/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / MenuItem.cs / 1305376 / MenuItem.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System.Configuration.Assemblies; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms.Internal; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; ////// /// [ ToolboxItem(false), DesignTimeVisible(false), DefaultEvent("Click"), DefaultProperty("Text") ] public class MenuItem : Menu { internal const int STATE_BARBREAK = 0x00000020; internal const int STATE_BREAK = 0x00000040; internal const int STATE_CHECKED = 0x00000008; internal const int STATE_DEFAULT = 0x00001000; internal const int STATE_DISABLED = 0x00000003; internal const int STATE_RADIOCHECK = 0x00000200; internal const int STATE_HIDDEN = 0x00010000; internal const int STATE_MDILIST = 0x00020000; internal const int STATE_CLONE_MASK = 0x0003136B; internal const int STATE_OWNERDRAW = 0x00000100; internal const int STATE_INMDIPOPUP = 0x00000200; internal const int STATE_HILITE = 0x00000080; private Menu menu; private bool hasHandle; private MenuItemData data; private int dataVersion; private MenuItem nextLinkedItem; // Next item linked to the same MenuItemData. // We need to store a table of all created menuitems, so that other objects // such as ContainerControl can get a reference to a particular menuitem, // given a unique ID. private static Hashtable allCreatedMenuItems = new Hashtable(); private const uint firstUniqueID = 0xC0000000; private static long nextUniqueID = firstUniqueID; private uint uniqueID = 0; private IntPtr msaaMenuInfoPtr = IntPtr.Zero; private bool menuItemIsCreated = false; ////// Represents an individual item that is displayed within /// a ///or . /// /// /// public MenuItem() : this(MenuMerge.Add, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, null) { } ////// Initializes a ///with /// a blank caption. /// /// /// public MenuItem(string text) : this(MenuMerge.Add, 0, 0, text, null, null, null, null) { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the ////// class with a specified caption for /// the menu item. /// /// /// public MenuItem(string text, EventHandler onClick) : this(MenuMerge.Add, 0, 0, text, onClick, null, null, null) { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the /// class with a /// specified caption and /// event handler for the menu item. /// ////// /// public MenuItem(string text, EventHandler onClick, Shortcut shortcut) : this(MenuMerge.Add, 0, shortcut, text, onClick, null, null, null) { } ////// Initializes a new instance of the /// class with a /// specified caption, event handler, and associated /// shorcut key for the menu item. /// ////// /// public MenuItem(string text, MenuItem[] items) : this(MenuMerge.Add, 0, 0, text, null, null, null, items) { } internal MenuItem(MenuItemData data) : base(null) { data.AddItem(this); #if DEBUG _debugText = data.caption; #endif } ////// Initializes a new instance of the /// class with a /// specified caption and an array of /// submenu items defined for the menu item. /// ////// /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults")] public MenuItem(MenuMerge mergeType, int mergeOrder, Shortcut shortcut, string text, EventHandler onClick, EventHandler onPopup, EventHandler onSelect, MenuItem[] items) : base(items) { new MenuItemData(this, mergeType, mergeOrder, shortcut, true, text, onClick, onPopup, onSelect, null, null); #if DEBUG _debugText = text; _creationNumber = CreateCount++; #endif } #if DEBUG private string _debugText; private int _creationNumber; private Menu _debugParentMenu; private static int CreateCount; #endif ////// Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified /// caption, defined event-handlers for the Click, Select and /// Popup events, a shortcut key, /// a merge type, and order specified for the menu item. /// ////// /// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(false) ] public bool BarBreak { get { return(data.State & STATE_BARBREAK) != 0; } set { data.SetState(STATE_BARBREAK, value); } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item is /// placed on a new line (for a menu item added to a ///object) or in a new /// column (for a submenu or menu displayed in a /// ). /// /// /// [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(false) ] public bool Break { get { return(data.State & STATE_BREAK) != 0; } set { data.SetState(STATE_BREAK, value); } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item is /// placed on a new line (for a menu item added to a ///object) or in a new column (for a /// submenu or menu displayed in a ). /// /// /// [ DefaultValue(false), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemCheckedDescr) ] public bool Checked { get { return(data.State & STATE_CHECKED) != 0; } set { //if trying to set checked=true - if we're a top-level item (from a mainmenu) or have children, don't do this... if (value == true && (ItemCount != 0 || (Parent != null && (Parent is MainMenu)))) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MenuItemInvalidCheckProperty)); } data.SetState(STATE_CHECKED, value); } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether a checkmark /// appears beside the text of the menu item. /// ////// /// [ DefaultValue(false), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemDefaultDescr) ] public bool DefaultItem { get { return(data.State & STATE_DEFAULT) != 0;} set { if (menu != null) { if (value) { UnsafeNativeMethods.SetMenuDefaultItem(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false); } else if (DefaultItem) { UnsafeNativeMethods.SetMenuDefaultItem(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), -1, false); } } data.SetState(STATE_DEFAULT, value); } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating /// whether the menu item is the default. /// ////// /// [ SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), DefaultValue(false), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemOwnerDrawDescr) ] public bool OwnerDraw { get { return((data.State & STATE_OWNERDRAW) != 0); } set { data.SetState(STATE_OWNERDRAW, value); } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether code /// that you provide draws the menu item or Windows draws the /// menu item. /// ////// /// [ Localizable(true), DefaultValue(true), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemEnabledDescr) ] public bool Enabled { get { return(data.State & STATE_DISABLED) == 0; } set { data.SetState(STATE_DISABLED, !value); } } ////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the menu /// item is enabled. /// ////// /// [ Browsable(false), ] public int Index { get { if (menu != null) { for (int i = 0; i < menu.ItemCount; i++) { if (menu.items[i] == this) return i; } } return -1; } set { int oldIndex = Index; if (oldIndex >= 0) { if (value < 0 || value >= menu.ItemCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgument, "Index", (value).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } if (value != oldIndex) { // reverts to null when we're removed, so hold onto it in a local variable Menu parent = menu; parent.MenuItems.RemoveAt(oldIndex); parent.MenuItems.Add(value, this); } } } } ////// Gets or sets the menu item's position in its parent menu. /// ////// /// [ Browsable(false), ] public override bool IsParent { get { bool parent = false; if (data != null && MdiList) { for (int i=0; i/// Gets a value indicating whether the menu item contains /// child menu items. /// ///0) { parent = true; } } if (!parent) { if (menu != null && !(menu is MenuItem)) { parent = true; } } } else { parent = base.IsParent; } return parent; } } /// /// /// [ DefaultValue(false), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemMDIListDescr) ] public bool MdiList { get { return(data.State & STATE_MDILIST) != 0; } set { data.MdiList = value; CleanListItems(this); } } internal Menu Menu { get { return menu; } set { menu = value; #if DEBUG _debugParentMenu = value; #endif } } ////// Gets or sets /// a value indicating whether the menu item will be populated /// with a list of the MDI child windows that are displayed within the /// associated form. /// ////// /// protected int MenuID { get { return data.GetMenuID();} } ////// Gets the Windows identifier for this menu item. /// ////// /// Is this menu item currently selected (highlighted) by the user? /// internal bool Selected { get { if (menu == null) return false; NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T info = new NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T(); info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T)); info.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_STATE; UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, info); return (info.fState & STATE_HILITE) != 0; } } ////// /// internal int MenuIndex { get { if (menu == null) return -1; int count = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemCount(new HandleRef(menu, menu.Handle)); int id = MenuID; NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T info = new NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T(); info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T)); info.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_ID | NativeMethods.MIIM_SUBMENU; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), i, true, info); // For sub menus, the handle is always valid. For // items, however, it is always zero. // if ((info.hSubMenu == IntPtr.Zero || info.hSubMenu == Handle) && info.wID == id) { return i; } } return -1; } } ////// Gets the zero-based index of this menu /// item in the parent menu, or -1 if this /// menu item is not associated with a /// parent menu. /// ////// /// [ DefaultValue(MenuMerge.Add), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemMergeTypeDescr) ] public MenuMerge MergeType { get { return data.mergeType; } set { //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3 if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)MenuMerge.Add, (int)MenuMerge.Remove)){ throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(MenuMerge)); } data.MergeType = value; } } ////// Gets or sets a value that indicates the behavior of this /// menu item when its menu is merged with another. /// /// ////// /// [ DefaultValue(0), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemMergeOrderDescr) ] public int MergeOrder { get { return data.mergeOrder; } set { data.MergeOrder = value; } } ////// Gets or sets the relative position the menu item when its /// menu is merged with another. /// /// ////// /// [Browsable(false)] public char Mnemonic { get { return data.Mnemonic; } } ////// Retrieves the hotkey mnemonic that is associated with this menu item. /// The mnemonic is the first character after an ampersand symbol in the menu's text /// that is not itself an ampersand symbol. If