WindowsSlider.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / UIAutomation / Win32Providers / MS / Internal / AutomationProxies / WindowsSlider.cs / 1305600 / WindowsSlider.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Slider Proxy 
// History: 
//              Kris Krueger (krisk)    Created
//              a-jeanp                 Entirely revised

using System; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Windows; 
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies 
    class WindowsSlider: ProxyHwnd, IRangeValueProvider 

        // -----------------------------------------------------
        // Constructors
        // ----------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Constructors 

        WindowsSlider (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item)
            : base (hwnd, parent, item )
            _fHorizontal = IsHorizontalSlider ();
            _fIsKeyboardFocusable = true; 
            // Set the strings to return properly the properties.
            _cControlType = ControlType.Slider; 

            // support for events
            _createOnEvent = new WinEventTracker.ProxyRaiseEvents (RaiseEvents);

        #region Proxy Create
        // Static Create method called by UIAutomation to create this proxy.
        // returns null if unsuccessful
        internal static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild, int idObject)
            return Create(hwnd, idChild);
        private static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild)
            // Something is wrong if idChild is not zero
            if (idChild != 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (idChild == 0, "Invalid Child Id, idChild != 0"); 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("idChild", idChild, SR.Get(SRID.ShouldBeZero));
            return new WindowsSlider(hwnd, null, idChild);

        // Static Create method called by the event tracker system
        internal static void RaiseEvents (IntPtr hwnd, int eventId, object idProp, int idObject, int idChild)
            if (idObject != NativeMethods.OBJID_VSCROLL && idObject != NativeMethods.OBJID_HSCROLL)
                WindowsSlider wtv = new WindowsSlider (hwnd, null, 0); 

                wtv.DispatchEvents (eventId, idProp, idObject, idChild); 


        //  Patterns Implementation

        #region ProxySimple Interface
        // Returns a pattern interface if supported.
        internal override object GetPatternProvider (AutomationPattern iid) 
            return iid == RangeValuePattern.Pattern ? this : null;

        // Process all the Logical and Raw Element Properties
        internal override object GetElementProperty(AutomationProperty idProp)
            if (idProp == AutomationElement.OrientationProperty)
                return IsVerticalSlider() ? OrientationType.Vertical : OrientationType.Horizontal; 
            return base.GetElementProperty(idProp);


        #region ProxyFragment Interface 
        // Returns the next sibling element in the raw hierarchy.
        // Peripheral controls have always negative values. 
        // Returns null if no next child
        internal override ProxySimple GetNextSibling (ProxySimple child)
            SItem item = (SItem)(child._item + 1); 

            return item <= SItem.LargeIncrement ? CreateSliderItem (item) : null; 

        // Returns the previous sibling element in the raw hierarchy. 
        // Peripheral controls have always negative values.
        // Returns null is no previous
        internal override ProxySimple GetPreviousSibling (ProxySimple child)
            SItem item = (SItem)(child._item - 1);
            return item >= SItem.LargeDecrement ? CreateSliderItem (item) : null; 
        // Returns the first child element in the raw hierarchy.
        internal override ProxySimple GetFirstChild ()
            return CreateSliderItem (SItem.LargeDecrement); 
        // Returns the last child element in the raw hierarchy. 
        internal override ProxySimple GetLastChild ()
            return CreateSliderItem (SItem.LargeIncrement);

        // Returns a Proxy element corresponding to the specified screen coordinates. 
        internal override ProxySimple ElementProviderFromPoint (int x, int y)
            for (SItem item = SItem.LargeDecrement; (int) item <= (int) SItem.LargeIncrement; item = (SItem) ((int) item + 1)) 
                NativeMethods.Win32Rect rc = new NativeMethods.Win32Rect (SliderItem.GetBoundingRectangle (_hwnd, item, _fHorizontal)); 

                if (Misc.PtInRect(ref rc, x, y))
                    return CreateSliderItem (item); 
            return null;


        #region RangeValue Pattern 

        // Sets a new position for the Slider. 
        void IRangeValueProvider.SetValue (double val) 
            // Make sure that the control is enabled 
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();

