ClipboardProcessor.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Ink / ClipboardProcessor.cs / 1305600 / ClipboardProcessor.cs

// File: ClipboardProcessor.cs
// Description: 
//      A helper class which deals with the operations related to the clipboard.
// Features: 
// History: 
//  11/17/2004 waynezen:       Created
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.IO;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security;
using System.Text; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Ink; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Xml;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; //security helper

namespace MS.Internal.Ink 
    // The bits which internally represents the formats supported by InkCanvas 
    internal enum InkCanvasClipboardDataFormats
        None            = 0x00,     // None
        XAML            = 0x01,     // XAML
        ISF             = 0x02,     // ISF

    /// ClipboardProcessor acts as a brige between InkCanvas and various clipboard data formats
    /// It provides the functionalies - 
    ///     1. Check the supported data formats in an IDataObject
    ///     2. Copy the selections in an InkCavans to an IDataObject
    ///     3. Create the stroks or frameworkelement array if there is any supported data in an IDataObject
    internal class ClipboardProcessor
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        internal ClipboardProcessor(InkCanvas inkCanvas) 
            if ( inkCanvas == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inkCanvas");

            _inkCanvas = inkCanvas; 

            // Create our default preferred list - Only InkCanvasClipboardFormat.Isf is supported. 
            _preferredClipboardData = new Dictionary(); 
            _preferredClipboardData.Add(InkCanvasClipboardFormat.InkSerializedFormat, new ISFClipboardData());

        #endregion Constructors
        // Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        /// This method returns the bits flag if there are the supported data in the IDataObject.
        /// The IDataObject instance 
        /// The matched clipboard format. Return -1 if there is no recognized format in the data object
        internal bool CheckDataFormats(IDataObject dataObject) 
            Debug.Assert(dataObject != null && _preferredClipboardData!= null);

            foreach ( KeyValuePair pair in _preferredClipboardData ) 
                if ( pair.Value.CanPaste(dataObject) ) 
                    return true;

            return false;

        /// The method copies the current selection to the IDataObject if there is any 
        /// Called by :
        ///             InkCanvas.CopyToDataObject 
        /// The IDataObject instance
        /// true if there is data being copied. Otherwise return false
        ///     Critical: This code copies ink content to the clipboard
        ///                 Note the TAS boundary is InkCanvas.CopyToDataObject 
        internal InkCanvasClipboardDataFormats CopySelectedData(IDataObject dataObject) 
            InkCanvasClipboardDataFormats copiedDataFormat = InkCanvasClipboardDataFormats.None;
            InkCanvasSelection inkCanvasSelection = InkCanvas.InkCanvasSelection;
            StrokeCollection strokes = inkCanvasSelection.SelectedStrokes;
            if (strokes.Count > 1) 
                // NTRAID#WINDOWS-1541633-2006/03/03-SAMGEO,
                // order the strokes so they are in the correct z-order 
                // they appear in on the InkCanvas, or else they will be inconsistent
                // if copied / pasted
                StrokeCollection orderedStrokes = new StrokeCollection();
                StrokeCollection inkCanvasStrokes = InkCanvas.Strokes; //cache to avoid multiple property gets 
                for (int i = 0; i < inkCanvasStrokes.Count && strokes.Count != orderedStrokes.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < strokes.Count; j++) 
                        if (inkCanvasStrokes[i] == strokes[j]) 
                Debug.Assert(inkCanvasSelection.SelectedStrokes.Count == orderedStrokes.Count);
                //Make a copy collection since we will alter the transform before copying the data. 
                strokes = orderedStrokes.Clone();
                //we only have zero or one stroke so we don't need to order, but we
                //do need to clone. 
                strokes = strokes.Clone(); 
            List elements = new List(inkCanvasSelection.SelectedElements);
            Rect bounds = inkCanvasSelection.SelectionBounds;

