetState(int stateSlotNumber, Expression value)
            // shaper.SetState(stateSlotNumber, value)
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetState.MakeGenericMethod(value.Type), Expression.Constant(stateSlotNumber), value); 
            return result;
        /// Create expression to set an item in the shaper's state array 
        private static Expression Emit_Shaper_SetStatePassthrough(int stateSlotNumber, Expression value)
            // shaper.SetState(stateSlotNumber, value) 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetStatePassthrough.MakeGenericMethod(value.Type), Expression.Constant(stateSlotNumber), value);
            return result; 
        #region ColumnMapVisitor implementation

        // utility accept that looks up CLR type
        private static TranslatorResult AcceptWithMappedType(Translator translator, ColumnMap columnMap, ColumnMap parent) 
            Type type = translator.DetermineClrType(columnMap.Type); 
            TranslatorResult result = columnMap.Accept(translator, new TranslatorArg(type)); 
            return result;

        #region structured columns

        /// Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(ComplexTypeColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            Expression result = null; 
            Expression nullSentinelCheck = null;

            if (null != columnMap.NullSentinel)
                nullSentinelCheck = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(columnMap.NullSentinel);
            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, null, null, nullSentinelCheck);
                ComplexType complexType = (ComplexType)columnMap.Type.EdmType;
                Type clrType = DetermineClrType(complexType); 
                ConstructorInfo constructor = GetConstructor(clrType); 

                // Build expressions to read the property values from the source data 
                // reader and bind them to their target properties
                List propertyBindings = CreatePropertyBindings(columnMap, clrType, complexType.Properties);

                // We have all the property bindings now; go ahead and build the expression to 
                // construct the type and store the property values.
                result = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(constructor), propertyBindings); 
                // If there's a null sentinel, then everything above is gated upon whether
                // it's value is DBNull.Value. 
                if (null != nullSentinelCheck)
                    // shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(nullsentinelOridinal) ? (type)null : result
                    result = Expression.Condition(nullSentinelCheck, Emit_NullConstant(result.Type), result); 
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 
        /// Visit(EntityColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(EntityColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            Expression result; 
            // Build expressions to read the entityKey and determine the entitySet. Note
            // that we attempt to optimize things such that we won't construct anything 
            // that isn't needed, depending upon the interfaces the clrType derives from
            // and the MergeOption that was requested.
            // We always need the entitySet, except when MergeOption.NoTracking 
            // We always need the entityKey, except when MergeOption.NoTracking and the 
            // clrType doesn't derive from IEntityWithKey 
            EntityIdentity entityIdentity = columnMap.EntityIdentity;
            Expression entitySetReader = null; 
            Expression entityKeyReader = Emit_EntityKey_ctor(this, entityIdentity, false, out entitySetReader);

            if (IsValueLayer)
                Expression nullCheckExpression = Expression.Not(Emit_EntityKey_HasValue(entityIdentity.Keys));
                //Expression nullCheckExpression = Emit_EntityKey_HasValue(entityIdentity.Keys); 
                result = BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, nullCheckExpression); 
                Expression constructEntity = null;

                EntityType cSpaceType = (EntityType)columnMap.Type.EdmType; 
                Debug.Assert(cSpaceType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType, "Type was " + cSpaceType.BuiltInTypeKind);
                ClrEntityType oSpaceType = (ClrEntityType)LookupObjectMapping(cSpaceType).ClrType; 
                Type clrType = oSpaceType.ClrType; 

                // Build expressions to read the property values from the source data 
                // reader and bind them to their target properties
                List propertyBindings = CreatePropertyBindings(columnMap, clrType, cSpaceType.Properties);

                // We have all the property bindings now; go ahead and build the expression to 
                // construct the entity or proxy and store the property values.  We'll wrap it with more
                // stuff that needs to happen (or not) below. 
                EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo = EntityProxyFactory.GetProxyType(oSpaceType); 

                // If no proxy type exists for the entity, construct the regular entity object. 
                // If a proxy type does exist, examine the ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled flag
                // to determine whether to create a regular or proxy entity object.