            // bug# 15533, Set value does not accept float 
            int newVal = Convert.ToInt32 (val); 

            SetSliderValue (newVal); 

            // bug# 15531, Set value of slider control needs to notify parent of change
            IntPtr parent = Misc.GetParent(_hwnd);
            if (IntPtr.Zero != parent)
                // Horizontal sliders update parent with WM_HSCROLL, vertical with WM_VSCROLL 
                int msg = IsHorizontalSlider () ? NativeMethods.WM_HSCROLL : NativeMethods.WM_VSCROLL;
                // New position
                int wParam = (newVal << 16) | NativeMethods.SB_THUMBPOSITION;

                // Notify parent of new position 
                Misc.ProxySendMessage(parent, msg, new IntPtr(wParam), IntPtr.Zero);

        // Request to get the value that this UI element is representing in a native format 
        double IRangeValueProvider.Value
                return (double)GetSliderValue ();

        bool IRangeValueProvider.IsReadOnly 
                return false; 

        double IRangeValueProvider.Maximum 
                return (double)Max; 
        double IRangeValueProvider.Minimum
                return (double)Min;
        double IRangeValueProvider.SmallChange 
                return (double)LineSize;

        double IRangeValueProvider.LargeChange 
                double pageSize = (double)PageSize;
                return PageSize != 0.0 ? pageSize : (double)LineSize;

        // ------------------------------------------------------
        // Private methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Methods
        private ProxySimple CreateSliderItem (SItem item) 
            return new SliderItem (_hwnd, this, (int) item, _fHorizontal); 

        private bool IsHorizontalSlider ()
            return (!IsVerticalSlider ());
        private bool IsVerticalSlider ()
            return (Misc.IsBitSet(WindowStyle, NativeMethods.TBS_VERT));

        private int GetSliderValue () 
            int value = Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETPOS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 
            // adding support for if WindowsStyle has reversed bit set for the slider.
            if ((this.WindowStyle & NativeMethods.TBS_REVERSED) != 0) 
                int maxValue = Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETRANGEMAX, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                value = maxValue - value;
            return value;
        private void SetSliderValue (int val)
            // check for the range
            if (val > Max)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", val, SR.Get(SRID.RangeValueMax)); 
            else if (val < Min) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", val, SR.Get(SRID.RangeValueMin));

            Misc.ProxySendMessage(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_SETPOS, new IntPtr(1), new IntPtr(val));
        private int LineSize
                return Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETLINESIZE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 

        private int Min 
                return Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETRANGEMIN, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

        private int Max
                return Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETRANGEMAX, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 

        private int PageSize
                return Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETPAGESIZE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 

        // -----------------------------------------------------
        // Private Fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------ 

        #region Private Fields 

        private bool _fHorizontal;

        // Index value used to represent the container itself. 
        private enum SItem
            LargeDecrement = 0, 
            Thumb = 1,
            LargeIncrement = 2 

        // -----------------------------------------------------
        //  SliderItem Private Class 

        #region SliderItem

        class SliderItem: ProxySimple, IInvokeProvider 
            // ----------------------------------------------------- 
            // Constructors
            // ------------------------------------------------------

            #region Constructors
            internal SliderItem (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item, bool fHorizontal)
            : base (hwnd, parent, item ) 
                _fHorizontal = fHorizontal;
                // Set the strings to return properly the properties.
                _fIsContent = false;

                _sAutomationId = _asAutomationId[item]; 

                if ((WindowsSlider.SItem)item == WindowsSlider.SItem.Thumb) 
                    _cControlType = ControlType.Thumb;
                    _cControlType = ControlType.Button;

            //  Patterns Implementation

            #region ProxySimple Interface 
            // Returns a pattern interface if supported.
            internal override object GetPatternProvider (AutomationPattern iid) 
                return _item != (int) WindowsSlider.SItem.Thumb && iid == InvokePattern.Pattern ? this : null;
            // Gets the bounding rectangle for this element
            internal override Rect BoundingRectangle 
                    return GetBoundingRectangle (_hwnd, (WindowsSlider.SItem) _item, _fHorizontal);
            //Gets the controls help text
            internal override string HelpText 
                    IntPtr hwndToolTip = Misc.ProxySendMessage(_hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETTOOLTIPS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                    return Misc.GetItemToolTipText(_hwnd, hwndToolTip, 0);

