/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Animation / PowerEase.cs / 1305600 / PowerEase.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2008 // // File: PowerEase.cs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This class implements an easing function that gives a polynomial curve of arbitrary degree. /// If the curve you desire is cubic, quadratic, quartic, or quintic it is better to use the /// specialized easing functions. /// public class PowerEase : EasingFunctionBase { public PowerEase() { } ////// Power Property /// public static readonly DependencyProperty PowerProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Power", typeof(double), typeof(PowerEase), new PropertyMetadata(2.0)); ////// Specifies the power for the polynomial equation. /// public double Power { get { return (double)GetValue(PowerProperty); } set { SetValueInternal(PowerProperty, value); } } protected override double EaseInCore(double normalizedTime) { double power = Math.Max(0.0, Power); return Math.Pow(normalizedTime, power); } protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new PowerEase(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2008 // // File: PowerEase.cs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This class implements an easing function that gives a polynomial curve of arbitrary degree. /// If the curve you desire is cubic, quadratic, quartic, or quintic it is better to use the /// specialized easing functions. /// public class PowerEase : EasingFunctionBase { public PowerEase() { } ////// Power Property /// public static readonly DependencyProperty PowerProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Power", typeof(double), typeof(PowerEase), new PropertyMetadata(2.0)); ////// Specifies the power for the polynomial equation. /// public double Power { get { return (double)GetValue(PowerProperty); } set { SetValueInternal(PowerProperty, value); } } protected override double EaseInCore(double normalizedTime) { double power = Math.Max(0.0, Power); return Math.Pow(normalizedTime, power); } protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new PowerEase(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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