                Expression constructNonProxyEntity = Emit_ConstructEntity(oSpaceType, propertyBindings, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, arg, null); 
                if (proxyTypeInfo == null)
                    constructEntity = constructNonProxyEntity; 
                    Expression constructProxyEntity = Emit_ConstructEntity(oSpaceType, propertyBindings, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, arg, proxyTypeInfo);

                    constructEntity = Expression.Condition(Shaper_ProxyCreationEnabled, 

                // If we're tracking, call HandleEntity (or HandleIEntityWithKey or 
                // HandleEntityAppendOnly) as appropriate
                if (MergeOption.NoTracking != _mergeOption)
                    Type actualType = proxyTypeInfo == null ? clrType : proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType; 
                    if (typeof(IEntityWithKey).IsAssignableFrom(actualType) && MergeOption.AppendOnly != _mergeOption)
                        constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleIEntityWithKey.MakeGenericMethod(clrType), 
                        if (MergeOption.AppendOnly == _mergeOption)
                            // pass through a delegate creating the entity rather than the actual entity, so we can avoid 
                            // the cost of materialization when the entity is already in the state manager
                            //Func entityDelegate = shaper => constructEntity(shaper);
                            LambdaExpression entityDelegate = CreateInlineDelegate(constructEntity);
                            constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleEntityAppendOnly.MakeGenericMethod(clrType),
                            constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleEntity.MakeGenericMethod(clrType),
                    constructEntity = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_HandleEntityNoTracking.MakeGenericMethod(clrType),
                // All the above is gated upon whether there really is an entity value;
                // we won't bother executing anything unless there is an entityKey value, 
                // otherwise we'll just return a typed null.
                result = Expression.Condition(

            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        private Expression Emit_ConstructEntity(EntityType oSpaceType, IEnumerable propertyBindings, Expression entityKeyReader, Expression entitySetReader, TranslatorArg arg, EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo)
            bool isProxy = proxyTypeInfo != null;
            Type clrType = oSpaceType.ClrType; 
            Type actualType; 

            Expression constructEntity; 

            if (isProxy)
                constructEntity = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType), propertyBindings); 
                actualType = proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType;
                ConstructorInfo constructor = GetConstructor(clrType); 
                constructEntity = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(constructor), propertyBindings);
                actualType = clrType;
            // After calling the constructor, immediately create an IEntityWrapper instance for the entity.
            constructEntity = Emit_EnsureTypeAndWrap(constructEntity, entityKeyReader, entitySetReader, arg.RequestedType, clrType, actualType, 
                                                     _mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking ? MergeOption.NoTracking : MergeOption.AppendOnly, isProxy); 

            if (isProxy) 
                // Since we created a proxy, we now need to give it a reference to the wrapper that we just created.
                constructEntity = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(proxyTypeInfo), EntityProxyTypeInfo_SetEntityWrapper, constructEntity);
                if (proxyTypeInfo.InitializeEntityCollections != null)
                    constructEntity = Expression.Call(proxyTypeInfo.InitializeEntityCollections, constructEntity); 

            return constructEntity;
        /// Prepare a list of PropertyBindings for each item in the specified property 
        /// collection such that the mapped property of the specified clrType has its 
        /// value set from the source data reader.
        /// Along the way we'll keep track of non-public properties and properties that
        /// have link demands, so we can ensure enforce them.
        private List CreatePropertyBindings(StructuredColumnMap columnMap, Type clrType, ReadOnlyMetadataCollection properties) 
            List result = new List(columnMap.Properties.Length); 
            ObjectTypeMapping mapping = LookupObjectMapping(columnMap.Type.EdmType);
            for (int i = 0; i < columnMap.Properties.Length; i++)
                EdmProperty edmProperty = mapping.GetPropertyMap(properties[i].Name).ClrProperty;
                // get MethodInfo for setter
                MethodInfo propertyAccessor; 
                Type propertyType; 
                LightweightCodeGenerator.ValidateSetterProperty(edmProperty.EntityDeclaringType, edmProperty.PropertySetterHandle, out propertyAccessor, out propertyType);
                // determine if any security checks are required
                if (!LightweightCodeGenerator.IsPublic(propertyAccessor))
                    _hasNonPublicMembers = true; 
                // get translation of property value 
                Expression valueReader = columnMap.Properties[i].Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(propertyType)).Expression;
                ScalarColumnMap scalarColumnMap = columnMap.Properties[i] as ScalarColumnMap;
                if (null != scalarColumnMap)
                    string propertyName = propertyAccessor.Name.Substring(4); // substring to strip "set_" 

