RightsManagementEncryptedStream.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Base / MS / Internal / IO / Packaging / CompoundFile / RightsManagementEncryptedStream.cs / 1305600 / RightsManagementEncryptedStream.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//  This class implements stream subclass that is responsible for actual encryption decryption 
// History: 
//  06/03/2002: IgorBel:    Initial implementation.
//  08/15/2002: LGolding:   In the 07/17/2002 drop of the RM SDK, the server has
//                              changed from ULTNGSTN01 to TungstenTest07, and the
//                              activation URL has changed. 
//  05/29/2003: LGolding:   Ported to WCP tree.
//  06/15/2003: IgorBel:     Krypton integration 
//  04/26/2005: LGolding:   Ported to managed wrappers around Promethium APIs. 
//  03/20/2006: IgorBel:     Security Code review fixes

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections.Generic;           // for List<> 
using System.IO.Packaging;
using System.Security.Cryptography; 
using System.Security.RightsManagement;
using MS.Internal.IO.Packaging;

using System.Windows; 
using MS.Internal.WindowsBase;
namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.CompoundFile 
    /// This class inherits from base abstract Stream class and provides
    /// RM decryption and encryption services
    internal class RightsManagementEncryptedStream: Stream
        //  Public Properties 
        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream 
        public override bool CanRead 
                // always return false if disposed
                return (_baseStream != null) &&
                            _baseStream.CanRead &&
                            _baseStream.CanSeek && 

        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream
        public override bool CanSeek
                // always return false if disposed 
                return (_baseStream != null) &&

        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream
        public override bool CanWrite 
                // always return false if disposed
                return (_baseStream != null) &&
                            _baseStream.CanWrite && 
                            _baseStream.CanRead &&
                            _baseStream.CanSeek && 
                            _cryptoProvider.CanDecrypt && 

        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream 
        public override long Length 

                // guaranteed initialized by constructor
                return _streamCachedLength; 
        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream 
        public override long Position
                return _streamPosition; 
                // share logic
                Seek(value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        //  Public Methods 
        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream 
        public override void Flush() 


        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream 
        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) 

            long temp = 0; 
                switch (origin) 
                    case SeekOrigin.Begin: 
                            temp = offset;
                    case SeekOrigin.Current:
                            temp = _streamPosition + offset; 
                    case SeekOrigin.End:
                            temp = Length + offset;
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("origin", SR.Get(SRID.SeekOriginInvalid));

            if (temp < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", SR.Get(SRID.SeekNegative)); 

            _streamPosition = temp; 
            return _streamPosition;

        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream
        public override void SetLength(long newLength) 

            if (newLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("newLength", SR.Get(SRID.CannotMakeStreamLengthNegative)); 
            _streamCachedLength = newLength; 

            // We are not caching this transaction for the following reason. The extra data that might 
            // be added to stream when the new length is higher than the existing length,
            // although undefined (could be junk) must be consistent. Consistent
            // is defined in a sense of multiple read requests performed on the same stream area.
            // In order to guarantee this consistency we either have to come up with some initial value 
            // (0 or anything else) remember the initialized area (or multiple areas like that if get a set
            // of non contiguous writes), and take it into account during all the transactions. 
            // Alternatively we can get some real bits allocated on the baseStream and take advantage 
            // of the underlying stream capability to preserve consistent content of the extra bits being
            // allocated here. 

            if (_streamPosition > Length)
                _streamPosition = Length;

        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            PackagingUtilities.VerifyStreamReadArgs(this, buffer, offset, count); 

            int result = InternalRead(_streamPosition, buffer, offset, count); 


            checked { _streamPosition += result; } 

            return result; 

        /// See .NET Framework SDK under System.IO.Stream
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            PackagingUtilities.VerifyStreamWriteArgs(this, buffer, offset, count); 

            _writeCache.Seek(this.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin); 

            _writeCache.Write(buffer, offset, count);