no such mnemonic is defined this /// will return zero. /// ////// /// [Browsable(false)] public Menu Parent { get {return menu;} } ////// Gets the menu in which this menu item /// appears. /// ////// /// [ DefaultValue(false), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemRadioCheckDescr) ] public bool RadioCheck { get { return(data.State & STATE_RADIOCHECK) != 0; } set { data.SetState(STATE_RADIOCHECK, value); } } internal override bool RenderIsRightToLeft { get { if(Parent == null) return false; else return Parent.RenderIsRightToLeft; } } ////// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the menu item, /// if checked, displays a radio-button mark instead of a check mark. /// ////// /// [ Localizable(true), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemTextDescr) ] public string Text { get { return data.caption; } set { data.SetCaption(value); } } ////// Gets or sets the text of the menu item. /// ////// /// [ Localizable(true), DefaultValue(Shortcut.None), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemShortCutDescr) ] public Shortcut Shortcut { get { return data.shortcut; } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1803:AvoidCostlyCallsWherePossible")] set { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Shortcut), value)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(Shortcut)); } data.shortcut = value; UpdateMenuItem(true); } } ////// Gets or sets the shortcut key associated with the menu /// item. /// ////// /// [ DefaultValue(true), Localizable(true), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemShowShortCutDescr) ] public bool ShowShortcut { get { return data.showShortcut; } set { if (value != data.showShortcut) { data.showShortcut = value; UpdateMenuItem(true); } } } ////// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the shortcut /// key that is assocaited /// with the menu item is displayed next to the menu item /// caption. /// ////// /// [ Localizable(true), DefaultValue(true), SRDescription(SR.MenuItemVisibleDescr) ] public bool Visible { get { return(data.State & STATE_HIDDEN) == 0; } set { data.Visible = value; } } ////// Gets or sets a value that indicates /// whether the menu item is visible on its parent menu. /// ////// /// [SRDescription(SR.MenuItemOnClickDescr)] public event EventHandler Click { add { data.onClick += value; } remove { data.onClick -= value; } } ////// Occurs when the menu item is clicked or selected using a /// shortcut key defined for the menu item. /// ////// /// [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.drawItemEventDescr)] public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem { add { data.onDrawItem += value; } remove { data.onDrawItem -= value; } } ////// Occurs when when the property of a menu item is set /// to /// ////// and a request is made to draw the menu item. /// /// /// [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.measureItemEventDescr)] public event MeasureItemEventHandler MeasureItem { add { data.onMeasureItem += value; } remove { data.onMeasureItem -= value; } } /* private bool ParentIsRightToLeft { get { Menu parent = GetMainMenu(); if (parent != null) { if (parent is MenuItem && ((MainMenu)parent).RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Inherit) { // recursivly go up the chain return ((MenuItem)parent).ParentIsRightToLeft; } else { return((MainMenu)parent).RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes; } } else { parent = GetContextMenu(); if (parent != null) { if (parent is MenuItem && ((ContextMenu)parent).RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Inherit) { // recursivly go up the chain return ((MenuItem)parent).ParentIsRightToLeft; } else { return((ContextMenu)parent).RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes; } } } return false; } } */ ////// Occurs when when the menu needs to know the size of a /// menu item before drawing it. /// ////// /// [SRDescription(SR.MenuItemOnInitDescr)] public event EventHandler Popup { add { data.onPopup += value; } remove { data.onPopup -= value; } } ////// Occurs before a menu item's list of menu items is /// displayed. /// ////// /// [SRDescription(SR.MenuItemOnSelectDescr)] public event EventHandler Select { add { data.onSelect += value; } remove { data.onSelect -= value; } } private static void CleanListItems(MenuItem senderMenu) { // remove dynamic items. for (int i = senderMenu.MenuItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MenuItem item = senderMenu.MenuItems[i]; if ( is MdiListUserData) { // this is a dynamic item. clean it up! // item.Dispose(); continue; } } } ////// Occurs when the user hovers their mouse over a menu /// item /// or selects it with the keyboard but has not activated it. /// ////// /// public virtual MenuItem CloneMenu() { MenuItem newItem = new MenuItem(); newItem.CloneMenu(this); return newItem; } ////// Creates and returns an identical copy of this menu item. /// ////// /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults")] [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] // Shipped in Everett protected void CloneMenu(MenuItem itemSrc) { base.CloneMenu(itemSrc); int state =; new MenuItemData(this, itemSrc.MergeType, itemSrc.MergeOrder, itemSrc.Shortcut, itemSrc.ShowShortcut, itemSrc.Text,,,,,; data.SetState(state & STATE_CLONE_MASK, true); } internal virtual void CreateMenuItem() { if ((data.State & STATE_HIDDEN) == 0) { NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T info = CreateMenuItemInfo(); UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertMenuItem(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), -1, true, info); hasHandle = info.hSubMenu != IntPtr.Zero; dataVersion = data.version; menuItemIsCreated = true; if(RenderIsRightToLeft) { Menu.UpdateRtl(true); } #if DEBUG NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T infoVerify = new NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T(); infoVerify.