                    // create a value reader with error handling 
                    Expression valueReaderWithErrorHandling = Emit_Shaper_GetPropertyValueWithErrorHandling(propertyType, scalarColumnMap.ColumnPos, propertyName, propertyAccessor.DeclaringType.Name); 
                    _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.AddExpressionWithErrorHandling(valueReader, valueReaderWithErrorHandling);

                Type entityDeclaringType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(edmProperty.EntityDeclaringType);
                MemberBinding binding = Expression.Bind(GetProperty(propertyAccessor, entityDeclaringType), valueReader);
            return result; 

        /// Gets the PropertyInfo representing the property with which the given setter method is associated.
        /// This code is taken from Expression.Bind(MethodInfo) but adapted to take a type such that it
        /// will work in cases in which the property was declared on a generic base class.  In such cases,
        /// the declaringType needs to be the actual entity type, rather than the base class type.  Note that 
        /// declaringType can be null, in which case the setterMethod.DeclaringType is used.
        private static PropertyInfo GetProperty(MethodInfo setterMethod, Type declaringType) 
            if (declaringType == null) 
                declaringType = setterMethod.DeclaringType;
            BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; 
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in declaringType.GetProperties(bindingAttr))
                if (propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true) == setterMethod) 
                    return propertyInfo; 
            Debug.Fail("Should always find a property for the setterMethod since we got the setter method from a property in the first place.");
            return null; 
        /// Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(SimplePolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Expression result;
            // We're building a conditional ladder, where we'll compare each
            // discriminator value with the one from the source data reader, and 
            // we'll pick that type if they match. 
            Expression discriminatorReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.TypeDiscriminator, columnMap).Expression;
            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = Emit_EnsureType(
                                BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, null, null, Expression.Constant(true)), 
                result = Emit_WrappedNullConstant(arg.RequestedType); // the default 

            foreach (var typeChoice in columnMap.TypeChoices)
                // determine CLR type for the type choice, and don't bother adding
                // this choice if it can't produce a result 
                Type type = DetermineClrType(typeChoice.Value.Type); 

                if (type.IsAbstract) 
                Expression discriminatorConstant = Expression.Constant(typeChoice.Key, discriminatorReader.Type);
                Expression discriminatorMatches; 
                // For string types, we have to use a specific comparison that handles
                // trailing spaces properly, not just the general equality test we use 
                // elsewhere.
                if (discriminatorReader.Type == typeof(string))
                    discriminatorMatches = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(TrailingSpaceStringComparer.Instance), IEqualityComparerOfString_Equals, discriminatorConstant, discriminatorReader); 
                    discriminatorMatches = Emit_Equal(discriminatorConstant, discriminatorReader);

                result = Expression.Condition(discriminatorMatches,
                                            typeChoice.Value.Accept(this, arg).Expression,

            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 
        /// Visit(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap)
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] 
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            MethodInfo multipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper = Translator_MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType); 
            Expression result = (Expression)multipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper.Invoke(this, new object[] { columnMap, arg });
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        /// Helper method to simplify the construction of the types; I'm just too lazy to 
        /// create all the nested generic types needed to this by hand.
        private Expression MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMapHelper(MultipleDiscriminatorPolymorphicColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            // construct an array of discriminator values 
            Expression[] discriminatorReaders = new Expression[columnMap.TypeDiscriminators.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < discriminatorReaders.Length; i++)
                discriminatorReaders[i] = columnMap.TypeDiscriminators[i].Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(typeof(object))).Expression; 
            Expression discriminatorValues = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), discriminatorReaders); 
            // Next build the expressions that will construct the type choices. An array of KeyValuePair>
            List elementDelegates = new List(); 
            Type typeDelegatePairType = typeof(KeyValuePair>);
            ConstructorInfo typeDelegatePairConstructor = typeDelegatePairType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(EntityType), typeof(Func) });
            foreach (var typeChoice in columnMap.TypeChoices)
                Expression typeReader = Emit_EnsureType(AcceptWithMappedType(this, typeChoice.Value, columnMap).UnwrappedExpression, typeof(TElement));
                LambdaExpression typeReaderDelegate = CreateInlineDelegate(typeReader); 
                Expression typeDelegatePair = Expression.New( 