            // we also might need to recalculate the size of the new updated stream 
            if (_writeCache.Length > Length)
                // update our size accordingly 

            checked { _streamPosition += count; }

        //  Protected Methods 
        /// Dispose(bool) 
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) 
                if (disposing)
                    // multiple calls are fine - just ignore them 
                    if (_baseStream != null)


                        _readCache.Close(); // the life time of these two streams is exactly the
                        _writeCache.Close();  // same as the lifetime of the object itself
                _baseStream = null;     // we better not get any calls after this 
                _readCache = null;
                _writeCache = null;
        //  Internal Methods 
        internal RightsManagementEncryptedStream(
                                        Stream baseStream, 
                                        CryptoProvider cryptoProvider)
            Debug.Assert(baseStream != null); 
            Debug.Assert(cryptoProvider != null);
            if (!cryptoProvider.CanDecrypt )
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CryptoProviderCanNotDecrypt), "cryptoProvider");

            if (!cryptoProvider.CanMergeBlocks) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CryptoProviderCanNotMergeBlocks), "cryptoProvider");

            _baseStream = baseStream;
            _cryptoProvider = cryptoProvider;
            // Currently BitConverter is implemented as only supporting Little Endian byte order
            // regardless of the machine type. We would like to make sure that this doesn't change 
            // as we need Little Endian byte order decoding capability on all machines in order to 
            // parse files that travel across different machine types.

            // initialize stream length

        //  Private Methods
        /// Initial update of _streamCachedLength and _streamOnDiskLength
        private void ParseStreamLength()
            if (_streamCachedLength < 0) 
                // seek to the beginning of the stream 
                _baseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // read the size prefix
                byte[] prefixData = new byte[_prefixLengthSize]; 
                int bytesRead = PackagingUtilities.ReliableRead
                                            (_baseStream, prefixData, 0, prefixData.Length); 
                // decode length data (from the prefix)
                if (bytesRead == 0) 
                    // probably a new stream - just assume length is zero
                    _streamOnDiskLength = 0;
                    if (bytesRead < _prefixLengthSize) 
                        // not zero and shorter than legal length == corrupt file
                        throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.EncryptedDataStreamCorrupt)); 
                            // This will throw on a negative value so we need not 
                            // explicitly check for that 
                            _streamOnDiskLength = (long)BitConverter.ToUInt64(prefixData, 0);
                _streamCachedLength = _streamOnDiskLength;

        private int InternalRead(long streamPosition, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) 
            // use the explicitly passed in Position or reading in the stream
            // we do not want to rely and change the real stream position 
            // as this function is called as a part of the Flush (which shouldn't change the stream Seek pointer)
            long start = streamPosition;

            // calculate how many bytes we can actually read 
            int realCount = count;
                if (start + count > Length) 
                    // if we have been asked to read something beyond the size
                    // we need to truncate the size of the request
                    realCount = (int)(Length - start); 
                if (realCount <= 0) 
                    return 0; 

                // Check if we can satisfy this request from the cache 
                // write cache first as it has the most fresh data 
                int cacheReadResult = ReadFromCache(_writeCache, start, realCount, buffer, offset); 
                if (cacheReadResult > 0)
                    return cacheReadResult;

                // We need to be careful about WriteCache Blocks that are ahead of the
                // requested area. If we satisfy the result from read cache or from Disk 
                // fetching we need to make sure we do not get the data that overlaps 
                // Write Cache, and therefore contains stale bits (that are not updated
                // based on the write cache). 
                // let's check how far write cache starts from the beginning of the request
                long writeCacheStartOftheNextBlock = FindOffsetOfNextAvailableBlockAfter(_writeCache, start);
                //negative value indicates that no such block could be found 
                if (writeCacheStartOftheNextBlock >= 0)
                    Debug.Assert(writeCacheStartOftheNextBlock > start); 
                    if (start + realCount > writeCacheStartOftheNextBlock)
                        realCount = (int)(writeCacheStartOftheNextBlock - start);
                // read cache is second as it might have data that was overridden in the write cache
                cacheReadResult = ReadFromCache(_readCache, start, realCount, buffer, offset); 
                if (cacheReadResult > 0) 
                    return cacheReadResult; 