            //Gets the localized name 
            internal override string LocalizedName 
                    return ST.Get(_asNames[_item]);

            #region Invoke Pattern
            // Same as a click on the large or smale increment
            void IInvokeProvider.Invoke ()
                // Make sure that the control is enabled 
                if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                    throw new ElementNotEnabledException(); 
                // Check that button can be clicked (button enabled and not hidden)
                // This state could change anytime so success is not guaranteed
                IntPtr wParam = (IntPtr) (_item == (int) WindowsSlider.SItem.LargeDecrement ? NativeMethods.VK_PRIOR : NativeMethods.VK_NEXT);
                Misc.ProxySendMessage(_hwnd, NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam, IntPtr.Zero);
            // ------------------------------------------------------
            // Internal Methods
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            #region Internal Methods 

            // Returns the bounding rectangle of the control. 
            internal static Rect GetBoundingRectangle (IntPtr hwnd, WindowsSlider.SItem item, bool fHorizontal)
                NativeMethods.Win32Rect rcChannel = new NativeMethods.Win32Rect ();
                rcChannel.left = rcChannel.right = = rcChannel.bottom = 1000; 

                    XSendMessage.XSend(hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETCHANNELRECT, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&rcChannel), Marshal.SizeOf(rcChannel.GetType()), XSendMessage.ErrorValue.NoCheck);
                if (!Misc.MapWindowPoints(hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, ref rcChannel, 2))
                    return Rect.Empty;

                NativeMethods.Win32Rect rcThumb = new NativeMethods.Win32Rect(); 
                rcThumb.left = rcThumb.right = = rcThumb.bottom = 1000; 

                    XSendMessage.XSend(hwnd, NativeMethods.TBM_GETTHUMBRECT, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&rcThumb), Marshal.SizeOf(rcThumb.GetType()), XSendMessage.ErrorValue.NoCheck);
                if (!Misc.MapWindowPoints(hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, ref rcThumb, 2)) 
                    return Rect.Empty; 

                if (fHorizontal) 
                    // When WS_EX_RTLREADING is set swap the increment and decrement bars.
                    if (Misc.IsLayoutRTL(hwnd))
                        if (item == SItem.LargeDecrement)
                            item = SItem.LargeIncrement; 
                        else if (item == SItem.LargeIncrement) 
                            item = SItem.LargeDecrement;

                    switch (item) 
                        case WindowsSlider.SItem.LargeDecrement :
                            return new Rect (rcChannel.left,, rcThumb.left - rcChannel.left, rcChannel.bottom -; 

                        case WindowsSlider.SItem.Thumb :
                            return new Rect (rcThumb.left,, rcThumb.right - rcThumb.left, rcThumb.bottom -;
                        case WindowsSlider.SItem.LargeIncrement :
                            return new Rect (rcThumb.right,, rcChannel.right - rcThumb.right, rcChannel.bottom -; 
                    int dx = rcChannel.bottom -;
                    int dy = rcChannel.right - rcChannel.left;
                    switch (item)
                        case WindowsSlider.SItem.LargeDecrement : 
                            return new Rect (rcChannel.left,, dx, -;
                        case WindowsSlider.SItem.Thumb :
                            return new Rect (rcThumb.left,, rcThumb.right - rcThumb.left, rcThumb.bottom -;

                        case WindowsSlider.SItem.LargeIncrement : 
                            return new Rect (rcChannel.left, rcThumb.bottom, dx, dy);

                return Rect.Empty; 

            // ------------------------------------------------------
            // Private Fields 
            // ----------------------------------------------------- 

            #region Private Fields

            private bool _fHorizontal; 

            private STID [] _asNames = { 

            private static string[] _asAutomationId = new string[] {
                "LargeDecrement", "Thumb", "LargeIncrement"  // This string is a non-localizable string 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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