            // invoke shaper.Discrimate({ discriminatorValue1...discriminatorValueN }, discriminateDelegate, elementDelegates) 
            MethodInfo shaperDiscriminateOfT = Shaper_Discriminate.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TElement)); 
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, shaperDiscriminateOfT,
                                                    Expression.NewArrayInit(typeDelegatePairType, elementDelegates)
            return result; 
        /// Visit(RecordColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(RecordColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Expression result = null;
            Expression nullSentinelCheck = null; 

            if (null != columnMap.NullSentinel) 
                nullSentinelCheck = Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(columnMap.NullSentinel);

            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(columnMap, null, null, nullSentinelCheck); 
                Debug.Assert(columnMap.Type.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.RowType, "RecordColumnMap without RowType?"); // we kind of depend upon this
                Expression nullConstant; 

                // There are (at least) three different reasons we have a RecordColumnMap
                // so pick the method that handles the reason we have for this one.
                InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata; 
                if (InitializerMetadata.TryGetInitializerMetadata(columnMap.Type, out initializerMetadata))
                    result = HandleLinqRecord(columnMap, initializerMetadata); 
                    nullConstant = Emit_NullConstant(result.Type);
                    RowType spanRowType = (RowType)columnMap.Type.EdmType;
                    if (null != _spanIndex && _spanIndex.HasSpanMap(spanRowType))
                        result = HandleSpandexRecord(columnMap, arg, spanRowType); 
                        nullConstant = Emit_WrappedNullConstant(result.Type);
                        result = HandleRegularRecord(columnMap, arg, spanRowType);
                        nullConstant = Emit_NullConstant(result.Type); 
                // If there is a null sentinel process it accordingly.
                if (null != nullSentinelCheck) 
                    // shaper.Reader.IsDBNull(nullsentinelOridinal) ? (type)null : result
                    result = Expression.Condition(nullSentinelCheck, nullConstant, result);
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        private Expression BuildExpressionToGetRecordState(StructuredColumnMap columnMap, Expression entityKeyReader, Expression entitySetReader, Expression nullCheckExpression) 
            RecordStateScratchpad recordStateScratchpad = _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.CreateRecordStateScratchpad();

            int stateSlotNumber = AllocateStateSlot(); 
            recordStateScratchpad.StateSlotNumber = stateSlotNumber;
            int propertyCount = columnMap.Properties.Length; 
            int readerCount = (null != entityKeyReader) ? propertyCount + 1 : propertyCount;
            recordStateScratchpad.ColumnCount = propertyCount;

            // We can have an entity here, even though it's a RecordResultColumn, because
            // it may be a polymorphic type; eg: TREAT(Product AS DiscontinuedProduct); we 
            // construct an EntityRecordInfo with a sentinel EntityNotValidKey as it's Key
            EntityType entityTypeMetadata = null; 
            if (TypeHelpers.TryGetEdmType(columnMap.Type, out entityTypeMetadata)) 
                recordStateScratchpad.DataRecordInfo = new EntityRecordInfo(entityTypeMetadata, EntityKey.EntityNotValidKey, null); 
                TypeUsage edmType = Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(columnMap.Type); 
                recordStateScratchpad.DataRecordInfo = new DataRecordInfo(edmType);
            Expression[] propertyReaders = new Expression[readerCount];
            string[] propertyNames = new string[recordStateScratchpad.ColumnCount]; 
            TypeUsage[] typeUsages = new TypeUsage[recordStateScratchpad.ColumnCount];

            for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < propertyCount; ordinal++)
                Expression propertyReader = columnMap.Properties[ordinal].Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(typeof(Object))).Expression;
                // recordState.SetColumnValue(i, propertyReader ?? DBNull.Value) 
                propertyReaders[ordinal] = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetColumnValue,
                                                        Expression.Coalesce(propertyReader, DBNull_Value)
                propertyNames[ordinal] = columnMap.Properties[ordinal].Name;
                typeUsages[ordinal] = columnMap.Properties[ordinal].Type; 

            if (null != entityKeyReader) 
                propertyReaders[readerCount - 1] = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, Shaper_SetEntityRecordInfo,
            recordStateScratchpad.GatherData = Emit_BitwiseOr(propertyReaders);
            recordStateScratchpad.PropertyNames = propertyNames; 
            recordStateScratchpad.TypeUsages = typeUsages;

