/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ToolStripSplitButton.cs / 1305376 / ToolStripSplitButton.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Forms.Layout; using System.Runtime.Versioning; ////// [ ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability(ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ToolStrip | ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.StatusStrip), DefaultEvent("ButtonClick") ] public class ToolStripSplitButton : ToolStripDropDownItem { private ToolStripItem defaultItem = null; private ToolStripSplitButtonButton splitButtonButton = null; private Rectangle dropDownButtonBounds = Rectangle.Empty; private ToolStripSplitButtonButtonLayout splitButtonButtonLayout = null; private int dropDownButtonWidth = 0; private int splitterWidth = 1; private Rectangle splitterBounds = Rectangle.Empty; private byte openMouseId = 0; private long lastClickTime = 0; private const int DEFAULT_DROPDOWN_WIDTH = 11; private static readonly object EventDefaultItemChanged = new object(); private static readonly object EventButtonClick = new object(); private static readonly object EventButtonDoubleClick = new object(); private static readonly object EventDropDownOpened = new object(); private static readonly object EventDropDownClosed = new object(); /// /// /// Summary of ToolStripSplitButton. /// public ToolStripSplitButton() { Initialize(); // all additional work should be done in Initialize } public ToolStripSplitButton(string text):base(text,null,(EventHandler)null) { Initialize(); } public ToolStripSplitButton(Image image):base(null,image,(EventHandler)null) { Initialize(); } public ToolStripSplitButton(string text, Image image):base(text,image,(EventHandler)null) { Initialize(); } public ToolStripSplitButton(string text, Image image, EventHandler onClick):base(text,image,onClick) { Initialize(); } public ToolStripSplitButton(string text, Image image, EventHandler onClick, string name) :base(text,image,onClick,name){ Initialize(); } public ToolStripSplitButton(string text, Image image, params ToolStripItem[] dropDownItems):base(text,image,dropDownItems) { Initialize(); } [DefaultValue(true)] public new bool AutoToolTip { get { return base.AutoToolTip; } set { base.AutoToolTip = value; } } ////// /// Summary of ToolStripSplitButton. /// [Browsable(false)] public Rectangle ButtonBounds { get { //Rectangle bounds = SplitButtonButton.Bounds; //bounds.Offset(this.Bounds.Location); return SplitButtonButton.Bounds; } } ////// /// Summary of ButtonPressed. /// [Browsable(false)] public bool ButtonPressed { get { return SplitButtonButton.Pressed; } } ////// /// Summary of ButtonPressed. /// [Browsable(false)] public bool ButtonSelected { get { return SplitButtonButton.Selected || DropDownButtonPressed; } } ////// /// [ SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripSplitButtonOnButtonClickDescr) ] public event EventHandler ButtonClick { add { Events.AddHandler(EventButtonClick, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventButtonClick, value); } } ///Occurs when the button portion of a split button is clicked. ////// /// [ SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripSplitButtonOnButtonDoubleClickDescr) ] public event EventHandler ButtonDoubleClick { add { Events.AddHandler(EventButtonDoubleClick, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventButtonDoubleClick, value); } } protected override bool DefaultAutoToolTip { get { return true; } } ///Occurs when the utton portion of a split button is double clicked. ////// /// Summary of DefaultItem. /// [DefaultValue(null), Browsable(false)] public ToolStripItem DefaultItem { get { return defaultItem; } set { if (defaultItem != value) { OnDefaultItemChanged(new EventArgs()); defaultItem = value; } } } ////// /// [ SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripSplitButtonOnDefaultItemChangedDescr) ] public event EventHandler DefaultItemChanged { add { Events.AddHandler(EventDefaultItemChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EventDefaultItemChanged, value); } } ///Occurs when the default item has changed ////// /// specifies the default behavior of these items on ToolStripDropDowns when clicked. /// internal protected override bool DismissWhenClicked { get { return DropDown.Visible != true; } } internal override Rectangle DropDownButtonArea { get { return this.DropDownButtonBounds; } } ////// /// The bounds of the DropDown in ToolStrip coordinates. /// [Browsable(false)] public Rectangle DropDownButtonBounds { get { return dropDownButtonBounds; } } ////// /// Summary of DropDownButtonBounds. /// [Browsable(false)] public bool DropDownButtonPressed { get { // return DropDown.Visible; } } ////// /// Summary of DropDownButtonSelected. /// [Browsable(false)] public bool DropDownButtonSelected{ get { return this.Selected; } } ////// /// Summary of DropDownButtonWidth. /// [ SRCategory(SR.CatLayout), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripSplitButtonDropDownButtonWidthDescr) ] public int DropDownButtonWidth { get{ return dropDownButtonWidth; } set { if (value < 0) { // throw if less than 0. throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("DropDownButtonWidth", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx, "DropDownButtonWidth", value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (0).