                // We will fetch some data from the Disk into the read cache 
                // while fetching we need to be careful, so that
                //  we do not read data that might be already in the read cache (that would be a perf penalty for no reason) 
                // let's check how far read cache starts from the beginning of the request
                long readCacheStartOftheNextBlock = FindOffsetOfNextAvailableBlockAfter(_readCache, start); 
                //negative value indicates that no such block could be found
                if (readCacheStartOftheNextBlock >= 0)
                    Debug.Assert(readCacheStartOftheNextBlock > start); 
                    if (start + realCount > readCacheStartOftheNextBlock)
                        realCount = (int)(readCacheStartOftheNextBlock - start); 

                // Read Data from disk, decrypt it and cache it
                FetchBlockIntoReadCache(start, realCount);
                // at this point we must be able to satisfy request from the read cache
                // important thing is we are guaranteed based on the logic above that the data we read 
                // will not overlap with any data that might be dirty in the write cache 
                cacheReadResult = ReadFromCache(_readCache, start, realCount, buffer, offset);
                Debug.Assert(cacheReadResult > 0); 
                return cacheReadResult;
        private int ReadFromCache(SparseMemoryStream cache, long start, int count, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset)
#if DEBUG 
            // debug only check for valid parameters, as we generally expect callers to verify them
            PackagingUtilities.VerifyStreamReadArgs(this, buffer, bufferOffset, count); 
            Debug.Assert(cache != null);
            Debug.Assert(start >=0);
            IList collection = cache.MemoryBlockCollection; 

                // use BinarySearch to locate blocks of interest quickly
                bool match;     // exact match? 
                int index = FindIndexOfBlockAtOffset(cache, start, out match);

                // if match was found, read from it
                int bytesRead = 0; 
                if (match)
                    MemoryStreamBlock memStreamBlock = collection[index]; 
                    long overlapBlockOffset;
                    long overlapBlockSize; 

                    // we have got an overlap which can be used to satisfy the read request,
                    // at least  partially
                    PackagingUtilities.CalculateOverlap(memStreamBlock.Offset, memStreamBlock.Stream.Length, 
                                          start, count,
                                          out overlapBlockOffset, out overlapBlockSize); 
                    if (overlapBlockSize > 0)
                        // overlap must be starting at the start as we know for sure that
                        // memStreamBlock.Offset <= start
                        Debug.Assert(overlapBlockOffset == start);
                        memStreamBlock.Stream.Seek(overlapBlockOffset - memStreamBlock.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        // we know that memStream will return as much data as we requested 
                        // even if this logic changes we do not have to return everything
                        // a partially complete read is acceptable here 
                        bytesRead = memStreamBlock.Stream.Read(buffer, bufferOffset, (int)overlapBlockSize);
                return bytesRead;

        /// Uses BinarySearch to locate the index of the block that contains start
        /// True if match found.  If this is false, the index returned is where the item would appear if it existed.
        /// Index 
        private int FindIndexOfBlockAtOffset(SparseMemoryStream cache, long start, out bool match) 
            if (cache.MemoryBlockCollection.Count == 0) 
                match = false;
                return 0;

            // use BinarySearch to locate blocks of interest quickly 
            if (_comparisonBlock == null) 
                _comparisonBlock = new MemoryStreamBlock(null, start);
                _comparisonBlock.Offset = start;

            int index = cache.MemoryBlockCollection.BinarySearch(_comparisonBlock);
            if (index < 0) // no match 
                // ~index represents the place at which the block we asked for 
                // would appear if it existed 
                index = ~index;
                match = false; 
                match = true; 
            return index; 

        /// Find offset of next available block after this offset
        /// cache to inspect
        /// offset to start search from 
        /// offset of block start if found, otherwise -1
        /// Contract: Call only when start is not inside any existing block. 
        private long FindOffsetOfNextAvailableBlockAfter(SparseMemoryStream cache, long start) 
            Debug.Assert(start >= 0); 
            Debug.Assert(cache != null);