            // Finally, build the expression to read the recordState from the shaper state
            // (RecordState)shaperState.State[stateSlotNumber].GatherData(shaper)
            Expression result = Expression.Call(Emit_Shaper_GetState(stateSlotNumber, typeof(RecordState)), RecordState_GatherData, Shaper_Parameter); 
            // If there's a null check, then everything above is gated upon whether
            // it's value is DBNull.Value. 
            if (null != nullCheckExpression)
                Expression nullResult = Expression.Call(Emit_Shaper_GetState(stateSlotNumber, typeof(RecordState)), RecordState_SetNullRecord, Shaper_Parameter);
                // nullCheckExpression ? (type)null : result 
                result = Expression.Condition(nullCheckExpression, nullResult, result);
            return result; 
        /// Build expression to materialize LINQ initialization types (anonymous
        /// types, IGrouping, EntityCollection)
        private Expression HandleLinqRecord(RecordColumnMap columnMap, InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata)
            List propertyReaders = new List(columnMap.Properties.Length); 

            foreach (var pair in columnMap.Properties.Zip(initializerMetadata.GetChildTypes())) 
                ColumnMap propertyColumnMap = pair.Key;
                Type type = pair.Value;
                // Note that we're not just blindly using the type from the column map
                // because we need to match the type thatthe initializer says it needs; 
                // that's why were not using AcceptWithMappedType; 
                if (null == type)
                    type = DetermineClrType(propertyColumnMap.Type);

                TranslatorResult propertyReader = propertyColumnMap.Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(type)); 
            Expression result = initializerMetadata.Emit(this, propertyReaders);
            return result; 

        /// Build expression to materialize a data record. 
        private Expression HandleRegularRecord(RecordColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg, RowType spanRowType) 
            // handle regular records
            // Build an array of expressions that read the individual values from the
            // source data reader.
            Expression[] columnReaders = new Expression[columnMap.Properties.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < columnReaders.Length; i++) 
                Expression columnReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.Properties[i], columnMap).UnwrappedExpression; 
                // ((object)columnReader) ?? DBNull.Value
                columnReaders[i] = Expression.Coalesce(Emit_EnsureType(columnReader, typeof(object)), DBNull_Value); 
            // new object[] {columnReader0..columnReaderN}
            Expression columnReaderArray = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), columnReaders);

            // Get an expression representing the TypeUsage of the MaterializedDataRecord 
            // we're about to construct; we need to remove the span information from it, 
            // though, since we don't want to surface that...
            TypeUsage type = columnMap.Type; 
            if (null != _spanIndex)
                type = _spanIndex.GetSpannedRowType(spanRowType) ?? type;
            Expression typeUsage = Expression.Constant(type, typeof(TypeUsage));
            // new MaterializedDataRecord(Shaper.Workspace, typeUsage, values) 
            Expression result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.New(MaterializedDataRecord_ctor, Shaper_Workspace, typeUsage, columnReaderArray), arg.RequestedType);
            return result; 

        /// Build expression to materialize the spanned information 
        private Expression HandleSpandexRecord(RecordColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg, RowType spanRowType) 
            Dictionary spanMap = _spanIndex.GetSpanMap(spanRowType);
            // First, build the expression to materialize the root item.
            Expression result = columnMap.Properties[0].Accept(this, arg).Expression;

            // Now build expressions that call into the appropriate shaper method 
            // for the type of span for each spanned item.
            for (int i = 1; i < columnMap.Properties.Length; i++) 
                AssociationEndMember targetMember = spanMap[i];
                TranslatorResult propertyTranslatorResult = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.Properties[i], columnMap); 
                Expression spannedResultReader = propertyTranslatorResult.Expression;

                // figure out the flavor of the span
                CollectionTranslatorResult collectionTranslatorResult = propertyTranslatorResult as CollectionTranslatorResult; 
                if (null != collectionTranslatorResult)
                    Expression expressionToGetCoordinator = collectionTranslatorResult.ExpressionToGetCoordinator; 

                    // full span collection 
                    Type elementType = spannedResultReader.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];