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } if (dropDownButtonWidth != value) { dropDownButtonWidth = value; InvalidateSplitButtonLayout(); InvalidateItemLayout(PropertyNames.DropDownButtonWidth, true); } } } ////// This is here for serialization purposes. /// private int DefaultDropDownButtonWidth { get { // lets start off with a size roughly equivilant to a combobox dropdown return DEFAULT_DROPDOWN_WIDTH; } } ////// Just used as a convenience to help manage layout /// private ToolStripSplitButtonButton SplitButtonButton { get { if (splitButtonButton == null) { splitButtonButton = new ToolStripSplitButtonButton(this); } splitButtonButton.Image = this.Image; splitButtonButton.Text = this.Text; splitButtonButton.BackColor = this.BackColor; splitButtonButton.ForeColor = this.ForeColor; splitButtonButton.Font = this.Font; splitButtonButton.ImageAlign = this.ImageAlign; splitButtonButton.TextAlign = this.TextAlign; splitButtonButton.TextImageRelation = this.TextImageRelation; return splitButtonButton; } } ////// Summary of SplitButtonButtonLayout. /// internal ToolStripItemInternalLayout SplitButtonButtonLayout { get { // For preferred size caching reasons, we need to keep our two // internal layouts (button, dropdown button) in [....]. if (InternalLayout != null /*if layout is invalid - calls CreateInternalLayout - which resets splitButtonButtonLayout to null*/ && splitButtonButtonLayout == null) { splitButtonButtonLayout = new ToolStripSplitButtonButtonLayout(this); } return splitButtonButtonLayout; } } ////// /// the width of the separator between the default and drop down button /// [ SRDescription(SR.ToolStripSplitButtonSplitterWidthDescr), SRCategory(SR.CatLayout), Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced) ] internal int SplitterWidth { get { return splitterWidth; } set { if (value < 0) { splitterWidth = 0; } else { splitterWidth = value; } InvalidateSplitButtonLayout(); } } ////// /// the boundaries of the separator between the default and drop down button, exposed for custom /// painting purposes. /// [Browsable(false)] public Rectangle SplitterBounds { get { return splitterBounds; } } ////// Summary of CalculateLayout. /// private void CalculateLayout() { // Figure out where the DropDown image goes. Rectangle dropDownButtonBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.Size); Rectangle splitButtonButtonBounds = Rectangle.Empty; dropDownButtonBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, new Size(Math.Min(this.Width, DropDownButtonWidth), this.Height)); // Figure out the height and width of the selected item. int splitButtonButtonWidth = Math.Max(0, this.Width - dropDownButtonBounds.Width); int splitButtonButtonHeight = Math.Max(0, this.Height); splitButtonButtonBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, new Size(splitButtonButtonWidth, splitButtonButtonHeight)); // grow the selected item by one since we're overlapping the borders. splitButtonButtonBounds.Width -= splitterWidth; if (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No) { // the dropdown button goes on the right dropDownButtonBounds.Offset(splitButtonButtonBounds.Right+splitterWidth, 0); splitterBounds = new Rectangle(splitButtonButtonBounds.Right, splitButtonButtonBounds.Top, splitterWidth, splitButtonButtonBounds.Height); } else { // the split button goes on the right. splitButtonButtonBounds.Offset(DropDownButtonWidth+splitterWidth, 0); splitterBounds = new Rectangle(dropDownButtonBounds.Right, dropDownButtonBounds.Top, splitterWidth, dropDownButtonBounds.Height); } this.SplitButtonButton.SetBounds(splitButtonButtonBounds); this.SetDropDownButtonBounds(dropDownButtonBounds); } protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance() { return new ToolStripSplitButtonAccessibleObject(this); } protected override ToolStripDropDown CreateDefaultDropDown() { // AutoGenerate a Winbar DropDown - set the property so we hook events return new ToolStripDropDownMenu(this, /*isAutoGenerated=*/true); } internal override ToolStripItemInternalLayout CreateInternalLayout() { // whenever the master layout is invalidated - invalidate the splitbuttonbutton layout. this.splitButtonButtonLayout = null; return new ToolStripItemInternalLayout(this); } ///public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size constrainingSize) { Size preferredSize = SplitButtonButtonLayout.GetPreferredSize(constrainingSize); preferredSize.Width += DropDownButtonWidth + SplitterWidth + Padding.Horizontal; return preferredSize; } /// /// Summary of InvalidateSplitButtonLayout. /// private void InvalidateSplitButtonLayout() { this.splitButtonButtonLayout = null; CalculateLayout(); } private void Initialize() { dropDownButtonWidth = DefaultDropDownButtonWidth; SupportsSpaceKey = true; } [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] protected internal override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) { if (Enabled && (keyData == Keys.Enter || (SupportsSpaceKey && keyData == Keys.Space))) { PerformButtonClick(); return true; } return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1720:AvoidTypeNamesInParameters")] // 'charCode' matches control.cs [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] protected internal override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode) { // checking IsMnemonic is not necessary - toolstrip does this for us PerformButtonClick(); return true; } ////// /// called when the button portion of a split button is clicked /// if there is a default item, this will route the click to the default item /// protected virtual void OnButtonClick(System.EventArgs e) { if (DefaultItem != null) { DefaultItem.FireEvent(ToolStripItemEventType.Click); } EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventButtonClick]; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } ////// /// called when the button portion of a split button is double clicked /// if there is a default item, this will route the double click to the default item /// public virtual void OnButtonDoubleClick(System.EventArgs e) { if (DefaultItem != null) { DefaultItem.FireEvent(ToolStripItemEventType.DoubleClick); } EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventButtonDoubleClick]; if (handler != null) handler(this,e); } ////// /// Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. /// protected virtual void OnDefaultItemChanged(EventArgs e) { InvalidateSplitButtonLayout(); if (CanRaiseEvents) { EventHandler eh = Events[EventDefaultItemChanged] as EventHandler; if (eh != null) { eh(this, e); } } } ////// /// Summary of OnMouseDown. /// protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { if (DropDownButtonBounds.Contains(e.Location)) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (!DropDown.Visible) { Debug.Assert(ParentInternal != null, "Parent is null here, not going to get accurate ID"); openMouseId = (ParentInternal == null) ? (byte)0: ParentInternal.GetMouseId(); this.ShowDropDown(/*mousePress = */true); } } } else { SplitButtonButton.Push(true); } } ////// /// Summary of OnMouseUp. /// protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { if (!Enabled) { return; } SplitButtonButton.Push(false); if (DropDownButtonBounds.Contains(e.Location)) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (DropDown.Visible) { Debug.Assert(ParentInternal != null, "Parent is null here, not going to get accurate ID"); byte closeMouseId = (ParentInternal == null) ? (byte)0: ParentInternal.GetMouseId(); if (closeMouseId != openMouseId) { openMouseId = 0; // reset the mouse id, we should never get this value from toolstrip. ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.CloseActiveDropDown(DropDown, ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked); Select(); } } } } Point clickPoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y); if ((e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) && this.SplitButtonButton.Bounds.Contains(clickPoint)) { bool shouldFireDoubleClick = false; if (DoubleClickEnabled) { long newTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; long deltaTicks = newTime - lastClickTime; lastClickTime = newTime; // use >= for cases where the succession of click events is so fast it's not picked up by // DateTime resolution. Debug.Assert(deltaTicks >= 0, "why are deltaticks less than zero? thats some mighty fast clicking"); // if we've seen a mouse up less than the double click time ago, we should fire. if (deltaTicks >= 0 && deltaTicks < DoubleClickTicks) { shouldFireDoubleClick = true; } } if (shouldFireDoubleClick) { OnButtonDoubleClick(new System.EventArgs()); // VSWhidbey 486983: if we actually fired DoubleClick - reset the lastClickTime. lastClickTime = 0; } else { OnButtonClick(new System.EventArgs()); } } } ///protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { openMouseId = 0; // reset the mouse id, we should never get this value from toolstrip. SplitButtonButton.Push(false); base.OnMouseLeave(e); } /// /// /// Summary of OnRightToLeftChanged. /// protected override void OnRightToLeftChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnRightToLeftChanged(e); InvalidateSplitButtonLayout(); } ////// /// Summary of