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T)); infoVerify.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_ID | NativeMethods.MIIM_STATE | NativeMethods.MIIM_SUBMENU | NativeMethods.MIIM_TYPE; UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, infoVerify); #endif } } private NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T CreateMenuItemInfo() { NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T info = new NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T(); info.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_ID | NativeMethods.MIIM_STATE | NativeMethods.MIIM_SUBMENU | NativeMethods.MIIM_TYPE | NativeMethods.MIIM_DATA; info.fType = data.State & (STATE_BARBREAK | STATE_BREAK | STATE_RADIOCHECK | STATE_OWNERDRAW); // V7#646 - Top level menu items shouldn't have barbreak or break // bits set on them... // bool isTopLevel = false; if (menu == GetMainMenu()) { isTopLevel = true; } if (data.caption.Equals("-")) { if (isTopLevel) { data.caption = " "; info.fType |= NativeMethods.MFT_MENUBREAK; } else { info.fType |= NativeMethods.MFT_SEPARATOR; } } info.fState = data.State & (STATE_CHECKED | STATE_DEFAULT | STATE_DISABLED); info.wID = MenuID; if (IsParent) { info.hSubMenu = Handle; } info.hbmpChecked = IntPtr.Zero; info.hbmpUnchecked = IntPtr.Zero; // Assign a unique ID to this menu item object... // The ID is stored in the dwItemData of the corresponding Win32 menu item, so that when we get Win32 // messages about the item later, we can delegate to the original object menu item object. A static // hash table is used to map IDs to menu item objects. // if (uniqueID == 0) { lock(allCreatedMenuItems) { uniqueID = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref nextUniqueID); Debug.Assert(uniqueID >= firstUniqueID); // ...check for ID range exhaustion (unlikely!) // We add a weak ref wrapping a MenuItem to the static hash table, as supposed to adding the item // ref itself, to allow the item to be finalized in case it is not disposed and no longer referenced // anywhere else, hence preventing leaks. See bug#352644 allCreatedMenuItems.Add(uniqueID, new WeakReference(this)); } } // To check it's 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS. if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { // Store the unique ID in the dwItemData... // For simple menu items, we can just put the unique ID in the dwItemData. But for owner-draw items, // we need to point the dwItemData at an MSAAMENUINFO structure so that MSAA can get the item text. // To allow us to reliably distinguish between IDs and structure pointers later on, we keep IDs in // the 0xC0000000-0xFFFFFFFF range. This is the top 1Gb of unmananged process memory, where an app's // heap allocations should never come from. So that we can still get the ID from the dwItemData for // an owner-draw item later on, a copy of the ID is tacked onto the end of the MSAAMENUINFO structure. // if (data.OwnerDraw) info.dwItemData = AllocMsaaMenuInfo(); else info.dwItemData = (IntPtr) unchecked((int) uniqueID); } else { // On Win64, there are no reserved address ranges we can use for menu item IDs. So instead we will // have to allocate an MSAMENUINFO heap structure for all menu items, not just owner-drawn ones. info.dwItemData = AllocMsaaMenuInfo(); } // We won't render the shortcut if: 1) it's not set, 2) we're a parent, 3) we're toplevel // if (data.showShortcut && data.shortcut != 0 && !IsParent && !isTopLevel) { info.dwTypeData = data.caption + "\t" + TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)).ConvertToString((Keys)(int)data.shortcut); } else { // Windows issue: Items with empty captions sometimes block keyboard // access to other items in same menu. info.dwTypeData = (data.caption.Length == 0 ? " " : data.caption); } info.cch = 0; return info; } ////// Creates a copy of the specified menu item. /// ////// /// protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (menu != null) { menu.MenuItems.Remove(this); } if (data != null) { data.RemoveItem(this); } lock(allCreatedMenuItems) { allCreatedMenuItems.Remove(uniqueID); } this.uniqueID = 0; } FreeMsaaMenuInfo(); base.Dispose(disposing); } // Given a unique menu item ID, find the corresponding MenuItem // object, using the master lookup table of all created MenuItems. internal static MenuItem GetMenuItemFromUniqueID(uint uniqueID) { WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference)allCreatedMenuItems[uniqueID]; if (weakRef != null && weakRef.IsAlive) { return (MenuItem)weakRef.Target; } Debug.Fail("Weakref for menu item has expired or has been removed! Who is trying to access this ID?"); return null; } // Given the "item data" value of a Win32 menu item, find the corresponding MenuItem object (using // the master lookup table of all created MenuItems). The item data may be either the unique menu // item