                    MethodInfo handleFullSpanCollectionMethod = Shaper_HandleFullSpanCollection.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType, elementType);
                    result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, handleFullSpanCollectionMethod, result, expressionToGetCoordinator, Expression.Constant(targetMember)); 
                    if (typeof(EntityKey) == spannedResultReader.Type)
                        // relationship span
                        MethodInfo handleRelationshipSpanMethod = Shaper_HandleRelationshipSpan.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType);
                        result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, handleRelationshipSpanMethod, result, spannedResultReader, Expression.Constant(targetMember));
                        // full span element 
                        MethodInfo handleFullSpanElementMethod = Shaper_HandleFullSpanElement.MakeGenericMethod(arg.RequestedType, spannedResultReader.Type);
                        result = Expression.Call(Shaper_Parameter, handleFullSpanElementMethod, result, spannedResultReader, Expression.Constant(targetMember)); 
            return result; 

        #region collection columns 

        /// Visit(SimpleCollectionColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(SimpleCollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            return ProcessCollectionColumnMap(columnMap, arg); 
        /// Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap)
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(DiscriminatedCollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            return ProcessCollectionColumnMap(columnMap, arg, columnMap.Discriminator, columnMap.DiscriminatorValue); 

        /// Common code for both Simple and Discrminated Column Maps.
        private TranslatorResult ProcessCollectionColumnMap(CollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            return ProcessCollectionColumnMap(columnMap, arg, null, null);
        /// Common code for both Simple and Discrminated Column Maps. 
        private TranslatorResult ProcessCollectionColumnMap(CollectionColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg, ColumnMap discriminatorColumnMap, object discriminatorValue)
            Type elementType = DetermineElementType(arg.RequestedType, columnMap); 

            // CoordinatorScratchpad aggregates information about the current nested 
            // result (represented by the given CollectionColumnMap) 
            CoordinatorScratchpad coordinatorScratchpad = new CoordinatorScratchpad(elementType);
            // enter scope for current coordinator when translating children, etc.

            ColumnMap elementColumnMap = columnMap.Element;
            if (IsValueLayer) 
                StructuredColumnMap structuredElement = elementColumnMap as StructuredColumnMap; 

                // If we have a collection of non-structured types we have to put
                // a structure around it, because we don't have data readers of
                // scalars, only structures.  We don't need a null sentinel because 
                // this structure can't ever be null.
                if (null == structuredElement) 
                    ColumnMap[] columnMaps = new ColumnMap[1] { columnMap.Element };
                    elementColumnMap = new RecordColumnMap(columnMap.Element.Type, columnMap.Element.Name, columnMaps, null); 

            // Build the expression that will construct the element of the collection 
            // from the source data reader.
            // We use UnconvertedExpression here so we can defer doing type checking in case 
            // we need to translate to a POCO collection later in the process. 
            Expression elementReader = elementColumnMap.Accept(this, new TranslatorArg(elementType)).UnconvertedExpression;
            // Build the expression(s) that read the collection's keys from the source
            // data reader; note that the top level collection may not have keys if there
            // are no children.
            Expression[] keyReaders; 

            if (null != columnMap.Keys) 
                keyReaders = new Expression[columnMap.Keys.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < keyReaders.Length; i++) 
                    Expression keyReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, columnMap.Keys[i], columnMap).Expression;
                    keyReaders[i] = keyReader;
                keyReaders = new Expression[] { };

            // Build the expression that reads the discriminator value from the source
            // data reader.
            Expression discriminatorReader = null; 
            if (null != discriminatorColumnMap)
                discriminatorReader = AcceptWithMappedType(this, discriminatorColumnMap, columnMap).Expression; 
            // get expression retrieving the coordinator
            Expression expressionToGetCoordinator = BuildExpressionToGetCoordinator(elementType, elementReader, keyReaders, discriminatorReader, discriminatorValue, coordinatorScratchpad);
            MethodInfo getElementsExpression = typeof(Coordinator<>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetMethod("GetElements", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            Expression result;
            if (IsValueLayer) 
                result = expressionToGetCoordinator;
                // coordinator.GetElements()
                result = Expression.Call(expressionToGetCoordinator, getElementsExpression); 

                // Perform the type check that was previously deferred so we could process POCO collections. 
                coordinatorScratchpad.Element = Emit_EnsureType(coordinatorScratchpad.Element, elementType); 