OnPaint. /// /// protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { ToolStripRenderer renderer = this.Renderer; if (renderer != null) { InvalidateSplitButtonLayout(); Graphics g = e.Graphics; renderer.DrawSplitButton(new ToolStripItemRenderEventArgs(g, this)); if ((DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image) != ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.None) { renderer.DrawItemImage(new ToolStripItemImageRenderEventArgs(g, this, SplitButtonButtonLayout.ImageRectangle)); } if ((DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) != ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.None) { renderer.DrawItemText(new ToolStripItemTextRenderEventArgs(g, this, SplitButtonButton.Text, SplitButtonButtonLayout.TextRectangle, this.ForeColor, this.Font, SplitButtonButtonLayout.TextFormat)); } } } public void PerformButtonClick() { if (Enabled && Available) { PerformClick(); OnButtonClick(EventArgs.Empty); } } ////// /// Resets the RightToLeft to be the default. /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public virtual void ResetDropDownButtonWidth() { DropDownButtonWidth = DefaultDropDownButtonWidth; } ////// Summary of SetDropDownBounds. /// private void SetDropDownButtonBounds(Rectangle rect) { dropDownButtonBounds = rect; } ////// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] internal virtual bool ShouldSerializeDropDownButtonWidth() { return (DropDownButtonWidth != DefaultDropDownButtonWidth); } ///Determines if the ///property needs to be persisted. /// This class represents the item to the left of the dropdown [ A |v] (e.g the "A") /// It exists so that we can use our existing methods for text and image layout /// and have a place to stick certain state information like pushed and selected /// Note since this is NOT an actual item hosted on the Winbar - it wont get things /// like MouseOver, wont be laid out by the ToolStrip, etc etc. This is purely internal /// convenience. /// private class ToolStripSplitButtonButton : ToolStripButton { private ToolStripSplitButton owner = null; public ToolStripSplitButtonButton(ToolStripSplitButton owner) { this.owner = owner; } public override bool Enabled { get { return owner.Enabled; } set { // do nothing } } public override ToolStripItemDisplayStyle DisplayStyle { get { return owner.DisplayStyle; } set { // do nothing } } public override Padding Padding { get { return this.owner.Padding; } set { // do nothing } } public override ToolStripTextDirection TextDirection { get { return owner.TextDirection; } } public override Image Image { [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Machine)] [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine)] get { if ((owner.DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image) == ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image) { return owner.Image; } else { return null; } } set { // do nothing } } public override bool Selected { get { if (owner != null) { return owner.Selected; } return base.Selected; } } public override string Text { get { if ((owner.DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) == ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) { return owner.Text; } else { return null; } } set { // do nothing } } } ////// This class performs internal layout for the "split button button" portion of a split button. /// Its main job is to make sure the inner button has the same parent as the split button, so /// that layout can be performed using the correct graphics context. /// private class ToolStripSplitButtonButtonLayout : ToolStripItemInternalLayout { ToolStripSplitButton owner; public ToolStripSplitButtonButtonLayout(ToolStripSplitButton owner) : base(owner.SplitButtonButton) { this.owner = owner; } protected override ToolStripItem Owner { get { return owner; } } protected override ToolStrip ParentInternal { get { return owner.ParentInternal; } } public override Rectangle ImageRectangle { get { Rectangle imageRect = base.ImageRectangle; // translate to ToolStripItem coordinates imageRect.Offset(owner.SplitButtonButton.Bounds.Location); return imageRect; } } public override Rectangle TextRectangle { get { Rectangle textRect = base.TextRectangle; // translate to ToolStripItem coordinates textRect.Offset(owner.SplitButtonButton.Bounds.Location); return textRect; } } } ///[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1034:NestedTypesShouldNotBeVisible")] public class ToolStripSplitButtonAccessibleObject : ToolStripItem.ToolStripItemAccessibleObject { private ToolStripSplitButton owner; public ToolStripSplitButtonAccessibleObject(ToolStripSplitButton item) : base(item) { owner = item; } /// [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] public override void DoDefaultAction() { owner.PerformButtonClick(); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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