/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / CommonUI / System / Drawing / Advanced / PathData.cs / 1 / PathData.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Drawing.Drawing2D { using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System; /** * Represent the internal data of a path object */ ////// /// Contains the graphical data that makes up a /// public sealed class PathData { PointF[] points; byte[] types; ///. /// /// /// Initializes a new instance of the public PathData() { } ///class. /// /// /// Contains an array of public PointF[] Points { get { return points; } set { points = value; } } ///objects /// that represent the points through which the path is constructed. /// /// /// public byte[] Types { get { return types; } set { types = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ///// Contains an array of ///objects that represent the types of /// data in the corresponding elements of the array. /// // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Drawing.Drawing2D { using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System; /** * Represent the internal data of a path object */ ////// /// Contains the graphical data that makes up a /// public sealed class PathData { PointF[] points; byte[] types; ///. /// /// /// Initializes a new instance of the public PathData() { } ///class. /// /// /// Contains an array of public PointF[] Points { get { return points; } set { points = value; } } ///objects /// that represent the points through which the path is constructed. /// /// /// public byte[] Types { get { return types; } set { types = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007./// Contains an array of ///objects that represent the types of /// data in the corresponding elements of the array. ///
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- RenderCapability.cs
- OrderedDictionary.cs
- DragEventArgs.cs
- WS2007FederationHttpBinding.cs
- XmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs
- Point3DAnimationBase.cs
- SelectorAutomationPeer.cs
- DeviceSpecific.cs
- StateValidator.cs
- Triangle.cs
- ReflectionServiceProvider.cs
- Symbol.cs
- ProxyElement.cs
- MulticastDelegate.cs
- SchemaNotation.cs
- Internal.cs
- ComUdtElement.cs
- XmlLanguageConverter.cs
- GridViewItemAutomationPeer.cs
- EditorBrowsableAttribute.cs
- SqlConnection.cs
- DtrList.cs
- EntityDataSourceDataSelection.cs
- ParamArrayAttribute.cs
- DoubleLinkList.cs
- DataMemberFieldConverter.cs
- QueryParameter.cs
- DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs.cs
- SecureUICommand.cs
- MemberInfoSerializationHolder.cs
- ObjectPropertyMapping.cs
- UnionCqlBlock.cs
- TextAutomationPeer.cs
- XmlSchemaAnnotated.cs
- DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl.cs
- HashMembershipCondition.cs
- TaskSchedulerException.cs
- QilName.cs
- ManifestSignedXml.cs
- UTF7Encoding.cs
- ExpressionWriter.cs
- StreamedFramingRequestChannel.cs
- MdImport.cs
- HostVisual.cs
- ValidatorUtils.cs
- FileReservationCollection.cs
- milexports.cs
- DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs.cs
- SmtpDateTime.cs
- SqlInternalConnection.cs
- ProcessInfo.cs
- EpmContentSerializerBase.cs
- OracleConnectionStringBuilder.cs
- XAMLParseException.cs
- D3DImage.cs
- ExecutionEngineException.cs
- BindUriHelper.cs
- WebProxyScriptElement.cs
- RepeaterItemEventArgs.cs
- StorageBasedPackageProperties.cs
- DSACryptoServiceProvider.cs
- BCryptNative.cs
- TableSectionStyle.cs
- TableSectionStyle.cs
- CodeMemberField.cs
- ItemsPanelTemplate.cs
- WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs.cs
- ColorDialog.cs
- FacetValues.cs
- StorageAssociationTypeMapping.cs
- ControlValuePropertyAttribute.cs
- TdsParameterSetter.cs
- PrintPreviewGraphics.cs
- WindowsRegion.cs
- DataSourceHelper.cs
- AttributeProviderAttribute.cs
- XPathNodeInfoAtom.cs
- XmlHierarchicalEnumerable.cs
- XmlSerializerNamespaces.cs
- FilterableAttribute.cs
- sqlinternaltransaction.cs
- FtpRequestCacheValidator.cs
- StylusPointCollection.cs
- SerializationFieldInfo.cs
- UIntPtr.cs
- ColorTransformHelper.cs
- XmlSchemaCompilationSettings.cs
- XmlSchemaNotation.cs
- StoreItemCollection.Loader.cs
- Track.cs
- ColumnPropertiesGroup.cs
- XmlIlVisitor.cs
- CompilationUtil.cs
- SelectiveScrollingGrid.cs
- ToolStripProfessionalLowResolutionRenderer.cs
- SweepDirectionValidation.cs
- Currency.cs
- ZoneMembershipCondition.cs
- AssociatedControlConverter.cs
- SQLBoolean.cs