            // Find the index where a new block with offset start would be placed
            bool match; 
            int index = FindIndexOfBlockAtOffset(cache, start, out match);
            Debug.Assert(!match, "Must only be called when there is no match"); 
            // If we have an exact match, we return the offset of the next block, unless
            // there are no more blocks - then we return -1 
            if (index >= (cache.MemoryBlockCollection.Count))
                return -1;      // no block beyond start
                return cache.MemoryBlockCollection[index].Offset;

        private void FetchBlockIntoReadCache(long start, int count) 
            // Let's calculate the block information that need to be read
            long firstBlockOffset;
            long blockCount; 
            int blockSize = _cryptoProvider.BlockSize; 

            // this call might potentially change blockSize and in case of the CryptoProvider supporting merging 
            // blocks it will become a multiple of original block size, big enough to cover the requested area
            CalcBlockData(start, count, _cryptoProvider.CanMergeBlocks,
                ref blockSize,    // can be modified to be a multiple of the original value
                out firstBlockOffset, 
                out blockCount);
            Debug.Assert(blockCount > 0, 
                    "RightsManagementEncryptedStream.Read Unable to process the request, calculated block count <= 0");
                // READ CRYPTO DATA 
                // try to seek to the first block 
                // this will take the prefix size into account 
                long newPosition = _baseStream.Seek(_prefixLengthSize + firstBlockOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Debug.Assert( newPosition == _prefixLengthSize + firstBlockOffset,
                    "RightsManagementEncryptedStream.Read Unable to seek to required position");

                // try to read all the required blocks into memory 
                int totalByteCount = (int)(blockCount * blockSize);
                byte[] cryptoBuffer = new byte [totalByteCount]; 

                int bytesRead = PackagingUtilities.ReliableRead( 
                                        totalByteCount,  //  we are asking for all the bytes _cryptoProvider.BlockSize 
                                        _cryptoProvider.BlockSize); // we are guaranteed to get at least that much, unless the end of stream is encountered
                if (bytesRead < _cryptoProvider.BlockSize) 
                    // we have found an unexpected end of stream 
                    throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.EncryptedDataStreamCorrupt));

                //adjust block count according to the data that we were able to read
                // it could be as few as cryptoProvider.BlockSize bytes or as many as totalByteCount 
                int readCryptoBlockSize = _cryptoProvider.BlockSize;
                int readCryptoBlockCount = (int)(bytesRead/readCryptoBlockSize);  // figure out how many blocks we read
                Debug.Assert(readCryptoBlockCount >=1); // we must have at least 1
                if (_cryptoProvider.CanMergeBlocks)
                    readCryptoBlockSize *= readCryptoBlockCount; 
                    readCryptoBlockCount = 1;

                byte[] cryptoTextBlock = new byte [readCryptoBlockSize];

                //prepare read cache stream to accept data in the right position 
                _readCache.Seek(firstBlockOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (long i = 0; i < readCryptoBlockCount; i++) 
                    // copy the appropriate data from the cryptoBuffer (read from disk)
                    // into the cryptoTextBlock for decryption 
                    Array.Copy(cryptoBuffer,  i * readCryptoBlockSize,  cryptoTextBlock  ,  0,  readCryptoBlockSize);
                    byte[] clearTextBlock = _cryptoProvider.Decrypt(cryptoTextBlock);

                    // put the results into the read cache 
                    _readCache.Write(clearTextBlock, 0, readCryptoBlockSize);
        private void FlushLength()
            // update size of the physical stream according to the cached stream size value
            if ((_streamCachedLength >=0)  &&                // negative value indicates that it isn't dirty nothing to update 
               (_streamCachedLength != _streamOnDiskLength)) // if these 2 are not equal it is an andicator of a "dirty" date
                _baseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); 

                // write data into the prefix 
                byte[] prefixData = BitConverter.GetBytes((ulong)_streamCachedLength);
                _baseStream.Write(prefixData, 0, prefixData.Length);

                    // update base stream length , base stream always must have size equal to a 
                    // multiple of block size plus +prefixLengthSize (do not truncate a half of a block at the end) 
                    int blockSize = _cryptoProvider.BlockSize;
                    long physicalBaseStreamLength = 
                               _prefixLengthSize +
                               GetBlockSpanCount(blockSize, 0, _streamCachedLength) * blockSize;