ID, or a pointer to an MSAAMENUINFO structure with a copy of the unique ID tacked to the end. // To reliably tell IDs and structure addresses apart, IDs live in the 0xC0000000-0xFFFFFFFF range. // This is the top 1Gb of unmananged process memory, where an app's heap allocations should never be. [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1808:AvoidCallsThatBoxValueTypes")] internal static MenuItem GetMenuItemFromItemData(IntPtr itemData) { uint uniqueID = (uint) (ulong) itemData; if (uniqueID == 0) return null; // To check it's 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS. if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { if (uniqueID < firstUniqueID) { MsaaMenuInfoWithId msaaMenuInfo = (MsaaMenuInfoWithId) Marshal.PtrToStructure(itemData, typeof(MsaaMenuInfoWithId)); uniqueID = msaaMenuInfo.uniqueID; } } else { // ...its always a pointer on Win64 (see CreateMenuItemInfo) MsaaMenuInfoWithId msaaMenuInfo = (MsaaMenuInfoWithId) Marshal.PtrToStructure(itemData, typeof(MsaaMenuInfoWithId)); uniqueID = msaaMenuInfo.uniqueID; } return GetMenuItemFromUniqueID(uniqueID); } // MsaaMenuInfoWithId is an MSAAMENUINFO structure with a menu item ID field tacked onto the // end. This allows us to pass the data we need to Win32 / MSAA, and still be able to get the ID // out again later on, so we can delegate Win32 menu messages back to the correct MenuItem object. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct MsaaMenuInfoWithId { public NativeMethods.MSAAMENUINFO msaaMenuInfo; public uint uniqueID; public MsaaMenuInfoWithId(string text, uint uniqueID) { msaaMenuInfo = new NativeMethods.MSAAMENUINFO(text); this.uniqueID = uniqueID; } } // Creates an MSAAMENUINFO structure (in the unmanaged heap) based on the current state // of this MenuItem object. Address of this structure is cached in the object so we can // free it later on using FreeMsaaMenuInfo(). If structure has already been allocated, // it is destroyed and a new one created. private IntPtr AllocMsaaMenuInfo() { FreeMsaaMenuInfo(); msaaMenuInfoPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MsaaMenuInfoWithId))); // To check it's 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS. if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { // We only check this on Win32, irrelevant on Win64 (see CreateMenuItemInfo) Debug.Assert(((uint) (ulong) msaaMenuInfoPtr) < firstUniqueID); // ...check for incursion into menu item ID range (unlikely!) } MsaaMenuInfoWithId msaaMenuInfoStruct = new MsaaMenuInfoWithId(data.caption, uniqueID); Marshal.StructureToPtr(msaaMenuInfoStruct, msaaMenuInfoPtr, false); Debug.Assert(msaaMenuInfoPtr != IntPtr.Zero); return msaaMenuInfoPtr; } // Frees the MSAAMENUINFO structure (in the unmanaged heap) for the current MenuObject object, // if one has previously been allocated. Takes care to free sub-structures too, to avoid leaks! private void FreeMsaaMenuInfo() { if (msaaMenuInfoPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.DestroyStructure(msaaMenuInfoPtr, typeof(MsaaMenuInfoWithId)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(msaaMenuInfoPtr); msaaMenuInfoPtr = IntPtr.Zero; } } internal override void ItemsChanged(int change) { base.ItemsChanged(change); if (change == CHANGE_ITEMS) { // when the menu collection changes deal w/ it locally Debug.Assert(!this.created, "base.ItemsChanged should have wiped out our handles"); if (menu != null && menu.created) { UpdateMenuItem(true); CreateMenuItems(); } } else { if (!hasHandle && IsParent) UpdateMenuItem(true); MainMenu main = GetMainMenu(); if (main != null && ((data.State & STATE_INMDIPOPUP) == 0)) { main.ItemsChanged(change, this); } } } internal void ItemsChanged(int change, MenuItem item) { if (change == CHANGE_ITEMADDED && != null && != null && { if (menu != null && menu.created) { UpdateMenuItem(true); CreateMenuItems(); } else if ( != null) { MenuItem currentMenuItem =; while (currentMenuItem != null) { if (currentMenuItem.created) { MenuItem newItem = item.CloneMenu();; currentMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(newItem); // = currentMenuItem; // newItem.CreateMenuItem(); break; } currentMenuItem = currentMenuItem.nextLinkedItem; } } } } internal Form[] FindMdiForms() { Form[] forms = null; MainMenu main = GetMainMenu(); Form menuForm = null; if (main != null) { menuForm = main.GetFormUnsafe(); } if (menuForm != null) { forms = menuForm.MdiChildren; } if (forms == null) { forms = new Form[0]; } return forms; } ////// Disposes the ///. /// /// See the similar code in MdiWindowListStripcs::PopulateItems(), which is /// unfortunately just different enough in its working environment that we /// can't readily combine the two. But if you're fixing something here, chances /// are that the same issue will need scrutiny over there. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters")] // "-" is OK private void PopulateMdiList() { MenuItem senderMenu = this; data.SetState(STATE_INMDIPOPUP, true); try { CleanListItems(this); // add new items // Form[] forms = FindMdiForms(); if (forms != null && forms.Length > 0) { Form activeMdiChild = GetMainMenu().GetFormUnsafe().ActiveMdiChild; if (senderMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0) { // SECREVIEW : Late-binding does not represent a security threat, see bug#411899 for more info.. // MenuItem sep = (MenuItem)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType()); = new MdiListUserData(); sep.Text = "-"; senderMenu.MenuItems.Add(sep); } // VSWhidbey 93540: Build a list of child windows to be displayed in // the MDIList menu item... // Show the first maxMenuForms visible elements of forms[] as Window menu items, except: // Always show the active form, even if it's not in the first maxMenuForms visible elements of forms[]. // If the active form isn't in the first maxMenuForms forms, then show the first maxMenuForms-1 elements // in forms[], and make the active form the last one on the menu. // VSWhidbey 260405: don't count nonvisible forms against the limit on Window menu items. const int maxMenuForms = 9; // Max number of Window menu items for forms int visibleChildren = 0; // the number of visible child forms (so we know to show More Windows...) int accel = 1; // prefix the form name with this digit, underlined, as an accelerator int formsAddedToMenu = 0; bool activeFormAdded = false; for (int i = 0; i < forms.Length; i++) { if (forms[i].Visible) { visibleChildren++; if ((activeFormAdded && (formsAddedToMenu < maxMenuForms)) || // don't exceed max (!activeFormAdded && (formsAddedToMenu < (maxMenuForms-1)) || // save room for active if it's not in yet (forms[i].Equals(activeMdiChild)))){ // there's always room for activeMdiChild // SECREVIEW : Late-binding does not represent a security threat, see bug#411899 for more info.. // MenuItem windowItem = (MenuItem)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType()); = new MdiListFormData(this, i); if (forms[i].Equals(activeMdiChild)) { windowItem.Checked = true; activeFormAdded = true; } windowItem.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "&{0} {1}", accel, forms[i].Text); accel++; formsAddedToMenu++; senderMenu.MenuItems.Add(windowItem); } } } // VSWhidbey 93540: Display the More Windows menu option when there are more than 9 MDI // Child menu items to be displayed. This is necessary because we're managing our own // MDI lists, rather than letting Windows do this for us. if (visibleChildren > maxMenuForms) { // SECREVIEW : Late-binding does not represent a security threat, see bug#411899 for more info.. // MenuItem moreWindows = (MenuItem)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType()); = new MdiListMoreWindowsData(this); moreWindows.Text = SR.GetString(SR.MDIMenuMoreWindows); senderMenu.MenuItems.Add(moreWindows); } } } finally { data.SetState(STATE_INMDIPOPUP, false); } } ////// /// public virtual MenuItem MergeMenu() { // SECREVIEW : Late-binding does not represent a security threat, see bug#411899 for more info.. // MenuItem newItem = (MenuItem)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType()); data.AddItem(newItem); newItem.MergeMenu(this); return newItem; } ////// Merges this menu item with another menu item and returns /// the resulting merged ///. /// /// /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters")] // Shipped in Everett public void MergeMenu(MenuItem itemSrc) { base.MergeMenu(itemSrc);; } ////// Merges another menu item with this menu item. /// ////// /// protected virtual void OnClick(EventArgs e) { if (data.UserData is MdiListUserData) { ((MdiListUserData)data.UserData).OnClick(e); } else if (data.baseItem != this) { data.baseItem.OnClick(e); } else if (data.onClick != null) { data.onClick(this, e); } } ////// Raises the ////// event. /// /// /// protected virtual void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (data.baseItem != this) { data.baseItem.OnDrawItem(e); } else if (data.onDrawItem != null) { data.onDrawItem(this, e); } } ////// Raises the ////// event. /// /// /// protected virtual void OnMeasureItem(MeasureItemEventArgs e) { if (data.baseItem != this) { data.baseItem.OnMeasureItem(e); } else if (data.onMeasureItem != null) { data.onMeasureItem(this, e); } } ////// Raises the ////// event. /// /// /// protected virtual void OnPopup(EventArgs e) { bool recreate = false; for (int i=0; i/// Raises the ////// event. /// /// /// protected virtual void OnSelect(EventArgs e) { if (data.baseItem != this) { data.baseItem.OnSelect(e); } else if (data.onSelect != null) { data.onSelect(this, e); } } ////// Raises the ////// event. /// /// protected virtual void OnInitMenuPopup(EventArgs e) { OnPopup(e); } // C#r internal virtual void _OnInitMenuPopup( EventArgs e ) { OnInitMenuPopup( e ); } /// /// /// public void PerformClick() { OnClick(EventArgs.Empty); } ////// Generates a ////// event for the MenuItem, simulating a click by a /// user. /// /// /// public virtual void PerformSelect() { OnSelect(EventArgs.Empty); } internal virtual bool ShortcutClick() { if (menu is MenuItem) { MenuItem parent = (MenuItem)menu; if (!parent.ShortcutClick() || menu != parent) return false; } if ((data.State & STATE_DISABLED) != 0) return false; if (ItemCount > 0) OnPopup(EventArgs.Empty); else OnClick(EventArgs.Empty); return true; } ////// Raises the ////// event for this menu item. /// /// /// /// public override string ToString() { string s = base.ToString(); String menuItemText = String.Empty; if (data != null && data.caption != null) menuItemText = data.caption; return s + ", Text: " + menuItemText; } internal void UpdateMenuItemIfDirty() { if (dataVersion != data.version) UpdateMenuItem(true); } internal void UpdateItemRtl(bool setRightToLeftBit) { if(!menuItemIsCreated) { return; } NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T info = new NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T(); info.