                // When materializing specifically requested collection types, we need 
                // to transfer the results from the Enumerable to the requested collection.
                Type innerElementType;
                if (EntityUtil.TryGetICollectionElementType(arg.RequestedType, out innerElementType))
                    // Given we have some type that implements ICollection, we need to decide what concrete
                    // collection type to instantiate--See EntityUtil.DetermineCollectionType for details. 
                    var typeToInstantiate = EntityUtil.DetermineCollectionType(arg.RequestedType); 

                    if (typeToInstantiate == null) 
                        throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(Strings.ObjectQuery_UnableToMaterializeArbitaryProjectionType(arg.RequestedType));
                    Type listOfElementType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(innerElementType);
                    if (typeToInstantiate != listOfElementType) 
                        coordinatorScratchpad.InitializeCollection = Emit_EnsureType(
                    result = Emit_EnsureType(result, arg.RequestedType);
                    // If any compensation is required (returning IOrderedEnumerable, not 
                    // just vanilla IEnumerable we must wrap the result with a static class
                    // that is of the type expected. 
                    if (!arg.RequestedType.IsAssignableFrom(result.Type))
                        // new CompensatingCollection(_collectionReader)
                        Type compensatingCollectionType = typeof(CompensatingCollection<>).MakeGenericType(elementType); 
                        ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = compensatingCollectionType.GetConstructors()[0];
                        result = Emit_EnsureType(Expression.New(constructorInfo, result), compensatingCollectionType); 
            return new CollectionTranslatorResult(result, columnMap, arg.RequestedType, expressionToGetCoordinator);
        /// Returns the CLR Type of the element of the collection 
        private Type DetermineElementType(Type collectionType, CollectionColumnMap columnMap)
            Type result = null;

            if (IsValueLayer)
                result = typeof(RecordState);
                result = TypeSystem.GetElementType(collectionType); 

                // GetElementType returns the input type if it is not a collection.
                if (result == collectionType)
                    // if the user isn't asking for a CLR collection type (e.g. ObjectQuery("{{1, 2}}")), we choose for them
                    TypeUsage edmElementType = ((CollectionType)columnMap.Type.EdmType).TypeUsage; // the TypeUsage of the Element of the collection. 
                    result = DetermineClrType(edmElementType); 
            return result;

        /// Build up the coordinator graph using Enter/ExitCoordinatorTranslateScope.
        private void EnterCoordinatorTranslateScope(CoordinatorScratchpad coordinatorScratchpad) 
            if (null == _rootCoordinatorScratchpad) 
                coordinatorScratchpad.Depth = 0;
                _rootCoordinatorScratchpad = coordinatorScratchpad;
                _currentCoordinatorScratchpad = coordinatorScratchpad; 
                coordinatorScratchpad.Depth = _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.Depth + 1;
                _currentCoordinatorScratchpad = coordinatorScratchpad;
        private void ExitCoordinatorTranslateScope()
            _currentCoordinatorScratchpad = _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.Parent; 
        /// Return an expression to read the coordinator from a state slot at
        /// runtime.  This is the method where we store the expressions we've
        /// been building into the CoordinatorScratchpad, which we'll compile 
        /// later, once we've left the visitor.
        private Expression BuildExpressionToGetCoordinator(Type elementType, Expression element, Expression[] keyReaders, Expression discriminator, object discriminatorValue, CoordinatorScratchpad coordinatorScratchpad) 
            int stateSlotNumber = AllocateStateSlot(); 
            coordinatorScratchpad.StateSlotNumber = stateSlotNumber;

            // Ensure that the element type of the collec element translator
            coordinatorScratchpad.Element = element; 

            // Build expressions to set the key values into their state slots, and 
            // to compare the current values from the source reader with the values 
            // in the slots.
            List setKeyTerms = new List(keyReaders.Length); 
            List checkKeyTerms = new List(keyReaders.Length);

            foreach (Expression keyReader in keyReaders)
                // allocate space for the key value in the reader state
                int keyStateSlotNumber = AllocateStateSlot(); 
                // SetKey: readerState.SetState(stateSlot, keyReader)
                setKeyTerms.Add(Emit_Shaper_SetState(keyStateSlotNumber, keyReader)); 

                // CheckKey: ((T)readerState.State[ordinal]).Equals(keyValue)
                                        Emit_Shaper_GetState(keyStateSlotNumber, keyReader.Type), 
            // For setting keys, we use BitwiseOr so that we don't short-circuit (all
            // key terms are set)
            coordinatorScratchpad.SetKeys = Emit_BitwiseOr(setKeyTerms);
            // When checking for equality, we use AndAlso so that we short-circuit (return
            // as soon as key values don't match) 
            coordinatorScratchpad.CheckKeys = Emit_AndAlso(checkKeyTerms); 

            if (null != discriminator) 
                // discriminatorValue == discriminator
                coordinatorScratchpad.HasData = Emit_Equal(
                                                    Expression.Constant(discriminatorValue, discriminator.Type), 