            // Now copy the selection in the below orders. 
            if ( strokes.Count != 0 || elements.Count != 0 )
                // NTRAID-WINDOWS#1412097-2005/12/08-WAYNEZEN, 
                // The selection should be translated to the origin (0, 0) related to its bounds.
                // Get the translate transform as a relative bounds. 
                Matrix transform = Matrix.Identity;
                transform.OffsetX = -bounds.Left;
                transform.OffsetY = -bounds.Top;
                // Add ISF data first.
                if ( strokes.Count != 0 ) 
                    // Transform the strokes first.
                    inkCanvasSelection.TransformStrokes(strokes, transform); 

                    ClipboardData data = new ISFClipboardData(strokes);
                    copiedDataFormat |= InkCanvasClipboardDataFormats.ISF; 
                // Then add XAML data. 
                if ( CopySelectionInXAML(dataObject, strokes, elements, transform, bounds.Size) )
                    // We have to create an InkCanvas as a container and add all the selection to it.
                    copiedDataFormat |= InkCanvasClipboardDataFormats.XAML;
                Debug.Assert(false , "CopySelectData: InkCanvas should have a selection!"); 
            return copiedDataFormat;

        /// The method returns the Strokes or UIElement array if there is the supported data in the IDataObject
        /// The IDataObject instance 
        /// The strokes which are converted from the data in the IDataObject
        /// The elements array which are converted from the data in the IDataObject 
        internal bool PasteData(IDataObject dataObject, ref StrokeCollection newStrokes, ref List newElements)
            Debug.Assert(dataObject != null && _preferredClipboardData!= null);
            // We honor the order in our preferred list.
            foreach ( KeyValuePair pair in _preferredClipboardData ) 
                InkCanvasClipboardFormat format = pair.Key;
                ClipboardData data = pair.Value; 

                if ( data.CanPaste(dataObject) )
                    switch ( format ) 
                        case InkCanvasClipboardFormat.Xaml: 
                            XamlClipboardData xamlData = (XamlClipboardData)data;

                            List elements = xamlData.Elements;

                            if (elements != null && elements.Count != 0) 
                                // If the Xaml data has been set in an InkCanvas, the top element will be a container InkCanvas. 
                                // In this case, the new elements will be the children of the container. 
                                // Otherwise, the new elements will be whatever data from the data object.
                                if (elements.Count == 1 && ClipboardProcessor.InkCanvasDType.IsInstanceOfType(elements[0])) 
                                    TearDownInkCanvasContainer((InkCanvas)( elements[0] ), ref newStrokes, ref newElements);
                                    // The new elements are the data in the data object. 
                                    newElements = elements; 
                        case InkCanvasClipboardFormat.InkSerializedFormat: 
                            // Retrieve the stroke data. 
                            ISFClipboardData isfData = (ISFClipboardData)data; 
                            newStrokes = isfData.Strokes;
                        case InkCanvasClipboardFormat.Text: 
                            // Convert the text data in the data object to a text box element. 
                            TextClipboardData textData = (TextClipboardData)data; 
                            newElements = textData.Elements; 
                    // Once we've done pasting, just return now.
                    return true; 
            // Nothing gets pasted.
            return false;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        internal IEnumerable PreferredFormats 
                Debug.Assert(_preferredClipboardData != null);

                foreach ( KeyValuePair pair in _preferredClipboardData ) 
                    yield return pair.Key; 
                Debug.Assert(value != null);

                Dictionary preferredData = new Dictionary(); 

                foreach ( InkCanvasClipboardFormat format in value ) 
                    // If we find the duplicate format in our preferred list, we should just skip it.
                    if ( !preferredData.ContainsKey(format) ) 
                        ClipboardData clipboardData = null;
                        switch ( format )
                            case InkCanvasClipboardFormat.InkSerializedFormat:
                                clipboardData = new ISFClipboardData(); 
                            case InkCanvasClipboardFormat.Xaml:
                                clipboardData = new XamlClipboardData(); 
                            case InkCanvasClipboardFormat.Text:
                                clipboardData = new TextClipboardData();
                                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidClipboardFormat), "value"); 