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_TYPE | NativeMethods.MIIM_STATE | NativeMethods.MIIM_SUBMENU; info.dwTypeData = new string('\0', Text.Length + 2); info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T)); info.cch = info.dwTypeData.Length - 1; UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, info); if(setRightToLeftBit) { info.fType |= NativeMethods.MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY | NativeMethods.MFT_RIGHTORDER; } else { info.fType &= ~(NativeMethods.MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY | NativeMethods.MFT_RIGHTORDER); } UnsafeNativeMethods.SetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, info); #if DEBUG info.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_TYPE | NativeMethods.MIIM_STATE | NativeMethods.MIIM_SUBMENU; info.dwTypeData = new string('\0', 256); info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T)); info.cch = info.dwTypeData.Length - 1; UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, info); Debug.Assert(((info.fType & NativeMethods.MFT_RIGHTORDER) != 0) == setRightToLeftBit, "Failed to set bit!"); #endif } internal void UpdateMenuItem(bool force) { if (menu == null || !menu.created) { return; } if (force || menu is MainMenu || menu is ContextMenu) { NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T info = CreateMenuItemInfo(); UnsafeNativeMethods.SetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, info); #if DEBUG NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T infoVerify = new NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T(); infoVerify.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MENUITEMINFO_T)); infoVerify.fMask = NativeMethods.MIIM_ID | NativeMethods.MIIM_STATE | NativeMethods.MIIM_SUBMENU | NativeMethods.MIIM_TYPE; UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenuItemInfo(new HandleRef(menu, menu.handle), MenuID, false, infoVerify); #endif if (hasHandle && info.hSubMenu == IntPtr.Zero) { ClearHandles(); } hasHandle = info.hSubMenu != IntPtr.Zero; dataVersion = data.version; if (menu is MainMenu) { Form f = ((MainMenu)menu).GetFormUnsafe(); if (f != null) { SafeNativeMethods.DrawMenuBar(new HandleRef(f, f.Handle)); } } } } ////// Returns a string representation for this control. /// ////// /// ///internal void WmDrawItem(ref Message m) { // Handles the OnDrawItem message sent from ContainerControl NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT dis = (NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT)m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.DRAWITEMSTRUCT)); Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.PaletteTracing.TraceVerbose, Handle + ": Force set palette in MenuItem drawitem"); IntPtr oldPal = Control.SetUpPalette(dis.hDC, false /*force*/, false); try { Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(dis.hDC); try { OnDrawItem(new DrawItemEventArgs(g, SystemInformation.MenuFont, Rectangle.FromLTRB(dis.rcItem.left,, dis.rcItem.right, dis.rcItem.bottom), Index, (DrawItemState)dis.itemState)); } finally { g.Dispose(); } } finally { if (oldPal != IntPtr.Zero) { SafeNativeMethods.SelectPalette(new HandleRef(null, dis.hDC), new HandleRef(null, oldPal), 0); } } m.Result = (IntPtr)1; } /// /// /// ///internal void WmMeasureItem(ref Message m) { // Handles the OnMeasureItem message sent from ContainerControl // Obtain the measure item struct NativeMethods.MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis = (NativeMethods.MEASUREITEMSTRUCT)m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.MEASUREITEMSTRUCT)); // The OnMeasureItem handler now determines the height and width of the item IntPtr screendc = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetDC(NativeMethods.NullHandleRef); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(screendc); MeasureItemEventArgs mie = new MeasureItemEventArgs(graphics, Index); try { OnMeasureItem(mie); } finally { graphics.Dispose(); } UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseDC(NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, new HandleRef(null, screendc)); // Update the measure item struct with the new width and height mis.itemHeight = mie.ItemHeight; mis.itemWidth = mie.ItemWidth; Marshal.StructureToPtr(mis, m.LParam, false); m.Result = (IntPtr)1; } /// /// /// internal class MenuItemData : ICommandExecutor { internal MenuItem baseItem; internal MenuItem firstItem; private int state; internal int version; internal MenuMerge mergeType; internal int mergeOrder; internal string caption; internal short mnemonic; internal Shortcut shortcut; internal bool showShortcut; internal EventHandler onClick; internal EventHandler onPopup; internal EventHandler onSelect; internal DrawItemEventHandler onDrawItem; internal MeasureItemEventHandler onMeasureItem; private object userData = null; internal Command cmd; internal MenuItemData(MenuItem baseItem, MenuMerge mergeType, int mergeOrder, Shortcut shortcut, bool showShortcut, string caption, EventHandler onClick, EventHandler onPopup, EventHandler onSelect, DrawItemEventHandler onDrawItem, MeasureItemEventHandler onMeasureItem) { AddItem(baseItem); this.mergeType = mergeType; this.mergeOrder = mergeOrder; this.shortcut = shortcut; this.showShortcut = showShortcut; this.caption = caption == null? "": caption; this.onClick = onClick; this.onPopup = onPopup; this.onSelect = onSelect; this.onDrawItem = onDrawItem; this.onMeasureItem = onMeasureItem; this.version = 1; this.mnemonic = -1; } internal bool OwnerDraw { get { return ((State & STATE_OWNERDRAW) != 0); } set { SetState(STATE_OWNERDRAW, value); } } internal bool MdiList { get { return HasState(STATE_MDILIST); } set { if (((state & STATE_MDILIST) != 0) != value) { SetState(STATE_MDILIST, value); for (MenuItem item = firstItem; item != null; item = item.nextLinkedItem) { item.ItemsChanged(Menu.CHANGE_MDI); } } } } internal MenuMerge MergeType { get { return mergeType; } set { if (mergeType != value) { mergeType = value; ItemsChanged(Menu.CHANGE_MERGE); } } } internal int MergeOrder { get { return mergeOrder; } set { if (mergeOrder != value) { mergeOrder = value; ItemsChanged(Menu.CHANGE_MERGE); } } } internal char Mnemonic { get { if (mnemonic == -1) { mnemonic = (short) WindowsFormsUtils.GetMnemonic(caption, true); } return(char)mnemonic; } } internal int State { get { return state; } } internal bool Visible { get { return(state & MenuItem.STATE_HIDDEN) == 0; } set { if (((state & MenuItem.STATE_HIDDEN) == 0) != value) { state = value? state & ~MenuItem.STATE_HIDDEN: state | MenuItem.STATE_HIDDEN; ItemsChanged(Menu.CHANGE_VISIBLE); } } } internal object UserData { get { return userData; } set { userData = value; } } internal void AddItem(MenuItem item) { if ( != this) { if ( != null) {; } item.nextLinkedItem = firstItem; firstItem = item; if (baseItem == null) baseItem = item; = this; item.dataVersion = 0; item.UpdateMenuItem(false); } } public void Execute() { if (baseItem != null) { baseItem.OnClick(EventArgs.Empty); } } internal int GetMenuID() { if (null == cmd) cmd = new Command(this); return cmd.ID; } internal void ItemsChanged(int change) { for (MenuItem item = firstItem; item != null; item = item.nextLinkedItem) { if ( != null); } } internal void RemoveItem(MenuItem item) { Debug.Assert( == this, "bad item passed to MenuItemData.removeItem"); if (item == firstItem) { firstItem = item.nextLinkedItem; } else { MenuItem itemT; for (itemT = firstItem; item != itemT.nextLinkedItem;) itemT = itemT.nextLinkedItem; itemT.nextLinkedItem = item.nextLinkedItem; } item.nextLinkedItem = null; = null; item.dataVersion = 0; if (item == baseItem) { baseItem = firstItem; } if (firstItem == null) { // No longer needed. Toss all references and the Command object. Debug.Assert(baseItem == null, "why isn't baseItem null?"); onClick = null; onPopup = null; onSelect = null; onDrawItem = null; onMeasureItem = null; if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } } } internal void SetCaption(string value) { if (value == null) value = ""; if (!caption.Equals(value)) { caption = value; UpdateMenuItems(); } #if DEBUG if (value.Length > 0) { baseItem._debugText = value; } #endif } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] internal bool HasState(int flag) { return((State & flag) == flag); } internal void SetState(int flag, bool value) { if (((state & flag) != 0) != value) { state = value? state | flag: state & ~flag; UpdateMenuItems(); } } internal void UpdateMenuItems() { version++; for (MenuItem item = firstItem; item != null; item = item.nextLinkedItem) { item.UpdateMenuItem(true); } } } private class MdiListUserData { public virtual void OnClick(EventArgs e) { } } private class MdiListFormData : MdiListUserData { private MenuItem parent; private int boundIndex; public MdiListFormData(MenuItem parentItem, int boundFormIndex) { boundIndex = boundFormIndex; parent = parentItem; } public override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { if (boundIndex != -1) { // SECREVIEW : User selected a window, that means it is OK // : to move focus // IntSecurity.ModifyFocus.Assert(); try { Form[] forms = parent.FindMdiForms(); Debug.Assert(forms != null, "Didn't get a list of the MDI Forms."); if (forms != null && forms.Length > boundIndex) { Form boundForm = forms[boundIndex]; boundForm.Activate(); if (boundForm.ActiveControl != null && !boundForm.ActiveControl.Focused) { boundForm.ActiveControl.Focus(); } } } finally { CodeAccessPermission.RevertAssert(); } } } } private class MdiListMoreWindowsData : MdiListUserData { private MenuItem parent; public MdiListMoreWindowsData(MenuItem parent) { this.parent = parent; } public override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { Form[] forms = parent.FindMdiForms(); Debug.Assert(forms != null, "Didn't get a list of the MDI Forms."); Form active = parent.GetMainMenu().GetFormUnsafe().ActiveMdiChild; Debug.Assert(active != null, "Didn't get the active MDI child"); if (forms != null && forms.Length > 0 && active != null) { // SECREVIEW : "System" style dialog, no user code will execute, and // : we don't want the restricted dialog options... // IntSecurity.AllWindows.Assert(); try { using (MdiWindowDialog dialog = new MdiWindowDialog()) { dialog.SetItems(active, forms); DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { // AllWindows Assert above allows this... // dialog.ActiveChildForm.Activate(); if (dialog.ActiveChildForm.ActiveControl != null && !dialog.ActiveChildForm.ActiveControl.Focused) { dialog.ActiveChildForm.ActiveControl.Focus(); } } } } finally { CodeAccessPermission.RevertAssert(); } } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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