            // Finally, build the expression to read the coordinator from the state 
            // (Coordinator)readerState.State[stateOrdinal]
            Expression result = Emit_Shaper_GetState(stateSlotNumber, typeof(Coordinator<>).MakeGenericType(elementType));
            return result;

        #region "scalar" columns
        /// Visit(RefColumnMap)
        /// If the entityKey has a value, then return it otherwise return a null 
        /// valued EntityKey.  The EntityKey construction is the tricky part.
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(RefColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg) 
            EntityIdentity entityIdentity = columnMap.EntityIdentity; 
            Expression entitySetReader; // Ignored here; used when constructing Entities

            // hasValue ? entityKey : (EntityKey)null
            Expression result = Expression.Condition( 
                                                Emit_EntityKey_ctor(this, entityIdentity, true, out entitySetReader), 
                                                Expression.Constant(null, typeof(EntityKey)) 
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 

        /// Visit(ScalarColumnMap) 
        /// Pretty basic stuff here; we just call the method that matches the 
        /// type of the column.  Of course we have to handle nullable/non-nullable 
        /// types, and non-value types.
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(ScalarColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Type type = arg.RequestedType;
            int ordinal = columnMap.ColumnPos; 
            bool needsNullableCheck;
            MethodInfo readerMethod = GetReaderMethod(type, out needsNullableCheck); 
            Expression result = Emit_Reader_GetXXX(ordinal, type, readerMethod);
            // if type was Nullable, wrap the expression with check for null
            // value and produce the correct typed null instead.  Strings, of
            // course, can't be Nullable, so we'll always do this.
            if (needsNullableCheck) 
                result = Expression.Condition(Emit_Reader_IsDBNull(ordinal), 
                                              Expression.Constant(TypeSystem.GetDefaultValue(arg.RequestedType), arg.RequestedType), 

            // also create a version of the expression with error handling so that we can throw
            // better exception messages when needed
            Expression resultWithErrorHandling = Emit_Shaper_GetColumnValueWithErrorHandling(arg.RequestedType, ordinal); 
            _currentCoordinatorScratchpad.AddExpressionWithErrorHandling(result, resultWithErrorHandling);
            return new TranslatorResult(result, arg.RequestedType); 
        internal static MethodInfo GetReaderMethod(Type type, out bool isNullable)
            Debug.Assert(null != type, "type required");
            MethodInfo result;
            isNullable = false; 
            // determine if this is a Nullable
            Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); 
            if (null != underlyingType)
                isNullable = true;
                type = underlyingType; 
            TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(type); 

            switch (typeCode) 
                case TypeCode.String:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetString;
                    isNullable = true; 
                case TypeCode.Int16: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetInt16; 
                case TypeCode.Int32: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetInt32;
                case TypeCode.Int64:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetInt64; 
                case TypeCode.Boolean: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetBoolean; 
                case TypeCode.Decimal: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetDecimal;
                case TypeCode.Double:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetDouble; 
                case TypeCode.Single: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetFloat; 
                case TypeCode.DateTime: 
                    result = DbDataReader_GetDateTime;
                case TypeCode.Byte:
                    result = DbDataReader_GetByte; 
                    if (typeof(Guid) == type) 
                        // Guid doesn't have a type code 
                        result = DbDataReader_GetGuid;
                    else if (typeof(TimeSpan) == type ||
                             typeof(DateTimeOffset) == type) 
                        // TimeSpan and DateTimeOffset don't have a type code or a specific 
                        // GetXXX method 
                        result = DbDataReader_GetValue;
                    else if (typeof(Object) == type)
                        // We assume that Object means we want DBNull rather than null. I believe this is a bug.
                        result = DbDataReader_GetValue; 
                        result = DbDataReader_GetValue;
                        isNullable = true; 
            return result; 
        /// Visit(VarRefColumnMap)
        /// This should throw; VarRefColumnMaps should be removed by the PlanCompiler.
        internal override TranslatorResult Visit(VarRefColumnMap columnMap, TranslatorArg arg)
            Debug.Fail("VarRefColumnMap should be substituted at this point");
            throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(String.Empty); 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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