/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Base / MS / Internal / ComponentModel / DependencyPropertyKind.cs / 1 / DependencyPropertyKind.cs
namespace MS.Internal.ComponentModel { using System; using System.Windows; // // Determines what kind of DP we are dealing with. DependencyPropertyKind // is associated with a target type and a DP. It calculates IsAttached // and IsDirect on demand using the following rules: // // IsAttached is true iff: // // 1. The target type is not a registered owner of the DP, or // the target type is the DP's owner type. // // 2. The DP's owner type offers a public static Get method // with the same name as the DP. The method must // have the correct signature (one parameter that derives // from DependencyObject). // // IsDirect is true iff: // // 1. The target type is a registered owner of the DP. // // 2. The target type offers a public CLR property of the // same name as the DP. // // If neither of these is true the property is assumed to be internal // and therefore inaccessible to anyone via reflection. // // A property cannot be both attached and direct. If a property defines // both accessors direct accessors take precidence. // internal class DependencyPropertyKind { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- // // Creates a new instance // internal DependencyPropertyKind(DependencyProperty dp, Type targetType) { _dp = dp; _targetType = targetType; } //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- // // Returns true if the property is internal. // internal bool IsInternal { get { if (!_isInternalChecked) { // The property is internal if it has no public // static Get method or no public CLR accessor. If we already // calculated it to be a direct or attached property, bail because // it's clearly not internal. if (!_isAttached && !_isDirect) { if (DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor.GetAttachedPropertyMethod(_dp) == null && _dp.OwnerType.GetProperty(_dp.Name) == null) { _isInternal = true; } } _isInternalChecked = true; } return _isInternal; } } // // Returns true if the property is attached for the target type. // internal bool IsAttached { get { if (!_isAttachedChecked) { // A property cannot be both attached and direct, // so if this property is already direct we have our // answer. Note that we check the IsDirect property // here to force evaluation. Direct takes precidence // over attached on the same object, so we need to // force the check if it hasn't been done. if (!IsDirect) { // If the attached property is AddOwnered to this type, we // don't treat it as attached because, by definition, attached // properties can only have one owner, and any AddOwnered version // beceomes a direct property. if (_dp.OwnerType == _targetType || _dp.OwnerType.IsAssignableFrom(_targetType) || DependencyProperty.FromName(_dp.Name, _targetType) != _dp) { if (DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor.GetAttachedPropertyMethod(_dp) != null) { _isAttached = true; } } } _isAttachedChecked = true; } return _isAttached; } } // // Returns true if the property is direct for the target type. // internal bool IsDirect { get { if (!_isDirectChecked) { // If we've already calculated attached, we // know the answer if _isAttached is true because // a property cannot be both. // No need to also check _isAttachedChecked since this will // only be true if the check has been done. if (!_isAttached) { if (DependencyProperty.FromName(_dp.Name, _targetType) == _dp) { if (_targetType.GetProperty(_dp.Name) != null) { _isDirect = true; _isAttachedChecked = true; } } } _isDirectChecked = true; } return _isDirect; } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- private readonly DependencyProperty _dp; private readonly Type _targetType; private bool _isAttached; private bool _isAttachedChecked; private bool _isInternal; private bool _isInternalChecked; private bool _isDirect; private bool _isDirectChecked; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. namespace MS.Internal.ComponentModel { using System; using System.Windows; // // Determines what kind of DP we are dealing with. DependencyPropertyKind // is associated with a target type and a DP. It calculates IsAttached // and IsDirect on demand using the following rules: // // IsAttached is true iff: // // 1. The target type is not a registered owner of the DP, or // the target type is the DP's owner type. // // 2. The DP's owner type offers a public static Get method // with the same name as the DP. The method must // have the correct signature (one parameter that derives // from DependencyObject). // // IsDirect is true iff: // // 1. The target type is a registered owner of the DP. // // 2. The target type offers a public CLR property of the // same name as the DP. // // If neither of these is true the property is assumed to be internal // and therefore inaccessible to anyone via reflection. // // A property cannot be both attached and direct. If a property defines // both accessors direct accessors take precidence. // internal class DependencyPropertyKind { //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- // // Creates a new instance // internal DependencyPropertyKind(DependencyProperty dp, Type targetType) { _dp = dp; _targetType = targetType; } //----------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //----------------------------------------------------- // // Returns true if the property is internal. // internal bool IsInternal { get { if (!_isInternalChecked) { // The property is internal if it has no public // static Get method or no public CLR accessor. If we already // calculated it to be a direct or attached property, bail because // it's clearly not internal. if (!_isAttached && !_isDirect) { if (DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor.GetAttachedPropertyMethod(_dp) == null && _dp.OwnerType.GetProperty(_dp.Name) == null) { _isInternal = true; } } _isInternalChecked = true; } return _isInternal; } } // // Returns true if the property is attached for the target type. // internal bool IsAttached { get { if (!_isAttachedChecked) { // A property cannot be both attached and direct, // so if this property is already direct we have our // answer. Note that we check the IsDirect property // here to force evaluation. Direct takes precidence // over attached on the same object, so we need to // force the check if it hasn't been done. if (!IsDirect) { // If the attached property is AddOwnered to this type, we // don't treat it as attached because, by definition, attached // properties can only have one owner, and any AddOwnered version // beceomes a direct property. if (_dp.OwnerType == _targetType || _dp.OwnerType.IsAssignableFrom(_targetType) || DependencyProperty.FromName(_dp.Name, _targetType) != _dp) { if (DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor.GetAttachedPropertyMethod(_dp) != null) { _isAttached = true; } } } _isAttachedChecked = true; } return _isAttached; } } // // Returns true if the property is direct for the target type. // internal bool IsDirect { get { if (!_isDirectChecked) { // If we've already calculated attached, we // know the answer if _isAttached is true because // a property cannot be both. // No need to also check _isAttachedChecked since this will // only be true if the check has been done. if (!_isAttached) { if (DependencyProperty.FromName(_dp.Name, _targetType) == _dp) { if (_targetType.GetProperty(_dp.Name) != null) { _isDirect = true; _isAttachedChecked = true; } } } _isDirectChecked = true; } return _isDirect; } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Fields // //----------------------------------------------------- private readonly DependencyProperty _dp; private readonly Type _targetType; private bool _isAttached; private bool _isAttachedChecked; private bool _isInternal; private bool _isInternalChecked; private bool _isDirect; private bool _isDirectChecked; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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