                        preferredData.Add(format, clipboardData); 

                _preferredClipboardData = preferredData; 

        // Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 
        /// Copy the current Selection in XAML format. 
        /// Called by :
        ///             CopySelectedData
        /// True if the copy is succeeded 
        ///     Critical:   This code calls CopyToDataObject which is critical.
        ///                 Note the TAS boundary is InkCanvas.CopyToDataObject
        ///     TreatAsSafe: We only execute this code if the application has UnmanagedCode permission
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private bool CopySelectionInXAML(IDataObject dataObject, StrokeCollection strokes, List elements, Matrix transform, Size size)
            //NOTE: after meeting with the partial trust team, we have
            //collectively decided to only allow copy / cut of XAML if the caller
            //has unmanagedcode permission, else we silently ignore the XAML
            if (!SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission()) 
                return false; 

                InkCanvas inkCanvas = new InkCanvas();

                // NOTICE-2005/12/06-WAYNEZEN, 
                // We already transform the Strokes in CopySelectedData.
                if (strokes.Count != 0) 
                    inkCanvas.Strokes = strokes;

                int elementCount = elements.Count;
                if (elementCount != 0)
                    InkCanvasSelection inkCanvasSelection = InkCanvas.InkCanvasSelection;
                    for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) 
                        // NOTICE-2005/05/05-WAYNEZEN, 
                        // An element can't be added to two visual trees.
                        // So, we cannot add the elements to the new container since they have been added to the current InkCanvas.
                        // Here we have to do is according to the suggestion from Avalon team -
                        //      1. Presist the elements to Xaml 
                        //      2. Load the xaml to create the new instances of the elements.
                        //      3. Add the new instances to the new container. 
                        string xml; 

                            xml = XamlWriter.Save(elements[i]);

                            UIElement newElement = XamlReader.Load(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(xml))) as UIElement; 
                            // Now we tranform the element. 
                            inkCanvasSelection.UpdateElementBounds(elements[i], newElement, transform);
                        catch (SecurityException)
                            // If we hit a SecurityException under the PartialTrust, we should just stop generating
                            // the containing InkCanvas. 
                            inkCanvas = null;

                if (inkCanvas != null)
                    inkCanvas.Width = size.Width; 
                    inkCanvas.Height = size.Height;
                    ClipboardData data = new XamlClipboardData(new UIElement[] { inkCanvas }); 

                    catch (SecurityException) 
                        // If we hit a SecurityException under the PartialTrust, we should just fail the copy 
                        // operation. 
                        inkCanvas = null;

                return inkCanvas != null;
        private void TearDownInkCanvasContainer(InkCanvas rootInkCanvas, ref StrokeCollection newStrokes, ref List newElements) 
            newStrokes = rootInkCanvas.Strokes; 

            if ( rootInkCanvas.Children.Count != 0 )
                List children = new List(rootInkCanvas.Children.Count); 
                foreach (UIElement uiElement in rootInkCanvas.Children)
                // Remove the children for the container
                foreach ( UIElement child in children )
                // The new elements will be the children. 
                newElements = children;


        #endregion Private Methods 

        // Private Properties

        #region Private Properties
        private InkCanvas InkCanvas
                return _inkCanvas; 

        /// A static DependencyObjectType of the GrabHandleAdorner which can be used for quick type checking.
        /// An DependencyObjectType object 
        private static DependencyObjectType InkCanvasDType
                if ( s_InkCanvasDType == null )
                    s_InkCanvasDType = DependencyObjectType.FromSystemTypeInternal(typeof(InkCanvas));
                return s_InkCanvasDType;

        #endregion Private Properties 

        // Private Fields

        #region Private Fields
        private InkCanvas                       _inkCanvas;
        private static DependencyObjectType     s_InkCanvasDType; 
        private Dictionary _preferredClipboardData;
        #endregion Private Fields


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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