                    // NOTE: This call will not randomize or zero any data beyond the end of the stream.  This is not considered 
                    // a privacy issue because the data is encrypted.  If the caller expects privacy, they should create a new stream
                    // and copy the data to that new stream. 
                    _streamOnDiskLength = _streamCachedLength;

        private static long GetBlockNo(long blockSize, long index)
            Debug.Assert(blockSize > 1, "GetBlockNo recieved blockSize parameter value <= 1"); 
            Debug.Assert(index >= 0 , "GetBlockNo recieved index parameter value < 0");
                return index / blockSize;
        private static long GetBlockSpanCount(long blockSize, long index, long size) 
                if (size == 0)
                    return 0; 
                    return GetBlockNo(blockSize, index + size - 1) - GetBlockNo(blockSize, index) + 1;

        private static void CalcBlockData( 
            long start,        // offset of the first byte in the chunk of data
            long size,         // size of the chunk of data 
            bool canMergeBlocks, // controls whether we can automatically merge blocks (we can for block ciphers and not for stream ciphers) 
            ref int blockSize,  // blockSize which is used as a base (it can be adjusted if canMergeBlocks == true)
            // This index is only used for decryption/encryption as a 
            // counter measure against frequency analysis
            // (it is not used to calculate actual offsets in the file )
            out long firstBlockOffset, // byte offset of the first block that overlaps our chunk of data
            out long blockCount)  // total number of block required to completely cover our data 
                long firstBlockNumber = GetBlockNo(blockSize, start);
                firstBlockOffset = firstBlockNumber * blockSize; 
                blockCount = GetBlockSpanCount(blockSize, start, size);

                if (canMergeBlocks)
                    // we need to recalculate everything as if it were a single large block
                    blockSize = (int)(blockSize * blockCount); 
                    blockCount = 1; 

        private void CheckDisposed()
            if (_baseStream == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.Get(SRID.StreamObjectDisposed)); 

        private void FlushCacheIfNecessary()
                if (_readCache.MemoryConsumption + _writeCache.MemoryConsumption > _autoFlushHighWaterMark) 

        private void FlushCache()

                // we know that it is a sorted list, which means we can keep track of update highWaterMark
                // it will greately help in the case of small (1-2 bytes) update blocks
                long updatedHighWaterMark = 0; 
                byte[] clearTextBuffer = null; // lazy init
                foreach(MemoryStreamBlock memStreamBlock in _writeCache.MemoryBlockCollection) 

                    long dirtyBlockOffset = memStreamBlock.Offset; 
                    long dirtyBlockSize = memStreamBlock.Stream.Length;

                    //Adjust dirty block parameters according to the updatedHighWaterMark
                    // this way we can the blocks (part of the block) that have been taken care of by the previous reads 
                    if (dirtyBlockOffset < updatedHighWaterMark)
                        dirtyBlockSize = dirtyBlockOffset + dirtyBlockSize -updatedHighWaterMark; 
                        dirtyBlockOffset = updatedHighWaterMark;

                    // There is a chance that this was a small block that was updated in the previous loop cycle
                    // as a result of being in the same crypto block
                    if (dirtyBlockSize <= 0) 

                    // Let's calculate the block information that need to be read
                    long firstBlockOffset;
                    long blockCount; 
                    int blockSize = _cryptoProvider.BlockSize;
                    // this call might potentially change blockSize and in case of the CryptoProvider supporting merging 
                    // blocks it will become a multiple of original block size, big enough to cover the requested area
                    CalcBlockData(dirtyBlockOffset, dirtyBlockSize, _cryptoProvider.CanMergeBlocks, 
                        ref blockSize,    // can be modified to the multiple of the original value
                        out firstBlockOffset,
                        out blockCount);
                    // We can use our own reading functionality to read this data into a buffer (possibly using cached data)
                    int totalByteCount = (int)(blockCount * blockSize); 
                    if ((clearTextBuffer == null) || (clearTextBuffer.Length < totalByteCount)) 
                        // Allocate at least 4k (to improve chances of re-use on subsequent loop iterations) 
                        // and with enough room for the current operation.
                        clearTextBuffer = new byte[Math.Max(0x1000, totalByteCount)];
                    int readCount = InternalReliableRead(firstBlockOffset, clearTextBuffer, 0, totalByteCount);
                    // if we have found an end of stream we should pre-populate the buffer suffix with some random data 
                    // to make sure we do not always encrypt 0's
                    if (readCount < totalByteCount) 
                        RandomFillUp(clearTextBuffer, readCount, totalByteCount - readCount);
                    // Encrypt The data
                    byte[] cryptoTextBuffer = _cryptoProvider.Encrypt(clearTextBuffer); 
                    // Write the encrypted data out
                    _baseStream.Seek(firstBlockOffset + _prefixLengthSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
                    _baseStream.Write(cryptoTextBuffer,0, totalByteCount);

                    updatedHighWaterMark = firstBlockOffset + totalByteCount;

        // We arte not using the standard library reliable read as we want to bypass the
        // auto Flushing Logic which might result in recursive calls
        private int InternalReliableRead(long streamPosition, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) 
            Debug.Assert(streamPosition >= 0); 
            Debug.Assert(buffer != null); 
            Debug.Assert(count >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(checked(offset + count <= buffer.Length)); 

            // let's read the whole block into our buffer
            int totalBytesRead = 0;
                while (totalBytesRead < count) 
                    int bytesRead = InternalRead( 
                                    streamPosition + totalBytesRead,
                                    offset + totalBytesRead,
                                    count - totalBytesRead); 
                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                    totalBytesRead += bytesRead; 

            return totalBytesRead; 
        private void RandomFillUp(Byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) 
            Debug.Assert(buffer != null); 
            Debug.Assert(buffer.Length > 0);
            Debug.Assert(count >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(checked(offset + count <= buffer.Length));
            if (count == 0)
            if (_random == null)
                _random = new Random();

            if (_randomBuffer == null || (_randomBuffer.Length < count)) 
                _randomBuffer = new byte[Math.Max(16, count)];              // current block size is 16 


            Array.Copy(_randomBuffer, 0,  buffer, offset, count);
        //  Private Members 
        private Random _random;
        private Stream _baseStream;

        private long _streamCachedLength = -1;  // starts as an invalid value (which force a read on the first usage) 
                                                // it potentially might contain information that need to be flushed
        private long _streamOnDiskLength = -1;  // starts as an invalid value (which force a read on the first usage) 
                                                // this value always matches to the real stream size
                                                // as it is saved in the stream prefix. 

        private long _streamPosition;           // always start at 0

        private CryptoProvider _cryptoProvider;
        private const int _prefixLengthSize = 8; // 8 byte original stream size prefix 

        private byte[]              _randomBuffer;      // re-usable buffer for random 
        private MemoryStreamBlock   _comparisonBlock;   // re-usable comparison block

        // The caching policy is the following:
        // There are 2 Tracking memory streams, one used to cache Writes (data coming from the 
        // consumer of the APIs), and the other is used to cache Read (data read from the underlying storage) 
        // In both cases we cache clear text data.
        // Both Caches are completely cleaned if we Get Flush call or 
        // we choose to clear the cache to reduce memory consumption. Potentially some kind of more advanced
        // policy can be introduced here. (FIFO, or something based on a usage pattern activity)
        // MaxValues below are used in order to ensure that we do not trigger any form of Isolated Storage Backup
        // This is not a goal here. We are definitely would like to keep  SparseMemoryStream in the cached(in - memory) mode. 
        // In the context of our auto flush logic set at 16K we are pretty safe with those values� 
        private SparseMemoryStream _readCache =  new SparseMemoryStream(Int32.MaxValue, Int64.MaxValue, false);
        private SparseMemoryStream _writeCache =  new SparseMemoryStream(Int32.MaxValue, Int64.MaxValue, false); 

        private const long _autoFlushHighWaterMark  = 0x4000; // 16 K

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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